October 2016

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Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #9 - October 2016


October 2016 From the East: Worshipful Master, Mark Brown

A View from the East… Worship Master, Mark Brown

Greetings the East.


Brethren, as my year as Master is setting in the West, I reflect on what we accomplished; continued membership growth, increased Lodge meeting attendance and participation in new community and Masonic charitable activities. To all that help with these, I offer my sincere ‘Thank You’. There is one remaining area where we made progress but need continuing, perpetual improvement; growing our

proficiency in each of the degree lectures, charges and 3rd degree, especially the 3rd degree. Not only does it give our new Brothers the quality degree experience they deserve, it grows our proficiency for all Brothers considering a position as a pedestal officer. The 3rd degree is the most demanding for participation and proficiency. During my time as Master, we have conferred 3 3rd degrees. In all conferrals, we were able to fill the necessary parts, but it high(Continued WM Brown on page 3)

Sickness and Distress Bro. Ken Jones: He has been moved into a room by himself. His spirits are much improved. His wife reports that he loved to wear his Lodge shirts. He is definitely getting better.

Bro. Tom Johnston: he is doing much better and actually plans to be with us on Oct. 10th for the 1st degree. Please keep these Brothers in your prayers.


Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Sickness and Distress


From Secretary’s Desk: PM George Mather


From the West:


Senior Warden, JJ Jennings Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 2016 Officers


From the South: Junior Warden, Jonathan Beffel


Upcoming Activities 10/10 - Special Meeting 6:30 PM* —Conferral of 1st degree* 10/17 - Special Meeting 6:30 PM* —Conferral of 2nd degree* 10/24 - Stated Meeting 7 PM* — Open on 3rd Degree or at lowest member present) 11/7 - Special Meeting 6:30 PM —Conferral of 1st degree* *Meeting & Meal updates will be sent by WM Mark Brown prior to the meeting.

Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #9 - October 2016

From the Secretary’s Desk… By PM George “Z-Klown” Mather

Brothers All, We will be starting our fifth year as a Lodge. Our Officers have all done an outstanding job to help bring us to where we are today. All of our Members have shown that there is strong support for the future at Hunters Paradise Lodge No 85. If you have not had the opportunity to be able to attend Lodge this year please put us on your Calendars for the 4th Monday of each month except July and December as a reminder to attend. We have many of our newly raised Master Masons getting involved in the line and the ritual work and this is one of the many reasons we are showing such success.

We have been able to have all our members pay their dues annually. We emailed the 2017 dues notice out to each of you. If you get the Trestle board but did not get the notice please call the Secretary. Please keep looking for good men to become Masons. Invite your best friend if he is not a Mason to one of our meetings or an event at El Zaribah Shriners. Let everyone know they are welcome at Hunters Paradise Lodge No 85. As the Snowbird season starts and you meet Masons from other Lodges invite them to attend with you. Give them a winter home to visit Lodge. Fraternally, George Z Secretary


Senior Warden James “JJ” Jennings 602-821-2327 JJ@southernskiesinternet.com

Junior Warden Jonathan Beffel 480-353-1236 jmbeffel@yahoo.com

Secretary PM George Mather 480-254-5328 George.Mather@aol.com or huntersparadise85@gmail.com


James “JJ” Jennings, Senior Warden

October is quickly approaching and we are gearing up for an election of officers and setting our sights on next year. I have been working with WB Mark to ensure that there is a smooth transition and all items currently in process, remain in process. We are on-track to receive another Master Architect Award

Worshipful Master Mark Brown 480-220-0209

Treasurer Phil Houghton 602-622-0835

On the Level…


Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 2016 Elected Officers

and our long-term planning is geared to keep us on that path. I would like to thank WB Mark and our HP 85 Past Masters for laying the groundwork that I’m convinced will make next year a successful one. My goals, if chosen as WM, are simple: 1. Continue to follow our longterm planning (Continued SW Jennings on page 3)


Appointed Officers Senior Deacon - Bill Wright 480-822-9242 Junior Deacon - Shawn Bushey 623-340-3653 Senior Steward - Patrick Powers 602-509-6105 Junior Steward - Brian Bednar 602-809-8359 Chaplin - Jim Hoover 602-284-5279 Marshal - Jim Leppert 602-366-9353 Tyler - Mel Linberg 602-993-8649

Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #9 - October 2016

The Plumb Line

Jonathan Beffel, Junior Warden Greetings Brethren, As the year begins to close, I can't help but think of all the things we have done and all the things we have left undone. We once again achieved the Master Architect award and are well on our way towards another one for 2017. I am confident that under our current and future leadership that we can continue to work towards this goal and accomplish any and all requirements that changes bring to the requirements. At this time, I would like to congratulate James Jennings on performing his first 3rd degree

lecture in open lodge and earning his Worshipful Master proficiency card! Lodge willing, I know he will make an excellent Master and that he will work hard to make sure we thrive as a lodge in everything we do. But from what I have seen, running a lodge takes a serious commitment from all of the brethren too. It is our responsibility to assist the Worshipful Master in achieving his goals to the best of our ability. That being said, we have a lot of brothers who have been participants in our ritual work, but we still need more help in this regard. Like all Arizona lodges, our

charter was granted to us by the Grand Lodge so that we can initiate, pass and raise all good men and true whom we find worthy and it is our responsibility to make sure that our candidates are having a meaningful and memorable experience. We have a rather busy schedule coming up and I hope to see our attendance and participation increase and our ritual proficiency get that much better because of it. Fraternally, Jonathan Beffel Junior Warden

gree – 2nd Monday of each (Continued SW Jennings on page 2) month. The 4th Monday will lighted the need to develop the continue as the night of our 2. Continue (or increase) our proficiency of additional Broth- Stated Meeting. The implemen- growth rate ers. tation of this schedule will un- 3. Continue to increase our In an effort to progress the cur- fold over the next few months. reputation within AZ Masonry rent candidates through their I encourage everyone to consid- 4. Have fun and fellowship! degrees and develop additional er learning a proficiency in a deproficiencies in all degree com- gree. It doesn’t have to be at the 5. Make a difference in the ponents, the current pedestal accelerated pace of my personal community (community proofficers have established a experience over the past 3 years. jects) weekly schedule of 1st, 2nd and Review from your ritual the var- I am humbled and honored to 3rd degrees. In the event there ious parts. Pick one that is represent Hunter’s Paradise is no candidate for a scheduled small and build from there. #85 as a pedestal officer and degree night, the evening will Once you have developed your look forward to serving you in be used to practice proficien- first, the others will follow 2017! cies. much easier. Fraternally yours, The schedule is as follows: 1st Fraternally yours, (Continued WM Brown on page 1)

degree – 1st Monday of the month, 2nd degree – 3rd Mon- Mark Brown day of the month and 3rd de- Worshipful Master 3

James Jennings Senior Warden

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