Hua Hin Today May 2012

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Volume 9 Issue 7 May 2012

Caring for Animals

Hutsadin Elephant Foundation


he aim of the Hutsadin Foundation is to care for our elephants and give them every opportunity to live a life that’s full and pain free. In addition to the generous donations received, they also provide the opportunity to ride and feed the Elephants for a small donation.

Hua Hin Today would like to wish all our faithful Readers and Advertisers a very Happy New Year and may all your wishes come true in a Safer – Greener and Healthier 2012

Located in the forest just outside Hua Hin provides the perfect habitat for the Elephants and as they continue to develop they can provide the perfect living environment. ….continued of Environment on page 4...

Thailand wins Beach Polo Asian Championship 4

Asian countries attended the Asian Beach Polo Championship. The host team from Thailand won the first prize, a trophy of HRH Princess Patchara Kittiyapa. Taking place on 7 April 2012 at 3 p.m. on the beach in front of the InterContinental Hotel Hua Hin, the event was hosted by Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop

….continued on page 18….

Back to School Summer holidays are over. Kids need to go back to school. Are schools safe enough?

Is the food served in school nutritious and healthy? ….continued on page 25….


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012


Hua Hin Today


Editorial Foreword

all it the month of helping animals. For the last 10 years that I have been in Hua Hin, I have heard all sorts of organizations making noise about helping the animals in and around Hua Hin. Dog centers have been created and abandoned through lack of money or initiative. Vets would not relieve dying and incurable stray dogs of their suffering because it was not in line with their beliefs. I checked the “believes” and no where does it say so. On the contrary, the believe points out that both humans and animals alike need to get help. On the other hand, tusks are cut of elephants and those trying to help to prevent also become the hunted one. What

kind of rotten world are we in? Politicians all over the world close their eyes to what is happening behind the scenes, spend billions on election campaigns, spare no glamour and Hollywood appearance to show how great they think they are, throwing heavy stuff at each other, scrutinize each other´s private life and disregards the dead bodies they leave behind. Lady GaGa is due in Bangkok on May 25. Influenced by David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Queen, Lady Gaga is recognized for her flamboyant, diverse and outré contributions to the music industry through her fashion, performances and music videos. She has sold an estimated 23 million albums and 64 million singles worldwide; making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time and her singles are some of the best selling worldwide. Gotta go and see her ! As Jazz itself is conquering Hua Hin, several Jazz clubs are rising out of nowhere. Suddenly we have a handful of Miles Davisses, Satchmos, Gene Kruppas and Count Basies. Judging from what is fed back to the publisher and upon own judgment, we need to come a long way to be able to call ourselves a Jazz hub. Jazz at the Banyan, Hickory and Baan Chang (Cha Am – Soi 5) is close to authentic as international professionals are performing on certain nights (Hickory daily, Banyan - Saturday eve and Baan Chang on Sunday eve). We will bring back the international Jazz festival to Hua Hin with international and national Jazz performers. I checked some of the leading schools in Hua Hin on kids safety and was surprised to encounter not only different standards but also a difference of opinion about safety. Let there be no mistake. Kids safety in a school is not something that should be left to parents to decide but schools should have principles, priorities and regulations established by responsible teachers, according to international safety rules practiced in schools worldwide. Some parents don’t give a damn whether their kid travels safely on a school vehicle and regard a Songkeaw (open pick up with benches) safe for a six year old kid. Enough criticism for today. I was looking for our Jack Mairoo but had a hard time finding him until I saw hin al Lucky Luke bar trying to play the guitar of Hans, the owner, a totally bonkas Dutch man who dynamically is the drive behind this

crazy place. It is worthwhile paying them a visit. I rescued Jack and got him back writing his ever so sorry articles. The guy is right. Life is not kind to many of us and others do not appreciate life as it is given to us. We all make of it what we have and deserve in one way or the other what we get. Hua Hin has just lost two wonderful citizens who passed away. At such times of grief, you realize what you´ve got but also where you are. Unfortunately one of the families will have to move back to Europe as this visa hostile environment makes no difference between an illegal overstay or someone that needs to wrap up a household because of a passed away earner. Funny enough, as a foreigner in Europe, you can knock on Social Services doors and you are helped, sometimes even better than their own nationals. In Asia it is different. Let me finish with this one : Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a fear of someone under my bed at night. So I went to a shrink and told him ‘I’ve got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there’s somebody under it. I’m scared. I think I’m going crazy.’ ‘Just put yourself in my hands for one year,’ said the shrink. ‘Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears....’ ‘How much do you charge?’ ‘Eighty dollars per visit,’ replied the doctor. ‘I’ll sleep on it,’ I said. Six months later the doctor met me on the street. ‘Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you were having?’ he asked. ‘Well, Eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought me a new pickup!’ ‘Is that so!’ With a bit of an attitude he said, ‘and how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?’ ‘He told me to cut the legs off the bed! - Ain’t nobody under there now!!!’ FORGET THE SHRINKS.. ……. HAVE A DRINK & TALK TO A BARTENDER! Yours Truly The Editor

Local News


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin Celebrates 1st anniversary


By Chamnan

he executives and administrative officers of Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin celebrated the 1st anniversary on providing medical service to Thais and foreigners. The Director of the Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin Emeritus Dr. Somarch Wongkhomthong said that the hospital hosted the first year anniversary on 5 April and invited many distinguished guests, most of whom are senior officers, local administrators of Hua Hin, guesthouse owners and hoteliers, to celebrate this auspicious occasion and congratulate the hospital because it was awarded the JVI and CIPT, 2 International Appraisal and Inspection services award from the US and Germany respectively. At present, the hospital is recognized as a leading brand name medical center of Thailand and Hua Hin. The Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin is open 24 hours and provides prompt medical treatment for accidents, emergency operation and diagnosis. Equipped fully with new ambulances, it can provide doctors to treat patients at home or hotel, thus saving time for patients to go to the hospital and reduce risk of further illness. Emeritus Dr. Somarch added that the past year saw 70% Thai patients from Hua Hin and other areas coming to the hospital and 30% from Europe

and Scandinavia. While most Thai patients often have fever, flu, diarrhea and accident from natural disaster, foreigners admitted at the hospital usually suffer from heart attack, blood pressure and congenital diseases. With its totally 27 affiliates throughout the country, the Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin enjoys the same standard of medical service to all patients with qualified specialists, modern equipment and fast but reliable treatment. Apart from international standard of medical treatment, we do social work with local administrators including donation and charity, too. Lately, we’ve given water tanks to the Thanarat Military Base so that soldiers and officials there store more water for this hot weather,” said the Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin’s Director.


a personnel perspective it was an experience that I will treasure for a very long time. A good friend of mine who assists as a volunteer at the foundation was kind enough to give me a personal tour of the site, which made the visit even more interesting. I also had the good

1 ปีแห่งความส�ำเร็จ รพ.กรุงเทพหัวหิน

คณะผูบ้ ริหาร รพ.กรุงเทพหัวหิน พร้อมฝ่ายปกครองร่วมฉลองในความส�ำเร็จ 1 ปี ของการเปิดให้บริการชาวไทยและชาว ต่างชาติ จนได้รบั รางวัล จากการเปิดเผยของ นพ.สมอาจ วงษ์ชมทอง ผอ.รพ.กรุงเทพหัวหิน จ.ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ว่าขณะนีก้ ารเปิดให้ บริการของทางรพ.ฯ นัน้ ครบ 1 ปีแล้ว เมือ่ วันที่ 5 เมษายนทีผ่ า่ นมา โดยมีคณะฝ่ายบริหารระดับสูงของกลุม่ ฯ คือ นพ.ปราเสริฐ ปราสาททองโอสถ และฝ่ายปกครองของจังหวัดประจวบฯ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน และกลุม่ ผูป้ ระกอบการโรงแรม บ้านพัก ฯลฯ ได้มาร่วมแสดงความยินดีและทีส่ ำ� คัญทีท่ ำ� ให้ทางรพ. เป็นทีเ่ ชือ่ ถือทางด้านการดูแลรักษาผูเ้ จ็บป่วยนัน้ และยังได้รบั รางวัล รับรอง คุณภาพมาตรฐานโรงพยาบาลระดับนานาชาติจากทาง เจ.วี.ไอ. จากสหรัฐอเมริกา และ ซี.ไอ.พี.ที. (องค์กรรับรองมาตรฐานการดูแล ผูป้ ว่ ยนานาชาติตามมาตรฐานยุโรป) จากประเทศเยอรมนี นอกจากนี้ รพ.ฯ ได้มกี ารปรับปรุงเสริมแพทย์เฉพาะทาง พยาบาล และอุปกรณ์ทางด้านเทคนิคเกีย่ วกับเครือ่ งมือทางการ แพทย์อย่างครบครัน ซึง่ ผลงงานดังกล่าวทีไ่ ด้รบั นอกจากจะเป็น “แบรนด์เนม” แล้วยังเป็นการสร้างชือ่ เสียงให้กบั ประเทศไทยและ เมืองหัวหินควบคูก่ นั ไปของเมืองท่องเทีย่ ว ในการให้บริการนัน้ ขอเรียนชีแ้ จงว่า เราเปิดให้บริหาร 24 ชัว่ โมง ทัง้ การับอุบตั เิ หตุ การ ตรวจวินจิ ฉัยโรค การรับผ่าตัดฉุกเฉิน ทัง้ ด้วยรถ Ambulant เฮลิคอปเตอร์ และขณะนีน้ โยบายใหม่ของฝ่ายผูบ้ ริหารสูงสุดออกมา ว่า จะให้ทาง รพ.จัดแพทย์เข้าดูแลผูป้ ว่ ยทัง้ ชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติตามบ้านพักทีอ่ ยูอ่ าศัย โรงแรม คอนโดมิเนียม ทัง้ นีก้ เ็ พือ่ เป็นการ ให้บริการแบบใหม่และเพือ่ ป้องกันมิให้ผเู้ จ็บป่วยต้องเดินทางมาทีโ่ รงพยาบาลเป็นการช่วยลดระยะเวลา การจราจรและอืน่ ๆ นพ.สม อาจฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ตลอดระยะเวลาในการดูแลรักษาผูป้ ว่ ย 1 ปีทผี่ า่ นมานัน้ เป็นชาวไทยในเขตเมืองหัวหินและอืน่ ๆ มา 70 % ที่ เหลือเป็นชาวยุโรป และสแกนดิเนเวีย 30 % ซึง่ มาพักผ่อนอยูใ่ นเขตเมืองหัวหิน โรคทีผ่ คู้ นเข้ามารักษานัน้ คนไทยและชาวต่างชาติ จะแตกต่างกัน ต่างชาตินนั้ จะเป็นโรคหัวใจ ความดันโลหิตสูง และอืน่ ๆ ทีเ่ ป็นโรคประจ�ำตัวมาอยูแ่ ล้ว สาเหตุมาจากการบริโภคอาหาร และเจอกับสภาพอาการทีร่ อ้ นอบอ้าวของเมืองไทย ส่วนคนไทยนัน้ มักจะป่วยด้วยโรคไข้หวัด ไข้จากฤดูกาล ท้องเสียจากการบริโภค อาหาร รวมทัง้ การเกิดอุบตั เิ หตุจากภัยต่างๆ พร้อมกับการผ่าตัด ส�ำหรับในการดูแลรักษาผูป้ ว่ ยทีม่ า รพ.กรุงเทพฯ นัน้ เรามีรพ.ใน เครืออยูท่ วั่ ประเทศทัง้ หมด 27 รพ. ทัง้ เขตภาคเหนือ ใต้ ออก ตก และภาคกลาง ทุกๆ แห่ง จะใช้มาตรฐานเดียวกันทัง้ หมด แพทย์ เฉพาะทาง เครือ่ งมือทีท่ นั สมัย การตรวจรักษา การให้บริการและอืน่ ๆ ส่วนราคานัน้ ทีร่ พ.ศูนย์ ในกทม. จะมีราคาสูงกว่าทีอ่ นื่ ๆ เหตุผลเนือ่ งจากสภาวะค่าครองชีพในเมืองหลวงสูง ค่าดูแลรักษาจึงต้องสูงตามไปด้วย “ส�ำหรับที่ รพ.เมืองหัวหินนี้ นอกจากจะให้การดูแลรักษาแบบ Standard สากลเหมือนกับในรพ.ต่างประเทศแล้ว ภาระ หน้าทีข่ องทางเราก็ยงั มีการเข้าร่วมดูแลสังคมร่วมกับทางฝ่ายภาครัฐในท้องถิน่ การช่วยเหลือการให้บริจาคและอืน่ ๆ และล่าสุดในช่วง ของฤดูรอ้ นก็ยงั มอบถังน�ำ้ ดืม่ ให้กบั ทางศูนย์การทหารราบค่ายธนะรัชต์ เพราะฉะนัน้ จึงพูดได้วา่ นอกจากจะเป็นสถานทีด่ แู ลรักษาผู้ ป่วยแล้ว ยังดูแลสังคมส่วนรวมด้วยเช่นกัน” นพ.สมอาจฯ กล่าว

Trooping with Tongkham Hutsadin Elephant Hospital .....Continued from page 1.... nce in a while you have wonderful day to savour and experience. Recently, I had such a day when I had the privilege and pleasure to visit the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation here in Hua Hin. From

We offer at least 10 different kinds of curries from North to South with rice noodles, yellow noodles or spaghetti. Famous Kao Soi

from Chiang Mai and other goodies are served at Thai local prices. We also have a fresh vegetable buffet, Thai dessert specialties, Ice cream, herbal teas and other fresh drinks. Fresh coffee and smoothies available.

Open from 10 am -6 pm 34/7 Soi Moodbaan Khao Noi, Klongchollapratan rd. Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan

Tel. 081 573 4207(Eng.), 089 964 4124 (Thai)

To Pracha Ruamjit

Hua Hin Airport Soi Hua Hin 10

Community (pink bridge)


Moobaan Karat

Petchkasem Rd.


Krua Araya

Klongchollapratan Rd.

To Samor Prong Community (blue bridge)

Soi Hua Hin 58

Pae Mai Driving Range

Klai Kangwon Palace

fortune to meet many elephants, get some ‘hands on’ experience and get very close to these magnificent, intelligent and fascinating beasts. The first thing that struck me when I arrived at the foundation was the feeling of peace and tranquillity. The staff’s affection and dedication towards each and every elephant was very obvious and quite inspiring. This was quite evident, by the way they interacted with the ‘baby’ four year old Songran, and 86 year old Rhum Roi a magnificent and serene creature. It is very obvious that the care and welfare of the elephants is foremost on the minds of the staff. They receive daily basic health checks, some of whom receive regular supplementary medication, and a Veterinary surgeon visits the foundation on a monthly basis for a thorough health check. I was fascinated by how dextrous these great big animals were whilst being fed or watered and how every elephant has its unique traits and personalities. I witnessed a mahout applying some medication to a very large male elephant and was fascinated by the mutual trust, respect and care shown between the two of them. Some of the visitor attractions include elephant treks and an elephant show that includes baby

Songran painting pictures and playing ball games. Songran was rejected by her mother at birth and has been reared by humans. All Songkran’s tricks and games were taught her by reward based training. You can also feed, water and shower the animals, who are all in excellent condition and seem to lap up the exercise, care and attention they receive from the guests. The real treat came about when I was asked whether I would like to take Tongkham, the newest member at the foundation for a walk! I didn’t need a second invitation and before I knew it I was walking in front Tongkham a three and half ton plus elephant coaxing her along with a bunch of bananas. I was amazed that as she walked along how silent her foot steps were ... in fact a lot quieter than mine or my friend’s. Her behaviour on the outbound part of the journey was exemplary, though the same could not be said of the journey back as she took a fancy to some bushes and undergrowth and was quite happy to take diversions off the trodden path from time to time. Although my friend is a particularly strong man, the site of him trying to push and shove Tongkham towards the required direction, to absolutely no avail, was a site to behold and frankly quite hilarious. We eventually got her back to the site and her reluctance to return home only served to show how she really does enjoy her walks. What an experience! So, if you want a worthwhile and great day out, I have no hesitation in recommending a visit to the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation. All proceeds and funds are allocated to the care and welfare of the elephants. Please contact Khun Wut on 081-1990789 to make a reservation or for further information and directions. Hutsadin is located on the right hand side at the top of the hill going out of town on the Pala U road. There are 2 large Elephant statues at the entrance and a sign post to ‘Hutsadin Elephant Hospital’.

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012


Songkran Festival


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

TAT Prachuabkirikhan Calls for Photo Contest


he Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)’s Prachuab Khirikhan Office is launching a photo contest titled, “Yes! You Like It, Snapshot & Share It” in which contestants send images showing interesting tourist attractions or good things in Prachuab Khirikhan and describe why they love them to win amazing prizes. According to Mrs. Pinnart Charoenphol, the director of TAT’s Prachuab Khirikhan Office, this activity will promote tourism in the province because one picture means a thousand words. Moreover, Prachuab Khirikhan aficionados will have a chance to post their beloved picture and share how they feel about the province, thus introducing new travelers to unseen places and things here. Contestants have to send photos with short description about them relating to 5 topics: places to eat and drink places to hang out, accommodations for good dream, places to do shopping and wow attractions.

ททท.ประจวบเชิญชวนสงภาพถ่ายร่วมประกวด Each person can send as many photos as they want to and is allowed to beautify them before sending. In case of portrait photos, there should be space for people in the picture of no more than 50%. Description should be written in no more than 200 letters. More importantly, pictures must not contain nudity, obscenity, political implication and copyrights infringement. Deadline for the contest is 13 May 2012 and photos can be sent via For more information, please contact the TAT’s Prachuab Khirikhan Office at tel. 032 513 885.

Female Police Trained to Protect Hua Hin

By Chamnan


rachuab Khirikhan Police Division and Hua Hin Police Office are currently training female police to protect the city and provide assistance to Thai and foreign visitors. Pol. Maj. Gen. Wichien Tantawiriya, the Prachuab Khirikhan Police Commander, stated that Hua Hin was facing serious physical problems, particularly traffic congestion, due to insufficient police force and road space available for increasing number of residents and cars. To make things worse, a lot of people influx in the city during public holidays and weekends. Highly concerned over the problem, Pol. Maj. Gen. Wichien asked Col. Damrongsak Thongngarmtrakul, the Superintendent of the Hua Hin Police Office, to train 15 female police officers on traffic control. They will work at a turning point in front of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Hua Hin Market Village, Hua Hin Witthayalai School, Soi Hua Hin 88, Bon Kai intersection, Hua Hin Grand and Plaza Hotel, Hua Hin Municipality, the Clock Tower, Hua Hin Train Station, night market, the roundabout next to the reservoir, Sa Song Road and the Plaza intersection leading to the Hua Hin beach.

Besides too many cars and not enough road space, few parking lots in the city cause untidy car parking. As a result, police officers in Hua Hin should solve this problem while giving advice and warning to those trying to break the rules. Law enforcement has to be seriously taken along with cooperation from local people and business owners. Pol. Maj. Gen. Wichien added that traffic congestion is one of the critical problems in Hua Hin apart from crimes and drugs. Therefore, police officers are supposed to work proactively with local people rather than sitting desk-bound every day. The use of female police is a pilot project to solve traffic problems in Hua Hin. It is believed that femininity that consists of gentleness, politeness and gracefulness will help ‘cool down’ aggression of some people, especially drivers who often violate traffic rules. Use of such sweet qualities will also promote the image of Hua Hin as a city of smile to some extent.

