The Scoop Newsletter | Vol. 4

Page 3

M O N T H LY B I T E S Let’s talk food InGreDIenTs -4 eggs -1 can (2 cups) pumpkin -1 cup oil -2 cups flour -2 cups sugar -1 cup chopped nuts (optional) -2 tsp. baking powder -1/2 tsp. salt -2 tsp. cinnamon -1 tsp. baking soda -1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (optional)

puMpKIn BarS

flour Combine eggs, pumpkin, oil and sugar. Add dry ingredients, blend well. Add nuts. Bake in greased and floured 10x15” jelly roll pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

FroStINg -3 oz. pkg. cream cheese -1 tsp. vanilla -2 cups powdered sugar -6 t. butter -1 tsp. or more milk




Cream together cream cheese and butter. Stir in vanilla. Add powdered sugar a little at a time, beating well until mixture is smooth. Spread on bars when cooled.

Community Spotlight South of Downtown Community Development Organization

South of Downtown Community Development Organization enriches quality of life for residents of Near South and

Everett neighborhoods through collaboration, economic opportunities, and community development. The South of Downtown neighborhood is a prime example of statistics overpowering the true beauty and resiliency of a community. Approximately 43% of the area’s residents are below the poverty line, while cultural and linguistic barriers burden the task of building community, entering the workforce, and connecting with local resources.

Get involved!

The Art Hub

On the web Facebook LincolnSouthDowntown Linkedin

Twitter @SouthofDt_LNK

The future site of the Art Hub at 1247 S 11th.


We provided


to support this great cause. Quotable… In the words of Alan Barnett, “‘Beautify’ [implies] more than... physical attractiveness [but]... It meant [the art was created] to raise the awareness in local people of their “soul,” “creativity, and power.”

Community Murals: The Peoples Art, 1984, p. 50

SDCDO has created a community art space called the “The Art Hub.” This space aims to connect neighborhood residents, artists, and students with a support system, resources and purpose. They will host workshops, classes, art shows, art sales, talks, public art and advocacy programs. Additionally, participants will have access to computers, studio space, cameras and other art materials. With their goal to enrich the quality of life for their neighborhood, the Art Hub is an innovative concept to connect the people and beautify the South of Downtown community.

In a community where citizens are often told they do not have enough social capital to matter, art can stand in the gap and give us all the ability to see a more beautiful world, and a more dignified self. - Shawn Ryba Executive Director - SDCDO

Leadership. Gratitude. Excellence. Integrity. Innovation. / 2018 HSNE NEWSLET TER / 3

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