Hua Hin Today June 2012

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Volume 9 Issue 8 June 2012

The Venezia Hua Hin


he inspiration of this magnificent project came from the charming of the world famous river city named ‘Venice, Italy’. Venice is known as a city that massively uses water transportation by using the canal as a traffic channel through out the city. In addition, the Venice has also preserved traditional stores with beautiful sculpture surrounding of the canal area. These charming can be compared to one of the most charming in Thailand, Hua Hin. As of the fact that Hua Hin is currently regarded as the prime tourism potential in terms of rapidly and steadily growing in the business and numbers of both Thai and foreign tourists. As the distance between Hua Hin and Bangkok,

Hua Hin Today would like to wish all our faithful Readers and Advertisers a very Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true in a Safer – Greener and Healthier 2012

it is very convenient to travel as same day trip between Bangkok and Hua Hin; It takes less than two hours by car. Hua Hin, the city of relaxing place for living and visiting supported by surrounding many major attractions. Of course, huge buying power of over 65 million people across the country and oversea visitors. For further information, please visit Note; The construction of the venezia will be finishing in the end of the year.

Back to School 2 Traffic Safety

How safe is our roads School transport?


s safety administrations worldwide focus on seat belt safety through its annual campaign, the Safe Kids organization applauds the agencies as well as the law enforcement and traffic safety community for its work. “Click It or Ticket” is an international seat belt enforcement mobilization effort launched May 21. In the USA, motor vehicle crashes are still the leading cause of death among children ages 3 to 14. In 2011, more than 1,300 children ages 14 and under died and an estimated 179,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes. Additionally, 46 percent of kids 14 and under who died in crashes were completely unrestrained. There is an indispensable relationship between buckling up and keeping kids safe in cars, whether it’s a booster seat or seat belts when children get older. ....Continued on page 18....

Ökumenischer Gottesdienst in Hua Hin am 7. Juni 2012


nter diesem biblischen Leitwort, und zugleich auch passend zum katholischen Fronleichnamstag wird am Donnerstag, den 7. Juni 2012 um 16.00 Uhr im Best Western Plus Serenity Hotel, 53/9 Petchakasem Road ein deutschsprachiger ökumenischer Gottesdienst gefeiert.

Gehalten wird dieser Gottesdienst gemeinsam von Pastor Ulrich Holste-Helmer und Pastorin Annegret Helmer von der Evangelischen Gemeinde Deutscher Sprache und von Pfarrer Jörg Dunsbach von der Deutschsprachigen Katholischen Gemeinde.


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012


Hua Hin Today


Editorial Foreword

afety first! Trying to advocate safe driving, helmet wearing, limiting the seats on a motorbike, keep kids out of the back of a truck, buckling up etc. You have no idea of comments of qualified citizens commenting on this action. “If we wanted all the rules implemented, we should have stayed in Europe” commented one but within the same breath he said: “look at that idiot driving on the wrong side of the road. Good that I saw him”. A few weeks ago in the middle of a thunderstorm, on Thai Visa, Hua Hin was declared drought emergency region. Where did for water´s sake all the water go. We have a few lakes that seem to be almost empty but it has been raining for weeks so and ever so much yonder towards Burma. My friend Barack finally met monsieur Hollande and they got along quite fine, better than with Nicolas Sarkozy, many and Barack say. Nicolas is a Parisien and Hollande a Provençal…a man of the people, let´s hope Angela M likes him too and visa versa. Have you noticed all the Jazz joints in Hua Hin? They do share the sax blower and the Bass puller. However we are trying to get on the map as a Jazz destination. No not Honda Jazz, Jazz Jazz! Hickory and Banyan are both competing for the mother of Jazz events on Saturday nights. Try them out. A

man found himself on the shores of Chompun the other day waiting for the Catamaran to Koh Tao. Involuntarily mind you! His “ Girl Friend him” had put her “Boyfriend her” on the bus early one morning. The poor man was doped but declared drunk and other passenger helped him on the bus and later on the boat. Once in Koh Tao he checked his only remaining credit card of two, which she left him, only to find out that he was about US$ 8000 lighter than the day before. “Love” went to BKK, checked into a junior suite at one of the luxury hotels, bought a complete kitchen at HomePro, hired a truck and drove into the country side to install it all into her new home. Fortunately, the Visa club was able to reverse about 6500 Dollars of spending with some cashiers losing their job. A test on my side with a friend showed that anyone could use my card to buy groceries at one of our leading supermarkets in Hua Hin and the cashier would not even worry, she wasn’t me and didn´t sign like me. Hotel cashiers, beware! Credit card companies will reverse the charges and your job is gone ! Petrol goes down to 38 Baht. That is 5% down. Oil prices went down 15%. Authorities and oil companies are cashing in on the remaining 10%. Long live the oil multies! It is an amazing world. At the waterpark you can get in with a 50% discount from 750 to 375 / person. For a family with two teenagers this is still 1,500 Baht and thus 20 - 25% of an average monthly salary of a Thai worker. Small kids, half price. Get these ones. Smart Ass answers : It was mealtime during an airline flight…. . Would you like dinner?’, the flight attendant asked John, seated in front…. What are my choices?’ John asked. ‘Yes or no,’ she replied. ……………A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow’s final exam. . ‘Now class, I won’t tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever ‘A smart-ass student in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, ‘What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?’ The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence was restored, the teacher smiled knowingly at the student, shook her head and sweetly said, ‘Well, I guess you’d have to write the exam your other hand. ’ Yours truly GMoss


IN PRISON: you spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell. AT WORK: you spend the majority of your time in one 6x8. IN PRISON: you get three meals a day. AT WORK: you only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it. IN PRISON: you get time off for good behavior. AT WORK: you get rewarded for good behavior with more work. IN PRISON: the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you. AT WORK: you carry around a security card and open all the doors yourself. IN PRISON: you can watch TV and play games. AT WORK: you get fired for watching TV and playing games. IN PRISON: you get your own toilet. AT WORK : you have to share with some idiot who pees on the seat. IN PRISON: they allow your family and friends to visit. AT WORK: you can’t even speak to your family. IN PRISON: you must called wardens. AT WORK: they are called managers. IN PRISON: all expenses are paid by taxpayers; and no work is required. AT WORK: you get to pay all the expenses to go to work, and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners. IN PRISON: you spend your life looking through bars from the inside, wanting to get out. AT WORK: you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.

58 Naresdamri road Hua Hin Prachuabkirikhan 77110 Thailand Phone :+66 (32) 909 095 Fax :+66 (32) 511 534

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Local News


Civil Service in Prachuab Probed


t the beginning of last month, the Deputy Secretary-General for Political Affairs to the Prime Minister Mrs. Thitima Chaisaeng Suphajanya and delegates attended a meeting to follow up the work and progress of civil service in Prachuab Khirikhan. On this occasion, they were welcome by the Governor Mr. Weera Sriwattanatrakul and chiefs of district offices. The Governor reported to the meeting about overall progress of the provincial development plan according to the governmental work plan of the fiscal year 2012. He also gave presentation about 10 projects worth 188,265,000 Baht in total that would be proposed for financial support during the cabinet meeting in Kanchanaburi from 19 to 20 May 2012. The projects include setting up an official center to upgrade and made the Singkhon checkpoint as a permanent governmental checkpoint, prevention against coconut pest and flood in Hua Hin communities, dam construction along Khao Takiab watercourse in Hua Hin as well as a complete system of water management in Prachuab Khirikhan. After the meeting, the Deputy Secretary-General for Political Affairs to the Prime Minister and all delegates paid a visit to the beach around Khao Takiab where dam construction was proposed.

By Chamnan

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

ประชุมการติดตามการปฏิบตั ริ าชการในภูมภิ าค จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์

was highly concerned over drought and water management in the province because they were important issues. However, officials and provincial staff have to discuss about the problems with local and business people while having systematic preparation at the same time. Reforestation in the area of Pranburi reservoir and planting other trees in coconut farms are recommendable to protect the province from flooding and pest. Finally, Mrs. Thitima said that the government was seeing high potential of the area along the Gulf of Thailand as an important economic hub. This will be successful if public and private sectors work together seriously.

Note : The Singkhon Checkpoint has been announced 5 years ago and every year again The Deputy Secretary-General for Political uo now, an expensive and time consuming Affairs to the Prime Minister said that she minibus trip to Ranong is still unavoidable.


Hua Hin Today

เมือ่ ต้นเดือนพฤษภาคมทีผ่ า่ นมา ณ โรงแรมหัวหินแกรนด์โฮเทล แอนด์พลาซ่า อ.หัวหิน นางฐิตมิ า ฉายแสง รอง เลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรีฝา่ ยการเมือง พร้อมด้วย รศ.ดร.คณิต วัฒนวิเชียร ทีป่ รึกษารอง ลธน.ม. นายพิศษิ ฐ์ ทูลสงวนศรี นัก วิเคราะห์นโยบายและแผนเชีย่ วชาญ นายทิวา ศุภจรรยา ทีป่ รึกษาผูต้ รวจการภาคประชาชนด้านวิชาการ และคณะผูต้ ดิ ตาม ร่วมประชุมก�ำกับและติดตามการปฏิบตั ริ าชการในภูมภิ าคจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ร่วมกับ นายวีระ ศรีวฒ ั นตระกูล ผูว้ า่ ราชการ จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ นายสมมิตร ศิลป์ประเสริฐ พร้อมด้วยนางสาวณุวรรณา อนันตกิจไพศาล รองผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดฯ และ หัวหน้าส่วนราชการ ได้รว่ มประชุมอย่างพร้อมเพียง ซึง่ ในทีป่ ระชุมผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดฯ ได้รายงานผลการด�ำเนินงานในภาพรวมของแผนพัฒนาจังหวัด ตามโครงการตาม แผนปฏิบตั ริ าชการประจ�ำปีงบประมาณ 2555 พร้อมน�ำเสนอโครงการทีจ่ งั หวัดเตรียมน�ำเสนอขอรับการสนับสนุนงบประมาณ ในการประชุม ครม.สัญจร ทีจ่ งั หวัดกาญจนบุรี ระหว่างวันที่ 19 - 20 พ.ค.2555 จ�ำนวน 10 โครงการ รวมงบประมาณ 188,265,000 บาท ทัง้ การจัดสร้างศูนย์ราชการรองรับการยกระดับด่านสิงขร เป็นด่านถาวร รวมไปถึงการป้องกันก�ำจัดแมลง ศัตรูมะพร้าวและฟืน้ ฟูสวนมะพร้าว การก่อสร้างระบบป้องกันน�ำ้ ท่วมพืน้ ทีช่ มุ ชนเมืองหัวหิน โครงการเขือ่ นกันทรายและคลืน่ บริเวณปากร่องน�ำ้ เขาตะเกียบ อ.หัวหิน แนวทางในการบริหารจัดการน�ำ้ ทัง้ ระบบของจังหวัด ฯลฯ หลังจากนัน้ รองเลขาธิการ นายกฯพร้อมคณะผูต้ ดิ ตาม ได้เยีย่ มชมบริเวณหาดเขาตะเกียบ ทีจ่ งั หวัดเตรียมเสนอของบประมาณจัดท�ำโครงการเขือ่ นกัน ทรายและคลืน่ บริเวณปากร่องน�ำ้ เขาตะเกียบ และท่าเทียบเรือเพือ่ ส่งเสริมการท่องเทีย่ วของจังหวัด จากการลงพืน้ ทีเ่ พือ่ ติดตาม การปฏิบตั ริ าชการ และพบปะพูดคุยกับผูบ้ ริหารและประชาชนในวันนี้ นางฐิตมิ า ฉายแสง รองเลขาธิการนายกรัฐมนตรีฝา่ ย ความมัน่ คง ได้ให้ความส�ำคัญกับการแก้ปญ ั หาภัยแล้ง และระบบบริหารจัดการน�ำ้ ของจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ โดยกล่าวว่า การ แก้ปญ ั หาเร่งด่วนและส�ำคัญขิงจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ คือเรือ่ งภัยแล้ง ซึง่ จากการสอบถามในทีป่ ระชุมพบว่าแนวทางการแก้ ปัญหาเรือ่ งน�ำ้ ของชลประทาน หรือของจังหวัดอาจยังไม่ได้รว่ มพูดคุยกับทางเกษตรกร และภาคเอกชน ซึง่ เป็นผูท้ ไี่ ด้รบั ผลก ระทบ ถ้าเราจัดวางแผนให้ดี แล้วรูถ้ งึ ต้นตอของปัญหาทีแ่ ท้จริง จะมีประโยชน์มาก เช่น การปลูกป่าต้นน�ำ้ ของอ่างเก็บน�ำ้ ปราณบุรี เป็นสิง่ จ�ำเป็น หรือการด�ำเนินการทีไ่ ม่ตอ้ งใช้งบประมาณมากแต่ทำ� ให้เกิดประโยชน์ เช่น การปลูกต้นไม้อนื่ ในสวนมะพร้าว ซึง่ ถ้าเป็นไม้เศรษฐกิจด้วยแล้วก็จะสามารถสร้างรายได้ให้แก่เกษตรอีกทางหนึง่ พร้อมทัง้ ยังแก้ปญ ั หาแมลงศัตรูมะพร้าวได้ดว้ ย ขณะเดียวกันรัฐบาลมองว่าในเขตฝัง่ ทะเลฝัง่ อ่าวไทย เราจะส่งเสริมให้เป็นเมืองเศรษฐกิจทีส่ ำ� คัญได้อย่างไรบ้าง ซึง่ ประเทศไทยจะเจริญได้มากกว่านีถ้ า้ เราจับมือกับภาคเอกชนในการพัฒนาร่วมกัน

Hua Hin Hospital 3 to open soon

he Hua Hin Hospital organized a Buddhist ceremony of laying foundation stones and erecting main posts for the construction of Hua Hin Hospital 3 an sanctuary of First Aid, Outpatient treatment and alternative medicine. The Hospital will be located at the entrance of the Khao Santi Buddhist monastery and will cover over 16 Rai ( 25,000 m²)

With the budget of around 2 Billion Baht for the construction, this new public hospital will be available in July this year. The construction site was once owned by Mrs. Prachuab Rakpaiboonsombat who then donated it to the Foundation of Somdet Phra Yupharat Hospital. Subsequently, the Foundation gave the land to Hua Hin Hospital for construction of its new affiliate.

The Director of Hua Hin Hospital said that the Hua Hin Hospital 3 would well facilitate over 10,000 local people from Takiab, Nong Kae, Ban Mai-Hua Na and Khao Tao communities. Those who have minor accidents or illnesses do not have to go to the Hua Hin Hospital in the center of the city anymore as its new branch can give medical service daily. However, those suffering from severe illnesses can be

immediately transferred to the headquarters. Despite a big budget to construct the hospital, the Hua Hin Hospital called for support and donation from both local people and foreign tourists because the new hospital still lacks a lot of medical equipment. So, those who would like to give financial support can contact the Hua Hin Hospital’s headquarters directly.

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To Pracha Ruamjit

HuaHin Airport Soi Hua Hin 10






Krua Araya

Klongchollapratan Rd.

To Samor Prong Community (blue bridge)

Soi Hua Hin 58

Pae Mai DrivingRange

Klai Kangwon Palace

จากการเปิดเผยของ นพ. นิรนั ดร์ จันทร์ตระกูล ผอ. รพ.หัวหิน จ,ประจวบฯ ว่า ได้รว่ มกับทาง ผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดประจวบฯ นายอ�ำเภอหัวหิน นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน และตัวแทนชุมชนตะเกียบ บ้านใหม่-หัวนา วาง ศิลาฤกษ์ยกเสาเอกในการปลูกสร้างอาคารทีท่ ำ� การ รพ. หัวหิน 3 ในพืน้ ที่ บริเวณ ปากทางเข้าส�ำนักสงฆ์เขาสันติ เป็นทีเ่ รียบร้อยแล้วในพืน้ ที่ 16 ไร่เศษ เป็นอาคารชัน้ เดียวมูลค่าประมาณ 2 ล้านบาทเศษ โดยจะเสร็จสิน้ และเปิดให้ บริการได้ในราวๆ เดือนกรกฎาคมกลางปีนี้ โดยจะมีแพทย์ประจ�ำและท�ำหน้าทีใ่ นการดูแลรักษาผูป้ ว่ ย เช่น แพทย์แผนไทย แพทย์แผนจีน การนวด กายภาพบ�ำบัด รวมทัง้ เรือ่ งอุบตั เิ หตุ ต่างๆ ทีไ่ ม่รนุ แรงนัก และอืน่ ๆ ทีไ่ ม่รนุ แรงมากนัก เหตุผลทีท่ างรพ. หัวหิน เราได้มาเปิดสาขาหรือทีเ่ รียกว่า รพ. หัวหิน 3 ณ บริเวณดังกล่าวก็สบื เนือ่ งจาก ทางผูท้ มี่ ี จิตศรัทธาต่อสาธารณกุศล คือ นางประจวบ รักไพบูลย์สมบัติ ได้ บริจาคทีด่ นิ บริเวณดังกล่าวนีใ้ ห้กบั ทางมูลนิธิ รพ. สมเด็จพระยุพราช ทางมูล นิธฯิ จึงได้ให้ทาง รพ. หัวหินได้เข้ามาใช้ประโยชน์ในพืน้ ทีเ่ ปิดตัง้ เป็นจุดศูนย์ รับผูป้ ว่ ยในรูปแบบต่างๆ การทีท่ างเราได้มาเปิดในบริเวณนีน้ นั้ ก็เพือ่ เป็นการ รองรับประชากรของหมูบ่ า้ นตะเกียบ หนองแก บ้านใหม่ – หัวนา เขาเต่า ที่ มีอยูป่ ระมาณกว่า 10,000 คน เมือ่ เกิดอาการเจ็บป่วยหรือมีโรคภัยไข้เจ็บที่ ไม่รนุ แรงมากนัก ก็สามารถมาใช้บริการทีน่ ไี่ ด้โดยไม่ตอ้ งเดินทางไกลไปถึง รพ. หัวหินทีเ่ ป็นศูนย์ใหญ่ เนือ่ งจากขณะนีม้ ปี ญ ั หาด้านการเดินทาง และการจราจร ทีต่ ดิ ขัด รวมทัง้ ในแต่ละวันก็จะมีผปู้ ว่ ยไปรอรับ การดูแลรักษาเป็นจ�ำนวนมากอยูแ่ ล้ว ซึง่ เมือ่ มาทีส่ าขานีก้ จ็ ะได้รบั การบริการดูแล อย่างดีโดยเราจะ จัดแพทย์ทวั่ ไปมาประจ�ำการณ์เพือ่ ท�ำการตรวจรักษาโรคเป็นประจ�ำทุกวัน แต่ถา้ ในกรณีทเี่ ป็นโรคภัยทีร่ า้ ยแรง ทีอ่ าจ ต้องมีการผ่าตัดหรือเป็นโรคหัวใจ หรืออุบตั เิ หตุทรี่ า้ ยแรงก็สามารถขอส่งตัวไปทีร่ พ. หัวหินทีเ่ ป็นศูนย์ใหญ่ได้เช่นกัน นพ. นิรนั ดร์ฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ส�ำหรับสาขานีน้ นั้ สิง่ หนึง่ ทีท่ างเราหวังไว้กค็ อื ขอให้ชมุ ชนทีม่ อี ยูช่ ว่ ยกันดูแลและให้การ สนับสนุน รวมทัง้ ชาวต่างชาติทอี่ ยูใ่ กล้ๆ ซึง่ จะให้การบริจาคอุปกรณ์เครือ่ งมือทางการแพทย์และอืน่ ๆ เพือ่ มีเอาไว้ให้บริการทางเราก็ น้อมรับเพราะว่ายังขาดสิง่ ของเครือ่ งใช้อกี มากมายหลายอย่างด้วยเช่นกัน เราจะท�ำสาขาแห่งนีใ้ ห้เป็นหน่วยบริการส�ำหรับผูเ้ จ็บป่วย ทัง้ ชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติอย่างดียง่ิ ครับ.

