Cha Am Today September 2012

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Cha Am Today


Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012

Volume 4 Issue 1 September 2012

Afternoon Bird Watching, Evening Trek & Admiring


Freshwater Fireflies at Kaeng Krachan

he chief officer of Kaeng Krachan National Park invited visitors to join the afternoon bird watching and admiring freshwater fireflies program from 1 August to 31 October 2012 at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Chaiwat Limlikitaksorn, the chief officer of Kaeng Krachan National Park, said that the park boasted the largest area in Thailand. Covering 2,915 square kilometers or 1.8 million Rais of Tanao Sri Mountain Range, most areas of Kaeng Krachan are tropical forests with complete natural attractions that offer beautiful natural wonders like Tho Thip Waterfall and the foggy Phanern Thung Hill as well as various kinds of flora and fauna, especially butterflies and freshwater fireflies. Visitors usually go there from September to the end of October even though this period is a rainy season of Thailand and the park is closed following an order of the Department of

อุทยานแก่งฯ ชวนเทีย่ วป่ากลางคืนช่วงปิด ฟืน้ ฟูปา่ “ดูนกยามเย็น เห็นหิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด”

National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. To offer another option to visitors who would like to come to the park during its closure and promote tourism in Kaeng Krachan district, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has launched the afternoon bird watching and admiring freshwater fireflies program. Taking a total of 3 hours from late afternoon to early evening, the program consists of 10 visitors guided by officers from the park to do short forest trek and take a safe ride inside the forest from Daan Saam Yod to Kilometer 4. Along the way, visitors will see freshwater fireflies, various birds and small animals that feed themselves at night. Those who would like to join the activity need to inform officers at Kaeng Krachan National Park in advance and form a group of 10. Each of them has to pay a fee of 200 Baht. A personal tour costs 2,000 Baht. No one is allowed to take a trip without an officer from the park. Reservation can be made at office hours from Friday to Sunday at the Kaeng Krachan Tourism Promotion Booth at the ‘Balade’ ground close to Kaeng Krachan District Office. For more information, please contact 032 459 293 and 081 880 6382.


