Hua Hin Today June 2011

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Volume 8 Issue 8 June 2011


The Lifestyle Promenade

The “One of a kind” Lifestyle Mall to be build next to the Dusit Thani Resort.


argeting Thai and foreign Tourists, The Botaneo will open it´s doors in April 2012.

Bangkok Entrepreneur, Khun Anek Hoontrakul, builder of the Imperial Queen Park Hotel and owner of the St. James Hotel will create this Lifestyle Mall on (28 Rai) 45,000 Sq.M. of Land with over 8,000 Sq.m. retail area for shops and Restaurants. In addition to this, future projects include a meditation center and a Health & Wellness Resort & Spa. Read More in Property Section.

BEST WESTERN opened in Hua Hin T

he New Best Western Serenity Resort, Hua Hin, located on the main Phetkasem road has opened it´s doors on the 13th May 2011. This brand new luxury modern resort offers high standards, great service, promotional room rates. Best Western feels that Hua Hin needed a luxury resort with sensible prices and all the amenities luxury hotels offer. Being the world´s largest hotel chain, Best Western aims at foreign and national guests. All ground floor rooms have direct private access into the swimming pool; all upstairs rooms have large balconies overlooking the pool. A short walk takes guests to the beach front. The Website will be opening very soon for additional information.

Treatment for Snake Bites


lthough very seldom, a poisonous snake bite leaves little time to react. Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin carries antivenom for all poisonous snake bites. If possible kill the snake and bring it to the hospital with you for proper identification as there are different kinds of poisonous snakes.

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

A man in Texas looking to join the Frio County Sheriff’s Dept. was being interviewed. The Sergeant doing the interview says, “Your qualifications look good, but there’s an attitude suitability test you must pass before you can be accepted.” Then, sliding a S & W .45 ACP pistol across the desk, he says to the man, “Take this pistol; go out and shoot six illegal aliens, six meth dealers, six extremists, six ‘Progressive Liberals’, and a rabbit.” “Why the rabbit?” the man asked. “That’s the attitude we’re looking for!” said the Sergeant, “When can you start?”

from any port or airstrip. “Avoid the expensive places” is the only remedy to bring prices down. It works in Europe and why wouldn´t it here? In Holland and Germany restaurant prices tumbled and some even closed, as greed could not be compensated. Tried SOS bar at the Hilton Beer House front? Great place, cold drinks and 270 degrees views on Naresdamri road. No one escapes your thorough inspection. I loved the cold draft beer and friendly service. See ya there tonight………………… yours truly GMoss

We offer at least 10 different kinds of curries from North to South with rice noodles, yellow noodles or spaghetti. Famous Kao Soi from Chiang Mai and other goodies are served at Thai local prices. We also have a fresh vegetable buffet, Thai dessert specialties, Ice cream, herbal teas and other fresh drinks.

Open from 10 am -7 pm (closed on Wednesdays) 34/7 Soi Moodbaan Khao Noi, Klongchollapratan rd. Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan

To Samor Prong Community (blue bridge)

Krua Araya

To Pracha Ruamjit Community (pink bridge)


HuaHin Airport


Tel. 081 573 4207


Driving a Hybrid the other day, I wondered about the so aggressively publicized mileage and fuel saving miracles. 52 MpG…. 21 KM per litre. Did anyone think about the energy needed to charge batteries etc., of course on full Electric cars without recharging from a backpack mini diesel or so. At engineering college I was taught that in order to generate energy , you must put in energy and there was no device at that time which could generate little with larger output. Has that changed? According to car manufacturers, yes! Buy the lightest bike in the world, wow… does it go until you go uphill or against a stiff breeze (not Bacardi Breeze). You know what I mean? New projects in Hua Hin include rumors of a Central Mall, Big C, affordable International School, childrens play grounds and…the Botaneo Mall , soon to start construction next to the Dusit Thani. Can´t get greener, parks , safe children´s playground, access to the beach and another great idea from Khun Anek; a meditation centre with real monks, English speaking, original, authentic and affordable…a word which these days on Hua Hin is rare. Why is all so much more expensive than in Bangkok? Shops say, the transport costs kills them. Bull ! Chiang Mai is a lot cheaper than Bangkok and further away than HH


nd yes, there were a lot of comments from all levels, most of them very positive, refreshing and one or two fanatic, blindfolded believers in disbelieve and denial. Look back in history and trace causes of war and mass executions and burning of innocent people. Even today, all in the name of the Almighty. How can we get back to our senses ? What must happen to halt the occurring insanities? In addition to all this, we are being kept in the dark about the world financial situation which is on the breech of collapsing again, this time, big time ! As we bail out less sense making countries who get away with overspending, whilst they have the largest percentage of multi-millionaires within their borders, of course, this shows how great their tax system is, again we go blindfolded through this atrocity, hoping it will not affect us too much in Hua Hin. Well the hills and farm land around us are full of cheap vegetables , the Gulf supplies fish, we may find a meagre goat or two for a protein stew and moon-shining spirits is an art, thousands of years old. Just kidding…our intelligent leaders will find a way out as usual…probably take care of themselves first but than the leftovers will feed us. William and Kate´s wedding was very nice, I watched is as a non-Brit and was moved. I thought, Prince Phillip looked a lot better than Charles.

Texas Sheriff Entrance Exam:




Soi Hua Hin 56 Pae Mai DrivingRange

Klai Kangwon Palace

Hua Hin Today

4 News

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Receives Creative เมืองหัวหินได้รบ ั รางวัล 20 เมืองต้นแบบ นที่ 11 พฤษภาคม 2554 นายจตุรงค์ ปัญญาดิลก ปลัดเทศบาลนายกรัฐมนตรี เป็นตัวแทนนายกรัฐมนตรี Economic City Model Award เมือ่ วัมอบโล่ เกียรติยศให้แก่ 10 เมืองต้นแบบเศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์ ซึง่ ได้รบั การคัดเลือกให้เป็นแบบอย่างทีด่ แี ก่ชมุ ชน By Supansa ทัว่ ประเทศ ในแง่ในการสร้างมูลค่าเพิม่ มีการออกแบบพัฒนาสินค้าและบริการ รวมถึงวิธกี ารทางการตลาด เพือ่ ให้เกิดการ สานต่อแนวคิดเศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์อย่างเป็นรูปธรรมและยัง่ ยืน โดย 10 เมืองทีไ่ ด้ถกู ประกาศเกียรติคณ ุ ว่าเป็นเมืองต้นแบบ เศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์ โดยพิจารณาข้อเสนอจาก 73 จังหวัดรวม 108 เมือง โดยเมืองทีไ่ ด้รบั การคัดเลือกได้แก่ O 1. จังหวัด ชัยนาท เมืองแห่งเมล็ดพันธุข์ า้ ว (นางลือ-ท่าชัย)

n 11 May 2011, the Municipal Chief Mr. Jaturong Panyadilok represented the Prime Minister to award an honorary plaque for 10 cities in Thailand selected as a creative economic city model. Hua Hin, a popular beachfront city of Thailand, was included in the award list as well.

All of the 10 cities that enjoy the prestigious prize are considered by the highly qualified committee for their added value creating, unique local products and services as well as marketing strategies that promote not only tourism but also concrete and sustainable economy. The 10 cities are as follows: • • • • • • • • • •

Chai Nat (rice city); Chiang Rai (city of development); Chiang Mai (innovative handicraft city); Nan (living ancient city); Petchaburi (city of palmyra palm); Maha Sarakham (city of learning); Yala (bird city); Lop Buri (city of alternative energy); Lampang (ceramic city) and Ang Thong (city of liberty).

Among 108 cities countrywide, Hua Hin was selected as a city model about creative economics. The Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Jira Pongpaiboon has accepted the award for Hua Hin.

According to the Director of the Intellectual Property Department to the Ministry of Commerce Mrs. Patchima Thanasanti, the Department was on 31 August 2009 assigned to do the project on creative economy to enhance knowledge and mobilize policy on creative economy. Since then, it has done many activities on this issue.

2. จังหวัด เชียงราย เมืองแห่งการพัฒนา (ดอยตุง) 3. จังหวัด เชียงใหม่ เมืองหัตถกรรมสร้างสรรค์ 4. จังหวัด น่าน เมืองเก่าทีม่ ชี วี ติ 5. จังหวัด เพชรบุร ี เมืองเพชร เมืองตาลโตนด 6. จังหวัด มหาสารคาม เมืองแห่งการเรียนรู้ 7. จังหวัด ยะลา Bird City ศูนย์กลางเศรษฐกิจนก 8. จังหวัด ลพบุร ี เมืองนวัตกรรมแห่งพลังงานทดแทน 9. จังหวัด ล�ำปาง ล�ำปาง เมืองเซรามิก 10. จังหวัด อ่างทอง ชุมชนเอกราช หมูบ่ า้ นท�ำกอง The city model of creative ทัง้ นีใ้ นส่วนของอ�ำเภอหัวหิน จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ได้ผา่ นการ economy is one of the คัดเลือกให้ได้รบั รางวัลประกาศเกียรติคณ ุ เข้าเกณฑ์ ในล�ำดับที่ similar projects under the 10-20 เมืองต้นแบบ ทีผ่ า่ นเกณฑ์ การพิจารณาจาก 108 เมือง government’s policy. It ทัว่ ประเทศ ทัง้ นีม้ นี ายจิระ พงษ์ไพบูลย์ นายกเทศมนตรีเมือง aims to enhance efficiency หั ว หิ น เป็ น ผู แ ้ ทนจั งหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ เข้ารับรางวัลดังกล่าว and added value of local นางปั จฉิมา ธนสันติ อธิบดีกรมทรัพย์สนิ ทางปัญญา เปิดเผยว่า กรม communities in Thailand by ทรั พ ย์ ส น ิ ทางปั ญ ญา กระทรวงพาณิชย์ ได้รบั มอบหมายให้ดำ� เนินโครงการเกีย่ วกับ encouraging all concerned เศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์ จากรัฐบาลเพือ่ กระตุน้ เสริมสร้างความรูค้ วามเข้าใจในทุกภาคส่วน sectors to emphasize on และขับเคลือ่ นนโยบายเศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์ 4 ด้าน 12 ประการ เมือ่ วันที่ 31 สิงหา creative economy in terms 2552 โดยทีผ่ า่ นมากรมทรัพย์สนิ ทางปัญญาได้ดำ� เนินโครงการเกีย่ วกับเศรษฐกิจ of job creating and income สร้างสรรค์ไปแล้วมากมาย earning. In doing so, local โดยโครงการเมืองต้นแบบเศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์เป็นหนึง่ ในโครงการเศรษฐกิจ intellects have to play a key สร้างสรรค์ตามนโยบายของรัฐบาล ซึง่ มีวตั ถุประสงค์เพือ่ เพิม่ ศักยภาพและเพิม่ มูลค่า role in improve quality of local products and โดยกระตุน้ ให้ทกุ ภาคส่วนให้ความส�ำคัญกับเศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์ตลอดจนส่งเสริมเศรษฐกิจ services until they represent unique identity ทางเศรษฐกิจให้แก่ชมุ ชน and sustainability of local communities in สร้างสรรค์ในระดับภูมภิ าคและท้องถิน่ เพือ่ สร้างงาน สร้างรายได้ในพืน้ ทีด่ ว้ ยการน�ำภูมปิ ญ ั ญาทัง้ ในส่วนบุคคลและท้องถิน่ มา each city of Thailand. ใช้ให้เกิดประโยชน์เชิงพานิชย์ดว้ ยการสร้างสรรค์และพัฒนาสินค้าหรือบริการท้องถิน่ ให้เป็นเอกลักษณ์ของชุมชน จังหวัด และประเทศชาติ ตามแนวทางพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจสร้างสรรค์ เพือ่ ขับเคลือ่ นเศรษฐกิจของประเทศให้ขยายตัวอย่างยัง่ ยืน

The Hua Hin Floating Market to Open this July H

ua Hin Sam Phan Nam, a new floating market, will be officially open for visitors in July. With its 200-million baht budget, the market will welcome and accommodate many upcoming tourists from 500 tour groups without any problems. The executive board member of Ayodhaya Floating Market Co. Ltd. Mr. Seksith Rattanasunthorn said that the project, located at the Thab Tai village in Hua Hin, was 80% completed and would soon open for visitors in the middle of July. Last month, the executives and staff organized a Buddhist ceremony to bless the project. According to Mr. Seksith, everything in Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam will be similar to that of the much favored Ayodhaya Floating Market in Ayudhaya province. However, the new floating market will boast Victorian architecture once popular during the period of King Mongkut because the project owner would like to retain local charm of Hua Hin and unique Thainess to impress foreigners. The compound has a big pond where a lot of small boats carrying food and snacks float. Visitors will experience the good old days when trading was normally done in the river or canal. The area around the pond will be used by local sellers. The project owner will let anyone do business there under the contract of 300,000 baht for 30 months. The new floating market will be open daily

from 10 am. to 11 pm. “The Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam will be totally different from the Suan Sam Phran or Sii Phak Floating Markets, but similar to the Ayodhaya one. The target group consists of visitors from Europe, especially from Scandinavia, and Asia

including Thai people. Now, as many as 500 tour groups are booking for this new tourist attraction in Hua Hin,” said Mr. Seksith. “We’re sure that our 2nd floating market will serve well as a popular tourist spot. In terms of a lot of business of this type mushrooming in here, we consider it a good opportunity as Hua Hin can benefit from such tourism development.” The executive board member of Ayodhaya Floating Market Co. Ltd. also added that the budget for land buying, construction and interior design was around 200 million baht. With such a high budget like this, the project owner is certainly concerned with environmental and pollution problems. So, the new floating market will focus on natural conservation as 2,000 trees are planted inside

ตลาดน�ำ้ หัวหินสามพันนาม เตรียมเปิดกรกฎาคมนี้


น�ำ้ หัวหินสามพันนาม เดินหน้าเนรมิตพืน้ ทีจ่ ดั สัดส่วนภายในเตรียมเปิด อย่างเป็นทางการรับนักท่องเทีย่ วจากกลุม่ กรุป๊ ทัวร์ 500 บริษทั ในเดือน กรกฎาคม ใช้งบประมาณทัง้ หมด 200 ล้านบาท จากการเปิดเผยของ นายเสกสิทธ์ รัตนสุนทร กรรมการบริหาร บ.ตลาดน�ำ้ อโยธยา 2552 จ�ำกัด ว่าขณะนีโ้ ครงการปลูก สร้าง “ตลาดน�ำ้ หัวหินสามพันนาม” ณ ทีห่ มูบ่ า้ นทับใต้ ต.ทับใต้ อ.หัวหิน จ.ประจวบฯ นัน้ สัดส่วนแต่ละจุดทีไ่ ด้กำ� หนดออกแบบมานัน้ ก็แล้วเสร็จประมาณ 80% แล้ว และจะ เปิดรับให้ผคู้ นทัง้ ชาวไทยและต่างชาติเข้ามาชมกันอย่างเป็นทางการในราวๆ กลางเดือน กรกฎาคม 2554 นีอ้ ย่างแน่นอน ซึง่ ก่อนหน้านัน้ ก็มกี ารท�ำบุญเลีย้ งพระเพือ่ ให้เป็นสิริ มงคลแก่สถานที ่ คณะผูบ้ ริหารและพนักงานไปแล้วเมือ่ ต้นเดือนพฤษภาคมทีผ่ า่ นมา (อ่านต่อหน้า 38)

the compound. The project owner will also allow local people from Baan Hua Naa, Thab Tai and Hua Hin to sell handicrafts and local products without charging them space rent. The Hua Hin floating market is located on a

By Chamnan

50 Rai plot. Those who would like to sell their products or do business at the Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam can obtain more information at tel. 081 457 8888.

Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011


Hua Hin Today

6 News

All about Art

at Saturday Art Market

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

บ้านศิลปินเชิญชวนเทีย่ วตลาดนัดงานศิลป์

ายทวี เกศางาม ประธานกลุม่ ศิลปินเมืองหัวหิน ในฐานะเจ้าของบ้านศิลปิน กล่าวว่า เมืองหัวหินเป็นเมืองแหล่งการท่อง เทีย่ วมีสถานทีท่ อ่ งเทีย่ วต่างๆมากมายทัง้ ทะเล น�ำ้ ตก ภูเขา นอกจากนีบ้ า้ นศิลปินยังเป็นสถานทีท่ อ่ งเทีย่ วทางศิลปะอีก แห่งหนึง่ ของเมืองหัวหิน ทีเ่ ป็นทางเลือกให้กบั นักท่องเทีย่ วได้มาสัมผัสกับผลงานศิลปะทีส่ วยงาม ซึง่ เมือ่ วันที่ 14 พฤษภาคม By Supansa Kraiwaad ทีผ่ า่ นมา ตนได้รว่ มกับกลุม่ ศิลปินเมืองหัวหิน จัดงานตลาดนัดงานศิลป์ขนึ้ ทีบ่ า้ นศิลปิน เพือ่ ให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วได้มาร่วมกิจกรรม ow, tourists and art aficionados can enjoy art, music and recreational activities at the Saturday รวมทัง้ เป็นการถ่ายทอดงานศิลปะส่งเสริมความคิดสร้างสรรค์ของเยาวชนและเพือ่ ให้ประชาชนตลอดจนนักท่องเทีย่ วได้ ตระหนักและเห็นคุณค่าของงานศิลปะ ซึง่ กิจกรรมภายในงานมีการจัดแสดงภาพผลงานทางศิลปะ การสอนการวาดรูป สอน Art Market. at the Hua Hin Artist Village. เพ็นท์เสือ้ ยืด ผ้าพันคอ หน้ากาก ตลอดจนมีการแสดงดนตรี Starting on 14 May from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the Saturday Art Market features alternative art work and activities. To name but only a few are pop jazz music การแสดงมายากล และการออกร้านงานศิลปะต่างๆมากมาย performance, magic shows, an art market by the Hua Hin artist group, selling ขณะนีบ้ า้ นศิลปินได้เปิดให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วเข้าเทีย่ วชมกิจกรรมที่ of hand-made souvenirs and interesting workshops on water color and oil ตลาดนัดงานศิลป์ทกุ วันเสาร์ตงั้ แต่เวลา 10.00 น. – 18.00 paintings. น. นอกจากนีท้ างบ้านศิลปินก็ยงั เปิดให้ประชาชนและนักท่อง Mr. Thawee Kesa – Ngam the chairman of the Hua Hin Artist Group added เทีย่ วได้ชมความสวยงามของงานศิลปะได้ทกุ วันอังคารถึงวัน that the activities at the event will encourage tourists to participate and create อาทิตย์ หยุดทุกวันจันทร์โดยจะเปิดให้เข้าเทีย่ วชมตลอดทัง้ ปี art work on their own. Doing so makes them realize the priceless value of art. โดยไม่เสียค่าใช้จา่ ยใดๆทัง้ สิน้ จึงขอเชิญชวนผูท้ สี่ นใจและ Besides the Saturday Art Market, visitors can normally admire beautiful art อยากเรียนรูง้ านศิลปะ มาร่วมกิจกรรมกับบ้านศิลปินได้เพือ่ work made by the Hua Hin Artist group from Tuesday to Sunday . เป็นการสืบสานงานศิลปะให้กบั เยาวชนคนรุน่ ใหม่ได้เรียนรู้ Those who would like to take part in the event can get updates from the website: or inquire more information at tel. 032 สามารถน�ำไปเผยแพร่และน�ำไปเป็นอาชีพเสริมให้กบั ตัวเองได้ 534 830 or 087 167 3895. สามารถสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ที่ บ้านศิลปิน 032534830 หรือ 0871673895


Jazz Concerts at Plearn



By Supansa Kraiwaad

learn Wan, one of the frequented tourist attractions in Hua Hin, is organizing Jazz Concerts in on weekends throughout this month. The music event, is to be held for the first time on Saturday, 4 June, at 7 p.m. and will not only promote tourism in Hua Hin but also allow jazz devotees to enjoy the music specially performed by professional jazz singers and university students. Well-known among Thais and foreigners as a hub of happiness, Plearn Wan is a place where time stops and tells us about the past and the present of Hua Hin. A living retro entertainment venue, Plearn Wan has a lot to offer: savory food and sweets, intrend clothes and open air classic films..

