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中国服务 问鼎金马 第十四届中国饭店金马奖获奖企业巡礼(一)

CHINA SERVICE WON THE GOLDEN HORSE AWARDS Retrospective Feature of 2014 China Hotel Industry Gloden Horse Award (Vol.Ⅰ)

中国服务 问鼎金马


随着中国经济在世界舞台的快速崛起,走过 了一条由“中国制造”到“中国创造”,再到“中 国服务”的探索历程。以旅游饭店业为龙头的“中 国服务”,已经成为世界观察中国的一扇重要的 窗口。问鼎中国旅游饭店业的至高殊荣“中国饭 店金马奖”,更是让“中国服务”在世界舞台上 闪耀亮相。

With the rapid rise of the Chinese economy on the world stage, through a "Made in China" to "Created in China" then to "Chinese Service" journey of exploration. With tourism and hotel industry as leaders of "Chinese Service", China has become the world's important observation window. China hotel industry's aspirations to the highly honored "China Hotel Golden Horse Awards", made "Chinese Service" a sparkling debut on the world stage.



在 2013 年中国酒店业举步维艰的时期,我们欣喜地看到,仍有一大批酒店企业逆流而上,取得了骄人的成绩。 每位中国人,心中都有一个共同的梦想——打造“美丽中国”! 在此特殊时期,行业的标杆企业更加需要认可、掌声与鼓励。 被誉为中国饭店业至高荣誉的中国饭店金马奖,源自优秀旅游城市标志“马踏飞燕”,旨在推举打造“美 又是一年阳春三月,被公认为饭店业的“奥斯卡”盛典——第十四届中国饭店金马奖盛典在广州大剧院盛大举行。 丽中国”形象的行业标兵。 延续了十四年的金马传奇,生生不息,再一次为中国旅游饭店业树起榜样的力量。 阳春三月,盛大举行、圆满落幕的第十三届中国饭店金马奖盛典,又一批优秀的酒店得到了表彰与弘扬。 源自中国优秀旅游城市标志“马踏飞燕”,中国饭店金马奖象征行业先导,是饭店业最高荣誉,被媒体视为行 它们中,或是以卓越服务备受推崇,或是以商务接待彰显品质,或是以主题文化独占鳌头⋯⋯ 业发展的风向标。 掌声为它们响起,鲜花为它们奉上,欢歌为他们飘扬! 本期,让我们为大家推荐问鼎第十四届中国饭店金马奖的卓越酒店,向全世界展示“美丽中国”的魅力与风采。 让我们翻开本次特辑,逐一欣赏它们的风采。

2013 Every is aChinese difficult has timetheforsame China dream, hotelwhich industry, is tobut build wea are beautiful pleased China. to see that there are still a large number of hotel companies having participated, Inspired andby hasthe made excellent remarkable China achievements. Tourism City logo, In this which particular meansperiod, a horsethe stepping industry on benchmark a flying swallow, for enterprise China needs more recognition, applause Hotel and Golden encouragement. Horse Award chooses the same image as a symbol for the highest honor of China Hotel Industry. Hotelwith Golden helddevelopment. in Guangzhou Grand Theatre, and it is It aims Another to honor Spring those in March, industrial thepioneers 14th China and elites gloryHorse and as Awards a model ceremony of Beautifulwas China recognized the in hotel industry' "Oscar" ceremony. Lasted fourteen years ,successfully it has erectedassembled, for China hotel Spring March, the s13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award and aindustry series ofthe power of example once again. excellent hotel winners were honored and awarded. There are winners with best service, or best business, or best Signs from cultural themeChina hotels.excellent tourism city "Horse Riding Swallow", China Hotel Golden Horse Award symbolizes the industry leader, which is the hotel industry' honor, the media as the vane development of the industry. They deserves highest our praise and by applause. ThisNow issue, us close recommend from awarded hotels of the 14th China Hotel Golden Horse Awards for excellence hotel, to show let’let s get to them,aspirations experiencing their glamour. the world the charm and charisma of "Beautiful China".

宁波万达索菲特大饭店 2013-2014 年度国际商旅首选酒店 Sofitel Wanda Ningbo Top Choice for International Business Travelers of China

Olivier Revy 奥利弗·纳维


General Manager 总经理 您好!热烈欢迎您下榻宁波万达索菲特大饭店!宁波万达索菲特大饭店 期待着为您提供最非凡的入住体验,祝您住店愉快!

Warmest welcome from Sofitel Wanda Ningbo! I wish you have an enjoyable stay with us.