นายชัยวัฒน์ ลิม้ ลิขติ อักษร หัวหน้าอุทยาน แห่งชาติแก่งกระจาน เปิดเผยว่าอุทยานทีม่ พี นื้ ทีก่ ว้าง ใหญ่ทสี่ ดุ ของประเทศไทย มีพนื้ ทีถ่ งึ 2,915 ตาราง กิโลเมตร หรือ 1.8 ล้านไร่ เป็นต้นน�ำ้ ล�ำธารของแม่นำ�้ หลายสาย พืน้ ทีส่ ว่ นใหญ่ของอุทยานฯ เป็นภูเขาสลับ ซับซ้อนอยูใ่ นเทือกเขาตะนาวศรี สภาพภูมปิ ระเทศ เป็นป่าดิบชืน้ มีแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วทางธรรมชาติทอี่ ดุ ม สมบูรณ์ครบครัน ทัง้ ปรากฏการณ์ธรรมชาติทสี่ วยงาม (ทะเลหมอก ทีย่ อดเขาพะเนินทุง่ น�ำ้ ตกทอทิพย์ ฯลฯ) พืช สัตว์ปา่ และแมลง (ผีเสือ้ หิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด ฯลฯ) แต่ละปีมนี กั ท่องเทีย่ วเข้าเทีย่ วชมมากเป็นอันดับต้น ๆ ของอุทยานแห่งชาติในประเทศไทย ทุกๆ ปีตงั้ แต่เดือน กันยายน-ปลายเดือนตุลาคม เป็นช่วงฤดูฝน อุทยานแห่งชาติแก่งกระจานจะปิดให้บริการท่องเทีย่ วตามประกาศของ กรมอุทยานแห่งชาติ สัตว์ปา่ และพันธุพ์ ชื ตัง้ แต่แคมป์บา้ นกร่างไปจนถึงยอดเขาพะเนินทุง่ ชัว่ คราว เพือ่ คืนสภาพ ความสมบูรณ์ทางชีวภาพวิทยาและทางธรณีวทิ ยา พักฟืน้ ธรรมชาติให้ความอุดมสมบูรณ์ของผืนป่ากลับคืนมา และ ลดความเสีย่ งอันตรายทีอ่ าจเกิดแก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วเนือ่ งจากอยูใ่ นช่วงฤดูฝน เช่นเดียวกับทุกอุทยานในประเทศไทย นายชัยวัฒน์ กล่าวต่อไปว่า เพือ่ เป็นการสร้างทางเลือกให้แก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วทีม่ าเทีย่ วอุทยานแก่งกระจาน และเป็นการกระตุน้ เศรษฐกิจในช่วงฤดูปดิ ป่าไม่ให้ อ.แก่งกระจาน เงียบเหงาซบเซา ตลอดจนสร้างรายได้ให้แก่ชมุ ชน ท้องถิน่ อย่างต่อเนือ่ ง และสร้างรายได้เป็นสวัสดิการแก่เจ้าหน้าทีน่ อกเวลาท�ำการ อุทยานแห่งชาติแก่งกระจาน ภาย ใต้การอนุมตั ขิ องกรมอุทยานฯได้จดั โปรแกรมท่องเทีย่ วรูปแบบใหม่ให้แก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วในช่วงฤดูการปิดป่า ใช้ชอื่ โปรแกรมว่า “ดูนกยามเย็น เห็นหิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด” เพือ่ ให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วได้ชนื่ ชมและสัมผัสธรรมชาติในป่าแก่งกระจาน รูปแบบใหม่ “โปรแกรมท่องเทีย่ วนีจ้ ะจัดขึน้ ในช่วง 17.00-21.00 น.ทุกวัน เป็นระยะเวลา 3 เดือนคือตัง้ แต่ 1 ส.ค.-31 ต.ค. นักท่องเทีย่ วทีเ่ ข้าร่วมกิจกรรมจะได้สมั ผัสบรรยากาศธรรมชาติของป่าแก่งกระจานในยามค�ำ่ คืนรวม ระยะเวลาประมาณ 3 ชัว่ โมง โดยเจ้าหน้าทีจ่ ะน�ำนักท่องเทีย่ วชุดละประมาณ 10 คน เดินป่าในเส้นทางศึกษาธรรมชาติ ในระยะสัน้ ๆ และนัง่ รถชมบรรยากาศป่าในเส้นทางตัง้ แต่ดา่ นสามยอด ถึง กม.ที่ 4 สภาพเส้นทางเดินรถเป็นถนน ลาดยาง ท�ำให้งา่ ยต่อการควบคุมผลกระทบทีจ่ ะเกิดขึน้ กับทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ รวมถึงไม่เป็นเส้นทางอันตรายแก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วทีเ่ ข้าเทีย่ วชมแม้เป็นเวลาค�ำ่ คืน เส้นทางดังกล่าวนักท่องเทีย่ วจะได้พบและศึกษาเรียนรูเ้ รือ่ งหิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด และนกนานาชนิด และสัตว์ขนาดเล็กทีห่ ากินในยามค�ำ่ คืน เป็นการศึกษาและสัมผัสธรรมชาติรปู แบบใหม่อย่างใกล้ ชิด นักท่องเทีย่ วทีจ่ ะเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมต้องแจ้งเจ้าหน้าทีพ่ ร้อมช�ำระค่าบริการ ท่านละ 200 บาท (รอครบจ�ำนวน 10 ท่านจึงน�ำเข้ากิจกรรม) หรือเหมาจ่าย รอบละ 2,000 บาท ณ ศูนย์บริการนักท่องเทีย่ วอุทยานแห่งชาติแก่งกระจาน ในวันและเวลาราชการ ศุกร์-อาทิตย์ ติดต่อได้ที่ บูธชมรมธุรกิจการท่องเทีย่ ว อ�ำเภอแก่งกระจาน ลานคนเมืองยามเย็น “บาลาเด้” ใกล้ทวี่ า่ การอ�ำเภอแก่ง กระจาน ทัง้ นีอ้ ตั ราค่าบริการดังกล่าวรถค่ายานพาหนะและเจ้าหน้าทีอ่ ทุ ยาน เป็นผูน้ ำ� เทีย่ ว (ไม่อนุญาตให้เทีย่ วชมเองโดยเด็ดขาด) สอบถามรายละเอียด เพิม่ เติมได้ที่ โทร 032-459293, 081-8806382” นายชัยวัฒน์กล่าว

