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Hotspot Brazilian Media The American Way

From My Desk... Almost a year ago we decided to rest our digital magazine AboutUs for a few months. It was a difficult decision but we knew it had to be done for so many reasons. Now we decided to keep our brand on the magazine, Hotspotorlando. It is our identity, who we have been in the past six years and I believe a very strong name which defines us. Brazilian Media the American Way is a line of work we have chosen, because it is anything but the Brazilian Media in Orlando or Florida. There are no models, or guidelines, no associations or any relation to what you may find around. We are Hotspot, the name speaks for itself. I am glad you are here and I hope you return for more. Welcome back! Zaza we are waiting for you! Laiz Rodrigues The Hotspotorlando Editor in Chief

1 Chalice = 5 Years Clean Water BUY A CHALICE Each limited-edition Chalice provides 5 years of clean water for a person in the developing world. You can help make an impact by purchasing a Brazil, Cambodia or Uganda Chalice today.

Stella Artois Buy a Lady a Drink Limited Edition Brazil Chalice, 33cl

5668 International Dr., Orlando, FL 32819. 115 E Lyman Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789. www.boibrazil.com click here

Carlos Guillermo Smith is a proven fighter for Florida’s working families and students. An alumnus of the University of Central Florida, Carlos proudly identifies as a LGBT, Latino and forward thinking millennial who reflects the values and diversity of East Orlando and Central Florida.

justice for all Floridians. He previously served in the Florida legislature as the chief-of-staff to former Democratic Representatives Joe Saunders and Scott Randolph. Carlos also served as the governmental affairs manager for Equality Florida, the state’s largest LGBT civil rights organization. In that role, he successfully led the charge that killed every single anti-LGBT bill introduced during 2015 & 2016 Florida legislative session.

A first generation American, Carlos comes from a working-class family whose Hispanic heritage is mixed. His French Canadian mother runs an elementary school ESOL program where she works with students who speak english as their second language. His Peruvian-born father owns a small pool-cleaning His platform of job creation, fully funded business. public education, and social and economic justice reflects the values of everyday workAs the former chairman of the Orange Coun- ing Floridians. Elected in November 2016 to ty Democratic Party, Carlos is a well-known the State House of Representatives, Carlos community leader and advocate for issues made history as Florida’s first openly-LGBT such as affordable higher education, minori- Latino lawmaker. ty representation, and social and economic

You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world You tell me that it's evolution Well, you know We all want to change the world But when you talk about destruction Don't you know that you can count me out at Orlando International Airport (MCO).


First impressions are always what you keep. In my first meeting with State Representative Smith I was impressed with his powerful presence and his certainty about exactly what he planned to do serving our community. He is above all a community advocate. We spoke about the preoccupations we all have in the present political times, about the security of our citizens and immigrants and how little by little we hope Orlando will overcome. State representative Smith has an eye in our community, he is working hard to ensure his two years term are significant and fruitful. Speaking about the Pulse tragedy, his main goal is to work hard so that will never happen again. I am thankful we met.

Laiz Rodrigues-Editor in Chief

Smith Files Bipartisan Bill to Ban Steroid Use On Greyhound Racing Dogs HB 743 protects Florida’s greyhounds damage, gastrointestinal problems and from dangerous practice of pre-game shock. Rep. Smith offered comments dog doping on this legislation, stating “Greyhound racing is a cruel, but dying industry that Tallahassee, FL - Rep. Carlos Guillermo will hopefully be phased out soon in our Smith (D-Orlando) and Rep. Alexandra state. I am proud to be part of this biparMiller (R- Sarasota) joined forces with tisan effort with Senator Young and Rep. Sen. Dana Young (R-Hillsborough) Friday Miller to ensure the humane treatment to introduce bipartisan legislation aimed of greyhound racing dogs at all 12 of at banning the use of inhumane anabol- Florida’s remaining racetracks facilities.” ic steroids on greyhound racing dogs (HB 743/SB 512) There are currently 19 racetracks in the United States, 12 of them here in FlorFemale racing greyhounds are routinely ida. Thousands of greyhounds endure given injections of anabolic steroids, or lives of confinement at gambling faciltestosterone, to prevent the loss of race ities, kept in cages barely large enough days and push their bodies beyond nat- for them to stand up or turn around. ural limits. This reckless practice is out- Many greyhounds suffer broken legs and lawed in several countries but allowed other serious injuries, and on average a in Florida. The use of anabolic steroids dog dies in a racing facility in Florida evis one of several shortcuts greyhound ery three days. breeders use to maximize short-term profits off racing animals at low cost. Virtually all Florida dog tracks are losing money, but are forced to hold races The industry handbook Care of the Rac- because of an outdated state dog racing and Retired Greyhound cites serious ing mandate. “Decoupling” laws would side effects including virilization and end this mandate, and allow racetracks aggression, and steroid use has been to succeed or fail in the free market. shown to have a negative effect on dogs’ Lawmakers may consider decoupling as heart function. This form of greyhound part of the an omnibus gaming package doping via the use of anabolic steroids during the 2017 legislative session. is linked to liver, kidney and cartilage

Devoção é um livro de fotografia documental de patrimônio cultural de festas religiosas populares fotografado em sete estados Brasileiros. Por 14 anos a fotógrafa Isabela Senatore capturou imagens que revelam a devoção coletiva e individual passando pela cabeça, mãos, joelhos e pés. O livro tem 116 páginas com 111 imagens, bilingue português e inlglês. Devoção ganhou dois prêmios internacionais categoria Fotografia/Arte.runner up London Book Festival runner upNew England Book Festival

Contribution Marcia Kling, Diretora Executiva do Instituto São Paulo de Arte e Cultura - ISPAC.

Contribution Marcia Kling, Diretora Execu tiva do Instituto São Paulo de Arte e Cultura - ISPAC.

Em 1997, em um quartinho no quintal da casa da minha vó Catharina, no bairro Cambuí em Campinas, São Paulo, montei meu laboratório de fotografia preto e branco; o início de meus estudos e descobertas nesse mundo mágico. Minha vó Rina, como era chamada, era uma pessoa de muita fé e religiosidade. Iniciando a montagem do laboratório, ela deu-me a primeira imagem de santo para pendurar na parede e... não parou mais. Tinha santo para todos os lados. Todo mês ela vinha sorrindo com mais um. Eu achava bonito e sempre a agradecia pela intenção em proteger-me.

porta para intervalos ela estava sempre andando e rezando pelo quintal com o terço na mão. E eu perguntava: -Por que você reza tanto, vó? Ela respondia: - “As pessoas precisam.” Eu admirava a sua fé e foi daí que surgiu a minha inspiração, começando a buscar situações onde as pessoas demonstravam ter aquele sincero e forte sentimento de amor, fé e devoção.

Depois de 14 anos de pesquisas e capturas de imagens apresento esse livro de fotografias que retrata o homem brasileiro revelado com gotas de Minha avó sempre coloca- Devoção. va gotas de água benta nas químicas de revelação e assim Dedico esse livro a minha vó eu ampliei as minhas primei- Rina que vive agora lá no céu. ras fotografias com certa força divina. Eu ficava horas no meu Isabela senatore laboratório e quando abria a

First trip in a bus, not too long, Salvador to Cachoeira, "Our Lady of Good Death", lots of singing, praying, white flags flying, the Virgin raised towards the sky, many followers, many people, all believing, so much devotion, all there in the streets, in the church, day and night, flowers designing the path. In November a visit to Father Cicero, the "saint" that brings millions of grateful pilgrims to Juazeiro do Norte each year. Then another bus trip, another August, another miracle; in Sao Luiz do Maranhao indigenous drummers heat their drums over fire, reverberating greater intensities of sound into the night, while men dance with the masks of bulls on their heads, celebrating the miracle of resurrection. Back into the bus, 12 hours into the night, deep into Bahia to a massive rock in the middle of a flat plain, a river nearby. There at dawn, a small white station, no sign, a dog, and quiet just before a million pilgrims came by foot, by car, by trucks, and by horse drawn carriages to a place where the monk, Francisco, showed great compassion to the poor and created miracles, Bom Jesus da Lapa Sanctuary.

