HOME Real Estate November Birthdays
Woods Bros Realty November Birthdays
November 1st Kelsey Park
November 3rd Jamie Bertucci, Lincolnshire
November 2nd Paul Kardell
November 7th Laura Bonta, Lincolnshire
November 5th Gladys Markwardt
November 11th Linda Kuhlman, Wilderness Hills
November 7th Jared Ehrke
November 13th Allison Calhoun, Country Club Byron Yurth, Lincolnshire
November 9th Charlotte Hazzard
November 14th Bruce Hahn, Country Club Ashley Wiedel, Grand Island Jo Deyong, Country Club
November 10th Kim Marie Schrader November 14th Vladimer Gorbun November 16 Susanne Guthrie Rachel Spring th
Birth Announcements: October 22nd Anne Kerkman & Traivs welcomed baby, Austin
November 20th Bob Branchaud, Wilderness Hills November 21st Nancy Erdmann, Beatrice
November 18 Connie Boender
November 28th Dennis Mehrhoff, Lincolnshire Steve Harris, Lincolnshire
November 21st Joyce Smith
November 29th Cindi Hahn, Lincolnshire
November 22nd Julie Joeckel
November 30th Holly Buss, Wilderness Hills
November 24th Brad Johnson November 26th Ashley Crowdell
Nebraska REALTORS Association 19 agents received their GRI Designation today. It has been a pleasure having each and everyone of these members in class and watching them take the next step in their real estate career. Congratulations! Donna Avers, Erika Bartels, Brian Edwards, Anna Golden, Lisa Johnson, Kelly Kiser-Mostrom, Megan Kucera, Ashley Livengood, Karlee Long, Dede Mau, Mitchell Nickerson, Christina O’Donnell, Rachel Rentschler Lori Sierra, Lea Ann Stephenson, Jenni Toebben, Tessa Warner, Bridget Whitmire, Kim Zwiener.