March 18 & 19th
March 18 & 19th

March 18 & 19th
March 18 & 19th
St. Luke’s Health facilities are in-network with Cigna March 1, 2023. Our affiliated physicians from Baylor College of Medicine are already back in-network. Patients can start making appointments now for in-network services after March 1.
For 100 years, Miller Outdoor Theatre has delighted generations of audiences with the best in performing arts entertainment. And every performance free.
Celebrate 100 years of WOW! Enjoy eight months of the best music, dance, theatre and more. Plus, four big events packed with fun for the whole family two hours prior to a live performance. Dress in themed attire. Enjoy costumed performers, live mural paintings, epic photo installations and more. All free!
The Trinity Irish Dance Company
MARCH 18 — Special 100th Celebration: 6 PM, Performance, 8 PM
Return to the year it all started, 1923, with a roaring 20s extravaganza from 6 – 8 PM, capped off with a performance by the legendary Hot Sardines at 8 PM.
MARCH 24 — I am King: The Michael Jackson Experience: 8 PM
Located in Houston’s Hermann Park. Full season calendar, 100th event schedule and free ticket info at
There’s a little bit of all of us at Miller...
3 2
'Twas the first day of Spring Break 8
B y P a m M o l n a r
1 0
Signs to Look for and Steps to Take
By Christine Katz14
Inspiring Life Long Readers
H o w t o M a k e B o y s l o v e R e a d i n g
B y T a n n i H a a s , P h D
1 6
I s Y o u r C h i l d R e a d y
8 Q u e s t i o n s t o a s k B e f o r e C a m p
B y J i l l M o r g e n s t e r n
1 0 14
3 0
H i s t o r y M e e t s F a s h i o n
H e a d t o B r y a n M u s e u m i n G a l v e s t o n
B y M e l i s s a W i l l i a m s M u r p h y
3 2
S t . P a t t y ' s D a y i s H e r e
1 2 W a y s t o C e l e b r a t e w i t h F a m i l y
B y P a m M o l n a r
M a r 1 8 1 1 a - 3 p @ L a C e n t e r r a , K a t y
M a r 1 9 1 2 p - 4 p @ W o o d l a n d s M a l l
I n E v e r y I s s u e
F a m i l y F i n d s
C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s
B o o k B i t e s
1 8
On the Cover: Kamp Kanakuk, Missouri
N o w E x h i b i t i n g
C e n t e r S t a g e
1 8
6 7
3 4
1 3
3 0 4 1
4 2 - 4 3
S p e c i a l A d v e r t i s i n g S e c t i o n
S p r i n g / S u m m e r C a m p D i r e c t o r y
Established March 1988
Publisher/ Editor-in-chief Kimberly Guerra
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Creative Director
Staff Photographer
Contributing Authors
Chantal Lemieux
Casey Johnson casey@houstonfamilymagazine com
Amy Garrett amy@houstonfamilymagazine com
Tanni Haas, Ph.D.
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Valerie Kohler Chantal Lemieux
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Houston Family Fun Fest
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800 Town & Country Blvd, #500, Houston TX 77024 713 266 1885 | hello@houstonfamilymagazine com
Houston Family Magazine is published by Houston Family Magazine, LLC
www HoustonFamilyMagazine com
As the curtain rises on the 100th Anniversary performance season at Miller Outdoor Theatre (MOT), The Miller Theatre Advisory Board has announced that Houstonians and visitors alike can expect eight months of exceptional cultural arts programming plus four stellar 100th celebratory events, all free of charge to the public
The 100th season kicks off March 17 when Irish eyes will smile when The Trinity Irish Dance Company brings their progressive Irish Dance to Houston for St. Patrick’s Day.
The following evening transports all to 1923, the “birth” of Miller Outdoor Theatre, complete with a celebratory roaring 20s themed extravaganza with Vaudeville performers, swing dance lessons, photo opportunities and more. Renovations and improvements will be made to the theatre’s fixed and hillside seating. Also, the creation of a signature entryway to the theatre will both welcome guests and facilitate smooth access in and out of the facility
As always, admission to MOT remains free to all.
Everyone is encouraged to make Miller memories during the 100th anniversary season.
'Tw a s t h e f i r s t d a y o f s p r i n g b r e a k a n d a l l
t h r o u g h o u r t o w n
T h e h o u s e s w e r e e m p t y – t h e r e w a s n o o n e
a r o u n d .
T h e f a m i l i e s a l l l e f t o n m a g i c a l t r i p s
A n d w i l l s p e n d t h e n e x t w e e k o n b e a c h e s o r s h i p s
T h e y w i l l g o t o g r e a t r e s t a u r a n t s a n d c o m e h o m e w i t h n i c e t a n s .
T h e y w i l l h a v e m o r e f u n t h a n y o u c a n c o u n t o n o n e h a n d .
A n d t h e s t o r i e s t h e y t e l l w i ll b e e v e n b e t t e r .
H o w t h e y p l a y e d i n t h e s u n w h i l e w e w e r e s t u c k i n t h i s w e a t h e r
A t l e a s t t h a t ’ s t h e s t o r y f r o m m y t e e n s ’ p o i n t o f v i e w
H o w t h e y w i l l b e h o m e a l l w e e k w i t h n o t h i n g t o d o .
S o o f f t o t h e f a m i l y r o o m w i t h t h e i r s h o u l d e r s s l o u c h e d
M y t e e n a g e r s f e l l w i t h a s i g h o n o u r c o u c h
O n e b r o u g h t t h e c h i p b a g ; t h e o t h e r t h e d i p
T h e t h i r d w i t h t h e d r i n k s t o o k a v e r y l o n g s i p .
I w a t c h e d w i t h a m a z e m e n t a s t h e y a l l s e t t l e d i n
T o t h e s p r i n g b r e a k d e s t i n a t i o n o f m y f a v o r i t e k i n
T h e y e s c a p e d o u r w o r l d w i t h a f l a s h o f t h e i r s c r e e n s
A n d p o n d e r e d t h e f u n o f o t h e r f a r a w a y t e e n s .
I k n e w I m u s t s t o p t h i s . T h e y n e e d e d s o m e a i r .
T h e s u l k i n g i s o v e r , ” g r o w l e d m a m a b e a r
G e t o f f t h e X b o x , t h e i P h o n e , t h e t a b l e t s , t o o !
N o m o r e M i n e c r a f t o r F a c e T i m e o r N e t f l i x f o r y o u ! ”
T h e y l o o k e d u p f r o m t h e i r s c r e e n s w i t h a f a c e o f s u r p r i s e .
M y s o n s c r a t c h e d h i s h e a d w h i l e t h e g i r l s r u b b e d
t h e i r e y e s .
“ A r e y o u k i d d i n g ? ” t h e y a s k e d m e w h i l e c o c k i n g t h e i r h e a d
I s t a r e d a t t h e m i n d i s b e l i e f , b u t “ N o , ” w a s a l l I s a i d .
W i t h a l o o k o f d e f e a t , t h e y a l l h a n d e d m e t h e i r s c r e e n s .
W h a t w i l l w e d o n o w ? ” w a s t h e c r y f r o m m y t e e n s .
W e w e r e g o i n g o u t I t o l d t h e m t o g e t d r e s s e d
O u r d e s t i n a t i o n w a s n ’ t c l e a r b u t w e s e t o u t o n o u r q u e s t
d to the car, shouting “Shotgun” on their way about who sat there last and then we
was for fuel – not for gas, but for food. ded the energy to squash their ugly mood. the mall It was a place that they new well t provided greasy fries, subs and ood did its job. I thought I saw them smile. p, then my daughter asked if we r a while
he latest fashions; my son, the . air of gold high tops and a jersey
hit the sales racks, flipped through elled each candle how much more shopping my teenage s dle.
was time to leave, but they stopped ore
We went into a toy shop that I had not seen there before.
My kids scattered down the aisles to find their avorite toys
The girls hit the aisles of pink, while my son found one just for boys
On the way home they reminisced about how they used to play.
It had been a lot of years since the toys were packed away
The teens headed straight to the basement as oon as we got back
They pulled out Legos, dolls and games until it was all unpacked.
When I headed up to bed that night, their laughter had yet to subside
Our trip to the mall had done more magic than even Disney could provide.
My teens didn’t need a fancy trip to have a good time together The memories from that spring break would last in their hearts forever
If you know the facts about an eating disorder called Bulimia nervosa, then you know that Jennifer should calmly and quietly pay closer attention to Kylie's behavior around eating and dieting.
