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CHINA SERVICE WON THE GOLDEN HORSE AWARDS Retrospective Feature of 2014 China Hotel Industry Gloden Horse Award (VOL.Ⅱ)

中国服务 问鼎金马







2014 年,中国酒店业迎来了复苏的春天。也正是在这个充满生机与活力的春天,一大批酒店企业在策马扬鞭、 迎头赶上,成为行业的标杆。 卓越的成就让它们在七月的盛夏依然自信地绽放,而象征行业先导、有“饭店业最高荣誉”之称的中国饭店金 马奖,便是最好的见证。 如今,这些问鼎第十四届中国饭店金马奖的酒店,正为酒店业奔腾的骏马添上“中国服务”的羽翼,在与世界 同步的广阔天际中,跃出一条有“中国特色”的美丽弧线。本期,就让我们继续一睹它们的风采!

In 2014, spring comes for the China hotel industry. And it is in this dynamic spring that a large number of hotel companies have been marching forward courageously and become the industry benchmark. These hotel companies still bloom confidently in the high summer of July. And it’s witnessed by the China Golden Horse Award which is recognized the hotel highest honor and symbolizes the industry leader in China. Nowadays, just like putting wings on the galloping horse, these awarded hotel of the 14th China Golden Horse Awards are being put the wings of “Chinese Service”on and leaping out of a beautiful arc in the open sky of the world. This issue, let’s continue to catch a glimpse of them!




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优雅与豪迈 宴会佳选

广州南丰朗豪酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳会议会展酒店 Langham Palace, Guangzhou The Best Conference & Exhibition Hotel of China

Unique Experience Take the Lead for Galas

配合其会展核心区的地理优势,广州南丰朗豪酒店拥有总计超过 5000 平方米的会议和 宴会空间,其中包括市区内最大的无柱式宴会厅,是举办各种会议、展览和庆祝宴会的理想选择。 酒店大宴会厅占地面积达 2,800 平方米,是一个层高 8 米的无柱宴会厅,并配有 560 平米的宴会前厅, 是安排会议前鸡尾酒会和婚礼迎宾的理想场地。而就座落在酒店正下方,占地三层、总面积超过 2 万平方米的广州南丰国际会展中心无疑更增加了酒店在会议会展场地上无以比肩的优势。酒店的户 外花园也是备受会议和活动组织者青睐的资源,绿荫环绕繁花点点,嵌有大理石铺砌的漫步小径,流

Ronnie Cheng 郑越东 General Manager 总经理 延续百年朗廷传统,糅合现代英伦魅力,广州南丰朗豪酒 店为宾客的每一次造访缔造至臻体验。

Drawing on Langham’s history of innovation, Langham Place, Guangzhou offers a unique hotel experience that exemplifies modern British allure. 广州南丰朗豪酒店位于城中会展商业区的中心地 带,距离以承办广交会而名闻的中国进出口商品交易会 展馆仅举步之遥。寓意展翅腾飞的外观设计,让酒店彰 显现代美感,从客房内可将壮观的城市轮廓及珠江美景 一览无余。酒店拥有 500 间时尚轩敞的客房、超过 5000 平方米齐备的宴会及会议设施、五间时尚餐厅及酒吧、 卓越的康乐设施及「川」水疗中心,可为宾客的每一次 下榻缔造舒心的居停体验。

Langham Place, Guangzhou is located adjacent to the China Import and Export Fair Complex, and offers easy access to nearby transportation stations and a host of city hotspots. Exemplifying modern arts with cutting-edge design, the hotel consists of 500 stylish and contemporary guestrooms with an expansive cityscape and views of the Pearl River. The hotel offers discerning travellers elegant hospitality, luxurious accommodation, extensive catering and meeting facilities spanning over 5,000sq m (53,000sq ft), five restaurants and bars and the best fitness centre and signature Chuan Spa.


