September 2016

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Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #8 - September2016


September 2016 From the East: Worshipful Master, Mark Brown Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Sickness and Distress


From Secretary’s Desk: PM George Mather


started or continued their journey for Masonic light. Throwing in Joe’s Real BBQ and good Brotherly friendship and conversation over the dinner table made for fun evenings.

From the West:


The great attendance over the summer is not just an anomaly either. The view from my chair in the East as our sidelines fill more and more each meeting is humbling. All that would make it better is to see more of you there.

Junior Warden, Jonathan Beffel

A View from the East… Worship Master, Mark Brown

Greetings the East.


Brethren, although our Lodge was dark of a Stated Meeting in July, we did convene 2 special meetings for degree conferral since we last met in June; 2 1st degrees to Brothers Jeffrey Burch and Phillip Lopez and a courtesy 2 nd degree to Brother Larry Schwarberg from Kentucky. A ‘Thank You’ goes out to all of the Brothers who braved the heat and monsoons and attended to support these Brothers as they

Whether it is a situation of sickness or distress, a conflict

Senior Warden, JJ Jennings Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 2016 Officers

From the South:

Masonic Education: The Principle Tenets of Freemasonry with a brief explanation




Upcoming Activities 9/12 - Special Meeting 6:30 PM —Conferral of 1st degree*

9/19 - Special Meeting 6:30 PM

Sickness and Distress Bro. Ken Jones: The HP 85 brothers continue to visit him. He is still having a tough time, and it is a real test of his determination, Brother Ken is in the Arizona Veterans Home. He looks good in his new


Lodge shirt. Bro. Tom Johnston: is at home recovering from his medical issues. Please keep these Brothers in your prayers.

—Conferral of 3rd degree*

9/26 - Stated Meeting 7 PM* — Open on 3rd Degree or at lowest member present)

10/3 - Special Meeting 6:30 PM* —TBD *Meeting & Meal updates will be sent by WM Mark Brown prior to the meeting.

Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #8 - September2016

From the Secretary’s Desk… By PM George “Z-Klown” Mather

Brothers All, WOW!!! Summer is almost gone. September promises to be a great month for seeing old friends and meeting new ones at Lodge. We have promises of many new petitions for Hunters Paradise Lodge No 85. WB Mark and his Officers have done a fine job of getting new members and getting all the degree work done in an outstanding manner and presentation to the new members. Our Sidelines have been filled nicely and we would like to see

all 84 members of Hunters Paradise and our working Candidates on the sidelines on September 26, 2016. We will be sending out dues notices for the 2017 dues of $109.00. Yes dues went up a $1.00 after Grand Lodge Communications in June. Bring a check to the meeting in September and we will mail you a dues card when they arrive. Welcome back. Keep those petitions coming.

George Z Secretary

Now is a great time to reach out to a brother that might have fallen on tough times, has health issues or other instances where life just got in the way and let them know how much

Senior Warden James “JJ” Jennings 602-821-2327

Junior Warden Jonathan Beffel 480-353-1236 or

James “JJ” Jennings, Senior Warden

September is the month that Freemasonry comes back from darkness. Over the last few months, we may have lost touch with a few of our brethren.

Worshipful Master Mark Brown 480-220-0209

Secretary PM George Mather 480-254-5328


On the Level…


Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 2016 Elected Officers

they are missed in lodge.

Treasurer Phil Houghton 602-622-0835

Memories fade with each passAppointed Officers ing day and it just may be that kind words from a brother will Senior Deacon - Bill Wright be the catalyst that brings a 480-822-9242 weary brother back into our Junior Deacon - Shawn Bushey lodge to enjoy our good fellow623-340-3653 ship and brotherly love. Senior Steward - Patrick Powers Fraternally yours, James Jennings Senior Warden

The Tenants of Free Masonry: GO TO PAGE 4 2

602-509-6105 Junior Steward - Brian Bednar 602-809-8359 Chaplin - Jim Hoover 602-284-5279 Marshal - Jim Leppert 602-366-9353 Tyler - Mel Linberg 602-993-8649

Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #8 - September2016

The Plumb Line

Jonathan Beffel, Junior Warden Greetings Brethren, I really enjoy attending Hunter’s Paradise meetings, seeing all the brethren on the sidelines and the impromptu filling of officer chairs brings warmth to my heart. I have been attending our meetings regularly upon becoming a Mason and I have been able to observe our lodge grow by leaps and bounds. Words cannot express how much pride I had when I was elected by you to serve as your Jr. Warden even though I hadn’t been an officer or member of the lodge for very long. Having sat in the fairly lonely northeast corner of the lodge

room as the Sr Deacon, I gained a new appreciation for sitting in the south, among the brethren and I feel more connected to all of you because of it. For one reason or another, it is now more obvious to me when a brother is missing. It is kind of hard for me to explain how it feels when brothers I look forward to enjoying the company of are not in attendance for any particular evening or worse, when they make the decision to demit from our lodge and cease attending it altogether. Everyone has their reasons; I am no stranger to the trials and tribulations that life can throw your way and I can understand how difficult it can be sometimes to break out from your worries for a few hours 2-4

not-so- good. Whatever your situation may be, we hope you with our normal vocations or will be able to join us again the priorities of our families, soon. Brothers, we do miss your atWith the number of candidates tendance. We miss that friendly in our degree pipeline growing, smile, that grip of a handshake, we will be scheduling several that conversation over dinner or Special Meetings over the next on the sidelines to celebrate few months. Watch for email your good news and console the (Continued from WM Brown on page 1)

times a month. That is why I was incredibly excited to be reminded of the generosity and brotherly love that we as Masons share when a Brother made a commitment at our recent stated meeting, that he would personally be bringing another Brother with him who has been unable to attend our meetings to our future meetings. This is the kind of positive attitude that our lodge creates and fosters and I was once again filled with pride and joy just knowing that we are all a part of that level of human kindness. Fraternally,

Jonathan Beffel Junior Warden notifications or checkout the website ( for upcoming meetings. We hope to see you soon. Fraternally yours,

Mark Brown Worshipful Master

What is Modern Freemasonry? Modern Masonry is many things to many people. Many years ago in England it was defined as a system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. Today we say it is a course of moral instruction using both allegories and symbols to teach its lessons. 3

Hunter’s Paradise Lodge #85 Trestle Board

Volume IV, Issue #8 - September2016

The Principle Tenets of Freemasonry (Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth) To understand this subject clearly we must first get a definition of the word “Tenet.” A “Tenet” is a theory of teaching so universally accepted that no one questions that it is true. Brotherly Love Brotherly Love is one of the closest associations that could possibly exist between two people. In the Masonic Sense we must be willing to overlook or forget petty grievances or peculiarities. We must strive to see the good things in our Brethren that will make us love them. We must cast aside our passions and prejudices and remember, “All men are my Brethren.” We must remember that, “By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high and low, the rich and poor, who are taught to aid, support, and protect each other.” Relief Relief is thought of most commonly as a form of charity, but Masonic relief has yet another meaning. A person may be distressed in many ways other than financial. He may have a business or a family problem that is discouraging to him, and a helpful suggestion may give him the relief he needs. He may be lonely because he lacks proper associations; then a cheerful word may be the relief he seeks. We claim that there are many ways of giving relief, and to relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent on all men. To sympathize with their misfortunes, to console them in their sorrows, and to restore peace to their troubled minds, these are the great aims we have in view. We as Masons must be alert to recognize these opportunities and offer our services in the way that will best bring relief. Truth Truth is the opposite of falsehood. When a person’s word is as good as his bond, he is classified as being truthful. To be good and true is one of the first lessons we are taught in Masonry. Unless a person has a reputation for being truthful, he is not normally qualified to become a member of our order. Truthfulness is one of the fundamental requirements of good citizenship. Without truth there would be no foundation for trust and fellowship. Freemasonry’s Motto is; “Let There Be Light.” In this sense truth has a much deeper meaning. In Masonry there is a never-ending search for more truth and light. There is a great storehouse of truth for every Mason to explore. It cannot be transferred from person to person in the same manner in which we communicate our ritual, and our secrets. It must be found by personal search. To each person it presents a different interpretation. With this in mind we urge you to consider carefully the teachings of the craft as you progress in your Masonic Journey. 4

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