邂逅巴黎 纯正法餐 Unique Experience

The Encounter Genuine French Cuisine in Paris 简约的乐百事全日制餐厅,舒适环境及优质的餐饮服务为食客们

Bon séjour!

提供美好的氛围。另外主厨特意准备的精选的海鲜,纯正的法国甜点, 宁波万达索菲特大饭店坐落在浙江宁波鄞州区的核心地带,奢华的气质



Le Bistrot welcomes hungry diners in search of unpretentious, home-style food


served in comfortable surroundings. Inspired by Le Bistrot's ambiance our Chefs prepare

正是来源于中国文化遗产的精髓。酒店内共有 291 间可纵情享受的客房和套

the best of French and Chinese culinary delights. Seafood specialties, authentic French

房,均采用了奢华及法式传统优雅装饰,另外有 17 间套房与一间总统套房。

patisserie, bread and fine cheese are complemented by an outstanding range of wines.

温暖的卧室灯光、地毯,墙纸与家具细节的优雅图案都展示了宁波万达索菲 地址:宁波鄞州区四明中路 899 号


Sofitel Wanda Ningbo located in the heart of the Yinzhou district, which combine lavish materials and elegant style in an ideal with marble pillars, spectacular chandelier, innovative arrangements of fresh flowers and candles. Explore modern spaces reflecting a sense of

电话 Tel :0574-28899888

Yinzhou District, Ningbo Siming Road 899 传真 :0574-28897777

historical chic in design details drawn from the classical

forms of Chinese heritage. Sofitel Wanda Ningbo offers 291 rooms. Lavish materials and elegant style define the decoration of the rooms and suites. The 17 suites and the Imperial Suite reflect a sense of historical chic in design details drawn from the classical forms of Chinese heritage. The refined pattern of the carpets and wall papers, on the details of the furniture all demonstrate the refined style of Sofitel Wanda Ningbo.



长沙运达喜来登酒店 2013-2014 年度中最佳商务酒店 Sheraton Changsha Hotel The Best Business Hotel of China

商务可以如此惬意 Unique Experience

Business Can Be So Cozy

酒店拥有近 2,000 平方米的大型宴会厅及多个多功能会议厅,其中 包括一个 796 平米的大宴会厅。另外,酒店六楼独一无二的空中花园, 满足您的室外温馨时光。

Sheraton Changsha Hotel can well facilitate your meeting and event, with 2000 square meters of flexible meeting and 796 square meters exhibition space. In addition,hotel roof garden satisfied people’s demand. 地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉中路一段 478 号运达国际广场

Yunda International Plaza 478 Furong Zhong Lu, Section 1, Changsha, Hunan, China

Wilson Lum 林咏顺

电话 Tel: 0731-8488 8888

General Manager 总经理 长沙运达喜来登酒店凭借高效务实、锐意进取的精神,打 造出属于各自的一翻天地。也正是过去八年的坚实积累,不断 发展、壮大,倍受业界瞩目和敬佩。

Sheraton Changsha Hotel with efficient pragmatic and enterprising spirit, make a success over the past eight years. Now we are growing stronger and attract a lot of industry attention. From a new hotel to a hotel who has very good attention around the hotel industry. 长沙运达喜来登酒店是湖南省首家国际五星级商务 酒店,座落于长沙市松桂园核心地段,雄踞于长沙市的 南北大动脉芙蓉路与东西主干道营盘路交汇处的西南黄 金三角。酒店拥有 380 间客房及套房,均配备独一无二 的“喜来登甜梦之床”、高速无线互联网及雨淋之露淋 浴设施。盛宴西餐厅融合了国际美食、湘飨湖南餐厅提 供地道湖南菜式,让您品尝正宗湘味,赞吧·国际餐厅 带您领略以意大利菜式为主的国际美食,体验风格独特 的食品展示和别具一格的室内装饰。喜悦中餐厅及 25 个 包厢为您提供精致的传统粤菜。

Sheraton Changsha Hotel is conveniently located in the downtown central business district and offers easy access to various shopping centers and tourist spots. All the 380 rooms and suites features the Sheraton Sweet Sleeper(TM) Bed, high speed WIFI, Rainforest shower in the bathroom. Find a variety of dining choice in four themed restaurants, including Feast a World of Flavours, Feast Hunan Flavours, Zenbar Restaurant and Bar, as well as Joy Chinese Restaurant with 25 private dining rooms.