Kidney Foundation for Thais and Foreigners in Hua Hin

By Chamnan


he Hua Hin Municipality and the Hua Hin Hospital will set up a kidney foundation to help Thai and foreign patients in the city. The idea on this project comes from the chairman of Puen Tai (Kidney’s Friend) Club in Hua Hin Mr. Phano Chanthawong. A retired director-general of Prachuab Khirikhan Provincial Office, Mr. Phano suffered from kidney diseases for 2 years, but he is better now. Since he was cured, he has realized that approximately 400 male and female patients in Hua Hin and in neighboring areas were admitted to hospital because of kidney problems. Not only Thais but also foreigners in Hua Hin are now suffering from kidney problems which cost them a lot in medical treatment. As a consequence, the Hua Hin Kidney Foundation will help the patients by giving basic but very useful information and advice on how to take care of themselves and providing more detailed information to each patient when they visit a doctor. Mr. Phano said that it was the first time that Hua Hin had a kidney foundation like other countries did. Apart from professional doctors of the Hua Hin Hospital who will take good care of the patients, well-known businesspeople and

authorities like Mrs. Wanna Choksuchart, Mr. Jira Pongpaiboon, Mrs. Chidchaya Lohsirilak, Mr. Khathawut Panyapanich, Mr. Jongrak Jantaowng as well as teachers from Prachuab Khirikhan Municipal School have made some donation to support the Foundation’s work. However, financial support can be made by anyone at the Hua Hin Hospital or the Foundation itself. Dr. Apiradee Chotkittipong from the Hua Hin Hospital said that more and more people were suffering from kidney diseases mainly because many of them had to spend more time to work and little time to eat good food. Now, fast food, known locally as junk food, and too sweet, too salty and too greasy foods are often eaten by many people, resulting in chronic kidney disease eventually. Patients who have a kidney problem will pay around 30,000 Baht a month for dialysis or higher in case of kidney transplant. Dr. Apiradee added that, once people got chronic kidney disease, they would suffer from other complications, particular diabetes, heart disease and muscle pain. As a result, prevention is better than cure, and the Kidney Foundation in Hua Hin is glad to help both the patients and other people so that they have healthy life.

นางปิน่ นาถ เจริญผล ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการการท่องเทีย่ วแห่งประเทศไทย ส�ำนักงานประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ เปิดเผยว่า จังหวัดประจวบ ตีรขี นั ธ์เป็นจังหวัดทีม่ สี ถานทีท่ อ่ งเทีย่ วหลายแห่งทีม่ คี วามสวยงามเป็นทีส่ นใจของนักท่องเทีย่ วและขณะนีท้ างการท่องเทีย่ วแห่ง ประเทศไทยส�ำนักงานประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์กำ� ลังจัดกิจกรรม “ถ้าชอบ และใช่ ก็แชะ แล้วแชร์” ซึง่ เนป็นการสิง่ ภาพของดีๆของจังหวัด ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ เพือ่ โพสต์สง่ มาพร้อมบรรยายข้อความให้ทราบว่าภาพนัน้ ดีอย่างไร อยูท่ ไี่ หน นับว่ากิจกรรมนีจ้ ะเป็นกิจกรรมทีจ่ ะช่วย ส่งเสริมการท่องเทีย่ วของจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วได้รจู้ กั อยากเข้าไปสัมผัสรวมถึงกิจกรรมนีย้ งั เป็นกิจกรรมส�ำหรับแฟน พันธุแ์ ท้ของประจวบทีร่ ว่ มแนะน�ำสิง่ ทีช่ นื่ ชอบทีไ่ หนก็ได้ในจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์เพือ่ ร่วมแบ่งปันประสบการณ์ทดี่ ี เพียงส่งภาพพร้อม ค�ำบรรยายภายใต้ 5 หัวข้อ ได้แก่ Eat & Drink แนะน�ำอาหาร-เครือ่ งดืม่ ทีอ่ ร่อย แนะน�ำ Hang Out แนะน�ำร้านนัง่ น่าสังสรรค์ แนะน�ำ Good Dream แนะน�ำทีพ่ กั สุดชืน่ ชอบ แนะน�ำ shopping แนะน�ำของฝากร้านจ�ำหน่ายของทีร่ ะลึก สุดเก๋และWow Attractions แนะน�ำสถานทีเ่ ทีย่ วแหล่งใหม่ๆ ส�ำหรับภาพทีจ่ ะส่งนัน้ ไม่จำ� กัดอุปกรณ์การถ่ายภาพ แต่งภาพให้สวยได้ตาม ทีช่ อบ เป็นภาพบุคคลในภาพได้แต่ตอ้ งไม่เกิน 50 เปอร์เซ็นต์ ของภาพ ไม่จำ� กัด สไตล์การเล่าเรือ่ งส�ำนวนถ้อยค�ำ แค่ไม่เกิน 200 ตัวอักษร ทีส่ ำ� คัญภาพถ่ายและ ข้อความต้องไม่มลี กั ษณะหยาบคาย อนาจาร สะเมิดสิทธิผ์ อู้ นื่ และไม่เกีย่ วข้องกับ การเมือง จึงขอเชิญชวนประชาชนชาวหัวหินและนักท่องเทีย่ วส่งภาพชิงรางวัลได้ ตัง้ แต่บดั นีเ้ ป็นต้นไปจนถึงวันที่ 13 พ.ค. 55ส่งมาได้ที่ prachuap @ tieepakklang. com สามารถสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ทกี่ ารท่องเทีย่ วแห่งประเทศไทย ส�ำนักงานประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ 032-513 885


กองบังคับการ ตร.ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ร่วมกับ สภ.หัวหินจัดต�ำรวจจราจรหญิงเข้าร่วมโครงการโครงการดูแลบ้านรักษาเมือง เพือ่ ให้บริการแก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติ จากการเปิดเผยของพล.ต.ต.วิเชียร ตันตะวิรยิ ะ ผบก.ตร.ประจวบฯ ว่าขณะ นีป้ ญ ั หาระหว่างการจราจรเมืองหัวหินมีปญ ั หาหนักมาก ทัง้ อัตรา จนท.ตร.จราจรขยายไม่เพียงพอ และปัญหาพืน้ ทีท่ างกายภาพของ ถนน ประกอบกับในช่วงวันหยุดและเทศกาลก็จะมีผคู้ นมาจากทีจ่ งั หวัดต่างๆ เข้ามากันมากจนท�ำให้การจราจรติดขัดส่งผลกระทบต่อ สังคม จึงร่วมกับทาง พ.ต.อ.ด�ำรงศักดิ์ ทองงามตระกูล ผกก.สภ.หัวหิน จัดจนท.ต�ำรวจจราจรหญิงขึน้ มาอีก ประมาณ 15 คน โดยขณะนีไ้ ด้มกี ารฝึกเทรนนิง่ ทางด้าน การใช้กฎระเบียบและสัญญาณต่างๆ ในการท�ำหน้าที่ เรียบร้อยแล้ว ขณะนีจ้ ราจรหญิงอยูภ่ ายใต้การบังคับบัญชา สัง่ การกับงานในหน้าทีโ่ ดย รอง ผกก.ฝ่ายปราบปราม และสว.จราจร ซึง่ จุดกลับรถหน้าการไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมภิ าค หน้าห้างหัวหินมาร์เก็ตวิลเวล หน้าโรงเรียนหัวหิน วิทยาลัย ปากซอยหัวหิน 88 จุดตัดรถไฟบ่อนไก่ หน้า โรงแรมหัวหินแกรนด์แอนด์พลาซ่า หน้าส�ำนักงาน เทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน หน้าหอนาฬิกา หน้าสถานีรถไฟ หัวหิน หน้าตลาดโต้รงุ่ สีแ่ ยกโรงแรมใหม่ วงเวียนอ่างน�ำ้ ถนนสระสรง และแยกพลาซ่าทางลงชายหาดทะเล “ปัญหาของเรือ่ งการ จราจรในเมืองหัวหินนัน้ พบว่านอกจากปริมาณของรถทีจ่ อดเกะกะกีดขวางในพืน้ ทีโ่ ดยเฉพาะรถรับจ้างแล้ว มันก็ยงั มีปญ ั หาของพืน้ ที่ ผิวจราจรทีค่ บั แคบเพราะฉะนัน้ ตร.จะต้องบริหารและแก้ไขปัญหาทางกายภาพโดยปรากฏกายให้เห็นในทีแ่ ละจุดต่างๆ พร้อมกับมี การประชาสัมพันธ์แนะน�ำว่ากล่าวตักเตือน และน�ำอาข้อกฎหมายมาบังคับใช้พร้อมกันนีก้ จ็ ะต้องขอความร่วมมือกับภาคเอกชนโดย เฉพาะโรงแรม ห้างร้าน โรงเรียน ให้เข้ามามีสว่ นร่วมในการดูแลแก้ไขในพืน้ ทีแ่ ต่ละจุดนัน้ ๆ เพือ่ เป็นการสร้างเครือ่ งมือมิใช่วา่ จะปล่อย ให้ “จ่าเฉย” ซึง่ เป็นรูปปัน้ ท�ำหน้าทีอ่ ยูเ่ พียงผูเ้ ดียว” พล.ต.ต.วิเชียรฯ กล่าว พล.ต.ต.วิเชียรฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ปัญหาของเมืองหัวหินนัน้ นับวันจะมีมากยิง่ ขึน้ จากปัญหาอาชญากรรม ยาเสพติดการ ประท้วงและเรียกร้อง และขณะนีป้ ญ ั หาการจราจร เพราะฉะนัน้ ตร.ทีท่ ำ� หน้าทีร่ บั ผิดชอบจะต้องมีศกั ยภาพมิใช่วา่ หายใจทิง้ ไปวันๆ หนึง่ ส�ำหรับ จนท.ตร.จราจรหญิงทีไ่ ด้จดั ลงในพืน้ ทีใ่ นครัง้ นีก้ ถ็ อื ว่าเป็นโครงการแรกและน�ำร่อง ซึง่ เชือ่ เหลือเกินว่าความเป็นหญิงทีม่ ี ความอ่อนช้อยและสุภาพบวกกับความหวานนัน้ จะลดความแข็งก้าวร้าวของผูค้ นทีก่ ระท�ำความผิดทางด้านจราจรนัน้ ลงมาได้ระดับหนึง่ โดยขอให้ดแู ลผูใ้ ช้รถใช้ถนนซึง่ เป็นชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติโดยความสาภพอ่อนโยนโดยเฉพาะการว่ากล่าวตักเตือนและใช้ขอ้ กฎหมาย บังคับในภาพรวม ซึง่ ก็จะท�ำให้เมืองหัวหินซึง่ เป็นเมืองท่องเทีย่ วทีด่ ขี นี้ มาได้ในระดับหนึง่ ครับ.

เมืองหัวหินจัดตัง้ ชมรมโรคไตเพือ่ ชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติ เมืองหัวหิน จ.ประจวบฯ ร่วมกับทางรพ.หัวหิน เทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน จัดตัง้ ชมรมไตรองรับผูท้ เี่ จ็บป่วยทัง้ ชาวไทยและต่าง ชาติ พร้อมให้คำ� แนะน�ำปรึกษาเมือ่ เป็นและก่อนทีจ่ ะเป็นต้องดูแลรักาษาตัวทางด้านอาหารและการออกก�ำลังกาย จากการเปิดเผย ของ นายพะนอ จันทวงศ์ ประธานชมรมเพือ่ นไตหัวหิน จ.ประจวบฯ ก่อนหน้านัน้ ตนเองด�ำรงต�ำแหน่ง ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการสามัญจังหวัดประจวบฯ ครัน้ ปลดเกษียณออกมา ก็พบว่าได้ถกู “โรคไต” เล่นงานต้องดูแลรักษาตัวเข้า-ออก รพ.ในเขตหัวหินและ กทม. 2 ปี จนขณะนีโ้ รคดังกล่าวได้หายลงจึงได้ตระหนักถึงผูส้ งู วัยและพบว่าขณะ นีม้ ผี ปู้ ว่ ยจากโรคไตทัง้ ชายและหญิงในเขตเมืองหัวหินและทีอ่ นื่ ได้มาเข้ารับการรักษา ถึงวันละประมาณ 400 คน และขณะนีย้ งั พบว่าชาวต่างชาติทมี่ าอยูใ่ นเขตหัวหิน เป็น “โรคไต” เช่นกัน ซึง่ เมือ่ เป็นเช่นนีแ้ ล้วมันก็ทำ� ให้เกิดเป็นปัญหาของผูป้ ว่ ยทีจ่ ะ ต้องใช้เงินงบประมาณในการดูแลรักษาสูงมาก รวมทัง้ เป็นภาระแก่ทางแพทย์และ รพ. จึงได้ตงั้ “ชมรมเพือ่ นไตหัวหิน” ขึน้ มารองรับทัง้ ให้คำ� แนะน�ำปรึกษา ให้ความ รูท้ างด้านโภชนาการอาหารการกิน การออกก�ำลังกาย ซึง่ ภายในศูนย์ชมรมฯ ทีใ่ น รพ.หัวหินนัน้ จะมีการแนะบอกในรายละเอียดต่างๆ เมือ่ ผูท้ เี่ ป็นโรคดังกล่าวไปดูแล รักษาตัว นายพะนอฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า นับว่าเป็นครัง้ แรกทีท่ างเมืองหัวหินเราได้เปิด ตัวชมรมฯ นีข้ นึ้ มาเหมือนๆ กับทีต่ า่ งประเทศท�ำ โดยมีคณะแพทย์ของรพ.หัวหิน จะท�ำหน้าทีใ่ นการตรวจรับรักษาและดูแล พร้อมกันนีก้ ย็ งั ได้มกี ลุม่ บุคคลส�ำคัญนัก ธุรกิจ อาทิ นางวรรณาโชคสุชาติ นายจิระ พงษ์ไพบูลย์ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน นางชิดชญา โล่สริ ลิ กั ษณ์ นายคธาวุฒิ ปัญญาพานิช นายจงรัก จันทวงศ์ และคณะครูจากโรงเรียนเทศบาลฯ โรงเรียนสามัญศึกษา จังหวัดประจวบฯ ได้รว่ มกันบริจาคเงินจัดตัง้ เป้นกองทุนขึน้ มา เพราะฉะนัน้ ใครทีต่ อ้ งการจะเข้ามาดูแลช่วยเหลือก็สามารถร่วมบริจาค ได้ทชี่ มรมฯ และรพ.หัวหินได้ตลอดเวลา ทางด้านแพทย์หญิงอภิรดี โชติกติ ติพงษ์ รองผูอ้ ำ� นวยการกลุม่ สาระและพัฒนาระบบ รพ.หัวหิน กล่าวว่าขณะนีป้ ระชาชน ไม่วา่ จะเป็นชาวไทยและต่างชาตินนั้ เกิดเป็น “โรคไต” กันมากยิง่ ขึน้ สาเหตุหลักๆ นัน้ พบว่ามีการบริโภคอาหารขยะหรือทีเ่ รียกกันว่า “จัง้ ฟูดส์” กันมากพร้อมกับอาหารทีร่ สชาติทเี่ ค็มจัด หวานจัด มันจัด ซึง่ เมือ่ กินเข้าไปมากๆ ท�ำให้เกิดอาการตกค้างในกระเพาะ ล�ำไส้ กลายเป็นสิง่ ของเสียส่งผลลงไปให้ระบบของ “ไต” ท�ำงานซึง่ เมือ่ มากเข้าไตก็จะท�ำหน้าทีร่ บั ไม่ไหวส่งผลกระทบต่อระบบการหล่อ เลีย้ งของเส้นเลือด และเมือ่ หนักเข้าขาดการดูแลรักษาผูป้ ว่ ยก็จะกลายเป็น “ไตวายเรือ้ รัง” ซึง่ ก็จะต้องมีการรักษาโดยการฟอกเลือด หรือล้างของเสียออกจากช่องท้อง การผ่าตัดเปลีย่ นไต ซึง่ ทัง้ หมดจะต้องเสียค่าใช้จา่ ยทีส่ งู ครัง้ ละประมาณ 30,000 บาท/เดือน และเมือ่ ท่านไดเป็น “โรคไต” แล้วโรคอืน่ ๆ อาทิ เบาหวาน หัวใจ การปวดเมือ่ ยต่อร่างกาย และอืน่ ๆ เป็นภาวะแทรกซ้อนมากันโดย มิได้นดั หมาย เรียกว่าเป็น “แจ็คพอต” เพราะฉะนัน้ ขณะนีก้ น็ บั ว่าเป็นโอกาสทีด่ ที าง รพ.หัวหิน โดยท่านผูอ้ ำ� นวยการ นพ.นิรนั ดร์ จันทร์ตระกูล และ อ.พะนอ จันทวงศ์ ได้รว่ มกันเปิดศูนย์ฯ ขึน้ มาเพือ่ ดูแลรักษาผูป้ ว่ ยจากโรคไต จึงขอให้ทกุ ๆ ท่านได้มาดูแลรักษา ตัวก่อนทีโ่ รคดังกล่าวจะเข้าสูร่ า่ งกายของท่านจนมากกว่าทีจ่ ะรักษาค่ะ

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Local News

New Staff at Sheraton

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Andreas Schimanski

as Director of Culinary and Service Hua Hin, March 2012 - Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is pleased to announce an appointment of Mr. Andreas Schimanski as Director of Culinary and Service, effective April 01, 2012. Over 15-year experience in hospitality, Andreas has excelled in Food & Beverage profession with extensive experience in Food & Beverage operations with worldwide career path in leading hotels such as The Westin Beijing, Sheraton Saigon, Mandarin Oriental Manila and Millennium Hotel Abu Dhabi. With this new position as Director of Culinary and Service at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, Andreas will be overseeing new opportunities for the hotel and supporting Food & Beverage Program.

• Generous Businesspeople of Hua Hin Mr. Chumphol Choksuchart, Mr. Athikhun Butying and businesspeople in Hua Hin donated 140,000 Baht to the manager of Singha-Prayat Rising Star Golf Team Mr. Amnart Pankaew. The donation will support the skill improvement of Hua Hin youth golfers to a professional standard.

Sitthirat Hothongkam As The Hotel Manager


ua Hin, April 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Sitthirat Hothongkam as Hotel Manager effective April 01, 2012. Over 25 years experience in the hospitality industry, Mr. Sitthirat has been with Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa since its first step for over 6 years. Started as a Director of Food & Beverage and walked through his career path to an Executive Assistant Manager. With his strong background and business acumen combined with recent experience in hotel operations, his new step promises a new exciting phase for Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa.

• Honorary Certificate The director of Nong Plab Witthaya School Chongrak Chanthawong gave an honorary certificate to Ms. Kanyapatch Kiatthewet, the owner of Kiatthewet Pharmacy Hua Hin, who donated 100,000 Baht cash for construction of the school’s canteen.

1St Anniversary Of Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin • Summer in Hua Hin The Prachuab Khirikhan Governor Mr. Weera Sriwatthanatrakul, the Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Suwit Rienrungrueng and the No. 1 professional golfer of Thailand Mr. Prayat Maksaeng presided over an opening of the summer golf charity in Hua Hin to raise funds to support local youth golfers.

Jacques Mury (left), General Manager of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin • New Office The Ex-Premier and the head of the Democrat Party Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva along recently congratulated Som-arch Wongkhomthong (centre), Hospital Director and Sasipen with the members of Hua Hin Municipal Council Mr. Thaweesin Pattanaphiras and Mr. Wisut Piyasut (right), Hospital Manager on the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of Bangkok Bunyasakseri attended an opening of a new office of the Pranburi Municipality. Hospital Hua Hin.

Congratulations to The Winner


aul Orny (left), Director of Food & Beverage of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin with Albert Jan Van Beusekom (right), Food & Beverage Service Manager recently congratulated Onuma Laohakittikarn (centre), Waitress of ‘The Museum’ Coffee & Tea Corner, who is one out of 6 winners of Mystery Shoppers ‘We Love Coffee’ National Barista Championship Centara Hotels & Resorts 2012 organized by Sara Lee Coffee and Tea (Thailand) Ltd. Come and experience by yourself our coffee flavors at The Museum! Open daily from 10.00am to 7.00pm.

