美丽中国 圆梦金马 第十三届中国饭店金马奖获奖企业巡礼(二)
RIDE ON THE DREAMS OF BEAUTIFUL CHINA Retrospective Feature of 2013 China Hotel Industry Golden Horse Award (Vol.2)
美丽中国 圆梦金马 第十三届中国饭店金马奖获奖企业巡礼(二)
携梦飞扬,启航未来。 以让世界惊讶的速度崛起的中国饭店业,是圆“美丽中国”之梦的产业缩影。 一座座捧得第十三届中国饭店金马奖奖杯的酒店, 更是打造“美丽中国”形象的行业标兵。
Fly the dream and keep on shining. The development pace of China Hotel industry has been attracting the world’s attention, which is the window of the dream of Beautiful China. Congratulations to all winners of the 13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award, they are truly the industrial pioneers of building the dream of Beautiful China.
每位中国人,心中都有一个共同的梦想——打造“美丽中国”! 被誉为中国饭店业至高荣誉的中国饭店金马奖,源自优秀旅游城市标志“马踏飞燕”,旨在推举打造“美丽中国”形象 的行业标兵。 第十三届中国饭店金马奖盛典华丽落幕,又一批优秀的酒店得到了表彰与弘扬。它们中,或是待客有方,因其卓越服务 而备受推崇;或是突飞猛进,展现出巨大的发展潜力;又或是内外兼修,成为所在城市的耀眼地标⋯⋯ 掌声为它们响起,鲜花为它们奉上,欢歌为他们飘扬! 如果您对上一期的杂志中获奖酒店的风采感到意犹未尽,请您和我们一起翻开本期的特辑,继续我们的美丽发现之旅!
Every Chinese has the same dream, that is to build a beautiful China. Inspired by the excellent China Tourism City logo, which mimics a horse stepping on a flying swallow, China Hotel Golden Horse Award chooses the same image as a symbol for the highest honor of China Hotel Industry.It aims to honor those industrial pioneers and elites with glory and as a model of Beautiful China development. Spring in March, the 13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award successfully assembled, and a series of excellent hotel winners were honored and awarded. There are winners with best service, or best business, facilities or best cultural theme. They deserve our praise and applause. Now let’s get closer to them, experiencing their glamour.
宜兴凯宾斯基饭店 2012-2013 年度最具潜力新开业酒店 2012-2013 年度中国城市地标酒店 Kempinski Hotel Yixing The Most Promising New Opening Hotel of China The Most Outstanding City Landmark Hotel 宜兴凯宾斯基饭店将典雅奢华的欧洲经典与源远流长的中华文化有机融合, 是宜兴的城市地标。饭店拥有 446 间装修精致的客房和套房,宾客可以在房间 内享受先进科技带来的便利,俯瞰城市的繁华景像与绚丽秀美的湖光山色。元 素西餐厅提供环球美食,圆缘中餐厅提供本帮菜等传统与创意菜系。酒店拥有 17 个会议室和宴会厅,面积达 2650 平方米,提供专业视听设备以及优质的服务。 特色的水疗中心、健身中心和游泳池,让宾客体验欧式奢华生活。
Kempinski Hotel Yixing welcomes guests to experience savoir-vivre right in the heart of Yixing, where European luxury blends with our hospitality and the epitome of Chinese culture, like a perfect cup of tea. Kempinski Hotel Yixing boasts 446 rooms and suites with great lake views and the very latest technology. With more than 2,650 square metres of meeting and banquet space, Kempinski Hotel Yixing provides a new and exceptional destination for meetings, conventions and social events.
魅力点睛: 宴会之选 饭店拥有超过 2650 平方米的会议室及宴会厅,所有会议室和宴会厅可以 灵活地安排活动空间,无论是容纳 850 人的剧院式会议还是亲密的私人聚会, 都能从容应对。酒店的顾问团队将发挥其专业的技术与精彩的创意,确保各 类会议和宴会的成功举办。
Highlight: High Quality Banquet With more than 2,650 square metres of meeting and banquet space, Kempinski Hotel Yixing provides a new and exceptional destination for meetings, conventions and social events. Our experienced team blends professional service, attention to detail with innovation and creativity, to create personalised meetings or events, to make every event a success.
