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. 厦门





■ 专题编辑 / 苏婷婷 Written by Selina ■ 鸣谢 / 国家旅游局监督管理司饭店处、厦门市旅游局

Acknowledgment: National Tourism Administration of P.R.C Tourist Administration of Xiamen

在厦门的时光,被渲染上了文艺的腔调。白鹭洲独特的自然景观以一种昂扬 的姿态迎来无数晨晖与斜阳,美丽的鹭岛畅目观海、依山傍水,繁衍出的历史人 文内涵,无法复制。让人们感叹,厦门拥有了国内最悠闲的时光,关于老别墅, 关于家庭旅馆;同时,跃居国内旅游发展新高地的“国家花园城市”厦门,也呈 现出饭店业欣欣向荣的发展前景。

Permeated with the scent of art, Xiamen welcomes thousands of sunrises and sunsets. Boasting natural scenery and honorable history, Xiamen endows its people with the most leisure time nationwide. As a popular tourist city, Xiamen presents a bright future of the hotel industry.

一座城的 采访嘉宾:厦门市旅游局局长 黄国彬 Interviewee: Huang Guobin, Minister of Tourist Administration of Xiamen

从蹒跚起步,到加速助跑,再到临空腾跃,厦门旅游业在过去三十年中,完成 了一次凤凰的涅


济产业转变为综合性产业,从接待事业迈向国民经济支柱产业。 今日的“海上花园”——厦门,旅游业是这座城市的荣耀。 近年来,随着旅游经济总量的大幅增长,旅游业创造的增加值占厦门市 GDP 已 超过 9%,并为超过 10 万人创造了就业岗位。作为小长假旅游人气排行榜第二位的 城市,厦门全年接待游客数量已突破 3000 万人次,旅游创汇突破 10 亿美元。如今, 厦门拥有星级饭店共 73 家,其中五星级饭店 15 家、四星级饭店 24 家、三星级饭 店 27 家、二星级饭店 7 家。 作为这座城的荣耀,厦门旅游业将发挥海洋优势,打造“全城 5A、核心本岛” 的旅游发展模式。


During the past 30 years, the tourist and hotel industry in Xiamen witnessed a successful

transformation. From economic to comprehensive, the industry in Xiamen now serves as the pillar industry in nationwide economy. Tourism is the glory of this city. In recent years, as the volume of the tourist industry has increased rapidly, tourism contributed over 9% to the GDP of Xiamen City, creating more than 100,000 jobs. Every year, Xiamen receives more than 30,000,000 tourists and earns over 1 billion US dollars. The better transportation system also helps to promote the development. Apart from some famous international brand hotels, some indigenous hotels, both boutique and household hotels, are striving to increase market share in Xiamen. The Xiamen Special Economic Zone known as the AAAAA State-level scenic spot is still relying on the marine advantage, which enable the glory of the city continues.

. 厦门

海上 厦门四季如春、气候宜人,凭借“城在海上,海在城中”的天然禀赋而被誉为“海上花园”。 “音乐之岛” 鼓浪屿、“最美马拉松赛道”环岛路、日月谷温泉主题公园、五缘湾游艇帆船集散中心⋯⋯厦门已拥有 5A 级旅游景区 1 家、4 A 级旅游景区 9 家。 作为著名的侨乡和台胞的祖籍地,听闽南歌仔戏、南音,品闽南特有的功夫茶,亦是妙趣横生。此外, “海上看金门”更成为厦门旅游的独特文化追求。

The Coastal Garden City

Xiamen, know as the "Coastal Garden City", is well-known for its beautiful tourists resorts including one AAAAA state-level

scenic spot and nine AAAA state-level scenic spots. As the hometown of overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots, to explore the South Fujian culture is also exciting. "To look out across the strait and see Jinmen Island" becomes one of the cultural features in Xiamen.

从小资到“大资”《海峡旅游》杂志编辑 苏薇 从鼓浪屿到曾厝


迅速蔓延,但随着近年来鼓浪屿精品旅馆的兴起,以及凯宾斯基、威斯汀、 英迪格、瑞颐等一系列国际品牌酒店在厦门接连开业,似乎让人看到厦门住



“旅游目的地”而非“度假目的地”《悦旅》杂志资深编辑 徐滨 厦门旅游饭店业的发展态势是中低端惨烈竞争,高端酒店方兴未艾。而这将直 接导致厦门无法吸引更多度假客人,使厦门只能成为“旅游目的地”,而非“度假 目的地”。未来,精品酒店和度假酒店将在厦门拥有较大发展空间。


《广州日报》副刊部记者 嵇沈玲

在鼓浪屿上,估计最大的乐趣就是:换着住不同的民宿。像辛德瑞拉试穿 着不同的玻璃鞋,变换着不同的美丽瞬间。榻榻米木地板的满天星海景房有 一扇天窗,面朝大海,躺在床上便可享受星星堆满天的幸福感,更有清风拂面, 鼓浪屿上的每个夜晚伴着惬意度过。


《Boss Style 臻品》杂志旅游酒店编辑 蔡小奕

厦门的酒店有着格外清晰和精准的划分——民宿与客栈是文艺背包客的 天堂,高星级酒店是高端优质旅客的心水之选。于我而言,客栈、咖啡馆、 小洋楼别墅⋯⋯这种情怀,是在高星级酒店中无法体会的。

. 厦门

Petty Bourgeoisie Taste vs Commercial Investment Sue Fliport Media The inns that have some peculiar characteristics create a petty bourgeoisie taste sweeping the Xiamen city. However, with a series of boutique hotels and luxury hotels opening recently, more and more huge commercial investment are attracted here.