Always at the front of the procession, Isabela rides the light, the incantations, the smoke, the silent hopes and despairs of the devotees. Inspired by the singing, the laughing, and the prayers that extend to the sun and to the stars, Isabela's energy is fueled. Another photograph, Isabela sees and connects with the woman proceeding down the street on bruised knees to her destination, up the long stairs beyond the multitudes waiting their turns to confess, to thank, to share and to beseech, to the gold alter where god is waiting. A man appears with his son. They have spent 4 days walking to this holy cave with many people carrying their "promises" for the miracle granted. The man with bandaged feet holds his son by the hand at the baptismal font and waits. Isabela talks to the man and his son, she starts to photograph, she moves closer, nearer than the priest, so near that, within the single instant of the shutter release, the great extremes of life are revealed, the pain, the joy, sorrow, regret, and the rapture. There it is: it is all there. Isabela has taken a long bus ride; her grandmother prepared her for this journey, this mission. Now through dedication and belief, she has insight into a world that is so sensitively seen in her photographs that we as viewers experience the gift of revelation and find ourselves in a better place.

Outdoors and indoors, in the cave between the stalagmites and stalactites, Isabela darts through the crowds, magnetically drawn to a face, a gesture, and a moment when the confluence of light and form, fabric and flesh imparts a moment of revelation. She anticipates the second, this fragment of life, the camera clicks and within a small frame, thousands Jane Tuckerman of expressions exalt a lifetime with one's god. Professor Emeritus Lesley University Cambridge Massachusetts

Contribution Marcia Kling, Diretora Executiva do Instituto São Paulo de Arte e Cultura ISPAC.

In 1997, in a small room in the backyard of my grand mother Catharina’s house, in the neighborhood of Cambuí, in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, I set up my black and white photography darkroom, which marked the start of my studies and discoveries in this magic world.

I thought it was lovely and always thanked her for her intention on protecting me. When I prepared the chemistries for development, my grandmother would incredibly come along with holy water and put a few drops into the trays, and I thus enlarged my first photographs with a certain divine power. I used to spend hours in my lab, and whenever I opened the door for a break, she was always walking and praying around the backyard with a rosary in her hand.

My grandma Rina, as she was better known, was a person of great faith and religiousness. As my darkroom was at the beginning, she gave me the first image of a saint to hang on the wall… and she kept on giving. There were saints all over the lab. Each month she would come to me Then, once I asked: smiling and holding another new one. -Why do you pray so much, grandma?

And she replied: -“People need it.”

I admired her faith, and that inspired me to start seeking situations where people demonstrated to have that strong, heartfelt sense of love, faith and devotion. After 14 years of research and image capturing, I introduce you this photography book which portrays the Brazilian people developed with drops of Devotion. I dedicate this book to my grandma Rina who now lives in heaven.

UNITED ARTS KICKS OFF THE 2017 COLLABORATIVE CAMPAIGN FOR THE ARTS IN STYLE If you were at Arts for ALL Day on February 4, you know that United Arts of Central Florida’s 2017 collaborative Campaign for the Arts is now in full swing, and how many great local arts and cultural organizations the Campaign supports, to help make Central Florida such a wonderful place to live and visit. United Arts’ overall Campaign goal has been increased to $2,042,611 and the agency is already reporting that it has raised 23% toward the 2017 goal. “To be at 23% toward our goal in mid-February is an excellent start to this year’s Campaign,” said Flora Maria Garcia, United Arts’ president & CEO. “But, we still have a long way to go. With so many new people exposed to the wealth of arts and cultural experiences available to them in Central Florida on Arts for ALL Day, many for the first time, our Campaign partners are going to need even more support this year, to be able to meet the demands of their newly-expanded audiences. I’m hopeful that Central Florida will rally in support of the arts and make this year’s campaign our best one yet.” In addition to United Arts’ goal of introducing new communities to Central Florida’s local arts and cultural organizations through the event, United Arts’ first-ever Arts for ALL Day served as the official kickoff to the 2017 Campaign. United Arts’ 2017 collaborative Campaign for the Arts is the agency’s annual fundraiser, conducted in partnership with 19 of the area’s cornerstone arts, science and history organizations, all of which provide educational outreach programs serving Central Florida.

This year’s collaborative Campaign for the Arts runs from February 1 through May 2. If you live in CentralFlorida, United Arts encourages you to help make your community an Arts for ALL community, by making a donation to United Arts’ Arts for ALL Fund, that provides grants to more than 60 Central Florida cultural organizations, in Lake, Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties.

5. Downtown Arts District/CityArts Factory 6. Enzian 7. Garden Theatre 8. Orange County Regional History Center 9. Orlando Ballet 10. Orlando Fringe

Through the Campaign, donors may also designate contributions to one or more of 19 cultur- 11. Orlando Museum of Art al organizations that partner with United Arts. Donations made to Campaign partner organiza- 12. Orlando Philharmonic Opera tions will receive a 15 percent match from United Arts. 13. Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra United Arts is a one-stop shop, funding a plethora of organizations in a wide range of disciplines. The ultimate goal is to serve the community – by providing interesting, challenging and exciting experiences that are accessible to all residents of Central Florida. Without the generous support of community members, just like you, many of these organizations would not be able to sustain the level of quality or the number of cultural offerings that help make Central Florida such an exciting place to live and visit.

14. Orlando Repertory Theatre 15. Orlando Science Center 16. Orlando Shakespeare Theater 17. Osceola Arts 18. Seminole Cultural Arts Council 19. Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center

The complete list of United Arts’ 2017 collabo- For contributions of $50 or more, donors rerative Campaign for the Arts cultural partners ceive a complimentary one-year subscription is: to Orlando Arts Magazine. For contributions of $100 or more, donors also receive the United 1. Art & History Museums–Maitland ArtsCard, a buy-one- ticket- get-one- free and discount card that connects donors to cultural 2. Association to Preserve the Eatonville Com- offerings throughout Central Florida. munity (P.E.C.) Gifts can be made online at www.UnitedArts. 3. Bach Festival Society of Winter Park cc/Give-Now or by texting ARTS to 71777 and completing the form. 4. Crealdé School of Art

The Ninth Annual Downtown Food & Wine Fest is set for Saturday, February 25 and Sunday, February 26, 2017 for more than 30,000 foodies and wine lovers to experience unique local cuisine paired with wines from around the globe. Located in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola on Robinson Street, the two-day Fest features mouth-watering dishes from 30 of Orlando’s premier restaurants, 50 domestic and international wines and live entertainment. A portion of the proceeds benefit UCF Foundation, Inc. and Valencia Foundation. For Complete Info click HERE

Downtown Food & Wine Fest Announces Live EntertainmentTop Restaurants, Wines and National Headliners at Lake Eola Feb. 25-26 Date / Time: Saturday, February 25 (noon to 9 p.m.) and Sunday, February 26, 2017 (noon to 7 p.m.) Location: Located in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola along Robinson Street Fest Admission: One-Day General Admission Admission is $20 per person, per day with advance online purchase. Admission at the door is $25 per person, per day. Two-Day General Admission For all-weekend Fest fans, a two-day ticket is available for $35 per person with advance online purchase.

