Brazil America Business Council News

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BrazilAmerica Produced By The Hotspotorlando Marketing Social Media Content

We will never give up!

Brazil deserves better, it is slowly taking its path to recover from the greatest corruption scandal in its history. We are looking forward to see the giant awake, growing, filled with opportunities and free of these sad memories. Meanwhile we have the people to thank for the revolution. The tireless citizens who didn’t silence their voices until government officials heard their plea of justice, the people’s voice to cure the country. August and September came with great events. We celebrated the Jewish Chamber of Commerce and the Muslim American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Orlando. The two events were filled with great connection, and a wonderful vibe of success accomplished.

Portrait Artist this month and Cover Stella Nanni

The Brazil America Business Council is proud of its Art, Culture and Heritage. We are always looking for opportunities to show it and introducing other cultures and different cultures to do business with is a way to promote this great melting pot that Orlando is. October started with Governor Rick Scott’s Latin American Summit 2017 in Miami, we were honored to be invited and to have participated in such a great event. The future is in our hands, we make it as we move forward with our ideas and goals. A strong vision to a great future, with partnerships and strong allies. Together we are a force, we can make it happen.

Laiz Rodrigues

Laiz Rodrigues Brazil America Business Council Executive Director


COMO VAMOS CONSTRUIR UM REGIÃO Temos que acima de tudo, levar nossas MAIS PRÓSPERA? ideias a resultados, de locais a Globais. Dirigidos por nosso objetivo comum e fortaCOMO PODEREMOS MOSTRAR QUE A CO- lecidos por nosso esforço coletivo, estamos MUNIDADE BRASILEIRA TEM VALOR? mapeando o nosso futuro. Essas simples perguntas dão origem a um novo modelo de parceria que poderia impulsionar a região da Flórida Central a alcançar novas fronteiras, direcionadas pelo Brazil América Business Council, revitalizando negócios já existentes e em funcionamento dentro de nossa comunidade, cumprindo nossos objetivos de empurrar a nossa região sempre para frente e fortalecer a voz de nossa comunidade.

Uma organização de parcerias com uma paixão em comum, o compromisso de um amanhá melhor e mais forte. Prfecisamos juntar forças para fazer as mudanças acontecerem. O nosso sucesso depende de: • Considerar e estabelecer nossas prioridades, Identificar as linhas de negócios mais importantes para o sucesso de nossa organização e comunidade.

Como empresas temos a obrigação de firmar uma comunidade cívica, crescermos e • Com as expertises necessárias para exenos fortalecermos criando potencial para focutar essa tarefa, manter nossos líderes mentar o progresso que almejamos. da comunidade sempre informados de nosso sucesso, assim como os líderes Podemos e devemos provar e acrescentar brasileiros que podem beneficiar a nossa valor a Flórida Central, ajudando a região alOrganização e Comunidade. cançar uma economia reconhecida por sua • Criar uma forte representação politica autonomia e globalização, que tenha forca para tentar solucionar problemas de nossa comunidade.


Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Volusia, Polk. Os negócios Internacionais são uma E os demais, Citrus, Hardee, Hernando, ferramenta alavancadora e primordiais Hillsborough, Indian River, Manatee, para a nossa economia. Trade é primorMarion, Pasco, Pinellas, Sumter. dial., Precisamos acima de tudo entender e incentivar o mecanismo de atração de capital e fortalecer os investimentos com Setores publico, privado e Inde- em nossa área, pendentes Acreditamos que seguindo seriamente esse modelo, podemos nos tornar um potente núcleo de negócios dentro da de pessoas na Região Comunidade,



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5472 International Dr. Orlando FL 32819

