Aboutus by Hotspotorlando #20 The July Issue

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A Arte de DircĂŠa Mountfort


OUR COLLABORATORS FOR THIS MONTH Ademar Rodrigues CEO Laiz Rodrigues Editor Edmundo Cavalcanti Brazilian Art Patricia Moura Art and Sustaintability Vicky Talking a Lot Vicky’s News Elita Freitas Easy Culinary Entre Amigas Larry Poynter Junior The Orlando Music Scene Photography HotspotOrlando, except all the courtesy images and Press images.

Page 01 - Cover...................................................................................... The Art of Dircea Mountfort Page 02 - .......................................................................................Table of Contents & Collaborators Page 03 - Editorial ..........................................................................................The world Nobody Sees Page 04 - Interview........................................................................The Unwanted Absence of a Child Page 08 - Edmundo Cavalcanti......................................................... The Art of Dircea Mountverde Page 12 - Patricia Moura ....................................................................................FENEARTE-Brazil Page 17 - Breitling in The World.....................................................London & Orlando New Stores Page 20 - Orlando City Soccer..................................................................... Flavio Augusto da Silva Page 21 - Cristiano Piquet.........................................................................................Lide USA Event Page 22 - GOL.................................................................................New Flight Sao Paulo-New York Page 23 - LinkedIn..............................................................................................New Office in Brazil Page 24 - New York Life...................................................................Company Event at Citrus Club Page 25 - Orlando......................................................................................................Hospitality News Page 26 - Winter Park................................................................................................New Restaurant Page 25 - New Attraction.............................................................................Space Center Now Open Page 30 - Coming Soon..................................................................................................Disney On Ice Page 32 - Disney...................................................................................................................Park News Page 35 - Downtown Disney...................................................................................Part of The Magic Page 38 - The News..................................................................................................Universal Studios Page 41 - The New Show...........................................................................Pirate’s Dinner Adventure Page 42 - Hello Brazil Travel............................................................................................Travel News Page 45 - Universal & Six Flags......................................................................Park News in America Page 50 - Yellowstone Park.......................................................................The ReNewed Photo Store Page 51 - Vicky’s news................................................................................Vicky Talking a Lot Show Page 55 - SOS-The First day of Summer.....................................................................Save Our Skin Page 57 - Campaign..................................................................................Against Domestic Violence Page 58 - Cosmetics..................................................................................................Sephora Hot Now Page 60 - Elita Freitas......................................................................................................Coco Chanel Page 63 - Elita Freitas.....................................................................................................Easy Culinary Page 64 - Just Out....................................................................................................................Gadgets Page 67 - Game Review..........................................................................................Fluminense x OCS Page 70 - Reading................................................................................................................New Books Page 73 - Renew ReUse..............................................................................................Recycle America Page 74 - Larry Poynter Jr........................................................................The Orlando Music Scene Page 75 - About Music........................................................................ Earth Wind & Fire and More

took over from one to one contact, and we grow as people, as a race. relationships, I think it kind of took a lot away from us as experience life as we Observe others, learning our different Have you ever wondered how sheltered should. patterns of behavior can help us to underand closed in we are driving around, instand the world and society as a whole, side of our cars, protected from the out- I was born is a large City, and grew up and verify that today’s world is much difside world and away from everyday hu- in a small town. Walk was the way to get ferent than the world we grew up, with man contact? around, meet people you knew on your the difference that we are more conscious, way anywhere. and open to accept each other differences We are away from a reality, we learn of Different times, different environment, with an open mind. facts from the news, social media and but we had a better sense of friendship, sometimes we are surprised how human of social interaction. We were used to life We are not alone, worse than being alone nature can get so far, but we never stop to live and in colors, not through the moni- is to feel left behind. Isolating us from the consider how important it is to grab life, tor, we used to Interact, engage, flirt, smile rest for commodity or fear will take valgrab it with our hands, and have contact at friends. There was so much more to ex- ued experiences away from us. with the world outside our doors. pect from life and friendship. Experiences that will leave a gap of our I started thinking about this in a recent Once we learn and reach the idea that the understanding in the evolution of thought, trip to New York, where I was using the world has changed a lot we may be able progress of our world, and control of our subway everyday and forced to observe, to adjust and fix this behavioral failure choices. We need to be more out there so which is one of my favorite things to do. to cope, and return to face others as just the fear of first contact with the unexpectHuman nature has changed, its behav- people, and not the stranger we fear. ed will be over and we will able us to make ior is much more different than we could better choices. think. I recently took the bus, like thousands We can’t learn life behind of the computof people do every day, and I was over- er monitor, or driving alone everywhere. There is a lot of crazy out there, and when whelmed by the difference between be- We were designed to strive in the worst we finally get to notice, it surprises us. ing alone driving a car and being in a bus circumstances, learn from our experiencwith many people. They may not interact es, hold hands and follow the road to the We are very alone, eye contact is no lon- so much but they are exposed to human future, but somehow a lot of that has been ger an option, everyone is with their heads real contact. We are far more suitable to changed and we are the only ones to sufdown, eyes glued to their cellular phones, learn from one another, and get stron- fer from this reality. checking what is going on in the net, for- ger values if we participate in society as getting that life is right there around us, a whole, than alone in the comfort of our Feel the rain, the sun, the breeze, look and not inside of a social media box. homes and cars. at people in the eye, get a smile from a stranger, may bring you an old feeling Computers and social media have given There is no enrichment in solitude, no you forgot it existed. us the opportunity to reach out to many echoes, therefore, we are condemned to Get in a bus or train and look around may people at once, and that kind of reach an eternal bubble and this will affect how seem strange but will give you a strange

The World nobody sees!


sense of belonging, even among strangers, because we are all suppose to mingle and discover each other, to find ourselves. Jesus was never alone, he was a man with a talent to speak to others, to make people feel and learn through his words. Hundreds of people followed him, and he was a stranger to many at first, but after first contact he was the man that gave everyone the message they needed to hear. We need to pay attention to each other, revive the care, the empathy we feel towards one another. We can’t grow on as eternal strangers, in a lonely road to nowhere, more personal and more human, less machine. Open the door and get out there ! There is a reason why people are the way they are, why we got to the point we did, all it takes to understand is to listen. Have a great Summer !


www.thehotspotorlando.com Facebook: Laiz Hotspotorlando Twitter: @hotspotorlando email: hotspotorlando@gmail.com

The Unwanted Absence of a Child Next month will be Father’s Day in Brazil, as every year on the second Sunday of August. But among many other fathers that will not have their children with them, to hug cherish and share such an important moment is Almir Couto, from Orlando, that had his 3 year old son Arthur kidnapped by his wife in 2011.

and she did, and the Judge allowed it.

Not only we are speaking about an emotional roller coaster to both parent and child, but the consequences that actions like these will bring, psychological and emotional, sometimes irreversible damage to the kids who are nothing but victims of a parent that can’t realize the damage is causing to their Almir was own child. already divorced, with Is there a reason for such an irrational act, shared custody without measuring all the consequences? Is of his son Ar- it really necessary to forget every principle thur, when his and rules to make your wishes prevail ? In ex-wife decided this case several bad choices. And then the to take his son most important question, can’t they see how to Brazil with- bad this will look years from now when their out his consent. children realize how shameful were these acImagine the tions? impossible, but she managed to Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn, and get a Brazilian we see ourselves in situations we could never authorization imagine even be possible. This is exactly one to embark and of them. Almir has gone from a daily dedithe inevitable happened. cated father to his son, to a man constantly travelling to Brazil, to see his son, whenever It took Almir 6 months to see his son Arthur he cans, as many times as possible, also to again. After starting a Legal battle against meet his lawyer and cope with an impossible his ex-wife, and mother-in-law, co author in situation, that he has accomplishing every the kidnaping, he could finally go in front of task with honors. the Judge that gave back his rights of visitation, but with many restrictions. If there was any reason to believe that he wouldn’t follow through, here is the answer, At first he was granted visitations, but she HE IS, and he is not measuring any sacristill would not cooperate, then he was grant- fices to have his son back, everything with ed a Holiday every other year and that was the help of his attorney, within the Law and also changed without notice. She was not al- support of his friends. lowed to move out of the Estate she resided

Almir has everything documented, in a dossier that started 2 years ago, a narrative of a legal battle that only translates into one sentence, I love my son, I will fight for him, I will not give up, no matter what you try. That is a legacy, that is the image of a real father, a fighter. Arthur will not be a child forever,

his rights, and for his son, with integrity. The Justice System in Brazil, will finally catch up and this battle will have a turn around, because Justice is Blind but never fails. Only in 2012, fifteen new cases of children kidnapped by a parent taken to Brazil were investigated by the FBI, thirty-seven in Canada, and more around the world. There are many organizations that are specialized in cases like these, because sometimes you have no idea where in the world your child is, and a much stronger action is needed. Almir has created a Fan Page on facebook to create awareness about his case and parental Alienation a problem that affects many these days.

https://www.facebook.com/BringArthurHome Please, visit his page and give your support to this man, that has nothing but he will grow and he will learn that no matter great love to his son, and can’t wait to have him what his father was there for him, more that back where he belongs. Thank you!

anyone else, he pays child support, travels, fights and he is there for his son, everyday to say I love you, in every daily phone call he makes to his son in Brazil.

From the other side point of view, you ask yourself, what is the point in all this? What kind of vengeance will use a child to manipulate a situation? And what will happen if the Justice System will finally ask you to answer for all the actions you committed ? Have you ever think of that? Is it worth it? Because right now all the Orlando Community has seen, is a man desperately trying to fight for

Laiz Rodrigues / Editor

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expandindo pequenos negócios

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gerando paz de espírito

criando fundos de estudos

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A arte Brasileira de Dircéa Mountfort

Por Edmundo Cavalcanti

Dircéa Mountfort A aquarela é uma técnica muito antiga cujo aparecimento se supõe esteja relacionado com a invenção do papel e dos pincéis de pelo de coelho, ambos surgidos na China há mais de 2000 anos.

Skipe :edmundocavalcanti www.artedeedmundo.com www.bandiraazultombo.com Twitter:@EdCavalc@TomboBandAzul FaceBook: Edmundo Rafael de Araujo Cavalcanti

Autodidata, iniciou sua carreira artística em

1970, em Curitiba, pintando em óleo sobre tela. Dircéa surpreendente domínio cromático cuja vocação poética surpreende pela luminosidade Todas suas obras são inspiradas no No ocidente, há vários exemplos do empre- meio ambiente. go desta técnica desde a Idade Média, como Tadeo Gaddi, discípulo de Giotto. Ele viveu Suas paisagens, suas florestas e suas arvores, até 1366, e teria produzido uma série de de- referências topográficas precisas, são na dissenhos aquarelados, feitos sobre papel tipo tância do tempo reencontradas na memória e pergaminho. O método foi utilizado por artis- confiadas ao papel, seja para satisfazer uma tas flamengos, e amplamente empregado em exigência representativa, como também para Florença e Veneza. Foi com Albert Dürer que seguir uma vocação de ordem poética. a aquarela pode resistir ao tempo, já que ele Dircéa desenvolve em suas aquarelas hiperdeixou pelo menos 120 obras suas. -realistas, um trabalho de conscientização da A aquarela há muito tempo se tornara um há- devastação das florestas brasileiras, na expecbito nas cortes europeias, o que lhe dava certo tativa de chamar a atenção para a necessidade “ar” de futilidade, de feminilidade espontânea de sua preservação. e, embora surgissem novos pintores aquarelista, esta técnica começa a ser vista com pre- Nos anos 90, já em São Paulo, a artista parconceito. Com o passar dos anos, surge uma ticipou de vários cursos no Paço das Artes, grande contradição em torno deste método, no Museu de Arte Contemporânea, no Ateliê notadamente no Brasil, onde a aquarela é vis- Xilos e Metais e na Organização Paulista de Artes, tendo a oportunidade de desenvolver ta como um método escolar. várias técnicas estagiando com artistas reApreciada por alguns, desprezadas por ou- nomados, tais como, Cezira Carpanezzi, Ida tros e incompreendida por muitos, o certo é Zami, Aldemir Martins, Alberto Martins, que a aquarela deve ser defendida pelas suas Carlota Baukelman, Philip Hallawel, Myra qualidades intrínsecas, como uma técnica em Pilloto, Sylvia Fairbanks, Luis Castañón. si mesma. Em 1996 passou a apresentar publicamente Dircéa Mountfort, pseudônimo artístico de seu trabalho em exposições e salões de artes. Dircéa Alves Mountfort, nasceu em Sete La- Em 1997 ela já participava de grandes salões goas, MG. Graduou-se em ciências sociais como o Salão Paulista de Belas Artes onde foi pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São premiada. Paulo e pós-graduação em história.

Foi uma das artistas convidadas para a comemoração dos 450 da São Paulo na exposição "São Paulo em 450 Malas" com curadoria de Hadah Abramo. Em 2004 foi selecionada para expor no Museu de Artes de São Paulo - MASP. A artista tornouse Hors-concours em vários salões do Estado de S.Paulo. Recebeu a Medalha São Paulo de Piratininga pela defesa do meio ambiente, título de Comendadora e troféu com seu nome.

de Artes de Ribeirão Preto e na Pinacoteca de Vinhedo, na Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo, no Banco Central de São Paulo, na Associação Comercial de SP -Sec. Pinheiros, Na Ong SOS mata Atlântica,no ICRIM, no Hospital Municipal Dr. Emydio Carrigio, no Centro Cultural do Aço, além de coleções particulares em Paris, Londres, Escócia, México, Holanda, Hungria, Dinamarca, Itália, Japão e Estados Unidos.

Dircéa Mountfort

Até o momento a artista recebeu aproximadamente 90 prêmios, no Brasil e exterior, sendo um em Stanford-EUA, em París e em Lisboa.

Em 2006 a artista recebeu prêmios, participou de salões como convidada, foi escolhida para a "Exposição Comemorativa do Aniversário de Ribeirão Preto" - com quadros do acervo MARP Museu de Arte e recebeu convite especial para representar o Brasil Até hoje Dircéa recebeu 102 pre- na Bienal de Aquarelas do Méximiações entre as quais podemos co. citar: Medalha de Prata na Bienal de Em 2005 foi premiada pela Ong Mato Grosso World Trade Center; no Salão "Os Dez mais do Ano do Banco Dircéa foi Vice-Presidente da AsCentral; ouro em Monte Verde, sociação Paulista de Belas Artes entre outros. Expôs no Banco APBA. Central, em Paris, em Londres, no Centro Cultural do Aço, onde Pertenceu a diretoria da AASA foi organizadora, produtora e cu- Associação dos Artistas Plásticos radora; na Ong Onda Verde, foi de Santo Amaro. premiada no salão do grupo "Bikai" e outros. Atua como júri e curadora. Fez várias exposições individuais e coletivas no Brasil e exterior. Tem quadros no acervo do Museu da Bienal de Campo Grande MS, Museu de Artes do MT. no Museu

Filiada a ONG SOS Mata Atlântica, Dircéa tem trabalhado com outras ONGS e escrito textos em defesa do meio ambiente.

