From the Editor
In this issue ... The March issue has much to offer: Information and inspirational stories for all
The month of March is upon us and we are in the midst of the Lenten season. As I look through the pages of this issue, I can’t help but think there are many events happening in the diocese. There is also much more to come in the following months as we celebrate Holy Week next month and venture into the glorious Easter season. Before we get too ahead of ourselves let me tell you about this issue of Bayou Catholic. As you may have noticed on the cover, the priests of the diocese gathered for their annual convocation. Bishop Shelton J. Fabre in his column Comfort for My People, reflects on the latest convocation. The bishop explains the day to day reflections of the convocation and assures us that the convocation was a wonderful experience for all. He goes on to say that we have great priests in our diocese and their fraternity and unity is strong. Father Glenn LeCompte continues where he left off in February with his column Readings Between the Lines. He refers to the Pew Research study which calls attention to the fact that there is a low percentage of Catholics who believe in the real presence of Christ in the
Eucharist. I suggest that all take time to read the column and reflect on how Jesus makes his saving presence available to us in the Eucharist. Nearly 200 men gathered for Christ the Redeemer’s Rise Up!, a men’s gathering that was held at Christ the Redeemer Church in Thibodaux. Those in attendance expressed gratitude for the day and welcomed the communal atmosphere. You can read about the event in this issue. If you didn’t have the opportunity to attend this year, there’s always next year! Kimberly Russo, a 10th grade religion and P.E. teacher at Central Catholic School in Morgan City, offers her account of the annual Washington, D.C., March for Life that was held in January. Along with Kimberly, four students from Central Catholic share their experiences of the pilgrimage and how it impacted them. You will find Kimberly’s guest column “Marching for a culture of life” in this issue. There’s a special feature in this issue entitled “Mary’s Manor, a gift to God’s family.” The feature highlights the donation of the Danos family home to the diocese. The children of the late Al and Mary Danos representing the Mary and Al Danos Family Foundation donated their parents’ home to the diocese. In the story, the siblings share their fond memories of the home. Read the feature to see how the diocese plans to utilize the beautiful home located on the bank of Bayou Lafourche. For those who enjoy visiting St. Joseph Altars, in this issue there is a complete list of the altars and viewing times. There is sure to be an altar near you. We asked and the church parishes
6 • Bayou Catholic • Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux • March 2020
responded. There is a list of all the parish Lenten missions in the diocese during the month of March. The diocesan financial report for the fiscal year July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, is included in this issue of Bayou Catholic. This report is just one element of the accountability and transparency that the diocese strives to practice on a continuing basis. The format is revamped for our Bayou Catholic readers. The March issue also includes a 17page Marriage Special. The special includes marriage preparation guidelines for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, as well as articles and advice for couples planning to marry and newly married couples. The March issue of Bayou Catholic has much to offer. In addition to the features and specials mentioned above, there are our usual guest columns, events and announcements in this issue. Please remember to support our advertisers who help by advertising in the Bayou Catholic. Without them we would not be able to provide the Catholic faithful of the diocese with what we feel is a top notch diocesan publication. Remember, after reading Bayou Catholic, pass it on to a friend or relative who might not be attending Mass. It’s one of the great ways to do your part in spreading the Good News! BC
Lawrence Chatagnier Editor & General Manager