As befitting its events-centric location, Langham Place, Guangzhou boasts meeting and event space of over 5,000 square metres, featuring the largest pillar-free ballroom in downtown. Perfect for conferences, exhibitions and social galas, the Great Hall is a 2,800 square-metre, pillar-free ballroom with an eight metre high ceiling and a dedicated 560 square-metre reception area, ideal for pre-conference cocktails or wedding assemblies. Adding to this impressive space is another 20,000 square metres spanning three floors of the Nanfung International Conference and Exhibition Centre located within the hotel complex. Meeting and social planners will also appreciate the hotel’s outdoor promenade that is surrounded by lush greenery and flowers, lined with marbled paths and water features, with the Pearl River and vibrant city view as a backdrop, making it a perfect venue for outdoor events. 地址:广东省广州市海珠区新港东路 638 号 邮编 510335

638 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou , Guangdong, 510335 电话 Tel (020) 8916 3388

成都钓鱼台精品酒店 2013-2014 年度最具风格精品酒店 The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu The Most Distinctive Boutique Hotel

Adrian Chan 陈国正 Executive Assist. Manager 行政副经理 以别具一格的奢华酒店、府邸、购物和娱悦体验,传颂钓鱼台与美高梅珠联璧 合的款客之道,始于中国,扬名四海。

To combine the hospitality heritages of our partners through unique luxury hotels, residences, retail and entertainment experiences, first in China and then throughout the world. 成都钓鱼台精品酒店坐落于具有 300 多年历史的都市风情街区——成 都宽窄巷子,距双流国际机场仅 35 分钟车程。 酒店由法国设计师 Bruno Moinard 主持设计,于 16000 平米的两座中 式庭院,布置出 45 间豪华客房,4 间品位级餐厅和酒廊,以及专属尊享的 俱乐部空间。酒店主推钓鱼台国宴菜,由曾服务过上千位国宾的钓鱼台国 宾馆行政副总厨黄国良先生带领厨师团队主理。在成都钓鱼台精品酒店, 钓鱼台品牌引以为傲的国宴餐饮、服务精髓和文化艺术内涵,将与宽窄巷

扫我吧! 极致体验

子耐人寻味的独特风韵完美融合,吸引精英人士汇聚于此,领略内涵丰富 的中国之美。

The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu is conveniently located on Kuanzhai Alley, just 35 minutes away from the Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport.

天府之国 尊享国宴 Unique Experience Land of Abundance

Designed by the legendary French designer Bruno Moinard, the hotel features 45


rooms with a wide variety of room types ranging from 55sqm – 145 sqm in size. Served by


a team of Diaoyutai chefs who have been serving thousands of distinguished guests from all


over the world presenting the State Banquet, The Royal Court Restaurant will elevate food connoisseurs’ palate to a new height. The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu is also the ideal venue for meetings, events and banquets.

An unforgettable dinner experience starts from a Chinese State Banquet in the privacy of your own dining room at Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu. Huang Guoliang, Vice Executive Chef of the State Guesthouse, bring the taste of Diaoyutai to here. 地址:四川省成都市青羊区宽巷子 38-39 号

Address: 38-39 Kuanzhai Alley, Qingyang, Chengdu, Sichuan 电话 Tel:(028) 6625 9999




三亚海韵度假酒店 2013--2014 年度中国最佳度假酒店 Ocean Sonic Resort Sanya The Best Resort Hotel of China


Rock Han 韩景华 General Manager 总经理

热带休闲 悠然度假


Unique Experience

Diligence leads a life which will breed nothing without striving.

Tropical Vacation , Natural Relaxes 韵和轩、巴厘风情、渔人码头、海韵沙滩吧和空中私人 Party 提供的特色中、西餐服务, 使您在体验三亚美景的同时领略各色热带美食;350 米的专属私家海滩和丰富新奇的海上运动项 目能让您实现亲海梦想;在水疗、Spa 的纯净世界里,放松身心,香薰柔静中吐纳自然; 800 平米顶级海岸会议场地,品味热带休闲,阅尽海文风华,悠然度假从这里开始。

Yun Chinese Restaurant, Fusion-All Day Dining Restaurant, Fisherman's Harbor, the Beach Bar, Roof Party provide the Chinese and Western characteristics food services which enable you enjoy the excellent tropical food and experience the beauty of Sanya.350 meters long private beaches and novel marine sports扫我吧! achieve your dream of getting close to the sea. The pure world of Spa where the aromatherapy and tranquility is the gateway to the natural relaxes your body and mind. 800 square meters of the coast's top conference venue and a professional planning and service team meet your needs, making your work as leisure .Taste tropical leisure, feel the sea elegance, your leisurely vacation begins here. 地址:海南省三亚市三亚湾路 168 号

