Cha Am Today August 2012

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Cha Am Today Volume 3 issue 12 August 2012

HM the Queen Sirikit’s Birthday


Wishing Her Majesty a long life in Happiness and Good Health from the entire Hua Hin Today Team. …The Queen Sirikit story

Volume 3 Issue 12 August 2012

15th Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching in Cha-Am


he 15th Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching in Cha-Am will take place again this year between 8 and 16 September at the lookout point on Cha-Am beach. Organized by the Cha-Am Municipality, with cooperation of the Tourism Authority of Thailand and Singha Corporation, this event aims to attract visitors to the beachfront city during the low season. Similar to the first one in 1999, its highlight features squid catching, an activity popular among tourists. In addition, the organizers include boat racing and fishing contests at the opening of the event. Besides squid catching, there are fresh seafood selling, concerts from famous singers every night and bird watching at Thung Takad Plee and Khao Nang Panturat Natural Park. Organized in the morning and last afternoon every day, the bird watching activity allows tourists to

By Sorravit

see local and immigrant birds that dwell on swamps and at the foot of the hill in the two places. A qualified tour guide will provide information on the birds and the environment there, too. The Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching in Cha-Am is one of the most favored events of the city as it attracts a lot of tourists every year. Last year, over 35,000 tourists came of the event and visitors can enjoy various to join the event. One reason for this is activities there. that the organizers maintain good quality The main reason why this event is held during the rainy season of Thailand is because it is the good time when a lot of squids can be easily found and caught. Moreover, many birds are migrating from the north to stay here. Although it is the low season when fewer visitors come to Cha-Am, this activity will somehow promote tourism in the city and attract many tourists who would like to enjoy fun activities and beautiful landscape different from other seasons in Thailand.

Phetchaburi-Prachuap Traditional Football Match Starts in the Rain


n 4 July the District Chief of ChaAm Mr. Pramote Sampao-ngern presided over the 18th PhetchaburiPrachuap Khirikhan Traditional Football Match at the Rama VI Military Base’s field in Cha-Am. On this occasion, the Chairman of Cha-Am/Hua Hin Tourism Business Association Dr. Rungrot Sileungsawas delivered welcoming speech. This year’s football match consists of 17 teams of hoteliers and hotel staff in Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khirikhan. It was hosted by Mr. Krip Rojanasathien, the managing director of Chiva-Som. The opening ceremony highlighted a beautiful procession that campaigned on anti-pollution and promoted reforestation as well as reduction of use of toxic materials. Since the concept of this year’s event concerned environmental protection against global warming, during the opening ceremony, the rain kept showering from welcoming speech to the procession. After the opening, a friendship football match between the media group, including staff of Thai Channels 3, 7 and Siam Sport Newspaper, and the hoteliers from Phetchaburi and Prachuab Khirikhan began. The match was very exciting and both teams tied with the score 1:1. The highlight of the match was the one between the Chiva-Som team and Evason team as both played very hard and

actively, especially during the first half of the match in which the Chiva-Som scored 2:0 with 2 fouls. The second half saw Evason played hard to no avail because the vanguard and center missed the target twice and ended up kicking a ball into their own goal. So, Chiva-Som beat Evason with the score of 3:0. The traditional football match is still going on from Monday to Thursday until 5 August. There will be 2 matches daily. The winner of the final round will be awarded a trophy and some cash. The awarding ceremony, chaired by the Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khirikhan Governors, is taking place at Hua Hin Grand Hotel. According to Mr. Krip, the traditional football match symbolizes strong cooperation and unity of hoteliers and hotel staff of Hua Hin. The reason why it was held in the low season is because hotel staff is very busy during the high season and this time of year sees less work than other periods. Moreover, football is the sport that strengthens relations of all hotel staff and can be used as an anti-drug campaign for adolescents, too. Mr.Krip added that the hoteliers and hotel staff in Hua Hin were

