H RESEARCH EDITION Professional scientific magazine
H Research edition. Publisher writing to 22790 Department Italian Government AGCOM ROC. Director Engineer Dr. Gnazzo Vito Annual magazine, publication namber 2016-17 www.htnetEdition.eu ISSN 2532-5612
Publication list
H Research Edition English: magazine number 2016-17 LEGAL LOGIC Electronic money. Financial services.
publication 2016-17 06
MAX WEBER'S BUREAUCRACY The Bureaucracy: The Real Government
publication 2016-17 05
OHIO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 1301:7 DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL Fire protection systems, law 1301:7-7-09
publication 2016-17 04
publication 2016-17 03
publication 2016-17 02
UNDER CONSTRUCTION... Research edition: object
publication 2016-17 01
BIBLIOGRAPHY. Abstract: magazine H 2016-17
publication 2016-17 00
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,06 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Electronic money. Financial services.
Legal logic Money has a legal value, and has legal definition in different forms: money, bank notes, electronic money, bank money. The coin and banknotes constitute a financial instrument in payment transactions that do not require a financial service. Other forms of currency to be used in payment transactions require for their legal definition, a financial service provided by intermediaries (banks, monetary institutions, payment institutions) authorized; only in limited payment transactions clearly defined by law (the Italian Republic, the Tub banking and Law 11-2010) you can use the electronic money without the use of financial services delivered by authorized intermediaries through the financial administrative tools the civil code available for companies (budget, newspaper accounts). In this article will be placed interest in electronic money, the legal logic definition, the legal rationale for use. Please note that the laws have further restricted the scope in which you can make payment transactions in Italy, with electronic money without a financial service provided by intermediaries authorized to safeguard the market for such financial services provided by the authorized operators, financial intermediaries condition (banks, monetary institutions, payment institutions). In Europe, Directive 2007/64 / EC, which the mebri states are obliged to adopt, in Article 3 (n) defines: in payment transactions between a parent undertaking and its subsidiary or between subsidiaries of the same parent undertaking, without any intermediary intervention by a payment service provider other than an undertaking belonging to the same group. WARNING: the governmental administration of the banks, has the delegated authority to limit the possibilities for provision of financial services to companies for protecting the same market, MAI may prohibit a company to deposit in its electronic filing in seat (and not from a third party authorized intermediary banks) electronic money through financial services provided by authorized intermediaries. Never will do it because it would violate the basic principles of business (reference article "Independence banking", History), for
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,06 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
example, would violate the Constitution of the Italian Republic and few articles of the existing regulations financial. So you can restrict access to financial services (authorization to practice business), but not the possession of electronic money that does not depend on financial services. Quite different is the aspect of issuing electronic money which can only happen through financial services provided by licensed operators, intermediaries such as banks, monetary institutions, State because it allowed both as a public authority and therefore not dependent owned authorization. ITALIAN LEGISLATION, FINANCIAL SERVICES - ELECTRONIC MONEY. LEGAL LOGIC: electronic money defined to article 1 (3) (b) of Directive 2000/46/EC must be issued by an intermediary (bank or monetary institution), it must be accepted by person different by emitter in payment operations. A company can have deposit in the company either in cash or electronic money to the legal constraint that electronic money originally was issued by the authorized intermediary (banks or monetary institution), collected from payment transactions in compliance with the regulatory framework of the above institutions. Article 4 (6) of Directive 2007/64/EC defines payment system compliant (for payment transactions between a company with a banking intermediary): “payment system� means a funds transfer system with formal and standardised arrangements and common rules for the processing, clearing and/or settlement of payment transactions. A company possesses a system that conforms to banks, financial administrative acts: the accounts of a company in compliance with Directive 78/660/EEC (subsequently updated) and directive 83/1983/EEC (subsequently updated). Which, together with the accounting records (and economic written), form a conforms payment system in accordance with Article 4 (6) of Directive 2007/64/EC. Directives that member states must to adopt in the own legislation. A company for the above framework can transfer funds into electronic money in the company store to a payment account with an authorized bank, which operation and of itself a financial service issued by the authorized intermediary. Example: the State is authorized to issue payment services, therefore a company with a deposit electronic money on the farm, in Italy and for banking legislation the State, (the Italian Republic) may pay tax, Example: the State is authorized to issue payment services, therefore a company with a deposit electronic money on the farm, in Italy and for banking legislation the State,
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,06 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
