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AboutUS Brazilian Media The American Way


Brazilian Media The American Way Orlando, October 2015

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We Deliver

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.� Nelson Mandela

From My Desk... The experience of accomplishing goals is unique. An important sense of responsibility which can’t be ignored making it all better. Starting from the principle everything must follow its course, good and bad, I love the notion of seeing bad people, bad things and misfortunes run its course, and leave nothing behind, because a bad impression shoudn’t be a success among any of us, it must be forgotten! Run life with competence doesn’t mean you should be rich. It means you should be plenty, realized and happy with the results of your work, whatever it may be. Above all with the self respect you have gathered for the changes you made possible and seeds you planted for a better future, should be enough to fulfil the heart. A plenty life is a well thought destination. Live your life dreaming of making a difference, will always overcome all the negative you may find in your path. Concentrate on that, it is all anyone need.

Ademar Rodrigues

Our CEO Brazilian, great photographer and with a mind set to detail. The ground person.

Laiz Rodrigues Editor in Chief, PR., project creator. Brazilian. Responsible for the visual of our site and digital magazine. President at CFBACC

Giuseppe Ranzini Brazilian Artist Atelier G. Ranzini Arts and GM at NEXUM Consultoria em Marketing Empresarial

Daniel Braune

ELS Educational Services, Inc. Exchange Student in Melbourne Soccer and Sports enthusiast. Freshman at PUC-Rj Journalism and Communication

Ana Maria Ribas Professora e Pesquisadora do Departamento de História do Colégio Pedro II. Editora Responsável e Parecerista da Revista Encontros. Colaboradora da Área de Humanas do Instituto Nacional de Estu­dos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP/ MEC). Doutora em História.

Elita Freitas

Brazilian, lives in Boca Raton,g reat mom and friend, with a special vision of life and great baking skills that she shares with us every month.


Look forward, look ahead, and always find the future you have dreamed of. If you dream you can conquer it. Have a great Month! Laiz Rodrigues


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CPF na nota?

A pergunta saiu como uma bala perdida, no meio de um papo com os amigos na sexta à noite. Foi quando ele notou que tinha algo de errado. Há dois anos, Carlos era caixa na maior rede de farmácias da cidade. Fazia aquela pergunta centenas de vezes por dia. Mas ali, no meio do chope, foi algo constrangedor. A mesa emudeceu. Seus amigos o olharam pasmos, aguardando uma explicação. - Hahaha! Um brinde ao CPF! Vivaaa! Carlos deu uma de louco. Fingiu estar meio alto. - VIVAAAA O CPF!!! - gritaria geral. A artimanha funcionou. No dia seguinte, acordou preocupado. - Não é nada. Só stress. Preciso de férias – pensou alto. Foi exatamente o que fez. Juntou as férias da farmácia com as da faculdade. Ficava em casa. Lia, dormia. Às vezes ia pra balada. Morava com a mãe, que costurava pra fora. O pai tinha fugido de casa quando era recém-nascido. Trocou a mulher por uma piriguete, daquelas tipo vaqueira-urbana. A traição deixou sequelas. D.Dirce nunca mais quis saber de ninguém. Ela entrou na sala toda alegre, reacendendo a alfazema. - Filho, hoje fiz aquele feijão que você adora! Vamos almoçar? - Débito ou crédito? - a frase pulou da boca de Carlos como gude desgovernada.

uma bola de

A mãe arregalou os olhos. - O que você disse, meu filho?!? Ele gaguejava de tão nervoso. E quanto mais nervoso ficava, mais frases desconexas saíam sem controle de sua boca nervosa. - À vista ou parcelado? O rapaz suava frio. Estava branco como Gasparzinho. Entrou em desespero e deu um grito: - Aaahhhhhhh!!!! - desmaiou. Acordou no colo de sua mãe. Ela fazia cafuné, como nos tempos de criança. Esperou que ele se levantasse. Não perguntou nada. Carlos sentou e chorou. Depois de colocar aquela agonia pra fora, conseguiu falar: - Começou antes das férias. Essas frases que falo na farmácia o dia todo... Elas têm vontade própria! Saem da minha boca sem controle! Será que eu tô maluco, mãe? - Calma, filho.... Deve ser só cansaço. Você não tá trabalhando demais? - Mas nem tirando férias resolveu! Tô perdido... Não sei mais o que fazer! O rapaz chorava de dar dó. A mãe fechou os olhos, se ajoelhou e rezou. Quando acabou teve uma ideia. - Já sei! - seus olhos brilhavam - Vamos consultar a filha da D.Diva. Ela não vai cobrar nada! D. Diva era uma vizinha de muitos anos. A filha, Isabella, finalizava o último ano de psicologia. Já tinha atendido vários pacientes em trabalho voluntário. Poderia dar uma orientação. Carlos contou tudo. Isabella deu seu parecer: - Bem, pelos casos que tenho tratado, parece que o estresse evoluiu para

um tipo de TOC. - O que é isso, doutora? – perguntou Carlos. - Ainda não sou doutora - riu com ternura. Vou tentar simplificar. TOC é conhecido no nosso meio como um transtorno obsessivo compulsivo. Mãe e filho se entreolharam, assustados. Isabella continuou. - Seu filho precisa de um trabalho sem atividades mecânicas e tão repetitivas. - Graças a Deus! - disse Carlos, aliviado. - Que isso, meu filho! Achei que você gostava de trabalhar naquela farmácia. Emprego tá difícil! - Mãe, aquilo é um quebra-galho pra me ajudar a pagar a faculdade. Que, aliás, também não gosto! D.Dirce ficou chocada. Nunca soubera de nada.


André ​Luiz ​Santos

Conto Brasileiro

- Como assim? Era o sonho do seu avô ter um neto advogado! - Pois é mãe. Amava muito o vovô. Era o sonho dele. Mas não o meu. Isso vem me deixando muito infeliz. Gosto mesmo é de animais. Da natureza. Quero estudar veterinária. - Veterinária? A mãe estava desorientada. Parece que a presença de Isabella, uma pessoa neutra, deixou Carlos confiante para se abrir. A consulta levou quase duas horas. - Bom... - disse Isabella - parece que o cenário está claro. Carlos, você não gosta do que faz nem do que estuda. Não há nada de errado em ser caixa de farmácia. Mas, no seu caso, as repetições acabaram desenvolvendo um tipo de distúrbio. Quanto à faculdade, a infelicidade só vai piorar esse quadro... Acho que a solução está nas suas mãos. Em seis meses Carlos passou na Universidade Federal de Veterinária que tanto queria. Ficava no interior. A mãe não quis ir junto, por mais que seu coração doesse. Era uma vida inteira morando naquela casinha da capital. Carlos decidiu morar no Campus. - Porque demorei tanto tempo pra vir pra cá? - dizia. Ainda bem que aquela crise me fez acordar a tempo... - Ele encontrara sua verdadeira vocação. Lá era bem diferente da cidade grande. Tinha muita vegetação, parques, natureza. O ar era bom. Tudo muito calmo. Os sintomas do TOC desapareceram. Nada mais de CPF, débito, crédito, à vista ou parcelado. Cada dia era uma novidade. Conseguiu um estágio no Borboletário Municipal, perto da faculdade. Não imaginou o quão bem se adaptaria àquele lugar. Acompanhava os visitantes, dava explicações precisas. Alimentava as borboletas com frutas. Tinha um amor enorme por elas. Muitas vezes, trabalhava depois do horário por vontade própria. Aquele lugar lhe trazia paz de espírito. Um ano se passou. Carlos falava sempre com a mãe. Ela estava feliz com o progresso do filho. Marcou de visitá-lo no mês seguinte. Ele fez questão de buscar D.Dirce na rodoviária. - Carlinhos! - Mãe! Que saudades!


Abraçaram-se. Conversaram bastante na condução até o Campus. Depois do almoço, ele disse: - Mãe, quero que você conheça um lugar muito especial pra mim. - Onde, meu filho? Seguiram até o Borboletário. Estava só o pessoal do laboratório, mas "Carlinhos" era muito querido por lá. Abriram o local só para eles. Uma visita VIP. - A senhora que é a mãe do "Encantador de Borboletas"? Ela não entendeu nada. - Seu filho é gente fina! -Muito popular por aqui! – disse outro colega. D.Dirce sorriu. Que mãe não ficaria orgulhosa? Ela ficou encantada ao entrar no local. - Meu Deus! Parecem flores que voam! - disse ela ao ver o festival de borboletas laranjas, verdes, amarelas e de tantas outras cores voando ao mesmo tempo. - E são mesmo mãe. Olha só que lindas... Era uma mais deslumbrante que a outra. Os olhos de Carlinhos brilhavam.Ele esticou o braço. Em segundos, uma borboleta laranja pousou em seu dedo. Depois outra amarela. Depois outra lilás. Quando sua mão já estava coberta, dezenas chegaram e cobriram seu braço. Era como se um ímã as atraísse. A mãe se surpreendeu. Nela, não havia pousado uma que fosse. - Mãe, quer ver uma coisa?

Conto Brasileiro

Carlos fechou os olhos e respirou fundo. Em segundos, seu corpo estava coberto por borboletas. Ele parecia um ser alado multicolorido. - Meu filho, acho que não tô me sentindo bem... Carlos estalou os dedos e elas se foram. A mãe precisou sentar. Se alguém contasse, ela não acreditaria. Estava maravilhada e chocada ao mesmo tempo. - Puxa mãe... Quis te impressionar e acho que exagerei na dose! - C...Como você fez aquilo?!? - Não tenho a menor ideia. Um dia aconteceu e... Fica calma mãe. Aqui eu tô ótimo. Encontrei o que amo fazer e estudar. Adoro a natureza. - É por isso que seus colegas te deram aquele apelido? Encantador de Borboletas? - Eles são gente boa. Brincam o tempo todo. - Mas algum deles consegue fazer o que você faz? Carlos mudou de assunto. - Olha aquela ali! Preta e dourada! Não é linda? É minha preferida! D.Dirce não era encantadora de borboletas mas conhecia seu filho como ninguém. - Carlos da Silva, senta aqui. Olha no meu olho. Para de me enrolar. Não saio daqui enquanto você não me contar tudo! - Tá bom, mãe. Meus colegas não conseguem fazer isso. Só eu. Não tem