Dircéa Montfort E mail: dmaquarela@uol.com.br Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Dimountfort

Dircéa Mountfort

trees, accurate topographical references are in distance of time and rediscovered in The watercolor is a very old technique memory assigned to the role, either to satwhose appearance is supposed to be relat- isfy a requirement representative, as well ed to the invention of paper and brushes as to follow a vocation of poetic order. made with the rabbit’s hair , both emerged Dircéa develops in her hyper-realistic wain China for over 2000 years. tercolors, an awareness of the devastation In the West, there are several examples of of the Brazilian forests, hoping to draw atthe use of this technique since the Middle tention to the need for its preservation. Ages, as Tadeo Gaddi, a pupil of Giotto. He lived until 1366, and would have produced In the '90s, back in São Paulo, Dircéa para series of drawings in water color, made ticipated in several courses at the Palace of on parchment type paper. The method was Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Art in used by Flemish artists, and widely used the Studio Xilos and Metals and the Orgain Florence and Venice. It was with Albert nization Paulista de Artes, having the opDürer that watercolor could withstand portunity to develop various technical intime since he left at least 120 of his works. tern with renowned artists, such as Cezira Carpanezzi, Ida Zami, Aldemir Martins The watercolor has long become a habit Alberto Martins, Carlota Baukelman, in the European courts, which gave it a Philip Hallawel, Pilloto Myra, Sylvia Faircertain "air" of futility, of femininity and banks, Luis Castañón. spontaneous, although the emergence of new watercolorists, the technique began to In 1996 began to publicly present her work be viewed with prejudice. Over the years, a in exhibitions and art salons. In 1997 she great contradiction about this method was participated in major events such as the raised, especially in Brazil, where water- Paulista Salon of Fine Arts where she was awarded. By that time Dircéa had received color is seen as a school method. approximately 90 awards in Brazil and Appreciated by some, despised by oth- abroad, including Stanford-USA, ers and misunderstood by many, the fact Paris and Lisbon awards. is that the watercolor should be defended by its intrinsic qualities, as a technique in She was one of the artists invited to the celebration of 450 of São Paulo in the exhibiitself. tion "Sao Paulo em 450 Malas" curated by Dircéa Mountfort, artistic pseudonym of Hadah Abramo. Dircéa Alves Mountfort, was born in Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil. She graduated in So- In 2004 she was selected to exhibit at the cial Sciences from the Catholic University Art Museum of São Paulo - MASP. of São Paulo and graduate in history. Self- The artist becomes Hors-concours in varitaught, she began her artistic career in ous halls in the State of S. Paulo. She re1970, in Curitiba, painting in oil on canvas, ceived the Medal of São Paulo Piratininga her surprising chromatic domain whose for the defense of the environment, and poetic vocation surprised everyone by its Commander title trophy with her name. Until today Dircéa received a total of 102 brightness. All her works are inspired by the environ- awards among which we can mention: ment. Its landscapes, its forests and its In 2005 she was awarded by the NGO

World Trade Center, the Hall "Ten Year s of Brazil Central Bank; gold in Monte Verde, among others. Exhibited at the Central Bank, in Paris, in London, at the Cultural Center of Steel, which was organizer , producer and curator’ At the Ong (Non Governmental Organization)Green Wave was awarded at the "Bikai Hall" among others. Made several solo and group exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. her work is at the Museum of the Biennial of Campo Grande MS, MT Arts Museum. at the Museum of Arts of Ribeirão Preto and Pinacoteca Vineyard, in the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo, the Central Bank of São Paulo, the Commercial Association of SP-Sec. Pines, In Ong SOS Atlantic Forest in ICRIM at Hospital Municipal Dr. Emydio Carrigio at the Cultural Center of Steel, and private collections in Paris, London, Scotland, Mexico, Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Italy, Japan and the United States. In 2006 she received awards, and participated in Art salons as a guest, and was chosen to expose at the "Exhibition to Celebrate the Birthday of Ribeirão Preto" - with pictures from the MARP Art Museum and received special invitation to represent Brazil at the Biennial of Watercolors in Mexico. She was also awarded the Silver Medal at the Biennial of Mato Grosso Dircéa was vice president of the São Paulo Association of Fine Arts - APBA, belonged to the AASA Board - Association of Visual Artists of Santo Amaro, acts as curator and jury. Affiliated NGO SOS Mata Atlântica, Dircéa has worked with other NGOs and written texts in defense of the environment. E mail: dmaquarela@uol.com.br Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dimountfort

Patricia Moura-Arte & Sustentabilidade

Dizem por aí que pernambucano tem mania de grandeza e adora criar coisas e acontecimentos projetados para serem os maiores do mundo. Na cultura popular, destacam-se a maior quadrilha junina, o maior bloco carnavalesco do mundo e até na gastronomia, o maior cuscuz do mundo. A Fenearte - Feira Nacional de Negócios do Artesanato, não é a maior do mundo, mas, com oitocentos estandes e cinco mil expositores, é a maior feira de arte e artesanato da América Latina.

Foram expostos produtos do Brasil e de vários países dos cinco continentes, mas o sotaque predominante e que deu o tom da feira foi mesmo o do criativo e colorido povo nordestino. Na XIV edição da Fenearte, as rendeiras foram as homenageadas e além dos muitos estandes apresentando toda beleza e delicadeza das rendas, elas foram também tema de palestras, exposições e desfiles que aconteceram durante o evento. Preciosidades das mais variadas: Filé, labirinto, renascença, frivolité, tenerife, bilro, macramê, singeleza, todas tecidas por mãos hábeis e perpetuadas a cada geração, através de famílias que preservam a tradição secular.

O mês de julho começou e junto com ele, por onze dias, o povo pernambucano e turistas de várias partes do mundo tiveram a oportunidade de vivenciar, na cidade do Recife, a XIV edição da feira que apresentou muita arte, artesanato, moda, música e gastronomia. Outros destaques da feira foram o Es-

paço Janete Costa, homenageando a falecida arquiteta, que tanto elevou o trabalho manufaturado em seus belos projetos arquitetônicos, espalhados mundo afora; a Galeria de Arte Popular Ana Holanda, apresentando muitas obras que impressionaram tanto pela beleza, quanto pela criatividade dos artesãos nordestinos e a Alameda dos Mestres, onde mestres consagrados no seu ofício receberam o merecido reconhecimento pela perfeição de seus trabalhos, seja esculpindo madeira, moldando cerâmica, tecendo rendas. Foi magnífico estar com eles, vê-los atuando com suas ferramentas dominadas por mãos experientes. Emocionante sentir como o trabalho artesanal se funde à vida de cada artista genial, muitos deles sem nenhum estudo, de uma forma absolutamente natural. Criador e


criação dividindo a mesma alma. Economicamente, a Fenearte é a maior oportunidade anual de vendas para muitos artesãos brasileiros, quando boa parte deles só consegue chegar à feira através do apoio institucional dado às associações e cooperativas a que pertencem e, para esses, a feira é aguardada por todo o ano.

biojoias já há seis edições e sempre me encanto mais com a feira. Entendo que eventos assim são fundamentais para aproximar os artistas e artesãos da sociedade, fortalecer o trabalho manufaturado, estimular a criatividade, promover a geração de renda de artesãos, designers e artistas participantes e, principalmente, perpetuar nossa identidade cultural e o trabalho artesanal, nesses tempos de alta tecnologia e globalização que, se por um lado é positiva e necessária, por outro, vai apagando pouco a pouco a essência cultural de cada pequena região do nosso encantador planeta. Evoluir é fundamental, mas preservar é preciso.

Uma Galeria de Reciclados foi criada para expor obras elaboradas a partir de materiais alternativos, desenvolvidas por artesãos e artistas que participavam da feira, concorreram em eleição para escolha das melhores, por voto popular. Originalidade e criatividade correram soltas no uso dos mais variados materiais descartados, coletados do lixo do- www.artmajeur.com/patricia méstico, natural ou industrial. www.patriciamoura.biojoias.blogspot.com Participo da Fenearte expondo minhas

Alameda Masters, where renowned masters I share the Fenearte exposing my already Latin America. in their craft received deserved recognition biojewelry six editions and always charm for the perfection of his work, is carving me most with the fair. The month of July began and wood, molding pottery, weaving lace. along with it, for eleven days, I understand that events like this are cruthe people of Pernambuco, and It was wonderful to be with them, see them cial to bring the artists and craftsmen of tourists from around the world working with their tools dominated by ex- the society, strengthen the work manufachad the opportunity to live in perienced hands. Exciting feel like crafts- tured, stimulate creativity, promote income the City of Recife, the four- manship merges the life of each artist ge- generation of craftsmen, designers and artteenth edition of the show we nius, many of them without any study, an ists participating and especially perpetuate had with a lot of art, craft, fash- absolutely natural. Creator and Creation our cultural identity and craftsmanship, ion, music and gastronomy. sharing the same soul. these times High technology and globalization, on the one hand is positive and necesWere exposed products from Economically, the biggest opportunity is sary, on the other, will gradually erase the Brazil and several countries of Fenearte annual sales for many Brazilian cultural essence of each small region of our the five continents, but the pre- artisans, when most of them can only get to lovely planet. dominant accent and that set the fair through institutional support given the tone of the show was even by cooperatives and associations to which Evolve is critical, but we must preserve. the creative and colorful people they belong, and for these, the fair is exof the Northeast. pected throughout the year . In the fourteenth edition of Fenearte, the tenants were honored and beyond the many booths showcasing the beauty and delicacy of lace, they were also the subject of lectures, exhibitions and parades that happened during the event. Loot the most varied: Fillet, maze, Renaissance, frivolitĂŠ, tenerife, bobbin lace, macramĂŠ, simplicity, They say that Pernambuco has delusions all woven by skilled hands and perpetuated of grandeur and loves creating things and by every generation through families that events designed to be the world's largest. preserve the secular tradition.

XIV Fenearte by Patricia Moura

In popular culture, we highlight the biggest Fiesta junina the biggest carnivalesque Group in the world and even in food, the world's largest couscous. The Fenearte National Fair Business of Craft, is not the largest in the world, but with five thousand eight hundred booths and exhibitors, is the largest exhibition of art and crafts from

Other highlights of the fair were the Space Coast Janet, honoring the late architect, who raised both work manufactured in its beautiful architectural designs, scattered throughout the world, the Art Gallery Popular Ana Netherlands, featuring many works that so impressed by the beauty, as the creativity of artisans and northeastern

A Recycled Gallery was created to exhibit works drawn from alternative materials, developed by craftsmen and artists who participated in the fair, competed in the election for the choice of the best, by popular vote. Originality and creativity ran loose in the use of various waste materials collected from household waste, natural or industrial.

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BreitlingGlobal Ambassadors David Beckham and John Travolta attend launch of Breitling’s U.K. Flagship Store in the Heart of Mayfair 27th June 2013 On 27th June 2013, Breitling global ambassadors David Beckham and John Travolta celebrated the opening of luxury Swiss watchmaker's first flagship boutique in the UK, at 130 New Bond Street, London.

Following the store launch, Breitling's guests were driven to world famous private members club Annabel's in a fleet of 10 Bentley's for a private dinner and DJ set by Isaac Ferry, where they enjoyed Louis Roderer champagne, a selection of specially created Breitling-inspired cocktails and a delicious dinner including Thai baked Seabass.

Photograph by Richard Young

London - Europe

Traffic on Bond Street stopped as John Travolta was presented with the scissors to cut the ribbon, flanked by 12 beautiful models as well as the Breitling Jet Team and the Red Arrows.

The gala at The Mall at Millenia was hosted by Breitling U.S.A. President Thierry Prissert, with more than 300 VIPs in attendance to toast the new boutique and hundreds of adoring fans eager to get a glimpse of the legendary actor and Breitling, the leading Swiss watch pilot. manufacturer which produces its own in-house chronograph move“There’s a synergy between the ment, has long been a supporter of values a pilot holds dear and those both professional and amateur piwhich Breitling continues to cham- lots, with their ties to the aviation pion,” said Travolta, who has been industry dating back to 1884. an ambassador for the luxury timepiece brand since 2005. “My passion Travolta, who has more than 7,000 for aviation parallels Breitling’s flight hours to his credit, is certidedication to professional-quality fied on ten types of aircraft, includinstruments, and I think this mu- ing the Boeing 747-400 Jumbo Jet. tual enthusiasm is one that pilots His residence in Ocala, Florida, has around the world both understand its own private runway, and he is and appreciate.” a long-time supporter of Breitling and its connection to the world of The ambiance of the upscale eve- aviation, making him a perfect repning was also elevated by the pres- resentative for the brand. ence of Breitling’s CAP 232 airplane, which was on display in the The Breitling boutique is located Grand Court of the Mall. Hundreds in the Grand Court of The Mall at of guests posed in front of the leg- Millenia. Hours are Monday – Satendary aerobatic plane throughout urday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and the evening as they enjoyed cock- Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. tails while mingling with Travolta. Photos Courtesy of Breitling

John Travolta- Breitling

Luxury Swiss watchmaker Breitling celebrated the grand opening of its newest boutique in Orlando with an exclusive event saluting award-winning actor and pilot John Travolta

The new 500-plus-square-foot Boutique, which showcases a complete assortment of more than 250 Breitling timepieces, includes exclusive and limited edition watches only available at the boutique, as well as the popular Breitling for Bentley collection. “Florida is a very important market for Breitling,” said Prissert, who began the evening with a short speech about the history of the Swiss brand. “Our new presence in Orlando will be an integral part of our global network of boutiques, and having Mr. Travolta here to launch this new location with us was quite an honor.”




Flavio Augusto da Silva-The new Force at Orlando City Soccer


Wise Up created an educational revolution in the way we English was taught. Criticized at first, it was rapidly absorbed by other institutions, becoming the most efficient method of teaching languages. After they franchised the business, the sky was the limit. Flavio created a super potency, based in a idea, a dream, and with the help of people that believed in him. In 17 years, Wise Up became the absolute Flavio is an entrepreneur with a great vision, He leader in teaching English to adults, present wants to bring the MLS to the Orlando Lions, a new Soccer Stadium in Orlando,Photo Courtesy OCS in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, USA and China, operating over 500 contracted franchises, 10,000 employees and network with a consistent growth . n a recent collective in Orlando, Flavio Augusto da Silva, the newest major partner at The Orlando City Soccer, talked about his journey to the present and shows his commitment to the Club, and the plans to a great future in Major League Soccer for the Orlando Lions.

and also bring more soccer stars to play in Orlando. All this shared with the Team President Phil Rawlings that in one of the most enthusiasts of this vision, and Mayor Buddy Dyer, a great political ally to the cause, and all this by 2015. Flavio is Brazilian, from a modest family, he was still young, and knew there was a great window of opportunity to an English Course that would deliver fast results, and he bet on it, worked hard along with his wife, his only partner, and they created WISE UP. First in Rio-Brazil, then Sao Paulo, and many more after that.

In February 2013, Wise Up and all related companies founded by Flavio were sold for U.S. $ 877 million for Abril Education, holding publicly traded (ABRE11) that operates in the primary, secondary, pre-university education systems, editorial industry and now, within the teaching of languages​​. Abril Education currently has a market value of more than U.S. $ 4 billion, which Flavio has become its third largest shareholder.” Two years ago, he founded the project Flávio Value Generation, which operates in the social networks where Flávio daily and personally publish content that is a result of their professional experience and business with the aim of supporting young people who are starting a career and wish reach further, learning concepts directly from a successful entrepreneur. Fur-

thermore, Flavio likes to interact with their followers and when you have a higher availability, promotes events in order to share their knowledge.”

By Laiz Rodrigues

Now his vision turns to us ! And this great soccer team that is The Orlando Lions, with a great follow up, an energy that makes you crave for more, and come back every game. Orlando has a special beat and vibe, and this is what is so important in anything about it. It is not only about the parks, it is Downtown Orlando, The City Beautiful, a Great Mayor, and the Orlando Lions! Why not? Orlando is in a path of greatness, with the eyes on the next move, and this is it, Flavio is firm that against what everyone thinks, CFBACC-President Amy Litter and Soccer is the most practiced sport Flavio Augusto da Silva in America. The MLS is the league that most grows in America. In 2012 an average of 18.000 fans for each game was accounted, and that is 50% more than the attendance in Brazil. In America according to Flavio, the game is the show, fans are clients, and the sport is the market. The vision is perfect and this can put everything in place for a huge success, bringing a huge amount of Soccer avid fans to Orlando, creating an even higher revenue that regular Tourism does. Prior to the game OSCxFluminense game he mingled with fans, along with president Phil Rawlings, and it was great for all. During the Collective he also met Community leader CFBACC President Amy Litter, and they spoke briefly. The future will tell, when we least expect everything will be into place, and we will have witLuiz Martinez Alicea - City of Orlando and nessed this huge step in Orlando History.

Flavio Augusto da Silva

LIDE USA has the presidency of Cristiano Piquet, a well known and sucessfull entrepreneur in the Real Estate business

Cristiano Piquet was born in Brazil, and founded Piquet Realty in Miami, Florida. Cristiano has built alliances throughout various countries, with both focus and fame in Brazil. To better manage the explosive success of Piquet Realty, Cristiano turned his company into a group, The Piquet Group. His business methods have been such a success that earned him national media coverage with New York Times, CNN, CNN Espanol, BBC World News, NBC, Miami Herald, Al Jazeera, and many other media outlets. The President of LIDE USA, Cristiano Piquet, accepted the award for “Best Real Estate Company in South Florida for International Sales” in 2013.

