Mission Orlando 2016

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www.cfbacc.com The CFBACC (Central Florida Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce) is preparing an Investment Mission from Brazil to Orlando. The Mission guests will leave Brazil/SP on March 14, 2016 in the morning, arriving in Orlando that same day in the afternoon. The Mission Doing Business With Central Florida is scheduled to March 15 to March 19, 2016. All participants will be guests at The B Resort-Downtown Disney, and the event opening of “Doing Business With Central Florida� will be on March 15 at 8 AM. The event will have 4 (four) days. In these four days guests will participate of visits to Investments, Attractions and will also attend to presentations of Enterprise Florida, City of Orlando, EDC (Economic Development Commission), Immigration Panel, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Construction, Architecture and Development, Investment and Protection of Assets, Accounting and Money Transfer. The four days program proposes not only classes and investment visits, but also a complete look in strategic points of our City. Our participants will visit the City of Orlando, Amway Arena, Medical City in Lake Nona, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, among other locations. Most of our visitors are looking to relocate to the US and it is paramount to show them the quality of life Orlando offers and the great opportunities as well. The event calendar will allow participants not only to experience great information but also live experiences. Along with the Day activities we will offer Orlando businesses the opportunities to participate of our Business Expo, which will focus in offer business to our Chamber Members, and even more information to our participants. This is an enourmous opportunity to participate in something so significant. It is a moment to do Business, to attract people to Orlando, and give them the right information, to avoid problems of misinformation in the future.

PARTICIPATION FEES There are three Sponsorship Categories: GOLD $4,000.00 - Booth at the Business Expo (3 Days) - Logo in all Materials - Banners inside the Main Conference (standing Banners Only) - Ad in the Event Program (Double Page) - Recognition during the Event - Table and Announcement at the Opening Breakfast and closing event - Announcement and participation at our closing event - Place Giveaways in the Event Gift Bag PLATINUM $3,000.00 - Booth at The Business Expo (3 Days) - Logo in All materials - 1/2 Page Ad in the Event Program - Recognition During the Event - Place Give aways in the event Gift Bag. - 3 seats at the Opening and Closing Event MEMBERS SILVER $2,000.00 - NON-MEMBERS PLATINUM $2,500.00 - Booth at The Business Expo (3 Days) - Logo in All materials - 1/4 Page Ad in the Event Program - Recognition During the Event - Place Give aways in the event Gift Bag. - 2 seats at the Opening and Closing Event

PACOTE OPCIONAL Você pode viajar independentemente! CFBACC (Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce) Segue abaixo proposta para o “Orlando Mission” Período de 14 a19 de Março - Ref.: Q05A

Preço por pessoa (Hotel + Transfers): Base de 20 pax’s com 13 aptos no Hotel. Single: U$ 1,262.00 Double: U$ 668.00 Triple: U$ 470.00 Quadruple: U$ 372.00

Package include: - Recepção e assistência de equipe bilíngue no Aeroporto de Orlando e Hotel; - Traslados na chegada e saída do Aeroporto de Orlando ao Hotel; - Gorjeta para maleteiros no Aeroporto e Hotel (2 malas por pessoa); - 5 noites no Hotel B Resort Orlando (de 14 a 19 Março) com impostos e taxas incluídas; - Acesso à sala de ginástica, business center, ligações locais e toll free, cofre no quarto, 2 garrafas de água por dia, gorjeta para arrumadeira. Check-in após às 15h do dia 15 de Março Check-out às 11h do dia 19 de Março 01 Café da manhã (buffet), no restaurante do Hotel, no dia 19 de Março Sistema Wi-Fi

Tarifas aéreas sugeridas: - ida e volta com impostos e taxas de embarque incluídas; - voos direto (São Paulo/Orlando/São Paulo); - ida em voo diurno e volta em voo noturno. - Preços sujeito a alteração sem aviso prévio até o ato da emissão. TAM: U$ 999.00 + taxa U$ 155.90 = U$ 1.154,90 AZUL: U$ 504.00 + taxa U$ 120.23 = U$ 624.23 (saída de Viracopos) Para embarque em outras cidades ou datas e reserva de passagem para o evento, favor consultar a agência de viagens oficial do Evento conforme abaixo: TULIWORLD VIAGENS E TURISMO LTDA. Rua da Consolação 359 Suite 61 São Paulo SP 01301-000 Fone: (11) 3231.5308 - Email: selma@tuliworld.com.br e sergio@tuliworld.com.br

Pacote do evento custo para participar da Conferência: US$2,500.00/pessoa Noite Extra: U$225.00 (Inclui diária + Resort Fee) Jantar de encerrameto: U$150.00 (Não inclui o coquetel) 14 de Março, 2016 Recepção no aeroporto de Orlando por um guia bilíngue e traslado ao “B” Resort, em Lake Buena Vista. Check-in no Hotel a partir de 15h:00. 15 de Março, 2016 - Das 08h:00 às 09h:00: café da manhã de abertura em sala privativa com participação de empresários locais da CFBACC e entidades governamentais; - Das 09h:00 às 12h:00: início dos trabalhos em sala privativa para palestras e apresentações; - Das 12h:00 às 13h:00: almoço (estilo buffet) em sala privativa. - Das 13h:00 às 17h:00: horário dedicado para reuniões individuais com patrocinadores. 16 de Março, 2016 - Das 08h:00 às 09h:00: café da manhã em sala semi-privativa no restaurante do hotel; - Das 09h:00 às 12h:00: sala privativa para palestras e apresentações. - Das 12h:00 às 13h:00: almoço (estilo buffet) em sala privativa. - Das 13h:00 às 17h:00: saída em ônibus fretado dedicado a visitas técnicas e reuniões em locais a serem determinados pelos patrocinadores.