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012


Local News


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Prachuap Khirihan celebrates 2600 years of Buddha’s enlightenment on Visakha Bucha


he Prachuap Khirikhan Provincial Office is organizing a week-long event to promote Buddhism during the Visakha Bucha Day and celebrate 2,600 years of Buddha’s enlightenment from 29 May to 4 June, said the Deputy Governor of the province Mr. Sommit Silprasert via an on-line video conference on 15 May 2012. A part of the Buddhism promotion week held throughout the country during the Visakha Bucha day on 4 June, this event aims to promote education and practice of Buddhism which consists of donation, morality, praying and meditation. It emphasizes on what the Lord Buddha realized 2,600 years ago. More importantly, it serves as a meritorious offer for His Majesty who reaches 84 years old and Her Majesty who will be 80 years old this year. Taking place at Wat Khlong Wan Buddhist Temple in Khlong Wan sub-district, the event starts on 29 May with an opening ceremony in which all participants, dressed in white, declare themselves official Buddhists and pray together. From 30 May to 3 June, there will be a contest of Buddhist preaching,

Buddhist praying, Thai composition, drawing and Dharma quiz for primary and secondary

students. On 4 June which is the Visakha Bucha Day, Buddhist participants will offer alms to Buddhist monks in the morning, listen to Buddhist preach by a monk, do social work and attend a ceremony of circling a temple or chedi with lighted candles, incense and flowers in the evening. The Prachuap Khirikhan Provincial Office kindly asks all Buddhists in the province to dress in white and join the Buddhism promotion week including Visakha Bucha Day at the above-mentioned date and venue. More update of the event can be obtained from the website:

จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ร่วมส่งเสริมพระพุทธศาสนา ฉลองสัมพุทธชยันตี 2,600 ปี แห่งการตรัสรูข้ อง พระพุทธเจ้า เตรียมจัดกิจกรรมสัปดาห์แห่งการส่งเสริมพระพุทธศาสนา 29 พ.ค. – 4 มิ.ย. 2555 เมือ่ เวลา 14.00 น. วันที่ 15 พฤษภาคม 2555 ทีห่ อ้ งประชุมหว้ากอ ชัน้ 2 ศาลากลางจังหวัประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ นายสมมิตร ศิลป์ประเสริฐ รองผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัด ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ เป็นประธานการประชุมวีดทิ ศั น์ทางไกล เตรียมความพร้อมการจัดกิจกรรม สัปดาห์สง่ เสริมพระพุทธศาสนาวันวิสาขบูชา 2555 ฉลองสัมพุทธชยันตี 2,600 ปี แห่ง การตรัสรูข้ องพระพุทธเจ้า ซึง่ ก�ำหนดจัดพร้อมกันทัว่ ประเทศอย่างยิง่ ใหญ่ ให้สมกับที่ ประเทศไทยได้รบั เลือกให้เป็นศูนย์กลางพุทธศาสนาโลกโดยในทีป่ ระชุมได้รายงานถึงความ คืบหน้าการด�ำเนินงานสัปดาห์สง่ เสริมพระพุทธศาสนา ฉลองสัมพุทธชยันตี 2,600 ปี แห่ง การตรัสรูข้ องพระพุทธเจ้า เพือ่ เป็นการส่งเสริมการศึกษา และปฎิบตั บิ ชู า ทีป่ ระกอบด้วย ทาน ศีล สมาธิ และภาวนา ด้วยการเน้นการเรียนรูใ้ นสิง่ ทีพ่ ระพุทธองค์ทรงตรัสรู้ พร้อมทัง้ ถวายเป็นพระราชกุศลในอภิมหามงคลสมัยเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา 84 ปี พระบาทสมเด็จ พระเจ้าอยูห่ วั และ 80 ปี สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าฯ พระบรมราชินนี าถ ซีง่ สัปดาห์สง่ เสริม พระพุทธศาสนา ฉลองสัมพุทธชยันตี 2,600 ปี แห่งการตรัสรูข้ องพระพุทธเจ้า ก�ำหนด จัดพร้อมกันทัว่ ประเทศระหว่างวันที่ 29 พฤษภาคม – 4 มิถนุ ายน 2555 โดยได้รบั ความ ร่วมมือจากหน่วยงานต่างๆ ทัง้ ภาครัฐและเอกชนร่วมจัดกิจกรรม อาทิ งานวัดลอยฟ้า ณ สยามพารากอน พิธเี ปิดงาน โดย พระเจ้าวรวงศ์เธอ พระองค์เจ้าโสมสวลี พระวรราชาทินดั ดามาตุ การบรรยายธรรมจากพระนักเทศน์ชอื่ ดัง การจัดเสวนา การจัดประชุมสัมมนาทางวิชาการ เป็นต้นในส่วนของภูมภิ าคจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์กำ� หนดจัดกิจกรรมส่งเสริมพระพุทธศาสนา เนือ่ งในวันวิสาขบูชา 2555 ฉลองสัมพุทธชยันตี 2,600 ปี แห่งการตรัสรูข้ องพระพุทธเจ้า ระหว่างวันที่ 29 พฤษภาคม - 4 มิถนุ ายน 2555 ณ วัดคลองวาฬ พระอารามหลวง ต.คลองวาฬ อ.เมืองฯ โดยก�ำหนดกิจกรรมต่างๆไว้ดงั นี้ 29 พ.ค. 55 พิธเี ปิดงาน ผูเ้ ข้าร่วมงานทุกท่านร่วมแต่งชุดขาวเป็นพุทธบูชา แสดงตนเป็นพุทธมามะกะ และร่วมสวดมนต์ถวายเป็นพุทธ บูชา 30 พ.ค. – 3 มิ.ย. 55 จัดให้มกี ารประกวดบรรยายธรรม ประกวดสวดมนต์ ประกวดเรียงความ ประกวดมารยาท ชาวพุทธ ประกวดวาดภาพ แข่งขันตอบปัญหาธรรมะ ของนักเรียนชัน้ ประถมศึกษา และมัธยมศึกษา 4 มิ.ย. 55 จัดให้มี พิธที ำ� บุญตักบาตรเนือ่ งในวันวิสาขบูชา ฟังธรรม กิจกรรมบ�ำเพ็ญสาธารณประโยชน์ ปลูกต้นไม้ ทอดผ้าป่า และท�ำบุญ เวียนเทียน ในเวลา 18.00 น. ณ วัดคลองวาฬพระอารามหลวง จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์จงึ ขอเชิญชวนพุทธศาสนิกชนทุกท่าน ร่วมแต่งกายชุดขาว ในสัปดาห์สง่ เสริมพระพุทธศาสนา ฉลองสัมพุทธชยันตี 2,600 ปี แห่งการตรัสรูข้ องพระพุทธเจ้า ระหว่างวันที่ 29 พฤษภาคม – 4 มิถนุ ายน 2555 ณ วัดคลองวาฬพระอารามหลวง ต.คลองวาฬ อ.เมืองฯ จ.ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ โดยสามารถข่าวสารการจัดกิจกรรมตลอดทัง้ สัปดาห์ได้ทางเว็บไซต์

Walking Street Event to Honor His Majesty

By Chamnan


at Huay Mongkhol Buddhist Temple, in collaboration with the Prachuap Khirikhan Provincial Office, will organize a walking street event entitled, “Huay Mongkhol Thanon Khong Pho Luang (Literally, Huay Mongkhol, the Road of the King)”, from 2 to 11 December this year, said the Prachuap Khirikhan Governor Mr. Weera Sriwattanatrakul. Held inside Wat Huay Mongkhol, this event features a walking street with an exhibit of 1,000 photos relating His Majesty’s royal initiative projects carried out in the province, including the widely known project of self-sufficiency economy. There will also be a screening of the King’s multifarious duties throughout the country, planting trees along the Huay Mongkhol road that leads to the temple, selling of agricultural products and OTOP goods, a Buddhist ceremony of offering alms to monks and stage performances to honor His Majesty the King. The Prachuap Governor said that this event aimed

to honor and praise the Monarch who was the first person to pass the area 50 years ago. At that time, the route to Huay Mongkhol was remote and barely possible. However, after the visit of His Majesty, he launched the road development project which is the first royal initiative of the country. In addition, His Majesty changed the name of the area from Ban Huay Khot to Ban Huay Mongkhol -- the title that has from then on brought prosperity to everyone living there. Following the road development project was the reservoir project at Ban Khao Tao. Subsequently, His Majesty launched many development projects in Pranburi and Kuiburi districts, not to mention other royal projects throughout Thailand that have resulted in better life of all Thai people until now. Mr. Weera added that His Majesty was also interested in preserving wildlife and natural habitats as he launched a community forest project in Paa La-u. The highlight of this project

Hua Hin one of the top cities in the world on tourism

focuses on mutual and peaceful living of humans and animals in the forest. Such idea on natural preservation encourages both Thais and foreigners to take a field trip in the area frequently. One of the tourism promotion campaigns of Hua Hin, the Huay Mongkhol Thanon Khong Pho Luang

event welcomes both Thai and foreign visitors who would like to learn and understand more about His Majesty’s royal projects. The opening ceremony will be presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.

สุวจั น์ฯ แถลงเมืองหัวหินติดอันดับโลก

เมืองหัวหินเข้าสูก่ ารติดอันดับของโลกทางด้านการท่องเทีย่ ว การกีฬา และกิจกรรมงานประเพณีวฒ ั นธรรม รัฐบาลใหญ่ พร้อมเทงบประมาณให้กบั การพัฒนาเส้นทางคมนาคม นายสุวจั น์ ลิปตพัลลภ อดีตรองนายกรัฐมนตรี เจ้าของโรงแรมอินเตอร์คอน By Chamnan ติเนนตัล หัวหิน รีสอร์ท จ.ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ กล่าวในงาน “หัวหินร�ำลึก” 101 ปี ว่าขณะนีเ้ มืองหัวหิน ua Hin already one of the top cities in the world on tourism, sports and นัน้ ได้ถกู จัดอันดับให้อยูใ่ นเมืองที่ 20 ของโลกทีเ่ ป็นเมืองสงบทางด้านการท่องเทีย่ ว การกีฬา และ cultural activities. Now, the government is allocating some budget for งานประเพณีวฒ ั นธรรมท้องถิน่ ซึง่ ก็เหมือนๆ คล้ายๆ กับในกลุม่ ประเทศยุโรป อเมริกา และแถบ transport and road improvement to the city. Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop, the อเมริกาใต้ ซึง่ แต่ละแห่งของเขานัน้ ก็มี former Deputy Prime Minister and owner of Intercontinental Hua Hin Resort, said at the Retro Hua Hin 101 Year Anniversary that the city was ranked the 20th among การจัดอันดับเอาไว้เพือ่ ให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วแต่ละประเทศได้เข้าไปเยือนโดยเฉพาะในห้วงของ other places worldwide which are famous for peacefulness and fascinating sport, เทศกาลต่างๆ ซึง่ เมืองหัวหินนัน้ ก็มกี จิ กรรมงานต่างๆ ตัง้ แต่ตน้ ปีไปจนถึงสิน้ ปี ซึง่ ก็เป็นภาครัฐในท้อง tourism and local cultural events. This record is mainly for further reference to be ถิน่ และเอกชน โดยเฉพาะการแข่งขันกีฬาระดับโลกทัง้ เทนนิส โปโลม้า กีฬาทางน�ำ้ ซึง่ นักกีฬาชาว used by tourists around the world. ต่างชาติทมี่ านัน้ ก็ยงั ชืน่ ชอบและศรัทธาพระพุทธศาสนารวมทัง้ วัฒนธรรมประเพณี โดยเฉพาะการเข้าไป Mr. Suwat added that Hua Hin had many all-year-round activities held by นมัสการกราบไหว้ “หลวงพ่อทวด” ทีว่ ดั ห้วยมงคล จนท�ำให้นกั กีฬาบางคนกลับไปแล้วก็สามารถเป็น governmental and private agencies – ranging from world-class sport competitions แชมป์ทางด้านการกีฬา ซึง่ ส่วนนีก้ ท็ ำ� ให้พวกเขานัน้ ศรัทธาหลวงพ่อมากยิง่ จนท�ำให้มกี ารพูดกันว่า ถ้า like tennis, polo, surfing to local and traditional ceremonies including paying อยากจะได้เป็นแชมป์แล้วต้องกราบไหว้สงิ่ ศักสิทธิข์ องเมืองหัวหิน กิจกรรมทัง้ หมดทีเ่ มืองหัวหินอยู่ homage to ‘Luang Poh Tuad’ at Wat Huay Mongkol Buddhist Temple. Devout Buddhists said that a wish made to ‘Luang Poh Tuad’ would soon become true. นัน้ ก็ขอให้ทงั้ ภาครัฐในท้องถิน่ และภาคเอกชน นักธุรกิจพ่อค้า โรงแรมบ้านพัก ฯลฯ ได้ชว่ ยกันดูแล That is why not only local people but also visitors from other areas of Thailand รักษาและจรรโลงเอาไว้ เพราะส่วนนีม้ นั คือ “หัวใจ” ทีจ่ ะดึงดูดให้ชาวต่างชาติทวั่ โลกได้เข้ามาเยือน frequently go to the temple. Since the main attraction to tourists all over the world ตามวาระกาลและเทศกาลต่างๆ และเมือ่ เขามากันมากๆ แล้วนัน่ ก็หมายถึงว่าเม็ดเงินรายได้ รายจ่าย lies in the above-mentioned activities, the former Deputy Prime Minister asked ต่างๆ มันก็จะตกอยูก่ บั ผูป้ ระกอบการธุรกิจทุกชนิดประเภทเป็นผลทีต่ อ่ เนือ่ งกันในรูปแบบธุรกิจการ local people, public and private staff as well as businesspeople and hoteliers to keep ท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ มบูรณ์ organizing the events and foster local tradition as this brings about more income to all types of business in Hua Hin. นายสุวจั น์ฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ขณะนีท้ างรัฐบาลกลางเห็นว่าจะต้องเข้ามามีสว่ นร่วมพัฒนาเมือง Mr. Suwat also stated that the government needed to play a key role with the Hua หัวหินให้กบั ท้องถิน่ ทางด้านเส้นทางคมนาคม โดยเฉพาะเส้นทางถนนเพชรเกษมแยกเข้าไปสูห่ มูบ่ า้ น Hin Municipality in improving roads and transport to the city, particularly the หัวนานัน้ จะขยายพืน้ ทีข่ องถนนให้เป็นสีเ่ ลนไปออกทางทีว่ า่ การอ�ำเภอหัวหินใหม่ ต.ทับใต้ (ถนน Phetchakasem road that leads to Hua Na community which should be expanded บายพาส) ทัง้ นีเ้ พือ่ รองรับการสัญจรไปมาของผูค้ นทีจ่ ะเข้าและออกในตัวเมืองหัวหินให้เกิดความคล่อง into a 4-lane road until the Hua Hin bypass where the new district office is located. ตั ว มากยิ ง ่ ขึ น ้ และนอกจากนั น ้ ก็จะจัดสรรงบประมาณให้กบั เทศบาลเมืองหัวหินขยายเส้นทาง ถนนเส้นในตัวเมือง อาทิ ถนนเลียบ With this road improvement, traffic in central Hua Hin will be less congested. ทางรถไฟ ถนนเลียบคลองชลประทาน เพิม่ ขึน้ มา ส�ำหรับโครงการใหญ่ทเี่ ป็นนโยบายนัน้ ก็จะมีขยายเส้นทางรถไฟรางคูจ่ ากรุงเทพฯ Now, there is a big 5-year-long project concerning expanding a railway route for double track trains from Bangkok to Hua Hin and southern provinces of Thailand. Once it is completed, Hua Hin will มาสูเ่ มืองหัวหินและต่อลงไปยังจังหวัดทางภาคใต้ ซึง่ ทัง้ หมดนีอ้ ยูใ่ นระยะเวลาประมาณ 5 ปี ซึง่ ถ้าทุกอย่างส�ำเร็จตาม โปรเจกต์มนั certainly become as fully grown and modernized as other tourist cities in the world, concluded Mr. ก็จะเป็นการเปิดขยายแหล่งเมืองท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ มบูรณ์แบบเหมือนกับในต่างประเทศ เพราะฉะนัน้ ก็ขอให้ทกุ ๆ ท่านเตรียมรับการเจริญ Suwat. เติบโตของเมืองหัวหินทีจ่ ะเป็นสากลสืบต่อไป


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012


In The City


New Faces in Town

V Villas Hua Hin welcomes actors and actresses of the new soup opera V Villas Hua Hin managed by Accor led by Resident Manager, Khun Chainarong Pipitweeranund, gave a warm welcome to the khun Grate – Warintorn, khun Cherry – Khemupsorn, Khun Selena, and khun Ace – Worarit, the lead actors and actresses of the new soup opera “เล่หร์ อ ้ย รัก”. Together with their crew, the stars visited for filming and stayed in the resort’s luxurious pool villa suites. As shown in the picture from left: Warintorn Panhakarn – Winner of Men’s Health Guy Award 2007,Khemupsorn Sirisukha – Leading Actress of Thailand, Chainarong Pipitveeranund, Resident Manager of V Villas Hua Hin, Selena Pearce – model and actress, Worarit Waiyajearanai - model and actor


Celebrate New Branch of Boonthavorn with New Car

oonthavorn, the leading store of tiles, sanitary ware and kitchen utensils, has recently celebrated its 8th Branch in Hua Hin with a lucky draw for Nissan ALMERA 1.2 E VT worth over 489,000 Baht. Customers who spent 5,000 Baht buying products at the store from 1 November 2011 to 30 April 2012 were entitled for the lucky draw of the new Nissan automobile. Prize drawing took place on 11 May 2012 with the store’s manager Mr. Pattarachai Phokburanakulchai who drew lots himself. The lucky winner for the big prize was Mr. Chaiphitak Worapatsalawong, a customer from Don Muang, Bangkok.

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Beauty Queen of Hua Hin Mr. Weera Sriwattanatrakul, the Prachuap Khirikhan Governor, and his wife Mrs. Preeya Sriwattanatrakul along with the Red Cross members awarded a trophy and 100,000 Baht cash to the beauty queen of Hua Hin.

Cool Breeze Cafe bar welcomes its new head Chef Ampai Sangpetch ‘Oy’ to its team. Previosly Oy was the Sous Chef at Tapas Cafe and Spanish on 4 in Bangkok for 4 years working under Executive Chef Xavier Palomer from Barcelona, who taught her how to cook authentic Spanish cusine specializing in Spanish Tapas. Oy has a wealth of experience and is expanding the menu to include some new and exciting Tapas and main course dishes. She is a very welcome addition to our expanding team and we are very happy to work with her in our effort to grow Cool Breeze cafe bar for the future.

Hua Hin Today

Financial Support from Prachuap Senator Mr. Than O-suwan, the Prachuap Khiriphan senator, has lately donated 1 million Baht to the former Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop and the Prachuap Governor Mr. Weera Sriwattanatrakul for organizing “Retro Hua Hin”, a tourism promotion event of the city.