Who can participate?

net annual income of $100 million dollars, but the majority are far past this minimum requirement, such as AMBEV, loyal member of LIDE, which had an income of more than U$100 Billion dollars in 2012.

Brazilian and multinational companies with annual net revenue of $100 Million USD or more. Companies that embrace corporate governance, value human life in every form, respect the environment and sup- This 4 day convention will port corporate social re- take place at the St. Regis in Bal Harbour. This same sponsibility programs. event was previously held to spectacular success in Membership Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Get to know the most in- South Africa, Dominican fluential presidents and Republic, Colombia, UruCEO’s of the largest com- guay, Chile, Aruba, and panies in Brazil and world- Portugal. wide. Gain access to attend more than 100 meetings of all national and international events. Every two months all affiliates receive a brochure with the companies and chiefs names creating a direct line between you and the decision maker of the most powerful companies on the Planet. All materials are private and exclusive to LIDE members only. This year, the 18th INTERNATIONAL MEETING is bringing to Miami, Florida, USA, over 240 Brazilian entrepreneurs CEO’s of companies that have a minimum

The Miami Forum has already confirmed the participation of the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott and the Mayor. President Obama has been invited to participate as well. The President and Vice please visit our site Cell Miami: 786-302-2525 President of Brazil are also www.lideusa1.com frequent participants on all Call today to join LIDE USA LIDE events. Cristiano Piquet Ph # 305 999 5108. President, LIDE USA 1 Reply to this email or email cristiano.piquet@lideusa1.com cristiano.piquet@lideusa1. www.lideusa1.com com today to become a 1331 Brickell Bay Drive member of the most power#C2 ful group of business leadMiami, FL 33131 USA ers in the World. Office Miami: Ph # 305-999-5108 For more information

GOL anuncia a venda de voos da Delta Air Lines para Nova York e Detroit através dos canais de venda GOL

A iniciativa permite que os clientes adquiram bilhetes da aérea americana para estas rotas no site da GOL www. voegol.com.br, lojas VOE GOL, call center e agências de viagem.

destinos operados pelas companhias aéreas. De acordo com Nicolas Ferri, VicePresidente da Delta na América Latina e Caribe, "Esta nova ação em conjunto reforça a parceria entre as duas companhias e nos proporciona oferecer aos nossos clientes uma experiência de viagem ainda melhor, desde a compra das passagens".

Clientes SMILES e SkyMiles podem acumular e resgatar milhas. Clientes da categoria Diamante do programa de relacionamento da GOL, o SMILES, têm prioridade de check-in e embarque nos voos da Delta, além de Esta é a segunda expansão de um acor- acesso ao Delta Sky Clubs, em Atlanta, do de codeshare entre as duas compan- Nova York (JFK) e Detroit. hias, que juntas já oferecem voos para cerca de 380 destinos em mais de 62 Da mesma forma, os membros Diapaíses. mond, Platinum e Gold Elite da Delta, podem desfrutar dos mesmos benefíTrabalhamos para possibilitar aos cios dos Diamantes em voos da GOL e nossos clientes a melhor conveniên- ter acesso às salas VIP nos aeroportos cia de voos e horários em um processo de São Paulo (Aeroporto Internaciode compra simples que incluía os des- nal de Guarulhos) e do Rio de Janeiro tinos operados pela Delta. A expansão (Aeroporto Internacional do Galeão). do codeshare com nossa parceira reforça este compromisso continuo com Para mais informações visite: os nossos clientes", afirma Eduardo www.voegol.com.br/ir Bernardes, diretor Comercial da GOL.


A implantação do acordo também proporciona que clientes corporativos de grandes empresas tenham um único contrato e um executivo dedicado para facilitar as negociações em todos os

GOL Announces the Sale of Delta nies to have a single contract for serFlights to New York and Detroit vice on both carriers and an executive through GOL’s Sales Channels dedicated to facilitating negotiations GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A. the largest low-cost and low-fare airline in Latin America, in line with its expansion of the codeshare with Delta, announces that flights between Sao Paulo/Guarulhos and New York and Detroit operated by Delta Air Lines are now available for purchase on the sales channels of GOL. Customers can now purchase Delta flights on those routes at GOL's website (www.voegol.com), Voe GOL stores, GOL's call center and travel agents.

at both airlines' destinations. This new joint initiative strengthens the partnership between the two companies and allows us to offer our customers an even better experience starting from the moment they purchase their tickets," said Nicolas Ferri, Delta´s Vice President, Latin America and the Caribbean.


SMILES and SkyMiles clients can accumulate and redeem miles. Diamante clients of GOL's relationship program, SMILES, will be able to take advantage of priority check in and boarding on Delta flights, and will have access to the Delta Sky Clubs in Atlanta, New York (JFK) and Detroit.

It is the second expansion of a codeshare agreement between GOL and Delta, which together already offer Similarly, Delta's Diamond, Platinum flights to around 380 destinations in and Gold Elite members will be entitled to the same benefits as Diamante more than 62 countries. clients on GOL flights and will have "We do everything we can to provide access to the company's VIP rooms in our clients with increasingly conve- Sao Paulo's Guarulhos International nient flights and flight times through Airport and Rio de Janeiro's Galeao a simple purchasing process that in- International Airport. cludes Delta's destinations. The expansion of the codeshare agreement with our partner underlines our continuous commitment to our clients," For further information visit declared Eduardo Bernardes, GOL's www.voegol.com.br/ir Sales Officer.

The agreement also will allow busi- SOURCE GOL ness customers from major compa- Linhas Aereas Inteligentes S.A.

Linhas aéreas inteligentes

A GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. a maior companhia aérea de baixo custo e baixa tarifa da América Latina, em linha com a expansão do compartilhamento de voos com a Delta Air Lines, anuncia que os voos entre São Paulo/ Guarulhos e Nova York e Detroit, nos Estados Unidos, operados pela Delta, já estão disponíveis para compra nos canais de venda da GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes.

LinkedIn opens new office in Brazil dIn’s country manager, Osvaldo Bar

bosa de Oliveira, about the 18.000 square feet structure located in the be focused on Marketing Solutions. Pinheiros neighborhood in São Paulo. LinkedIn believes Latin America LinkedIn is transforming the reis an important region with high cruiting industry. Since we estab- potential and wants to present its solished our presence in the country in lutions to all Latin American compaNovember 2011, we have more than nies. Now, with a focused team and doubled our membership from six an established local office, it will be New headquarters reflects the com- million to 13 million, and our business easier to reinforce LinkedIn’s prespany’s growth in the country and sets solutions are now being used by over ence in those countries." the ground for regional expansion. 500 companies, both national and multinational." LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, with more than 225 LinkedIn Talent Solutions offer commillion members worldwide, today panies a unique, more efficient and dicelebrates the opening of its new of- rect way to find, engage and hire high fice in São Paulo, a year and a half quality candidates. after the company established a local presence. Today, there are 13 million It makes recruiting at scale easier Brazilians connected to the network, than ever before and gives recruitpositioning Brazil as the third larg- ers a competitive edge in the war for est market for LinkedIn in number talent. LinkedIn Marketing Soluof members, only behind the United tions help advertisers and marketers States and India. reach influential, affluent and highly educated audiences in a very relevant, “This new work environment will en- highly targeted and engaging way. gage our team and clients even more, as it supports LinkedIn’s plans of ex- According to Mr. Barbosa de Oliveipansion in Brazil,” explains Linke- ra, the Brazilian office will also repre-



sent Latin America. The first activities will



New York Life Presents their new Brazilian Hispanic Team at Ctrus Club Event New York Life is a Company that excel not only for the services rendered to the Community, but also for the growth and security that offers to all its clients. Today new York Life offered a beautiful Dinner at The Citrus Club Orlando to present their new Team created to perform in the Brazilian and Hispanic Community.

that will always make a difference when Enriquez, Elisiane Ramos, Clauyou compare it to other companies that of- dia Johnson, and Ezra Enriquez. fer similar services. After an extensive process of training , they are now part of the Just understanding the financial termi- team designed by Hector Perez, nology is complicated, imagine trying to Senior Market Manager at New do that and deciding what better financial York Life, to execute a great camstrategy to choose, in a language that is not paign designed to target Spanish and Brazilian Market. Each and everyone of them were asked why they choose New York Life, and all of them answered among other reasons, because the Company can help people, And that settles, before you give a company your hard earned money to be managed, you must make sure that company is there for you, and that is what New York life does FOR YOU, from their heart.

Ezra Henriquez, Elisiane, Claudia, Antonette, Ezra

It is imperative for people to understand how important and crucial financial planning can be, and how can turn your life around.

New York life is still recruiting for their team, if you see yourself planning a career, a future, in a solid Company, you can e-mail yours. Well, all these problems are over. At Hector_Perez@newyorklife.com new York life you will have a Financial Ad- and schedule an interview. Now viser that speaks your language, and will let’s check the pictures. explain every detail of your plan, so all the decisions you make are solid and will give you the return you envision.

Getting involved in the community, and making a difference teaching your clien- Today in a very special Dinner the Histele and giving the best personal service panic and Brazilian Team members were is one of New York Life’s strongest points, presented, Carmen Luciano, Antonette

Hector Perez, Elisiane Ramos Claudia Johnson Carmen Luciano, Antonette Enriquez, Ezra Enriquez

Hector Perez and Ezra Henriquez

DISCOVER THE GRANDEUR OF ORLANDO’S ORIGINAL LUXURY RESORT Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Offers Themed Packages for Value-Add Vacations with World-Class Amenities Rocks pool bar. Rates begin at $169. Sunshine on Sale – now through September 30, 2013. Stay three consecutive nights and get the fourth night free.

Golf for Two Package – now through December 31, 2013. In addition to a late check out and daily breakfast for two, this package includes green and cart fees, club storage and cleaning and unlimited use of range facilities. dren’s Rock Climbing Stations, complement Bed & Breakfast – now through With 1,500 acres of timeless, signature fun, resort favorites including the rope bridge families create the ultimate Orlando escape March 15, 2014. Rise refreshed and ease and expansive, wrap-around sundecks. with themed, value-added packages at Hy- into your day with a breakfast for two and late check-out. att Regency Grand Cypress. Family recreation activities include; S’mores pit with classic family marshmallow roastLocated just one mile from Walt Disney “Inspired by contemporary design, coupled World® and minutes from Universal Orlan- with the simplicity of timeless fun, Hyatt do® and SeaWorld® Orlando, Grand Cy- Regency Grand Cypress provides guests press offers guests limitless access to world- countless opportunities to make lifetime memories,” says Paul Tang, vice president class recreation amenities and managing director. “Our 1,500 acre re. sort offers visitors an upscale travel experiValue-added offers* available at ence with well-appointed accommodations www.GrandCypress.Hyatt.com and a variety of enhanced, family-friendly AAA Hot Deals – now through September amenities and activities.” 5, 2013 Take advantage of your AAA membership Signature resort amenities include the reto save up to 10 percent on an Orlando get- cently renovated lagoon pool and new On away, plus daily breakfast for two at Cas- the Rocks pool bar. Located along the 1,000 feet of white sandy beach of private Lake cade American Bistro. Windsong, the 800,000 gallon, half-acre, Summer Splash – now through September free-flowing lagoon pool boasts 12 waterfalls, heated and non-heated pools, and two 30, 2013 Receive a food and beverage credit for use whirlpools. during your stay at the resort’s award-winning restaurants including Cascade Ameri- Additionally, the new Water Slide Tower can Bistro, Hemingway’s, or the new On the Pavilion, Water Jet Splash Zone, and chil-

ing fun (nominal fee); beach volleyball, tether ball, lounge seating and hammocks; water sports with paddle boats, kayaks, hydro bikes, canoes, aqua cycles and sailboats; oldfashioned, canopied surrey bikes and traditional bicycles; 9-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature Designed, par 3 Pitch 'n' Putt golf course, Tennis and Racquet Club; and marked jogging, walking, and biking trails.

These amenities, as well as daily scheduled shuttle transportation to area theme parks, wired and wireless Internet, and free local and toll free telephone service, are includedin the daily Resort Services Program fee of $22 plus tax.

host of amenities and activities. Located along the 1,000 feet of white sandy beach of private Lake Windsong, the free-flowing lagoon pool boasts 12 waterfalls, heated and nonheated pools, two whirlpools, new Water Slide Tower Pavilion, new children’s Rock Climbing Stations, new interactive Water Jet Splash Zone, rope bridge, walking paths, and expansive, wrap-around sundecks. New features complement the resort’s favorite activities including; S’mores pit, beach volleyball, tether ball, hammocks, watersports and marked jogging, walking, and biking Grand Cypress Resort also offers 45 holes of award-winning golf exclusively designed by Jack Nicklaus. The Grand Cypress courses are comprised of the original North and South Nines, as well as the East Nine. The 18-hole New Course at Grand Cypress pays tribute to the Old Course at St. Andrews, Scotland, and features double greens, bridges, walls and burns. The North and South Fairways have a "ledged" effect, constructed on differing levels, which give definition to the fairways and improve the players' sense of perspective. *Promotional blackout periods may apply due to seasonal periods or special events, and normal arrival/departure restrictions apply. Hyatt reserves the right to alter or withdraw this program at any time without notice. Hyatt Hotels

& Resorts® encompasses hotels managed, franchised or leased by subsidiaries and affiliates of Hyatt Hotels Corporation. The trademarks Hyatt Regency® and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation. © 2013 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved. About Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress The award-winning Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress is located one mile from Walt Disney World® and close to Universal Orlando® and SeaWorld® Orlando with a

trails. Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress is centrally located with convenient access to Orlando International Airport and Interstate 4 off Exit 68 in Lake Buena Vista. The resort’s address is One Grand Cypress Blvd., Orlando, Florida, USA 32836. For more information; call 407.239.1234; visit www.GrandCypress.Hyatt.com; like Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress on Facebook; and follow on Twitter at @HRGrandCypress.

It’s “Transformers: The Ride-3D” vs. “King Kong 360 3-D” as Universal Studios Hollywood Unleashes Its High-Voltage ‘Summer of Survival’ Campaign Challenging Guests to Brave Its Two Most Intense Thrill Rides and Live to Tell About It It’s “Transformers: The Ride-3D” vs. “King Kong 360 3-D” as Universal Studios Hollywood Unleashes Its High-Voltage ‘Summer of Survival’ Campaign Challenging Guests to Brave Its Two Most Intense Thrill Rides and Live to Tell About It Immersive new area includes day and nighttime entertainment, along with new retail store and two dining areas


VALENCIA, Calif., June 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- FULL THROTTLE, the world’s tallest and fastest looping coaster was introduced at Six Flags Magic Mountain today, bringing the Valencia theme park’s coaster count to a world- record 18 coasters. The new triple-launch coaster takes the coaster experience to the next level as riders face a first-ever launch up and over a “Top Hat” that traces the outside of the world-record loop, towering 160 feet -- plus a zero to 70 mile-per-hour acceleration on two forward launches and one backward launch into and out of a tunnel. FULL THROTTLE is located near the front of the park in a newly themed, immersive five-acre area that includes day and nighttime entertainment, two new food locations and new shopping area.Old

Faithful Haynes Photo Shop

Chef-inspired American Tavern Fare with an Upscale Twist

classic dishes that are updated and elevated to a gourmet level. Savory menu selections are filled with plentiful plates that change seasonally depending on the availability of fresh and local ingredients. Menu items range in price from $4.50 to $19.50. The beverage menu includes a wide variety of wines from around the world - all available by the glass - and a hand-crafted cocktail program that combines fresh juices and specialty, small batch liquors in an innovative and approachable way. The beer list is unique and varied, featuring local favorites, craft and import offerings by the bottle and on draft.