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Stella N a N N i

By Journalist Oscar D’Ambrosio

Stella Nanni é um talento genuinamente Stella Nanni is a genuinely Brazilian talent. brasileiro. Sua universalidade vem da Her universality comes from being a visual condição de artista plástica que desde a and plastic artist who since childhood infância mostrou sua paixão pela arte. displayed her passion for art. Her experience of living in Europe also brought her Sua vivência na Europa também trouxe attributes and knowledge. grandes atributos e experiências. Besides, this artist has within herself the Além disso, essa artista traz consigo a sensibility of the colors and the joy of life. sensibilidade das cores e da alegria de viver. Qualities that are profoundly Brazilian, Qualidades estas profundamente nacionais, signatures of this blessed country. marcas deste país abençoado. Situações cotidianas entregues ao hiper-realismo Everyday situations worked under the e expressionismo são características dessa hyperrealism and expressionism is the mark grande pintora, que nos ensina que, além de of thisgreat painter who teaches us that, muito talento, é fundamental usar o rigor e besidesMa lot of talent, is essential to use disciplina para ser um grande artista. the rigor and discipline to be a great artist. Seu pincel é feito de luz, e as suas tintas se espalham num leque de matriz e luminosidadesupreendentes.

Her brush is made of light, and her inks spread out in a range of matrix and luminosity that are very surprising.


Stella N a N N i Quando se pensa no expressionismo figurativo, é preciso levar em conta dois fatores. Primeiro, há um movimento de dentro para fora, ou seja, uma forma de ver a realidade e, em seguida, a partir dele, ocorre a construção de uma pintura caracterizada pela qualidade e por um conhecimento do mundo. A artista plástica Stella Nanni se vale de seu instinto e de sua técnica para erguer uma expressão visual plena de dramaticidade e subjetividade. Vale-se de cores irreais e intensas e algumas deformações num exercício constante de exaltação do sentimento, mas sem perder o controle sobre o gesto. O emocional e o intelectual caminham em paralelo num exercício em que o elemento psicológico desempenha também um importante papel no sentido de que as telas estão marcadas pela personalidade da artista ao lidar com cores vibrantes, surjam elas mais fundidas ou separadas, mas lidando, na maioria dos casos, com alguns elementos inesperados, tanto numa tonalidade como num gesto plástico.

When one thinks about figurative expressionism, two elements should be taken into consideration. First, there’s an inside to outside movement, that is, a certain way to look at reality and then, from this movement on comes the construction of a painting characterized by quality and world’s knowledge. The visual and plastic artist Stella Nanni makes use of her instinct and technique to build a visual expression full of dramatic and subjective qualities. She makes use of unreal and intense colors and some deformations in a constant exercise of exaltation of the sentiment, but without losing control over the gesture.

The emotional and the intellectual move side by side, in an exercise in which the psychologi cal element also plays an important role in the sense that the paintings are marked by the personality of the artist when dealing with vibrant colors, whether they appear more merged or separated, but dealing, in the majority of the cases, with some unexpected elements, Artistas como Richard Diebenkorn, David Park, being it in a tint as in a plastic gesture. Joan Brown, Elmer Bischoff e Nathan Oliveira são algumas referências no que tangem à pintura Artists such as Richard Diebenkorn, David Park, gestual, pincelada larga e cor vibrante. Joan Brown, Elmer Bischoff and Nathan Oliveira

are some of the references concerning the gestural painting, large brushstrokes and vibrant color. Stella’s subjects, which come almost always from everyday routine, include people walking their dogs, couples and beach scenes.

Os assuntos de Stella, que parte quase sempr do cotidiano, incluem pessoas passeando com cães, casais de namorados e cenas de praia. O que predomina é um certo clima de mistério, também presente em suas mulheres nuas ou mesmo nas cenas em que surgem crianças.

cal element also plays an important role in the sense that the paintings are marked by the personalitywalking their dogs, couples and beach scenes. What is always there is a certain mystery

O uso do vermelho ou do verde, por exemplo, com suas múltiplas gradações, não resvala para o expressionismo alemão, marcado pelo uso do óleo como uma pasta grossa, martelada e áspera, mas por uma técnica em que o traço distintivo não está na violência ou no descontrole e muito menos no patético, trágico e sombrio.

The use of red or green, for instance, with its multiple gradations, doesn’t slide into German expressionism, marked by the use of oil paint as a thick paste, hammered and rugged, but is marked by a technique in which the distinctive stroke is not in the violence or lack of control and even less in the pathetic, tragic and somber.

atmosphere, also present in her naked women or even in the scenes in which children appear.

