Aboutus #47

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Diana Likhacheva AWAYTOMARS

Spring 2015

Our cover Model Diana Likhacheva Photographer Luis Eça MakeUp: Antonia Rosa Atelier De Maquilhagem For: awaytomars

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Laiz Rodrigues Editor

CONTRIBUTORS EDITOR NOTE’S Ademar Rodrigues This month we celebrate the discovery of Brazil on 22 of April 1500. Five hundred and Fifteen Years of existence, in a constant battle to overcome challenges. Brazil is a great Country, fertile soil, great people, hard workers, overall happy. The atmosphere in Brazil is positive, you may hear a complaint or many but that will not bring the people down. In the history of civilization, we will find countries, older than Brazil that have struggled to set their feet down and find the means necessary to give its people what they really deserved. History has many battles to tell. Unfortunately in Brazil, the search goes on, and so do the battles. They have found many evils. It is hard to recovery, when you are hungry, uneducated, and unhealthy. It is great to celebrate what Brazilians can bring to other countries, but the ones left behind who don’t have what they need, must to face a much bitter reality every day. Brazil is a giant, and the giant has a heart. I hope to see a better Brazil one day. Meanwhile, Happy Birthday Brazil! AboutUS By Hotspotorlando is about to celebrate its fourth anniversary. After almost four years in the world, we have learned that many trends start and go really fast, after all we are at a Magical place! One thing is certain, A lot more than magic is paramount to survive and to make yourself seen, it doesn’t matter where in the world you are. Being an on-line source of information, makes you a target for the eyes in the world, we have been witnessed by an audience of over 890.000 people all over America and the world, we are proud of what we have accomplished, and we are happy to be able to share that with you. There is nothing like the cozy feeling of a small town but nothing compares to be a citizen of the world. We have Editors that know exactly where the audience interest i and that calls for everyone’s attention in many topics we discuss. We are very proud of our results. As the digital world evolves, we are gifted every day with many innovations, publications and platforms. In this issue Zaza Jardim interviews awaytomars a new platform for fashion that will change how the fashion market evolves. Tradition no more. Digital is here to change the world. We hope you enjoy this issue have a great month filled with realizations and success.

Our CEO and Editor in Chief Brazilian, great photographer and with a mind set to detail. The ground person.

Laiz Rodrigues Our Editor, PR., project creator. Brazilian. Responsible for the visual of our site, newspaper and digital magazine.

Zaza Jardim

Art Editor Europe, Brazilian, lives in Portugal, world renown artist, with a fantastc vision of beauty, and art with a conscience.

Elita Freitas Brazilian, lives in Miami,great mom and friend, with a special vision of life and great baking skills that she shares with us.

Ivanna Fabiani Jornalista/Editor at Freelancer, Graphiste / Webdesigner at Young & Rubicam and editora Musica e Arte at Aboutus. hotspotnews

Giuseppe Ranzini Brazilian Artist Atelier G. Ranzini Arts and GM at NEXUM Consultoria em Marketing Empresarial

Our Thanks to: The City of Orlando, Orange County Government, theHotspotorlando, The Orlando City Soccer, the Orlando Magic, Camilas Lounge and CFBACC

O Brasil como palimpsesto. O “15 de março de 2015” Ana Maria Ribas

“Digo: o real não está na saída nem na chegada: ele se dispõe para a gente é no meio da travessia”. Guimarães Rosa. Grande sertão: veredas, p. 52. Escrever história – eis um ponto de partida, que permite investigar, na densidade do tempo, o trabalho humano na produção de sua vida social. E assim compreender o presente do passado e dele se aproximar, aceita a transitoriedade de nossas certezas. O que nos confronta, a cada momento, com a urgência de sempre recomeçar, apesar de... Questão essa que não se encontra apartada da atmosfera de incertezas e desafios da nossa contemporaneidade, desde as últimas décadas do século XX rumo ao século XXI, quando o desmoronamento da utopia, ligada à conquista da liberdade humana e da felicidade universal, desnudou o fardo e o pesadelo do homem moderno.

significa concordância), e permite pensar de um modo heterodoxo, subvertendo a linearidade da cronologia que aparentemente afasta, enraizando distâncias ou ausências. Já que é preciso perguntar para quem, para quê e o quê significaram os protestos contra o governo e se os mesmos desejaram enfrentar propositivamente os impasses pari passu a busca de novos rumos e de mudanças efetivas dentro da democracia. Os “15 de março” de tantos tempos !? 2015 – movimentos de protesto contra o governo Dilma Rousseff, integrante do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). Partido este que, fundado no bojo das lutas operárias e sindicais contra a ditadura militar (em crise), hasteou as bandeiras da justiça social e da democracia. 1990 – posse de Fernando Collor que fora escolhido, via eleições diretas, após vinte e um anos de arbítrio, ao abrigo da promessa de reconstrução do país. Integrante de uma rede poderosa de corrupção, com ramificações internacionais, foi alvo do impeachment aprovado por quase unanimidade pelo Congresso Nacional em 1992 . 1985 – posse do primeiro vice-presidente civil José Sarney (cacique maranhense, integrante da Arena e aliado inconteste da ditadura militar) entre a perplexidade da nação e a decisão pautada ainda na Carta autoritária de 1969, o que gerou

Parto, então, do palimpsesto como metáfora para refletir sobre o Brasil e, em particular, tecer, no entrecruzamento de tantos tempos, mais indagações e percepções sobre os protestos do “15 de março” ao invés de respostas prontas e/ou análises restritas que imobilizam o ato de pensar e sentir. Expressão de origem grega, o palimpsesto expressa vários possíveis ao reutilizar o “pergaminho” que já fora escrito, “lavando” ou “raspando” o antes. Não obstante, esse ato de lavar ou raspar não significa apagar. Porquanto os rastros do passado e os fios dos relatos permanecem na travessia (que é a nossa própria existência) e evidenciam disputas em torno da seleção do que os homens se lembram de e se esquecem de. Um palimpsesto oferece narrativas que compõem tantos registros conforme desejamos ver e acolher para enriquecer vivências e saberes. Ângulos diversos a alargar a compreensão das coisas do mundo, em que pese as lacunas e silêncios entre vivido e narrado. E aí – quem sabe? – conseguimos superar tanto o imediatismo de ações e palavras de ordem anacrônicas e insensatas quanto leituras mecanicistas e simplificadoras do processo histórico brasileiro. Entrelaçados preconceito, intolerância, falta de conhecimento e ausência de percepção do presente, as manifestações de rua, os xingamentos e pan- polêmicas na sociedade, inclusive no meio jurídico. 1967 – dia da posse dos preselaços exprimem posturas dogmáticas e egoísticas, que expressam a perda da identes militares, quando a Constituição outorgada entrou em vigor (art. 189) : civilidade e não ousam enfrentar os porquês de tantos ressentimentos políticos. Costa e Silva em 1967, Ernesto Geisel em 1974, e João Figueiredo em 1979. A História, nesse sentido, ajuda a iluminar o nosso entendimento (o que não Estes são fatos que, para além da ordenação cronológica, dizem muito do Brasil e de práticas político-institucionais, autoritárias ou democráticas, que se fazem ora às margens ou dentro da lei, ora às avessas ou em nome dos interesses do povo, dentro da longa duração da história. O que reforça à necessidade de historicizar os acontecimentos recentes e investigar os terrenos que os motivaram, em uma tentativa de desembaraçar os tênues vínculos entre verdadeiro, falso e fictício, que moldam uma das tramas do nosso estar no mundo. Considerando que oposição, protestos e movimentos sociais integram e dinamizam qualquer Estado democrático, os mesmos podem e devem propor alternativas e elaborar críticas desde que estejam definidos o teor e os termos dos mesmos. Portadoras de um amálgama significativo, as manifestações do “15 de março” transformaram-se, não ao acaso, em um marco histórico identificado ao

Doutora em História pela UERJ. Mestre em História pela UFRJ. Licenciada e Bacharel em História pela PUC-Rio. Professora do Departamento de História no Campus Humaitá II e do Programa de Residência Docente da Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa do Colégio Pedro II. Integrante do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Ensino de História do Colégio Pedro II. Editora Responsável e Parecerista da Revista Encontros do Departamento de História do Colégio Pedro II. Membro da Comissão de Assessoramento Técnico-Pedagógico da Diretoria de Avaliação da Educação Básica na área de Ciências Humanas do INEP/MEC.

Manifestação contra Dilma e o PT em 2015. Disponível em: http://www.ijui.com/regiao/72368-defesa-da-petrobras-e-contra-corrupcao-marca-protesto-em-santo-angelo-veja-imagens.html Acesso em 20.03.2015. Movimento dos Caras Pintadas contra o presidente Fernando Collor em 1992. Disponível em: http://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/os-20-anos-do-impeachment-de-fernando-collor-6232869 Acesso em 20.03.2015. Disponível em: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/constituicao/constituicao67.htm Acesso em 20.03.2015.

O Brasil como palimpsesto. O “15 de março de 2015” “renascimento da democracia”, conforme defendido por políticos, elite e setores das classes médias e impulsionado pela grande mídia. E os seus lemas foram tomados como verdades absolutas e, logo, passaram a representar bandeiras (pretensamente) legítimas do desejo da maioria dos brasileiros – “Fora Supremo, Fora Dilma. Queremos só Ministério Público e Polícia Federal”; “Fora PT”; “Lula na cadeia”; “Intervenção Militar já!”; “Fora Satãs comunistas”; “Socia lismo, comunismo no Brasil, não”; “Impeachment já!”; “Fora corruptos, intervenção militar!”, “Chega de doutrinação marxista. Basta de Paulo Freire”; “O Brasil não será uma nova Cuba”; “Não à venezuelização do Brasil”.

Tais lemas querem dizer muita coisa, afora as insatisfações e críticas com as gestões petistas (procedentes ou não). Em uma dimensão geral, os lemas são extemporâneos, mal escritos, restritivos, e alguns patéticos e grotescos, pois ora personalizam equivocadamente o processo histórico; ora demarcam a não aceitação das diferenças; ora se servem de retóricas absolutamente improcedentes; ora aludem a uma posição nitidamente golpista; ora querem substituir o domínio de certos grupos políticos por outros. E, o pior, publicizam a crença de que os problemas brasileiros podem ser resolvidos em um passe de mágica, lançando mão do autoritarismo para garantir posições de classe. Como se fossem suficientes derrubar a política partidária do PT, encerrar ações pessoais (seja lá quais forem), destruir algumas instituições, proceder ao processo de impeachment ou recorrer à alta oficialidade militar para apagar os males, exterminar com a corrupção e instaurar uma nova era para o Brasil!

de março”, pois demonstram como os homens, em momentos de transição ou crise, refugiam-se em modelos do passado para tomar de empréstimo as personagens, as roupagens, as palavras de ordem, a linguagem, a fim de fazê-los (re) aparecer em uma nova antiga cena da história. O primeiro tema relaciona-se às retóricas do “perigo vermelho, do “comunismo em curso”, da “nova Cuba” , da “orientação de esquerda da presidência da República”, e por aí vão, que, fecundadas originalmente em outro terreno, foram reapropriadas para protagonizar manifestações sob o fluir de paixões e ressentimentos. Retóricas que remontam, de forma mais contundente, aos difíceis tempos do governo João Goulart e ao movimento político-militar de 1964 − a exemplo da Marcha da Família com Deus pela Liberdade − quando foram utilizadas e capitaneadas ideologicamente pelo medo. Uma conjuntura histórica que se articulava à ordem internacional definida pela Guerra Fria e ao esforço político e cultural estadunidense de internacionalizar e exportar os antagonismos capitalismo versus socialismo, no âmbito de um projeto de hegemonia mundial. O segundo corrobora a falta de informação e o conhecimento de muitos manifestantes que pugnaram pela intervenção e enalteceram o poder militar (como tributário da ordem interna) enquanto cami nho capaz de solucionar o que supõem ser os problemas brasileiros. Tudo isso aponta para uma ausência infinita de perspectiva histórica e, logo, para uma avaliação bastante equivocada e limitada da conjuntura nacional, desconhecendo o que foi e o que representou a ditadura militar para o país. E ainda, como parte dessa liturgia política, destaco a menção desrespeitosa dirigida ao pernambucano Paulo Freire feita por alguns manifestantes. Educador e filósofo reconhecido mundialmente, ele recebeu prêmios e foi homenageado por instituições como Harvard, Cambridge e Oxford. No ano de 1969, cassado e exilado do país, além de privado de passaporte brasileiro, morou nos Estados Unidos, onde lecionou na Universidade de Harvard, e no ano de 1970, mudou-se para Genebra, na Suíça, como consultor especial do Departamento de Educação do Conselho Mundial das Igrejas Evangélicas. Discordar da proposta da pedagogia da libertação não implica atacar a pessoa e a obra de Paulo Freire, tampouco as instituições nacionais, como se ambas estivessem identificadas ao mal e à destruição do país agenciada pelo PT, estendendo tal juízo aos profissionais da Educação, conforme observado nos protestos em Brasília e na Avenida Atlântica, área nobre da cidade do Rio de Janeiro .

Enfatizo dois temas conexos e representativos das linguagens políticas do “15 Imagens disponíveis respectivamente em: http://imguol.com/c/noticias/2015/03/15/15mar2015---manifestantes-erguem-faixa-que-pede-intervencao-militar-durante-protesto-contra-o-governo-da-presidente-dilma-rousseff-na-avenida-paulista-centro-de-sao-paulo-neste-domingo-15-em1426449068929_956x500.jpg. http://jucurunet.blogspot.com.br/2015/03/protestos-contra-o-governo-ja-reunem.html Acesso em 20.03.2015.

Marcha da Família com Deus pela liberdade no dia 19 de março de 1964 no Governo João Goulart e Protestos de 15 de março de 2015 no governo Dilma Rousseff. Disponível em: http://www.blogdacomunicacao.com.br/ Acesso em 20.03.2015. Disponíveis em: http://www.revistaforum.com.br/blog/2015/03/professor-cria-polemica-em-protesto-contra-paulo-freire-pedagogia-do-oprimido-e-coitadismo/ e http://f.i.uol.com.br/fotografia/2015/03/15/492672-970x600-1.jpeg Acesso em: 20.03.2015.

Tais posicionamentos dos manifestantes evidenciam problemas deveras preocupantes e graves, que confluem para o desconhecimento total acerca (a) do que é o Brasil e das trajetórias de outros países latino-americanos; (b) dos princípios e propostas que fundamentam o socialismo marxista (em seus vários matizes), bem como das experiências históricas dos regimes ditos comunistas, e, ainda, (c) das políticas públicas sociais dentro do capitalismo, sob gestão do Estado. Vale mencionar que a aplicação de políticas sociais conjugada a mecanismos distributivistas de renda (mesmo parciais) se processam, de maneiras específicas, no âmbito de sociedades capitalistas, haja vista experiências históricas do passado identificadas, por exemplo, ao Welfare State e colocadas em prática nos Estados Unidos e em países europeus entre os anos de 1940/1950 e meados de 1970. Isso serve para flexibilizar o nosso olhar e perceber que as ações sociais dos governos dos presidentes Lula e Dilma Rousseff não se vinculam a um projeto socialista (associado ao socialismo científico/comunismo), conforme propalado no “15 de março”, demonstrando que a reedição desta retórica não se pauta para discutir os impasses brasileiros atuais. Ainda que o projeto político inicial do PT, enunciado na Carta de Princípios, abraçasse os ideais de um socialismo democrático, esta organização partidária cumpriu, por exemplo, o que todos os partidos políticos sempre fizeram: receber financiamentos privados para as campanhas, inclusive doações de grandes empreiteiras, conforme alertou Florestan Fernandes no ano de 1994, evidenciando a perpetuação deste tipo de aliança com a esfera privada.

