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3120 S Kirkman Rd Orlando, FL 32819 Phone # (407) 523-2200


The Hotspotorlando Ademar Rodrigues CEO-Photographer

Laiz Rodrigues Editor in Chief

Aditional stories also at www.thehotspotorlando.com

“Brazilian media The American Way�

AboutUS By Hotspotorlando

I could sit here and write until my heart’s conentment and I stil could not say enough about everything that happened toour community.

I could ask the best speakers in the world to explain and help us understand, and again, it would never be enough. In reality, in each one’s heart, the answer is time, healing. Life is short, and we are never prepared for loss, of one or 49. Whatever it is. To explain an act of ultimate violence, taking 49 meaningful lives away, will vever be forgotten. I ask for more love, and people may ask why? And I will say, because love will always save us from this horrible hate, getting bigger and bigger in our society. So I ask you, pease love, hate will take us to destruction. Laiz Rodrigues

You may ask yourself what difference would make if your personal acceptance of LGBT would make in the world. Well, if one person hate made him responsible for so many deaths, imagine what acceptance and love of one would make. Never underestimate the power of love.

A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Pope Francis

Our Community's Hearts and Prayers Are with Pulse Nightclub Shooting Victims and Their Families This morning our community, and our nation, experienced a horrific crime. Our hearts and prayers are with the victims and their families. We are dealing with a tragedy that we never could have imagined. What happened this morning in our city could have happened in any community in the country. President Barack Obama has provided the support of the federal government, and Governor Rick Scott accepted my request for a state of emergency in the City. This allows us to bring in additional resources to support our efforts. We are focused on identifying the victims and notifying their families. Law enforcement is working the scene as efficiently and diligently as possible while being respectful to the remains of the deceased. The names of the victims after their next of kin have been notified are being added to cityoforlando.net/victims. I am proud of how our community has responded to this tragedy. Our dedicated first responders and hospital staff deserve our thanks. Their actions have saved many lives. And today many residents donated blood to help the victims and joined one another to lend support. We have set up a hotline for family members of the victims: 407.246.4357. Aspire Health has also offered grief counselors through the Zebra Coalition who can be reached at 407.228.1448. We understand our community is grieving and that vigils are being planned but please hold off on vigils - they represent a serious strain on our limited City and public safety resources, which we need to dedicate to law enforcement and victims. If you are seeking a location to leave memorial items, please use the green space in front of the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Downtown Orlando. Despite the fact that this crime will have a lasting effect on our city and country, Orlando is a strong community. We will be grieving together in the upcoming days, weeks and months. We need to support each other and love each other. This tragedy will not define us, but will bring us together. - Buddy Dyer, Mayor

TRAGEDY AND TERROR IN ORLANDO By Letitia Stein and Jarrett Renshaw

ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - A man armed with an assault rifle and pledging loyalty to Islamic State killed 50 people during a gay pride celebration at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, early on Sunday in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, a rampage President Barack Obama denounced as an act of terror and hate. Police killed the gunman, Omar Mateen, 29, a New Yorkborn Florida resident and U.S. citizen who was the son of Afghan immigrants and was twice questioned by FBI agents in recent years, authorities said. Mateen's former wife said he was emotionally and mentally disturbed

with a violent temper, yet aspired to the global security firm G4S during the armed guard for a gated retirement com cleared two company background scree ing to G4S.. Preliminary investigations s by Islamic State militants, though there Mateen had any actual ties to the group

be a police officer. Working for e past nine years, Mateen was an mmunity in South Florida, and had enings, the latest in 2013, accordsuggested the attack was inspired was no immediate evidence that p, law enforcement officials said.

As the shooting rampage was unfolding, Mateen "made calls to 911 this morning in which he stated his allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State," said Ronald Hopper, the FBI's assistant special agent in charge on the case. Shots rang out at the crowded Pulse nightclub in the heart of Orlando, about 15 miles northeast of the Walt Disney World Resort, as some 350 patrons were attending a Latin music event in conjunction with gay pride week celebrations. Clubgoers described scenes of carnage and pandemonium, with one man who escaped saying he hid under a car and bandaged a wounded stranger with his shirt. "Words cannot and will not describe the feeling of that," Joshua McGill said in a posting on Facebook. "Being covered in blood. Trying to save a guy's life." Fifty-three people were wounded in the rampage. It ranked as the deadliest single U.S. mass shooting incident, eclipsing the massacre of 32 people at Virginia Tech University in 2007. "We know enough to say this was an act of terror, an act of hate," Obama said in a speech from the White House. "As Americans, we are united

in grief, in outrage and in resolve to defend our people." U.S. officials cautioned, however, they had no conclusive evidence of any direct connection with foreign extremists. "So far as we know at this time, his first direct contact was a pledge of bayat (loyalty) he made during the massacre," said a U.S. counterterrorism official. "This guy appears to have been pretty screwed up without any help from anybody." HEAVILY ARMED The attacker was carrying an AR-15style assault rifle and a handgun, Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said. He also had an unidentified “device,� said Orlando Police Chief John Mina. The shooting was nearly certain to reignite emotional debates over American gun laws and homeland security in what is shaping up to be a vitriolic U.S. presidential campaign between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Source Reuters

The shooting was nearly certain to reignite emotional debates over American gun laws and homeland security in what is shaping up to be a vitriolic U.S. presidential campaign between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. The attack came six months after a married couple in California - a U.S.-born son of Pakistani immigrants and a Pakistani-born woman he married in Saudi Arabia, fatally shot 14 people in San Bernardino in an attack inspired by Islamic State. That couple died in a shootout with police hours after their assault on a holiday party attended by the husband's co-workers. The precise sequence of events in Orlando remained murky. But authorities said the gunman burst into the club and opened fire at about 2 a.m., then took dozens of hostages that he held at gunpoint inside a bathroom during a three-hour siege that ended when police stormed the building using armored cars and killed the gunman. Officials in Orlando, a city of 270,000 people, were visibly shocked at the high death toll. "We're dealing with something that we never imagined and is unimaginable," Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer said. He said 39 people died inside the club, two outside, and nine others died after being rushed to the hospital. Mateen had twice been interviewed by FBI agents, in 2013 and 2014, after making comments to co-workers indicating he supported militant groups, but neither interview led to evidence of criminal activity, the FBI's Hopper said. Hopper said Mateen was questioned in 2014 about his contacts with Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, a U.S. citizen who also had lived in Florida and became a suicide bomber in Syria that year. STORMY MARRIAGE Sunday night, federal agents combed through Mateen's apartment in the Atlantic coast town of Fort Pierce, about 120 miles southeast of Orlando, searching for clues, as numerous evidence vans sat parked outside.


In the pictures a tations of solida friends and fami and Senator Bill Dyer and FBI Ch tions


above, manifesarity in Orlando, ily of the victims Nelson, Mayor hief of Investiga-

"The FBI is currently in the apartment. They'll probably be there through the night," said St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara.

adding that the massacre "reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets."