(the Italian Republic) may pay tax, the financial service needed for payment by electronic money is issued by the State. The Italian state is authorized the provision of payment services for obvious reasons as a Public Authority, Monetary Authority, and with explicitly stated in banking regulations. (Same for the issuance of electronic money). Likewise, a company can make a payment transaction in the electronic money from the deposit in the company and to the beneficiary asking the bank the payment service provision needed by law. The bank is obliged to provide the service by the same financial regulations legal. Obviously the cost of the financial service requested by the bank, is paid by the company. Payment services without bank: payment service that allows you to make a payment can only be performed by an authorized bank therefore a company not can cash electronic money without intermediary bank. In limited circumstances prescribed by the regulations it can be carried out without banks, and between related enterprises, corporate groups. Remember that the financial instrument (funds) e-money for payment transactions outside the restricted cases above, can only be used by financial services provided by banks for legal constraint otherwise it would incurs in offenses of criminal nature. Obvious legal logic is that a bank in business is obliged by the marketing authorization and the authorization to the intermediary bank, of provide financial services to consumers, otherwise exposes you to possible revocation of the authorization to trade in violation of the obligations of the trader, to the possible revocation of the authorization for the provision of financial services in violation of professional and integrity requirements, exposes himself to criminal offenses because due to consumer fraud by claiming fraud provision of financial services in the market which then in fact denies the consumer. Often the rules are assigned a logic that is not the only possible, the only legal but a subjective interpretation; to prevent that doubt can insinuate among the readers of this it should be noted that the Group HTNET application of the legal logic of the regulatory framework over, has paid 8.5 million of Euro for taxes to the Italian Republic of which 7.5 million nondeductible, through the Deposit money electron, in company (financial instrument: electronic money), the financial service used in such payment transactions is issued by the state because it authorized to provide payment services, because it has power still to do so as a public authority (in this the event has provided the required payment services as authorized).
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,06 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
In conclusion, it can have in the company, electronic money deposit without bank service, can make all your payments with electronic money deposited through financial services provided by authorized brokers; only in limited areas can carry out payment transactions with electronic filing when electronic money without using payment services provided by authorized intermediaries and therefore with financial services provided independently and in short can be summarized through the financial administrative legal company budget, statements and newspaper writings accounting. Web recommended: European Finance |
Commission | Institute
ATTACHMENTS: Directive 2007/64/EC, payment services - copy | Directive 2007/46/EC, Money Institutions - copy | Directive 78/660/EEC, annual acconuts of company - copy | Directive 83/1983/EEC,consolidate accounts copy |
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,05 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
The Bureaucracy: The Real Government
Max Weber's Bureaucracy Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The building in the picture in Washington, D.C., houses the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, a bureaucratic agency. These are the images that come to mind when many Americans think of government bureaucracy. A bureaucrat is someone who works in administrative capacity for the government. How important are bureaucrats and their government agencies in actually running the United States government? According to some, they are the real government - the ones behind the scenes who go to work when the politicians are enjoying the spotlight. Max Weber's Bureaucracy. Max Weber is known as the founder of modern sociology. Max Weber, a German sociologist was one of the first people in modern times to think seriously about the importance of bureaucracy. The term actually comes from the French word "bureau," a reference to the small desks that the king's representatives set up in towns as they traveled across the country on king's business. So bureaucracy literally means "government with a small desk". Weber wrote about Germany during the early 20th century, when developing capitalism was spawning more and more large businesses. The changing economic scene had important implications for government. Weber saw bureaucracy as a rational way for complex businesses and governments to organize. He did not see them as necessary evils, but as the best organizational response to a changing society. According to Weber, model bureaucracies have the following characteristics: ¡ A chain of command that is hierarchical; the top bureaucrat has ultimate control, and authority flows from the top down ¡ A clear division of labor in which every individual has a specialized job
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,05 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