explicação... Aconteceu de repente. Só se for o que eu sinto por elas. Pesquisei sobre isso. Elas sentem a vibração das pessoas. Talvez isso explique porque alguns visitantes não atraem nenhuma borboleta sequer. Já outros... D.Dirce ouvia com atenção. - Aliás, achei um pouco estranho... Porque nenhuma delas pousou em você? Você não ama borboletas? - Acho bonitas. E só. Mas amor profundo, acho que não sinto não... Hoje eu tô meio cansada... Pensei no seu pai... Elas não devem ter sentido muito alegria em mim... Enquanto a mãe falava, Carlos levantou discretamente o dedo da mão que abraçava a mãe. Uma borboleta azul voou na hora e pousou no braço dela. - Ah é, D.Dirce? Então o que é isso no seu braço? Quando sua mãe viu aquela beleza de perto, pousada em seu braço, uma lágrima escorreu por seu rosto enrugado. Caiu bem em cima da borboleta. Ao sentir sua asa molhada, ela voou e pousou no nariz de D.Dirce. Ela começou a chorar que nem criança. Parecia colocar uma grande tristeza guardada para fora. Depois, ficou aliviada. - Meu filho, você tem um dom. Dado por Deus. Eu te abençoo. Ela fez o sinal da cruz em sua testa. Os colegas do laboratório espiavam, emocionados, pela janela. Na hora da benção, algumas borboletas voaram em direção à D.Dirce. - Vamos, mãe? O Sol está se pondo e elas logo se esconderão - disse Carlos. D.Dirce saiu primeiro. Quando Carlos estava quase na porta, uma surpresa: a espécie mais rara do Borboletário pousou em seu ouvido, como se lhe contasse um segredo. Ele se assustou. Ficou paralisado. Ela batia suas asas devagar. A cada segundo que passava, Carlos arregalava mais os olhos. Então a borboleta se foi. Linda. E rara. Aquilo nunca tinha acontecido. Ainda mais com aquela espécie. Ele ainda não sabia se era realidade ou devaneio. Ninguém tinha presenciado a cena. Ao chegar ao Campus, ele olhou fundo nos olhos da mãe e disse: - Mãe. Vou dizer uma coisa e peço que não me interrompa. Você vai morar aqui comigo. Vamos ao Borboletário todos os dias. Isso vai te fazer bem. Vou cuidar de você até o fim. A gente vai ficar junto até seu último suspiro. Eu te amo. Ela não tinha ideia de como o filho havia descoberto sua doença. Só ela sabia. Mais ninguém. O câncer já estava em estado avançado. Era questão de meses. Ela sequer desconfiara da nova habilidade do filho: entender a linguagem das borboletas. Carlos, que ainda estava assustado com o novo dom recebido, tivera a confirmação da mãe sobre sua doença. Exatamente a mensagem que borboleta sussurrara em seu ouvido. Ele não tinha a menor ideia do que ainda aprenderia com elas. /historiasdocotidiano Picture: www.public-domain-image.com

André ​Luiz ​Santos

By Scott Malone-PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Pope Francis took time out from the crowds in Philadelphia on Sunday to visit a prison, telling inmates that all people need to be “cleansed” and they should not view their confinement as exclusion from society.Meeting 60 men and 11 women prisoners in a drab room at the Cur-

told the inmates and assembled family members. “All of us are part of that effort.” When he entered the hall, prison officials led Francis to an upholstered wooden chair that inmates had made for his visit. He pointed to the seat, gave the waiting inmates a thumbs-up sign and then blew them a kiss after he sat in it ”The chair is very beautiful,” he told them. “Thank you very much for the hard work.” Mildred Nawa, 51, a nurse from Reading, Pennsylvania, said she was glad the pope was meeting with prisoners.

”I think that is what he should be doing, reaching out to the people who really need him. I think he is more about living by like Jesus than focusing on dogma,” she said in downtown Philadelphia while waiting for a ran-Fromhold Correctional Facility, the Argentine-born papal Mass later on Sunday. “I think it’s a great example pope stressed their time behind bars was meant to re- for priests, for all of us.” habilitate them. He then shook hands with each inmate, blessing all and hugging some who rose to greet him. Francis, who has called for the global abolition of the death penalty and also has spoken against lengthy Francis has emphasized outreach to the poor, to immi- prison terms, has made prison visits a regular part of grants and those on the margins of society through- his travels. He has counseled teenagers in juvenile deout his first visit to the United States. He lunched with tention in Brazil and in Bolivia, he kissed inmates in the homeless people in Washington onThursday after ad- country’s most violent prison. Maria Lazar, a 70-year-old Catholic from Harleysville, Pennsylvania, also on her way to the Mass, said the visit underlined the pope’s message of tolerance. ”It’s about forgiveness, it reminds people that no matter what you have done on your life you can always turn back,” Lazar said. “And it helps remind us not to judge, that we all have our issues.

dressing the U.S. Congress. ”All of us need to be cleansed, to be washed, all of us, and me in the first place,” the Argentina-born pope said in his native Spanish at the prison, which houses some 2,800 inmates. ”This time in your life can only have one purpose: to give you a hand in getting back on the right road,” he Reporting by Scott Malone; Editing by Tom Henegha.

The Pope in The USA The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has been the subject of multiple damaging grand jury reports relating to the scandal, which by the Church’s own estimate has involved 6,400 clergy credibly accused between 1950 and 2013 nationwide. Twelve U.S. dioceses have filed for bankruptcy in part due to hefty settlements, more than $3 billion nationwide, paid to victims Pope Francis departed the United States on Sunday night after a six-day visit, leaving Philadelphia International Airport on an American Airlines flight to Rome.Reporting by Peter Cooney in Washington)

Thr Pope in The USA By Scott Malone and Philip Pullella

Pope Francis dove into some of the United States’ thorniest political debates during his historic visit by urging the world’s wealthiest nation to welcome immi- to support the intense partisan battles that define modgrants, to end homelessness and do more to address ern Washington. On some matters, he likely arrived too late to make a difference. The first Latin American climate change. pope reiterated, in a veiled reference, the Roman CathSometimes his political messages were blunt, like olic Church’s opposition to abortion and defended trawhen he pleaded before the U.S. Congress for Ameri- ditional notions of the family in a nation where gay cans to end “hostility” toward immigrants. Other times, marriage is now the law of the land. they were more subtle, like the climate-conscious Beyond the halls of power, the immensely popular pope’s decision to ride around in a tiny Fiat rather than 78-year-old pope made numerous stops in Washington DC, New York City and Philadelphia to commune a gas-guzzling SUV. with the people, capping the visit with a huge open-air While Vatican officials said the pope was only re-stat- Mass in Philadelphia for hundreds of thousands of peoing Church social teachings and not making political ple on Sunday.Life means ‘getting our feet dirty’ from statements in his first U.S. visit ever, many in the pub- the dust-filled roads of life and history,” the pope told a lic and across the political landscape saw it differently. group of prisoners he visited Sunday morning. Among them, 42-year-old Gabriela Munoz of Brooklyn, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, who “All of us need to be cleansed, to be washed, all of us said the pope’s comments on immigration had given and me in the first place.” Francis emphasized the plurality of faith, taking part in her “a lot of hope and faith. a service with representatives of six other religions at ”Even if it’s a small thing, it has to have touched the the site of New York’s former World Trade Center towers, which were destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. heart of congressmen,” she said. But in an acutely polarized Congress, it was unclear if lawmakers’ minds were changed by Francis’ words in Washington or at the United Nations, where he condemned the “boundless thirst” for wealth and power. Shortly before arrival, Francis denied he was a leftist, despite his criticisms of the excesses of capitalism. His speeches gave both Democrats and Republican fodder

He repeated the call made in the first-ever papal encyclical to focus on the environment, “Laudato Si,” praising President Barack Obama for his actions on reducing air pollution while urging Congress and world leaders at the U.N. to do more.

After exhorting Congress to work for the common good ”It was definitely his attempt to communicate according to the mode of the receiver,” Groome said. “We have to wait and see, I suppose, on what the long-term effect of it is.” ’SON OF IMMIGRANTS’ At a time when immigration is a hot-button issue in the 2016 U.S. presidential race, with Republican front-runner Donald Trump vowing to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, Francis played up his own heritage in calling for tolerance. He noted that he was the “son of immigrants” to Argentina from Italy and spoke in his native Spanish to crowds of Latino Catholics, saying their heritage was nothing to of the people, he went straight to lunch with the home- be ashamed of. less and said there was “no moral justification” for their plightKristen Bushka, a 36-year-old Philadelphia resident Phil Tran, an 18-year-old who immigrated to the United who came out to catch a glimpse of the pope, said his States from Vietnam as a young child and is now in his messages cut across party lines. first year of studying for the Catholic priesthood, said he was moved by Francis’ focus on immigration. ”You see Democrats taking from his speeches and you ”He says that he, too is child of immigrants,” see Republicans taking from his speeches,” Bushka said. “I don’t think the pope has a political agenda. I think Tran said. what he says is relatable to everyone.”Within minutes of Francis’ historic address to Congress, lawmakers for “He is a pope who stands for the whole family.” Not eveach party cited his words to bolster their arguments ery one who heard his words welcomed that message and contended that the other side failed to understand ”I think we should close our borders,” said Loretta the message. Sabella-Vigliona, 65, whose her brother firefighter Thomas Sabella, died in the attacks and came out to see ”Washington didn’t ignore it, but they are incapable of Francis at New York’s 9/11 Museum. “We have too many following the pope’s suggestions. It’s just that simple,” people coming here. said Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. “I think the pope had more impact on average Americans. That is where there might be an impact.” Eric LeCompte, executive director of the Jubilee USA Network, a nonprofit that advocates for debt relief for developing countries, was more hopeful. ”Does it make a difference for all of Congress? No,” LeCompte said. “But for some members of Congress, he has provided cover to take political risks and start to reach across the aisle again.” The Argentine-born pope is more comfortable speaking Spanish, which he used to deliver most of his homilies to Catholics during the visit, but gave his speech in the Capitol in heavily-accented English. That likely reflected his desire to deliver his message as directly as possible to the American people, said Thomas Groome, executive director of Boston College’s Center for the Church in the 21st Century.


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5/11/11 10:35 AM

Orange County Lança Task Force Para Confrontar O Aumento Dos Uso Da Heroína

Prefeita Teresa Jacobs convocou a primeira sessão de trabalho da HeroínaTask Force na segunda-feira com o Xerife Jerry L. Demings, vice County Administrador de Segurança Pública e Serviços de Saúde George Ralls, MD, e numerosos especialistas da aplicação da lei, de interdição e de tratamento locais para resolver o pico extraordinário em consumo de heroína local e overdoses de droga altamente viciante. "Como nossa nação continua a combater a epidemia de abuso de medicamentos, incluindo os toxicodependentes que procuram uma alternativa aos ilegalmente dispensados medicamentos para a dor, o uso disparado de heroína está a emergir como uma ameaça mortal e violenta", disse a prefeita Jacobs. "Para resolver este problema localmente, pedi Sheriff Demings para se juntar a mim na formação de uma Força-Tarefa colaborativa e multi-jurisdicional." Co dirigida pela prefeita Jacobs e Sheriff Demings a Força-Tarefa será composta por líderes comunitários chave, que irá fornecer os seus conhecimentos nas áreas de aplicação da lei, educação e prevenção, cuidados de saúde e tratamento para lidar com o aumento do consumo de heroína e mortes relacionadas a overdoses em Orange County. Embora o abuso de drogas de prescrição ainda seja um problema grave, a heroína tornou-se mais fácil de obter e tem um nível muito elevado de grau de pureza. Estudos preocupantes descobriram que mais profissionais jovens adultos estão usando heroína. Em 2014, houve 90 mortes em Orange County associados com a heroína, um escalonamento de 84 por cento de aumento a partir de 2013. Em 2014, a aplicação da lei local relatou 606 submissões de heroína para o laboratório do Departamento de Florida Law Enforcement, um aumento de 400 por cento desde 2010. De acordo com o Relatório Anual de 2013 do Florida Medical Examiner, as mortes causadas por heroína aumentaram 78,7 por cento no estado quando comparado a 2012. Um estudo recente divulgado pelo Centers for Disease Control (CDC) também mostra o número de consumidores de heroína nos EUA cresceu por

mais de 300.000 na última década. Ao longo dos últimos anos, Orange County tem visto uma diminuição no número de operações contra pontos de venda de pílulas ilegais e mortes relacionadas as drogas por prescrição, tudo como resultado da exaustiva legislação que regula a prescrição de drogas da Flórida, a implementação do Programa de Monitoramento de Drogas por Prescrição, regulamentos locais, execução da lei pró-ativa e um aumento nas admissões de tratamento. Com menos comprimidos na rua, as comunidades estão agora experimentando um aumento do consumo de heroína, que é uma alternativa mais barata para os viciados em opiáceos."A heroína se tornou uma alternativa popular. É essencialmente o mesmo produto químico como em analgésicos, mas custa cerca de cinco vezes menos na rua ", Director do CDC, Thomas Frieden disse. Outro estudo do CDC publicado no início deste ano, mostrou um aumento constante no número de mortes por intoxicação envolvendo a heroína. Intoxicações medicamentosas são a causa número um de mortes relacionadas com o prejuízo, com 43,982 mortes relatadas em todo o país em 2013. Prevê-se que a força-tarefa vai se reunir durante cerca de seis meses para completar a sua análise, e recomendações, bem como o desenvolvimento de um plano de acção que aborda essa questão crítica.