天津瑞湾开元大酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Ruiwan New Century Hotel Tianjin The Best Business Hotel of China 天津瑞湾开元大酒店是开元酒店集团在天津管理的首家集商务旅游、餐饮住 宿、宴会会议、康体娱乐为一体的挂牌五星级酒店。酒店位于天津滨海新区中心 区域,紧邻中国北方第一大港——天津新港,毗邻于家堡金融商务区、京津城际
Ruiwan New Century Hotel Tianjin, integrating business & tourist, accommodation & catering, banquet & meeting, entertainment & sports as a whole, is the 1st five-star hotel managed by New Century Hotels & Resorts in Tianjin. Locating in the central Binhai New Area of Tianjin, the hotel is close to the first port of North China, adjacent to Yujiabao financial & business district and Beijing-Tianjin inter-city high-speed rail terminal.
高铁终点站。酒店总高 27 层,总建筑面积 3.8 万平方米。拥有各种规格的客房
Having 27 floors and construction area 38000 square meters. In total, it has
302 套(每间房配有泡浴设备),不同特色餐厅 3 种、餐位 2000 余个,9 个不同
302 rooms of various kinds,3 different restaurants and 9 meeting rooms of
规格的会议室 ( 其中 2 个面积 400 平米以上的宴会厅 ),齐全的康乐设施及深海
distinct specifications.
魅力点睛: 温泉入室巴厘岛 酒店深采地下 1800 米温泉水直通每间客房,该 水富含多种矿物质,具有美容养颜和调理身心的神奇 功效,也能让入住宾客在忙碌或闲暇之余迅速放松心 情。其中 21-26 层为酒店名仕阁行政楼层,为宾客打 造二十余项行政楼层尊享服务,另有“巴厘岛”风格 的空中商务会所,将品质与高雅完美结合,是宾客商 务洽谈、旅途小憩的最佳之选。
Highlight: Soaking in Hotspring and Bali Island Style The hotel fetch hot spring water from 1800 meters underground. The water, direct to each room, is rich in minerals, and has magical effect for beauty & body conditioning. Besides, there’s an air commerce chamber of Bali Island style, combining quality and elegancy perfectly. Thus, it’s your best choice for meeting and tourist rest.
上海外高桥喜来登酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最具潜力新开业酒店 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel The Most Promising New Opening Hotel of China 上海外高桥喜来登酒店拥有 451 间装饰典雅的客房及套房,可饱览迷 人港口景色。喜来登行政贵宾厅及配备升级设施的行政客房亦为宾客带来 多姿体验。大堂中心设有社交平台——随心连动 @ 喜来登体验在微软,
Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel offers sophisticatedly designed 451 guest rooms and suites with stunning port view, as well as a Sheraton Club lounge on top of the hotel building and Sheraton Club rooms with upgraded amenities. Additional amenities include full service restaurants and lounge, and fully equipped fitness facilities featuring the brand's revolutionary new health and the Sheraton Fitness programmed by Core Performance™. With a burst of fresh, colorful and various choices of food and beverage venues.
宾客可面对面或通过网络视频谈天说地。其他便利设施包括:餐厅、酒 吧及设施完善的健身中心,提供品牌全新革新性健康与运动计划——由 Core Performance 规划的喜来登健身计划,专为宾客量身定制健身方案。 奉上中、日、国际盛宴的四个餐厅及酒廊为宾客打造难以抗拒的厨艺盛宴 和饕餮体验。超过 2600 平方米会议空间包含了 1000 平方米 8.6 米高的无 柱大宴会厅为宾客的活动无论是晚宴、婚宴还是私密会议或是国际大会提 供理想场所。近在咫尺的地铁轨道交通及若干条城市高速路将酒店与陆家 嘴金融区,浦东国际机场及众多景点轻松联通。在建设中的迪斯尼乐园距 离酒店仅有 15 分钟车程。
魅力点睛: 高尔夫练习场 备受关注的喜来登健身计划在上海外高桥喜来登酒店更有了新的 解读。从此,宾客健身除了可以在客房、健身房、泳池之外,酒店设 备先进的高尔夫练习场亦是另一项活力之选。设备精良的高尔夫练习 场共设上下两层,采用泛光照明,无论白天夜晚,专业的高尔夫教练 耐心的教导初学者正确的挥杆姿势,让宾客在一片绿意盎然间尽享挥 杆的洒脱,与旧友新朋在优雅的氛围中品味惬意人生。
Highlight: Golf Driving Range As a latest interpretation to Sheraton Fitness programmed by Core Performance™, the exclusive golf driving range of Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel adds up more fun and inspiring moment to your stay. Day or night, you would be treated to a professional golf coach who is patient and expertised, assuring you an unforgetable memory that goes with the sporty chic, literally.