路 Clearly written, well-established formal rules that all people in the organization follow 路 A clearly defined set of goals that all people in the organization strive toward 路 Merit-based hiring and promotion; no granting of jobs to friends or family unless they are the best qualified 路 Job performance that is judged by productivity, or how much work an individual gets done Weber emphasized the importance of the bureaucracy in getting things done and believed that a well-organized, rational bureaucracy is the secret behind the successful operation of modern societies. Non-compliance with the Public Administration: as long as it remains, it is considered, for the lawyer, permanent illegal. Among the events where citizens often is faced with the failure of public administration it is when requesting permits for activities constrained by regulations that require firms to meet certain technical requirements as in the case of the financial services business. The company requesting the authorization submits a question related with the necessary documentation as required by the legislation which determines the legal logical for the authorization; Public Administration starts after an demand administrative of parte application, the applicant. In the administrative measure it is assessed that they meet the technical requirements within a period not exceeding one month (normally), or even a few months. The public administration must always respond to the applicant, except in cases where the law defining the legal logical for the approval qualifies the silence of the PA to an authorization or qualifies value of denial; if consent is refused can submit a request to which the government must respond by law otherwise incur in permanent illegality. The regulations apply assent qualified as a permit, they are not bound by Community law European; all the regulations that define the legal logical for obtaining authorization bound by Community law can not apply the authorization for silence because it is not provided for in Community law. They are areas where Union European legislation requires the adoption of a formal decision and thus the Pubblic Administration is obliged by law to respond to the person. If the law to which recourse is made for the authorization includes the denial assent, then it is always expressly stated in the decree. It may happen that the public administration can respond briefly
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,05 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
instance, because the application of a party is a new proposition of previous instances and without change of law or substantial. A substantial change can be the change of the balance sheet (in the case of authorization to operate banking activities), a change in the law may be the authorization request variation that always resorts to the same rules (such as changing from bank activities to Institute Paying, Monetary). Other areas in which is always excluded the application of the silent authorization by Pubblic Administration, are: public safety, immigration, asylum and citizenship, health and public safety, when the law qualifies the silence as a rejection of the Public Administration instance. FACT: Public Administration is always obligated to respond to authorization regulations that do not allow you to apply the silence to an authorization or denial; the applicant, who terminates the term for appeal, is free to file a new instance. ATTACHMENTS: TRANSPARENCY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, in the world. OPENNESS AND TRANSPARENCY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: CHALLENGES FOR PUBLIC LAW - United States |Transparency principle as an evolving principle of EU law: Regulative contours and implications European Union | THE DECISIONAL TRANSPARENCY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION - European Union | Openness, transparency and access to documents and information in the European Union | ATTACHMENTS: Code of Federal Regulations - United States. Aministrative personnal, Volume 1 - copy | Aministrative personnal, Volume 2 copy | Aministrative personnal, Volume 3 - copy |Domestic Security copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 1 - copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 2 copy| Banks and Banking, Volume 3 - copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 4 copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 5 - copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 6 copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 7 - copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 8 copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 9 - copy | Banks and Banking, Volume 10 - copy | Business Credit and Assistance - copy | The President - copy | Web site United States Courts: Uscourts | Judicial Administration | U.S. Government Publishing Office | Web site recommended: Ushistory |
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,05 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,04 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Fire protection systems, law 1301:7-7-09
Ohio Administrative Code, 1301:7 Division of State Fire Marshal The fire is present in many industrial processes, technological processes, especially present in the domestic life of all people in the kitchen, very useful for the preparation of food if not controlled and security systems can become very dangerous for people. The fire generated in a fireplace creates an area where the air that passes through the wood burning becomes orange in color. The mechanics of the physical phenomenon is related to the change of the unit weight which undergoes warming, the air, in the combustion process, in fact in the area on fire the air undergoes an increase in pressure which causes an increase of density, an event that allows sufficient heat exchange changing the color from transparent to an orange color. From highlight that in the combustion air is a fuel component, for example the wood combine with air to form the mixture in the combustion. The safety systems and procedures to adopt in the realization of a domestic fuel distribution plant for the kitchen, GAS, in the realization of appliances are very important for the safety of persons. It images the modern kitchens equipped with sensors that stop the fuel gas outlet in the event of extinction of the flame, to the connection systems, piping, valves, adopted in the construction of the plant from the tank to the kitchen, prevention systems; Very important are also the abatement systems of flames in case of fire, with the relevant procedures to be taken in case of fire for people (from fire extinguishers to escape routes). Most important is the phase of plant design, users fuel equipment, kitchen appliances, furnaces for industrial processes, the heat production plants, ......