Claro está o quadro de crise econômica, que expõe um dos principais eixos dos protestos, pois atinge, diretamente e de modos diferentes, os ganhos do capital e os rendimentos das classes médias, haja vista a estagnação do crescimento, junto às medidas ortodoxas e antipopulares de ajuste fiscal e reorientação de benefícios trabalhistas frente ao descontrole das contas públicas, no âmbito da inércia e certa paralisação do governo vis-à-vis as sérias dificuldades de articulação política do Planalto. Quadro esse que se amplifica diante da perda da maioria no Congresso Nacional e dos conflitos no interior da base governista; bem como dos desdobramentos da Operação Lava Jato e da Petrobrás. Além de comprovar, mais uma vez, a subserviência, em um patamar alarmante, do poder político aos interesses privados do grande capital, o desrespeito com a coisa pública (conceito latino de res publica) e a aplicação deficiente de normas racionais na administração; o que vêm favorecendo os desvios de verbas e o envolvimento dos poderes de todos os governos (indistintamente) em atos de corrupção, restringindo na contramão a influência e os interesses da coletividade. Cumpre mencionar que a chamada Nova República representou, historicamente, um compromisso conservador que resultou, sob muitos aspectos, em uma “Bacia de Pilatos”, e acabou por fragilizar tanto o papel do Direito na normatização da democracia e o da Justiça, na observância dos preceitos jurídicos. Portanto, a corrupção não começou no Brasil do aqui e agora; assim como não decorre da atuação exclusiva de um único partido e de ações dos líderes políticos, levando-nos a acreditar que bastaria substituir os homens para solucionar os antagonismos e os problemas do país. E vale destacar que tais problemas não estão apartados dos condicionantes mundiais (lembremos disso também), a fim de evitarmos leituras inadequadas de que certos desafios são uma prerrogativa exclusiva do Brasil. O que fazer? Como enfrentar esses revezes e perdas, sem cairmos em discursos extemporâneos e/ou destrutivos, fundados na intolerância, no ódio, na insensatez e na autocomiseração? Ou como refletir sobre tais acontecimentos sem fazer tábula rasa do passado? – eis as questões primordiais. Acredito que as ações e comportamentos humanos devem apresentar um mínimo de coerência, fundamentação e objetividade, para que possamos

resistir à alienação, à hipocrisia, ao cinismo, ao fetiche das palavras de ordem ou aos usos indevidos do passado, que servem para gerar um ambiente de instabilidade permanente, enfraquecer a democracia e deslegitimar o voto popular. Por seu turno, não se trata de endossar ou tornar defensável toda a condução do Governo Dilma, destacando-se o envolvimento na corrupção, bem como os hiatos entre as promessas de campanha e o que veio logo depois, a fim de observarmos os fatos com lucidez para não cairmos na cegueira (lembrando José Saramago). O Poder Executivo não tem poder constitucional para resolver ou impor ações em todas as áreas, o que é da natureza de qualquer regime democrático (ao contrário do que ocorreu, sob premissas e ações diversas, no Estado Novo de Getúlio Vargas e durante a ditadura militar), e o Congresso Nacional − eleito por todos os brasileiros e, diga-se de antemão, o mais conservador dos últimos 50 anos – deve, por sua vez, assumir posturas adequadas, sem boicotes e engavetamentos, por exemplo. Outrossim, vale ressaltar que o impeachment está juridicamente previsto em caso de crimes de responsabilidade do presidente da República (Art. 85 da Constituição Federal) desde que devidamente comprovados e avaliados pelos órgãos competentes. E se for o caso, que sejam, portanto, cumpridos os trâmites constitucionais apoiados na devida aplicação dos preceitos jurídicos. Ciente da ética e responsabilidade que devem presidir nossos atos e palavras, prossigo nas minhas reflexões e reitero a defesa da democracia e a busca de pontes capazes de ampliar o diálogo e esclarecer esse momento histórico. Porque acostumados, talvez, a clichês absolutamente anacrônicos para pensar os desafios da nossa contemporaneidade, muitos continuam a culpabilizar os governos (seja qual for), personificando problemas. Parece que insistimos na busca do “Salvador da Pátria”, minimizando o compromisso que temos como cidadãos! Ou tentados a repetir manifestações do passado, a exemplo do Movimento dos Caras Pintadas, ocorrido por causa das denúncias de corrupção e, especialmente, do confisco das cadernetas de poupança praticado pelo governo Collor, supondo que tal protesto da juventude definiu o impeachment e iria resolver todos as “mazelas brasileiras”. Interessante perceber que os setores da sociedade envolvidos nas manifestações do “15 de março” nunca foram às ruas, em outros tempos, para resistir à entrega de nosso patrimônio e às custas do povo, tal como ocorreu há décadas atrás; ou para lutar contra a fome, a exclusão social, a carência nas áreas de educação e saúde, que se avolumaram no país em virtude de planos técnicos, postos em prática no passado, que desvincularam, a longo e médio prazos, o desenvolvimento social dos objetivos de acumulação e crescimento da economia brasileira. Nos contextos históricos do governo Juscelino Kubitschek e da ditadura militar, por exemplo, a questão central residia em como alavancar um modelo de desenvolvimento gerido pelo Estado e dependente do capital internacional. No Plano de Metas de JK, era patente a centralidade das questões estritamente econômicas, enquanto a educação, por exemplo, foi inserida como última meta; e durante a ditadura militar, o país conquistou a posição de sétima maior economia do mundo e quinto maior exportador de armas (governo Geisel) a revés de um desastroso quadro social.

A tais resultados, acresceu-se a posteriori o domínio neoliberal, que fora germinado no terreno histórico da globalização tutelada por novos mecanismos de hegemonia do capital financeiro e barrou o avanço de políticas públicas que dificultaram, de saída, a concretização de direitos sociais juridicamente estabelecidos. Acredito ser necessário enfrentar propositivamente o “bom, o ruim, o péssimo” enquanto um exercício de responsabilidade e maturidade, o qual implica ir além de nós mesmos e olhar para o coletivo, senão nada sobra e apenas entulhamos pedra sobre pedra. Foi esse o meu exercício e de tantos outros desde os momentos difíceis e violentos das eleições, quando o discurso do “mar de lama” renasceu das cinzas para realimentar brasas, que nem “Fênix às avessas”. Conquistas sociais aconteceram, merecendo destaque os mecanismos distributivistas de renda e a nova posição do Brasil ao sair do Mapa da Fome, segundo relatório global da Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) em 2014. Ainda que tais aspectos sejam bastante relevantes, sei que eles não são suficientes e o percurso é ainda muito longo para realizar as reformas necessárias. A história não se repete, até porque a linearidade temporal é uma ilusão. Para além das urnas e do “15 de março”, estamos diante de outro recomeço, que traz para todos nós o quanto de passado ainda se faz presente. Admitindo que os tempos e os espaços humanos são aqueles essenciais à manutenção da nossa própria existência, não podemos desistir da elaboração de outros possíveis. A travessia continua − entre tantas histórias e muitas memórias! Mesmo que, por vezes, olhamos para trás para folhear aquelas narrativas do palimpsesto, outrora raspadas ou apagadas do “pergaminho”, a fim de compreender o que está acontecendo no Brasil, ousando enfrentar esse presente do passado.

Referências: BRASIL. Constituição (1988). Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Brasília, DF: Senado Federal, 1998. Disponível em: http://www.senado.gov.br/legislação/const/ con1988/CON1988_06/06/2013/index.shtm. Acesso em 18 de março de 2013. BRESCIANI, Stella & NAXARA, Márcia (orgs.). Memória e (res)sentimento: indagações sobre uma questão sensível. Campinas: Unicamp, 2004. GINZBURG, Carlo. Os fios e os rastros – verdadeiro, falso, fictício. Trad. Rosa Freire e Eduardo Brandão. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007. GINZBURG, Carlo. Relações de força – história, retórica, prova. Trad. Jônatas Neto. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2002. RICHTER, Melvin. “Reconstructing the history of political languages: Pocock, Skinner, and the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe.” In: History and theory. Middletown, v. 29, n.1, 1990, p. 38-70. ROSA, João Guimarães. Grande Sertão: veredas. 20 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1988. UNITED NATIONS. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The state of food insecurity in the world. Disponível em: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4030e.pdf Acesso em 20.03.2015.

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coco ralado, faca pequenas bolinhas e as achate com um garfo...

Coloque em uma forma somente polvilhada com farinha de trigo (não untar)..... Leve ao forno por 375 F ou aproximadamente 180 C aproximadamente 20 a 25 minutos, olhando 250 gramas de margarina a tem- de vez em quandopara não queiperatura ambiente. mar.... Pronto!!!!!.....Espere esfriar 500 gramas de amido de milho um pouco e vamos tomar o nos(não utilizei todo). so cafe na companhia de pessoas 02 gemas queridas.... 01 xícara de açúcar Espero que vocês façam e para 01 xícara de coco ralado mais receitas e dicas, visitem a minha Web-site Modo de fazer ( muito fácil) www.culinariafacil.com Misture os ovos a margarina e o Visitem também a minha pagina açúcar, aos poucos vá colocando no facebook o amido de milho e por ultimo o sweetpiecesusa

Giraffas Announces New Menu Items, Lunch Deals as Demand for Healthy, Fast Offerings Continue to Rise With over 400 locations in the South American country of Brazil and more than 30 years in action, Giraffas® Brazilian Grill brings together a multi-cultural cuisine that combines a touch of American favorites with a dash of Brazilian tastiness. The first U.S. Giraffas opened in North Miami in 2011. Today, there are already 10 units throughout South and Central Florida with plans to open more in the near future. Giraffas offers Brazilian comfort food in a fast-casual setting. Open for lunch and dinner, their menu highlights include steaks, burgers, chicken, salads, and seafood. Recently an updated menu included a variety of Brazilian dining choices in a fast casual setting. Giraffas’ multicultural Brazilian menu offers dishes that feature premium-quality, uniquely Brazilian Picanha, chicken, shrimp and salmon specials, as well as their famous sides. Because of growing consumer interest in smaller portions, Giraffas is newly offering lunch portion specials including the grilled chicken breast filet with rice and beans for only $5.99. Dinner specials begin at $6.99 and include a salad. “The demand for healthy, whole foods is at an all-time high,” said João Barbosa, Chief Financial Officer of Giraffas. “That’s why Giraffas’ menu is perfect for people who value quality and taste at affordable prices. Our Brazilian made-to-order fresh food brings a 30-year South American food tradition to the U.S., from salads to burgers and much more.” As always, customers can expect the highest quality ingredients including: -- Antibiotic free chicken -- Organic quinoa -- All natural no hormones or antibiotics beef -- USDA Angus Beef, Midwest corn fed -- USDA Graded steak perfectly aged for 28 days -- Burgers feature a unique blend of Certified Angus Beef with brisket -- Burgers, steaks, salmon and shrimp are fire-grilled and made to order To check out all of Giraffas’ latest promotions and deals, including their $5.99 lunch specials and more, visit: http://giraffas.com/promos/. For a complete menu, please visit: http://giraffas.com/wp-content/uploads/menu/menu.pdf.

Bia Flores












FOR THOSE SPECIAL BRAZILIAN FRIENDS ESPECIALIDADES: Bolos - Biscoitos - Doces. Este livro é a receita certa para o seu sucesso na cozinha. A editora Mundo Culinário tem o contentamento em anunciar a sua segunda publicação: Especialidades: Bolos – Biscoitos – Doces. O Livro foi escrito por Bia Flores, que também é autora do livro O Mundo Culinário de Bia Flores. O livro traz receitas com uma grande variedade de ingredientes, como nozes, especiarias, mel, licores e essências. Elas estão escritas de forma clara e fácil, para serem seguidas por qualquer amante das artes culinárias. Bia possui uma vasta experiência na área, adquirida como dona de vários restaurantes no Brasil, em descobertas feitas nas viagens pelo mundo e no hábito de colecionar, criar e recriar receitas regionais, nacionais e internacionais, além da incessante busca pelo aperfeiçoamento profissional, sempre fazendo cursos de culinária, principalmente na escola Lenotre, em Paris. Especialidades: Bolo, Biscoitos, Doces é uma obra elegante e refinada. Apresenta-nos 29 receitas belissimamente ilustradas com fotografias de extremo bom gosto. As receitas também são designadas para a vida real das mamães que não têm tempo de sobra, mas que querem usar o tempo disponível para cozinhar com criatividade e, principalmente, fazer tudo bem saudável junto com seus filhos. Endereços para contato: Make your orders to: MUNDO CULINARIO LLC. 6521 PUMPKIN SEEDS CIRCLE # 222 BOCA-RATON, FLORIDA 33433 TEL: 526 391 6068 CULINARIO2012@AOL.COM CONTATO@MUNDOCULINARIO.COM WWW.OMUNDOCULINARIO.COM

Grande Lakes Orlando Announces Opening Of Restaurant And Brewery Whisper Creek Farm: The Kitchen and The Brewery at JW Marriott brings the four-star Orlando resort's farm to life Orlando’s luxury leader comprising The Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott, Grande Lakes continues to set the bar high for farm-to-fork experiences in Orlando, a rising culinary destination. The Kitchen at JW Marriott Orlando features the inaugural batch of beer from The Brewery at Grande Lakes, an in-house nano-brewery producing brews on tap and served throughout the four-star resort in Orlando. Whisper Creek Farm: The Kitchen Showcasing a rustic yet polished design, The Kitchen has the vibe of eating in your family’s kitchen, with a variety of communal, high-top, sofa, outdoor and bar seating with rich woods, steel blues and leather accents. Menu items -- including snacks, small plates and sandwiches, charcuterie and cheese boards, and flatbreads -- will feature seasonal ingredients from the 7,000-squarefoot on-site garden at Whisper Creek Farm as well as fresh eggs from a recently added chicken coop. The Kitchen’s sausages and charcuterie, prepared by the JW Marriott butcher, pair perfectly with The Brewery’s hops-laden creations. Signature menu items prepared in the restaurant’s openair display kitchen include fresh pickled vegetables, hop-salted house pretzels served with Surplus Ale cheese fondue, seasonal flatbreads and a smoked ham sandwich on a house-made Whisper Creek Farm honey pecan roll inspired by a popular ham sandwich on the original 1927 Marriott Hot Shoppe menu. The Kitchen’s small plates are carefully planned by the JW Marriott culinary team and brought to life by Chef de Partie Jason Shapiro, who joined the luxury Orlando hotel in 2009 and has since been involved in the resort’s creation of Whisper Creek Farm. In addition to showcasing The Brewery’s seasonal brews, The Kitchen’s six taps will rotate between five seasonal selections and the Surplus (Honey Citrus Ale), Grande Lakes’ flagship beer. Located just off the main JW Marriott lobby, The Kitchen takes Orlando fine dining to the next level and seats 100 indoors and 50 on the outdoor terrace. The Orlando restaurant is open from 5 to 11 p.m., with bar hours extended until midnight. Whisper Creek Farm: The Brewery The first Marriott property to launch a nano-brewery, Grande Lakes has brought in a local Cicerone-certified brewmaster to lead The Brewery. The Brewery will produce 28 gallons of beer weekly including five styles created each season -- dark, wheat/light, amber, IPA and a special seasonal brew made from the freshest farm ingredients. Signature Special Brew varieties will include the Maple Bacon Stout, Soup of the Day IPA and Ghost Pepper Wheat. In addition to brewing signature beer for The Kitchen, The Brewery also operates as a Chef’s Table for intimate evenings and group events. To complement The Brewery launch, the four-star hotel in Orlando is collaborating with Cape Canaveral-based Florida Beer Company to create its flagship brew, Surplus. A signature Floridian honey citrus ale, Surplus will be distributed throughout one of the best resorts in Orlando and available year-round. The beer is naturally infused with Grande Lakes honey sourced from the resort’s on-property apiaries.

Mark Wieland Photography

The launch of the brewery furthers the resort’s commitment to sustainable cuisine, which started more than 10 years ago with Primo Garden providing fresh produce and herbs for Chef Melissa Kelly’s Primo restaurant at JW Marriott Orlando. Since then, Grande Lakes has launched several apiaries, baked all of its bread in house, welcomed 30 chickens to a Whisper Creek Farm coop, and opened Highball & Harvest at The Ritz-Carlton Orlando in September 2014 featuring Southern-inspired cuisine with ingredients from Whisper Creek Farm.

#AWAYTOMARS By Zaza Jardim


Photographer Rui Vasco

AWAY TO MARS em passarelas do mundo, faça parte você também...! Alfredo Orobio é uma rica descoberta que me veio encantar.

Não temos coleções sazonais, desenvolvemos produtos através dos estímulos da comunidade. Promovemos a interação da comunidade durante todo o processo criativo: da concepção conceptual até o processo de venda.

Podemos perguntar isso para nossa comunidade no futuro. Hoje o Na verdade sou muito amiga de seus pais, pessoas que tive o rico que nos da mais prazer é perceber como existe um potencial criatiprivilégio de me encontrar no Porto e la tomamos um café em uma vo inexplorado e que as vertentes do design participativo podem ser rica tarde no Majestic. aplicadas à moda com resultados surpreendentes. Neste momento soube mais a fundo do trabalho do Alfredo e de toda sua ousadia em lançar uma coleção de moda e não só isso, mas uma plattaforma digital que perrmite o direito autoral após aprovação Z:Como esta sendo a receptividade desta semente no mercade participação de pequenos criativos em passarelas de moda pelo do global e como está a administração desta ousadia global? mundo. Foi tudo muito rápido e estamos ainda tentando administrar a receptividade que tivemos. Não estávamos a espera de tantos acesÉ uma honra compartilhar esta informação, este talento e certamente so nos primeiros dias da plataforma. Para ter uma ideia na primeira um visionário. semana tivemos mais de 1000 acessos de 120 países. É motivo de celebrações ter um engajamento global, para um projeto que ainda Deixo aqui todo o nosso apoio para que muitos desfiles criativos é tão experimental. sejam honrados com a participação de muitos talentos. Zaza Jardim

Z:Como seus planos de ação na moda começaram e em que

ponto se encontram suas realizações no momento? A AWAYTOMARS não é um projeto autoral, com um rosto ou identidade particular. Somos um coletivo que pretende estimular o pensamento criativo através da inserção das pessoas no processo de criação. A AWAYTOMARS nasce com a partir de uma necessidade de democratização do sistema da moda, com a participação da sociedade durante todas as fases do processo de criação, manufatura e venda.