highly concerned with the current global warming and environmental crises in the city. Now, they are working to bring back the greenscape with cooperation of local governmental agencies by initiating environmental campaigns and activities as well as this football match. “If Phetchaburi and Prachuap have good environment, it will become an ideal place to live and stay for local people and tourists,” concluded Mr. Krip. Images of the Event Mr. Wasan Kittikul, Chairman of Hotel Association in Western Thailand. 1.Mr. Pramote Sampaongern, Cha-Am District Chief, delivered an opening speech. 2.Dr. Rungrot Sileungsawas delivered his welcoming speech. 3.Parade of Hua Hin/Cha-Am hoteliers and hotel staff entering into the field of Rama VI Military Base, Cha-Am. 4.Mr. Krip Rojanasathien, the host of the event, gave a bouquet to the media and hotel staff footballers.

Local news

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Volume 3 issue 12 August 2012

Princess Chulabhorn Admires

Shell-Made Souvenirs from Cha-Am

สมเด็จพระเจ้าลูกเธอ เจ้าฟ้าจุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์ อัครราชกุมารี เสด็จเยีย่ มชมผลิตภัณฑ์ทรี่ ะลึกจากเปลือกหอย


n 10 July 2012 at 4 p.m., HRH Princess Chulabhorn Walailak visited the head office of Saphan Hin Community in Cha-Am to admire shel-made souvenirs of the housewife group from Saphan Hin, Nong Jaeng, Saha Kham and Baan Paak Khlong Communities. According to Mr. Winai Buapradit, the Phetchaburi Governor who gave the Princess a warm welcome, the Saphan Hin Community, established on 16 October 2005, has 747 people with Ms. Phannapa Hommeun as the Community’s leader. After the Cholprathan Cement Pub. Co. Ltd. Got concession of cement manufacturing in Khao Yai, a canal was dug and a stone-made bridge was built to serve as a route for cement transportation via the sea. Around the industrial area are dormitories of the Cholprathan Cement’s staff and local people. Since most of the people live their life as fishermen, after catching some fish, there are a lot of seas shells which the local women of

Saphan Hin Community use to make some souvenirs. In 2006, the Cha-Am Municipality officially established the local women who make and sell the handicrafts as the Saphan Hin Housewife Group. Consisting of 16 members, the Saphan Hin Housewife Group cooperates with the women from Nong Jaeng, Saha Kham and Baan Paak Khlong to make and sell shell-made souvenirs. Most of the products are reasonably priced and serve the need of Thai visitors. Now, the group is creating more items to attract foreigners, too. The visit of HRH Princess Chulabhorn has made all the local people including the Sapahn Hin Housewife overwhelmingly happy and grateful because the Princess also learned how to make some souvenirs from sea shells and took pictures with the local people. Before leaving the Saphan Hin Community, HRH Princess Chalabhorn also donated some money to fund the work of the housewife group.