7055 S Kirkman Rd Orlando, FL 32819 Ph# (4

407) 413-5005 www.greenkitchenorlando.com

Gnocchi da Fortuna Em Orlando o Gnocchi da Fortuna Acontece na ultima Quinta-Feira de Março no Green Kitchen

O Gnocchi, Famoso Prato Italiano, Há Tempos Tem Data Marcada Para Ser Degustado, Todo Dia 29 De Cada Mês. Segundo uma lenda, comê-lo neste dia traz sorte e fortuna. A lenda tenha nasceu na Itália, já que o prato é italiano, por magia ou superstição, cada vez mais, nos dias 29 as pessoas vão em sua busca. Saboreando esse prato, acreditam ter sorte pelos próximos 30 dias. Alguns comem apenas sete nhoques, mastigando sete vezes cada um. Outros devoram tudo, pois julgam importante não haver sobra. A lenda mais conhecida conta que um andarilho, ao chegar a uma pequena cidade, bateu à porta de um casal de velhinhos no dia 29. Pediu um prato de comida e recebeu o alimento que tinham à mesa: GNOCCHI.

tos, os donos da casa se surpreenderam ao encontrar moedas de ouro em baixo de cada um deles. A história rodou o mundo e se tornou uma verdadeira tradição de todo dia 29 do mês. Neste dia, pessoas de todo o mundo comem nhoque e realizam o tradicional ritual que consiste em colocar notas ou moedas embaixo do prato, comer as sete primeiras massas em pé e fazer um pedido para cada uma delas antes de aproveitar a refeição completa. De acordo com a crença popular, este ritual traz fortuna a quem realiza-lo e sorte nos outros dias do mês. Assim no dia 29 de cada mês, deve-se colocar uma nota de dinheiro embaixo do prato de nhoque. Deve-se comer sete bolinhas do Gnocchi (alguns o fazem de pé) mentalizando um pedido. Guarde a nota do dinheiro até o dia 29 do mês seguinte. Depois saboreie com prazer o Gnocchi do prato .

Tempos depois, o andarilho retornou à casa para contar que após aquele dia passou a ter muita sorte e ganhou muito dinheiro. Em outra versão, em um dia 29 de dezembro do séc. IV, São Pantaleão vagava por um vilarejo da Itália. Faminto e vestido como um andarilho, o santo teria batido na porta de uma das casas do local em busca de comida. Muitas pessoas repetem essa tradição e dizem que o prato ajudou a concretizar projetos, arruApesar de possuir pouca comida, a família que mar companhias ou favorecer reconciliações,e atendeu o santo permitiu sua entrada e divid- além de tudo, o Gnocchi da Cantina é único, e iu sua refeição com ele. Cada pessoa da mesa te faz viajar em pensamento! teve direito a apenas sete massas de nhoque. Após comer, São Pantaleão agradeceu os an- Todos os dias 29 temos encontro marcados fitriões e se despediu. Ao recolherem os pra- aqui, com o pensamento positivo!


Gnocchi of Fortune In Orlando The Gnocchi of Fortune will be on last Thursday of March at Green Kitchen Restaurant

The Gnocchi, famous Italian dish, has long been marked to be tasted every 29th of each month. According to a legend, eating it on this day brings luck and fortune. The legend was born in Italy, since the dish is Italian, by magic or superstition, more and more, on the 29th of each month people go in search of it. Having this dish, people feel they're lucky for the next 30 days. Some eat only seven gnocchi pieces, chewing seven times each. Others devour everything, because they deem it’s important not to have leftovers. The most well-known legend tells that a wanderer, when arriving at a small town, knocked at the door of a pair of old people on the 29th. He requested a plate of food and received the food that was at the table: GNOCCHI.

hosts and said goodbye. As they collected the plates, the owners of the house were surprised to find gold coins under each of them. The story rolled the world and became a true tradition of every day of the month. On this day, people all over the world eat gnocchi and perform the traditional ritual of putting notes or coins under their plates, eating the first seven pieces standing, and make a wish for each one before enjoying the full meal. According to popular belief, this ritual brings fortune to those who perform it and luck on other days of the month. So on the 29th of each month, a note of money should be placed under the gnocchi dish. One should eat seven balls of the Gnocchi (some do it standing up) making a wish. Keep the money note until the 29th of the following month. Then savor with pleasure the Gnocchi from the dish.

Some time later, the wanderer returned to the house to tell that after that day he was very lucky and made a lot of money. In another version, on a December 29th somewhere in time, St. Pantaleon wandered through a village in Italy. Hungry and dressed like a wanderer, the saint would have knocked on the door of one of the houses of the place Many people repeat this tradition and say that in search of food. the dish helped to realize projects, set up companies or favor reconciliations, and besides,the Despite having little food, the family that at- Gnocchi moment is unique. tended the saint allowed his entrance and shared their meal with him. Each person at the Every 29th you have an appointment with postable was entitled to only seven pieces of gn- itive thinking! occhi. After eating, St. Pantaleon thanked the


Ace Cafe Orlando

Combining motorcycle functionality with fashion-forward designs – in conjunction with the opening of the first North American location – the iconic Ace Cafe announces the launch of a full lineup of leather jackets for both men and women. Classic, functional, and comfortable, these leathers pay homage to the famous London-based motor-diner, which has served as a beacon to motorcyclists and rockers alike for decades. In fact, it was at Ace Cafe London where “ton-up boys -- and girls” hugely influenced the cafe racer culture.

“The Ace Cafe has become a global cultural phenomenon over the course of its 79-year history,” explains Mark McKee, chief gear head of Ace North America. “Leather is a key part of the motorcycle story, so we’re bringing six new leather jacket styles to market here in North America in conjunction with the opening of our first U.S. location."

For generations, Ace Cafe London has been the gathering place for those passionate about the rock ’n’ roll culture and a love of fast-moving metal. Fueling motorists since 1938 – two wheels, four wheels, frankly anything with an engine – Ace Cafe has been there from the beginning and continues to lead the way.

Named after the historic neighborhood just off the A4 motorway in London, where "doing the ton" – racing a jukebox record at speeds topping 100 mph -- helped to create the cafe racer movement. The Hammersmith jacket is the hallmark – and the first release – of the Ace Cafe Leather Collection.

Ace Cafe Orlando

Blending the best features of a traditional naval pea coat with a classic motorcycle jacket, the Hammersmith is made from full-weight, 1.2mm drumdyed top grain cowhide.

A riding jacket first, the cafe racer-positioned sleeves are rotated 15 degrees forward at the shoulder, the dropped back offers full coverage for all riding positions, and armor-friendly

pockets are incorporated at the joints and back. Zip-up collars offer full wind protection when doing “the ton”. The Hammersmith’s Union Jack lining even offers zippered access so that wearers can personalize the jacket with their own unique combination of patches, pins, and studs. The Hammersmith is available in sizes S, M, L, XL and XXL, and retails for $649.95 (includes a threeyear warranty). The full line of men and women's leather jackets and Ace Cafe casual wear is available exclusively at Ace Cafe’s online shop, Rockers Speed Shop, at https://store.acecafeusa. com. Ace Cafe Orlando is scheduled to open in spring 2017 on a three-acre parcel in downtown Orlando.

5472 International Dr Orlando, Florida

Call (407) 447-8946

Business Profile - Introduction Louana Oliveira, born in Sao Paulo, Brazil has lived in many cities in the US. Spearheading USA Brazil Consulting, Louana lived in many cities in Brazil before moving to the US. Louana Oliveira is a marketing and planning professional with a 360-degree view of business with over 30 years of market experience. Louana’s work is divided between Brazil and the US, and she is well known as one of the foremost experts in this segment. Louana was President of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida in 2001 and for the previous five years was on the Board of Directors, 4 years as VP of Communications, and one year as Vice President. Working with Rene Duvekot she assisted over 100 Brazilian companies from various sectors with their internationalization.