• • No Accident and Crime for this Summer Pol. Maj. Gen. Pulsap Presertsak, Pol. Maj. Gen. Wichien Tantawiriya, Pol. Gen. Damrongsak Thong-ngarmtrakul, the Hua Hin District Chief Mr. Pornchai Thomkrajang and the Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Jira Pongpaiboon attended the deployment of Hua Hin administrative police to solve problems on accident and crime for Thais and foreigners during this summer.

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Volume 9 Issue 7 May 2012

Sansiri - Real Estate Developer by GMoss


he Sansiri development is not a commend developer of condominiums , houses and high rises , no , it is acrefully planned and developed company that started business in 1984 as the San Samrang Holding Company Limited with a registered capital of 1 million Baht by the Chutrakul family in order to engage in real estate business. In 1994 , the company was renamed Sansiri Company Limited and in 1996 the registered capital of the company was increased to 645 million Baht. In 2010 the Sansiri company was taken over by T.S. Star Company Limited, wholly owned by Mr. Srettha Thavisin, president of the Sansiri Co. Ltd. as largest shareholder with a registered capital of 11 billion Baht.

Despite the slow global economic recovery and the internal political instability in the country, the Thai economy managed to grow at an impressive rate in the year 2010. During the first half of the year, the real estate sector was slow moving; the situation, however, became much better in the latter half of the year, due mainly to the relatively low rate of interest and with continuing support of the financial sector.

The Corporate Vision of the group is :To be the leading real estate conglomerate with an infinite passion to deliver international standards of living, and to build and retain sustainable relationships with our business partners, stakeholders, clients, and communities. The corporate mission : Refined products and services of the utmost quality . Always on the leading edge and Synchronize all units for utmost benefits.

Several Projects in Hua Hin such as Baan sansuk – Las Tortugas – Summer and La Chelona in Khao Tao are witnesses of the fact that also Sansiri believes that Hua Hin is a fast growing community. Sansiri projects are fully financeable and foreigner can also apply through the organization for a proper mortgage with a Thai bank. Khun Uthai Uthaisangsuk , the senior executive vice president of Sansiri PCL assured Hua Hin

Today of top quality at fair prices and a permanent membership in the Sansiri Family , a programme with many priveledges and multiple possibilities for families , house owners to participate in a multitude money saving events. Sansiri Public Company Limited would like to express our sincere appreciation to our shareholders, bondholders, customers, financial institutions, the media and business partners for their support, along with every member of the management and staff for their dedication to strengthen Sansiri’s performance.

Kovit Poshyananda - Chairman


V Villas Hua Hin received Thailand Boutique Awards 2011

sophisticated luxury retreat, the award-winning V Villas Hua Hin is designed for discerning guests in search of romance, revival, and recreation. The 13 exclusive pool villas that draw inspiration from the geometric patterns of terraced rice paddies and the sophistication of Italian villazzos are a private haven where guests can enjoy a life of luxury. Outstanding facilities and amenities include welcoming bedrooms, spacious en suite bathrooms fully equipped with Aigner amenities, a

Villazzo Restaurant awarded 2012 Thailand’s

Best Restaurant by Thailand Tatler

Villazzo Restaurant, a chic poolside venue at V Villas Hua Hin is proud to announce that it was recently awarded ‘2012 Thailand’s Best Restaurant’ by Thailand Tatler’s Best large private pool, iPads 2, complimentary Wi-Fi coverage of Restaurant Guide. The restaurant has been recognised for its exceptional cuisine and service, as voted by the discerning the whole resort and 24-hour butler service. readers of Thailand Tatler Magazine, the country’s leading V Villas Hua Hin, managed by Accor and Five-Star Hotel luxury, lifestyle magazine, and its website. Standard certified, recently received the Thailand Boutique Award in the luxury seaside class for its architecture and The picture shows from left to right: 1. Mr. Chainarong Pipitveeranund - Resident design. The resort was also included in the Luxe List in DestinAsian magazine, a leading travel and lifestyle publication Manager of V Villas Hua Hin 2. Ms. Naphalai Areesorn - Editor-in-Chief of in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition it was voted Best Luxury Hotel - Anywhere Travel Award by readers of Anywhere Thailand Tatler Magazine 3. Mr. Phiraphat Prasertsung - Sous Chef of magazine, one of Thailand’s top lifestyle and travel magazines. Villazzo Restaurant recently also received the “Thailand’s V Villas Hua Hin Best Restaurant 2012” award from Thailand Tatler’s Best V Villas Hua Hin is proud to announce that H.E. Yingluck Restaurant Guide. Chinawatra Prime Minister Silver award was presented to the resort in the class of luxury seaside hotel for its architecture and The picture shows from left to right: design. The Thailand Boutique Awards 2011 is organised by 1. Mr. Chainarong Pipitveeranund - The KrungThai Card (Public) Co., Ltd. (KTC) in conjunction Resident Manager of V Villas Hua Hin with the Krungthep Turakij Newspaper to encourage boutique 2. Dr. Suwat Sidthilaw - Permanent Secretary hotels in Thailand to build high quality of service with creativity of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and effectiveness.


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Thai Property News


Knight Frank expects Major New Property Event Launched in Bangkok a rise in land values


hat at the end of 2011, the total area of occupied serviced industrial land plots in Thailand reached 100,344 rais. In a recent press release Knight Frank Thailand’s Industrial Research team disclosed that the Thai floods inundated seven industrial estates, accounting for 18.93 per cent of the total supply of Serviced Industrial Land Parcels (SILPs). The NESDB reported that GDP in Q4 2011 declined to -9 per cent the lowest growth recorded since the economic crisis of 1997, while sales of serviced industrial land parcels, and occupancies of ready built factories and warehouses all increased in Q4 2011. “Dry” BOI Zone 2 locations are in most demand followed by the Eastern Seaboard as firms wish to avoid locations that flooded or areas considered being at risk of future floods. Land values are set to rise in the Eastern Seaboard and dry locations by 5-10 per cent in 2012, whereas estates which flooded with find it difficult to secure investors without offering significant discounts and comprehensive flood prevention measures. Marcus Burtenshaw, director of the Commercial Agency Department, Knight Frank Chartered Co. Ltd. said that at the end of 2011, the total area of occupied serviced industrial land plots in Thailand reached 100,344 rais, with a takeup rate in Q4 of 80.13 per cent increasing from 79.24 per cent in Q3. During the fourth quarter of 2011, the total recorded SILP sales were 3,783 rais, an increase of 48.18 per cent Q-o-Q, which equates to an increase of 451.46 per cent from the same period in 2010. Most of SILPs sold in the final quarter of 2011 were located in Zone 2 comprising 66.48 per cent of the total or 2,515 rai, whereas 1,224 rai were sold in Zone 3. The total SILPs supply in Q4 2011 was 125,223 rai, which increased by 0.26 per cent Q-o-Q, and 6.68 per cent Y-o-Y. As at the end of 2011, approximately 27,111 rai of new SILPs were under development. Approximately 60 per cent of these or 16,437 rai are located in BOI Zone 2, and almost half of those, (8,226 rai) are being built at Phase 2 of the Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate in Chonburi whereas 15,585 rai of SILPs are expected to be added to the Eastern Seaboard. Burtenshaw explained that in Q4 2011, 16 new factories from the leading developers entered the market, bringing the total supply of RBFs to 660 during Q4 2011 with the total space of 1,535,973 (sqm), an increase of 3.47 per cent from the same period last year while the occupancy rate was 92.75 per cent in the fourth quarter 2011. A total of 539 factories have been leased with the overall occupied area of 1,283,522 (sqm). “This year Knight Frank expects to see at least 250,000 (sqm) of new supply enter the RBF market,” he said. The supply of warehouses increased by 6.53 per cent Q-o-Q to 359,363 (sqm), and in the wake of flood related relocations, their occupancy rates increased to 95.49 per cent. Burtenshaw


advised prospective tenants that there is now a limited supply of in the choice locations as rather than relocating, occupiers have been acquiring additional satellite premises in locations outside of the flood zones. Demand for quality modern warehousing space with raised floors, docks and ceilings of at least 10m has been so strong in some locations that we advise tenants to make decisions and place deposits fast in order to avoid disappointment. In the Q4 2011 the average rental rate for a grade A modern distribution center stood at THB 149.45 /sqm/month, whereas grade B warehouses still sought average rents of THB 142.83 /sqm/month, and the average grade C warehouse rents were THB 87.12 /sqm/month. However, warehouses in Bangkok are often older properties but can fetch an average rental rate of THB 129.37 /sqm/month; a reflection of the limited supply and the relatively high land values in these locations. Burtenshaw concluded that prices in so called “dry estates” and Eastern Seaboard to increase between 5-10 per cent during 2012, in line with increased demand as factories relocate from flooded areas, and demand from new investors focuses on those estates which escaped the floods. However, they will still find it difficult to secure new investors, without offering significant discounts and demonstrations that they can provide comprehensive flood prevention measures. He added that “despite the recent challenges, Thailand is able to retain its position as one of the most favoured destinations for Foreign Direct Investment in the ASEAN region because it is an overall low cost manufacturing location where it is relatively free of red tape, and is supported by a large skilled workforce, with good infrastructure, strategic geographical location, and a competitive package of business oriented investment incentives.”

hailand will at last host its own major International real estate exhibition when the Thai + Overseas Property & Lifestyle 2012 opens on November 9th-11th at the prestigious Bangkok Convention Centre.This new three day exhibition has already attracted considerable interest from both local Thai based developers, plus a number of overseas realtors representing France, England, Spain, Turkey and from across Asia. The Thai + Overseas Property & Lifestyle 2012 is being organized by Blue Mango Publishing Company in association with Thailand Tatler and is sponsored by Property Report, Asia’s leading magazine for luxury real estate investors.Mike Bridge who previously helped launch the successful Homebuyer Shows in England and the Worldwide Property Shows in the Middle East and Asia is the show’s creator. Nigel Oakins, Chairman of Blue Mango said,’”We are very excited to be involved in this new event, and will use Thailand Tatlermagazine and our popular social media networks, to promote the exhibition and its exhibitors to our large number of affluent readers.” Terry Blackburn CEO at Ensign Media, the publishers of Property Report added, “We have seen huge growth and diversity in the Thailand real estate market since we launched eight years ago, so are delighted to be supporting this event. We are also pleased to be including special promotion for the ‘Thailand Property Award’ winners at the show and will organize a full seminar program to be hosted by Property Report’s editor Jules Kay.”Mike Bridge the show’s organizer said, “Thailand offers overseas exhibitors an excellent opportunity to seek an new opportunities in a growing market, while our event will also provide local developers and their realtors with a first class exhibition in a luxury venue, right in the centre of the city. The economy is in a strong

Courtesy of

position, and Bangkok itself has numerous 5 star developments being launched onto the market in and around November. We therefore feel that the timing is right, and with our two first class media partners, we can expect Thai and expat investors and buyers to embrace the Thai + Overseas Property & Lifestyle 2012’.” The exhibition will occupy approximately 3,000m2 of exhibition space and break out suites at the Centara Grand at the Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld. The venue hosts a number of top consumer and trade exhibitions conferences and concerts and has over 3,500 car park spaces and is served by the cities popular SkyTrain. For more information email the organiser’s at or telephone +66 831 986700

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin Introduces

Free Mobile Internet Connectivity In The Hotel’s Limousines

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin


UA HIN, THAILAND, April 2012…Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, in co-operation with Total Access Communication PLC (DTAC) introduces Free Mobile Internet connectivity in the hotel’s Mercedes Benz Limousines. This service is available from 1 April 2012 in the hotel’s Mercedes Vito Van and Mercedes E-class between Hyatt Regency Hua Hin to Bangkok including Suvarnabhumi International Airport. Sammy Carolus, the hotel’s general manager, commented “In this day and age, the Internet connectivity is absolutely necessary for people who are travelling even when they are on holiday. This on board complimentary Wi-Fi connectivity will provide much convenience to our guests during the three hours journey between Bangkok to Hua Hin. This is in-line with our commitment to continuously provide authentic hospitality with innovative products and service to our guests. All in all, our guests can stay connected as much as they wish.” DTAC is the service provider for Hyatt Regency Hua Hin’s new limousine Mobile Internet service. DTAC has 2,000 base stations of 3G network covering 45 provinces nationwide and an additional 3,000 base stations will be completed by the end of 2012. The wide 3G network coverage of DTAC ensures less disruptive Wi-Fi connectivity. The Wi-Fi router set in the limousine can be used for up to five devices at the same time. The cost of one way limousine transfer between Bangkok/Suvarnabhumi International Airport to Hyatt Regency Hua Hin or vice versa remain unchanged which is Baht 6,400 net for Mercedes Vito Van with maximum 6 people and Baht 5,400 net for Mercedes E Class. Guests can make a reservation for the limousine service by calling the hotel’s reservations department on +66 3252 1234 or email Reservations can also be made online through

Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012


Navio Condo Hua Hin 47.04 sq.m. 1 br. 1 bth. Near Cicada Market, not far from beach. For sale Hot Promotion!!! Only 2.49 MB. Call 087-032-5334


Baan Sansuk Hua Hin 58 sq.m. 1 br. 1 bth. F/F with nice furniture Rent 35,000 baht/month Sale 4.5 MB. Call 083-710-9944


Baan Sansuk condo Hua Hin 75 sq.m. 2 brs. 2 bths. the room is right next to a reflection pool . Good location Sale 8.5 MB. Call 083-710-9944


Tira Tiraa condo Hua HIn 62.37 sq.m. 1 br. 1 bth. F/F One price at 3.0 MB. Call 083-710-9944


Marrakesh Condo Hua Hin 54 sq.m. 1 br 1 bth. The most beautiful beach in HuaHin For rent! 35,000 baht/month Call 084-973-2504


Baan Sandao Condo Hua Hin 74 sq.m., 2 brs. 2 bths. F/F. Corner unit. Beach front condo. Best location. Only 8.7 MB. (under market price). Call 083-710-9944


Santi Pura Boutique Resort Khao tao beach 105.5 sq.m. 2 brs. 2 bths. Beach front condo with newly furnished. Sale 6.9 MB.Call 083-710-9944


Baan San Sa Ran Hua Hin 75 sq.m. 2 brs. 2 bths. near the beach and market village Sale 7,000,000 MB. Call 083-710-9944


Baan Chai Talay Hua Hin 2brs. 2bths. 120 sq.m. F/F, beautiful Condo, good view Only 12.5 MB. Call 083-710-9944


Mykonos Hua Hin 52 sq.m. 1 br. 1 bth. Garden view Direct walkway to the beach Rent 30,000 baht/month Sale 4 MB. Call 084-973-2504


Rim hard Condo Cha Am 90 sq.m, 2 brs. 2 bths. Beachfront condo, good view, big bacony Sale 7.35 MB. Call 083-710-9944 Sale 7.35 MB.


Marrakesh condo Hua Hin 81 s.qm. 2 brs. 2 brs. Best Location, Best view! Sale 13.5 MB. Call 083-710-9944

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Asia Property News

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Malaysia Continues to Ho Chi Minh City Attracts Attract Indonesian Buyers Majority of Foreigners Courtesy of


o Chi Minh City is a popular destination for foreigners and overseas Vietnamese looking to buy homes in Vietnam. A recent report released by the ministry’s Land Registration and Statistics Department showed a total of 299 foreigners and overseas Vietnamese had either registered to buy or already bought a house in the country by April 10, of which 252 were in Ho Chi Minh City according to Thanh Nien. Can Tho City in the Mekong Delta was in second place with 12 houses sold to foreigners.Real estate in the capital Hanoi is not as an enticing prospect as other areas of Vietnam. Only three overseas Vietnamese and one foreigner bought houses in Hanoi this year.

The actual number of overseas Vietnamese buying houses in Vietnam may be higher, but many use relatives in the country to register ownership on their behalf.

Research Shows Real Estate and Retail Demand in China

Courtesy of


cording to Jones Lang LaSalle’s latest research mainland China’s real estate sector witnessed a record level of investment activities in 2011. The research, entitled “China Retail Investment Outlook 2012: Gearing Up for Domestic Demand,” stated that investors have been buying up more real estate with total investment volume reaching approximately RMB 26.5 billion (US$ 4.2 billion). The report also stated that retail accounted for a record high of 30 per cent of total commercial transaction volume in China last year and that investment outside traditional Tier I cities reached an unprecedented high, receiving over half of total transaction. “China’s retail sector is poised for a major upgrade,” says Mark Ho, Head of China Investment Research at Jones Lang LaSalle. “The government has already set in motion

a comprehensive range of pro-consumption policies, both direct and indirect, to orchestrate a consumption boom. The impact from these measures is expected to filter through over the next few years and will effectively give China’s retail sector a structural boost,” adds Ho. David Hand, Head of China Investment at Jones Lang LaSalle, noted “Investor activities in 2011 clearly reflect the upgrade in prospects for China’s retail sector. The increased allocation to the sector and proliferation beyond Tier I cities suggest that some investors have already aligned their investment strategies to capitalize on the nascent economic transformation process. More investors are now targeting opportunities in relatively less mature cities

where the impact of urbanization and income growth is expected to feature prominently. As other investors come to recognize the permanent changes unfolding in China’s retail sector, more are expected to follow with a heavier weighting toward the sector.” Domestic and Asian investors led the charge in investing beyond Tier I cities. As retail markets in lower-tier cities remain in a relatively early stage, many potential opportunities lie in development projects. Domestic and Asian capital, with more market familiarity and a higher risk-appetite, are leveraging on their competitive advantages of better deal access and local market knowledge to expand aggressively. On the sell side, domestic sellers dominated as the bulk of retail properties remain in the hands of these domestic groups, especially in lowertier cities. However, with more foreign investors going into retail assets, the sellers’ market will broaden in a few years as these assets reach maturity. Jones Lang LaSalle expects the evolution of China’s retail sector to accelerate over the next few years as China’s economic transformation gathers momentum. The increase in investment across China would lead to further broadening and deepening of the retail real estate sector. The retail landscape is also rapidly changing as new and modern shopping centers emerge in cities across China. For example, department stores were the dominant format in Tier II cities as recent as five years ago, but shopping centers have now overtaken them in terms of market share. “We are still in the early days of the economic transformation process and expect to see more investment opportunities emerge as China’s retail sector develops at a faster pace,” said Hand. “While demand-side fundamentals strengthen, new supply will intensify the competition among shopping center owners, which means that for investors, it will be even more important to have comprehensive asset management strategies that interweave leasing marketing, promotions and property management plans formulated right from the start and have the sector expertise to ensure effective execution. Additionally, to fully capitalize on China’s retail growth, investors will need to extend their research and investment to a wider geographical coverage.”

Courtesy of


ccording to The Sun Daily, Indonesian property buyers are continuing to invest in Malaysia despite the recent spike of Indonesian investments in Singapore. Rahim & Co founder and executive chairman Datuk Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman said that an increasing number of Indonesian are buying high-end properties in Singapore, exceeding those from China and Malaysia, and that it is not a reflection of declining Indonesian investments in the Malaysian real estate market.“We do have Indonesian investors in Kuala Lumpur and Penang. They come and invest in property development too, through their counterparts here, not just buy units here,” he said. He went on to say that many Malaysians are investing in London instead of Singapore to take advantage of weak prices in the British capital due to foreign exchange. He said investors are confident of the growth in Britain’s economy and prefer to buy a holiday home in London rather than “just across the border.”“Investors buy second homes for investment and for holiday. For Malaysians, Singapore is very near, it is just across the border,” he said. “Comparing prices in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, if you can get the same returns buying here, why would you want to invest in Singapore? ”Rahman said Indonesians view Singapore as the nearest attractive investment location due to the political stability, economic performances, and security. Raine & Horne International Zaki

+ Partners Sdn Bhd executive director Lim Lian Hong said property prices in Singapore fell a little last year and Indonesians found it a good time to enter the market. He said the Singapore government’s move to “cool down” the real estate market by increasing stamp duty for foreign property buyers last year had affected sales.“We also have Indonesian investors here, especially in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. We have our fair share,” he added.Rahman went on to say that residential property prices in Malaysia are expected to stabilize this year with slight growth but prices for properties in established areas such as Bangsar, Kenny Hills, Damansara Heights, and Petaling Jaya will continue to grow.“As land gets less and less, prices for these houses will not drop,” he said.“Anybody who can afford a deposit and is eligible to take a loan can find homes, except those below RM400,000 (US$130,548) This is where the government comes in. They need to provide houses near workplaces.”