苏州福朋酒店 (喜来登集团管理) 2012-2013 年度中国最具潜力新开业酒店 Four Points by Sheraton Suzhou The Most Promising Newly Opening Hotel of China 最近在苏州全新亮相的苏州福朋酒店,是苏州工业园区独一味无二、独 墅湖地段的卓越品牌酒店,以行业中的佼佼者姿态引领所处的市场。苏州福 朋酒店共有 283 间舒适客房,面积从 40 平米到 180 平米不等,客房均设有 宽大的独立浴缸和热带雨林淋浴,并提供福朋特色沐浴用品。同时客房内都 配备了 40 英寸的液晶电视以及福朋舒适之床(Four Comfort bed) ,让所 有宾客在放松身心的同时尽享一夜酣眠。客房内精心设计的商务区域提供高 速无线及有线互联网接入、双线电话、iPod 播放器等设施,帮助宾客更高 效地完成工作。酒店四周环绕集购物、餐饮、娱乐、休闲为一体的设施,交 通便利,位置优越。距苏州市中心仅 7 公里,距离上海也仅 20 分钟高铁车程。
Being the first Four Points by Sheraton in Suzhou, this new hotel is destined to bring a new level of simple and comfortable experience to visitors and locals alike in Suzhou. Located next to the Moon Bay, Dushu Lake in Suzhou Industrial Park, the hotel is close to downtown and is surrounded by a lot of shopping, entertainment, and dining options. The hotel provides 283 comfortable guestrooms including 40 suites, each guestroom is also equipped with advanced facilities for business travelers. Meeting and event planners or fitness fans would be surprised by its sound and thoughtful amenities.
魅力点睛: 独墅湖畔水景生活 酒店位于苏州工业园区美丽的独墅湖畔,客房 设计简约时尚,其中多数房间拥有大幅落地观景窗, 能欣赏到令人醉心独墅湖的一线璀璨湖景。此外, 酒店的湖景特色餐厅及酒廊为宾客带来新鲜的缤纷 美食享受,以及轻松惬意的休闲空间。
Highlight: Lakeside Life Usually you would not expect for too much from a hotel built in the industrial park, but Four Points by Sheraton Suzhou is definitely an exception. Localed just beside the lake, most of the rooms of it feature magnificent floor-to-ceiling windows, enabling guests to take in the picturesque views of Dushu Lake. And you could also be tempted by dinning beside the lake and enjoy the view sitting relaxed.
宁波万达索菲特大饭店 2012-2013 年度国际商旅首选酒店 Sofitel Wanda Ningbo The Most Preferred Hotel for International Business Travelers 宁波万达索菲特大饭店地处鄞州新区,毗邻大型购物中心 万达广场,完美融合于都市商业区的繁华和现代氛围中,让宾 客在片刻之内便可体验购物乐趣。酒店建筑风格吸纳了法兰西 的烂漫情怀和中国的古典文雅,并与甬城深厚的旅游文化相融 合。饭店拥有 290 间豪华客房和套房,更设有 6 间风格现代、 设施齐全的会议厅,配有最先进的视频音频设备和无线网络系
魅力点睛: 当甬城遇上法兰西
统。与会议厅搭配的还有 4 间风味独特的餐厅以及 2 间酒吧。
Sofitel Wanda Ningbo assures guests a magnificent stay. The hotel houses 290 luxury rooms and suites, its grand ballroom hosts a wealth of memorable
Highlight: Melting in “French Kiss”at Ningbo Here is the place that makes your arrival a journey to explore more about the French Styled life in
events, while the spa, indoor heated swimming pool, and luxurious rooms
Ningbo. As one of the best luxury hotels in Ningbo , Sofitel Wanda Ningbo is inviting guests to indulge
and suites offer soothing respite. With a location in Wanda Plaza, shopping
themselves in an atmosphere of historical chic. Join them now for a magnifique voyage to Ningbo,
opportunities await just moments away. The hotel welcomes business travellers,
where Sofitel’s French flair blends with the richness of Chinese heritage.