Key Points

· Bi-Cultural - Recognizes the Brazilian way of life and explains the American equivalent of several segments; · Administers the "cross cultural" of both nationalities; · Expertise in marketing and sales; · Detail oriented, listens to customers and asks crucial questions; · Solid knowledge in project planning control; · Solid knowledge in the management of CRM; · Quick wits and determination. For full professional profile Please access the link Louana Oliveira

Louana Oliveira is the president for USA Brazil Consulting, a unique consulting company that assists foreign entrepreneurs with their US Market entry. We sat down with Louana for an Interview.

their plan, we suggest a plan of action that will show what they have to do, according to the home work the client has or has not done. Research the market; identify the competition; position the business; and prepare to enter the market. But we don’t stop here, once HotSpot Orlando: Does your company they have opened the company is when the only works with Brazilian companies en- work really starts. How to sell? How to keep your customer? How to manage if you are not tering the US Market? physically able to work in your company. We L.O.: Oh no Laiz, there is a perception due to offer all these services. the name, but you see I was born in Brazil and now live in the US, so that is why we named HotSpot Orlando: You mean that if a perour business USA Brazil Consulting. My fami- son is Brazil they can open a US company ly immigrated here in the late 60’s, I went to and your company will manage it? high school here and then college and in between back and forth to both countries. Peo- L.O.: in a way, yes, you see usually Brazilian ple in Brazil would ask me about the USA and business are going to first try it out and they here about Brazil, and I identified a niche that the client decides if they are going to move could become a good business. But in answer here or hire personnel. So, we developed a to your question, we assist professionally any- service where we are their American managone entering the USA market. Even Americans. er. You see for instance a client we have, they HotSpot Orlando: what are some of your have a US company and sell sportswear made in Brazil, imported into the US and through services? their website they sell the products. But they L.O.: For any business entering the USA mar- have no one in the US except us. We are their ket we offer a series of services that will di- interface with logistics, with their accountant, rect them. Everyone has a plan, what they we seek new points of sales for them such as would like to do. Once we sit and talk about mini gym stores, and so much more. They pay us a monthly fee and we are them in the US

HOTSPOT BUSINESS PROFILE Louana Oliveira is the president for USA Brazil Consulting HotSpot Orlando: but that is a great service, would have the new prospects in the system and all they did was to contact them and sell. It so assist in selling as well? makes selling an art.

L.O.: yes, my professional background is marketing and with the Internet we have expanded the market and segmented it so much that is harder to easily sell. I know it sounds weird, but if you know your market, and know where to place and how to place your product online your results are going to be quicker, if the product is really good. People got lazy.

HotSpot Orlando: is this service expensive? L.O.: it is hard to say. If you are not selling as you should, and bringing in clients is the solution, the initial investment , if done right, could in a few months, pay for itself. But if your readers are interested they can contact us and we will be glad to assist them.

HotSpot Orlando: so, if I wanted to sell onHotSpot Orlando: thank you Louana, our conline your company could assist? versation was very enlightening and you proL.O.: yes, in the entire process. We can assist vided our readers with valuable info. USA Brazil you with opening the company, getting your Consulting sit is www.usabrazilconsulting.com website ready, with copy for your products, with setting up logistics, integrating selling and warehousing processes, and integrating your site to a CRM system, so you can work your customers.

HotSpot Orlando: you assist with CRM also? L.O.; yes, many clients think is complicated, is software, but we have an interface service that we assist the client to choose and implement and train them on how to use the CRM system. No, we do not sell CRM systems, we assist a client to choose the best one for them, and we train them to use it. There was one client that integrated the websites request with the CRM and the sales people

Louana Oliveira and Florida Governor Rick Scott

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 2 City Commissioner Tony Ortiz Open Park of the Americas Fitness Trail Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 2 City Commissioner Tony Ortiz joined residents and the community to officially cut the ribbon on a new 12-foot wide, halfmile long fitness trail at the Park of the Americas on Monday, January 30, 2017. After the ribbon cutting, residents were welcome to tackle the City’s latest fitness trail with Commissioner Ortiz to test the park amenities. The new amenities include five fitness stations, which are ergonomically designed to lead residents through 120 different exercises of varying intensity. The addition of the trail and exercise stations furthers the City’s continued commitment to providing a diverse array of amenities and enhancing the lives of Orlando residents, ensuring that Orlando is a City for everyone. The 28-acre park opened in 2014 and features the City’s first dog park, shade pavilions, picnic tables and grills, a tot lot for two-five year olds and a satellite District 2 City Commissioner office. The opening of the Park of the Americas Fitness Trail extends the Lake Underhill Path. The two-and-a-half-mile trail runs from Festival Park to Colonel Joe Kittinger Park to Lake Underhill Park and ends at Park of the Americas. Source: City of Orlando

Maria Gadú MIAMI

Maria Gadú – Tour USA 2017 Maria Gadú traz para Miami as músicas do seu terceiro álbum “Guelã”. O show no Flamingo Theater, é parte da turnê norte-americana da cantora e compositora. O primeiro lote de ingressos já está à venda nas bilheterias do Flamingo Theater e no website http://flamingotheaterllc.com/

Maria Gadú USA Tour 2017 2 de Abril, às 20h Flamingo Theater 801 Brickell Bay Dr, Miami, FL - 33131 Preços $40 General e $50 Premium (1º lote) Link Direto de Ingressos: goo.gl/Dr6I4u Sobre a Artista Maria Gadú transcende as expectativas com sua musicalidade e lirismo. A artista tem um timbre peculiar e jeito tímido que vem cativando fãs mundo afora. O sucesso na MPB foi revelado em 2009, quando Maria Gadú conquistou o disco de platina com seu álbum de estréia, atingindo a marca de mais de 200 mil cópias vendidas. A cantora conquistou também o Prêmio Multishow na categoria melhor álbum. Foi indicada ainda ao Grammy Latino nas categorias Revelação e Melhor Álbum (Cantor & Compositor). Gadú tem a admiração de grandes mestres da MPB e da música internacional como Alicia Keys, Tony Bennett e Jesse Harris. Na sua carreira chegou a dividir várias vezes o palco com Caetano Veloso, Lenine, Ana Carolina, Gilberto Gil e Milton Nascimento. No palco, Maria Gadú estará acompanhada por Sandro Albert na guitarra, Gastão Villeroy no baixo e o baterista Joel Rosenblatt. Juntos os músicos apresentarão interpretações das canções novas, alem dos clássicos de cantora brasileira.

JAZZ AT DR. PHILLIPS CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Formation of the Dr. Phillips Center Jazz Orchestra and new, year-long educational initiatives

The Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts is establishing its place within the global jazz community with the announcement of the formation of the Dr. Phillips Center Jazz Orchestra and new, year-long educational initiatives. “Dr. Phillips Center continues to shape Central Florida’s culture and economy. Our vision of Arts For Every Life means impacting our community through world-class experiences and education. Dr. Phillips Center is dedicated to being a creative gathering place where people love to experience, explore, learn, work and be an authentic part of the arts,” said Kathy Ramsberger, president & CEO of the Dr. Phillips Center. “The combination of the full spectrum of jazz offerings from early childhood to high school through professional performances with the formation of the Dr. Phillips Center Jazz Orchestra confirms our commitment to jazz for the global arts community,” Ramsberger continued. For the complete article click here

Guests will also be able to dine at Satu’li Canteen, grab a drink at Pongu Pongu or shop for Na’vi cultural items, toys, science kits, and more at Windtraders. The expansion completes the transformation of Disney’s Animal Kingdom from a day into nighttime theme park with captivating offerings and extended entertainment. Pandora – The World of Avatar is a creative collaboration by Walt Disney Imagineering, Cameron and Lightstorm Entertainment to bring to life the mythical world of Pandora.