Singapore Tightens Rules on Developers

Courtesy of


rom May 18 this year, developers in Singapore will have to provide accurate information, show proof of their track record and seek consent for changes in a unit from home buyers under a new rule to protect consumers. Announcing changes to Housing Developers Rules (HDR) today, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) said this will enhance transparency in the real estate industry and enable homebuyers to make better informed decisions when buying a home. “URA had worked closely with members of the real estate industry and other key stakeholders when reviewing the changes to the HDR. REDAS supports these changes which will help potential buyers make more informed choices when purchasing their ideal homes. As a body representative of a large community of property developers, REDAS is committed to continually promote good practices and professionalism among developers to deliver better and higher quality homes for all,” said Wong Heang

Fine, president of The Real Estate Developers Association of Singapore (REDAS). Among the mandatory information developers are required to disclose to potential home owners include a drawn-to-scale location plan

and site plan of the project, unit floor plan and a breakdown of a unit’s floor area by the various spaces such as bedrooms, balconies and bay windows. Developers will also have to provide information on at least one completed project they had built to home buyers before the issue of the Option-to-Purchase form. In addition, developers will have to obtain the home buyer’s consent should there be changes to the layout of the interested unit. Existing controls on advertisements in newspapers and sales brochures will also be extended to advertisements on websites. Advertisements on websites must not contain any false or misleading information.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012


18 … Continued from page 1….


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

4 ชาติรว่ มชิงถ้วยประทานโปโลบีช พระเจ้าหลานเธอฯ Thailand Wins Asian สีช่ าติโซนเอเชียร่วมการแข่งขันโปโลม้าชายหาดเมืองหัวหิน ในรายการ “เอเชียน บีช โปโล แชมป์เปีย้ นชิฟ อินเตอร์คอน ล – บีกริม” ชิงถ้วยประทานพระเจ้าหลาน พระองค์เจ้าพัชรกิตยิ าภา เจ้าภาพไทยคว้าแชมป์ เมือ่ วันที่ 7 เมษายน 55 ทีช่ ายหาด Beach Polo Championship ติหน้เนนตัาโรงแรมอิ นเตอร์คอนติเนนตัล หัวหิน จ.ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ นายสุวจั น์ ลิปตพัลลภ ร่วมกับมร.ฮาราลด์ ลิงค์ ประธานกลุม่ บริษทั บี 4 Asian countries attended the Asian Beach Polo Championship

By Chamnan


he host team from Thailand won the first prize, a trophy of HRH Princess Patchara Kittiyapa. Taking place on 7 April 2012 at 3 p.m. on the beach in front of the InterContinental Hotel Hua Hin, the event was hosted by Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop, the president of B Grimm Corporation, Mr. Herald Link, the chairman of Thailand Equestrian Federation and the deputy mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Suwit Rienrungreung. The event was attended by competitors from 4 Asian countries: Thailand, Singapore, India and Macao. The winner of the first prize was Thailand while Singapore, India and Macao won the second, third and fourth prizes respectively. The final round of the competition, in particular, excited all audiences very much because all competitors were quite active in the game. It was followed by a special beach polo competition of Thai youths which aimed to encourage young people of Thailand to play the sport more. Moreover, there was a fashion show of popular brand name products like Burberry and Furla by professional and honorary Thai models. Mr. Suwat said that, on behalf of the host for this event, he was pleased that Thai and foreign visitors were happy and impressed with both the equestrian competition and the colorful show. Besides the Asian Beach Polo Championship, Hua Hin has white sandy beach and many activities to welcome tourists throughout the year, such as Jazz on the Beach, an annual music event which is coming up in the next 2 months. The Asian Polo Championship was also broadcasted live to many countries, thus promoting Hua Hin as a tourist attraction in Thailand which boasts natural wonders and promotes good image of the city in hosting an international sport event. Mr. Suwat added that the FIFA was considering organizing a beach football championship in Hua Hin thanks to its long and stretching clean beaches. However, he asked concerned authorities and agencies in Hua Hin to solve traffic congestion, noise pollution and crowded areas, especially during big events when many people and cars flock in the city, thus making some areas crowded and noisy.

9th Heavy Half-Marathon by Preserve Hua Hin Group

By Supansa


he Preserve Hua Hin Group under the Royal Patronage of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, in collaboration with the Hua Hin Municipality, is currently preparing the 9th Heavy Half-Marathon competition on 6 May 2012 at Khao Hin Lek Fire. The aim of this activity is to keep people healthy by jogging and walking as well as raising awareness on environmental conservation in Hua Hin. It is also organized in honor of their Majesties. The 9th Heavy Half-Marathon is divided into 2 categories: 21.1-km. heavy half-marathon and 10.55-kilometer heavy quarter-marathon. There are also 3-km. jogging and running for good health and a 5-km. marathon of primary school students. The games will all start at Khao Hin Lek Fire and proceed to Baan Nong Pran Puk community, Baan Wang Krata community

before returning to the starting point. Winners for each category will be awarded a trophy of Princess Sirindhorn, a medal and many electrical appliances. Food and refreshment will be available throughout the event and, after the competition, runners can have traditional relaxing Thai massage, too. Registration fees for the event vary according to categories one wishes to apply for: 350 Baht for the heavy half-marathon, 250 Baht for the heavy quarter-marathon and 200 Baht for jogging and running for good health. No registration fees for primary school students. Application can be made from now on until 5 May 2012 at 12 pm. to 7 pm. For more information, please contact the Preserve Hua Hin Group at Chiva Som tel. 032 536 536 and the Hua Hin Municipality at tel. 032 511 047.

กริมและนายกสมาคมขีม่ า้ แห่งประเทศไทย นายสุวทิ ย์ เหรียญรุง่ เรือง รองนายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน ร่วมกันมอบถ้วย รางวัลและปิดการแข่งขัน “โปโลม้าชายหาดเมืองหัวหิน” ซึง่ ในปีนมี้ ที มี โปโลม้าในโซนเอเชีย 4 ชาติประกอบด้วย ไทย – สิงคโปร์ – อินเดีย – จีน (มาเก๊า) ซึง่ ในปีนผี้ ชู้ นะเลิศในการแข่งขันเข้ารับถ้วยประทานจากพระองค์เจ้าพัชรกิตยิ าภ คือ ทีม คือ ทีม โปโลไทย อันดับ 2 ทีมโปโลสิงคโปร์ อันดับ 3 ทีมโปโลอินเดีย และอันดับ 4 ทีมโปโลจีน (มาเก๊า) ซึง่ การแข่งขันในรอบชิงชนะเลิศ นัน้ แต่ละทีมก็มกี ารเล่นกับแบบผลัดกันรุกกันรับและสร้างความตืน่ ตาตืน่ ใจให้กบั ผูช้ มทีเ่ ป็นชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติเป็นอย่างยิง่ โดย มีกองเชียร์ของแต่ละฝ่ายคอยปรบมือให้กบั ทีมของตนเองเพือ่ เป็นก�ำลังใจ จนสิน้ สุดการแข่งขันพร้อมกันนีม้ กี ารแข่งขันม้ารอบพิเศษ โปโลเยาวชนไทย ซึง่ เป็นการสนับสนุนให้เด็กๆ ได้หนั มาเล่นกีฬาโปโลม้าในอนาคต และทีส่ ำ� คัญยังน�ำเอาการแต่งกายในรูปแบบ “แฟชัน่ ” ดังๆ จากต่างประเทศ เช่น เบอร์เบอรีข่ องประเทศอังกฤษ ลาเฟ่อร์ลา่ ของประเทศอิตาลี โดยนักเดินแบบชายหญิงของไทยกิตติมศักดิ์ และนางแบบอาชีพ เข้าร่วมบนแคทวอล์ก บริเวณชายหาด ซึง่ ในส่วนนีก่ ถ็ อื ว่าเป็นกิจกรรมเสริมทีส่ ร้างอารมณ์รว่ มให้กบั นักท่องเทีย่ ว บริเวณชายหาด ได้เห็นเพือ่ รับช่วงฤดูรอ้ นและเทศกาลสงกรานต์ไทยตลอดทัง้ เดือนเมษายน นายสุวจั น์ ฯ กล่าวว่า ส�ำหรับการแข่งขันโปโลม้าฯ ในครัง้ นี้ ตนเองในฐานะเจ้าภาพของสถานทีก่ ห็ วังเป็นอย่างยิง่ ว่าจะท�ำให้ นักท่องเทีย่ วชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติ ทีไ่ ดข้ามาเดินเล่นอยูต่ ามชายหาดของเมืองหัวหินนัน้ มีความสุขกายสบายใจกับการทีไ่ ด้เข้ามา ชมทัง้ การแข่งขันม้า การเดินแบบแฟชัน่ และการแข่งจันในปีนี้ ทุกๆ ท่านคงจะประทับใจและจะต้องมาชมกันใหม่ในปีหน้าเพราะนอกจาก จะได้พบกับกีฬาทีใ่ นชายหาดแล้วเมืองหัวหินก็ยงั มีทะเล แสงแดด ชายหาด ทีส่ วยงามเอาไว้ตอ้ นรับในรูปแบบของการพักผ่อนและ ท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ วยงามกว่าทีอ่ นื่ ๆ ซึง่ ตลอดทัง้ ปีและในช่วงของเดือนเมษายนนัน้ เมืองหัวหินก็จะมีกจิ กรรมต่างๆ เอาไว้คอนต้อนรับทัง้ กีฬา งานประเพณีแต่ตอ่ จากนีไ้ ปอีกประมาณ 2 เดือนก็ยงั พบกับ “แจ๊สออนเดอะบีช” อีกครัง้ หนึง่ ก็จะท�ำให้เมืองหัวหินนัน้ ไม่มวี นั หลับ ส�ำหรับรายการโปโลม้าฯ ในครัง้ นีม้ กี ารถ่ายทอดสดภาพออกไปยังต่างประเทศหลายประเทศ ซึง่ ก็เป็นการโชว์แหล่งท่องเทีย่ วเชิง ธรรมชาติของเมืองหัวหินให้ผคู้ นได้รบั รูผ้ า่ นทางสือ่ อีกทางหนึง่ ด้วย ซึง่ ก็ทำ� ให้เมืองไทยเรานัน้ มีภาพลักษณ์ทดี่ ขี องการเป็นผูน้ ำ� การกีฬา ในระดับอาเซียนอีกด้วย และทีส่ ำ� คัญนัน้ ก็ยงั ทราบมาว่า ทาง “ฟีฟา่ ” ยังเล็งเอาชายหาดเมืองหัวหินทีม่ คี วามยาวตลอดแนวจัดการ แข่งขันฟุตบอลชายหาดในอนาคตอันใกล้นอี้ กี ด้วย ซึง่ ถ้าเป็นไปได้ มันก็จะเป็นการยกระดับแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วขอชายหาดเป็นสนามกีฬา ควบคูก่ นั ไปเหมือนๆ กับในต่างประเทศอย่างสหรัฐอเมริกา ทางด้านนายสุวทิ ย์ เหรียญรุง่ เรือง รองนายกฯ กล่าวว่า การแข่งขันโปโลม้า ในครัง้ นีเ่ ป็นครัง้ ที่ 3 ซึง่ ถือว่าประสบความส�ำเร็จอย่างสูงเนือ่ งจากมีนกั ท่องเทีย่ วชาวต่างชาติมาร่วมเข้าชมกันอย่างเนืองแน่นของชายหาด ในอนาคตนัน้ ทางเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินเราก็จะมีการจัดโซน จัดจุด ในบริเวณชายหาดซึง่ มรพืน้ ทีส่ าธารณะกว้างๆ เริม่ ตัง้ แต่หน้าทางลง หัวหินไปจรดเข้าตะเกียบ รับกิจกรรมทัง้ กีฬาทางน�ำ้ – ชายหาด และงานประเพณีโดยเฉพาะ “สงกรานต์” เนือ่ งจากทีอ่ นื่ ๆ เขาใช้พนื้ ที่ บนบกเรามีชายหาดทะเลเพราะฉะนัน้ แล้วถ้าเราเลือกใช้พนื้ ทีใ่ ห้ตรงกับความเป็นจริง มันก็สร้างอารมณ์รว่ มกับผูท้ มี่ าเยือนได้อย่างแท้จริง เนือ่ งจากในทุกวันนีเ้ มืองหัวหินเราจัดงานกันแต่ละครัง้ ก็มกั ใช้ถนน ใช้พนื้ ทีท่ คี่ บั แคบ ส่งผลกระทบต่อปัญหาทางด้านการจราจรและ มลภาวะสิง่ แวดล้อมทางเสียง ตนเองจึงมีแนวคิดและนโยบายใหม่วา่ จะใช้ชายหาดเมืองหัวหินเป็นสถานทีจ่ ดั งานต่างๆ ร่วมด้วยครับ

3-4-5 Star Hotel or Villa for a Thailand Golf Holiday

courtesy of


t’s not always easy to recommend the right accommodation for a golf holiday. For example, there are many excellent valuefor-money hotels that can make a Thailand golf package very affordable. Great deals can often found from May to October on the beach resorts of Phuket and Hua Hin where hotels sell at less than half their normal cost during the high season. However, for some, luxury is more important than price. At the other end of the spectrum there are some 6-star properties that are truly luxurious luxury and will create an once-in-a-lifetime Thailand golf holiday memory. These properties can be found mostly in Phuket and Hua Hin. For golf buddy groups and families, staying together is more important than anything else. In this case, a large villa or multi-bedroom suite can be a great option. My friend Ian recently visited some new Phuket golf villas near Blue Canyon. The villa owner lives on site, cooks breakfast, takes orders from the fresh market to cook in the evening after golf, arranges for in-villa massages, and practically everything else imaginable. This really comes across as a very relaxing way to enjoy a golfing trip with total privacy away from the main tourist areas. Personally I favor, and often stay at, 4-star

properties, as I cannot get the full value of a 5-star hotel when I am out golfing each day. Moreover, when I travel with friends I like that I can get a large 60 sq meter room in 4-star hotel for less than half the price of a similar size room in a 5-star hotel. This makes it easy for those who like to share rooms or use one room as the central gathering/partying place when traveling with friends. Excellent 4-star golf properties can be found in Pattaya, Hua Hin, and Chiang Mai. Whatever one’s preference, it can most likely be found as there are over 1000 hotels scattered throughout all of the main Thailand golf destinations.

Golf Training

for Hua Hin Youths T

he Baan Khao Tao Municipal School is organizing a basic golf training course for youths of Hua Hin. The training is from 2 to 10 April and will take place at the Hua Hin Royal Golf Course. The Director of Baan Khao Tao Municipal School Mr. Samran Mokburut said that this project was initiated due to the fact that local people in Hua Hin specially like golfing and the city was the first city in Thailand to have an official golf course. That is also why many Hua Hin natives have become internationally well-known professional golfers. With an aim to enable Hua Hin youths to practice golf, the project’s concept focuses on ability to watch the sport, play it well and develop their skill to excellence. The main venue will be at the school and Mr. Samran, a highly qualified golfer and trainer for over 10 years, and other professional golfers will train the young participants. Although this project provides free training for all participants, to play golf costs a lot and the equipment is rather expensive. At present, they need some equipment, especially clubs, nets, video recorders, computers and speed and distance detecting machines. Donations are very welcome and can be made directly at the Baan Khao Tao Municipal School(Tel. 086 807 6283). Interested youths who would like to attend the activity can contact the school directly as well.

By Supansa

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Worth Knowing

Foreign Stock Exchange


iam Firm Inter Laws was established by Khun Somsak Chopaka an Attorney at Law with 30 years of working experience in domestic and international law, for individuals both foreign and local, domestic entities and in-house legal counsel for numerous established international companies. Khun Somsak will be giving legal advice about the ever changing situation in regards to Thai Law and keeping readers up to date with the constant changing business and social environment here in Thailand. I have seen many cases of foreigners coming to live here and either not understanding or caring about the legal right to sell foreign shares here in the Kingdom of Thailand, even though they may own or operate a company abroad that is involved in this business. Whenever they sell shares from a foreign stock exchange here in Thailand upon receiving any payment they will be charged by a Thai court of law,

as it is against the stock exchange act. While this is the case for illegally set up companies or individual parties there are legal ways to be a part of this business, they require you to set up a public company with a capital of one hundred million baht, that runs an actual business here in Thailand which is then used to apply for a permit to sell stock locally. It is possible though quite difficult to gain this permit. A lot of foreigners will choose not to go this way as it requires a lot of investment in time and resources and decide to cheat their clients by falsely claiming that they indeed have the aforementioned permit. They will then ask the client to transfer the money to a staff account here in Thailand as per the norm in this kind of transaction. Most companies that operate using the stock market follow up the profit and loss of shares, paying when the shares are up whilst keeping the invested money in the company and also deducting the loss when the stock market is down. But there are companies which never return a single baht back to the investor and we call these companies “call center boiler rooms”. In the past when someone is caught operating this kind of business they will be arrested and charged by a prosecutor over visa charges or operating a business without a work permit. When they are in court they will only be punished by a lax fine of only two thousand five hundred baht for each charge followed by being deported out form the country. The

boss meaning the owner of the company will have to pay an increased fine of eight thousand baht and will also be deported. But now this has changed; right now the penalty for such a crime is the aforementioned fines along with a one year jail sentence after which the individual will be deported back to their home country. I have seen many cases of boiler room businesses and it is an easy way of cheating many people from abroad especially from Australia, America or the United Kingdom. Nowadays these companies will use a Thai bank to receive money from clients buying shares when before they would only use a foreign bank, the local bank account will also usually be under the name of a Thai spouse or colleague of the company owner. When a client becomes suspicious they will usually follow the account and if taking the issue up with the company owner amounts to nothing then they will involve the local police. If the police see that the account in question has an abnormal amount of transactions and/or an abnormal amount of money in it then they will place the owner n the suspicion of money laundering, requiring them to prove their innocence. If their innocence cannot be proven then the account in question will be frozen by the police, they have to prove that the money was made in the correct way, declare what businesses it came from and how the money came to be in their account to prevent this from happening

23 By Somsak Chopaka

which is not easy. Even so there are still many foreigners coming to Thailand for sightseeing or a short term stay that will come to work for an illegitimate business such as this making enough money to spend on that length of time. Not knowing that they are causing a lot of trouble for other people and that if they are arrested they will receive severe punishment for the crimes committed, I have seen many serious cases like this in the Thai court system. Our comment: If you see a business or an organization similar to what I have mentioned above please do not become involved in any way. It is not good for yourself or for the people who are cheated out of their life savings, some are old or handicapped and it social effects are staggering. If you plan on making an investment in the stock market make sure you do so through a legal broker agent, even if you have to pay a brokers fee you will be safe in the knowledge that whenever you want to buy or sell at a profit or loss you can be sure that you are not being cheated and that whoever you are doing business with has the proper license and permits. By Somsak Chopaka of Siam Firm Inter Laws English Hotline: 081 808 9175, 089 774 6001, 084 979 4714 Pattaya Office: +66 (0) 38 906 721-3 Bangkok Office: + 66 (0) 2 260 3025 – 7 Hua Hin Office: +66 (0) 32 531 508 For more information see

‘One Day on Earth’ Women Need Control Delivers a Global Message Over Their Bodies, and Access to Money Film documents : One day in the life of humanity

Courtesy of Voice of America

“The two things women need are control over their bodies and access to money,” says Gloria Feldt, former CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and author of No Excuses: Nine Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power. Speaking on VOA’s Press Conference USA, Gloria tells host Carol Castiel and Ayesha Tanzeem of VOA’s Urdu Service that control over fertility and financial autonomy are universal pre-requisites for access to power and independence, regardless of culture or country. Access to affordable contraception has become a hot issue in the current US presidential campaign. Feldt says “it’s downright embarrassing” that we would even consider not providing affordable birth control to women in this day and age. She says contraception has been one of the biggest steps forward for women because it enables them to plan and space their families, giving them greater freedom and control over their lives. Feldt notes ironically that “it doesn’t seem quite fair for women to pay out of pocket for birth control when men can get Viagra covered by their insurance plans.” Although every country and culture has unique challenges, Feldt explains that women around the globe are connected to each other through physical similarities. Regardless of culture, all women face the same basic reproductive issues. Feldt is inspired by women in developing countries because some are still fighting for basic access to birth control, a right that many American women take for granted. She says, “We in the United States have had it a little too easy for too long.” According to Feldt, “barefoot and pregnant” a term used by some men to indicate their preferred status for women is but a thinly veiled pretext for keeping women dependent and out of the halls of power. She says that those who subscribe to this maxim are in fact expressing a deep-seated fear of women and their potential in the workplace.