A artista alcança seus momentos mais significativos quando toma as pessoas como um poço de sentimentos a ser explorado. Sua pintura busca exatamente retirar de cada ser ou situação aquilo que existe de emoção e isso ganha a tela por meio de uma expressão plástica que não abre mão da figuração, âncora que mantém suas telas ligadas à realidade.

The artist reaches its most significant moments when she takes people as a well of sentiments to be explored. What her painting exactly seeks is to take from each being or situation the existing emotion and that reaches the canvas through a plastic expression that doesn’t let go of the figuration, the anchor that keep her paintings connected to reality. It’s when diving into what is not put into words that one É quando se mergulha naquilo que não está dito starts to apprehend what Stella Nanni declares que se começa a apreender o que Stella Nanni through a speech that is non-verbal but a imagistic declara por intermédio de um discurso que não é one, a result of the subtle links between verbal, mas imagético, fruto dos elos sutis entre what she wants to produce and what her art aquilo que ela deseja produzir e aquilo que a brings to the viewer. sua arte traz ao observador. Há na intuição da artista um caminhar por um depositório não-lógico da humanidade. Parece ser dali que brota uma manifestação visual caracterizada por um descolamento do real, mas que o comenta por intermédio de diversos recursos, que têm a liberdade como norte primordial. sentimento de estarem ligadas por uma maneirade ler a vida.

In the artist’s intuition there is a path that goes through a non-logical depository of humanity. It seems that from this arises a visual manifestation characterized by a detachment from what’s real, but that discuss it through several resources, with freedom being their primordial North. This means to keep the mind alert to capture everything that is around, with the purpose to always raise questions and doubts about what is called reality. In this sense, the paintings produce in the public the feeling that they are always connected through a particular way of interpreting life.


Stella N a N N i


Stella N a N N i Embora a artista também se manifeste, ao longo de sua carreira, com outras manifestações, como retratos de pessoas ou cavalos, ou o hiper-realismo, também conhecido como realismo fotográfico ou fotorealismo, é no expressionismo figurativo que encontra uma maneira mais completa de dar ao universo circundante uma interpretação.

criações, não tanto no que se vê no primeiro Although the artist, throughout her career, also express herself with other manifestations, such as people or horses portraits, or the hyperrealism, also known as photographic realism or photorealism, it’s in the figurative expressionism that she finds a more complete way to give her interpretation of the surrounding universe.

O âmago de toda a questão talvez esteja justamente nesse ponto. Por meio de suas formas e cores, a artista brasileira oferece uma proposta de leitura visual que não se resume à parte técnica, mas engloba uma questão muito delicada: o papel e o poder da arte de não se restringir a uma ilustração de um tema, mas ser, em si mesma, uma forma de conhecimento.

The core of the discussion maybe lies exactly in this point. Through her forms and colors, the Brazilian artist offers a proposal of a visual interpretation that doesn’t reduce itself to the technical part, but embodies a very delicate question: the role and the power of art of not being restricted to an illustration or theme, but to be in itself a kind of knowledge.

O trabalho de Stella auxilia a desconfiar da palavra. O mencionado mistério aponta para a imagem como um reduto onde o universo mágico dos sonhos pode ser cristalizado.

Stella’s work helps to doubt the word. The mystery mentioned points to the image as a stronghold where the magical universe of dreams can be crystallized. After all, art maybe faces as its Afinal,a arte talvez tenha como grande desafio justa- great challenge precisely to bring to a support, mente o de trazer para um suporte, no presente caso, in this case the canvas, not only an impression a tela, não somente uma impressão daquilo que se vê, of what one sees, but mainly an expression, that mas principalmente uma expressão, ou seja, um depoi- is, a testimony of how one perceives and feels the mento de como se pressente e se sente o dia-a-dia. day-by-day routine, is worth for what it displays and for what it hides. Assim como uma semente tem dentro de si o potencial de gerar uma árvore esta, por sua vez, Her figurative expressionism isn’t just a label to please quando cresce, guarda metade de si mesma embaixo the market or the critics. It’s kind of a declaration of inda terra, nas trevas, escondida toda a sua tentions. The best of her painting is underneath, that is, força, pois é ali onde se alimenta e dali retira in the interstices of her creations, not much in what is a energia vital que lhe permite ser frondosa, a seen in the first moment, but in the way thatit’s done. arte de Stella Nanni vale pelo que mostra e pelo que esconde. O seu expressionismo figurativo não é um mero rótulo para agradar ao mercado ou aos críticos. Trata-se de uma espécie de declaração de intenções. O que há de melhor em sua pintura está embaixo dela, ou seja, nos interstícios de suas