Disney Announces May 27 as Opening Date for Pandora-The World of Avatar at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Pandora – The World of Avatar will open at Disney’s Animal Kingdom on Saturday, May 27, it was announced today by Disney CEO Bob Iger during The Walt Disney Company Shareholders meeting.

main adventures will beckon Disney’s Animal Kingdom guests: Riding a magnificent Mountain Banshee, guests will soar across Pandora on Avatar Flight of Passage. This high-tech adventure will offer a thrilling flight through the jungles and floating Inspired by Academy-award winning filmmak- mountains, and over the majestic oceans of this er James Cameron’s box-office hit, “AVATAR,” colorful world. the new 12-acre land will immerse guests in the lush world of Pandora about a generation after On the family-friendly Na’vi River Journey the film’s human-Na’vi conflict. guests will sail down a sacred river hidden within a glowing rainforest. The expedition will The magical new land will transport guests to end in an unforgettable encounter with a Na’vi a mystical world of bioluminescent rainforests, Shaman, a figure who has a deep connection to floating mountains and soaring Banshees. Two the life force of Pandora.


Walt Disney Imagineering in collaboration with filmmaker James Cameron and Lightstorm Entertainment is bringing to life the mythical world of Pandora, inspired by Cameron’s AVATAR, at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park. The awe-inspiring land of floating mountains, bioluminescent rainforests and soaring Banshees will become real for Disney guests to see, hear and touch. Scheduled to open in 2017, the AVATAR-inspired land will be part of the largest expansion in Disney’s Animal Kingdom history. (Concept art, Walt Disney Imagineering)

Give Your Heart Some Lovin' Johns Hopkins RD offers tips for heart health

The American Heart Association's (AHA) American Heart Month first took place in February 1964. Fifty-three years later, AHA continues to use February as a wake-up call for Americans to care for their hearts. American Heart Month serves as a crucial reminder because heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. What is encouraging is that heart disease is preventable by keeping heart health top of mind all year-round. One of the top ways to decrease your risk of heart disease is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. For many, this means reducing the amount of meat consumed each week and replacing it with vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. In fact, eating less meat and more fruits and veggies also lowers your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

wide variety of plant-based dishes – you'll be surprised that there are many nutritious and delicious sources of protein besides meat. Eat more greens. Dark green vegetables are full of healthy minerals and nutrients that protect our heart. You can toss kale, chard or spinach into almost any cooked dish. Arugula adds a peppery zing to sandwiches, pizza and salads. Choose healthy fats, such as olive or canola oil, avocados and fish oils. Studies show that replacing saturated fats with healthy fats and oils is better for your heart than going low fat but adding refined flours and sugars in its place. For nutritious snacks, reach out for affordable, convenient peanuts or a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread. Almonds, pistachios and walnuts are also satisfying and contain heart healthy fat and minerals. Eat more whole grains. Whole grains contain more B-vitamins, fiber and health protective phytochemicals than refined flours and grains. Try a tasty, new grain such as quick-cooking farro or quinoa. Try beans or lentils for a few meals each week. People who eat more beans and legumes may have lower cholesterol and blood pressure and healthier weights. Lentils cook in under 40 minutes without soaking; canned beans are ready to go! For recipes to romance your heart all year long, Meatless Monday is offering a free e-cookbook: We ♥ Comfort Food: Heart-Healthy Meatless Monday Recipes. The cookbook is available as a free PDF download from the Meatless Monday website: http://bit.ly/mmcomfort2

Becky Ramsing, RD, MPH, senior program officer at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health - Center for a Livable Future, and primary adviser for the Meatless Monday campaign, offers these simple tips to give your heart some lovin' this February and beyond. For more information about Meatless Monday, visit www.meatlessmonday.com. Start your week with Meatless Monday. Try the SOURCE Meatless Monday

Run For Free At Annual Miami DRIHOPE4ACURE 5K/10K/Kids Super Hero Fun Run Against Diabetes S o u t h Florida residents of all ages are encouraged to lead a healthier life by participating in the DRIHOPE4ACURE 5k/10k/Kids Super Hero Fun Run for FREE at the 7th annual DRI Walk for Diabetes & Family Fun Day Presented by Walgreens. To be held on March 4, 2017 at Marlins Park, the event benefits the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

feat diabetes together.

The first 1,000 people to use the promo code GORUNMIAMI at registration by February 28, 2017 will have their fee waived. Event organizers hope to give locals a chance to get active through an effort called Get Moving Miami-Dade, while supporting research for a cure for diabetes. All runners will receive participation medals, and there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards in 26 categories courtesy of MultiRace – which is setting up the chipped and professionally timed race.

This community-driven event is a collaborative effort between the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation and Walgreens, who have partnered for seven consecutive years and together have raised more than $1.7 million for the cure-focused work of the DRI. Corporate partners to date include Walgreens, Coca-Cola, Island Planet, RedBull, PepsiCo, Frito-Lay, Noi CafĂŠ, Omnipod, and Yasso. As well as our media partners, Y100 Miami, 93.9 MIA, TU94.9, Big105.9, Newsradio 610, The Sports Animal 940, 103.5 The Beat, Comcast, Clear Channel Outdoor, Pinecrest Magazine, the Miami Herald, 102.7 The Beach, 790 The Ticket, 101.5 Lite FM, and 104.3 The Shark. The DRI is actively seeking support from participants, corporate partners, sponsors, and volunteers.

"Olivia is our hero because she fights the strongest enemy every day [diabetes]," said Arianna Lamosa, whose 8-year-old daughter has type 1 diabetes and each year walks and fundraises with her team Super O. "Fighting alone is not an option. No amount is too small and no amount is too large. Every dollar will only get us closer to a biological cure." Runners can use the promo code GORUNMIAMI to register online at www.WalgreensWalkDRI. org. On the day of the event, race registration begins at 6 a.m., the run starts at 8 a.m., and the Kids Fun Run is at 8:40 a.m. The DRI Walk kicks off at 9 a.m. while the family fun activities continue through 12 noon.

Following the run, participants are encouraged to join in the DRI Walk, which will take place inside the home of the Miami Marlins. It is also free to attend, along with other fun activities including face painting, giveaways, live entertainment from the Hip Hop Kidz dance group and Magic City Jedi, a children's fun-zone, health booths, a raffle to win Marlins game tickets, food and so For more information, call 1-800-321-3437. much more. Children are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite superhero to help de-

THE SUDDEN GOOD BYE LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Jazz and R&B awards, the biggest night of the year for the singer Al Jarreau, whose hits included “We’re music industry. in This Love Together” and “Moonlighting”, died on Sunday in Los Angeles at age 76. His Facebook page said Jarreau “passed away (Reporting by Daniel Trotta; Editing by Mary this morning, at about 600am LA time. He was Milliken) in the hospital, kept comfortable by his wife, son, and a few of his family and friends.” No cause of death was given. The seven-time Grammy winner had been hospitalized for exhaustion last week and was forced to cancel his remaining tour dates for 2017. A post on his Facebook page on Friday said he had been “recovering slowly and steadily.” “His son reports that he caught his dad singing ‘Moonlighting’ to one of the nurses the morning ... a very encouraging sign,” the post said. Jarreau was considered one of jazz’s greatest vocalists, with a mastery of scat singing and vocal percussion. But his smooth, breezy hit “We’re in This Love Together” from the 1981 album “Breakin’ Away” made him a mainstream commercial success. His theme for the late 1980s American television show “Moonlighting,” for which he wrote the lyrics, cemented his place in pop culture. arreau died hours before Sunday’s Grammy




and at MoMA/PS1. Motta was born in Colombia. The prizewinners were selected by panels of experts in a variety of artistic disciplines. The jury panel for the Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Fine Arts included Nicholas Baume, director and chief curator of the Public Art Fund; Naomi Beckwith, curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Rita Gonzalez, associate curator of contemporary art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Hitomi Iwasaki, director of exhibitions/curator at the Queens Museum of Art; and Thomas J. Lax, associate curator at the Museum of Modern Art. The Vilcek Foundation is proud to announce Carlos Motta as one of the three recipients of the 2017 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Fine Arts. The prizes were designed to recognize and support emerging immigrant artists who have made outstanding contributions to American society, and include a cash prize of $50,000. Mr. Motta is originally from Bogota, Colombia.