Marlow’s Tavern opened its second location in Central Florida in Winter Park serving chef-inspired American tavern fare in a comfortable and unique atmosphere. Marlow’s Tavern is now open at 1008 S. Orlando Avenue, just north of the intersection of S. Orlando Avenue (1792) and N. Orange Avenue in the heart of Winter Park. The tavern offers local residents a great place to create memorable experiences and enjoy chef-driven food and hand-crafted cocktails. The tavern features the “best of the best” in classic American tavern fare served in a modern atmosphere. Menus, created by Executive Chef and Co-founder John Metz, Jr., offer a diverse combination of

“We reinvent classic tavern fare for the 21st century for our guests by using seasonal, local and regional ingredients. We look forward to serving the Winter Park neighborhood and hope guests enjoy our fresh, ingredient-focused cuisine and cocktails,” says Metz. “Marlow’s Tavern guests are welcomed with exceptional, personalized service and immediately feel the sincere and genuine hospitality from the entire team,” said local restaurant industry veteran and partner, Alan Palmieri.

mind. The tavern’s warm and inviting interior features exposed brick walls, dark wood accents, large leather booths, communal tables, and an extensive fully covered patio. The tavern opens daily at 11:30 a.m. and serves lunch, happy hour, and dinner. Guests enjoy live entertainment Thursday through Saturday each week beginning at 7 p.m. Become an Insider for specials and the latest news at www.MarlowsTavern.com, on Facebook and on Twitter (#marlowswinterpark). “Each Orlando neighborhood is so unique,” says Metz. “We’re looking forward to another successful community opening with Alan and his local perceptive, authentic relationships, commitment to quality, and strong ties to the values we believe are important to operate a successful business.” Metz and Palmieri are excited to bring Marlow’s Tavern to Winter Park with its rich heritage, strong sense of community, vast parks system, museums, historic sites, and the beautiful chain of lakes providing a high quality of life for residents.

“We are committed to be a valued partThe Winter Park location seats up to 165 ner in the Winter Park community with guests with indoor seating as well as an an authentic neighborhood tavern experiall-weather patio. Marlow’s Tavern is spe- ence each and every day,” says Palmieri. cifically designed with guests’ comfort in

Space Center Visitor Complex now Open ! Space Shuttle Atlantis(SM) World's Most Comprehensive Attraction Devoted to NASA's 30-Year Space Shuttle Program Opened June 29 at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex

On June 29, Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex opened the doors to the world’s most comprehensive and interactive attraction devoted to NASA’s 30-year Space Shuttle Program -Space Shuttle Atlantis.(SM)

saw a shuttle at the home of human More than 40 NASA astronauts partici- spaceflight, where all 135 space shutpated in the grand opening, many of tle missions from 1981 to 2011 were whom made appearances and signed launched and processed. autographs throughout the Visitor Complex. The festivities also included Developed by Delaware North Compamore than 20 special NASA exhibits nies Parks & Resorts, operators of Kenthroughout the Visitor Complex. nedy Space Center Visitor Complex for NASA since 1995, as well Of the three space-flown orbiters dis- as St. Louis-based PGAV tributed by NASA to science centers Destinations, in partnerand museums throughout the coun- ship with NASA, Space try, only Atlantis is the focal point of Shuttle Atlantis is the a $100 million, 90,000-square-foot at- marquee element in a 10traction containing four multimedia year master plan for the and cinematic productions and more Visitor Complex. than 60 interactive experiences that invite guests to “be the astronaut” and Here, top-of-the-line auto celebrate the people, passion and pa- dio/visual and show systriotism behind the shuttle program. tems, theme park technology seen in Orlando’s Only at Space Shuttle Atlantis can newest and most popular guests come literally nose to nose with attractions, seldom seen an actual space shuttle orbiter that NASA images and footflew in space 33 times and still bears age, and reality-based asthe scars, scorch marks and space dust tronaut training simulations combine of its last mission. to create a first-of-its-kind attraction. Only at Space Shuttle Atlantis can guests get a nearly 360-degree view of Atlantis as only astronauts have seen it before, tilted on its side at a 43.21-degree angle, seeming to float in space with its payload bay doors open and its robotic arm extended, as if it has just undocked from the International Space Station (ISS). And only at Kennedy Space Center can guests say they

“It’s true that there is more than one space shuttle orbiter out there, but there is nowhere else on Earth like Space Shuttle Atlantis,” said Bill Moore, chief operating officer of Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. “This completely immersive experience is about much more than

seeing Atlantis close up. With hi-fi replicas, simulators and interactive activities touching on all aspects of the shuttle program and its accomplishments, including the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station, it’s the closest guests can get to living and working in space - short

of applying to the astronaut corps.”

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex brings to life the epic story of the U.S. space program, offering a full day or more of fun and educational activities, including the Kennedy Space Center Tour featuring the Apollo/Saturn V Center with an actual Saturn V moon rocket, the new Angry Birds((TM)) Space Encounter, Shuttle Launch Experience, 3D IMAX(®) space films, Astronaut Encounter,Exploration Space: Explorers Wanted and many other interactive exhibits. Admission also includes the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame(®), featuring historic spacecraft and the world’s largest collection of personal astronaut memora-

bilia, which opens daily at noon and closing times vary by season. Only 45 minutes from Orlando, Fla., Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex opens daily at 9 a.m. with closing times varying by season. Admission is $50 + tax for adults and $40 + tax for children ages 3-11.

gate purchases. For more information or to purchase tickets or an annual pass, call 877313-2610 or visit www.KennedySpaceCenter.com #ShuttleAtlantis

Twitter: @ExploreSpaceKsc In honor of the Year of Atlantis, the Kenne- facebook.com/KennedySpaceCenterVisitordy Space Center Visitor Complex Command- Complex er’s Club Annual Pass is on sale for a limited time at a discounted rate of $55 + tax for adults and $45 + tax for children ages 3-11 when purchased online or by phone only. SOURCE Kennedy Space Center Visitor Regular price of $63 + tax for adults and $53 Complex + tax for children ages 3-11 applies for all

a world of wonder where heroes and hearts DISNEY ON ICE PRESENTS PRINCESSES & HEROES SKATES INTO Enter prevail. Join Ariel as she yearns to explore the world AMWAY CENTER THIS SEPTEMBER above the waves and Prince Eric breaks Ursula’s slithering spell to reclaim his one true love.

See Prince Philip defeat the evil Maleficent as she transforms herself into a fire-breathing dragon in a race against time to rescue Sleeping Beauty’s Aurora. Be there to discover a whole new world with Jasmine and Aladdin. And, watch in awe as the dreams of Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Rapunzel and Tiana all come true. High flying jumps, daring acrobatics, breathtaking skating and lovable Disney friends are just a wish away! See Disney On Ice presents Princesses & Heroes where believing is just the beginning! Tickets start at $16 at www.DisneyOnIce.com. Friday, September 13 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, September 14 at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sunday, September 15 at 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Amway Center, 400 West Church Street - Suite 200, Orlando, Florida 32801 $55 Front Row, $37 VIP, $27, $24, $16 (Ticketmaster service charges and facility fees not included.) All seats are reserved, and tickets went on sale to the public July 12 at 10 a.m. Tickets are available at www.DisneyOnIce.com or www.ticketmaster.com, at any Ticketmaster outlet, by calling 800-745-3000, or at the Amway Center box office (phone for information only: 407-440-7900). Photos courtesy of Feld Entertainment

For group ticket sales and information, call 866-248-8740


REALTORS, JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY! We have the buyers and the power in the international market. With alliances all over the world and massive presence in Brazil, Piquet Realty became the International Buyers Preferred Real Estate Company.

Reaching out Thousands of People Every Month

Cristiano Piquet, center, showed a Miami Beach condominium this month to a poten tial buyer from Brazil.

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A Remodeled Bakery !

Walt DisneyWorld A

mainstay on Main Street U.S.A., the Main Street Bakery has officially reopened at Magic Kingdom Park. Popular Disney-made treats are now joined by Starbucks drinks and food items. Starbucks favorites include coffee and espresso and Frappuccino-blended beverages, along with breakfast sandwiches and pastries. More locations are planned for other Walt Disney World Resort parks as well as Disneyland

Resort in California.

Photos By Hotspotorlando

L’Artisan Des Glaces @ Epcot You have a new place to satisfy your sweet tooth in EPCOT. L’Artisan des Glaces is a new artisan ice cream and sorbet shop in the France pavilion. It features 16 yummy flavors, all made in-house with fresh ingredients.


For grown-up tastes, you can even ask for a shot of liquor on top – served in a martini glass.

Source and Photos WDW

Animal Kingdom Wilderness Explorers Comes to Disney’s Animal Kingdom - Disney’s Animal Kingdom guests are invited to become Wilderness Explorers and experience the park in engaging and challenging ways aimed at deepening their understanding of animals and the natural world we live in.

badge locations and requirements, and teach the wilderness explorers call – “the wilderness must be explored!” Taking the official pledge, armed with their field guides and earning sticker badges along the way as they complete their challenges, guests can explore the park at their leisure.

Inspired by Russell, the wilderness explorer in the Disney-Pixar film “Up,” park guests can earn approximately 30 badges as they accomplish activities ranging from habitats and animal nutrition at Conservation Station to fossils and signaling in DinoLand U.S.A.

Aimed at guests 7-10, but fun for the entire family, Wilderness Explorers is self-guided and encourages more “up close and personal” time with the animal inhabitants of the park.

Headquartered on Oasis Bridge, Wilderness Explorers is included in Disney’s Animal KingWilderness Explorers dom admission. troop leaders are located throughout the park Photographer : to enlist new explorers, Kent Phillips distribute the “Wilderness Explorers Handbook,” which contains a map with all of the Source WDW

Wilderness Explorers

The Magic of Downtown Disney Photos by Hotspotorlando

Downtown Disney Downtown Disney is an area for shopping and entertainment right in the Heart of Lake Buena Vista. A place where you can experience a little of the Magic without going to the parks, where you can find great shopping, dining and sightseeing. All of it is available for everyone’s enjoyment in one place, every day. The best restaurants, are present in Downtown Disney, the stores, with very creative and fine items always Disney inspired, have items you will not find it anywhere. Recently Disney announced a major renovation, and introduces Disney Springs, that promises revolutionize even more the Downtown Disney area. With this new adition Downtown Disney will add many jobs to the Community, and will continue once again to provide Orlando not only the best entertainment, but also warm up a little more of the Central Florida Community.

Universal Studios - Orlando-Transformers

"Cabin in the Woods" To Come Alive at Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 23 DARE TO UNLOCK THE SE- 20 to Nov. 2, Universal Orlan- merman and scare people, so I’ll CRET BEHIND THE CABIN… do’s Halloween Horror Nights see you guys there.”

has a more than 20-year history HORROR FILM FAN-FAVORITE of creating an incredibly enter“THE CABIN IN THE WOODS” taining, horrifying Halloween COMES ALIVE AT UNIVERSAL experience that is consistently ORLANDO’S HALLOWEEN rated the nation’s best. HORROR NIGHTS 23

Tickets on Sale Now for the NaThe event features highlytion’s Best Halloween Event. themed, disturbingly-real haunted houses that are based You and your friends thought on everything from hit films like this would be a relaxing week“The Cabin in the Woods” to end away at an isolated cabin. worst nightmares -- and streets But you’re being watched. And filled with hundreds of speciallymanipulated. They are pulling trained “scareactors.” Tickets strings to orchestrate a bloody and vacation packages are on sacrifice that dates back to the sale now and can be purchased beginning of time. at Halloweenhorrornights.com/ orlando. You think you know this story. You think you’re in control. Available on Blu-ray, DVD and THINK AGAIN. digital download, “The Cabin in the Woods” was directed and This fall, Universal Orlando Reco-written by famed filmmaker sort is unleashing hell by bringDrew Goddard and co-written ing to life LIONSGATE’s hit and produced by sci-fi and horhorror film, “The Cabin in the ror icon Joss Whedon. Woods,” at its award-winning, terrifyingly immersive HallowThe film follows five friends on a een Horror Nights event. Unicollege getaway to a remote cabversal’s Entertainment team is in, and their fate is sealed the partnering with LIONSGATE moment they walk through the and film director and co-writer door. They are pawns in a ritual Drew Goddard to deliver a movsacrifice that demands blood. ie-quality haunted house experience that’s authentic to the film “This is a twisted dream come and places guests in the middle true for me,” said Goddard. of an ancient fight for survival. “The Universal team has done an amazing job making all the Additional details about this terrifying aspects of ‘Cabin’ year’s event will be revealed come to life, and horror fans will soon, including more all-new, not be disappointed. Also, they horrifying haunted houses. said they’d let me dress up like a Running select nights from Sept.

At Halloween Horror Nights 23, guests will step inside the menacing cabin from the movie and fend off a malicious family of zombies. Just like in the film, guests will flee from the cabin and enter a hidden facility where a secret operative is plotting their sacrificial demise. Suddenly, a menagerie of bloodthirsty monsters is released – and they’re in the middle of all-out chaos. “‘The Cabin in the Woods’ took the horror film genre and turned it on its head, and it’s a perfect fit for Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights,” said Michael Aiello of Universal Orlando’s Entertainment Team. “We’re collaborating with LIONSGATE and Drew Goddard to bring the iconic monsters from the film to our event. Guests will be assaulted by terrifying beasts taken right from the big screen – including the Hell Lord, the Dollfaces, the vicious Sugarplum Fairy, the Doctors and more.” For details on special offers, please see below. For more information about Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights and to purchase tickets, visit www.HalloweenHorrorNights.com/Orlando

Source Universal Studios

Pirate’s Dinner Adventure-Rise of The Sea-Dragons


irate’s Dinner Adventure has been entertaining Orlando for 16 years. This year they have started a new show, with more action and still interactive with the entire audience, Rise of the Sea Dragon. It is a mixture of adventure and action, special effects, and a great crew, that knows how to entertain.

pictures, nothing is short of fun and everyone will have a great time. They can handle any size parties you have, and give the same high quality entertainment and fun. In Orlando speak to Tony Cardoso, and his crew, they speak Portuguese!

Pirate’s is located at 6400 Carrier Dr OrThe show is a great op- lando, FL 32819 tion not just to tourists (407) 248-0590. that want to experience something really out of You can learn more the ordinary, but also visiting : for Companies that www.piratesdinneradwould like to reward venture.com employees, with dinner, or Facebook a show and a great par- https://www.facebook. ty at the to finalize. com/PiratesDinnerAdAs you can see by the ventureorlando

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Hello Brazil Travel had the pleasure of receiving Mary Kay Directors from Brazil who came to visit the company headquarters in Dallas celebrating 50 years in the world and 15 years in Brazil. The National Director Deise Ferreira Senior Director and National Director Marcia Ovalle, came to celebrate this moment with their Directors Tops, Lucia Take João Pessoa / PB, Isabela Perdigao John Monlevade / MG, Marcia Costa de Aguas de Sao Pedro / SP, Karen and Carolina Ovalle Ovalle São Paulo / SP. Besides Dallas, conquered their trip extention to Orlando and were receptioned by HELLO BRAZIL TRAVEL & CENTER TOURIST SUPPORT. Together with Hello Brazil they toasted their victory in style with fireworks from Disney! Hello Brazil welcomes the opportunity to have been chosen to greet them.

Travel News

A Hello Brasil teve o prazer de receber o grupo das Diretoras da Mary Kay do Brasil que vieram visitar a sede da empresa em Dallas que comemora 50 anos no mundo e 15 anos no Brasil. A Diretora Nacional Senior Deise Ferreira e a Diretora Nacional Marcia Ovalle, vieram celebrar este momento junto com suas Diretoras Tops, Lucia Tome de João Pessoa/PB, Isabela Perdigão de João Monlevade/MG, Marcia Costa de Águas de São Pedro/SP, Karen Ovalle e Carolina Ovalle de São Paulo/SP. Alem de Dallas, todas conquistaram a extensão da viagem para Orlando sendo recebidas pela HELLO BRAZIL TRAVEL & CENTRO DE APOIO AO TURISTA, Junto com a Hello Brazil brindaram esta vitoria em grande estilo com os fogos da Disney! A Hello Brazil agradece a oportunidade de ter sido escolhida para recepciona-los .