momento, mas na maneira como isso é feito. Isso significa observar cada imagem deste livro atentamente, não focando apenas os assuntos centrais da pintura da artista, mas sim observando atentamente a consecução de uma fatura poética absolutamente imanente Tal característica leva a colocar a sua pintura num patamar em que a discussão está além de estilos e denominações retiradas da história da arte. A produção mais autêntica, nesse aspecto, é a de indivíduos, não a de períodos históricos, pois cada um dá ao seu sonho pessoal a forma Just as a seed carries with itself the potential to give birth to a tree, the later, when already grown, keeps half of itself under the land, in

the dark, with its power hidden, because it’s where it feeds and takes the vital energy that allows it to be leafy, the art of Stella Nanny That means closely observing each image of this book, not focusing only on the central issues of the artist’s painting, but closely observing the achievement of a poetic manufacturing absolutely immanent. This characteristic brings one to put her painting in a level in which the discussion is beyond styles or denominations taken from the history of art. In this aspect, the most authentic production comes from individuals, not from historical periods, since each one puts its personal dream

de uma pintura, escultura ou outra manifestação plástica qualquer. Está ali realizado um verdadeiro empreendimento que soma a cultura das épocas anteriores e da atual com experiências individuais.

in the form of a painting, sculpture or some other plastic manifestation. Then it’s there produced an actual undertaking, adding today’s culture and the ones of previous eras with individual experiences.

Stella Nanni toma o cotidiano como mote para seu exercício plástico. A seleção dessa discussão é, em parte, já uma tomada de posição. As relações entre as pessoas a interessam e tomar esse tema implica em algumas seleções visuais. O que não está pintado também faz parte da sua arte, pois o fato de não estar lá traz também um significado.

Stella Nanni takes the everyday routine as the theme for her plastic exercise. The selection of this discussion already is, in part, to take a stand. The relations between people grab her attention and choosing this theme implies in some visual choices. What is not painted is also part of her art, since the fact of being not there also contains a meaning.

Ao escolher seu foco e pintá-lo de acordo com a sua forma de conceber o mundo plasticamente, a artista desenvolve muito mais que o expressionismo figurativo. Sua maneira de trabalhar as figuras, por meio da técnica, em termos de cor e forma, e da intuição, representa um pensamento interpretativo, uma poética, uma expressão visual própria e diferenciada.

When choosing her point of interest and painting it according to her way of plastically conceiving the world, the artist is going way beyond the figurative expressionism.

Oscar D’Ambrosio Oscar D’Ambrosio, jornalista, é mestre em Artes Visuais pelo Instituto de Artes (IA) da UNESP, campus de São Paulo e integra a Associação Internacional de Críticos de Arte (AICA – Seção Brasil).

The way she works the figures through technique, in terms of color and shape, and intuition represents an interpretative way of thinking, a poetics, a visual expression differentiated and of her own. Oscar D’Ambrosio 1 Oscar D’Ambrosio, journalist, holds a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from the Instituto de Artes (IA), UNESP, campus of São Paulo, and is part of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA/ Brazilian Section).