Studies indicate that by their first year of college, 4.5 to 18 percent of women and 0.4 percent of men have a history of Bulimia.
In the United States, 5 to 10 million adolescent girls and women struggle with eating disorders and borderline eating conditions.
According to The Center For Mental Health Services, 90 percent of those who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25.
Boys and young men are also at risk for eating disorders. And eating disorders in boys and men, even if less frequent, may be on the rise Especially at risk, studies say, are boys on competitive sports teams, where members are under pressure to meet specific weights or stay physically fit, and also boys who are hypersensitive about physical appearance.
Bulimic behavior means binge eating and then attempting to rid the body of the food by purging (forcing yourself to throw up), by taking laxatives or diuretics, by fasting, or by compulsively exercising. Children who are overly concerned about their weight may take diet pills, smoke cigarettes, drink excessive amounts of diet soda, take stimulants, or try anything else that promises appetite suppression or rapid weight loss
1. Large amounts of foods consumed in short amounts of time. Food disappears suddenly from your kitchen or pantry. Packaging and wrappers appear in indoor or outdoor trash and recycling containers without your awareness that food was eaten. You find food packaging or wrappers in funny places, such as in bedroom closets or hidden under or behind furniture after you've noticed food missing
2 Purging behaviors. Your child retreats to a remote bathroom right after meals. You discover diet pills in your daughter's purse or diuretics in your son's sports bag. You find evidence of vomiting in the bathroom although no one in the house is sick You notice bloodshot eyes or broken blood vessels in your child's face shortly after mealtime
3 A fascination with fasting. You notice your child not eating for a day or even days at a time, possibly engaging in extreme behaviors like drinking large amounts of water or diet soda to suppress appetite. Your child exhibits dizziness or light-headedness from not eating.
4. Compulsive exercising. Your child often exercises right after eating, perhaps even early in the morning or late at night. You notice that periods of intense exercise come in fits and spurts rather than maintained sensibly over time. You notice a connection between the reward of food and the punishment of exercise afterwards
5 Secretiveness around eating and food. You may find multiple candy bar wrappers in an outdoor trash container You might hear your daughter awake at night rooting around in the kitchen cabinets. You notice that an ice cream container that was almost full yesterday in now almost empty.
6. Overeating. You suspect your child is eating emotionally or anxiously. He has a group of buddies who like to all "pig out" together after intense sports competitions. You wonder how your child seems to be eating so much without gaining weight You notice a pattern of bursts of overeating that did not exist before.
7. Mood changes and addictive behaviors. Does your child seem anxious, depressed or excessively moody lately? Sometimes eating disorders and mood disorders go hand-and-hand, and those who suffer from eating disorders may also be at higher risk for addictions. If a typically cheery child suddenly turns sour and becomes distant and depressed along with several of these other signs, get ready to offer help
There is often nothing visible on the surface that will tip you off to an eating disorder, so you may need to become a detective to determine whether or not your child is suffering from one A Bulimic child may work hard to keep up appearances. She may fall into a normal category of weight for her age, take care with her appearance, and put a smile on her face to cover up behaviors she does not want you to notice But pay attention, because by the time you notice concrete physical signs, like discolored teeth or calluses on fingers, the disorder will already be in advanced stages.
The best thing that can happen for a child with an eating disorder is early intervention and treatment, which is why it's important to try and catch patterns of Bulimic behavior as soon as possible Remember that eating disorders are painful and cause the sufferer to feel acute shame and self-disgust. If your child needs help, you want to be ready to provide it calmly and supportively without making a big fuss or taking the situation personally.
Do not try to treat eating disorders at home. Seek professional help Do some homework and set up professional resources before you approach your child, so you can be ready to offer a course of helpful action. Contact your family doctor ahead of time and get the name of specialists in your area. Keep in mind that the best choice for a child feeling vulnerable and ashamed may be to seek out a treatment professional of the same gender with a gentle manner
Think of an eating disorder as a cry for help rather than a permanent condition With early intervention and treatment, and love and support from family and friends, Kylie has a good chance of making a full recovery. Then she and Jennifer and the whole family can feel close once again
Food phenom Kwame Onwuachi tells the story of how ngenuity in the face of adversity enabled him to become a Top Chef star and executive chef of Kith/Kin in Washington D C
Both an incredibly moving mother-son love story and a parenting manual with concrete advice and actionable takeaways for feminists of all stripes.
Talk with Her: A Dad's Essential Guide to Raising Healthy, Confident, and Capable
A Houston author provides information on 19 topics defining your daughter's life along with the communication strategies you'll need to address them with care and confidence
When a troupe of theater students get stranded in a creepy old motel during a blizzard, they play a game that eads to real danger when a murderer is discovered in their midst
It is a great occasion for parents to address one of It is a great occasion for parents to address one of the most vexing the most vexing questions: how do we inspire our questions: how do we inspire our boys to enjoy reading as much as our girls? boys to enjoy reading as as our girls? Experts suggest that parents do the following to Experts suggest that parents do the following to make boys into lifelong readers: make boys into lifelong readers:
One way to inspire boys to read, says Dr. Patricia
One way to inspire boys to read, says Dr Patricia Furstenberg, a medical doctor and children’s book Furstenberg, a medical doctor and children’s book author, is simply to “leave reading material around author, is simply to “leave reading material around the house ” Melissa Fenton, a children’s librarian, the house.” Melissa Fenton, a children’s librarian, agrees She recommends that parents “keep agrees She recommends that parents “keep books all over the house, in all the places your boys books all over the house, in all the places your boys will be; by their bedside, on the breakfast table to will be; by their bedside, on the breakfast table to encourage reading over cereal, on coffee tables, encourage reading over cereal, on coffee tables, end tables, and even in the bathroom ” She even end tables, and even in the bathroom.” She even suggests that parents create a book display corner suggests parents create a book display corner and highlight seasonal and holiday titles, like and highlight seasonal and holiday titles, like bookstores do to entice customers. The message bookstores do to entice customers The message should be clear: reading is fun, and there’s a lot of should be clear: reading is fun, and there’s a lot of it to be enjoyed it to enjoyed.
Help your sons find reading materials that Help your sons find reading materials that interests them
Drs Paula Schwanenflugel and interests them. Drs. Paula Schwanenflugel and Nancy Knapp, the authors of The Psychology of Nancy Knapp, the authors of The Psychology of Reading, say that parents should “let boys choose, Reading, say that parents should “let boys choose, and help them find, the kind of books and other and help them find, the kind of books and other materials they want to read ” While you don’t want materials they want to read ” While you don’t want to unnecessarily limit your sons’ reading interests, to unnecessarily limit your sons’ reading interests, studies show that boys prefer to read about topics studies show that boys prefer to topics that relate to their lives, interests, and imagination. that relate to their lives, interests, and imagination
Dr. Jeff Wilhelm, a professor of English Education, Dr Jeff Wilhelm, a professor of English Education, sums it up well: “boys like to read what’s toolish, sums it up well: “boys like to read what’s toolish, not schoolish,” meaning that “boys prefer reading not schoolish,” meaning that “boys prefer reading things that have something they can immediately things that have something they can immediately use, talk about, argue about, or do something use, talk about, argue about, or do something with.” with ”
As Dr. Furstenberg says, “let your son wander As Dr Furstenberg says, “let your son wander around the library, pick a book and sit down to around the library, pick a book and sit down to page through it ” Ms Fenton agrees, suggesting page through it ” Ms Fenton agrees, suggesting that parents should make visit to the library “a that parents should make visit to the library “a family habit, and as common as a regular visit to family habit, and as common as a regular visit to the grocery store.” Young boys can browse shelves the grocery store ” Young boys can browse shelves with picture books on their own, while older boys with picture books on their own, while older boys can read book summaries and use the electronic can read book summaries and use the electronic catalogue to search for books that they find to search for books that they find interesting In a nutshell, going to the library interesting. In a nutshell, going to the library shouldn’t be something for rare or special shouldn’t be something for rare or special occasions, but rather a regular activity that your occasions, but rather a regular activity that your entire family looks forward to doing together entire family looks forward to doing together
Dr. Margaret Merga, a literacy researcher, says that Dr Merga, a literacy researcher, says that parents serve as role models for their sons: “let parents serve as role models for their sons: “let them see you read for pleasure ” Dr Furstenberg them see you read for pleasure.” Dr. Furstenberg agrees: “children often mimic what they see, not agrees: “children what they see, not what they hear and we, as parents, are our what they hear and we, as parents, are our children’s mirrors.” Instead of reading just when children’s mirrors ” Instead of reading just when you’re alone having a quiet time, let your sons see you’re alone having a quiet time, let your sons see you absorbed in reading a book or magazine It’ll you absorbed in reading a book or magazine. It’ll inspire them to read, too inspire them to read, too.