Swiss Sheep Farm: The Euro-Style Valley of Love in Cha-Am

เมือ่ วันที่ ๑๐ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕ เวลา ๑๖.๐๐ น. สมเด็จพระเจ้าลูกเธอ เจ้าฟ้าจุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์ อัครราชกุมารี เสด็จเยีย่ มชมผลิตภัณฑ์ทรี่ ะลึกจากเปลือกหอยของกลุม่ แม่บา้ นชุมชนสะพานหิน ชุมชนบ้านหนองแจง ชุมชนสหคาม และ ชุมชนบ้านปากคลอง โดยมีนายวินยั บัวประดิษฐ์ ผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดเพชรบุรี เฝ้าทูลละอองธุลพี ระบาทรับเสด็จ ณ ทีท่ ำ� การ ชุมชนสะพานหิน เขตเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ นายวินยั บัวประดิษฐ์ ถวายรายงานว่า ชุมชนสะพานหิน เป็นชุมชนทีไ่ ด้รบั การจัดตัง้ ขึน้ เมือ่ วันที ่ ๑๔ ตุลาคม ๒๕๔๘ มีประชากรทัง้ สิน้ ๗๔๗ คน โดยมี น.ส.ผันนภา หอมเหมือน เป็นประธานชุมชน พืน้ ที่ ของชุมชนสะพานหินเดิมเป็นพืน้ ทีร่ กร้างติดกับทะเล หลังจากบริษทั ชลประทานซีเมนต์ จ�ำกัดมหาชน ได้รบั สัมปทานการท�ำ ปูนซีเมนต์บริเวณเขาใหญ่ ได้ทำ� การขุดคลองและก่อสร้างสะพานทีท่ ำ� จากหินทัง้ หมดเพือ่ ใช้เป็นเส้นทางการขนส่งปูนซีเมนต์ทาง ทะเล และปลูกสร้างบ้านพักให้กบั พนักงานของบริษทั จึงท�ำให้พนื้ ทีร่ อบๆ บ้านพักโรงปูนมีประชาชนทีป่ ระกอบอาชีพประมง อพยพมาตัง้ บ้านเรือนอาศัยอยูจ่ ำ� นวนมาก และใช้บริเวณสะพานหินเป็นทีจ่ อดเรือประมงหลบคลืน่ ลม และกูอ้ วน กูล้ อบ น�ำ สัตว์นำ�้ ทะเลทีจ่ บั ได้มาบริโภคและออกจ�ำหน่ายให้กบั ประชาชนในท้องถิน่ และนักท่องเทีย่ วทัว่ ไป ในการจับสัตว์นำ�้ ของชาวประมง มีเปลือกหอยทีอ่ าศัยอยูท่ อ้ งทะเลธรรมชาติตดิ อวนขึน้ มาจ�ำนวนมากกลุม่ แม่บา้ นจึงน�ำมาประดิษฐ์เป็นของทีร่ ะลึกจ�ำหน่ายให้กบั นักท่องเทีย่ ว ในปี พ.ศ.๒๕๔๙ ได้รบั การสนับสนุนจากเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำให้จดั ตัง้ เป็น “กลุม่ แม่บา้ นสะพานหิน” เพือ่ จัดท�ำ ผลิตภัณฑ์ชมุ ชน “การประดิษฐ์ของทีร่ ะลึกจากเปลือกหอย” เพือ่ เป็นการน�ำวัตถุดบิ ทีห่ าง่ายในชุมชนมาประดิษฐ์เป็นของทีร่ ะลึก จากเปลือกหอย เพือ่ เพิม่ มูลค่าของเปลือกหอยทีห่ าได้ในบริเวณชายหาดชะอ�ำ มีสมาชิกทัง้ หมด ๑๖ คน มีการรวมตัวกันเพือ่ ผลิตและจ�ำหน่าย “สินค้าของทีร่ ะลึกจากเปลือกหอย” ให้กบั นักท่องเทีย่ วชายหาดชะอ�ำ โดยด�ำเนินการร่วมกับชุมชนบ้านหนอง แจง ชุมชนสหคาม ชุมชนบ้านปากคลอง สินค้าทีก่ ลุม่ ได้ดำ� เนินการผลิตนัน้ จะผลิตให้ตรงตามความต้องการของนักท่องเทีย่ ว ทีเ่ ป็นชาวไทยเป็นส่วนใหญ่ ซึง่ เป็นสินค้าทีม่ รี าคาไม่แพงมากนัก เหมาะส�ำหรับการซือ้ เป็นของฝาก อีกทัง้ มีการพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ ให้มรี ปู แบบของสินค้าทีแ่ ปลกใหม่สวยงามให้กบั นักท่องเทีย่ วชาวต่างประเทศทีม่ าท่องเทีย่ วทีอ่ ำ� เภอชะอ�ำ ในโอกาสทีฝ่ า่ พระบาท เสด็จมาเยีย่ มชมในครัง้ นีย้ งั ความปลาบปลืม้ ปิตยิ นิ ดีมายังกลุม่ แม่บา้ นสะพานหินเป็นอย่างยิง่ จากนัน้ สมเด็จพระเจ้าลูกเธอ เจ้าฟ้าจุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์ อัครราชกุมารี ได้เสด็จทอดพระเนตรการสาธิตการประดิษฐ์ ของทีร่ ะลึกจากเปลือกหอยของกลุม่ แม่บา้ น ผลิตภัณฑ์ของทีร่ ะลึก เปลือกหอยหายาก พร้อมทัง้ ทรงฉายพระรูปร่วมกับตัวแทน ชุมชนและส่วนราชการทีม่ าเฝ้ารับเสด็จ และทรงมอบเงินเพือ่ ทุนให้แก่กลุม่ แม่บา้ นชุมชนสะพานหินต่อไป