银川万达嘉华酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳会议会展酒店 Wanda Realm Yinchuan The Best Conference & Exhibition Hotel of China

Christopher Adams 克里斯托弗·亚当斯 General Manager 总经理 我相信银川万达嘉华酒店不仅能为塞上湖城银川的旅游市场带来一番 新气象,且为来自四方的宾客提供自然、舒适、高效的下榻感受。

“We believe Wanda Realm Yinchuan will be the hotel industry leading five-star luxury hotel, and the best choice for business or leisure.” Mr. Christopher Adams said. 银川,自古被誉为“塞上明珠”。银川万达嘉华酒店坐落于市 中心,为来自四方的宾客提供世界一流水准的豪华舒适享受。这 里有华丽的客房与套房、美食丰富的餐厅、顶级会议和宴会设施 以及热情周到的服务,是商务或观光旅客理想的下榻之所。酒店 拥有 3 0 4 间宽敞、精美的客房和套房,是您旅途中豪华舒适的

扫我吧! 极致体验

悠享天地。每间客房与套房均配备知名的“万达嘉华之床”和“妙 梦”助眠系列,让您夜夜好眠。宽敞的大理石浴室内设有独立的

量身打造 辉煌盛典


Unique Experience


Renowned since ancient times as a precious pearl, Yinchuan now offers

An Experience Tailored to Your Needs

the comfort and luxury of Wanda Realm Yinchuan, a world-class hotel in the


heart of this fascinating city. Discover the hotel’s majestic guestrooms and suites,

的会议或宴会。面积为 1, 200 平方米的无柱式大宴会厅尽显恢弘气派,最适

its exceptional restaurants, and its first-class event facilities and bespoke services.

合举办宾客满座的辉煌盛典,在银川堪称首屈一指。大宴会厅内还配备 76 平

Whether you are visiting for business or leisure, an unparalleled experience awaits.

方米的 LED 屏幕,适合各种多功能演示和多媒体娱乐的需求。

Experience the luxury of our 304 guestrooms and suites, each of which features

Our elegant range of function rooms ensures that we have the perfect setting for events of

our signature “Bed of Realm” and “Dream Catcher” for a perfect night’s sleep. For

all sizes. For a truly spectacular occasion, look no further than our breathtaking Grand Ballroom,

your pleasure, the generous marble bathrooms are also equipped with a rainforest

a 1,200m2 pillar-free space that is second to none in Yinchuan. This magnificent venue also

shower and separate bathtub.

features a 76m2 LED screen, enabling high-impact presentations andmulti-media entertainment. 地址:宁夏银川市金凤区亲水北大街 9 号

No.9 Qinshui North Avenue, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China 电话 Tel:0951-685 8888



2013-2014 年度亚洲十佳会议会展酒店 Crowne Plaza Chongqing New North Zone Top 10 Best Conference & Exhibition Hotel of Asia

完美会场 完胜活动 Unique Experience

The Perfect Venue Contributes Perfect Activity 重庆保利花园皇冠假日酒店设有 2300 平方米灵活的会议场地,共 15 间会议室,其中包括可轻松容纳 900 人的无柱式大宴会厅,是您举办会议 或活动的理想选择。酒店不仅提供一流的视听设备,深受欢迎的皇冠假日 酒店会务总监及其团队,还提供一站式服务,以先进的会务设施及热情周 到的服务,全方位确保会议或活动圆满成功。

Crowne Plaza Chongqing New North Zone boasts 2300 square meters of flexible

Bjorn Su 苏浩

events space across 15 meeting rooms, the hotel’s conference facilities include state-of-the-

General Manager 总经理

art audiovisual equipment and are administered by Crowne Meetings Director, who serves

重庆保利花园皇冠假日酒店为您全新开启一个遁隐于闹市之中、独享 静谧的会聚之所,为高尔夫及访渝商旅人士提供超然物外的居旅体验。

Crowne Plaza Chongqing New North Zone sparking a brand-new concept of

as your single point of contact in meeting all of your event needs. 地址:中国重庆北部新区经开园龙怀街 1 号

No.1 Longhuai Street, Economic & Technological Development Park, New North Zone, Chongqing, 401122, P.R. China

a wonderland from the city and providing extraordinary stay experience for golfers and travelers. 重庆保利花园皇冠假日酒店坐落于占地 3800 亩的 36 洞保利 高尔夫球场内,依山傍水、环境清幽,远眺群峰连绵、近观绿地 成茵,为高尔夫人群及访渝商旅休闲人士提供一个全新的会聚之 所。内设有 326 间高品质的客房、尽显中式格调与现代风格的完 美融合,完善的多功能现代化办公设施、温馨体贴的“安睡之选” 服务;这一切,我们都为您备致周到。站在您的私人阳台,高尔 夫球场全景尽收眼底,助您遁隐闹市、独享静谧、坐观山云变幻、 聆听鸟雀私语,感受大自然的清静恬淡,展开与心灵的亲密对话。

Crowne Plaza Chongqing New North Zone is keenly situated in the Chongqing Poly Golf with 36-hole golf course, where it enjoys a scenic setting with breathtaking natural views and provides a distinctive place for golfers and travelers. With 326 comfortable guest room which all provide featuring beautiful view to the golf course from different angles, Crowne Plaza Chongqing New North Zone also equipped with functional business facilities and Sleep Advantage program providing in-room options.