Warm Welcome to New District Chief The former Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Suwit Rienrungreung and members of Hua Hin Red Cross Sub-Group have recently given a bouquet and a welcome banquet to the new District Chief of Hua Hin Mr. Pornchai Thomkrachang.

Donation for Prachuap Red Cross The head of the beauty queen group of Hua Hin Ms. Pairohwalee Chaiprasit donated some proceedings gained from the Hua Hin beauty pageant to Mrs. Preeya Sriwattanatrakul, Chairperson of the Prachuap Khirikhan Red Cross Center. The donation will serve as financial support for activities of the Red Cross Center.

Easy Ways to Prevent Cancer Recently, M.D. Weerasak Pongpattanapan, acting director of the Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin, has presided over a public seminar entitled, “Tips for Cancer Prevention”. Organized at the meeting room 1 of the Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin, the seminar had M.D. Chanawatch Thesawibul, the deputy director of Watthanosoth Hospital, as a special lecturer.

Preserve Hua Hin Group Mangrove reforestation Chiva-Som Mangrove Reforestation Project with Preserve HuaHin Group. 25 April2012: As one of our initiatives to help mitigate runaway climate change, theChiva-Som Family with Preserve Hua Hin Group planted 300 mangrove trees onApril 25 to restore the Wat Khao Klai Lat temple mangrove area in Khao Takiab,Hua Hin. The trees will continue to absorb the earth-warming greenhouse gascarbon dioxide as they grow and reduce soil erosion in the area. TheChiva-Som Mangrove Reforestation Project at Wat Khao Klai Lat is registered inthe Earth Day Network’s “A Billion Acts of Green” campaign.

Bidding Adieu The Chairman of the Hua Hin Municipal Council Mr. Pathom Phukdam and the Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Jira Pongpaiboon along with the Deputy Mayor and members of the Hua Hin Municipal Council organized a farewell party for chiefs and staff members of the Hua Hin Municipal Council whose 4-year office term already expired.

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012



Volume 9 Issue 8 June 2012

CBRE publishes Thai property outlook for 2012


he Bangkok property market has seen a significant recovery from the effects of the floods, according to CBRE Thailand a leading international real estate service provider. Even the worst hit areas such as low rise housing, retail and industrial in areas that were flooded have seen resumed activity. In the flooded areas, all retail centres have reopened, there were new housing sales and the majority of factories have reopened or are in the process of reopening. Residential Market: In the single detached house and townhouse market, while developers are concentrating most new launches in areas that were not flooded, CBRE is also seeing new sales resuming in areas that were flooded, particularly for the low to middle-end market, but the high-end housing market is slowly recovering. “We believe the desire of purchasers to own a house or townhouse close to future mass transit stations in the suburbs have continued as fears of a repeat flood are now alleviated. Demand for single-detached houses and townhouses will increase but this will be driven by affordability and the attractiveness of the product and location,” said Aliwassa Pathnadabutr, managing director of CBRE Thailand. The prices of condominiums are rising due to higher land costs and construction costs. CBRE believes that for a fixed budget, the majority of the family market will consider townhouses in a good location several kilometres away from a mass transit station in the suburb rather than a one-bedroom condominium in the city which is at a similar price point. Nevertheless, there will be continued demand for small condominiums from singles, couples and weekday occupation by children attending central city schools and second home use. LPN, the leading entry-level condominium developer has branched out into townhouse developments with two new projects including Lumpini Town Residence which offers 190 – 200 sq. m. threestorey townhouses on an 88 – 188 sq. m. plot priced at THB8. 79 million (US$280,070) and only 200 metres from the MRT Ladprao station. LPN has also launched Lumpini Town Place

offering three-storey townhouses on 80 – 100 sq. m. plots at Ratchayothin-Sena, located 3. 6 kilometres from the nearest MRT station. In the luxury condominium market, demand is driven primarily by end-users and partly by buy-tolet investors who purchase with the potential for own use in the future. Record prices have been achieved for condominiums in the best locations and best-quality recentlycompleted projects. CBRE has seen achieved sales prices in the region of THB160,000 to THB200,000 (US$5,098 to US$6,373) per sq. m. for individual units in completed luxury projects such as Q Langsuan, Saladaeng Residences, Athenee Residence and The Park Chidlom. The majority of the projects achieving this price level is located within the Lumpini area, one of Bangkok’s most prestigious address and expensive locations. CBRE believes condominium prices in the Sukhumvit area are also gradually moving up in line. However, prices in projects that are more than ten years old remain flat mainly because common areas have not been renovated which means they are significantly less attractive than new projects. In the middle and entry-level markets, condominium prices have adjusted upwards, but to a lesser extent than the luxury market. There continues to be new project launches although the absorption rate is slower, compared to two years ago where many projects tended to sell out at launch. The top public listed developers dominate this segment of the market. Condominium living is becoming more widely adopted and there is still potential demand particularly in densely populated areas where there has

been limited development. Developers will face the challenges of identifying new opportunities in new locations as well as to sell out poorly performing projects before they are completed. The competition will remain fierce with a tendency to quickly over supply in a particular location. Office Market: Demand continued to improve in the office market. The overall vacancy rate was 13. 86 per cent compared to 14. 13 per cent in Q4 2011. The Grade-A CBD vacancy rate was 18. 33 per cent, down from 20. 51 per cent in Q4 2011. The higher vacancy rate for the Grade-A segment compared to the overall office market can be explained by the completion of two new Grade-A buildings – Park Ventures Ecoplex and Sathorn Square. Both buildings were completed last year with tenants just beginning to take occupation. ....Continued on page 37....

Jones Lang LaSalle reveals Asia Pacific Property Digest:


Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore

ones Lang LaSalle has revealed its Asia Pacific Property Digest for the first quarter of 2012. The report has stringently analysed the residential real estate markets of key cities across Asia Pacific, including Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. Dr Jane Murray, Jones Lang LaSalle’s head of

research said: “Following a strong end to 2011, Asia Pacific’s property markets saw a moderation in activity levels in Q1 2012. ”

Bangkok: According to the recent report Bangkok residential capital value rose 1. 1 per cent in the first quarter of this year; compressing yields to four per cent. Strong take-up in the residential market offset supply. Jones Lang LaSalle reported that gross rents rebound whilst effective rents slightly decreased at 0. 4 per cent. Local property purchasers continued to be the major source of demand for high-end condominiums; for both self-occupancy, and investment purposes. The only Bangkok project to be completed in the first quarter was Pearl Residence, Sukhumvit 24. Between January-March 78 units were added to the project stock. In total, 23,102 units now complete the stock. The report concluded: “Demand from end-user buyers and investors is expected to remain sound following renewed interest in highrise developments in the city centre. ” The report summarised that although the amount of supply is falling compared to previous years, rents are expected to continue to experience pressure from existing and future supply. Capital values are expected to continue in an upward trend as condominiums continue to attract liquidity flush buyers, confirmed the report. Kuala Lumpur: It was reported that the real estate developers in Kuala Lumpur concentrated on more saleable mid-price range condominiums. As a result, high-end project launches slowed in quarter one. Between January-March, M City was the only highend development to be completed. Developer, Mah Sing Group offered a five per cent price discount as well as a developerbearing scheme to purchasers. On the whole, capital and rental values remained stable, according to the Jones Lang LaSalle Q1 2012 report. Over the year, the high-end condominium market

is expected to remain ‘soft in the shortterm. ’ This reflects market caution and continued global economic uncertainty. Sale and leasing market demand has been stronger amongst smaller units: this trend will continue as developers attract a larger purchaser market in constructing ‘more affordable’ units. The report concluded about the year ahead: “Due to construction increases, prices of new launches will effectively continue to increase. ” Singapore: Singapore’s real estate market delivered a downturn in figures, across the board, according to Jones Lang LaSalle’s first quarter report of 2012. In the prime districts, only two new projects were launched this quarter. Unit completion stood at 300, down 36. 2 per cent, quarter-on-quarter. This figure, stands at the lowest since 2008, quarter four. Recent restrictive legislation: Additional Buyers Stamp Duty continues to negatively impact the volume of Singapore sales. Residential rents also follow suit in falling as supply hits the market. While, the influx of expatriates and demand from dwellers opting to rent rather than buy following the introduction of ASBD in December has helped to maintain consistent demand, the increase in supply of new properties has added downwards pressure on older rental properties, stated the report. In an over-view of the year ahead the report said: “Despite steady demand, supply pressure, combined with the latest round of cooling measures, is likely to maintain downwards pressure on rents and capital values for properties in the prime districts and as such we expect both rents and capital values to continue to soften in 2012. ” Dr Jane Murray, head of research Asia Pacific summarised: “Despite the more uncertain global economic environment, the Asia Pacific economy is expected to significantly outpace the rest of the world this year. ”


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Thai Property News

The Barai Suites Named One of the Top Ten Pool Villas in Thailand


ua Hin, Thailand, May 2012. . . THE BARAI has recently added another accolade to its achievements and awards list as its residential spa suites, The Barai Suites, were selected as one of the top ten pool villas in Thailand by Wallpaper magazine.


Thailand’s rising prices creating rising property demand

Courtesy of www. property-report. com

be pampered: sight, thanks to the unique While in the first quarter demand has grown 15 to 20 percent in the north, architecture itself; touch, thanks to the wellnortheast, and south of the country it was marginal in the greater Bangkok area. trained hands-on therapists; sound, from THE BARAI’s musical selection; smell, from the hailand’s rising prices are pushing found that Chon Buri had the highest property aromatherapy scents and surrounding tropical consumer to make faster decisions development outside of Bangkok, with 534 gardens; and taste, at McFarland House, which resulting in a higher demand for new developed projects and 87,500 units worth an offers Thai and Western cuisine served tapasOpened in 2007, THE BARAI introduced properties, according to the Thai Home average of THB 2. 82 million (US$90,617). style with a wide range of beverages. itself as a destination spa offering a journey of Construction Association. In the first quarter Of the total, 69 per cent have already sold and discovery, where the art of architecture is the Our suite butlers are your personal assistants demand has grown 15 to 20 per cent in the the rest are likely to sell within six months or guest’s visual guide, and is a pioneer in the and are at your beck and call throughout north, northeast, and south of the country in so. Association president Sitiporn Suwanasut spa industry, using architecture as one of the your stay. They will assist you in preparing home building markets. However, growth was said the recovery in home building is leading key elements to influence guests’ moods and a healthy breakfast that you can enjoy either marginal in the greater Bangkok area. Property to a shortage of labour. This is worse in and feelings. As a destination spa, THE BARAI at McFarland House or served in your suite. Wire reported that wealthier people are looking around Bangkok, as many workers from the provides eight exclusive residential spa suites, They will recommend and book your daily spa to buy new buildings as a second home and this provinces or other countries went home during treatment, serve you an evening cocktail and is pushing prices up even further. The Barai Suites, 18 exotic treatment rooms, a the floods. The association expects the demand swimming channel with a relaxation area, and prepare your in-suite Aroma Steam and Aroma A survey by the Real Estate Information Centre to continue. a dining pavilion at McFarland House. A self- Milk Bath, to name just a few of the services contained spa resort, THE BARAI provides they offer. relaxation and wellbeing throughout. Four Barai Suites are located on the ground The first and only residential spa suites in floor with a private plunge pool and garden, Hua Hin, The Barai Suites, are designed for while the other four are located on the upper overnight stays and treatments, offering guests level with a balcony. Other features are an overhailand’s largest real-estate developer were sold using the pre-booking system. The luxurious and comfortable residential spa sized soaking tub, a Thai bed area for relaxation withdraws its investment in the Maldives initial value of the apartments was between accommodation. Whether for just two nights and traditional Thai massage, individual walkor a one-week stay, guests will truly enjoy the in closets, a vanity area, a private dining area, after recording a loss of US$3. 2million, Rf0. 9million US$ 59,210 and Rf1. 6million personalised service of their suite butler from a 40-inch plasma TV and complimentary reportsMinivan News’ Daniel Bosley. Last US$105,263, according to Minivan News. broadband Internet connectivity. week, Pruksa CEO, Thongma Vijitpongpun The fluctuation in exchange rates in the period arrival to departure. confirmed its depletion of a Hulhumale following the unit sales resulted in a loss of Whether for a holiday by the sea or a spa THE BARAI SUITES NAMED IN TOP getaway break The Barai Suites, which offer a development in an interview with The Nation. Pruska’s projected income between US$1. 8 TEN POOL VILLAS IN THAILAND higher level of luxurious residential spa suite, According to Miniwan News, in 2010, Pruksa and 3. 3million. Government implementation BY WALLPAPER MAGAZINE are the suites of choice for your next holiday. formed a dual venture agreement to build of ‘managed floatation’ of the currency in 2011 over 100 houses with the former Hulhumale’ allowed the rufiyaa to be traded within a 20 per When you arrive at The Barai Suites you leave In a nutshell, The Barai Suites are the favourite Development Corporation, now Housing cent margin of its former rate. choice of many discerning guests who look for one world behind and enter another, discovering Development Corporation small touches and delightful surprises from the all-inclusive and luxurious yet personalised (HDC). In the same year, stays. Enjoying a stay at THE BARAI means unique design to the exclusive tailor-made construction of the first furniture. You will enjoy the supreme comfort result-oriented spa therapies and lifestyle phase, consisting of around of a specially made bed measuring 3 m x 2 m, activities where your body, mind and spirit 180 units, commenced. In one of only eight beds of this size in the world will be lifted. As a result The Barai Suites was the initial period there were named in the Top Ten Pool Villas in Thailand and designed for total relaxation. problems with the standards by Wallpaper magazine. in construction quality, To ensure that your residential spa suite experience is complete, your choice of a daily For reservations and more information please which caused delays as 60-minute spa treatment is included in your contact THE BARAI at +66 3251 1234 or log work was redone to meet the standards set by the quality stay. During your stay at The Barai Suites onto www. thebarai. com. control officer. Pruska’s you can rest assured that all five senses will company secretary in the Maldives, Mohamed Sharah declared that they had not been informed The result being: the devaluation of the of the back-out and that work on the first currency to a rate of 15. 42 to the US dollar phase is continuing. The first phase consists – which is unable to be exchanged outside the of nine blocks, housing 180 apartments. Six black-market, where rates can reach Rf 17-18 apartments are completed, four of which have to US$. The problem is likely to continue as the been assigned to purchasers. The first phase is government’s budget deficit was predicted to e have a proud moment to share! scheduled for completion by July of this year. reach 27 per cent of the country’s GDP in 2012, TripAdvisor, the world’s largest All 180 units were sold in Maldivian rufiyaa according to figures released by the Majilis travel website, has acknowledged prior to construction. Pruksa anticipated a Finance Committee. Hyatt Regency Hua Hin in its 2012 Travellers’ profitable venture: “We started to pre-book Choice Awards, recognising us as one of the our project in the Maldives last month for the “As long as the government continues to “Top 25 Hotels for Families in Thailand”. first phase of 180 units. Demand is for more inject substantial amounts of new spending The Travellers’ Choice Awards are based on the than that amount and as a result we believe into the economy, the foreign exchange reviews and opinions of millions of travellers our presales in the Maldives will exceed our situation in the country will not be resolved,” in the TripAdvisor community. There are estimate,” said the company’s chief business said Jonathan Dunn, International Monetary many reasons why Hyatt Regency Hua Hin officer in an interview with The Nation, June Fund’s head of mission to the Maldives. A should be your holiday destination and this 2010. Recently, Sharah said that this policy, Pruska representative was unable to confirm recent recognition is one that means that at due to local currency problems, had “caused the cessation of the company’s project in the Hyatt Regency Hua Hin your holiday will be a significant losses” for the real-estate developer. Maldives. The Hulhumale project is considered happy, memorable one. The management and He said: “Pruksa have faced devolution of as the most ambitious urban development staff of the hotel would like to thank all guests the currency and a shortage of dollars in the project in the history of the country. The internal for giving us the award. This encourages us to Maldives. ”When the 180 unit sales were migration of Maldivians to the island and the continue improving to ensure we remain your completed the price of the rufiya was Rf12. 85 reclamation of land is seen as fundamental to favorite’s hotel. to the US dollar. Ninety per cent of the units the country’s long term plans for congestion relief and economic development.


Thailand’s largest real-estate developer with draws investment from Maldives most ambitious urban project


Hyatt Regency Hua Hin

Honoured as one of the Best 25 Hotels


for Families in Thailand


Asia Property News

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Colliers International report China named “hottest property on Beijing’s office property market market” in world


eijing’s overall office property market remained stable in the first quarter of 2012. Total stock of office property market including Grade A and B came in at 11.98 million square metres at the end of the first quarter according to a report released by Colliers International. A slowdown in the leasing market caused net absorption to decrease by almost 50 per cent q-o-q to 63,056 square metres. Rental increment in the office sector was lower than the previous 3 quarters. Overseas and domestic investors continued to show confidence in

Beijing’s office market. The office market will remain stable in the short to medium term according to Beijing Office Property Report – 1Q 2012 by Colliers International. 298,00 sqm of new space is expected to enter the office market, primarily in the Grade B segment. This should increase total stock by 2.64 per cent y-o-y to 12.3 million sqm. Demand is expected to remain strong and the overall vacancy rate will remain low. Overall rents should continue to rise but at a slower pace.

Cost of living causes Singaporeans to look down under


Knight Frank survey has named China the “hottest property market” in the world based on the country’s surging house prices between the fourth quarter of 2006 to the same period in 2011. According to A Place in the Sun, house prices in the major Chinese cities of Shanghai and Beijing grew 110 per cent during the period, with a home in one of Shanghai’s prime areas peaking at HKD 1,800 (US$32) per square foot in the fourth quarter of 2011 and a similar property in Beijing costing HKD 1,600 (US$206) per square foot. Developers are still seeing large sales volumes even with the high prices. Vanke,

China’s largest developer by sales, reported a second-straight month of gains with March sales rising 24 per cent year on year. China’s largest developer by market value, China Land Overseas, saw February sales hit HKD 1.7 billion (US$2. 19 million), up 209 per cent from the same month a year ago. Other “hot” property markets named by Knight Frank included Switzerland (27.5 per cent growth during the 5 year period), Malaysia (28. 5 per cent), Norway and Canada (tied with 28.7 per cent), Taiwan (30.1 per cent), Colombia (39.4 per cent), Singapore (50.5 per cent), Israel (54.5 per cent) and Hong Kong (93.7 per cent).