leisure travellers and event guests to make the most of each moment and experience the arts de vivre in a setting of refinement and inspired hospitality.
上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓 2012-2013 年度中国最佳酒店式公寓 Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai The Best Service Apartment of China 上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓地处浦东陆家嘴核心地区,总共 185 套豪华公寓,每 套公寓都可让您全景式地饱览浦江两岸及外滩的绝美景致。内部设施完备精美 的两房及三房式公寓可依个人家居需求任选。公寓每日免费提供美味的营养自 助早餐,更有定点班车每天往来于商业购物区。社区中央设有双会所,配备室 内室外双泳池、健身按摩设施、娱乐设施、商务中心和会议室等,并提供 24 小 时全天礼宾和每日保洁服务。诠释着顶级居住品质理念,是您畅享优越生活的 保障。
Located at the core of Pudong Lujiazui Finance District, Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai marries the timeless charm of Old Shanghai with the modern sophistication of the city. Each of the 185 lavishly-fitted suites from two or three bedroom(with study) offers mesmerizing views of The Bund and city complemented with chic and contemporary interiors for a truly enriching home experience in style. Start the day right with a complimentary breakfast at our restaurant, heading to the Business Centre and meeting rooms to settle all your business needs. And when it’s time to unwind, work out at the state-of-the-art health club and fully equipped gym, or relax at the indoor and outdoor swimming pools.
魅力点睛: 优越体验 作为上海酒店服务式公寓的行业翘楚,上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓自 2008 年 10 月开业以来,始终禀持着“您不仅仅只是客人”的服务理念,让宾 客体验到都会生活的无限魅力,同时享受现代化城市家居的便利。
Highlight: Superior Experience As a leader of serviced apartment, Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai always hold the soul of “you are more than a guest” since the grand opening in October, 2008.
无锡凯宾斯基饭店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳会议会展酒店 Kempinski Hotel Wuxi The Best Conference and Exhibition Hotel of China 无锡凯宾斯基饭店座落于太湖之滨,是锡城首屈一指的豪华型涉外 酒店。共拥有 400 间时尚而优雅的客房,面积均在 38 平方米以上,临 窗可一览蜿蜒壮丽的古运河美景。酒店餐厅风格各异,从传统巴伐利亚 风味的普拉那啤酒坊,到精雕细琢多款粤式美食的芳园中餐厅,更有新 鲜多元的柏林西餐厅让您感受到开放式厨房带来的无尽乐趣。800 余平 方米的钻石宴会厅可灵活安排,满足不用规模宴会及会议的需求,面积 不等的 8 个多功能厅均设有最先进的影音设备和无线网络,豪华完备 的设施设备及训练有素的服务团队定会令会务活动锦上添花。
Located at the largest commercial square, the Kempinski Hotel Wuxi is the latest international 5-star hotel in Wuxi. The hotel features 400 elegant and fashionable guest rooms, providing convenience and enjoyment during your stay. All the rooms are elegantly furnished and are the largest and most comfortable in Wuxi with a minimum of 38 square meters and stunning views of Taihu Square and the Jinghang Canal. The traditional Paulaner Brauhaus with its authentic Bavarian menu and our casual but charming service provides an unforgettable experience for young and old. The cuisine in Fang Yuan Cantonese Restaurant is prepared by true Masters for each section of our extensive menu. The Café Berlin, set in a Palm Tree Garden crowned by an “Infiniti Fountain”, presents a sumptuous selection of dishes from around the world at the Buffet by our Show Kitchen. Conferences of all sizes can be held in 8 spacious meetings rooms and our Grand Diamond Ballroom. All meeting rooms are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology including free WiFi and advanced audio/video facilities.