Doing business in the US

This is by far one of the most used themes for seminars, conferences, webinars, and it still attracts people. Why? I pondered. How to do business is not the same as how to be successful in business, although people sometimes might interpret it as such. People search for a good business, entrepreneurs are after the next big thing, everyone is looking for a great opportunity and most of the time missed it because the opportunity is right in front of them and they are not looking or paying attention. In my many years of being a consultant, I have come across some very innovative ideas, for the time, and some were very successful but not without difficulties. I remember when Amazon came out, we lived and learned with Jeff Bezos every decision and accompanied his every up and down, but he was persistent, adapted and changed and today his dream of being an everything store, is a reality. There is a great book “The everything store: Jeff Bezos and the age of Amazon”, by Brad Stone that will give you insights of this fantastic business model. The point I am getting at is that every business is different and has its own challenges, there is not a one recipe fits all for business. We are a country of niches, segments, and some very profitable ones, if you can think of something you need, chances are that you will find a supplier or two. A business consultant role is to assist their client – as an outsider – to think their business model and bethe ombudsman for that business, to keep it on track.

By Louana Oliveira, 30 plus years as a business consultant.

Normally business owners are busy with the business operation and their sales, and forget to look at the big picture, or don’t have time to analyze the processes used in their business.

inal plan was to have franchise stores, that in Brazil worked very well, but in the US, was proven not to be the best way.

In Brazil cities are laid out differently, they have sidewalks, people window shop on Having a hired business consultant can be their way to work, and it is a custom to shop very profitable for the business, and so few in street stores. business owners do it nowadays. There is so much information out there that people If you examine the U.S market it may be betdon’t have the time to discern or digest. ter to have a strip mall store or even a mall store, due to cultural habits. If you your store So back to our topic, doing business in the US is New York it may very well be a street front follows some simple steps. Have a plan, have store, but in other regions, it may not be the an idea and be ready to change it, adapt it as best plan. you go along. Your idea needs to be validated by research, know your competition, know With international business, aside from the how they work, and compare your company market sectors, one must take into considto them objectively. eration the culture of the country, especially when your product is sold to the public. Do Easier said than done, this is the hardest ac- they know it? Do they like it? Will tion for a business person to do, due to their emotional involvement in the they buy it? Americans are a very diverse business, so you pay for outside advice. And bunch, and a very large bunch at that, around most of the time the adjustments to be made 330 million people, most of them economiare very few and small, other times you will cally active. A fantastic market to enter, but discover that the initial plan was off, but it is very easy one to get burned. better to discover in time before you run out of funds. To know how to business in the US, either if you are a local or international business look Bezos did several adjustments and still does for a business consultant service with market to his business and the latest added segment experience to assist you, to bring a different movie making resulted in an Oscar for Man- perspective to your planning and operations, chester by the sea, an Amazon production. you will be glad you did it. I remember assisting a Brazilian cosmetic company entering the US market. Their orig-

Cristina Faria CEO, Dr, Saul Gutierrez, Medical Assistant Roseliz Palacios, Dr. Ambrosio Romero, Medical Assistant Diana Hernandez Ortiz

VIP WALK-IN CLINIC Giving Hope and Helping the Brazilian Community

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The most significant campaign made inside the Brazilian Community was VIP Walk-In Clinic’s Campaign, where more than 300 women were registered for the PINK October Campaign at the Florida Hospital, where mammograms were offered for $30 at any of their centers. The mobilization was made by social media, and word of mouth, the clinic staff worked tireless to achieve this goal. Every life matters, every minute counts, and for the first time we could really show how important it is to prevent, and to take action right away when something is wrong. To be the light to those who have no insurance, or any ways to find care, or help, they could count on the VIP Walk-in Clinic Staff and CEO Cristina Faria to get help. As a member of the Brazil America Business Council, we are proud to register their achievement and hope they can continue to strive and grow. Congratulations to their entire staff and to Cristina Faria CEO.

Governor Rick Scott’s 2017 Latin American Summit The Brazil America Business Council received the honor of the invite by Governor Rick Scott’s 2017 Latin American Summit.

Here are a few considerations on a few countries that are today embargo or not welcome to do business with the US,

We were represented by our Executive Director Laid Rodrigues.

CUBA At present, no company in the State of Florida does Business with Cuba, due to political choices, lack of Democracy. We must do everything possible to fight against the Castro arbitrary regime. A government where there are strong signs of corruption, violence and the presence of other elements that will always be a danger to the people and to the country.