Z:Quais os próximos desafios? Tudo é muito novo, estamos ainda em fase experimental e de ajustes. Queremos sempre mais, envolver mais pessoas, estimular mais, construir e repartir mais. Somos novos e desconhecidos, com uma proposta diferente e que as pessoas não estão acostumadas a ver. Os desafios são diários, estimular um olhar diferente sobre o sistema, promover a participação dos indivíduos e principalmente repartir os resultados entre a cadeia. Z:Como as pessoas podem fazer parte das coleções pelo


As pessoas podem fazer parte da comunidade através da plataforma online www.awaytomars.com, onde podem promover estímuZ:Você acaba de lançar uma coleção de moda na Europa e um los multimídia, ou submeter projetos específicos. São pessoas que projeto de plataforma digital, como descreve cada um desses desejam algo novo, com uma história e uma alma. São pessoas que projetos em um só? querem de alguma forma carregar algo que estejam conectadas. Certamente não poderíamos ter esta conversa há 10 anos. O avanço tecnológico e das comunicações possibilitaram o estreitamento dos A AWAYTOMARS permite que as pessoas possam carregar suas indivíduos e apresentaram ferramentas para o trabalho em conjunhistórias traduzidas em roupas, acessórios, ou qualquer coisa que to. Hoje somos capazes de estimular na construção de referencias queiram imaginar e repertórios indivíduos de todos os lugares do mundo. Atualmente temos cadastrados 120 países na nossa plataforma, o que possibilita acesso a referencias que jamais pensamos.

Alfredo Orobio

#AWAYTOMARS By Zaza Jardim


Photographer Rui Vasco

#awaytomars in catwalks of the world, you too, join tthe team ...! Alfredo Orobio is a great discovery that enchanted me. I'm actually very fond of his parents, whom I had the privilege of meeting in Porto for coffee at the Majestic.

have 120 countries registered in our platform, which enables access to references that we never thought we could. We do not have seasonal collections, we develop pro ducts by community stimuli. We promote community interaction throughout the creative process, from conceptual design to the sales process. We will be able to ask this to our community in the future. Today what pleases us the most, is to see how there is an untapped creative potential and that aspects of participatory design which can be applied to fashion with amazing results.

At that moment I found out more about Alfredo's work, his boldness wich lead him to launch a fashion collection and not only that, also a digital plattaform which allows copyrights after participation approval of small creZ:How is the receptivity of this seed in the ators in fashion runways around the world.

global market and how do you manage It is an honor to share this information, this this global daring?

talent and certainly a visionary. I leave here all our support to the many creative fashion It was all very fast and we are still trying to shows that will be created with the participa- manage the reception we had. We were not expecting lots of access in the early days of tion of many talents. the platform. To get an idea in the first week we had over 1000 hits from 120 countries. Zaza Jardim It’s cause for celebration, to have a global commitment to a project that is still so experi mental. Z: How did your action plans in fashion

began and at this moment, what have you Z :What are the next challenges? accomplished? The AWAYTOMARS is not an authorial design brand, with a particular face or identity. We are a collective that aims to stimulate creative thinking through the integration of people in the creative process. The AWAYTOMARS was born with a need for demo cratization of the fashion system, with the participation of society at every stage of the creation process, manufacture and sale. Z: You just launched a fashion collection

Everything is very new, we are still in the experimental stage and settings. We always want more, get more people involved, more stimulating, build and share more. We are new and unknown, with a different proposal and people are not used to seeing that. The challenges are to daily stimulate a different look on the system, promote the participation of individuals and especially sharing the results within the chain. Z:How can people be a part of the

collections in the world? in Europe and a digital platform design People can join the community via the online brand, how can you describe each one of platform www.awaytomars.com where they these projects into one? can promote multimedia stimuli, or submit Surely we could not have this conversation 10 years ago. Technological advancement and communication allowed the narrowing of individuals and presented tools to work together. Today we are able to stimulate the construction of references and repertoires from individuals all over the world. Currently we

specific projects. These are people who want something new, with a history and a soul. These are people who want to somehow carry something that is connected. The AWAYTOMARS allows people to upload their stories and their surroundings translated into clothing, accessories, or anything they imagine

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Exposição “Pintando Moda 70’s” By Giuseppe Ranzini

Fotos: Giuseppe Ranzini e uliana Ferraz (JF Assessoria de Imprensa) Com grande repercussão na mídia brasileira, o mês de março em São Paulo, foi sacudido artisticamente com uma exposição focada no tema “moda brasileira dos anos 70”, ou seja, num momento da nossa história em que, as representações da moda no Brasil, foram turbinadas pelo chamado Milagre Brasileiro, onde a aceleração da atividade econômica e o grande crescimento do mercado de consumo entraram em colisão com a censura e as perseguições políticas. E foi nesse contexto, que inicia a profissionalização na moda e as Butiques começam a se firmar, criando suas próprias confecções e surgindo no bairro de Ipanema no Rio de Janeiro um ícone chamado Zuzu Angel.

O PROJETO Idealizada pela artista plástica e curadora Angela de Oliveira, de Itapetininga, em parceria com a artista Renata Cabral, de João Pessoa, a mostra “Pintando Moda 70’s” está mirada na efervescência da moda no Brasil dos anos 70 e seus ícones como a famosa designer de moda, a mineira Zuzu Angel que se projetou internacionalmente não só como inovadora estilista de moda, mas também pelo drama materno em recuperar o corpo do filho, considerado como desaparecido político. Tendo como diretora de arte a experiente produtora cinematográfica Gabriela Nunes, “Pintando Moda 70’s”, reúne 25 artistas plásticos convidados de todo o Brasil, focados nesta temática, expondo suas obras nos mais diferentes estilos, na Galeria Entrecores Espaço de Arte em São Paulo, como primeira etapa de um circuito expositivo internacional para 2015, já que, as próximas exposições estão previstas para as cidades do Rio de Janeiro, Lisboa, Paris e Miami.


Giuseppe Ranzini e sua obra Zuzu Angel e a Arte Disciforme

25 destacados artistas plásticos, participam da mostra. São eles : Acácio Pereira, Ana Costa Lima, Andrea Pandolfi, Alemão Art, Antônio Estanagel, Biofa, Clara Bandeira, Chris Cysneiros, Cris Conde, Eliana Angélica, Elisiane Correa, Elze Arruda, Elton Souza, Elvis Jonis, Elza Carvalho, Giuseppe Ranzini, Mô, Marta Spagnol, Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, Márcia Vinhas, Rodrigo Pedrosa, Sabrina Souza Pinto, Stella Gomide, as organizadoras Renata Cabral e Angela de Oliveira, além do renomado estilista Sandro Barros, um dos grandes nomes da moda brasileira na atualidade, expondo um croqui de uma sua recente criação.

A ABERTURA O vernissage da exposição foi realizado no último dia 18 de março na conhecida Galeria Entrecores Espaço de Arte situada no aristocrático Jardim Paulistano da capital paulista, onde os artistas e organizadoras, receberam seus convidados que, com muito entusiasmo e interesse, puderam apreciar o alto nível artístico das obras expostas num ambiente de muita descontração.

UM CONVITE, UMA EMOÇÃO! Depois de muito conversar sobre o belíssimo projeto da artista plástica e curadora Angela de Oliveira, de Itapetininga /SP, foi com muito entusiasmo que me propus a participar do então projeto chamado “Para Zuzu Angel” e finalmente titulado de “Pintando Moda 70’s”. Isto porque, me veio em mente toda uma experiência vivida, quando da minha transferência para assumir novas funções na casa matriz de uma multinacional da indústria farmacêutica, no Rio de Janeiro em 1974 e lá permanecendo por 4 anos. Foi durante este período que eu como executivo e minha mulher Vera, como universitária, vivemos o auge da efervescência das representações da moda em pleno regime militar, com grande destaque para butiques que brilhavam pela criação de suas próprias confecções de luxo e nomes como Zuzu Angel e Marilia Valls, se sobressaiam como inovadoras estilistas brasileiras, do bairro de Ipanema com projeção para fora do Brasil. E é aí que, Vera se fascina pelos vestidos coloridos pintados e desenhados da estilista Zuzu Angel com o anjo do seu sobrenome e eu me fascino pela história dessa corajosa mulher que no auge da sua notoriedade como estilista internacional, teve seu filho desaparecido, vítima da ditadura militar. E que, com destemor, durante anos, buscou pelas explicações, pelos culpados e pelo corpo desse filho querido, transformado em desaparecido político. E esta busca só terminou com sua morte, ocorrida num acidente de carro na Estrada da Gávea, na madrugada de 14 de abril de 1976 à saída do Túnel hoje batizado com seu nome. Nesse ano nós ainda morávamos lá.Muito há o que se ler sobre a história da mineira Zuleika Angel Jones e é por isso que, muito emocionado, me propus homenageá-la pintando-a em Arte Disciforme para esta exposição “Pintando Moda 70’ s” e escrevendo atrás da tela uma de suas citações: “Eu não tenho coragem, coragem tinha o meu filho. Eu tenho legitimidade!”.

Maria dos Anjos, Giuseppe Ranzini e Angela de Oliveira

Artista Elton Souza

The Original Dress

O escultor Antonio Estanagel

Os artistas Everson Fonseca, Kazuhe Shizuru, Vera Ranzini, Paulo Petri e Jeremias Ortiz

EXPO-Painting Fashion 70’s by Giuseppe Ranzini With great repercussion in the Brazilian media, the month of March in São relaxed environment. Paulo, was shaken artistically with a focused exhibition on the theme "Brazilian fashion of the 70s", yet, at a time in our history where, fashion representations in Brazil, were beefed up by the so-called Brazilian Miracle, where the acceleration of economic activity and the strong growth in the consumer market came into collision with censorship and political persecution. And it was in this context where professionalized and trendy boutiques begin to take hold, creating their own clothing and appearing in Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro along with the icon called Zuzu Angel.

THE PROJECT Conceived by artist and curator Angela de Oliveira, of Itapetininga in partnership with the artist Renata Cabral, João Pessoa, the exhibition "Painting Fashion 70's" is targeted at fashion effervescence in Brazil during the 70's and its icons like the famous designer, Zuzu Angel who was internationally known, not only as an innovative fashion designer, but also through her personal drama trying to recover the body of her son, considered as a political disappearance. With art director and experienced film producer Gabriela Nunes, "Painting Fashion 70's", places 25 artists together, all from Brazil, focused on this is-

AN INVITATION, AN EMOTION! After much talk about the beautiful design by artist and curator Angela de Oliveira, of Itapetininga / SP, it was with great enthusiasm that I set out to join the so-called project "To Zuzu Angel" later finally named "Painting Fashion 70's". All this brought back to my mind memories, when I was assigned new duties as the head office at a multinational pharmaceutical company in Rio de Janeiro from 1974 to 1978. It was during this period that I as an executive and my wife Vera, as a university student, lived during the height of the turmoil of the fashionable representations in the military regime, with great emphasis on boutiques that shone by creating their own luxury clothing and names like Zuzu Angel and Marilia Valls (Blu-Blu Boutique), excelling as innovative Brazilian designers, at the Ipanema neighborhood with projection outside Brazil. sue, exposing their works in many different styles, at Entrecores Gallery Art Space in Sao Paulo, as the first stage of the international exhibition circuit for 2015, with the next exhibitions already in motion, for the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, Paris and Miami.


That is when, my wife Vera is fascinated by the painted and designed colorful dresses of designer Zuzu Angel with the angel of her surname and I with the story of this courageous woman who at the height of her notoriety as an international designer, had his missing son, a victim of military dictatorship. And that boldly for years sought by the explanations, the guilt and the body of this dear son, transformed into political disappeared. Her search ended only with her death in a car accident at Highway in the burrows of Gávea, in the early hours of April 14, 1976 outside the tunnel today named after her. There is still much to read about Zuleika Angel Jones reason why, I was so very moved, and decided to honor her , in a disciform art for this exhibition "Painting Fashion 70's "behind the screen and writing one of his quotes:

25 renowned artists, participate in the show. They are: Acacio Pereira, Ana Costa Lima, Andrea Pandolfi, German Art, Antonio Estanagel, Biofa, Clara Flag, Chris Cysneiros, Cris Conde, Eliana Angelica, Elisiane Correa, Elze Arruda, Elton Souza, Elvis Jonis, Elza Carvalho, Giuseppe Ranzini , Mô, Marta Spagnol, Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, Marcia Vineyards, Rodrigo Pedrosa, Sabrina Souza Pinto, Stella Gomide, the organizers Renata Cabral and Ange- "I do not have courage, courage had my son. I have legitimacy. " la de Oliveira, besides the renowned designer Sandro Barros, one of the greatest names in Brazilian fashion today, exposing a sketch of her recent creation.

THE OPENING The exhibition's vernissage was held last March 18 in the known Entrecores Gallery Art Space located in the aristocratic Jardim Paulistano the state capital, where artists and organizers, received their guests with great enthusiasm and interest, could appreciate the high level of artistic works in an

Abaixo, admirando as obras de Elza Carvalho e Marta Spagnol,, acima, Chris Cysneiros Stella Gomide, topo curadora Angela de Oliveira e sua obra, no meio a esquerda, Renata Cabral-Pintando a moda, topo a direita-Elvis Jonis, top left-Croqui de Sandro Barros, abaixo a esquerda, om Marc Antoine e Yolanda Diaz Lopez


Pie-Fection Good to The Last Bite Address: 3120 S Kirkman Rd, Orlando, FL 32811 Phone:(407) 523-2200 www.piefectionorlando.com WE DELIVER !

Mead Gardens-Winter Park

Mead Botanical Garden is a 48-acre oasis located in the heart of Orange County in beautiful Winter Park. Besides the Gardens, there are trails, lakes, and trees, but the most beautiful of all are the many different flowers that bloom this time of the year. You can take walks relax, rent areas for events, such as a beautiful wedding ceremony. There are two butterfly gardens within Mead Botanical Garden. One is located between the Grove performance pavilion and the pole barn, northeast of the Discovery Barn. The other is located to the north of Alice’s Pond, next to the Winter Park Garden Club. The Garden is OPEN DAILY from dawn until dusk and is FREE to the public. Well-behaved dogs are welcome in most areas of the Garden as long as they are on a leash and the owner cleans up after the dog. There are great opportunities for photography and for relaxation! http://www.meadgarden.org By Ademar Rodrigues

Mead Gardens-Winter Park




@lakeeola #springfiesta Every year, Mayor Dyer and the City of Orlando bring the Spring Fiesta to Lake Eola. A little of Fair and Art Expo, and lots of goodies to announce Spring and Summer. The event lasts the entire weekend, Saturday and Sunday, many vendors, music, great fun. Sunny Day with the beauty of Lake Eola, and lots to see. Among the many booths two got our attention DADDY’S BUTTON SHIRT and CHAOS GLASS. Daddy’s Button Shirt make beautiful kids clothing from shirts and sweaters, an amazing artistic work that you will love to see. Chaos Glass makes glass cuts pieces that catch the sun and hang from the ceiling making beautiful decorations that also chime, lovely stuff. You can contact them at : daddy’sbuttonshirt@gmail.com chaosglass@mail.com

Art is also the transformation of materials in something beautiful, unexpected. I found it refreshing and loved the colorful with good taste. I hope you enjoyed! Laiz Rodrigues For theHotspotorlando AboutUS Magazine

The Month @ Orange County

Mayor Teresa Jacobs and members of Orange County’s Domestic Violence Commission recently presented key findings on the region’s State of Child Abuse during National Child Abuse Prevention Month, commemorated nationally in April. Out of 67 Florida counties, Orange County has recorded the second highest number of abuse reports with 13,855 cases. Additionally, within the first three months of the calendar year, eight children lost their lives in Orange County due to alleged abuse and possible neglect. As part of the region’s advocacy efforts and because of the close connection between domestic violence and child abuse, Mayor Jacobs called for the renaming of the Orange County Domestic Violence Commission to the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission. The Commission has expanded its membership to include community leaders with expertise in the field of child abuse prevention. “We cannot ignore the fact that 80 percent of battered women also have children in the same situation, or the tragic consequences for so many of these women and children,” Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs said. Members of the Orange County Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission will continue the vital work of the DVC while also working to protect the County’s most vulnerable—our children. In early 2015, the Commission helped spearhead new, critical domestic violence legislation.