Asia-Pacific investment plummets in the first quarter of 2012


ccording to a recent press release by Optimizer Capital, South Australia, on a risk adjust basis, represents one of the best property investments of the next 10 years. Optimizer Capital reported that Singapore is currently at the top of its cycle and is showing a poor market outlook for 2012 and 2013. Real estate analysts forecast a 5 to 10 per cent drop in property prices this year. Due to Singapore’s property prices at an all time high and rental yields being low, it is suggested that investors could be overpaying for the potential rental income. The annual average inflation of Singapore since 1980 is about 2.1 per cent and the Consumer Price Index is on an upward trend making it likely that the cost of living will keep increasing. This increasing cost of living has made finding a place for retirement difficult resulting in many of the countries residents to settle down in neighboring countries, such as to stretch their retirement funds. Investors can expect that some country’s property markets will be growing while others will be on the decline. Many investors are purchasing properties in Australia to ensure that their investments are not exposed to the risks that different countries face. In recent years Australia has maintained a stable, diverse, and advanced economy making it one of the most popular places to invest. South Australia has recently experienced a population boom fueled by mining, defense, infrastructure, wine, industrial growth, and education which is creating an unprecedented

need for property development. The increase in population means that by 2030, 620,000 new homes will be required. “I truly believe I’m going to witness the best property boom in Adelaide that I have seen in my lifetime,” said Adelaide’s property professor Peter Koulizos. “The thing that will drive property is people with money, and the mining industry tends to pay higher wages. As the cheapest capital city in mainland Australia, there’s a lot of focus on Adelaide.”South Australia has a population of 1.2 million while around 2/3 of the population in South Australia live in the capital, Adelaide. The highest percentage of the population in South Australia is in the 15 30 age bracket that will be entering the housing market over the coming years.South Australia is also expanding as a leader in natural resources and is rapidly evolving into the third biggest resource state, after Queensland and Western Australia.The state has already become the national leader in major defense projects, including the Air Warfare Destroyer project and the future submarine fleet project. In addition, it is already the nation’s leader in alternative energy generation, an industry of growing importance. It is expected that South Australia can expect the same kind of growth Perth saw from 20022012 when prices tripled and in Port Headland went up five times.


nvestment value across the Asia-Pacific has plummeted in the first quarter of 2012. Across Asia, investment has fallen by 42 per cent quarter on quarter. The total capital fell to US$11. 6 billion during the January-March period. Chinese mainland investment dramatically decreased by 70 per cent, revealed in the AsiaPacific Capital Markets Marketview report, yesterday. Investment in China plunged to US$949 million in the first quarter, according to the report. The report, carried out by CB Richard Ellis, the world’s largest commercial real estate services provider, correlated the decline with the New Year holidays and the high value of investment of the latter half of 2011; removing several assets from the market. Greg Penn, executive director of CBRE Investment Properties in Asia said: “China’s property investment market was relatively quiet in the first quarter, in part due to the Chinese New Year holiday, with the exception of continued strong activities of occupier purchases by domestic companies and development acquisitions between developers. ”He concluded that Chinese developers

continue to face liquidity problems, offering that: “this may offer opportunities for investors to provide capital and acquire asset portfolios,” according to English News. Domestic capital value dominated the market at almost 86 per cent of the total value investment. Cross-border acquisitions descended 69 per cent on a quarterly basis to US$ 1.6 billion, according the CBRE data.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012




Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Black Mountain Golf Club

in Hua Hin has made it into the list of “100 Top Golf Courses Outside the United States”



he ranking is published in the May 2012 issue of the prestigious US Golf Digest, one of the world’s most influential golf publications. The beautiful and challenging Black Mountain Golf Club in Hua Hin is the first golf course in Thailand to make it into the list of Top 100 Golf Courses Outside the United States. The ranking is published in the May 2012 issue of the prestigious US Golf Digest magazine. This is the first time a golf course in Thailand has made the list. According to the US’ Golf Digest, courses around the world are judged by members of a panel who visit and play them, although not every panel member plays every course. A ranking system applies that is collated to


determine the Top 100. The 2012 list is the first ranking of the world’s best courses outside the US for three years. The last one was in 2009. Only 14 of the courses that made this year’s list are in Asia and only two (Black Mountain and Nirwana Bali Golf Club) are in Southeast Asia. Six are in Japan, three in South Korea, two in China and one each in Thailand, Indonesia and Guam. There are 23 new entrants in the 2012 list, and Black Mountain is one of them. “We are proud to be the first course in Thailand to make it into the Top 100,” said Harald Elisson, general manager of Black Mountain Golf Club. “The ranking is the third major award for the course in the past four months and will further strengthen Thailand’s position as the best golf destination in Asia. ”

olf enthusiasts should not miss the 3rd annual Hyatt Open 2012 amateur golf tournament organised by Hyatt Regency Hua Hin and Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, and to be held over the weekend of 21 - 22 July 2012 at the Banyan Golf Club in Hua Hin. This event will allow you to enjoy the charm of Hua Hin as a destination, experience the ultimate relaxation and authentic hospitality at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, and at the same time be excited and challenged by the golf tournament. Plus, of course, enjoy the chance to win many prizes. Bring your friends and book the Stay and Play Package starting from Baht 17,800 net for one player, and Baht 24,800 net for two players based on twin sharing basis. The package includes: • A two-night stay in a Hyatt Guestroom at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin with breakfast • A welcome dinner at the hotel on Saturday, 21 July • Two rounds of golf i. e. on Saturday, 21 July (shotgun start at 12:00noon) and Sunday, 22 July (shotgun start at 8:00am), including a golf cart and a caddy • Award luncheon on Sunday, 22 July at the Banyan Golf Club • Complimentary transfers between the hotel and the Banyan Golf Club

Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin upgrades the Pro-Shop

anyan Golf Club Hua Hin has recently upgraded the Club impressive Pro-Shop to provide greater space for ease of Check-in and for the display of new Banyan Golf Club merchandise. The main feature of the change is the new checkin counter which has been relocated to the left side of the Pro-shop and has increased in size. They have added a number of new brand collections into the already impressive choice of goods. There is a new collection of PUMA Golf clothing & accessories, and the PGA legend John Daly cuts an impressive figure at the Loudmouth apparel corner. Banyan Golf Club has also increased it inventory of Footjoy, Addias, Nike Golf, and Fenix golf apparel, as well as having a great selection of Titliest, Callaway, Nike & TaylorMade golf balls on display.

Sale promotion with many items being offered on discounted prices”. The Pro-Shop at Banyan Golf Club has a lot to offer. Why not pop up there to take look, or ponder for a few minutes before of after you round to browse through the new collection & the great value offered. You never know, you might just be tempted to buy those trousers you saw on TV!!!

The Banyan Golf Club Pro-Shop manager, Khun Nattakallaya (Pam) commented, “Our members & guests love the new layout of the shop. The increased space allows for an easier flow through the shop & for us to display more merchandise. We have the largest collection of Loudmouth products in Thailand and we have just taken delivery of our new house brand shirts, trousers, shorts & caps. These are the best we’ve had since our opening. On top of this, we are also holding a Summer

Be a part of the fun and challenges that await at the Hyatt Open 2012! This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion(s); prior reservations are required and are subject to availability. For reservations and further information, please contact the Hyatt Regency Hua Hin Hotline on +66 2254 6200 or +66 3252 1234, or e-mail reservations. hrhuahin@hyatt. com ABOUT HYATT REGENCY HUA HIN Set in lush landscaped gardens, the beachfront Hyatt Regency Hua Hin has 205 elegantly appointed guestrooms. The resort offers a family-friendly environment that features the largest recreational facilities in Hua Hin, including the resort’s fun and apparently never-ending inter-connecting free form swimming pools which include a 22 metre long and seven metre high water slide, and a unique beach pool. Four restaurants and bars provide home-style traditional Thai, Italian cuisine, as well as fresh seafood specialities and tasty Asian noodles. In addition to the resort, THE BARAI - an award-winning residential spa - is located on the beachfront land adjacent to the resort and provides eight exclusive residential spa suites and 18 exotic treatment rooms.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012



Kids & Education

….. Continued from page 1...


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Kids & Traffic Safety

s safety administrations worldwide focus on seat belt safety through its annual campaign, the Safe Kids organization applauds the agencies as well as the law enforcement and traffic safety community for its work. “Click It or Ticket” is an international seat belt enforcement mobilization effort launched May 21. In the USA, motor vehicle crashes are still the leading cause of death among children ages 3 to 14. In 2011, more than 1,300 children ages 14 and under died and an estimated 179,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes. Additionally, 46 percent of kids 14 and under who died in crashes were completely unrestrained. There is an indispensable relationship between buckling up and keeping kids safe in cars, whether it’s a booster seat or seat belts when children get older. “Approximately 94 percent of the time, when an adult wears a seat belt, the child in the car is buckled up as

well,” said Kate Carr, President and CEO of Safe Kids Worldwide. “Kids are like sponges and adults set the example. That’s why Safe Kids, in cooperation with NHTSA, strives to ensure that every Citizen uses a seat belt or child safety seat every time on every trip. ” With support from the GM Foundation, Safe Kids Worldwide has been committed to keeping kids safe in cars since 1997, working through more than 600 coalitions and chapters across the country. To date certified child passenger safety technicians working through Safe Kids coalitions have examined more than 1. 4 million child safety seats, talking directly to parents about remaining diligent with their own seat belt use and the importance of setting a good example for their children. Safe Kids serves as the certifying body for the international technician certification program. More than 3,000 people die every die Worldwide because of road accidents . More than 30,000 are injured or disabled daily. This accumulates to over 1 million killed a year and between 20 and 50 million injured or disabled ! In Thailand, the causality rate per 100,000 population is 43, which is 6% of all deaths and the injury rate is 110 (persons) after Strokes, Heart Attacks, Diabetis and Lung diseases. ! Traffic Deaths per 100. 000 inhabitants :( In 2011 there were 30. 000 deaths which made Thailand rank as the 6th highest ranking country in the world ) Namibia 54, Swasiland 48, Malawi 45, Iraq 44, Iran 43. Rest World: Russia 23, China 21, Poland 14, USA 13.9, Greece 13.8,

by GMoss

New Zealand 10.3, Belgium 10, Italy 8.4, Australia 6.8, France 6.6,Germany 5.7, UK 4.8, Sweden 4.1, Netherlands 4.0, Zwitserland and Japan 3.8. The main cause of accidents in Thailand are motorcycle accidents also with kids. Every year more than 30 kids per 1000 fatalities between 0 – 4 years and more than 60 kids between 5 – 14 years die in traffic accidents. Kids on motorcycles without helmets on – Kids not buckled up on the backseat of a passenger car. Kids riding in the back of a Songkeaw open green bus or any pick up, not designed to carry passengers with no impact zones, overloaded and terribly unsafe. All these kids and more are endangered. Schools must set priorities – set and enforce standards. These standards should represent international traffic safety rules, especially for school children. Teachers as well as Parents sometimes think too relaxed about safety until it hits them or loved ones. As I mentioned all these jeopardizes to a foreign teacher who didn´t see this too critical, the comment was : That is why we live in Thailand, so we don´t have to follow strict rules. Can we afford to close our eyes and wave it off? Are we that careless about our loved ones?

Shortage of Science Teachers in the USA

Courtesy of Voice of America

Active learning replaces traditional lectures

The U. S. has a surplus of science jobs but not enough college graduates to fill them. Studies find that 40 percent of students planning to major in science, technology, engineering or mathematics end up switching majors or don’t finish. Some say large lecture classes are chasing students out of science. First-year student Nora Oles at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, doesn’t like them. “I don’t learn very well in lectures,” she says. “I get bored and sometimes I say, ‘Maybe I’ll sleep in today. ’”There’s an initiative at Johns Hopkins to engage students in socalled “active learning” entry-level science courses. “Students typically master 20 percent of the material, long-term mastery of the material

neighbor what their neighbor learned and then deciding together what is the message, the key idea that the course is attempting to deliver. ” Phage hunting Zeger is also taking cues from an experimental advanced biology class for qualified freshmen. The course is called “Phage Hunting,” which is the study of bacteriophage, a type of virus that infects and destroys bacteria. Over two semesters, the students search for and collect phages from dirt samples, photograph them under an electron microscope, learn lab techniques for analyzing them, then return to the classroom to map their DNA structure, or genome. For first-year student John Cotoia, this handson approach heightens his interest and understanding. in a lecture format,” says Scott Zeger,vice “It was such a foreign thing to me. Now I provost for research at Johns Hopkins, who can grasp it. I’m getting technical scientific is spearheading the initiative. “And you can double or triple that in an active learning format. ” Lectures online before class One key to active learning is to put lectures online for students to view before class. The class time can then be directed to selected problems or questions by using small handheld remote devices, like television clickers. All the students are tied into an electronic network that posts responses in real time on a screen in the front of the hall. “Even though there are 200 students in the classroom, they are having an individual experience,” Zeger says, adding that students are also encouraged to talk in small groups with the people around them. “They are communicating with their neighbor and teaching their neighbor, hearing from their

skills. ” Cotoia’s classmate, Nora Oles, is glad she took the class. “I’ve learned so many skills both in the lab and currently on the computer. ” Teaching style changes Biology instructor Emily Fisher says the class has helped her to develop a more engaged teaching style she hopes to integrate into her large lecture classes. She expects to see some of her Phage Hunting students there next semester. “So I am hoping that some of the connections, the personal connections I’ve made with them will help them tolerate a large lecture environment. ” That environment is changing at Johns Hopkins University and at other colleges around the country. It’s the kind of change schools hope will encourage more science students to stay in those fields, and to fill the many jobs that experts say are waiting for them.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

THE ULTIMATE LIFE STYLE IN LUXURY a. . Green Environment… GreenScape offer it ALL…. BARS – RESTAURANT - CLUB HOUSE FITNESS - SPA - TENNIS - BEAUTY SALON LARGE SWIMMING POOL and much more…. . Including 10,000 m2 of Lush gardens & lakes Already completed and ready to use



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Modern Design luxury pool villa

The concept of light walls and floors accented with dark wood wardrobes andcabinetsgivescontrasttothedecorandoncefinishedofwithyourownpersonalpieces ofartworkandfurnishingswillcreatetheperfectlivingspaceforallofthoseluckyenough to own their own piece of paradise at Hua Hin's most prestigious western hills.

Villa Bali 1

• 3 bedroom /3 bathrooms • Land 400 sqm • Build up Area 246 sqm • Swimming Pool • Price 6,500,000 Fully furniture / Fully landscape

Villa Bali 2 In Inclu cludi ding ng30 Ye Year arss

• 3 bedroom / /3 bathrooms • Land 750 sqm • Build up Area 356 sqm • Swimming pool • Price 9,500,000 Fully Furniture / Fully landscape

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Spa Director at

SPA Review


Hilton Resort Hua Hin Herbal Spa Hyatt Regency & The Barai Making Men look younger JESSICA SHEA APPOINTED DIRECTOR OF SPAS FOR I.SAWAN RESIDENTIAL SPA & CLUB AND THE BARAI

By GMoss


ichard Greaves, general manager of Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, together with Sammy Carolus, general manager of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, are pleased to announce the appointment of Jessica Shea to the position of Director of Spas for I. Sawan Residential Spa & Club at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and THE BARAI at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Jessica is a dynamic spa leader with expertise in the development, management and growth of award-winning spas. In her new role, she will oversee all operations and service standards including product and spa program development and staff training for both I. Sawan Residential Spa & Club and THE BARAI which are distinctive residential spas in the Hyatt Spa family.


phone call convinced me to try the Man Package! The PR manager Khun Aor was serious as she said that they now have a real Men´s package, especially tailored for those having been in the sun too long, those wearing endless wrinkles and those caring about their skin. Men, going Sabai Sabai in a gent´s world, you need to be fresh faced, stay young looking, have a good sleep and feel strong !Arriving at the Spa, at least three receptionists, therapists welcome you with this amazing Thailand smile and lovely gestures of hospitality and dedication. As a routine, of course you are asked about any weaknesses, health condition and preferences. Not being able to answer the first question without needing to spend the night, as my weaknesses would need to be described in a trilogy publication, I stick to the recommendations. After mustering my complexion analytically, it is decided that I undergo a face job. A so called Hydradermie Facial treatment. I was gently escorted to a peaceful massage therapy room, beautifully decorated to make you feel at ease and relaxed. My therapist Khun Noi ensured me of the utmost care to one of my guarded features; my face. Would people that know me recognize me after the treatment or go by without noticing me? The Men´s ritual lasts 2 hours and began with this with Hydradermie Facial by Guinot lasting 60 minutes

The legendary deep cleansing facial

Prior to her recent appointment, Jessica was opening Spa Director for the Elemis Spa at the St. Regis Hotel in Bangkok. Prior to moving to Thailand, Jessica spent five years working as a Spa Director for Hyatt Hotels & Resorts in the US, overseeing award-winning spas in Lake Tahoe and Hawaii. Jessica’s love for spas began at an early age as the daughter of a salon owner. She took on her first Spa Director role over ten years ago, transforming her family’s Boston salon into an award-winning day spa. She has lived

The Guinot Hydradermie facial is the most advanced beauty salon treatment for maintaining a balanced healthy complexion. It deep-cleanses and oxygenates the skin and stimulates cellular renewal. Regular Hydradermie treatments benefit the skin in three key areas – they improve cutaneous hydration levels in dry skin, reduce sebum and travelled extensively throughout Asia, levels in oily skin, and reduce average Australia and the Americas, indulging her passion for yoga, wellness, culture and living the ‘spa life’. Jessica commented on her new position, “I am excited to return to the Hyatt Spa family with the opportunity to lead two of our incredible residential concept spas in Thailand. Both i.sawan Residential Spa & Club and THE BARAI are award-winning spas with their own uniqueness, however, both i. sawan Residential Spa & Club and THE BARAI offer all-inclusive lifestyle experiences, including accommodation, cuisine, wellness, personalised service and result-oriented spa therapies, that lead guests on a path to greater well-being. i. sawan is perfectly designed to fit an urban lifestyle while THE BARAI is truly a destination spa for resort living. I am confident that with both spas, we will continue to offer memorable experiences for our guests that will exceed all expectations. ”

wrinkle depth in lined skin. The facial uses the Hydraderm machine (unique to Guinot), manual massage and a variety of plant-based extracts (hydrating aloe and shea butter, detoxing seaweed and mint, soothing chamomile or firming malt extract). Hydradermie is suitable for all ages and skin types.

A deluxe facial treatment: A Hydradermie facial with extra firming and toning serums and treatments designed to revitalise mature skin and diminish signs of ageing. This treatment focuses on the face, eye area, neck and décolleté and includes the luxurious Serenity Massage – unique to Guinot – with relaxing essential oils. This high-tech facial uses the galvanic and high frequency electrotherapy, bespoke active gels and Tres Homme trio of Guinot products to deep – cleanse, oxygenate and condition your skin. The treatment is customized for your skin type (dehydrated, mature, oily sensitive or pigmented). A stimulating scalp massage was added for my comfort. How I love therapists massaging my scalp. It is the most invigorating and relaxing, well feeling of massages. After the facial treatment there was a Manicure and Pedicure although I would have fancied a neck and back massage. The therapy was highly professional in the hands of Noi and she guided me through the entire process in a most comforting way. Hey guys out there, get moving, if you aint smart at least you must be strong or good looking. Spring time is cleaning up time so do something for your face. It is unfortunately the first part of your body people look at and one of the main body parts you cannot afford to neglect. Treat yourself to a grand cleansing! For more information call: Hilton Resort & Spa - 33 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin, Thailand 77110 Tel: 66-32-538-999 Fax: 66-32-538-990.



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Property for Sale Contact : 085- 8081-822 www. huahintoday. com / properties /



Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin Soi 102 Living area: 134 Sq m Plot size: 400 Sq m

Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 7 Location: Palm Hills golf course Living area: 500 Sqm. Plot size: 1,600 Sqm. (one house and one guess house)


SHO-0039 Luxury pool villa in the golf course 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

Price: 5,800,000 THB

Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Khao Takiab Living area: 90 Sq m.

Price: 6,200,000 THB

Price: 11,000,000 THB

Land area: 1,100 Sqm., Living area: 400 Sqm. Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15. 9 Million THB


Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Cha Am Grand Condo Tel Living area: 177 Sq m.

Price: 9,000,000 THB


Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin Soi 94 Plot size: 692 Sq m

Price: 4,850,000 THB


Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Location: Khao Takiab Beach Living area: 77 Sq m.

Price: 3,100,000 THB


Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Nongkorn Road Living area: 151 Sqm. Plot size: 480 Sqm.