The Summit was organized and conducted by Governor Rick Scott’s team. We were all exposed to new and useful information, but the main focus was on Democracy as a tool for Freedom and Economic Prosperity. We are blessed to live in a country where we have our freedoms and Constitutional rights respected. Taking advantage of it, allows us to build a path to develop relationships with other nations envisioning the new businesses and our economic development through trade agreements. Today 76% of our trade is done with Latin America and Caribbean. In order to keep trade fair, it is important to do business with Democratic countries, countries that are not laundering money for terrorism, are not cultivating a dictatorship, profiting from traffic or exploiting its people. Brazil, that until 2015 was the US biggest trade partner through Florida, is expected to change in upcoming presidential elections and hopefully return to its post of favored nation. A fact, trade has created 1.4 Million jobs in the US and Latin America, and Enterprise Florida helped create 450.000 jobs.

VENEZUELA No order, no security, total Chaos, no food, water or basic needs. Children are born every day with no rights and under Maduro’s madness, if the regime keeps on the country could never recuperate. Under the US rules, no agencies will do business with Venezuela We must fight for freedom, for Democracy. Alleviate the Social Economical Suffering Improve the quality of life Promote Human Rights Promote freedom and security Fight for Justice Separation of Powers, and More power for more People Free Press The Right to an Opinion The Right to expression Violence must be eliminated We are to help to battle, hunger and poverty

Governor Rick Scott’s 2017 Latin American Summit COLOMBIA Work for peace and the negotiations of the FARC agreement, which destabilized the economy, and does not respect the will of the People. Democracy has been seriously compromised.

They defend Free Trade and have created many incentives to facilitate that. He believes free trade can be a reality. Also, wants to upgrade their transportation infrastructure, diminish bureaucracy, and upgrade and their banking systems. Better Airports, better • Colombia should provoke reconciliation, structure to ultimately increase tourism and sustainable solutions for the people and that, the country could offer: for the environment. • More Jobs • Attract more Entrepreneurs • Should promote Social Economic develop- • Increase production ment and produce more. • Smaller taxes • Open markets • Shouldn’t allow the use of funds derived • Generate more benefits to the Argentinifrom crime and corruption, which coman People. promises the economic and social devel- To reach those goals the Minister also said opment, stealing opportunities from the that eliminating obstacles that impede progpeople. ress, such as Crime, poverty and bureaucracy is paramount to achieve their goals. UltimateSenator Marco Rubio spoke about what ly, he also said that there is space to grow the caused these countries to change these coun- relationship with the US, and increase busitries their political views, allowing them to ness among the two nations. choose such a destructive path. HUMAN RIGHTS PANEL He believes that certain Political Parties and “Democracy is the Art of thinking indethe media who sympathizes with these rependently, but together.” gimes, corruption and unfair elections, are We all face challenges when we speak about the main roots to establish dictatorship and keeping democratic relations with other leftists ideals, leaving people in Chaos, pover- countries. It isn’t every day, that we reach ty and disparity our goals and become successful in our pursuit for freedom. Elections alone are not a sign of Democracy Guarantee that Human Rights are respectyou have to fight to govern with Democracy. ed is a hard task. Strengthening these relaFor all these countries the possibility of De- tionships even harder, but we keep doing it, mocracy with plenitude is not yet available , Democracy must prevail. but change is possible.

Free Trade is the Right Way Going back to the situation in Brazil and its latest efforts to fight corruption, there is a good amount of Faith that Brazil will emerge from the regretful path it has taken in the past and has still a chance to occupy the same position as before. The biggest US trade partner. REGARDING ARGENTINA Governor Rick Scott brought in Argentina’s Minister of Production Luis Almagro Lemes. In his last Business Mission to Argentina, Governor Rick Scott saw the potential the country has, he appreciates the changes President Mauricio Macri made and feels that Argentina shows a positive business profile, showing the exercise of Democracy, and consequently deserving the US support to more trade operations with partners in the US. When asked about his success, the minister affirmed that what Argentina wants is to be a normal country, that wants: • • • •

Prosperity to all, Build Relationships To be a Full Democratic Nation To be a source of Investment from abroad • An Argentina integrated to the world The Minister also said that many steps to achieve this are already in motion, and others are still to come They have created an Investment Agency to answer questions and provide information to all interested in investing.