All prizewinners will be honored at a ceremony in New York City in April 2017. In addition to prizes in fine arts, the Vilcek Foundation is also recognizing immigrants in the sciences with the 2017 Vilcek Prizes in Biomedical Science. The Vilcek Foundation was established in 2000 by Jan and Marica Vilcek, immigrants from the former Czechoslovakia. The mission of the foundation, to honor the contributions of immigrants to the United States and to foster appreciation of the arts and sciences, was inspired by the couple's respective careers in biomedical science and art history, as well as their personal experiences and appreciation for the opportunities they received as newcomers to this country. The foundation awards annual prizes to prominent immigrant biomedical scientists and artists, and manages the Vilcek Foundation Art Collections, a promised gift from its founders.

Carlos Motta works in a variety of media—including video, performance, photography, and sculpture—to explore questions of identity, sexuality and politics, and to identify and dissect the relations between an individual and the culture that forms them. Since moving to the United States in 1996, Motta has become interested in questions of representation and the experience of democracy; the emotional underpinnings of political awareness; and the ways that dominant accounts of history have become biased. Motta has won a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Future Generation Art Prize To learn more about the Vilcek Foundation, from PinchukArtCentre, and grants from Creplease visit Vilcek.org. ative Capital and New York State Council on the Arts, and his work has been shown at the Perez Art Museum Miami, The Tanks at Tate Modern,

Colombian immigrant Carlos Motta wins Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise $50,000 prize honors immigrant contributions to the United States

CARLOS MOTTA The Alphabet of your Steps is not my Language (From the series Searching for We'wha) www.paddle8.com


By Sharon Bernstein and Kristina Cooke (Reuters) - U.S. federal immigration agents arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least four states this week in what officials on Friday called routine enforcement actions. Reports of immigration sweeps this week sparked concern among immigration advocates and families, coming on the heels of President Donald Trump’s executive order barring refugees and immigrants from seven majority-Muslim nations. That order is currently on hold. “The fear coursing through immigrant homes and the native-born Americans who love immigrants as friends and family is palpable,” Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, said in a statement. “Reports of raids in immigrant communities are a grave concern.” law at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, said immigration advocates are concerned that the arrests could signal the beginning of more aggressive enforcement and increased deportations under Trump. “It sounds as if the majority are people who would have been priorities under Obama as well,” Kagan said in a telephone interview. “But the others may indicate the first edge of a new wave of arrests and deportations.” Trump recently broadened the categories of people who could be targeted for immigration enforcement to anyone who had been charged with a crime, removing an Obama-era exception for people convicted of traffic misdemeanors, Kagan said.


The enforcement actions took place in Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and surrounding areas, said David Marin, director of enforcement and removal for the Los Angeles field office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Only five of 161 people arrested in Southern California would not have been enforcement priorities under the Obama administration, he said. The agency did not release a total number of detainees. The Atlanta office, which covers three states, arrested 200 people, Bryan Cox, a spokesman for the office, said. The 161 arrests in the Los Angeles area were made in a region that included seven highly populated counties, Marin said.

IMMIGRATION USA Marin called the five-day operation an “enforcement surge.” In a conference call with reporters, he said that such actions were routine, pointing to one last summer in Los Angeles under former President Barack Obama. “The rash of these recent reports about ICE checkpoints and random sweeps, that’s all false and that’s dangerous and irresponsible,” Marin said. “Reports like that create a panic.†He said that of the people arrested in Southern California, only 10 did not have criminal records. Of those, five had prior deportation orders.Michael Kagan, a professor of immigration Reporting by Sharon Bernstein in Sacramento, Calif., and Kristina Cooke in San Francisco; Writing by Sharon Bernstein; Editing by Peter Henderson and Leslie Adler)

By Harry Pearl

ing water over the beached whales to try and keep them SYDNEY (Reuters) - New cool, while waiting to catch Zealand conservation au- high tides to carry them out thorities said 240 pilot to sea again. whales that were stranded overnight at a remote bay But most of the whales from which only days earlier had that pod died. Officials will a larger beaching refloated soon have to start clearing themselves on Sunday and the carcasses, Christophers were swimming offshore. said. “We had 240 whales strand yesterday in the afternoon and we were fearful we were going to end up with 240 dead whales this morning,” Herb Christophers, a Department of Conservation spokesman said.

The strandings have been New Zealand’s largest in decades. The precise cause was not known, though beached whales are not uncommon at Golden Bay.

“But they self-rescued, in other words the tide came in and they were able to float off and swim out to sea.”

Its shallow muddy waters confuse the marine mammals’ sonar, leaving them vulnerable to stranding by an ebb tide, according to The pod was the second marine environmental orgalarge group to strand itself nization Project Jonah. in recent days at Golden Bay, at the northwest tip of Pilot whales are not listed the South Island, in one of as endangered, but little is the worst mass strandings in known about their populaNew Zealand. tion in New Zealand waters. On Thursday evening, a conservation worker spotted that about 400 whales had (Reporting by Harry Pearl; washed ashore. Hundreds of Editing by Richard Borsuk) volunteers spent days pour-



Duo win Brazilian showdown at Swatch Beach Volleyball Fort Lauderdale Major.

After five intense days of action on the sundrenched Center Court, Saymon Barbosa and à lvaro Filho overcame compatriots Andre Loyola and Evandro to win their first tournament together.

a lot. Not just for us but for our team here and back at home in Brazil.â€

Barbosa said: “It’s hard to think about the future. I just want to enjoy this victory, but it does mean a lot because we A 21-14 21-17 victory sealed a memorable work so hard. I have to say thanks to everyfew weeks for the new team having remark- one in Brazil and all our fans here. Thank ably come through a qualifying event to you so much!†even reach Fort Lauderdale. Both Brazilian pairs had proved triumphant It was the 66th time Brazil had supplied over US rivals in both semi-final contests. both teams in a men’s final of an inter- The first match of the day saw Evandro and national event but it was the net presence Loyola beat local favourites Lucena and Dalfrom 23-year-old Saymon and energy from hausser, despite the American duo eliminat26-year-old à lvaro that proved too much to ing the dominant Rio gold medalists Bruno handle. Schmidt and Alison Cerutti the night before. In total, they won seven matches without An all South American final was complete losing a set to come out on top of the 32 when Barbosa and Filho ended the dream team event with US pair Nick Lucena and run of John Hyden and Ryan Doherty. Phil Dalhausser scooping bronze. Tomorrow the action continues, but this Filho said: “They served well but Say- time it’s the women’s turn to rock mon helped me a lot. He helped me with the packed crowds with their fierce compethe set which I have made mistakes with in tition as the best players from the U.S, Brazil the past and I think that was the difference. and Germany square off. We played together as a team and it means