Orange County Launches Heroin Task Force to Address the Increase in the Drug's Use Mayor Teresa Jacobs convened the first Heroin Task Force work session on Monday with Sheriff Jerry L. Demings, Deputy County Administrator of Public Safety and Health Services George Ralls, M.D., and numerous local law enforcement, interdiction and treatment experts to address the extraordinary spike in local heroin use and overdoses from the highly addictive drug. “As our nation continues to battle the epidemic of prescription drug abuse, including drug abusers seeking an alternative to illegally-dispensed pain medications, the skyrocketing use of heroin is emerging as a deadly and violent threat,” Mayor Jacobs said. “To tackle this problem locally, I have asked Sheriff Demings to join me in forming a collaborative and multi-jurisdictional Task Force.” Co-chaired by Mayor Jacobs and Sheriff Demings, the Task Force will be comprised of key community leaders, who will provide their expertise in the areas of law enforcement, education and prevention, healthcare and treatment to address the increase in heroin use and overdose-related deaths in Orange County.

more young adult professionals are using Heroin. In 2014, there were 90 deaths in Orange County associated with heroin, a staggering 84 percent increase from 2013. In 2014, local law enforcement reported 606 heroin submissions to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement lab, a 400 percent increase since 2010. According to the 2013 Florida Medical Examiner’s Annual Report, deaths caused by heroin increased 78.7 percent in the state when compared to 2012. A recent study released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also shows the number of heroin users in the U.S. has grown by more than 300,000 in the last decade. Over the last several years, Orange County has seen a decrease in the number of illegal pill mill operations and prescription drug-related deaths as a result of Florida’s comprehensive prescription drug legislation, the implementation of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, local regulations, proactive law enforcement and an increase in treatment admissions. With fewer pills on the street, communities are now experiencing an increase in heroin use, which is a cheaper alternative for those addicted to opiates. “Heroin has become a popular alternative. It is essentially the same chemical as in prescription painkillers, but it costs roughly five times less on the street,” CDC Director Thomas Frieden has said.

Another study by the CDC issued earlier this year, showed a steady increase in the number of drug-poisoning deaths involving heroin. Drug poisonings are the number one cause of injury-related deaths, with 43,982 deaths reported nationwide in 2013. It is anticipated that the task force will meet for approxiAlthough prescription drug abuse is still a serious prob- mately six months to complete its analysis, recommenlem, heroin has become easier to obtain and has a very dations, and the development of an action plan that adhigh-purity level. Troubling studies have found that dresses thiscritical issue.

The CFBACC - Central Florida Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, was invited by the Orlando International Airport administration GOAA, to their Annual Small Business Annual Networking event which reunited several nonprofit organizations and Minority businesses. The event has the objective to improve business opportunities to minority certified businesses, helping the achieve contracts and learn how to do business with the GOAA. It was a great event, with plenty of information provided to increase the flow of business to small entrepreneurs.

GOAA-Annual Networking Event at The MCO

Top right CFBACC-Laiz Rodrigues, to the left Andrea Almeida CFBACC Treasurer, representing Attorney Ed Beshara PA, trustee for the CFBACC. On top the registration tables, to the fas left, courtesy breakfast at the event and on top CFBACC table at the event.

Our Thanks To Marcio Ciccarini For All The SUPPORT TO CFBACC


THE CFBACC PATH The year of 2015 has been a very important year to CFBACC. Under a complete new Board, the year started with the decision of having a Board installation for the new Directors and Executive Board at the Crowne Plaza Orlando Universal-Chamber Trustees for many years. Recently CMP and FDC (Don Cabral Foundation from Brazil) joined CFBACC and this helped the chamber to solidify many future plans of educating and give the business community a lot more support. To the right Sonia Campos - CMP Director.

Carlos Arruda (Carlos Alberto Arruda de Oliveira) – PhD in International Management - University of Bradford, England. Professor in the area of Innovation and Competitiveness, Executive Director of Business Partnerships and Innovation Center and Manager and Entrepreneurship Fundação Dom Cabral - FDC, Marcelo Altoé (Marcelo Oliveira Altoé ) – Master in International Business from the University of Birmingham, UK, Specialist in Project Management. Professor in the areas of Corporate Strategy and International Business Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC. The topic “Business Competitiveness” of Carlos Arruda’s remarks will cover subjects affecting the business, innovation and economic landscape, useful information when doing business in Florida and Brazil.

and Diversity and chairman emeritus of the Board of UNICON, USA. He was a senior officer of the Division of Business Development, International Trade Centre UNCTAD/ITC in Switzerland. Arruda is coordinator in Brazil of the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, WCY, studies and of the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report. He is the author of several publications and books on cross culture management, internationalization of enterprises, international competitiveness, innovation management and business longevity.

The event was at Crowne Plaza Orlando Universal, that one more time exceed everyone’s expectations, as you can see by the pictures. CFBACC thrives in offer its members and guests good experiences with opportunities Carlos Arruda is a former member of the World to grow and learning. Economic Forum’s Global Council on Talent

IACC GALA at the Gaylord Hotel The Indian American Chamber of Commerce

The IACC Annual Gala is one of the most successful events among the Chambers of Commerce in Greater Orlando. Always sold out weeks in advance, the event hosts not only members but also, Board Directors, government elected officials, other chamber presidents and several guest speakers. As you can see by the pictures the magical ambiance was set this year. It seemed we were in an enchanted forest. Among women in the most beautiful gowns, princes, and all different colours, all of it made for an unforgettable night. On the pictures, Laiz Rodrigues CFBACC President, Khalid Muneer President elect at Asian American Chamber, Mona President at Muslim American Chamber of Commerce. our thanks to IACC President Tino Patel.

Hispanic Heritage Month City Of Orlando Mayor Dyer joined District 2 City Commissioner Tony Ortiz at the City of Orlando’s annual Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. The free event celebrates every year the influence of Hispanic culture in Orlando and will feature an art exhibit highlighting the work of Central Florida Puerto Rican artists. La Diaspora. Every Year in the Month Of September the City of Orlando organizes a huge event to launch the Hispanic Heritage month. An event with heart and soul, that enforces our roots and shows how Diverse Orlando is. This year Puerto Rico invaded the City, from Art, Music and Dance to Folklore, the Rotunda was a big Puerto Rican Heart, with everyone celebrating that important moment. Mayor Buddy Dyer welcomed everyone along with City Commissioner Tony Ortiz and Commissioner Regina Hill. It was really amazing. “Orlando is the epicenter of the world” said District 2 City Commissioner Tony Ortiz “I am proud to see so many Hispanics right here performing in that epicenter.” The Art Exhibit La Diaspora at the City Hall will be open until the end of September. The Event was Organized by the City of Orlando Multicultural Department and Multicultural Director Luis Martinez. Present were, State Senator and Candidate for Congress Darren Soto(D-Orlando), State Representatives Bob Cortes (R-Altamonte Springs) and Victor Torres, Orange County Property Appraiser Rick Singh, Orange County Tax Collector Scott Randolph, Orlando City Commissioners Regina Hill, and Robert Stuart. Orlando City Police Chief John Mina and Congressional Candidate Susannah Randolph State House District 49 CandidateCarlos Guillermo Smith.

Hispanic Heritage Month City Of Orlando

It was a pleasure to register such a great event. The Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration has been a tradition for several years and has counted with the creative organization of Luiz Martinez-Alicea Director of Multicultural Affairs for the City of Orlando, on the feft in the picture above, along with Oscar his partner, and Ana G. Mendez Director Thomas Mestre and friend.

Hispanic Heritage Month City Of Orlando La Diaspora An Art Exhibition during the Hispanic Heritage Month with Several renown Hispanic Artists

El Arte de Pedro Brull

La Diaspora

La Diaspora The Irresistible Art of Denisse Berlingeri

Artist Felipe Moralez


Orlando Office Furniture Open House Organized by Zanibel Melo, with the support of CFBACC, Microsoft and Higher Dreams Productions the Orlando Office Furniture grand opening, had the presence of several Hispanic Artists, such as Julsan Art, Richard Barrenechea, German Lemus, Brazilian Artist Krystiano Dacosta, and Juan Valdez Perez. It was a great event with live music, wine station, great food and a coffee bar. MundoMax TV Station was present registering the event.

Julsan Art Urban Artist


From Dominican Republic, he prefers the use of hardwood which allows for the use of mixed media. These elements create the sensation of having a three dimensional portrait and enhances the paintings by making them feel alive.


Richard Barrenechea

Photos by The Hotspotorlando

As an artist, Richard Barrenechea acquired many skills; one of them was learning the technique of "faux finish" while working in different parks doing scenic paintings. Later in his career, Barrenechea started falling in love with airbrush art and got increasingly involved with murals until he completely mastered the automotive airbrush art in the process, "I believe that a good automotive airbrush art is the epitome of perfection for airbrush work". Barrenechea has received several awards from the City Of Orlando for his photography work and others as a plastic artist.

ARTIST Juan Valdez Perez

Yo. He pas do unas lin cia tratand

Y es que n sos entoce sentado al quiere vivi inconcluso una a una

Mas. Aun y dejando za que no navegue y

sado muchas horas en la eternidad despierto trazanneas mezclando unos colores con una gran pasiendo de encontrar una piel ya olvidada.

no encuentro tampoco el amor en forma de veres sanas formas en el destierro me hacen amanecer l pie de un arbol que no suena que se seca que no ir y solo espera...vagabundo de las horas de los retos os en una asombrosa situacion anunciada recojo a mis palabras para que nadie sepa de mis huellas

asi mi corazon fuerte y al desnudo va sangrando o sobre la tierra lo mas puro y limpio una esperano muere y un mar lleno de besos para que alguien y sea feliz con ellos

Artist German Lemus Accepting one’s Artistry uplifts the soul and eliminates the weight to one self. Such an innate understanding of this truth can be the first most valuable virtue we should all be inspired to attain. This spread Photos by Orlando Office Furniture

As a tradition in the Brazilian Community in Orlando the most awaited Halloween Party. PC's Halloween Party, getting better every year and always bringing great music spirits and amazing costumes. Music by DJ Junior!

PC’s Halloween Party-Orlando

The photography is By Chicao, that registered all the fun!