We find many times that the law is manipulated to fit other purposes, facilitating other regimes to grow and it becomes hard to change that structure that is compromised politically, economically and socially VENEZUELA Venezuela right now is the Dictatorship of the twentieth Century. Violations such as: • Protesters Assassination by torture. • Human Rights inequality • Violence without cause • Corruption • Human Traffic • Drug Traffic • Terrorism • Lack of Human Rights The fight is constant against the ones who are establishing business relations with countries who are disrespecting Democracy. These countries have a tradition of terror and constant human rights violations. The Venezuelan Tradition of disrespect to freedoms, to safety, supporting delinquency, and organized crime, needs to end. The Castro Chavismo has institutionalized crime and corruption, supported the creation of Infamous Laws, and the violation of fundamental rights. In Bolivia, the right to own property, freedom of thinking, the right of reunion, association and to have an opinion, is no longer valid. They forgot that the will people is the fundamental bade for public power.

Governor Rick Scott’s 2017 Latin American Summit

Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia and Hon- moment, we must enforce that our deficit is still duras are penalizing the Ines who stand against very large. the infamous laws of the land. It is vital they learn to respect and protect the constitution What best promotes trade? and Democracy. Welcoming and investing in the proper infra Democracy after all Must determine the way structure to optimize trade. A Coherent, interbusiness is conducted and regulated. national trade must generate jobs, the level of Democracy will increase the level of trade and Countries without Democracy infiltrate the US its promotion. Such as: with drugs, terrorism and money laundering to weaken us and take advantage of our American Open Markets System. We must understand that, we need to Opportunities maintain business relations with countries who Job creation will reciprocate Good Will, Fair Trade, stable As an example the Panama Canal with 10 (ten) efficient markets and better capital. Avoiding years of continuous growth, with business partprotectionism, closed markets and anti-subsidy ners in Latin America and USA. laws. By 2020, the State of Florida envisions to optiWith China it is imperative that we renegotiate mize E-trade in $50Billion, but wants to make our trade agreements. We must fix the overall sure Latin America is prepared to also be a part $365 Billion deficit. of it. We have four major elections in 2018. Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Paraguay must The USA has the highest Corporate taxes in the show they are walking towards a democratic world, this must be fixed. path of certainty, transparency and prosperity. As Mexico is our biggest trade partner, at the

To the right, BABC President Amy Litter, American Muslim Chamber of Commerce President Khalid Muneer, Julio Rocha, Attorney Liliana Torres, and guests, Above, Immigration Attorney Yazen Abdin from Nejame Law, Brazil America Business Council Executive Director Laiz Rodrigues, to the Left Khalid Muneer , Coco Johnson, Keith Laundry and in the middle Khalid Muneer and the Abdin Family and members of the Board at the American Muslim Chamber of Commerce. On top left, Orlando Hulse from marketplace Health, Vice President at The American Muslim Chamber and friend.

Brazil America Business Council and the American Muslim Chamber of Commerce Greater Orlando Business After Hours at Boi Brazil September was time to join the Brazil America Business Council and the American Muslim Chamber of Commerce-Greater Orlando, in one of our most successful events this year.

We had a beautiful evening, with lots of Brazilian Cuisine, Turkish food from the new Turquaz Restaurant, and lots of great networking and Bossanova,

In an effort to promote diversity, incluOne more time, Boi Brazil Steakhouse sion and appreciating peace among Naopened its doors, so both organizations tions. It was an honor to have such distincould get together and show their friend- guished guests. ship and enjoy each others company. Boi Brazil was unveiling their recently re- As part of our objective at the newed private/conference/ event room. Brazil America Business Council we are It was a success. to cherish, culture, Art and Heritage, but also promote business and prosperity.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.