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,04 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Equally important is the realization of the systems that connect users to the fuel tanks (gas) only possible for persone with qualification, persons are subject to strict controls. The components that are installed in the realization of a combustible gas distribution plant must comply with normalized standards known as standard UNI. The fire code official shall have the authority to require construction documents and calculations for all fire protection systems and to require permits be obtained for the installation, rehabilitation or modification of any fire protection system. Construction documents for fire protection systems shall be submitted for review prior to system installation. At locations or in structures not regulated by the building code as listed in rule 1301:7-7-47 of the Administrative Code, the construction documents shall be reviewed and approved by the fire code official prior to system installation. Permits shall be required as set forth in rule 1301:7-7-01 of the Administrative Code and as required by the building code as listed in rule 1301:7-7-47 of the Administrative Code. Installation acceptance testing. Fire detection and alarm systems, fireextinguishing systems, fire hydrant systems, fire standpipe systems, fire pump systems, private fire service mains and all other fire protection systems and appurtenances thereto shall be subject to acceptance tests as contained in the installation standards and as approved by the fire code official in accordance with this code and the building official in accordance with section 901.5 of the building code as listed in rule 1301:7-7-47 of the Administrative Code. Attached to this article the entire text of Chapter 9 Law 1301:7-7-09 Fire protection systems the Ohio Administrative Code, 1301:7 Division of State Fire Marshal. ATTACHMENTS: 1301:7-7-09 Fire copy | Waste heat recovery - copy |
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,04 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,03 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
OSHA Technical Manual: attachments
Air: mechanical, heat exchange (physical) The air. The single particle of air is the smallest particle in the universe. The single air particle has density too small so that it combines with other single particles and form a higher density body (for example water), while having its own unit weight and thus for the universal law its own attraction. Particles of the same liquid substance or solid, have an attraction capable of forming the body, for the air does not take place because the attraction of individual particles is not sufficient to keep them together. Being made up of particles with a weight, they are attracted by Earth's gravity and then form the known body, the planet's atmosphere. What happens when it passes through a heat pump, we start from a fan: it creates two pressure zones, the area at the fan has higher pressure and above all the particles are closer together creating a complex volume of air with a virtual slightly increased density. The increase of density in the air volume cause a greater heat exchange compared to an equal volume of air stops, (it is recalled that the heat exchange varies, increasing with the increase in density, with the increase of the unit weight of a particle , of a body). In the phase of output from the fan to the body of a person, the density is increased, before the fan the air has a lower density and therefore with respect to all the other bodies present (for example) in a room, it has lower temperature; for so part with a lower temperature to the other solids present in the room, he comes to the human body after the fan with a higher heat exchange capability, respect still air, because in outgoing volume from the ventilator has slightly increased its density, causing a heat exchange on the human body more than the air heat exchange stops, (creating the sensation of freshness). When it gets too hot we do not feel the pleasant refreshing sensation provided by the fan, because the slight increase in air unit weight caused by the fan causes a higher heat exchange with the environment
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,03 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
making the air hot before that the volume reaches the human body. We have to increase the power and size of the fan. Alternatively you can use a heat pump capable of removing heat, the unit for air treatment, the air conditioner. The operating principle is the same, the pump increases the pressure of a volume of air inside a high-pressure circuit, for bring the individual particles of air at the minimum distance possible through force, pressure, making the volume of air a body at high density compared with the free air and thus able to exchange relevant quantities of heat. The air being at the start and before the compressing pump (compressor) to a temperature below the external environment, not undergoing elevations of temperature in the compression, consider that the circuit creates the dark, and then the absence of sunlight, with the result to have a mass of air next to a liquid for force, at an initial temperature, the air temperature low respect the external environment, with the advantage that it has a density able to exchange relevant amount of heat, creating the cold in the radiator where the heat exchange takes place with the air of the environment to be cooled. What is missing to complete the illustration of the above teaching is the following concept: the unit weight of the single air particle is such that the minimum heat exchange with the adjacent solids, and especially with the solar rays makes its temperature low, not appreciable because the unit weight does not allow him to exchange heat. When looking to increase the unit weight with forcing, pressure, you get a body maintained by force (pressure system) with temperature which results from the initial temperature the air, low temperature. After the heat it exchange the air radiator to cool the environment, returns to the natural state with the elimination of frozatura in the high pressure circuit and before the poma (compressor) for new compression. With this system when the air returns to its unit weight, it lose that heat vested in heat exchange because it loses mass, weight. Consider as an example a hot iron piece, if divided in half will provide an amount of heat equal to half before the cooling and cools before in equal conditions of thermal exchange. ATTACHMENTS: Standard number 1910.1000 - copy | OSHA Technical Manual: Indoor Air Quality Investigation - copy | OSHA Technical Manual copy |
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,03 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,02 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
System electrical: insulation