H&M's New Conscious Exclusive Collection Debuts Recycled Shoreline Plastic

The new H&M Conscious Exclusive collection features both sustainability and style. For 2017 the collection includes the revolutionary sustainable material BIONIC® – recycled polyester made from plastic shoreline waste. This fluid fabric used in an intricate pleated gown shows how natural it is for the best styles to be conscious of the environment. In addition to a full assortment for women and relaxed formal wear for men, for the first time, the collection will include kids' pieces, as well as a Conscious Exclusive fragrance made from organic oils. The collection will be available in around 160 stores worldwide, and online, from April 20th. Supermodel and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova is the face of this year's Conscious Exclusive collection in her first campaign for H&M. "I am proud to appear in the H&M Conscious Exclusive campaign. It's amazing to see the advances in sustainable fabrics that are used in the collection, pointing towards a more sustainable future for all fashion," says Natalia Vodianova. Conscious Exclusive is an elevated collection composed of exquisite pieces, perfect for celebrating the spring season. Individual pieces for special occasions show the many different ways that sustainable materials can create the best fashion with the key piece being the ethereal plissé pleated gown in powder pink made from BIONIC®. "For the design team at H&M, this year's Conscious Exclusive is a chance to dream and create pieces that are both quirky and beautiful. It's great to be able to show just what is possible with sustainable materials like we have done with the delicate plissé dress made of BIONIC®," says Pernilla Wohlfahrt, H&M's Head of Design and Creative Director. Conscious Exclusive is at the forefront of H&M's movement towards a more sustainable fashion future. Across all of H&M's product ranges, 20% are now made from more sustainable materials (2015), with the aim each year to increase the share. H&M is one of the world's biggest users of recycled polyester and one of the biggest buyers of organic cotton. The goal for cotton is that it be 100% sustainably sourced by 2020. It is part of H&M's ambition to make sustainable, good-quality fashion accessible to as many people

The fashion industry is the second biggest industry in the world and therefore, we have a great responsibility to help protect the environment. However, turning fashion into a greener industry is very challenging and not something we can do on our own. This is why we are working together with other businesses around the world, to truly be able to make a difference.

tomers, stakeholders, business partners and peers, we can do this. We can do this in many ways, from improving the livelihood of a cotton farmer, to encouraging our customers to recycle their clothes through our garment recycling scheme.

We want our customers to be proud of what they wear. Not only about how good they look, but also about the way the clothes are made and the enMORE THAN ORGANIC COTTON vironmental and social impact the garments have Many people identify sustainable fashion as fash- across our value chain. ion that is simply made from sustainable materials. However, for us, the responsibility goes fur- Today, sustainable fashion goes way beyond orther than this, and spans across our entire value ganic cotton tees. All year round, we offer many chain. We pose very strict demands on our suppli- sustainable basic fashion pieces, trendy tops and ers, which include both social and environmental striking evening wear. Additionally, each year regulations, in accordance to our code of conduct; H&M launch the Conscious Exclusive collection. the Sustainability Commitment. The collection comprises of high-end environmentally friendly pieces, aiming to move H&M’s "Being a global brand comes with a lot of respon- fashion and sustainability development towards sibility. We take this responsibilty very seriously, a more sustainable fashion future. We are comwithin all of our processes, in all of our markets.� mitted to showing that sustainable fashion has a WE ARE ALL PART OF IT place on the red carpet as well as making it part of our daily offer in our stores. One of our goals is for We want to use our influence to bring systemic all cotton in our range to come from sustainable change to the industry and across the lifecycle of sources by 2020. our products. Together with our colleagues, cus-


H TheHotspotorlando Brazilian Media The American Way

The Chinese New Year invites you to look ahead and chase your dreams! Adorn your lips in decadent reds and lavish lids with satin-soft shades inspired by snow blossoms. Show off with strokes of Penultimate Eye Liner, and flaunt a beautiful glow using Prep + Prime Natural Radiance.

WELCOME TO ‘THE TANQUERAY TEN’ THE NEXT GENERATION OF A MASTERFUL BLEND OF TIMELESS Tanqueray Gin™ announces the launch of “The Tanqueray TEN” a collection of talented, creative influencers curated by entertainment icon and Brand Ambassador Snoop Dogg. The ten individuals that comprise The Tanqueray TEN were all hand-selected by Snoop Dogg as part of his content partnership with Tanqueray to celebrate and modernize Gin & Juice cocktails. Snoop Dogg creatively oversees this cocktail platform founded in the success of his 1993 classic hit ‘Gin & Juice’ and the cultural cachet that it maintains today.

Inspired by Tanqueray and the ‘gin lifestyle,’ each individual embodies sophistication, creativity and a masterful blend of timeless style. They are all visionaries in various verticals from music, film, art, tech, business, fashion and more. The TEN includes: artist/producer/songwriter Ty Dolla $ign, actor Terrence J., artist/rapper STIX, photographer Aris Jerome, photographer Marcus Hyde, jewelry and fashion designer Melody Ehsani, celebrity stylist Ugo Mozie, visual artist Devin Troy Strother, recording artist Lalah Hathaway and music singer/songwriter October London.


Actor Terrence J. joins forces with Snoop Dogg and other creative, talented artists to be a part of ‘The Tanqueray TEN’ program. TO THE RIGHT, Artist, Producer and Songwriter Ty Dolla $ign is proud to be a part of ‘The Tanqueray TEN’ inspired by Gin & Juice

Artist and rapper STIX joins new ‘The Tanqueray TEN’ group inspiring the next generation

Snoop Dogg stated, “The Tanqueray TEN is my way of recognizing and working with a handful of individuals that are all at the top of their game and the forefront of culture. Each one of them, in my opinion, are movers and shakers across pop culture. They have perfected their craft within their respective industries - whether that is art, music or film - and most importantly have been inspired by the cultural influence of Gin & Juice throughout their careers.”

When speaking about the launch of The Tanqueray TEN, Keenan Towns, Brand Director for Gins at Diageo, commented, “Tanqueray has celebrated and supported creativity and innovation, and the introduction of this program ushers in a modern era of artistic exploration. As a brand that is rooted in entertainment and the arts it was a natural extension to collaborate with our brand ambassador Snoop Dogg to build a united group of some of the best innovators in music, fashion, film, art and more that The members of The Tanqueray TEN will be col- all have a long-found passion for Gin & Juice.” laborating with Snoop Dogg across music, film, art, fashion and more throughout the coming Together Snoop Dogg and Tanqueray created year. Additionally, the individuals will be spot- a group of likeminded, outstanding individuals lighted and celebrated at special events and key that represent a multicultural background and moments throughout the year with Tanqueray. are always striving to perfect their craft. As alStay tuned, since Snoop Dogg in collaboration ways, Snoop Dogg and Tanqueray remind you with some of The Tanqueray TEN members that whenever you sip Gin & Juice, Tanqueray might even be dropping original remixes in the is the gin of choice – and to do so responsibly. near future.

