Brazil America Business council newsletter 2

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Brazil America r e t t e l s w e N

Khalid Muneer

Introducing the Brazil America Business Council, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote Art &Culture, Community engagement, ethics and important business principles. We would like to spread the rich world Art & Culture, recognize it, allow our artists to show their work and create awareness to Brazil and other countries. Our main desire is to be recognized, not only as a source of Tourist Business, but also as a strong investor to the USA, with companies who generate jobs, revenue and a valuable import-export partnership.

We feel that the Central Florida Community needs an entity who will take the necessary steps to ensure that our Brazilian Heritage is appreciated. Also to assert the protection of our memory allowing the younger generations, who were born and raised in the US, to learn, accept and respect the Brazilian culture as well. We believe business will benefit as we prepare generations of well adapted professionals and students, and along the way help the art professionals to show their best work. We will have artful monthly networking events, along with a great agenda, and supported by The University Ana G. Mendez We believe in make our Community thrive. our valuable partner. Business is Important, as other pressing issues. We are a Business Council and we pay attention We understand that this is an ambitious proposto all the important matters concerning a busi- al, but also know that, if the first step in the right ness relationship between Nations. direction is not taken, it may never happen. If you have questions, we are always open to anWe are different, but we can respect and under- swer them. Please email our Executive Direcstand one another. Learning about Ethics, Laws, tor@ FolCostumes, and Culture are paramount to mutu- low us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and al respect and understanding. twitter. With an office in Winter Park and one in Sao Paulo-Brazil, the backbone of Brazilian Economy, we are thankful for the fast support, which facilitates to attend our market needs. Whatever we can do, to help the growth and prosperity of our members, we will work hard to promote it but it is a lot easier when you have strong partners.

Our website has all the answers you would need for membership information. Sincerely, Amy Litter, President Cristina F. Faria, Vice President Laiz Rodrigues, Executive Director


Amy Litter President

Professor James C. Clark

Khalid Muneer Board Advisor

Cristina Faria Vice-President

Nelson Ramos Junior

Laiz Rodrigues Executive Director

Louana Oliveira

Alfredo Scaff President Brazil Office

To Our Members and Followers We hope you had a great month of June, with lots of new business and a great perspective This month we would like to welcome our new for the Summer. We are happy to be here one member Thyago Bruno Mariani-Legacy Plus more time, and hope to always bring you good Realty and the support of GOTCHOSEN news. For us at the Brazil Ameica Business Council, it is very important to communicate and help our member’s brandsoday we count with our followers on LinkedIn, as we have just reached 850 followers. We are also growing on Instagram and Facebook. It is great to be able to communicate and help the ones who trust and are helping us grow.

We will see you next month, for more great Our website is also News! growing and performing well, with articles For now a great hug and Cheers! and main informa- Wishing you lots of success! tion about our organization. Laiz Rodrigues Brazil America Business Council Our office in Brazil CEO is in Sao Paulo, and has brought attention to our organization. We have a great team in place. Thank you all for the extraordinary support and confidence.


TTHE ART OF DORA MASINI AT ANA G MENDEZ Our June event at Ana G Mendez, was celebrated by Brazilian Artist Dora Masini, giving continuity to our partneship plans with the renoun institution, Anac G. Mendez University System For us at the Brazil America Business Council is imperative to show Art & Culture, a little of our food and a warm welcome, and there is no better place to put that in motion. The students of all different backgrounds, and different areas of studies, transform our events in a large canvas, where beautiful opportunities will be created for all. Students and professionals involved. For More Info click Here


CLASS OF 2017 GRADUATION EVENT - ANA G MENDEZ UNIVERSITY The Brazil America Business Council was honored to be present at the Ana G Mendez University Graduation Ceremony for the classes of 2017. The BABC was represented by President Amy Litter, Development Director Professor James Clark and Executive Director Laiz Rodrigues. The event was of beauty and importance. Attended by student's proud family members, authorities and community leaders. Luis Martinez Multicultural Director for the City of Orlando was Honored by The Universite, He graduated in 2007


Paychex, Inc. is an American provider of payroll, human resource, and benefits outsourcing services for small to medium-sized businesses. With headquarters in Penfield, New York, the company has more than 100 offices serving approximately 580,000 payroll clients as of May 31, 2014.

Raul Santiago Sales Consultant for PAYCHEX


I possess an innate leadership ability to promote a customer-focused and selling atmosphere, enabling the passion to deliver results. In a world of continuous innovation, it must be instinctive among team members to welcome change and grow with it. I believe in "getting out of the comfort zone," as it is the only way to truly advance and reach peak performance.