About this Summer

Summer is here ! There are so many new attractions everywhere ! Fun ! Fun ! Fun! That is why we decided to show you new exciting rides, that will give all the thrills and much more! Part of Summer vacation magic is the idea to do something different, unforgettable, out of the ordinary. For many Summer is a magical time, and it is for sure to many a time for enjoyment. Even if you are not planning to go anywhere, it doesn’t mean you can’t travel through us! The world is at our fingertips, you should see all this new great adventures that are out there, just to be informed and maybe dare a little adventure. We hope you enjoy what we have for you!

Universal California- Transformers x King Kong 3 D It's

"Transformers: The Ride-3D" vs. "King Kong 360 3-D" as Universal Studios Hollywood Unleashes Its HighVoltage 'Summer of Survival' Campaign Challenging Guests to Brave Its Two Most Intense Thrill Rides and Live to Tell About It

park’s dinosaur-laden jungle, fear and fate collide as guests take on giant Stegosauruses, Parasaurolophuses, Dilophosauruses and Velociraptors at “Jurassic Park®-The Ride” and ace impending doom in a close encounter with a terrifying 50-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex before plunging down a treacherous 84-foot water Universal Studios Hollywood(SM) dedrop. fies guests to unlock the beast within as its new campaign, “Summer More than a roller coaster, “Revenge of Survival,” takes on its two most of the Mummy( SM) -The Ride,” taps intense...most explosive...most ferointo guests’ inherent fears and phocious...most threatening thrill rides: bias as they are swept into the cav“Transformers(TM): The Ride-3D” ernous Tomb of Imhotep, the final and “King Kong 360 3-D,” created by resting place of Egypt’s legendary Peter Jackson. Keeper of the Dead and thrust forwards and backwards along an inThe impactful “Summer of Survival” door roller coaster track in utter campaign puts a suspenseful spin on darkness. the theme park’s most compelling, award-winning rides and challeng“Transformers(TM): The Ride-3D” is es guests to muster the courage to Universal Studios Hollywood’s most face their fears when they encounter ambitious ride ever. This technologMEGATRON and his fleet of evil DEically advanced, motion-based, flight CEPTICONS, and a raging Silverback simulator thrill ride is designed to ape battling a pack of dangerous precompletely immerse guests in the historic dinosaurs in a fight for sur3D-HD action-packed world of the vival. TRANSFORMERS. The storyline of this exciting theme park ride introWith heightened primal instincts duces guests to N.E.S.T., a top-seat play, “Summer of Survival” will cret, military bunker, where they bealso dare theme park guests to brace come AUTOBOT recruits engaged in themselves for Universal Studios a daunting mission to save Earth and Hollywood’s slate of other actionprotect the last remaining All-Spark packed thrill rides. In the theme shard from the DECEPTICONS.

As part of "Summer of Survival," Universal Studios Hollywood will debut progressive voice technology empowering humanoid robots--MEGATRON and OPTIMUS PRIME--to interact and speak spontaneously with theme park guests in both tone and demeanor that are consistent with their characters. This amazing new component to the guest experience adds a dynamic and new extension to the already immersive thrill ride. Featuring pulse-pounding excitement, "Transformers: The Ride--3D" propels guests along 2,000 feet of ride track, where they are surrounded by 14 giant screens, many fully enveloping them at heights of 60 feet. To bring this monumental achievement to life, Universal Studios Hollywood collaborated with director Michael Bay, Industrial Light & Magic and Hasbro, Inc. Universal Studios Hollywood broke new ground in themed entertainment with the landmark introduction of "King Kong 360 3-D," the world's largest, most intense 3-D experience. The attraction, based on Peter Jackson's 2005 blockbuster, integrates spectacular three-dimensional visual media and the world's largest 3-D projection installation ever produced with physical effects.

#SummerOfSurvival and #SOS. As families prepare for summertime fun, Universal Studios Hollywood's popular "Buy A Day, Get 2013 Free" annual pass offers tremendous value and visits throughout 2013 for the price of a single day's admission. Guests who purchase the "Buy A Day, Get 2013 Free" pass will be able to come back to experience first-hand Universal Studios Hollywood's 'Summer of Survival" thrill rides, including "Transformers(TM): The Ride--3D" and King Kong 360 3-D"as well as receive savings on tickets purchased for visiting friends and family. Universal Studios Hollywood( SM), The Entertainment Capital of L.A.(SM), includes a full-day, movie-based theme park and Studio Tour; the CityWalk entertainment, shopping and dining complex, the Universal CityWalk Cinemas, the "5 Towers" state-of-the-art outdoor concert venue, and the Gibson Amphitheatre concert and special event arena. World-class rides and attractions include the intense, awardwinning ride, "King Kong 360 3-D" on the famed behind-the-scenes Studio Tour, "The Simpsons Ride(TM)," "Revenge of the Mummy(SM) --The Ride" indoor roller coaster and "Jurassic Park速 --The Ride," as well as the critically-acclaimed mega-attraction, "Transformers(TM): The Ride--3D."

A signature ride on the world famous, behind-the-scenes Studio Tour, "King Kong 360 3-D" transports guests to SOURCE Universal Studios Hollywood Skull Island and catapults them into the middle of a terrifying struggle between a giant T-Rex and "the eighth wonder of the world" - King Kong. Guests find themselves launched into the film, projected on the world's largest wrap around, 3-D compound curved screens. The "Summer of Survival" campaign will resonate through social media via

Six Flags Magic Mountain Launches World's Tallest and Fastest Looping Coaster -- FULL THROTTLE Immersive new area includes day and nighttime entertainment, along with new retail store and two dining areas

er coasters anywhere in the world, is proud to build on our status as the Thrill Capital of the World. Guests can now ride the most anticipated new coaster of the summer, and also feel the energy and exhilaration of a Full Throttle lifestyle with our new entertainment experience.”

FULL THROTTLE, the world's tallest and fastest looping coaster was introduced at Six Flags Magic Mountain today, bringing the Valencia theme park's coaster count to a world- record 18 coasters. To begin their journey through the park’s distinct mountainous terThe new triple-launch coaster rain, riders are loaded onto sleek takes the coaster experience to black and silver trains, sitting two the next level as riders face a first- abreast, and are suddenly accelever launch up and over a "Top erated from zero to 70 miles-perHat" that traces the outside of the hour in the first of three launches, world-record loop, towering 160 experiencing their first inversion feet -- plus a zero to 70 mile-per- and thrill of navigating inside a hour acceleration on two forward world-record 160-foot tall loop. launches and one backward launch into and out of a tunnel. Riders then soar along the terrainhugging track before they enter FULL THROTTLE is located near into a high-banked curve to the the front of the park in a newly right and then to the left as they themed, immersive five-acre area approach the second inversion -- a that includes day and nighttime Dive Loop that drops them rapidly entertainment, two new food loca- into a tunnel. While in the tunnel, tions and new shopping area. the train is dramatically decelerated and stopped, only to be sud“We are excited to add another denly launched backward up to the world-record coaster to our exist- high point of the Dive Loop. ing collection of record-breaking attractions,” said Bonnie Rabjohn, After a momentary pause, the train Six Flags Magic Mountain park drops and is magnetically launched president. “Six Flags is regarded a third time, racing out of the tunas the industry leader in thrill ride nel and through a high G-turn to innovation, and Six Flags Magic the left. Riders then race up and Mountain, with the most compre- over a hensive collection of thrilling roll-

“Top Hat” that traces the outside of the world record loop, where riders will experience significant air time and a breathtaking view of the park before dropping down rapidly, decelerating and taking the final 180-degree turn left into the station. FULL THROTTLE is the perfect addition to the park’s coaster collection, joining other adrenaline-pumping coasters, including Tatsu -the tallest, fastest and longest flying coaster in the world, X2 -- the world’s first and only 5(th) dimensional coaster, Apocalypse -- the next generation of wooden coasters and Goliath -- the “giant among giants” mega coaster.

www.sixflags. com/magicmountain Six Flags Magic Mountain is located at 26101 Magic Mountain Parkway, in Valencia, north of Los Angeles off Interstate 5 at the Magic Mountain Parkway exit. The park opens daily at 10:30 a.m. Sunday through Friday and 10 a.m. on Saturdays. For complete operating days and hours, and for more information call (661) 255-4111 or visit us online at www. sixflags.com/ magicmountain. Follow us on Twitter @sfmagicmountain Like us on Facebook at www.facebook. com/sixflagsmagicmountain

SOURCE Six Flags infor- Magic Mountain

For more mation on FULL THROTTLE, including a video, visit

Six Flags Hurricane Harbor-New Jersey Six Flags Hurricane Harbor marks the official first day of summer by celebrating the grand opening of its newest slide complex, Big Wave Racer, in support of New Jersey’s “Stronger Than the Storm” campaign. Proceeds from this event benefited the Jersey Shore Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to aid in the rebuilding of area businesses impacted by Superstorm Sandy.

they rocket down twisting, enclosed tubes and upon seeing daylight, plunge down several steep drops stretching 1,800 feet before crossing the finish line. “Big Wave Racer is a thrilling experience that allows you to plummet face first, which is what our guests have been asking for,” Fitzgerald said. “It complements our already incredible portfolio of slides and demonstrates our com“Partnering with Six Flags mitment to our guests by deGreat Adventure to get the livering the best water park word out that they, too, are experience in the Northeast.” indeed open for business is a great thing,” said Robert Big Wave Racer is the eighth Hilton, executive director for slide complex at Hurricane the Jersey Shore Convention Harbor, pushing the number and Visitors Bureau. “Fund- of thrill slides to more than ing has been quite tight since 25. A new beach and dozens of the storm. All donations help lounge chairs were added to us run the Jersey Shore Con- the area surrounding the new vention and Visitors Bureau, slide complex. The elaboratewhich continues to promote ly-themed, 45-acre park also the businesses that are open in features a million-gallon wave our region.” pool, a half-mile lazy river and a large children’s water playBig Wave Racer sends riders ground. barreling head-first down six lanes on aero-dynamically- For more information, visit designed water toboggans. www.sixflags.com/hurricaneharAfter climbing four stories, bornj

Old Faithful Haynes Photo Shop- Yellowstone Park The Yellowstone Park Foundation Opens the Historic Old Faithful Haynes Photo Shop

New Feature in Yellowstone National Park Summer 2013 The grand opening of the 86-year-old historic Old Faithful Haynes Photo Shop in Yellowstone National Park will took place on June 22, 2013. Now located close to the Old Faithful Lodge, within a few hundred feet of its original site, the facility was recently restored by the Yellowstone Park Foundation and the National Park Service. It will house innovative features that include: • Interactive exhibits that tell the Yellowstone Park Foundation story. • A glimpse of Yellowstone as seen through the camera lenses of early Yellowstone photographers Frank J. Haynes and his son, Jack E. Haynes. • A Photo Op area where visitors can have their photo taken in front of a giant reproduction

Haynes postcard. come future stewards of this spectacular wonfacturers. • Opportunities to become stewards of Yellow- derland.” • Energy-efficient lights operated by occupancy stone National Park. The facility is also being submitted for gold LEED sensors throughout the building. “As a new venue in America’s first national park, • Light pollution reduced in complithe Old Faithful Haynes Photo Shop will ance with LEED, and Yellowstone Nadelight visitors this summer with its tional Park’s Outdoor Lighting Stancreative exhibits, videos, photographs, dards. displays that highlight exciting projects Originally built in 1927, the facility supported by YPF, and original Haynes housed one of the Haynes Photo Shops, memorabilia that date from around the first photo concessions in the Park, 1900,” said Karen Bates Kress, Presiestablished by Frank J. Haynes and his dent of the Yellowstone Park Foundason Jack. The Haynes family ran the tion. “This is another significant collabshops continuously for 84 years from oration between the Yellowstone Park 1884 to 1968. They sold hand-colored Foundation and the National Park SerYellowstone postcards, some that are vice that will showcase the importance collectors’ items today, guidebooks, of philanthropy in the Park,” said Dan photos and other souvenirs cherished by generations of visitors. (Leadership in Energy & Environmen- This year the facility will be open June 22, 2013 tal Design) designation. LEED is an to September 30, 2013, with daily hours of opinternationally-recognized green build- eration from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Entrance to the ing certification system that verifies a building is designed to improve performance metrics and sustainability. Some elements included in the revamped building that will contribute to achieving this designation are:

Wenk, Yellowstone National Park Superintendent. “The restored Old Faithful Haynes Photo Shop will give our visitors a snapshot of the great work YPF has done, and also inspire them to be-

• Reuse of the original building structure, windows and exterior finishes. • Salvaged and recycled materials sourced from regional manufacturers, including Douglas fir wood interior finishes, porcelain tile, and glass paving throughout the building and site. • Many materials sourced from regional manu-

Old Faithful Haynes Photo Shop is free. For more information and history about the Haynes family and their work inside Yellowstone National Park, please visit www.ypf.org.

July 2013

AboutUs By Hotspotorlando

icky’s Hall of Fame !

Na coluna de fãs por favor mencione que eu quero agradecer ao carinho de toda a galerinha que tem participado comigo das minhas twitcams e também que estão sempre interagindo de alguma forma em tudo o que faço, essa coluna de fãs e também uma maneira que eu escolhi para mostrar a vocês que eu sei que vocês estão por perto e como uma forma de carinho vocês também fazem parte do meu espacinho aqui nessa linda revista, "algo mais ou menos assim", para faze-los ver que eu enxergo o quanto eles são importantes para mim! Uma querida fã que se chama Fabiana Marinho fez uma homenagem para mim montando meu nome em biscoitos e eu achei tao lindoooo!! Fica como o Destaque do mes, varias homenagens e agradeco a todas mas a escolhida desse mes foi essa.

O Vicky Talking a Lot Show nova temporada esta chegando e eu tenho andado bem ocupada aproveitando as ferias para a gravação, tenho certeza que vocês vão curtir muito, vamos ter a parceria de duas profissionais muito bacanas dando excelentes dicas e tornando o nosso show mais bonito e interessante, na próxima edição eu conto quem são elas por enquanto e surpresa! Se você tem uma ideia bacana e gostaria de compartilha-la envie um e-mail para : assessoria@vickyshowusa.com

Em agosto terei muitas coisas para mostrar, varios shows que aconteceram e o meu show que estara de volta!!!!! Beijinhos e ate a proxima edição, Vicky www.vickyshowusa.com

Vicky News!

O cantor Tomate esteve nos Estados Unidos em mais uma turnê onde pode levar os brasileiros a se sentir no verdadeiro carnaval de Salvador, com muita energia e alegria Tomate levou o publico ao delírio lotando seus shows e eu claro fui lá conferir a performance do cantor e fazer a minha entrevista com ele, que por sinal foi super bacana e você pode conferir no meu site.

Singer Tomate was in the United States on another tour which can lead the Brazilians to feel the true carnival of Salvador, with lots of energy and joy, Tomato led the public, sold out their shows and of course I was there checking his performance and interview him, which by the way was super cool and you can check all this in my site The Vicky Talking a Lot Show new season is coming and I've been pretty busy enjoying my Summer Vacation and recording. I'm sure you will really enjoy, we have a new partnership of two very cool professionals, giving new tips and making our show more beautiful and interesting! we will tell you all about in the next edition right now it is still a surprise! If you have a cool idea and would like to share it please send an email to assessoria@vickyshowusa.com

A dear fan Fabiana Navy paid tribute to me writing my name on crackers and I found it sooo beautiful! I wanted to place it as the Highlight of the month,! I received several honors and I thank all , and this is the one chosen for this month. In August I will have many things to show, several concerts that happened and my show will be back!!! Kisses








Vicky’s News!

I want to thank the affection of all who have participated of my twitcams and also the ones always interacting somehow with this column. It is also a way that I chose to show you that I know you're close by and as a form of affection to you guys, that are also a part of my little space here in this beautiful magazine. "Something like this", to let them know how much you are important to me!

About the first day of Summer

La Roche-Posay Kicks off Summer in the Shade with "Parasols of Protection"

A worldwide expert in UV protection, La Roche-Posay is dedicated to not simply raising awareness about the importance of sun safety but also inciting actual behavioral change. In keeping with this mission, the brand takes measures to inform the public about upholding four commitments: • seek shade from 10 am to 2 pm, use the correct amount of sunscreen and reapply every two hours • receive annual skin checks, aiming to share these important lessons by offering free skin checks in various locations all over the country.