Courtesy of Voice of America

Therefore, in her book, No Excuses: Nine Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power, Gloria Feldt provides several power tools that women can employ to combat chauvinistic attitudes and overcome inner barriers to success. Among the most salient is “define your own terms before someone defines you.” Feldt says that women need to speak up early and often, especially when negotiating salaries. For example, over a lifetime women make half-a-million dollars less than men simply because they do not negotiate entry-level salaries or promotions as aggressively as men do. Feldt acknowledges that this is often due to internalized cultural barriers and attitudes which are difficult to overcome. However, she says knowing one’s rights and standing up for them is a first, crucial step. “Embrace controversy” is another power tool that can help catapult women to positions of power. Feldt’s research shows that women often do not run for public office not because they can’t get elected nor because they can’t raise the funds, but because “women don’t like the idea of conflict.” Women are conditioned to “back away from controversy.” Feldt believes that even if it’s uncomfortable, women must embrace controversy and conflict because “controversy is a teacher; it gives you a platform and it means people are paying attention to you.”

“One Day on Earth,” a film created by Kyle Ruddick and Brandon Littman, documents one day in the life of humanity from every country on the planet.


ore than 15,000 people contributed footage from their ethnic communities and helped to create a global patchwork of universal themes - including birth, love, creativity, war and death - all filmed on the same day, Oct. 10, 2010. The film will be presented in 170 countries on Earth Day this Sunday, April 22. The filmmakers describe in their own words how the film was made. According to director Kyle Ruddick, the idea for the film was inspired by music. “You can take music from all over the world and you can combine it,” he says, “and I thought that cinema should have something that immediate, that in the moment, and I had this idea that basically, what if as many people across the world filmed at the same time during one day.” The film is roughly based on the cycle of life.”There is definitely a story to this movie, there is a narrative,” Ruddick says. “But the way that we found it, was to really listen to all the perspectives and go through 3,000 hours of footage. It was a very laborious and enjoyable

process, actually. It was about the discovery of what people have sent to us. And that was really an exciting process because every day you are discovering something new you didn’t know about that was beautiful and profound and from a place in the world you hadn’t seen before.”For producer Brandon Littman, the logistics were a challenge.”Filming in every country in the world requires a lot of friends and a lot of supporters,” he says. “We spent long days and nights establishing communication from large organizations like the United Nations and the Red Cross and Red Crescent to smaller NGOs and filmmakers around the world. I think at the time there were about 15,000 members of ‘One Day on Earth.’”And what do filmmakers hope viewers will take away from the film?”My hope is that people see this movie and they feel interconnected and they feel incredible gratitude for being alive and hope for the future,” Ruddick says, “but they also feel responsibility to the challenges they face on a personal and global level.”



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Property for Sale Contact : 085- 8081-822 / properties /



Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin Soi 102 Living area: 134 Sq m Plot size: 400 Sq m

Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 7 Location: Palm Hills golf course Living area: 500 Sqm. Plot size: 1,600 Sqm. (one house and one guess house)


SHO-0039 Luxury pool villa in the golf course 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

Price: 5,800,000 THB

Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Khao Takiab Living area: 90 Sq m.

Price: 6,200,000 THB

Price: 11,000,000 THB

Land area: 1,100 Sqm., Living area: 400 Sqm. Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15.9 Million THB


Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Cha Am Grand Condo Tel Living area: 177 Sq m.

Price: 9,000,000 THB


Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin Soi 94 Plot size: 692 Sq m

Price: 4,850,000 THB


Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Location: Khao Takiab Beach Living area: 77 Sq m.

Price: 3,100,000 THB


Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Nongkorn Road Living area: 151 Sqm. Plot size: 480 Sqm.

Price: 4,000,000 THB

Sold SHO-0019

Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Location: Palm Hill Golf Course Living area: 256 Sq m. Plot size: 480 Sq m.

Price: 4,500,000 THB

SHO-0071 Luxury Villa 1.5 Km. from golf course

3 bedrooms + 1 maid room, 4 bathrooms, Land area: 600 Sqm. Living area: 342 Sqm., Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15 Million THB

SHO-0040 Pool Villa

4 bedrooms 5 bathrooms Land size: 808 sqm. Living space:425 sqm.24 hours security, golf club, sport club and private swimming pool.

Price: 12.5 Million THB *reduced from 16 Million THB.


Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin, Smorprong Living area: 180 Sqm. Plot size: 408 Sqm. Nice landscape garden and teak wood build in

Price: 5,300,000 THB

Property for Rent Contact : 085- 8081-822 / properties /

RHO-0085 House for rent in Hua Hin Soi 114 3 bedrooms,

3 bathrooms, Land area 712 Sqm, Living area 275 Sqm., Price incl: fully furnished, Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

Price: 65,000 THB/Month


Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Living area: 59 Sq m Location: Hua Hin Heart Town

Price: 35,000 THB/Month


Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Location: Hua Hin Town Center. Living area: 55 S/qm.


Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Location: Hua Hin Town Plot size: 700 sq m.

RCO- 0039

Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Living area: 75 Sq m Location: Hua Hin Heart Town

Price: 37,000 THB /Month

Price: 55,000 THB/Month

Price: 55,000 THB/Month

RHO-0012 Specail !

RCO-0001 Takiab Beach Sea View Condo


Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 3 Location: Hua Hin Soi 112 Living area: 284 Sq m Available for rent Songkran Festival From 7-21 April !

Price: 25,000/week THB

2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms. Floor 18th, Living area : 90sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.

Price: 45,000 THB/month

Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Location: Hua Hin Soi 102 Living area: 134 Sq m.

Price: 42,000 THB/Month

Contact Property for Sale & Rent : 085-8081-822

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Kids & Education


… Continued from page 1….

Disaster Prevention for Schools Are our schools safe? Healthy Food in Schools

by GMoss

Are schools safe enough? Is the food served in school nutritious and healthy? “The rights of all children to both education and safety must be safeguarded simultaneously.”

As kids go back to school,

we ask ourselves if our kids are safe going to school and coming home. Smaller kids are usually brought to school by the parents but older kids and teenagers rely on school and public transport. There are smaller private schools which supply school transport by means of a closed van – mini bus. Others rely on an open Songkeaw where kids are packed on a pick up rear deck with benches and a roof over it. No safety belts, no protection against rear or side impact. According to Thai traffic safety regulations, kids cannot sit in the back of a pick up. But then again, no one enforces these and other safety regulations and kids are subject to chance, choice of irresponsible parents and good luck. Most schools are quite safe when it comes to safety on the school grounds. However inspecting swings and other climbing and swinging apparatus, most of them are badly serviced, rusting, half

broken, as on many playgrounds around the city. Fire and first aid exercises are in place most of the time but teachers have not been trained enough to take care of immediate first aid. Asking if teachers know what to do in case a kid is bitten by a snake, most answers are : “ kill the snake” bring it to the Hua Hin Hospital with the bitten kid. Sounds reasonable but according to our information, HH Hospital does not have the anti venoms and would have to get them from the Red Cross in Hua Hin. This takes too much time. There are more hospitals in Hua Hin. According to Bangkok Hospital, they have most anti venoms. Schools should have Standard Operating Procedures which describe procedures in case of emergencies, also as far as standard school and educational procedures are concerned. Hotels have them, Industries have them, Airplane pilots have them. Why don´t schools have them ? Our kids are our future. We should not leave decisions to Parents and their often wide apart opinions. What seems safe for John may not be safe for Jack !

The promise of education will only be fulfilled if every new school built is a safe school Food : Some schools offer a lunch for

programs that run all day. Looking at some of the food served, it is mostly Thai food which is absolutely ok. However Thai food served at schools contain MSG, Sugar and Saturated fats. Saturated fats makes our kids fat, raise their cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes. That’s why it’s important to cut down on fat, and choose foods that contain unsaturated fat. Many fast foods at city outlets contain saturated fats. Comparing

city kids to country kids, you can clearly see the difference. Our city kids are fatter, country kids leaner. Unsaturated fats lower cholesterol quantities in blood. Unsaturated fats are : Oily fish such as Salmon, fresh Tuna, avocados, nuts and seeds, sunflower and virgin olive oil. Saturated fats are in fatty meats, butter, margarine, cream and many other daily goodies available over the counter. Now, we don’t want to spoil our kid´s pleasures so an ice cream, cake or candy, once in a while does not hurt. Sugar however does more harm than we think. Bad teeth, diabetes tc etc. Schools should also serve more “green“

vegetables, such as brocoli, beans, okra and calagan. Do they ? Mineral water should be available all day. Regular large bottle water does not contain minerals so the body will take minerals from your own reserves unless you feed it minerals. Parents wake up ! We should all cooperate with our schools to make it a safer healthier place ! Our kids are our treasures ! There is literature available on these themes at : www.preventionweb. net which not only relates to natural catastrophies and emergencies but also to school / transport safety. The editor

Kids Clubs at Hua Hin Hotels Hilton – Kidz Club

colorful, cube-shaped building, the eye “StarClub” opens daily from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm for children aged between four to twelve years old. Our well-trained staffs will fully supervise the children through all activities. The normal hourly rate is THB 150, free of charge for kids under four years old when accompanied by parents.

The youngsters can have their own dose of fun at Kidz Paradise. This fully-supervised kids’ zone is open for children between 4 to 12 years old. Located at the Mezzanine Floor, this enjoyable place offers a variety of toys, board games and play stations. Kidz Paradise also offers outdoor entertainment (in or out of the swimming pool) including Hyatt – Camp Hyatt games such as: bamboo run at the pool, nail painting, sandy pictures, hat making and The resort has introduced a number of sculpture painting. You won’t run out of special touches for the young ones, to make their stay fun and enjoyable. Camp Hyatt things to do. is one of the highlights of these special Sheraton - STAR CLUB” touches. Camp Hyatt is a programme Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is launching featuring cultural and educational activities its new “StarClub”, the resort’s new and programmes for children aged between staff. Children can enjoy either a half-day children’s wonderland offering enjoyable four and twelve years old who are on holiday or full day programme. A children’s menu and entertaining activities for kids, creating at the resort. Parents can enjoy any of the for lunch and refreshments is also available. fun-filled times during their stay with resort’s facilities knowing that their children Holiday Inn – Kid´s Club great memories to take home. Housed in a are being cared for by our friendly childcare Holiday Inn Resort is heaven for children, and a blessing for parents. We’ve so much for the kids that Mum and Dad have the freedom to enjoy their own vacation. Newly re-invented, our Kids’ Club is designed to keep the youngsters happily and safely amused entertained all day long. Following a railway motif depicting a ride from the mountains to the sea, the Club has four zones offering TV, X Box, art and crafts and games. Outside are two dedicated kids’ pools, complete with slider, water cave, water guns and whale and turtle statuary.

For the teens, there is Club 12, a “parentfree zone” with Internet access, Play Station, DVD player and karaoke corner. Throughout, qualified staff provide supervision and coordinate activities.

Anantara – Kids Club

A nice Kids Club with daily activities, games, arts and crafts

Evason - Just Kids!

A Professionally managed kids’ club, with its own swimming pool, keeps children entertained all day. The emphasis at Just Kids! is on mind challenging activities, adventure games, and making learning experiences fun. Closely supervised “sleepovers” are arranged nightly to give parents the Resort to themselves.


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

by GMoss

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012




Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012


Beach front Land for Sale

Insight English Language Schools English and Thai Classes for everyone Educational Visa, Translation & TEFL courses Schools in Hua Hin, Cha-Am & Bangkok 032-470 681 E-mail:


370 T.W. Superb land at tranquil bay near Kui Buri. Cross a small road and you on the beach. Elec. / water / internet.

Sport injury, neck & back pain, muscle aches, joint stiffness, repetitive strain and injury, stroke etc. Our qualified physiotherapist can help you with PT. equipments, spine mobilization technique, therapeutic exercise and massage. More information

Only 4.2 MB. Tel: 083 273 6152 Email:

The Breeze Condo for Rent

please call 032-512735, 086-6992829 or visit us at Soi 88/1 Petchkasem Rd.

3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 157 sqm. Exclusive fully furnished, Seaview 65,000 Baht per month. Contact 0819154169 ( Eng.), 0834486228 (Thai) E-mail:

( Next to Hua Hin Market Village Shopping Center )

Absolute Beachfront Land Prachaub

Hua Hin Yoga & Pilates

Open Everyday from 9 am – 3 pm Above Zoom Optic Shop, Petchkasem Road. Entrance via soi 74, Tanawit Hotel,


Beautiful plot 526 sq.wah., chanote, 30 m. beachfront, 40 km south of Prachaub. Scenic swimming beach, next to resorts, holiday homes,electricity & black road.



Price 9,500,000 Baht

Call 0818208353 or

Car for Sale

Opel Astra Estate 1996 Automatic

Navio Condo Hua Hin

47.04 sq.m. 1 br. 1 bth. Near Cicada Market, not far from beach. For sale Hot Promotion!!! Only 2.49 MB. Call 087-032-5334

Email :

Revised Engine 15.000 KM New Tires – No Acccident Price : 150,000 Baht Call: Jerry 089 009 8560

beside Pimpaka Massage

Tel : Eng : K.Tu 081-453-5978 Thai : K.Ta 087-689-4203 E-Mail :

Condo for Rent !!!

42 sq.m located at 7th floor Fully furnished, separate Bedroom Bathroom With Balcony facing the poolside and sea view Facilities provide

Asking price starts at 10,000 Baht per month. Pls. contact:

Email :

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Thai Legal Advice

Thai Legal -Sources of Law in Thailand


The law of Thailand is based on the civil law, but has influence from common law The principle law sources in Thailand are:

Constitution of Thailand - prevails over other laws Acts and statutes - Many of which created and amended the 4 basic codes: Civil and Commercial Code (CCC), Penal Code (PC), Civil Procedure Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. Newer codes include the Land Code and Revenue Code. The year on statutes in Thailand is given in the Buddhist Era (BE) based on the Thai solar calendar. Emergency Decree or Royal Proclamation - this is made by the King, upon the advice of the Cabinet, where an urgent law is needed for national security, public safety, national economic stability or avert a public calamity. Treaties :Subordinate Legislation - includes Regulations (Ministerial), Orders, Notifications, Royal Decrees and Rules.Supreme Court Opinions and other Judicial Decisions - Judicial precedent in Thailand is not binding. Courts are not bound to follow their own decisions and lower courts are not bound to follow precedents set by higher courts. However, Thai law has been influenced by common law precedent. Courts are therefore significantly influenced by earlier decisions or decisions of higher courts. The Supreme Court of Justice publishes it decisions, known as the Supreme Court Opinions. These are frequently used as secondary authority and are numbered according to the year issued. Other judicial decisions or rulings are published by the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court.

Public Law :

Constitutional Law The Constitution of Thailand is the supreme law of Thailand which prevails over other laws passed by parliament. The 2007 Constitution of Thailand is the most recent constitution. The Constitutional Court of Thailand has jurisdiction to make rulings

over the constitutionality of parliamentary acts, royal decrees, draft legislation, appointment and removal of public officials and issues regarding political parties (see Rulings of the Constitutional Court of Thailand). Criminal Law: Criminal offences (that can lead to arrest and imprisonment) are enumerated in the Thai Penal Code (or Criminal Code) as well as numerous other statutes. Criminal procedures are outlined in the Criminal Procedure Code. Drug offences are dealt with by several statutes. The Narcotics Act BE 2522 (AD 1979) defines narcotics, classifies them into categories, details offences and outlines punishments. Penalties for producing, importing or exporting narcotics are outlined in sections 65 to 102 (Chapter 12) and include fines, life imprisonment or death. Other narcotics laws include the Psychotropic Substances Act BE 2518 (AD 1975) and the Narcotics Control Act BE 2519 (AD 1976) The offence of Lèsemajesté is found in the Criminal Code. Article 112 states that “Whoever defames, insults or threatens the King, Queen, the Heir-apparent or the Regent, shall be punished (with) imprisonment of three to fifteen years”. Administrative Law: Administrative Law matters such as judicial review are handled by the Administrative Court, which was established under The Act On Establishment Of Administrative Courts And Administrative Court Procedure BE 2542 (1999). The jurisdiction of the court includes unlawful act by an administrative agency or State official (e.g. ultra vires, inconsistent with law, bad faith etc.), neglecting or unreasonable delay in official duties, wrongful act or other liability of an administrative agency, administrative contracts, mandating a person to do something or an injunction. Immigration Law : Visa and immigration law is outlined in the Immigration Act BE 2522 (1979) and its amendments. The Immigration

Bureau of the Royal Thai Police administers the law, while the Immigration Commission shall have power and duty to make decision such as giving or revoking permission to stay.[10]

Private Law :

The most important reference of private law (or civil law) is the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand (see also other civil codes). It is composed of several books. Books I and II were first promulgated on 11 November 1925 (BE 2466).[11] The Civil code is updated as required by amendment acts (for example Act Amending Civil and Commercial Code (No 14) BE 2548 (AD 2005)). Law of Obligations The Law of Obligations in general is found in Civil and Commercial Code sections 194 to 353 (Book II, Title I). Quasi-contracts include undue enrichment, sections 406 to 419 (Book II, Title IV), and management of affairs without mandate, sections 395 to 405 (Book II, Title III). • Contract Law The main source of contract law is the Civil and Commercial Code sections 354 to 394 (Book II, Title II). Specific contracts (Sale, Hire, Mortgage, Insurance, Bills etc.) are found in the Civil and Commercial Code sections 453 to 1011 (Book III, Titles I to XXI) • Tort or Delict Law Tort law or delict law falls within the law of obligations. It is found in the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1012 to 1273 (Book II, Title V). The Code deals with wrongful acts: liability, compensation and exemptions to liability (justifiable acts) • Corporate Law Basic corporate Law is found in the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1012 to 1273 (Book II, Title XXII). Foreign ownership of certain Thai industries and foreign companies in general are regulated by the Foreign Business Act BE 2542 (AD 1999).

• Personal Property Law The main source of property law is the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1298 to 1434 (Book IV). • Land Law Land Law is dealt with by the Land Code. This was established by Act Promulgating the Land Code, B.E. 2497 (AD 1954). Land in Thailand is covered by a system consisting of several title deeds offering different rights of use, possession, ownership or alienation. Most titles are issued by the Land Department and fall within 7 main categories. Another 5 categories are issued by other government departments for specific purposes. The Chanote (or Nor Sor 4 Jor) category, found in more developed parts of Thailand, offers private ownership (similar to freehold land). Other land is considered to belong to the government or the King of Thailand. • Intellectual property Main article: Copyright law in Thailand Intellectual Property Law, that is patents, trademarks and copyright, are protected by the Patent Act BE 2522 (1979), Trademark Act BE 2534 (1991) and the Copyright Act BE 2521 (1978) and their amendments respectively. Trade secrets are protected by the Trade Secret Act BE 2545 (2002). The Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) manages intellectual property matters such as registration and enforcement. A registration system exists for trademarks and patents. Copyright is automatically protected for 50 years and does not need registration, however it can be filed with the DIP. Disputes are first heard in the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court. • Family Law The main source of family law is the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1435 to 1598 (Book V). • Succession Law The main source of succession law is the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1599 to 1755 (Book VI).


