Clinical History 30 year old male with acute right elbow pain and weakness in flexing the elbow during weight-lifting Clinical concern was for a distal biceps tear Ultrasound evaluation of the biceps was requested
Ultrasound of the Month – Case 78
Ultrasound of the Month – Case 78
Ultrasound of the Month – Case 78
Diagnosis: Distal biceps rupture with tendon retraction Discussion Biceps rupture is an uncommon injury, usually occurring at its insertion on the radial tuberosity of the proximal radius. Patients present with weakness of elbow flexion and forearm supination after hearing a pop in the elbow. Significant proximal retraction of the tendon stump implies an injury to the biceps aponeurosis. Diagnosis is usually made clinically, and MRI can confirm the diagnosis. Ultrasound, a quicker and more tolerated exam than MRI, can also identify biceps ruptures and assess the degree of tendon retraction. Surgery is recommended in most cases of distal biceps ruptures.
Ultrasound of the Month – Case 78