Price: 4,000,000 THB

Sold SHO-0019

Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Location: Palm Hill Golf Course Living area: 256 Sq m. Plot size: 480 Sq m.

Price: 4,500,000 THB

SHO-0071 Luxury Villa 1. 5 Km. from golf course

3 bedrooms + 1 maid room, 4 bathrooms, Land area: 600 Sqm. Living area: 342 Sqm., Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15 Million THB

SHO-0040 Pool Villa

4 bedrooms 5 bathrooms Land size: 808 sqm. Living space:425 sqm. 24 hours security, golf club, sport club and private swimming pool.

Price: 12.

5 Million THB

*reduced from 16 Million THB.


Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin, Smorprong Living area: 180 Sqm. Plot size: 408 Sqm. Nice landscape garden and teak wood build in

Price: 5,300,000 THB

Property for Rent Contact : 085- 8081-822 www. huahintoday. com / properties /

RHO-0085 House for rent in Hua Hin Soi 114 3 bedrooms,

3 bathrooms, Land area 712 Sqm, Living area 275 Sqm., Price incl: fully furnished, Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

Price: 65,000 THB/Month


Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Living area: 59 Sq m Location: Hua Hin Heart Town

Price: 35,000 THB/Month


Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Location: Hua Hin Town Center. Living area: 55 S/qm.


Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Location: Hua Hin Town Plot size: 700 sq m.

RCO- 0039

Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Living area: 75 Sq m Location: Hua Hin Heart Town

Price: 37,000 THB /Month

Price: 55,000 THB/Month

Price: 55,000 THB/Month

RHO-0012 Specail !

RCO-0001 Takiab Beach Sea View Condo


Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 3 Location: Hua Hin Soi 112 Living area: 284 Sq m Available for rent Songkran Festival From 7-21 April !

Price: 25,000/week THB

2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms. Floor 18th, Living area : 90sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.

Price: 45,000 THB/month

Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin Soi 102 Living area: 134 Sq m.

Price: 42,000 THB/Month


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Worth Knowing


Comparison Mobile Operating Systems

How your heart works

Android phones seem to be cheaper than the iPhone. Also the hardware is in some cases double than what the iPhone has

These days with extreme heat and rainstorms, our hearts are challenged. If we do not take care, especially the elderly, we may be risking heart failure


ver¬yone knows that the heart is a vital organ. We cannot live without our heart. However, when you get right down to it, the heart is just a pump. A complex and important one, yes, but still just a pump. As with all other pumps it can become clogged, break down and need repair. This is why it is critical that we know how the heart works. With a little knowledge about your heart and what is good or bad for it, you can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Almost 2,000 Americans die of heart disease each day. That is one death every 44 seconds. The good news is that the death rate from heart disease has been steadily decreasing. Unfortunately, heart disease still causes sudden death and many people die before even reaching the hospital. When the heart muscle contracts or beats (called systole), it pumps blood out of the heart. The heart contracts in two stages. In the first stage, the right and left atria contract at the same time, pumping blood to the right and left ventricles. Then the ventricles contract together to propel blood out of the heart. Then the heart muscle relaxes (called diastole) before the next heartbeat. This allows blood to fill up the heart again.The right and left sides of the heart have separate functions. The right side of the heart collects oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. The left side of the heart then collects oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body so that the cells throughout your body have the oxygen they need to function properly.

Blood Supply Coronary arteries are the ones that we try to keep clear by eating a healthy diet. If coronary arteries are blocked a heart attack results.The heart, just like any other organ, requires blood to supply it with oxygen and other nutrients so that it can do its work. The heart does not extract oxygen and other nutrients from the blood flowing inside it -- it gets its blood from coronary arteries that eventually carry blood within the heart muscle. Approximately 4

percent to 5 percent of the blood output of the heart goes to the coronary arteries (7 ½ ounces/ minute or 225 ml/min).There are two main coronary arteries - The left main coronary artery and the right coronary artery which arise from the aorta. The left main coronary artery divides into the left anterior descending branch and the left circumflex arteries Each artery supplies blood to different parts of the heart muscle and the electrical system.The heart also has veins that collect oxygen-poor blood from the heart muscle. Most of the major veins of the heart (great cardiac vein, small cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, posterior vein of the left ventricle, and oblique vein of the left atrium) drain into the coronary sinus which opens into the right atrium.Coronary artery disease is caused by a blockage in one of the coronary arteries. When a coronary artery is partially blocked, that artery cannot supply enough blood to the heart muscle to meet its needs during exertion. When someone with coronary artery disease exerts himself or herself, it causes chest pain. This is due to lack of blood and oxygen to that part of the heart muscle and is called angina. If the obstruction worsens (more frequent angina episodes, with less exertion) a condition called unstable angina can occur. A heart attack happens when a coronary artery is completely blocked and no blood or oxygen is getting to the heart muscle served by that artery. This also causes chest pain and causes death to the heart muscle served by that artery. The theory that women don’t withstand trauma or stress as well as men doesn’t hold much water when reanalyzing the range of broken heart syndrome triggers. It turns out that the condition, probably thanks to its catchy nickname, has been overblown in media reports. Certainly, there have been cases of left ventricles rebelling in response to death and funerals, but it’s more often related to physical dysfunctions, including stroke, acute respiratory failure, burn injuries and poisoning [source: Derrick]. Data from Johns Hopkins University found correlations between emotional loss and broken heart syndrome in only 40 percent of affected patients Studies of long-term spouses dying in quick succession also contradict the notion that females are biologically less fit to cope with loss. Statistically, widowers are more likely to succumb following their wives’ deaths, whereas widows tend to press on longer .For all of its doom and gloom, there is a silver lining to broken heart syndrome: It’s seldom fatal. Although heart complications occur in approximately 19 percent of cases, the mortality rate for broken heart syndrome rests between 1 and 3 percent [source: Derrick]. As noted on the previous page, an expanded left ventricle will typically return to its normal size, as in the case of Dorothy Lee, and patients often reach full recovery in as little as a week -- not unlike the metaphorical broken heart that in time, though scarred, will heal. Courtesy of : HowStuffWorks – Dr. Carl Bianco -


or those coming from a Microsoft/Borland/ Java background, Objective C will probably look like a very big step back - to say it as politically correct as possible. Nokia says they will release the new phones end of this year and at a “lower price than ever”. The Nokia phones are iPhone and Android clones - they can do what those two beasts can do, but nothing more. It seems they don’t bring anything new to the table. The available MS demos for WM7 are, to say the least, pathetic. It is a very non user friendly phone. Brings lots of changes (many not good) and totally breaks the look and feel the WM6. x owners were used to. Breaking software compatibility with WM6. x instantly puts many companies out of business. The iPhone market seems to

slowly but steadily go down. Some influence is the nice and cheap Android phone. Another reason for the iPhone sales dropping is that people are trying to get away from the whole iPhone=snob social stigmata. In general, people tend to stick to their preferred phone manufacturer. Nokia fans are very excited about the new phones. Android users don’t have anything better to switch to. BlackBerry users will never switch to other phones because of the great (subjectively speaking) physical keyboard. The question is: what’s going to happen to the iPhone and the WM7? I think the waters are too blurry at this time, so we’ll patiently wait and see what happens. Courtesy of Adrian Vintu - Austria


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Thai Legal Advice

Call Center Scam

By Somsak Chopaka


iam Firm Inter Laws was established by Khun Somsak Chopaka an Attorney at Law with 30 years of working experience in domestic and international law, for individuals both foreign and local, domestic entities and in-house legal counsel for numerous established international companies. Khun Somsak will be giving legal advice about the ever changing situation in regards to Thai Law and keeping readers up to date with the constant changing business and social environment here in Thailand. You may be familiar with call center scams, either having seen them mentioned in the media or you may have even been contacted by them yourself. In Thailand and other parts of South East Asia it is very easy to set up a fake business and call center to scam money from another country. The meaning of a call center is actually a system set up and managed by a company to provide a service or some form of business such as selling products. They will always queue incoming calls and receive them one by one by an operator until they are finished, this is the system used by real call center companies such as

AIS call center or 1133 telephone directory or even 191 for emergency police hotline. A call center scam will usually involve a group of people both foreign and local who will call possible targets and ask them to invest in a fake company that deals in gold, oil or another valuable resource. They will try to make the targets believe that they are the real deal and promise a large return in profits, in closing they will ask the targets to transfer money to them of which they will never return back. These operations will usually target senior citizens and retirees who have savings and would rather invest in something to see profits rather than collect interest from banks, common countries targeted include Australia, Europe and other developed countries. A call will normally be a hard sale with the scammers introducing themselves as a big successful company that is a broker in gold or oil and will always beat the market with its insider knowledge and market forecast. By being aggressive they will convince the target that they are the real deal and it is a good idea to invest and send money to them, they do this by not letting the targets get any questions in during the sale to try to force them to buy in. The salesman will make many promises they won’t keep and will resort to any means necessary to make the sale, promising ludicrous deals and bargains for the victim. The Thai police sometimes call these operations a “Boiler Room” scam as it is usually set up in a clandestine area such as a home or apartment building with the scammers working at night to coincide with the different time zones. Most of the time the people who set up these companies are gangsters who will try to declare themselves as a one hundred percent legitimate business with a good looking website and

advertising, when actually they do not have a business at all so they only try to deceive you into paying them money for free. When they are finally caught and arrested the police usually do not have enough evidence to convict them abroad and the victims never come to Thailand to be a witness in Thai court or give evidence or money transfer. They will be convicted in Thai court and usually receive a six month sentence maybe even less and will have to pay a fine; these punishments are minimal compared to the damage they have caused, if any of the convicted are foreigners then the immigration department will choose to deport them back to their own country and they will be put on Thailand blacklist for re entry. Lawyer comment: If you are contacted on whatever basis listen to them first, if they keep talking like a salesman constantly asking you to buy something without proof of a real product beware. Do not trust them and believe everything that they say because they will try to steal the money from you, please understand that they are not the real article. Always check through trusted sources and consider researching about their company to make sure they are legitimate. Be safe and protect yourself and I will save you in the end. If you have any questions or inquiries please feel free to contact us at any time. By Somsak Chopaka of Siam Firm Inter Laws English Hotline: 081 808 9175, 089 774 6001, 084 979 4714 Pattaya Office: +66 (0) 38 906 721-3 Bangkok Office: + 66 (0) 2 260 3025 – 7 Hua Hin Office: +66 (0) 32 531 508 somsak@siamfirm. co. th For more information see www. siamfirm. co. th



Re-entry Permit

f you have a Single entry visa, extension of stay or Permanent Residence and would like to travel outside of Thailand for a short period then a re-entry permit will be needed. If you have an extension of stay and would like to travel outside of Thailand for a short period then a reentry permit will be needed. A re-entry permit must be obtained at the immigration office designated for your area. While it states that in an emergency it can be obtained at the airport no member has yet reported whether or not it is possible. When applying for a re-entry permit you will need to submit the following : * A completed TM-8 form * The correct fee * A 2” photo * Photocopy of passport (main page, visa page and latest entry stamp) Current fees for re-entry permit * 1,000 Baht for single * 3,800 Baht for multiple Re-entry permits can be applied for in person or by an agent at Thai Immigration. If an agent is used a letter of attorney is required. The processing time at Thai Immigration in Suan Phlu, can vary from 1 hour to half a day, so if you prefer to queue, apply before lunch so you can pick it up later the same day. Please check the website for more information http://



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012



Baan U Sabai

Insight English Language Schools


English and Thai Classes for everyone Educational Visa, Translation & TEFL courses Schools in Hua Hin, Cha-Am & Bangkok 032-470 681 E-mail: david@insightenglish. com www. insightenglish-huahin. com

3 Bed / 2 Bath House Land 101.5 sqr. wah Swimming Pool and many extras Ready to move in Bargain 3.95 m. baht

081-088-5313 082-299-9483

HUA HIN PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC Sport injury, neck & back pain, muscle aches, joint stiffness, repetitive strain and injury, stroke etc. Our qualified physiotherapist can help you with PT. equipments, spine mobilization technique, therapeutic exercise and massage. More information

The Breeze Condo for Rent

please call 032-512735, 086-6992829 or visit us at Soi 88/1 Petchkasem Rd.

3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 157 sqm. Exclusive fully furnished, Seaview 65,000 Baht per month. Contact 0819154169 ( Eng. ), 0834486228 (Thai) E-mail: yayajonerot. k@hotmail. com

( Next to Hua Hin Market Village Shopping Center )

Car for Sale

Opel Astra Estate 1996 Automatic

Hua Hin Yoga & Pilates

Revised Engine 15.000 KM New Tires – No Acccident Price : 150,000 Baht Call: Jerry 089 009 8560

Land for Sale ขายที่ดินใกล้หัวหินราคาถูก 9 ไร่เศษ ตารางวาละ 1,500 บาท แบ่งขายที่ดินใกล้ชะอ�ำ ตารางวาละ 2,250 บาท

Open Everyday from 9 am – 3 pm Above Zoom Optic Shop, Petchkasem Road. Entrance via soi 74, Tanawit Hotel,

Beach front Land for Sale

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370 T. W. Superb land at tranquil bay near Kui Buri. Cross a small road and you on the beach. Elec. / water / internet.

Only 4.2 MB. Tel: 083 273 6152 Email: rjrawlinson32@hotmail. com

Advertise in

Hua Hin Today call : 032 909 095

Cherry : +66 (0) 86 369 3604 Email: advertising@huahintoday. net

Amp : +66 (0) 86 300 7305

Email : marketing. huahintoday@gmail. com

Lake view, sea facing, 9th floor. 2 BR, 2 bathroom, 120sq m fully furnished. Cost 6.3m 7 years ago, today valued 7.3m. Sale bargain price 6m + 1/2 transfer fee. Call Trevor 0878 075 812

Condo for Rent !!!

42 sq. m located at 7th floor Fully furnished, separate Bedroom Bathroom With Balcony facing the poolside and sea view Facilities provide

Asking price starts at 10,000 Baht per month. Pls. contact: weng_214@yahoo. com

Condominium Hua Hin

Palm Pavilion

beside Pimpaka Massage

Tel : Eng : K. Tu 081-453-5978 Thai : K. Ta 087-689-4203 E-Mail : yogini_tu@hotmail. com

Absolute Beach Front Condo Sweeping Sea and Mountain views.

Hua Hin 15 k. Cha-Am 8 k. 151 sq. Metres. 9th Floo r.

081-088-5313 082-299-9483

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Social

Intercontinental Hua Hin Resort Hosts Exclusive Party For The Hip 1970’s Generation


Far East Live Seminar (FELS) 2012 In Thailand


eier’s Weltreisen led by Robert Uhl (5th from left), Marketing Manager recently brought media group from a familiarization trip ‘Far East Live Seminar (FELS) 2012 in Thailand’ to Hua Hin. 11 familiarization trips throughout Asia, known as pre-tours, were organized before the main event in Bangkok and Hua Hin. More than 200 travel agents, 9 press and journalists gathering together at the main seminar, where they had the opportunity to exchange their impressions,

feelings and experiences they had from their pre-tours. Each group consisted of 20 selected travel industry staffs and guided by a local tour guides. During the trip to Hua Hin, they visited and stayed at Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin, where they received a warm welcome by Naruemol Thierkarochanakul (1st from left), Public Relations Manager and Kiattiyos Aprachitpairin (1st from right), Front Office Manager.

McFARLAND House Named One of Thailand’s Best Restaurants 2012


UA HIN, THAILAND: The exclusive ambience at InterContinental Hua Hin Resort and its ever-growing reputation as the place to be, and be seen, was further enhanced recently when it hosted a Blue and White party. Hand picked socialites and local luminaries arrived in the required colours and were treated to an evening of fun and entertainment – made all the more glam and intimate as all guests were born between 1970 and 1980. Famous

hits from the era and some signature styles were in evidence throughout the evening. Offering privacy, exclusivity and local expertise, the InterContinental Hua Hin Resort pioneers rare privileges – like 24-hours butler service and private air shuttle returnFarland House, Hua Hin’s historical transfers to Bangkok – and an equally rareified beachfront two-storey wooden house, ambience offset with a design influence by the Summer Palace and a service that personifies has recently been recognised by Thailand Tatler magazine as one of Thailand’s Best personalisation. Restaurants 2012 in the category of Thai and International Restaurant.



Thailand and serves snacks and tapas-style fare including healthy cuisine and a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Every Sunday, diners can enjoy a laid-back and relaxing Sunday Brunch at McFarland House featuring an international buffet and Built in the 19th century, McFarland House, live music performances, providing a chilleda Thai pavilion, has been restored and out atmosphere. transformed into an airy beachfront bar and Include McFarland House in your “Must Do” casual dining area overlooking the Gulf of list when you visit Hua Hin next time.



acques Mury (standing, centre), General Manager of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin recently organized a ‘Twin Night Party’ for management of the hotel to get together and join the team building activities, in order to keep good relation and teamwork among management. The dinner party was held at Sailom Restaurant in Hua Hin.

Sayam Sethaputra (seated, 3rd left), President of Mercedez-Benz Club Thailand recently organized a trip to Hua Hin for members and stayed at Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin.


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Events Calendar

Hua Hin Events & Promotions


June 2012

Thailand Events : Visake Bucha Day – June 4th - Thailand Visaka BuchaThis day commemorates the birth, the enlightenment and the entry into the nirvana of Buddha.

Temples throughout the country are crowded with people listening to sermons about Dharma (Buddha’s teaching) and in the evening there is a candlelit procession around the main building of the temple containing the Buddha statues.

Hotel Promotions and Events

Unless indicated differently, ALL prices are to be understood Per Person - NET + VAT + Service Charge - ++ etc. Children 1 – 6 years are usually free. Children from 6 – 11 are usually charged less -50% or more. Check with Staff.