Rolex will be a Proud Sponsor of the 89th Academy Awards® broadcast live on Oscars Sunday®, 26 February 2017 on the ABC Television Network. The Oscars® ceremony has honored excellence in cinema since 1929. For the second consecutive year, Rolex will also be Exclusive Sponsor of the Oscars Greenroom. For decades, Rolex has been linked to the magical and wondrous world of cinema: from its presence in legendary films to its support for young film-makers through its philanthropic program, the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative. THE ART OF STORYTELLING Rolex watches have the power to inspire and Rolex has become a part of cinema's culture as an iconic symbol in storytelling. The history of Rolex is intertwined with that of cinema. Rolex watches have spontaneously featured in many iconic films and have become part of storytelling as an essential element of a film's plot. Each Rolex watch symbolizes a personality and carries its own story, bringing to life a character and their journey on screen. "Rolex supports inspiring individuals and organizations who achieve great heights in both the sporting world and the arts, and the Academy exemplifies this pursuit of defying the odds to

reach unimaginable goals. The Academy Awards and Rolex recognize and uphold excellence," says Arnaud Boetsch, Rolex Director of Communication & Image. BOLDNESS OF VISION Rolex Testimonee James Cameron represents the pinnacle of film-making, with a boldness of vision and focus on technical innovation dominant throughout his many movies.

Rolex Will Be A Proud Sponsor Of The 89th Oscars® Titanic, which won 11 Oscars, is tied for the most awards ever, and Avatar holds the record as the highest-grossing film in history. Cameron exemplifies the power of details in making stories come alive on screen. Says Cameron: "Great movies are made in details, and not just a few details – every detail. Every character, every prop, and every sequence. A Rolex is not only a beautiful watch and a masterpiece of engineering, it's very tough. It's a watch that you can take into any environment and which can stand up to the pressure. So, what you're saying subliminally to the audience is: that character can take the pressure, too; he or she has what it takes." BEHIND THE CURTAIN The Academy, organizers of the Academy Awards, which promote excellence and great talent, offered Rolex the opportunity to host the Greenroom during the ceremony in February 2016 – literally "behind the scenes". This space was designed by the Rolex Interior Design teams in Geneva, who brought to the Greenroom a combination of classic style and superlative quality that is the hallmark of both the Oscars and Rolex. The 2017 Greenroom will feature a new design and concept.

SHAPING THE FUTURE Furthermore, Rolex is a part of shaping future generations of film-makers and inspiring existing ones with the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, its philanthropic program, set up in 2002 to make a contribution to global culture. The program seeks out gifted young artists from all over the world and brings them together with artistic masters for a year of creative collaboration in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. The Initiative's film mentors include Academy Award-winning directors Martin Scorsese, Alejandro González Iñárritu and 2016 mentor, Alfonso Cuarón. Rolex is maintaining its ties with exceptional individuals and organizations and, in the case of the art of film-making, the extraordinary accomplishments of those who are capable of challenging the world by pushing the boundaries of their art.

Gap pays homage to the past and celebrates emerging talent Gap, the American clothing brand, announces the launch of a limited-edition collection – the '90's Archive Re-Issue – for men and women featuring iconic styles from the '90's including the Bodysuit, Reverse Fit and Easy Fit Denim, Pleated Khakis and the timeless Pocket Tee, available online and in select stores globally starting February 7. To launch the collection, Gap collaborated with director Kevin Calero to create 'Generation Gap,' a film that is the ultimate contemporary homage to the iconic Gap ads of the '90's with references to "Mellow Yellow," "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and "Just Can't Get Enough" and updated with a modern twist. 'Generation Gap' features a roll call of emerging talent cast from the offspring of stars of the iconic Gap '90s ads with a special cameo from the timeless icon and Gap alumni Naomi Campbell wearing the iconic pocket tee that she modeled in 1992 for her Steven Meisel shoot. Set to an a capella version of the 1992 Billboard music #1 hit 'All 4 Love' by Color me Badd, 'Generation Gap' is a nod to the past and a celebration of the next generation as they reimagine the iconic Gap looks in their own unique style. "The '90's is having a sartorial moment and we have an archive of pieces that set the tone for that decade commercially and culturally, so it seemed right to re-issue some of those pieces and the stories that come with them," said Craig Brommers, chief marketing officer for Gap. "'Generation Gap' came together in a

celebration of who was with us then and who we are with now – it has, at its heart, that simple truth that we can take from the past but also celebrate our future." The 'Generation Gap' cast includes: Model Lizzy Jagger, daughter of Jerry Hall, wears her take on the classic black Bodysuit that her mother flaunted in 1991. "The classic look for anyone is not just a '90's look. The white t-shirt and jeans look has gone through the decades and is still around, and I think of that as being really Gap," said Jagger.

with 'Generation Gap' Film

Gap Launches Limited-Edition '90's

DJ TJ Mizell, son of Jam Master Jay of Run DMC, wears the iconic Gap Logo Sweatshirt that his father wore in the "Original Fit Jeans" commercial in 1990. "I feel honored. Being part of anything Run DMC is a huge honor for me and being able to back up my father's legacy with Gap," said Mizell. Actor Evan Ross, son of Diana Ross, wears the sleeveless Logo Tee as a tribute to his mother who wore a simple tank in her 1991 ad. "Gap can transcend all eras. It still feels relevant. It looks like what we would be wearing right now... it is at the cusp of what we're doing right now," said Ross. Singer Chelsea Tyler, daughter of Steven Tyler, wears the sleeveless Tee and Reverse Pleated Jeans channeling her dad's "Easy Fit Jeans" commercial from 1997. "Gap is taking something so classic that we all know and is so quintessential in our minds but has a new spin and current feeling to it," said Tyler. Singer Rumer Willis, daughter of Demi Moore, wears the Cropped Denim Jacket, similar to the one her mother wore in her 1990 ad, with the Henley Bodysuit. "Gap was really the first brand to come out of the box‌ and do different and interesting things," said Willis.

Artist Coco Gordon, daughter of Kim Gordon who wore the Pocket Tee in her 1990 ad, wears the navy Icon Leather Jacket, black short-sleeve Mockneck Tee and High Rise Denim Short in the film. "My mom always bought me Gap clothes‌ we definitely went to the Gap for my cool clothes." Model Actress & Activist Naomi Campbell, who was shot wearing the Pocket Tee in her 1992 ad by Steven Meisel, wears the Pocket Tee re-issue in the film. "It's an honor to be here, in the same outfit that I wore twenty years ago in my Gap ad," said Campbell. "The creativity in the '90s is something I'm so grateful that I got to be a part of and to see and to learn from and to draw inspiration from." "I was a 'Gap kid' so when the call came through to re-interpret the legendary '90's Gap campaigns, it was a dream come true," says 'Generation Gap' director Kevin Calero. "The '90's ads set the tone for a whole stream of fashion attitudes and moments. I don't think many other brands could pull off this sort of film with authenticity and heart." For further information on the collection and to view 'Generation Gap' go to Gap.com/archivereissue Source: GAP



New for 2017, basketball superstar and two-time gold medalist Kevin Durant is teaming up with Nike Vision for the third iteration of the collaborative line of optical eyewear. The new KD Signature Collection will feature three adult and three kid's styles in a variety of stylish shapes, colors options and patterns worn and inspired by Kevin Durant himself.

court style.

Nike Vision is also releasing 35 limited-edition sets corresponding to Durant's jersey number. Limited-edition sets will feature the 36KD and 37KD styles each in an exclusive color. Sets will be numbered from one to 35 and will include a card of authenticity. Set number 35 will be gifted to Durant himself and the remaining sets will be available The collection boasts sophisticated col- for purchase at select retailers. Nike Vision ors and patterns that Nike has incorporat- will also reward one set to a lucky winner ed into KD's shoe and apparel collections. via a sweepstakes on nikevision.com. Fans Each style also features a KD logo plaque can enter by submitting their e-mail adon the inside temple tip and Kevin Durant's dress beginning on January 17 until entries signature laser-etched on the core wire on close on February 14 PM EST. One winner the temples. With premium metal details will be randomly selected. No purchase and on-trend shapes, the collection's de- necessary. signs compliment Kevin Durant's off-theSOURCE Nike Vision


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