As Hua Hin’s charm also lies in jazz music events, thanks to the annually-held Hua Hin Jazz festival, the Jazz in Plearn Wan will be another event that highlights this feature of Hua Hin. More information on the event can be obtained directly at Plearn Wan (tel. 032 520 311-2).

เพลินวานเชิญชวนสัมผัสบทเพลง JAZZ

เพลินวาน ถือเป็นสถานทีท่ อ่ งเทีย่ วอีกแห่งหนึง่ ของเมืองหัวหินที่ ตอนนีม้ นี กั ท่องเทีย่ วให้ความสนใจและมาเทีย่ วชมเป็นจ�ำนวนมาก เพลินวานเป็นศูนย์รวมของความสุข เป็นสถานทีๆ่ สามารถหยุด เวลาในอดีตไว้ เพือ่ เล่าขานเรือ่ งราวมากมายของวิถหี วั หินตัง้ แต่ อดีตมาจนถึงปัจจุบนั ถือว่าเป็นหมูบ่ า้ นย้อนยุคทีม่ ชี วี ติ สามารถ ชิมรสอาหาร-ขนมอร่อย เลือกซือ้ เสือ้ ผ้า ดูหนังกลางแปลงได้ สมัยก่อนหัวหินได้ชอื่ ว่าเป็นสถานทีพ่ กั ผ่อนตากอากาศของผูม้ ฐี านะ ดีในสมัยก่อน และมีชอื่ เสียงในยุคต่อมา ผูค้ นมากมายมีความ ทรงจ�ำดีๆ ต่อเมืองชายทะเลแห่งนี้ นอกจากนีห้ วั หินยังมีมนต์เสน่ห์ ทางด้านเสียงเพลง โดยเฉพาะเพลง Jazz ในช่วงของเดือน มิถนุ ายนจนถึงกรกฎาคมของทุกปีจะมีการจัดงานดนตรีแนว Jazz ขึน้ ในเมืองหัวหิน ดังนัน้ เพลินวานจึงอยากมีสว่ นร่วมเป็นสถานที่ ท่องเทีย่ วแห่งหนึง่ ในเมืองหัวหินในการให้ประชาชนตลอดจนนัก

ท่องเทีย่ วได้สมั ผัสกับบทเพลง Jazz ในช่วงเดือนดังกล่าว ทาง เพลินวานจึงจัดเทศกาลดนตรี Jazz in PlearnWan ขึน้ เพือ่ เป็นการส่งเสริมการท่องเทีย่ วของเมืองหัวหิน ทีส่ ำ� คัญถือว่าเป็น กิจกรรมทีท่ างเพลินวานมอบความสุขทางด้านเสียงเพลงJazz ให้ กับประชาชนและนักท่องเทีย่ ว โดยจะมีการแสดงฝีมอื บทเพลง Jazz จากนิสติ นักศึกษา และศิลปินทีเ่ ชีย่ วชาญทางด้านเพลง Jazz มาร่วมมากมาย และจะเริม่ งานทุกวันเสาร์และวันอาทิตย์ ตลอด เดือน มิถนุ ายน 2554 ตัง้ แต่เวลา 19.00 น. เป็นต้นไป ซึง่ จะเริม่ บรรเลงครัง้ แรกในวันเสาร์ ที4่ และวันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 มิถนุ ายน 2554 จึงขอเชิญชวนประชาชน ตลอดจนนักท่องเทีย่ วร่วมสัมผัส บทเพลง Jazz กันได้ทเี่ พลินวานและสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ที่ ทีว่ า่ การเพลินวาน 032-520311-2

Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011


Hua Hin Today

8 News

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Traditional Lanna ทวิมขุ ท�ำพิธสี บื ชะตาแบบล้านนา Blessing Ceremony ครัง้ แรกของเมืองหัวหิน in Hua Hin by Thawimuk Co. Ltd.


he Thawimuk Sport Complex has recently organized the traditional Lanna ceremony on life extending and prestige enhancing for Hua Hin to honor His Majesty the King and all Thai monarchs whose great contribution plays a key role in founding the Kingdom of Siam.

By Supansa

open. It highlights many royal initiatives of His Majesty who has constantly dedicated himself for the development of Thailand. With the main aim to encourage its visitors to realize and follow principles of life, particularly self-sufficiency principles, introduced by His Majesty, this exhibit

The President of Thawimuk Co. Ltd. Dr. Juthamas Jittchum said that the company organized this ceremony on 13 May which coincided with the retro tourism fair in Hua Hin. Among those taking part in the event were the Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Jira Pongpaiboon and the Hua Hin Municipality’s executives, members of the Chakri Dynasty Safeguard Group from Klai Kangwon Royal Palace and the Thai Power Group as well as the Managing Director of Boonrawd Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr. Santi Bhirombhakdi.

วิมขุ สปอร์ต คอมเพล็กซ์หวั หิน จัดท�ำพิธสี บื ชะตาแบบล้านนาเมืองเหนือให้กบั เมืองหัวหินพร้อมกับท�ำบุญตักบาตร พระสงฆ์ 99 รูป เจริญพระพุทธมนต์เพือ่ ถวายเป็นพระราชกุศลแด่พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั และบูรพกษัตริยไ์ ทย จากการเปิดเผยของ ดร.จุฑามาศ จิตต์ชมุ่ ประธานบริษทั ทวิมขุ จ�ำกัด ว่าทางบริษทั ได้มาเปิด สปอร์ตคอม แพล็กซ์ โดยภายในนัน้ ก็มกี ฬี ากอล์ฟ เทนนิส แบดมินตัน พร้อมกับร้านอาหาร ทีม่ าตรฐานเอาไว้ เพือ่ ให้บริการแก่ชาว ไทยและชาวต่างประเทศในเขตเมืองหัวหิน เพือ่ ให้สอดคล้องกับงานท่องเทีย่ วจากอดีตสูป่ จั จุบนั และเมือ่ วันที่ 13 พฤษภาคม ทีผ่ า่ นมานัน้ ทางบริษทั ฯก้ได้รว่ มกับนายจิระ พงษ์ไพบูลย์ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหินและคณะผูบ้ ริหาร ชมรม พิทกั ษ์จกั รีวงศ์จากกองร้อยรักษาการวังไกลกังวล(ชัน้ กลาง) ร.11 พัน3 รักษาพระองค์ ชมรมพลังไทยรักษ์แผ่นดิน นาย สันติ ภิรมย์ภกั ดี กรรมการผูจ้ ดั การใหญ่ บ.บุญรอดฯ จ�ำกัดด�ำเนินการจัดท�ำ พิธสี บื ชะตาล้านนาเมืองเหนือ โดยนิมนต์พระ สงฆ์จำ� นวน 99 รูป รับบาตรจากประชาชนทัง้ ชาวไทยและต่างชาติ หลังจากนัน้ พระสงฆ์ 9 รูปก็ทำ� พิธสี วดเจริญพระพุทธ มนต์สบื ชะตาเสริมบารมีดวงเมืองของหัวหินและประเทศไทย หลังจากนัน้ แล้วก็เปิดห้อง นิทรรศการ “พระมหากษัตริยไ์ ทยกับเมืองหัวหิน” โดยมีชอื่ ว่า “หัวใจสูค่ วามส�ำเร็จ ตามรอยพ่อ” ซึง่ ทาง ทวิมขุ ก็ได้นำ� เอาผลงานโครงการพระราชด�ำริตา่ งๆของล้นเกล้าชาวไทยทีไ่ ด้กระท�ำให้กบั เมืองหัวหินเข้าประดิษฐานเพือ่ ให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วและผูท้ เี่ ข้ามาเยือนทวิมขุ ได้ชม ซึง่ ในนิทรรศการดังกล่าวนีก้ ถ็ อื ว่าจะก่อให้เกิดประโยชน์ในภาพรวมของผูค้ นชาวไทย อย่างมากมายมหาศาล เนือ่ งจากภาพทุกภาพ โครงการทุกโครงการทีไ่ ด้เห็นพวกเราชาว ไทยก็จะได้นำ� เอาหลักการ กฎเกณฑ์ ในการด�ำรงชีวติ หน้าทีก่ ารงานประวัตศิ าสตร์ทางการเมือง การปกครอง ความเจริญก้าวหน้าทางด้านคมนาคม การเกษตร และทีส่ ำ� คัญความเป็นคนไทยที่ พอเพียงกับยุคสมัย ซึง่ ในนิทรรศการนีก้ ม็ ตี งั้ แต่ของพระบาทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยูห่ วั รัชกาลที่ 5 พระบาทสมเด็จพระมงกุฎเกล้าเจ้าอยูห่ วั รัชกาลที่ 6 พระปกเกล้าเจ้าอยูห่ วั รัชกาลที่ 7 และพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั ภูมพิ ลอดุลเดช รัชกาลที่ 9 โครงการดังกล่าวทีเ่ ปิดขึน้ มานีท้ างทวิมขุ มีความยินดีทจี่ ะให้ผคู้ นทุกระดับได้เข้ามา ชมกันทุกวัน โดยมิตอ้ งเสียค่าใช้จา่ ยในการเข้าชมแต่ประการใด ทัง้ นีถ้ อื ว่าเป็นการคืนผล ก�ำไรให้กบั แผ่นดินเมืองหัวหินและประเทศไทย ทีท่ างบริษทั ฯ ได้เข้ามาประกอบธุรกิจในเขตเมือง หัวหิน ดร.จุฑามาส ฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ส�ำหรับทวิมขุ นีใ้ นเมือ่ ได้มาลงหลักปักฐานในเชิงธุรกิจทางด้านการให้บริการทางการ กีฬาแล้ว ทางคณะฯ ก็ยงั ตระหนักว่าจะท�ำอย่างไรให้ผคู้ นทีเ่ ข้ามาในเขตเมืองหัวหินนัน้ ได้ยอ้ นรอยนึกถึงอดีตความเก่า แก่ซงึ่ ก็ทราบว่า รถไฟซึง่ เป็นเส้นทางทีผ่ คู้ นได้ใช้กนั ยามเมือ่ เดินทางมา หัวหิน เมือ่ ในราวปี พ.ศ. 2475 เพราะฉะนัน้ ทาง ทวิมขุ ก็ได้มกี ารจัดท�ำรถไฟขนาดเล็กโดยได้ดดั แปลงจากรถยนต์แต่งองค์ทรงเครือ่ งให้เหมือนกับหัวรถจักรพร้อมกับทีน่ งั่ ไว้ ให้บริการนักท่องเทีย่ วทีต่ อ้ งการจะนัง่ รถชมเมือง โดยก�ำหนดจุดจอดออกสตาร์ทจากสวนหลวงราชินี (19 ไร่) วิง่ รอบเมือง ผ่านวังไกลกังวล วัดหัวหิน โรงแรมโซฟิเทลฯ พระต�ำหนักชมดง ขึน้ เขาหินเหล็กไฟ ร.7 ลงมาสนามกอล์ฟหลวงหัวหิน สถานีรถไฟ สวนโผนฯ ตลาดฉัตร์ไชย ฯลฯ ซึง่ เมือ่ มีนกั ท่องเทีย่ วขึน้ ไปกับขบวน ฯ แล้วภายในก็จะมีการเล่าเรือ่ งราว ต่างๆ ของสถานทีว่ งิ่ ผ่านให้ฟงั อย่างละเอียดโดยจะมีนกั บรรยายของนวนิยายชือ่ ดังในอดีตคือ คณะเกศทิพย์ซงึ่ ก็จะมีทงั้ ภาษาไทย ภาษาอังกฤษ และภาษาจีน ซึง่ ขณะนีก้ เ็ ปิดให้บริการแล้วทัง้ หมูค่ ณะของนักท่องเทีย่ วและบุคคลทัว่ ๆไป30 ที่ นัง่ จึงขอเชิญชวนประชาชนตลอดจนนักท่องเทีย่ วใช้บริการได้และสามารถสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ทบี่ ริษทั ทวิมขุ จ�ำกัด 081-8512506

The traditional Lanna ceremony on life extending and prestige enhancing for Hua Hin started with

recounts historical backgrounds of the political, agricultural, transport and social issues during the reign of King Rama V, VI, VII and the King Bhumibhol. It is open to public for free. The Thawimuk Sport Complex Hua Hin is one of the biggest sport centers in town. It provides sport enthusiasts with high-standard golf, tennis and badminton courses apart from excellent restaurants. Although its founder focuses on sport business in Hua Hin, major interest is also on the long history of Hua Hin when railway was a frequent means of transportation here. With this concern in mind, the Thawimuk Co. Ltd. has also made a small train for sightseeing in Hua Hin. The trip starts at the Queen Sirikij’s Memroial Park to the Klai Kangwon Royal Palace, Wat Hua Hin, Centara Sofitel Hua Hin, Chom Dong Palace, the way up to Khao Hin Lek Fire, the Hua Hin Railway Station, Phon Kingphet Memorial Park and Chatchai Merket. During the trip, a guide will alms offering to 99 Buddhist monks. Then, 9 inform visitors about history of each attraction in Buddhist monks prayed to give well-wishing Thai, English and Chinese. to the Hua Hin city and Thailand as a whole. Visitors who would like to join the short After that, the photo exhibit entitled, “Heart to sightseeing trip can contact the Thawimuk at tel. Success from Beloved King,” was officially 081 851 2506.

Football Matches with 7-Players to be “Kicked Off” in Hua Hin

Supansa Kraiwaad


he Hua Hin Municipality is at present preparing for the “7-playe”r football matches from 7 to 17 June 2011. This event, coordinated by the Division of Social Welfare of the Hua Hin Municipality, will take place at the Sa Moh Phrong community from 4 p.m. onwards . The football teams participating in this match will be voted on, on 2 June. There will be 4 divisions, each of which consists of 8 football teams from a total of 32 teams The main aim of the football matches is to promote both unity and good health among young Thai footballers. Also, it is serves to develop the Hua Hin Municipality sport activities, especially football, to a high standard and leading quality.

Those who would like to participate in this event have to pay 2,000 baht as a registration fee. Rules and regulations throughout the match will be the same as those of the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) which has just been officiated and adopted by the Football Association of Thailand. Besides many other prizes, all winners will be awarded an honorary trophy with 15,000 baht cash, 9,000 baht cash, 5,000 baht cash and 3,000 baht cash for the 1st winner, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd runners-up respectively. Interested people can attend the 7-player football match in Hua Hin and obtain more information at tel. 032 511 047 ext. 221.

3 bedrooms house with swimming pool in Tippawan 5. 135 sw.m. living area. Fully furnished. 4.7 mil bat

3 bedrooms house in La Vallee. 2 storey, 170 sw.m. living area. 425 sw.m. land. Kitchen, 3 aircons 4.7 mil bat

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Women Wellness Center Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin


New Obstetrics and Gynaecology Center with full pre-birth and birth facilities with an experienced, English speaking Doctor

Bangko Hospital in Hua Hin has now also added an new department. Dr. Kitti Loychusuk has been put in charge of the Obstetrics and gynaecology department at the Hua Hin Bangkok Hospital. Dr. Kitti is a senior and experienced contribution to the Bangkok Hospital Team. His clinical Focus will be as a Director of the Women Wellness Center, Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin. Dr, Kitti is a graduat of the Mahiodol University with more than 40 years of practice in the USA. His English is flawless with a New York accent. Dr. Kitti´s background education: 1977 Fellowship of American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1975 American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1968 Medical Doctor / Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand Working experience: Practice 44 years in New York, USA Director of Obstetrics / Gynecology, Brookheaven Hospital Medical Center Clinical instructor and Associate Professor at Stoney Brook University in New York, USA Dr. Kitti decided to return to Thailand and applied at the Bangkok Hospitalin Hua Hin. His main objectives are aimed at improving medical quality for mother and child. The Woman Wellness Center will provide screening tests for an early detection of Cervix Uterus and Ovary cancer in women and an upgraded caring for mother´s welfare in post-menopausal women. Dr. Kitti said; “in terms of technical treatment, Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin is now able to provide Non-invasive Gynecological surgery including Hysteroscopy and Laryngoscopy.

How To Fight Pimples How do you fight pimples from happening?

Rule no. 1 - eat a balanced diet including fresh fruits, fish or meat, vegetables. Rule no. 2 - drink water as often as possible especially upon waking up, after meals and in-between breaks. Rule no. 3 - have a good sleep or rest your body for as many hours possible and give a reprieve to your skin. Rule no. 4 - remove thoroughly anything you applied on your face before you sleep ; apply specially mixed cleanser with honey, then after few minutes, rinse with water ; apply night cream as one ritual; if this does not suit your need, use the regular routine of applying facial foam, rinse then pat skin with soft towel. Take a cucumber, cut open and apply on your face, let it dry, wash it off. You will feel fresh and your skin will improve. Do NOT use powders or drying creams which will clog your pores. It will worsen pimples. Avoid eating fatty and spicy foods , deep fried and batters, chicken, duck and pork skin. Eat more carbo hydrates but not in combination with meat proteins (no potaoe and meat together). No smoking, moderate wine intake. No spirits. No sweets. Eat fresh salats with virgin olive oil as a dressing. No Mayonnaise. No Chilis , no Ketchup. No coconut oil or cream. Make it a point to take Vitamins C and E not only to fight pimples but to add to one’s well-being as a whole. You will feel a whole lot better and your skin will thank you.

Hua Hin Today

10 Expat

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

The Expat per Definition New Faces in Town Tips for movers


he discussion is, why more and more people are deciding to emigrate, move abroad or relocate either permanently or semipermanently to other countries and why it has almost become ‘chic’ or the ‘in thing’ to do in the last few years. You’ve seen them, I’ve seen them, we’ve all seen them – the how to expatriate TV shows where people are followed day and night by the camera crews as they relocate to a new country and try and make a new life for themselves and their families. And haven’t you also sometimes thought – “oh my, just look at them!” or “maybe that’s something for me”?