Take them to the library and let them explore
Take them to the library and let them explore available books and collections. available books and collections
Finally, but not least importantly, don’t think that Finally, but not least importantly, think that only “serious” literature counts as reading. Ms. only “serious” literature counts as reading Ms Fenton says that “just because your son isn’t Fenton says that “just because your son isn’t devouring thick fiction chapter books at all times devouring thick fiction chapter books at all times doesn’t mean he isn’t reading quality material For doesn’t mean he isn’t reading quality material. For boys, consider many different forms of written boys, consider many different of written word as reading; comic books, manga, joke books, word as reading; comic books, manga, joke books, magazines, and even blogs.” Jon Scieszka, a magazines, and even blogs ” Jon Scieszka, a children’s book author, agrees: “let boys know that children’s book author, agrees: “let boys know that nonfiction reading is reading Magazines, nonfiction reading is reading. Magazines, newspapers, websites, biographies, science books, newspapers, websites, biographies, science books, comic books, graphic novels are all reading comic books, graphic novels are all reading material.” Accept newer, alternative forms of material ” Accept newer, alternative forms of reading, like audiobooks “If your son insists on reading, like audiobooks “If your son insists on having earbuds in his ears all the time,” says Ms having earbuds in his ears all the time,” says Ms. Fenton, “have him try an audiobook ” Fenton, “have him try an audiobook.”
My son was begging to go to sleepaway camp at age six. Knowing the fun his older sister was having, he wanted to go at an earlier age than I was willing to send him.
My youngest daughter, on the other hand, still has some trepidation even at age ten. Like so many parenting decisions, there is no “one size fits all” method of determining if a child is ready for the adventure of sleepaway camp.
Does your child want to even attend sleepaway camp?
Even though the experience will be entirely new to your child, many children have a good internal sense of whether they are equipped to spend time away from home. A child who is clamoring to be sent away to camp is giving a clear signal that they are ready for the new experience
Camp can be a great place to make lifelong friends Spending so many hours together encourages closeness and bonding But If your child does not make friends easily, he or she may be more comfortable attending camp with a friend for the first time or perhaps waiting.
Have they been to friends' houses overnight or stayed with relatives?
If your child has fun at sleepovers or staying overnight with grandparents, this can indicate readiness for sleepaway camp The flexibility required to fall asleep in an unfamiliar bed is a necessity. Your child may be bringing their own bedding to camp and any comfort objects such as a special stuffy or pillow. In any case if they have slept away from home before, they can probably also do it at camp
How does your child react to differences in bedtime routine?
Michelle Renfrow, a licensed professional counselor who spent 12 years working at Greene Family Camp, admits that bedtime can sometimes be difficult. “I have found that bedtime tends to be the time in which most children experience homesickness It's quieter in their cabins and they have time to calm down. They are exhausted from an amazing day of fun and excitement and that's when their brain starts to think about home Especially if there is a bedtime routine that they are missing because they are not in their own house.” But, she says, “Many camps address these types of issues ahead of time to help their staff create a successful bedtime routine for their campers ”
Counselors will remind children to shower and brush their teeth, but your child should know how to do these things independently after the reminders. Says Renfrow, “During staff week our staff are trained on working with their campers on personal hygiene issues. They schedule time into their campers day for hygiene and are taught how to keep an eye on kids who are not taking care of themselves.”
The more comfortable your child feels asking for help, the better prepared they’ll be seeking adult assistance away from you Most children practice this ability at school or while over at a friend's house. This is an essential skill at summer camp because although the counselors are doing their best to ensure each child’s safety, well being, and general happiness, your child may need to speak up for themselves at some point during the session.
It’s true that the goal of summer camp is oriented toward having fun, but there are still rules to be followed both for safety’s sake and to ensure a good time for everyone. Campers will be expected to go to bed at lights out, follow a schedule, and participate in activities Certainly no child can be well behaved all of the time, but a general willingness to follow instructions can be helpful.
However, strong willed children can also have a great camp experience. Says Renfrow, “If you're sending your child to a camp specifically designed towards something that they are connected to or are trying to accelerate in like a gymnastics camp or a coding Camp, then you are more likely to have a successful experience no matter what the personality type.”
Some children are raring to get out and explore the world sooner than others. The more independent your child is in general, the earlier he or she may be ready for sleepaway camp. Either way you may notice that your child comes home a bit more independent each time that they spend a session at sleepaway camp.
Many children relish the camp experience and want to return year after year It can help your child build incredible memories Some camps offer a weekend at camp during the school year where your child can put their toe in the water without making a huge commitment. And while no single one of these questions can determine for certain whether or not your child is ready to sleep away at camp, they are all worth considering as summertime approaches.
special advertising section
B r i
Ages 4 - 1 2
Project Briarwood is The Briarwood School's summer camp that specializes in dyslexia remediation through Project-Based Learning. Children do not need to have dyslexia, but they should have an academic need to be in the program (Preschool - Rising Grade 7)
Ages 3 - 1 4
Our camp is designed to strengthen math skills, motor skills, and science skills. Students will develop strong critical thinking skills in the fields of physics, engineering, and fine motor skills because we use Legos to build simple machines while incorporating math concepts such as Pythagoras’ Theorem.
INVENT.ORG/LOCAL 800.968.4332
Ages 5 - 12
Unlock your child’s potential at Camp Invention®! This nationally acclaimed K-6 program returns to Houston with all-new, hands-on STEM adventures. Register and save today at
Ages 4 - 1 5
Club SciKidz offers science and technology summer camps for kids ages 4-15. Our camps are full-day, week long camps. Throughout the week, campers participate in 20 hands on activities related to the topic of their camp.
C o d e W i z K a t y
Ages 7 - 1 7 A
Code Wiz Katy is a learning center where kids can unlock their inner geniuses with custom-tailored tech programs, connect with like-minded peers, and join the "nerd herd"! Children can try a class for free to experience the program before committing.
C r e a t o r C a m p s
Ages 6 - 1 3
Creator Camp is Texas's quickest growing EdTech summer camp! Now with 12 different locations between the Houston area and Austin we look forward to inspiring future Creators through STEAM curriculums!
Ages 5 - 1 3
School is out, but learning (and fun) is in! Camps at The Health Museum bring science-learning to life while building memories that will last a lifetime.
i D T e c h
Ages 7 - 19
iD Tech is the world’s premier destination for STEM education, with on-campus and online programs that sharpen students' coding, game dev, and creative skills. Choose from Virtual Tech Camps, Teen Bootcamps, Online Private Lessons, or small-group online classes.
i K i d s , I n c .
Ages 3-12
iKids offers educational, recreations andcreativeenrichment for children. AfterSchool, Summer Camp and More! Fine Arts to performing Arts, STEM to STEAM and everything in between!
Ages 11 - 15
Destination Downtown: IWA Summer Camp. Two exciting weeks of summer camp, June 12-16 and June 19-23. Featuring podcast storytelling, broadcast news, STEM courses, and exploring downtown Houston's amenities.
Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, Sign Language & English immersion summer camps. Learning another language has never been so much fun! Our innovative summer camp is offered at multiple locations and schedules. Payment plans are available. June 6 - August 19, 2022.
#PlaneAwesome A variety of camps for all ages and aviation interests! Crafty Aircraft, Aces & Legends, Aero Derby Dash, Fly Girls, Go Zero
Pilot Maker, and Advanced Pilot Training! Visit for details!
Customized and individualized math tutoring for students of all abilities between Pre-K and 12th grade. We work to instill confidence and a love a math in each of our students. We have memberships and availability to fit any and all schedules.
special advertising section
W o r l d S t r i d e s
Ages 8 - 1 8
Experience life-changing moments with Worldstrides. Immerse your child in the learning journey of their dreams! These programs give kids a taste of future careers in veterinary science, medicine, and more.
C o n o l l y D a n c e A r t s
Ages 3 - 1 4
Connolly Dance Arts is a leader in the Katy, Texas community. We are committed to providing dance education for everyone. We nurture our students by providing a safe place for our students to learn and celebrate the art of dance. We believe in diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our program and classes.