Sirindhorn International Natural Park Goes Green

ith a newly initiated alternative energy model for the ‘1 District 1 Community Energy’ project, the park will serve as a good example of environmentally friendly community that observes His Majesty’s self-sufficiency principles and enables other neighboring communities to learn and adapt for their specific purposes. Acting director of the Center of Energy for Environment to the Princess Sirindhorn International Natural Park Mr. Natthapong Lapmee has lately announced that the Energy Conservation Promotion Fund had already granted some financial support to install an alternative energy system at the park under the ‘1 District 1 Community Energy’ project. This system will encourage visitors to learn more about alternative energy and gain in-depth knowledge on how different types of alternative energy and its inside mechanisms work as well as how to install and maintain the system. Mr. Natthapong added that the models of alternative energy under

this project included a windmill that can generate 1 kilowatt electricity, solar system that can produce 500 liters of hot water, a 15-kilogram solar system dryer, a 1,800 watt solar system incinerator, a 2.5 cubic meter biological fermentation barrel, an air compressor barrel that can produce 150 liters of hot water per day, a model of 1 kilowatt hydro generated electricity and the gasifier system that can produce 240 kilograms of fuel gas per day. All the above models on alternative energy will serve as a good community learning center for local people in the area because they are cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Visitors who would like to see them are welcome daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Princess Sirindhorn International Natural Park, 1281, Rama VI Military Base in Cha-Am, Phetchaburi. For more information, please contact 032- 508 352 , 032 508 396 or website: www.

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City News

Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012

Fishing Lovers Invited

Special Activities to Make Shell for 2nd Cha-Am Fishing Games Eating Festival Livelier this Year


ha-Am is going to organize the 2nd Fishing Games during the Festival of Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching. Winners will be awarded a trophy from Cha-Am Mayor.Following the success of the 1st Cha-Am Fishing Games at the 1st Pu Chak Crab Festival last year, the 2nd Fishing Games will take place from 8 September at 6 p.m. to 9 September at 7 a.m. at the southern part of Saphan Hin where the 14th Festival of Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching is organized. Held by Cha-Am Municipality and the ChaAm Fishing Sport Club, the fishing games are divided into 6 categories according the type of fish to be caught: grouper, snapper, stingray, bagrid catfish, drumfish and any other fish. A trophy and cash will be awarded to 1st and 2nd winners and other prizes with no trophy will be given to other winners. A competitor can do fishing with as many rods as he would like to but only one helper is allowed. Competitors are allowed to use any fishing equipment and baits. In case fish caught by different competitors have the same weight, the first one weighed will be entitled for awarding.Opening of the Fishing Games is 6 p.m. and all competitors have to arrive at the venue at 5 p.m. on 9 September. Judges will start weighing fish from 7 p.m. of 8 September to 7 a.m. of 9 September 2012 and they will keep all fish caught. Application is now open

until 8 September 2012 or on the date of the event from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. The applicants will need to pay 150 Baht application fee for each of their fishing rod. Interested fishing lovers can obtain more information at Sap Jao Lai Shop tel. 032 472 236, Khon Tok Pla Shop tel. 085 429 5823.

The upcoming 14th Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching in Cha-Am is now ready with more special highlights on boat racing and fishing competition, confirmed the Cha-Am Municipality, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and Singha Corporation.One of the biggest tourism promotion activities of Cha-Am, this annual event will take place at the Cha-Am lookout on the beach between 8 and 16 September 2012. The Phetchaburi Governor will chair the opening ceremony, too.The Mayor of Cha-Am Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri said that the organizers decided to hold this event earlier this year on the second Saturday of September and it would be like this in the years to come. Usual highlights include squid catching on open water with charge as cheap as 100 Baht per person. Most visitors who already join the activity will like it as squid catching is a fun experience. Also, bird watching is much favored by tourists, especially bird lovers, because it is free and visitors can see rare winged creatures living in Thailand and migrating from other countries. Moreover, the venue at night has many fresh seafood on sale along with many stage performances. On the first day of the event, the Cha-Am Municipality is organizing a boat racing that includes scooters and banana boats. Held from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. next to the lookout in southern part of Cha-Am beach, the boat racing will coincide with the fishing competition at Saphan Hin, one of the most beautiful locations where tourists admire sunset in Cha-Am. The

