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美丽中国 圆梦金马 第十三届中国饭店金马奖获奖企业巡礼(一)

RIDE ON THE DREAMS OF BEAUTIFUL CHINA Retrospective Feature of 2013 China Hotel Industry Golden Horse Award (Vol.1)

美丽中国 圆梦金马 第十三届中国饭店金马奖获奖企业巡礼(一) 携梦飞扬,启航未来。 以让世界惊讶的速度崛起的中国饭店业,是圆“美丽中国”之梦的产业缩影。 一座座捧得第十三届中国饭店金马奖奖杯的酒店, 更是打造“美丽中国”形象的行业标兵。

Dream on, glory on. The development pace of China Hotel industry has been attracting the world’s attention, which is the window of the dream of Beautiful China. Congratulations to all winners of the 13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award, they are truly the industrial pioneers of building the dream of Beautiful China.

每位中国人,心中都有一个共同的梦想——打造“美丽中国”! 被誉为中国饭店业至高荣誉的中国饭店金马奖,源自优秀旅游城市标志“马踏飞燕”,旨在推举打造“美 丽中国”形象的行业标兵。 阳春三月,盛大举行、圆满落幕的第十三届中国饭店金马奖盛典,又一批优秀的酒店得到了表彰与弘扬。 它们中,或是以卓越服务备受推崇,或是以商务接待彰显品质,或是以主题文化独占鳌头⋯⋯ 掌声为它们响起,鲜花为它们奉上,欢歌为他们飘扬! 让我们翻开本次特辑,逐一欣赏它们的风采。

Every Chinese has the same dream, which is to build a beautiful China. Inspired by the excellent China Tourism City logo, which means a horse stepping on a flying swallow, China Hotel Golden Horse Award chooses the same image as a symbol for the highest honor of China Hotel Industry. It aims to honor those industrial pioneers and elites with glory and as a model of Beautiful China development. Spring in March, the 13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award successfully assembled, and a series of excellent hotel winners were honored and awarded. There are winners with best service, or best business, or best cultural theme hotels. They deserve our praise and applause. Now let’s get close to them, experiencing their glamour.

佛山保利洲际酒店 2012-2013 年度亚洲十佳会议会展酒店 InterContinental Foshan Top 10 Best Confernce and Exhibition Hotel in Asia 佛山保利洲际酒店是南海区首家国际豪华酒店,位于广佛经济都市圈的核 心地带——广东省金融高新技术服务区内。地标性的酒店建筑,秀美的景观 运河和静谧的千灯湖美景,令阁下坐拥开阔视野,尽享自然怡景。酒店拥有 445 间舒适的豪华客房及套房,视野极佳;五间特色餐厅及巴西风情酒吧,别 具一格;华丽气派的无柱式大宴会厅和十五个多功能厅;国际水准的健身中心、 水疗、阳光泳池和网球场等完善的休闲设施带来洲际的非凡体验。更有熟悉 本地风情的专家,带您深入洞悉魅力佛山,尽享难忘的佛山之旅。

魅力点睛: 行家会议体验 卓越完善的会议设施、经验丰富 的专业团队、更有独具特色的“行家 会议体验”服务,激发会议灵感。华 丽的无柱式大宴会厅面积达 1032 平 方米,挑高 7.5 米,采光通透,坐拥 令人赞叹的运河美景,可容纳 930 人 的鸡尾酒会或 630 人的圆桌宴席 , 还 可灵活地分隔为两个独立的宴会厅。 十五个多功能会议厅均配备先进的影 音设备,提供灵活的会议场地选择, 无论是公司会议、豪华宴会或是婚宴 庆典,都确保您的活动圆满成功,值 得纪念。

InterContinental Foshan is the first international luxury hotel to grace the affluent Nanhai district, standing tall in the core of Guangzhou - Foshan Metropolis Region - Guangdong Financial High-Tech Service Zone. Its marvel architecture with magnificent views of unruffled Qiandeng Lake and a tastefully landscaped garden will ensure you unparalleled views of nature.