A Prefeita Teresa Jacobs e os membros da Comissão de Violência Domestica de Orange County recentemente apresentou as principais conclusões sobre o Abuso Infantil em nossa região do Estado durante o National Child Abuse Prevention Month, comemorado nacionalmente em Abril. Dentre os 67 condados da Flórida, Orange County registrou o segundo maior número de denúncias de abuso com 13.855 casos. Além disso, nos primeiros três meses do ano civil, oito crianças perderam a vida em Orange County devido ao alegado abuso e possível negligência. Como parte dos esforços de defesa da região e por causa da estreita relação entre violência doméstica e abuso de crianças, a prefeita Jacobs chamou para a mudança de nome da Comissão de Orange County de Violência Domestica à Comissão da Violência Doméstica e Abuso Infantil. A Comissão aumentou a sua adesão para incluir líderes comunitários, com experiência no campo da prevenção do abuso de crianças. "Não podemos ignorar o fato de que 80 por cento das mulheres agredidas também têm crianças na mesma situação, ou as consequências trágicas para muitas dessas mulheres e crianças", disse Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs. Os membros da Comissão de Orange County de Violência Doméstica e Abuso continuarão o trabalho vital da DVC, ao mesmo tempo que trabalham para proteger os mais vulneráveis, os nossos filhos. No início de 2015, a Comissão ajudou a liderar, crítica legislação sobre violência doméstica.

Marie Martinez, operations manager for The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families, said poverty, domestic violence, substance abuse, foreclosures and homelessness can potentially create an environment that is dangerous for children.

Marie Martinez, gerente de operações do Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families, disse que a pobreza, a violência doméstica,o abuso de substâncias, foreclosures e falta de moradia podem potencialmente criar um ambiente que é perigoso para crianças.

“The combination of these factors helps create a perfect storm resulting in a high frequency of child abuse reports that demands local solutions to help support families and make children safer in this community,” Martinez said. “With an additional focus in place for the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission, the community can be hopeful that a positive and permanent change is in store.”

"A combinação desses fatores ajuda a criar uma tempestade perfeita, resultando em uma alta frequência de relatos de abuso infantil que exige soluções locais para ajudar a apoiar as famílias e tornar as crianças mais seguras nesta comunidade", disse Martinez. "Com um foco adicioná-la Comissão para a violência doméstica e abuso infantil, a comunidade pode ter a esperança de que uma mudança positiva e permanente está a caminho."

For information about Orange County’s Domestic Violence and Child Abuses Commission, visit Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission.

Para obter informações sobre a violência doméstica e abusos infantis Comissão de Orange County, visite Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission.

The Month @ Orange County

Orange County Hosts Community Media Representatives

The Orange County Communications Division recently hosted representatives from more than 20 local community publications and online media outlets for an educational session and meet-and-greet with Mayor Teresa Jacobs at the Board of County Commissioners Chambers. Those attending the event learned more about the resources and information that communicators at the organization can provide to hyperlocal reporters and multimedia editors. Additionally, Public Information Officers from the divisions of Animal Services, Parks & Recreation, Neighborhood Preservation & Revitalization, Utilities, Environmental Protection and Corrections shared information about upcoming events and potential story ideas that impact local communities. Orange County is the fifth largest County in Florida with a 2014 Real Gross County Product of more than $70 billion. In fact, 11 states have Gross Product below Orange County. The region is also home to 13 cities and towns that have their own unique character – and there are more than 50 community papers in the area. Orange County has an annual budget of more than $3.4 million and is one of the largest employers in the region with almost 7,700 employees. “I’m so glad I attended the event because I was able to make important contacts and got excellent story ideas,” Scott Baker, founder of Orlando Local Guide, said. “Orange County is a growing and diverse community with more than 1.25 million people – so the opportunities for stories and resources from the County are very much appreciated.” Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs thanked the community papers for their continued support and dedication in covering important local issues.

The Month @ Orange County

CENTRAL FLORIDA INT'L TRADE OFFICE CELEBRATES ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Central Florida International Trade Office (CFITO) and its growing role of assisting regional entrepreneurs and businesses with international commerce opportunities. “It’s important to look back on what our community and business partners have accomplished,” Mayor Teresa Jacobs said. “By working together, we have helped propel economic opportunity for international entrepreneurs and companies looking to do business in Orange County.” CFITO was launched as a pilot program in 2014 in response to local companies looking for exporting opportunities. The Office also helps streamline the process for foreign investors to connect and partner with regional businesses and establish local operations. CIFTO is funded by Orange County with a dollar-per-dollar match from JP Morgan Chase and is located at the National Entrepreneur Center (NEC). “The response to the pilot program has been overwhelming,” Jerry Ross, executive director of the NEC, said. “CFITO is providing a unique service and our businesses are thriving thanks to the investment made by Orange County and JP Morgan Chase.” During its first year of operations, more than 1,200 consultations took place at CFITO through direct inquiries and educational events. A regional database of more than 5,600 companies interested in doing business with the region was created. The database captures the company’s country of origin, the commodity traded by the organization, and the primary U.S. port used for transporting goods. The CFITO hosted eight educational events that brought in a total of 440 attendees to its office. CFITO has also participated in more than 25 international trade promotion events, including four inbound international delegations from Colombia, China, Brazil and Turkey. Additionally, CFITO established the Friends of International Trade group, registering about 400 members in its database. “Working together with the NEC, the international trade office helps businesses become export ready and introduces international buyers to what Central Florida has to offer,” Ross said. During her remarks at the event, Mayor Jacobs thanked JP Morgan Chase for its partnership and Elizabeth Krekel, CFITO program coordinator, for her efforts in creating a central point for connecting the global trading community to Central Florida. Orange County has authorized funding for a second year and JPMorgan is also extending its support. The CFITO is located at Orlando Fashion Square at the NEC facility, which was created in 2003 jointly by Orange County, the University of Central Florida and The Walt Disney Co. The center is funded exclusively by local corporate, education and municipal sponsorships, and is home to 11 nonprofit organizations that provide training, coaching and a variety of business resources to regional entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs joined community leaders in celebrating the anniversary of the Central Florida International Trade Office in April., Mayor Teresa Jacobs, Jerry Ross, Director of the National Entrepreneur Center, Elizabeth Krekel, Project Coordinator, Monica Correa- ‎Multicultural Communications Manager at Bright House Networks, Justine Assal -ORB International, Diana Bolivar-HCCMO President, Laiz Rodrigues, Central Florida Brazilian American President, Coco Johnson – Asian American Chamber, Juliana Pena- Orange County Government, Augusto Sanabria – HBIF President, Cindy Brown representative to Congressman Daniel Webster.





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Winners Named in First AnnualBright House Networks Regional

Monica Correa (Bright House), Veronica Falcon (Mira TV), Iris Gonzalez (Bright House), Ashley Chico(Ganadora de la competencia Bright Ideas STEM), Audrey Torres (Mira TV) y Sarita Famiglietti (Mira TV)

Business Awards in Greater Orlando Area Businesses Honored at March 19 Recognition Event Bright House Networks announced today the winners in its first annual Regional Business Awards in the Greater Orlando Area. Winning organizations were named in each category: Small; Medium; Large; and Start-Up for the awards, which honor the companies, organizations and people whose products, services, and thought leadership have impacted the local community. Winning businesses were honored at a special celebration on March 19 at Rosen Shingle Creek. Guest speakers for the event included Florida Governor Rick Scott and 2014 NFL Football Hall of Famer Derrick Brooks. Congratulations to the Regional Business Award Winners in the Greater Orlando Area: • Start-up (1-3 years in business) – Prestige Food Trucks • Small Business (5-25 employees) – First Response Disaster Team • Medium Business (26-100 employees) – Sus Hi Eatstation • Large Business (101-500 employees) – Barn Light Electric Company • Innovation Award – Port Orange Chiropractic The Orlando Economic Development Commission also recognized Deloitte Consulting with the 2015 Newcomer Award, which honors the newest neighbor in the Greater Orlando regional business community. Bright House Networks teamed up with Chambers of Commerce in nine counties to host the event that connected local businesses in a celebration of best-in-class. The company awarded prizes totaling over $1,000,000, including commercial TV production, air time, customer newsletter, and cash. More information is available online at www. brighthouse.com/RBA.

neighborhood&community Neighborhood and community is pretty much everything that surrounds us. Four years ago, the Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce was invited to participate in Mayor Buddy Dyer’s Summit, and since then we never stopped. It is at the Summit we meet the people who make your community grow, function, so you can live your life . So you get to meet the police department, the city departments and services, Orange County Government, parks and most people responsible for making your life so much easier and safe. Orlando is beautiful, and so much more than we could ever imagine, or wish for. Progress is an everyday reality, we live in the most visited city that gets to be magical and at the same time urban. This year the summit completed its 10th Anniversary, ten years getting neighbors and Community together, with Mayor Dyer. On the pictures, Mayor Buddy Dyer, Officer Jerry Goglas and his partner at the Summit, the Orlando Lions team, The Chorus with Mayor Dyer and some expositors.

Orlando City anuncia amistoso contra time brasileiro para maio em Orlando Lions enfrentarão a Ponte Preta no sábado, dia Lions e já marcou 3 gols e deu uma assistência 2 de maio, no estádio Orlando Citrus Bowl (passe para gol) nos primeiros 6 jogos da temporada da MLS, a principal competição de futebol O Orlando City SC anunciou hoje um amistoso dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá. contra a Ponte Preta para o sábado, dia 2 de maio, no estádio Orlando Citrus Bowl. O jogo está mar- Único clube da MLS no estado da Flórida, o Orcado para as 19h30 no horário local (20h30 de lando City praticamente esgotou os 14 mil boleBrasília). Os ingressos estarão à venda na próxima tos de temporada colocados à venda em menos quinta-feira, a partir das 10h em www.ticketmas- de um mês de competição. O jogo inaugural dos ter.com. Lions na liga, contra o New York City FC, já foi transmitido ao vivo para mais de 100 países da “A comunidade brasileira da Flórida já frequenta América do Norte, América do Sul, Europa, Ásia e o estádio Orlando Citrus Bowl nos dias de jogos África e narrado em 30 idiomas diferentes. do Orlando City pela MLS, assim como milhares dos turistas brasileiros que visitam Orlando to- Vice-campeã da Copa Sul-americana 2013, a dos os meses e que nos ajudaram a construir a Ponte Preta vê a oportunidade de enfrentar o impressionante média de público de 42 mil pa- Orlando City como um passo importante na exgantes na primeira temporada dos Lions na Major pansão da marca do clube no mercado internaLeague Soccer”, disse o proprietário do Orlando cional. "Queremos abrir novos horizontes, formar City, Flávio Augusto da Silva. “A partida vai con- mais torcedores dentro e fora do Brasil e gerar tribuir no processo de preparação do time para oportunidades de negócios internacionais para a a atual temporada. Os jogadores se conheceram Ponte", disse o Gustavo Valio, diretor financeiro há apenas 11 semanas e o time vem crescendo a e presidente da Comissão de Internacionalização cada partida sob o comando do técnico Adrian da marca Ponte Preta. Heath”, completou o empreendedor brasileiro. Time mais antigo em atividade no Brasil, a Ponte O Orlando City tem uma média de público superi- Preta será a terceira equipe brasileira a visitar os or a 42 mil torcedores nos três primeiros jogos da Lions em Orlando nos últimos três anos. O Orlanhistória do clube em Orlando pela Major League do City já enfrentou o Fluminense duas vezes e o Soccer (MLS), o que representa o dobro da média São Paulo FC. de público da liga em 2015, que é de 21.343 pa- Em apenas cinco anos de vida, o Orlando City gantes. O meia brasileiro Kaká é o capitão dos também já disputou amistosos contra a Roma, da

Itália, Bolton FC e Stoke City FC, da Inglaterra. “Um amistoso contra uma equipe tradicional como a Ponte Preta é um convite aos torcedores de todos os times do Brasil que estarão na região de Orlando na primeira semana de maio para viverem a experiência de um jogo de futebol nos Estados Unidos”, disse o CEO do Orlando City, Alexandre Leitão. “Orlando recebe 62 milhões de turistas por ano e o Brasil é o país número um na lista das nações que mais visitam a cidade. O jogo significa uma combinação de oportunidades econômicas para a comunidade local de Orlando e dá a nossos patrocinadores - alguns deles provenientes do Brasil - uma exposição ainda maior de suas marcas em ambos os mercados.” O Orlando City está envolvido na volta da seleção nacional do México a Orlando depois de mais de 20 anos, para um amistoso contra a rival Costa Rica, no dia 27 de junho. Além disso, os Lions foram responsáveis pela entrega da candidatura da cidade de Orlando a sede da Copa América 2016, edição comemorativa do centenário da competição. Para comprar ingressos para os jogos do Orlando City no estádio Orlando Citrus Bowl, visite www. OrlandoCitySC.com. Para mais informações, acompanhe o Orlando City em www.OrlandoCitySC.com, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube e Instagram.

A Bright House Networks se Une a Comunidade de Sócios Fundadores do Orlando City Soccer Club

O provedor Oficial de TV a cabo, Internet e telefone para o novo estádio Bright House Networks o sexto maior proprietário e operador de um dos maiores sistemas de TV a cabo nos EUA e o segundo maior da Florida, juntou-se à comunidade de sócios fundadores do Orlando City Soccer Club como parceiro exclusivo e fornecedor oficial e exclusivo de TV a Cabo, Internet e Telefone.

“Os produtos e serviços da Bright House Networks vai permitir que todos os fãs compartilhem suas experiências sempre que os Lions jogarem em seu novo estádio. “

Por norma política do clube, os termos do acordo não foram divulgados.

Além disso, siga as mais recentes notícias do Orlando City e as atualizações via Facebook, Twitter,Instagram e YouTube.

“A Bright House Networks compartilha nossa visão de fornecer o melhor serviço e experiências para nossos fãs,” disse o fundador e presidente do time, Phil Rawlins. “Através dessa parceria, vamos permitir que nossos fãs fiquem ligados no estádio, podendo interagir uns com os outros durante os jogos.” Bright House Networks equipará o novo estádio do Orlando City, no centro da Cidade de Orlando com os melhores serviços de telecomunicações na sua classe. Fãs no estádio irão desfrutar de Wi-Fi de alta capacidade e Internet de Alta velocidade para enviar e receber vídeo, fotos e navegar na web. As suítes e áreas comuns, contarão com serviços de vídeo com base em fibra ótica de alta definição e o Estádio poderá utilizar o serviço Hosted Voice baseado no sistema Cloud da Bright House Networks. “Como um grande patrocinador e promotor do esporte nas comunidades que servimos, estamos animados com a parceria exclusiva e oficial de internet e telefone “, comentou Craig Cowden, Diretor da Rede e SVP Enterprise Solutions na Bright House Networks.

Para comprar ingressos para a temporada, grupo ou indivíduo, visite www. OrlandoCitySC.com ou ligue para 855-ORL-CITY.