电话 Tel:023-8889 9999

扫我吧! 极致体验

在古都中 寻找时间的脚步 Unique experience

In the Ancient Capital, Find the Pace of Time 酒店还是全球喜达屋集团的唯一博物馆酒店,拥有 2000 多件馆藏精美 文物令人大开眼界, 充分展示华夏大国的泱泱历史。另外酒店附近有兴建于 公元 652 年的大雁塔和享誉盛名的唐代皇家园林,可以在历史古迹在放慢脚 步,去静静聆听花落的声音。

The Westin Xian is the unique museum hotel of the Starwood Group with more than 2000 artifacts on Shadow Opera on display. The Westin Xian is the first Westin in the world to have its own museum, paying tribute to the ancient history of China with an exceptional collection. Also, Once the site of the Royal Summer garden of the Tang Dynasty, the district is

西安威斯汀大酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳建筑设计酒店 The Westin Xian The Best Hotel Construction Design of China

also home to the renowned 652 A.D. Big Wild Goose Pagoda is near the hotel. You can slow down and go quietly listening to the voice of flowers. 地址:中国陕西省西安市曲江新区慈恩路 66 号

66 Ci En Road, Qu Jiang New District, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, 710061 P.R. China 电话 Tel: 029-6568 6568

Ugur Talayhan General Manager 总经理 西安威斯汀大酒店拥有独一无二的地理位置,我们致力于打造西安 最好的酒店 !

The Westin Xian has a unique location with beautiful landscape. We are striving to become the best hotel in Xian!

西安威斯汀酒店由设计上海外滩三号的设计公司——如恩设 计研究室。酒店主打文化博物馆的概念,体现新颖的唐风。酒店 整体风格将融会于中国唐代建筑的风格,采用传统中式庭院的设 计理念,主体建筑之间有回廊连接。在回廊上设计了全景观的咖 啡厅、餐厅等辅助设施,充分体现现代中国人热爱自然,接近自 然的积极的生活态度。门廊的布局将显现出酒店的中西合璧的完 美设计,别具一格。

The Westin Xian is designed by Shanghai Bund design company—— Neri & Hu Design and Research Office. The concept of the hotel is to show the creative fashion of Tang Dynasty. The hotel will mix in the overall architectural style of the Chinese Tang Dynasty style, design as the traditional Chinese court yard. There are cafe, restaurants and other auxiliary facilities on the whole landscape corridors, fully embodies the modern Chinese people love nature, close to the natural positive attitude towards life. Porch layout will show a perfect merge Chinese and Western design hotel.

广州增城万达嘉华酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最受期待新开业酒店 Wanda Realm Guangzhou Zengcheng The Most Anticipated New Hotel

Oliver Larcher 奥利弗·莱思 General Manager 总经理 为所有商务及休闲宾客缔造温馨惬意的居停感受。

To ensure a comfortable stay for both business and leisure travelers. 广州增城万达嘉华酒店拥有 285 间客房与套房,设计时尚而 雅致。每间客房均配备温馨舒适的“万达嘉华之床”及“妙梦” 助眠系列可供选择,为所有商务及休闲宾客缔造温馨惬意的居停 感受。酒店的各间餐厅新颖别致,荟萃了来自世界各地的美肴飨馔, 包括“品珍”中餐厅的创意中菜、“美食汇”全日制西餐厅的休 闲美食、“和”日本餐厅的东瀛风情日式料理以及大堂酒廊的精 美点心与幽雅氛围。尤负盛名的“24 小时精选早餐”亦是上佳选择, 为您呈献家一般的温暖。

Wanda Realm Guangzhou Zengcheng comprises 285 rooms and suites all with a stylish decor of contemporary elegance. To ensure a comfortable stay for both business and leisure travelers, every room features a "Bed of Realm", as well as the "Dream Catcher". Treat yourself to a world of culinary delights in the hotel's chic and welcoming restaurants, including the innovative Chinese cuisine of ZHEN, The casual all-day dining of Cafe Realm, The most authentic Japanese cuisine of HE Japanese Restaurant and the Charming elegance of the Lobby Lounge. Or relax with Wanda Realm's unique "24-hours Selected Breakfast" which is available at all times.