fishing competition will start at 6 p.m. on 8 September and finish at 7 a.m. on 9 September. Ms. Nongnit Tengmaneewan from TAT said that TAT had constantly supported the Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching Festival to promote tourism during the rainy season in Cha-Am when few visitors come to the city. During this period, however, many squids can be found and a lot of birds are migrating from cold weather in other places to stay here. So, it is a good occasion to launch this event. Mr. Wichai Phlailaharn from Singha Corporation was glad that his company had still ben selected as a main sponsor for the event since the first time. He guaranteed that this year’s festival will be bigger and livelier than previous years’, especially artists invited for the evening performances. So, tourists and local people alike should not miss the event no matter what.For more information on this festival, please contact the Cha-Am Municipality at tel. 032 471 665 or TAT’s Phetchaburi Office at tel. 032 471 005-6.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Th


Celebrates 5 Annivesary of Nice to Meet You

ua Hin, August 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa celebrated the Grand 5th anniversary of “Nice to Meet You” on 18th August, 2012 under the theme “White & Gold Glamour” with dazzling glorious design and décor with part of the proceeds of auction and

lucky draw donated to UNICEF Charity and Starwood Associate Relief Fund. The opening of this event was presided by Martin Raich, General Manager of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa and Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager. The celebration was well-attended by

more than 150 guests included Grande Asset Hotels & Property Public Company Limited’s management and owners, celebrities, wellwishers, Starwood Hotels & Resorts’ leaders, media and hotel guests. In the welcome speech Martin Raich said, “Since our opening just over five years ago, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & are proud to gain such high level of recognition and very grateful to the support of our owning company, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, business partner, media, the local community and the unrelenting endorsement of all those who contributed to our success in positioning us among the finest properties in this area”. “Many of our associates meet their soul mates here, started their lives together and yet still belong to each other. And we, management and associates of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa hope you will have a great time and we will definitely seeing each other again in the next


five years to celebrate our 10th Anniversary”. Added up by Sitthirat Hothongkam. To further enhance this special night, “Nontri Orchestra Wind Band” took centre stage and further mesmerized the crowd with their superb performance and music. Continued by auction to bid for collector item and special vouchers from Starwood Hotels & Resorts entertained by professional MC, Ketsepsawat Palakawong Na Ayutthaya. With the milestone of achievement, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has strengthened its endeavor to deliver inspiring, high valued and exceptional experiences to our guests in an environment which is inherent in timeless Thai hospitality. The 5th Celebration event was to express its sincere appreciation and thank for the great support along the journey, since its first day of opening up till now, as well as continuously moving forward to the future.

Celebrates The Queen on National Mother’s Day

ua Hin, August 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, leaded by Martin Raich, General Manager together with associates and in-house guests celebrated special occasion of Her Majesty the Queen Sirikit’s 80th Birthday on 12 August 2012 at Sundara Terrace. Khanitha Singtothong, Director of Rooms is a representative in paying homage to H.M. the Queen with Candle-lit ceremony “Long Live the Queen”. developed many projects to support sustainable H.M. the Queen is like the Mother of all Thai people who has to take care of millions growth to our country until today. This date is of children in the whole country. She has also marked as National Mother’s Day.

Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012


Inside Cha-Am

Cha –Am & Hua Hin Restaurants Guide

an Benjarong Restaurant, Royal Thai cuisine, Dusit Thani Hua Hin /Cha-am. Address: 1349 Petchkasem Road,Cha-am, Petchburi 76120 , Hua Hin Beachfront, Hua Hin / Chaam, Thailand. Enjoy authentic Royal Thai cuisine at the Dusit Thani Hua Hin’s famous “Baan Benjarong” in a traditional Thai setting overlooking the lagoon. Make your selection of dishes from our a la carte menu or help yourself to a delectable buffet spread. Fu Lue Chinese Restaurant, Grand Pacific Sovereign. Address: 334/1 Ruamjitt Road, Cha Am Beachfront, Cha Am, Thailand.Authentic Cantonese Cuisine by Master Chef. Salas Pool restaurant, Italian gourmets, Sheraton Cha am-Hua Hin, Address: 573 Petchkasem Road, Thambol Cha-Am, Cha-Am, 76120 ThailandSet in the heart of the resort, this poolside restaurant serves authentic Italian gourmets in a relaxed Thai setting. Enjoy your favorite meal in one of 10 unique pavilions, surrounded by a lagoon-style pool and tropical gardens. Black Lotus Restaurant and Lounge, Address: Soi 112, Hua Hin, Thailand,Black Lotus Restaurant and Lounge is a new restaurant in Hua Hin. Our Chef provides a fine symphony of the North European kitchen and the traditional Thai dishes, we strive to give you a perfect dining experience in luxury surroundings, at very reasonable prices. White Lotus Restaurant, Hilton Hua Hin, Address: 3 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin Beachfront,Savor delicious Szechuan and Cantonese dishes from this 17th floor Hua Hin rooftop restaurant at the Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa. Choose the outdoor seating for panoramic views of the Gulf of Thailand Papa John’s Grill Restaurant & Beer Garden Restaurant, Hua Hin Address: 1/154 Soi Moobaan Khao Takiab, Hua Hin, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Thailand Da Mario Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria, Hua Hin, Address: 20 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkhirikhan 77110, Thailand ,Da Mario Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria is situated in Hua Hin near fishing pier, with a charming of the beach of Gulf of Thailand, only 190 km south of Bangkok. Launched 3 outlets in Phuket over 15 years ago. Da Mario represents an Italian cuisine from all regions in Italy, just being like other authentic restaurants in its country. Da Mario’s management and staff invite you to visit us to taste a part of Italy in Thailand. Prime Steakhouse & Blackout Cocktail Bar, Hua Hin. Address: Thipurai City Hotel, 8/5-7 Soi Kanjanomai Poolsuk Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110 Thailand Whether you are after a romantic meal with a loved one or a large group of friends getting together for a party, Prime is the perfect choice. The wide menu has been created to satisfy all tastes. The menu offers you everything from pasta, salad, desserts, pizza and European specialty dishes.The salmon has been imported from Norway and the beef imported from Australia and New Zealand, to be sure of the highest quality. Also on offer are the highest quality wines, whiskey, cognac, and champagne. The aim is to offer high quality food and service at reasonable prices. Mamma Mia & Pizza Mia Restaurant Hua Hin, Call: 032-512 250 ,Come and join us for lunch or dinner in our new fully air-conditioned restaurant. Or come and relax with a cappuccino on our beautiful roof garden terrace which has a wonderful ocean view. Oceanside Beach Club & Restaurant, Putahracsa Resort Hua Hin Address: 22/65 Naeb Kaehat Road, Hua Hin, Hua Hin City Center, Hua Hin, Thailand : A fantastic combination of relaxation, well-being, simplicity and flavors, available at Putahracsa Resort. Real culinary journey, the menu displays a refined Mediterranean inspired cuisine along with Asian inspirations, and authentic Tapas selection to accompany amazing and inventive cocktails for all. A place where music becomes source of enjoyment, creating an unforgettable experience. Villazzo Restaurant, V Villas, Hua Hin, Address: 63/39 Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuab Kirikhan 77110 Thailand.Dine in style at Villazzo Restaurant. The resort’s chic poolside eatery serves exquisite cuisine alfresco or in air-conditioned comfort, beginning with a delicious buffet and a la carte breakfast. At lunch, discover the secrets of Thai cuisine at V Villas’ fun and inspirational cooking classes. Learn how to cook one of the world’s most popular cuisines with the resort’s gifted chef. The delicious dishes include salads, soups, main dishes and desserts. Participants in the class can choose from a wide selection of popular recipes including marinated and grilled barbecued pork with mixed fruit salad, pomelo salad with prawns, green curry with chicken, massaman curry with beef, stir-fried chicken with cashew nuts, dumplings in coconut milk, and much more. In the evening, guests can enjoy an enticing menu of beautifully plated delectable dishes, complimented by a selection of outstanding wines. La Paillote, French Restaurant Hua Hin, Address: 174 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin, Thailand (Opposite Centara Grand Hua Hin ) LA PAILLOTE is a quality French restaurant located in Hua Hin. Our restaurant is open seven days a week from 10:30am