Por Marcos Peres Orlando City Soccer Communications


Durante noventa minutos, o Orlando City foi mais efetivo em chutes a gol (17 x 11), para Perry Kitchen, mas o lateral Brek Shea salvou o gol a poucos centímetros da linha. posse de bola (52,5%) e passes certos (76%). Porém, um gol aos 46 minutos do segun- Houve disputa de cabeça dentro da área. Na sobra, Chris Pontius ganhou a disputa de do tempo deu a vitória ao D.C. United sobre os Lions na noite dessa sexta-feira, no cabeça e Ricketts apareceu para mais uma grande defesa. estádio Orlando Citrus Bowl. A entrada do atacante colombiano Carlos Rivas aos 26 do segundo tempo, no lugar do Em frente a mais meia Erik Avila deu mais velocidade ao ataque do Orlando City, criando chances de gol um ótimo públie abrindo a defesa do co no estádio OrD.C. United. Porém, o lando Citrus Bowl jogo permaneceu em- 32.822 pessoas -, patado até o final da o time capitaneado etapa regulamentar. por Kaká criou cinco chances de gol Uma falta na direita frustradas pelo goda defesa do Orlanleiro do D.C. e da do City, no primeiro seleção dos Estados minuto dos acrésciUnidos, Bill Hamos, terminou no únimid. co gol do jogo. Um dos responsáveis pelas jogadas dos últimos três gols marcados pelo Orlando City O meia americano na temporada 2015, o atacante brasileiro Pedro Ribeiro sofreu uma contusão muscular Luis Silva tirou a bola em uma arrancada da barreira e do alcaaos 19 minutos do nce do goleiro Rickprimeiro tempo. O etts. 1 a 0 D.C. United. técnico inglês Adri- "Não tenho muito a dizer, afirmou o técnico Adrian Heath. “Não é sempre que você an Heath substituiu cria tantas chances quanto nós criamos sem marcar gols e acabar frustado num lance Pedro pelo atacante canadense Cyle Larin. Em poucos minutos, Larin criou duas chances de gol. Atual campeão da Conferência Leste da Major League Soccer (MLS), o experiente time do D.C. United fez 15 faltas na partida, apertando a marcação em cima de Kaká. A melhor chance do primeiro tempo de jogo foi dos Lions, porém. Aos 30 minutos, um cruzamento do lateral-esquerdo do Orlando City e da seleção dos Estados Unidos, Brek Shea, encontrou Kevin Molino dentro da área. O meia chutou forte e a bola pas- isolado. Não é uma noite fácil. Sinto pelos jogadores. Eles fizeram tudo o que puderam para ganhar um jogo de futebol. Penso que eles foram fantásticos em muitos aspectos do jogo." “O time melhorou nesse jogo, o que foi positivo”, disse Kaká. “Temos que ver as coisas positivas que fizemos hoje, mas temos que nos focar nos pontos negativos também, porque perder dessa forma não é o ideal." O Orlando City agora viaja a Portland, para enfrentar o Timbers no domingo, dia 12 de abril.

sou muito perto do travessão. A cinco minutos para o fim da etapa inicial, Kaká passou por três jogadores e passou para Molino. Mais uma vez, o goleiro Hamid salvou o time do estado de Maryland. No segundo tempo, foi a vez do goleiro do Orlando City brilhar. Donovan Ricketts foi ovacionado pela torcida depois de protagonizar uma sequência de duas incríveis defesas, uma delas no chão, cara-a-cara com o atacante Conor Doyle. O rebote sobrou




Euri and Euridito

In the middle Andrea Almeida and Dahlia Hayles

Before the Game Bellow Marcio Peres e Leonardo Santiago -Communications at the OCSC, Coach Adrian Heath, Kaka’ with Flavio Augusto da Silva, and Phil Rawlins

Para companhias nos EUA

Para companhias fora dos EUA

This Month We Celebrated With Luis Martinez! Luis Martinez has been our friend and has lend his support to the We can’t at this point forget the excellent professional and we have to CFBACC for many years. He was vital to our growth in the work he does mention his dedication to the Orlando Community, because that is also with the community, and we are happy we could share moments like this part of his life and we are grateful for his success. among his guests. It was a great night, and here we share some of the images, and best moIt was time to celebrate his birthday, and we had a great time at Nelore ments. Steakhouse in Winter Park. Among friends, loved ones and family, we were able to celebrate one more year of greatness. One More time ! Happy Birthday Luis Martinez!

@camilaslounge #food&winefestival

O melhor da vida ! Boa comida e boa companhia! Quando você pode juntar os dois em um só evento, então você tem sucesso garantido. E foi exatamente o que aconteceu no Food&Wine Festival do Camilas Lounge. Um dos membros mais antigos de nossa Câmara de Comercio, e exemplares empresários, com uma preocupação apenas, servir bem e conquistar cada cliente. O Camila’s Lounge ainda contou com o querido André Catena que animou a festa e comandou o show. Prêmios, gente bonita e a linda reforma, que colocou a disposição da nossa comunidade outro ambiente para festas e shows. Vale conferir! O Camila’s Lounge esta aberto para receber o seu próximo evento. A musica ficou por conta do Ronaldo Nascimento, que apresentou vários números de bossa nova. Valeu a inovação. Nas fotos, Ana Paula Alves, André Catena Neto, Alex, Ronaldo Nascimento, e Luciana Brandini da BrazilUSA Magazine.

CFBACC and Mundo FOX Creating Connections Mundo FOX and the Central Florida Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce are working in connecting communities and cultures. The idea came from Mundo FOX, who wanted to show the Brazilian Culture, leaders from both communities and most important how CFBACC at the same time creates connections, builds bridges, and promotes their culture. It is not an easy job, the show will be in the air soon, we are working hard to keep it interesting, and at the same time informative. Gloria Puerto is the show host, along with Alejandro Mele as the Director, Renato Sineli from SONUS Studios is the Producer, and the Editor for now, is CFBACC President Laiz Rodrigues, who is writing, photographing and helping to make connections. It has been hard to keep it simple, everyday is a challenge, and we all want this to be great. Greatness is a hard task, but above all we have God, our will and we work well together. Looking in the same direction. We are all very excited, with our days filled with lots of work and many ideas. We believe in our efforts and we know will be a great moment to many of us. Mundo FOX has been a great supporter, the partnership betwween MundoFOX, CFBACC and SONUS Studios has been great and we hope eveyone will enjoy the experience.

Here you will see a few images of people we have in the show, We have visited NASCAR I-Drive Indoor Kart Racing, BOIBRAZIL Steak House, The City of Orlando and more. There is still more to come. COMING SOON! CONECTION BRAZIL !

5700 International Dr. Orlando, Florida- Phone # (407) 345-5566

Ramos Trattoria

The Orlando Economic Development Commission (EDC) hosted the 2015 James B. Greene Annual Award dinner Thursday night, presenting its top honor to Alex Martins, chief executive officer of the Orlando Magic. The James B. Greene Economic Development Award, first presented in 1990, is the highest honor bestowed by the EDC. The award recognizes an individual whose work has contributed substantially to the economic prosperity of the region.

Martins, who has spent 27 years in professional sports management, was instrumental in securing the state-of-the-art Amway Center, which was named the 2012 SportsBusiness Journal’s “Facility of the Year” and received the 2013 StadiumBusiness “Customer Experience Award.” Martins was also instrumental in bringing the 2012 NBA All-Star Weekend to Orlando and its $95 million economic impact. Martins is currently leading a sports and entertainment district project adjacent to the Amway Center. The project represents a $200 million-plus investment by the Magic and its partners that will create jobs and provide dining, hotel, retail and entertainment options while continuing the revitalization of downtown Orlando.

During his time in Central Florida, Martins has held several significant roles in the local community. He served as the chairman of the Orlando Economic Development Commission, and on the board of directors for the Orlando Magic Youth Foundation, Visit Orlando, Florida Children’s Hospital, Coalition for the Homeless, the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness, the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts and the past chair of the Central Florida Partnership. He is also on the University of Central Florida board of trustees.

A Chairman’s Award was also given out this year to Ken Potrock, senior vice president and general manager of Disney Vacation Club and Adventures by Disney. The EDC Chairman’s Award, first presented in 2007, recognizes a long-term contributor to the work of the Orlando EDC.

Potrock leads Disney’s innovative vacation-ownership program, Disney Vacation Club, and also the company’s guided group travel business, Adventures by Disney. Potrock began his Disney career in 1996 and has held various leadership roles, including vice president of marketing for Disney Cruise Line, senior vice president of Global Alliance Marketing and senior vice president of Disney Sports Enterprises and Downtown Disney. He currently serves as the president of Florida Citrus Sports and on the executive board of the EDC, where he chairs the branding committee.

“Both of these men have shared their incredible talents for the betterment of our economy, community, and quality of life,” said Orlando EDC President and CEO Rick Weddle. “We are so pleased to bestow upon them the EDC’s highest honors by naming them the 2015 James B. Greene and Chairman’s award winners.”

Left to right: EDC President and CEO Rick L. Weddle, Magic CEO Alex Martins, EDC Boar

rd Chair Thomas K. Sittema at the Economic Development Commission’s 2015 James B. Greene Annual Award dinner as Martins is presented the top honor, the James B. Greene Economic Development Award. Photo taken by Gary Bassing, Orlando Magic.

Martin Luther King III and Congresswoman Corine Brown, Visit NASCAR I-Drive Indoor Kart Racing By Laiz Rodrigues www.thehotspotorlando.com

The AMP Group has been a source of various developments bringing a positive image to the Brazilian Entrepreneurism in Orlando.

that will be replacing the Flea Market space at the mall. It takes years to make your dreams come true, but somerimes dreams will drive you to even higher places.

In the past few years an amazing series of developments took More to come ! place on I-Drive brought by the AMP Group. The first and pilot Perfumeland Megastore that opens its arms to thousands of tourists every year, their sports gear store -Athletic Planet, along with Perfume Provider, PerfumeandSkin, Salon and Spa by Perfumeland, AMP Electronics, Pearl Vision, the Orlando Crossings Mall on I-Drive, then NASCAR I-Drive Indoor Kart Racing. You would say, that is plenty! But for the AMP Group it was just the begining. After finishing phase one of the Orlando Crossings Mall, with all stores open, they brought in Banco do Brasil Americas, which has exceeded all expectations. What we see is job creation, business development and a great deal of effort to our community and to Orlando. To crown all this, this week, COO at the AMP Group, Alejandro Pezzini had very special and honorable visitors at the NASCAR I-Drive Indoor Kart Racing, Mr. Martin Luther King III and Congresswoman Corine Brown. According to COO Alejandro Pezzini, it was an important moment, and a honor to host such an important guest. A remarkable moment that will not be forgoten. “Moments like this one we treasure, with the highest regard. Mr. Martin Luther King left his legacy to the American people, along with a message that will always represent human rights and equality among men. His voice and ideas will always be reminded, as a gift to our Society. Having his son visiting us was a gift, an honor and we are happy to share that moment with everyone. said Mr. Pezzini. In another tone, the AMC Group is bringing to Orlando on phase two of renovations at the other side of the Orlando Crossing Mall, Seabra Supermarkets,

Alejandro Pezzini and Martin Luther King III

Alejandro Pezzini, June Ings, Corine Brown, a friend and Mr. martin Luther King III

Maestro Scotti Di Carlo: O Maestro do Mediterrâneo Por Ivanna Fabiani Editora de Musica e Cultura Brasil Compositor, multi percussionista e baterista do Mediterrâneo, estudou percussão clássica no Conservatório do Governo. Foi fundador de um duo de musica contemporânea, ao mesmo tempo em que liderava uma banda que tocava jazz e musica clássica. Participou de vários programas de televisão na RAI, Mediaset e Tvs locais como baterista e multi-percussionista e foi muito requisitado para gravar em várias performances de peças teatrais e gravações, como por exemplo “ A voz de Napoles” de Sergio Bruni.

aos 16 comecei a estudar com Walter Scotti , maestro percussionista do Real Teatro San Carlo de Napoli. Ele me ensinou as técnicas de tambor e tudo o que se usava na música classica, além de bateria. Foi assim que me aprofundei nos estudos de varios estilos como jazz, pop, funk, rock, etc. Depis de uma grande imersão nos estudos, fiz um teste para estudar percussão Classica no Conservatório de Avellino. O Maestro local tocava todos os estilos regionais e clássicos, então aprendi o clássico napolitano e mediterrâneo muito bem. Após 8 anos consegui o título de percusionista clássico, de bateria e também de percussão e composição em Jazz . Hoje continuo estudando músicas do mundo, em especial do Mediterrâneo

I:Qual e sua impressão sobre o que acontece na música hoje? R:A música de hoje é o resultado do que foi a musica do passado, desde a Idade Media ate a atualidade, houve muita troca e contato entre musicos, existem fusões musicais originadas de trocas de conhecimento e cultura entre povos, e tradições étnicas, o que origina o estilo musical Etno World.

Como colaborador foi convidado para participar das orquestras principais do Teatro San Carlo em Nápoles, Teatro Verdi de Salerno, Nova Orquestra de Alessandro Scarkatti, A Orquestra femenina de Kiev, A Orquestra Sinfônica I:Que tipo de música lhe atrai mais? Ao tocar que tipo de musica do Terceiro Milenio dirigida por Mr Serious, varios concertos com a soprano você sentiu maior realização? Katia Ricciarelli, Carlo Croccolo, Jenny B, Francesca Alotta, The ChorusRR R) Depende da epoca, amei muito tempo o RocknRoll de ELvis Presley e do Singers, Gilda Giuliani e participou como suporte do show de BB King. movimento juvenil dos anos 50 , depois atravessei os anos 70 cultuando De 1998 a 200 foi percussionista da Orquestra do festival d eNapoles, que pop, Jazz e rock americano e a musica classica. Opera e musica classica era televisionado pelo Canal Rete 4 Mediaset, e no último ano fundou e nos anos 70 ate conectarme com a música etnica do mediterraneo! dirigiu a Orquestra Sinfonica & Rhytmic Partenopea. Gosto muito da World Music. Rosario Scotti Di Carlo é um desses maestros que levou a bandeira da Musica através dos Consulados e Institutos Culturais por vários Teatros do mundo I:Com quem tocou? Quais são os outros instrumentos e da sua Italia: Líbano, Egito, Luxemburgo, Polônia, Brasil, Turquia, Arabia S a u d i t a , c o n c e r t o s que toca? esses que foram R: Toco bateria e Percussão clássica e etnica , canto e toco piano somente televisionados pela para compor músicas proprias. Toquei com Inumeros artistas e orquestras RAI e Canal 64 da Italia. nacionalis e internacionais na televisão e no teatro. Sua grande experiência foi completa com a participação como percussionista em operetas como: Cin CIn There, Madama Butterfly by G. Puccini, O casamento Secreto de D. Cimarosa, Cavalleria Rusticana de P. Mascagni, Elixir do Amor de G. Donizetti, entre outras. E é bom lembrar que participou como percussionista da ultima edição do “ The Invented Miracle”de Novencento Napoletano. `A partir de 2000, fundou sua atual Orquestra Scott and Insciallah que teve apoio até da Unicef em 2009 para o concerto “ Percussions for Abruzzo and Gaza” , recebeu premios como o “ Culture Award” em Brusciano e seus vídeos performáticos fazem parte da programação das Tvs. A Mescla étnica de música latina e mediterrânea, chama a atenção de todos, por terem tão distintas harmonias e notações, e nas mãos do maestro parecem ter sido criadas de maneira tão fácil, como numa brincadeira. Não é a toa que o maestro esta presente na Nova Enciclopédia da música Napolitana e nos Arquivos Históricos de música Napolitana da RAI.

I: Como voce descobriu a música como profissão? Quais foram seus professores? R) R Comecei desde criança a tocar bateria com meu tio, ele tocava bem o intrumento e foi muito natural pra mim, como se fosse uma brincadeira: eu ouvia meu tio e o copiava. Comecei tocando as músicas do Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple e as músicas que se ouviam muito nas decadas de 70 e 80. Imaginei que, se estudasse, poderia ser músico profissional e

I:Quais são seus planos para o futuro? R: Neste momento, cuido da orquestra “Scott and Insciallah” tenho uma serie de videos e CDs e estou me preparando para fazer um novo trabalho de Jazz Etnico. Também dedico uma boa parte do tempo ensinando jovens para que tenham a oportunidade de mostrar seu talento e se tornem músicos de referência.

Maestro Scotti Di Carlo: The Mediterranean Maestro By Ivanna Fabiani-Music & Culture Editor-Brazil

Composer, multi percussionist and drummer of the M e d i te r ra n e a n , studied classical percussion at the Government Conservatory.

such different harmonies and notations, and in the hands of the conductor seem to have been created as easily as a joke. No wonder that the conductor is present in the New Encyclopedia of Neapolitan music and the Historical Archives of RAI Neapolitan music.

He was the founder of a contemporary music duo, while he led a band that played jazz and classical music.

I started playing drums as a child with my uncle, he played the instrument well and it was very natural for me, like a joke: I heard my uncle and copied. I started playing the songs of Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple and the songs that were heard much in the decades of 70 and 80. I figured that if I studied, could be a professional musician and at 16 began studying with Walter Scotti, percussionist conductor of the Royal Theatre San Carlo Napoli. He taught me the drum techniques and all that was used in classical music, and battery. This is how I delved in studies of various styles such as jazz, pop, funk, rock, etc. Depis a large soaking in the studies, did a test to study Classical percussion at the Conservatory of Avellino. The site Maestro played all regional and classic styles, so I learned the classic Neapolitan and Mediterranean very well. After 8 years got the title of classical percussionist, battery and also percussion and composition in Jazz. Today I continue studying world music, especially the Mediterranean

I: How did you discovered music as a profession? Who were

your teachers?