Near Boulder, Colorado, Mateen's former wife, Sitora Yusufiy, told reporters he worked for a time as a correctional officer at a juvenile detention center in Fort Pierce, and had once sought If confirmed as an admission to a police academy. act of terrorism, it would be the She said she had been beaten by Mateen during deadliest such outbursts of temper in which he would "express attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001, when al hatred towards everything." Eventually, she was Qaeda-trained hijackers crashed jetliners into "rescued" from Mateen by members of her fam- New York's World Trade Center, the Pentagon ily who intervened four months into a stormy and a field in Pennsylvania, killing some 3,000 marriage that ultimately ended in divorce, she people. said. The choice of target was especially "I know he had a history of steroids," Yusufiy heart-wrenching for members of the U.S. lesbitold reporters outside a home where she was an, gay, bisexual and transgender community, staying with a man she identified as her current said LGBT advocacy group Equality Florida. fiance. She also described Mateen as "emotionally unstable," "mentally ill" and bipolar. "Gay clubs hold a significant place in LGBTQ history. They were often the only safe gathering Deborah Sherman, an FBI spokeswoman in place and this horrific act strikes directly at our Denver, confirmed that federal agents had insense of safety," the group said in a statement. terviewed Yusufiy in Colorado. The imam of the "We will await the details in tears of sadness Florida mosque where Mateen attended prayers and anger." for nearly 10 years described him as a soft-spoken man who would visit regularly but rarely In an apparently unrelated incident on Sunday, interact with others in the congregation. a heavily armed man from Indiana who said he was headed to a Los Angeles-area gay pride fesCANDIDATES WEIGH IN tival was arrested in nearby Santa Monica, California, where police found guns and chemicals Within hours of the shooting, the presumptive to make explosives in his car. presidential nominees of both major political parties weighed in with statements on the tragedy. Trump, who has called for a temporary ban on (Additional reporting by Barbara Liston in OrlanMuslims entering the United States, said he was do, Fla., Zachary Fagenson in Port St. Lucie, Fla., "right on radical Islamic terrorism" and called Colleen Jenkins in Winston-Salem, N.C., Keith on Obama to resign because he did not say the Coffman in Denver and Jonathan Landay, Mark words "radical Islam" in his statement respond- Hosenball, Ginger Gibson and Yeganeh Torbati ing to the shooting. in Washington; Writing by Scott Malone, Daniel Wallis and Steve Gorman; Editing by Alistair Bell, Clinton echoed Obama's comments calling the Peter Cooney and Simon Cameron-Moore) attack both an act of terror and a hate crime, Source Reuters

Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24, Jonathan Antonio Camuy, Jonathan Camuy, 25, Geraldo Ortiz-Jimenez, 25, Ortiz-Jimenez Kevin Ortiz Paul Terrell Henry, 41, Francisco Hernandez, Danielle Biggers Cory James Connell, 21, Nancy Robbinson, Martin Benitez Torres, 33 Juan Chavez Martinez, 25, Jerald Arthur Wright, 31 Jason Josaphat, 19, Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40, Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz, 24, Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36, Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, 49, Frank Hernandez, 27,

Franky Jimmy De Jesus Velazquez, 50, Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37, Jean Carlos Mendez Perez, 35, Capt. Antonio Davon Brown, 29, Darryl Roman Burt II, 29, Simon Adrian Carrillo-Fernandez, 31, Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26 Akyra Murray, 18 Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25, Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35 Mercedez Marisol Flores, 26 Amanda Alvear, 25 Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20, Eddie Jamoldroy Justice, 30, Miguel Honorato, 30 Shane Tomlinson, 33 Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22 Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25 Edward Sotomayor, 34 Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22 Source: REUTERS

Christopher Leinonen, 32 Tevin Eugene Crosby, 25 Stanley Almodovar III, 23, Anthony Luis Laureano Disla, 25 Kimberly “KJ� Morris, 37, Luis Vielma, 22, Enrique Rios, 25 Angel Candelario-Padro, 28 Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32 Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21 Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33, Luis Daniel Conde, 39, Juan Pablo Rivera Velazquez, 37 Deonka Deidra Drayton, 32 Jean Carlos Nieves Rodriguez, 27


PRESIDENT OBAMA VISITS ORLANDO ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday met survivors of a massacre at an Orlando gay nightclub and relatives of the 49 people killed and said the United States must act to control gun violence and fight what he called homegrown terrorism. "The last two terrorist attacks on our soil - Orlando and San Bernardino - were homegrown," Obama told reporters, before urging Congress to pass measures to make it harder to legally acquire high-powered weapons like the assault rifle used in the attack on Sunday. "I'm pleased to hear that the Senate will hold votes on preventing individuals with possible terrorist ties from buying guns," he said. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Orlando, Florida, four days after a U.S.-born gunman claiming allegiance to various Islamist militant groups carried out the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. New details emerged on Thursday about the gunman's activity on Facebook and text messages he sent during the shooting rampage. Obama said he "held and hugged" grieving family members before laying flowers at a memorial for the victims of the attack on the Pulse nightclub. Police killed the gunman, Omar Mateen, 29, a U.S. citizen born in New York to Afghan immigrants. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack but U.S. officials have said they do not believe Mateen was assisted from abroad. CIA Director John Brennan told a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday that the agency had "not been able to uncover any direct link" between Mateen and militants abroad. A married couple also claiming allegiance to Islamic State shot dead 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in December. Source: Reuters

On the pictures, President Barack Obama, VPresident Joe Biden, Mayor Teresa Jacobs and Mayor Buddy Dyer. To the right, President Obama and SenatorMarco Rubio.

ORLANDO MOURNS By Bernie Woodall and Roberta Rampton

Orlando mourned the dead after what was also the worst attack in America on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Wakes were under way for at least three victims - Kimberly Morris, Anthony Luis Laureano Disla and Roy Fernandez. Twenty-three of the 53 wounded remained hospitalized, six in critical condition, according to the Orlando Regional Medical Center. During his attack, Mateen posted messages on Facebook and called a news station. One Facebook message, apparently referring to air strikes against Islamic State by the United States and its allies, said: "You kill innocent women and children by doing us air strikes ... now taste the Islamic State vengeance," according to U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, who asked Facebook to turn over material from Mateen's accounts. Also during the three hours he was holed up in a bathroom inside the nightclub, Mateen exchanged text messages with his wife, Noor Salman, CNN reported, citing a law enforcement official it did not identify. Salman is under investigation to find out whether she knew about Mateen's plans ahead of time. Local news website TCPalm reported that Mateen, who worked as a security guard, was frequently suspended while he was in junior high and high school, and was passed to the next grade despite poor academic performance, citing records from St. Lucie County schools. CONGRESS UNDER PRESSURE The attack sparked a new debate over how the United States responds to Islamist militant violence at home and abroad, with Republican Senator John McCain telling reporters on Thursday he viewed Obama as "directly responsible" for the Orlando attack because of his failure to prevent the rise of Islamic State. Shortly afterward, McCain said on his official Twitter feed that he was referring to Obama's national security decisions, "not to the President himself."

THE VIGIL DOWNTOWN ORLANDO Written by Laiz Rodrigues-Photos Orange County

or forgive. Orlando is a city with very clear respect to cultural differences, choices of faith, the quality of life is enhanced by this principle, where everyone has a voice, and exercise their civil rights. An agression to principles of this magnitude is a hard to be accepted, and will scar our spirits forever.