魅力点睛: 行政楼层礼遇 无锡凯宾斯基饭店的行政楼层环境舒适典雅,一系列特殊礼遇 和个性化服务为您打造无与伦比的尊贵格调。宾客可以享受奢华舒 适的客房、无微不至的贴身服务、22 楼行政酒廊俯瞰锡城绝佳风景, 以及包括延迟退房至下午 4 点,享受每日免费小食点心及迷你吧等 服务在内的多种尊贵礼遇,邂逅极致舒适。
Highlight: Executive Floor Benefits Stay on Executive Floor and experience the highest standards of accommodation, personalized service and an array of benefits such as late check out to 16:00, daily snacks supply and complimentary minibar. The Executive Suites & Rooms and the exclusive Executive Lounge on 22nd Floor will make your stay a memorable one.
枣庄开元凤鸣山庄 2012-2013 年度中国最佳城市新锐酒店 Zaozhuang New Century Fengming Resort The Best New and Vogue City Hotel of China 枣庄开元凤鸣山庄总体风格上充溢着欧陆风情,彰显传统古典精致,坐 拥凤鸣山水之美,尽享灵动雅秀水韵,是枣庄地区乃至鲁南地区首家按五星 标准建造、管理的酒店,也是枣庄市最重要的政务、商务接待基地之一。山 庄拥有各类豪华客房 320 间,功能齐全,欧式风情尽显豪华尊荣。山庄拥有 豪华餐饮包厢 18 间、拥有豪华典雅的设施和环境,更特地请来各地名厨,精 心主理各地经典名菜。山庄也拥有完善的会议场所及设施,4 个面积为 260 平方米和一个 780 平方米的会议室厅,7 个不同规格的中小会议室,满足各 类会议一切的所需;配备训练有素的专职会务经理,提供全程细致服务,是 会务、产品展示的理想选择。
Zaozhuang New Century Fengming Resort represents European style in general, highlighting the traditional and classical charm. It enjoys the beautiful and elegant landscape of Fengming Mountain. Being one of most important bases to host political and commercial activities, It has 320 various deluxe guest rooms, complete functions and European style that
魅力点睛: 特色婚礼 开元凤鸣山庄为新人们度身打造草坪婚礼、空中婚礼、泳池婚礼等 不同迥异的特色婚礼,不同价位、不同风格的喜宴佳肴,用喜庆浪漫的 婚庆布置、温馨暖心的婚房,让浪漫一再升华;大巴车接送、喜榜送福、 个性化的全程管家式跟踪服务等婚宴一条龙服务,为新人谱写爱的华美 乐章。
Highlight: Theme Wedding All kind of weddings with different characteristics including lawn wedding, air wedding, and swimming wedding and so on will let new couples spending a memorable wedding ceremony in Zaozhuang Fengming Resort of New Century. We have many wedding reception and delicacies with different style and different price for you to choose from.
reveals luxury and dignity. The Resort has employed well-known chefs from different regions to cook at high standard. Also it owns extremely perfect meeting places and facilities which meet all demands of conferences; The well-trained conference service managers will offer considerate service to you.
Jinhai New Century Grand Hotel Ninghai is the first one built in line with the five-star hotel in Ninghai by New Century Hotels & Resorts. Be seated in Ninghai, it is 30 minutes’ drive to Ninghai Forest Hot Spring, which is one of the three top springs in China, and Zhedong Grand Canyon.The 279 spacious and bright guest rooms are all elegant and unique, and equipped with advanced and complete facilities. With considerate and thoughtful exclusive steward, and subtle gold key services, you will have an exceptional experience and enjoyment as for business, conference & meeting, and holiday. Hotel has a vast list of restaurants of different style with which we can treat all guests with different trips of delicious foods. Also the well-equipped Fitness Center can meet your various requirements for fitness.