C o r d o v a n A r t S c h o o l
Ages 5 - 1 6
LIVE LIFE IN COLOR at CORDOVAN ART SCHOOL this Spring & Summer with the best creative Art Camps in the Houston area! Select from over 40 themed camps and experience mixed media of all kinds at 4 locations around Houston!
P e a r l F i n c h e r M u s e u m o f F i n e A r t s
Ages 5 - 1 6
Inspire your child’s creativity! Weekly themed art camps explore mediums, techniques and principles of art, including time in the museum galleries and with guest artists. Plus, check out our NEW Visual/Theater Arts Camp!
D i s c o v e r y S c h o o l h o u s
Ages 0 - 1 2
Discovery Schoolhouse provides educational preschool child care. They also offer a wide range of educational programs for children from 6 weeks to 5 yrs old and before and after school care for children 5 - 12 yrs old.
G o d d a r d S c h o o l
Ages 0 - 12
Fun, exciting and healthy learning at our Before & After School Program!
P r i m r o s e C i n c o R a n c h
Ages 5 - 10
We believe that who children become is as important as what they know. The Primrose core belief of nurturing balance among mind, body and heart is integrated in our Balanced Learning® approach.
special advertising section
Ages 5 - 15
Located all around Houston, our camps place special emphasis on youth choice, achievment and a sense of belonging. Activities include sports, outdoor games, creative and performing arts, archery, engineering and nature exploration.
i s e l y M u s i c
Ages 4 - 14
Head to the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center for fun-filled, week-long camps that explore the natural world through active, hands-on indoor and outdoor adventures. o u s t o n A r b o r e t u m HOUSTONARBORETUM.ORG 713.681.8433
1 2 N A T U R E 23 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE February 2023 The Honor Roll School 2 years to Grade 8 4111 Sweetwater Blvd. • 20417 University Blvd. • 281-609-9194 SUMMER @The Honor Roll School Learn More Day Camps Academic Camps
special advertising section
Ages 6 - 17
Camp Champions has created a tradition of excellence since 1967. With the facility and staff expected from a premier camp, Champions is distinguished by a developmental focus on building strong kids.
C a m p H u a w n i
Ages 6 - 17
Nestled in the Piney Woods of E Texas, Camp Huawni is a traditional, throwback summer camp for boys and girls We’ve crafted exceptional summers since 1965, cultivating an environment where friendships and creativity thrive
G i r l S c o u n t s o f S a n J a c i n t o
Ages 5 - 1 7
The Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council is proud to celebrate 100 years of building girls of courage, confidence and character that make the world a better place. We offer 2 locations in the Conroe area and one in Seabrook. Enjoy traditional camp activities like swimming, archery, STEM, adventure course, sailing, horseback riding and more. Activities vary by camp.
K a n a k u k K a m p s
Ages 6 - 1 8
Kanakuk is a premier Christian summer sports camp experience for kids ages 6–18 with locations in Branson and Lampe, Missouri. Its five overnight camps provide kids with fun, safe sports and outdoor camping experiences that develop them spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially.
Ages 3 - 16
Since 1994 Kidventure has provided the finest in Summer Day and Overnight Camps for thousands of Houston children ages 3-16. Helping grow your child through the power of camp.
Ages 7 - 17
Your camper is in for a week filled with enriching outdoor adventure that includes dozens of activities and specialty tracks, allowing them to choose their own activities, including horseback riding and water sports. There is a new theme each week, offering a fun and festive atmosphere for your camper’s stay.
Ages 6 - 17
Alliance Fencing Academy - International Fencing School Safe, Smart, Unique and Great workout! Home of 3 Olympians, 4 World Champions, and over 40 US National Champions Enrollment is open now in Houston & The Woodlands
Summer Camp Directory Summer Camp Directory special advertising section
Ages 6 - 17
Register today so your children can have the summer of a lifetime In a single, action-packed week, your children will enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, daily worship and bible study sessions
Ages 6 - 17
Spring's BEST Summer Camp is the best choice in Spring! Now your child can benefit from a movement based Summer Camp designed specifically with families in mind
Ages 3 - 1 6
Since 1994 Kidventure has provided the finest in Summer Day and Overnight Camps for thousands of Houston children ages 3 16 Helping grow your child
advertising section
L a L l a n a d a T e x a s C a m p
Ages 4 - 1 0
We create opportunities that allow them to grow in a safe and super fun environment, where positive human interactions and the design of our program enhance the best characteristics of their personality, distinguishing themselves as Llanada Campers.
T e x a s K i c k B o x i n g
Ages 6 - 1 7
Give Your Kids the Lifelong Gifts of Personal Success, Confidence, Discipline and Self-Defense Martial arts classes normally makes you think of self-defense, being strong, fit and safe. The truth is, it’s all that and WAY more!
Y M C A D a y C a m p
Ages 5 - 15
Located all around Houston, our camps place special emphasis on youth choice, achievment and a sense of belonging. Activities include sports and outdoor games, creative and performing arts, archery, engineering and nature exploration
A l l e y T h e a t r e ALLEYTHEATRE.ORG
Ages 5- 14
Each camp session explores big ideas and questions connected to award-winning children’s books through three class rotations: acting/storytelling, movement, and makerspace. Alley Play Makers culminates in a joyous, celebratory performance that demonstrates our campers’ learning for parents and friends.
E T h e G r a n d 1 8 9 4 O p e r a
Ages 4 - 17
This year’s production is Little Mermaid There will be a live performance on July 21, 2023, at 6 PM as part of the camp. Family and friends are invited to attend. This residency is set up as a theatre day camp When your child’s character is not in rehearsal they will be engaged in different activities that are related to the performance.
M a i n S t r e e t T h e a t e r
Ages 4 - 17
MST Summer Camp has 4 locations across the Greater Houston Area: Rice Village, the Museum District, Midtown, and Bellaire Ages 4 – high school Plays, dances, prop-making Creative, collaborative, FUN!
S t a g e W o r k s T h e a t e r
Ages 2 - 12
Ages 2 - 12
Whether your student is looking for something fun to do, needs help developing confidence and courage, or wants to develop acting and singing skills, our Academy is just for you!
MARCH 19TH 12P - 4P
Presented by
Nothing beats speaking with the camp counselors directly to find out all their camp has to offer! And, the BEST PART is you can meet with all of the camps in one afternoon!
Bring Juice Boxes for donations to Kids Meals and be entered into special raffle
E n t e r
Overnight Stays from our friends at The Blossom Hotel, Houston
The Gaylord Texan, Dallas
San Luis Resort, Galveston
Meet with representatives from:
A Read Mad Hatter
Alley Theatre
Alliance Fencing Academy
Camp Champions
Camp Cullen
Christian Youth Theater
Club Sci Kidz
Code Wiz Katy
Collaborative for Children
Connolly Dance Arts
Creator Camp
Discovery SchoolHouse
Forest Glen Camp & Retreat
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto
IamFamily Martial Arts
Ivy Kids of Cinco Ranch
La Llanada of Texas
Lone Star Flight Museum
Mathnasium of the Woodlands
Primrose School of Cinco Ranch
Renewal by Anderson
StageWorks Theatre
Vortexic Martial Arts
Wisely Music Learning
World Strides
YMCA of Greater Houston & More
If you are looking to experience Texas History at a museum that has something for every member of your family, even those who prefer rhinestones and sequins over saddles and spurs, The Bryan Museum has you covered. This Texas History museum, once the Galveston Orphan’s Home, tells the story of the settlement of the west through its permanent collection of over 70,000 artifacts.
ard and personal and the original ouston visitors nding all of us that most unexpected m honors the exciting Gras through an ode menal fashion and art. capes worn by eason bathe the zling wash of color. Gras celebration in a rich history of by Design is The al Mardi Gras eople who conceived ant looks.
piece connects to a ms are on loan from costumes and balls. All but one of udio of French-born aux-Arts in Paris celebrations to the ival items from the a themed celebration.
er Danny Lee Morgan a costume shop in stunning garments he Strand, weddings, Gras. “Mr. Mardi made extravagant are on display in the tones and covered dorn one wall of the alveston seamstress reasure Ball. The ecorated to match a ” or “Texas Wildlife.” for details.