Nothing compares to the sorrow all the families, friends, employees and community have gone through since last Sunday. It is now understood that we are to come to terms with the loss, without having the chance to punish the author of these actions, because himself fell victim of his own transgretions. For this, we move forward as we can, but we will never forget

Several measures to aliviate the consequences of this tragedy were taken by State and Federal Government, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs and Orlando City Mayor Buddy Dyer. #OrlandoUnited and the Family Assistance Center, helping so many in need located at the Camping WorldStadium. On the pictures, left image, Mayor Teresa Jacobsand Commissioner Pete Clark. On the Riright Mayor Teresa and Commissioner Patty Sheehan.


Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and the City of Orlando, in partnership with federal, state, local and community agencies has opened the Family Assistance Center (FAC) to address the immediate needs and provide information, support and resources to those directly affected by the Pulse tragedy. Services will be available to family members of the deceased; those suffering physical and emotional injuries; club staff and patrons and others directly impacted by this tragedy. Services available include: Air Travel Child And Family Services Consulate Services Counseling/spiritual Care Crime Victim Services Funeral Services Ground Transportation Health Care Assistance Identification Documents Language Translation Legal Aid Lodging Medical Examiner Senior Services

More Information can be found on the City’s website at Cityoforlando.net/FamilyAssistanceCenter. For questions, citizens should call 407-246-4357. WHEN: Hours of Operation for the FAC:: Wednesday, June 15, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Thursday, June 16, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday, June 17, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sunday, June 19, 12 p.m. – 8 p.m. Future hours of operation will be determined. WHERE: Camping World Stadium, formerly known as Orlando Citrus Bowl 1610 West Church Street, Orlando, FL 32805 PUBLIC PARKING: Individuals visiting the FAC should park in Lot E, entrance off of S Tampa Avenue, west side of stadium. Visitors must then enter into Gate E, take the elevators to Level 2, and check in with FAC staff just outside the West Indoor Club. Staff will be available to guide visitors. Disabled parking will be available. #OrlandoUnited

Sea to Sea Commemorative Flag

I am so proud of our community and how we have come together to support each other during this difficult time. We have shown the world the strength of our city and how we are better together and will not be divided. As our community continues to recover from the Pulse tragedy, we have opened a Family Assistance Center to serve as a critical connection between victims and the important services they need as part of their recovery. Over the past two days since we opened the center at Camping World Stadium, 94 families and 256 individuals have visited to receive help. But we know there are still more victims in need of help and we want them to know we are here for them. The Family Assistance Center isn’t just for those who lost loved ones or were injured, it is for anyone affected by the tragedy. If you, your friends or family members have been affected by the shooting, please encourage them to seek help. We have made access to these services as easy as possible. Hours of operations and resources available at the Family Assistance Center are listed on our website cityoforlando.net/ familyassistancecenter. Thank you for continuing to stand together as one Orlando. Buddy Dyer Mayor

ORLANDO SOLAR BEARS, ORLANDO MAGIC, ORLANDO CITY, ORLANDO PRIDE AND ORLANDO PREDATORS JOIN FORCES FOR #ORLANDOUNITED Local Sports Teams Unite After Tragedy In a combined effort, the ECHL’s Orlando Solar Bears, NBA’s Orlando Magic, MLS’s Orlando City, NWSL’s Orlando Pride and AFL’s Orlando Predators are joining forces with the City of Orlando to show everyone that we are#OrlandoUnited. The Solar Bears, Magic, Lions, Pride and Predators will be selling t-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “#OrlandoUnited.” Net proceeds will be donated to the City of Orlando’s OneOrlando Fund – OneOrlando.org – to support those impacted by the June 12 terror attack. The black, blue and purple t-shirts ($22 in adult sizes, $18 in youth sizes) will be available starting Thursday, June 16 at the Orlando Magic Team Shop at Amway Center, at a pop-up store at Wall Street Plaza (Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17), at the Orlando Solar Bears offices (2200 Lucien Way, Suite 400, Maitland, FL 32751) and their online shop (http://store.orlandosolarbearshockey.com) on Friday, June 17, at Camping World Stadium during the MLS game between Orlando City and San Jose on Saturday, June 18, and at Amway Center during the AFL game between the Predators and Tampa Bay on Friday, June 24. “Our hearts go out to all that were affected by the tragic events that unfolded on Sundaymorning. We are proud to be a member of such a vibrant Central Florida community, and are honored to stand beside our fellow sports teams in remembrance of the loss our city has endured,” said Orlando Solar Bears Chairman & CEO Joe Haleski. “We will certainly emerge stronger as one united community.”

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Pro-Ball in Orlando

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ESPN Wide World of Sports

"We are excited to re-imagine the Pro Bowl experience for both fans and players and to celebrate the game of football at all levels," NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Walt Disney World Resort. “Collaborating with Disney and ESPN brings us closer to the best in youth and family-focused entertainment. We look forward to working with the city of Orlando and Florida Citrus Sports to create a week-long celebration for football and our fans.” The 2017 Pro Bowl will mark a return to the traditional format between the American Football Conference and the National Football Conference, following a three-year experiment with unconferenced squads. Only twice since 1979 has the Pro Bowl been held outside Hawaii with Miami playing host in 2010 and Glendale, Arizona in 2015. In every other year, the all-star game was held at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. The Pro Bowl, which has had plummeting television ratings in recent years, is held the weekend before the Super Bowl, serving as the signature event to kick off the league’s biggest week of the year. (Reporting by Mark Lamport-Stokes in Los Angeles; Editing by Andrew Both)

Photos by Hotspotorlando - Article Reuters

Pro-Ball in Orlando

The National Football League's annual exhibition of all-stars, the Pro Bowl, will move from its long-time home in Hawaii to Orlando for next year, the league announced on Wednesday. The central Florida city had been bidding to host the 2017 Pro Bowl along with Honolulu, Houston and Sydney, Australia.

VAS ADVISORS Biggest Move VAS Advisors LLC has just opened their new Downtown Office at the Sbrubbles Co-working newest space at Washington Street, in the heart of Downtown Orlando. Offering advice to investors interested in Commercial properties Anna and Sri Vangal, have a wide variety of large properties, which are managed and purchased by their clientele around the world, but mainly from India.

Their main focus are hotels, and large rental condominiums all over Florida. Their properties range from Kissimmee to Jacksonville. They travel weekly to these location to meet clients and to supervise the properties. Since the new office Downtown places them in a central location, closer to the airport and major highways, facilitating their traveling needs, VAS Downtown office also gives them plenty of meeting space.

At the picture above OCPA, Rick Singh, Anna Valgal - VAS Broker owner andLaiz Rodrigues, President at the Central FloridaBrazilian American Chamber of Commerce.