17 de Março, 2016 - Das 08h:00 às 09h:00: café da manhã em sala semi-privativa no restaurante do hotel; - Das 09h:00 às 12h:00: sala privativa para palestras e apresentações; - Das 12h:00 às 13h:00: almoço (estilo buffet) em sala privativa; - Das 13h:00 às 17h:00: saída em ônibus fretado dedicado a visitas técnicas e reuniões em locais a serem determinados pelos patrocinadores. 18 de Março, 2016 - Das 08h:00 às 09h:00: café da manhã em sala semi-privativa no restaurante do hotel; - Das 09h:00 às 12h:00: sala privativa para palestras e apresentações; - Das 12h:00 às 13h:00: almoço (estilo buffet) em sala privativa; - Das 13h:00 às 17h:00: saída em ônibus fretado dedicado a visitas técnicas e reuniões em locais a serem determinados pelos patrocinadores. - Das 18h:30 às 21h:00: coquetel de encerramento seguido de jantar em sala privativa. 19 de Março, 2016 - Hospedagem no hotel até 11h:00; - Em horário a ser determinado, traslado ao aeroporto de Orlando.



$650.00 (NON-MEMBERS)


$500.00 (NON-MEMBERS)


$300.00 (NON-MEMBERS)

Trade sponsorships can be considered if presented to the Event Committee to missionbrazil@cfbacc.com (pending approval) The Travel and Conference logistic is in the care of TuliWorld - www.tuliworld.com - Mr. Sergio Nascimento CFBACC - Committee for Doing Business With Central Florida Financial and Advertisement: Laiz Rodrigues, Amy Litter, Eraldo Manes Jr. and Andrea Almeida. Business Development: Edsel Oliveira Real Estate: Miguel Kaled, Cristine Annes Cosentino, Jan Gautam, Anna Vangal, Khalid Muneer and Cleberto Copetti. Business and Asset Planningand Accounting: Aloysio Vasconcellos, Andre Gucailo, Michael Hanley, Betsaida Cedeno and Carolina Hadash.

DAY 1 Tuesday, March 15 BUSINESS EXPO 9AM - 1PM

08:00/8:30 AM: Opening Breakfast 09:00 AM: President Remarks 09:30 AM: Mayor Remarks (Orange County) 09:45 AM: NEC 10:00 AM: Enterprise Florida 10:30 AM: Edsel Oliveira 11:00 AM: HBIF 11:30 AM: CFITO 12 - 01:00 PM: LUNCH FREE AFTERNOON (TBC)

DAY 2 Wednesday, March 16 BUSINESS EXPO 9AM - 1PM

08:00/8:30 AM: Breakfast 09:00 AM: Opening Remarks Mayor City of Orlando 09:15 AM: City Commissioner Tony Ortiz 10:00 AM: Orlando City SC (TBC) 10:30 AM: Immigration Attorneys Panel 12 - 01:00 PM: LUNCH 01:00 PM: Moneycorp (TBC) 02:00 PM: Bright House Networks For Business(TBC) 03:00 PM: Meeting with Attorneys By Appointment

DAY 3 Thursday, March 17 BUSINESS EXPO 9AM - 1PM

DAY 4 Friday, March 18 BUSINESS EXPO 9AM - 1PM


Real Estate Day \Preliminary Agenda * 08:00 - 08:30 AM: Breakfast 08:30 - 09:00 AM: Networking Conference room 09:00 - 09:30 AM: Cleberto Copetti 09:30 - 10:00 AM: Commercial-Development Miguel Kaled 10:10 - 10:50 AM: Residential Real Estate 11:00 - 11:40 AM: Business brokerage 11:50 - 12:30 AM: Hotels Investment 12:30 - 01:30 PM: Lunch 01:30 - 02:00 PM: Final Appointments/Questions 02:00 - 05:00 PM: Visitations **

08:00-08:30 AM: Breakfast 08:30-09:00 AM: Diego Sampaio CompanyCombo (TBC) 09:30-10:00 AM: Accounting 10:10-10:50 AM: Investment Panel Westchester Financial WMS-Central Florida 12:0-01:00 PM: Lunch 1:00 -02:00 PM: Meeting with Investment Professionals 02:00 - 05:00 PM: Visitations ** 07:00 PM: Closing Cocktail-Venue TBD

Free Day

Shopping/Meetings Visitations, Etc... Departure to Brazil.

Saturday, March 19

NOTES: All dates and times are subject to change. The program will be adjusted as we confirm all speakers and sponsors. (*) 10 Minutes break between sections. (**) Interest on field trips must be disclosed to speakers by participants during the morning breaks, so speakers can organize the groups of interest according to destinations.


All Companies interested in Sponsorship opportunities and or Booths at the Business Expo please email a request to: marketing@cfbacc.com a form and invoice will be mailed to the parties interested.

Central Florida Brazilian-American Chamber Of Commerce 5323 Millenia Lakes Blvd. Suite 300, Orlando, Fl. 32839 Phone # 407-610 7158 marketing@cfbacc.com


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