This summer, La RochePosay instructed the public in a fresh, new way. On June 21(st) and June 22(nd), La Roche-Posay took over a New York City landmark - Madison

The two-day “take-over” featured an awe-inspiring art installation of colorful umbrellas suspended in the air to form a walkway through the park, underscoring Together with the Women’s Der- the brand’s commitment to promatologic Society (WDS) and moting safe sun practices. drugstore chain Duane Reade, La Roche-Posay raised awareness This one-of-a-kind art installaabout sun protection and skin tion served as the backdrop for cancer prevention as part of its a fun-filled day where consumers SOS - Save Our Skin campaign. learned how easy it is to make Now in its fourth year, the cam- safe sun practices a part of their paign has performed over 8,000 everyday routine. Board-certifree skin cancer screenings fied dermatologists from the through the help of over 200 vol- Women’s Dermatologic Society unteer dermatologists stationed (WDS) were on-hand to provide at over 130 events nationwide, free skin checks, answer related including Yankees home games. questions and provide sun safe behavior tips. As a result of the campaign’s efforts in spreading awareness In addition, an innovative digiabout skin cancer, suspicious le- tal wall was set up to further sions were found in almost 30% educate consumers through an of the screenings, leading to der- interactive sandbox where they matologist referrals for further had to find hidden La Roche-Poinvestigation--helping save lives. say’s Anthelios sunscreens images within 30 seconds in order This year, 342 skin checks were to unlock special prizes. performed during the Parasols of Protection event, which be- Sun safety materials, including gan on Friday, June 21(st), and Anthelios samples, and educafeatured a surprise appearance tional pamphlets were also disby Yankee starting player Brett tributed, further bolstering La Gardner, who received a skin Roche-Posay’s commitment to check during the day. fostering regular sunscreen application by offering Anthelios “I am proud to be a part of La samples on-site. Beauty advisers Roche-Posay’s exciting SOS - from Duane Reade were at the Save Our Skin public awareness event, encouraging skin checks campaign,” says Brett Gardner, and promoting sun safety educaNew York Yankee. “As a baseball tion. La Roche-Posay Anthelios player who spends a consider- products were also available for able amount of time outside, I purchase, with a portion of proknow the importance of sun safe- ceeds being donated to skin canty practices, and the Parasols of cer research. Protection event is an impactful way to help educate the public The event carried on into the on the importance of sun protec- next day, Saturday, June 22(nd), tion and annual skin checks.” when La Roche-Posay experts

continued to share facts about the importance of sun safety with visitors. Duane Reade will also offer free skin checks at the following New York City store locations on July 12(th) and July 13(th): • Upper West Side: 2075 Broadway (at 72ND Street) • Columbus Circle: 4 Columbus Circle • Times Square: 661 8th Avenue (at 42ND Street) • Herald Square: 1350 Broadway (at 36TH Street) • Union Square: 52 East 14TH Street (at Broadway) • As a leader in advanced UVA protection formulation research and innovation for over 15 years and creator of the groundbreaking Anthelios sunscreens, La Roche-Posay is dedicated to not only educating the public about sun safety but actually inciting behavioral changes as well. Through its annual SOS - Save Our Skin campaign, the recipient of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (JDD) 2013Corporate Social Responsibility Award, La Roche-Posay spearheads various initiatives to inform the public and show how they can easily incorporate sun protection into their daily routines including having regular skin checks.

SOURCE La Roche-Posay


Skin cancer is a preventable disease, yet it will touch one in five Americans. In a study conducted by Steven Q. Wang of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s Dermatology Division, 86% of surveyed participants knew sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer when used with other protection measures, yet despite this knowledge, less than 20% were using sunscreen on a regular basis.

Square Park - to kick off the first day of summer and further its mission of spreading knowledge about sun safety measures.

Save our Skin

Worldwide Expert in Sun Protection Celebrates Summer and Promotes Sun Safety with a Stunning Art Installation in Madison Square Park

Soma Intimates: Every Bra Has A Story Intimate Apparel Retailer Launch- and confidence as she rebuilds her life," states Laurie Van Brunt, Soma Intimates Brand President.

es Its Next Giving is Beautiful(TM) Soma Bra Donation With A New, Enhanced Online Experience Soma Intimates announces its next Giving is Beautiful(TM) Soma Bra Donation. The nationwide charitable initiative to collect bras for women in need is the largest of its kind. With more than 500,000 bras collected to date, the scale and scope of the project is a testament to Soma Intimates and the Soma customer's dedication to making a difference in women's lives. Now through July 28(th), 2013, the company will accept both new and gently worn bras at all Soma boutiques across the country. "We began this initiative in 2010 after we learned that bras are one of the most needed, yet least donated items of clothing for women in need. The simple act of donating a bra can help restore a woman's dignity

"As we embark on our next bra donation, we want to thank each generous Soma customer who has donated a bra to support women in need."

each of their boutiques with a local domestic violence shelter to raise awareness about abuse, raise critically needed funds, and help victims reach safety." First launched in July 2010, this marks the seventh biannual Soma Bra Donation initiative for Soma Intimates. To date, Soma has collected more than 500,000 bras to help women in need across the country. "Our partnership with NNEDV is one that is paramount to the success of the Giving is Beautiful(TM) Soma Bra Donation. The NNEDV's family of local shelters around the country means every bra we collect will go to a woman in your own community. territory coalitions throughout the United States, the NNEDV continues to be a vital partner to help spread the word and make a difference in women's lives.

The Soma Bra Donation initiative is national in scope but local in nature -- directly impacting communities where the bras are donated. Each of Soma Intimates' 229 boutiques and outlets will work with its commu- "When a victim of domestic violence nity's women's shelter to help local has to flee her home in the middle of the night, she will likely arrive at the women in need. shelter with only the clothes on her To help raise awareness about do- back," says Kim Gandy, President, mestic violence, Soma will once NNEDV. "We hear from so many again partner with the National shelters how much they appreciate Network to End Domestic Violence donations of new bras to help sur(NNEDV). The NNEDV is the lead- vivors who are working to rebuild ing voice for survivors of domestic their lives. The National Network violence. Representing over 2,000 to End Domestic Violence applauds shelter programs across 56 state and Soma Intimates for partnering

Over 4 million women in the U.S. stay in domestic violence shelters each year. It's our ultimate goal that no woman has to choose between buying a bra and putting food on the table," says Van Brunt.

As of today, participants can visit the brand new Soma Bra Donation landing page at www.soma.com/ givebras. This new experience allows visitors to read a number of touching stories about how donated bras have changed women's lives across the country, plus offers information about the NNEDV, how to donate bras, and where to find Soma boutiques nationwide. For more information about the Giving is Beautiful(TM) Soma Bra Donation, please visit www.soma. com/givebras


The HOTTEST Beauty Picks: JULY THE MOST BUZZED-ABOUT NEW EXCLUSIVE Marc Jacobs introduces a new effervescent, exclusive perfume, Honey Marc Jacobs ($50) to his celebrated collection. Inspired by his high-energy spring runway designs, this scent offers a sweet, playful burst of honey, pear and orange blossom.



Photo-luminescent technology allows Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder ($45) to cast a soft-focus glow over skin. The universal finishing powders will sweep any skin tone into its most flattering light.

Ciate Corrupted Neon Manicure ($25) is a UV Topcoat that instantly transforms nails to create endless looks that glow in black light. The high-impact neons with glitter effects are sure to brighten up any night.



Boasting a high-performance coneshaped design for extreme shaping, MAKE UP FOR EVER's Smoky Extravagant Mascara ($24) builds intense volume with exacting precision. Its exclusive 4D formula volumizes, lengthens and curls for the perfect lashes with every application.

The first of its kind, Stila Afterglow Lip Color ($18) glows in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet light. Its fluorescent pigments offer a vivid pop of color and the longwearing formula leaves lips soft and nourished.



Ole Henriksen Pure Truth Youth Activating Oil ($45) is a potent anti-aging treatment with 100% rose hip seed oil and active vitamins A and C to brighten, repair and nourish skin. The versatile oil can be used alone or as a booster for serums and moisturizers.

With bold shades and a waterproof formula, SEPHORA Collection Color-Proof Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner ($12) is perfect for summer. The smudge-proof formula stays put in humidity and heat, while the high-precision flocked tip allows a complete range of detailed to dramatic looks.

A vida de Coco Channel

Entre Amigas

Elita Freitas

mãe, que faleceu de tuberculose, o pai A região do castelo era conhecida por de Chanel ficou com a responsabilida- competições equestres e costumes de caca: fatores que influenciaram as suas Em uma viagem ao Brasil, assisti du- de de tomar conta das crianças. criações. Foi nesta época que começou rante um voo a vida de Coco Channel, a desenhar e criar chapéus como uma uma mulher bem a frente do tempo em diversão, que depois que vivia. Como mulher que sou, admise transformou em ro muito as mulheres que de uma maum empreendimento neira ou de outra tiveram um papel de comercial. destaque, principalmente em uma época de muito preconceito. Ela então se separou de Balsan e começou Eu, como o mundo inteiro já a admiraum relacionamento va como estilista e perfumista famosa, com um amigo dele, o porem não conhecia a sua historia de rico industrial Inglês vida, então resolvi pesquisar e escrever chamado Capel 'Boy' sobre a vida dela... Arthur Edward. Ele instalou-a em um apartamento parisiense e financiou suas lojas. Gabrielle Bonheus Chanel, nasceu em uma família pobre, em 19 de agosto de A primeira chapela1883. Devido à profissão de seu pai, Coco e as ria foi aberta em PaO pai, Albert Chanel, era feiran- irmãs foram educadas num colégio in- ris, em 1910, e logo te e a mãe, Jeanne Devolle, era do- terno o Colégio Nossa Senhora da Mi- ela abriu boutiques méstica. Depois da morte precoce da sericórdia, onde aprendeu o oficio de em Deauville e Biarcostureira, ai então o seu talento para ritz, Coco Chanel esa modelagem começou a aflorar. tava a frente de seu tempo. Ela estava à Quando completou 18 anos, deixou o frente de si mesma. orfanato e passou a trabalhar para um Se olharmos para o alfaiate local. Neste período, Chanel trabalho de estilistas começou a frequentar a boêmia fran- contemporâneos, vecesa e passou a atuar como cantora em remos que muitas de cafés e salas de concerto. Foi quando suas estratégias ecoadotou o nome de Gabrielle Coco. am o que Chanel já fez. Há 75 anos ela fez Em 1908, ela conhece o ex-oficial e her- uma mistura do vocabulário de roupas deiro têxtil Etienne Balsan e torna-se femininas e masculinas e criou uma sua amante. Com 23 anos, ela foi mo- moda que deu ao usuário um sentimenrar com ele em seu castelo, onde viveu to de luxo intimo, em lugar da ostentapor três anos cercada de mordomias. ção;

Coco antes de Chanel

Images Author’s Arquives

No ano de sua morte, aos 87 anos, Coco Chanel ainda trabalhava ativamente, desenhando uma nova coleção. Frases de Coco Chanel Uma mulher precisa de apenas duas coisas na vida: um vestido preto e um homem que a ame" A natureza lhe dá o rosto que você tem aos 20. A vida talha o rosto que você tem aos 30. Mas depende de você merecer o rosto dos 50.

Sou contra a moda que não dure. É o meu lado masculino. Não consigo imaginar que se jogue uma roupa fora, só porque é primavera. Coco Chanel

estes são apenas dois exemplos de como seu gosto e senso de estilo ultrapassam a moda atual." Assim a jornalista Ingrid Sischy definiu o trabalho de Coco Chanel para a revista norte-americana "Time".

Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial Chanel chegou a trabalhar como enfermeira, uma vez que os negócios de moda estavam em baixa. Nesta época envolveu-se com um oficial nazista, o que lhe custou o exílio. Em 1954 voltou a Nos anos 20, Chanel já era uma Paris e retomou seus negócios na designer influente. Começou a de- alta costura. senhar roupas confortáveis, com tecidos fluidos, peças empresta- Sua carreira teve então um redas do guarda-roupa masculino nascimento. O cardigan, o vese saias mais curtas, em contraste tido preto, as perolas tornaramcom a silhueta feminina rígida da -se marca registrada do estilo época. Em 1922 criou o famoso Chanel. A marca Chanel acabou perfume Chanel n° 5, que alavan- tornando-se um grande império, cou seus negócios e se tornou le- que inclui bolsas, sapatos, joias, gendário. acessórios e perfumes.

Bem amigos, espero que vocês tenham gostado, e ate o próximo mês.... Beijos Elita

Fonte Wiki, Vogue,Google

Images Author’s Archives

500kg. de farinha de trigo de boa qualidade, peneirada. 200kg. de gordura vegetal 50kg. de manteiga 1 pitada de sal

Espere engrossar e desligue. Espalhe cebolinha verde bem picadinha a gosto Reserve. MONTAGEM:

2 ovos inteiros

Em uma forma de fundo falso ou uma comum de com 25cm. de diâmetro 6cm de altura.

1 gema misturada com um pouquinho de azeite para pincelar

Divida a massa em duas porções sendo uma maior para forrar o fundo da forma.

Modo de Fazer

Unte a forma levemente com manteiga e polvilhe com farinha de rosca

Em uma tigela funda coloque : A farinha peneirada O sal Os ovos levemente batidos

Forre o fundo da forma com a parte da massa Cubra com o recheio e com o restante da massa que ficou e que deverá ser aberta no plástico com o rolo.

Amasse bem com as mãos até ficarem bem ligadas

Pincele com uma gema misturada com um pouco de óleo, leve ao forno previamente aquecido por 40 minutos, só desenforme quando estiver frio, se não estiver usando a forma de fundo falso.....

Deixe descansar por +ou- 20 minutos.

Bom apetite.....

As gorduras previamente misturadas

Espero que vocês gostem, esse empadão sempre Recheio: Faça um refogado com 1 cebola média faz muito sucesso aqui em casa. para grande, ralada, 3 tomates grandes Beijos, Elita Freitas 1 vidro grande de palmito picado, que seja de Até o próximo mês! boa qualidade pois só assim estarão macios Sal a gosto Quando o refogado estiver no ponto acrescentar

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3 quartos de x. de chá de leite na qual deverá ser dissolvido 1 colher de sopa de maizena.

About Gadgets tive, in business meetings or simply at home. Download a host of SmartWatch apps and experience a range of unique functions - many of which can even be enjoyed without ever needing to reach for your phone: • Handle your calls by a simple touch of your wrist

The most advanced smartwatch Sony SmartWatch 2 is a second available*. screen for your Android smartphone that, as well as enhancing • A multi-functional message no- existing phone functionality, offers tification device, Android app unique new benefits. interface and music remote, all in a sleek and water-resistant Combining form and function in design a sleek design, it serves as a multi• Combines Sony’s technology functional watch, notifier, Android and design expertise with one- app interface and phone remote touch connectivity and premi- control, all-in-one. um build quality • Next-generation Sony Smart- Openness with Android Watch offers improved performance, intuitive interface and App expandability is key to Sony standalone capability SmartWatch 2. It can be person• Reaffirms Sony’s leadership in alised with more dedicated apps smartwatch and wearable tech- than any other smartwatch* to nology segment** seamlessly suit your needs, whether you are on the go, keeping ac-

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and reassuringly robust thanks to • Easy setup (NFC pairing and its water and dust connecting) resistant design, giving you the • Standalone watch functionfreedom to enjoy it on the beach ality or simply on the go -come rain or • Standard micro USB cable shine. for charging • User interface similar to Android UI so it is more intuitive • Bigger screen with higher resolution (1.6 inch, 220 x 176 pixels) • High quality materials (aluminium body and stainless steel wristband) • Extended compatibility (works with most Android phones) • Swappable wristbands personalise with any standard 24mm strap

• Use lifestyle apps like Runtastic to map and instantly track your fitness Key features for Sony activities on the go SmartWatch 2 Sony SmartWatch 2 SW2 will be • Screen brightness (sunlight available worldwide from Septem• Quickly and easily adjust the readable) ber 2013. tracks and volume on your mu- • Longest battery life for a smartsic player, without ever taking watch* (battery level indicator your phone from your pocket shows lowbattery warning) Source: Sony SmartWatch 2 is also both sleek • Water-resistant (IP57)

PlayStation®4 (PS4(TM)) Design and Price Unveiled, Available at $ 399 In U.S. and at EUR 399 in Europe

PS4(TM)'s Striking, Modern Design Unveiled at E3 Press Conference, Along with Extensive Lineup of Innovative Software Titles That Deliver Gaming Experiences Never Before Possible

vent placed within the slim interspace created between the sections. The power indicator designed atop the body will glow in a PlayStation blue color when the power button is turned on. The foreside and backside of the body is slightly angled; it not only gives users easy access to the power button and disc slot when placed either horizontally or vertically but also helps conceal the connected cables. The black-themed color along with the matte and gloss finish adds a sophisticated look to the PS4 system as the next generation entertainment ment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles. PS4 system and will fit will also be displayed this week at perfectly wherever it is placed. the Sony Computer Entertainment America booth at E3, one of the PS4 peripherals include the world's largest video game exhibi- stand-alone Wireless Contions. troller for PlayStation®4 (DUALSHOCK®4) and The internal design architecture PlayStation®Camera, which of the PS4 system, from the optical will be available at launch for drive and power supply unit to the RRP of US$ 59, Canada$ 59, cooling mechanism, has been pursed EUR 59 and £ 54, and US$ 59, to keep the body as slim and light as Canada$ 59, EUR 49 and £ 44 possible to dramatically enhance the respectively. Both accessories flexibility of the design. will come in "Jet Black" color.