Cake By Pao Gostoso Bakery


The event was on May 18, and had the presence of Rick Singh OCPA, Luis Martinez- Multicultural Director for the City of Orlando, CFBACC President Laiz Rodrigues, Vice president Amy Litter and VAS Advisors family and friends,


CycleBar is the first premium and only indoor cycling franchise in America and the first of its kind in Central Florida CycleBar® Winter Park Schedules September 2016 Opening

Bernstein, VP of Operations for Ciclo Management. “Winter Park is such an active, vibrant area, and CycleBar fits into our community’s health and fitness lifestyle while making the experience fun for both CycleBar®, a new concept in premium indoor cycling new and experienced riders.” that offers a high energy workout in a concert-like To celebrate its grand opening, CycleBar Winter atmosphere, is scheduled to open its first Central Park will hold its CycleBlast, offering 50 free classes Florida location in Winter Park this September. Currently under construction at 110 South Orlando for the public over 10 days. Advance registration is required at http://winterpark.cyclebar.com/; regisAvenue, CycleBar Winter Park is one of 100 Cycletration is scheduled to begin in August ahead of the Bar studios to open to riders in 2016. Franchisee September opening. Ciclo Management, which also owns the brand’s franchise rights in Sarasota and Tampa Bay, plans to open several studios in Central Florida through CycleBar Winter Park is actively recruiting now for 2017. CycleStars®, its best-in-the-business team of charismatic and talented instructors. For more informaCycleBar offers a pay-per-class model, with no membership necessary. Concierge service and ame- tion on auditioning, prospective instructors can sign up at http://winterpark.cyclebar.com/ (click on the nities include free towels, lockers, and shoes. “Instructors” tab). CyleBar is also recruiting for store The dynamic classes take place in a state-of-the-art management and other positions. CycleTheatre and are led by CycleStar instructors who take participants through a 50-minute high CycleBar does more than just help people stay in energy ride. The CycleTheatre features tiers for 50 shape, it also gives them the opportunity to work bikes plus LED lighting, wide-screen graphics and out to support a cause through philanthropic Cyclestate-of-the-art audio with a DJ booth. Riders can Giving events that regularly take place at the stualso track performance data via CycleStats and can dios. In 2015, CycleBar supported Susan G. Komen download music used in the class session. After class, riders cool down with fresh fruit and a filtered to raise funds for breast cancer awareness, the water station, while aromatherapy helps guests re- American Heart Association to raise funds for heart disease research and prevention, and The Movemlax throughout the facility. ber Foundation to raise awareness for men’s health “More than 54 million Americans are working out at and well-being. boutique fitness studios, which makes it the fastest growing sector of the fitness industry,” said Annie


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A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from Florida on Monday with a payload of communications satellites before the reusable main-stage booster turned around, soared back to Cape Canaveral and landed safely near its launch pad in a dramatic spaceflight first. The successful mission, capped by delivery of all 11 satellites to orbit for launch customer ORBCOMM Inc <ORBC.O>, unfolded in just over 30 minutes and marked a pivotal reversal of fortunes for privately owned Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, founded by high-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk.

"Welcome back, baby!" Musk wrote in a celebratory Twitter message he posted. Rival company Blue Origin, a space startup founded by Amazon.com <AMZN.O> Chief Executive Jeff Bezos, nailed a similar return rocket landing test last month. In a seemingly back-handed compliment to SpaceX, Bezos tweeted a message of congratulations to Musk's company, saying: "Welcome to the club!"

It was the first flight for his California-based company since a rocket failure in June that But the SpaceX feat, which the company had destroyed a cargo ship being carried on a characterized before launch as a "secondary resupply mission bound for the International test objective," was achieved during an actual Space Station. commercial mission. The upgraded, 23-story-tall Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 8:29 p.m. EST/0129 GMT, with the nine-engine suborbital main stage returning 10 minutes later to a landing site about 6 miles south of its launch pad. The upper-stage booster continued its ascent to Earth orbit with its payload. Musk has said the ability to return his rockets to Earth so they can be refurbished and reflown would slash his company's operational costs in the burgeoning and highly competitive private space launch industry.

Minutes after blast-off, the Falcon 9's firststage rocket separated from its upper-stage booster, which continued on into orbit to release ORBCOMM's satellites about 500 miles (800 km) above the Earth. Monday's deployment completed a $200 million 17-satellite network that will provide machine-to-machine messaging services on the ground - such as between retailers and shipping containers.

After separation from its upper stage, the Falcon rocket's main stage turned around and fired a series of engine burns as the vehicle SpaceX employees erupted in jubilation flew back to Earth, unfurled its landing legs as they watched live video footage of the and settled gently onto a newly revamped 156-foot-tall white first-stage booster slowly landing pad occupying a decommissioned descending upright through a damp, darkmissile site. ened night sky amid a glowing orange ball of light to make a picture-perfect landing.

SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket By Joe Skipper

Source Reuters

SpaceX, which has more than 60 launch missions pending collectively worth about $8 billion, previously experimented unsuccessfully with attempts to land its rockets on a platform in the ocean. The Hawthorne, California-based company was founded in 2002 by Musk, who also serves as chief executive of Tesla Motors Inc <TSLA.O>, the electric car maker. Before Monday, SpaceX had been grounded since June 28, when a Falcon 9 rocket exploded shortly after launch during a space station cargo run for NASA. Investigators traced the problem to a faulty support beam that held a bottle of helium inside the rocket's upper-stage liquid oxygen tank. When the strut broke, helium flooded into the tank, causing it to over-pressurize and then explode. SpaceX switched to a new supplier for the steel struts and upgraded its testing program, Musk later told reporters. The Falcon rocket launched on Monday also included a more powerful first-stage engine and a beefed-up landing system. (Reporting by Joe Skipper at Cape Canaveral; Additional reporting by Irene Klotz from Cape Canaveral and Philadelphia; Additional reporting and writing by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Editing by Mary Milliken)

SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket

Source Reuters

5668 International Dr., Orlando, FL 32819. Phone:(407) 354-0260



Brazil entered the Copa America as the last event’s winner and left in shame, still during the first phase with a mediocre participation, far off from the team of many years ago. During the first game against Equador, a timid tie, flagged a team unprepared, with evident problems ahead. When the team faced Haiti an easy adversary showed what the team potential and gave them a little confidence. The game at the Camping World Stadium gathered many Brazilian who wanted to see the players and give them their support, but the Haitian population was far more evident, even to cheer. Entering the field as the soccer event started, the Brazilian coach, now fired Dunga, was called by fans looking for a wave or at least a look towards them, all in vain, with Dunga’s customary arrogant attitude, spectators gave up in silence. Little gestures sometimes go a long way, Mr. Dunga should value fans a little more. Now besides incompetence, shows also an unpopular manner. The game against Haiti was full of emotion, with a score 7x1 in favor of Brazil, we all believed Brazil still had great chances to win the next game against Peru, but all hopes destroyed after the 1x0 score in favor of Peru, eliminating the Brazilian Team “Canarinhos” even earlier than we expected. Despite the efforts, we still believe Brazil deserves a better chance, now with new coach Tite ex Corinthians Coach Photos The Hotspotorlando

At the Camping World Stadium in Orlando,Brazilian fan are showing support to the Brazilian team showing their flagand collors. It was a great game, the team’s best performance before leaving the United States, eliminated by Peru.



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Mickey Mouse’s vibrant personality shines through the collection, with specially created sketches by Disney animators. The exclusive artwork appears on t-shirts as well as signature Coach glove-tanned leather bags including the Saddle and the Dinky. “Mickey Mouse is one of my earliest memories of American pop - his nostalgic charm, cheekiness, individuality and inherent cool make for the ultimate American icon,” said Coach Creative Director Stuart Vevers. “I’ve always seen Mickey as a playful rebel at heart and a timeless symbol of joy and creativity. That spirit reinforces the new youthful perspective we are bringing to luxury at Coach.”