PC’s Halloween Party-Orlando

Now serving in two locations 5472 International Dr. Orlando, Florida (407) 447-8946 Kiosk at The Florida Mall 8001 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32809 Forever XXI Entrance www.paogostoso.net

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Elita Freitas

Address: 5600 International Dr. Orlando, FL . 32819 ​ Open every day​ 12:00pm-11:00pm ​ Tel: (407)354-0260


Commerce took the The Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of nce "Doing Business With Cenfere con The zil. Bra in nce fere con day e thre a ate initiative to cre Olimpia and reunited in each day, 120 ila n-V isso Rad the at lo pau Sao in e plac k too tral Florida" to do business with the USA. and st inve to how ut abo n lear to er eag nts, nda atte companies, individuals, who size mid and ll sma s, stor inve ll sma for ed ign des The program was if desired. It is important to emUSA the in live also to ible elig be can and ial have the potent County Government, City of Orlando and nge Ora the from t por sup had nce fere con the phasize Economic Development Committee.

Every moment of our trip was a great surprise, we landed early at Viracopos, a beautiful small airport with a great architecture, we stayed at the Radisson in Vila Olimpia, Sao Paulo, with perfect service, and promptness. Our Guests for the conference were also very well served, The ticket included breakfast and lunch, plus all the classes, and materials. We planned a event to prepare potential investors to come to the USA, to be aware of all the changes and legal implications they may encounter. Everyone was informed about the main aspects of not only investing but also relocate, or even to be informed about, protection of assets, accounting, insurance, taxes, money transfer, succession, immigration, how to open a business, Real Estate construction, and Hotel investment and Administration.

The CFBACC reunited 26 speakers who diligently donated their time to assure the participants would understand and take the right, legal steps to educate themselves, and to follow the legal steps to become a productive part of our community. During the three days, we covered, Business Planning, Immigration, Business Ethics, E-Commerce, how to open a business, taxes, Investments, Asset Protection, Insurance, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Medical Field Opportunities, Credit creation, Health Insurance, Accounting, Money transfer, Government, Education, IT opportunities, every aspect necessary

to create a safe and conscious transition, preparing to do business in the US. The CFBACC understands that in the past many Brazilian investors have arrived in the US, eager to do business, but could not fulfill their dreams for lack of education, cultural barriers, ethics and immigration problems, leading them to give up, break the law or even worse, become deported and bankrupt. We don't want this anymore. We want to lead the investors to success and above all to a clear path, where they will be willing to have the necessary orientation and legal advice.

Cristina Faria-VIP Health Services

On the right-Jose Serrad

Open a business and in fessionals and carefully ed a legacy of good an the following sponsors com, Magnus, Beshara,

Edsel Oliveira - ReachOut-Grendene

The event was organize zil and all Media suppo tion with Results. To re next mission, please The Orlando City Soc Enterprise Florida,

Hugo Azzolini-A Different Perspective

nvesting, must be supervised by proy thought. We hope, we have startnd responsible work. CFBACC had s, EMBRAER, Brighthouse, Booking. , PA, Macy's,

ed by LAW Communication/SP-Braort was made by Sing Communicaequest more information about our e-mail missionbrazil@cfbacc.com ccer, Regus, Westchester Financial,

Attorney Ed Beshara, his Paralegal Andrea Almeida and office Business developerRosie Roden.

Doing Business With Central Florida

dos from EMBRAER


Local, award-winning of Art joined the natio exhibition at Orlando combining art, culture sketching.


Artists examined the M naturally and intentio mies — as well as rela and ancient Egypt — a bition. The finished pr pointillism piece and e able to watch these m

Local, Award-Winning Orlando Artists Live Sketch Drawings Inspired by Mummies

g artists who work at the Orlando Museum the afternoon, which provided an artistic enhancement to the onally recognized Mummies of the World Mummies of the World visitor experience. Science Center for a one-time only event, re and history during an afternoon of live The artwork created will soon be on display at the Orlando Science Center in the exhibition. Admission to Mummies of the Mummies of the World rare collection of 45 World: onally preserved human and animal mumated artifacts from South America, Europe The Exhibition is $27 for adults, $24 for seniors and students, $18 and created artand poetry inside the exhi- for kids (ages 3-11), and free for children ages 2 and under. Memrojects included photo-realistic sketches, a bers enjoy this experience for $10 per person, or free for children erasure poetry.Science Center guests were two and under. masterpieces take shape over the course of




· Hansen Mulford, Curator and Head of Collections and Exhibitions – As a practicing artist, Mulford has received two Florida Individual Artist Fellowships and participated in numerous exhibitions. · Catherine Pinyot, Fine Artist and Illustrator – Pinyot has participated in several exhibitions including a solo show at 57 Treasury, St. Augustine, FL. Her painting “Light Blue” was recently featured on the cover of the Spring 2015 edition of The Flagler Review. She works mainly with oil paints on a large scale, with a subject matter ranging from contemporary figurative to non-representational


The artists included: · Ross Quesnell, Associate Curator of Education & Outreach – Recipient of numerous artistic awards including the Northwest Watercolor Society’s Gold Grant. Quesnell uses symbolic narration to explore human habits and coping mechanism in the face of hardship. His work blends layers of geometric and organic forms while building a looming sense of foreboding.

· David Matteson, Artist and Writer – Matteson’s work has shown at the Cornell Fine Arts Museum, AIR Gallery Brooklyn and is also part of the permanent collection at the Olin Library in Winter Park, FL. He is technically trained as a printmaker and bookmaker, though as a concept-driven artist he utilizes an array of mediums, which include performance, artist books, and interventions.

· Jake White, Development Director – White’s background is in watercolors, acrylic paintings and pen & ink artwork. His work is displayed at local businesses and throughout the US. · Adam Wade Lavigne, Facility Assistant -- Lavigne, who earned a BFA in Drawing from UCF in 2014, publishes small press comics. He recently participated in the Orlando 'Zine Fest, and his work can be seen in Opossum Press: Prints for Nepal. Lavigne was also a studio assistant for Tom McGrath during McGrath's production of 35 paintings at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.

DOC COMPARATO-Have you ever met ? Luiz Felipe Loureiro Comparato - known as Doc Comparato was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 1949. At 22 years of age he was already a cardiologist, won a fellowship from the British Council at the National Heart Hospital in London and left medicine to dedicate himself to writing, screen production, stage and TV. Since then, he has written over fifteen plays, published and produced in Brazil, several novels, children’s books and a prizewinning collection of short stories many of them translated in several languages, Founder of TV Globo’s Creative Center (Centro de Criação) in 1986, Doc’s prodigious accomplishments as a creator, author and collaborating author of innumerous series and miniseries since 1978 for Globo, Record and TV networks in Latin America and Europe have won him a number of international prizes. Among the series and miniseries for TV Globo that he has authored and coauthored are: • A Justiceira (1997/1998); • O Tempo E O Vento (1985); • Lampião E Maria Bonita. A man of the world, Comparato has lived outside of Brazil, engaging in innovative media projects in Europe, Cuba, Mexico and Argentina, as travelled often throughout Latin America and Europe working as a professor, script consultant, Creative Adviser, and Script Doctor.

In 1987, he worked with Gabriel García Márquez on a miniseries, Me Alquillo Para Soñar/Rent Dreams in Cuba - produced by TV-E Brazil, Madrid in 1990, and with Russian script writer Alexander Chlepianov in Moscow. From 2002 to 2003 he lived in Barcelona, he worked as a scriptwriter, as well as creative director for Prodigius Audiovisuals (Producer of European TV-movies) and also director of DEA Planeta (De Agostini Planeta Corporation, with headquarters in Barcelona) for the development of miniseries and European audiovisual projects. He was also Consultant for the European Script Foundation - Pilot Project (with headquarters in London). His Spanish/ Catalan script credits include Hospital (TV Antena 3/Madrid /1997) and Arnau (Miniseries/ Barcelona/1994). Comparato has also worked occasionally as an actor, but his thespian talents are most often applied in the courses and seminars he teaches on script writing. His two books on writing screenplays Roteiro, arte da televisão (1983) and Da Criação Ao Roteiro (1995) - have gone through several editions and languages and remain important educational references today. A frequent lecturer and professor in Latin America and Europe, he continues to give seminars, courses and lectures worldwide. Doc now lives in Rio de Janeiro, and is getting ready to visit South and Central Florida.

A. Serials: Plantão De Polícia: (Criator E Author) 22/06/1979 - Crime Do Vidigal

Retrato De Mulher: (Criator E Author) 16/12/92 - Era Uma Vez...Leila 18/05/93 - Era Uma Vez...Madalena A Justiceira: (Criator E Author) 09/04/1997 - Preço Da Vida 16/04/1997 - Cinzas No Planalto 17/04/1997 - Bala No Trem De Prata 23/04/1997 - O Filho Da Madona 30/04/1997 - O Navio Luminoso 07/05/1997 - Viagem Ao Inferno 14/05/1997 - Eternos Diamantes 21/05/1997 - Mesmo Que Seja Eu 06/07/1979 - Vampiros Tropicais 28/05/1997 - Filha Única 27/07/1979 - A Voz Do Além 04/06/1997 - Criador E Criatura 24/08/1979 - Vermelho 23 11/06/1997 - Balas Perdidas 31/08/1979 - O Enigma Da Pensão Do 18/06/1997 - Trem De Prata Reno 02/07/1997 - Viver Por Viver 28/09/1979 - Balão Apagado Mulher: (Author) 22/04/1998 - Fator Humano 21/10/1998 - De Braços Abertos 11/11/1998 - O Néctar Da Vida 13/04/1999 - Vícios E Virtudes 01/06/1999 - Perfume Do Amor 27/07/1999 - Lindo Maravilhoso 07/09/1999 - A Bela Adormecida 14/09/1999 - Sabotagem 09/11/1999 - O Segredo B. Miniseries: (Author And Criator) 19/10/1979 - Despedida De Solteiro 26/04/1982 - Lampião E Maria Bonita 30/04/1980 - O Cavaleiro Do Apocalipse 10/01/1983 - Bandidos Da Falange 28/05/1980 - Nos Porões Da Liberdade 09/04/1984 - Padre Cícero 25/06/1980 - O Arqui-Inimigo 22/04/1985 - O Tempo E O Vento 09/07/1980 - O Acordo 24/06/1990 -A,E,I,O...Urca 16/07/1980 - A Doceira De Bangu C. Others Works In Television: 01/10/1980 - O Venerável Azul Turquesa Caso Especial: (Author) 15/10/1980 - Pega 10/05/1978 - E Agora, Marco? 10/12/1980 - Caixa De Surpresas 02/01/1981 - Os Amores De Castro 17/12/1980 - Camisa De Força AlvesQuarta Nobre: (Criator And Author) 05/05/1981 - Trem Noturno 06/04/1983 - A Dama Das Camélias 04/06/1981 - Sangue, Calçada E Milk27/04/1983 - O Inspetor Geral Shake 11/06/1981 - O Caminho Das Estrelas - I 18/06/1981 - O Caminho Das Estrelas 25/06/1981 - O Caminho Das Estrelas Iii 03/07/1981 - O Caminho Das Estrelas

13/08/1981 - Olho Da Morte 03/09/1981 - O Herdeiro Malu Mulher: (Author) 11/08/1980 - Parada Obrigatória

25/05/1983 - A Pata Do Macaco 08/06/1983 - Damas, Valete E Crime 31/08/1983 - Morte No Paraíso 05/10/1983 - A Vida Secreta De Berenice 26/10/1983 - Do Outro LADO DO TÚNELBRASIL 500NOS: (Author) 02/07/1998 - BRASIL 500 ANOSD.