Banyan Resort Hua Hin: Life Jazz at the Lemongrass Restaurant on alternating Saturdays:

Banyan Pool Villas: 1 Bedroom Villa : THB 5,799 incl Breakfast Buffet for 2 Persons. 2 Bedroom Villa : 8,850 THB with Breakfast for 4 Persons. Package includes : Welcome Drink – Fresh Fruit

Basket in Room – Free Bycicles Rental for 2 hours – Late Check out at 15 :00 – Including Massages : Alternatively, Thai Massage 90 Minutes – Oil Massage 60 Minutes – Foot Massage 60 Minutes – Body Scrub 60 Minutes – Herbal Compress 60 Minutes. Call for updated information : Tel: +66 (0) 3253 8888. Banyan Golf Club – 18 hole Golf Paradise overlooking the Tab Thai Valley with stunning sunsets. Experience a world class championship award winning golf course and dining facility. Banyan Golf Club, Hua Hin, a paradise for families and golf lovers with special offers. Club Championship Saturday, 9th June 2012. A Member’s only golf event, tee time from 12pm, THB 2,500.- golf & awards ceremony BBQ Buffet. THB 1,500.- dinner only. THB 2,950.- golf & BBQ, THB 1,500 BBQ. Price includes a beer, some snacks & prizes at Mulligan’s Pub following play. - THB 1,500 per person. Golf & Wine Dinner - Sunday, 24th June 2012 - Afternoon golf tournament, Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a 5 course wine dinner at The Terrace Restaurant, THB 3,300.- golf & dinner. THB 1,900.- dinner only For further information or reservation please contact 032-616200 or

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin

: McFarland House - Sunday Brunch 11.30am – 15.00pm. Baht 1,500 net per person inclusive of a bottle of sparkling wine per two persons. child 6 – 12 Baht 650. – All You Can eat Tapas - Fridays and Saturdays from, 6:00pm to 10:30pm. Baht 700 net per person. - Afternoon Tea - Daily from 2:00pm to 6:00pm - THB 300 net per person. All you can Eat Tapas – Wednesdays 6:30 – 10:30 pm – THB 700/person. Figs Restaurant – Pasta and Pizza. Authentic home-made pasta dishes and pizzas & favourite Italian dishes - Baht 250 per dish, every Tuesday and Saturday from 6:30pm to 10:30pm. Talay Thai Restaurant - Classic Thai Buffet. Every Monday from 6:30pm to 10:30pm , Baht 700 net per person for adults and Baht 350 net for children aged 6-12 with traditional Thai dances. - Hua Hin Fisherman´s night – every Friday evening between 6.30pm and 10.30pm with “Catch of the Day” and traditional Thai dances. At Baht 1,300 net per person for adults and Baht 600 net for children aged 6-12. Curries of Thailand - Talay Thai Restaurant offers an extensive range of Thai dishes prepared live by our skilled chefs. Served in many styles, enjoy steamed Thai Jasmine Rice with your selection of curries, stir-fried or with soup. Then, after enjoying these authentic curries, sweeten your palate with a wide selection of fresh fruit and desserts. Prices are at Baht 850 net per person for adult and Baht 425 net for child 6-12 years old. Children under 6 years old dine free when accompanied by parent. Come and experience the taste of Thailand every Friday from 6:30pm to 10:30pm The Pool Lawn - Seafood BBQ buffet - Western and Thai specialties – Live Band - every Thursday 7:00pm to 10:30pm. Baht 1,200 net for adults and Baht 600 net for children aged 6-12. For reservations and further information, please contact Hyatt Regency Hua Hin on Hotline +66 2254 6200 or +66 3252 1234,

Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa : White Lotus Restaurant - All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum. Saturday, Sunday and on Public Holidays for THB 449/ person. Full Moon

Diner - June 4th - 5 course set menue – THB 899 / Person. Every Sunday Chinese Buffet Dinner THB 899. Signature dish of the month - Crab Claws with different flavoured sauces , kale and oysters – THB 899 / Person. Signature dish of the month - Baked Banana prawns with egg noodles served in a clay pot for THB 600 nett. Chinese Buffet - Dinner every Sunday - A fusion of Chinese, Thai and Mediterranean cuisines - THB 899 nett per adult Sky Bar - Live DJ playing up tempo funky beats from 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm (Thursday to Saturday) Mix it up. Hang out. Let your hair down. All paired with chilled beats, signature cocktails and with Chef Lanka’s mouth-watering and carefully chosen Asian Twisted Tapas. (Except on Monday’s). Lin Chee Colada. The juicy pulp of this tropical fruit adds a sweet sensation to a very sophisticated Colada for THB 220 nett. The Chay Had Restaurant – Signature Dish of the month : Our summer salad is getting cold so we will wrap it up in a bread jacket with Thousand Island sauce for THB 240 nett. Monday June 4 – Full Moon curry night - An exclusive event under the light of the June full moon dinner, featuring a traditional range of Thai dishes from the Northern to the Southern regions for THB 650 or including wine, beer and soft drink - THB 1,100 nett per adult - THB 300 nett per child 6 – 11 years. Theme Dinners: Monday – Thai Curry night. 5 best curries at THB 550 per person. Wednesday: 5 course Wine Dinner with a glass of wine at THB 1,550 nett per person . Aqua Pool Bar & Sunset Beach Bar brings you special daily Sunset Hours from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm with all local beers and classic cocktails for THB 120 nett. Thai Buffet with a live Thai musician THB 599 nett. Saturdays - International Barbeque buffet with live band THB 999. Signature dishes of the month : Balsamic and extra virgin olive oil marinated grilled scallops and mushrooms served with cherry tomatoes and Arugula salad for THB 350 nett. Gong Tod Som Tum Pollamai for THB 350 nett. Deep fried Tiger prawns served with a fruit salad “Thai style” Other Hilton Venues / Outlets - The Wine Cellar : Wines to satisfy your cravings from 12 pm – 22 pm. Cellar Burgers on Staturday & Sunday from 12pm – 14 pm. World News Coffee : Infused Honey Latte THB 80 . Banana Sunday – Banana Sorbet THB 160. Pork Rib Sandwich in a Baguette with gratinated American cheese and spicy BBQ sauce- THB 160. Milestones Jazz Bar Lounge : Cocktail with Live Music. Two cocktails THB 600 incl. sparkling wine - Cocktail on wheels in the Lobby 5pm - 9pm – THB 100 / Glass. Abba night with the Metropolis Band - Buffet – Wine – Beer – THB 1400 / Person. Midnight Nightcap Hour – 12pm – 1 am – Happy Hour buy one , get one on the house. Hua Hin Brewery : Home brewed beer and Food & live Music . From Schlincky´s corner : Reihnischer Sauerbraten with Red Cabbage and Potato Dumplings at THB 480. Monster sized Schlincky Schnitzel with German Potato Salad THB 360. Beerhouse: with weekend coyote madness. - SOS Tugboat Bar – Live Sports on a big screen- Soccer- F1 HOME BREWED BEER COMBOS : Dancing Monkey Lager – Elephant Tusk Dark Lager – Sabai Sabai Wheat Ale. Wall of fame : 16 shots and your name is carved on the wall. THB 2400. Live Music. For reservations : 032 358 999 – * All prices are to be understood net + 7% Vat + 10 % Service Charge.

Centara Grand Resort & Villas : Palm Restaurant – Moonlight Dinner on the Beach – BBQ Buffet – Live Music – THB 1,400 / Person.

Salathai – Flavours of old Siam – Daily 1 am – 22.30 pm - Wednesdays 7 – 10:30pm Thai Buffet with live show THB 999/Person. Hagi Japanese Restaurant - traditional & modern Japanese cuisine – Teppanyaki - Sushi & Sashimi - open 17 – 22:30 pm For more Information call : 032 512 021 or Email :

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa : Salas Restaurant - Italian appetizer and dessert buffet with your choice of five main courses for Baht 1,400 net per adult and Baht

700 net per child starting from 6:00 pm. – 11:00 pm. Inazia Restaurant - Thai, Indian and Japanese set menus at price starting from Baht 1,800 net for two persons from 6:00 pm. – 11:00 pm. (All prices are inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% tax.) contact : Tel: 66 (0)32 708 080 Fax: 66 (0)32 708 028 or E-mail:,

Cool Breeze Café, Bar& Restaurant :

Tapas Tapas Tapas & Great Spanish and Mediteranean dishes The daily Happy Hour Promotion is always available from 11am until 7pm 7 days a week. Tapas Buy 3 Pay 2, Sangria Buy 1 Get 1 Free and house wine at 99 baht a glass. A set lunch menue (6 to choose from ) at 260 Baht per set and a new Breakfast Brunch starting from 150 Baht. Cool breeze Promotion : Sunday is wine night – House wine at 99 Baht per glass, all night. Monday Tapas night, buy 3 pay 2. Tuesday Sangria Night : Buy 1 get 1 Free all night.Wednes Cocktail night 100 Baht each. All big sport events shown on wide screen. Naresdamri Road – going towards the pier. ContactTel. 032 531 062 – info@

La Familia :

New Italian Restaurant on Soi 102 after the railroad tracks on the right side. Pizza & Pasta from a popular menue. Out of town low prices. Call for directions : 0848029425.

Ye Olde Buffalo Tavern -

Large outside Terrace and inside seating – Great Ambience. Daily British Breakfast – Continental Menue – Steaks – Roasts, best pork spare ribs in town. Bangkok Post awarded. Everyday great dishes , Draught Beers and Ales. Sunday roasts. Our tip for a great continental meal in a great Ambience. Corner Tomsin and Naresdamri road facing Hua Hin Port - Contact : 086 603 5335.

Black Lotus Restaurant - Black Angus Steaks – Beef Sandwiches – Salads –Thai and Continental dishes – Mediterranean Delicacies – Rich Desserts – International

Wines – Location : Soi 112 at the GreenScape and Black Lotus Development . Call : 080899 252 342 for directions and reservations ( Try the Super Dooper Black Angus Lotus Burger !)

Sara - Jane - International Home cooking – Thai and Continental – Massaman Curry - Skillet roasts – Steaks - Pan fried potatoes – Pasta & Pizza – Great garden – Live Music - 28/1 Poonsuk Road Hua Hin behind the Hua Hin Wat

Heaven´s Kitchen -

Promotions : Lunch every day with changing menues at Baht 99 / Person. Events May: 05.05.2012: Live Charity Music Festival (start 7pm) 12.05.2012: Art & Music Charity Event (start 7pm), 19.05.2012: Move Your Feet and Help Charity Party (start 7pm) - 26.05.2012: Live Music for Charity (start 7pm) Every Sunday cocktail party (from 2 pm to 7 pm) pay 1 get 1 free. German & Thai Food. Draught Beer – German Beers. Chomsin Road (going to the port) tel.: 032 513 805 - Web site :


Wine & Dine

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Marrakesh Al Hamra Marrocan Restaurant

Moroccan cuisine is the perfumed soul of Mediterranean culture, to be found right here in Hua Hin


oroccan food is one of the most sensual in the world. It appeals directly and unashamedly to the senses of smell, sight and taste in a way that no other cuisine can match. It has an amazing diversity and complexity of flavours, reflecting the many cultural influences on its cuisine.The souks are magical places, with smells and sights that make one feel hungry just thinking about them. Around every corner, waft different smells to surprise and delight. The Moroccan-born writer Edmond Amran el Maleh described Moroccan cuisine as “the perfumed soul of our culture”, a unique blend of African, Arabian and European influences. The result: a cuisine characterised by its subtle scents, delicate flavours and elegant presentation.At the Marrakesh Hua Hin culinary worlds meet with original dishes , fusion and Thai influenced.I had the opportunity to dine with the lovely GM Khun Jirapa to guide me through the culinary evening. One glance at the menue revealed that besides Marrocan dishes , the Al Hamra also offers International and Thai dishes.Khun Jirapa

suggested to take a journey through the countries and left the menue composition to her Chef. We started off with Chicken Tagine, an indigenous Marrocan delicacy of tenderly roasted Chicken breast served with Cous Cous and lemonized olive oil. Cous Cous is a North African dish of semolina traditionally served with a meat or vegetable stew spooned over it. Couscous is a staple food throughout countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya and a favourite with French people). Although I prefer Thai rice to Cous Cous , it was nicely prepared and tasted great. As a second Dish we had pan-fried Norwegian Salmon with different sauces and a Scallops and King Prawns skewer with fresh Bell Pepper and Onions, a Mediterranean delight.The dinner was crowned with delicious slices of charcoal grilled Australian Wagyu Beef with sautéed wild mushroom & veal jus red wine sauce. Unable to continue with this feasting, we chose a “light dessert” of Coconut Mascarpone which is an interesting combination of Thailandmeets Italy. Our Dinner was accompanied by an Australian Cabernet Sauvignon, a suave red wine, matching most of our dishes, especially the Wagyu beef composition.

Marrakesh welcomes all those food lovers and will treat them accordingly.Thank you Khun Jirapa, it was a delightfull evening. Contact Marrakesh for more info : Reservations 032 616 777 - Fax: +66 (0) 32 616 799 Website :

Mondo Vino ‘‘Hua Hin’s Wine Experience’’ 22/65 Naeb Kaehat Rd, Hua Hin (next to Putahracsa) Tel. 032 531493 www. mondovino. co. th


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012


….. Continued from page 11….

SPA Promotions


The Barai – Exclusive Destination Spa

CELEBRATE SUMMER AT THE BARAI - Celebrate summer with ancient Thai therapies

and treatments with water to cool down the summer heat and balance your elements with spa packages specially designed for your body and mind available throughout April 2012. SUMMERTIME SPA EXPERIENCE, 120 MINUTE - BHT 4,500/PERSON OR BAHT 7,900/COUPLE This spa package offering a perfect combination between jasmine, art and science of water and Thai massage techniques. Package includes: Jasmine Body Polish with Hydro Vichy Shower - A choice of Thai Blend Aroma Massage or Traditional Thai Massage. WATER ELEMENT RITUAL, 3.15-HOUR – BAHT 5,500++ PER PERSON OR BAHT 9,900++ PER COUPLE Sooth your body, relax the mind and freshen your spirit by luxuriating in a 3.15-hour spa escape and indulge yourself with a Water Element Ritual. Package includes: Water Element Bath - Aromatherapy Massage - Relaxing Aromatherapy Facial THE BARAI BLEND SIGNATURE MASSAGE, 90 MINUTE - BAHT 3,500++ PER PERSON OR BAHT 5,900++ PER COUPLE Experience a 90-minute BARAI Blend Massage using massage oil, blended of lemongrass, ginger and mint. You will completely relax and become recharged as the therapist performs the massage using a mixture of Thai, Swedish and Aromatherapy massage techniques. For reservations and further information, please contact :Tel: +66 2254 6200 or +66 3251 1234, or e-mail:,

SHERATON - Aspadeva Spa – “Touch of Aspadeva” Spa Promotion Thai Touch: discover the ancient art of aromatherapy and experience the

healing powers of essential oils and help to balance Mind, body and soul - 15 min. Thai Herbal Steam - 45 min Thai Herbal Scrub - 60 min. Traditional Thai Massage or Secret Thai Facial. Mandarin Orange Touch: 15 min. Mandarin Orange Steam - 45 min. Mandarin Salt Body Glow Scrub - 60 min. Swedish Massage with Orange oil. Contact Aspadeva Spa at Tel: 66 (0)32 708 235 E-mail:, Resort Reservation Tel: 66 (0)32 708 080. Best rates are always available for online reservations at

he vacancy rates in both buildings will fall as tenants move in to take physical occupation. The majority of other Grade-A office buildings within the CBD are less than 10 per cent vacant. Tenants looking for Grade-A CBD offices actually have a surprisingly limited choice, particularly larger space users. CBRE expects that rents for the preferred buildings will continue to rise as there is very limited new supply before 2014. Retail Market: In the retail sector, all shopping centres closed during the floods have reopened. Major shopping centres benefited from the V-shaped recovery in the economy. The retail sector has continued expanding both within the downtown and in suburban locations, with focus on large-scale retail such as Terminal 21 and Mega Bangna. The retail industry is beginning to evolve with projects becoming more focused on a unique concept and the industry being more lifestyle driven, catering to the needs of each target segment. Small-scale first-time developers continue to build community malls. CBRE believes that not all of these will succeed, in many cases rental rates and occupancy will be lower than expected given a limited catchment area, therefore threatening the longer term viability of these projects. Industrial Market: In the industrial sector, CBRE is seeing factories reopen on the seven


estates and parks that were affected by the floods. There have not been mass factory closures in these areas. Future expansion of existing companies and new investment is focused on the Eastern Seaboard and Saraburi, Nakhon Ratchasima areas. CBRE expects that industrial estate developers could see another record year for industrial land plot sales and their challenge will be to supply enough plots where the infrastructure has been completed and all necessary permits are in place. Hotel & Serviced Apartment Markets: In the hospitality sector, there continues to be strong tourist arrivals. However, the total hotel supply continues to increase in Bangkok, putting pressure on occupancy and rates. CBRE expects that hotel room supply will increase by 28 per cent in Bangkok by 2014. Some hotel developers may face some difficulty in adhering to their loan repayments unless the cash flow is coming from another business line. Banks may start to tighten their lending criteria to the hotel sector which will restrict the amount of new supply that is being planned but it is not yet being built. The serviced apartment sector performed better with occupancy and rates rising with the mix between long and daily rate guests providing more stability. Limited future supply of serviced apartments has improved prospects for the serviced apartment sector.

World Blood Donor Day 2012

Surrendertoyoursensesinthisheavenlysanctuary.AtRestfully Yours, select from a range of especially created treatments to relax and pamper the body, mind and soul, leaving you refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated. One treatment simply won’t be enough! Phone: +66 (0) 32 547 733 - Facsimile: +66 (0) 32 547 722 E-mail: rest@ . We are in Soi 19 on the shore road at the very end. Call us for directions.

Financial Views

on a Crippled Euro and Dollar M

By GMoss

aybe not, maybe yes. Countries could see Britain as a safe haven for currency. With low interest rates it will be a good place to try and borrow money. Also England will have to watch the boarders, if the Euro collapses the channel will have to be watched along with the airports, for people trying to withdraw their money through British banks. It could be a bitter sweet thing for the UK in the long term. Spain and Italy are in difficulty s too. If they go then it is good night Euro, because Spain alone would drain all of the Euro money in trying to shore up the Euro. Bad situation. him well say he advocates making long-term Soros doesn’t make small bets on anything. stock picks with solid companies, avoiding Beyond the markets, he has plowed billions gold—“the ultimate bubble”—and, mainly, of dollars of his own money into promoting holding cash. political freedom in Eastern Europe and He’s not even doing the one thing that you other causes. He bet against the Bush White would expect from a man who knows a crippled House, becoming a hate magnet for the right currency when he sees one: shorting the euro, that persists to this day. So, as Soros and the and perhaps even the U.S. dollar, to hell. world’s movers once again converge on Davos, Quite the reverse. He backs the beleaguered Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum euro, publicly urging European leaders to do this week, what is one of the world’s highest- whatever it takes to ensure its survival. “The stakes economic gamblers betting on now? euro must survive because the alternative—a He’s not. For the first time in his 60-year career, Soros, now 81, admits he is not sure what to do. “It’s very hard to know how you can be right, given the damage that was done during the boom years,” Soros says. He won’t discuss his portfolio, lest anyone think he’s talking things down to make a buck. But people who know

breakup—would cause a meltdown that Europe, the world, can’t afford.” He has bought about $2 billion in European bonds, mainly Italian, from MF Global Holdings Ltd., the securities firm run by former Goldman Sachs head Jon Corzine that filed for bankruptcy protection last October.


n 14 June 2012, the Hua Hin Red Cross Center is going to celebrate the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian biologist and physician who first distinguished the main blood groups in 1900 and developed the modern system of classification of blood groups from his identification of the presence of agglutinins in the blood. Since this celebration coincides with the World Blood Donor Day 2012, the Hua Hin Red Cross Center will launch a blood donation campaign with a slogan, “Every blood in donor”, which praises all blood donors as heroes who volunteer to constantly do good things without asking anything in return. The donated blood from the event will be stored in a blood bank to help patients in need of it later. Those who would like to do blood donation have to be 17 to 70 years old with good physical condition.The event takes place from 8.30 am. To 4 pm. at the Hua Hin Red Cross Center. For more information, please contact tel. 032 511 024 or 032 512 567.