The range also includes sneakers featuring Coach’s signature hangtag playfully redesigned in the shape of Mickey’s ears. The Mickey ear silhouette is also marked out with punky studs on a biker jacket and a frame on a re-edition of an archival Coach bag from the 1960’s ‘the Kisslock’. Collectible pieces like oversize black leather Mickey dolls and shearling beanbags complete the offering. “This collaboration brings together two iconic brands in fresh, yet timeless designs that celebrate the heritage and style of both Mickey and Coach,” said Josh Silverman, Executive Vice President, Global Licensing, Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media. “This incredible collection is sure to delight the fashion world and Disney fans alike.” Love magazine Editor-In-Chief Katie Grand - a long time friend and collaborator of Vevers - is taking over the Soho store for the project, curating the space with her iconoclastic and eclectic eye. To celebrate the launch, Vevers designed a special Coach/Love t-shirt and tote featuring an extra punky sequined and studded Mickey. SOURCE PMK*BNC

Disney and Coach Debut Mickey Mouse Collection

two American classics and global originals join forces for Disney x Coach, a limited-edition collection featuring Mickey Mouse designs on Coach leathergoods and ready-to-wear fashions. Mixing the irreverent with the iconic, the collection will launch exclusively in a specially-designed concept at the Coach store in Soho, New York and at Colette, the celebrated store on rue St. Honore in Paris. It will release on June 17th on coach.com and Coach stores worldwide. The collection is part of a series of exclusive, limited-edition projects that celebrate American pop culture, and commemorate Coach’s 75th anniversary.


STALE LAUNCHES SUMMER 2016 TRENDS AĂŠropostale, Inc. (NYSE: ARO), a mall-based specialty retailer of casual apparel for young women and men introduces its summer 2016 fashion trends Influenced by the perfect tropical getaway and classic summer activities. This season features a variety of must have basics and statement pieces for the AĂŠropostale customer to combine and create their favorite looks.

Nocturnal Surf This delivery is insp night time surfing a water sea life. Neon or focus while mixe anced with heather to lighten the delive ture is used in wov create a washed out grounded tropical p mer statement. The is an important out be paired with wov tees and tanks.

Girls Spring Trends: Topanga Canyon A Bohemian adventure inspired by the festival circuit is the focus behind this collection. The carefree 60’s vide includes multicolor embroidery and embellishments, crochet details and vibrant colors such as tangerine, pink confetti and rich teal hues. Earth tones in rich browns and muted sage add depth while pops of neon pinks are used as colorful accents. Lush, multicolor prints have a beautiful ethnic influence while 60’s inspired florals, abstract geometrics and border prints are represented throughout the assortment. Guys Spring Trends:

Wet N Wild This delivery is full of summer fun! Sun, pool parties and summer vacations inspire the assortment and bright color palette. Pink, coral and water blues are the color focus. Patterns include classic summer themes such as tie dye prints, palm trees, colorful stripes and tropical bird icons. Texture effects remain important in knits and are updated in summer with bright colors. Light denim shirts, muscle tanks and printed woven tops are key silhouettes for this delivery.

pired by night festivals, and the glow of undern hues become the coled with black and balgrey and bleach white ery. A garment dye texven tops and knits to t neon look while black prints make a bold sume printed windbreaker terwear piece and can ven shorts and tropical

The Left Coast The relaxed Southern California vibe of sand, surf and skate blend to create a vibrant, colorful journey in this delivery. The color palette features a combination of turquoise, tangerine and juicy citrus lime that creates a bright and optimistic vibe. Fun multicolored tie dye and graffiti prints are scene throughout the collection and are grounded by palm prints in neutral hues. Casual cut-off shorts and easy bare tops are the uniform of choice this season. Tropic Thunder Baha, Bali surf is the inspiration behind this collection. The color palette consists of hues scene in a tropical jungle such as olive green, orange and purple. Large scale and small icon tropical prints colored darker and richer in pattern are present. Tie dye prints and tropical leafy patterns are colored in deep, rich hues. Textured and global printed tanks are paired with five pocket distressed denim and chino shorts are the key outfitting items.

Castaway Tropical beach getaways that include hammocks, toes in the sand and an endless ocean horizon are depicted throughout this assortment. A relaxed, carefree journey inspires a light and airy vibe in the categories of tops, bottoms and dresses. Ocean-inspired blue and teal hues ground the palette and look fresh and clean when mixed with white. Vibrant pops of citrusy melon and lime are balanced with pretty pink and bold coral hues. Tropical floral prints and water inspired motifs include waves and palm trees. Beach inspired batiks add texture to the collection while print mixing and tonal blues add movement inspired by the sea.

2016 Epcot Flower and Garden Festival

Visiting the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival this year, was another great renewed experience. We wanted to change a little and instead of using our camera we used a tablet which allowed us to more ample shots without the technicality and heavy weight around the park. As you can see, the festival is always a breath taking experience, an explosion of colors that only nature can offer. Candy to the eyes, the work and effort of Epcot center was really outstanding, from little flowers to huge gardens, thematic topiaries and plants, the festival was a success, always to be missed until next year.





By Adam Jourdan Walt Disney Co has opened the gates to its first theme park in China, prompting a rush from thousands of gathered Mickey Mouse enthusiasts to be the first to storm Treasure Cove, ride the Roaring Rapids or visit Disney's tallest castle. Disney's largest overseas investment at $5.5 billion, the park is a bet on China's middle class and booming domestic tourism. The U.S. firm hopes it will offset an otherwise lackluster international theme park business, better known for cash-burning sites such as Euro Disney. "This is one of the proudest and most exciting moments in the history of the Walt Disney Company," chief executive Bob Iger said at the official ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday, where he was flanked by Chinese government officials.

Not everything has gone quite to plan though. The opening gala - meant to be a bonanza of fireworks, live music and dance - was rained off on Wednesday night, while at Disney's park in Orlando, Florida, a young boy was grabbed by an alligator and killed. Disney, though, sees China as its biggest opportunity since Walt Disney bought land in Florida in the 1960s for what is now Walt Disney World - the world's most-visited theme park. With that in mind, Main Street has been replaced by Mickey Avenue to reduce the feel of Americana while attractions include the Chinese-style Wandering Moon tea house, a Chinese Zodiac-themed garden and a Tarzan musical featuring Chinese acrobats.

Iger and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang read out letters of support from Barack Obama and President Disney estimates 330 million people within a threeXi Jinping. hour radius of Shanghai will be able to afford to come to the park: that includes Zhao Qiong, 36, who was one of the first visitors inside the park on Thursday with her 4-year-old daughter.

"Since she was young, my little girl has always loved Disney princesses, so I wanted to bring her to the park to fulfill her dream," she told Reuters.


and culture.

The iconic U.S. firm is already expanding the Shanghai site to keep the home crowd keen, in a country where competition from a plethora of local theme parks promises to be fierce.