By Paul B.

romance on the internet these days, many people are moving to where their special person is and with the shrinking of borders between countries this has become much easier than ever before. Here are some little known expat stats: Hong Kong, India and Singapore based expats have the highest salaries in the world. Australian, Brazilian and Irish expats are the wealthiest in the world. For decades the Top destination has been Spain for UK Expats

When expats chat, just what is it that they say Over half of expats save and invest more than drives them away from their homes to another they did in their country of origin. country, sometimes even as far away as the 31% of expats earn over $150,000USD p.a. complete other side of the world? India, the UAE and Singapore were among the Some of these people who do this seem to take Top countries for saving. absolutely huge risks with everything in search 45% of expats surveyed have lived away from of a better life. home for more than 5 years. Here is a list of some of the main reasons heard directly from the expats community why Only 6% of expats in the USA are over 55. they ‘up and off’ and what it is about becoming The UAE was the considered the most an expatriate that is so interesting: luxurious destination. - The Grass is Greener on the other side – There is really a lot of information that It is often very easy to believe that it has to you REALLY need if you are considering be better there than it is here. Especially as becoming an expatriate, some of which you it looked “so great on holiday, on tv, in that might only ever find out once you have expats photo gallery we saw”. relocated. - Better Financial Position – it can sometimes Within these pages you I hope you will provide a massive benefit to an individual or find some useful information regarding the family financially, especially if the cost of advantages and disadvantages expatriates face living at home is prohibitive. in the many different aspects of emigration. - Jobs Overseas – that overseas job in the Whether you’re looking for: South East Asia would be great, wouldn’t it? Difficult economic conditions back home is teaching jobs overseas - expatriate taxes probably the most stated reason for becoming information - relocation lawyers - information on the psychological effects of child relocation an expat. - summer jobs abroad - the premier relocations - Break up of relationship – “leaving it all experts, behind”. or anything else related to emigrating I hope - Making that long distance relationship you find this blog useful and informative. work – with so many people finding love &

Learn Thai with Kitty TEC Hua Hin This issue, we will learn about phrases and statements you hear quite often.

Let’s start: 1. What is your name? = Khun choe a-rai? 2. My name is………….. = Pom (Chan) choe…………… 3. Nice to meet you. = Yin-dee tee pob khun 4. See you tomorrow. = Pob gan prung-nee 5. Let’s go for a walk. = Bpai dern-len gan ter 6. Turn left. = Liao sai 7. Turn right. = Liao kwa 8. Straight ahead. = Dtrong-bpai 9. Don’t forget. = ya loem 10. Speak slowly please. = Pood cha-cha noi 11. Do you speak Thai? = Khun pood Thai dai mai? 12. Do you remember me? = Khun jam pom(Chan) dai mai? 13. Have fun. = Kor-hai sa-nuk 14. Take care = Doo-lae dtua-eng na 15. Good luck. = Kor-hai chok-dee Vocabulary: name = choe forget = loem meet = pob speak = pood tomorrow = prung-nee slowly = cha-cha to go for a walk = bpai-dern-len remember = jam turn = liao fun = sa-nuk left = sai care = doo-lae right = kwa luck = chok Please visit www. for more information and on-line study. Kitty: Tel. 081-346-1046

Dr. Kitti Loychusuk Bangkok Hospital

Dr. Kitti Loychusuk has moved to Hua Hin permanently to join the BKK Hospital Team. Dr. Kitti is a Thai national who studied at the Mahidol University in Bangkok before moving to the USA where he lived since 1977. Dr. Kitti is a Golfer, like any music, Thai Food but also T-bone steaks. We welcome Dr. Kitti with his Brooklyn accent who will be a big contribution to our community.

Pornpatcha Nimanong (Patch) Black Lotus

Pretty Pornpatcha Nimanong (Patch) moved to Hua Hin to become an executive secretary at the Black Lotus . A former Starlet, TV host and fashion model, Patch graduated from the Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin Wang Klai Kangwon (20052009). During college years Pornpatcha was the PR of the University and was selected to be the Cultural Ambassador of Rajamangala University of Technology. Before joining the team Pornpatcha worked as a model, actress, tv host, among others. Her hobbies are listening to music, watching movies, yoga and ofcourse the latest fashion news! Welcome to Hua Hin and Black Lotus Patch.

Panadda Phonthep Hua Hin Today Travel

Pretty Khun Ning is the latest member of the Hua Hin Today Travel Team. A native from Khonkaen, absolved a business & Technology Curriculum at the Sriwattana Institute of International Business and Technology. Before joining the HHT Travel team, Ning worked for tropical Homes & Tropical Garden Village in Hua Hin. Ning will be coordinating travel and hotel reservations for customers of Hua Hin Today Travel. She has travelled quite a distance herself. She has been to Hogn Kong, Sweden, Denmark, France, Sri Lanka and Macao. However, being so much outside Thailand, her favourite food is still Thai : Somtam and friends. Any spicy food. Her hobbies, watching movies, travelling and playing with her dogs of which one is a Sichou and a large Chaw Chaw / Bang Keo cross.

Power of Love Church คริสตจักร พลังแห่งรัก “Love ALL – Serve ALL” “รักและถ่อมใจ” Please feel free to Come and Fellowship with us at The Marriott Resort and Spa, Hua Hin every Sunday at 10am. A charismatic Holy Spirit Driven Love Filled Church

We welcome everybody !

Come and be part of our Family and enjoy snacks and refreshments and great fellowship after the service ! From the 7th August we will be at Best Western Serenity Resort, Hua Hin each and every Sunday.

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ทีโ่ รงแรม แมรีออท รีสอรท์ และ สปา หัวหิน ทุกวันอาทิตย์ เวลา 10:00 น.

เรานมัสการภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ มาเป็นส่วนหนึง่ ของเรา เรายินดีตอ้ นรับทุกท่านเหมือนหนึง่ ในครอบครัว ร่วมรับประทานอาหารและพบเพือ่ นใหม่!

Contact Us : ติดต่อเรา English : Andrew 080 999 3603 ภาษาไทย คุณเอก 087 351 6156 E-Mail

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011


Volume 8 Issue 8 June 2011

BOTANEO The Lifestyle Promenade


LITTLE HISTORY ON HUA HIN : THE NAME HUA HIN MEANS STONE HEAD Hua Hin´s name is derived from the rock formations that can be seen on the beach in front of the Sofitel Central Hotel. Hua Hin beach stretches about 4 kilometers from the town center to Khao Takiab. Hua Hin beach is well know for its spectacular sunrises. Hua Hin beach is newer over crowded and you can always find a quiet little spot. The white sand makes it one of the best beach streaches in on the Gulf of Thailand. The beach is wide and long with white sand and scattering rocks in some area. Botaneo Lifestyle Mall was designed as a resort atmosphere. Located on Petchkasem Road. Bangkok to Hua Hin, 221 km route within the project consists of seven zones, surrounded by trees and lakes, all kinds of farm size 3-4, ensuring a day, 7 days, customers will have a good experience. That we can not find where also projects to area beaches, walking distance to touch touch sea, with a distance of only three hundred more meters, and future of the construction Resort & Pool Villa on over 57 rai, the project Botaneo. Project and Pool Villa has a total area of nearly 86 farm when completed this will be the Lifestyle Mall, Resort & Pool Villa has a large potential to operate one of the most of Hua Hin.

The one of a kind Lifestyle Mall. Hua Hin is now a restaurant. Shopping. And establishment on traveling a lot. There was no place where tourists can make every day a day that is not plain. In addition, Hua Hin is a resort town that is rapidly growing economies. Due to increased population and tourists every year. So if there is a shopping place. Dining and Hang Out with colorful levels of happiness. That enable customers to indulge in a natural environment Hua closely Believe that it must be accepted by investors and tourists as much. With aspirations to make Hua Hin a place for meeting Shopping is a source of food tasty and the way Hip to not miss Lifestyle Mall, the first and the only one who can make a day, 7 days of tourists full a delightful and happy as possible in Hua Hin under Botaneo has started to create a center of happiness that is unique. That meet the diverse needs of most customers. White sand beach stretches endlessly Bands are side impact roll. To shine when the sun glimmering light. Others, including the atmosphere. The full charm of Hua Hin. Continues to delight. Impression that people live every moment to relax. Hua Hin is classified as a city with high tourism potential. Observed rate increases tourists every year. And Thai tourists. And foreigners. In any one year. Visitors will have to come to Hua Hin, about 1.9 million working capital, causing at least 9,000 million baht per

year for investment in hotel condominium villas. Restaurants and attractions. It occurs continuously and Has been accepted very well. Owner : St. James Hotel Co.,Ltd. By Khun Anek Hoontrakul Project Development : Lifestyle Mall Resort Total land of 28 Rai ( 44,800 sq.m. ) developed to retail spaces of usable area 8,400 sq.m. (100 quality Shops, Restaurant, Fashion & Accessory, Beauty, Spa, Supermarket.l Future development : Pool Villa & Resort sea side ~ 57 Rai (91,200 sq.m.) Expected completion : end of 2011 Sales & Marketing Agents : 59 Services & MGT Real Estate 1. Tourists. Tourists, both Thai and foreigners who came to find rest and new experiences. It may stay at 3-5 star hotels (> 14,000 units) Condominium and vacation home (> 6000 units) or more than 7 of the golf course in Hua Hin and nearby areas such as the Dusit Resort & Polo Club / Springfield @ Sea Resort. / Holiday Inn Resort Regent Beach Cha-Am / Methavalai / Veranda Resort / Grand Pacific / Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa / Hyatt Recency Hua Hin / Cher Resort / Courtyard by Marriott Hua Hin / Intercontinental / Rest Detail / Yai Ya Resort / Sofitel Hua. Hin & ETC. 2. A group of people in the area. People who want to source local meeting and holiday-efficient level and can go back in comfort, such as businessmen who lived in a house or condominium in the area. International School students. And a group of people in Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi province, located just 30-40 minutes away from the project. Marketing Plan::. Botaneo is known to target people as well as broad. The project plan has been advertising with the concept of communication that “7 Senses 7 Days Happiness” to create a wave of interest to occur. Under the following media. 1. Billboard along the path Hua Hin - Cha-Am. As well as in front of Hua Hin town and the project 2. Local and National Media includes Radio / Magazine / Newspaper. 3. Leaflet for walks distributed in Hua Hin and Cha-am in the city before the project 4. Brochure introduce the project as a whole. As well as provide details about the various zone 6 zone for customers who travel into Botaneo. 5. Event to be held on a regular basis. 6. Shuttle Bus shuttle service from both Hua Hin and Cha-Am customers to facilitate travel to Botaneo. This article was made possible through the courtesy of Botaneo Hua Hin – Khun Anek Hoontrakul Any inquiries about the project and shops : www.botaneohuahin. com – 080 625 0838 , 078 088 83889


Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Thai Property News 13

courtesy of

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Thailand’s K2 Land Thailand Property Awards nominations to turn Sathorn condo are now open into “fashion hotel” T

hailand’s K2 Land has bought a condominium building on North Sathorn Road in Bangkok and plans to develop a “fashion hotel” called Mode Sathorn by Siam@Siam. Construction on the condominium building had halted and K2 Land purchased the land for THB800 million (US$26.5 million) and will spend another THB 1.2 billion (US$39.7 million) on renovation


ominations are now being accepted for this year’s Thailand Property Awards, which are widely regarded as the “Oscars” of the kingdom’s property and real estate industries.

Terry Blackburn, Chief Executive Officer of Ensign Media, the organiser of Awards, said: “The Thailand Property Awards assist in promoting high levels of quality in Thailand’s The annual event, now in its sixth year, real estate, construction, architectural and showcases the best of Thailand’s property interior design sectors, as well as the professional and real estate sectors. This year’s Awards services on offer in the Kingdom.” include several new categories, including He added: “The Awards are highly coveted “Most Affordable Condominiums” and “Best by all those within the property and real estate Landscape Architecture Design”. industries and, as always, we’re expecting a A gala ceremony, which last year attracted more lot of competition from developers, agents and than 500 guests including Thailand Deputy architects in all of this year’s categories.” Prime Minister Dr. Trirong Suwankiri, will take place on November 5th, 2011, at the Grand Hyatt Erawan in Bangkok, during which this year’s winners will be announced.

Nominations are welcomed from members of the public as well as from those within the industry. To nominate and view the criteria for each Award visit

Thailand home loan program creates queues in Bangkok


otential Thai homeowners queued for long hours at the Government Housing Bank (GHB) in Bangkok hoping to take advantage of interest free loans earmarked for new buyers. The programme has a total of 25 billion baht (US$829 million) available interest free for the first two years of a 30-year mortgage on houses valued at less than three million baht (US$99,300), according to the Bangkok Post. The remaining mortgage would be paid at a rate based on the bank’s conditions. The bank will also pay for the 1 per cent mortgage fee and 2 per cent transfer costs. A 47-year-old

man from Buri Ram was the first in queue, arriving at the bank at 4am. By the time the bank opened its doors at 8:30am, the line had grown to 200. Queue cards were handed out prior to the bank opening. Loans are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be

and construction of the 36 floor hotel. Speaking to the Bangkok Post, managing director Nirut Ngamchamnanrits said the company is interested in the hotel business since it is familiar with the construction business. It already opened a golf course in Bang Na. Mode Sathorn will have 200 rooms covering six types. It will also feature six restaurants, two meeting rooms, and five spa and massage rooms, with unique Oriental and Western designs. The average room rate will be around 3,000 to 3,600 baht per night. Scheduled to open in April 2012, the hotel will be managed by local hotel chain operator, Siam@Siam, which currently runs Siam@ Siam Design Hotel & Spa in Bangkok and Crown Lanta Resort and Spa in Krabi.

Thailand’s Property Perfect running promotions to coincide with government loan scheme


hailand’s Property Perfect has launched two financial campaigns to boost presales for the first half of the year. From May 20 to June 30 buyers of a unit in the I Condo project may enjoy a zero interest rate loan for the first year. The second campaign runs until June 5 and offers a 1 percent loan for the first two years for customers purchasing a home priced accepted until the end of the year, or until the above THB3 million (US$100,000). available funds are used. Talking to The Nation, deputy chief operating The programme attracted a large number of officer, Wongsakorn Prasitvipat, said the homebuyers because of the two-year waiver company expects sales of THB2.5 billion of interest. A customer borrowing 1.5 million (US$83.2 million) from the campaigns, baht (US$49,600) can save about 100,000 boosting 2011 presales to THB6 billion baht (US$3,300) on the interest in the first (US$200 million) by the middle of the year. year of installments based on GHB’s present Property Perfect recorded presales of THB3.5 minimum repayment rate of 6.75 %. billion (US$116.5 million) during the first four Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij said an months. If the promotions are successful and average loan application is 1.5 million baht mid-year targets are met, the company may (US$49,600). Sixty percent of applications run further promotions to boost sales. came from outside Bangkok. Initial approval The government’s recent THB1 billion may take up to three weeks and all (US$33.3 million) initiative to support firstapplications are expected to be approved time buyers with soft loans is also expected within two months by the bank. to support customers who have committed to Mr Korn said GHB must operate this purchasing a home and are ready to transfer programme transparently for all people on this month or next, Wongsakorn added. a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants to the programme must be buyers Property Perfect plans to launch a new phase themselves. The programme is aimed at helping low-and-medium income-earners in light of rising interest rates and the cost of living. The government will not compensate the bank for any income loss from its two-year interest free policy, which is estimated at 450 million to 500 million baht (US$14.9 million to US$16.6 million). Although the programme was better and more attractive for homebuyers than the property tax incentives which expired last year, the number of homebuyers applying for loans under the programme on the first day was not as high as expected. It is speculated home buyers had limited time to prepare documents given that the cabinet had approved the programme less than a week before its launch. Other reasons for the lower than expected number of applicants might include the condition that the loans are for first-time home buyers only and not for other people who may exploit the programme for speculative buying.

of Metro Sky Ratchada, and three new condominium projects – I Condo Sukhumvit 103 and two new brands on Suthisarn and Rama IV, worth THB9.6 billion (US$319.5 million) in total – during the second half of the year. The projects are expected to boost presales to THB15 billion (US$499 million) for the full year, with THB7 billion (US$233 million) coming from condominiums, THB7 billion (US$233 million) from low-rise residences and THB1 billion (US$33.2 billion) from Uniloft apartments. Director of business development Yingpong Gasemsin said the company would also open its first two apartment properties in the final quarter. One of these will be located close to Chiang Mai University, and the other in Salaya, in Nakhon Pathom province. Each project is worth THB500 (US$16.6 million) million and will comprise 500 units. Property Perfect will then sell both projects to a property fund, which will generate revenue of Bt1 billion for the company in the fourth quarter, he said.

Hua Hin Today

Property News 14 Asia courtesy of

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Asian luxury property Singapore home prices prices rise slowly reaching record highs W in first quarter


alues of luxury residential properties across Asia continued to slowly rise in the first quarter of 2011. As with the last quarter of 2010, values rose 1.8 per cent, according to Residential Index data from Jones Lang LaSalle. This is a slowdown from the hectic third quarter of 2010, when prices grew by 7.4 per cent. The cooling pace comes after various governments enacted anti-speculative measures in 2010. The index data comes from monitoring major Asian centres including Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Mumbai. Of these cities, only Kuala Lumpur residential prices showed a slight drop in value of 1.1 per cent over the first quarter, while capital values in Hong Kong showed the greatest increase at 8.3 per cent. On the Chinese mainland, sales were quiet over the first quarter after new rules were introduced to curb the hot market. Bans on new purchases from owners who already have two apartments and a pilot property tax kept first quarter price increases in Beijing and Shanghai relatively minor at 3.2 per cent and 0.4 per cent respectively. Despite the current restrictions in China, Chinese buyers will likely still have an effect on other markets within Asia. “The growing pool of high net-worth individuals from mainland China will not only lead to a structural change in buyers’

profile in Hong Kong’s luxury residential market, but will also gradually raise demand for highquality residential properties in other Asian cities, where the investment environment and social infrastructure are good,” said Joseph Tsang, managing director and head of capital markets at Jones Lang LaSalle, Hong Kong. Residential prices in China are expected to remain stable or decrease slightly in 2011 due to probable price reductions by developers, and the introduction of fewer high-valued units. Meanwhile, strong end-user demand and longterm investors will likely see the luxury markets in Hong Kong and Singapore increase in strength. By Christopher Cox

New home prices on the rise in China


ew home prices saw slight gains across major Chinese cities in April, even as the rate of home value appreciation and sales slowed, reported Market Watch. The number of cities with increases in new home prices was greater in April than in March. Of 70 cities monitored, 56 had price increases monthon-month, while in March that number was 49. China’s capital Beijing saw price increases of 0.1 per cent in April from the previous month, while Shanghai saw a 0.3 per cent increase, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

Guangzhou and Shenzhen both had price increases of 0.7 per cent. Other major cities with price hikes were the interior city of Chongqing (0.3 per cent) and the port city of Tianjin (0.2 per cent). Yet, despite these rises, home values of many of China’s major cities, excluding the southern manufacturing centres, flattened, according to MarketWatch. Beijing home prices grew by 2.8 per cent in April from a year earlier, a drop from 6.8 per cent recorded year-on-year in January. Similar slowed price increases were reported in Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. The southern industrial cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, however, both saw price increases in home values. Prices rose 3.8 per cent in April, compared to a year earlier in Guangzhou, compared to a 0.1 per cent rise in January. Meanwhile, Shenzhen prices rose 3.1 per cent in

each month except February, when they rose 3.2 per cent, year-on-year. Some of the comparisons were difficult to make, however, as the Bureau of Statistics earlier this year revamped its house-price tracking methodology, amid public anger over figures that critics said vastly understated inflation in China’s property market. The bureau scrapped its national price index and began compiling two new property indexes to track new and existing home sales backdated to January. The move, announced in February, shifted more emphasis towards residential data from local authorities and real-estate agents, and reduced or eliminated survey samples. The new approach means, however, that 2011 figures are not directly comparable to earlier data. Meanwhile, other data released Wednesday showed prices for existing homes higher in 41 cities, easing from 44 cities that reported gains in March. Nationwide sales by floor space in April fell 9.9 per cent from a year earlier, the first drop since September. Shanghai’s sales by floor space fell 25 per cent from a year earlier, with 3.06 million sqm of floor space sold during the month, according to data reported by Xinhua on Wednesday. The declines followed government tightening measures introduced in several cities last year, targeted at eliminating profiteering via rules that prohibit ownership of multiple apartments. China tends to track sales activity by measuring overall floor space sold instead of unit sales. In other data on the Shanghai market, middleincome bracket homes, or those less than 90 sqm in size, accounted for 43.2 per cent of the sales in April, up from less than a third a year earlier, the report said. In the first four months of the year, 46.84 billion yuan (US$7.1 billion) flowed into real estate in Shanghai, a rise of 11.3 per cent from a year earlier, the Xinhua figures showed.

ith 1,788 homes sold in April, representing a 29 per cent increase and a five month high, Singapore is emerging as a safe destination for investment. Unaffected by the devastating earthquake in Japan and far away from the political revolt sweeping the Middle East, Singapore is seeing home prices reach record highs, according to Bloomberg. With an annual growth rate projected at 23.5 per cent after the first three months of this year, the Singaporean government began to enact new rules and regulations to cut back speculation. However, the utility of these measures is questionable; with a similarly booming housing market in Hong Kong the government there put similar measures into place, but residential sites are still selling at exorbitant prices. Likewise, growth in Singapore has continued. Part of the reason for this continued growth, despite government measures, is the nature of the regulations in that they are mainly targeting shortterm buyers. For those looking for a long term

investment the new rules will have little effect, but those who seek to “flip” the property shortly after buying may want to look elsewhere. With prices still rising, the government has stated a plan to introduce further measures if the price of homes continues to grow. However, it is possible this may not be necessary. Even with home prices rising for seven straight quarters now, the most recent quarter saw the smallest rise.