魅力点睛:高品质会议优选 酒店会议室配备最先进的视听会议服务设施,最完善、最现代的会议场所 和设备。酒店拥有一批服务周到的高级宴会服务师,为宾客提供贴心的会议服务。 自 2012 年 3 月 1 日开业,酒店以备受业内外赞誉的贴心周到的服务,接待了包 括大型访谈节目《杨澜访谈录》、浙江省奥运动员大会、得力全球经销商大会 等在内的大规模、高规格的会议,成为最佳商务会议之选。
Highlight: Ideal Choice for High-end Conferences With professional quality and being the capital of conference & meeting, there are eight banquet halls and conference halls of different scales in New Century Hall of the Hotel that not only gaurantees you a successful business conference but a considerate and thought-provoking stay. Since the opening on Mar. 1st 2012, Jinhai New Century Grand Hotel Ninghai has wooed the market for being an ideal choice for high-end conferences.
宁海金海开元名都大酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Jinhai New Century Grand Hotel Ninghai The Best Business Hotel of China 宁海金海开元名都大酒店是宁海首家按照五星级标准建造的酒店,隶属中国最大的民营高 星级连锁酒店集团——开元酒店集团。地处游圣徐霞客的开游之地——宁海,毗邻柔石公园和 国际会展中心,距离“全国三大优质温泉”之一的宁海森林温泉和浙东大峡谷约 30 分钟车程。 酒店拥有客房 279 间,客房宽敞优越,高雅别致,并配备先进齐全的设施,酒店拥有 7 个不同 规格的宴会厅、会议厅,总面积达 2038 平方米,包括一个 865 平方米的多功能厅、530 平方米 的大宴会厅和 5 个不同风格的会议室。贴心周到的专职管家,无微不至的金钥匙服务,将带给 商务、会议或度假的宾客品位非凡的享受。
上海大宁福朋喜来登集团酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Four Points by Sheration Shanghai, Daning The Best Business Hotel of China 上海大宁福朋喜来登集团酒店座落于上海闸北时尚地标——大宁国际商业广 场内。酒店地理位置优越,交通极为便利,靠近地铁一号线延长路站,便捷出入 南北高架和内环高架,距上海火车站仅 10 分钟车程,距虹桥机场 25 分钟车程, 距浦东国际机场 45 分钟车程。酒店拥有 315 间装修典雅、温馨舒适的客房,其中 23 间为套房。房间内配备时尚现代的家居、纯平液晶电视机、高速宽带接入端口、 语音留言电话、办公用品等。酒店餐厅打造令人愉悦的美食天地,从各类世界美 食到佳酿,都能在悠扬音乐的聆听中尽情享用。此外,酒店还提供全方位的娱乐 休闲体验,位于酒店六楼的健身中心拥有齐全的设备,室内恒温游泳池、蒸汽、 桑拿、按摩浴。同时为会员及宾客提供私人储物柜。
Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning is conveniently located in the exciting integrated complex - Life Hub @ Daning in Zhabei District, a short walk to Metro Line 1 Yanchang Road station and Shanghai Circus World station, within easy access to the Inner Ring Road and North-South Elevated Highway. It has 315 tastefully-decorated rooms inclusive of 23 suites are well equipped with modular furniture. Also it has fantastic food and beverage outlets and recreational facilities that Located on the 6th floor, their health club offers a fully equipped fitness center, an indoor heated pool, steam, sauna and Jacuzzi. Private lockers are also available for our members and guests.
魅力点睛: 会议智选 上海大宁福朋喜来登集团酒店作为最佳商务酒店,拥 有 1,680 平方米的综合性会议与宴会设施。大宴会厅有 600 平方米,层高近 6 米,可灵活分割成两个厅,最多可容纳 350 人宴会。此外七间多功能会议厅(38-75 平米)和一间 董事厅(81 平米)满足宾客的中小型会务、培训需求。一 间主席厅(200 平米)是宾客商务宴请的最佳之选。所有功 能厅以及公共区域提供无线上网,位于同层的商务中心为 您提供多方位的商务支持。
Highlight : Superb Meeting Facilities Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning can accommodate large or small events in our 1,680 square meters of meeting and banquet space. With a ceiling height of 6 meters, the grand ballroom(600 square meters) can be flexibly split into two rooms and can accommodate up to 350 persons for a banquet event; seven functions rooms (38-75 square meters), one Boardroom (81 square meters), one Chairman’s Room (200 square meters), and a business center on the same level. Wireless internet is available in all meeting rooms and public areas.