4th Rally to Preserve Phetchaburi River


here are a lot of beautiful places on earth tourists usually dream of visiting no matter how far they are. Now, there is one in Thailand that features both natural beauty and scenic landscape á la Switzerland in the valley embrace. The Euro-country style Swiss Sheep Farm, the latest tourist attraction in Phetchaburi, is located 200 kilometers from Bangkok on Phetchakasem Road at the Kilometer Point of 201 before the turn to Cha-Am.

Boasting genuine Swiss atmosphere, Swiss Sheep Farm has a lot of fluffy sheep on the verdant field. Visitors can watch them graze, take pictures with them and even pet them. Amateur and professional photographers can take photos of the scenic landscape the place has to offer. Also, the newly wedded can have pre-wedding outdoor photo taking for only 2,500 Baht. Besides admiring the beautiful scenery or taking pictures, tourists can enjoy riding a pony and couples can take part in fun yet romantic love activities in which they help each other to hang a key of love, the symbol of everlasting relationship. The most unmissible activity above all is being a shepherd who feeds, pets

and takes pictures with all the sheep. Swiss Sheep Farm has several souvenirs that visitors can buy for their friends and family as well. Children can enjoy a big amusement park. There is a café with classicstyle interiors for everyone to take a break over delicious sweets and aromatic coffee. Open to all at 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday and at 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m., the farm is currently offering promotional entrance fees to children (20 Baht from the normal price of 30 Baht) and adults (40 Baht from the normal price of 50 Baht). For further information, please contact tel. 032 772 495.


n the occasion of the Phetchaburi Preservation Day on 7 August 2012, the Phetchaburi Provincial Office is organizing the 4th Rally to Preserve Phetchaburi River under support of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the Phetchaburi Tourism and Sport Office and the Kaen Krachan National Park. This event aims to allow tourists to admire beauty of the sacred Phetchaburi River highly valued for its historical background, local lifestyle and tourism, thus raising awareness on its preservation mutually done by both tourists and local entrepreneurs. Held on 4 August 2012 from 1 pm. to 5.30 pm., this event features a raft racing, activities bases and breeding of seedlings for the Kaeng Krachan National Park. Ticket costs 450 per person including all activities provided food and souvenirs. Besides the event, the Business Association of Kaeng Krachan-Phetchaburi Basin is offering visitors a rafting trip package along the Phetchaburi River from 5 to 30 July 2012. This trip includes accommodations and various activities provided by 12 resorts in the province,

namely Phetchvarin Resort and Spa, Nana Resort and Spa, Kaeng Krachan Boat House Paradise Resort, Chatpetch Resort, Phetch Rim Than Resort, Ritthima Srichumsaeng Resort, Fasai Riverview, Suan Phetch Riverview Resort, Suan Ing Tharn Resort, Kaeng Silp Resort, Thanu River Resort and Baan Suan River Resort. Reservation for this package can be made in advance at each of the resort mentioned above.For further information on all the activities to take place during the event, please contact the Business Association of Kaeng Krachan-Phetchaburi at tel. 081 880 6382 or at website: www.khonlumnampet. com or the TAT’s Phetchaburi Office at tel. 032 471005 and 032 471006.