Highlight: Insider Experiences InterContinental Foshan specializes in pairing ideal meeting venues with impeccable service. From exclusive board meetings to sumptuous banquets or corporate-wide celebrations, we will ensure all your events are memorable. InterContinental Foshan will also offer guests unique insights to Foshan through a carefully selected range of Insider Experiences packages, available at every InterContinental Hotels & Resorts location worldwide.

三亚海棠湾 9 号 2012-2013 年度中国最佳温泉度假酒店 Haitang Bay Gloria Sanya Best Hot Spring Resort Hotel of China 三亚海棠湾 9 号位于素有“东方夏威夷”美誉的海南岛,坐拥国家海岸 海棠湾一线迷人海景风光。酒店拥有 449 间雅致客房及套房 , 所有客房均配 有独立的观景阳台 , 临庭可观洁白私家沙滩,临窗可观静谧园景,抑或远眺浩 瀚南海风光。1,080 平米无柱式大宴会厅,10 个多功能厅,以及近 7,000 平米 的户外宴会草坪,为高端商务会议、主题晚会以及私密宴会提供更多场地选择。 9 个主题餐厅、酒吧及酒廊 , 每日演绎缤纷美味。传承凯莱用心服务之道,推 出独具特色服务,旨在为奢华旅行者提供高端、惬意的度假新体验!

魅力点睛: 温泉理疗 三亚海棠湾 9 号一大特色就是将天然温泉水引入每一间客房,以及在 户外园林和泳池区域也设立了 12 个不同特色的理疗温泉池;为满足不同客 人的需求,理疗以本地特色及传统形式为主;采用海南特色产品椰子粉、 兴隆咖啡等设立的理疗池,以及采用中式传统药材设立的当归理疗池、艾 叶理疗池以及菊花理疗池等。温泉中心同时也设有有趣的小鱼理疗池,鱼 疗可以去除皮肤的老化角质,焕发皮肤新生。酒店引入的温泉已由海南省 地质测试研究中心授权认可。

The Haitang Bay Gloria Sanya located along the beautiful Haitang Bay’s National Coast, Hannan. Hotel consists of 449 elegantly appointed guestrooms and suites, and a choice of 9 restaurants, bars and lounge, a 1,080 sqm pillar-less grand ballroom together with 10 multi-function rooms and a total of over 7,000 sqm private lawns is the perfect venue for any scale of event and meetings.

Highlight: Hot Spring One of the highlight of the exclusivity of the hotel is the natural hot spring water in all guest room with total 12 different hot spring treatment pools at the swimming pools and garden areas. These 12 different treatments pools are specially prepared with local specialty and traditions items such as Hainan Coconut Milk, local Xinlong coffee and traditional Chinese herbs likes Angelica, Folium Artemisia, Argyi and etc. to cater for different needs and conditions of the people. Guest may enjoy a relaxing Fish Spa to remove the skin smear and aging cortex to recover the youth and smooth skin. The hot spring water quality is being certified by the official Hainan Geological Test Research Center.

深圳福朋喜来登酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen

Best Business Hotel of China

深圳福朋喜来登酒店位于福田保税区,距离福田口岸(落马洲关口)仅 10 分钟步行路程。 从酒店出发,只需 10 分钟车程即可抵达市中心、中央商务区和深圳会展中心。438 间舒适 客房宽敞明亮,深圳宴会厅和 14 间多功能厅,全套餐饮服务、充足自然采光、卓越视听设 备和无线高速上网均能确保活动取得圆满成功。桂花标帜餐厅、聚味轩中餐厅、扒房 . 酒吧 供应各式精美可口的国际和当地美食。您可在我们的 24 米室外泳池中感受激动人心的视觉 冲击效果,或在设施一流的健身俱乐部挥洒汗水,并同时饱览 180 度的瑰丽城市全景。

魅力点睛: 俯瞰湿地美景 深圳福朋喜来登酒店虽然身处都市,宾客们却 能在酒店 6 楼的空中花园享受到迷人的香港米铺自 然保护区景观,感受大自然的气息。这无疑是在繁 华都市中的一片世外桃源。待到了华灯初上,五彩 缤纷的灯光又将这个地方变身为一个时尚摩登的绝 佳聚会场所,私密却又不拘束。

Highlight: Greeny Landscape Even in the city, guests can still enjoy greeny landscape and feel the breath of nature at Gazebo of Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen. Gazebo, on the 6th floor, has 180 degree Hong Kong countryside view. It is a perfect place for teambuilding or other outdoor activities in daylight. When the evenfall descends and the lamp light flicks, Gazebo suddenly turned to a stunning place for cocktail party, outdoor wedding and so forth.