ACTING CRED MINISSÉRIE 1984 - PADRE CÍCERO - (MACEDO) Published screen/miniseries scripts: • Me Alquilo Para Soñar. Bogotá, Colombia : Editorial Voluntad, 1995. • Me Alugo Para Sonhar. Niterói, Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Casa Jorge Editorial, 1997. • Me Alquilo Para Soñar . Madrid,Spain: Ollero E Ramos Editores, Spain, 1997. • Arnau, Els Dies Secrets, with Xesc Barceló. Barcelona, Spain: Ed. Proa, Spain, 1994. Childrens’ Books: • A Incrível Viagem. (play) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Ebal, 1984. • Nadistas E Tudistas. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Ebal, 1984. (Re-edited, Editora Leitura, 2013). IV. CINEMA (Screenplays): • El Corazon de la Tierra (Spain/ Madrid) 2007 - Antonio Cuadri, Director Piège (Paris/France) 1993 - Jorge Marrecos, Director • Encontros Imperfeitos (Lisbon/Portugal)1991-Jorge Marrecos, Director • O Trapalhão na Arca de Noé (Brazil) 1985 - Daniel Filho, Director • O Cangaceiro Trapalhão (Brazil) 1985 - Daniel Filho, Director • O Bom Burguês (Brazil) 1979 - Oswaldo Caldeira, DirectoR • Bonitinha mas Ordinária (Brazil) 1981 - Braz Chediak, Director • O Beijo no Asfalto (Brazil) 1981 - Bruno Barreto, Director • 1990 - A,E,I,O...Urca - (Judeu Jacob) • 1998 - Labirinto Ele Mesmo Telenovela • 1985 - A Gata Comeu -(Ele Mesmo) Quarta Nobre

• 1983 - A Dama Das Camélias (Garoto Da Claquete)

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Acompanhe As Obras Do Novo Estádio Do Orlando City Pela Internet

Orlando Pride adquire 10 jogadoras no Draft de Expansão da liga feminina NWSL

O Orlando City anunciou hoje o lançamento de uma câmera de “time lapse”, que vai acompanhar o andamento das obras do novo estádio dos Lions na região central da cidade. É possível acompanhar fotos diárias do desenrolar da construção da nova arena clicando em http://www.orlandocitysc.com/Stadium/Stream. Nas próximas semanas, o clube passará a transmitir imagens da obra ao vivo pela internet.

Orlando Pride adquire 10 aqui: jogadoras no Draft de Expansão da liga feminina “Estamos extremamente NWSL felizes com as nossas escolhas no Draft de hoje”, O Orlando Pride selecio- disse o técnico do Orlando nou 10 jogadoras no Draft Pride, Tom Sermanni. “Dede Expansão da National pois de analisar cuidadosaWomen's Soccer League mente a lista de jogadoras (NWSL). O time estreia na disponíveis, estamos seprincipal liga de futebol guros de que escolhemos feminino dos Estados Uni- um grupo de jogadoras dos na temporada 2016. que vai ajudar esse time a ser muito competitivo já Entre as atletas que farão na temporada inaugural.” companhia à estrela da seleção dos Estados Uni- Abaixo está a lira completa dos, Alex Morgan, na próx- de jogadoras selecionaima temporada está a das pelo Orlando Pride no também campeã mundial Draft Ashlyn Harris, que trocou de Exo Washington Spirit pelo pansão Orlando Pride. da NWSL: Entenda como funciona o Draft de Expansão clicando

A empresa EarthCam é a responsável por ambas as câmeras.

sos outros eventos esportivos e de entretenimento, servindo de ferramenta de desenvolvimento econômico para a região. A arena irá refletir a cultura e o caráter da comunidade local, promovendo uma experiência única para os visitantes. O estádio foi lançado em outubro de 2014, quando aproximadamente 3 mil torcedores marcharam até o terreno e encontraram 24 toneladas de terra roxa. Com a incrível resposta da população local e de turistas do mundo todo, o clube decidiu aumentar a capacidade da arena - inicialmente planejada para acomodar 20 mil torcedores - e incorporar ainda mais atrações ao projeto, pagando por 100% dos custos daquele que seria a princípio um projeto público-privado.

Seu estádio em Orlando O nova arena do Orlando City na região central da cidade será um moderno e confortável estádio com capacidade para 25,5 mil torcedores. A arena multiuso de 39,5 mil metros quadrados será 100% privada. O terceiro maior estádio da Major League Soccer Barton Malow administra as (MLS) será concluído em 2016. obras, ICON supervisiona o programa e Populous responde pela Além dos jogos do Orlando City, arquitetura. Mais informações em o estádio será palco de diver- http://orlan.do/1Iuf23U

Orlando City jogará contra o Flamengo no Maracanã

Orlando City Anuncia Executivo Português Como Diretor De Futebol

cipal liga de futebol dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá.”

Antigo diretor-geral das categorias de base do S.L. Benfica supervisionará o futebol do Orlando City

“Vamos jogar com um dos maiores times do mundo e no Maracanã, em um templo do futebol. O Orlando City é o time mais popular da MLS no Brasil e esse será um jogo inesquecível para quem assistir e uma excelente oportunidade para divulgar nossa marca no exterior”, disse Alex Leitão, CEO do Orlando City.

O Orlando City anunciou hoje a contratação de Armando Carneiro como diretor executivo de futebol do clube, ou Chief Soccer Officer. Diretor-geral das categorias de base do S.L. Benfica, de Portugal, nos últimos cinco anos, Carneiro aguarda aprovação do departamento de imigração dos Estados Unidos - Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) - para assumir o cargo. Nessa nova função, Armando Carneiro, de 53 anos, supervisionará as operações de futebol e os quadros de funcionários dos três diferentes times do grupo: O Orlando City, da Major League Soccer (MLS), o Orlando City B, da liga USL, e o Orlando Pride, da liga feminina National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL), assim como as divisões de base do clube. Carneiro irá se reportar ao presidente do Orlando City, Phil Rawlins.

Jogo celebrará aniversário de 120 anos do clube brasileiro Depois da histórica temporada de estreia do Orlando City na Major League Soccer (MLS) 2015, na qual os Lions quebraram diversos recordes de público da liga, o clube anunciou hoje que vai enfrentar o Flamengo, no lendário estádio do Maracanã, no Rio de Janeiro, “É com muita satisfação que no dia 15 de novembro de 2015. o Flamengo recebe o Orlando City no Maracanã para sua festa O jogo vai comemorar o de 120 anos. É uma oportunianiversário de 120 anos do dade muito interessante para a Flamengo e será cercado de exposição da marca Flamengo celebrações especiais, que vão nos Estados Unidos, e, ao mesdurar dois dias e incluem diver- mo tempo, uma aproximação sos eventos, que culminarão com um clube que, assim como com o amistoso entre as duas nós, tem uma gestão moderequipes.A partida está marcada na e profissional”, afirmou o para as 15h30 no horário local vice-presidente de Marketing (13h30 de Orlando). do Flamengo, José Rodrigo Sabino.O jogo será transmitido ao Em seu comunicado de im- vivo para Orlando via www.Orprensa, o Flamengo afirma que landoCitySC.com. “O adversário da partida não Flamengo x Orlando City foi escolhido por acaso. O time pelo qual atua o brasileiro Kaká Data é um dos mais populares dos 15/11/2015 Estados Unidos, dono da se- Local: Maracanã gunda maior média de público Horários do Campeonato Nacional de Abertura dos portões: 11h 2015 - 32.847 torcedores por Início da preliminar: 12h50 partida - , número recorde para Jogo principal: 15h30 uma equipe estreante na prin- horário local

“Nosso objetivo é sermos um dos melhores clubes do mundo no futebol masculino e no feminino. Assim, é imperativo que contemos com alguém de experiência global no futebol para guiar nosso sucesso”, afirmou Rawlins. “Estamos felizes de termos sido capazes de atrair alguém de tamanho

sucesso profissional comprovado para nossa organização, que vá nos ajudar a elevar o Orlando City ao próximo estágio no cenário global.” “O Orlando City está em um estágio muito interessante, tendo feito um primeiro ano forte na MLS e lançado recentemente o Orlando Pride e o Orlando City B (OCB)”, disse Carneiro. “Estou feliz com a oportunidade de ajudar a direcionar o crescimento e contribuir com o sucesso do clube no futuro. Estou ansioso em trabalhar com toda a comissão técnica, do time principal às divises de base, para fortalecer ainda mais a performance do Orlando City.” Entre 2010 e 2015, as categorias de base do Benfica cresceram substancialmente sob a direção de Armando Carneiro, conquistando: 30 campeonatos nacionais de categorias de base 40 competições internacionais 55 jogadores de diferentes idades servindo à seleção nacional O programa de formação de jogadores está ranqueado atualmente entre os três principais do mundo

Estrela Alex Morgan É Apresentada Pelo Orlando Pride, Juntamente Com A Canadense Kaylyn Kyle E A Norte-Americana Sarah Hagen Time Feminino Do Orlando City Pride O Orlando Pride, novo time de futebol feminino do Orlando City, anunciou nessa segunda-feira a contratação de três das principais jogadoras do cenário internacional como as primeiras atletas de sua história: As atacantes norte-americanas Alex Morgan e Sarah Hagen e a meio-campo canadense Kaylyn Kyle.

“Kaylyn e Sarah também trazem experiência internacional e pedigree de campeãs a Orlando”, continuou McDonough. “Kaylyn é uma volante defensiva de grande experiência na liga. E Sarah tem tem uma carreira sólida, marcando gols nos Estados Unidos e na Europa.”

Atual campeã olímpica e mundial - tendo conquistado a Copa O Orlando Pride estreia na NWSL em 2016. Os boletos de temdo Mundo da FIFA de 2015 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2012 com porada já estão à venda em www.Orlando-Pride.com. a seleção dos Estados Unidos -, Alex Morgan, de 26 anos, é uma das maiores estrelas do mundo do futebol feminino, tendo mar- Veja os perfis das atletas: cado 55 gols em 96 jogos pelo time norte-americano. Alex chega ao Orlando Pride vinda do Portland Thorns, onde se sagrou campeã da National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) 2013.

Nome: Alex Morgan

Finalista do prêmio de Melhor Jogadora do Mundo da FIFA em Altura: 1,70m 2012, temporada em que marcou 28 gols e deu 21 assistências (passes para gols), Alex Morgan foi eleita na mesma temporada Data de nascimento: 02/07/1989 Jogadora do Ano pela U.S. Soccer, a federação de futebol dos Local de nascimento: San Dimas, California Estados Unidos. Kaylyn Kyle, de 27 anos, já disputou mais de 100 partidas pela Nacionalidade: EUA seleção do Canadá, conquistando a medalha de bronze nos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres - 2012, a medalha de ouro dos Jogos Twitter: @alexmorgan13 Panamericanos de Guadalajara, em 2011, além de desempenhar papel vital no time que alcançou as quartas-de-final da Copa do Mundo de 2015. Kaylyn também jogava pelo Portland Thorns.