Grow a leprechaun Grow a leprechaun
Decorate a terra cotta pot with a leprechaun face. Decorate a terra cotta pot with a leprechaun face. Fill the pot with soil and add shamrock seeds Fill the pot with soil and add shamrock seeds
(found online at Amazon com) Place the pot in a (found online at Amazon com) Place the pot in a sunny place and watch the “hair” of your sunny place and watch the “hair” of your Leprechaun grow. Leprechaun grow.
Watch Irish movies together Watch Irish movies together
Try “The Secret of Roan Inish,” “The Magical Try “The Secret of Roan Inish,” “The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns” or “The Luck of the Legend of the Leprechauns” or “The Luck of the Irish.” Irish.”
Live a greener life Live a greener life
Use this “green” month to teach your children how Use this “green” month to teach your children how their efforts can help the environment. Conserve their efforts can help the environment. Conserve water by taking shorter showers, save energy by water by taking shorter showers, save energy by shutting off electronics when not in use, and walk shutting off electronics when not in use, and walk instead of drive when possible instead of drive when possible
Make Irish soda bread Make Irish soda bread
Research your family tree even if you don’t have Irish roots
Start with a free trial on Ancestry com and see how far back you can trace your family’s history You may be surprised to find a few leprechauns hanging out in your family tree.
Prepare a box of white cake mix as directed Place equal amounts of the batter in six separate bowls Add food coloring to each bowl to make yellow, orange, red, green, blue and purple batter. Spoon equal amounts of the colored batter into a prepared muffin tin Do not mix Bake as directed Decorate with green icing and yellow mini chocolate candies to represent the gold at the end of the rainbow.
Combine 4 cups of flour, 4 tablespoons of white sugar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon baking powder, ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ cup of baking powder, ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ cup of softened margarine in a bowl Add 1 cup of softened margarine in a bowl Add 1 cup of buttermilk, 1 egg and 1 cup of raisins (optional) and buttermilk, 1 egg and 1 cup of raisins (optional) and mix well. Knead dough slightly and form into a mix well. Knead dough slightly and form into a round Place on baking sheet Cut “X” in bread top round Place on baking sheet Cut “X” in bread top and brush with 1 egg white Bake for 45 to 50 and brush with 1 egg white Bake for to minutes at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). minutes at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Combine 4 cups of flour, 4 tablespoons of white
Try broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas, spinach, asparagus, cucumbers and green beans. Tell your kids that leprechauns love everything green and that you made some of their favorite meals. It’s a great way to get them to try new veggies For really picky eaters, offer a chocolate gold coin chaser as a reward for trying
H Have the leprechaun visit while you sleep ave the leprechaun visit while you sleep
Similar to the Elf on the Shelf, the leprechaun
Similar to the Elf on the Shelf, the leprechaun comes by every night to do mischievous things like comes by every night to do mischievous things like empty the tissue box or hide the remote. empty the tissue box or hide the remote.
If the weather doesn’t allow, get crafty by creating If the weather doesn’t allow, get crafty by creating your own by cutting a green pepper in the middle, your own by cutting a green pepper in the middle, paint the edges and make clover stamps. paint the edges and make clover stamps.
Buy a bouquet of white carnations. Fill a vase with water and several drops of green food coloring
Make a fresh cut in the bottom of the flower stem before placing them in the vase. Watch as the green food coloring slowly makes it way up the stem and into the white flower turning the pedals green
of the Irish Luck of the Irish
Pull out the cards, board games or video games
Pull out the cards, board games or video games and challenge your family to see who has the luck and challenge your family to see who has the luck of the Irish. of the Irish.
Although the December holidays are over, the need for volunteers and charitable gifts are still vital Use your family’s time and talents to give back to the community
Washed Ashore: Art to Save The Sea (through March 12)
Washed Ashore’s huge sculptures are constructed entirely of plastic collected from beaches and designed to demonstrate the scale of plastic pollution
19 locations across Galveston Island Every Day All ages ed-ashore-art-to-save-the-sea/
Let’s Make Art! At-Home Art Making (boredom buster) Follow along with downloadable step-by-step instructions and how-to videos featuring artists and educators as they guide you in fun art-making activities to do at home with your family Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Anytime All ages
Become A Published Author or Illustrator
Publishing is a powerful incentive for learning and is a unique way to validate that a child’s voice should be heard Deadline for submissions is April 2023 Age: 3rd-12th grades or email
Japan Junction
Kids of all ages will enjoy expanding their cultural horizons through kamishibai “ paper drama” storytelling and fun crafts that highlight Japanese traditions from origami to woodblock print making and more! Levy Park, 4:30p All ages levyparkhouston org/calendar
The Department of Wonder, Town Center, Sugar Land
Experience starts inside the Light Hunter's Emporium All day All ages
Last call! Cirque du Soleil Kooza
Enchant the whole family with the story of an innocent and charming clown who strives to find his own place in the world Sam Houston Race Park, Times vary All ages Tickets start at $49 2
Alligator Feedings at DFC
Everyone is welcome to watch as the DFNC team feeds some of our favorite friends every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Delores Fenwick Center, 11am All ages rks-recreation/facilities/deloresfenwick-nature-center
Sensory Friendly Day at the Rodeo Houston
Enjoy the Rodeo on select days for a sensory friendly experience During this time, there will be minimal lights and sounds permitted in the carnival NRG Stadium All day All ages Admission ticket is required
Blue Willow Storytime
Join us each Thursday as we read stories, sing songs, and do an art activity The themes change weekly 9:30am Age: toddlers and preschoolers www bluewillowbookshop com
Shadow Puppet TheatreWhat Am I?:
Children will learn what makes Texas special, from the cowboy to the armadillo, in this “What Am I?” format This is the perfect story to celebrate the Lone Star State!
Children’s Museum, The Woodlands 11am All ages
Watch the Bats at Waugh Bridge Bat Colony
An estimated 300,000 Mexican freetailed bats emerge from the Waugh Bridge every evening at dusk to find food Waugh Bridge, between Allen Pkwy & Memorial Dr @ Dusk All ages
Celebrate the ultimate wingmen! Enjoy the big screen, along with pizza, drinks & adult bevs for adults
Full museum access and a little pilots zone with games and activities
BYOC bring your own chair Become a member to benefit from special events all year round Lone Star Flight Museum, 5pm All ages mber-movie-night-top-gunmaverick/
Fish Fry Fridays
A delicious seafood platter is a great reason to head out onto the green at the Moody Gardens Golf Course Walk-ins are welcome! For info or table booking, call 409 683 1205 $21 95 per person, Pelican Grill at Moody Gardens Gold Course, 5pm All ages
Waterway nights: concert series (every Saturday)
Enjoy live music by local and regional performers in the picturesque setting of Waterway Square at Waterway Nights
The Woodlands Town Center 6:30-8:30pm All ages
Trail Mix Magic Show for Kids
Features live music, magic, and more! Join us trailside as AndyRoo takes you on an adventure through the AndyRooniverse along with magicians Dave and Jake Rangel
MKT Houston, 600 N Shepherd Dr 10am All ages
Volleyball Association Season
Games on the beach
Head down to the beach Bring the family for a walk or hop on your bike and stop to check out the teams volleying for the win
East Beach, Galveston 9am first game All ages
Screen on the Green - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Calling all bookworms: Books on the Bayou
Galveston’s Own Farmers Market (every Sunday)
Take the family out to connect our community to local foods through year-round weekly farmers markets, food access initiatives, school gardens and health & food education opportunities The Depot on Market, 9am-1pm. All ages. /galvestons-own-farmersmarket/2023-03-05