Located in the Futian Free Trade Zone, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen is the closest hotel to the ChinaHong Kong Futian border. Only 10 minutes from the Central Business District, city center and the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. The hotel offers 438 guestrooms and 1,200 sqm of meeting rooms. Five restaurants and bars offer a tasty selection of International & local dining. The state-of-the-art health club and swimming pool offer Shenzhen City view.

西安索菲特人民大厦 2012-2013 年度中国最佳顶级奢华酒店 Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square Best Deluxe Hotel of China 西安索菲特人民大厦是西北地区首家按照国际铂金五星级标准打造的酒 店。位于古城明代城墙内的城市中心,毗邻钟楼、鼓楼、商业和金融的黄金 地带,是一个闹中取静,商务旅游住宿的绝佳之地。酒店共拥有 414 间豪华 客房,其中 56 间精选客房尊享会所酒廊,诠释着尊贵与奢华。东西两翼共 有 6 间餐厅和酒吧,提供独特而丰富的美食体验。

Designed to meet China’s new five-star platinum hotel standards, the Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square is an oasis for travelers, Complementing the outstanding features of Renmin Square as an ultimate business and leisure venue.

魅力点睛: “中”韵“法”情 在十三朝古都西安,邂逅来自法国的浪漫情怀——“中” 韵“法”情,极致奢享。客人前一秒还在明代城墙边感叹中 华文明的博大精深,下一刻已躺在“MyBed”索菲特概念卧 具上,感受奢华酒店品牌“索菲特”带来的“法式生活艺术”。

Highlight: Chinese and French fusion The hotel boasts 414 spacious guestrooms, suites and apartments equipped with ultra-modern conveniences – the exclusive Sofitel’s MyBed, a rainforest shower, broadband internet access – all well placed amidst plush interiors.

重庆申基索菲特大酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳会议会展酒店 Sofitel Forebase Chongqing Best Conference and Exhibition Hotel of China 重庆申基索菲特大酒店毗邻重庆市奥体中心,内设 464 间宽 敞精巧的客房与套房,其中包括 160 间至臻完善的公寓。酒店首

魅力点睛: 尊崇灵感会议


10 余种来自瑞士、法国等国家的奢华纯净水、精美的奢华笔记本和灵感会议







是重庆市内首家拥有自己品牌游船的五星级酒店。“索菲特号” 游船齐全的设施设备,最适合各式商务会议和主题聚会。在凉爽 的夜晚,欣赏两江沿途璀璨的山城夜景。

Highlight: Inspired Meetings Concept Meetings, conference and incentive groups can choose from a total of 15 rooms all conveniently located on the same floor. Employing Sofitel’s famous ‘Inspired Meetings concept,

Sofitel Forebase Chongqing provides a unique blend of French extravagance and Chinese splendors and will cater for business and leisure travelers seeking the ultimate in style, culture, art and comfort.Sofitel Forebase Chongqing features in its interior design in public area and the rooms with the Hermès scarves, which is a French traditional luxury brand, well-renowned for their high quality production and perfect artistic design. This brings to the hotel a whole artistic and luxury ambience.

Sofitel Forebase Chongqing tailor-makes each meeting based on each client’s specific needs. Each room is fitted with state of the art technology and is among the most versatile venues in the city.