No.168, Sanya Bay Road, Sanya, Hainan Province, China Tel:86-898-8838 8888 0898-8838 8888 www.osresort.cn


充满东南亚热带风情的三亚海韵度假酒店,坐落于三 亚湾中心地带,是由海韵集团投资兴建并管理的高端品质 滨海产权度假酒店,距三亚凤凰机场仅 6 分钟车程。 酒店独特海洋主题建筑造型,如两艘豪华邮轮,飞扬 挺拔;酒店拥有 802 套豪华客房,特设海景露台浴缸,您可 以在沐浴的同时欣赏怡人的美丽海景;2000 平方米的露天中 央泳池和空中天际泳池,在海天一色之间,感知心灵的节奏。

Full of tropical Southeast Asia style, Ocean Sonic Resort Sanya located in Sanya Bay. Only 6 minutes by car away from Sanya Phoenix Airport, it is a high-end resort located in the heart of Sanya Bay, and invested and managed by the Ocean Sonic Group. Unique architectural style with the marine theme, the hotel is like two luxury cruise ship flying upright.With 802 deluxe rooms, the hotel have the special balcony bathtub where you can relish in the beautiful sea views, and the Roof Pool and 2000 square meters of Central Swimming Pool where you perceive the heart rhythm between the sea and sky.

上海扬子精品酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳精品酒店 The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai Best Boutique Hotel of China

Gary Gu 顾勤星 General Manager 总经理 “丰厚的历史积淀注入现代的服务理念,使得上海扬子精品 酒店成为独特又顶级的豪华精品酒店。高端的配置设施,贴心周 到的超五星服务,让海内外宾客享受商务休闲的便捷的同时,又 感受独属于扬子精品酒店的老上海浪漫风情。”

The heavy accumulation of history combined with modern service

扫我吧 !

concept makes the Yangtze Boutique Shanghai become a unique, top level luxury boutique,” said the General Manager, “the advanced facilities and


the considerable service enable guests to enjoy the leisure and convenience as well as the romance of Shanghai’s golden age. 作为目前唯一的装饰艺术风格与老上海风情相结合的豪 华精品酒店,上海扬子精品酒店坐落于人民广场中心优越地 理位置,距离上海地铁 1/2/8 号线不到 30 米,可便捷到达城 市的各个角落。它建成于 1934 年,是一栋拥有 80 年历史的

执子之手 与子偕老 Unique Experience Be With You 作为代表浪漫与典雅的装饰艺术时代的符号,上海扬子精品酒店无疑是婚礼—— 这一重要人生仪式的极佳场地。酒店拥有面积 250 平米的无柱式宴会厅“珍珠厅”,


可容纳 15 桌婚宴。宴会厅豪华气派,大型金色浮雕装饰壁画和华贵的水晶吊灯彰显出

的装饰艺术(Art Deco)为主体设计风格,并获得“远东第


三大饭店”的美誉。酒店共有 96 间客房及套房,传承了典





The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai, an Art Deco masterpiece infused with

A stunning symbol of the romance and elegance of the Art Deco era, The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai is the ultimate setting for one of life’s most significant milestones: a wedding.A column-free pearl room,

gold age of Shanghai, owns the superior geographical position. Located in the

nearly 250 square meters, could hold 15 wedding banquet tables. The luxurious pearl room, equipped with

People’s Square, centre of Shanghai, the hotel enjoys convenient access to all

large yellow relief murals and luxurious crystal droplight, shows incomparable sumptuousness and elegance.

parts of the city with the Shanghai Metro Lines 1/2/8 less than 30 meters from

The open platform in the banquet hall corridor and the spacious vintage glass window all enable guests

the hotel. Designed by the renowned architect Li Pan and opened in 1934,

enjoying the vibrant urban scenery. The Jade Room, next to the Pearl Room, could be used as

this hotel owns 80 years of history. Decorated with lavish art deco style, it was touted as “The Third Largest Hotel in the Far East”. The hotel features 96 guest rooms and suits, all heritage the elegant Art Deco style. Comfortable bed and advanced facilities provide guests perfect environment to relax and enjoy.