上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳会议会展酒店 Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao The Best Conference and Exhibition Hotel of China 上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店位于高速发展的虹桥经济技术开发区 的中心,地理位置优越,交通便利。酒店以其现代化的设施和专业 贴心的服务屡获殊荣,是在上海举办会议或活动的最佳场所之一。 在此举行会议,定会令与会者留下难忘的美好回忆。酒店共有三座 大楼,674 间宽敞、设施完备的客房和套房。与此同时,酒店拥有 包括上海虹桥区域最大宴会厅在内的多功能会议空间,能够满足各 种会议和活动的需要。与会者亦可在各具风格的餐厅和酒吧里,品 尝世界各地的美味佳肴,在舒适的桑拿中心尽情放松,又或者在室 内恒温游泳池、健身中心或户外网球场体验运动快乐,释放工作的
魅力点睛:一流宴会 无论是举办大型的社交活动还是低调私人聚会,上海虹桥元一希尔顿 酒店团队以热忱和专业承办各种类型和规模的活动,并为宾客创造美好难 忘的回忆。酒店的会议区有 6 个大小不同的会议室,可以随意组合;而隔 音良好的董事会会议室,体现了极佳的私密性,是公司决策会议的最佳选 择。以上所有房间都设有高速有线宽带接口及无线网络,先进的影音器材 也一应俱全。会议区也可以布置成豪华的宴会包间,用来招待贵宾再好不 过。酒店专业的宴会和会议团队随时候命,确保每项活动的圆满成功。
Conveniently located close to the airport in the heart of the business district, this multi-award-winning hotel is well established as the venue of choice for events in Shanghai.The three-tower Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao features 674 spacious guest rooms and suites with quality amenities, as well as versatile meeting space that includes one of Shanghai’s largest ballrooms.Delegates can also savour the flavours and ambience of our stylish restaurants and bars, be pampered in our iconic sauna, or loosen up at our swimming pool, Fitness Centre and tennis courts.
Highlights: Conferences & Events Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao is geared to handle events of all types and sizes. Dedicated service from attentive Team Members ensures that every event will be a success. A separate conference zone contains a soundproof boardroom for exclusive meetings, as well as six other rooms of varying sizes, all offering wired and wireless high speed internet access and audiovisual equipment.
杭州奥克伍德国际酒店公寓 2012-2013 年度中国最佳酒店式公寓 Oakwood Residence Hangzhou The Best Service Apartment of China
的服务。公寓的奥香厨餐厅是品尝世界美食的好去处;而公寓酒廊则 将为宾客提供一个更为安静、私密的私人会晤场所。配备了先进视听
Highlight: The Flavor of Life
Here you would have a better or let’s say a rather spetacular understanding of the
idiom “make yourself at home”. Whether you are taken with futuristic kitchen or the
snuggy interior design, the convenient meeting facilities or the gyms and indoor pools,
Located on Jiaogong Road, Oakwood Residence Hangzhou is the city’s finest and only serviced residence facility that combines hotel-like services and amenities with the comforts and conveniences of home. For business or leisure, it is ideal for short and long-term stays with fully-equipped residences ranging from fully furnished studios to three bedroom residences which offer the luxury of space in an exclusive yet cozy atmosphere. Its Oakleaf restaurant and wine bar has garnered excellent reviews for its ambiance and fine cuisine through the expertise of its Master Chef. Its Western restaurant, also the residents’ lounge, can be used as a private work or meeting area, or a place for relaxation with a bar.
you would definitely have a great time staying here at Oakwood Residence Hangzhou and find your life savvy shines.