Demand for


luxury property high in Kuala Lumpur

igh-end condominiums and serviced apartments are still in strong demand in Kuala Lumpur, according to CB Richard Ellis executive chairman in Malaysia, Christopher Boyd. Take-up rates for high-end condominiums and serviced apartments launched in the first quarter range from 65-88 per cent even with a 4 per cent increase in the total supply since the end of last year. According to a recent CB Richard Ellis report, the total number of high-end units is 32,742 of which about 44 per cent or 14,514 are located in the Golden Triangle, central business and Ampang areas and 34 per cent or 11,121 units in Mont’Kiara and Sri Hartamas. About 38 per cent of the supply of condominiums and serviced residences were tagged at between RM350 (US$115) and RM499 (US$164) per sq ft, with a further 38.6 per cent priced at between RM500 (US$165) and RM799 (US$263) per sq ft. The remainder, or 24 per cent of the units, were priced at RM800 (US$264) per sq ft onwards and categorised as luxury residential units. According to Boyd, average capital values in the three main condominium markets (KLCC,

Bangsar and Mont Kiara) in Kuala Lumpur has remained relatively steady since the 2008 global financial crisis. The CB Richard Ellis report said that last year,

there were 2,156 transactions for high-end condominiums in Kuala Lumpur with an average value per transaction of RM1.09mil. Speaking to The Star, Boyd said that about 76 per cent of buyers of luxury condominiums and serviced residences in Kuala Lumpur are Malaysians. Less than a quarter of Kuala Lumpur luxury condominium buyers are foreigners. Also, most of the local buyers are not highly leveraged and they are not buying for speculative purposes,” he said.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011


Hua Hin Today

16 Golf News

PGA Championship:

Journeyman Kawai Springs A Major Surprise


nheralded Japanese Hiroo Kawai picked the perfect time to produce the performance of his life. Thanks to a closing three-under-par 68 at Ono Toyo Golf Club, the journeyman pro emerged triumphant in the 150 million yen (about US$1.85 million) PGA Championship Nissin Cupnoodles Cup, the first Major of the 2011 Japan Golf Tour Organisation (JGTO) season.

For his maiden JGTO win, the 39-year-old Kawai collected a cheque for 27 million yen (about US$320,000), by far the biggest pay-day of his career. Indeed, it was more than he earned last season when he finished 42nd on the Money List with less than 25 million yen, his sole top-10 coming in the rain-reduced Tsuruya Open. Given his record, few gave Kawai, joint third round leader, much chance of hanging on. But five successive pars to start the final round settled his nerves and birdies and six and seven gave him the belief that perhaps this would be his day. He turned in two-under 34 to remain level at the top with Bae in what had effectively become a two-horse race. A birdie at the par-four 13th put Kawai ahead but he immediately relinquished that advantage with a bogey at the 14th. Both players parred 15 and 16 before Kawai delivered the decisive blow at the 170-yard, par-three 17th where he Kawai’s four-day tally of nine-under 275 secured him a two-stroke victory from rising Korean star holed a birdie putt for a one-shot lead. Bae Sang-moon. There was then a further three- A par at the last proved good enough as Bae, shot gap back to Michio Matsumura and Kim going for birdie to force a play-off, dropped a shot that saw him sign for a 70. Kyung-tae, last year’s Money List winner.

Asia Pacific Golf Group – New Website


aunches A One-Stop Site For Golf News The brand new website of the Asia Pacific Golf Group (APGG) is launched! The new website is a reflection of the new consolidated look of APGG. The new website brings together the various products and services of APGG and delivers all of its content in one easy to navigate package. You can now get all your golf news and information with just one click and this will include: • The latest golf news from Asian Golf Daily. • The latest issue of Asian Golf Monthly. • The latest issue of Asian Golf Business. • Special productions from Asian Golf TV.

• The latest news on all of APGG’s conferences and exhibitions. Golf communications has never been better! For all your golf news and information, visit Our coverage of golf in the region just keeps getting better all the time! NOTE: 1. If you have any news releases to be published, please send your release to: 2. If you need information on advertising, please contact: 3. For any assistance regarding APGG’s conferences and exhibitions, please contact:

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Prayad Cooks Up A Storm As Charity Drive Tees-Off


hen he heard that his sponsors Singha were starting a charity drive linked to golf events, Prayad Marksaeng was one of the first to show an interest. The 45-year-old Thai is from a humble background in Hua Hin but now enjoys a comfortable lifestyle because of his success as a professional. However, he has not forgotten his roots and is actively involved in Singha’s charity efforts, which currently focus on small communities in Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand. The charity push is centred on events sponsored and run by Singha on the All Thailand Golf Tour and has caught the eye of the ASEAN PGA Tour, which co-sanctioned last week’s Singha Pattaya Open, won by Prom Meesawat. “This year one of the goals of the ASEAN PGA is to promote various charities around the region in conjunction with our events,” said Ramlan Haron, Executive Director, ASEAN PGA. “We want to raise the awareness of the public and players on the Tour. “It was interesting to see what Singha did at the Pattaya Open as that is similar to what we have planned. It is wonderful what they are doing already in Thailand. “We want players competing on the ASEAN PGA Tour to start identifying with charities in the region – professional golfers are a privileged group and need to realise how lucky they are in life. “The ASEAN PGA is in the process of looking at charities in each of the countries where tournaments are staged and we hope to have something in place this year.” Singha, a long-time supporter of golf in Thailand, plans to hold charity Pro-Ams, lucky draws and raffles during five tournaments this year, including the Singha Esan Open, which will also feature on the ASEAN PGA Tour. Cash raised helps to fund a Learning Centre in Chiang Rai that gives 150 under-privileged children the opportunity to learn life skills as well as music and art. “This project affords professional players,

amateur golfers, fans and the people who work at our golf tournaments the opportunity to give something back to the community,” said Rungnapa Surached, Managing Director, Sports Management Group (SMG). SMG, an offshoot of Singha Corporation, manages professional golfers, tennis players and swimmers and organises, promotes and runs golf tournaments in Thailand.

As well as operating the Learning Centre, Singha works with local community leaders in the area to promote environmental issues, such as water management and forest conservation, the use of alternative medicine and developing local sports. During February’s Singha Masters at Santiburi Country Club in Chiang Rai, SMG arranged for a number of golfers to attend a sports day at the Learning Centre, much to the delight of the children. “Prayad came along and cooked some food for the kids,” said Rungnapa. “Prayad is from a community like the one in Chiang Rai so he understands the problems. He wants to give back to the community – he says ‘nobody did anything like this for us when I was growing up’ – and is happy to help with the project in any way he can.” Rungnapa added that the grass-roots project helped community leaders improve life in their villages through learning. “It is not a lot of money but what we raise provides a link in the chain,” she said. “We are encouraging other sponsors to join in the charity push and a number of them have responded favourably.”

Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin recently arranged a golf tournament for the regions hotel management & staff. T

he “Inter Hotel Golf Scramble 2011” proved to be very popular with the hotels and 9 of the area’s leading hotels were represented. The Texas Scramble format of play meant that every player contributed the overall score, as each player on

the team had to contribute a minimum of 4 drives. The course was set up for good scores and the weather & conditions were perfect. At the Prize-giving cocktail party at Mulligan’s Pub following play, the management team of

Banyan Golf Club thanked all participants for attending and for their support over the past few months. Banyan Golf Club General Manager, Stacey Walton commented, “It’s important for the hotel team members to have experienced the facilities & course here at Banyan Golf Club. These people actively promote our products at their respective hotels throughout the year and watch their guests go out & enjoy a round at Banyan on a regular basis. Hopefully today, they have gained better understanding of our golf course and more importantly I hope they had a lot of fun. Congratulations to the winning team” Some individual prizes were awarded for the Nearest the Pin & Longest Drive on selected holes; Result for the Inter Hotel Golf Scramble were as follows; Nearest the Pin:

Hole # 4: John Dopere (EvasonHua Hin) Hole # 15: Karl Hans (Banyan Resort) Longest Drive: Hole # 18: Kajorn T. (Chiva-Som) Overall Prizes: 2rd Runner up: Chiva-Som (Nett 66) 1st Runner up: Banyan Resort & Golf (Nett 66) Winner: S’mor Spa & Village (Nett 65)

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011



Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011



Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011



Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011



Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Technical Review 25

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Top best tablet PC iPad alternatives Looking for the best tablet that’s not an iPad?

Courtesy of : TechRadar reviews team –and HTC

HP TouchPad

UK release date: Unknown Specs: webOS 3.0, 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon CPU, 1GB RAM, 16GB, 32GB storage, 9.7-inch capacitive screen at 1024x768, 1.3MP frontfacing camera, 740g. What we think: The touchpad looks like one of the most powerful tablets yet announced, running the as-yet unreleased dual-core Snapdragon APQ8060 1.2GHz CPU. It’s also running Palm’s webOS 3.0 which sets it apart from all the Android tablets but at 740g it’s rather heavy.

What we think: At 10.1-inches, the Eee Pad Slider is bigger than the MeMo, and Asus thinks it’s big enough to warrant a slide-out keyboard. It’s the netbook of the new generation, if you will. It’s also the first Android tablet we’ve seen with a feature like this, though it’s not a new concept. Typing on a touchscreen can be a pain, so including a proper keyboard is a nice idea – though how useful it ends up being remains to be seen.

its range of Android products after it launched its 5-inch phone/tablet lovechild last year. On the way is the 7-inch Dell Streak 7 and the 10.1-inch Dell Streak 10 - and if the original is anything to go by, these tablets will be excellent.

UK release date: Out now Specs: Android 3.0, Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU, 10.1-inch capacitive display at 1280x800, full-size keyboard dock, card reader, HDMI-out, rearfacing camera, front-facing camera What we think: Asus is keeping all its bases covered by offering a variety of different tablet options, and waiting to see what people buy. The Eee Pad Transformer comes with a keyboard dock and the whole package costs just £429 - a veritable bargain. Definitely the best Android tablet of the current crop.

Viewsonic ViewPad 7

Acer Iconia Tab A500

UK release date: Summer 2011 Specs: Android 3.0, Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU, 1GB RAM, 10.1 capacitive screen, 5MP rear-facing camera, 3G. What we think: As Acer’s flagship tablet we were expecting big things from the A500 but from what we saw at MWC it doesn’t look like the A500 is as high-end as we were expecting it to be. It’s still a powerful Tegra Notion Ink Adam Tablet 2-powered Honeycomb tablet though, UK release date: Summer 2011 Specs: Android 2.3, Nvidia Tegra 250, so if it has an attractive price, this could Cortex A9 dual-core CPU, 1GB RAM, be one to watch. 1GB SLC, 10.1-inch capacitive display at 1024x600, optional Qi display, 3.2MP swivel camera, 3G, 2x USB, accelerometer, ambient light sensor, compass, 726g. What we think: The Notion Ink Adam Tablet is maybe the most anticipated tablet of them all. While it runs on Android 2.3, the Bangalore-based company has built its own complex interface on top called Eden. The hardware specs are impressive on paper, and it looks like this could to Acer Iconia Tab A100 be one of 2011’s hottest products. Or, UK release date: April 2011 it could be an absolute disaster... we’ll Specs: Android 3.0, Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU, 7-inch capacitive find out soon enough. screen at 1024x600, 5MP rear-facing camera, 2MP front-facing camera, 3G. What we think: The A100 is the little brother to the Acer Iconia Tab A500, and we have high hopes for it. While it doesn’t have the high-flying specs of some of the other tablets on this page, we expect this 7-inch tablet to carry a more modest price.

Asus Eee Pad MeMo

to its billing. That said, user response has been positive, and despite a high asking price of over £500 SIM-free, this is about as good as it gets out of the current crop of Android 2.2 tablets. A Wi-Fi only model is imminent.

UK release date: Summer 2011 Specs: Android 3.0, Qualcomm Snapdragon 1.2GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 7-inch capacitive display, 64GB Flash storage, rear-facing camera, front-facing camera, mini-HDMI out. What we think: We don’t know much about the Asus Eee Pad yet. What we do know is that there are four models, of which the MeMo is at the bottom end. We also know that Asus is taking Viewsonic ViewPad 10s its time with these Eee Pads, so we UK release date: Spring 2011 can be fairly confident that when they Specs: Android 2.2 (with Tap UI), Nvidia Tegra 2, Cortex A9, 512MB finally go on sale, they’ll be good. RAM, 16GB Flash memory, 10.1-inch capacitive LCD at 1024x600. What we think: While the original ViewPad 10 was an absolute dog, the 10s looks a lot better simply because Android 2.2 replaces the dual-booting Windows 7 and Android 1.6. Already released as the Viewsonic G Tablet in the US, the 10s boasts decent hardware specs and a custom overlay on top of Android 2.2. Providing it’s priced sensibly, this could be an attractive Asus Eee Pad Slider purchase when it goes on sale. UK release date: Summer 2011 Specs: Android 3.0, Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU, slide-out keyboard, Dell Streak 7, Dell Streak 10 10.1-inch capacitive display at UK release date: Summer 2011? 1280x800, card reader, HDMI-out, Specs: Android 2.2, 7-inch capacitive rear-facing camera, front-facing LCD, 1.3MP front-facing camera, 16GB storage. camera. What we think: Dell is expanding

UK release date: October 2010 Specs: Android 2.2, Qualcomm MSM 7227 600MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 512MB storage, 7-inch capacitive LCD at 800x480, 3MP rear-facing camera, VGA front-facing camera, phone call-friendly 3G, 375g. What we think: Not technically built by Viewsonic, this tablet is also available under various different titles. LG Optimus Pad Essentially it’s a Chinese-built OEM UK release date: 2011 Specs: Android 3.0, 1GHz Tegra 2 device, but you’d be wrong if you think CPU, 1GB RAM, 32GB storage, 8.9- that means it’s not very good. It is. It’s inch capacitive screen at 1024x768, responsive, it’s a nice size and it’s 2x 5MP rear-facing cameras for 3D usable. The problem is that it should capture, 2MP front-facing camera, cost £200, not £400. phone-friendly 3G, 630g. What we think: The Optimus Pad is a super-looking tablet and has the USP of having dual 5MP rear-firing cameras for 3D image capture. Add to that dualcore Tegra 2 CPU, a decent screen and Android 3.0 and you’ve got an exciting tablet on your hands. But pricing could be this tablet’s Achilles heel – it’s going to be pricey.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1V

UK release date: Summer 2011 Specs: Android 3.0, 1GHz dual core CPU, 1GB RAM, 16GB/32GB storage, 10.1-inch capacitive screen at 1280x800 (WXGA), 8MP rear-facing camera with LED flash, 2MP frontfacing camera, 3G, 599g. What we think: The new Galaxy Tab 10.1V is a real corker. It’s a good size, it’s powerful, responsive, lightweight and has an excellent 8MP camera. Not to be confused with Samsung’s forthcoming similarly-named Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - this one is a Vodafone exclusive product and will hit the shelves this summer.

Advent Vega

UK release date: November 2010 Specs: Android 2.2 (sans Android Market), 1GHz Nvidia Tegra CPU, 512MG RAM, 512MB storage, capacitive LCD at 1024x600, 1.3MP rear-facing camera, no 3G, 700g. What we think: At £250, the Advent Vega comes in at a very attractive price - it’s probably the best tablet for those on a very tight budget. And actually, HTC Flyer it isn’t half bad. It’s responsive, it’s UK release date: Out now Specs: Android 2.3, 1.5GHz single- not too heavy, it runs Android without core Snapdragon, 1GB RAM, 32GB breaking a sweat. The problem is that memory, 7-inch capacitive LCD at without 3G connectivity there’s no 1024x600, 5MP camera, 3MP front- Android Market access. There’s also no facing camera, phone-call-friendly 3G, Home button, and the other hardware buttons are fiddly as hell. 415g. What we think: HTC has decided to release it’s first tablet running on Android Gingerbread (2.3), which will upset some purists that only believe these tablets should run on Honeycomb. However, it does come with a new version of HTC Sense with dual-pane windows which works well with videos and email. As a single-core device in a dual-core world, though, ExoPC Slate UK release date: October 2010 will the Flyer be good enough? Specs: Intel Atom N450 1.66GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, 23GB/64GB, 11.6inch capacitive LCD at 1366x768, 1.3MP front-facing camera, 950g. What we think: While the list is dominated by Android tablets, let’s not forget poor old Windows 7. It’s in no way a touch-friendly operating system, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some decent hardware out there doing its best. The ExoPC Slate is the best Windows tablets at present, and so Samsung Galaxy Tab GT- if you MUST have Windows on your tablet, this is currently the one to get P1000 UK release date: October 2010 Specs: Android 2.2, 1 GHz Cortex A8 CPU, 512MB RAM, 16GB/32GB, 7-inch capacitive LCD at 1024x600, 3.2MP rear-facing camera, 1.3MP front-facing camera, phone-callfriendly 3G, 380g. What we think: While the Galaxy Tab promised the world, it didn’t quite deliver the tablet experience we were hoping for. As the first big-name tablet to take on the iPad, it failed to live up Asus Eee Pad Transformer

Motorola Xoom

UK release date: Out now Specs: Android 3.0, Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core CPU, 1GB RAM, 32GB Flash storage, 10.1-inch capacitive LCD at 1280x800, proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, barometer, gyroscope, 5MP rear-facing camera, 2MP front-facing camera, 3G, 730g. What we think: The Motorola Xoom is one of the second-generation Android tablets that the tech world is getting very excited about. Packing Nvidia’s super-powerful Tegra 2 chip and running the tablet-friendly Android 3.0 OS, the Xoom is going to be big.

