500 家参展企业
个展位 0 万人次公众入场 7000 位专业观众
200 个项目洽谈 20 亿签约金额
中国餐饮业博览会 ,期待与您再会 !
A Grand Gathering
第三届中国餐饮业博览会特辑 3rd China Catering EXPO 2012.9.21-23 澳门 Macau
主办单位:中华人民共和国商务部 澳门特别行政区政府经济财政司 承办单位:商务部流通产业促进中心 澳门特别行政区政府经济局 协办单位:澳门餐饮业联合商会 执行承办单位:澳门会议展览业协会
Host Organization
Ministry of Commerce, PRC Secretary for Economy and Finance of the Macau Special Administration Region Government
Circulation Industry Promotion Centre of the Ministry of Commerce Economic Service of the Macau Special Administrative Region Government
The United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macau
Appointed Co-ordinator
Macau Convention & Exhibition Association
中华美食 世界喝彩 这里有中华民族知名菜系,有内地与港澳台家喻户晓的品牌餐饮企业,还有优秀文化 传承的餐饮老字号和基于食品安全的“可溯源餐厅”⋯⋯,一场舌尖上的盛会——第三届 中国餐饮业博览会于 2012 年 9 月 21 日至 9 月 23 日在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店会展中心 举办。 第三届餐博会凭借专业化、国际化、品牌化的特点,通过行业展览、论坛对话、技能
The Well-known Chinese Cuisine The 3rd China Catering EXPO was held on September 21 to 23, 2012 in The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel Cotai Expo. It is a grand gathering of Chinese famous cuisines, brand catering enterprises, and advanced restaurant where the the food can be traced.... With the characteristics of specialization, internationalization, and branding, the 3rd China Catering EXPO has attracted more than 7000
比赛、美食展示等丰富多彩的形式,共吸引了专业观众 7000 余人、公众约 10 万人次进场,
professional visitors and 100000 public visitors. Meanwhile, it promoted
好评如潮。与此同时,通过博览会平台,促成 200 多个项目的洽谈,签署合作协议及意向
more than 200 business matchings and about 30 of them were signed
30 余个,金额超过 20 亿澳门币。
agreements with signing amount of over 2 billion patacas .
本届餐博会在澳门举办,旨在落实内地与澳门《关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》, 支持澳门经济适度多元化和服务业快速发展。同时,充分利用澳门旅游休闲之都及国 际化的优势,进一步推动中国餐饮业与世界餐饮业的不断融合和做强做大!
——中国商务部副部长 蒋耀平
第三届餐博会在澳举办是中国商务部首次将具影响力的餐饮品牌展会移师澳门, 充分体现了中央政府对澳门会展业和经济适度多元化的支持。澳门经济正朝着集旅游、 娱乐、会展、餐饮、购物等于一体、适度多元化的方向发展。
——澳门特区政府经济财政司司长 谭伯源
This 3rd China Catering EXPO held in Macao, aiming to carry out the mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements , and to further promote the economic diversity of Macau and the exchange between catering industry in China and the one in the world. ——Jiang Yaoping Vice Minister of Commerce, PRC It is the first time for Macau to hold the 3rd China Catering EXPO which is famous and influential. It fully embodies the central government's support for Macao's convention and exhibition industry and economic diversity. ——Tan Boyuan, Secretary for Economy and Finance of Macao SAR
FORUM AND CONVENTION 群贤毕至 濠镜论道 9 月 21 日上午 10:30,澳门威尼斯人酒店西西里会议厅宾客云集、高朋满座。 由澳门特别行政区政府行政长官崔世安、中华人民共和国商务部副部长蒋耀平等领导 共同主持隆重的开幕启动仪式,拉开了第三届餐博会的序幕。作为我国规格最高、规模最大、 影响最广的餐饮产业盛会,餐博会向全世界开启了一个中华餐饮绚丽多姿的璀璨大舞台。
Forum and Convention On 10:30 a.m. of September 21, Mr. Chui Sai On, Chief Executive of Macao SAR and Mr. Jiang Yaoping, Vice Minister of Commerce, PRC hosted a grand opening ceremony of the 3rd China Catering EXPO in The
Venetian Macau Resort Hotel Cotai Expo.
澳门特别行政区行政长官崔世安(左 5)、中国商务部副部长蒋耀平(左 4)、驻澳门中联办副主任陈启明(左 6)、中国外交部驻澳门副特派员冯铁(左 3)、澳门 特区政府经济财政司司长谭伯源(左 7)、澳门特区行政长官办公室主任谭俊荣(左 2)、中国商务部台港澳司副司长孙彤(左 8)、中国商务部流通产业促进中心主 任门晓伟(左 1)、澳门特区政府经济局局长苏添平(左 9)等主礼嘉宾启动开幕仪式。
在第三届中国餐饮业博览会高峰论坛上,有关专家学者、业 内高管就中国餐饮业转型与创新发展、餐饮市场形势分析与展望、 餐饮企业利用资本市场做大做强、品牌运作、行业规范、食品安 全等问题,分析研究中国餐饮业的发展现状与趋势,深入探讨加 快中国餐饮业发展的政策导向。
During the summit forum, the relevant experts and managements discussed the status quo and trend of China's catering industry and the policy to speed up the industry's development in terms of transformation, innovation, financing, brand, standards, safety and so on.