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced that the PlayStation®4 (PS4(TM)) (CUH1000A series) computer entertainment system will come in "Jet Black" color and will be available this holiday season in North America and Europe at a recommended retail price (RRP) of US$ 399, Cana- The PS4 features a simple but modda$ 399, EUR 399, and £ 349. ern design accentuated by its linear flat form factors. The surface of the The design of PS4 made its pub- PS4 body is subdivided into four seclic debut at the PlayStation® press tions, as if four blocks are stacked toconference on June 10, 2013, which gether making one figure, with disc kicked off the Electronic Entertain- slot, buttons, power indicator and

The upcoming software lineup for PS4 from software developers and publishers will include Destiny(TM) from Bungie, Inc., in partnership with Activision Publishers, Inc., Dia-

blo® III from Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., KINGDOM HEARTS III and FINAL FANTASY® XV from SQUARE ENIX, Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag(TM) and Watch_Dogs(TM) from Ubisoft Entertainment, NBA® 2K14 from 2K Sports, The Elder Scrolls® Online from Bethesda Games Studios and Mad Max (TM) from Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, totaling more than 110 titles. PS4 has earned great support from a wide variety of game publishers, including many indie developers. Since February 2013, the number of developers joining has increased from 126 to 505. Furthermore, from SCE Worldwide Studios, more than 30 titles, including 12 brand new IP, are under devel-

opment, including Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, inFAMOUS: Second Son, #DRIVECLUB and The Order: 1886.(*1 )Out of over the 30 titles under development, 20 titles will be available within a year from the PS4 launch. SCE will vigorously promote PS4 towards the launch as the next generation computer entertainment platform through further introduction of peripherals and attractive software lineup. *1 Game titles are original titles and some title names are tentative. Titles may differ by countries and regions.

NIKE-Eyewear You choose your shoes, your schedule and your destination. Now, how about the view?

Tint is precision-engineered to help reduce exposure to the tiring and damaging highfrequency light by adapting to the environment, becoming lighter or darker for peak visual acuity. The lenses help relax the wearNike and Transitions Optical, leading pro- er's eyes on the run, automatically moving vider of adaptive optical and performance from 13 percent visual light transmission to sun lenses, teamed up to create the Nike a 49.7 percent VLT. MAX Transitions Speed Tint — lenses that OPTICAL SWEET SPOT adjust to variable light. Because running rarely happens in a straight line, the Nike Tailwind 12 is also engineered

The Nike Tailwind 12 is part of a collection The integration of these technologies of sunglasses with engineered Nike MAX into one lens makes Nike MAX Transi- Transitions lenses that also includes the Nike tions Speed Tint one of Nike’s most ad- MAX Transitions Golf and Outdoor tints. vanced running lenses. The Nike Tailwind 12 is available along with Informed by athlete insights, the design other styles in the collection through Nike. delivers a comfortable, functional fit in com and select optical retailers. a lightweight package. ADVANCED VISION TECHNOLOGY

The lenses are featured in the Nike Tailwind with Nike MAX Optics technology, designed 12, high-performance sunglasses designed to give superior vision in a larger than average field of view. specifically for runners. With these game-changing shades, the lenses Nike MAX Optics technology, available in all adapt, as the light changes, helping athletes of Nike’s performance sunglasses, helps provide zero distortion when looking straight stay focused and comfortable. ahead and minimal distortion across the curve of the lens. Engineers identify the best REDUCED LIGHT EXPOSURE Runners on the road face both direct sun- optical zone, cutting the lens precisely where light and harsh glare reflected off asphalt. the line of sight aligns with the optical sweet They also tend to focus their eyes on a single spot. spot for extended stretches. The Nike Tailwind 12 with Nike MAX Transitions Speed

By Chris Jones

Team 1 2 Final Orlando City 1 2 3 Fluminense FC1 3 4 Scoring Summary: ORL- Dom Dwyer (unassisted) 19’ FLU- Gum (Carlinhos) 40’ FLU- Ryner (Rafael) 47’ FLU- Rafael 61’ FLU- Samuel 68’ ORL- Adama Mbengue (Jonathan Mendoza) 78’ ORL- Jean Alexandre (unassisted) 80’ Lineups/Substitutions: Orlando City- GK Miguel Gallardo (Jon Kempin 61’), D Yann Songo’o, Bryan Burke (Erik Ustruck 67’), Luke Boden (Brian Fekete 75’), Rob Valentino (Oumar Diakhite 76’), M Anthony Pulis (Christian Duke 62’), Adama Mbengue, James O’Connor (Freddie Braun 61’), Kevin Molino (Jonathan Mendoza 68’), F

Dom Dwyer (Dennis Chin 61’), pleased with the evening.” Long Tan (Jean Alexandre 46’) Saturday’s opponent, FlumiFluminense FC- Ricardo Berna, nense FC, competes in CampeBruno, Gum, Edinho (Valencia onato Brasileiro Serie A- the top 71’), Carlinhos, Digao, Wagner level of Brazilian soccer. This (Deco 78’), Rhayner (Biro Biro year they are also one of the sides 72’), Rafael Sobis, Samuel (Fe- representing Brazil in the prestilipe 74’), Fabio (Elivelton 86’) gious Libertadores of American Cup, making a great mid-season Penalty Summary: opponent for the Lions. ORL- Anthony Pulis (Yellow) Orlando got on the scoreboard 42’ first, with league-leading scorer Dom Dwyer slotting his own Match Facts: give-and-go past Fluminense FC Time of Match: 7:30 p.m. EST Ricardo Berna to give Orlando Weather: Cloudy the 1-0 lead. In the 19th minute, Attendance: 11,127 Dwyer played a ball past a Fluminense defender, sprinting past Orlando Puts Up Fight, Falls to the backline and finding space to Fluminense FC 4-3 In Front of convert a low roller to give Or11,127 lando a one-goal advantage. Club sets international friendly attendance record against Bra- Fluminense equalized in the fizilian Champs Saturday night’s nal minutes of the first half, with a well-placed cross by Carlinhos Orlando City fell to Fluminense finding Gum inside the 18-yard FC 4-3 Saturday night in front box- who whipped in a header to of 11,127 fans at Fifth Third equalize the match at 1-1 in the Bank Field at the Florida Citrus 40th minute. Bowl, an international friendly club record for attendance. The The Brazilian champs added a mark was previously set back second goal at the beginning of in July of 2011 against the Eng- the second half, with Ryner slotlish Premier League’s Newcastle ting in a score after Rafael found United with 10,889. him in stride in the 47th minute. The striker put Orlando City “It was great for some of our Goalkeeper Miguel Gallardo younger players to play against out of position, finding the back them (Fluminense),” said Or- of the net for the 2-1 lead. lando City Head Coach Adri- Two more goals were added by an Heath. “On the whole, I’m the Brazilian Champs in the sec-

ond half, including individual Third Bank Field at the Florida strikes outside the 18 by Rafael Citrus Bowl. and Samuel to put Fluminense up 4-1. Orlando previously topped MLS’ Colorado Rapids 3-1 at Orlando didn’t go into the night the Citrus Bowl and the PDL’s quietly, with two quick scores Ocala Stampede in the second by the Lions in the 78th and and third rounds of the knock80th minutes cutting the lead out tournament. down to one. Midfielder Adama Mbengue was involved with The Lamar Hunt US Open Cup both scores, slotting home a goal is the oldest on-going national after Jonathan Mendoza found soccer competition in the Unitthe Senegal native in space while ed States and is open to United whipping a cross just two min- States Soccer Federation (USSF) utes later that eventually found affiliated teams. This year marks the head of Jean Alexandre for the centennial edition of the the score. Despite the late at- tournament. This year’s field tack, Fluminense held strong consisted of 68 teams, the largand came out on top with the 4-3 est field in US Open Cup history. win. About Orlando City Soccer The squad now turns their at- Club: tention toward Wednesday Orlando City Soccer Club night’s US Open Cup quarter- (OCSC) is a premier profesfinal in Bridgeview, Ill., against sional soccer sports franchise in Major League Soccer’s (MLS) the United States and is a memChicago Fire. Kickoff for the ber of the USL PRO. The Lion’s game is set for 8:30 p.m. EST. pro team has won two regular The Lions advanced past MLS season titles and one postseaaffiliate Sporting Kansas City son championship during their 1-0 in the last round of US Open short time in Orlando. Outside Cup play, with an early score by of the pro squad, OCSC also has Forward Long Tan giving Or- their own youth club, Orlando lando the lead and win. The win City Youth Soccer (OCYS) and marked the club’s first-ever win a U23s team that participates in over Sporting KC and advance- the PDL. For more information ment to the quarterfinal round on the pro and youth clubs, visit of the US Open Cup. If the Li- www.orlandocitysoccer.com and ons advance past Chicago, Or- www.orlandocityyouth.org. lando will host the semifinals on Wednesday, August 7, at Fifth

Orlando City Lions x Fluminense Futebol Clube NS







On its way to conquer the MLS our Home Team The Orlando THE FIFTH THIRD BANK FIELD City Lions, endures feerless all the obstacles that are put in at The Florida Citrus Bowl their way. This great Game was on June 22nd, and it was like a dream come true ND to all that love the sport. Soccer is a Brazilian MEET Game, theINmost favorite of all, butTOis INCLUDES ENTRY AND GREET THE CHAMBER EVENT & VARSITY CLUB PRE also a great game here in the USGAME that$more and more gains MIDFIELD GAME TICKET FROM 4:30PM - 6:30PM popularity andPaul young For thebpaul@orlandocitysoccer.com Orlando City Lions, Contact: Brian | Phone:adepts. 407.478.4029 | Email: reaching the MLS will give them the opportunity to a better exposure, more fans, and a New stadium. 1.855.ORL.CITY




Games like this against Fluminense will be part of Orlando’s reality, where many Brazilians will join the event and participate. As the locals did, many will also come from abroad, and this will become a source of great revenue for the City of Orlando. We all have a lot to gain from this great opportunity ! Photos courtesy Orlando City

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About New Books "Forty Days Off Facebook" Hits mind to crumble to the point where He decided to take the next 40 #3 in ‘Death & Grief.’ he decided to ‘hit the reset button’ days away from the social media #1 on Amazon in his life. Chronicling his journey, site, and what began as a therapeu- “This was something I never exHot New Releases the author’s work, “Forty Days Off Facebook: A Pivotal Journey,” hit #1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in two categories and was named a Best Seller in three others.

Author’s Personal Journey Reaches Top of Happiness (Self-Help) and Mental & Spiritual Healing Charts It’s been two years since divorce, death and dysfunction were causing Ryan Beale’s fragile state of

tic experiment turned into a lifechanging experience--an experience that has now begun to rip the conversation wide open on how a fast-paced, social-technology engulfed landscape is harming our Thirteen days after his divorce was ability to connect with ourselves finalized, Beale suffered the tragic and one another. loss of his older brother to suicide. Always looking toward his big “I am concerned for the next genbrother to push him further than eration and for my future child. I he would push himself, Beale was am concerned that they are learnforced to confront his new reality. ing poor coping skills from us He resolved to look inward in order which will absolutely affect their to regain control of the chaos that ability to emotionally cope with was engulfing his life. However, life’s stresses,” says Beale. he, like many others, was stuck in a holding pattern. He continued to Journaling his whole experience, use social media to keep his mind Beale, in a effort to help others occupied. who may be dealing with similar challenges wrote “Forty Days Off “For me, Facebook has always been Facebook,” which in its 30 days on a love/hate relationship,” Beale Amazon’s New Release list reached said. “Having an understanding of the technology, I see how rela- #1 in ‘Happiness (Self-Help)’ and tionships via social media can play ‘Mental & Spiritual Healing.’ Addiinto a very delicate part of the hu- tionally, it reached man psyche. Reality is, I was using #2 in ‘Mental Health’ and Most Facebook as a coping mechanism Gifted Books on ‘Happiness’ and from confronting my own anxiety.” ‘Mental & Spiritual Healing’, second to “The Secret” as well as

pected when sitting to write this book, but certainly appreciate it,” Beale said. “The letters and touching responses from readers revealing how my struggle has opened their minds to living with more purpose has reinforced the reason that I decided to share my story. That’s such a reward to me.” Now recovered from his personal turmoil, Beale is happily married to a young woman he met during his 40 days off. They are expecting their first child this week. For more information about “Forty Days Off Facebook,” Ryan G. Beale and to learn how to purchase a copy of the book, visit 40DaysOff.com.

The Superman(TM) Files Reveals the Man of Steel's Secrets Far into the future, the legacy of the world's greatest Super Hero endures.

is inspired by Superman’s legacy. As the Legion of Super-Heroes, they dedicate their lives to fighting crime and protecting the citizens of the United Planets.

his voyage to Earth onward, The • Top-secret case data only Superman Files provides a fasciknown to Superman nating look at the enigmatic figure that millions of fans call their own • Favorite destinations in Super Hero.

TheSuperman Files (Andrews M One thousand years from now, a Like many in our current time, Meel Publishing, November, $75) group of super-powered teenagers members of the 31st Century Legion idolize Superman. They frequent the Superman Museum, marvel at tales of his past, and a few of them even travel back in time to Clark Kent’s teenage years.

Details about Clark’s friends-including his beloved Lois Lane, • Surviving artifacts from Jimmy Olsen, and seasoned newsKrypton paper editor Perry White, as well as Superman’s adversaries Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Doomsday, and • Schematics for the Fortress of Solitude and other Bizarro, appear throughout this remarkable treasure of Superman technology employed by facts. Superman

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nal entries by Clark Kent

SOURCE Andrews McMeel Publishing

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Scholastic Unveils The New Cover for Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire by Award-Winning Illustrator Kazu Kibuishi in Celebration of Harry Potter 15th Anniversary

New trade paperbacks and boxed set with covers byKibuishi will be released on August 27, 2013

books and a new boxed set will be available on August 27, 2013, as part of Scholastic’s celebration of the 15th anniversary of the U.S. publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the original book in J.K. Rowling‘s best-selling Harry Potter series. In each of the new cover illustrations, Kibuishi perfectly captures a pivotal moment from that particular book. For Harry Potterand the Goblet of Fire, the artwork captures the triumphant moment when Harry uses his Firebolt broom to retrieve the golden dragon’s egg he needs to move forward in the Triwizard Tournament as the crowd cheers him on.

Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, today unveiled the new cover forHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - the fourth of seven trade paperback editions with new covers illustrated by New York Times bestselling auFifteen years after the thor and illustrator, Kazu first U.S. publication of Kibuishi. J.K. Rowling’s first book, Harry Potter and the SorArthur Levine, Vice Presicerer’s Stone in September dent and Publisher, Arthur 1998, there are more than A Levine Books unveiled 150 million Harry Potter the new cover in Chicago, books in print in the UnitIL at the annual American ed States alone and the seLibrary Association conries still hits bestseller lists vention. regularly. The complete series of new

The seven Harry Potter books are published in over 200 territories in 74 languages and have sold more than 450 million copies worldwide. About Kazu Kibuishi: Kazu Kibuishi is the Eisner-nominated creator of the #1 New York Times bestselling Amulet series of graphic novels, as well as the comic collection Copper, both published by Graphix/Scholastic. He is also the founder and editor of the Flight Anthologies, a critically acclaimed comic series; and the creator of Daisy Kutter: The Last Train, which was named a YALSA Best Book for Young Adults. Kazu Kibuishi lives in Alhambra, California with his family. Visit him at http://www.boltcity.com and on Twitter at @BoltCity. SOURCE Scholastic

IWanttoberecycled.org-Recycle America The average American produces 4.4 pounds of trash a day, and on the whole the United States produces over 250 million tons of trash a year. However, only about 35 percent is currently recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To address this national concern, the Ad Council and Keep America Beautiful (KAB) today launched a public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling with the goal to make recycling a daily social norm.

According to research released today by the Ad Council, only 52 percent of Americans say that they are “very” or “extremely” knowledgeable about how to properly recycle. Additionally, only 38 percent say they are “avid recyclers,” recycling as much as possible and willing to go out of their way to do so. While there are several barriers to recycling, among the most common reasons given for not recycling are that respondents did not have enough information about where to recycle or what types of materials they are able to recycle. The “I Want To Be Recycled” campaign is targeted to motivate Americans to recycle every day. Created pro bono by San Francisco-based ad agency Pereira & O’Dell, the campaign shows that recyclable materials can be given another life and become something new if someone chooses to recycle.

The campaign directs audiences to IWantToBeRecycled.org, a new website with a localized search tool allowing users to find where to recycle either at their curbside or their nearest recycling center. The website illustrates the recycling process through an interactive infographic and offers detailed information on what materials can be recycled, how they should be recycled and what products they can become in the future. “We are thrilled to be again collaborating with Keep America Beautiful, our longstanding partner in creating PSAs that lead to a more sustainable environment, as we work to increase rates of recycling nationwide,” said Peggy Conlon, president and CEO of the Ad Council. “Together, I know that we can reach the ‘occasional’ recycler and transform recycling into a simple, daily habit for millions of Americans.”

“This campaign is the emotional push needed to raise awareness and positively change people’s behavior to recycle more. Our intent is to increase recycling rates, which translates into measurable benefits including waste reduction, energy savings, natural resource conservation and job creation,” said Brenda Pulley, Keep America Beautiful senior vice president, recycling. “Based on survey feedback, we know people want to recycle. This campaign is designed to tap into that desire as well as pro-

vide helpful tools to make recycling tling, Unilever and Waste Manageeasier.” ment. In addition, one of the featured TV PSAs, titled “Stadium,” “The core idea is to tell people to was filmed on location at M&T Bank recycle and give their garbage an- Stadium, which is home to the NFL’s other life. Showing that a bottle has Baltimore Ravens. The stadium’s dreams seems like a very powerful exterior, and additional select areas yet delicate way of doing it,” said throughout the venue, is constructed PJ Pereira, chief creative officer at partially from post-consumer recyPereira & O’Dell. cled aluminum. The Ad Council and Keep America Beautiful partnered together more than four decades ago in 1971, creating a PSA campaign highlighting how litter and other forms of pollution were hurting the environment. The PSA, which featured Iron Eyes Cody, “The Crying Indian,” aired on Earth Day in 1971 and emphasized that every individual had a personal responsibility to help protect the environment. The ad became one of the most memorable and successful campaigns in advertising history and was named one of the top 100 advertising campaigns of the 20th century by Ad Age.

The online survey, commissioned by the Ad Council, was conducted in partnership with C + R Research. Research was conducted nationwide from June 25 – July 8, 2013. The sample consisted of 999 U.S. adults ages 18 to 64.

The Ad Council is distributing the new PSAs for television, radio, outdoor and digital media to more than 33,000 media outlets nationwide. Following the Ad Council’s model, the ads will run in space and time entirely donated by the media. The campaign will be supported by a comprehensive public relations and social media program on Facebook, The “I Want To Be Recycled” cam- Twitter and YouTube. paign is funded through Keep America Beautiful by Alcoa Foundation, American Chemistry Council, Anheuser-Busch Foundation, Nestlé Waters North America, Niagara Bot-




americano médio produz 4,4 £ de lixo por dia, e em todo os Estados Unidos produzem mais de 250 milhões de toneladas de lixo por ano. No entanto, apenas cerca de 35 por cento é reciclado atualmente, de acordo com a Agência de Proteção Ambiental (EPA). Para resolver este problema nacional, o Conselho Ad e Keep America Beautiful (KAB) lançou hoje uma publicidade de serviço público (PSA) campanha destinada a aumentar a conscientização sobre os benefícios da reciclagem com o objetivo de tornar a reciclagem uma norma social diária. De acordo com pesquisa divulgada hoje pelo Conselho de Ad, apenas 52 por cento dos americanos dizem que eles são "muito" ou "extremamente" bem informados sobre como reciclar corretamente. Além disso, apenas 38 por cento dizem que são "recicladores ávidos," reciclagem, tanto quanto possível e dispostos a sair de sua maneira de fazê-lo. Embora existam várias barreiras à reciclagem, entre as razões mais comuns para não reciclar é que os entrevistados não têm informação

suficiente sobre onde reciclar ou de longa data na criação de PSAs que tipos de materiais que são ca- que levam a um ambiente mais suspazes de reciclar. tentável, à medida que trabalhamos para aumentar as taxas de reciclaO "Eu quero ser reciclado" a cam- gem em todo o país", disse Peggy panha é direcionada para motivar Conlon, presidente e CEO do Counos americanos a reciclar todos os sil Ad. "Juntos, eu sei que podemos dias. Criada pro bono e baseada em alcançar o reciclador" ocasional "e San Francisco pela agência Pereira transformar a reciclagem em um & O'Dell, a campanha mostra que hábito simples, diário para milhões os materiais recicláveis ​​podem ser de americanos". dados uma outra vida e tornar-se algo novo, se alguém escolhe re- "Esta campanha é o impulso emociclar. cional necessário para sensibilizar e mudar positivamente o comportaA campanha orienta o público o mento das pessoas a reciclar mais. site IWantToBeRecycled.org, é um Nossa intenção é aumentar as taxas novo site com uma ferramenta de de reciclagem, o que se traduz em busca localizada permitindo que benefícios mensuráveis, incluindo aos usuários descobrirem onde re- a redução de resíduos, economia de ciclar ou seu centro de reciclagem energia, conservação de recursos mais próximo. O site ilustra o pro- naturais e criação de emprego ", cesso de reciclagem através de um disse Brenda Pulley, Keep Ameriinfográfico interativo e oferece in- ca vice-presidente sêniorda Keep formações detalhadas sobre quais America Beautiful. "Com base no os materiais que podem ser recicla- feedback de pesquisa, sabemos que dos, como eles devem ser reciclados as pessoas querem reciclar. Esta e os produtos que eles podem se tor- campanha destina-se a explorar nar no futuro. esse desejo, bem como fornecer ferramentas úteis para facilitar a re"Estamos entusiasmados por estar ciclagem. " novamente colaborando com Keep America Beautiful, nosso parceiro "A idéia central é dizer às pessoas

a reciclar e dar ao seu lixo outra vida. Mostrando que a garrafa tem sonhos parece ser uma forma muito poderosa, porém delicado de fazê-lo ", disse PJ Pereira, chefe de criação da Pereira & O'Dell.

ica, Niagara Bottling, Unilever e Gestão de Resíduos. Além disso, um dos PSAs featured TV, intitulado "Stadium", foi filmado em locações na M & T Bank Stadium, que é o lar de Baltimore Ravens da NFL. O exterior do estádio, e selecionar O Counsil Ad e a Keep America áreas adicionais em todo o local, é Beautiful iniciaram uma parce- construído parcialmente a partir de ria ha quatro décadas atrás, desde alumínio reciclado pós-consumo. 1971, para a criação de uma campanha da PSA destacando como o A pesquisa on-line, encomendado lixo e outras formas de poluição po- pelo Conselho de Ad, foi realizado diam agredir o meio ambiente. em parceria com a C + R Research. A PSA, que contou com Iron eyes A pesquisa foi realizada em todo o ody, "The Indian Cry", foi ao ar no país a partir de 25 junho - 8 julho Dia da Terra em 1971 e enfatizou de 2013. A amostra foi composta de que cada indivíduo tinha uma re- 999 americanos adultos com idades sponsabilidade pessoal para ajudar entre 18 e 64 anos. a proteger o meio ambiente. O anúncio tornou-se uma das cam- O Conselho anúncio está distripanhas mais memoráveis e​​ bem-su- buindo o novo PSAs para televisão, cedida da história da propaganda e rádio, outdoor e mídia digital com foi nomeado uma dos 100 melhores mais de 33.000 pontos de venda campanhas publicitárias do século de mídia em todo o país. Seguindo 20 pela Ad Age. o modelo do Ad Council, os anúncios serão veiculados no espaço e no A campanha "Eu quero ser recicla- tempo inteiramente doada pela mído" é financiada através da Keep dia. A campanha será apoiada por America Beautiful pela Funda- um abrangente de relações públicas ção Alcoa, Conselho Americano e de programas de mídia social no de Química, Fundação Anheuser- Facebook, Twitter e YouTube. Busch, a Nestlé Waters North Amer-

About the Music Scene Earth, Wind & Fire Releasing New Earth, Wind & Fire. This marks Studio Album "Now & Forever" the group’s first new studio album September 10 th in eight years. Now, Then & ForevOn Legacy Recordings er, will be available everywhere on Tuesday, September 10.

music will go on forever.”

down their signature grooves for more than 40 years, will be bringing “The album gave us the opportuni- the sounds of Now, Then & Forevty to tie everything together musi- er to concert audiences across the cally and culturally,” said EWF’s co- country this fall. founder Verdine White. “Without the support of the fans around the The brainchild of music legend Mauworld, the Earth, Wind & Fire jour- rice White, Earth, Wind & Fire is to ney would not have been possible. this day one of the top touring groups We dedicate this album, Now, Then of all time with founding members & Forever, to all the fans.” Philip Bailey, Verdine White and Ralph Johnson performing to soldNow, Then & Forever - track listing audiences around the world.

New Single, “My Promise” premieres on www.NowThenandForever.com Earth, Wind & Fire’s first album of new studio material since 2005, Pre-Orders are now live on Now, Then & Forever is also their www.NowThenandForever.com first album for Legacy which isn’t a compilation or a live collection. Legacy Recordings is proud to announce the release of Now, Then For a limited time, fans will be able & Forever by the legendary group to pre-order Now, Then & Forever at 1. Sign On www.NowThenandFor2. Love Is Law ever.com. A pre-order 3. My Promise of the album allows the 4. Guiding Lights fans to have their per5. Got To Be Love sonal names printed in 6. Belo Horizonte the album’s final CD 7. Dance Floor package. The band’s 8. Splashes site will also feature 9. Night Of My Life the premiere of their 10. The Rush new single, “My Promise.” The release of Now, Then & Forever, the ul“The Now, Then & For- timate celebration of ever album is really Earth, Wind & Fire, igabout the legacy of nites an exciting new Earth, Wind & Fire,” phase for the iconic said co-founder Philip American soul-funk-fuBailey. “The spirit of sion powerhouse Rollthe band has always ing Stone said “changed been about uplifting the sound of pop.” the consciousness of humanity. Earth, Wind & Fire, the groundbreaking funkThere’s a hope that rock-soul-jazz ensemthis Earth, Wind & Fire ble who’ve been laying

The Orlando Music Scene 10. Strange Flo These are just some of my favorite MC's, these artist have been working hard for years and all are very developed in their craft. As Indie artist we know that no matter how hard we work, it stills boils down to having that "One Hit" and with the summer upon us, Orlando is in for a treat in regards to fantastic Indie releases.

Let's face it, in the music business you only need "One Hit" to make it. I have been following a lot of artist lately because as a label owner it is impor- I guess the summer is spetant to measure our prod- cial because people are out uct against someone else's. and about enjoying the weather and good times. This will be one of the big- Family reunions and gest summers so far in Or- BBQ's are everywhere lando in regards to music and people are ready to and I wanted to list 10 of party. my favorite MC's in the city. Be sure to check these I'm very excited about New single from artist out and add their Orlando artist and I hope that all of our readers take South Coast Re- music to your playlist. time out to follow these cording artist AN-ONE and (This is not in any order of artist because they are very talented MC's. Stupid Genius. who I think is best)


1. Jay Fresko 2. E-Turn 3. My Verse 4. D-Rugg Da Mohawk Don 5. Remedy Da Franchise 6. Megga Neenz 7. A-Mega 8. Red Eye 9. Wreck Wrangler

As always I appreciate your time and interest in the Orlando music scene and AboutUS. Real Talk, Real Music, South Coast Records.

Larry Poynter Jr.

What's good Orlando? I hope all of our readers are having a wonderful summer. Summer is always a great season for music releases. Artist and bands always try to record that "One Hit" that will be perfect for the summer.

Most Comprehensive Collections Ever Include Iconic Tracks, Electrifying Live Performances, Early Demos, Creative Collaborations and Innovative Remixes Nearly 270 Michael Jackson tracks will be packed into the exclusive iTunes digital anthologies (iTunes.com/ MichaelJackson) The Indispensable Collection and The Ultimate Fan Extras Collection to be released today by Epic/Legacy Recordings in collaboration with The Estate of Michael Jackson.

Ultimate Fan Extras Collection includes captivating early demos, creative collaborations and innovative remixes that underscore Michael’s artistic genius. The Indispensable Collection has been mastered specifically for iTunes (iTunes.com/ MichaelJackson), ensuring the delivery of the music to listeners with increased audio fidelity, more closely replicating what the artists, recording engineers, and producers intended. Individual Michael Jackson albums have also been mastered specifically for iTunes and will also be available today. These releases coincide with the June 29 premiere of Michael Jackson ONE, a new immersive music experience which is the second collaboration between The Estate of Michael Jackson and Cirque du Soleil and which will be in permanent residence at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. The partnership’s previous collaboration, the touring show Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour, was one of the top-grossing tours in the world in 2012 and is now playing to sold-out arenas in Asia.

The Collections are the most comprehensive packages ever released showcasing The King of Pop’s body of work. The Indispensable Collection includes such classic Michael Jackson albums as Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and Invincible as well as breathtaking concert tracks from Live at Wembley, the historic 1988 London performance from Michael’s re- SOURCE cord-smashing Bad tour. The Legacy Recordings


270 Michael Jackson Tracks Packed Into New Anthologies The Indispensable Collection and The Ultimate Fan Extras Collection, Available Now Exclusively On iTunes

August 2013.

Challenging technological barriers B&O PLAY by BANG & OLUFSEN proto present a sound experience taivides premium listening and viewing lored for a life on the move experiences to digitally connected de-

sign fans. For more information, see B&O PLAY by BANG & OLUFSEN http://www.beoplay.com.

proudly announces the launch of two new headphones. The headphones are significant as they combine quality craftsmanship with enduring materials and use the latest technology to make portable music sound better. BeoPlay H3, available now, is a superior and comfortable in-ear headphone for people in action; and BeoPlay H6, available in August 2013, is a super soft, flexible over-ear headphone. Both sets of headphones feature a sound performance that takes audio to another level.

“We have huge expectations for these premium headphones,” states Zean Nielsen, President of Bang & Olufsen America, Inc. “Our customers have been yearning for a quality alternative to the headphones that are on the market today. With H6 and H3’s arrival, we will now offer a premium headphone that delivers a best in class audio experience and authentic design that we know will resonate with our brand enthusiasts and music lovers across the country.” The H3 retails for$290 CDN and the H6 for $460 CDN. The H3 is available now at Bang & Olufsen stores across Canada, shopbangolufsen.com, the


B&O PLAY Launches Two New Sets B&O PLAY online store (beoplay.com), Apple retail stores, and Apple Online. of Premium Headphones with The H6 will be available nationwide in Optimized Music Performance

We will see you Next Month! Visit Us at www.thehotspotorlando.com

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