dressing room and lounge, providing spacious and comfortable environment. 地址:上海人民广场汉口路 740 号

邮编 200001

740 Hankou Road, Person’s Square, Shanghai 200001, China 电话 Tel:(86)21 6080 0800




扫我吧! 极致体验

黄浦江畔 独具情怀 Unique Experience Special feelings on the Bund 上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓位于陆家嘴金融区,坐落于浪漫而独具情韵的黄浦江畔,环 境得天独厚,外滩一览无遗,宜人景色尽收眼底。交通十分便利,步行十分钟即能达到 地铁二号线陆家嘴站,国金中心、金茂大厦、正大广场近在咫尺,东西可通向复兴东路隧道, 延安东路隧道,方便驶往延安路高架,即刻直达人民广场、新天地等交通枢纽、时尚地带; 30 分钟畅达虹桥机场、40 分钟直抵浦东国际机场。在这里,您可尽享机场、商业、购物、 观光和娱乐之便利。

Situated in the bustling Lujiazui CBD financial district along the romantic Huangpu River, offering unrivalled luxury living with a spellbinding panoramic view of the Bund and the city. The convenience of city living brings the heart of Shanghai to its doorstep with major international shopping malls and an array of cuisines at every turn. And to save you the hassle of transportation, you may hop on any of our complimentary shuttle services that will bring you straight to nearby business and shopping areas.The central location of Fraser Suites Shanghai means getting around is quick and easy, via the inter-connected tunnels and subways. Both Hongqiao and Pudong International Airports are also easily accessible. Let us transform traveling into a fuss-free experience, with a stay at Fraser Suites Shanghai.


地址:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴银城中路 600 弄 1 号 邮编 200120

2013-2014 年度中国最佳酒店式公寓 Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai The Best Serviced Apartment of China

No 1, Lane 600 Yincheng Road (M), Lujiazui, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120, PRC 电话 Tel:86 21-6378 8888

James Costa General Manager 总经理 上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓致力于成为中国最高端的服务式公寓,我们宽敞典雅的套房和绝美 的浦江景致,必将成为您追求高品质生活及服务的绝佳选择。

The Fraser Suites Top Glory continues to strive to be the No.1 luxury serviced apartments in China. With large elegantly appointed apartments with spectacular views of Shanghai and the famous Bund, we are the first choice for serviced apartment living by those guests looking for and demanding the best in service and product. 上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓地处浦东陆家嘴核心地区,总共 185 套豪华公寓,每套 公寓都可让您全景式地饱览浦江两岸及外滩的绝美景致。内部设施完备精美的 2 房及 3 房式公寓可依个人家居需求任选。公寓每日免费提供美味的营养自助早餐; 定点班车每天往来于商业购物区。社区中央设有双会所,配备室内室外双泳池、 健身按摩设施、娱乐设施、商务中心和会议室等,并提供 24 小时全天礼宾和每 日保洁服务。诠释着顶级居住品质理念,是您畅享优渥生活的保障。

At Fraser Suites Shanghai, we marry the timeless charm of Old Shanghai with the modern sophistication of the city. Each of the 185 lavishly-fitted suites from two or three bedroom(with study) offers mesmerizing views of The Bund and city complemented with chic and contemporary interiors for a truly enriching home experience in style.Start the day right with a complimentary breakfast at our restaurant, heading to the Business Centre and meeting rooms to settle all your business needs. And when it’s time to unwind, work out at the state-of-the-art health club and fully equipped gym, or relax at the indoor and outdoor swimming pools.With 24-hour reception and daily housekeeping service, you’ll never have a moment’s worry. Just bask in the exquisite service and comfort that is synonymous with Frasers.