扫我吧 ! 极致体验

健身悠闲两不误 Unique Experience

Do not Delay Fitness and Leisure 酒店配备了世界一流水准的健身与休闲设施,包括室内恒温游泳池、设 备齐全的健身房、瑜伽房、桑拿浴、蒸汽浴及美容美发沙龙等。在一天繁忙 的会议或观光之余,尽情舒缓身心,重焕奕奕神采。

After a busy day of meeting or sightseeing, soothe your mind and body with the fivestar leisure facilities of Wanda Realm Guangzhou Zengcheng. These superb facilities include an indoor heated swimming pool, a fully-equipped gym, a dedicated yoga room, sauna, steam room and beauty salon. 地址:广东省广州市增城荔城增城大道 69 号 10 幢

Block 10#69 Zengcheng road, Licheng, Zengcheng, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 511300, P.R, China 电话 Tel:020-3263 8888



领略不同文化风情 Unique Experience

A Taste of Culture and Customs of Different Cultures 华侨城酒店注重体验式服务,通过结合特色主题文化,深化服务内涵、 提升服务水准、增强服务技能,不断巩固中国主题酒店领军者的地位。深圳 威尼斯酒店的贡多拉水手交接仪式、水手机器人和皇冠大使等让您真切体会



2013-2014 年度中国最佳主题酒店领军品牌 OCT Hotels The Best Leading Theme Hotel Brand of China




OCT Hotels pay more attention to experience and strengthen their leading position by combining different cultural theme elements and improving service standard. InterContinental Shenzhen, as a first domestic platinum five-star hotel with the art gallery, builds a communication platform for the vanguard art design exhibition and activities. 地址:广东省深圳市南山区华侨城深南大道 9026 号

Golden Sun 金阳 Board Chairman of OCT International Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 深圳华侨城国际酒店管理公司董事长 中国文化主题酒店的最佳实践者

Best Practitioner of Culturally Themed Hotels in China 2001 年,中国首家以威尼斯文化为主题的深圳威尼斯酒店在深圳湾畔开 业,开创了中国主题酒店之先河,同时也拉开了华侨城主题酒店的辉煌大幕。 10 余年间,华侨城主题酒店如星河般灿烂,光耀神州:形成了以西班牙文化 为主题的华侨城洲际大酒店、以瑞士文化主题——深圳茵特拉根华侨城酒店 为代表的东部华侨城主题酒店群、以东南亚文化为主题的海景奥思廷酒店、 以京韵文化为主题的泰州温泉奥思廷酒店、以拉美文化为主题的武汉玛雅海 滩酒店、精品酒店深圳蓝汐精品酒店、城市主题连锁酒店——城市客栈等主 题酒店,奠定了中国文化主题酒店的最佳实践者的行业地位。

2001, China’s first theme hotel, The Venice Hotel Shenzhen was opened by Shenzhen Bay. More than ten years, OCT Hotels have developed InterContinental Shenzhen with Spanish culture elements and The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen with Swiss culture theme, etc. Thus they laid the foundation of the best practitioner of culturally themed hotels in China.

No. 9026 Shennan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province 电话 Tel:0755-33999999

兰州皇冠假日酒店 2013-2014 年度亚洲十佳会议会展酒店 Crowne Plaza Lanzhou Top 10 Best Conference & Exhibition Hotel of Asia

Eric-Jan van Haastrecht General Manager 总经理 作为甘肃省首家国际高端品牌酒店,兰州皇冠假日酒店力争做行业的引领者,并致力 于成为西北地区最好的会议会展酒店;同时致力于成为员工, 客人及业主首选的客人挚爱 杰出酒店。

As the 1st international upscale hotel in Gansu province, Crowne Plaza Lanzhou aims to lead the market to become the best MICE hotel in the Northwest of China,and to become a Great Hotel Guests Love and the number 1 hotel in Gansu province for our guests, colleagues and owners. 兰州皇冠假日酒店是甘肃省兰州市的首个也是目前唯一的一个最高端的国际 品牌酒店。酒店建筑气势恢宏,装饰灵动而秀美,其优雅唯美的姿态,平和而富 有内涵的气韵,尽显尊贵典范。拥有 440 间客房,29 套豪华套房及 1 套总统套房。 另外拥有 1500 平方米的会议及宴会场地、高档的餐饮及酒吧、高端私密的皇冠俱 乐部、室内恒温泳池、健身中心、瑜伽室、水疗、KTV 等完善的休闲娱乐设施 , 打造了一个国际化、多功能的尊贵会聚之所。

As the first international five star hotel in Gansu Province in Gansu Crowne Plaza Lanzhou is upscale

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in style and service with 440-room, 29 executive suites and 1 presidential suite. There are 1,500 square meters of flexible meetings and events space, stylish restaurant and bars, luxury and private Crowne Club, and a wide range of recreational facilities including indoor swimming pool, fitness center, Yoga, Spa etc.