Headquarters in Penfield, New York Paychex was founded by Tom Golisano in 1971. Golisano started the company with $3,000. The operation grew to include 18 franchises and partnerships, which were eventually consolidated into one private company in 1979. In 1983, Paychex went public and began trading on the NASDAQ Stock Market. In fiscal 2013, Paychex revenues exceeded $2.3 billion. On February 9, 2011, Paychex acquired SurePayroll for $115 million cash. Today, PAYCHEX operates in Sao Paulo Brazil with over 1500 clients We would like to welcome PAYCHEX to the Business Council and present their representative Raul Santiago.

Horário de Atendimento De Segunda a Sábado De 8:00hs as 22:00hs Da 22:00 hs as 8:00 da Manhã Com hora marcada e Domingos com Hora marcada

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Cristina Faria CEO

8552 Palm Parkway Orlando-FL-32836

CF Med-Care 12139 South Apopka Vineland Road Lake Buena Vista FL 32836

Khalid Muneer Husband, father, grandfather, Company President, ing group in central Florida and also in the highChamber president, a man from the Community, est bracket in terms of their educational achievewith many accomplishments ments, income and purchasing power. However, they have not been able to exercise their rights in the political arena. As 2016 President of the Asian American Chamber of Commerce of CFL, Khalid oversaw a major growth in the Chamber membership and financial strength and representation of the community on major Boards. He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Orlando Mayors minority businesses certification Board and also on the Board of the Harbor House, a major Charity foundation. He has served on various economic bodies, the Executive committee of Orlando Economic development commission, Enterprise Flagler.

After worling for 17 years in investment banking in 8 different countries, moved to Florida 25 years ago to use his experience, knowledge and professional connections to work with Commercial Real Estate dealing with an upscale clientele. At the same time kept his passion for civic duties with several organizations but his appreciation for the Asian American Chamber of Commerv=ce was always the strongest call. Khalid has built a very successful career and today still commutes everyday from Palm Coast to Orlando where he conducts major part of his business. Khalid is very active as a leader of the Asian American community in serving and advancing their interests in business and political arenas to empower and educate them on issues that affecti their community in Florida. The Asian American community is the fastest grow-

His other major achievements includes also, Orange county Mayors Distinguished Asian American leader award (2017), Emotional Intelligence Society Distinguished community leader(2016), Puerto Rican National Leadership council award as an Asian Leader assisting Latino Businesses, FAPAC for assistance in their National convention in Orlando (2016) and nominated for the Don Quijote award by the Hispanic Chamber( 2017). in 2016 Khalid was also on the 100 most influential people of Central Florida list by the Orlando Sentinel and top 50 business leaders. With the Asian population of 21 million or 6.5%, household income of $77,166 and being the least politically active racial group, Khalid will remain very active to advance his community agenda, as he also is entering the Brazil America Business Council as a Board Advisor.

“So honored to join this list of great leaders as the recipient of this years ILF Leadership Award in Washington for services to the Asian Community

President Obama and Khalid

1-How do you see these great recognition? times it is easier to be recognized by other

Is this something you expected?

communities than your own?

I have always been very passionate about my public and community service and this has been in the family genes as my father was awarded the Order of the British Empire by the Queen in the UK in 1966 for his public service to the various communities.

In my case I consider all the above communities are my own as I worked and lived in 11 countries and visited over 43,l earning 9 languages. during my career in International Banking.

I have a good understanding of other cultures, values and their business practices. So to answer your question I did not expect these As for business, it is a well known fact that people recognition but I am very humbled and honored to like to do business with realtors from other combe recognized for my community and professional munities as they feel their confidential i nformation will not leak out to their community services. members.

2- Do you think this recognition will influence the way you are seen in the commu- 4- Tell us about why you came to America. nity?

I moved here from the UK as I wanted my children When you talk about the community, I think you to be educated in the American school system as it mean the various communities as I am still actively is more open and the children graduate with great involved in the Asian American Chamber of Com- confidence about job opportunities. merce, Brazil America Business Council, Moslem and the Arab communities in various leadership I also wanted to have my own business after working for major corporations for 17 years, in Europe, roles. Africa and the Middle East countries. This will enhance and encourage others to become more active and devote time to their various caus- On both counts the USA offers the opportunities es and issues relating to the respective communi- that no other country can even come close in giving the individuals opportunities to develop their ties. full entrepreneurial potential.