เชิญชวนร่วมบริจาคโลหิต ในวันผูบ้ ริจาคโลหิตโลก 2555 วันที่ 14 มิถนุ ายน พ.ศ. 2555 เป็นวันคล้ายวัน เกิดของ ดร. คาร์ล แลนด์ไดเนอร์ ผูค้ น้ พบระบบหมูโ่ ลหิต เอบีโอ ซึง่ มีความส�ำคัญถือว่าเป็นวันผูบ้ ริจาคโลหิตและในปี 2555 นีก้ ม็ สี โลแกน คือ Every Blood in donor ผูบ้ ริจาค โลหิตทุกคนเป็นฮีโร่ ทางสถานีกาชาดหัวหินเฉลิมพระเกียรติ จึงจัดโครงการวันผูบ้ ริจาคโลหิตโลก ประจ�ำปี 2555 (World Blood Donor Day )ขึน้ เพือ่ เป็นการยกย่องเชิดชูผบู้ ริจาค โลหิตทีบ่ ริจาคโลหิตเป็นประจ�ำ รวมถึงเป็นการบริจาคโลหิต ด้วยความสมัครใจโดยไม่หวังผลตอบแทน ร่วมบริจาคโลหิต อย่างสม�ำ่ เสมอและเพิม่ จ�ำนวนผูบ้ ริจาคโลหิตใหม่ทสี่ ำ� คัญ เป็นการเฉลิมฉลองเนื่องในวันผู้บริจาคโลหิตโลก ซึ่งการ บริจาคโลหิตในครัง้ นีจ้ ะท�ำให้มโี ลหิตไว้รองรับผูป้ ว่ ยทีส่ ญ ู เสีย โลหิตต่อไป จึงขอเชิญซวนประชาชนทีม่ อี ายุระหว่าง 17 ปีขน้ึ ไปจนถึง 70 ปี ร่วมบริจาคโลหิตได้ในวันที่ 14 มิถนุ ายน พ.ศ. 2555 ตัง่ แต่เวลา 08.30 น. – 16.00 น. ณ งานบริการโลหิต สถานีกาชาดเฉลิมพระเกียรติ สามารถสอบถามรายละเอียด เพิม่ เติมได้ที่ 032-511024 หรือ 032-512567

The Hua Hin Today Team

Responsible for Hua Hin Today / Cha-Am Today / Property & Golf Today & Food Lovers

Pol.Gen Maj Noi Wannapaiboon Editor

Mr.Gerard Mosselman (Jerry) Consulting Editor

Ms.Atchareeya Lindstrand (Ning) Assistant to the Editor

Ms.Sunisa Kheunkum (Cherry) Marketting Coordinator

Ms.Chamaipron Chaithep (Amp) Marketting Coordinator

Mr.Grit Promprasert (Nat) Graphic Designer


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 8 June 2012

Cha Am Today


Volume 3 issue 10 June 2012

Volume 3 Issue 10 June 2012

52nd Festival for Chao Poh Khao Yai เชิญเทีย่ วงานเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ชะอ�ำ 52 T

he Chao Poh Khao Yai Cha-Am disciples group is organizing the 52nd annual festival to pay homage to the citadel god from 12 to 15 July 2012 at the ChaAm Municipality.According to the Cha-Am Mayor Mr.Nukul Pornsomboonsiri, Chao Poh Khao Yai is one of the highly revered gods for Cha-Am people and those in the neighboring areas. So much respected that his name appears in the city’s motto; legend has it that Chao Poh Khao Yai was a Chinese immigrant living in Cha-Am. With strong white spell and good knowledge in traditional medical treatment, he was the one whom local people of Cha-Am respected and relied on. When he passed away, the people erected a shrine at the Cha-Am village now situated behind the ChaAm railway station. Chao Poh Khao Yai’s shrine is reportedly a spiritual sanctuary of Cha-Am people because, when they would like to do anything with success, most people visit the shrine and make a votive prayer. Almost all good wishes have become true according to local people’s word of mouth. To pay homage to their beloved sacred god, the local people of Cha-Am have organized a festive activity since 1960. This year will be the 52nd anniversary. Starting on 12 July at 1 pm., the image of Chao Poh Khao Yai will be installed in a big procession that rounds the city of Cha-Am. Buddhist monks will be invited to splash holy water when the procession forwards to a temporary shrine at the Cha-Am Municipality. At 8.30 pm., the Cha-Am Mayor will preside over the opening of the festival which includes beautiful fireworks, Chinese stage dramas and many outdoor movies. On 13 July from 7 am. to 12 pm., a Chinese ceremony of offering food to pay homage to Chao Poh Khao Yai will be held. At 8.30 pm., there will be an auction of all offerings to the god so that the devout people will bid for things to keep at home for the sake of future prosperity. This activity will take place along

with stage performances, Chinese dramas and outdoor movies. On 14 July from 7 am. to 12 pm., there will be another Chinese ceremony to pay respect the god, and entertainments will take place in the evening.

The last day begins at 2 pm. with a Chinese ceremony of making an offering to wandering spirits in front of the Chao Poh Khao Yai shrine. Then, at 3.30 pm., food, fruit and sweets will be donated and shared to everybody who participates in the ceremony. In the evening, there will still be entertaining activities until midnight when the image of Chao Poh Khao Yai is settled back at the shrine. The Chao Poh Khao Yai disciples group is now having a new and bigger shrine constructed next to the old one. Donation for the new shrine construction is welcome during the festival, announced Mr. Nukul.

ครัง้ ที่

คณะศิษย์เจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ชะอ�ำ จัดงาน ประจ�ำปีเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ชะอ�ำ ครัง้ ที่ ๕๒ วัน ที่ ๑๒ – ๑๕ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕ เชิญชาว ชะอ�ำและผูท้ เี่ คารพนับถือร่วมงาน ณ หน้า ส�ำนักงานเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ นายนุกลู พร สมบูรณ์ศริ ิ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองชะอ�ำ เปิด เผยว่า งานเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ชะอ�ำจัดขึน้ ต่อ เนือ่ งมาทุกปีจนเป็นงานประจ�ำปีสำ� คัญของ เมืองชะอ�ำซึง่ ปีนเี้ ป็นปีที่ ๕๒ ก�ำหนดจัดขึน้ ระหว่างวันที่ ๑๒ – ๑๕ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕ รวม ๔ วัน ณ หน้าส�ำนักงานเทศบาลเมือง ชะอ�ำ เจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่เป็นเสมือนเทพทีช่ าว ชะอ�ำและอ�ำเภอใกล้เคียงเคารพนับถือคู่ เมืองชะอ�ำ ซึง่ ปรากฏตามค�ำขวัญเมืองชะอ�ำทีว่ า่ “เมืองน�ำ้ ทะเลใส หาดทรายขาว เจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ศกั ดิส์ ทิ ธิ์ คน จิตใจงาม” ตามต�ำนานกล่าวว่า เจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่เป็นชาวจีนโพ้นทะเลทีเ่ ข้ามาอาศัยอยูใ่ นชะอ�ำ เนือ่ งจากท่านเป็นผูม้ ี วิชาอาคม เป็นหมอรักษาโรค จึงเป็นทีเ่ คารพนับถือและทีพ่ งึ่ ทางใจของชาวชะอ�ำเรือ่ ยมา เมือ่ เจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่สนิ้ ชีวติ ไป ชาวชะอ�ำจึงได้พากันตัง้ ศาลเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ขนึ้ ทีห่ มูบ่ า้ นชะอ�ำหลังสถานีรถไฟชะอ�ำ ศาลเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่เป็น ทีเ่ คารพสักการะและทีพ่ งึ่ พิงทางจิตใจของชาวชะอ�ำ บ่อยครัง้ เมือ่ ชาวชะอ�ำปรารถนาต้องการให้สงิ่ ใดส�ำเร็จบรรลุ ผลก็จะบนบานศาลกล่าวต่อเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ และส่วนใหญ่จะบรรลุผลตามทีไ่ ด้บนบานไว้จนเป็นทีเ่ ลือ่ มใสศรัทธา กราบไหว้ของชาวชะอ�ำเรือ่ ยมา ดังนัน้ เพือ่ เป็นการแสดงถึงความเคารพนับถือเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ ซึง่ เปรียบเสมือน เทพเจ้าศักดิส์ ทิ ธิข์ องชาวอ�ำเภอชะอ�ำและใกล้เคียง ชาวเมืองชะอ�ำจึงจัดงานเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ชะอ�ำขึน้ ตัง้ แต่ปี 2503 เป็นต้นมาจนเป็นงานประจ�ำปี ซึง่ ปี 2555 นีเ้ ป็นปีที่ 52 ของการจัดงานโดยกิจกรรมประกอบด้วย วันที่ 12 ก.ค. 2555 เวลา 13.00 น.อันเชิญเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ประทับรถยนต์แห่รอบตลอดชะอ�ำ พร้อมทัง้ ได้นมิ นต์พระสงฆ์มา ปะพรมน�ำ้ มนต์ เพือ่ เป็นสิรมิ งคล และเชิญมาประทับทีต่ ำ� หนักชัว่ คราว หน้าส�ำนักงานเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ เวลา 20.30 น. นายนุกลู พรสมบูรณ์ศริ ิ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองชะอ�ำ เป็นประธานเปิดงาน พร้อมจุดพลุ และดอกไม้ไฟ พร้อมมีมหรสพ งิว้ ภาพยนตร์ สมโภชถวาย วันที่ 13 ก.ค. 2555 เวลา 7.00 น. – 12.00 น. ท�ำพิธไี หว้เจ้า เวลา 20.30 น. มีการประมูลสิง่ ของ หน้าศาลเจ้าเพือ่ น�ำไปเป็นสิรมิ งคลแด่ทา่ น กลางคืน มีมหรสพ งิว้ ภาพยนตร์ สมโภชถวาย วันที่ 14 ก.ค. 2555 เวลา 7.00 น. – 12.00 น. ท�ำพิธไี หว้เจ้า กลางคืน มีมหรสพ งิว้ ภาพยนตร์ สมโภชถวาย วันที่ 15 ก.ค. 2555 เวลา 14.00 น. พิธไี หว้ ผีไม่มญ ี าติทหี่ น้าศาลเจ้า เวลา 15.30 น. ร่วมแจกทานอาหาร, ขนม, และผลไม้ กลางคืน มีมหรสพ งิว้ ภาพยนตร์ สมโภช ถวาย เวลา 24.00 น. อัญเชิญเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่กลับ ณ สถานทีเ่ ดิม นอกจากนี้ ปัจจุบนั คณะศิษย์เจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่กำ� ลังด�ำเนินการก่อสร้างศาลเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่หลังใหม่ซงึ่ อยูข่ า้ งกับศาลเจ้าพ่อเขา ใหญ่เดิมและหลังใหญ่กว่าเก่า เพือ่ ให้สมเกียรติเป็นสง่ากับเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ จึงขอเชิญผูท้ มี่ จี ติ ศรัทธาสามารถติดต่อบริจาคได้ ภายในงานนี้ ดังนัน้ วันที่ ๑๒ – ๑๕ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๕๕ นี้ จึงขอเชิญชาวชะอ�ำและผูท้ เี่ คารพนับถือเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ ไปร่วมงาน ประจ�ำปีเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ชะอ�ำ ครัง้ ที่ 52 พร้อมเพียงกัน นายนุกลู กล่าวในทีส่ ดุ By Sorravit

Drawing Contest at Baan Khanom Nanthawan Petchaburi


aan Khanom Nanthawan, a wellknown Thai sweet and pastry shop of Phetchaburi, is organizing a colored drawing contest from 16 to 25 June 2012. With

a thematic title, “Baan Khanom Nanthawan and Phetchaburi Lifestyle”, this event enables Thai youths to manifest and use their artistic ability for their pastime. Winners will be awarded a lot of fantastic prizes and scholarships worth 100,000 Baht in total, said Mrs. Nanthawan

Petcharapirat, the owner of Baan Khanom Nanthawan. Applicants for the contest should be students of no more than 25 years old and they will submit individual works in A2 paper only. Harmonious creativity and imagination that relates Phetchaburi lifestyle and Baan Khanom Nanthawan together is necessarily depicted in the picture as well. Any types of color: crayon, colored pencil, watercolor or poster color, are allowed. The title of each work must not exceed 6 lines. The first winner will receive 30,000 Baht cash with a present; the second runner-up will be awarded 20,000 Baht cash with a present; the third runner-up will be given 10,000 Baht cash with a

present. There will be 2 complimentary awards worth 5,000 Baht with presents and 10 more special gifts as special awards, too. However, a winner who submits more than one work will get only one highest price.For more information on the drawing contest, please contact Baan Khanom Nanthawan’s Customer Relations at tel. 032 419910-1.

บ้านขนมนันทวัน จังหวัดเพชรบุรเี ชิญชวนประกวดภาพวาดชิงเงินรางวัล นางนันทวัน เพชราภิรตั น์ เจ้าของร้านขนมนันทวันเปิดเผยว่า บ้านขนมนันทวันได้จดั โครงการประกวดภาพวาดระบายสี “วิถชี วี ติ คนเมืองเพชรกับบ้านขนมนันทวัน” โดยจะจัดขึน้ ในระหว่างวันที่ 16-25 มิ.ย. 55 นี้ เพือ่ ชิงทุนการศึกษาและของรางวัลรวมมูลค่า 100,000 บาท โครงการประกวดภาพวาดระบายสี “วิถชี วี ติ คนเมือง เพชรกับบ้ารขนมนันทวัน”นัน้ จัดขึน้ เพือ่ ให้เยาวชนได้แสดงออกถึงความสามารถทางด้านศิลปะ ใช้เวลาว่างให้เป็นประโยชน์เล็งเห็นถึงควาทส�ำคัญของวิถชี วี ติ ความเป็น อยูข่ องชาวเพชรบุรี ส่วนการประกวดนัน้ จะเป้นการประกวดประเภทบุคคล ผูส้ ง่ ผลงานเข้าประกวดจะต้องเป็น นักเรียน นิสติ นักศึกษา อายุไม่เกิน 25 ปี ดดยผูร้ ว่ ม ประกวดจะต้องน�ำเลนอความคิดสร้างสรรค์และจินตนาการวาดภาพระบายสีในหัวข้อ แนวคิดวิ๔ชีวติ คนเมืองเพชรและบ้านขนมนันทวันแทรกอยูใ่ นภาพวาดด้วย ดดย วาดลงในกระดาษวาดเขียน 100 ปอนด์ขนึ้ ไป ขนาด A2 สามารถช้สแี ละเทคนิคประเภทงามวิจติ รได้ทกุ ประเภท เช่น สีเทียน สีไม้ สีชอล์ก สีนำ�้ หรือสีโปสเตอร์ ก็ได้พร้อมตัง้ ชือ่ ภาพวาดประมาณ 5 – 6 บรรทัด ส�ำหรับรางวัลผืทไี่ ด้รบั รางวัลชนะเลิศจะได้รบั รางวัลเงินสดจ�ำนวน 30,000 บาท พร้อมของขวัญ รางวัลรองชนะเลิศ อันดับ 1 ได้รบั รางวัลเงินสด 20,000 บาทพร้อมของรางวัล รางวัลรองชนะเลิศอันดับ 2 ได้รบั รางวัลเงินสดจ�ำนวน10,000 บาท พร้อมของรางวัล รางวัลชมเชยอีก 2 รางวัลซึง่ จะได้รบั รางวัลเงินสดรางวัลละ 5,000 บาท พร้อมของรางวัล นอกจากนีย้ งั มีของขวัญของฝากส�ำหรับรางวัลชมเชยพิเศษอีก 10 รางวัล ส�ำหรับผูท้ สี่ นใจ ส่งผลงานเข้าร่วมประกวดนัน้ สามารถส่งผลงานได้ไม่จำ� กัดแต่มสี ทิ ธิร์ บั รางวัลสูงสุดได้เพียงรางวัลเดียวเท่านัน้ ติดต่อรับใบสมัครพร้อมส่งผลงานด้วยตัวเองได้ทบี่ า้ น ขนมนันทวันตัง่ แต่วนั ที่ 16 – 25 มิ.ย. 55 นีเ้ ท่านัน้ โดยไม่เสียค่าใช้จา่ ยใดๆทัง้ สิน้ และสามารถสอบถามรายระเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ที่ ฝ่ายลูกค้าสัมพันธ์บา้ นขนมนันทวัน 032- 419910 -1

B 42

Local news

Water Supply Needs Expansion


he Cha-Am Municipality is proposing a budget to expand water supply systems at Don Pa Cha that will accommodate more water use in the next 10 years. The project will be immediately carried out once the budget is approved. Recently, the Cha-Am Municipality has built a new water plant at the Ruam Jai Pattana community due to increasing use of water at present and the need to supply it for areas in the southern part of the city. Nevertheless, the rapid growth and development of Cha-Am witnessed from many projects of construction of houses, buildings, hotels and resorts as well as high rates of tourists in the city result in increasing use of water. According to the statistics of 2010 from Department of Tourism, 4.54 millions of tourists came to the city while 3.91 millions of them came here in 2009. Although Thailand gained over 8.21 billion Baht from tourism in Cha-Am, there is a concern of extreme water shortage in the city by the next decade. To accommodate need for water consumption of local people and solve problems on current water shortage in the municipal area of the city, the Water Supply Division of the Cha-Am Municipality is going to improve and expand water supply systems from 1,200 cubic meters

S per hour to 2,000 cubic meters per hour. This is a preparation for more water use in the next 10 years as well. The new project for water supply expansion will take place at the Don Pa Cha area next to the old water supply plant in the north. With the overall budget of 55,585,000 Baht, the new water supply plant can produce 800 cubic meters of water per hour. It includes a 7X20 meter low pressure water pump station, a 800 cubic meter setting tank, a 800 cubic meter water filtration plant and other related works like mechanics, electricity and public works. This project was already surveyed on 16 January 2008 and is now under the process of public hearing. Once approved of budget, it can be completed within 300 days. The Cha-Am Municipality strongly believes that the new water plant will provide clean and sufficient water supply to local people and tourists in all areas of the city and accommodate the rapid urban growth in the next 10 years.