Family Zone
On selected Sundays, families are invited to visit the MFAH Family Zone You’ll find engaging gallery activities with coloring sheets, colored pencils, books, and more Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 1-4pm All ages
Battleship Texas Dry Dock Tours
Check out Battleship Texas up close and out of the water! There are limited tours on the dry dock These are guided tours that are about an hour long, walking on the dry dock deck Gulf Copper Dry Dock & Rig Repair, 8am Age: 16+ or must be with an adult Tickets $150
Spring Break Pass: One pass three parks (March 3-19)
Get your posse together for unlimited visits to the Downtown Aquarium Houston, Kemah Boardwalk and Galveston Island Pleasure Pier 10a-10p All ages downtownaquariumhouston/
Book Reading: Jarrett & Jerome Pumphrey, Link + HUD: Heroes by a Hair
We are very excited to welcome Jarrett and Jerome Pumphrey to Houston to celebrate their new book, Link + Hud: Heroes by a Hair Virtual Must register Blue Willow Bookshop, 5p All ages
The Menil Collection
Located in the heart of Houston, this impressive collection is located in several buildings nestled between pocket parks and outdoor sculptures, a perfect setting for picnic lunch 1533 Sul Ross St , 11a-7p every day All ages Free
First Tuesdays at the Houston Zoo
You’ll need a free ticket to enter the gates, so get them online and skip the ticket lines 9a-5p (Sept-May)
All ages
How-Dee WonderWeek
Saddle-up and mosey on down to the Museum for all kinds of Texan crafts and activities that’ll get your spurs spinning 10a-6p All ages
Admission ticket is required
Babies and Books
A story time designed to prepare your child for reading readiness
Bellaire Neighborhood Library 10am Infants – Toddlers
Happy Women’s Day
Community Day at the Rodeo
Enjoy an additional discount on Wednesday. The celebration includes buy one get one rides a games, discounted food and beverage offerings and commun activations All guests will enjoy free admission to the Park until noon NRG Stadium, 10a All ages
Rienzi & Bayou Bend: History Book Club (In the Shadow of the Empress: The Defiant Lives of Maria Theresa, Mother of Marie Antoinette, and Her Daughters by Nancy Goldstone) This unique book club is inspired by history Bayou Bend and Rienzi present free discussions about books on life in America and Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries Virtual Age: 16+
Private Houston Mural Instagram Tour by Cart
Explore Houston’s colorful side and get a collection of Insta-worthy photos along the way $55 9a+
Fly in the for the day Admission tickets includes all the permanent exhibits Lone Star Flight Museum, All day All ages 5-thursdays-at-lsfm/
It's Free to Visit the Health Museum Every Thursday
Always wondered what goes on at the health Museum? Check it out on Thursdays for FREE from 2p7p All Ages www thehealthmuseum org
Cistern History Tours
(free every Thursday)
Learn about the architecture of this unique space and the history of Houston’s water system during a guided 30-minute tour Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern, 105 Sabine Street, 10a-5p Reservations are required All ages
AnimeVerse Fest (Mar 10-12)
AnimeVerse Fest looks to bring you the biggest names from all of anime under one roof! Bring out your favorite cosplay and get ready for an unforgettable show! Pasadena Convention Center
$20+ Check for times All ages
Tot Shabbat and Open Gym (every Friday)
Enjoy songs, crafts and laughing with your little one Evelyn Rubenstein JCC 10:30a-Noon Age Under 5
Fresh Floral Design Class at Nordstrom in The Woodlands
Join Chelsie Broussard for a fun afternoon of tips and tricks of the floral design trade and floral class 10a-12p at Nordstrom, $67 fresh-floral-design-class-atnordstrom-in-the-woodlandstx-tickets-528557217867
FUNomenal Friday at The Rink
The Rink: Rolling at Discovery Green is open through March 17
Enjoy Houston’s only outdoor roller rink! Starting @ 7p $10+
All ages
51st Annual BBP Regatta
Watch the largest kayak and canoe race in Texas Buffalo Bayou, 7:30a-2p All ages Free for spectators
Downtown Houston St. Patrick's Day Parade
With about a hundred marching units, St Patrick's Day Parade in Houston is recognized among the largest parades throughout the state A pleasant bonus is an after-party held in Market Square Park The program features live music, mouth-watering delicacies, games, and lots of fun activities Parade route starts at Market Square, Noon All ages
62nd Annual Houston St. Patrick's Parade and Celebration
Come enjoy a day full of games, food, performances, drinks and a spectacular St Patty's Day parade that will start and conclude at POST Southwest Parking Lot, 12p - 8p All ages
Drop-In Experience: Pipe Cleaner Portraits
Create a three-dimensional portrait with pipe cleaners inspired by the work featured in the exhibition, Where Do We Go From Here? Contemporary Arts Museum, 1-4pm All ages
Book Fest on the Green
This celebration offers a unique Storybook Opera performance, readings from local authors, arts and crafts, free books and lots of fun! 10a-2p All ages
Opening Day - Dinos Alive!
Calling all Dino fans! Embark on a Jurassic journey for an up-close and personal experience with some of the planet’s most feared & amazing creatures in this exhibit featuring over 20 life-like animatronic dinosaurs, including the star of the show, a full-sized T Rex 10a-5p All ages Admission ticket is required
16th Annual Creekwood Fishing
Bring your fishing poles and the bait will be provided! T-Shirts are given on first come, first served basis Prizes awarded for longest, heaviest, and smallest fish caught Creekwood Park and Pond, The Woodlands 8-10am All ages
2nd Saturday Depot
Crafts, games & other activities followed by a movie under the stars in the park Movies begin at dark & you're welcome to bring a picnic dinner, and your furry friends too! Historic Tomball Depot, 4p All ages
A Haunted Park in the Dark Your ghost tour guide will share spine-tingling stories, facts & history as you visit all of the beautiful monuments, waterways, & scenery around Hermann Park during this ghost tour. Meeting point is at Sam Houston Statue at N side of the park, 8:30p All ages
12 Spring Forward Plant Market @ MKT
Spring Forward into the season of growth and renewal with Houston Plant Market! Enjoy an open-air market featuring Houston's finest growers, gardeners, artisans, crafters, and MORE. Head to the Houston Plant Market Heart of Hou Community tent for a Springtime Scavenger Hunt adventure around M-K-T! 12p-6p All ages
The Heights Mercantile Market
Head to the Heights Mercantile every second and fourth Sunday for a classic farmers market with a unique twist Heights Mercantile (714 Yale St - good place to park)
9a-1p All ages ghts-mercantile-markets
Kayak Rentals @ Kinder Lake
Kayaking on Kinder Lake at Discovery Green® is a fun and easy way to try out this water sport beneath the shadow of the Houston skyline Leisurely paddle around the shallow Kinder Lake and enjoy all the fish swimming beneath the surface Discovery Green 11a-5p (weather permitting) $5 gets you two laps around lake
Enjoy the sports of Kings at the Houston Polo Club
Book a riding lesson The Polo Club offers Wester, English, Hunter, Jumper and Dressage pleasure riding Houston Polo Club, Riding lessons subject to availability Age: 7+ ng-lessons/
Dolphin Sightseeing Tour in Galveston with a Guide
Set sail from the harbor and spend time searching for these playful creatures with a tour guide Board a covered vessel, perfect for keeping you cool under the Texan sun, and learn about the ecology of the area while you sail $28 60+ Check for times All ages
Farm Fun @ Blessington Farm 20+ Activities included with General Admission Starting @ $18+ Check for times All ages
Explore Abilities at CMH
Explore Abilities gives families the opportunity to enjoy the entire Museum at their own pace and also participate in the special activities occurring that day Children’s Museum of Houston 10a-3p All ages plore-abilities-day-2
Bubbles and Board Games
Fun for the littles Evelyn's Park, Bellaire FREE 11a-12p
Head to Port Arthur for the day Sea Rim State Park has 5 2 miles of Gulf shoreline and 4,000 acres of marshlands Enjoy a scenic coastal jaunt along the natural beach From these beaches you’ll experience exotic birds, fresh and saltwater fish and the state’s densest alligator populations Rent a kayak and paddle one of the Park’s trails, from the 1 79-mile easy trail to the 9 59-mile advanced trail Experience beach side primitive camping, shore and marsh boardwalks, crabbing, fishing and more!