演讲嘉宾(左起:中国饭店协会会长韩明、中国社科 院财经院副院长荆林波、麦德龙中国区总裁何哲伟、 高盛高华证券有限责任公司董事总经理索莉晖、湘鄂 情集团股份有限公司董事长孟凯 )
中国商务部副部长蒋耀平(右 3)、澳门特区政府经济财政司司长谭伯源(右 4)、驻澳门中联办经济部副部长胡景岩(右 2)、中国商务部流通产业促进中心主任门晓伟(右 1)、 中国商务部台港澳司副司长孙彤(右 5)、澳门特区政府经济局局长苏添平(右 6)等领导出席投融资论坛
投融资论坛主持及对话嘉宾①(左起):中商集团(亚洲)投资有限公司首席执行官冼锋、 联宇投资基金合伙人曹宸纲、贝恩资本董事总经理李立明、稻香集团股份有限公司首席执行 官梁耀进、湘鄂情集团股份有限公司董事长孟凯、重庆阿兴记产业集团董事长/重庆市饮食 行业协会会长刘英、耀华饮食集团董事长/广州市饮食行业商会会长区又生、科达酒店投资 管理集团首席执行官邬启明
投融资论坛主持及对话嘉宾②(左起):高盛(亚洲)有限公司董事总经理/除日本外亚洲 消费品零售组负责人郑孝明、德勤华永会计师事务所食品及饮料行业负责人/审计合伙人黄 淑雄、软银赛富投资基金董事长陆豪、俏江南集团股份有限公司高级副总裁罗云、乡村基投 资有限公司董事长李红、名轩(中国)控股有限公司主席陈大宁、湘鄂情集团董事副总裁万 钧、唐宫(中国)控股有限公司首席财务官黄忠扬
作为本届餐博会亮点之一,中国餐饮业投融资论坛由中国饭店杂志社承办,吸引了政府相关部门负责人,各地知 名旅游、酒店和餐饮集团的董事长及高管,投资旅游地产或酒店的房地产开发商,酒店与餐饮品牌招商项目、大型旅 游娱乐综合体等高管,以及参与及支持饭店业发展的金融界、国际著名投行、国内外主流媒体等杰出代表聚集一堂, 青梅煮酒侃资本,濠镜论道谋发展!
China Catering Industry Investment and Financing Forum, as one of the exposition highlights, was hosted by China Hotel magazine and attracted representatives of relevant government departments, tourism, hospitality, real estate, media and financing to exchange perspectives.
演讲嘉宾 左起:俏江南集团董事长张兰、广州中森食博汇总策划潘殿伟、高盛(亚洲)有限公司董事总经理许明茵、高盛高华证券有限公司董 事总经理 / 中国股本融资部联席主席李星、高盛(亚洲)有限公司研究部经理许琬茹
博览会期间,由业界专家、杰出企业家发表的主题演讲精彩纷呈,更有各种主题的圆桌论坛,启迪思维,运筹帷幄。餐饮业 食品安全研讨会、内地与澳门餐饮合作及食材进出口政策研讨会、现代科技及环保餐厨设备研讨会,一场场濠镜论道,精彩绝伦。
During the exposition, a series of related forums and conventions were successfully held, which attracted lots of famous experts and excellent entrepreneurs to participate in and communicate with each other.
来自境内外有关各方的嘉宾、各地代表团、专业买家、新闻媒体、 参展商代表等受邀参加第三届中国餐饮业博览会欢迎晚宴。嘉宾们欢聚 一堂,充分交流,观看了各类中外厨艺绝技表演、食材时尚美装秀,并 现场见证了两项山西面食绝技成功挑战“大世界基尼斯”纪录。
The distinguished guests, delegations, professional buyers, media, exhibitors home and abroad were invited to attend the welcome dinner. Besides communication, they watched wonderful cooking show, food and fashion show, and witnessed two new Guinness World Records of Shanxi pasta stunt.
A JOURNEY OF CUISINE 美食博览 技艺缤纷 秉承“精品、卓越、高端”的办展理念,第三届餐博会展览面积 3.5 万平方米,展 位 1100 个。设餐饮品牌、国际美食佳酿、餐饮设备用品与食材、餐饮行业配套服务、 特色餐饮食品与风味小吃展销等五大展区,吸引境内 24 个省市、港澳台地区,以及美国、 葡萄牙、法国、澳大利亚等 20 个国家和地区的 500 余家企业同台亮相。
澳门特别行政区行政长官崔世安(前排左 3)、中国商务部副部长蒋耀平(前排左 2)等主礼嘉 宾步入会场
澳门特别行政区行政长官崔世安(左 2)、中国商务部副部长蒋耀平(左 1)巡馆,亲自操刀切开 蒙古烤全羊,供与会嘉宾品尝
展期三天,共录得专业观众 7000 余人,公众约 10 万人次进场。以“专业化、国际化、品牌化”为特 点,受到参展商、专业客商和澳门市民的好评。
The 3rd China Catering Expo covered an area of 35,000 square metres, with over 1100 booths. Divided into 5 sections including catering brand, international catering, catering equipments and ingredients, catering service, as well as special cuisines, it has attracted more than 500 enterprises from 24 provinces domestically and 20 countries and areas.