Participated in several television programs on RAI, Mediaset and local televisions as drummer and multi-percussionist and was much sought after to record in several performances of plays and recordings, such as "The voice of Naples" I: What is its impression of what happens in music today? by Sergio Bruni. A: The music of today is the result of which was the music of As an employee was invited to participate in the major orchestras the past, from the Middle Ages until the present time, there was of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Teatro Verdi in Salerno, New much exchange and contact between musicians, there are origOrchestra Alessandro Scarkatti, The femenina Orchestra Kiev, The inated musical mergers of exchanges of knowledge and culture Third Millennium Symphony Orchestra directed by Mr Serious, between peoples and ethnic traditions, which creates the musiseveral concerts with soprano Katia Ricciarelli, Carlo Croccolo, cal style Ethno World. Jenny B, Francesca Alotta, The Chorus Singers, Gilda Giuliani and participated as BB King show support. I: What kind of music appeals to you more? When playing that kind of music do you feel rewarded? From 1998 to 200 has been percussionist of the festival d eNapoles Orchestra, which was televised by Channel Rete 4 Mediaset, and It depends of the season, loved the long RocknRoll Elvis Preslast year he founded and directed the Orchestra Sinfonica & Rhyt- ley and the youth movement of the 50s, then went through the mic Partenopea. 70 worshiping pop, jazz and American rock and classical music. Opera and classical music in the 70s until conectarme with the Rosario Scotti Di Carlo is one of those teachers who took the ethnic music of the mediterranean! I love the World Music. banner of Music through the Consulates and Cultural Institutes for several theaters in the world and its Italia: Lebanon, Egypt, I: What other instruments do you play? Luxembourg, Poland, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, these concerts were televised by RAI and Channel 64 of Italy. A: I play drums and classical percussion and ethnic, sing and play piano only to compose own songs. Played with numerous artists His experience was complete with the participation as a percus- and nacionalis and international orchestras on television and in sionist in operettas as: Cin CIn There, Madama Butterfly by G. the theater. Puccini, The Secret Wedding D. Cimarosa, Cavalleria Rusticana of P. Mascagni, Elixir of Love G. Donizetti, among others. And it's I: What are your plans for the future? worth remembering that participated as a percussionist with the latest edition of "The Invented Miracle" of Novencento Napole- A: At this time, take care of the orchestra "Scott and Insciallah" tano. I have a series of videos and CDs and am getting ready to do a new work Etnico Jazz. Also dedicate a good deal of time teach`In 2000, he founded his current Orchestra Scott and Insciallah ing young people to have the opportunity to showcase their talwhich was supported by UNICEF in 2009 to the concert" Percus- ent and become reference musicians. sions for Abruzzo and Gaza ", received awards as the" Culture Award "in Brusciano and its performative videos are part of the programming of televisions. The Merge ethnic Latin and Mediterranean music, draws the attention of all, because they have

VAN HALEN To Tour North America Summer/Fall 2015 VAN HALEN is touring North America beginning July 5 in Seattle, Washington at the White River Amphitheatre, with concerts scheduled through Oct. 2 in Los Angeles, California at the legendary Hollywood Bowl. Special guest Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band will support all dates along the tour. Tickets for the Live Nation-promoted tour go on sale beginning April 4 at www.ticketmaster.com and www.livenation.com, with special presale information being announced locally. A complete list of tour dates can be found below. The special Hollywood Boulevard concert will be a hit-heavy set of songs featured on TOKYO DOME LIVE IN CONCERT, the first-ever live album to feature original singer David Lee Roth. Recorded on June 21, 2013 in Tokyo, Japan, TOKYO DOME LIVE IN CONCERT includes 23 songs, spanning all seven of the band's albums with Roth. It is being released as a double CD, four-LP set on 180gram vinyl and digitally beginning March 31, 2015. Fans who pre-order TOKYO DOME LIVE IN CONCERT before its March 31 release date through Amazon and digitally at iTunes will instantly receive downloads of "Panama," "Runnin' With The Devil," "Jump" and "Hot For Teacher." Also being released beginning March 31 are remastered versions of Van Halen and 1984, with remastered versions of Diver Down, Women and Children First, Van Halen II and Fair Warning due out later this spring. Each album has been cut straight from the quarter-inch tapes for CD, 180-gram vinyl and for the digital version by mastering engineer Chris Bellman, who remastered the original albums for Bernie Grundman Studios, Hollywood, CA. These albums are being released beginning March 31, with pre-orders available now through Amazon and iTunes. Jimmy Kimmel Live is broadcast in 720 Progressive (720P), ABC's selected HDTV format. Jimmy Kimmel and Jill Leiderman serve as executive producers. Jason Schrift, Douglas DeLuca and Erin Irwin serve as co-executive producers. Emmy AwardŽ-winning Jimmy Kimmel Live is shot live in front of a studio audience and produced by Jackhole Industries in association with ABC Studios. (CLOSED-CAPTIONED) Enjoy Jimmy Kimmel Live on the web at www.abc.com/JimmyKimmeLive and at Facebook.com/JimmyKimmelLive; Twitter @ JimmyKimmel #Kimmel. Formed in Los Angeles in 1974, VAN HALEN changed the rock and roll landscape forever with the release of their self-titled, 1978 debut album and subsequently produced a repertoire of hits that remain some of the strongest and most influential rock songs ever

written that fans will admire for decades to come. With more than 75 million albums sold worldwide, and more No. 1 hits on the Billboard Mainstream Rock chart than any other artist, the band's record of achievement is hard to top. The eponymous debut album and 1984 were both certified Diamond, for U.S. sales in excess of 10 million, placing them on an elite short list of double RIAA-certified Diamond Award honorees. VAN HALEN was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.

Molson Canadian Amphitheatre Sunday, August 9 Holmdel, NJ PNC Bank Arts Center Tuesday, August 11 Hartford, CT Xfinity Center Thursday, August 13 Wantagh, NY Nikon At Jones Beach Theater Sunday, August 23 Hershey, PA Hershey Park Go to http://van-halen.com/ for updates and Tuesday, August 25 more information. Darien Center, NY Darien Lake Performing Arts Center All dates, cities and venues subject to change. Thursday, August 27 Camden, NJ Sunday, July 5 Susquehanna Bank Center Seattle, WA Saturday, August 29 White River Amphitheatre Washington, D.C. Tuesday, July 7 Jiffy Lube Live Portland, OR Monday, August 31 Amphitheater Northwest Cincinnati, OH Thursday, July 9 Riverbend Music Center Concord, CA Wednesday, September 2 Concord Pavilion Indianapolis, IN Saturday, July 11 Klipsch Music Center San Bernardino, CA Friday, September 4 San Manuel Amphitheater Detroit, MI Tuesday, July 14 DTE Energy Music Theatre Irvine, CA Sunday, September 6 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Bethel, NY Thursday, July 16 Bethel Woods Center for the Arts Mountain View, CA Wednesday, September 9 Shoreline Amphitheatre Raleigh, NC Saturday, July 18 Walnut Creek Amphitheater Salt Lake City, UT Friday, September 11 USANA Amphitheatre Charlotte, NC Monday, July 20 PNC Music Pavilion Morrison, CO Sunday, September 13 Red Rocks Amphitheatre Tampa, FL Wednesday, July 22 MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre Kansas City, MO Tuesday, September 15 Cricket Wireless Amphitheater West Palm Beach, FL Friday, July 24 Coral Sky Amphitheatre Chicago, IL Thursday, September 17 First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre Birmingham, AL Sunday, July 26 Oak Mountain Amphitheatre St. Louis, MO Monday, September 21 Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre Austin, TX Tuesday, July 28 Austin360 Amphitheater Pittsburgh, PA Wednesday, September 23 First Niagara Pavilion Dallas, TX Thursday, July 30 Gexa Energy Pavilion Bangor, ME Friday, September 25 Darling's Waterfront Pavilion Houston, TX Saturday, August 1 Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Boston, MA Monday, September 28 Xfinity Center Phoenix, AZ Monday, August 3 Ak-Chin Pavilion Cleveland, OH Wednesday, September 30 Blossom Music Center San Diego, CA Wednesday, August 5 Sleep Train Amphitheatre London, ON Friday, October 2 Western Fair District Los Angeles, CA Friday, August 7 Hollywood Bowl Toronto, ON

MUMMIES OF THE WORLD: THE EXHIBITION TO DEBUT JUNE 13 AT ORLANDO SCIENCE CENTER The Largest Collection of Mummies Ever Assembled The nationally recognized Mummies of the World exhibition will make its debut at Orlando Science Center on June 13, 2015. The exhibition The New York Times calls “magical and mythical” presents a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity to experience real mummies, real science, real people and the public agrees, with over 1.3 million visitors experiencing the exhibition to date. The presentation in Orlando will mark the twelfth stop on the exhibition’s exclusive tour of the United States. Mummies of the World is the largest exhibition of real mummies and related artifacts ever assembled, showcasing a collection of naturally and intentionally preserved mummies. This compelling collection, presented with reverence and dignity, includes ancient mummies and significant artifacts from around the world. Included in the collection are the Vac Mummies, a mummified family from Hungary believed to have died from tuberculosis; the Baron Von Holz, a German nobleman found tucked away in the family crypt of a 14th century castle wearing his best leather boots; as well as MUMAB, the first replication of Egyptian mummification done on a decedent body in 2800 years; and more.

opportunity for the public to engage in a compelling examination of people, society and science.” Through modern science and engaging interactives, this astounding collection of specimens and objects reveals how the scientific study of mummies provides a window into the lives of ancient people, offering unprecedented insights into past cultures and civilizations. Declared “fascinating, intriguing and inspiring” by NBC and “a must see” by Fox TV, Mummies of the World will instill a sense of curiosity and wonder in each and every visitor. “We are excited to bring Mummies of the World to Orlando,” said Marcus Corwin, president of American Exhibitions, Inc. “Most people think mummies come from Egypt and are wrapped, but mummies come from all over the world. The exhibition is changing centuries-old perceptions about what the general public thinks about mummies and providing insight into the lives and cultures of these ancient people. Inside every mummy is a story waiting to be told, and Mummies of the World is here to tell those stories.” Mummies of the World will be on display at Orlando Science Center for a limited time, debuting June 13, 2015. Tickets will be available beginning in April. For more information, please visit www.osc.org or www. mummiesoftheworld.com.


• Adults • Seniors & Students • Youth (3-11) “Orlando Science Center inspires curiosity and stimu- • Members lates learning for all ages through iconic experiences • Florida Teachers like coming face to face with actual mummies,” said • Reciprocal Members JoAnn Newman, President and CEO of Orlando Science Center. “Mummies of the World is an important

$27.00 $24.00 $18.00 $10.00 $12.00 $20.00

Orlando Science Center Located in Orlando, Fla., interactive learning and discovery await within the Science Center’s hundreds of exhibits, programs, labs, films and planetarium shows. The Science Center provides educational opportunities both within and outside its walls including field trips, family science nights at schools and community centers, and other outreach. Orlando Science Center's mission is to inspire science learning for life. The Science Center strives to create lasting impacts on science, technology,

engineering and math (STEM) education and develop the next generation of creative innovators. Fully accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, the Science Center ranks as one of the most popular museum destinations in the region. Having served more than 11 million people since its inception in 1955 and more than 265,000 youth in the past year alone, the Science Center offers rich resources for lifelong learning. For high resolution photos, logos and more, please visit the following Dropbox link: www.osc.org/mediakit.

Curated by: Coralie Claeysen-Gleyzon AITHAN SHAPIRA MICHAEL WOLF YUVAL YAIRI SUSAN PELTESON MARIOS VOUTSINAS OPENING PREVIEW 4. 14. 2015 5-7PM Show will open to the public on Yom HaShoah 4.15. 2015 APRIL 15-28, 2015 ORLANDO MUSEUM OF ART 2416 N MILLS AVE, ORLANDO, FL 32803 www.omart.org | 407- 896-4231

In the current climate of World politics, acceptance, inclusion and support to the human race as a whole can only come through a deep understanding of one another, and we see art as a vector, a necessity, a universal need that can challenge vision, convey raw emotion, open new perspectives and help create an environment of profound respect and sanctity for each other. Following on this belief, on April 15, 2015, the day of Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) a unique exhibition commemorating the lives and heroism of Jewish people who perished in the Holocaust, will open at The Orlando Museum of Art. Focusing on the contemporary perspective of 5 international and national artists, the artworks exhibited have for common theme the search for sanctity and the sacred, safe place of true belonging: belonging for the soul, belonging for the body and belonging for the mind. For this thought-provoking exhibition, curator Coralie Claeysen-Gleyzon has invited artists from Israel, Europe and the United States to contribute works of deep resonance. This stirring exhibition will explore the narratives of displacement associated with the Holocaust, the notions of safety and sanctity, as well as the concepts of home and reaching for the ultimate sanctuary.

Aithan Shapira,Hungerford Bridge, Collograph, 9 panels: 78 x 103 in. overall, ed. of 4.

Michael Wolf, Sanctuary, 2010, 12 " x 8 " x 4" We look forward to seeing you! Coralie Claeysen-Gleyzon | Director | 407.921.0693

Seminal designer was major influence in New Urbanism, New Classical and postmodernism, worked with Maryland's David Edward on furniture, designed iconic piece. The David Edward Company, Ltd. Announces the loss of designer Michael Graves at his home in Princeton, N.J. on March 12, 2015. Known as America's seminal architect, product designer and artist, Graves designed the Ellington Bench for David Edward. Graves believed that "humanism is the soul of design and capable of transformative results...by focusing on the individual, we humanize design."

"We are all filled with sadness and regret," said David Edward Director of Design makes a bold statement in a room without Gregory Pitts, "Michael's accomplishments speak for themselves, and his spirit and going overboard. I'm glad that David his heroism will always be an inspiration to us all." Edward has kept the piece in their line." A native of Indianapolis, Graves received his architectural training at the University of Cincinnati and Harvard University. He has received over 13 honorary doctorates and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, as well as a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. Graves had received many prestigious awards, including the 1999 National Medal of Arts, the 2001 Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects, the 2010 Topaz Medallion from the AIA/ACSA, and he is the 2012 Richard H. Driehaus Prize Laureate. Graves was the first architect inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame, and the first recipient of the Michael Graves Lifetime Achievement Award from the AIA-NJ.

Family owned David Edward of Halethorpe, Maryland is one of America's most respected manufacturers of universally scaled and designed furniture centered on healthcare, hospitality, corporate, residential, cruise ships, stadiums and long term care.

Founded in 1963 by Edward Pitts, David EdThe last piece by Michael Graves that was commissioned before he died was ordered ward continues to win major design awards by Baltimore Architect Frederick Hiser of Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP. "It's a as well as attract some of the Nation's finpiece that is filled with Graves's iconic style. It references many historic periods and est designers, such as Michael Graves.

Mr. Graves left his mark in many places around the world. In Orlando he was the dzesigner of the Disney;s Swan and Dolphin Resorts

The Last Piece-The Elliot Bench

PETER LIK "Infinity Tree," The Latest Work Of Fine Art Photographer Peter Lik To Be Unveiled http://www.lik.com


eter Lik began capturing the wonders of nature as a young boy in his native Australia and never stopped. In 1984, Lik came to the U.S. and discovered his passion for panoramic photography. One of Lik's most notable projects, "Spirit of America," is a 50-state landscape exploration of perilous deserts, ethereal mountain peaks, lush fields and glimmering cityscapes. Peter Lik's love for America and its landscapes led him to become a naturalized citizen in 2013. Over the years, Lik's career has been marked with award wins as a Master Photographer from both the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) and Professional Photographers of America (PPA). He has also been awarded fellowships from the British Institute of Professional Photographers (BIPP) and The Royal Photographic Society (RPS). In 2011, Peter jumped into mainstream culture by starring in the NBC-produced TV series, "From the Edge with Peter Lik." Lik has 15 LIK Galleries across the United States and his masterworks "Ghost" and "Inner Peace" have been included in exhibitions of Nature's Best Photography at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. In 2015, Peter was honored at PPA's Imaging USA with a Lifetime Achievement Award. He is one of only 13 recipients in history to receive this honor. He exquisitely captures the perfect autumn day in his latest photograph, “Infinity Tree.” The Master Photographer will reveal his latest work on Saturday, April 4 at his 15 LIK Galleries nationwide. Lik spent ten days with Mother Nature before this scene presented itself. The varying temperatures and rainfall allowed the tree to reveal its radiant colors in the most stunning way. “On this particular afternoon, I knew exactly where to be and I waited for the perfect moment,” said Peter Lik. “The composition was critical, as the trunk lines changed with every move. As I pressed the shutter, total serenity surrounded me and I knew I had the shot.”