Wine & Dine

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Saturday Night BBQ at The Intercontinental


he Saturday night BBQ at The Intercontinental is amidst a romantic setting on the beach front with live music adding to the tropical ambiance. Every Saturday, a sumptuous BBQ takes place with plenty of good food and fresh seafood to enjoy. We were gallantly accompanied by lobby personal to the beach front where our reserved table was waiting. For a mere THB 1490 ++ per person and an additional THB 900 for a free flow beer and wine, you have the most complete BBQ dinner available in Hua Hin. A large selection of entrees, salads and bread gets you started. A wine of your choice is served at the table. We chose a cool white wine as an aperitif and cooling companion as we enjoyed our appetizers.

Our beachfront Chef grilled the Black Angus steaks over a charcoal fire medium rare as I requested it. The incomparable taste of Angus beef is by far my favourite as I also remember the fantastic Sunday brunch we had a few weeks ago. If made to choose between a Wagyu steak or Black Angus, my choice would go out to Black Angus, lean and juicy. Our chef also grilled New Zealand Lamb and free range chicken to the perfection. Red wine was in place his time to match the beef and lamb. King Prawns, crab and shrimp with a fresh catch of the day rounded off the protein part of this BBQ. Fresh salads and other steamed vegetables took care of our intake of carbohydrates. With the present fashion of detox and juicy vegetable diets I felt a bit guilty

of slightly overdoing my normal appetite only to discover fortunately that you only live once (yes Mr. Bond !) and this doesn´t happen every day. We really enjoyed the food, the atmosphere and the music by Benjamin, Anna and partner . A complimentary coconut based dessert composition is offered but a selection of fruit and ice cream is on standby as well. All together, a great evening with not much


e were in for a surprise as we were asked for a food review at the Kiss Restaurant. A simple lay out n not entirely haute voleé but kind of cosy, especially at night, opposite the Grand Market, next to the Thai Boxing Sport stadium. Seating is simple but comfortable. We were welcomed with a smile which is exceptional these days. The Chefs ( 3 9 were introduced and our forts Chef, all three were ladies, has a history of at least 10 years in international kitchens in Pattaya, which was confirmed in the quality and presentation of the food. Our menue consisted of crispy tacos filled

to desire for. Kids can walk around freely and the bonfire with a pillowed sofa around it would take care of honeymooners, lovers alike looking at the stars, the Gulf of Siam and our loved ones. It is wise to make reservations well in advance as it looked pretty much booked out that Saturday. For more information contact: + 66 (0) 32 616 999 or Email:

with chicken, salad and topped with shredded Chester cheese and sour cream. An absolute delicacy, crunchy and all. Close your eyes and you are in Mexico. A shared dish of Penang Curry, as creamy as it can get with a slight spicy nuance (touch) and fried rice as a between dish surprised us . The creamy Penang practically melted on out tongues and matched perfectly with the tasty fried rice. I have become a delusional fried rice consumer as most fried rices are tasteless, blunt and oily. Not this one. It had a particular taste to it which I could solely indulge into, given nothing else. A cold beer and Kiss fried rice that should make my day. As a main dish, BBQ ribs covered in a Smokey tastin BBQ sauce with mashed potatoes, onion

rings, tomatoes slices and baby corn rounded of our lunch appointment. The meals were absolutely delicious, well presented and very reasonable priced. We chose to have a matching cold beer to the lunch which teamed up perfectly with the menue. There are several wines to choose from as well but opposite a colorful market a cold beer served it´s purpose best. For a dessert, a vanilla ice cream filled pancake topped with sweet whipped cream and fruit cocktail made sure our calorie intake was plentiful. Congratulations Kiss and Co., a well deserved praise to your Kitchen, Chefs and Personal, Friendly service with a good command of the English language.

Find Kiss in the street going to the Grand Hotel, as you enter, on the right side. KISS FOOD & DRINK: Open daily 11 a.m.-23 p.m. Tel: 032-513 499 or Mobile: 083-273 6152

Mondo Vino ‘‘Hua Hin’s Wine Experience’’

22/65 Naeb Kaehat Rd, Hua Hin (next to Putahracsa) Tel.032 531493

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Events Calendar


Hua Hin Events & Promotions - APRIL 2012 Thailand Events : Labour Day – May 1st – World wide Holiday Coronation Day – May 5th - Founding of the Chakri Dynasty Royal Ploughing Ceremony Day - May 9th – Start of the rice-growing season

Hotel Promotions and Events

Unless indicated differently , ALL prices are to be understood Per Person - NET + VAT + Service Charge - ++ etc. Children 1 – 6 years are usually free. Children from 6 – 11 are usually charged less -50% or more. Check with Staff.

Banyan Resort & Golf Club Life Jazz at the Lemongrass Restaurant on alternating Saturdays: Call for updated information : Tel: +66 (0) 3253 8888. Banyan Pool Villas: 1

Bedroom Villa : THB 5,799 incl Breakfast Buffet for 2 Persons. 2 Bedroom Villa : 8,850 THB with Breakfast for 4 Persons. Package from May 1 – May 31st except long weekends and public holidays. Package includes : Welcome Drink – Fresh Fruit Basket in Room – Free Bycicles Rental for 2 hours – Late Check out at 15 :00 – Including Massages : Alternatively, Thai Massage 90 Minutes – Oil Massage 60 Minutes – Foot Massage 60 Minutes – Body Scrub 60 Minutes – Herbal Compress 60 Minutes. Banyan, The Resort, Hua Hin Tel: +66 (0) 3253 8888 Email: booking@banyanthailand. com Banyan Golf Club – 18 hole Golf Paradise overlooking the Tab Thai Valley with stunning sunsets. Banyan Shoot Out. Friday, 18th May 2012 - Tee time from 3 p.m., 9 hole Stableford competition with a difference. Price includes a beer, some snacks & prizes at Mulligan’s Pub following play. THB 1,500 per person Golf & BBQ Dinner. Sunday, 13th May 2012 - Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a sunset BBQ at Mulligan’s Pub. THB 2,950.- golf & BBQ, THB 1,500 BBQ only - Golf & Wine Dinner. Sunday, 27th May 2012 Afternoon golf tournament. Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a 5 course wine dinner at The Terrace Restaurant. THB 3,300.- golf & dinner. THB 1,900.- dinner only Experience a world class championship award winning golf course and dining facility. Banyan Golf Club, Hua Hin, a paradise for families and golf lovers with special offers: - THB. 2,950.- net per person includes green fee, GPS cart and caddie - - 10% discount when you book tee times direct at - *Golf rates are net, all inclusive of green fee, caddie and golf cart with GPS.

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin

: McFarland House - Sunday Brunch 11.30am – 15.00pm. Baht 1,500 net per person inclusive of a bottle of sparkling wine per two persons. child 6 – 12 Baht 650. – All You Can eat Tapas - Fridays and Saturdays from, 6:00pm to 10:30pm. Baht 700 net per person. - Afternoon Tea - Daily from 2:00pm to 6:00pm - THB 300 net per person. All you can Eat Tapas – Wednesdays 6:30 – 10:30 pm – THB 700/person. Figs Restaurant – Pasta and Pizza. Authentic home-made pasta dishes and pizzas & favourite Italian dishes - Baht 250 every Tuesday and Saturday from 6:30pm to 10:30pm. Talay Thai Restaurant - Classic Thai Buffet. Every Monday from 6:30pm to 10:30pm , Baht 850 net per person for adults and Baht 425 net for children aged 6-12 with traditional Thai dances. - Hua Hin Fisherman´s night – every Friday evening between 6.30pm and 10.30pm with “Catch of the Day” and traditional Thai dances. At Baht 1,300 net per person for adults and Baht 600 net for children aged 6-12. The Pool Lawn - Seafood BBQ buffet - Western and Thai specialties – Live Band - every Thursday 7:00pm to 10:30pm. Baht 1,200 net for adults and Baht 600 net for children aged 6-12.

Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa : White Lotus Restaurant - All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum. Saturday, Sunday and on Public Holidays for THB 449/ person. Full Moon

Diner - May 6 - 5 course set menue – THB 899 / Person. Every Sunday Chinese Buffet Dinner THB 899. Signature dish of the month - Crab Claws with different flavoured sauces , kale and oysters – THB 890 / Person. The Chay Had Restaurant – Signature Dish of the month : Tandoori Chicken wrapped in garlic buttered tortillas. Served with mint yoghurt dressing and seasoned potato wedges. THB 240. Theme Dinners: Monday – Thai Curry night. 5 best curries at THB 550 per person. Wednesday: 5 course Wine Dinner with a glass of wine at THB 1,550 nett per person. Aqua Pool Bar & Sunset Beach Bar brings you special daily Sunset Hours from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm with all local beers and classic cocktails for THB 120 nett. The Market : Monday & Tuesday Authentic Thai Terrace Dinner a la carte - Wednesday & Friday - All-you-can-eat pizza, pasta and salad buffet. THB 599 nett per adult. Thursday - Taste of Siam Thai Buffet with a live Thai musician THB 599 nett. Saturdays - International Barbeque buffet with live band THB 999. Signature dishes of the month : Larb Pla Duck – Spicy smoked Catfish with sticky rice and mango relish at THB 240. Batter Fried Prawns with Iceberg Lettuce and fresh Lychees at THB 240. Other Hilton Venues / Outlets : The Wine Cellar : Wines to satisfy your cravings from 12 pm – 22 pm. Cellar Burgers on Staturday & Sunday from 12pm – 14 pm. World News Coffee : Infused Honey Latte THB 80 . Banana Sunday – Banana Sorbet THB 160. Pork Rib Sandwich in a Baguette with gratinated American cheese and spicy BBQ sauce- THB 160. Milestones Jazz Bar Lounge : Cocktail with Live Music. Two cocktails THB 600 incl. sparkling wine - Cocktail on wheels in the Lobby 5pm - 9pm – THB 100 / Glass. Abba night with the Metropolis Band - Buffet – Wine – Beer – THB 1400 / Person. Midnight Nightcap Hour – 12pm – 1 am – Happy Hour buy one , get one on the house. Hua Hin Brewery : Home brewed beer and Food & live Music. From Schlincky´s corner : Reihnischer Sauerbraten with Red Cabbage and Potato Dumplings at THB 480. Monster sized Schlincky Schnitzel with German Potato Salad THB 360. Beerhouse : with weekend coyote madness. - SOS Tugboat Bar – Live Sports on a big screen- Soccer- F1. HOME BREWED BEER COMBOS : Dancing Monkey Lager – Elephant Tusk Dark Lager – Sabai Sabai Wheat Ale. Wall of fame : 16 shots and your name is carved on the wall. THB 2400. Live Music. For reservations : 032 358 999 – * All prices are to be understood net+ 7% Vat + 10 % Service Charge.

Centara Grand Resort & Villas : Palm Restaurant – Moonlight Dinner on the Beach – BBQ Buffet – Live Music – THB 1,400 / Person. Salathai – Flavours of old Siam

– Daily 1 am – 22.30 pm - Wednesdays 7 – 10:30pm Thai Buffet with live show THB 999/Person. The Museum – Coffee & tea corner – Fridays & Sundays 3 – 6 pm High Tea Buffet THB 488/ Person - Saturday 3-6pm Chocolate High Tea Buffet THB 690/Person. Hagi Japanese Restaurant - traditional & modern Japanese cuisine – Teppanyaki - Sushi & Sashimi - open 17 – 22:30 pm For more Information call : 032 512 021 or Email :

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa : Salas Restaurant - Italian appetizer and dessert buffet with your choice of five main courses for Baht 1,400 net per adult and Baht 700 net per child starting from 6:00 pm. – 11:00 pm. Inazia Restaurant - Thai, Indian and Japanese set menus at price starting from Baht 1,800 net for two persons from 6:00 pm. – 11:00 pm. (All prices are inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% tax.) contact : Tel: 66 (0)32 708 080 Fax: 66 (0)32 708 028 or E-mail:,

Putahracsa Resort : The Oceanside Beach Club Bar & Restaurant – Happy Hour every day from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm – buy 1 get 2 ! – Enjoy a cool sea breeze with your favourite cocktail ! Enjoy an April 10% discount at our Og Oon Boulangerie & Pattiserie French Bakery with traditional French and Belgium Bread – Pastries and Cakes. Try out our Coffee Lounge with your favourite coffee, tea and our crusty baguettte sandwiches. Open Daily 9 am – 6 pm.

Cool Breeze Café, Bar& Restaurant : Tapas Tapas Tapas & Great Spanish and Mediteranean dishes The daily Happy Hour Promotion is always

available from 11am until 7pm 7 days a week. Tapas Buy 3 Pay 2, Sangria Buy 1 Get 1 Free and house wine at 99 baht a glass. A set lunch menue (6 to choose from ) at 260 Baht per set and a new Breakfast Brunch starting from 150 Baht. Cool breeze Promotion : Sunday is wine night – House wine at 99 Baht per glass, all night. Monday Tapas night, buy 3 pay 2. Tuesday Sangria Night : Buy 1 get 1 Free all night.Wednes Cocktail night 100 Baht each. All big sport events shown on wide screen. Naresdamri Road – going towards the pier. ContactTel. 032 531 062 – info@

Ye Olde Buffalo Tavern - Large outside Terrace and inside seating – Great Ambience Daily British Breakfast – Continental Menue – Steaks – Roasts, best pork spare ribs in

town. Bangkok Post awarded. Everyday great dishes , Draught Beers and Ales. Sunday roasts. Our tip for a great continental meal in a great Ambience. Corner Tomsin and Naresdamri road facing Hua Hin Port - Contact : 086 603 5335.

Black Lotus Restaurant - Black Angus Steaks – Beef Sandwiches – Salads – Thai and Continental dishes – Mediterranean Delicacies – Rich Desserts – International Wines – Location : Soi 112 at the GreenScape and Black Lotus Development . Call : 082 243 8732 for directions and reservations

Sara - Jane - International Home cooking – Thai and Continental – Massaman Curry - Skillet roasts – Steaks - Pan fried potatoes – Pasta & Pizza – Great garden – Live Music - 28/1 Poonsuk Road Hua Hin behind the Hua Hin Wat-

Heaven´s Kitchen -

Large outside Terrace and inside seating – Great Ambience Daily British Breakfast – Continental Menue – Steaks – Roasts, best pork spare ribs in town. Bangkok Post awarded. Everyday great dishes , Draught Beers and Ales. Sunday roasts. Our tip for a great continental meal in a great Ambience. Corner Tomsin and Naresdamri road facing Hua Hin Port - Contact : 086 603 5335.


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

New Faces in Town


r. Natthapan Hengkhumkao, the new Shop Manager at Wine Connection Hua Hin is traditionally Hua Hin people. With his expertise for over than 10 years in Hotel Business, he’s now starting the new exciting and challenging position as a manager of Wine Connection, the fastest growing wine shop in Thailand.



SPA Promotions

The Barai – Exclusive Destination Spa

CELEBRATE SUMMER AT THE BARAI - Celebrate summer with ancient Thai therapies

and treatments with water to cool down the summer heat and balance your elements with spa packages specially designed for your body and mind available throughout April 2012. SUMMERTIME SPA EXPERIENCE, 120 MINUTE - BHT 4,500/PERSON OR BAHT 7,900/COUPLE. This spa package offering a perfect combination between jasmine, art and science of water and Thai massage techniques. Package includes: Jasmine Body Polish with Hydro Vichy Shower A choice of Thai Blend Aroma Massage or Traditional Thai Massage. WATER ELEMENT RITUAL, 3.15-HOUR – BAHT 5,500++ PER PERSON OR BAHT 9,900++ PER COUPLE Sooth your body, relax the mind and freshen your spirit by luxuriating in a 3.15hour spa escape and indulge yourself with a Water Element Ritual. Package includes: Water Element Bath - Aromatherapy Massage - Relaxing Aromatherapy Facial THE BARAI BLEND SIGNATURE MASSAGE, 90 MINUTE - BAHT 3,500++ PER PERSON OR BAHT 5,900++ PER COUPLE. Experience a 90-minute BARAI Blend Massage using massage oil, blended of lemongrass, ginger and mint. You will completely relax and become recharged as the therapist performs the massage using a mixture of Thai, Swedish and Aromatherapy massage techniques. For reservations and further information, please contact :Tel: +66 2254 6200 or +66 3251 1234, or e-mail:,

During the 10 years that he worked as a Customer Entertainment Officer and Assistant Restaurant Manager in hotels, he realized that he is passionate in wine so he has tried to gain his knowledge during the work at the hotels. But that is not sufficed him; he decided to step into the wine business. To become an expert, he has tasted over than 1,000 different wines and now, to follow his dream, he works as a Shop Manager of Wine Connection in Hua Hin and enjoy sharing his experiences and giving suggestion of wine selection for the customers.

SHERATON - Aspadeva Spa – “Touch of Aspadeva”

Wine Connection has been developing expertise in importing selected wines from around the world for 14 years. Wine Connection only imports and retails its own selection of wine. There are now over 500 different wines, as well as premium spirits, Belgian and German beers and wine accessories available. Meet Mr.Natthapan at Wine Connection Shop Hua Hin (opposite Hua Hin Hospital) everyday, Sun – Thu from 10.30am – 9.00pm and Fri – Sat and Public Holidays from 10.30am - 10.30pm. Tel. 032-520-991.

New Sales Executive Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin


Spa Promotion Thai Touch: discover the ancient art of aromatherapy and experience the healing powers of essential oils and help to balance Mind, body and soul - 15 min. Thai Herbal Steam - 45 min Thai Herbal Scrub - 60 min. Traditional Thai Massage or Secret Thai Facial. Mandarin Orange Touch: 15 min. Mandarin Orange Steam - 45 min. Mandarin Salt Body Glow Scrub - 60 min. Swedish Massage with Orange oil. Contact Aspadeva Spa at Tel: 66 (0)32 708 235 E-mail:, Resort Reservation Tel: 66 (0)32 708 080. Best rates are always available for online reservations at


– Day Spa Refresing – Tropical Fruit Scrub + Coconut Oil Massage + Cucumber Honey . Package 2 Hours / THB 2,400. Book now at : 032 531 470 Ext. 2 . 22/65 Nahbkaehard Rd. Hua Hin, 77110, Thailand

Rest Detail Spa :

Surrender to your senses in this heavenly sanctuary. At Restfully Yours, select from a range of especially created treatments to relax and pamper the body, mind and soul, leaving you refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated. One treatment simply won’t be enough! Phone: +66 (0) 32 547 733 - Facsimile: +66 (0) 32 547 722 E-mail: rest@ . We are in Soi 19 on the shore road at the very end. Call us for directions.

ua Hin, April 2012 – Jacques Mury, General Manager of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin recently announced the appointment of Prim Srisukawat, as the Sales Executive. Khun Prim has started her career with Centara Hotels & Resorts since 2007, as Guest Relations of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin. She was a Sales Secretary and Sales Coordinator before promoted.