雄厚实力 金城明珠 打造全新 MICE 目的地 Unique Experience New MICE Destination

多元的会议酒店、甘肃大剧院、会议场馆,先进的会议数字设备,满足您所有的会议需求。 甘肃会展中心建筑群项目是甘肃省建国以来规模最大、功能最全、设施最完善、建筑智能化水平最高的民用 公共建筑项目,包括甘肃国际会展中心、甘肃大剧院、兰州皇冠假日酒店,位于黄河北岸,其综合性、全方位的会 展项目配套设施赋予甘肃会展中心建筑群项目得天独厚的承接省内外各类规模与规格的会议展览文化活动需求。 甘肃国际会议展览中心——展览中心总建筑面积 6.4 万平方米,拥有国际标准展位 1200 个,室外展场 10000 平方米, 停车位 1000 多个。会议中心拥有 1500 座大会堂、300 座剧院式报告厅、200 座多功能厅、视频会议厅及 120 座国际会 议厅各 1 个,50-70 座会议厅 14 个,设有新闻发布、贵宾会见、贵宾休息等设施,可同时满足 3000 人会议活动。 甘肃大剧院——1500 座大剧场、300 座小剧场及艺术培训中心各 1 个,设有有会见厅、化妆间、排练厅等配套 服务设施。

As the part of the Gansu International Convention and Exhibition Center, Crowne Plaza Lanzhou close to the Gansu International Convention and Exhibition Center, Gansu Grand Theatre, and located in the south of the Yellow River. Gansu Grand Theatre is the symbol of cultural and galleries of art in Gansu, including opera, ballet performances, drama, music performance. Gansu International Convention and exhibition center contains Exhibition Center and Conference Center. Exhibition Center total construction area of 64,000 square meter (44,000 square meters on the ground, underground 20,000 square meters), building height of 30.2 m. The only modern exhibition venue in the Gansu Province. Conference Center has 1,500-seated Hall, 300-seated theater-style auditorium, 200-seated multipurpose function, one video conference room and 120-seated international conference hall, and fourteen 50-70 seated conference Hall, as well as one press conference room, VIP room, VIP lounge and other facilities, which can meet 3,000 people attending the meeting together. 地址 : 中国甘肃省兰州市城关区北滨河东路 1 号

No.1 North Binhe East Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730046, P. R. China 电话 Tel: 931 871 1111

汕头龙光喜来登酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Sheraton Shantou Hotel The Best Business Hotel of China

Alfred Zhuang General Manager 总经理 酒店开业至今不到半年的时间内,始终坚持将为我们的客人提供喜来登标志 性的服务,给所有顾客宾至如归之感。为业主实现利润增长,为员工提供良好的 工作与发展环境作为我们的重中之重。

Within less than half year since the opening, we keep providing the brand's signature amenities and services to our guests. It is our priority to have a well working environment and development to our associates while having profit increase as well. 汕头龙光喜来登酒店位于汕头市长平路十一街区龙光世纪大厦,毗 邻时代广场、林百欣国际会展中心及汕头市行政服务中心,地理位置优越, 交通便利。酒店共有客房 330 间,设中餐厅、西餐厅和大堂吧 3 个风格 迥异的餐厅及酒吧,以及喜来登行政酒廊、喜来登水疗、健身中心和地



下停车场等配套设施,是一家集客房、餐饮、会议、休闲、娱乐为一体 的五星级城市度假及商务型酒店。

Sheraton Shantou Hotel is conveniently located in Block 11, Logan Century Mansion, Shantou, adjacent to Times Square, Shantou International Conference and Exhibition Center and Shantou Administrative Service Center. There are 330 rooms, YUE Chinese Restaurant, Feast Signature Restaurant, Lobby Lounge, Sheraton Club, Shine

环保新理念 Unique Experience

The Environmental Friendly Concept “无纸化办理入住”喜来登特别服务,深受很多人环保人

Spa for Sheraton, Sheraton Fitness and underground parking in Sheraton Shantou Hotel,


which makes it a five star business hotel excellent for staying, catering, meeting, relaxing


and indulging.