BlackBerry Playbook

UK release date: Out now Specs: BlackBerry Tablet OS (QNX), 1GHz Cortex A9 dual core CPU, 1GB RAM, 7-inch capacitive LCD at 1024x600, 3MP front-facing camera, 5MP rear-facing camera, 400g. What we think: The BlackBerry PlayBook is designed to be mobile and business-friendly. That means, at 130x194mm, the device is small enough to hold with one hand, slip in a laptop bag side pouch, and even carry around all day to meetings. The problem’s start, though, with the lack of an email app, the dependence on owning a BlackBerry smartphone and a terminal lack of apps. The Playbook is powerful and has brilliant multitasking capabilities, but for now it’s one to watch rather than one to buy


Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Property for Rent :,

RHO-0057 Luxury Villa 7 mins from Hua Hin town center

3 bedrooms + 1 maid room, 3 bathrooms Land area: 700 Sqm, Living area: 276 Sqm. Inc: Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

Price: 65,000 THB per month. Negotiable for long term

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

RCO-0026 Condo close to Takiab beach

RHO-0024 House in Hua Hin Soi 6

with the club house, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Land area: 400 Sqm, Living area: 250 Sqm. Inc: Internet access, UBC and Security 24 hours, Negotiable for long term

Price: 35,000 THB per month. Contact: 085- 8081-822,

RHO-0085 House for rent in Hua Hin Soi 114 3 bedrooms,

1 bedroom, 1 bathroom Floor: 5th Living area: 58 Sqm. Security 24 hours, communal pool and fully furnished.

3 bathrooms, Land area 712 Sqm, Living area 275 Sqm., Price incl: fully furnished, Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours ,

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price: 25,000 THB/Month

Price: 65,000 THB/Month (45,000 THB in April to May)

room, 4 bathrooms, Land area: 600 Sqm. Living area: 342 Sqm., Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15 Million THB

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

SHO-0002 Good Villa In Town 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Land area: 230 Sq/m Living are: 200 Sq/m

Price 2.8 Million

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

SCO-0050 Condo beach front in Hua Hin area 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom Floor: 1st Living area: 67 Sqm. Security 24 hours.

Price: 5.78 Million THB

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

SHO-0019 Pool villa near golf course

Contact: 085- 8081-822

RCO-0045 2bedroom beach front

Studio room Floor: 4th Living area: 60 Sqm. Inc: Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

Negotiable for long term Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Negotiable for long term Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price: 35,000 THB per month.

1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, Floor: 1st Living area: 67 Sqm. Security 24 hours, communal pool and fully furnished.

Price: 35,000 THB/Month Contact: 085- 8081-822,

SHO-0069 Nice pool villa Hua Hin center

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price: 10.5 Million THB

SHO-0070 Hua Hin center Soi 114

Electric and water access Land size: 1,480 Sqm

3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms Land area: 700 Sqm. Living area: 276 Sqm. Security 24 hours and fully furnished.

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price: 5.9 Million THB

SCO-0003 Condominium in town center SCO-0052 Condo in town 2 mins to Studio room Floor: 3rd Living Hua Hin night market area: 35 Sqm., Security 24 hours, communal pool and fully furnished.

Price: 2.6 Million THB

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price for rent 28,000 THB/month Price for sale 6.3 Million THB

Contact: 085- 8081-822

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price: 5.2 Million THB

Great value town house, center of Hua Hin town 3 floors Contact: 085- 8081-822,

3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Land area: 700 Sqm. Living area: 276 Sqm. Security 24 hours and fully furnished.

SLD-0011 Land for sale 1.5 Km. to Cha -Am beach

Price: 20,000 THB per month.

RCO-0052 Condo in Hua Hin town RHO-0087 Town House Centre Town/ near night market RENT & SALE

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Land area: 480 Sqm. Living area: 256 Sqm. Security 24 hours and fully furnished.

Price: 4.5 Million THB

RCO-0044 Studio condo for rent 5 kms from Hua Hin town center

2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Floor: 9th Living area :120 Sqm. Inc: Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

Property for Sale :,

SHO-0071 Luxury Villa 1.5 Km. from golf course, 3 bedrooms + 1 maid


SHO-0039 Luxury pool villa in the golf course 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

Land area: 1,100 Sqm., Living area: 400 Sqm. Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15.5 Million THB

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

SHO-0031 House (two stories) 7 Km. from Hua Hin center

4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Land area: 400 Sqm. Living area: 250 Sqm. Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 4.1 Million THB (Hot deal)

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

SCO-0054 Condo in Hua Hin Center

1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, on the ground floor. Floor: 1st Living area: 67 Sqm. Security 24 hours, communal pool and fully furnished.

1 bedroom, 1 bathroom Floor: 6th Living area: 78 Sqm Security 24 hours, communal pool and fully furnished.

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Contact: 085- 8081-822,

Price: 4.8 Million THB

Price: 6.3 Million THB


Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

C House for Sale Located in country atmosphere with mountain view, 5 km. From Hua Hin beach near La Village, 1,600 sqm ( 1 rai ), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom

Seaside Apartments for Rent

(Short-long term)

• Baan Chaitalay 2 br./2 bth. • Boathouse 1 br./1 bth. • Mykonos 1 br./1 bth.

• Baan Saechuan 2 br./2 bth. • Townhouse 2 br./3 bth. • • Palm Pavilion Studio1 br./ 1 bth. 2 br./2 bth.

All apartments featuring: living area with integrated kitchen, balconies or terraces, swimming pool, fitness, direct access to beach. Fully furnished / completely equipped.

Tel : 081-829-5478 (Eng.), 086-003-6920 (Thai) E-mail:

Absolute Beachfront Land Prachaub

2,600,000 Baht Call : 081 449 6772

Condo for Rent

Luxurious European standard with pool side. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, balcony, living room, kitchen 45 sqm., fully furnish with all facilities Rental 10,000 baht per month Tel. 0819812997 E-mail:

Insight English Language Schools English and Thai Classes for everyone Educational Visa, Translation & TEFL courses Schools in Hua Hin, Cha-Am & Bangkok 032-470 681 E-mail:

Shop for Rent

Located in Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa An area of 37 square meters (Outside the Hotel) or an area of 47 square meter (Inside the Hotel) For more information please contact: Khun Saowalak & Khun Khwanchanok 032 538 999

The Learning Centre

English, Thai and Computer Classes All approved by Ministry of Education for Educational Visa

Hua Hin Yoga & Pilates

83/14 Wongchomsin Bldg. 1st & 2nd Floor Petchkasem Road Hua Hin (between Soi 63/1 & Soi 65) Phone: 032 532 650 083 801 1335

Open Everyday from 9 am – 3 pm Above Zoom Optic Shop, Petchkasem Road. Entrance via soi 74, Tanawit Hotel, Beautiful plot 526 sq.wah., chanote , 30 m. beachfront, 40 km south of Prachaub. Scenic swimming beach, next to resorts, holiday homes,electricity & black road.

Price 9,500,000 Baht

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House for Rent

Fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, large living room. Close to the ocean and Palm Hills Golf course. UBC television also available if wanted. 24 hour security, community swimming pool. 11,000 baht per month plus water and electric.

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011



Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Legal Advice

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Criminal Law in Thailand Part III Getting Arrested —


More about the Procedure

ames Finch and Nilobon Tangprasit of Chavalit, Finch & Partners, Ltd. This month we’ll continue with our discussion of the grounds on which you can be arrested in Thailand—and police procedure during arrest. In the case of an arrest warrant issued by a court, the warrant must contain the following information and be signed and sealed by the judge: • the date of the warrant • the address from which the judge issued the warrant • the ground on which the warrant is issued. We discussed the grounds for the issuance of an arrest warrant last week. • The name or description of the person who will be arrested.

Often a warrant is issued when the exact name of the suspect is not known. For example, an informant might tell the judge that a man, a foreigner, is dealing in drugs at his residence at a particular address. The warrant might be issued for the arrest of that person at that address without knowing his name. Hence, a warrant might be issued with only a description of the person to be arrested, and no name. Someone being arrested under a warrant has the right to

see a copy of the warrant. Of course, it will be in the Thai language, and this again points up the need to have someone on your side who speaks Thai. If the warrant is issued for an offense that was committed long ago or has been revoked by the judge, it cannot be used to make an arrest. Of course, these facts are difficult to determine at the moment of arrest, but if there is a warrant you will want to see it and get a copy, because doing so will always be useful in your future legal defense. The police may also arrest a suspect without a warrant, and we will discuss this in a later column. But what about the actual procedure of going and arresting someone? How much force can they use? Let’s look at an example. Suppose a police officer arrives at the address of Mr. X with a warrant and informs Mr. X he is under arrest. What if Mr. X slams the door, locks it and refuses to come out. The police, in the course of a lawful arrest, are entitled to use suitable force to arrest the subject. The level of force always depends on the circumstances. Can the police break down the door in this situation? Yes, if there’s no other way to get in and apprehend him. But what if Mr. X’s estranged wife Z is with the police, made a statement to the judge, and has a key. In this case, the police can’t break down the door and must use the key, because the key is simply more “suitable” than brute force. Next time we’ll talk more about what the police can and can’t do in the course of an arrest. Chavalit Finch & Partners, Ltd. are lawyers specializing in real estate and business transactions. They can be contacted by email at, on the web at or by telephone at+66( 0) 32 522237,( 0)32 522273. Their offices are located at 19/51 Hua Hin Soi 19, (Wat Klaikangwon), Petch Kasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuab Kirikhan 77110, Thailand. James Finch’s cell number is +66(0)89 2079390.


A comprehensive solution TUK HUA HIN ACCOUNTING & LAW


omprehensive solutions or One Stop Centers are most desirable institutions as they save a lot of time, aggravation and money. Such is TUK Hua Hin Accounting. Headed by charming Tuk herself and Partner Torsten, this accounting & law office has it in it. A multilingual service which includes doing your visas, work permits, balance sheets translation and legal advice, TUK Accounting serves you in Thai, English and German. In an open discussion with Torsten, one of the senior partners, he declared that there is nothing more frustrating for foreigners coming to Hua Hin to live and or to buy property without knowledge of the rules and regulations. Whilst being a young and dynamic couple, both Tuk and Torsten employ a staff of 24 employees to serve their clientele. Tuk, deriving out of an accounting background with ample knowledge of Thai legislation and well connected, pairs up with Torsten, German born consultant with majors in real estate and construction. Contact both partners through Email or phone as stated below: or info@tuk-accounting. com and check their web site out at www.tuk-accounting. com. Mobiles: Torsten 084 802 9449 (German & English) – Tuk 085 163 7898 (Thai)


Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Spa - Health & Wellness 33

V Villas SPA - A descend into

the romantic powers of a premier Spa treatment

By Ashbess


escending into the V Villas Hua Hin resort grounds is like stepping on to a modern and sophisticated island of romantic seclusion. V Villas Hua Hin, 63/39 Petchkasem Road, operates as if the rest of Hua Hin and Thailand have faded into a distant, hazy memory. V Villas Hua Hin has created a fluid mix of lush foliage, contemporary stonework and warm lighting, making the one-lane resort grounds feel like a labyrinth of passionate possibilities. The sleek, stone walkway appears to float on a dark canal of still water. Follow the elegant take on natural stepping-stones and you will pass the resort’s 13 villas, the V Spa, and eventually arrive at the infinity swimming pool, beachfront view and poolside restaurant. The resort, which has been open for over two years, is best known for its 13 private villas, each equipped with a swimming pool, garden and living/dining room areas. However, the resort has increasingly gained attention for its extensive spa facilities that aim to combine relaxation and rejuvenation, according to Sorrawee Phaetsart, V Villas Hua Hin Revival Manager.

“We do more than just the massage. My position is to focus on revival of mind, body and spirit,” Phaetsart said. “Customers can have a steam before their body scrub with aroma revitalizing massage, and bath after. Its soft, nice and romantic.” Just off the stone walkway, the V Spa is located at the foot of a short, steep staircase. Equipped with three treatments rooms, the V Spa, (Open from10 a.m. to 7 p.m., every day), offers about 30 treatments ranging from therapeutic massages and ailment-specific body wraps to freshly-made body scrubs and anti-aging facial treatments. “Very popular right now is the sesame seed body scrub. Thai skin is normal to dry skin. Many Thai people come for a weekday for the sesame seed scrub because Thais need a lot of moisture and vitamin E that is in the sesame seed,” said Phaetsart.

Designed with their target clientele of couples in mind, all three V Spa treatment rooms include two massage tables and a garden view. The V Spa also provides a steam room, sauna and shower. Phaetsart said the V Spa space is small, yet manageable as many guests choose to receive their treatments poolside or in the privacy of the spacious villas. V Spa body treatment prices range from THB 1,500 to THB 1,800 and massage prices range from THB 800 to THB 2500, (Not including service charges or government taxes). “We are open for everybody. Outside customers, as well as resort guests,” Phaetsart said. During an evening visit to V Villas Hua Hin, I was escorted to Villa 5, where I experienced the romantic powers of one of V Spa’s seven premier packages, the V Romance Couples Package, THB 9500. My V Spa experience began in the villa bathroom, where I was greeted with modern piano music, a massage table and a rose pedal-filled Jacuzzi bath. Within minutes of the first body treatment, I melted into a puddle of fresh strawberry, rose and milk body scrub, which fooled my senses making me believe I was indulging in a heartfelt pampering session. Phaetsart said the most obvious reason V Villas Hua Hin is different from competing resorts in Hua Hin is because their main goal is to encourage a uniquely intimate, romantic escape for lovers residing and vacationing in Thailand. “The Villas concept is for honeymoons and anniversaries. Couples who want a romantic place where no one can see,” said Phaetsart. The harsh reality that I was not on a lovers’ fantasy escape, unfortunately, set in when the masseuse politely told me to step into the shower to rinse off before my massage. As the rose pedals and strawberry seeds rinsed off my softly buffed skin and swirled down the drain, I had no doubt that V Spa has perfected the art of romance. After climbing back onto the massage table I was asked to choose the scent for my aromatherapy oil massage. V Spa offers four aromatherapy oils: Energize, Balinese, Oriental and Purify. I chose the Balinese oil containing geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, kaffir lime, rose, ylang ylang and lavender, which acts as a mood lifter and promotes relaxation. The next hour went by in a flash of hypnotic haze as the masseuse worked her magical hands in a freestyle fashion, unlike a typical scripted massage routines. Feeding off my body’s reactions, she customized the pressure and techniques using a combination of thumb kneading, stretching and palm massaging. Phaetsart said all of the aromatherapy massage oils and body scrubs that V Spa uses come from the wellness products brand, Puri, from which V Spa then adds their own fresh ingredients to offer a completely original product. “We use fresh strawberries and fresh sesame seeds, and we have an orange and a tamarind body scrub that we make fresh in the Thai traditional way from

grandma,” Phaetsart said. To end the most romantic solo massage I’ve experienced, I slipped into the now cold rose pedal, milk Jacuzzi bubble bath and allowed the whole evening to soak in. The ubiquitous pot of smooth, subtly sweet ginger tea sealed my relaxation and rejuvenation practice. Phaetsart said one of her favorite memories working at V Villas Hua Hin was when a customer arranged to propose to his girlfriend while dining at the resort restaurant. She said the man came to the resort with his idea and they worked together to organize the surprise engagement. She said the man told his girlfriend a business associate had invited them to dinner at V Villas Hua Hin. When they arrived, a private table was set for four under a sheer canopy tent on the beach. The couple was seated, and waited for the business associate to arrive. When he did not come, they called to confirm their appointment. She said the man told his girlfriend the business associate had canceled, but the two of them should enjoy the meal alone. After a suddenly romantic dinner, the couple went for a walk on the beach. Phaetsart said they followed a path of candles along the beach and rounded the corner as soft, sappy music began to play. Written in candles on the sand were the words, “Will You Marry Me?” “She was crying and so surprised,” Phaetsart said. “Of course, she said ‘yes,’.” Phaetsart said the betrothed couple is currently making arrangements with V Villas Hua Hin for their upcoming wedding day. V Villas Hua Hin and their V Spa have created a specific lovers’ niche through which it excels at not only immediate relaxation, but also long-lasting rejuvenation through a combination of rest, recreation and good old-fashioned seduction. Make an appointment at the V VILLAS Spa today : Tel. 032- 616039




spent my medical career as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Those are two such long words that recently the departments of O & G have been re-titled Women’s Health centers. This more accurately describes what they really do, take care of women’s health in general, not just in those areas that make her a woman. It was thought for many years that heart disease was a male problem, but review of the statistics showed that women, particularly after the menopause are equally threatened and women need to be screened with the same intensity as are men. Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin (BHN) has appointed to its staff two talented Women’s Health Care specialists. Dr Tongta, a lady with many years of experience and Dr Kitti who has recently returned to Thailand from the US where he acquired many medical and gynecological surgery skills. These Doctors assisted by our attentive nursing staff will provide first class care for our women patients. The International community in Hua Hin is principally made up

of older couples and we suspect that the number of pregnancies that we will care for in this community will be fairly small. That being the case we will concentrate our efforts towards our more mature female patients. Over the years there have been some remarkable achievements in WHC. Cancer of the cervix that only sixty years ago was a major threat to women has almost been conquered. The Pap smear is unique in that it cannot only detect cancer but can detect changes that are moving towards cancer, enabling it to be treated before it develops into a cancer. The original Pap smear has been improved with a newer liquid based technique and with the addition of a test to detect a virus that is responsible for most if not all cases. Endometrial cancer, cancer of the body of the Uterus, has also been one of the great successes in the fight against cancer. Breast and Ovarian cancers have not been conquered in the same way and eternal vigilance is needed to detect them early in order for a cure to be possible.

Women patients have always been better at looking after their health than men. The annual Pap smear has been a feature of life for many women for many years. At that time other health factors , blood pressure and blood sugar were often checked too. In more recent years mammography to detect breast lumps has also been recommended and even more recently Colonoscopy for the detection of bowel cancer has been recommended for women over fifty. Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) has been fiercely debated over the last few years and our specialists are happy to discuss these issues with you. At BHN we will be designing different health screening packages of testing for our female patients, but I should emphasize that this is not a ‘one-size-fits-all” approach and meeting and discussing your health with one of our Women’s Health care specialist is equally valuable. Dr Moreton is the International Medical Coordinator at BHN he will be happy to answer your questions


Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Wine & Dine 35

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Retrophilia Coffee House & Bar An alternative venue to please everyone


t’s easy enough to find Retrophilia Coffee House and Bar as it is located right in the lively Hua Hin Night Market. After the market starts the place might seem to be located a bit hidden off. The venders’ stalls allow a fair space for the customers to walk in.

Once inside it’s split into 2 sections. Downstairs is a comfortable restaurant / lively bar atmosphere where you can conveniently enjoy your food and drinks and maybe, play a few games of pool. Climbing up to the 2nd floor you will experience quite a different ambience with all retro décor and rare articles from the good old days. The bright and colorful wall paper, old pictures and posters, furniture, gadgets and antiques, are all quite impressive. I wish I’d had more time to stay and investigate.

By Piyanit

Recommended cocktails: Mojito, Caipirinha, Mango Daiquiri, Irish Coffee Retrophilia cocktail’s signatures: Sex bomb, Jailhouse rock, Sea of love and Across the universe Retrophilia Coffee & Bar is open daily from 4 pm - midnight Address: 72/17 Dechanuchit Road, Hua Hin. Tel. 08-1514-1566 / 08-5996-4193

Cocktails seem to be the prominent recommendation at Retrophilia. However, you can also expect a fully stocked bar of straight alcoholic drinks, wine and soft drinks. Fresh coffee is also available. You’ll also find wide selections of delicious Thai and fusion food. Retrophilia plays a retrospective of ‘40s and ‘70s music all night long. If you’re lucky you might catch live acoustic music performed by the house’s special guests. Retrophilia just seems like a fabulous place to hang out and cheer people up. This place is pretty cozy and has a certain feel to it, that makes its guests want to stay and just relax. On its 2nd floor, the seats on the balcony give you an Recommended dishes: opportunity to enjoy the view of Hua Hin night Kai Pad Med Ma-Muang, Yum Tua Poo (Spicy market while sipping your favorite drink. winged bean seafood salad), Khao Pad Nam Prik A special deal for Hua Hin Today readers!!! Get Long Rua (fried rice seasoned with chilli paste), 10% discount on food throughout the month of Deep-Fried Shrimp cakes, Fried prawn salad, etc. June!