Five new breathtaking landscape photographs were unveiled at LIK Galleries all across the country to the delight of clamoring collectors. The main image, which kicked off this fine art extravaganza, is “Midsummer Dream” – a complementary sequel to already famed image “Tranquil Blue,” taken on the shores of the Florida Keys. It was not too long ago that “Tranquil Blue,” a beautiful, head-on image of a long pier stretching into the vast Pacific, was released to an overwhelmingly positive response (it is inches away from sold-out status). The newly released sequel shot, “Midsummer Dream,” (seen above) offers a matching perspective for collectors, with an angled view of the pier, crystal blue waters and sweeping clouds. Along with “Midsummer Dream,” come four featured releases. “Metallic Symphony” is an abstract, black & white of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, while “Artist Point” is Peter’s portrayal of a rustic wooden fence, extending into the colorful woods of Aspen, Colorado. “Evening Reflections” showcases the calm waters off Molokai, Hawaii at dusk, while “Autumn Splendor” is another glimpse at the elaborate forests of Aspen during fall. Peter commented on the massive unveiling: “I have literally tens of thousands of photos that I am so proud of and never get seen. Doing a big release like this allows me to showcase more of my work and gives my collectors a larger palette to choose from.” This impressive lineup of pieces to explode onto the scene all at once is just another reminder that there is absolutely no shortage of remarkable work in the Master Photographer’s grand portfolio. http://www.lik.com





Letters from the Mexican Artist to Her Lover rain on me and I, like the earth, receive you." Jose Bartoli Will Highlight April 15 Auction An important group of twenty-five love letters by Frida Kahlo will be auctioned at Doyle New York on April 15. Kahlo wrote the letters from 1946 through 1949 to her lover Jose Bartoli, a Spanish artist whom she met in New York. Many of the letters include keepsakes inserted by Kahlo, among them drawings, photographs, pressed flowers and other mementos. Totaling over one hundred pages, the love letters were secreted away and cherished privately by Bartoli until his death in 1995. They have descended in the family to the current owner. This remarkable cache of letters is unpublished and only now being made public. They are estimated to achieve between $80,000 and $120,000.

Acclaimed Frida Kahlo biographer Hayden Herrera has recently written an essay profiling these letters. She describes them as "...steamy with unbridled sensuality and they are, like Kahlo's paintings, extraordinarily direct and personal. They cry out with a heart-breaking loneliness and with the misery of physical pain..." The letters offer very personal revelations about Kahlo's relationship with Rivera. Herrera states, "Although Kahlo was deeply attached to Rivera, these letters suggest that she would have left him in order to live with Bartoli. She told Bartoli that he gave her a kind of love that she had never experienced before. Her love for Bartoli was passionate, carnal, tender and maternal." About Jose Bartoli, whom Herrera interviewed for her biography on Kahlo, she states, "Bartoli never lost his love for Frida. If you asked him about her, he would speak with great reverence, but also with restraint. All his life he treasured the little objects she gave him as tokens of her love and he kept all her letters."

Frida Kahlo met Jose Bartoli in New York while she was recuperating from spinal surgery stemming from a bus accident in her youth. Their love affair continued after Kahlo returned to Mexico to her beloved home, La Casa Azul, and her husband, artist Diego Rivera. The clandestine correspondence lasted for Herrera continues, "Kahlo sometimes worries that three years, aided by friends and Kahlo's sister, Bartoli would find her letters to be childish, corny, Cristina, who had introduced the pair. and stupid. But, she tells him, love letters are never The letters provide new and unique insights into the intelligent or stupid. Her letters are her 'truth.' She life and career one of the 20th century's most im- asks him to receive them 'as if a little girl passing in portant artists. Poetically composed with a touch the street gave you a flower without knowing why.'" of Kahlo's characteristic surrealism, the letters offer illuminating information about some of her best- The entire 1,500-word essay by Hayden Herrera and known paintings, including her 1946 Tree of Hope. images of the letters may be viewed online at www. They also poignantly refer to an unknown pregnan- Doyle.com cy, her post-surgery relationship with her husband, The public is invited to view the letters at Doyle New personal and professional struggles, and her York on April 11 through 14. Doyle is located at 175 unwavering love for Bartoli. East 87th Street in Manhattan. In a letter from October 1946, Kahlo states, "My Bartoli...I don't know how to write love letters. But I wanted to tell you that my whole being opened for you. Since I fell in love with you everything is SOURCE Doyle New York transformed and is full of beauty...love is like an aroma, like a current, like rain. You know, my sky, you

Elita @ Windy City

panhias de barcos oferecem este serviço, antes ou depois da Perada.

Nossa e como venta!!!!!

Visitei o" Shedd Aquarium", muito legal, com uma parte totalmente dedicada aos nossos peixes do Rio Amazonas, inclusive onde uma grande Anaconda dormia languidamente enrolada.

O termo "Windy City" remota desde 1880 e parece ter sido utilizado para promover a cidade como um resort de Verão, pelo jornal Chicago Tribune. Este termo foi utilizado também quando houve uma competição entre New York conhecida como a "Big Apple" e Chicago "Windy City", para sediar uma Feira Mundial.

Sem falar também da beleza do Lago Michigan de um azul celestial maravilhoso. Chicago é uma cidade que você tem que andar muito.... aff eu não estou acostumada a andar, eu quase pirei ! E ainda por cima no frio..... Gente peguei um frio de -2 graus Celsius, eu que estou acostumada aos 38/40 da Florida... mas valeu a pena, as pessoas se vestem muito bem e elegantes, o frio nos torna chiques demais! Eu nem estava muito ligada que era o fim de semana de St. Patrick - uma data bem comemorada aqui nos Estados Unidos, e já havia visto o Chicago River, todinho verde na internet, mas eu imaginava que era algum efeito especial de fotografia.....E não! é real! Nossa, eu adorei.....E também fui pesquisar e saber como eh feito aquilo.... Esse efeito no rio, se tornou uma tradição e começou em 1961 quando um "plumber" (bombeiro), notou que a tinta laranja brilhante que ele utilizava para detectar vazamentos no rio, como magica se transformava em verde esmeralda, desde então 45 pounds desta mistura (que diga-se de passagem não polui a natureza) são jogadas no Chicago River, resultando um efeito maravilhoso, sendo vista como um "St.Patrick Day miracle".

Também fui ao "Museum of Contemporary Art" onde tive o prazer de ver obras, de Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec e a famosa "Acensão da Virgem" do El Greco. Chicago e uma cidade que não dorme, uma cidade grande, cheia de atracões e restaurantes deliciosos, fomos jantar no restaurante que tem a mais famosa pizza da cidade.... "Porem esperamos DUAS horas" contadiAs ruas lotadas de pessoas vestidas de roupas verdes, cabelos, tiaras, tudo nhas no relógio para ser atendidos. verde, lindo, as crianças e os bebes nos carrinhos envolvidos em lençóis O ponto mais alto da cidade se chama Skydeck, de onde você em dias claverdinhos também..... Que lindo! Que diferente..... Se não fosse o frio! No ros, tem uma maravilhosa vista de todos os ângulos da cidade. sábado tem uma grande "Parada" .... nos trens e subways, todos vestidos a caráter, agora também muita bebida, acho que e para poder aguentar tan- Apesar de ter gostado muito de Chicago, pretendo voltar um dia em outra to frio. estacão do ano, pois infelizmente no inverno as arvores todas secas, mesmo com o céu azul, são cinzas e prefiro cores, sei que a cidade e toda floVocê também pode navegar pelo Chicago River através dos "St. Patrick's rida inclusive com uma Day Boat Cruise" inclusive se deliciando com um "Irish Buffet" varias comflor que amo muito a tulipa. Esta viagem foi na companhia do meu filho Danilo e do filhinho dele Dimitri (meu neto, claro...) de 9 anos, nos divertimos muito, foram momentos lindos, cheios de carinho, onde guardarei para sempre em minha memoria e no coração. Um beijo grande! Elita

Fotos By Elita




Travel between Havana, Cuba and Orlando will become a reality this summer. Island Travel & Tours (ITT) announced it will begin non-stop flights from Orlando International Airport (MCO) beginning July 8, 2015. Initial service will be offered once a week on Wednesdays with ITT adding a second flight on Sundays later in the summer. The approximately 90 minute flights will be flown on Boeing 737300 aircraft with a capacity of 120 passengers in a 112-seat coach class/8-seat first class configuration. Non-stop flights will depart MCO at 12:30 p.m. and arrive in Havana at 1:55 p.m. Return flights will leave Havana at 3:00 p.m. and arrive in Orlando at 4:20 p.m. “With the changing dynamics in the relationship between the U.S. and Cuban governments, we are pleased to offer these flight options to residents in Central Florida,” said Phil Brown, Executive Director of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. “This convenient access further positions Orlando International Airport as a gateway to desired destinations around the world.” Island Travel & Tours selected Orlando International for its scheduled charter flights because of its central location. Sixty percent of Florida’s population is within a two hour drive of the airport. Approval from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is required before travelers can fly from Orlando to Cuba. As part of the “Airports of Entry or Departure for Flights to and from Cuba” rule approved in January of 2011, MCO was granted permission to offer passenger air service to the island nation. ITT, Ltd. was formed in May 2000 and has been arranging travel and tours to Cuba for 15 years.

destination cuba

Source: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

the new MClub @ MIA

Modern. Majestic. Multidimensional. Miami. The new M Club Lounge at Miami Airport Marriott masters it all with an international flair that will please even the most sophisticated traveler. The newly opened M Club Lounge at the hotel near Miami International Airport provides a VIP experience for meeting with colleagues, noshing on chef-prepared snacks, sampling refreshing alcoholic drinks or unwinding in style. Elite Marriott Rewards members have exclusive access to the space along with one guest. All travelers are encouraged to elevate their stays by purchasing M Club Lounge access. Boasting complimentary high-speed Internet access and Wi-Fi printing capabilities, the Miami airport hotel M Club Lounge carves out a new niche for professionals where productivity can soar even away from the office. Comfortable seating around stylish tables or along spacious ledges provide inspiration as well as convenient access to technology data ports and charging stations. A popular communal table offers plenty of space to mingle, meet and conduct business or savor complimentary appetizers and the daily hot buffet breakfast. Hors d'oeuvres, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages also are included in the experience, with a full host of beers, wines and cocktails served for a nominal fee. A dedicated host enhances guests' visit to the M Club Lounge on a daily basis. Services such as faxing, scanning and copying will be

appreciated by all travelers. Multiple flat-panel TVs strategically placed throughout the Miami airport hotel M Club Lounge make it simple to catch up on the day's news, entertainment or sports programming while closing a deal, writing a proposal or catching up on emails. Whether visitors are jet-lagged, suffering from insomnia, catching a red-eye flight or simply putting finishing touches on a last-minute presentation in the wee hours of the morning or night, the M Club Lounge at the Miami airport hotel can accommodate with 24 hour availability. Marriott's M Club Lounge is a new concept being rolled out at select hotels around the United States. The Miami Airport Marriott has been recently renovated to reflect the evolving needs of today's traveler with plenty of spaces to gather, meet, relax and dine — all things the M Club Lounge fulfills. The Miami airport hotel caters to business professionals with 16 Miami event rooms perfect for conventions, conferences or board meetings. In a convenient location with public transportation and tourist attractions nearby, the hotel also sports 2,010 square feet of outdoor space where attendees can enjoy Miami's radiant sun and moderate temperatures any time of year. Meetings spaces are environmentally friendly thanks to the use of post-consumer paper and energy-efficient lighting. Source Marriott Travel


7056 South Kirkman Rd Orlando, Florida Phone #(407) 351-4500





FIRST MARTINIQUE SURF PRO PUTS CARIBBEAN AT CENTER OF THE SURFING WORLD World Surf League Qualification Series (QS) event highlights Martinique’s dynamic watersports options. The Caribbean Island with French Flair, The Isle of Flowers, The Rum Capital of the World, The Isle of the Famed Poet (Aimé Césaire) Martinique ranks among the most alluring and enchanting destinations in the world. The currency is the Euro, the flag is Le Tricolour, and the official language is French, but Martinique's character, cuisine, musical heritage, art, culture, common language, and identity are of a distinctly Afro-Caribbean inclination known as Creole Martiniquais. It is this special combination of modern world conveniences, pristine nature, and rich heritage that has earned for Martinique several notable distinctions in recent years, including being named as a "Must-Visit" destination for 2015 by Caribbean Journal, "Best Caribbean Destination" by About.com, and "Top Caribbean Island for Delectable Dining" by Caribbean Travel + Life. The Bay of Fort-de-France, which fronts Martinique's charming capital city, was also recently inducted into The Club of The Most Beautiful Bays in the World. A special place, to be sure, with so much to offer - Martinique c'est magnifique! The eyes of the surfing world will be trained on Martinique this spring as The Isle of Flowers hosts the first Martinique Surf Pro, April 21-26, 2015. The only World Surf League (WSL) Qualification Series event to be held in the Caribbean in 2015, Martinique Surf Pro will be contested along the shores of Basse-Pointe, a “secret” surf spot cherished among locals and visitors “in-the-know” for its consistent, powerful and especially long waves that break right over an exposed reef break. Organized by Martinique Surfing in partnership with the WSL, Martinique Surf Pro will attract 100 world-class surfers from the United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan and the Caribbean. These elite athletes will compete to gain valuable experience and earn WSL Qualifying Series points toward advancing to the WSL Championship Tour. Some of the biggest stars will be present such as the Brazilian Ian Gouveia and the American Evan Geiselman, respectively 6th and 10th of the Qualification Series. Web Site: http://www.martinique.org

ONE WORLD OBSERVATORY ANNOUNCES FRIDAY, MAY 29 OPENING DATE TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE NOW Observatory at Top of One World Trade Center Will Provide Unparalleled Panoramic Views of New York City and Three Floors Filled with Innovation and Inspiration

One World Observatory today announced that its official public opening date will be Friday, May 29, 2015. Tickets will be available for purchase beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8, at 10 a.m. EDT at www.OneWorldObservatory.com or by calling 844-696-1776. In the days leading up to the official public opening, One World Observatory will say a special thank you to New York City by hosting multiple free preview days. On Tuesday, May 26, One World Observatory will invite local school students to see the observatory, and on Wednesday, May 27, the workers that helped build One World Trade Center will be invited. On Thursday, May 28, One World Observatory will host an open house for the general public on a firstcome, first-served basis. The exact details surrounding each event will be announced at a later date. "On May 29, One World Observatory will officially open its doors to the public – offering visitors an inspiring and unparalleled opportunity to experience New York City," said David Checketts, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Legends, operator of the Observatory. "From sweeping panoramic views, to innovative interactive exhibits, to world-class dining options, we expect One World Observatory to be the premier destination and attraction in New York City for both tourists and local residents." Positioned on top of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere – on levels 100, 101, and 102 of the One World Trade Center building – One World Observatory will provide guests with unique, panoramic views of New York City, its most iconic sites, and surrounding waters from above 1,250 feet. A customized guest experience will complement the seemingly endless views - which evoke feelings of the City's signature pride, hope and determination and include exhibits and dining options, including a sit-down restaurant.

102nd floor in under 60 seconds. Immersive, floorto-ceiling LED technology in each cab invites guests to experience a virtual time-lapse that recreates the development of New York City's skyline from the 1600s to present day.

29th until September 7th operating hours will be 9 a.m. until midnight seven days a week with the last ticket sold at 11:15 p.m. Non-summer operating hours of One World Observatory are from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week with the last ticket sold at 7:15 p.m. Throughout the course of the year The Sky Pod elevators, among the fastest in the operating hours will be expanded during holiday peworld, will bring passengers directly to the See For- riods such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. ever™ Theater on the 102nd floor. The See Forever™ Theater will present a two-minute video presenta- As previously announced, One World Observatory tion that combines bird's eye imagery, time-lapse will offer complimentary admission to 9/11 family shots with abstract textures and patterns to present members and the rescue and recovery workers who the unique rhythm and pulse of New York City to responded on 9/11 and in the months after. Admisdramatic life in three dimensions. sions will be administered by the 9/11 Tribute Center, a project of the September 11th Families' Association The Main Observatory space on the 100th floor will that brings together those who want to learn about include an interactive skyline "concierge" - City Pulse 9/11 with those who experienced it. Visit tributewtc. – that allows guests to deeply connect with the land- org/observatory for more information. marks and neighborhoods they observe from above. At City Pulse, global ambassadors will be stationed Special discounts will also be offered to active and under a ring of HD video monitors and outfitted in retired members of the U.S. military, with full details gesture recognition technology, summoning imag- to be released at a later date. ery to the screens and providing guests with closeup views and personalized recommendations. Special group rates, for 20 or more, may also be available to travel professionals, corporate groups, orgaThe Main Observatory also features the Sky Por- nizations, schools and camps. Submit your inquiry tal where guests are invited to step onto a 14-foot online at www.OneWorldObservatory.com/groups. wide circular disc that will deliver an unforgettable view, using real-time, high-definition footage of the The Observatory experience will also offer a variety streets below. of Priority and Flex ticket options, available for an additional charge. One World Observatory will also offer three distinct dining options on the 101st floor available to guests For more information on tickets, please visit www. with Observatory tickets, including access to curat- OneWorldObservatory.com. Tickets will be on sale ed eateries from casual cafe fare to seated fine-din- for all dates through January 3, 2016. Tickets for days ing. Catering will be available on the 102nd floor, after January 3, 2016, will become available at a later which will operate as a 9,300 square foot special date. event space with a maximum capacity of 300. The premier space will include floor-to-ceiling, uninter- One World Observatory is located at One World rupted views, high-end decor and an exclusive, cus- Trade Center, New York, New tomizable experience with a state-of-the-art sound York 10007. system and HD projection capabilities. The entrance to the Observatory is located on the West Price of admission will vary. Guest admission for Plaza located alongside West adults ages 13-64 will be $32. Guest admission for Street at the Northwest corchildren ages 6-12 will be $26, and guest admissions ner of the World Trade Cenfor seniors ages 65+ will be $30. Guests 5 and under ter site near the intersection will be admitted at no charge but must have a ticket of West and Vesey Streets. to enter. All tickets are timed admission and will be valid for a specific time and date. For best availability for summer 2015, guests are encouraged to purchase tickets online in advance.