北京中环假日酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳卓越服务酒店 Holiday Inn Central Plaza Beijing Best Service Hotel of China 北京中环假日酒店位于北京市中心广安门政府商务区,与许多国家部委相邻,北京 市金融街亦咫尺之遥。酒店拥有 322 间套舒适客房,其中部分提供厨房设施,包括套 房、两层商务楼层和两层行政楼层客房。酒店拥有一个 640 平方米的无柱式大宴会厅, 以及 7 个面积从 35 平方米到 176 平方米的多功能厅,更配备一支专业的会议销售团队 及会议服务部门,为客人提供各项活动的专人一站式服务。

Holiday Inn Central Plaza Beijing, an Award-Winning hotel, is conveniently located in Guanganmen commercial and civic area, adjacent to the new Municipal Government Office Building and is within a stone's throw from Beijing's Financial Street. The hotel has 322 contemporary guest rooms and suites, some with kitchen facilities, including suites and two floors each of Business Club rooms and Executive Club rooms, all equipped with broadband internet, speaker telephone and multi-language voice mail.

魅力点睛: 卓越的细致服务 酒店的行政楼层客房别具一格,设有玻璃窗户浴室、热带雨林花洒喷头以及 羽绒床垫,尊贵的商旅客人还可以在宽大的行政酒廊享受无线宽带网络服务,以 及众多特别待遇。

Highlight: Remarkable Service Each of the hotel’s Executive Club rooms is tastefully decorated with a bathroom window, rainforest shower and a padded bed mattress for the discerning business travelers, who can also enjoy the exclusive benefits, including wireless broadband in the Executive Club Lounge.

魅力点睛: 无土蔬菜园 2011 年 3 月,中国酒店业首家无土栽培的无土蔬菜园在广州翡翠皇 冠假日酒店实施。酒店引进农业技术中先进的无土栽培技术最新的气雾 栽培法,将空置的建筑楼顶改造为无土蔬菜园,由内到外打造生态环保

广州翡翠皇冠假日酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Science City Best Business Hotel of China


Highlight: Hydroponic Garden March, 2011. The Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Science City launched their hydroponic garden, which is the first project of this type in the hotel industry in China. The garden is located on the building’s rooftop. Not only will the hotel harvest healthy


green foods, the garden will also decorate the roof in a natural way, it will also reduce the

430 间舒适客房,面积均在 45 平方米以上,独立阳台,自然采光;

buildings demand for air-conditioning during hot weather as the plants covering the roof

另配有残疾人专用设施的残疾人房。酒店还拥有 21 套公寓,总统套

will reduce the temperature of restaurants below the garden.

房总面积超过 320 平方米。最具设计理念的“汇点”大堂吧,透明玻 璃顶高 18 米,采集了自然光线与景观,是集酒廊、娱乐、电脑上网区、 图书阅览区、电子资讯于一体的新时代特色大堂。酒店会务场地超过 2,600 平方米,拥有 12 个多功能厅及 910 平方米的翡翠宴会厅。 “餐 饮到会”是皇冠会务的一大服务特色,“移动御厨”的餐车可按宾客 需求,随心所欲提供国际水准的外卖出品及服务。

The Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Science City is Centrally located within Science City. It has four hundred thirty spacious rooms, ranging from 45 to 270 square meters and 21 serviced residences compose the Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Science City. Over 2,600 square meters of the hotel are allocated for Meetings and Events. Organizing conferences and themed events are done with promised ease as guests, assisted by professional staff, select their ideal venue from the 12 function rooms. “Mobile Kitchen”, a professional on-site catering service, is yet another unique selling point of the Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Science City.

海陵岛保利皇冠假日酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最具发展潜力新开业酒店 Crowne Plaza Hailing Island The Most Promising Newly Opening Hotel of China 海陵岛保利皇冠假日酒店位于享有“东方夏威夷”之称 的海陵岛。酒店拥有 312 间设计新颖、优雅舒适的海景客房 , 其中包括各种主题景观客房、套房、总统套房和残疾人客房 等。所有房间均面向不同的景致,您可远眺茂密群山、近观 碧蓝海景。月色西餐厅、海膳捞 - 特色火锅餐厅、御公馆、 海云酒廊,汇集本地与全球美食。酒店拥有总面积达 3000 平方米的会议设施,包括面积 900 平方米、层高 9 米的无柱 海陵宴会厅,南海宴会厅和 6 个多功能会议室。酒店服务设 施有健身中心,水疗中心、室内外恒温泳池、户外温泉等多 项设施,让宾客流连忘返,隽永难忘。