"Paperless Check-in" service, a signature service brought by Sheraton Shantou Hotel is welcomed by a lot of environmentally-friendly people. This service aims at not only providing a great experience for guests, creating memorable staying experience for all of them, but also making great contribution to environment protection. 地址:广东省汕头市 11 街区龙光世纪大厦

Block 11, Logan Century Mansion, Shantou, Guangdong Province, P.R.C 电话 Tel: 0754-89998888

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奢华享受 邮轮会议

重庆申基索菲特大酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Sofitel Forebast Chongqing The Best Business Hotel of China

Unique Experience

Enjoy the Luxury Cruise Conference 重庆申基索菲特大酒店是市内首家拥有自己品牌游船的五星级酒 店。 “ 索菲特号”游船齐全的设施设备,最适合各式商务会议和主题聚会, 在凉爽的夜晚,和朋友谈笑风生,尽情欣赏两江沿途璀璨的山城夜景。

The ultimate experience:Sofitel Forebase Chongqing is the first five-star hotel in Chongqing which own a cruise ship. Sofitel Cruiser is facilitated high-class equipment, suitable for business meetings and private parties. Take a trip, escape, or visit somewhere new and we will take you there to provide that irresistible wanderlust. Just join us on our luxury Sofitel Cruiser boat. 地址:中国重庆市九龙坡区科园二路 137 号

Christophe Pairaud General Manager 总经理 “重庆申基索菲特大酒店致力于为宾客提供一系列的贵宾专享礼 遇,无论是酒店艺术陈列的气魄,还是至臻完善的精巧客房或是创新独 特的餐饮,酒店每时每刻为您演绎传奇般的法式奢华和体贴入微。”

Sofitel Forebase Chongqing strives to deliver a magnifique guest experience and attracts true lovers of ‘Art de Vivre’ with luxury décor and French elegant ambience. The stylish guest rooms, exquisite and healthy menus served at restaurants bring an utterly artistic and luxury experience for all guests. 重庆市商业、金融、科技、美食、娱乐核心区域——高新区 石桥铺科技园区核心地段。毗邻奥体中心、国际会展中心(南坪)、 重庆技术展览中心。内设 464 间宽敞精巧的客房与套房,为宾客 提供一系列的贵宾专享礼遇,演绎传奇般的法式奢华和体贴入微。 另外酒店首次选用上百款爱马仕 (Hermès) 丝巾,在酒店公共区域 和客房内做永久性的陈列。与奢侈品的结合,是重庆申基索菲特 大酒店在酒店艺术陈列方面的气魄,也是品牌与艺术界久远渊源 的延续。

Sofitel Forebase Chongqing is located in Jiu Long Po, which is the sightseeing, entertainment, business, science & technology district of Chongqing. The hotel is close to Chongqing Technical Exhibition Centre and within walking distance of Olympiad Gymnasium. Sofitel Forebase Chongqing with 464 rooms and suites, including 160 apartments, features in its interior design in public area and the rooms with the Hermes scarves, bringing the hotel a completely artistic and luxury ambience.

137, Ke Yuan Er Road, Jiu Long Po District, Chongqing, China 400039 电话 Tel: +86 (0) 23 6863 9999

深圳福朋喜来登酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳商务酒店 Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen The Best Business Hotel of China

Laura Dady 周凤云 General Manager 总经理 合理的价格,安全舒适的入住体验是福朋酒店向所有客人的承诺。 深圳福朋喜来登 10 周岁之际,将继续秉承福朋品牌“诚信、简约、舒适” 的核心价值,为您提供宾至如归的真诚服务。酒店与香港仅一河之隔, 期待与您一起,畅游活力时尚的深港两城。

Comfort isn’t complicated. We look forward to welcoming you for Four Points Simple Pleasure experience. Stay with us, the closest hotel to Hong Kong and spend your day in dynamic Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 深圳福朋喜来登酒店位于福田保税区,得天独厚的地理位置, 从酒店出发,只需 10 分钟即可抵达市中心、中央商务区和深圳会 展中心,距离福田与皇岗香港关口仅几分钟车程。另外,酒店共拥 有 438 间设施齐全的客房与套房,房内均配有福朋特色睡床和其他

扫我吧! 极致体验

于健身中 尽享闲暇时光 Unique Experience

Enjoy Leisure Time in the Fitness

您喜爱的便利设施,如每日免费瓶装水和特色卫浴用品。所有客房 均简洁舒适,且拥有最新技术设施,包括无线高速上网接入、纯平 液晶电视。福朋套房为忙碌的商旅达人提供了平衡与舒适,使其宛 若置身天堂之中。房中设有阅览室、厨房(经要求可提供管家)、 化妆室、就餐区、私人桑拿室和饰有黑色大理石的水疗浴缸。 从宽 敞的露台上可欣赏到壮丽的天际线美景。