3- How can you relate to the fact that some-

Khalid Muneer with Orange County Ellected Officials

5- Khalid, you are an innovator, what do

you thnk of Chambers of Commerce in General?

Their main focus will be on membership drive and small business development. Unfortunately there is a perception that a Chamber is some elite group for elite people. However as you know it is a forum for all members to have an opportunity to network and build trust and take their business to the next level..

We have International realtors speaking different languages including Tagalog, Arabic, Swahili, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu Spanish and Portuguese, to name a few. and I personally train them in commercial and business Brokerage which are a major revenue areas that most real state companies do not focus on. To answer your question, yes I am grew my company Internationally I have a joint venture agreement with a Dubai real estate company to market central Florida properties to Dubai residents. We are constantly evolving to fit the market needs.

To be successful in life you need, hard work and the professional connections that will help to achieve this, and this should be the main objective of any Chamber, to be a forum 8- What advise would you give to new realtors? for promoting businesses.

6- Two years ago you went under heart I would tell them to work hard to get their real surgery, how is that still playing a role in estate license and look for ways to penetrate de International Market, and build astrong your daily life? I think for anybody a quadruple bypass is a traumatic experience.and after 2 years I am still in a hectic schedule. which can be a little stressful As for the change I have become more health conscious with more frequent visits to the Gym and much more healthy diet

7- Do you consider yourself completely fulfilled in your career, or you have much more to achieve? To be successful in life one has to have goals and these changes with the dynamics of the economy and other factors. My company Jupiter Properties Inc has been evolving into a truly International real estate company, specializing in Residential, Commercial and Business Brokerage in order to meet the new demographic changes we are experiencing in Central Florida.

immage and portfolio As foreign buying is still strong and they can learn about these buyers and get some referrals. In addition participate in various road shows available, join companies where will learn about other products, such as commercial and business Brokerage In order to have a diversified Knowledge and other sources of revenue than just residential real estate.

Khalid and his family

Your Credit Card Proces


Authorized Partner

ssor in Orlando

Authorized Partner

ALBERTO QUINTERO Art Investigator, Professor and Plastic Artist. Alberto’s passion and strength on investigation and exploration is captured on his Artwork, which covers a vast journey in the dimension of the roots of the Latin-American magic realism.

Alberto has a long trajectory exhibiting his artwork nationally and internationally with great results. He possesses extensive knowledge of Aesthetic Education, Plastic arts and extensive work experience within the country and overseas and during his career he has received various awards such as recognition from the Florida Governor Charlie Christ and the Mayor City of Orlando Mr. Buddy Dyer for his artistic contributions to the community,and the Best Artist in Florida’s 2nd Place Winner. Baterbys Art auction Gallery January,2012 and many more.

The Brazil America Business Council is a part of the Leadership Forum and admires the service Orlando Inc. dedicates to Central Florida Region.

INTRODUCING THE ORLANDO REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE As Florida’s only Five-Star Accredited Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Orlando Inc. helps you make connections and helps your business grow. Their Membership Directory receives over 80,000 hits every month.

Working together with BusinessForce (Public Policy Advocacy), (Regional Research & Resolves) and Leadership Orlando (Regional Leadership), and the Orlando Economic Partnership moving “Ideas to Results.”

Members can take advantage of our Events to connect with Central Florida businesses, and join one of their Leads Groups to facilitate connections.

As Florida’s only Five-Star Accredited Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, we help you make connections and help your business grow. Please take a look at our Membership Directory which receives over 80,000 hits every month. Take advantage of our Events to connect with Central Florida businesses, and join one of our Leads Groups to facilitate connections. Our focus and mission at Orlando, Inc. is to support Members and growth-oriented companies by:

Their focus and mission at Orlando, Inc. is to support Members and growth-oriented companies by: · Becoming the hub for break-through thinking · Accelerating business growth and innovation · Connecting members to success through our programs and events · Complimentary membership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Chamber of Commerce Orlando, Inc. (Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce) is one of four lines of business of the Central Florida Partnership and is specifically focused on Regional Entrepreneurship. A “Five-Star Chamber” – the highest level of achievement awarded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Orlando Inc. is positioned to serve the growing needs of businesses and entrepreneurs throughout the Central Florida Region.

· Becoming the hub for break-through thinking · Accelerating business growth and innovation · Connecting members to success through our programs and events · Complimentary membership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Chamber of Commerce Orlando, Inc. (Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce) is one of four lines of business of the Central Florida Partnership and is specifically focused on Regional Entrepreneurship.

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