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Crowned Love Fantasy Wedding

为爱加冕 梦幻婚典

Heart of the ocean, romantic garden, oriental charm, the will of God ...so many sacred places of romance that you can crown your love!



一生难忘的完美婚礼、蜜月,莫过于和爱侣一起。每 个庄严圣地都留下甜蜜的幸福回忆。命中注定的一对羡人 鸳鸯,铭记永恒。是亲睐主题新颖的室内时尚派对?还是 选择与大自然浑然天成的浪漫?是喜欢在城市中心感受格 调和富丽堂皇,还是偏爱与甜蜜爱侣们携手踏向名人雅士 的文化领地,展开一次心灵之旅,抑或钟情于发掘异国风 情领域绰若诱人的魅力。


Crowned Love Fantasy Wedding Once in your lifetime, the most unforgettable wedding and honeymoon is nothing better than making beautiful memories in sacred places with your beloved one. How would you enjoy your most precious moment? Have an interior fashion party with a novel theme? Encase yourselves in a whirlwind cocoon of natural romance? Let elegance and luxury from central city ornament the big event? Have a mind trip with your beloved one in cultural interests? Or you prefer to discover the charm of an exotic land?


海洋 之心


崇尚极致浪漫的新人,莫不想挣脱那些尘俗的捆绑,在空阔自 在的天空下举办一场充溢情调的沙滩婚礼?秀丽的新娘打着赤脚、踩 着白沙,迎着海风裙脚飞扬。在纯洁的氛围中,听爱人发自内心的说 出爱的宣言。 春末、夏日和秋初,都是举办海滩婚礼的好时节。一般来说, 举办沙滩婚礼适宜挑选傍晚时辰,看着夕阳西下时的秀丽风景,许诺 牵手终身的誓词。

Heart of the Ocean To new couples who like perfect romance will not resist a dreamlike beach wedding by the ocean. Walking on the sand, can you get a feeling of dancing with the wind? In such an innocent and graceful atmosphere, by the sun set, lovers vow to each other.

安纳塔拉吉哈瓦别墅度假村 Anantara Kihavah Villas 令人神往的马尔代夫将使婚礼在这个世界上最美的 度 假 天 堂 不 同 凡 响。 延 伸 至 隐 秘 大 海 深 处 的 Sea.Fire. Salt.Sky 餐厅,令美食与美妙的海底世界仅一层玻璃墙 之隔。在翩翩遨游的海洋生物的陪伴见证下,为爱人呈 上一个盛满马尔代夫海沙别致新颖的椰子壳,沙中美丽 的珊瑚上挂着一枚令人难以抗拒的戒指,一切都是那么 浪漫,那么完美,让您和爱人久久沉醉。

The fantasy of a romantic Maldivian wedding celebration makes this experience incomparable. Dining in the Sea.Fire.Salt. Sky restaurant which extends to the hidden depths of the sea, your ceremony becomes beautifully surreal with only a glass wall separating you and your guests from the edge of the reef. With the marine life all around, present your beloved one an exquisite coconut fulfilled with sand, in which a wedding ring was hidden. All these are so perfect and intoxicating.


三亚海棠湾康莱德酒店 Conrad Sanya Haitang Bay

绵延 435 米的洁白沙滩及茂盛葱郁的热带园林, 伴着夕阳的霞光,随风摇曳的棕榈树及柔和的海风, 三亚海棠湾康莱德酒店在海棠湾美丽的热带风情中, 营造舒适、私密及奢华的婚礼氛围。葱郁的热带花 园环绕其间,182 平方米的宴会厅为婚礼圆满点睛。 也可选择在毗邻的希尔顿逸林酒店 1290 平方米的豪 华宴会厅来场别致的个性化晚宴及主题宴会。

With a 435 meter dedicated white-sand beachfront stretched out, and luxuriant tropical gardens surrounded, Conrad Sanya Haitang Bay provides you a complete luxury, private and truly memorable wedding place. In this tropical paradise full of sunglow, swaying palm trees, gentle breeze, the 182m² Conrad Grand Ballroom offers a perfect climax. Unrestricted access is also available to our neighboring DoubleTree by Hilton Resort’s Grand Ballroom with 1,290m² of flexible event space where a special dinner or themed events.