Nome: Kaylyn Kyle

Sarah Hagen foi campeã da NWSL 2014 pelo FC Kansas City, Altura: 1,72m onde marcou 8 gols em 26 jogos. A atacante de 25 anos, que anotou ainda 38 gols em 51 jogos pelo Bayern de Munique, da Data de nascimento: 06/10/1988 Alemanha, entre 2012 e 2013, já recebeu duas convocações para a seleção dos Estados Unidos. Local de nascimento: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada “Nossa torcida nos deu diversos presentes na temporada inaugural do Orlando City na MLS, quebrando diferentes recordes de público da liga. Precisávamos responder à altura”, afirmou o proprietário do Orlando City e do Orlando Pride, Flávio Augusto da Silva. “Primeiramente, aumentamos a capacidade do estádio que estamos construindo no centro da cidade. Depois, lançamos o Orlando City B e o Orlando Pride. Agora, apenas uma semana depois de anunciarmos o Pride, já estamos trazendo para Orlando uma super estrela do esporte mundial, como a Alex Morgan, e outras duas jogadoras de nível internacional, como Kaylyn e Sarah. Prova de que, assim como o Orlando City, o Orlando Pride também nasceu para brilhar”.

Nacionalidade: Canada Twitter: @kaylynkyle

Nome: Sarah Hagen Altura: 1,80m Data de nascimento: 18/11/1989

Local de nascimento: Appleton, Wisconsin “Alex Morgan é uma jogadora dinâmica, de muito sucesso internacional, com todas as qualidades que procuramos em uma es- Nacionalidade: United States of America trela”, disse o gerente geral de futebol do Orlando City, Paul McDonough. “Ela terá impacto imediato no perfil do Orlando Pride, Twitter: @sarahapplehagen ajudando a desenvolver o estilo de ataque do novo time.”

5700 International Dr. Orlando, Florida- Phone # (407) 345-5566

Ramos Trattoria

Pure Magic

Residents received locally designed Magic T-shirts as part of Pure Magic Tip-Off Presented by Chase. Ten-thousand Central Florida residents received a surprise on Friday morning as the Orlando Magic and Chase teamed up to deliver T-shirts to their door steps as part of the Pure Magic Tip-Off Presented by Chase.

by the fans through online voting. The deadline to enter is Oct. 19 at 9 a.m.

The winning T-shirt designer will also receive two, third row courtside seats and the four finalists will receive two tickets to the Oct. 30, The surprise is to thank the community for Magic vs. Oklahoma City Thunder matchup. their support and remind them tickets will go on sale starting Fri., Oct. 9. Single-game tick- As part of the Pure Magic Tip-Off Presented by ets for games through January 31, 2016 of the Chase, the Magic and Chase have lined up an 2015-16 Magic season will be available for pur- October full of fan events, contests and giveachase through a variety of ways: at www.or- ways leading up to the Magic’s regular season landomagic.com, Chase Box Office at Amway home opener on Weds., Oct. 28 when the MagCenter, all TicketMaster outlets or by calling ic host the Washington Wizards, tip off set for 1-800-4NBA-TIX FREE. 7:00 p.m. Some highlights for the month of October, in addition to the T-shirt drop, include a scavenger hunt, Jr. Magic youth clinics, Lake Eola swan boat/floating basketball prize giveaway, pub crawl and a basketball court refurbishment at a local elementary school. In addition, Chase is the presenting partner of Magic preseason games (Oct. 17, 21 and 23) and the presenting partner of all opening week games including Oct. 28 (Magic vs. Washington) and Oct. 30(Magic vs. Oklahoma City). For more information on the Pure Magic Tip-Off Presented by Chase, please visit www. orlandomagic.com/tipoff.

The exclusive, limited-edition Pure Magic T-shirt series distributed to 10,000 fans were created by local Orlando design companies: Enemy Ink, Hittn’ Skins, Mother Falcon and Real Thread. For a limited time fans can collect all four specialty-designed shirts at the Orlando Magic Team Shop at Amway Center. Fans will also have the opportunity to enter the Sixth Man T-shirt Design Contest by designing and submitting their own Orlando Magic T-shirt atwww.orlandomagic.com/sixthman. The winning design will be given away to all fans in attendance on opening night, Weds., Oct. 28. The top five entries will be selected by the Magic and the winner will be determined




Enemy Ink Hittn’ Skins

Mother Falcon

Real Thread

Orlando Magic and Disney Parks Extend Sponsorship

To celebrate the extension of Disney Parks’ “Champions of the that allows for Disney video messaging to entertain fans. Community” (COTC) sponsorship with the Orlando Magic and As one of the Magic’s COTC sponsors, the Magic and Disney Amway Center, Mickey Mouse had the opportunity to play hoops will continue to work together to positively impact and make with several of his favorite Magic players. a difference in the Central Florida community through support of the Orlando Magic Youth Foundation, the Magic’s charitable “We are thrilled to have Disney Parks continue with us as one of arm. Disney will also remain the Official Cruise Line and Official our Champions of the Community partners,” said Orlando Magic Theme Park of the Orlando Magic. CEO Alex Martins. “As a pillar in the Central Florida community, Disney has established a great legacy. We are so excited to have “Disney believes in Magic, and we’re thrilled to support the downthem remain a part of our team to continue building upon that town venues that serve the community,” said Maribeth Bisienelegacy together. Our commitment to the Central Florida commu- re, senior vice president of Disney Sports Enterprises and Disney nity will remain our focus, working towards the goal of becoming Springs. “This sponsorship extension serves as another example champions both on and off the court.” of our company’s efforts to help make dreams come true across Central Florida.” With the extension, Walt Disney World will gain stronger visibility to showcase the Parks by enhancing its presence with digital and The Amway Center, which is operated by the City of Orlando and social media activations as well as signage and additional visibil- owned by the Central Florida community, hosts major national ity within the Amway Center. The Disney Atrium will continue events, concerts and family shows and is the home of the Orlanto immerse fans with an enhanced, interactive guest experience do Magic.

Magic’s opening night game on Oct. 28 vs. the Washington Wizards

Magic’s opening night game on Oct. 28 vs. the Washington Wizards

A Abertura da Temporada do Orlando Magic-NBA


Week-long first anniversary celebration kicks off Nov. 16 Artegon Marketplace unveiled new enhancements, tenants and expansion plans today that complement the 1.1 million-square-foot shopping attraction and artisan marketplace located on the north end of International Drive. The new developments represent a multi-million dollar investment by the property’s owner, New York-based Lightstone, and will generate a forecasted 400 new jobs by the end of 2016.

substantially by the end of 2016 with the opening of Eat Street, a 25,000-square-foot food hall, inspired by such culinary bazaars as Seattle’s Pike Place and Boston’s Faneuil Hall. Guests can select from a wide array of fresh delectables to eat on site, take away for picnics, or package for gift giving and future enjoyment, all from local vendors -- many sourcing farm-to-table ingredients. A farmer’s market held on select days and cooking classes will complement the hall. (Note: Renderings available in Dropbox Today’s reveal featured a significant transformation to – see link below). the center’s most distinguishing feature: its collection of over 165 artisans selling one-of-a-kind hand-crafted items “Since its opening one year ago, Artegon Marketplace’s made by local masters. Florida’s largest daily indoor arti- bold new retail experiment – unlike any other in the U.S. san marketplace now boasts fully built-out custom store- - continues to evolve,” said Lightstone Chief Creative Offronts themed to reflect each merchant’s goods. Examples ficer David Miskin. “We have acquired what was once an include: underperforming mall and transformed it into a thriving, – A stone brick façade adorned with hand-made doi- eclectic retail destination that defies the norm.” lies, tea cups, door knobs and other European shabby chic items beckons guests to enter Via Francesca, sell- Additional enhancements and developments announced ing hand-crafted gifts and accessories, including painted or unveiled today include: glassware, hand-stamped flatware and jewelry. – A glimpse into Cinemark’s newly renovated, luxury-styled theaters (scheduled for completion fall 2015) – SOS Art Gallery’s exterior is crafted from hundreds of variant colored wooden planks – echoing the eclectic – ARTegon Co-op, an ever-evolving gallery featuring and wide variety of hand-made cards, artwork, and other well-known national and local pop artists, including area gift items showcased within. favorites SKIP, Chris “Tobar” Rodriguez and Boy Kong – Elemental Bonsai & Tea Garden’s rice paper doors cre- – Stand-alone 10’x12’-square-foot “cottage units” providate the feel of a journey to Japan. ing entry-level retailing opportunities – The storefront of Bowes Signature Soy Candles selling hand-poured candles and related items is reminiscent of a turn-of-the-century New England shop with gas lamps flanking the entryway.

– New, plush common area furniture and fresh, modern tables and seating in a variety of configurations – long community tables, high tops and more – A bicycle-powered mobile device recharging station – Eclectic, artistic and interactive elements and visual accents, such as From Artegon With Love, a postcard mailing Slated to join the artisan marketplace’s existing line-up station (fill out a card and the center will mail it for free); of anchor tenants and in-line stores are Sky Zone indoor and a community chalkboard for creative expression by trampoline park, occupying 24,000 square feet (fall 2015); guests the area’s first NYZ Apocalypse, a unique interactive zombie survival experience within a 45,000-square-foot space – Artegon’s new branding campaign and website (rolling (early 2016); and Pita and Spice Co. restaurant (early 2016). out in early November) With the artisan marketplace 90 percent occupied, the – Remodeled men’s and women’s bathrooms center’s leasing team is actively promoting in-line store – Guest Ambassadors – many students from UCF’s Rosspace and food and beverage kiosks, with additional an- en School of Hospitality Management – who are focused nouncements forthcoming. on providing exemplary customer service The shop-local options at Artegon Marketplace will grow

During a press conference with Busch and Stewart-Haas Racing at Charlotte Motor Speedway on October 8, 2015 in Kannapolis, North Carolina.

Durante uma conferência de imprensa com Busch e Stewart-Haas Racing em Charlotte Motor Speedway em 08 de outubro de 2015 em Kannapolis, Carolina do Norte.

Busch will return to NASCAR, reigniting its storied history in the sport of racing by sponsoring Kevin Harvick and the No. 4 team of Stewart-Haas Racing for select races beginning with the 2016 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series season. Source: Anheuser-Busch

Busch voltará a NASCAR, reacendendo sua história contada no esporte de corrida através do patrocínio de Kevin Harvick e da equipe No. 4 de Stewart-Haas Racing para selecionar corridas que começam com a temporada NASCAR Sprint Cup Series 2016. Fonte Anheuser-Busch

The F-16V Takes Flight

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) successfully completed the maiden flight of the F-16V, the latest and most advanced F-16 on the market today. The October 16 flight marks the first time an F-16 has flown with Northrop Grumman's advanced APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR), which will deliver a quantum leap in capability for the venerable F-16.

Pedestal Display, a modernized mission computer, a high-capacity Ethernet data bus, and several other missions systems enhancements that collectively add significant combat capabilities to address the dynamic threat environments emerging in the coming decades.

"This flight marks a historic milestone in the evolution of the F-16," said Rod McLean, vice The F-16V "Viper" advanced avionics config- president and general manager of Lockheed uration also includes a new cockpit Center Martin's F-16/F-22 Integrated Fighter Group.