Da Mario Pizzeria – Ristorante

By Gmoss


ure wood fired oven “forno a legna” cheesy pizzas, oven baked dishes. Mediterranean Atmosphere. An Italian restaurant among others but with a distinctive difference. They are from Sardinia. Da Mario´s chain now counts 5 restaurants of which 4 are in Phuket in different regions. The food is based on Sardinian recipes, purely Mediterranean. In Hua Hin, Da Mario has been here for more than 4 years, on Soi Naresdamri, facing Hua Hin port. The partners, Mario and Chris share responsibilities but Chris mainly takes care of Da Mario in Hua Hin. The menue is comprehensive with simple, down to earth but delicious Italian menues of which manyare based on seafood, which reveals the family ties to Sardinia. Welcomed by friendly, well trained Thai staff, I dived into the Starters as the seafood garpachos are famous, coming from Sardinia. Chris suggested a fresh Swordfish Garpacho. He had been to the market in the morning and brought back a huge middle part of the sword fish. It was served raw, in thin slices sprinkled with olive oil, some lemon and imported parmesan cheese. The oven baked pizza bread and a glass of Vermentino di Sardegna. Medium yellow in colour, this wine has a gentle herbal fragrance with light floral notes of apple blossoms.

Very fruitful on the palate, the dominant apple flavour, now complemented by other tree fruit flavours, is balanced with a mild acidity. The finish is fairly long, but doesn’t have much depth or character. This is a delicious wine and very food friendly. As a Primo Piatto, I chose a Clam and Mussels Fettuccini in a creamy white wine sauce with fresh Tomatoes, Squid and Prawns. The white wine sauce is self created, Chris will not

reveal the contents but it was taste bud enhancing. Pasta al dente with that distinctive bite. Still with the Vermentino. A peculiar choice for the main course was tiger prawns ( Gamberoni) with an onion , basilica and tomatoe salad. This dish can either be ordered as a fresh salad or oven baked with cheese topping. A white wine , Gavi di Gavi from Piedmont in Italy was served with the Tiger Prawns. This is a classically styled white wine from a top producer whose passion and expertise is displayed in their wines. The delicate lemon colour leads to a complex nose of citrus, apples, pears, wild flowers, and aromatic herbs. The palate is fresh, mineral with an abundance of citrus fruit and a long complex finish. Lovely Gavi, a true example to be enjoyed with firm fish or Gulf of Siam seafood. As a side dish , just for the taste of it , Chris presented a plate of marinated Tuna which he freshly makes and puts in large glass flasks with different basic tastes. The tuna is then used for pastas and pizze (plural for Pizza). I avoided any rich Italian dessert such as Tiramisu, Chocolate Mousse or any other rich in taste and calories. However I could not refuse an espresso enriched by a shot of Sambucca. Da Mario , a very pleasant experience of a typical family restaurant with tasty dishes , comprehensive menues and fair prices. As Arnold S. said “ I will be back “ ! Da Mario - Naresdamri Road – Tel.: 032 530 170


Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Hua Hin Today

Calendar & Events 37

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011


Golf : MIXED AMATEUR OPEN 2011. Sunday, 19th June 2011 - Better Ball Stableford competition from 12 .30 followed by prize giving cocktail party. THB 3,500 per couple GOLF & WINE DINNER. Saturday, 25th June 2011 Afternoon golf tournament. Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a 5 course wine dinner at The Terrace Restaurant. THB 3,600.- golf & dinner. THB 2,100.- dinner only. SUMMER GOLF SPECIALS : OPEN DAYS - Tee times open every Monday & Thursday exclusive to Hua Hin based golf societies and members of other local golf clubs. Please show your valid society or membership card in the Pro Shop to qualify for this promotion. THB. 2,000.per person Valid until 31st July 2011. VIP GOLF EVENTS - Entertain your clients, key accounts, friends or family, and make your day extra memorable at the Banyan for groups of 20 players or more. THB. 2,400.- per person* *20% discount for weekday bookings. Valid until 31st October 2011. TWILIGHT RATE - Experience twilight golf after 2pm everyday THB. 1,800.- per person Valid until 31st July 2011. AFTER 4-PM - Play as many holes as you can and experience the Sunset at Mulligan’s Pub. THB. 1,500 per person inclusive of a pint of draught beer with pub snacks. Valid until 30th September 2011 * Golf rates are net, all inclusive of green fee, caddie and golf cart with GPS For further information or reservation please contact us at 032-616-200 or


White Lotus - Our award-winning White Lotus Chinese

Restaurant invites you to experience the finest Chinese food in the Kingdom while enjoying stunning views over the Gulf of Thailand from its 17th floor location. All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Indulge yourself with a Chinese lunch every Saturday, Sunday and on Public Holidays from our comprehensive menu of authentic Dim Sum delicacies. Look out for regular new additions to White Lotus’s array of exciting steamed, crispy and wok-fried specialties Price: THB 449 nett per person Barbeque Duck Chinese Style: 7 – 20 June Enjoy traditional barbeque duck throughout the month of June Price: THB 1,500 nett per duck Full Moon dinner: 15 June Join our 5 course set menu and receive a glass of sparking wine while watching the full moon from the highest restaurant in Hua Hin Price: THB 999 nett per person Lotus SkyBar - Live DJ playing up tempo funky beats from 7.00pm - 11.00pm (Tuesday –Sunday). Enjoy our creative Thai whisky cocktails throughout the month of June only THB 140 nett per glass. Chay Had - The Chay Had Restaurant offers guests sensational ocean-front dining. Enjoy the following special offers throughout June: Theme Dinners: Monday’s and Tuesday’s – Leisure @ The Beach Order from our special unique a’ la carte menu while watching the moon shimmer across the ocean. Wednesday – Wine Dinner - Five course set dinner with a glass of wine perfectly matched with each course, a perfect pairing for a romantic beachside experience Price: THB 1,550 nett per person We will have a special full moon wine dinner on Thursday, June 16 ( No wine dinner on Wednesday, June 15 ) Friday – Seafood and Meat Sunset Grill - Seafood and meat charged per 100 grams (create your own menu) with a salad and dessert selection for only THB 350 nett per person Lunch Combo’s: Crazy Fish - Order either fish & chips or fish cake and receive a free soft drink for only THB 300 nett per set . Beer O’clock - Purchase a glass of Chang draught beer @ Sunset Beach Bar between 3.00pm – 4.00pm and pay only half price on the second one Happy Hour at Aqua Pool Bar & Sunset Beach Bar from 4.00pm – 5.00pm daily The Market - Theme Dinners: (Child Prices for Children 6-11 years of age Nett ++.) Monday’s and Tuesday’s – Relaxing Thai Terrace Dinner Authentic Thai Food on our terrace from our unique Thai a’ la carte menu Wednesday’s and Friday’s All-you-can-eat pizza, pasta and salad buffet - THB 550 per adult – Child THB 300. Thursday’s - Taste of Siam Thai Buffet with a live Thai musician – THB 550 Adult - Child THB 300 Saturday’s – International Barbeque buffet - Enjoy our live band with a unique terrace experience - Price: THB 850 nett per adult - Child: THB 450

Lunch Combo’s: Thai lunch combo Choose your starter and main course with fruit leaves for dessert and get a glass of soft drink free - Price: THB 350 per combo Wine Cellar – open daily from 12:00pm – 10:00pm Why leave the hotel to enjoy a great bottle of wine? Visit our wine cellar and you will be surprise how reasonable priced our wines are for takeaway. Catch our daily wine tasting from 5:00pm – 6:00pm

World News Coffee

Experience the wonderful taste of coffee with our monthly special offers: Lovely mini set - Original coffee served with a plain croissant - Price THB 90 nett per set Choco brownie set -Original coffee served with a chocolate brownie - Price THB 100 per set Kiwi Delight 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream served with a chocolate brownie Price THB 100 nett per set


New Signature Cocktails - Try one of our 12 new signature cocktails carefully created for your enjoyment. MV4 quartet - Enjoy our vibrant Filipino band – MV4 playing from 9:00pm until late daily except on Tuesday’s. Cocktails on Wheels - Open daily from 6:00pm – 9.00pm ensuring that you are hydrated in the evening. Cocktails are available for your enjoyment either in the Lobby or for takeaway. Price: THB 100 nett per glass - “Ketel One Vodka” Cocktails - Experience one of the best vodkas from Holland throughout the month of June Hua Hin Brewing Company Beer Can Chicken: 1 – 15 June -You haven’t tried real chicken unless you try our famous beer can chicken - Price: THB 600 nett per chicken (great for 2) Giant Schnitzel: 16 – 30 June - Schnitzel “Wiener Style” with warm potato salad and a pretzel Price THB 350 nett per person - Acoustic music - Enjoy Tom our live acoustic guitarist playing daily from 6.30pm – 9.30pm (except on Sunday’s). Beer House - Weekend Coyote madness - Every Friday & Saturday - Let’s get down and naughty for the weekend Live Concert “Art Vacation Band and Friends” on 4 June The home of F1 - 12 June Canada - 26 June Europe SOS – Tug Boat Bar - Catch live sports on the massive outdoor screen –French Open and all F1 races - Singha Draught beer THB 80 nett - Standard spirits Cocktails and local beers THB 100 nett - Daily from 6pm until midnight. All prices are to be understood Nett + VAT+Service


Figs Restaurant


- Hyatt Regency Hua Hin invites you try our seafood barbecue buffet offering fresh rock lobsters, prawns and calamari to name just a few of the delicious items on offer, every Monday at Figs Restaurant from 7:00pm to 10:30pm. The buffet also includes a live pasta station and a wide selection of Italian desserts; diners are entertained by our live band, Dejavu. Prices are at Baht 1,000 net per person for adult and Baht 500 net for children aged 6- 12 years old. Children under six years old dine for free when accompanied by a parent. Experience the taste of fresh seafood amid tropical surroundings!


Figs Restaurant invites guests to experience authentic homemade pasta dishes and pizzas from our Baht 250 dinner menu available every Tuesday and Friday from 6:00pm to 10:30pm. Diners can enjoy the relaxed tropical surroundings and select their favourite Italian dishes from an à la carte menu that offers such dishes as Spaghetti with Garlic, Chilli and Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Home-Made Lasagna with Mushrooms and Ham; Shell Pasta with Tomato Sauce, Basil and Mozzarella; and Classic Pizza with Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Pork Sausage and Mushrooms, all for only Baht 250 net per dish. This special deal on Tuesdays allows guests to delight in as many Italian specialties as they wish. For reservations and further information, please contact Hyatt Regency Hua Hin on Hotline Tel: 0 2254 6200 or 0 3252 1234, or email huahin.regency@ V VILLAS HUA HIN – Wine Party & Tasting at V Villas Enjoy evenings of pure relaxation and acquaint yourself with new wines and new friends at Villazzo restaurant, V Villas Hua Hin. Our evening Wine Tastings start from 18:00 – 21:00 hrs. Admission is just THB 750 Nett per person and allows you to sample 6 wines and enjoy a range of snacks created by our gifted chef. Members and guests can also purchase their favorite wines at very competitive prices to take home. Mark your calendar for our upcoming wine tasting events. • Saturday, 18th June 2011 Villazzo Restaurant, dine in style at Villazzo Restaurant.

The resort’s chic poolside venue serves exquisite cuisine alfresco or in air conditioned comfort, beginning with a delicious buffet and a la carte breakfast. In the evening, diners can enjoy an enticing menu of beautifully presented dishes, complimented by a selection of outstanding wines. Special Full Moon Dinner in every month; a dinner with live music by the moonlight Explore your passion for wine and discover new labels with a loved one or friends. “Wine Flights”, a mini wine tasting of three intriguing vintages are available at Villazzo Restaurant or in the comfort of your villa. Luxurious and peaceful, V Villas Hua Hin is a sophisticated retreat designed for discerning guests in search of romance, revival, and recreation. The resort features 13 exclusive pool villas, each with an inviting living space, welcoming bedrooms, spacious en suite bathrooms, and a secluded garden with a large private pool. Guests enjoy the life of luxury, outstanding facilities and amenities, privacy and 24-hour butler service. For more information and reservation please contact, Tel: (66-32) 616 039 Email:


- Villa Maroc introduces the “Revitalizing Spa Package” Villa Maroc Resort introduces the “Revitalizing Spa Package”. Included in your room rate, you will enjoy a choice of spa treatments from Sherazade Hammam & Spa, the one and only Hammam & Spa in Thailand. The breathtaking views and enchanting décor of Villa Maroc Resort will help you create an unforgettable Moroccan experience while you revitalize your body and mind with our therapeutic treatments. The “Revitalizing Spa Package” package comes with one night’s accommodation in a Pool Court Room or Pool Villa, a sumptuous daily breakfast for 2 persons at Casablanca Restaurant, soothe away the stresses and fatigue of daily life with a 60 minute spa treatment for 2 persons per stay, choosing from ‘Top and Toe Massage’, ‘Sherazade Relaxing Massage’ or the ‘Delight Cleansing Hammam’ and complimentary internet access (WiFi) during your stay. The package rate is THB 9,000* for a stay in a Pool Court, or upgrade to a breathtaking Pool Villa for THB 17,000*. The “Revitalizing Spa Package” is available to book online at from now until October 31, 2011 or contact our resort’s reservation office at 032 630 771 or rsvn@ for more information.



MAKE A DAY OF IT WITH SUNDAY BRUNCH AT McFARLAND HOUSE Finally, Sunday Brunch has arrived in the Royal haven of Hua Hin … only at McFarland House, one of the city’s historical seaside Thai pavilions. McFarland House proudly presents Sunday Brunch by the beach, designed specially to meet your needs as you revel in a laid-back Sunday, relaxing in peace and enjoying life without any hectic activities, taking in the serenity of Hua Hin, yet still want to indulge your sense of taste. This brunch experience will ensure that anyone who enjoys a relaxing, yet luxurious, brunch will be completely satisfied. It features such classic brunch items as fresh seafood, a selection of hot dishes, local specialities, a variety of breads and pastries, and a superb choice of desserts, as well as all-you-can-drink freshly squeezed lemonade and iced tea. A live acoustic band will entertain you throughout your lazy Sunday. Our Sunday Brunch will not only satisfy your sense of taste, but also create an overall experience to ensure that you can make a day of your Sunday at McFarland House. How? Well, when you and your family enjoy our Sunday Brunch, you are welcome to spend the rest of the day at ease at our resort. Prior to or after the brunch, you can work out at our Club Olympus Fitness Centre, relax in our interconnecting pools, or have fun with our 22 m water slide. To take your Sunday to an even higher level of luxury, THE BARAI, our multi-award-winning lifestyle destination spa, invites you to relax and rejuvenate with a special spa experience after the brunch. All these elements of dining and lifestyle create a truly laid-back weekend and energise you for the busy week ahead. Discover how a classic brunch is defined and be one of the first to experience this exciting new addition to Hua Hin’s dining experience by making a day of it with us! Sunday Brunch is available every Sunday from 11.30 – 15.00 hrs. The prices are Baht 1,300 net per person inclusive of a bottle of sparkling wine per two persons, home-made lemonade and iced tea, Baht 1,000 net per person inclusive of homemade lemonade and iced tea and Baht 500 net for child 6 – 12 years old. “THE SEED OF HAPPINESS” WELLNESS RETREAT AT THE BARAI Take a journey to discover your inner peace, and balance your body, mind and spirit with “The Seed of Happiness” at THE BARAI, the award-winning destination spa located on the beachfront land adjacent to Hyatt Regency Hua Hin on Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 11.00 hrs. – 17.30 hrs. “The Seed of Happiness” Retreat Programme, priced at Baht 6,000++ per person includes: ...Read more on page 38...

Hua Hin Today

38 More

Tourism Promotion and Environmental watch

By Chamnan Puengjoh


r. Weera Sriwattanatrakul, the Prachuab Khirikhan Governor, has lately made his progress report on his work to the tourism media. The Governor has already fundraised for people who would like to file a petition to His Majesty the King, dealt with problems on agricultural products and irrigation as well as monitored some investors who are reportedly trespassing forest areas in the province. Mr. Weera said he was very pleased that both Thai and foreign tourists liked “Prachuab Khirikhan: Wonderful 3-Gulf City” – a big 10-day-and-10-night tourism promotion event that has recently finished. With 150,000 visitors at the event alone, the province earned over 13 million baht while the total cost of expenses was 6 million baht. According to the Governor, 500,000 baht from the income earned from the event will be used as a fund to help local people having problems on housing, work and education. Many of them filed a petition to His Majesty the King via the Thai Royal Office. To help His Majesty, the Prachuab Khirikhan Provincial Office will use this fund to deal with such problems. In addition, it has been reported that many coconut farms in Thab Sakae and Bang Saphan districts are pest-infested. To make things worse, many areas in the province are suffering from natural disaster and drought due to deforestation there. The Provincial Office is working with the Agriculture Academic Department to solve the problems, especially requesting the 5th Army Aviation in Ao Manao Military Base to sprinkle artificial rain on the affected areas. In terms of irrigation, the Provincial Office is transferring water from the Yao Chum Dam in Kui Buri district so that farmers and local people can use the water for their farm and daily activities. More ponds and lakes are being dug as well. This agriculture and irrigation assistance project cost over 100 million baht already. Mr. Weera is also concerned with problems on forest trespass by some investors in Hua Hin, Pranburi, Kuiburi, Thab Sakae and Bang Saphan. This activity brings about deforestation and environmental crisis, especially global warming and drought. Therefore, he had a meeting with all community leaders and district chiefs and asked them to set up a community invigilator group to monitor the forest area regularly. Moreover, any community leaders and district chiefs who sign the land approval document without any prior consent from the

SMS texting for Seniors Since more and more Seniors are texting and tweeting there appears to be a need for a STC (Senior Texting Code). Please pass this on to your CHILDREN and Grandchildren so they can understand your texts. ATD: At The Doctor’s - BFF: Best Friend Fainted - BTW: Bring The Wheelchair - BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth CBM: Covered By Medicare - CGU: Can’t get up UATSC: See You At The Senior Center FWIW: Forgot Where I Was - FYI: Found Your Insulin GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low! LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out - WAITT: Who Am I Talking To? WTFA: Wet The Furniture Again - WWNO: Walker Wheels Need Oil -. GGLKI: (Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In)

Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Calendar..more from on page 37... A 90-minute group meditation session “Body and Mind Alchemy”, conducted by Dr. Buathon, a renowned Thai holistic practitioner. A 90-minute “Sound Healing workshop”, help to improve concentration by using the vibration of a singing bowl. While you take a deep breath, the singing bowl keeps them concentrated on the sound, while the vibration of the bowl vibrates the cells in your body, relieving muscle tension. An Element Light meal to delight your sense of taste served at McFarland House. A 90-minute THE BARAI Blend Massage, this unique treatment is adapted from the traditional Thai massage combined with Swedish and Aromatherapy techniques. Enhance your scent with our signature aroma oil incorporating lemongrass, ginger and mint is applied with ling flowing palm strokes, acupressure along the meridian lines and integrated with join movement and subtle stretching. Book now to renew and bring well-being to your life! For reservations and further information, please call 0 3252 1234 Fax: 0 3252 1233 email: reservations.hrhuahin@hyatt. com ,


authority, or involve in bribery will be subject to immediate legal punishment. The same measure will also do for blacklisted investors who are still trespassing forest areas in the province as legal punishment will be in effect after 45 days of notice asking them to leave the areas. The Prachuab Khirikhan Governor concluded that, for others, all the jobs might be complicated and diffifult to carry on. But for him, they are challenging yet rewarding, and he has done his best so far.