Safety, electrical insulation systems In electrical systems, equipment, machinery, large industrial machines to small cars like the washing machine the main concern for the safety of persons and isolation of the force field that provides the electricity. We distinguish two main types of insulation, direct and indirect: the insulation consists of the plastic to the painting of the steel structure and the direct isolation, the most complex system with automatic switches (known lifesaving) constitutes indirect isolation. This article aims to highlight the isolation problem in system electrical: it will be made an example for educational purposes with reference to the locomotor of a train, provided with an electric motor.. The locomotive of a train, entirely of iron while isolated with direct and indirect systems, poses the obvious problem, the direct-current motor connected to the mains is connected to the rest of the train structure and certainly not by plastic supports but through rigid systems sealing to ensure adequate resistance to twisting which is generated during the traction transmitted to the rails. In fact, out by the example, the train engine is not isolated from the current and remains in rotation all the time in which it is connected to the electricity network, which for to be disconnected also requires the isolation of the section of track in which is stopped the train from the rest of the train tracks network. It is isolated from the rails, when the train is stopped via clutch mechanism that separates the rails by the motor, a separation which does not interrupts the electric connection because it occurs through organs (gears, kinematic chain, levers) and iron structure. The speed variation of the locomotive of a train is ensured by a mechanical variator and not by an electric controller, commonly known as mechanical gearbox.
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,02 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
A support system in iron would create the impossibility of isolation between the motor and the rest of the structure of the locomotive with the obvious impossibility to isolate the motor from the field of forces, the electrical current and the impossibility of to stop the rotation of the motor. A way to highlight the need of having to isolate the motor from the rest of the locomotive, in iron, the need which may be overcome with a system in mortar (cement) with rigid iron supports. Mortar supports which should be to isolate the motor from the locomotive in iron, allowing insulation of the electric field applied to the engine by creating a secure system. The above example would want to highlight the problem of isolation that must be dealt with by technical ingenuity that is the object dominated for the security. ATTACHMENTS: DOE HANDBOOK ELECTRICAL SAFETY - copy |
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,01 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Research edition: object
Under Construction... The new code of ethics for engineers proper Italian with circular number 375-2014 issued by the National Council of Engineers, IT, one of the most significant changes for this article, includes a training professional credit, no different from the points system for driving licenses, or must not fall below 30 credits to be able to perform the profession. A burden are the 30 credits that are deducted each year. The professional training credit can be increased with demonstration annual periodic updating of professional engineers. The credits provided for professional updates are max 15 informal and therefore achievable in the workplace, need time by training at recognized institutions for this purpose, as if the engineer had little to work with, (for the achievement of 30 credits Year). It is a system that highlights once again the work burden required for the profession of engineer in Italy starting from the course of studies, among the most challenging in Europe and beyond; conflict: is only right to point out for basic training for engineers could not tackle a job without first formasi Wherever necessary (legislative updates, sectoral, evolutionary, technological, scientific, ...) so nothing new happening if it were not for the fact that all updates acquired in the work have little space in the new code of ethics for the purpose of credits professional, updates work that are constitutionally and legally sufficient to maintain the updated of the engineer profession. The problem remains for the other 15 CPF serving for ragigungimento 30 credits year, because with less than 30 credits is not possible to carry out the engineering profession. In conclusion you can complain only two aspects: raise the self-certificate credit; THE TIME, a year for thirty credits, the time to turn on and off a cigarette
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,01 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Professional bodies have the dominant objective of safeguarding the profession, no person may carry out a profession for which registration is required to their order; You have recognized the requirements to be able to practice their profession by an order established by legislative decree. The scription a order professional on have another important aspect: a professional with regular membership to an Order Professional instituted with the legislative decree is vested of professional trust: it only means that a customer who ignores the knowledge of the problem to be addressed is aimed at recognizing professional trust, the trust that must receive for the code of the right by the professional. For professional association means an institution of self-government of a profession recognized by a legislative decree (in Italian art. 1, d.lgs.lgt. 382/1944, Constitutional Court. 284/86), with the aim to ensure the quality of the activities carried out by professionals; to it the state entrusts the task of keeping the register and carry out disciplinary functions (code of ethics), safeguarding the professional category. The subjects that are part must generally be entered in a special register, said professional register. The National Council and the territorial or colleges, are elected by the members of the order. ATTACHMENTS: Deontological Code of Engineers - copy |
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,01 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
ABSTRACT. Our interest in magazine H 2016-17 has focused on financial services research by focusing on regulatory compliance issues that define the obligations of using banking services that are only available through authorized intermediaries. We were also interested in payment transactions without the financial services provided by authorized intermediaries. We conducted a research on the transparency of Public Administration with a look at the past, Max Weber, a German sociologist among the first people to seriously think about bureaucracy, an organized good. With regard to the safety of the plants, we have been interested in publishing some regulatory aspects for the safety of electrical systems, fire safety for workplaces and for heat plants. For the research we have referred to the quotations below.