Get some fresh air at Armand Bayou Nature Center
Know what you could use? An afternoon on two thousand acres of lush nature preserve that spans three distinct ecosystems: forest, coastal, prairie, and bayou Armand Bayou Nature Center All day All ages
Family Storytime & Craft
Family Storytime features a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading All craft supplies are included as a part of this free program Levy Park, 10a Age: under 5
Get your groove on at Seismique (open everyday)
Get carried away in this interactive museum and immersive art experience 2306 S Texas 6, 77077 10a-9p depending on the day All ages Admission ticket is required
Explore Natures Networks at Houston Botanic Gardens
Steve Tobin’s Intertwined: Exploring Nature’s Networks
20 monumental sculptures dramatically capture the unseen power of the natural world while celebrating the important systems that give life to the Botanic Garden’s tropical, sub-tropical, and arid collections All day All ages Admission tickets required www hbg org
Head Back in Time at Houston Public Library
If you ’ re into local history, there are professional archivists who make exploring the old photographs, maps, manuscripts & architectural drawings very interesting 550 McKinney St Every day
All ages
History Meets
Fashion at Mardi Gras Exhibit
The sparkling costumes and capes worn by revelers during Mardi Gras season bathe the parties and parades in a dazzling wash of color The Bryan Museum is pleased to showcase their 3rd annual Mardi Gras exhibition focusing on the people who conceive and create these extravagant looks Bryan Museum
10a-5p All ages
Take a selfie in front of the Water Wall
This oasis will keep you cool on a smoldering summer day Bring a ball and some snacks, there’s lots of room for the kids to get their wiggles out 2800 Post Oak Blvd
All day All ages Free
Blast off from Nasa
Known around the world as the home of NASA Mission Control, International Space Station Mission Control and astronaut training, go behind the scenes to see NASA Johnson Space Center
10a-5p All ages Admission ticket is required
SLIH - Festival de la Francophonie 2023
LIH celebrates the French language with the International Festival of la Francophonie Lycée International de Houston, 3-7pm All ages
Take the Train
The Hermann Park Railroad takes a 14-minute journey around Hermann Park The train departs from Kinder Station every 20-25 minutes $3 75 10am - 6pm Daily
Horse & Carriage Ride
Tour downtown in a horse & buggy and go back in time! Slow down and enjoy the beauty of downtown Tours run 9a-4p and 6p-12a $50 for 20m Pick up at Hard Rock Cafe
Angleton Market Days (March 18&19)
Over 200 vendors, great food, lie entertainment and antique tractors too! Free admission and parking! Angleton Fairgrounds
9a-5p SAT, 11am-4pm (SUN)
All ages Admission required
Family Capoeira, Midtown Park Houston
Join a virtual Family Capoeira class, a unique Afro-Brazilian martial art that develops discipline, coordination, strength, & rhythm
Instruction is provided by Brazilian Cultural Institute Open to family of all sizes and skills 10a All ages www midtownhouston com
Katy Market Day
Peruse the stands and shop local the 3rd Saturday of every month Downtown historic Katy, 10a www Katymarketday com
Buffalo Bayou Volunteer Day
Houstonians are invited to join Buffalo Bayou Partnership for community-wide volunteer days at Buffalo Bayou Park happening the third Saturday of each month 8:30-11:30am Age: 9+
Camp Fair Houston in Katy
Designed to help you plan your summer in one afternoon Speak with dozens of camps to make your choices Activities, Music, Giveaways, Demonstrations & more Free 11a-3p All ages LaCenterra, Cinco Ranch, Katy Houstonfamilymagazine com
Camp Fair in the Woodlands at Woodlands Mall
Designed to help you plan your summer in one afternoon Speak dozens of camps to make your choices Activities, Music, Giveaw Demonstrations & more Free 11
3p All ages Woodlands Mall - G Space South Side by Shake Sha
Top Gun on the Rooftop
Watch the OG Maverick under th stars on the Rooftop for this spe screening that started it all Plea note, doors open 30 minutes bef the screening Guests are seated first-come, first-served basis Try arrive early for best seating
8:30p All ages $20 50+
Get Artsy and organize a Nature Outdoor Activity
Go on a walk to gather different flowers and leaves See if you c identify them all Then press the between parchment paper We down with books to ensure a go result Any time All ages
What Color Are You?
Take a stroll through Color Fact
You’ll be immersed in larger-tha life bluebonnets, specially chosen to reflect Houston! 10a-9p All ages Tickets starting $32
Reading is my Superpower WonderWeek
Take a break from fighting crime and saving the world to come to the Children’s Museum for a new WonderWeek full of comic book hero inspired activities and crafts Children’s Museum Houston
10a-6p All ages Admission $15
Houston Museum of Natural Science, Planetarium
Starry Night Express will take you on a tour of the night sky, from your own backyard to the solar system and beyond! This traditional LIVE planetarium presentation is perfect for stargazers of all ages! Show is at 12p Running Time: 20 minutes. $9
Explore the secrets of Texas at the George Ranch Historical Park
Step back in time and explore how life was lived back in old Texas across several generations The kids may be surprised that there wasn’t a Switch or TV George Ranch Historical Park, All day All ages $17
Zoo Sprouts at the Houston Zoo (Thursday & Saturday)
These programs are tailored to fit the youngest nature explorer of the family but they sell out really fast so be sure to secure your spots as quickly as you can for as far out as you are comfortable planning for 9a Age: 18 months+
Take a Hike
Spend the day at Jesse H Jones Park and Nature Center, visit the Nature Center learning building or enjoy hikes 1 2 to 29 miles long
9am-5pm All ages Hikes are wheelchair and stroller accessible
Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park March 24-26
he Bayou City Art Festival is Houston’s iconic art festival showcasing the works of 300 artists in 19 different categories at Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park Tickets are available for purchase online only Tickets will not be sold at the gate 11a-5p All Ages
Tomball German Heritage Festival (March 24 - 26)
Celebrate German heritage with music, authentic food and drinks, live performances, a petting zoo with pony rides, and arts! Downtown Tomball, Various times All ages
Naked Gardens
The visually stunning Naked Gardens immerses audiences in the complex, unseen world of a family nudist resort in the Florida Everglades Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 7pm All ages
The amazing festival that connects teen readers with authors! We're going to try to hold this event in person in a way that makes every attendee feel safe and welcome Aldine Davis High School, 9:30a All ages Visit website for more details https://www.bluewillowbooksho p com/event/teenbookcon-2023
Performance! Teens Perform!
Visit the Museum for a dynamic afternoon of live music and spoken word by teen artists living in Greater Houston! Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
2-4pm. Age: 13+ This event is free to attend, but RSVPs are encouraged as seating is limited
Celtic Festival
Don your kilt and celebrate Celtic culture with bagpipes, beer, dancing and art! Kemah Boardwalk
Check website for exact show times
All ages
Bring the family out for a full day of fun and, of course, kite-flying Activities include live music, a DJ, interactive games and activities, face painting and Miller Hill and Jones Reflection Pool at Hermann Park 10a-3p. All ages. ar/annual-hermann-parkconservancy-kite-festival/
Explore the heavens at the George Observatory
Located in Brazos Bend State Park, the George Observatory offers three huge domed telescopes All of this high-tech kit brings the wonders of the galaxy right to you
Brazos Bend State Park
On select days At dusk All ages
Stretch out on the grass at Miller Outdoor Theater
Have a picnic and roll or run down the hill All day All ages
Visit the website for upcoming performances
Tyke Hikes (on select Mondays) at the Arboretum
Join a naturalist for a story reading, a simple nature activity or craft, and a stroller-friendly hike on the beautiful Arboretum trails Enjoy an interesting new nature experience each week with themes such as rabbits, snakes, senses, and wind! Houston
Arboretum, 9:30a or 10:30a
Age: under 4 $7 rens-programs/tyke-hikes
Tough Broads Out at Night Book Club
Tough Broads Book Club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. This month's book will be The Gathering by Anne Einright Blue Willow Bookshop, 7pm Adults
Family Storytime & Craft Family Storytime features a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading All craft supplies are included as a part of this free program Levy Park 10am Age: under 5
Tour H-Town Architecture
Sign up for a bike or a walking tour with the Architecture Center Houston to discover the distinct neighborhood architecture and stories of Third Ward and The Heights, just to name a couple 315 Capital St Ste 120 Meeting points vary depending on tours Select days All ages $10
Reflection at the Rothko Chapel
Calm and soothing, the clean lines and open space truly is perfect for personal reflection.
Rothko Chapel, 3900 Yupon St All day All ages
The Department of Wonder Experience starts inside the Light Hunter's Emporium
The Department of Wonder, Sugar Land 9a-2p All ages
The observation deck offers a awesome view of the former battleground and reflecting p below San Jacinto Museum All day All ages Ticket $5 www.Sanjacinto-museum.