A new flagship store of Wine Connection is now open


ine Connection shop is now opens a new flagship store at Hua Hin. After great success in many wine shop branches in Bangkok, Phuket and Chiangmai, now it takes the concept and move forward to the most popular tourist area which is Hua Hin. Wine Connection shop Hua Hin branch is still keep focusing on the leading chain of wine shop in Thailand with selection of exclusive wine over 700 labels around the world with a great value.Now, Wine Connection has a special promotion for Hua Hin customers. When purchase every 1,000 Baht, customers can get 100 Baht discount. Only inform us which magazine or newspapers that you saw this promotion and you can get the promotion easily.A new Wine Connection shop is located opposite Hua Hin hospital. The door is available to open from 10.30 AM to 9.00 PM (Sunday to Thursday) and from 10.30 AM to 10.30 PM (Friday to Saturday & Holidays). For more information please call 032-520-991

The Hua Hin Today Team

Responsible for Hua Hin Today / Cha-Am Today / Property & Golf Today & Food Lovers

Pol.Gen Maj Noi Wannapaiboon Editor

Mr.Gerard Mosselman (Jerry) Consulting Editor

Ms.Atchareeya Lindstrand (Ning) Assistant to the Editor

Ms.Sunisa Kheunkum (Cherry) Marketting Coordinator

Ms.Chamaipron Chaithep (Amp) Marketting Coordinator

Mr.Grit Promprasert (Nat) Graphic Designer


Health & Wellness

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Meat Diets and their serious side effects


here was a time when meat was a once-a -week luxury or was at least a special treat. Not any more meat consumption had tripled in most countries and is the centerpiece of most meals. A study of 5000,000 adults in the US has proved that this meat eating has limited our longevity our and increased the health spending budgets worldwide. It showed that men and women who consumed the most red and processed meat were likely to die sooner particularly from cancer and heart disease than people who ate less meat. The study directed by a nutritional epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute involved over 300,000 men and 200,000 women in their sixties and seventies. During the decade 15% 0f and 10.4% died and the researchers kept track of the cause of death. The figures were studied and other causes such as smoking were factored in. The increased mortality tied to high meat consumption ranged between 20% and 40% and was also related to the levels of meat consumption. If these figures are extrapolated to include the whole population then 4000 deaths a day in the US and 800 a day in the UK could be prevented.

Now we all have to die sometime and this is of course a postponement, but an important one. In place of red meat, non-vegetarians should consider protein from poultry and fish, for people who based their diet around ‘white meat’ have been shown to have an advantage. Similarly those who eat the most fruit and vegetables tend to live longer. Grilling or barbecued red meat has an added danger. Carcinogens can be formed on the surface .Years ago Catholics used to abstain from meat on Fridays and more recently Paul McCartney and his merry band of vegans have proposed a ‘Meatless Monday” both of these ideas have their merits.This study adds weight to earlier studies that have linked high-meat diet to life-threatening problems. They identified the risk of consuming high levels of saturated fats and the damage to arteries caused by the high cholesterol levels. This had the effect of lessening the consumption of very fatty meats and along with other dietary changes, such as consuming low-fat dairy products has resulted in a drop in over all cholesterol levels. Poultry and fish contain less saturated fats than red meat and also contain Omega-3 fatty acids that have been linked to lessening the risk of heart problems. It is surprising

how little change in diet is needed to effect this change. The Nurses Health Study of over 80,000 nurses showed that those who ate Omega-3 rich fish (Salmon, Tuna and Mackerel) at least once a week reduced their coronary risk by 20%. Similar advantages were found in the European prospective study of cancer. It was found that a less meat –

more fish diet had the effect of lowering the rates of Colon and Prostate cancers. Another study showed a similar effect on Ovarian cancer. Red meat consumption also has a negative effect on the planet. Raising the cattle and pigs is responsible for 55% of erosion, 37% of pesticides and over 50% of antibiotics used. The amount of antibiotics pumped into healthy animals to prevent infections that are caused by the way that they are raised is scary. Resistance to antibiotics is an ever increasing problem in health care; this is partly caused by the amounts that we unknowingly consume in our diets. Here in Thailand eating seafood is neither difficult or a hardship. Both inexpensive street markets and stylish restaurants offer appetizing choices. Dr Michael Moreton has worked asan Obstetrician and HospitalAdministrator in Canada, China and Thailand. For additional information on the dangers and side effects of a meat diet :

Blood Test Diagnoses Major Depression

Could be especially helpful in designing treatments for teens


cientists have developed the first blood test to diagnose major depression.The landmark test could give psychiatrists a more objective way to identify different types of depression in their patients, and would be especially helpful in designing treatments for depression in highlyvulnerable teenagers. The blood test is not designed to determine whether a teen is at risk for the condition or already suffers from major depression. That’s something psychiatrists can do, using traditional subjective analysis, during their patients’ office visits. Rather, says Eva Redei, a professor of psychiatry at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Illinois, the new blood test is the first to identify the many different types of major depression, from bipolar disorder to depression driven by severe anxiety. She says this additional information can help doctors tailor therapies for each patient.”The test probably can identify subgroups of depressed patients, which is the aim in define[ing] the best treatment,” Redei says. Statistics show that depressed teenagers are at particularly high risk of suicide, so there is an urgent need for a test that can zero in on the precise nature of their depression and suggest the most appropriate treatments. Redei had previously discovered 26 genetic markers, or substances in the blood, that appear to be elevated in depression. She says everyone has the markers, which she likens to those that indicate levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, and the depression markers can be in the normal range or elevated.That’s what Redei and her colleagues discovered in their study of blood markers in a group of 14 male and female adolescents, aged 15 to 19. They had been diagnosed with, but not yet treated for, major depression. The study also included 14 healthy volunteers. In the blinded study - where researchers did not know which of the subjects had a mood disorder investigators found they were able to differentiate

Courtesy of VOA News

between the two groups on the basis of 11 genetic markers in their blood.Among depressed teens, researchers found 18 of the 26 blood markers could tell which participants had major depression and which also suffered from depression plus an anxiety disorder. Patients with depression are treated with a variety of medications but, according to Redei, treatment is not always effective because one-size does not fit all.”We can’t choose a treatment at the moment because... we can’t objectively diagnose how many kinds of depressions there are, what are the characteristics, and so on,” Redei says.The new test will enable that objective diagnosis. But Redei believes the markers she’s discovered could be just “the tip of the iceberg,” because depression is such a complex disorder. And she says further study should help scientists more precisely identify which markers are positively associated with each subtype of depression.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 7 May 2012

Cha Am Today


Volume 3 issue 9 May 2012

Volume 3 Issue 9 May 2012

Countdown to the Grand Opening! 5 May 2012


“Amused Shopping Experience”

repare Yourself for a Brand New Shopping & Tourism Phenomenon in Hua Hin & Cha-Am Enjoy browsing through superior brands in leading shops appealing to the tastes of every generation, as well as a fine selection of restaurants that place a premium on quality cuisine and a. relaxed dining ambience. Have fun with a variety of thrilling rides spread out over an airy naturally green landscape, peruse exquisite artwork, or buy unique handicrafts in a garden market atmosphere. In addition, an abundance of special activities will be held throughout the year to continually entertain and enlighten. Come experience it all within a setting where the architecture and sculptures are inspired by the iconic beauty of Greece’s Santorini Island. At SANTORINI PARK CHA-AM, every nook and cranny beckons you ... with unforgettable memories of a lifetime. Free entry passes on Monday - Thursday at 10.00 - 21.00 hrs. Only Friday-SaturdaySunday and holidays opens till 22.00 hrs. With a 50 Baht pass ticket per person).

นับถอยหลัง...สูง่ านเปิดตัวอย่างเป็นทางการ! วันที่ 5 พฤษภาคม 2555

Amused Shopping Experience สีสนั ใหม่แห่งประสบการณ์ความสนุกประสบการณ์ชอ้ ปปิง้ และท่องเทีย่ วรูป แบบใหม่ในหัวหิน-ชะอ�ำ แหล่งเพลิดเพลินยามเย็นส�ำหรับกลุม่ เพือ่ น และครอบครัว พบกับร้านค้าชัน้ น�ำ และสินค้าระดับพรี เมีย่ ม ทีต่ อบสนองไลฟ์สไตล์สำ� หรับทุกเพศทุกวัย พรัง่ พร้อมด้วยร้านอาหารทีเ่ น้นเรือ่ งคุณภาพ และบรรยากาศนัง่ สบาย สนุก ไปกับเครือ่ งเล่นระดับโลกหลากชนิดบนพืน้ ทีส่ เี ขียวอันร่มรืน่ เพลิดเพลินกับการเสพงานศิลป์ และซือ้ สินค้าแฮนด์เมดใน บรรยากาศตลาดนัดในสวน อีกทัง้ มีกจิ กรรมมากมายทีผ่ ลัดเปลีย่ นหมุนเวียนมาสร้างความสุขตลอดปี สัมผัสประสบการณ์ ทัง้ หมดนี้ ท่ามกลางสถาปัตยกรรมและงานประติมากรรมทีไ่ ด้รบั แรงบันดาลใจมาจากความงามของเกาะซานโตรินี ประเทศ กรีซ ทุกมุมใน SANTORINI PARK CHA-AM จะกลายเป็นพืน้ ที่ ทีใ่ ห้บนั ทึกภาพความประทับใจ...ไม่รลู้ มื วันจันทร์-พฤหัสบดี เปิดบริการตัง้ แต่เวลา 10.00 – 21.00 น. โดยไม่เสียค่าบัตรผ่านประตู เฉพาะวันศุกร์เสาร์-อาทิตย์ และวันหยุดนักขัตฤกษ์ เปิดถึงเวลา 22.00 น. ค่าบัตรผ่านประตูเพียงท่านละ 50 บาท

Introducing The Cha-Am National Park

By Sorravit


ormally, the rainy season in Cha-Am starts from May to the end of September every year with abundant rain between June and August. Since the main tourist attraction is beaches, most travelers think that visiting Cha-Am is not convenient during the rainy season due to murky sea water, grey skies which brings about a gloomy atmosphere. That is why there are less visitors in Cha-Am than other seasons of the year. Looking at the brighter side, rainy season boasts verdant environs: trees are growing and plants are blossoming. Apart

from white sandy beaches, Cha-Am has many other places worth visiting all year round. To name but only a few are the Khao Nang Panturat National Park and Cha-Am National Park. Located 5 kilometers from Cha-Am beaches and north of the Cha-Am municipal area, the Khao Nang Panturat can be easily accessed via Baan Nong Tapod in the west. The place is eye-catching thanks to its small hill that looks like a reclining woman covering the north and south. This hill is also a symbol of Cha-Am because it is the city’s gateway. Legend has it that Nang Panturat, a female giant from the famous Thai literature, ‘Sang Thong (Prince of Gold Conch Shell)’, wept to death here when the prince, learning that his stepmother is a non-human, decided to run away from her. After Nang Panturat followed and found him, she unsuccessfully persuaded the prince to come back to live with her. Extremely sad and grieve-stricken, the female giant cried to death. After she died, her body became the hill like what people see at present. Moreover, the head of the hill has a big rock of strange shape which Thai people usually call Nang Panturat’s urn. In 1994, the so-called Nang Panturat’s urn was partly destroyed due to cement production. After passing the area and seeing what had happened in 1996, His Majesty the King called for a concerned cement industry to stop exploding the hill and preserve it. The activity was then halted and the area around the Nang Panturat hill was later declared the national park on 25 February 1999 by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation of the Royal Forest Department. A natural tourist site, the Khao Nang Panturat National Park consists of eye-catching spots, namely Nang Panturat’s Crematory, Nang Panturat’s Mirror and the Prince’s bathing pond. Other spots can be easily visited thanks to a long wooden walkway along which ones can find rare plants and wildlife, such as langur and hog deer. The National Park’s large ground is an ideal place for campers, too. With its convenient location and beautiful plants all year round, the Khao Nang Panturat National Park is worth more than only one visit. The Cha-Am National Park, located by the Phetchakasem road on the kilometer post 208, is less than 1 kilometer from Cha-Am. A former pine forest, it has recently been renovated to attract nature lovers and those who seek a peaceful place

to relax. The Cha-Am National Park mostly covers plain areas with a lot trees, brooks and a long walkway that allows visitors to admire unharmed nature there. Among various rare flora and fauna are pine, hog plum, ebony and several ferns as well as squirrel, gibbon and wild birds. For a perfect holiday getaway, visitors can enjoy complete facilities at the park like restaurants and beverage parlors, a picnic area, a health garden where visitors can exercise, play petanque and Sepak Raga. If one day is not enough, the park also provides a camping site or rooms to stay. A unique option for vacationers, the Cha-Am National Park will give them an unforgettable stay close to nature.

B 42

Local news

Visakha Bucha Day

By Sorravit


ne of the most important days of Buddhists, Visakha Bucha is also declared the most important day of the world by the United Nations. This year, it falls on the 4th of June. Since it is the day when Buddhists worldwide pay homage to the Lord Buddha whose spiritual contribution towards enlightenment is overwhelming and invaluable for all mankind, Visakha Bucha is not merely a public holiday. There is more to know about the day as a result. Why is Visakha Bucha so important? Typically falling on a full moon in the 5th or 6th lunar month or otherwise in the 7th month in leap years, Visakha Bucha refers to homage paying on a full moon day of the 6th month as the word, ‘Bucha’ literally means to pay homage. Informally called the Buddha’s Birthday, Visakha Bucha is a very important occasion for all Buddhists because it marks the days when the Buddha was born, gained enlightenment and passed away. All of them fall on a full moon day of the 6th month though years varied. The Lord Buddha was born as Prince Sidhatha in the Lumpiniwan Royal Garden between Kabilapas and Thewa Thaha cities in India early in the Friday morning of a full moon in the 6th month 80 years before the Buddhist Era (B.E.). 35-year-old Prince Sidhatha, after having ordained for 6 years, gained enlightenment under the Sri Maha Bhodha tree by the Neranchala river in dawn of Wednesday of the 6th month, which was the full moon day as well. At present, the place is called Buddha Khaya and located in the Phiharn state of India. After he was enlightened, the Lord Buddha disseminated Buddhism by himself and his disciples. He passed away when he was 80 years old in the evening of Tuesday of the 6th month, certainly a full moon day, too. The place where the Lord Buddha passed away is now in the Kusinakhara city of India. Miracle as it is that the 3 main events occurred on the full moon day of the 6th month. As a result, Visakha Bucha is the day that symbolizes the holy triple gem: the Buddha, the Dhama (His teachings) and the Sangha (His disciples), which is believed to brighten the world. History of Visakha Bucha in Thailand Legend has it that Visakha Bucha has existed since the Sukhothai period. It is believed to follow the Lanka’s tradition when King Phatikurach had a grand and exquisite commemoration to the Buddha on this day in B.E. 420. Afterwards, other kings of Lanka have maintained this tradition until today. Since Sukhothai and Lanka are connected thanks to many Buddhist monks from Lanka who came here on a religious mission, the monks passed on such tradition to Thailand as well. Nang Noppamas, known among Thais as the Ladies of Songkran, gave some brief details in their book on the ceremony of Visakha Bucha during the Sukhothai period that people from all walks of life from everywhere helped

each other clean the Sukhothai city before decorating and lightening it with beautiful flowers and lanterns. The event lasted 3 nights and days to commemorate the Lord Buddha. The royal family observed a noble life and, in the evening, walked with lighted candles and joss-sticks in hand around a temple along with vassals. At the same time, local people observed the 5 or eight precepts proclaimed by the Buddha. They also gave alms to Buddhist monks and made donations to beggars, the disabled, the disadvantaged, the orphans or the helpless elder. Some who wished a healthier longer life would release animals like birds, fish or tortoises. In Ayudhaya, Thonburi and the beginning of Rattanakosin periods, Brahman influenced the belief of Thai people so much that no record on Buddhist-styled Visakha Bucha was made until the reign of King Rama II who kindly asked the Abbot Mee from Wat Ratchaburana Buddhist temple to revive it. So, the ceremony of Visakha Bucha was back in the same way as traditionally organized on the 6th month of B.E. 2360 until today. What to do on Visakha Bucha Day On Visakha Bucha Day, devout Buddhists decorate their houses and buildings with a national flag or a Buddhist flag. In the evening, they will light lanterns or turn on colorful neon lights. As tradition goes, His Majesty the King and royal family members attend a Buddhist ceremony of offering alms to Buddhist monks in the morning at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. In the evening, they will walk around the chapel with lighted joss-sticks and candles in hand before listening to the preaching by Buddhist monks. In Bangkok, the ceremonial Visakha Bucha day is usually big with a lot of Biddhist activities from many governmental and private organizations. Some Buddhists will observe 5 or 8 precepts while others do meditation all day and night to pay homage to the Buddha and cleanse their mind. A very famous place where the big ceremony takes place is Buddha Monthon in the outskirt of Bangkok. Every year, HRH Princess Sirindhorn will do the walking around the big Buddha image with lighted joss-sticks and candles in hand there. Cha-Am, in particular, celebrates the Visakha Bucha every year at many Buddhist temples, namely Wat Cha-Am Khiri, Wat Neranchararam, Wat Nong Tapod, Wat Nong Jaeng, Wat Boh Khaem, Wat Sai Yoi, Wat Maruekhathaiyawan, Wat Huay Sai Tai and Wat Pho Suwan. Buddhist activities will be held all day and night and devotees are welcome to celebrate and commemorate the day together.