ตลาดน�ำ้ หัวหินฯ (ต่อจากหน้า 4)

ภายใน “ตลาดน�ำ้ หัวหินสามพันนาม” ก็จะ คล้ายคลึงกับ “ตลาดน�ำ้ อโยธยา” ทีจ่ .พระนครศรีอยุธยา แต่สถาปัตยกรรมของที่ หัวหินนัน้ จะเป็นแบบ “วิคตอเรีย” ในรูปแบบของรัชกาลที่ 6 ทีผ่ า่ นมา ทัง้ รูปร่าง ตัว อาคาร และอืน่ ๆ เหตุผลเนือ่ งจากเราต้องการรักษารูปแบบของท้องถิน่ เมืองหัวหินเอา ไว้ ในพืน้ ทีน่ ำ�้ ทีเ่ ป็นจุดขายทางธรรมชาติกจ็ ะมีกลุม่ เรือพาย มีสนิ ค้าของกินทุกชนิด ประเภทใส่เรือพายไปมาในสระขนาดใหญ่ เพือ่ ให้ผคู้ นได้สมั ผัสหาซือ้ สิง่ ของได้กนิ เล่นกัน เปรียบเสมือนได้ยอ้ นอดีตไปดูตามบ้านเรือนและวิถชี วี ติ ริมน�ำ้ แบบโบราณเก่า แก่ของไทย ส่วนพืน้ ทีด่ า้ นบนรอบๆ ก็จะเปิดโอกาสให้ผคู้ นในท้องถิน่ เมืองหัวหินมา จับจองเปิดจ�ำหน่ายขายสินค้าเป็นห้อง รูปแบบของสินค้าต่างๆก็มหี ลากหลายหลาก หลายไม่ซำ�้ กัน ซึง่ ในส่วนนีผ้ คู้ นทีเ่ ข้ามาหรือเรียกว่าหุน้ ส่วนทางธุรกิจ ก็จะเสียค่าใช้ จ่าย3 แสนบาทต่อ 30 เดือน ก�ำหนดการเปิดร้าน ตัง้ แต่ 10.00 – 23.00 น. ทุกวัน ไม่มวี นั หยุด “การเปิดตลาดน�ำ้ หัวหินสามพันนาม นีจ้ ะไม่เหมือนกับทีส่ วนสามพราน หรือว่าตลาดน�ำ้ สีภ่ าคแต่จะให้เป็นเหมือนกับของตลาดน�ำ้ อโยธยา เนือ่ งจากเป็นรูป แบบทีท่ างเราได้กำ� หนดกันออกมา ส่วนกลุม่ เป้าหมายทีว่ า่ จะเดินทางเข้ามาชมนัน้ ก็จะ มีกลุม่ ชาวต่างชาติจากยุโรป สแกนดิเนเวีย เอเชีย รวมทัง้ ชาวไทยจากกรุงเทพฯ และ ทีอ่ นื่ ๆ ซึง่ ทางบริษทั กลุม่ กรุป๊ ทัวร์กไ็ ด้เข้ามาขอจองเพือ่ จัดสรรผูค้ นนักท่องเทีย่ วให้เข้า มาชมสูงถึง 500 บริษทั ทัวร์ ซึง่ เมือ่ เป็นเช่นนีแ้ ล้วมันก็ทำ� ให้ทางคณะผูบ้ ริหารเรา มัน่ ใจได้วา่ ตลาดน�ำ้ ฯ แห่งที่ 2 ของเรานี้ จะเป็นแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วแห่งใหม่ให้กบั เมือง หัวหินได้เป็นอย่างดี ส่วนทีว่ า่ ได้มธี รุ กิจรูปแบบเดียวกันเกิดขึน้ มา ก็ถอื ว่าเป็นสิง่ ทีด่ ี โดยเฉพาะทีอ่ ยูใ่ นโซนเดียวกัน มันจะท�ำให้เมืองหัวหินเองได้รบั ประโยชน์ในการ พัฒนาแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วควบคูก่ นั ไป” นายเสกสิทธิฯ์ กล่าว สอบถามข้อมูลเพิม่ เติมที่ 081-457-8888

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01-Jan New Year’s Day 03-Jan ‘New Year’s Day’ (SUBSTITUTION for Weekends) 03- Feb Chinese Lunar New Year’s 04-Feb 2nd day of Chinese Lunar New Year 05-Feb 3rd day of Chinese Lunar 13-Apr Songkran 14-Apr Songkran 15-Apr Songkran 05-May Coronation Day 01-Jul Mid Year Bank Holiday 12-Aug The Queen’s Birthday 12-Aug Mother’s Day 23-Oct Chulalongkorn Day 24-Oct ‘Chulalongkorn Day’ (SUBSTITUTION for Weekends) 05-Dec Father’s Day 05-Dec The King’s Birthday 10-Dec Constitution Day 12-Dec ‘Constitution Day’ (SUBSTITUTION for Weekends) 24-Dec Christmas Eve 25-Dec Christmas Day 31-Dec New Year’s Eve

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

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Hua Hin Today Volume 8 issue 8 June 2011

Cha Am Today


Volume 2 issue 10 June 2011

Volume 2 Issue 10 June 2011

Parkland Cha-Am

to Serve as Urban Development Model T

he Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning (DPT) with cooperation of its consultant the Maha Nakorn Consultant Co. Ltd. has lately organized a focus group meeting of the Cha-Am beach communities to formulate a plan of transforming Cha-Am as a model on urban development in the next two decades. Held on 4 May 2011 at the Methawalai Cha-Am, the focus group meeting is part of the project on sustainable city planning and developing for beachfront communities in Cha-Am, Hua Hin and Pranburi. It allows local administrators concerning tourism and Cha-Am community leaders to brainstorm ideas on sustainable development for the western coastal areas along the Gulf of Thailand, especially Hua Hin and Cha-Am. Regarding Cha-Am itself, the DPT proposed the parkland project in which a big public park will be built and served as recreational and exercising space. The park will also consist of a floating amusement park, an open amphitheater for cultural and art exhibits, a Khru Chang Petch local handicraft gallery and a learning center on 15 traditional arts of Petchaburi. Both visitors and local people in ChaAm will use the park to learn and share knowledge on art, culture and take part in creative activities. The Cha-Am Mayor Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri said that a lot of governmental organizations were proposing activity plans about tourism and urban planning. To name but a few are the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization) or DASTA and the Ministry of Tourism and Sport and the Ministry

By Sorravit

of Transport. This is a good opportunity to improve Cha-Am as the city is now facing the same problem as its neighboring areas – shortage of water. So, concerned agencies should act and coordinate with local communities immediately to solve the problem because it is considered a major factor that obstruct tourism debelopment in ChaAm. Mr. Nukul added that the parkland project would be crucial in making Cha-Am the perfect city for tourism. In fact, the Cha-Am Municipality was thinking about transforming the 226-Rai Thung Takaad Phlee field to be a recreational center. So, when the DPT proposed the parkland project, the Municipality gives full it support for the sake of good image on tourism for not only Cha-Am itself but also Thailand as a whole.

กรมโยธาฯ เสนอโครงการ Parkland เมืองชะอ�ำ

ยกระดับสูเ่ มืองต้นแบบการพัฒนา


โยธาธิการและผังเมืองจัดประชุมระดมความคิดเห็นกลุ่มพื้นที่ชุมชน ชายฝั่งทะเลชะอ�ำเพื่อวางผังพัฒนาไปสู่การเป็นเมืองต้นแบบการ พัฒนาอย่างยัง่ ยืน วางแผนสร้างเป็นเมืองพิเศษภายใน 20 ปี เมือ่ วันที่ 4 พฤษภาคม 2554 กรมโยธาธิการและผังเมือง กระทรวง มหาดไทย และบริษทั มหานคร คอนซัลแตนท์ จ�ำกัด ในฐานะบริษทั ทีป่ รึกษา ได้จดั ประชุมระดมความคิดเห็นกลุม่ ย่อย (Focus Group) “กลุม่ พืน้ ทีช่ มุ ชนชายฝัง่ ทะเล ชะอ�ำ” ตามโครงการวางผังเมืองพัฒนากลุม่ พืน้ ทีช่ มุ ชนชายทะเล ชะอ�ำ หัวหิน และปราณบุรี เพือ่ การพัฒนาอย่างยัง่ ยืน ณ โรงแรมเมธาวลัย ชะอ�ำ เพือ่ ระดม ความคิดเห็นของกลุม่ องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิน่ หน่วยงานระดับพืน้ ทีท่ เี่ กีย่ วข้อง กับการท่องเทีย่ ว และแกนน�ำชุมชนในเขตเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ ภายใต้โครงการเมือง ต้นแบบเพือ่ การพัฒนาอย่างยัง่ ยืนพืน้ ทีช่ ายฝัง่ ทะเลตะวันตกของอ่าวไทย ชะอ�ำ – หัวหิน ตามความเห็นชอบของคณะรัฐมนตรี ในส่วนของเมืองชะอ�ำ กรมโยธาและผังเมืองได้เสนอโครงการ Parkland ในแผนงานด้านการท่องเทีย่ ว โดยจะสร้างเป็นสวนสาธารณะ สถานทีอ่ อกก�ำลังกาย ทางเดิน ลูว่ งิ่ ทางจักรยาน สวนพักผ่อนหย่อนใจ สวนสนุกลอยน�ำ้ ศูนย์แสดงศิลป

วัฒนธรรมกลางแจ้ง (Amphitheater) ห้องแสดงศิลปะ (Art Gallery) ครูชา่ งเพชร และศูนย์เรียนรูศ้ ลิ ปะวิทยา 15 สาขาเมืองเพชรบุรี ถนนสายศิลปะ เวทีสาธารณะ ศิลปะพืน้ บ้านทีช่ มุ ชนและนักท่องเทีย่ วมีสว่ นร่วมในการเรียนรู้ ศิลปวัฒนธรรม และกิจกรรมสร้างสรรค์ นายนุกลู พรสมบูรณ์ศริ ิ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองชะอ�ำกล่าวว่า ขณะนีม้ ี หลายหน่วยงานเข้ามาเสนอแผนงานกิจกรรมทีเ่ กีย่ วข้องกับการพัฒนาเมืองและการ ท่องเทีย่ ว อาทิ องค์การบริหารการพัฒนาพืน้ ทีพ่ เิ ศษเพือ่ การท่องเทีย่ วอย่างยัง่ ยืน (องค์การมหาชน) หรือ อพท. การทรวงการท่องเทีย่ วและกีฬา และโครงการเมือง ต้นแบบเพือ่ การพัฒนาอย่างยัง่ ยืนพืน้ ทีช่ ายฝัง่ ทะเลตะวันตกของอ่าวไทย ชะอ�ำ – หัวหิน ของกระทรวงมหาดไทยและกระทวงคมนาคม ซึง่ ถือเป็นผลดีตอ่ การ พัฒนาการท่องเทีย่ วในภาพรวมของเมืองชะอ�ำ อย่างไรก็ตาม ปัจจุบนั นีเ้ มืองชะอ�ำ หรือเมืองอืน่ ๆ บริเวณนีป้ ระสบปัญหาเหมือกัน คือการขาดแคลนน�ำ้ อุปโภค บริโภค ซึง่ ต้องขอให้หน่วยงานต่าง ๆ เหล่านีเ้ ห็นความส�ำคัญของปัญหาดังกล่าว และร่วม มือกับท้องถิน่ หาทางแก้ไขวิกฤตนี้ เพือ่ ให้เมืองชะอ�ำหรือเมืองท่องเทีย่ วในบริเวณ เดียวกันมีศกั ยภาพทางการท่องเทีย่ วยิง่ ขึน้ กว่านี้ ในส่วนของโครงการ Parkland ถือเป็นโครงการทีด่ ที จี่ ะพัฒนาเมืองชะอ�ำให้ เป็นเมืองท่องเทีย่ วสมบูรณ์แบบ ซึง่ จะช่วยดึงดูดนักท่อง เทีย่ วให้พกั ผ่อนอยูใ่ นชะอ�ำนานขึน้ โดยในส่วนของ เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ มีแนวคิดทีจ่ ะพัฒนาทุง่ ตะกาดพลี ซึง่ มีพนื้ ทีก่ ว่า 226 ไร่เศษ ให้เป็นศูนย์นนั ทนาการอยูแ่ ล้ว แต่ยงั ขาดงบประมาณสนับสนุนในการด�ำเนินการ ในเมือ่ กรมโยธาธิการและผังเมืองมีการเสนอโครงการ Parkland ดังกล่าว เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำจึงขอสนับสนุนแนวคิด นี้ ทัง้ นีห้ ากโครงการ Parkland เกิดขึน้ จริง จะส่งผลให้ เกิดผลดีในภาพรวมทางการท่องเทีย่ วของเมืองชะอ�ำและ ของประเทศต่อไป นายนุกลู กล่าวในทีส่ ดุ

Cha Am Today

B News 42

Volume 2 issue 10 June 2011

Audiences to Enjoy เตรี ย มมั น ส์ เ ร้ า ใจ ในการแข่ ง ขั น Thrill Rides at the Cha-Am เจ็ตสกีชงิ แชมป์ประเทศไทยทีห ่ าดชะอ�ำ Jet Ski Championship T

he Thai Jet Sports Boating Association (TJSBA) under patronage of the Princess U-bolrat Rajakanya Sirisobhabhannawadee and the Cha-Am Municipality will organize the 5th Thailand Jet Ski Championships between 9 and 10 July 2011 at the Cha-Am lookout.

By Sorravit

The Cha-Am beach has recently served as a venue for final-round competition of water sport events thanks to its ideal location close to Bangkok and is a famous holiday getaway for both Thais and foreigners. The 5th Thailand Jet Ski Championship will certainly knock water sport lovers’ socks off.

Similar to last year, the final round of the jet ski championship will take place in Cha-Am following the preceding competitions in other beachfront areas of Thailand. On behalf of the Petchaburi province, the Governor Mr. Chai Panitpornpan is very happy that this event takes place again in Cha-Am as it plays a key role in boosting tourism for the beachfront town. Above all, it manifests capability of Cha-Am, organizing a world class sport event.

Since the 5th Thailand Jet Ski Championship in Cha-Am is the final round of which the winner will represent the country to grab the world cup later, audience can expect high elation and excitement throughout the 2 day event as the water sportsmen contend with one another.

River Runs through It

at Tha Nam Kham Phob A

ากการทีจ่ งั หวัดเพชรบุรี ร่วมกับเทศบาลเมือง ชะอ�ำ และสมาคมเจ็ตสกีแห่งปรเทศไทย ในพระ อุปถัมภ์ของทูลกระหม่อมหญิงอุบลรัตนราชกัญญา สิรวิ ฒ ั นาพรรณวดี ได้จดั การแข่งขันเจ็ตสกีชงิ แชมป์ ประเทศไทย โดยใช้หาดชะอ�ำเป็น 1 ใน 4 สนาม แข่งขันในแต่ละปีมาต่อเนือ่ งตัง้ แต่ปี 2550 โดย เฉพาะในปีหลัง ๆ จะใช้หาดชะอ�ำเป็นสนามสุดท้าย ซึง่ จะเป็นการตัดสินแชมป์ประเทศไทยแต่ละปี สร้าง ความสนุกสนานเร้าใจแก่ผชู้ มการแข่งขันอย่างดียงิ่ ส�ำหรับในปีนี้ จังหวัดเพชรบุรแี ละเทศบาล เมืองชะอ�ำ ยังคงให้การสนับสนุนรับเป็นเจ้าภาพ จัดการแข่งขันเหมือนเช่นเคย โดยจะเป็นการแข่งขัน ในสนามสุดท้ายของปีเช่นเคย ก�ำหนดแข่งขันระหว่าง

วันที่ 9 – 10 กรกฎาคม 2554 ณ จุดชมวิว ชายหาดชะอ�ำ นายชาย พานิชพรพันธุ์ ผูว้ า่ ราชการ จังหวัดเพชรบุรี กล่าวว่า ในนามของจังหวัด เพชรบุรมี คี วามยินดีทจี่ ะเป็นเจ้าภาพจัดการแข่ง ขันเจ็ตสกีชงิ แชมป์ประเทศไทยในครัง้ นี้ หลัง จากที่ได้รับจัดการแข่งขันมาอย่างต่อเนื่อง หลายปี ทัง้ นีเ้ พือ่ ส่งเสริมการท่องเทีย่ วของ จังหวัดเพชรบุรี และแสดงให้เห็นถึงศักยภาพ ของหาดชะอ�ำในการรองรับการจัดการแข่งขัน กีฬาทางน�ำ้ ระดับนานาชาติได้ ทางด้านนายนุกลู พรสมบูรณ์ศริ ิ นายก เทศมนตรีเมืองชะอ�ำ กล่าวว่า เทศบาลเมือง ชะอ�ำมีนโยบายส่งเสริมการท่องเทีย่ วในพืน้ ที่ ซึง่ สอดคล้องกับยุทธศาสตร์การท่องเทีย่ วของจังหวัดเพชรบุรี ทัง้ นีเ้ พือ่ เป็นการเพิม่ รายได้ ของประชาชนจากการท่องเทีย่ ว ซึง่ เกีย่ วเนือ่ งกับทุกภาคส่วน การจัดการแข่งขันเจ็ตสกีชงิ แชมป์ประเทศไทยครัง้ นี้ เป็นครัง้ ที่ 5 ที่ เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำได้เป็นผูส้ นับสนุนหลัก เพราะนอกจากจะเป็นกิจกรรมกีฬาทางน�ำ้ ทีส่ อดคล้องกับพืน้ ทีใ่ นการส่งเสริมการท่องเทีย่ ว แล้ว ยังเป็นการประชาสัมพันธ์การท่องเทีย่ วของชะอ�ำและจังหวัดเพชรบุรใี นวงกว้างอีกด้วย ดังนัน้ การทีเ่ ทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำสนับสนุนใน การจัดการแข่งขันครัง้ นี้ จะส่งผลดีตอ่ ภาพรวมการท่องเทีย่ วของชะอ�ำอย่างคุม้ ค่า โดยเฉพาะในการแข่งขันครัง้ นี้ เป็นสนามสุดท้ายทีจ่ ะตัดสินว่าใครจะเป็นแชมป์ประเทศไทยเพือ่ เป็นตัวแทนไปแข่งขันชิงแชมป์ โลกต่อไป ดังนัน้ ผูเ้ ข้าร่วมการแข่งขันจะขับเคีย่ วกันอย่างเต็มที่ เพือ่ ให้ได้เป็นตัวแทนประเทศไทยไปชิงแชมป์โลก ผูช้ มจะได้รบั ความ สนุกสนานเร้าใจตลอด 2 วันของการแข่งขันอย่างแน่นอน จึงขอเชิญชวนชาวชะอ�ำและนักท่องเทีย่ วร่วมเชียร์รว่ มสนุกกับการแข่งขันเจ็ต สกีชงิ แชมป์ประเทศไทย สนามชิงชนะเลิศ ระหว่างวันที่ 9 – 10 กรกฎาคมนี้ ณ จุดชมวิวชายหาดชะอ�ำ นายนุกลู กล่าวในทีส่ ดุ

A Reiterating the statement of the Petchaburi Governor, the Cha-Am Mayor Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri said : that the ChaAm Municipality had a policy on tourism promotion which conformed the Petchaburi tourism promotion strategy. Sponsorship of the Cha-Am Municipality for the 5th Thailand Jet Ski Championship will allow public to realize the capacity of and visit ChaAm more, thus improving local business of the area.

new natural attraction ‘Tha Nam Kham Phob’ was officially opened on 14 May 2011 at 6 p.m. by the Deputy Petchaburi Governor Mr. Surachai Angkerdchok.

