The Scoop Newsletter | Vol. 4

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Shannon’s Snippet November is a time for raking leaves (sometimes shoveling snow) and for planning delectable dishes and comfort food for our families. It is also a time of thanksgiving. In the spirit of Thanksgiving we are highlighting our core value of GRATITUDE this month.

agent who really made your life easier and compliment the chef at Thanksgiving.

Expressing gratitude releases dopamine, and serotonin, in our brains, makes us happier (not to mention those to whom we express our gratitude) and, ultimately, allows us to be more productive and successful. It also makes for better relationships and more enjoyable lives.

Shannon R. Harner

What we do matters every day and expressing our gratitude is a great way to make a positive impact. Go forth and be thankful.


One family, One team, One goal.

New Construction Updates New Construction Updates

We are updating the New Construction Book AND the Builder Guide Book. If you would like to feature a development or Builder in this booklet, please contact your Marketing Coordinator or email: by Nov. 5th





At HomeServices we like to think of gratitude as GREAT + ATTITUDE. So, this month, hug your kids, send a thank you note to that co-op




We here at HomeServices create an attitude of gratitude by noticing, articulating and celebrating the contributions of our teammates and our co-workers by being compassionate and humble and striving not to take things for granted. Our collective strength is fostering a work environment filled with gratitude, always finding the silver lining and counting our blessings. Every single one of us can be fulfilled by the work that we choose to do, as well as to wake up inspired to go to work each day. It really is up to us, individually, to determine what we do with those 24 hours that we get each day. We can waste them or we can choose to consistently fill them with good. Gratitude helps us shape our lives and positively impact the lives of

those around us. Believe that your choices make a difference-they do! You may never know how much good a simple smile can do! Ask yourself daily-what is the impact I want to have today? The more intentional we are about the impact we want to create, the easier it is to have that impact. Did you leave a dent in the planet today? When we express gratitude from our hearts, truly giving of ourselves, we leave a lasting impression on others. So, make YOUR “dent in the planet” today, and tomorrow and the day after by expressing gratitude to those around you.

One consistent reminder for me, personally, to practice gratitude is the gratitude jar in my office. My goal every day is to write down something that I am grateful for. It gives me a totally different outlook on the beginning


of my day. I empty my gratitude jar each New Year’s Eve Day and reflect on all that I have been grateful for in the past year. My personal goal next year is to fill it

By: Julie Joeckel

to overflowing!



REALTORS Conference & Expo

November 7th Tree of Lights Kickoff 5PM - 7PM @Midtown

November 13th Nacho Night Sponsored by: HSL, NLTA, HSI 4PM- 6PM Brewskys on 70th and Van Dorn

January 15th Company Kickoff (Details to come)

February 8-10th HBAL Home & Garden Show Lancaster Event Center 2 / 2018 HSNE NEWSLET TER / Leadership. Gratitude. Excellence. Integrity. Innovation.

email and you could be featured in our next newsletter!

M O N T H LY B I T E S Let’s talk food InGreDIenTs -4 eggs -1 can (2 cups) pumpkin -1 cup oil -2 cups flour -2 cups sugar -1 cup chopped nuts (optional) -2 tsp. baking powder -1/2 tsp. salt -2 tsp. cinnamon -1 tsp. baking soda -1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (optional)

puMpKIn BarS

flour Combine eggs, pumpkin, oil and sugar. Add dry ingredients, blend well. Add nuts. Bake in greased and floured 10x15” jelly roll pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

FroStINg -3 oz. pkg. cream cheese -1 tsp. vanilla -2 cups powdered sugar -6 t. butter -1 tsp. or more milk




Cream together cream cheese and butter. Stir in vanilla. Add powdered sugar a little at a time, beating well until mixture is smooth. Spread on bars when cooled.

Community Spotlight South of Downtown Community Development Organization

South of Downtown Community Development Organization enriches quality of life for residents of Near South and

Everett neighborhoods through collaboration, economic opportunities, and community development. The South of Downtown neighborhood is a prime example of statistics overpowering the true beauty and resiliency of a community. Approximately 43% of the area’s residents are below the poverty line, while cultural and linguistic barriers burden the task of building community, entering the workforce, and connecting with local resources.

Get involved!

The Art Hub

On the web Facebook LincolnSouthDowntown Linkedin

Twitter @SouthofDt_LNK

The future site of the Art Hub at 1247 S 11th.


We provided


to support this great cause. Quotable… In the words of Alan Barnett, “‘Beautify’ [implies] more than... physical attractiveness [but]... It meant [the art was created] to raise the awareness in local people of their “soul,” “creativity, and power.”

Community Murals: The Peoples Art, 1984, p. 50

SDCDO has created a community art space called the “The Art Hub.” This space aims to connect neighborhood residents, artists, and students with a support system, resources and purpose. They will host workshops, classes, art shows, art sales, talks, public art and advocacy programs. Additionally, participants will have access to computers, studio space, cameras and other art materials. With their goal to enrich the quality of life for their neighborhood, the Art Hub is an innovative concept to connect the people and beautify the South of Downtown community.

In a community where citizens are often told they do not have enough social capital to matter, art can stand in the gap and give us all the ability to see a more beautiful world, and a more dignified self. - Shawn Ryba Executive Director - SDCDO

Leadership. Gratitude. Excellence. Integrity. Innovation. / 2018 HSNE NEWSLET TER / 3

HOME Real Estate November Birthdays

Woods Bros Realty November Birthdays

November 1st Kelsey Park

November 3rd Jamie Bertucci, Lincolnshire

November 2nd Paul Kardell

November 7th Laura Bonta, Lincolnshire

November 5th Gladys Markwardt

November 11th Linda Kuhlman, Wilderness Hills

November 7th Jared Ehrke

November 13th Allison Calhoun, Country Club Byron Yurth, Lincolnshire

November 9th Charlotte Hazzard

November 14th Bruce Hahn, Country Club Ashley Wiedel, Grand Island Jo Deyong, Country Club

November 10th Kim Marie Schrader November 14th Vladimer Gorbun November 16 Susanne Guthrie Rachel Spring th

Birth Announcements: October 22nd Anne Kerkman & Traivs welcomed baby, Austin

November 20th Bob Branchaud, Wilderness Hills November 21st Nancy Erdmann, Beatrice

November 18 Connie Boender

November 28th Dennis Mehrhoff, Lincolnshire Steve Harris, Lincolnshire

November 21st Joyce Smith

November 29th Cindi Hahn, Lincolnshire

November 22nd Julie Joeckel

November 30th Holly Buss, Wilderness Hills


November 24th Brad Johnson November 26th Ashley Crowdell

Nebraska REALTORS Association 19 agents received their GRI Designation today. It has been a pleasure having each and everyone of these members in class and watching them take the next step in their real estate career. Congratulations! Donna Avers, Erika Bartels, Brian Edwards, Anna Golden, Lisa Johnson, Kelly Kiser-Mostrom, Megan Kucera, Ashley Livengood, Karlee Long, Dede Mau, Mitchell Nickerson, Christina O’Donnell, Rachel Rentschler Lori Sierra, Lea Ann Stephenson, Jenni Toebben, Tessa Warner, Bridget Whitmire, Kim Zwiener.

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