มท. ๒ ลงพืน้ ทีต่ รวจความพร้อมโครงการขยายระบบผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาชะอ�ำ รองรับความเจริญของเมืองอีก ๑๐ ปี นายชูชาติ หาญสวัสดิ์ รมช.มหาดไทย ลงพืน้ ทีช่ ะอ�ำตรวจสอบความพร้อมโครงการทีข่ อรับงบสนับสนุนจากรัฐบาล ๕๕ ล้านบาทเศษ เพือ่ ก่อสร้างขยายระบบผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาเพิม่ อีก ๘๐๐ ลูกบาศก์เมตรต่อชัว่ โมง รองรับความเจริญเติบโตของเมืองอีก ๑๐ ปี เมือ่ วันที่ ๑๙ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๕๕ เวลา ๙.๐๐ น. ณ ห้องประชุมเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ นายชูชาติ หาญสวัสดิ์ รัฐมนตรีชว่ ยว่าการกระทรวงมหาดไทยพร้อมคณะได้เดินทางเข้ารับฟังบรรยายเหตุผลความจ�ำเป็น และความพร้อมของการเสนอของบประมาณสนับสุนนจากรัฐบาลในโครงการก่อสร้างขยายระบบผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ พร้อมเข้าดูพนื้ ทีจ่ ริงของโครงการ โดยมีนายนุกลู พรสมบูรณ์ศริ ิ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองชะอ�ำ ให้การต้อนรับและบรรยายสรุปโครงการ นายนุกลู กล่าวว่า ด้วยการประปาของชะอ�ำอยูใ่ นความดูแลรับผิดชอบของเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ ปัจจุบนั นีใ้ นพืน้ ทีข่ องชะอ�ำประสบ ปัญหาเรือ่ งของการขยายตัวของอสังหาริมทรัพย์โดยเฉพาะในปีนมี้ กี ารยืน่ ขอรับรองการใช้นำ�้ ประปาตามโครงการทีพ่ กั อาศัยขนาด ใหญ่กว่า ๗,๐๐๐ ห้อง นอกจากนีก้ ารเพิม่ ขึน้ ของนักท่องเทีย่ วทีม่ อี ตั ราการเพิม่ ขึน้ อย่างต่อเนือ่ ง ซึง่ ในปีนมี้ จี ำ� นวนนักท่องเทีย่ วเดิน ทางเข้ามาในชะอ�ำถึง ๔.๙๒ ล้านคน เพิม่ ขึน้ จากปีกอ่ นร้อยละ ๘.๓๗ อีกทัง้ ปัญหาการผลิตปัจจุบนั การประปาเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ สามารถผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาเฉลีย่ ต่อวันอยูท่ ี่ ๒๘,๘๐๐ ลูกบาศก์เมตรต่อวัน ในขณะทีม่ คี วามต้องการใช้นำ้� สูงสุดอยูท่ ี่ ๓๓,๙๑๕ ลูกบาศก์ เมตรต่อวัน จึงยังขาดแคลนน�ำ้ อีก ๕,๑๑๕ ลูกบาศก์เมตรต่อวัน โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิง่ ประชาชนทีอ่ าศัยอยูด่ า้ นทิศใต้ฝง่ั ตะวันตกของเขต เทศบาลทีต่ ดิ กับเขตเทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน ประสบปัญหาวิกฤตขาดแคลนน�ำ้ อย่างหนัก ซึง่ ขณะนีเ้ ทศบาลแก้ปญ ั หาเฉพาะหน้าด้วยการ ใช้รถบรรทุกน�ำ้ ประปาไปแจกจ่าย เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำได้ตระหนักถึงปัญหาดังกล่าว จึงได้เริม่ ท�ำการส�ำรวจออกแบบและประมาณการ โครงการก่อสร้างขยายระบบผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาเพิม่ ขึน้ อีก ๘๐๐ ลูกบาศก์เมตรต่อชัว่ โมง หรือ ๑๙,๒๐๐ ลูกบาศก์เมตรต่อวัน งบประมาณ ๑๔๖ ล้านบาทในพืน้ ทีโ่ รงผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาดอนป่าช้าตัง้ แต่ปี ๒๕๕๑ และได้ขอรับงบประมาณสนับสนุนจากส่วนกลางแต่ยงั ไม่ได้รบั การ จัดสรร ดังนัน้ ในโอกาสทีน่ ายกรัฐมนตรีและคณะรัฐมนตรีเดินทางเข้ามาประชุม ครม.สัญจร อย่างเป็นทางการนอกสถานที่ ณ จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี วันที่ ๒๐ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๕๕ ทีผ่ า่ นมา เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ ในฐานะองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิน่ ทีอ่ ยูใ่ นพืน้ ทีพ่ จิ ารณา ของการประชุมคราวนี้ จึงได้เสนอผ่านจังหวัดเพชรบุรเี พือ่ ขอรับการสนับสนุนงบประมาณจากรัฐบาลจ�ำนวน ๕๕.๕๘๕ ล้านบาท เพือ่ ด�ำเนินการก่อสร้างขยายระบบผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาช่วงที่ ๑ ครัง้ นี้ ซึง่ นายชูชาติ หาญสวัสดิ์ รัฐมนตรีชว่ ยว่าการกระทรวงมหาดไทย ได้เดิน ทางเข้ามาฟังบรรยายและตรวจดูพนื้ ทีค่ วามพร้อมของโครงการดังกล่าว โครงการนี้ หากด�ำเนินการแล้วเสร็จจะท�ำให้คณ ุ ภาพชีวติ ด้าน สาธารณูปโภคของประชาชนในท้องถิน่ และนักท่องเทีย่ วดีขนึ้ ซึง่ จะส่งผลดีตอ่ เศรษฐกิจของจังหวัดในภาพรวม เป็นการรองรับความ เจริญเติบโตของเมืองชะอ�ำต่อไปในอนาคตอีก ๑๐ ปี และการประปาสามารถผลิตน�ำ้ ประปาทีส่ ะอาด มีมาตรฐาน รองรับประชาชน และนักท่องเทีย่ วได้อย่างเพียงพอและทัว่ ถึง นายนุกลู กล่าวในทีส่ ดุ

Volume 3 issue 10 June 2012

Santorini Park Cha-Am Now Opens! By Supansa

antorini Park Cha-Am, a state-of-the-art amusement park cum lifestyle shopping center, enjoyed its exclusive grand opening on 5 May 2012 with many distinguished guests and visitors, namely the Deputy Chief of the Democrat Party Mr. Alongkorn Palabutr, the Chairman of the Pina House Group Mr. Supot Tantijirasakul and the Deputy Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand Mr. Thawatchai Aranyik. The opening ceremony featured all day fun activities and various thrilling rides. The Street of Happiness boasted several live performances: mime, magic show, juggling show and mini drama, with background acoustic music on the street. Visitors also enjoyed taking photos with their beloved celebrities and mini concerts of famous Thai singers. According to the project manager for the committee board of Santorini Park Cha-

Am Ms. Nassawee Tantijirasakul, Santorini Park is a brand new shopping and tourism phenomenon in Hua Hin and Cha-Am. With its slogan, “Amuse Shopping Experience”, it will attract a million customers per year and will certainly expand another business phase within 3 years. Ms. Nassawee added that Santorini Park was a colorful place where activities and events could take place all year round thanks to its spacious, airy and naturally green landscape which is ideal for a mini concert. Besides, it has a large outdoor entertainment space capable for 2,000 seats, the number equal to 5,000 standing people.Now, Thai and foreign visitors can visit Santorini Park and experience its setting where the architecture and sculptures are inspired by the iconic beauty of Greece’s Santorini Island. Free entry pass on Monday - Thursday at 10.00 – 21.00 hrs. Only Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays opens till 22.00 hrs. With a 50 Baht pass ticket per person. For more information, please visit

ซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ เปิดตัวอย่างยิง่ ใหญ่ แลนด์มาร์กใหม่ โมเดลแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วเชิงไลฟ์สไตล์แถบอ่าวไทย เมือ่ วันที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555 ทีผ่ า่ นมา ดร. วินยั บัวประดิษฐ์ ผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดเพชรบุรี พร้อมด้วย นายอลงกรณ์ พลบุตร รองหัวหน้าพรรคประชาธิปตั ย์ นาย สุพจน์ ตันติจรี สกุล ประธานกลุม่ บมจ. พีนา่ เฮ้าส์ นาย ธวัชชัย อรัญญิก รองผูว้ า่ การ การท่องเทีย่ วแห่งประเทศไทย เป็นประธานร่วมพิธเี ปิดตัวโครงการ “ซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ”แลนด์มาร์กใหม่ โมเดลแหล่งท่องเทีย่ ว เชิงไลฟ์สไตล์ยา่ นหัวหิน-ชะอ�ำ โดยมี นางสาว นัสวีร์ ตันติจริ สกุล กรรมการผูจ้ ดั การโครงการซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ ให้การต้อนรับ ท่ามกลางแขกผูม้ เี กียรติและนักท่องเทีย่ วทีม่ าร่วมเปิดตัวโครงการเป็นจ�ำนวนมาก ณ ซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ ริมถนนเพชรเกษม(ฝัง่ ขาเข้ากรุงเทพ)นางสาว นัสวีร์ ตันติจริ สกุล กรรมการผูจ้ ดั การโครงการซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ กล่าวว่า เปิดตัวอย่างเป็นทางการแล้ว ส�ำหรับซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ แลนด์มาร์กแหล่งช้อปปิง้ และท่องเทีย่ วรูปแบบใหม่เชิงไลลฟ์สไตล์ทมี่ าพร้อมกับสโลแกน “ Amused Shopping Experience” หรือ “สีสนั ใหม่แห่งประสบการณ์ความสนุก” พร้อมตัง้ เป้าหมายดึงดูดลูกค้ามาใช้บริการหนึง่ ล้านคนต่อปี และจะเตรียมขยายเฟสต่อไปอีกภายใน 3 ปีนอี้ ย่างแน่นอน ส�ำหรับในวันทีม่ พี ธิ เี ปิดนัน้ ทาง ซานโตรินี พาร์ค ชะอ�ำ เปิดให้นกั ท่อง เทีย่ วได้สนุกกับเครือ่ งเล่นและกิจกรรมต่างๆมากมายตลอดทัง้ วัน มีทงั้ ความบันเทิงบนถนนสายช้อปปิง้ “Steet Of Happiness” ใน โซนวิลเลจจะมี การแสดงละครใบ้ , โบโซ่ , มายากลJuggling และละครเล็ก เพิม่ มนต์เสน่หด์ ว้ ยดนตรีสไตส์อะคูลติกกับ “music on the Street “ นอกจากนีย้ งั มีศลิ ปินดารามากมายทีจ่ ะมาเยีย่ มชมโซนต่างๆรวมถึงชมในโซนร้านค้า โซนวิลล่า มีกจิ กรรม Photo Charity ร่วมถ่ายภาพกับดาราขวัญใจ และตะลุยเครือ่ งเล่นเล่นสุดหวาดเสียวในโซนพาร์คและชมการแสดงคอนเสิรต์ ของศิลปินดัง อีกมากมาย ซันโตรินปี าร์คชะอ�ำ ถือเป็นสานทีแ่ ห่งสีสนั ทีจ่ ะจัดให้มกี จิ กรรมตลอดทัง้ ปี รวมถึงมีสดั ส่วนในการใช้งานทีล่ งตัว และยัง ได้รงั สรรค์บรรยากาศให้เหมาะส�ำหรับการพักผ่อนต่างสไตล์ ไม่วา่ จะเป็นการจัดพืน้ ทีส่ วนให้เปิดโล่งเพือ่ ให้สามารถนัง่ ฟังเพลง จัดคอน เสิรต์ เล็กๆพร้อมวิวสวยๆรอบตัวได้แล้ว ยังตอบรับการเป็นเมืองท่องเทีย่ วของคนรักดนตรีดว้ ยลานคอนเสิรต์ ทีส่ ามารถจุได้ถงึ 2000 ทีน่ งั่ หรือ 5000 คนยืน ซึง่ พร้อมส�ำหรับกิจกรรมบันเทิงกลางแจ้งเต็มรูปแบบ จึงขอเชิญนักท่องเทีย่ วทัง้ ชาวไทยและต่างประเทศเข้า มาส�ำผัสกับแลนด์มาร์กแหล่งช้อปปิง้ และท่องเทีย่ วรูปแบบใหม่เชิงไลลฟ์สไตล์ได้ทซี่ านโตรินปี าร์คชะอ�ำได้ทกุ วันโดยในวันจันทร์พฤหัสบดี เวลา 10.00-21.00 น. เปิดให้เข้าชมฟรี (ยกเว้นเครือ่ งเล่นเก็บค่าบัตรตามปกติ) และช่วงวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์ วันศุกร์-วัน อาทิตย์ และวันนักขตฤกษ์ เวลา 10.00-22.00 น. ค่าบัตรผ่านประตูราคา 50 บาท สามารถดูรายละเอียดได้ที่

TAT invites tourism operators to compete for Thailand Tourism Awards


he Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is inviting entrepreneurs from the tourism sector to enter the competition for Thailand Tourism Awards 2013. TAT Governor Suraphon Svetasreni said the awards, held for the 9th time, will be presented to outstanding tourist destinations, accommodation, tourism promotional campaigns, travel programs and holistic tourism. He stated that the IT marketing excellence award will be a new category this year. Mr Suraphon explained that the awards are like certificates of quality, adding that the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) also throws its supports behind the awards, given the TAT aims to honor tourism companies with great awareness of the environment and society. Winners for this year must have outstanding achievements in promoting the community, environment, social responsibility and culture. The winners will be announced on 27 September 2012, which

coincides with World Tourism Day. Interested entrepreneurs can apply from today until August 2012. They can find more information at

ททท.เชิญผูป้ ระกอบการท่องเทีย่ วร่วมชิงรางวัล อุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ วไทย ปีที่ 9 ททท.เชิญผูป้ ระกอบการท่องเทีย่ วร่วมประกวดรางวัลอุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ วไทยประจ�ำปี 2556 ชิงความเป็นเลิศทาง ธุรกิจด้วยมาตรฐานบริการอย่างมีคณ ุ ภาพ พร้อมเพิม่ รางวัลใหม่นวัตกรรมด้านการตลาดตอบรับกระแสไอที เทรนด์ใหม่ของการ ท่องเทีย่ วยุคปัจจุบนั รับสมัครผลงานตัง้ แต่บดั นี้ – สิงหาคม 2555 การท่องเทีย่ วแห่งประเทศไทย จัดโครงการประกวดรางวัล อุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ วไทย หรือ Thailand Tourism Award ซึง่ ททท. จัดต่อเนือ่ งเป็นประจ�ำทุก 2 ปี ตัง้ แต่ปี พ.ศ. 2539 ถือเป็นการประกาศรับรองคุณภาพสินค้าและบริการ ทางการท่องเทีย่ วของไทยในระดับมาตรฐานสากล ซึง่ ในปีนจี้ ดั ขึน้ เป็นครัง้ ที่ 9 ส�ำหรับรางวัลอุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ วเป็นเครือ่ งมือส�ำคัญในการพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมการท่องเทีย่ วเปรียบเสมือนเครือ่ งหมาย รับรองคุณภาพของสินค้าและบริการทางการท่องเทีย่ วไทยอันเป็นทีน่ า่ เชือ่ ถือ ซึง่ องค์การท่องเทีย่ วโลก (UNWTO) ให้การ สนับสนุนว่าเป็นรางวัลที่ ททท. มุง่ มัน่ ตัง้ ใจส่งเสริมอุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ วของประเทศ และเป็นรางวัลทีต่ ระหนักถึงผู้ ประกอบการท่องเทีย่ วทีท่ มุ่ เทขับเคลือ่ นการท่องเทีย่ วทีเ่ ป็นมิตรกับสิง่ แวดล้อม เคารพต่อชุมชนทีเ่ ป็นเจ้าบ้านและคืน ก�ำไรทางเศรษฐกิจ-สังคม ทัง้ นีก้ รอบการตัดสินประจ�ำปี 2556 ชูคอนเซ็ปท์ “รักสิง่ แวดล้อม” ภายใต้แนวคิดการอนุรกั ษ์และบริหาร การจัดการสินค้าการท่องเทีย่ วเป็นมิตรต่อสิง่ แวดล้อม ซึง่ เป็นแนวทางที่ ททท. ให้ความส�ำคัญมาโดยตลอด และในปีนี้ ททท.ได้มกี ารเพิม่ รางวัลประเภทนวัตกรรมด้านการตลาด เพือ่ ตอบรับเทรนด์ใหม่ของการท่องเทีย่ วในยุคไอที รางวัล อุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ วไทยทีผ่ ปู้ ระกอบการได้รบั ถือเป็นโอกาสทางการตลาด และเพิม่ ความนิยมของสินค้าและบริการ โดยกรอบและเกณฑ์ทกี่ ำ� หนดไว้จะเป็นกลไกพัฒนาให้ผปู้ ระกอบการได้ยกระดับ และช่วยชีแ้ นวทางให้ผปู้ ระกอบการ รายใหม่เข้าสูร่ ะบบทีเ่ ป็นสากล ผูป้ ระกอบการทีส่ นใจ สามารถส่งผลงาน/โครงการเข้าร่วมประกวดเริม่ ตัง้ แต่เดือน พฤษภาคม-สิงหาคม 2555 โดยสามารถดูรายละเอียดและใบสมัครได้ทางเว็บไซต์ ตรวจผลงานเดือนตุลาคม 2555-เมษายน 2556 และประกาศผลพร้อมจัดพิธมี อบรางวัลในวันที่ 27 กันยายน 2556 ซึง่ ตรงกับวันท่องเทีย่ วโลก (World Tourism day) สอบถามข้อมูลเพิม่ เติมที่ งานส่งเสริมบริการทัว่ ไป กองส่ง เสริมการบริการท่องเทีย่ ว ฝ่ายส่งเสริมสินค้า ททท. โทรศัพท์ 0 2250 5500 ต่อ 4496-8 โทรสาร 0 2253 7431 E-mail: หรือที่ ส�ำนักงาน ททท. ภูมภิ าคทุกแห่ง

Volume 3 issue 10 June 2012

Inside Cha-Am

Starwood Asia Pacific Hosted Meier’s Weltreisen

Far East Live Seminar 2012 at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort

C 43

Thailand Tourism Standard Foundation Grants Continuous Five Stars Standard to Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa


ua Hin, May 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has recently been granted its continuous Five-Star accreditation and Thailand Tourism Standard for the year 2012 - 2014 by Thailand Tourism Standard Foundation led by Chumpol Silpa-archa, Minister of Tourism and Sports, at Suan Amporn Auditorium. For this special event, Nongluck Narkman, Director of Sales & Marketing, has proudly represented the hotel to receive this award on behalf of the Management and associates at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has retained a high occupancy rate for the last 5 years since 2007, and has hosted some of the highest profiles and prestigious events such as 15th Annual ASEAN Summit held in October, 2009. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has met Five-Star criteria and has completely been certified continuously for the past 5 years and many years to come. Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail for information, room reservations and meeting enquiry.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Earns

2012 Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence


ua Hin, May 2012 – Starwood Asia Pacific recently hosted a large group from Germany ;Meier’s Weltreisen - Far East Live Seminar 2012, a grand event at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa on May 2, 2012. The seminar was led by a warm welcome of Lothar Pehl, Starwood Regional Vice President - Japan, Korea, Guam, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia followed by performances by Thailand’s leading entertainers, International Dinner Buffet with a fabulous firework at Oceanfront Lawn and live music at the @BLACK Night Club. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is delighted and honored to be chosen as the representative on behalf of Starwood Asia Pacific to host Meier’s Weltreisen - Far East Live Seminar. Over the past 5 years, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has played a pivotal role in the tourism industry with the hosting of major events & conferences in Thailand and has welcomed travelers universally especially from Europe. Recipient of the 2011 The Luxury Business Hotel Award and 2010 The Luxury Hotel & Conference Center Award by World Luxury Hotel Awards, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is considered the premier landmark to host important events and conference in Hua Hin/Cha-Am, Thailand. Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail reservations. for information, room reservations and meeting enquiry.

The Executive Directors of the Venezia Hua Hin Mr. Sukkasem and Mrs. Suthassa Laohongkiat along with the Chairperson of Red Cross Group of Phetchaburi Ms. Retree Buapradit have recently laid a foundation stone to start the construction of The Venezia Hua Hin, the new and biggest Venetian-style shopping complex of Thailand. Expected to complete in the end of this year, The Venezia Hua Hin boasts unique Italian interiors and decorative architecture. There, shoppers can enjoy a romantic Gondola boat trip like in Venice. Reservation for business areas can be made from now on at tel. 02 930 5191-5 ext. 113, 114, 117 and 135.

Hua Hin, May 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa today announced that it has received a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award. The accolade, which honors hospitality excellence, is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveler reviews on TripAdvisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide. To qualify for the Certificate of Excellence, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has maintained an overall rating of four or higher, out of a possible five, as reviewed by travelers on TripAdvisor. Additional criteria include the volume of reviews received within the last 12 months. “Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is pleased to receive a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence,” said Martin Raich, General Manager at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa. “We strive to offer our customers a memorable experience, and this accolade is evidence that our hard work is translating into positive traveler reviews on TripAdvisor.”

The Venezia Hua Hin

Guest welcoming by Mr. Sukkasem Laohongkiat

Mr. Piya Thanakitamnuay, the board director of Reno Thailand Co. Ltd., congratulates the project owners.

Mrs. Suthassa Laohongkiat welcomes the Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand Ms. Nongnit Tengmaneewan.

50 Scholarships awarded to students from 5 local schools in Hua Hin.

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Cha Am Today

Volume 3 issue 10 June 2012

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