"The new F-16V configuration includes numerous enhancements designed to keep the F-16 at the forefront of international security, strengthening its position as the world's foremost combat-proven 4th Generation fighter aircraft."

Northrop Grumman's APG-83 SABR AESA fire control radar provides 5th Generation air-to-air and air-to-ground radar capability. Northrop Grumman also provides AESA radars for the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.

The F-16V, an option for both new production F-16s and F-16 upgrades, is the next generation configuration that leverages a common worldwide sustainment infrastructure and provides significant capability improvements to the world's most affordable, combat-proven multi-role fighter.

With more than 4,550 F-16s delivered to date, the F-16V is a natural step in the evolution of the world's most successful 4th Generation fighter. For additional information, visit our website: lockheedmartin.com/f16

This season, the House of Givenchy, under the initiative of Artistic Director Riccardo Tisci, is bringing an exceptional collection to New York, as the city represents the capital of the American dream for the designer and for the founder Hubert de Givenchy, who were both supported from the very beginning by the American market. On September 11th 2015, New York hosted a performance show dedicated to love and sharing. With a décor of recycled materials installed on the banks of the Hudson in Tribeca, there was an unprecedented audience in attendance: professionals from the fashion world rubbed shoulders with celebrities, fashion-school students, winners of a competition organized in partnership with the city, and local residents from the neighbourhood. The website givenchy.com and giant screens installed across the city, from Soho to Times Square, also broadcast the show live, while advertising buses made their way across the Bronx, Harlem, and Queens inviting a wide a number as possible to follow the event. With Marina Abramović, a friend of the House and co-author of numerous artistic projects, Riccardo Tisci created a performance which reached beyond the scope of fashion. Designed to be an emotional experience focusing on universal themes (love, peace, freedom, humility, spirituality), it notably put the spotlight on four artists who performed spiritual and cultural chants from across the world. True to form, Marina Abramović also invited seven artists to host live performances on the show's location. While the event coincides with the opening of the new boutique on Madison Avenue, designed by Riccardo Tisci, and the designer's ten-year anniversary as artistic director at the house, it is above all to celebrate the success of the Givenchy style which finds equal expression both in the world of haute couture as in street fashion. Shapes from women's prêt-à-porter, haute couture, and male fashion, all came to exemplify this two-edged style. The different fashion looks are exceptional reinterpretations of the most iconic pieces that Riccardo Tisci has designed during the last decade. Black and white, male and female, strength and fragility, the tailor's discipline and the delicateness of lingerie all come together in a natural way in a collection which has the feel of a marriage of opposites. It involved top models with strong personalities chosen by Riccardo Tisci, such as Joan Smalls and Mariacarla Boscono, who showcased these pieces and underlined the human and sensual side of his style for Givenchy.


Coleção primavera-verão Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci 2016 em New York City Nesta estação, a Maison Givenchy, sob a iniciativa do diretor artístico Riccardo Tisci, está trazendo uma coleção excepcional para Nova York, uma vez que a cidade representa a capital do sonho americano – para o designer e para o fundador Hubert de Givenchy, ambos desde o início apoiados pelo mercado americano. New York apresentou um show de apresentações dedicado ao amor e ao compartilhar. Com um décor de materiais reciclados instalado nas margens do Hudson, em Tribeca, havia um público presente sem precedentes: profissionais do mundo da moda estiveram ombro a ombro com celebridades, estudantes da escola de moda, vencedores de uma competição organizada em parceria com a cidade e residentes locais da vizinhança. O site givenchy.com e telas gigantes instaladas em toda a cidade, do Soho à Times Square,transmitiram o show ao vivo, enquanto ônibus anunciantes faziam seu trajeto através do Bronx, Harlem e Queens, convidando o máximo número possível de pessoas para que seguissem oevento. Com Marina Abramović, uma amiga da Maison e coautora de inúmeros projetos artísticos, Riccardo Tisci criou uma apresentação que foi além do escopo da moda. Concebida para ser uma experiência emocional, focando em temas universais (amor, paz, liberdade, humildade, espiritualidade), ela notavelmente pôs o foco de luz em quatro artistas que interpretaram cânticos espirituais e culturais de todo o mundo. Fiel à forma, Marina Abramović também convidou sete artistas a apresentarem-se ao vivo, no local do show. Enquanto o evento coincide com a abertura da nova boutique na Madison Avenue, criada por Riccardo Tisci, e o aniversário de dez anos do designer com diretor artístico da casa, ele é, sobretudo, para celebrar o sucesso do estilo Givenchy, que encontra igual expressão, tanto no mundo da alta costura como na moda de rua. Formas do prêt-à-porter para mulheres, da alta costurae da moda masculina, tudo veio para exemplificar esse estilo contrastante. Os diferentes visuais de moda são reinterpretações excepcionais das peças mais icônicas que Riccardo Tisci criou durante a última década. Preto e branco, masculino e feminino, força efragilidade, a disciplina de alfaiate e a delicadeza da lingerie se juntam de um modo natural, numa coleção que parece o casamento de opostos. Ela envolveu top models de personalidade forte, escolhidas por Riccardo Tisci, como Joan Smalls e Mariacarla Boscono, que desfilaram essas peças e realçaram o lado humano e sensual do estilo dele para Givenchy

dressbarn, the iconic American retailer launched their new Fall 2015 ad campaign, which was shot by famed fashion photographer Patrick Demarchelier and stars super model Hilary Rhoda, who was styled by Anne Christensen. The campaign has some fun with the brands namesake with a cast of barnyard animals with high fashion impact. This marks the first time the company has enlisted and featured world-renowned talent in its 53-year history. "This seasons campaign is full of surprises, from the talent and artistry of those that created the campaign to the beautiful dresses featured from our designer collaborations," said dressbarn's Lori Wagner, Chief Marketing Officer, Executive Vice President Digital Commerce. "The name dressbarn hasn't always been associated with fashion and is often the target of a few jokes. We decided to have some fun with our name, run at it, not away from it!" Rhoda shared the set with a cast of animals you would normally find in a barn; Wilbur the pig, Zoom the rooster, Winnie the baby goat, Mary Kate the sheep and Count the Bull. All five animals will appear in the national campaign alongside Rhoda. The imagery features dress-

es by LUXE by Carmen Marc Valvo, MiXT by Heidi Weisel and dressbarn's Design Studio. The dresses are respectively priced at $60-$70 and will be available in-stores and online September through November. "Dresses can make you feel a certain way and every dress I wore in the campaign made me feel more confident and beautiful in different ways, so you can play up to whatever personality you are feeling," said Rhoda. "We had so much fun on set with the barn animals, my favorite was the little goat named Winnie, she was just so cute and she had the prettiest blue eyes." Dressbarn encourages social engagement with the brand with the use of hashtag: #labelmeconfident. The hashtag brings the dressbarn story to life and demonstrates how labels or names are only as meaningful as the women who wear them. The campaign was shot at Pier 59 Studios in New York City. Hair was provided by Teddy Charles and make-up by Fulvia Farolfi. The campaign will launch in October issues of InStyle and O, The Oprah Magazine, span digital as well as takeover outdoor media in New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago.

NEW SALTED CARAMEL DOUGHNUT AND LATTE HIGHLIGHT KRISPY KREME’S LINEUP OF FALL FLAVORS Krispy Kreme is celebrating the flavors of fall with an array of sweet treats inspired by the season, including the new Salted Caramel Latte Doughnut and Salted Caramel Latte*.

Krispy Kreme Millenia- Open 24 hours: 4080 Millenia Blvd., Orlando, FL 32939 Krispy Kreme Kissimmee Open 24 hours: 5310 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Highway, ( 192 / Mile Marker 11.5), Kissimmee, FL 34746

The popular Pumpkin Spice Cake Doughnut and Pumpkin Spice Latte* are also available now through The new delectable Salted Caramel Latte Doughnut Nov. 26 at the following Central Florida Krispy Kreme is a yeast doughnut filled with an espresso flavored locations: Kreme™ filling, topped with salted caramel icing, salted sugar and an espresso icing drizzle. Krispy Kreme Winter Park Drive thru Open 24 hours: 1031 S. Orlando Avenue The Pumpkin Spice Cake Doughnut is a moist, (17-92), Winter Park, FL 32789 old-fashioned pumpkin spice flavored cake doughnut coated in Krispy Kreme’s signature glaze.

Sony Electronics' New Headphones

Sony Electronics' New Headphones Deliver Stylish High-Resolution Audio in Vibrant Colors h.ear(TM) (pronounced "hear") on headphones add characteristic in bass reproduction and delivers accucolor to your life and deliver rich elevated sound rate rhythm, while an acoustic port on the housing controls air flow for optimal diaphragm movement and Sony Electronics announced new High-Resolution Au- additional bass range. A ground separated cable reducdio (Hi-Res Audio) compatible headphones for the US es cross talk and is balanced compatible for balance market that come in five vibrant colors: viridian blue, output supported equipment. cinnabar red, charcoal black, lime yellow and bordeaux pink. Sony ignites the fire in its audio line-up with these Draped ear pads provide a comfortable fit and prestylish "h.ear on" headphones in an exciting array of vent sound from leaking, which also helps the h.ear on colors that deliver bold, distinct design together with headphones deliver powerful base reproduction. The superior sound quality and a comfortable fit. Available color-coordinated cable is detachable and an in-line in November for about $199.99. multifunction button and microphone allows handsfree phone calls with smartphones that support that Sony makes it possible to enjoy higher sound quality functionality. The headphones also fold easily for semusic by applying unique audio technologies that bring cure storage in the supplied carrying pouch.. listeners closer to the spirit and intent of the artist's original performance. The new h.ear on headphones h.ear on specifications: join a growing line of Hi-Res Audio products designed Model Name: h.ear on (model MDR-100AAP) to equip consumers with the best portable products to Type: Closed, dynamic (circum-aural) enjoy a fully immersive, Hi-Res Audio experience. Driver Unit: 40 mm, dome type (CCAW Voice Coil) Sensitivity: 103 dB/mW The h.ear on headband-style headphones deliver Hi- Frequency Response: 5 Hz ~ 60,000 Hz Res Audio compatibility with 40mm HD drivers which Impedance: 24 Omega at 1 kHz reproduce sounds up to 60 kHz. Augmented bass is Power handling capacity: 1,500 mW (IEC*) complemented by lightweight CCAW voice coils which Plug: L-shaped gold-plated 4-pole mini plug yield high-linearity responses in high-pitched sounds. Weight: approx.8 ounces without cable Aiming to provide a superior sound experience, the Supplied Accessories: Headphone cable with an in-line domes of the acoustic diaphragms have been titani- remote and microphone, a carrying pouch um-coated to minimize unwanted vibrations. Meanwhile, Beat Response Control improves the transient * IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission

The New Moto 360 Collection: Giving you more choice with the watch that makes time for you

Any watch can tell the time - but what about one that can give you time? The new Moto 360 Collection by Motorola -- with more styles, more features and more battery -- offers countless design possibilities to suit your tastes, plus new experiences that will free you up to do more of the things you love. Designed around you The original Moto 360 was the first smartwatch that actually looked like a watch. With the second generation, we’ve refined the classic and timeless design and created a watch collection specifically designed for men, women and fitness enthusiasts. Taking further inspiration from the traditional watch world, Moto 360’s case design now features lugs specifically tailored for men and women, and polished bezels in new styles. With new quick-release bands, you can easily swap between leather and metal bands in seconds to match your look for the day.

watches feature incredibly accurate sensors, so you can track your heart rate and the calories you burn. And that translates into valuable feedback and coaching to help you improve and stay fit. Moto 360 Sport For fitness enthusiasts, there’s also a new Moto 360 Sport. With the new Moto 360 Sport, you can now leave your smartphone at home during your daily run. Built-in GPS accurately tracks your speed, distance, and pace, while a heart sensor tracks other important vitals. You can even store and play music right from your wrist, because we all need a good workout mix to push us during that last mile or rep. Plus, you can see all this information clearly, even in bright sunlight, with the new AnyLight hybrid display.