Known as the “Oriental Hawaii” Yangjiang Hailing Island is a dream vacation spot that’s rich in exquisite scenery. Crowne Plaza Hailing Island is conveniently located at Ten-Miles Siler Beach, Hailing Island. Hotel features 312 elegant and well-appointed guest rooms and suites, including a number of ocean themed rooms with ocean view, spacious suites, a presidential room and rooms for disabled guest. Hotel also presents a full complement of meeting, event facilities and service. It covers a total area of over 3,000 square meters, including a 900 square meters Hailing Grand Ballroom with an impressive pillarless 9 meters high ceiling. 3 finest restaurants, Bliss lounge, 2 Ballroom, 6 function room, Spa and health club with outdoor/indoor heated swimming pool.

魅力点睛: 东方夏威夷 海陵岛犹如一块未经雕琢的美玉,傲 立一方,是国内外不可多得的顶级生态型 岛屿。酒店地理位置得天独厚,坐拥十里 银滩,毗邻南海一号博物馆,恰似一座美 轮美奂的人间天堂。

Highlight: Oriental Hawaii Hailing Island is a superior ecological island, which is just like an uncarved jade. Crowne Plaza Hailing Island is conveniently located at Ten-Miles Siler Beach, Hailing Island, adjacent to Nanhai No. 1 Museum, which looks like a beautiful heaven on earth.

中山大信皇冠假日酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Xiaolan Best Business Hotel of China

魅力点睛: 商务之选 酒店毗邻大信繁华商业圈,时尚购物、娱乐综合设施一应俱全,

中山大信皇冠假日酒店位于中山市小榄商业中心,内设有 311 间雅





机场、广交会及高交会会场仅需 1 到 2 小时车程,更有直通巴士往




Highlight: Business Collection Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Xiaolan provides a comfortable experience with 311

Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Xiaolan is ideally located amidst a vibrant hub

well appointed rooms and suites, featured broadband high-speed internet access, multi-

of commercial, shopping and entertainment center in Xiaolan town, a dynamic

national satellite TV channels and French window. The well-equipped Fitness Center, in-

district of Zhongshan city in Guangdong Province. The hotel is just 1 or 2 hour

door swimming pool and well-known TEA TREE SPA will release your soul and body

driving from major airport in Pearl River Delta, as well as the Shenzhen Hi-Tech

completely with unique treatments and healthy exercises.

Fair and Canton Fair exhibition center. The direct shuttle buses to Zhongshan port and Hong Kong are available.

广东省电信公司邮电大厦 2012-2013 年度国内商旅首选酒店 YOUDIAN HOTEL The Most Preferred Hotel for Domestic Business Travel 广东邮电大厦地处广州市最繁华的东山口商圈的核心地带,是一间按超四星级标准 管理的精品商务酒店。共有豪华套房、贵宾套房、行政商务房和标准房共 109 间,2009 年对所有客房进行了全面升级装饰,房间美仑美奂、温馨舒适。酒店设有风格独特的 各式餐厅,华贵典雅的贵宾厅、富丽堂皇的宴会大厅(可筵开 22 席),美食广场每日 提供深受普罗大众欢迎的粤式早茶、商务套餐服务,商务中心及康体娱乐等配套设施, 满足宾客的商务及休闲活动之需。

Youdian Hotel is located in one of the three major shopping district of Guangzhou ,the most prosperous, the core area of merchants dongshan port. Youdian Hotel has 14 floor, a super four star standard management according to the boutique Traders Hotel There are deluxe suite,VIP suites,executive business room and standard room 109,2009 for a comprehensive upgrading of all guest room decoration,beautiful,warm and comfortable.

