Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board
Volume IV, Issue #11 - December 2016
December 2016 From the East: Worshipful Master, James “JJ” Jennings
Greetings from the East…
Worship Master, James “JJ” Jennings Brethren, On November 13th, I stood before you a very emotional and humbled man. I had so many things to say and could not get the words to come out, so I kept it lighthearted to avoid the tears hidden within for an honor that I never believed that would be bestowed upon me.
My masonic journey started with a promise I made to my Grandmother in September of 2000 to follow my Grandfather’s footsteps. My Grandfather passed in 1991 and I always thought I would have the time to join his lodge and missed the opportunity. I finally joined Oriental #20 and was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on (Continued WM Jennings on page 2)
Editor’s Notes: 1. This month we continue with our Trestle Board articles plan and the December 2016 Theme is the Transition of Officers into the New Year: Rather than having our new officers write articles, WM Jennings and I decided to publish the photos provided by brother Allen Nichols of our installation of new officer so all could enjoy the experience. Thank You Allen 2. I want to thank WB Mark Brown for selecting me as Mason of the year for 2016. It was a total surprise. My masonic labors are a labor of love and to be so recognized is very humbling. Thank you very much.
Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Sickness and Distress
Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 2017 Officers
Photos of the 2016-17 Installation of Officers
Photos of the 2016-17 Installation of Officers
Photos of the 2016-17 Installation of Officers
Upcoming Activities 1/16 - Special Meeting—1st Degree for Jon Weber* 1/23 - Stated Meeting 7 PM* — Open on 3rd Degree or at lowest member present) 2/2 - Special Meeting—TBD* 2/9 - Special Meeting —TBD* 2/16 - Special Meeting—TBD* 2/23 - Stated Meeting 7 PM* — Open on 3rd Degree or at lowest member present)* * Meeting & Meal updates will be sent by the Worshipful Master prior to the meeting.
Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board 11/28/2006. I continued to follow in my Grandfather’s footsteps and joined the Scottish Rite and became a 32° mason. In 2012, WB Gerry Massey approached me when he was putting together Hunter’s Paradise and asked me if I wanted to be a charter member and serve as one of its officers. He further asked me to go up the line and eventually serve as Master. Thank you, WB Gerry for believing in me. It was only by the grace of the Supreme Architect of the Universe that I was able to fulfill the promise I made to WB Gerry. To my beautiful wife, Lady Denise, I would like to thank you for your love, your belief in me and your undying support. I am truly blessed to have you and know that I couldn’t have been in this position if it weren’t for you! I also owe a great deal of gratitude to the men and officers of HP #85 for their love and support. To WB Bill Enloe, thank
Volume IV, Issue #11 - December 2016
you for spending every morn- Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 2017 Officers ing on the phone with me while (please pass changes to the editor) I was becoming proficient. To WB Darrell Mandrell, we couldWorshipful Master n’t ask for a better James “JJ” Jennings DDGM. Your commitment to 602-821-2327 quality is unwavering and your heart is full of brotherly love. It was no surprise to anyone in the Senior Warden room when you were chosen as Jonathan Beffel the 2016 Mason of the 480-353-1236 Year. You’re an inspiration to us all! To the Past Masters of HP #85, I thank you for blazing Junior Warden the path and staying the course. Bill Wright 480-822-9242 And lastly to the brothers and officers of HP #85, I am honored Secretary and proud to be associated with PM George Mather such a fine group of brothers. I 480-254-5328 will do my best to continue the fine traditions of Hunter’s Paraor dise #85 and hope to make you all proud. Treasurer Again, I would like to thank Phil Houghton you all for your confidence in 602-622-0835 allowing me to serve Hunter’s Paradise #85 as Master for Appointed Officers 2017. Fraternally and humbly yours, James Jennings Worshipful Master
Sickness and Distress Over all status: No real changes from last month, we just need to keep these Brother in our prayers. Bro. Ken Jones: He is in a room by himself. His spirits are much improved and his definitely getting better. Bro. Tom Johnston: He is doing much better, but he still has a way to go. 2
Senior Deacon Michael Coontz 480-236-2612 Junior Deacon Shawn Bushey 623-340-3653
Senior Steward Norm Carpenter 602-509-6105 Junior Steward Larry Schwarberg 602-809-8359 Chaplin PM Bill Enloe 480-861-2440 Marshal Jim Poage 480-361-6520 Tyler Mel Linberg 602-993-8649
Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board
Volume IV, Issue #11 - December 2016
Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board
Volume IV, Issue #11 - December 2016
Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board
Volume IV, Issue #11 - December 2016