Inside Cha-Am

Volume 3 issue 12 August 2012

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Cha-Am to Celebrate Queen’s Birthday


he Cha-Am Municipality will organize a festive event to celebrate the National Thai Mother Day and the birthday anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit on 12 August 2012. With an aim to allow people and visitors in the city to express gratitude to Her Majesty, respected throughout the country as the mother of all Thai people, this year’s event will take place at the Cha-Am Municipality. Followings are main activities to be held: 8.00 a.m. – The Cha-Am Municipality provides marine animals to local community representatives so that they release them in public water sources.

6.30 p.m. – A candle-lit ceremony to express gratitude to Her Majesty. Participated by governmental officials, club members, businesspeople, local people and students in Cha-Am, this activity will take place at the Cha-Am Municipality. 7.00 p.m. onwards – The Cha-Am District Chief will chair the ceremony together with the participants. After delivering a report on the stage where an image of Her Majesty is placed, the District Chief will offer a royal tribute, bow and sing the royal anthems to honor Her Majesty. A big firework and fire displays to honor Her Majesty. An awarding

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Is Certified 2012 Drug Free Workplace Project


rporn Hemmara, Director of Human Resources, on behalf of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa (right) received the certificate for “2012 Drug Free Workplace Project” from Prasarn Wongsawad, Deputy Governor of Petchaburi Province at the Petchaburi Town Hall. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has been certified two consecutive years in 2011-2012 as an outstanding service provider facility in preventing the use of drugs in the workplace and solving drugs-related problems as key major criteria qualified in achieving this recognition. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is continuously keep delivering our commitment in order to provide great support to local community as one of our 3 Core Values by “Sheraton” brand. Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail for information, room reservations and meeting enquiry.

ceremony of the best mothers of 2012 A singing performance of students from Baan Cha-Am Municipal School 1 Stage performances of students from Baan Huay Sai Tai Municipal School 5, Wat Sai Yoi Municipal School 2 and Baan Nong Ta Pud Municipal School 7 Stage performances of members from Phetchaburi Red Cross Group and ChaAm Social Dance Club. 10 p.m. – Closing ceremony Note : Dress code for governmental officials and local people is contemporary Thai style or smart casual and uniforms for students, club and association members.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Launches “Sheraton Fitness” Programmed By Core Performance

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Is Certified 2012 Drug Free Workplace Project


rporn Hemmara, Director of Human Resources, on behalf of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa (right) received the certificate for “2012 Drug Free Workplace Project” from Prasarn Wongsawad, Deputy Governor of Petchaburi Province at the Petchaburi Town Hall. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has been certified two consecutive years in 2011-2012 as an outstanding service provider facility in preventing the use of drugs in the workplace and solving drugs-related problems as key major criteria qualified in achieving this recognition. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is continuously keep delivering our commitment in order to provide great support to local community as one of our 3 Core Values by “Sheraton” brand. Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail for information, room reservations and meeting enquiry.

New Faces Appointed

at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa


heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is pleased to announce an appointment of Achareeya Talabhat (left) as a “Human Resources & Training Manager” and Kesorn Manadee (right) as a “Restaurant Manager”. Both of them are probably new faces to Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, but fondly known as long term service from our sister properties ; Achareeya gathered her intensive experience from Training and Development at Sheraton Pattaya Resort, followed by newly branded ; Aloft Bangkok - Sukhumvit 11 while Kesorn spent several years in a role of Food & Beverage at The Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok prior to explore an differentiation of service culture from elsewhere for a short while before returning to be part of our great team at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa.


rporn Hemmara, Director of Human Resources, on behalf of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa (right) received the certificate for “2012 Drug Free Workplace Project” from Prasarn Wongsawad, Deputy Governor of Petchaburi Province at the Petchaburi Town Hall. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has been certified two consecutive years in 2011-2012 as an outstanding service provider facility in preventing the use of drugs in the workplace and solving drugs-related problems as key major criteria qualified in achieving this recognition. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is continuously keep delivering our commitment in order to provide great support to local community as one of our 3 Core Values by “Sheraton” brand. Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail reservations. for information, room reservations and meeting enquiry.

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Cha Am Today

Volume 3 issue 12 August 2012

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