花园 婚礼 浪漫、别致的户外婚礼彰显着时尚色彩,优雅与自 然共存 ...... 运用自然美景将花园布置成最迷人的婚礼场 地,让繁花和绿树成为最亮丽的点缀。一场户外的婚宴, 可以发挥无限创意,让属于大自然的清新气息扑面而来, 就此呈现出一场精致完美的花园主题婚礼。

Romantic Garden

Romantic, unique, fashionable, elegant, natural…welcome to the outdoor wedding! Create the most charming wedding venue by natural beauty. Let flowers and greenery to be the most beautiful embellishment. Exert your unlimited creativity. A perfect garden themed wedding is ready in the fresh nature.

北京瑞吉酒店 The St. Regis Beijing

北京瑞吉酒店宴会厅典雅瑰丽,透过明净的落地窗将花园美景一览无 余,与之交相呼应的水晶吊灯炫目璀璨,照亮每对新人的幸福梦想。中西 式的摆台为新人提供不同风格的婚礼选择,量身定制婚礼菜单,制定出独 一无二的美食享受。

The banquet room of The St. Regis Beijing is extraordinarily elegant and magnificent. The french window makes all charming scenes of the garden shown in a glance. Glaring crystal chandeliers lighten new couple’s dreams. Chinese and western style swing sets offer various wedding style options. Tailor-made wedding menu gives you a fantastic enjoyment.


河内大都会索菲特传奇酒店 Hotel Metropole Hano

与爱侣一同在 Winter Palace 美容中心的典雅装潢内尽情放松,为人生 中最美丽浪漫的一次礼宴进行身心的准备。婚礼翌日或蜜月的清晨在 Santa Clara 内品尝典型法式早餐,漫步到 Palais Jamai 天台花园,如痴如醉地欣 赏非斯古城麦地那的清晨朝阳或日落黄昏。或于 The Old Cataract 阳台,静 观小帆船悠然荡漾;或在距离宏伟歌剧院数步之遥的河内大都会索菲特酒店 阳台,品味法式巧克力烘饼 ......

Indulging in the elegant decorated Winter Palace beauty center with your beloved is the beat preparation for the biggest event of your life. Then, on the first morning of your honeymoon, you can savour a typical French breakfast , walk to rooftop garden, enjoy the dawn or dust of the ancient city. You can also enjoy french cakes on the balcony next to the grand opera house.


无锡灵山元一希尔顿逸林酒店 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Wuxi Lingshan

毗邻碧波荡漾的万顷太湖、环绕鲜翠欲滴的自然景致、全方位开阔的视野, 宾客们可与大自然亲近融合,为追求新意、时尚的婚礼新人们留下终身难忘的惊 喜。个性打造的户外婚礼摆台在体现细节之精的同时,更彰显五星级度假酒店的 气派,一对爱侣在大地的环拥下互相说出爱的箴言,优越的自然环境精心装点与 众不同的婚礼殿堂。

With mists and waves stretch far into the distance on the nearby Taihu Lake, and natural beauties surrounded, you and all the guests would be absorbed. All of these will give you the most unforgettable wedding. The characteristic swing set serves every detail of aristocratic style. In the palace decorated by exceptional nature surroundings, the couple pour their hearts out to each other.


东方 之韵 广州白云万达希尔顿酒店 那些含蓄优雅,那些端庄大气,那一抹 动人经典的色彩和传统礼服的高贵⋯⋯无疑 唤醒着人们对东方传统文化的尊崇。“追寻 文化根源、重视传统民俗”成了现代人的新 时尚,这就是中式婚礼。

Hilton Guangzhou Baiyun

宴会厅以奢美水晶吊灯点缀承托,金黄色手绘高贵牡丹墙 面凸显恢弘奢华格调,极致演绎东方艺术神韵。400 寸投影屏幕, 音响环绕系统以及无线宽带联网,功能设置精致巧妙,构成一

Oriental Charm

Elegance, deliberation, classic color, and traditional gown…those specific characters arouse people’s worship towards oriental traditions. Nowadays, the tale “Trace the origin of culture, Place importance to traditional folklore” has become a modern fashion, which boomed the oriental wedding.


幅完美的图画,展示出只属于新人独一无二的宏伟和精致。无 论是轻巧别致的温情聚餐,还是盛大奢华的晚宴,都能在此尽 展完美。

The Grand Ballroom is decorated by extravagance crystal chandeliers and golden hand-painted walls, manifesting endlessly oriental flavor. 400 inches projection screen, audio surround system and wireless broadband network are perfectly installed to unveil the grandness. Either an exquisite get-together, or a grand dinner could be perfectly held here.