Iger received a presidential welcome from Xi Jinping in May, and Disney has been granted "special" trademark protection. But China's main military newspaper has also warned that "Zootopia", a story about a rabbit police officer in an animal city, was a tool for spreading U.S. propaganda and ideals. Furthermore, Disney will have to share the spoils with its joint venture partner state-owned Shendi Group, which has a 57 percent stake - a concession agreed during lengthy negotiations.

"There is actually construction going on this week. When we open we will continue the construction to expand what's on the opening day menu," said Iger, who first scoped out the seven square kilometer plot in 1999. "We have plenty of space to do that and we believe we've got willing partners ... We think we will probably do that sooner rather than later." Shanghai Disney could also help lure more consumers to its hit films such as "Zootopia" and "Captain America: Civil War", which are among the top grossing films in China this year. Disney, though, is facing intense competition from homegrown parks and domestic cartoon characters. Consumers also have an ambivalent attitude to its products, with some being skeptical about American values overriding Chinese traditions

Shendi is a consortium controlled by four large government-owned companies: Shanghai Media Group; hotelier Jin Jiang International, controlled by the city of Shanghai; supermarket-to-department store operator Bailian Group, and property developer Lujiazui Development Group.

(Additional reporting by Jiang Xihao, Anita Li and SHANGHAI newsroom; Editing by Edwina Gibbs and Jacqueline Wong)

The Capeland Shelby Cobra 1963 "Tribute Edition" chronograph will be offered exclusively to buyers of the Shelby Cobra 289 "Tribute Edition" racecar. Only fifteen watches and fifteen cars will be produced to pay homage to the original ...Baume & Mercier logo. www.baume-et-mercier.com


By Aaron Ross "It was total madness," said Augustin Lisoya, now maintenance director at Kinshasa's Tata Raphael stadium, recalling the night in 1974 that he watched Muhammad Ali knock out George Foreman there before some 60,000 fans. "When Muhammad Ali sent George Foreman to the floor, there was an outbreak of joy from the people of Kinshasa and from all of the Congolese people," says Lisoya, standing in the dimly-lit bowels of the now-decaying stadium where he witnessed the "Rumble in the Jungle". Many in Kinshasa this Saturday were not yet aware of Ali's death but as the news spread across the capital of Democratic Republic of Congo - formerly known as Zaire - tributes began to flood in for a man who brought global prestige to the central African nation that adopted him as one of its own. His victory over world heavyweight champion George Foreman was arguably the highlight of a career immortalized in the Academy Award-winning documentary "When We Were Kings". "Zaire became very well known," said Ingali Muzembo, a local official at Congo's national sports federation. "When people talked about Zaire, everyone was talking about 'the fight of the century.'"


The fight, hyped for months in the media and scheduled for 4 a.m. local time for maximum television exposure in the United States, attracted some of the world's most prominent journalists and celebrities to a country known by most westerners only for its periodic bouts of instability. The local crowds overwhelmingly sup-

ported the outspoken, proudly black Ali against the more reserved Foreman, who, although black himself, seemed to many a symbol of the white establishment. "(Ali) was an African. He was a Congolese," said David Madiawi, a salesman on Kinshasa's Avenue de Commerce. "He came to Congo to return to the land of his ancestors." Indeed, the crowds inside Tata Raphael for the fight cheered Ali on with cries of "Ali, boma ye!", or "Ali, kill him!" in the local Lingala language. At a time when Zaire's authoritarian leader Mobutu Sese Seko was pushing his policy of "authenticity", which called on Zaireans to renounce Western names and clothing for "homegrown" alternatives, many sensed parallels in Ali's own iconclasm, including his changing of his name from Cassius Clay following his conversion to Islam. After the fight, boxing rivalled soccer for a time as Zaire's most popular sport, Kinshasa residents said, although its popularity has faded along with memories of 1974 and as young boxers struggle to find financial support. But even four decades later, memories of that October night remain vivid. Richard Lubaka, who at 15 watched the fight live in the stadium, dramatically fell to the sidewalk, re-enacting Foreman's decisive eighth-round tumble. "I didn't believe that Ali could defeat Foreman because Foreman trained with a sack of cement. He killed live animals!" Lubaka said. "Ali wasn't strong. But technically, he was brilliant." (Editing by Marine Pennetier and Ruth Pitchford)

Source Reuters

President Barack Obama paid tribute on Saturday to boxer Muhammad Ali, saying his fight for racial justice and religious tolerance "shook up the world" and was an inspiration. "Muhammad Ali shook up the world. And the world is better for it. We are all better for it," Obama said in a lengthy statement honoring Ali's accomplishments. The former world heavyweight boxing champion died on Friday at age 74 after suffering from Parkinson's disease for three decades. Obama, who keeps a pair of Ali's gloves on display in his private study, said he came to know Ali as "a man who fought for us. He stood with King and Mandela; stood up when it was hard; spoke out when others wouldn’t."

black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own. Get used to me.'" Obama, who was golfing in Florida on Saturday, said Ali's struggle "would earn him enemies on the left and the right, make him reviled, and nearly send him to jail. But Ali stood his ground. And his victory helped us get used to the America we recognize today." Ali "could be careless with his words" but Obama said "his wonderful, infectious, even innocent spirit ultimately won him more fans than foes," noting time Ali spent visiting sick children. "We watched a hero light a torch, and fight his greatest fight of all on the world stage once again; a battle against the disease that ravaged his body, but couldn’t take the spark from his eyes," Obama said.

Obama, the nation's first African-American president, cited Ali's infamous "I am America" quote: (Reporting by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Clelia Oziel) "'I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me –

Source Reuters

Eight Facts About Former Boxing Champ Muhammad Ali: * Ali had a show-time personality, dazzling footwork and great hand speed that combined to make him a champion like his sport had never seen. His career record was 56 victories, 37 of them by knockout, and five losses. He held the world championship an unprecedented three different times. * Fighting under his given name of Cassius Clay, he won a gold medal in the light heavyweight competition at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. In a 1975 autobiography he said he threw the medal into a river one night after being refused service in a Louisville restaurant and being harassed by a gang of whites. Two biographers, however, said Ali actually lost the medal unintentionally. * His first professional fight was a six-round decision in 1960 over Tunney Hunsaker, whose day job was police chief of Fayetteville, West Virginia. Ali and Hunsaker became friends and Ali wrote in an autobiography that one of the hardest body blows he ever received came from Hunsaker. * After Malcolm X helped Ali become a member of the Nation of Islam, he dropped his given name in favor of Cassius X. Malcolm X later split from the church in a dispute but the fighter stayed on and changed his name to Muhammad Ali,

which Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad said was his "true name." * Claiming conscientious objector status, Ali refused to be inducted into the U.S. Army in 1967. He was sentenced to five years in prison, lost his title and could not get a fight at a time when he was in his athletic prime. He never went to prison while his case was under appeal and in 1971 the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the conviction. * In 1984 Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's syndrome that apparently was linked to his career. It left him slow, shaky and unable to speak much above a whisper but close associates said he never lost his sense of humor or zeal for his faith. * Ali, named the top sportsman of the 20th century by Sports Illustrated magazine, met world leaders such as Queen Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II, Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein. He was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005. * The U.S. Army measured Ali's IQ at 78. In his autobiography he said, "I only said I was the greatest, not the smartest� "(Writing by Bill Trott; Editing by Frances Kerry and Mary Milliken)


Kids will discover a summer packed full of fun at LEGOLAND® Florida Resort this year as the place #BuiltForKids offers new attractions, fun new LEGO® building activities and a brand-new summertime event that will light the night with a dazzling fireworks display. Here’s what’s in store:

LEGOLAND Night LightsLEGOLAND Night Lights – new event for 2016!

refurbishment, the awesomely re-imagined space gives LEGOLAND Florida Resort guests many great new reasons to come and play. While a few favorites remain, several allnew activities promise endless possibilities to dream it, build it, race it, fly it, swim it and more in a cool indoor play area that’s been totally transformed with colorful furnishings and floor-to-ceiling graphics. Highlights include the Creation Zone, Water Zone, Wheels Zone, Building Zone and Flight Zone.