魅力点睛: 粤食粤美 地处美食之都广州,邮电大厦在为商旅人士提供优质的住宿服务的同时, 各色粤菜美食美点更令旅客大饱口福,更定期推出各类美食节,以“亲情、诚信、 满意”的服务,赢得口碑。

Highlight: Cantonese Cuisine Located in the city of gourmet Guangzhou, Youdian Hotel provides business travelers with excellent lodging service and various Cantonese good.

长沙运达喜来登酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Sheraton Changsha Hotel Best Business Hotel of China 长沙运达喜来登酒店是湖南省首家国际五星级商务酒店,座落于长沙市松桂园 核心地段。酒店位于长沙市中心城区,前往购物中心、景点和娱乐中心都十分便利。 酒店拥有 380 间客房及套房,均配备独一无二的“喜来登甜梦之床”、高速互联网、 32 寸液晶电视及雨淋之露淋浴设施。现代的健身设备,通透的室内游泳池,创造出 完美的健身空间。融合最现代的水疗法和中国最远久的养生之道,只有在长沙运达 喜来登酒店,尊贵的您才能领略到独一无二的身心体验。酒店一楼大堂的“随心连 动 @ 喜来登体验在微软”24 小时为您提供高速无线上网服务,让您轻松享受办公和 网上休闲的乐趣!毗邻酒店、引领奢华、时尚的美美百货,是您休闲、购物的天堂!

THE SPA 水疗中心

Sheraton Changsha Hotel is conveniently located in the downtown central business district and offers easy access to various shopping centers and tourist spots. All the 380 rooms and suites features the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper BedTM , high speed internet access, 32" wall mounted LCD TV and Rainforest shower in the bathroom. Discover total well-being in the health and wellness center which includes indoor swimming pool, sauna, rooftop garden and fullservice spa. Link @ Sheraton with Microsoft at our hotel lobby provides 24 hours high speed internet access and Maison Mode Department Store creates a delightful shopping experience for you.

魅力点睛: 会议天堂 2000 平方米的宴会及会议场地,包括喜来登宴会厅在内的多个 多功能会议室能满足 10 至 660 人的多功能会议需求。为您精心打理 每一个细节,确保您每次活动的成功举行。

Highlight: Preferred Meeting Hotel function rooms with over 2000 square meters with nine multi-function meeting rooms facilitate your meeting and event, from 10 to 660 persons. To ensure a seamless process, our team of highly experienced catering professionals will be assigned to serve you personally at every stage of planning and hosting.

Sheraton Ballroom 喜来登宴会厅

魅力点睛: 灵感会议 酒店共有 9 间会议室及多功能厅,可供灵活使用的空间总面 积超过 2,600 平米,可为重要活动带来无限灵感,更有专业团队 提供一流会议服务。

无锡万达喜来登酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Sheraton Wuxi Binhu Hotel Best Business Hotel of China 无锡万达喜来登酒店拥有无与伦比的极致景观,时尚现代的万达商 业广场与江南秀丽山景在此交相辉映。酒店有 342 间宽敞舒适的客房及 套房、4 个风格各异的风味餐厅及时尚酒廊、9 间会议厅和多功能厅包含 1500 平米的城中五星级酒店中最大的无柱宴会厅,为宾客带来最细心周 到的服务并呈现喜达屋酒店集团别具风格的管理理念。无锡万达喜来登, 宾客心属于此!

With fabulous combination of Wanda Commercial Plaza and magnificent mountain view of Jiangnan, Sheraton Wuxi Binhu Hotel welcomes guests with gracious hospitality. Sheraton Wuxi Binhu Hotel has 342 spacious guestrooms and suites, 4 restaurants, 9 meeting and function rooms including an elegant 1500 square-meters ballroom which is the biggest ballroom among the five-star hotels in Wuxi, represents the best service quality in hospitality business and brings unique Starwood hotel culture to our valued guests. At Sheraton Wuxi Binhu Hotel, you don’t just stay here. You Belong.

Highlight: Inspiration Conference Room The hotel has 9 conference rooms and multi-function halls that light up your ideas for all kinds of important events in total, covering spaces as large as over 2600 cm2.Also,excellent conference serive is offered by professional teams.

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