Location is Everything. Situated in the Futian Free Trade Zone, Four Points


by Sheraton Shenzhen is just minutes away from the Huanggang and Futian

的健身中心尽情放松,尽情享受闲暇的时光,在健身的同时,亦可欣赏到 180

border crossings with Hong Kong. In only 10 minutes you’re in the city center,


central business district, and the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. Our

In a busy day of work or shopping, relax in the full-service and a Jacuzzi and sauna fitness center, enjoy leisure time, while in the fitness, but also 180-degree views of the spectacular city views . Or the spa, feel physically and mentally re-hwan infinite vitality pleasure in dense mist.

hotel features 438 well-appointed guest rooms and suites, complete with the Four Points by Sheraton Four Points Signature Bed™ and extras you’ll love, like free bottled water daily and signature bath amenities. All rooms offer uncomplicated comfort and the latest technology, including wireless High Speed Internet Access,

地址:中国广东省深圳市福田保税区桂花路 5 号

LCD flat screen televisions. The Four Points Suite is a haven of balance and

5 Guihua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, China

comfort for the productive traveling professional. It features a reading room, a

电话 Tel:86-755-8359 9999

kitchen (with butler upon request), dressing room, a dining area, a private sauna, and a jetted spa tub. Enjoy stunning skyline views from the spacious terrace.

扫我吧! 极致体验


南阳建业森林半岛假日酒店 2013-2014 年度中国最佳卓越服务酒店 Holiday Inn Nanyang Best Service Hotel of China

Unique Experience

Encounters Perfect Holiday 酒店由建业集团斥资打造,委托洲际酒店集团管理。在假日酒店服务理念的基础上, 提供宽敞舒适的客房、洁净的空间、国际美食和引以为豪的服务。在过去的 6 个月里,酒 店先后获得携程“最佳客户满意奖”和中国饭店金马奖,深受商旅和休闲度假客人们的喜爱。 我们拥有很多家庭旅行度假的客人,并针对市场设计出许多具有特色的服务产品。会议与宴会 也是酒店深具潜力的市场之一。

The Holiday Inn Nanyang is owned by Jianye Group and managed by InterContinental Hotels Group. In line with the Holiday Inn concept, the hotel offers spacious yet luxurious rooms in a clean environment, food of international standards and service we are proud of. Within the last 6 months, the hotel has been awarded the Best Guest Satisfaction Award by Ctrip and Golden Horse Award of China Hotel. The hotel is a favorite with corporate travelers and also for

Gabriel Lo 罗道恒 General Manager 总经理 南阳建业森林半岛假日酒店一个可以让你完全放松,做回自己的 地方。

Holiday Inn Nanyang is an ideal place to have fun and to be yourself.

guests who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life for a few days. We have a lot of family travel especially during the weekends and holidays and we have designed many packages targeted at this market. Meetings and conferences is also a growing market for us with huge potential. 地址:中国河南省南阳市宛城区信臣东路 2000 号

No.2000 East Xinchen Road, Nanyang, Henan Province 473000, P.R. China 电话 Tel: (377) 6021 8888

南阳建业森林半岛假日酒店地处以自然清新的空气和玉文化 而闻名于世的古都南阳,为南阳市首家国际知名五星级酒店。酒 店占地 66700 平米,拥有景色宜人的园林景观和碧波荡漾的人 工湖。地理位置优越,从酒店至机场、市中心仅 15 分钟。360 间客房及套房为了您能获得豪华舒适的享受而量身定制,免费的 无线网络覆盖酒店所有区域,包括健身中心及游泳池。1000 平 方米的大宴会厅为本地、国际公司提供宴会服务。无论您是举行 会议、策划婚礼还是休闲度假,南阳建业森林半岛假日酒店都是 您的绝佳选择。

Holiday Inn Nanyang in the Province of Henan, is the first international hotel in Nanyang, a city well known for its good air quality and jade. Situated on 66,700 sq meters of meticulously landscaped gardens and a lake, the hotel is only 15 minutes from the city center and airport. The hotel’s 360 guestrooms and suites are designed with your luxurious comfort in mind and offers complimentary internet access in all areas of the hotel, state of the art gym and pool. With 1,000 sq meters of ballroom and meeting space to cater for local and international conferences, it has something to offer you whether you are planning a conference, wedding or just looking for a weekend getaway with your family.

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