By Malila

generation can experience.

At Tha Nam Kham Phob, visitors can try several Thai food and sweets on the Tha Yang side and buy local souvenirs on the Located in a gardennext to the the Petchaburi Yang Yong side. They can enjoy 16 mm. open river in Tha Yang district of Petchaburi, air films and traditional massage as well as the Tha Nam Kham Phob is founded by local performances on stage. The committee Petchaburi administration. members of Tha Yang and Yang Yong The opening ceremony of Tha Nam Kham Phob features long-cherished traditional lifestyle of Tha Yang Market where local cuisines and souvenirs of the areas are available. Along the river beautiful illuminations are placed. Boats are available for river crossing. Besides the local fair, there are many festive activities, namely karaoke, stage performances and open air films. All the activities define the title of Tha Nam Kham Phob which stands in Thai for the River Across Time. The organizers reportedly plan to launch this festivity on the first weekend of every month. communities hope that it will serve as a new If it is favored by tourists, they will hold more tourist attraction and symbolize sustainable than once a week. economic development in other local areas of The only tourist attraction in form of a Thailand. floating market in Petchaburi, the Tha This month, the Tha Nam Kham Phob takes Nam Kham Phob connects the Tha Yang place on 4 and 5 June. Getting there is easy as municipal area and the Yang Yong sub- the floating market is nearby the Thab Thim district. According to local people who have Goddess Shrine and the Tha Yang Pad Thai lived here for a long time, this area used to Restaurant. Visitors can park their cars at the be a big community until road development Government Savings Bank and walk through allowed people to move out and live along the the Soi 10 to Soi 12 that leads to the river. highway. Once a deserted and rugged area, the Tha Nam Kham Phob now becomes a natural attraction revived by the two communities of Tha Yang and Yang Yong. Its highlight focuses on genuine value of traditional lifestyle that young

แหล่งท่องเทีย่ วทางธรรมชาติ ‘ท่าย์นำ�้ ข้ามภพ’ ฟืน้ อดีตชุมชนเก่า ริมแม่นำ�้ เพชรบุรี เมือ่ วันที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554 เวลา 18.00 น. นายสุรชัย อังเกิดโชค รองผวจ.เพชรบุรี เป็นประธานเปิด “ท่าย์นำ�้ ข้ามภพ” ตัง้ อยูบ่ ริเวณสวนริมน�ำ้ “คนรักท่าย์”ริมแม่นำ�้ เพชรบุรี สุดซอยเทศบาล ๑0 และซอย ๑๒ ตลาดท่ายาง อ.ท่ายาง จ.เพชรบุรี กับริมแม่นำ�้ เพชรบุรฝี ง่ั ต.ยางหย่อง อ.ท่ายาง บรรยากาศในงานผสมผสานรูปแบบย้อนยุควิถชี มุ ชนดัง้ เดิมของตลาดท่ายาง มีรา้ นค้าน�ำอาหาร-ขนมพืน้ เมือง-ของทีร่ ะลึกที่ มีชอื่ เสียงของ อ.ท่ายาง มาวางแผงจ�ำหน่าย ติดไฟสีสนั สวยงาม ตลอดสองฝัง่ แม่นำ�้ มีเรือพายรับจ้างขนส่งคนข้ามฟาก เวทีมกี าร ร้องคาราโอเกะ และเวทีการแสดง ฟาก ต.ยางหย่อง นอกจากมี สินค้าจ�ำหน่ายแล้ว ยังมีภาพยนตร์กลางแปลงย้อนยุคมาฉายให้ชม อย่างจุใจหลายเรือ่ ง แม้ “ท่าน�ำ้ ข้ามภพ”จะเพิง่ เปิดเป็นวันแรก แต่ ก็มคี วามคึกคักจากคนในท้องถิน่ และนักท่องเทีย่ วทีผ่ า่ นเข้ามาแวะ ชมจ�ำนวนมาก โดยงานนีม้ ตี อ่ เนือ่ ง ๒ วัน(วันที่ ๑๔-๑๕ พ.ค.) จาก นัน้ จะมีเฉพาะวันเสาร์-อาทิตย์แรกของทุกเดือน หากกิจกรรมนีเ้ ป็น ทีต่ ดิ ตลาด จะจัดมากกว่าสัปดาห์ละครัง้ ซึง่ คณะผูจ้ ดั งานจะต้องดู รายละเอียดอีกครัง้ ส�ำหรับสถานทีแ่ ห่งนีจ้ ะเป็นสถานทีท่ อ่ งเทีย่ ว ธรรมชาติเชิงประวัตศิ าสตร์อนุรกั ษ์ เกิดขึน้ จากแรงศรัทธาของ ประชาชนในท้องถิน่ และความร่วมมือร่วมใจของผูน้ ำ� ชุมชนท่ายาง ประชาคมชุมชนศาลเจ้าท่ายาง และผูน้ ำ� ชุมชน- ประชาชนชาว ต.ยางหย่อง โดยได้รบั การสนับสนุนจากผูป้ ระกอบการภาคเอกชนและหน่วยงานภาครัฐในพืน้ ที่ “ท่าย์นำ�้ ข้ามภพ ถือได้วา่ เป็นแหล่งท่อง เทีย่ วลักษณะตลาดน�ำ้ แห่งแรกของ จ.เพชรบุรี ใช้พนื้ ทีร่ มิ ฝัง่ แม่นำ�้ เพชรทัง้ ฝัง่ เขตเทศบาลท่ายางและ ต.ยางหย่อง มีบา้ นอยูร่ มิ น�ำ้ และ ได้ทราบจากคนเฒ่าคนแก่วา่ ริมน�ำ้ แห่งนีใ้ นอดีตเคยเป็นชุมชนใหญ่ทงั้ สองฝัง่ เมือ่ ความเจริญทางบกเกิดขึน้ ก็มกี ารย้ายชุมชนไปอยูร่ มิ ถนน ใหญ่ ชุมชนริมแม่นำ้� จึงถูกทิง้ ร้าง มีหญ้าวัชพืชขึน้ รกรุงรังและเป็นทีท่ งิ้ ขยะ จนได้หารือกับผูน้ ำ� ชุมชนทัง้ ฝัง่ ท่ายางและยางหย่อง เห็น พ้องต้องกันว่าสมควรปรับปรุงภูมทิ ศั น์สองฝัง่ แม่นำ�้ ให้เป็นทีท่ อ่ งเทีย่ วเชิงธรรมชาติ ฟืน้ อดีตด้วยการเชิญชวนชุมชนทัง้ สองฝัง่ มาร่วม กิจกรรม ด้วยการน�ำสินค้าของทีร่ ะลึกมาจ�ำหน่าย จุดขายเน้นความเก่าอันมีคณ ุ ค่าของท่ายางในอดีตมาให้คนรุน่ ปัจจุบนั ได้สมั ผัส อาจจะ ยังไม่เรียบร้อยสมบูรณ์นกั ก็จะพยายามปรับปรุงกันไป เพือ่ ให้ตดิ ตลาด สร้างรายได้ให้แก่ชมุ ชน” ส�ำหรับตลาดน�ำ้ ย์ขา้ มภพ จะมีซมุ้ อาหารคาวหวานขึน้ ชือ่ ของ อ.ท่ายาง กว่า ๒0 ซุม้ อาทิ ผัดไทยเสวย ทองม้วนนิม่ ขนม หวาน หอยทอด ข้าวแกง ขนมจีน ข้าวแช่ ฯลฯ ส่วนฝัง่ ยางหย่องจัดเป็นซุม้ ย้อนยุค จ�ำหน่ายอาหารพืน้ บ้านและอาหารรสเด็ดกว่า ๓0 ซุม้ อาทิ ข้าวหลามยางหย่อง ขนมหวานขึน้ ชือ่ ของต�ำบล เสริมบรรยากาศด้วย ภาพยนตร์กลางแปลงขนาด ๑๖มม. นวดแผนไทย และการแสดงวัฒนธรรมประเพณีพนื้ บ้าน พร้อมกิจกรรมว่ายน�ำ้ พายเรือ และปัน่ จักรยานชมธรรมชาติ ทางคณะกรรมการชุมชนหวัง ว่าทีน่ จี่ ะเป็นจุดท่องเทีย่ วแห่งใหม่ และกระตุน้ เศรษฐกิจของชาวอ.ท่ายาง ให้ดขี นึ้ และจะเป็นแนวทางการพัฒนาทีย่ งั่ ยืน สร้างความ สามัคคีในชุมชน และเป็นแบบอย่างทีด่ ใี ห้แก่ชมุ ชนอืน่ ๆ ในอนาคตอาจขยายกิจการเพิม่ เติม อาทิ ตลาดน�ำ้ พายเรือขายของ บริการเรือ น�ำเทีย่ วสถานทีส่ ำ� คัญใกล้ๆเช่น โบสถ์เก่ามหาอุตม์ ทีว่ ดั ท่าคอย อนุสรณ์สถานหุน่ ขีผ้ งึ้ มิตร ชัยบัญชา ทีว่ ดั ท่ากระเทียม เป็นต้น “ท่าน�ำ้ ข้ามภพ”เดือนหน้าจะจัดในวันเสาร์-อาทิตย์ที่ ๔-๕ มิ.ย. หาไม่ยาก หากเดินทางมาถึงถนนใหญ่ ตลาดท่ายาง ตลาดน�ำ้ ข้ามภพจะอยูใ่ กล้ศาลเจ้าแม่ทบั ทิม และร้านผัดไทยท่ายาง จอดรถแถวหน้าธนาคารออมสิน แล้วเดินทะลุซอย ๑0และ๑๒ ตรงไปทีร่ มิ แม่นำ�้ จะได้รบั การต้อนรับจากชาวท่ายางอย่างอบอุน่ อีกด้วย

Cha Am Today

News 43 C

Volume 2 issue 10 June 2011

More Water Supplies Needed in Cha-Am

Urban and Tourism Growth demand increased capacity of water reserves


he Cha-Am Municipality is urgently seeking ways to solve problems on water shortage in the city, as both local people and visitors are in great need of water and complaints on insufficient water supply are often made during festive seasons.

and increasing development of houses, shops, real estates, condos, hotels and many accommodations. Besides, more visitors are coming to Cha-Am on vacation. This results in insufficient water supply – the major concern for the Cha-Am Municipality.

The Cha-Am Mayor Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri said that Cha-Am was one of the most famous tourist attractions in Thailand. With its 110- square kilometer area, the city is now facing urbanization

In terms of tap water production, the Cha-Am Municipality uses raw water from an irrigation canal which is a branch of the Petchaburi dam. Problems usually occur either when the irrigation canal stops sending water or during farmers need water for planting. Moreover, ChaAm has only 3 raw water storehouses that can keep only 515,000 cubic meters of water in total and 2 tap water production houses that can produce only 1,300 cubic meters of water in total. Such is not enough for daily consumption of water by local people in the city as those who live very far cannot access to water conveniently. As a result, to prevent water shortage, facilitate rapid urbanization and increasing number of

Cha-Am Today Language Corner Welcome to the latest edition of Language Corner, the easy to understand guide to speaking conversational Thai. This month’s edition, we are going to learn how to say days, months, and years in Thai. To help with pronunciation, please go to our online learning programme.

Wan Wan Jan Wan Ang-kaan Wan Put Wan Pa-ru-hat-(sa-ba-dee) Wan Suk Wan Sao Wan Aa-tit

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Duan Duan Mok-ga-raa-kom Duan Gum-paa-pan Duan Mee-naa-kom Duan May-saa-yon Duan Prut-sa-paa-kom Duan Mi-tu-naa-yon Duan Ga-ra-ga-daa-kom Duan Sing-hǎa-kom Duan Gan-yaa-yon Duan Dtu-laa-kom Duan Prut-sa-ji-gaa-yon Duan Tan-waa-kom

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Bpee Ang-grit 2010 Sǒng pan sip 2553 2011 Sǒng pan sip et 2554 2012 Sǒng pan sip sǒng 2555

Bpee Thai Sǒng pan hâa rôi hâa sip sǎam Sǒng pan hâa rôi hâa sip sèe Sǒng pan hâa rôi hâa sip hâa

By Sorravit

tourists, the Cha-Am Municipality is now finding a proper area for construction of a tap water production house. Also, one more reservoir in Ruam Jai Pattana Community will be built to store raw water. Located in the area of Wat Sai Yoi Buddhist Monastery, the 43-Rai reservoir can keep more raw water for production of tap water later.

tanks, shed-dispensing chemical water tanks, sediment pool rooms, pipe storage devices and raw water pumping stations. All of these will begin this year with the budget of 50 million baht.

The Cha-Am Mayor is sure that, once the new system of water supply is completed, it will support the growth and development of ChaUnder the project, there will be construction Am and satisfy the need of water from both of new stirred water tanks, sedimentation local people and tourists. tanks,water treatment plants, high tower


รองรับการขยายตัวของเมืองและการท่องเทีย่ ว เมือง

ชะอ�ำเป็นเมืองท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ ำ� คัญของประเทศ แต่ละปีมี นักท่องเทีย่ วทัง้ ชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติเดินทางเข้ามาใน พืน้ ทีก่ ว่า 5 ล้านคน โดยเฉพาะในช่วงเทศกาลต่าง ๆ อาทิ ปีใหม่ สงกรานต์ จะมีนกั ท่องเทีย่ วเดินทางเข้ามามากเป็นพิเศษ ส่งผลให้เกิด ปัญหาการน�ำ้ ประปาไม่เพียงพอกับความต้องการของประชาชนในพืน้ ที่ และนักท่องเทีย่ ว ซึง่ เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำก�ำลังหาวิธแี ก้ไขปัญหาดังกล่าว นายนุกลู พรสมบูรณ์ศริ ิ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองชะอ�ำ เปิดเผยว่า ชะอ�ำ เป็นเมืองท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ ำ� คัญแห่งหนึง่ ของประเทศ มีพนื้ ทีร่ บั ผิดชอบถึง 110 ตารางกิโลเมตร ด้วยปัจจุบนั ชะอ�ำมีการขยายของเมืองทีร่ วดเร็ว โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิง่ การขยายตัวของอาคารบ้านเรือน ร้านค้า ธุรกิจจัดสรร บ้านและทีด่ นิ คอนโดมิเนียม โรงแรม และอืน่ ๆ ประกอบกับการทีม่ นี กั ท่องเทีย่ วเดินทางเข้ามาในพืน้ ทีเ่ พิม่ มากขึน้ ก่อให้เกิดปัญหาความไม่ เพียงพอของน�ำ้ ประปา เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำในฐานะทีเ่ ป็นหน่วยงานให้ บริการน�ำ้ ประปาแก่ประชาชนจึงตระหนักถึงปัญหาดังกล่าว ในส่วนของการผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำปัจจุบนั อาศัย ใช้นำ�้ ดิบจากคลองชลประทานทีส่ ง่ มาจากเขือ่ นเพชรเพือ่ การเกษตรกรรม ซึง่ มักจะมีปญ ั หาขาดน�ำ้ ดิบเมือ่ ถึงเวลาทีค่ ลองชลประทานปิดส่งน�ำ้ หรือ ช่วงทีเ่ กษตรกรเปิดน�ำ้ เข้าท�ำนา โดยเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำมีแหล่งกักเก็บ น�ำ้ ดิบ 3 แห่ง สามารถจุนำ�้ ได้รวม 515,000 ลูกบาศก์เมตร มีโรงผลิตน�ำ้ ประปา 2 แห่ง มีกำ� ลังการผลิตรวม 1,300 ลูกบาศก์ เมตรต่อชัว่ โมง มีปริมาณการจ�ำหน่ายน�ำ้ เฉลีย่ 31,200 ลูกบาศก์เมตรต่อวัน ซึง่ เป็นปริมาณไม่เพียงพอเมือ่ เทียบกับความสามารถ ในการผลิต โดยเฉพาะในส่วนของผูใ้ ช้นำ�้ ทีอ่ ยูห่ า่ งจากโรงผลิตน�ำ้ มาก ๆ น�ำ้ ประปาจะไหลไปไม่ถงึ ฉะนัน้ เพือ่ เป็นป้องกันปัญหา วิกฤตขาดแคลนน�ำ้ อีกทัง้ เป็นการรองรับการเจริญเติบโตของเมือง และการเพิม่ ขึน้ ของจ�ำนวนนักท่องเทีย่ ว เทศบาลเมือง ชะอ�ำจึงจัดหาพืน้ ทีท่ เี่ หมาะสมส�ำหรับการก่อสร้างโรงผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาและขุดสระกักเก็บน�ำ้ ดิบแห่งใหม่ทชี่ มุ ชนรวมใจพัฒนาในเขต เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ โดยท�ำการเช่าทีด่ นิ ของวัดไทรย้อย จ�ำนวน 43 ไร่ 70.3 ตารางวา ซึง่ เป็นทีด่ นิ ทีต่ ดิ คลองชลประทาน เพือ่ ให้ สามารถกักเก็บชลประทานให้เพียงพอกับการผลิตน�ำ้ ประปา เป็นการขยายก�ำลังการผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาให้เพียงพอกับความต้องการ ของประชาชนในการอุปโภคบริโภค ให้ประชาชนมีนำ�้ ประปาได้มาตรฐาน และเพือ่ รองรับการเจริญเติบโตของเมือง ทัง้ นีภ้ ายใต้ โครงการดังกล่าวเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำจะท�ำการก่อสร้างถังกวนน�ำ้ ถังตกตะกอน โรงกรองน�ำ้ โรงสูบน�ำ้ แรงสูง หอถังสูง โรงเก็บจ่ายสารเคมี ถังแบ่งน�ำ้ สระพักตะกอน บ้านพัก โรงเก็บท่ออุปกรณ์ โรงสูบน�ำ้ ดิบ โดยจะเริม่ ก่อสร้างในปี 2554 นี้ ด้วยงบ ประมาณจ�ำนวน 50 ล้านบาท มัน่ ใจได้วา่ หลังจากเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำได้ดำ� เนินการก่อสร้างขยายก�ำลังการผลิตระบบน�ำ้ ประปาแห่งใหม่แล้วเสร็จแล้ว จะ สามารถรองรับการเจริญเติบโตของเมืองและให้บริการน�ำ้ ประปาแก่ประชาชนในพืน้ ทีแ่ ละนักท่องเทีย่ วได้อย่างเพียงพอยิง่ ขึน้ นาย นุกลู กล่าวในทีส่ ดุ

In the next edition, we will look at dates, and questions relating to day, month, and year. Language Corner is brought to you by Insight English Language School. For Thai and English classes, contact 032-470 681 or www.insightenglish-huahin. com For on-line study visit For inquiry about Thai, please email

“General Manager and Head of Management celebrate with the University Students on the completion of their On The Job Training Programmes at the Hotel Cha Am”

D 44

Cha Am Today

Volume 2 issue 10 June 2011

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