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication 2016-17,06 Directive 2007/64/EC, payment services. “On payment services in the internal market amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and repealing Directive 97/5/EC” Directive 2007/46/EC, Money Institutions. “On the taking up, pursuit of and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions” Directive 78-660-EEC, annual acconuts of company. “Based on Article 54 (3 ) (g) of the Treaty on the annual accounts of certain types of companies.” Directive 83-1983-EEC,consolidate accounts. “Based on the Article 54 ( 3 ) ( g) of the Treaty on consolidated accounts.” European commission, “http://www.ec.europa.eu”
Institute of international finance. The Institute of International Finance is the global association of the financial industry, with close to 500 members from 70 countries. The IIF is the leading voice for the financial services industry on global regulatory issues. he IIF offers an independent source of global economic and financial research. “http://www.iff.com”
Publication 2016-17,05 in the world: OPENNESS AND TRANSPARENCY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: CHALLENGES FOR PUBLIC LAW - United States. “Openness and transparency in public administration: challenges for public law. Bojan Bugaric, associate Professor at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, Slovenia.”
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Transparency principle as an evolving principle of EU law: Regulative contours and implications - European Union. “Transparency principle as an evolving principle of EU law: Regulative contours and implications. Vasiliki (Vicky) Karageorgou Lecturer in European Administrative law and European Environmental Law, Panteion University, Athens, Greece.” THE DECISIONAL TRANSPARENCY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION European Union. “Octavia Maria Cilibiu, Keywords: transparency, public administration, information, citizen, decision.” Openness, transparency and access to documents and information in the European Union. “Directorate-General for internal policies. Policy department C: citizens' rights and constitutional affairs. Civil liverties, jistice and home affairs. Author Henri Labayle, professor at Universitè de Pau et des pays de l’Adour.”
United States. Aministrative personnal, Volume 1 Aministrative personnal, Volume 2 Aministrative personnal, Volume 3 Domestic Security - copy Banks and Banking, Volume 1 Banks and Banking, Volume 2 Banks and Banking, Volume 3 Banks and Banking, Volume 4 Banks and Banking, Volume 5 Banks and Banking, Volume 6 Banks and Banking, Volume 7 Banks and Banking, Volume 8
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Banks and Banking, Volume 9 Banks and Banking, Volume 10 Business Credit and Assistance The President
Publication 2016-17,04 1301:7-7-09 Fire protection systems. Chapter 9. “The provisions of this rule shall specify where fire protection systems are required and shall apply to the design, installation, inspection, operation, testing and maintenance of all fire protection systems.” Waste heat recovery. “Warte Heat Recovery: Technology and Opportunities un U. S. Industry. U.S. Department of Energy. Industrial Technologies Program. Bringing you a prosperous future where energy is clean, abundant, reliable, and affordable.”