Friday Night Fever: Free Salsa Dance Lessons, MKT Houston
Join KDENCE Studio as participants are guided through an hour-long introduction to basic salsa moves followed by a fun 30-m session to shake your g Sessions are outdoors, permitting and offered charge Registration is and spaces are limited ages All Skill Levels
Dismounted downtim
Where do HPD patrol when they’re not on duty? As it turns out, they go to a big barn, stable and training complex Take the kids to feed the horses, everyone will love it 5005 Little York Rd If you want to visit on weekends, you have to call ahead (832) 394-0394 All ages $3
TO SUBMIT YOUR EVENT events submitted 6 weeks prior to ev to be considered for print issu
Online Calendar submissions can be sent 1 week prior to event
Kite Festival
Museum of Fine Arts Houston www mfah org
Hours: Tues -Wed 10am-5pm , Thurs. 10am-9pm., Fri.-Sat. 10am-7pm., Sun 12:15-7pm
$19 adult; $16 senior 65+, $12 children 13-18 & students (19+) (children under 12 free) FREE every Thursday 10am-9pm
Portrait of Courage: Gentileschi, Wiley, and the Story of Judith Two paintings created 400 years apart raise contemporary issues through a historical lens
Through April 16, 2023
None Whatsoever: Zen Paintings from the Gitter-Yelen Collection Often playful, sometimes comical, and always profound, Zen paintings represent one of the world’s most fascinating religious and artistic traditions
Through May 14, 2023
Houston Museum of Natural Science
Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Sun
$25 adult, $16 children 3-11, senior 62+ and college students FREE every Thursday 2-5pm
King Tut’s Tomb Discovery Experience the dark and winding tunnels that led to Tutankhamen’s burial chambers, explore the countless golden treasures he took with him into the afterworld, and explore the brightly colored, floor-to-ceiling hieroglyphics that detail his life and offer prayers to the gods to ensure a blessed life after death
Through January 31, 2023
I n s t a l l a t i o n v i e w o f P i p i l o t t i R i s t : P i x e l F o r e s t a n d W o r r y W i l l V a n i s h , 2 0 1 7 , t h e M u s e u m o f F i n e A r t s , H o u s t o n © P i p i l o t t i R i s t / P h o t o g r a p h : T h e S t o r y h i v e 41 | HOUSTON FAMILY MAGAZINE February 2023
The Health Museum www thehealthmuseum org
Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm., Thurs 9am-7pm , Sun 12-5pm
$10 adult, $8 senior 65+, free for children under 2 FREE on Thursdays 2-7pm
DeBakey Cell Lab
Primordial shift: the science and art of genetic modification, Health Museum
Primordial Shift is an installation dealing with the implications of genetic modification of corn
In the 20th Century, a paradigm shift occurred in genetics, when scientists discovered how to unravel genetic code; the genetic code itself, DNA; and the commodification of GMOs and the positive and negative implications for consumers
Through May 23, 2023
Lone Star Flight Museum
www lonestarflight org
Hours: Tues. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 12-5pm
Admission: $14 child, $18 adult
Visit the aerospace museum and its 25 aircrafts
Holocaust Museum
www hmh org
Hours: Mon -Fri 9am-5pm , Sat 10am-5pm., Sun. 12-5pm
$22 Adult, Seniors age 65+ $16, $16 for active-duty military and AARP members Free for children, students and collegelevel students with valid ID FREE admission on Sundays
Woman, the Spirit of the Universe
Woman, the Spirit of the Universe features stunning bronze collars inspired by 23 American heroines who fought bravely and tirelessly for equality Through April 2, 2023
N O W E X H I B I T I N G M A R 2 3
N O W E X H I B I T I N G M A R 2 3 h o u s t o n m u s e u m d i s t r i c t . o r g
C E N T E R S T A G E M A R 2 3 C E N T E R S T A G E M A R 2 3
Percy Jackson 1894 Grand Opera
March 27, 2023
When teenager Percy Jackson discovers he’s a demigod, he and his friends embark on an epic journey to find Zeus’ missing lightning bolt and prevent a war among the gods
10a All ages
Ticket prices $6-10
Midtown Arts & Theater Center
March 3-18, 2023
On a dark and desolate snowy night, successful romance novelist, Paul, crashes his car into a snowbank and is rescued by his “number one fan,” Annie, who brings the unconscious Paul back to her isolated home.
2p, 7:30 and 8p All ages
Tickets $30+
Miss Nelson is Missing Main Street Theater
Through April 7, 2023
Miss Nelson disappears and the mean-looking substitute Miss Viola Swamp takes her place, the children are so desperate they hire a detective to find Miss Nelson in this wacky whodunit hit!
10:30a, 12:30p, 3:30p, 7:30p
Tickets start at $15
Miller Outdoor Theatre
March 18, 2023
Return to the year it all started, 1923, with a roaring 20s themed party Step out in your best 20s attire and mingle with vaudeville performers, photo installations, live mural painting, swing dance lessons and more from 6p – 8p Capped off with a performance by the legendary Hot Sardines starting at 8p
6 -8p Age: All ages Free
WORLD PREMIERE: 'GENJI' Asia Society Texas Center March 24-25, 2023
A contemporary retelling of the classic novel 'The Tale of Genji,' in a performance about friendship, love, and the dynamics of power and social class in Heian-period Japan.
7:30p. All ages. Tickets $55 www.asiasociety org/texas
Houston Ballet, @Wortham
Through March 5, 2023
Romeo and Juliet is a brilliantly imagined interpretation of the world’s most famous love story, matching its classic themes with fresh choreography
2pm or 7:30pm Age: 13+
Tickets $25
Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
Through March 12, 2023
Pop the champagne, Moulin Rouge! The Musical is the winner of 10 Tony Awards® including Best Musical! Enter a world of splendor and romance, of eye-popping excess, of glitz, grandeur, and glory! A world where Bohemians and aristocrats rub elbows and revel in electrifying enchantment
1p, 2p, 7:30p or 8p various day
Ages 13+
Tickets $35-$135
Denise Fennell’s The Bride, Or: Does this dress make me look married?
Stages Houston
Through May 14, 2023
With less than two hours until her wedding, a bride of a certain age begins to question the meaning of love, life, and the ritual of marriage
2p, 7:30p depending on day
Ages 13+
Tickets $30+
www stageshouston com/event/d enise-fennells-the-bride-ordoes-this-dress-make-me-lookmarried/
Smart Financial Center
March 24, 2023
STE tradition going back more than 50 years This year ’ s concert showcases music from France, Spain, Ireland, the Americas, and of course, Scotland! It’s sure to be a powerful night of majestic sounds and colors of Highland dance from around the world Entertainment for the entire family!
7:30p All ages $55-$85
Through March 26, 2023
You wouldn’t look twice at Peggy Jo She’s a good daughter, always tips, plays by the rules, that is until she decides to change it up a bit
1pm or 7:30pm Tickets start at $30
THE ODYSSEY Alley Theatre
Through April 16, 2023
An epic adventure, tragedy and love story Follow Odysseus and his crew in shipwrecks, wrathful gods, sirens, monsters, incarceration, mermaids, a side trip to hell, and absolutely foul weather
2pm or 8pm Tickets start at $30
Houston Grand Opera
Through March 9-11, 2023
This powerfully moving exploration of the experience of homelessness, created in response to in-depth interviews and conversations with Houston’s homeless community, presents the collective voices of a city in search of the meaning of home
2pm or 7:30pm Tickets start at $30
Stages Houston
Through March 31, 2023
Follow three generations of Black women living through the current water crisis in Flint, Michigan
2p, 7p or 7:30p depending on day Tickets $30 - $84
1894 Grand Opera March 24, 2023
Through March 19, 2023
The star entertainers begin performing after the last rodeo event is completed each evening and the stage is set Actual start times for the concert can vary day to day due to the different number of rodeo competitors and other production elements
Weekday rodeos start at 6:45p
The entertainer takes the stage at approximately 9p
NRG Stadium gates open at 6p
Weekend rodeos start at 3:45p
The entertainer takes the stage at approximately 6p
NRG Stadium gates open at 3p
March 1 - Brooks & Dunn
March 2 - Laura Daigle
March 3 - Bun B
March 4 - Walker Hayes
March 5 - Zac Brown Band
March 6 - Jason Aldean
March 7 - New Kids on the Block
March 8 - Jon Pardi
The StepCrew is a dynamic dance production combining three styles of percussive dance Irish, Tap, and Ottawa Valley in a fully realized theatrical setting This amazing company is led by Cara Butler and Pilatzke brothers Jon and Nathan
8p. All ages.
March 9 - Ashley McBryde
March 10 - The Chainsmokers
March 11 - Turnpike Troubadours
March 12 - La Fiera de Ojinaga
March 13 -Cody Jinks
March 14 - Machine Gun Kelley
March 15 - Kenny Chesney
March 16 - Chris Stapleton
March 17 - Cody Johnson
March 18 - Brad Paisley
March 19 - Luke Bryan