until late in the evening. La Paillote team is pleased to welcome you to the “LA PAILLOTE” romantic outdoor terrace as well as or in our well ventilated inside dining room. The LA PAILLOTE French expertise is a “sun oriented” style of French cuisine.The kitchen is managed by Gaston and Joyrak who has an extensive culinary experience in Thailand and in France as well. Our tranquil atmosphere and exquisite food does not mean expensive pricing. Our aim is to provide outstanding food and drinks at a very reasonable price. Heaven’s Kitchen Hua Hin, Address: 21 Soi Hua Hin 55 Chomsin Road, 77110 Prachubkririkhan, Thailand.Heaven’s Kitchen has more than a bit of Heaven The newly opened restaurant in the center of Hua Hin lives op to its name. It actually has a little piece of Heaven. The hosts Michael and Peter welcome you at the cozy little balcony facing the street. On the balcony there is a clear view of the street and the life that passes by — while you enjoy a drink or some of the many small dishes from the menu. The place has an intimate atmosphere where chef Peter likes to listen to your wishes and comes with suggestions for tasteful appetizer. The large bright back room has space for 45 guests. Throughout the afternoon and evening there is a steady traffic of visitors who enjoy specialties of Thai, German dishes and Heaven’s Kitchen’s own versions of familiar international dishes. Black Mountain Golf Restaurant, Hua Hin. Address: 565, Moo7, Nong Hieng Rd, Hin Lek Fai, 77110 Prachaup Khiri Khan, Thailand. The restaurant overlooks the course’s spectacular scene offers the satisfying the appetite of those golfers who wish to fuel up prior to their impending round. Delicious coffee, snacks and cold drinks are served by the pleasant staff and can help to prepare the body for the rigors of golf as well as ward off any pre-game nerves arising in anticipation at playing on such a special course. Hagi Japanese Restaurant, Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas. Address: 1 Damnernkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuab Khirikhan 77110, Thailand Hagi Japanese Restaurant combines traditional dishes and cutting-edge cuisine under one roof. The eclectic menu features a selection of sushi, noodles, tappanyaki and more.Recommended dishes include Ebi kawari - deep-fried shrimps wrapped in cornflakes, Ginmutsu saikyo yaki - grilled snow fish marinated with bean paste sauce, and Mango rainbow maki – rolled mango. Pirom Restaurant, Thai cuisine, Intercontinental Hua Hin Address: 33/33, Petchkasem Road, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Hua Hin, 77110 Thailand Authentic regional Thai cuisine is the culinary focus of Pirom, the InterContinental Hua Hin Resort’s traditional Thai restaurant. Enjoy watching your meal prepared before your eyes with Pirom’s open kitchen. Mondovino Wine Bar, Hua Hin, Address: 22/65 Neab Kaehat Road, Hua Hin Sub-district, Hua Hin district, Prachuabkirikhan 77110, Thailand .The first Aperitif wine bar in Hua Hin, with a retail shop on the premises too. Selling you wine by the glass or by the bottle. We have an extensive range of old and new world wines at competitive prices. Mondo Vino have quality of cheese and salami from Italy, you can take home or sitting have a mixed could cut and testing some wine by the glass. Also, we’ll serve with the fresh bread from wood figs oven every day, we serve Hot Pizza, and Hot Pasta Recommended.

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Dusit Thani Hua Hin:

One of Australia’s Top-10 Family-Friendly Resorts-Thailand 2012


or the second consecutive year, Dusit Thani Hua Hin was been voted as one of Australia’s Top-10 Family-Friendly Resorts -Thailand 2012 from Holiday with Kids magazine. This award is evidence of hotel’s outstanding holiday appeal and facilities for families since they invite the readership of over 600,000 parents and 53,000 online members to vote for not only the most popular holiday operators but also those of the highest quality they have encountered.


Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Awarded Outstanding for Safety, Occupational Health and Workplace Environment 2012

heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is recognized as an “Outstanding Award for Safety, Occupational Health and Workplace Environment 2012” in the Western Chapter Safety Week which was held during 9-10 August, 2012Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager as the representative of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa received “Outstanding Award for Safety, Occupational Health and Workplace Environment 2012” from Anusorn Kraiwatnussorn, Vice Minister of Labour at Wittyapirom Hall 1 Phetchaburi Rajabhat University. This award is recognized Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa’s demonstration a commitment of safety and security environmental on workplace to associates. “It is our great pleasure for being awarded. This is proven our commitment in focusing on an excellence occupational safety and healthy workplace as well as consistency cared for local Community”; said Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa.

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Cha Am Today

Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012

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