The experience will invite guests to explore all three levels, each equipped with the latest in innovative technology. Upon entry, guests will be greeted in the Global Welcome Center, where a large video board will feature salutations in an array of languages, and a dynamically generated world map will highlight the hometowns of visitors. Guests will then proceed to a pre-show program, titled Voices, which tells the personal stories of the men and women who built One World Trade Center, and Foundations, which displays facts about the very bedrock on which the building stands. Visitors will board one of five dedicated elevators, termed Sky Pods, to ascend to the The Observatory is open year round. Starting May

HEROCast Enables Immersive Perspectives and Angles Never Before Seen in Live Broadcast

GoPro, Inc. (NASDAQ:GPRO), enabler of some of today's most engaging content, today announced the launch of HEROCast(TM), the smallest, lightest, and most cost-efficient wireless HD micro transmitter to hit the broadcast market. Developed with Vislink, the HEROCast transmitter enables professional broadcasters to deliver engaging, live content with immersive POV footage and unique perspectives that are synonymous with GoPro. HEROCast integrates with GoPro cameras and its ecosystem of mounts, and delivers the most versatile, mountable broadcast solution available and transmits high definition 1080/60fps and 720/60fps video using H.264 encoding with low glass-to-glass latency.

mounting and engaging POV shots. HEROCast BacPac directly connects to housing of a GoPro camera, delivering an integrated, water-resistant* solution for immersive live action footage. Both configurations are compatible with HERO4 and HERO3+ Black cameras, carry up to an estimated 40 minutes of battery life** (may be powered externally for extended use), and deliver industry-standard wireless broadcast at a fraction of the cost of comparable equipment. HEROCast

$7,500 MSRP

• Optimized for body mounting and engaging POV shots “GoPro is driven to enable people to capture their lives’ most import- • Separate units for versatile mounting and easy accessibility ant moments in the most immersive way possible, and it is that same • Easily attached to GoPro mounts including Chesty and more motivation that has propelled the development of HEROCast. We want • Connects via supplied HDMI cable to change the way people see the events that are special to them. With HEROCast, broadcasters can bring their audience closer to their events HEROCast BacPac $7,500 MSRP than ever before, just as GoPro cameras have allowed people to uniquely share their lives with the people around them,” said GoPro President • All-in-one solution for immersive live-action footage Tony Bates. • Camera, transmitter, housing, and BacPac in one convenient unit • Mounts to walls, cars, and other larger surfaces Live broadcasts by the NHL and ESPN X Games have proven HEROCast • *Water resistant to IP67 specification to be a game-changer. ESPN brought viewers of the X Games Aspen The HEROCast and HEROCast BacPac solutions are the lightest and 2015 closer than ever to the incredible feats performed by the compet- smallest HD wireless transmitters on the market, delivering indusing athletes. The NHL, in turn, brought fans closer than ever to the elite try-standard H.264 encoding for HD picture quality with low latency. In level of the sport’s best and brightest during the 2015 Honda NHL All- keeping with GoPro engineering, the transmitters are rugged in design Star Weekend. and appropriate for use in harsh environments. “The relationship with GoPro and the launch of their HEROCast technology this past X Games Aspen was a real success. The footage produced powerful visuals that gave our fans a new way to experience the events. We look forward to continued collaboration with GoPro in Austin, where we’ll be able to build on what we learned in Aspen,” said Rich Feinberg, Vice President of ESPN Production.

For more information about HEROCast, please visit www.gopro. com**Environmental variables such as temperature can affect battery life. GOPRO® and HERO® are trademarks or registered trademarks of GoPro Inc. in the United States and other countries. Source: GO PRO

HEROCast is available as an independent unit that can be connected to a GoPro camera via a lockable HDMI cable, which is optimal for body

GoPro Unveils HEROCast™, the Smallest, Lightest Professional Live-Broadcast Transmitter to Hit the Market GoPro, Inc., facilitador de alguns dos conteúdos mais atraentes de hoje, anunciou o lançamento da HEROCast (TM), o menor, mais leve HD micro transmissor sem fio de custo-eficiente para atingir o mercado de broadcast. Desenvolvido com Vislink, o transmissor HEROCast permite que as emissoras profissionais entreguem envolvente conteúdo, ao vivo, com POV metragem imersiva e perspectivas únicas que são o sinônimo da GoPro. HEROCast se integra com câmeras GoPro e seu ecossi stema de montarias, e oferece a solução de transmissão mais versátil, montável disponíveis alem de transmitir vídeo em alta definição 1080 / 60fps e 720 / 60fps usando a codificação H.264 com baixa latência de vidro-a-vidro. "GoPro é impulsionada para capacitar as pessoas a capturar os momentos mais importantes de suas vidas da forma mais imersiva possível, e é essa mesma motivação que tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de HEROCast. Quere mos mudar a forma como as pessoas vêem os eventos que são especiais para eles. Com HEROCast, as emissoras podem trazer o seu público mais perto de seus eventos do que nunca, assim como câmeras GoPro têm permitido que as pessoas compartilhem exclusivamente suas vidas com as pessoas ao seu redor ", disse Tony Bates GoPro Presidente. Transmissões ao vivo pela NHL e ESPN X Games provaram HEROCast ser um divisor de águas. ESPN trouxe telespectadores do X Games Aspen 2015 mais perto do que nunca para os feitos incríveis realizadas pelos atletas competindo. A NHL, por sua vez, trouxe os fãs mais perto do que nunca para o nível de elite dos melhores do mundo e mais brilhantes durante o 2015 Honda NHL All-Star Weekend esporte. "A relação com a GoPro e com o lançamento de sua tecnologia HEROCast, X Games Aspen foi um verdadeiro sucesso. A metragem produziu visuais podero sos que deram aos nossos fãs uma nova maneira de experimentar os eventos. Estamos ansiosos para a colaboração contínua com GoPro em Austin, onde nós vamos ser capazes de construir sobre o que aprendemos em Aspen ", disse Rich Feinberg, vice-presidente de Produção ESPN.

HEROCast está disponível como uma unidade independente que pode ser ligada a uma câmara GoPro através de um cabo com fechadura HDMI, o que é ótimo para a montagem de corpo e shots POV de encaixe. HEROCast BacPac se conecta diretamente a uma habitação de uma câmera GoPro, entregando uma, * solução integrada resistente à água para imersiva cenas de ação ao vivo. Ambas as configurações são compatíveis com HERO4 e HERO3 + preto câmeras, transportar até cerca de 40 minutos de duração da bateria ** (pode ser alimentado externamente para uso prolongado), e entregar transmissão wireless padrão de mercado em uma fração do custo do equipamento comparável. HEROCast $ 7,500 MSRP • Otimizado para montagem do corpo e tiros POV envolvente • Unidades separadas para montagem versátil e fácil acessibilidade • Facilmente ligado a montagens GoPro incluindo Chesty e mais • Conecta via cabo HDMI fornecido HEROCast BacPac 7.500 dólares MSRP • Tudo-em-uma solução para imersiva metragem live-action, Camera, transmissor, habitação e BacPac em uma unidade conveniente • Monta-se em paredes, carros, e outras grandes superfícies * Resistente à água até especificação IP67 As soluções HEROCast e HEROCast BacPac são os transmissores mais leves e menor HD sem fio no mercado, oferecendo padrão da indústria H.264 de codi ficação para uma qualidade de imagem HD com baixa latência. De acordo com a engenharia GoPro, os transmissores são robustos em design e adequado para uso em ambientes agressivos. Para mais informações sobre HEROCast, visite www.gopro.com/broadcast ** As variáveis ambientais, ​​ como temperatura pode afetar a vida da bateria. GOPRO® e Hero ® são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da GoPro Inc. nos Estados Unidos e em outros países.

HUBLOT APRESENTA O BIG BANG UNICO FULL MAGIC GOLD: O ÚNICO RELÓGIO DE OURO DO MUNDO RESISTENTE A RISCOS É o relógio de ouro maciço mais resistente a riscos jamais criado: com ouro que só pode ser alterado por dimates Para comemorar o 10o aniversário do icônico Big Bang, a Hublot apresenta hoje, uma semana antes da Baselworld, o Big Bang Full Magic Gold Trata-se da combinação perfeita do respeito pela tradição com a criatividade do século 21. A fusão de um material revolucionário – o famoso Magic Gold, o único ouro nãoriscável do mundo, certificado como 18 quilates e desenvolvido pela Hublot – e do design icônico do BIG BANG, com seu movimento de cronógrafo, o UNICO. Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO da Hublot, declarou que "A fusão dos materiais está no DNA da Hublot. Há quatro anos, a Hublot criou o Magic Gold, o único ouro resistente a riscos do mundo. A Hublot continua sendo a única marca que oferece esse material, cuja dureza é próxima a 1.000 Vickers, mais do dobro do 'padrão' do ouro de 18 quilates, que atinge apenas 400 Vickers". O Magic Gold é um material nobre protegido por patentes, certificado como ouro de 18 quilates pelo Gabinete Central para Controle de Metais Preciosos e desenvolvido pela Hublot na Suíça em conjunto com o prestigiado EPFL (Instituto Federal de Tecnologia Suíço) após vários meses de ajustes internos na fábrica de desenvolvimento da famosa liga. Desde novembro de 2011, quando o Magic Gold foi apresentado à imprensa internacional, a Hublot muniu-se dos meios para produzir esse material internamente, do início ao fim, graças a uma fundição de alta tecnologia na fábrica de Nyon, onde se realizam os processos de queima das cerâmicas e a fundição de metais sob alta pressão. Talvez não seja preciso lembrar, mas esse material revolucionário é uma fusão de ouro 24 quilates (o material mais nobre da natureza) com os conhecimentos mais recentes em tecnologia de materiais. Os componentes feitos com esse material são produzidos utilizando-se um processo complexo: o carboneto de boro em pó é previamente disposto em moldes semelhantes à forma final das peças, ou seja, o aro do relógio. As pré-formas são em seguida endurecidas a uma temperatura extremamente alta, criando uma estrutura rígida e porosa. Após essa operação, o ouro 24 quilates é acrescido de 3% de ouro líquido em fusão para ser infiltrado sob alta pressão de gás inerte e temperatura elevada, para que o metal preencha os poros de cerâmica, efetuando a "fusão" de ambos, para produzir o Magic Gold. Foram necessários quase três anos de pesquisas e colaboração para obter esse resultado impressionante: um tipo de ouro totalmente novo, um metal precioso praticamente inalterável que conserva suas características originais. Os primeiros relógios produzidos com Magic Gold foram apresentados na BaselWorld2012 em uma série muito limitada do Big Bang Ferrari que representava o DNA comum às duas marcas: exclusividade, inovação e tecnologia.

HUBLOT UNVEILS THE BIG BANG UNICO FULL MAGIC GOLD: THE WORLD'S ONLY SCRATCH-RESISTANT GOLD WATCH It's the most scratch-resistant massive gold watch ever created:A gold that can only be altered by diamonds In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the iconic Big Bang, Hublot reveals today, one week before Baselworld, the Big Bang Unico Full Magic Gold. It is the perfect fusion of respect for tradition and 21st century creativity. The fusion of a revolutionary material – the famous Magic Gold, which is the world's only scratch-resistant gold, certified as 18K and developed by Hublot – and the iconic design of the BIG BANG, with its Manufacture Chrono: the UNICO. Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of Hublot, declared: "The fusion of materials is in Hublot's DNA. Four years ago, Hublot created Magic Gold, the only scratch-resistant gold in the world. Still today, Hublot is the only brand to offer this material, whose hardness is close to 1,000 Vickers, more than twice that of 'standard' 18 carat gold, which only reaches 400 Vickers." The Magic Gold is a noble material protected by patents, certified as 18 carats by the Central Office for Precious Metals Control, and developed by Hublot in Switzerland alongside the prestigious EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), several months of fine-tuning took place in the manufacture to machine the famous alloy. Since November 2011, when Magic Gold was unveiled to the world's press, Hublot has equipped itself with the means to produce this material in-house from start to finish thanks to its high-tech foundry at the Nyon Manufacture, which is home to the ceramic sintering and high-pressure metal casting processes. As you are probably already aware, this revolutionary material is a fusion of 24 carat gold (nature's ultimate noble material) and the latest high-tech materials expertise. Components made from this material are produced using a complex process: A boron carbide powder is preformed in moulds very similar in shape to that of the finished parts, in this case the watch's bezel. The pre-formed powder is then hardened at a very high temperature, creating a rigid, porous structure. After this operation, 24K gold alloyed with 3% molten liquid gold is injected under very high pressure with inert gas at a high temperature, allowing the metal to fill the ceramic pores and creating a "fusion" of the two to produce Magic Gold. Almost three years of collaboration and research have gone into achieving this impressive result: a completely new type of gold, an almost inalterable precious metal which retains its own characteristics. The first watches made from Magic Gold were presented at BaselWorld2012 in a very limited Big Bang Ferrari edition which reflected the shared DNA of the 2 brands: Exclusivity, innovation and technology.



A Kenneth Cole e o Grupo Geneva Watch anunciam o lançamento dos novos Kenneth Cole™ Smart Watch Collection no momento em que a tecnologia usável toma conta do mercado de acessórios. Os smart watches (relógios inteligentes) simples e elegantes chegarão às lojas nesse mes. "Como designer, sempre procuro dar aos clientes o que eles querem, mas de uma forma que não necessariamente esperam", afirma o designer Kenneth Cole. "A tecnologia usável é uma das categorias de moda que mais crescem atualmente e estou empolgado por estar na vanguarda para abraçar esta plataforma." A variedade de smart watches femininos e masculinos do Kenneth Cole Connect™ foi introduzida em março na Baselworld, a feira internacional de comércio de relógios e joias. Os destaques incluem uma cabine de fotos onde os visitantes exibem seu relógio Kenneth Cole Connect™ favorito e compartilham as fotos em tempo real através da mídia social. A ativação ganhou 13.127 impressões em três dias.


A Kenneth Cole está liderando o pacote de relógios como uma das primeiras marcas de moda a entrar no mercado de smart watch, a partir de US$ 135. Com a tecnologia Bluetooth inteligente, o Kenneth Cole Connect™ vem em 12 estilos contendo funcionalidade habilitada à app, que permite que os usuários permaneçam discretamente conectados via alertas de chamadas recebidas, textos e eventos de calendário. Os compradores podem controlar a música em seu smartphone remotamente, bem como tirar selfies de distância maior do que o seu braço. Com a tendência "selfie" crescendo rapidamente, o Kenneth Cole Connect™ permite que os usuários controlem a câmera do seu smart phone e tirem fotos diretamente dos seus pulsos. Outras características incluem um cronômetro, alerta de bateria do telefone baixa, resistência à água de 3 ATM e "Don't Leave Me Alerts" (alertas de não me deixe) que informam aos usuários quando estão perdendo a conexão Bluetooth, para que nunca mais percam o seu telefone. Além de se diferenciar de outros smart watches, o Kenneth Cole Connect™ funciona com uma bateria normal de relógio, de forma que não necessita de carregador.


This spring, Stuart Weitzman's sexy gladiator-inspired high heel LEGWRAP sandal will raise money to benefit Dr. Marsha A. Moses' pioneering cancer research initiatives at the Folkman Institute in Boston, MA. The LEGWRAP sandal, a red carpet staple, has been specially-created in four limited-edition colors – gold sparkle lame, sol suede, lipstick suede and navy antique denim – the proceeds from which will benefit Dr. Moses' research on a wide range of cancers including ovarian and breast cancer. With a suggested retail price of $498 each, this limited-edition charity program is available only at www.stuartweitzman.com and at Stuart Weitzman flagship boutiques in New York City (Madison Ave) and Beverly Hills (Rodeo Drive). The Folkman Institute Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital, under the leadership of Director Marsha A. Moses, Ph.D., is a premier research center focused on cancer and angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels. It was founded by the late Dr. Judah Folkman, who first recognized that tumor growth beyond the microscopic size was dependent on angiogenesis. Today, the Institute develops diagnostics and therapies designed to detect and block angiogenesis and other processes that fuel cancer's growth and spread. This is the third time Stuart Weitzman has raised money to support the groundbreaking work of Dr. Moses with his footwear designs. Previously, proceeds were donated from the Stuart Weitzman Young Hollywood Cares Collections.


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