The “Lightiest Nightiest Nights of All” invite guests to enjoy extended park hours; meet-and-greet opportunities with favorite LEGO characters, including some making their first appearance at LEGOLAND Florida LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS 4D Resort; exclusive opportunities to “LEGO NEXO build alongside KNIGHTS™: The LEGO Master Book of CreativiModel Builders; ty” – action-packed and a spectacufilm starring the lar, brick-tacular new LEGO heroes! LEGO NINJAGO® fireworks display Playing daily in that will light up the Wells Fargo® the sky above Fun Town Theater Lake Eloise with alongside “The brilliant colors LEGO Movie™ 4D and triumphant A New Advenmusic. ture,” this all-new, 4D attraction is an Held exclusively at LEGOLAND Florida Re- immersive, animated adventure created sort, the party is included with theme park especially for LEGOLAND Parks and LEGOadmission and will take place every Satur- LAND Discovery Centers around the world. day and Sunday from June 18 through July 31. Set in the futuristic kingdom of Knighton, the 12½-minute film follows five young Imagination Zone – newly re-imag- knights in their quest to defeat Jestro, the Book of Monsters and their Lava Monster ined! Army. Led by heroic Clay Moorington, the The theme park’s Imagination Zone venue, a pop- band of knights join forces with the great ular indoor space filled with hands-on LEGO digital wizard, Merlok 2.0, to vanquish the building activities in a variety of themes, has enemy and stop him from getting his devidebuted several all-new areas where kids ous hands on a powerful book of magic. can unleash the power of their imagination in fun new ways. Following a months-long

#AwesomeAwaits With New Event, New Attractions LEGOLAND® Night Lights, Imagination Zone, LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ and More Promise Summer Full of Fun at LEGOLAND Florida Resort

Afterward, kids can go on a quest to discover six shields scattered across the theme park that will unlock exclusive NEXO Powers in the free LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS Merlok 2.0 mobile app, available for iOS and Android devices.

Guard sets. Additional dining offerings, increased seating capacity and complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the entire water park round out the all-new offerings for 2016.

It’s all here at the place where

Plus, Lance Richmond, the handsome #AwesomeAwaits! hero of LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS, will be available to greet guests outside the theFor more information about visiting LEater. Check the theme park’s free Show GOLAND Florida Resort, including speGuide for character appearance times. cial events, VIP experiences, educational programs, services for guests with disBuild-A-BoatBuild-A-Boat – nauti- abilities and whimsically themed accomcal new attraction at modations at LEGOLAND Hotel, visit LEGOLAND Water Park! www.LEGOLAND.com/florida. Creative Cove is a new expansion area at LEGOLAND Water Park that adds a fun, hands-on attraction, Build-A-Boat, where kids can create and race LEGO watercraft through fast-flowing rivers alongside cheering crowds in a setting inspired by the popular LEGO City Coast

Tickets purchased online start at just $71 plus tax, while our Awesome Annual Pass offers Florida residents unlimited admission to LEGOLAND Florida theme park and LEGOLAND Water Park at the unbeatable rate of $99 plus tax.

By Chris Michaud "Hamilton", the pop culture phenomenon based on U.S. founding father Alexander Hamilton, swept the Tonys on Sunday, winning 11 of Broadway's top awards including best musical, best actor, best direction and best score and book for creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. The musical, which tells the story of the ill-fated Hamilton with a deft musical melding of hip-hop and rap, R&B, ballads and traditional Broadway showstoppers, also won for featured actress and actor and several technical awards. A somber note was cast over the festivities by the attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida early on Sunday that killed 50 people and wounded 53. Several winners spoke of the tragedy in their acceptance speeches. Jessica Lange, winning her first Tony as morphine-addicted Mary Tyrone in "Long Day's Journey Into Night, said the honor "fills me with such happiness, even on such a sad day as this." Host James Corden opened the usually ebullient show with a statement to victims and others affected: "Your tragedy is our tragedy ... hate will never win." "Tonight's show stands as a symbol and a celebration of that principle," he said. Miranda, accepting best score for a musical, delivered a sonnet for his acceptance, done in the style of verse heard in "Hamilton". "Senseless acts of tragedy ... times of hate," he said, his voice breaking as he ended with "love is love is love, cannot be killed." Miranda also won best book of a musical. Backstage, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber said: "No child is ever born to hate."


Frank Langella, who won his fourth Tony for best actor in a play as an Alzheimer's-afflicted patriarch in "The Father," said the theater community stood in support. "I urge you, Orlando, to be strong," Langella said.

However, he said at the matinee earlier that the cast realized people who had tickets for months were counting on seeing the show. "We can't let them (the killers) take that away from those people," Odom said.

"Hamilton" also won awards for Renee Elise Golds"The Humans" won the Tony for best play, while berry and Daveed Diggs as best featured actress and Jayne Houdyshell and Reed Birney were named best actor in a musical, best director Thomas Kail, and featured actress and actor in a play for the family for best lighting, costumes, choreography and ordrama. It also won for scenic design. chestrations. "The Color Purple" took best revival of a musical, while star Cynthia Erivo took the Tony for best actress in a musical. Other winners included Ivo van Hove, best director of a play for "A View from the Bridge," which also won best revival of a play. Miranda, who plays Hamilton, lost best actor in a musical to co-star Leslie Odom Jr. as his nemesis Aaron Burr. "God bless you, you've given us a new vision," he told Miranda. Backstage, Odom spoke of the U.S. shootings, saying "something like this happens and all of this seems pretty silly."