During the three days of the exposition, it attracted more than 7000 professional visitors and 100000 public visitors. With the characteristics of "specialization, internationalization, and branding", it was welcomed by exhibitors and professional visitors and the Macau citizens.
展会现场还特别策划了一系 列新颖、精彩的互动活动供观众 参与。“天下第一大火锅”直径 长 10 米、重 13 吨,首次走出重 庆现身澳门。山西两项面食绝技 成功挑战“大世界基尼斯”纪录、 山西面食技艺、糖艺表演等中华 厨艺绝技表演,吸引了无数观众 的眼球。 更有极富艺术欣赏价值的高 难度花式调酒、咖啡拉花,以及 模特身着生菜、洋葱、朱古力等 不同食材制成的衣服,令蔬菜水 果与服装的结合充满创意,让在 场人士大饱眼福。
In addition, there were a series of creative and colorful shows and activities, which were widely acclaimed by exhibitors and visitors for having achieved the desirable effects.
博览会期间,近 500 家港澳企业与内地知名企业如湘鄂情、全聚德、德庄、俏江南、小南国、金谷园等进行了商贸合作洽谈, 内容包括餐饮项目合作、餐饮连锁落户澳门、酒店设备采购等。 餐博会期间,共录得洽谈项目 200 多个并促成 30 余个签约项目。包括澳门威尼斯人渡假村、澳门银河、永利澳门、新濠天地、 澳门盈信投资有限公司、澳门威得利有限公司等品牌酒店或企业与内地俏江南、湘鄂情、小南国、全聚德、仿膳、丰泽园、重庆 德庄、重庆阿兴记、金谷园等多家知名企业洽谈餐饮落户及酒店设施采购等项目。其中,湘鄂情进驻澳门及建设澳门物流中转中 心项目金额约 1 亿 3 千万澳门币;广州中森食博汇有限公司与西班牙阿兰达市签署葡萄酒、食材采购意向和西班牙风情一条街落 户广州合作意向,签约总额约 2 亿 5 千万澳门币;香港荣源茶行强势进驻深圳广弘中心,建设世界茶文化博物馆,茶文化一条街 和茶文化中国卖场,签约金额约 7 千万澳门币。另有广东石湾酒厂与北方实业(澳门)有限公司、重庆阿兴记与佛山食送朝餐饮服 务有限公司等就酒饮经销和有机绿色食品原材料采购签订意向。 总签约金额超过 20 亿澳门币,包括红酒贸易、食材代理、产品总代理、商务及投资合作等。
Nearly 500 enterprises in Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau participated in business Hotel MICE springs up, which hasofbecome link for the Chinese andofoverseas businessmen to be further connected with matchings and presentation, covering the cooperation cateringaproject, expanding and provides business opportunities. The high star hotels investment has been developed into different patterns, catering chain inNingbo Macau, culture, the procurement of hotel supplies. of 30 which the private investmentsigned takesagreement majority with more than foreign investment and stock accoai, Dalian, Qingdao, In total, over projects were successfully among over 20080%, matching projects.
Xiamen and other tourist cities.Hotel MICE springs up, which has become a link for the Chinese and overseas businessmen to
be further connected Ningbo culture,the andcities. With signing amount of over with 2 billion patacas, projects covered wine trade, ingredients agenting, product general agenting, business and investment cooperation, etc.
博览会期间,部分与会 VIP 买家团代表在参加商贸合作对接会以后,当场受澳门众多企业 邀请,分别访问了金沙中国有限公司旗下澳门四季酒店、康莱德酒店、喜来登酒店,威尼斯人 酒店,澳门新濠天地旗下 Hard Rock 酒店、澳门君悦酒店和皇冠度假酒店,银河度假城旗下澳 门悦榕庄、澳门大仓酒店和银河酒店,星际酒店、新葡京酒店等,并考察参观了上述酒店营业 及后台管理系统,包括宴会厅、各主题餐厅、厨房、员工生活区、豪华客房、总统套房等。
品尝地道葡国菜,以及澳门银河度假城银河第一宴会厅举办的答谢午宴,精彩 纷呈的美食体验,更令与会 VIP 买家团成员回味无穷、流连忘返。
Part of the VIP buyers group were invited by famous enterprises in Macau including Sands China, City of Dream-Macau and Galaxy Macau to visit their hotels and management system, such as banquet halls, theme restaurants, kitchens, employees living quarters, luxury rooms, president suites, etc. Besides, it was also an impressive tour of cuisines from the elegant western dinner to the nostalgic Cantonese cuisine, authentic Portuguese dishes and the Thank You Luncheon, which left VIP buyers group an unforgettable experience .