Publication 2016-17,03 Standard number 1910.1000. “OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at http://www.osha.gov” “On December 17, 2001 OSHA withdrew its Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) proposal and terminated the rulemaking proceeding (66 FR 64946). However, the Agency still receives public inquiries about IAQ, primarily office temperature/humidity and smoking in the workplace. For that reason, we
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
have summarized the Agency's position and guidance on these topics. We are including language in the form of letters you can utilize when responding to complainants on these topics.” OSHA Technical Manual: Indoor Air Quality Investigation. “Modern office buildings are generally considered safe and healthful working environments. However, energy conservation measures instituted during the early 1970's have minimized the infiltration of outside air and contributed to the buildup of indoor air contaminants. Investigations of indoor air quality (IAQ) often fail to identify any harmful levels of specific toxic substances. Often employee complaints result from items such as cigarette smoke, odors, low-level contaminants, poor air circulation, thermal gradients, humidity, job pressures, lighting, work-station design, or noise. Appendix III:2-1 presents a brief discussion of these items.” OSHA Technical Manual. “Section III: chapter 1. Polymer matrix materials: advanced composites. For problems with accessibility in using figures and illustrations in this document, please contact the Office of Science and Technology Assessment at (202) 693-2095.” “The composites industry in the United States includes three manufacturing areas: Polymers, metals, and ceramics. A. Composites are classified according to their matrix phase. There are polymer matrix composites (PMC's), ceramic matrix composites (CMC's), and metal matrix composites (MMC's). Materials within these categories are often called "advanced" if they combine the properties of high strength and high stiffness, low weight, corrosion resistance, and in some cases special electrical properties. This combination of properties makes advanced composites very attractive for aircraft and aerospace structural parts. B - This chapter deals with a segment of the polymer composite industry known as advanced polymer matrix composites, or advanced composites. Since the reinforced plastics, or polymer matrix composite industry is much larger than the subject of this chapter, the term "advanced composites" is used here to define this special segment of the industry. Information on this industry has been developed for use by OSHA field personnel to help them understand this new and growing technology. C. Advanced composites have been identified as an important growth sector in U.S. manufacturing. This identification has led to more use of these materials in existing facilities as well as an increase in the number of advanced composites manufacturing locations. Field staff may expect to
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
encounter composites more frequently in the course of their assignments. At the same time, much of the technology is new and not presented formally in secondary or undergraduate education. D. Information is presented here on the technology as practiced in current operations. The technology of advanced composites manufacture is continually evolving, and field personnel will learn here what to expect in these processing facilities in the way of materials handled, manufacturing methods, machinery, potential worker exposures, and other relevant health and safety information. E. The information presented necessarily makes reference to industrial hygiene and safe work practices, but this manual is not intended to provide comprehensive guidelines for assessing compliance with regulations. Much of the terminology used in this manual is peculiar to the composites industry, and for this reason a glossary of terms has been provided in Appendix III:11.� Publication 2016-17,02 DOE HANDBOOK ELECTRICAL SAFETY. “U.S. Department of Energy Washington, D.C.20585. FOREWORD 1 - This Department of Energy (DOE) Handbook is approved for use by the Office of Health, Safety and Security and is available to all DOE components and their contractors. 2 - Specific comments (recommendations, additions, deletions, and any pertinent data) to enhance this document should be sent to: Patrick Tran HS12/Germantown U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20585-0270 3 - This DOE Electrical Safety Handbook replaces the DOE Electrical Safety Handbook that was originally issued in 1998, and revised in 2004. DOE handbooks are part of the DOE directives system and are issued to provide supplemental information regarding the Department's expectations for fulfilling its requirements as contained in rules, orders, notices, and regulatory standards. The handbooks may also provide acceptable methods for implementing those requirements. Handbooks are not substitutes for requirements, nor do they replace technical standards that are used to describe established practices and procedures for implementing requirements.
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
4 - This updated handbook contains DOE-developed explanatory material in support of national electrical safety codes and standards, including those referenced in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in 10 CFR 851, Worker Safety and Health Program. Sections of this handbook were revised and relocated within the handbook for improved clarity of information. This document references the most recent version of each code and standard at the time of development, recognizing that newer versions are invariably improved and provide increased safety over previous versions. 10 CFR 851 references the 2005 edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC), and the 2004 edition of the Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (NFPA 70E). This document, however, references the 2008 NEC and the 2009 NFPA 70E versions. Each site must ensure, through review, that its implementation of the newer versions meets the intent of 10 CFR 851. In addition other electrical codes and standards utilized in this handbook include: 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S, Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Electrical; 29 CFR 1926 Subpart K, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Electrical; IEEE/ANSI Std C2, National Electrical Safety Code (2007); NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance (2010); and others. For a complete list of references used in this document, see Section 14.”
Publication 2016-17,01 Deontological Code of Engineers. “Following the entry into force of the new regulations on regulated professions and subsequent Regulations adopted for the profession of Engineer, the National Council, having regard for the contribution provided by the Assembly of Presidents, has adjusted on 1 December 2006, with the text which it attached. Which was approved at the sitting of 9 April 2014.”
H Research Edition. ISSN 2532-5612. Publication 2016-17,00 Division edition Group HTNET www.htnetEdition.eu
Head office: Italy, Salerno, Capaccio, Via Feudo La Pila, 39, 84047 Publication date 20-06-2016