But it fell short of the 12 Tony wins by "The Producers" in 2001. Barbra Streisand, making her first Tonys appearance in 40 years, presented the best musical award to the show. In a year when the Oscars drew criticism for lacking non-white nominees, the Tonys, led by the multicultural cast of "Hamilton," stood rich with diversity. Corden joked that the Tonys were "like the Oscars but with diversity." (Additional reporting by Frank McGurty; Editing by Meredith Mazzilli, Bill Trott and Michael Perry) Source Reuters

PETER LINDBERGH A DIFFERENT VISION ON FASHI Peter Lindbergh is today regarded as one of the most influential fashion photographers of the past forty years. Lindbergh’s pure black-and-white photographs have determined the course of fashion photography since the 1980s. Opening September 10th, the first exhibition in the Netherlands devoted to German photographer Peter Lindbergh, which is initiated, produced and toured by Kunsthal Rotterdam will feature more than 220 photographs. This spectacular overview of Lindbergh’s extensive oeuvre will also present exclusive material varying from previously unseen material from personal notes, storyboards, props, polaroids, contact

ION PHOTOGRAPHY “THIS EXHIBITION IS NOT A CHRONOLOGICAL SURVEY, BUT A NARRATIVE IN WHICH YOU DISCOVER THE UNIVERSE OF PETER LINDBERGH THROUGH HIS UNIQUE EYE” - Guest curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot The exhibition ‘A Different Vision on Fashion Photography’ is an ode to Lindbergh’s multi-faceted oeuvre from 1978 to the present day. Regarded as one of the most influential fashion photographers, the multimedia exhibition is presented in a thematic approach marking his creative development and focusing on his themes, imaginary world and passions through the years, into nine different sections: Supermodels, Couturiers, Zeitgeist, Dance,

The Darkroom, The Unknown, Silver Screen, Icons and an exclusive Rotterdam gallery. The ‘Rotterdam Gallery’, photographed for the October Issue of Dutch Vogue especially made for the exhibition, shows the results of Lindbergh’s shoot of Dutch top model Lara Stone and emerging talent Elise Hupkes in the Port of Rotterdam. Uma Thurman, Los Angeles, USA, 2011 Vogue Italia © Peter Lindbergh (Courtesy of Peter Lindbergh, Paris / Gagosian Gallery) “PRECISELY NOW, WHEN THE YOUNGER GENERATION IS INUNDATED BY IMAGES VIA INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA, THE

tale to the heroine, but also the female dancer and the actress. His oeuvre is characterised by portraits that radiate a certain lack of inhibition and physical grace. “A FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER SHOULD CONTRIBUTE TO DEFINING THE IMAGE OF THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN OR MAN IN THEIR TIME, TO REFLECT A CERTAIN SOCIAL OR HUMAN REALITY” - Peter Lindbergh (2014) LINDBERGHS ŒUVRE IN CONTEXT Film excerpts and interviews with collaborators, models and actors throw light on Lindbergh’s oeuvre on the basis of their collaboration with the photographer. Lindbergh’s film Models, The Film (1991, 52 minutes) will also be screened, containing interviews with Grace Coddington, Nicole Kidman, Mads Mikkelsen, Cindy Crawford and Nadja Auermann among others. “THIS SHOULD BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PHOTOGRAPHERS TODAY: TO FREE WOMEN, AND FINALLY EV­ERYONE, FROM THE TERROR OF YOUTH AND PERFECTION” - Peter Lindbergh (Art Forum, May 2016)

KUNSTHAL CONSIDERS IT IMPORTANT TO SHOW HIS LARGE AND SMALL PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS FRAMED AND HUNG ON THE WALL” - Emily Ansenk Peter Lindbergh introduced a new realism into photography. His timeless images redefine the norms of beauty. Lindbergh’s visual idiom is influenced by the language of film and by playing with the type of the strong, self-willed woman, from the femme fa-

Wild At Heart Cindy Crawford, Tatjana Patitz, Helena Christensen, Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Karen Mulder & Stephanie Seymour, Brooklyn, 1991, Vogue US © Peter Lindbergh (Courtesy of Peter Lindbergh, Paris / Gagosian Gallery)

Kristen McMenamy, Beauduc, 1990 Vogue Paris © Peter Lindbergh (Courtesy of Peter Lindbergh, Paris / Gagosian Gallery)

Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Tatjana Patitz, Christy Turlington & Cindy Crawford, New York, 1990 © Peter Lindbergh (Courtesy of Peter Lindbergh, Paris / Gagosian Gallery)

MAJOR MONOGRAPH ON THE LINDBERGH LENS of the world renowned Dutch based architectural The exhibition is accompanied by a major mono- team Mecanoo who created the exhibition design graph on the German photogra­pher, curated by (www.mecanoo.nl). Thierry-Maxime Loriot, published by Taschen and designed by award winning graphic design firm Paprika (www.paprika.com, Montreal). In a testimony to Lindbergh’s illustrious status in the fashion world, his images are contextualised by an introduction by Kunsthal Director Emily Ansenk and an essay on Lindbergh’s work by Canadian curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot with commentaries from collaborators such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Nicole Kidman, Grace Coddington, Cindy Crawford and Anna Wintour. Their tributes explain what makes Lindbergh’s images so unique and powerful. [hardcover, 23.9 x 34.0 cm (9,4 x 13,4 in.), 500 pages, ISBN 978-3-8365-5282-0 (English, French, German) € 59,99 ] READ LINDBERGHS BIOGRAPHY About the artist 175.3 KB TRAVELLING EXHIBITION After the World premiere at the Kunsthal Rotterdam, the exhibition Peter Lindbergh. A Different Vision on Fashion Photography will travel to prestigious museums around the world, dates and venues to be announced soon. CREDITS The exhibition Peter Lindbergh. A Different Vision on Fashion Photography is initiated, produced and toured by the Kunsthal Rotterdam in close collaboration with curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot and Peter Lindbergh. The exhibition benefits from the talent

Kate Moss, Paris, 2015 Vogue Italia Š Peter Lindbergh (Courtesy of Peter Lindbergh, Paris / Gagosian Gallery)

Bold New Scent To Launch This Fall says Meg Lerner, Vice President, North

America Beauty and Fashion & Home for Avon. “She truly believes in encouraging women to not only dream big, but to turn those dreams into a reality. That same belief is at the very heart of everything we do at Avon. Her drive and creativity absolutely speak to Avon’s mission of empowerment.”

Award-winning actress Sofia Vergara and Avon announce a partnership to launch So Very Sofia by Sofia Vergara, a vivacious new fragrance. Sofia designed the scent to speak to today's strong, powerful, beautiful modern woman. So Very Sofia is a floral-based fragrance and this warm and fruity scent encourages women to never be About the Fragrance Bold and feminine, the fragrance comafraid to be their true selves. bines succulent fruits with tropical floThe scent will launch exclusively rals and fragrant herbs for a standout through Avon this fall and captures So- scent. fia's passion and confidence. ”Avon’s mission is incredibly important to me,” says Sofia. “The brand offers wom- • The fragrance opens with juicy notes of ripe passion fruits for an en a way to build themselves up and aromatic statement achieve financial security, and that’s something I strongly believe in. Mak- • The scent evolves to reveal a heart of delicate Flor de Mayo Orchid, ing this fragrance available exclusively the national flower of Colombia, through Avon is my way of supportSofia’s native country ing that goal. I want to help empower each woman to take control of her life, • Base notes of herbal patchouli envelop the wearer for a memorable and gain the confidence and ability to finish achieve her dreams.” Price: $36 The fragrance was inspired by a bold woman: one who is her own muse and Where to buy: Available exclusively who encourages others to live life with through Avon Representatives. To passion. Both feminine and powerful, locate an Avon Representative call she’s not afraid to flaunt her beauty, 1-800-FOR-AVON or visit www.avon.com and is always true to herself. “Sofia is such an inspiring woman,”


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