青岛世园假日酒店 2013-2014 年度最具发展潜力新开业酒店 Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo The Most Potential Newly Opened Hotel

扫我吧! 极致体验

青山美景 灵动会议 Unique Experience Dynamic Events Package 青岛世园假日酒店地处崂山风景区,悠久的历史及深厚的文化积淀,赋予了

Alan Yau 邱传涛

这里极具灵性的大家风范气质。近 2000 平米的会议及宴会活动空间,拥有先进完善

General Manager 总经理


创造轻松而真实的体验,我和我的同仁们用心把真诚的服务 带给所有的客人。

Welcoming and comfortable experience… Our friendly team members love to make our guests feel totally relaxed and comfortable. 青岛世园假日酒店是青岛独一无二的城市度假及会议酒 店,临近 2014 青岛世界园艺博览会,毗邻崂山风景区。日耳 曼风情古堡式皇家建筑外观,镌刻了青岛 20 世纪初独特的历 史文化及风土人情。酒店品质卓越,设施完善,262 间时尚独 特的客房,均配有高速宽带上网、无线网络及舒适的工作区域; 3 间别具风格的时尚餐厅及酒廊,全方位提供创意佳肴和本土 特色的经典美食;近 2000 平米的会议及宴会活动空间,动感 十足的健身中心及大型室内游泳池,亦是您舒展身心的好去 处。无论是商务旅行还是休闲度假,独享青山美景的青岛世园 假日酒店都是您享受惬意居停的完美之选。

Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo is conveniently located adjacent to the 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition and nearby to Laoshan scenic, and further pays homage to the city’s early 20th century cultural history with its iconic German-style estate exterior. The hotel offers 262 stylish guestrooms, each equipped with a HD LCD satellite television, high-speed internet access and comfortable workspace. 3 stylish restaurants and lounge venues dishing up outstanding international and local cuisines. The hotel further offers a state-ofthe-art fitness center and a large indoor swimming pool, providing guests with everything they need to keep healthy and reinvigorated during their stay.

日酒店之灵动会议,集文化共性与地域特性于一体,完美结合崂山道教文化和茶文化, 清奇别致,独具一格。富有地域特色的主题茶歇,将崂山道教文化和茶文化很好的融 入每一次会议当中 , 让您可以零距离接触道教文化精髓 , 体会崂山道教文化和茶文化 的魅力和内涵。

Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo’s meeting venues blend German flair with Lao Mountain’s Taoism heritage: the way of Tao has had profound influence on Chinese culture in the course of the centuries. Inspire your corporate events with the Taoist approach and tea culture bringing impact and flair to your new business venture! 地址:山东省青岛市崂山区天水路 2 号 ( 近滨海公路 )

No. 2, Tianshui Road (near Binhai HWY), Laoshan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, P.R. China Tel: 0532-66757888

东莞松山湖凯悦酒店 2013-2014 年度亚洲十佳酒店 Hyatt Regency Dongguan The Top Ten Hotels of Asia

Sam Cheng 郑伟干 General Manager 总经理 我们提供正宗的款客服务,我们认为款客的定义,是给与客人一个与众不同 的体验。我们尊重当地社群、文化特色及理念,并采用有效率的方法达到优越的 成果。

We provide authentic hospitality and make a difference in the lives of those we ‘touch’ everyday – that is our definition of hospitality. We do this in an environment that respects all people and all ideas. We do it in an efficient way that leads to superior results. 东莞松山湖凯悦酒店坐落于静谧的松山湖畔,四周碧水环绕,荔园 青葱,国际顶级设计公司 BLD (Bilkey Llinas Design) 创新地运用了大 量玻璃墙幕,使所有的设施都巧妙地与大自然融为一体,让宾客毫无阻

扫我吧! 极致体验

隔的欣赏无敌湖景。酒店周边毗邻 25 个国际级高尔夫球场,为高尔夫 球运动爱好者提供了休闲遣兴的理想场地。酒店占地 20 万平方米,

湖光山色 休闲享受

拥有一个近 1 万平方米的荔枝园、沿湖慢跑道和单车径,面积达 1800 平方米的室外无边际游泳池,及湖边的宽阔草地和园林让您的灵魂 得到最大的自由和放松。

Hyatt Regency Dongguan, the first Hyatt International hotel in

Unique Experience

Enjoy Yourself in the Beautiful Landscape 东莞松山湖凯悦酒店坐落于静谧的松山湖畔。拥有 350 间时尚舒适的客

Guangdong province, is situated in the centre of the developed commercial

房,六个风格不同的餐厅和酒吧,超过 2500 平方米的会议场地能灵活配合各

district created around the Dongguan Song Shan Lake Science and Technology

类会议及活动的需求,占地 1800 平方米的室外无边际游泳池与松山湖紧密相连,

Park. Hyatt Regency Dongguan is truly an oasis of serenity in the Pearl River


Delta and is close to some 25 golf courses. The nearest international-standard golf