厦门威斯汀酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳顶级奢华酒店 The Westin Xiamen The Best Deluxe Hotel of China 厦门威斯汀酒店地处商业中心,远眺厦门筼筜湖及繁茂的仙岳山 景,一览城市景观。酒店的地理位置优越,毗邻文化艺术中心,是一 座拥有艺术和文化为一体的时尚建筑群体。酒店建筑外形独特,304 间客房与套房均内设厦门威斯汀酒店的标志性威斯汀天梦之床 ®,让 宾客尽享一夜酣眠。第一层至四层为酒店的公共区域。酒店的餐饮娱 乐世界期待着宾客的探索,更提供 24 小时送餐服务。酒店的 Checkin@Westin 办理登机牌服务让宾客在繁忙的商务旅程中增添休闲。酒 店大堂和行政酒廊将会提供快捷登机牌打印服务,客人亦可以在酒店
厦门威斯汀提供 1559 平方米的活动和会议空间,包括 1 间豪华无柱
宴会厅,10 间独立会议室和大气的宴会前厅。拥有最先进的会议配置,
将为宾客重新定义活动及会议标准。 不仅如此,无论是在海边,还是山岭,只要你想得到的地方,都会有
The Westin Xiamen is strategically located in the central business district, offering spectacular views of the scenic Yundang Lake, the lush Xianyue mountains as well
厦门威斯汀酒店的全力配合,会议精英团队一对一专业量身定制,精心照 顾每个会议细节,呈现超越宾客期待的却尊贵专属宴会。
as the bustling and vibrant cityscape of Xiamen. The hotel is just 9km away from the Gaoqi International Airport, and the city’s business areas as well as local attractions are all easily accessible within 15 minutes from the hotel. Hotel features 304 guestrooms and suites, world-class cuisine options, expansive meeting facilities, and Westin signature amenities designed to elicit personal renewal. The Westin Xiamen’s unique Check-in@Westin service allow guests to enjoy express check-in and boarding pass issue at the hotel lobby counter or Executive Club lounge. Real-time flight updates on guest room television and hotel lobby allow guests to plan for a hassle-free journey.
Highlighter: Customized Catering Service The Westin Xiamen offers1,559 square meters of sophisticated meeting space, including a pillar-less grand ballroom and ten individual meeting rooms. All meeting facilities feature the least meetings technology that can truly transform your event. Anywhere or anytime, when you need a trustworthy and high quality caterer for your exclusive event, The Westin Xiamen will be there!
新乡开元名都大酒店 2012-2013 年度中国最佳商务酒店 New Century Grand Hotel Xinxiang The Best Business Hotel of China 新乡开元名都大酒店是新乡市首家按照五星级标准建造的商务会议型酒店。 酒店整体造型如一双展翅欲飞的翅膀。总建筑面积 4.2 万平方米。酒店拥有各类 客房 383 间(套),内部装修温馨典雅,超大落地窗尽览和谐公园、高教园区等 城市标志景致。风格各异的中西餐厅和匠心独具的餐饮包厢共有近 1500 个餐位, 两个均约 1050 平方米的多功能厅及 10 个不同规格、装修豪华的会议室,会务设 备采用最新科技,室内游泳池、活力健身房、时尚 KTV、浪漫瑜伽馆等康体娱乐 设施一应俱全。
Invested by the Zhejiang Construction Group, the The Best Business Hotel of China is the first five-star standard business hotel in Xinxiang city. The hotel looks like one pair of artful wings with total construction area of 42,000 square meters. The hotel has 383sets of guest rooms, with warm and elegant interior decoration and large French windows overlooking Harmony Park and High Education Park. Different styles of Chinese and Western dining rooms and unique dining boxes have
魅力点睛:高宴服务师 新乡开元名都拥有完备的会议设施、精炼的专业团队、
nearly 1,500 seats in total and large banquets/conference halls and 12 different styles of luxurious
conference rooms are equipped with the latest new technology facilities.
很快了解宾客的喜好,给予宾客最贴心建议和服务,“恰 到好处”地做好东道主;对于熟悉的客户,可以不等客户 开口就提供最温馨的服务;在宴会服务的时候能在第一时 间读懂宾客的需求,及时提供好服务,并向贵宾展示“出 菜秀”服务。除此之外,我们还会为宾客送上更多惊喜⋯⋯欢 迎来到新乡开元名都,享受心仪的商务之旅。
Highlight: The Perfect High Class Banquet Service New Century Grand Hotel Xinxiang has the complete conference facilities, the refined professional team and the unique “High Class Caterers” service. Our high class caterers will provide the most intimate advice and best service depends on your habits, and just be the perfect host. For those familiar customers, we will provide the most customized and perfect service without asking.