Business Destination vs Holiday Destination Ben Xu


The tough competition among local inns and burgeon of upscale hotels leads Xiamen to the travel destination rather than holiday destination. It is predicted that boutique hotel and holiday hotel will develop rapidly.

Having Fun with Local Inns Josephine Ji

Guangzhou Daily

To accommodate in different inns is the greatest pleasure in Gulangyu Island. Like Cinderella who changes her glass-shoes everyday, you can enjoy the inner beauty of the island.

Special Love for Inns Cai Xiaoyi

Boss Style

Xiamen's hotels have clear position—the inns for backpackers and the upscale hotels for the high-end market. In terms of me, the unique feeling from local inns can not be found in those upscale hotels.

奇葩 在厦门这座“海上花园”,风格各异的酒店犹如奇葩竞相绽放。 或望海而居,或沿湖栖息,亦或将鼓浪屿不禁意间纳为“窗内盆景”, 威斯汀、艾美、喜来登、皇冠假日、凯宾斯基、英迪格等诸多国际知名酒店 品牌乎如一夜春风来,在这座美丽的城市绽放开来。有趣的是,喜达屋旗下 三个品牌——威斯汀、艾美、喜来登更在厦门市江头到湖里仙岳山一带扎堆。

① ②③ ④

① 厦门威斯汀酒店璀璨开幕

The Grand Opening of The Westin Xiamen

② 位于仙岳山麓的厦门艾美酒店

Le Meridien Xiamen


Hotel Indigo Xiamen Harbour

④ 建发旅游集团旗下酒店 海悦山庄酒店

Seaview Resort, Xiamen

⑤ 厦门翔业集团倾力打造的厦门佰翔软件园酒店

Fliport Software Park Hotel

. 厦门

厦门三大本土饭店管理集团已经在逐步建立起具有自身特色的品牌: 建发旅游集团的“悦华”品牌已经成了省内高端饭店的代表,并扩张到天津、 福州、泉州、武夷山等地;夏商旅游集团的“怡翔”和“怡庭”两颗双子 星也在厦门饭店市场中冉冉升起;新生的佰翔酒店集团以“多分布,广撒网” 的方式,快速建立起“佰翔”品牌,抢占省内高端市场。 风格各异的民宿则是厦门一道独特的风景,以地方特色、文化品牌、家 庭温馨为特色,吸引了一批忠实粉丝。特别是鼓浪屿和曾厝 占据特殊地理 位置优势的家庭旅馆更是异常火爆。多元化的住宿业态,绽放各自的精彩, 亦为这座美丽的城市平添几分精彩。

① ②


The Lee Inn in Gulangyu, Xiamen ②佰翔品牌高端商务酒店

The Fliport Brand

③鼓浪屿上“中国第一别墅” 中德记度假别墅

Zhongdeji Villa

A Competitive Hotel Market

Xiamen is a vibrant and popular destination in China known

for its great weather and relaxed and romantic atmosphere. With panoramic views of the Harbour and Gulangyu Island, many hotels choose their perfect location in the center of the city as well as along the island. International hotel brands like Westin, Le Meridien, Sheraton, Crowne Plaza, Kempinski, Indigo all found their places in Xiamen.

. 厌门

Meanwhile, an interesting competition situation is setting off. The local hotel management groups like SeaShine Tourism Group, C&D Group, Fliport Hotel Group are all actively capturing high-end market. People are also attracted by many distinctive inns which feature local and distinguished characteristics, especially the inns in Gulangyu Island and Zengcuo'an. The diverse choices of accommodation make this beautiful city paradise for those likes traveling.

最好 美丽的厦门,正在经历着美好的时光,迎接着更美好的未来。 在实现对厦门本岛湖里区和思明区的旅游饭店业大力开发后,厦门将在未来重点开发集 美区和同安区,将美丽的海岸线无限延展。 在同安南部和集美北部相接处,延绵 6 公里长的浪漫海岸线上,又一座海滨新城正在冉 冉升起。未来,在这座海滨新城将形成由近十家度假酒店组成的度假酒店群落。 远眺美丽的同安湾,那里是厦门未来更美好的光景。

① 滨海新城高端休闲旅游度假酒店群规划图

Layout of the east coast hotel and resort leisure city

② 海峡两岸最大的豪华客船——中远之星

The Cosco Star

. 厌门

A Bright Future

Undergoing a good time, Xiamen is going to embrace a better future. After Huli District and Siming

District, the next development zone will be Jimei District and Tongan District.A new coastal city is rising along the 6-kilometer coastline on the joint of south Tongan and north Jimei. In the future not afar, about ten resort hotels will be built. The beautiful Tongan Bay has a better future of Xiamen.

三毛在作品里感悟过:“虽说一沙一世界,一花一天堂;更何况世界不止是一沙一花,世界是多少多少奇妙的现象 累积起来的。我看,我听,我的阅历就更丰富了。”《中国饭店》杂志携手中国国家旅游局监督管理司饭店处,强势打 造“一城一势”特辑,诚邀读者品读城市的美丽,透过悦读,见证旅游饭店业的日新月异。

A famous writer once says that the world is accumulated by so many wonders that what I see and what I hear can greatly broaden my horizons. From July Issue, National Tourism Administration of P.R.C, jointly teamed up with China Hotel with the column “City with China Dream”, witnessing the prosperous tourist and hotel industry with you.

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