course is just 10 minutes’ drive from the hotel; making the location a paradise for both business and leisure.Designed by Bilkey Llinas Design, the eight-storey Hyatt Regency Dongguan features 350 stylishly appointed guestrooms, including 34 suites measuring an impressive size of 48 sq m and up. A soothing balcony makes all the guestrooms unique, while a balcony with an oversized sunken bathtub, allowing guests to enjoy a breathtaking view of the Song Shan Lake, is featured in the majority of the hotel’s lake-view rooms.

Hyatt Regency Dongguan is located along the waterfront of the beautiful Song Shan Lake, which provides some of the best waterscape views in the area. The hotel features 350 stylishly appointed guestrooms, features six restaurants and bars, more than 2,500 sqm of meeting space to cater to all conference requirements. The hotel operates a spacious split-level Song Spa and Fitness Centre with an indoor heated swimming pool. The outdoor infinity swimming pool features fascinating water slides that should not be missed. 地址:广东省东莞市松山湖高新技术产业开发区沁园路

Song Shan Lake National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Qinyuan Road, Dongguan, Guangdong Tel: + 86 769.2289.1234

广州白云机场铂尔曼大酒店 (恬园创意中餐厅) 2013-2014 年度国际游客最喜爱中国餐饮名店 Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport Tian Yuan Chinese Creative Restaurant The Most Favoured Chinese Restaurant of International Tourist

扫我吧! 极致体验

恬园创意 至臻之选 Unique Experience

Tianyuan Creative Chinese Restaurant 恬园创意中餐厅汇聚传统中华美食及粤菜之精粹,名厨主理,用 最新鲜的材料烹饪最具创意的菜式!拥有 18 间贵宾厅房是您私人聚 会和商务宴请的首选之地!

Tianyuan Creative Chinese Restaurant serves a wide selection of classic Cantonese & creative Chinese dishes and has 18 elegantly decorated VIP rooms.

Wil Fieldhouse 裴德皓 General Manager 总经理 酒店拥有完善的休闲娱乐设施,让宾客在一天的旅途劳累后于充满关爱与轻 松的环境中重新焕发活力!

With our full fitness facilities, every guest can relax and enjoy themselves in a calm and caring environment. 广州白云机场铂尔曼大酒店坐落于广州白云国际机场的中心位置, 位置优越,登机快捷。酒店至出发大厅 13 号门步行仅需 30 秒,乘搭地 铁至市中心仅需 30 分钟。 酒店拥有 460 间舒适客房,1 间汇集粤菜精髓的恬园创意中餐厅,1 间 24 小时营业的 U8 风味餐厅,1 间呈现地道东瀛美食的麟·铁板烧和 1 间相聚大堂吧。同时,酒店还拥有 1 个 460 平方米雍容华丽的宴会厅, 10 个总面积达 969 平方米的多功能会议室,以及一个总面积约 1500 平方 米、可容纳车展等大型活动的大宴会厅于酒店东翼在建,预计 2014 年底 可投入使用。

Ideally located in the heart of the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, great location, easy boarding. Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport is only a 30-second walk from the Departure Hall Gate13 and it is a 30-minute metro ride journey to city centre. With a modern style emphasizing comfort and contemporary technologies, this hotel provides 460 exquisitely furnished guest rooms, 3 unique restaurants and 1 bar, one splendid 460-sqm pillar-free ballroom and 10 smaller meeting rooms. A 1500-sqm ballroom is under construction which will be perfect for large scale events like auto shows and is expected to be put into use by the end of 2014.

It’s ideal for gathering of any kind. 地址:广东省广州市广州白云国际机场

Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport 电话 Tel:86(20)3606 8866




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