上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao

在此举办的一场盛大婚礼,意味着享受顶级奢华的设施,尊贵一流的服务,精 心甄选的食材及完美无缺的细节。屡获殊荣的中餐总厨为新人独身定制的绝美佳宴, 从精致传统的海派风格到绵密丰润的粤式佳肴,让宾客不虚此行。服务殷勤贴心的 婚宴团队随时候命,服务新人人生中最重要的食客,每个细节都至臻完美。

Having a grand wedding here means to enjoy top class Luxurious facilities, distinguished first-class service, careful selection of ingredients and perfect details. The award-winning Chineses chef arrange a feast for the new couple. From exquisite traditional Shanghai style meal to Cantonese cuisine, it will sure please all the guests. With reception team always standby, every detail is doomed to be perfect.


上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel

1000 多平方米的无柱宴会厅布置典雅、温馨浪漫,银色基 底,点缀橙色荷叶,舞台前方摆放着淡雅的香水百合,长长的 T 台两旁插满橙色荷花并镶嵌白色羽毛装饰,处处彰显着浓浓 的夏日风情。橙色环保纸质花朵的采用更是为新婚典礼的布置 增加了浓浓的浪漫情怀。在当今低碳的生活倡议下,让您的婚 礼更富有环保意义。

More than 1000 square meters of column-free banquet hall is elegant, warm and romantic. In front of the silver based stage, elegant perfume lily grow quietly.The long T sides inserted with orange lotus and inlaid white feather, showing deep summer style. Orange green paper flowers for the wedding ceremony add to the strong romantic feelings. In today's low carbon life initiative, let your wedding more significance for environmental protection.


北京颐和安缦 Aman at Summer Palace

景色迷人的皇家花园,园内一栋栋雍容华贵的宫殿点缀 在静谧的昆明湖畔。房间和套间的设计都融合了传统的设计 风格,建有分隔户外花园及树木的漫步长廊。建筑物的表面 都采用传统的中式设计,高雅而不失威严。地面以北京晋朝 的粘土瓦转铺设而成,天花板都是悬空的木材横梁及桩柱, 采用明式家具来布置客房及公共区域。

This is a charming royal garden where regal palaces dot alone the quiet Kunming Lake. The gallery stretches into the luxuriant garden makes the suites more traditional. Oriental designed building surfaces show a sensation of elegance and royalty. The ground is paved by Beijing’s clay and bricks from Jing Dynasty while ceilings are made of unsupported wood. Ming style furnitures are arranged in public area.


神之 旨意

“远处的钟声回荡在雨里, 我们在屋檐低下牵手行, 梦想中教堂的那场婚礼, 是为祝福我俩而举行” 就是公主和她的王子在唯美教堂说的那么一句“我 愿意”,童话世界里的隽永从此定格,照亮了幸福的彼岸。

神州半岛喜来登度假酒店 Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort

The Will of God

" In the distant bell echoing in the rain, we walk under roofs hand in hand, The wedding in our dream is held to bless us " When the princess and her prince in the beautiful church said that saying "I do ",they live happily forever.


这是一个岛屿型度假酒店,拥有绝高的私密环境,贴切的拥抱您的专 属婚礼;无论从结婚礼堂、大剧院、临海草坪、沙滩、泳池畔等,都成为 您婚礼首选的浪漫场地。酒店提供专业的婚礼策划顾问,专属的新郎新娘 装扮区域和细心周到的婚宴服务团队,致力服务您的婚礼。

It is an island resort with the vast high privacy, apt to embrace your exclusive wedding. The wedding hall, theatre, seaside lawn, beach, swimming pool and so on, are all your preferred romantic wedding venue. Professional wedding advisers, exclusive bride and groom dress region and thoughtful wedding service team are all dedicated to service for your wedding.

上海世茂佘山艾美酒店 Le Meridien She Shan Shanghai

在上海最大的人工湖泊月湖之畔,艾美酒店处于与世无争的恬静 之中,将周围群山环绕的秀丽月湖美景尽收眼底。酒店特设的婚礼小 教堂,成为这片自然风景中画龙点睛之笔,简洁的法式风格,浪漫至极。 “艾美”品牌的独特香薰,以及原创自然声响交织的音乐,更为浪漫 婚礼平添几份情趣。

Located off the bank of Moon Lake, merged into the tranquility of the madding crowd,Le Méridie She Shan Shanghai is surrounded by the panoramic view of lake and mountains. The special French style wedding chapel in the hotel become the finishing touch in this peace of natural scenery, making everything romantic. "Amy" ,the unique brand of fragrances, as well as the original natural sound intertwined music, adding the romantic wedding with fun.


海洋之心、浪漫花园、东方之韵、神之旨意 ....... 在浪漫的婚礼圣地,为爱加冕!



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