Take your workout to the limit without worrying about The first modern watch you customize yourself your watch, thanks to a durable yet comfortable deYou’ve got unique style... so should your watch. You sign. Strong silicone construction with special UV coatcan customize your Moto 360 in the Moto Maker ing wicks away moisture and resists fading or staining, design studio. Now, choose from additional bezels, while side ventilation channels help you stay cool.(1) colors, materials, even a new double wrap band. Then get your personal creation in just a few days. Last but not least, the new Moto 360 and Moto 360 Sport has even more battery life than our first generaApps that make life easier tion(2), now offering up to two full days of use. Powered by Android Wear(TM), Moto 360 gives you complete control right from your wrist so you can How to design and buy stay in the moment, without constantly grabbing your Moto 360 will be available in various countries across phone from your pocket or purse. North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Starting today in the U.S., you can pre-order your own Get notifications and important info at a glance. Re- Moto 360 on Motorola.com, Google Play and BestBuy. spond to messages with your voice. Start your car with com. It will be available starting in late September at the MyFord mobile app, then lock the front door with Nordstrom, Best Buy and Verizon. Availability and ship the Kevo app. Hail a cab to get to the airport with Lyft, times vary by style. Prices vary by design and range then show your boarding pass at the gate with your from $299.99 - $429.99. We’ll share more details on Delta app. All without ever reaching for your phone. Moto 360 Sport availability soon. Plus, Moto 360 is WiFi-enabled, keeping you connected even if your phone is out of Bluetooth® range. (1)IP67 dust and water resistant--not waterproof. Not for use while swimming, diving or engaging in othThe new Moto 360 exclusive Live Dials also make it er underwater activities. Avoid prolonged exposure to easier for you to dive in with shortcuts right on the water and/or exposure of leather band to water. watch face to the apps you use most. (2 )All battery life claims are approximate and based on an average user profile that includes both usage Choose a better health and wellness experience and standby time. Battery performance depends on Moto 360 features Moto Body, a holistic experience network configuration, signal strength, operating temthat helps you lead a healthier lifestyle. Ever wonder perature, features selected, and voice, data and other how many steps you’ve taken in a day or how many applications usage patterns. calories that trip up the stairs actually burned? The new

Classic Luxe C

Collection by UGG

Stuart Weitzman Launches its First Television Commercial Featuring Gisele Bü

Stuart Weitzman proudly launches its first television commercial starring the face of the brand, Gisele Bündchen, during this year’s MTV Video Music Awards. Directed by renowned fashion photographer Mario Testino, the black-and-white commercial tells the story of the brand’s connection to dance and music. Known for effortlessly combining fashion and function, Stuart Weitzman kicks off the fall boot season with a visual storytelling of that message in a music video format made for television. The commercial features Gisele in the stretch plonge leather KOKO bootie doing the electric slide with an all-male troupe of dancers, choreographed by Marty Kudelka at the world famous Millennium Dance Complex. Authentic to the movement, Gisele’s beauty and grace capture the emotion in motion of dancing in Stuart Weitzman boots. Dancing in Stuart Weitzman shoes has become a unique and differentiated brand story over the last few years as the brand has built a stellar reputation for creating custom tour shoes for some of the music industry’s biggest stars, including

Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. The commercial is a trib that unique craftsmanship and to the music industry thus making it fitting to launch during an award show brates the fusion of music and performance.

The commercial is a 30-second cut of the brand’s s video “Make That Move” which will launch on www. man.com, with its social channels fueling the conv encouraging followers to share the video along with marked hashtag #inourshoes. Starring alongside Gise tinuation of the ongoing fashion and function story e the designer’s popular stretch materials, will be a dy of boots: the over-the-knee LOWLAND in nero plo and the lace-up stretch DOWNTOWN sneaker boot. recording artist, model and muse Maluca Mala lends ic vocals to the upbeat title track, produced by DJ So song is available to download exclusively on the Stua website, www.stuartweitzman.com.


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evian速 And Designer Alexander Wang Release 2016 Limited Edition Bottle

Today, evian and New York-based fashion designer Alexander Wang unveil the 2016 evian Limited Edition bottle. Wang's design features his signature bar code logo on two contrasting bottles, one black and one white. The purity of evian water is emphasized through clean graphics and highlighted by the play of the lines on the bottles. Alexander Wang applies the barcode logo in different ways and throughout different collections and seasons. Inspired by the unique purity of evian water, Wang put it into new context on its iconic glass bottle. The design is clean, simple and, at the same time, interacts with the dynamic reflections of water as a natural element. "In my approach to design, I have always had an un-precious outlook, focusing on the pieces that people wear every day, then tweaking them and elevating them to give a distinct point of view," said Wang. "evian water is something that is truly 'every day' yet precious by design. We used linear and strong graphics to give the brand's iconic bottle our sensibility, and to create a new take on it." Since 2008, evian has worked with some of the world's most prestigious designers to create a limited edition bottle. Through the creative vision of artists such as Diane von Furstenberg, Paul Smith, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Elie Saab and KENZO, each collaboration is a renewed celebration of purity and playfulness and a reinterpretation of evian's spirit through art and design. "The architectural and minimalistic approach Alexander Wang brings to his creations really caught our attention," said Olga Osminkina-Jones, Vice President of Marketing for Danone Waters of America. "His creations are iconic yet extremely inclusive and relevant today, pure interpretation of the modern audience values. The black and white color contrast, that Alexander Wang chose, makes a statement about evian purity in a very contemporary way." The 2016 evian x Alexander Wang Limited Edition bottle will be available in 75cl glass bottles at evian.com and retailers worldwide beginning November 2015.

Art Deco-Inspired JOHN WALKER & SONS XR-21 The Grandeur of the Roaring Twenties Sumptuous style and lavish design were at the core of the Art Deco movement that flourished around the world in the 1920s. It was during that period that Sir Alexander Walker grandson of John Walker - was appointed as a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The rich colours and bold forms synonymous with that time conjure up a vision of an iconic style and sophistication that has inspired the stunning new design of the luxury blended Scotch Whisky JOHN WALKER & SONS XR(TM) 21 Year Old.

JOHN WALKER & SONS XR 21 Year Old is now presented in a new, exquisite, polished gold box emblazoned with a sculpted cross that echoes Sir Alexander Walker's Knighthood.

Jim Beveridge, JOHNNIE WALKER Master Blender, said: "JOHN WALKER & SONS XR 21 Year Old is crafted using extra rare whiskies from aged oak casks. This rich and multi-layered blend is imbued with subtle vanilla and golden honey notes and The elegant, individually-numbered 1 litre JOHN has an incredibly smooth finish. It is best enjoyed WALKER & SONS XR 21 Year Old decanters, evoc- neat in a tumbler, accompanied by chilled water." ative of the grand designs of the Art Deco era, are available to discerning consumers in Travel Retail Peter Fairbrother, Marketing Director of Diageo outlets around the globe. Global Travel and Middle East, said:"We are delighted to offer this 1 litre bottling of JOHN WALKSir Alexander Walker was renowned for his ER & SONS XR 21 Year Old exclusively to travelers. whisky-making craft and entrepreneurial expertise It is the ultimate gift for super deluxe whisky drinkwhich, by 1920, had seen JOHNNIE WALKER(R) ers in a format they cannot buy anywhere else - a whiskies travel from the four cornersof Scotland perfect souvenir from their travels." to the four corners of the world. JOHN WALKER & SONS XR 21 Year Old is a superior blend of excepThe 1 litre bottle of JOHN WALKER & SONS XR tional smoothness and depth that was created to 21 Year Old is available exclusively in travel retail commemorate his Knighthood. It contains whis- (RRSP $178) and the 75 cl version is available in kies that are aged for a minimum of 21 years and travel retail and domestically ($138USD). The 1 litre drawn from extremely rare JOHNNIE WALKER re- version is now available in Changi and Hong Kong serves - including some from distilleries no longer airports, and both versions are also available now in existence. around the world.

Record-Breaking Exhibition Exploring the Phenomenon of Hello Kitty Coming to EMP on November 14, 2015 The first large-scale Hello Kitty museum retrospective in the United States will be on display at EMP Museum and is scheduled to open on November 14, 2015. Created in celebration of the pop icon's 40(th) Anniversary, Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty is organized by Sanrio, the global lifestyle brand best known for Hello Kitty, and the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), where the exhibition originated.

audiences through powerful exhibits and programming focused on contemporary culture, is the perfect home for our retrospective."

Hello! originated at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, where it drew record-breaking attendance from visitors of all ages from around the world. The exhibition was co-curated by Dr. Christine Yano, author of Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty's Trek Across the Pacific, and Jamie The show examines the colorful his- Rivadeneira, founder and owner of tory of Hello Kitty and her influence pop culture-inspired boutique Japanon popular culture, combining a prod- LA, located in Los Angeles. uct-based historical and sociological examination of Hello Kitty with more Dr. Yano curated the retrospective than 600 rare and unique pieces from component of the exhibition featurSanrio's archives, and an installation of ing rare artifacts from Sanrio's archives over 40 mixed media works by artists including a variety of plush spanning from around the world demonstrat- a 40 year timeline, Hello Kitty's first ing Hello Kitty's influence on contem- telephone, stationery items, and many porary art. Hello! invites the public to more vintage products from the 1970s learn more about and gain new ap- and 1980s along with contemporary preciation for the evolution of Hello objects such as the one-of-a-kind Kitty, the role she has played bridging Hello Kitty dress worn by Lady Gaga, a Japanese and American cultures in couture bustier worn by Katy Perry, dithe U.S., and fans' emotional connec- amond jewelry, and a Hello Kitty talktion to her. Hello! will be on view at ing robot, allowing fans to connect to EMP through May 15, 2016. Plans are Hello Kitty's history and view her evounderway for the exhibition to travel lution as a true cultural ambassador. to additional museums across the U.S. Ms. Rivadeneira curated the exhibi"Hello! Exploring the Supercute World tion's art component, bringing in a of Hello Kitty offers an in-depth look selection of mixed media works that at the evolution of Hello Kitty and her demonstrate Hello Kitty's influence on impact on pop culture around the contemporary art. A diverse group of world," said Jill Koch, Sr. Vice President artists including Gary Baseman, Kaof Brand Management and Marketing zuki Takamatsu, kozyndan, Osamu of Sanrio, Inc. "After a successful run Watanabe, and Simone Legno for at the Japanese American National tokidoki are featured in the exhibition. Museum, we are excited to bring the exhibition to EMP and share the ex- Hello! Exploring the Supercute World perience with more fans. EMP, whose of Hello Kitty will be included with mission of reaching multigenerational EMP Museum admission.


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