Volume 3 issue 9 May 2012


เนือ่ งด้วยวันที่ ๔ มิถนุ ายน ๒๕๕๕ เป็นวันส�ำคัญทางพระพุทธศาสนาวันหนึง่ นัน่ คือ วันวิสาขบูชา ซึง่ สหประชาชาติ ได้ประกาศให้เป็น “วันส�ำคัญของโลก” ดังนัน้ เพือ่ น้อมร�ำลึกถึงพระมหากรุณาธิคณ ุ ทีอ่ งค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าได้มตี อ่ ประชาชนชาวโลก และเชิญชวนผูอ้ า่ นร่วมงานเทศกาลวันวิสาขบูชา ณ วัดต่าง ๆ จึงขอน�ำรายละเอียดของวันวิสาขบูชามาน�ำ เสนอ ความส�ำคัญของวันวิสาขบูชา : วันวิสาขบูชา ตรงกับวันขึน้ ๑๕ ค�ำ่ เดือน ๖ ของทุกปี ค�ำว่า “วิสาขบูชา” หมายถึงการ บูชาในวันเพ็ญเดือน ๖ วิสาขบูชา ย่อมาจาก “ วิสาขปุรณมีบชู า“ แปลว่า “การบูชาในวันเพ็ญเดือนวิสาขะ “ ถ้าปีใดมีอธิกมาส คือ มีเดือน ๘ สองหน ก็เลือ่ นไปเป็นกลางเดือน ๗ วันวิสาขบูชา เป็นวันส�ำคัญยิง่ ทางพระพุทธศาสนา เพราะเป็นวันทีพ่ ระพุทธเจ้าประสูติ คือเกิด ตรัสรู้ คือส�ำเร็จ และ ปรินพิ พาน คือ ดับ เกิดขึน้ ตรงกันทัง้ ๓ คราว คือ ๑. เมือ่ เจ้าชายสิทธัตถะ ประสูตทิ พี่ ระราชอุทยานลุมพินวี นั ระหว่างกรุง กบิลพัสดุก์ บั เทวทหะ เมือ่ เช้าวันศุกร์ ขึน้ ๑๕ ค�ำ่ เดือน ๖ ปีจอ ก่อนพุทธศักราช ๘๐ ปี ๒. เมือ่ เจ้าชายสิทธัตถะตรัสรู้ เป็น พระพุทธเจ้าเมือ่ พระชนมายุ ๓๕ พรรษา ณ ใต้รม่ ไม้ศรีมหาโพธิ์ ฝัง่ แม่นำ�้ เนรัญชรา ต�ำบลอุรเุ วลาเสนานิคม ในตอนเช้ามืดวัน พุธ ขึน้ ๑๕ ค�ำ่ เดือน ๖ ปีระกา ก่อนพุทธศักราช ๔๕ ปี หลังจากออกผนวชได้ ๖ ปี ปัจจุบนั สถานทีต่ รัสรูแ้ ห่งนีเ้ รียกว่า พุทธ คยา เป็นต�ำบลหนึง่ ของเมืองคยา แห่งรัฐพิหารของอินเดีย ๓. หลังจากตรัสรูแ้ ล้ว ได้ประกาศพระศาสนา และโปรดเวไนยสัตว์ ๔๕ ปี พระชนมายุได้ ๘๐ พรรษา ก็เสด็จดับขันธปรินพิ พาน เมือ่ วันอังคาร ขึน้ ๑๕ ค�ำ่ เดือน ๖ ปีมะเส็ง ณ สาลวโนทยาน ขอ งมัลลกษัตริย์ เมืองกุสนิ ารา แคว้นมัลละ (ปัจจุบนั อยูใ่ นเมืองกุสนี คระ) แคว้นอุตตรประเทศ ประเทศอินเดีย นับว่าเป็นเรือ่ งทีน่ า่ อัศจรรย์ยงิ่ ทีเ่ หตุการณ์ทงั้ ๓ เกีย่ วกับวิถชี วี ติ ของพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า ซึง่ มีชว่ งระยะเวลาห่าง กันนับเวลาหลายสิบปี บังเอิญเกิดขึน้ ในวันเพ็ญเดือน ๖ ดังนัน้ เมือ่ ถึงวันส�ำคัญเช่นนี้ ชาวพุทธทัง้ คฤหัสถ์และบรรพชิตได้ พร้อมใจกันประกอบพิธบี ชู าพระพุทธองค์เป็นการพิเศษ เพือ่ น้อมร�ำลึกถึงพระกรุณาธิคณ ุ พระปัญญาธิคณ ุ และพระบริสทุ ธิ คุณ ของพระองค์ทา่ น ผูเ้ ป็นดวงประทีปของโลก ประวัตคิ วามเป็นมาของวันวิสาขบูชาในประเทศไทย : วันวิสาขบูชานี้ ปรากฏตามหลักฐานว่า ได้มมี าตัง้ แต่ครัง้ กรุง สุโขทัยเป็นราชธานี ซึง่ สันนิษฐานว่า คงจะได้แบบอย่างมาจากลังกา กล่าวคือ เมือ่ ประมาณ พ.ศ. ๔๒๐ พระเจ้าภาติกรุ าช กษัตริย์ แห่งกรุงลังกา ได้ประกอบพิธวี สิ าขบูชาอย่างมโหฬาร เพือ่ ถวายเป็นพุทธบูชา กษัตริยล์ งั กาในรัชกาลต่อ ๆ มา ก็ทรงด�ำเนินรอย ตาม แม้ปจั จุบนั ก็ยงั ถือปฏิบตั อิ ยู่ สมัยสุโขทัยนัน้ ประเทศไทยกับประเทศลังกามีความสัมพันธ์ดา้ นพระพุทธศาสนาใกล้ชดิ กัน มากเพราะพระสงฆ์ชาวลังกา ได้เดินทางเข้ามาเผยแพร่พระพุทธศาสนา และเชือ่ ว่าได้นำ� การประกอบพิธวี สิ าขบูชามาปฏิบตั ใิ น ประเทศไทยด้วย ในหนังสือนางนพมาศได้กล่าวบรรยากาศการประกอบพิธวี สิ าขบูชาสมัยสุโขทัยไว้ พอสรุปใจความได้วา่ “ เมือ่ ถึงวัน วิสาขบูชา พระเจ้าแผ่นดิน ข้าราชบริพาร ทัง้ ฝ่ายหน้าและฝ่ายใน ตลอดทัง้ ประชาชนชาวสุโขทัยทัว่ ทุกหมูบ่ า้ นทุกต�ำบล ต่าง ช่วยกันท�ำความสะอาด ประดับตกแต่งพระนครสุโขทัยเป็นการพิเศษ ด้วยดอกไม้ของหอม จุดประทีปโคมไฟแลดูสว่างไสวไป ทัว่ พระนคร เป็นการอุทศิ บูชาพระรัตนตรัย เป็นเวลา ๓ วัน ๓ คืน พระมหากษัตริยแ์ ละบรมวงศานุวงศ์กท็ รงศีล และทรง บ�ำเพ็ญพระราชกุศลต่างๆ ครัน้ ตกเวลาเย็นก็เสด็จพระราชด�ำเนินพร้อมด้วยพระบรมวงศานุวงศ์ และนางสนองพระโอษฐ์ ตลอด จนข้าราชการทัง้ ฝ่ายหน้าและฝ่ายใน ไปยังพระอารามหลวง เพือ่ ทรงเวียนเทียนรอบพระประธาน ส่วนชาวสุโขทัยชวนกันรักษาศีล ฟังธรรมเทศนา ถวายสลากภัต ถวายสังฆทาน ถวายอาหารบิณฑบาต แด่พระภิกษุ สามเณรบริจาคทรัพย์แจกเป็นทานแก่คนยากจน คนก�ำพร้า คนอนาถา คนแก่ คนพิการ บางพวกก็ชวนกันสละทรัพย์ ปล่อย สัตว์ ๔ เท้า ๒ เท้า และเต่า ปลา เพือ่ ชีวติ สัตว์ให้เป็นอิสระ โดยเชือ่ ว่าจะท�ำให้คนอายุยนื ยาวต่อไป “ในสมัยอยุธยา สมัยธนบุรี และสมัยรัตนโกสินทร์ตอนต้น ด้วยอ�ำนาจอิทธิพลของศาสนาพราหมณ์ เข้าครอบง�ำประชาชนคนไทย และมีอทิ ธิพลสูงกว่า อ�ำนาจของพระพุทธศาสนา จึงไม่ปรากฏหลักฐานว่า ได้มกี ารประกอบพิธบี ชู าในวันวิสาขบูชา จนมาถึงรัชสมัยพระบาทสมเด็จ พระพุทธเลิศหล้านภาลัยรัชกาลที่ ๒ แห่งกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์ (พ.ศ. ๒๓๖๐) ทรงด�ำริกบั สมเด็จพระสังฆราช (มี) ส�ำนักวัดราช บูรณะ มีพระราชประสงค์จะให้ฟน้ื ฟู การประกอบพระราชพิธวี นั วิสาขบูชาขึน้ ใหม่ โดยสมเด็จพระสังฆราช ถวายพระพรให้ทรง ท�ำขึน้ เป็นครัง้ แรกในวันขึน้ ๑๔ ค�ำ่ ๑๕ ค�ำ่ และวันแรม ๑ ค�ำ่ เดือน ๖ พ.ศ. ๒๓๖๐ และให้จดั ท�ำตามแบบอย่างประเพณีเดิม ทุกประการ เพือ่ มีพระประสงค์ให้ประชาชนประกอบการบุญการกุศล เป็นหนทางเจริญอายุ และอยูเ่ ย็นเป็นสุขปราศจากทุกข์ โศกโรคภัย และอุปทั วันตรายต่างๆ โดยทัว่ หน้ากัน ฉะนัน้ การประกอบพิธใี นวันวิสาขบูชาในประเทศไทย จึงได้รอื้ ฟืน้ ให้มขี นึ้ อีกครัง้ หนึง่ ในรัชสมัย พระบาทสมเด็จ พระพุทธเลิศหล้านภาลัย รัชกาลที่ ๒ และถือปฏิบตั มิ าจวบจนกระทัง่ ปัจจุบนั กิจกรรมของวันวิสาขบูชา : ทางราชการประกาศชักชวนให้ประชาชน และหน่วยงานต่างๆ ทัง้ เอกชน และราชการ ประดับตกแต่งอาคารสถานทีด่ ว้ ยธงชาติ ธงเสมาธรรมจักร จุดประทีปโคมไฟ แต่โดยทางปฏิบตั แิ ล้วใช้หลอดไฟประดับหลาก สี ในวันขึน้ ๑๔-๑๕ ค�ำ่ เดือน ๖ พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั และพระบรมวงศานุวงศ์ เสด็จประกอบพระราชกุศล ทีว่ ดั พระ ศรีรตั นศาสดาราม ทรงบาตรในตอนเช้า ในตอนเย็นทรงน�ำเวียนเทียนรอบพระอุโบสถ และสดับพระธรรมเทศนาในพระอุโบสถ พร้อมทัง้ ถวายไทยธรรม • จัดงานส่งเสริมพระพุทธศาสนาทีบ่ ริเวณท้องสนามหลวงเป็นประจ�ำทุกปี แต่ละปีมกี จิ กรรมทางพระพุทธศาสนา หลากหลายหน่วยงาน ทัง้ ทางราชการ และเอกชนทัง้ ฝ่ายบรรพชิตและคฤหัสถ์ ร่วมกันจัดงานอันยิง่ ใหญ่สร้างความศรัทธาให้ แก่พทุ ธศาสนิกชนบ�ำเพ็ญกุศล มีการท�ำบุญตักบาตร ให้ทานรักษาศีลฟังธรรม สนทนาธรรม เวียนเทียน เจริญภาวนาเป็นที่ ประทับใจยิง่ นัก • สถานทีจ่ ดั กิจกรรมในวันวิสาขบูชาทีย่ งิ่ ใหญ่อกี แห่งหนึง่ ก็คอื ณ บริเวณพุทธมณฑล ซึง่ มีหน่วยงานกรมการศาสนา กระทรวงศึกษาธิการร่วมกับประชาชนทัว่ ไป ได้จดั กิจกรรมปฏิบตั ธิ รรมทัง้ ฝ่ายพระสงฆ์และฆราวาสมีจำ� นวนหลายหมืน่ ได้รว่ ม ท�ำบุญตักบาตรให้ทานรักษาศีล ฟังธรรม สนทนาธรรม และเจริญภาวนา และในวันวิสาขบูชา ณ บริเวณพุทธมณฑลนีเ้ อง สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี เสด็จเป็นองค์ประธานทรงเวียนเทียนทุกปีดว้ ย • ในส่วนของเมืองชะอ�ำได้มกี ารจัดกิจกรรมเนือ่ งในวันวิสาขบูชาทุกวันในเขตพืน้ ที่ ได้แก่ วัดชะอ�ำคีรี วัดเนรัญชรา ราม วัดหนองตาพด วัดหนองแจง วัดบ่อแขม วัดไทรย้อย วัดมฤคทายวัน วัดห้วยทรายใต้ และวัดโพธิส์ วุ รรณ โดยจะมีกจิ กรรม ท�ำบุญในช่วงเช้า ปฏิบตั ริ กั ษาศีลตลอดทัง้ วัน และฟังเทศน์ เวียนเทียนในช่วงค�ำ่ ดังนัน้ วันวิสาขบูชาปีนจี้ งึ ขอเชิญชวนพุทธศาสนิกชนทุกหมูเ่ หล่า ร่วมกิจกรรมทีจ่ ดั ขึน้ ในสถานทีต่ า่ ง ๆ รวมถึงการ ปฏิบตั ธิ รรม รักษาศีล เนือ่ งในวันส�ำคัญสากลของโลกอย่างพร้อมเพียงกัน

มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด จัดกิจกรรม IHM OpenDay เพือ่ แนะน�ำหลักสูตรการจัดการโรงแรม นานาชาติ IHM International Hotel Management(B.B.A.-IHM) ซึง่ ได้รบั ความสนใจจากผูป้ กครองและนักเรียน เข้าร่วมงานจ�ำนวนมาก และในการนีย้ งั ได้รบั เกียรติจาก Mr.Martin Raich ผูจ้ ดั การทัว่ ไปโรงแรมเชอราตัน หัวหิน ถ่ายทอดประสบการณ์ทางการบริหารโรงแรม ณ โรงแรมเชอราตัน หัวหิน รีสอร์ท & สปา เมือ่ วันที่ 21เม.ย. ทีผ่ า่ นมา

Volume 3 issue 9 May 2012

Inside Cha-Am

C 43



he premier beach resort of Phetchaburi, Hat Cha-am is just as beautiful as the neighboring Hua Hin Beach. Located approximately 163 kilometers south of Bangkok, 40 kilometers south of Phetchaburi and 20 kilometers north of Hua Hin, the beach is famous for being long and clean. In addition, it serves excellent fresh seafood. Originally a fishing village, Chaam received much attention after the royal palace, Maruekhathaiyawan, was built near Hua Hin in the reign of King Rama VI. At that time, the Royal Family and the elite occupied the land in Hua Hin and its vicinity as a holiday seaside resort. When people started looking around for twin seaside resort town for Hua Hin, Cha-ams beauty was discovered and quickly developed.

• The Cha-Am District Chief Mr. Pramote Samphao-ngern, the Municial Permanent Secretary Mr. Amnart Witthaya who was acting on behalf of the Cha-Am Mayor and the chairman of Cha-Am Municipal Council Mr. Bowornlek Pinniem offered alms to Buddhist monks along with tourists and local people to celebrate Songkran – the traditional Thai New Year’s – at the Cha-Am Municipality on 13 April 2012.

Today, Cha-am is a popular lively resort town offering a large variety of accommodations and challenging activities. Boredom is rare in Cha-am as there are a variety of water sports that can be enjoyed, while a possible alternative to water sports is bicycle riding along a 6-kilometer sandy white beach. During the weekdays the beach is virtually deserted and there are beach umbrellas and sling chairs are available for hire. The State Railways of Thailand operates a special trip to Cha-Am at every holiday. Detailed information can be obtained from Travel service Section, Tel. 02 237- 010, 2237020.

Hat Puek Tien has been developed as a tourist attraction since 1982. The charm of this

broad casuarinas-lined white beach has attracted many visitors. Of particular interest are the beach’s cast sculptures of characters from Phra Apai Manee, a story penned by Thailand’s • Mr. Winai Buspradit, the Phetchaburi Governor, and Mrs. Ratree Buapradit, the greatest poet, Sunthornphu. Sculptures include Phra Apai Manee, the pipe-playing hero and Pi chairperson of Phetchaburi Red Cross, presided over the opening of the Cha-Am Suea Samut, a demon-woman. The sculptures can be found on a man-made hill, 100 meters Songkran ladies procession held in front of Long Beach Cha-Am Hotel on 13 April 2012. offshore, built to stem coastal erosion in the area.

Hat Puek Tien has a selection of seafood restaurants to serve the visitors. It is located at Puek Tien Sub-district of Tha Yang District, about 22 km from Muang District and 7 km from Chao Samran Beach.

There are two ways to get to the beach by car. The first is the same as the route to Hat Chao Samran; follow Ratchadamri Road and then straight along Route No 3177. After passing the Phetchaburi Ratchaphat Institute and the local police station (around 13 km), turn right and drive about 7 km, along the coastal road. The other route is a bypass passing Phra Nakhon Khiri cable car station. Turn left at Tha Yang Intersection and then follow Route No 3187 along the irrigation canal for about 15 km. Songthaew services leave Phetchaburi every 15 minutes from 7.30 am to 6.15 pm and from 6.30 am to 4.00 pm for the return trip. The route passes Hat Chao Samran and takes about 45 minutes with a fee of about 20 baht per • The Cha-Am District Chief Mr. Pramote Samphao-ngern, along with tourists and local person or 200-300 baht to charter a songthaew. The station is next to Krung Thai Bank and Wat people, asked for New Year’s blessing from the elders by pouring water on their hands on Songkran Day – 13 April 2012 - at the Cha-Am Municipality. Tor, not far from the clock tower.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has Been Awarded Thailand’s Best Restaurant by Thailand Tatler Hua Hin, April 2012 – InAzia Restaurant, the pan-Asian restaurant at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, has been awarded for 4 consecutive years (2008-2011) in “Best Restaurant Award” selected by the readers of Thailand Tatler, the country’s leading luxury-lifestyle magazine, for inclusion in the 2011 edition of Thailand’s Best Restaurants, the definitive guide to the best dining in Bangkok and up-country. The aim of Thailand’s Best Restaurant Award is to recognize hotels which have demonstrated excellence in offering the finest cuisine and high-quality dining in Thailand. This year the award was won by InAzia Restaurant, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa’s signature restaurant, which has been continuously selected as Thailand’s Best Restaurant since the first year of resort opening in 2008. InAzia Restaurant has shown itself outstandingly in the real success for great quality of the food, perfect wine tastes, well care services, and reasonable prices which offer the most pleasurable to its valuable guests. “I am truly proud of our chefs and staffs. Winning this award for 4 years consecutively is a real accomplishment for all associates here at our resort. The credit for efforts and hard working definitely rests with each and every associate. I am proud to serve side by side with them” said Martin Raich, General Manager of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa. Thailand’s Best Restaurant Award is based on the annual Thailand Tatler’s customer questionnaire; a number of restaurants are nominated for inclusion in each year’s guide, with a handful of finalists selected for review by an expert panel of gourmands. These reviewers and contributors come from various areas of expertise, but all have two things in common: they draw upon a deep passion for food and wine, and they have no professional connection to any of the establishments reviewed. Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail for further information and reservations.

Cha Am Today

D 44

Volume 3 issue 9 May 2012

The Royal Ploughing Ceremony-May 9, 2012 T

he Royal Ploughing Ceremony was probably, in the old times, the rite designed to remind the farmers and to give an auspicious beginning to the new planting season especially the rice farming that is the major source of food. The leader or the rulers of the country preside over the ceremony when the planting seasons begin. to remind the farmers and to give an auspicious beginning to the new planting season especially the rice farming that is the major source of food. The leader or the rulers of the country preside over the ceremony when the planting seasons begin. After some times passed, the Brahmanic rite called Ploughing ceremony was then introduced. Its purpose is to encourage the power and happiness. Bhraman were instructors for the ceremony. The king or the leader of the country may designate this duty to a respective high-ranking officer to perform the ceremony as Phraya Raekna, Lord of the

Ploughing Ceremony. The roles of the queen or wives who had to help ploughing are designated to four celestial maidens, called the queen of sowing ceremony, assisting Phraya Raekna by carrying seeds containers and distribute the seeds after Phraya Raekna had ploughed the ground. The Royal Ploughing Ceremony has been annually performed for thousands of years in several countries such as China and India. In the reign of King Rama IV, the King had royal command to initiate the Buddhist rite together with the original ceremony. The reason was to prosper all the cereals brought into the ceremonial field. After the Buddhist rite that is performed in the first day, the Bhramanic ceremony The combined rite was so called the Royal Ploughing ceremony that lasts for 2 days. The Royal Ploughing Ceremony is very important and it is a prosperous ceremony to encourage all the farmers.The ancestral masters had set the rule that the ceremony must be performed on the best day of the year, comprising the auspicious occasions as stated in the treatise of astrology. This particular day must also be in the sixth month and the traditional auspiciousness is based on the lunar calendar The Royal Ploughing ceremony was originally conducted at Phaya Thai rice field. But when the ceremony was reestablished in 2503 B.E., it was then moved to the Sanam Luang Ground that used to be a ceremonial ground in the reign of King Rama I, II, and III. The Phraya Raekna was the minister of agriculture. The four celestial maidens were ladies who work in the royal palace.Since there were changes, the new duty of Phraya Raekna was then assigned to the director general of rice department, the ministry of agriculture. The four celestial maidens were selected from female officials who worked in the ministry of agriculture.In the consecutive years until present, the Phraya Raekna duty has been assigned to a permanent undersecretary of the ministry of agriculture and cooperatives.

The celestial maidens are selected from single female officials, ranked 3rd-4th levels, who work in the ministry of agriculture.The Royal Ploughing Ceremony is the ceremonial event that brings auspiciousness to cereals and also encourages farmers to carry out farming works. His Majesty the King has been interested in this ceremony. He has been to the ceremony every year to preside this traditional royal ceremony and to make a wish for prosperity of Thai agriculture. His Majesty the King has conducted the experiment in planting rice in his personal rice field in Chitrlada Villa, Dusit Palace, where he lives. After the harvesting, he kindly gave 40-50 kilograms of rice grains for the ceremony. The King’s rice grains were separated into two portions. The first portion is distributed into the ceremonial ground. The second portion was contained in small packs and sent to provinces of Thailand. Those packs are later distributed to farmers for their auspicious believes and follows the King’s wish to encourage and support the agriculture.

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