Hua Hin Today October 2012

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Volume 9 Issue 12 October 2012

The Mall Hua Hin

Now Official


s Hua Hin Today reported in our September issue, The development of The Hua Hin Mall is now official. The Mall Group, in close cooperation with Proud Group Holdings Co. Ltd, operated by The Liptapanlop family, will start this project in the very near future, opposite the Intercontinental Resort Hua Hin.

Partners are The Mall Group, owners of several Giant Malls, among others Paragon and The Emporium in Bangkok. .....continued on page 33.....

Q – School Golf Tournament 2013 held in Hua Hin A 72 Hole Golf tournament with attractive price money will be held in Hua Hin in January 2013 for graduates of the Qualifying Golf School. .....continued on page 26.....

How Bangkok Hospital saved my life My name is Tick and I am the co-owner together with my husband Tony from the Tick Restaurant on Soi 112.

Feeling very uncomfortable one day, we decided to see a doctor and went to one of the Hua Hin hospitals where I was diagnosed with a lung disease. .....continued on page 37.....

Banyan Resort Smoke Free Certificate


he Banyan Resort receives a Smoke Free Certificate from the Green Leaf Foundation. Green Leaf Program for hotels under the Green Leaf Foundation is the first step in the development of environmental quality for the tourism industry. Various activities will be organized by the Foundation in the future, according to its future development and objectives. Once the foundation has sufficient capacity to move on. Check it out on ;


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Hua Hin Today



hat a damn mess this world is in. China and Japan fight over island smaller than Koh Tao with the US a taking the opportunity to flex muscle. Muslims take the streets and kill the US ambassador over a stupid, truly disgusting movie; figures in Europe are manipulated to make things look good, water returns to Sukothai although authorities swore all was under control. Looks like apocalypse 2012 is on our doorsteps, however, not according to the Mayan calendar.

So whoever made us believe the above, you are in for a disappointment ! As there are numerous events for Hua Hin planned this year , especially in the high season, in cooperation between the big hotels, the rumors have it, we are in for some fancy shows and events. Celebrities plenty in Hua Hin these days…are we slowly but surely going on the international map? Personalities organizing events which are great and others given the chance spoiled it by their own ego and selfish greed. Would be great for our city and taxes income would allow the municipality to fill potholes in some, sorry , many of our streets. Eurozone remains very sensitive. Well it is actually a first grade addition and subtraction. Simple arithmetic: Northern Europe has invested enormously in Southern Europe. Bailing them out in this endless pit is still cheaper than dropping them and never minding about the losses. A Greek bankruptcy of the banking system would trigger a snowball effect to the other countries of less serious banking policies. The financial catastrophe would be enormous. For one, Spain has abolished the centuries old “Siesta” and have told their population to wake up..Spend money..Where to get it? Will Italy wake up as well or are they still to concerned about the Berlusconi inheritance? The Swedish Embassy has opened an official consulate at the Dusit Thani Resort with Khun Victor, the legendary GM as honorary consul. Sounds promising, would be good if the Germans , Dutch , French and Swiss would do the same and with the foreign ministry of Thailand it would save many of us a trip to Bangkok which , when we need to go there might require an air mattress, boots or even a row boat. With many the restaurants in Hua Hin , I am doing a Masaman Gai (chicken) test all over not realizing that I would have curry every day. There are definitely many

be. Retirement income remained the same but Thai legislature insists on the above… so some people have to give up living here. I don´t think it is wise to give up real estate as the value will remain or eventually even increase, however taking Thai baht back to Europe converting , putting it in the bank may result in a nightmare should the Euro collapse or devaluate beyond 38 Baht. Anyway, SENIORS & COMPUTERS. As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers. My dear neighbor Allistair had a problem yesterday, so he called Eric, the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control and asked him to come over. Eric clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.

versions of the delicacy. Wait for results later this year. The Venetia, a so called mini replica of San Marco in Venice will open its canals on the 12.12.2012. With the Euro not being stable, I hope and together with me thousands others that the exchange rate will not force us back to our home lands. Now , the min. THB 65,000 is not the € 1,333 monthly it used to

As he was walking away, Allistair called after him, ‘So, what was wrong? He replied: ‘It was an ID ten T error.’ He didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, “An, ID ten T error? What’s that? In case I need to fix it again.” Eric grinned.....’Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before? No,’ Allistair replied. “Write it down”, he said, “and I think you’ll figure it out.” So he wrote down: ID10T. “ Allistair used to like Eric, the little shit head.”

Hua Hin Today



Progression in solving Baan Takiab’s issues

r. Chiep Suksri, a member of the Hua Hin Municipal Council third District, debated progress and challenges to solve Baan Takiab’s issues, and invited the Council members to visit the area, inspect the issue of land sub-leasing, as well as the island park, school entrance at Bo Ta Kham and solid waste management of the district’s alleys. Mr. Chiep Suksri revealed that in the third session of the new Council’s second general assembly meeting, he brought up the issues of Pa Cha Khao, the public area in Baan Takiab district, which had been separated and leased out to the residents who suffered from the canal expansion project. However, some of the residents sub-leased their land to other people, which affected the process of solving the housing problems. Moreover, there are also issues of the park and traffic island in front of the police booth, the billboard image of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the name signs, trees and lawn, which have never been taken good care of in the past and causing unpleasant sights, Other issues include piles of rocks at the entrance of Baan Takiab Municipal school, broken water drain covers and an old railway crossing that has no barrier, This path is regularly used by a lot of teachers and students. At the public area of Bo Ta Kham, a location where Thai and foreign tourists come to swim and relax on the beach, the Sala is collapsing, walls are damaged and trash and rubbish are seen scattered around. Furthermore, there is no solid waste management in the district’s alleys, which has caused increasing leftover and remaining garbage. For the past 4 years, Baan Khao Takiab, a rural attraction district, has been relatively neglected and not receiving enough attention from Hua Hun Municipality.

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Mayor Approves Underground Electrical System


“Hua Hin is like an entrance door, open and welcome visitors every day. Baan Khao Takiab is like a window. If the door and the window are not inviting or inappropriate, the house would never be valuable, due to the fact of development and maintenance failure.” Mr. Chiep Suksri said. He also added that after debating the issues to the Council, the Chairman of Hua Hin Municipal Council, the members of Service Unit and the Public Health Unit have joined him to visit the district for an inspection. Therefore, the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor have commanded the responsible Units to create budget plans and summon the residents that have been granted in a land rights at Pa Cha Khao to solve these issues. As for the railway crossing barrier at Moo Baan Takiab-Khao Pag Ah, the municipal administrators, the State Railway of Thailand and the station master of the Hua Hin railway station have been cooperating to speed ​​up the process of expanding the crossing and building a permanent barrier, which is expected to be finished before the end of 2012, and will provide more safety for the local residents.

he new Mayor of Hua Hin has recently approved the project of putting electrical, telephone and cable wires underground along Damnern Kasem Road after the ATT Co. Ltd. met and discussed with him about this issue. This project, which is expected to start in 2014, is now being surveyed and planned. Its tentative budget is around 300 million Baht. If successfully done, the Hua Hin Muncipality will proceed further to Nares Damri Road. Mr. Nopporn Wutthikul, the Hua Hin Mayor, said that representatives of ATT Co. Ltd. had met with him since 14 September and proposed a plan of underground electrical system along Damnern Kasem Road, starting from the Hua Hin Train Station to the entrance of Hua Hin beach, which covers 1 kilometer. At the moment, a survey of the affected area is being conducted, especially footpaths, shops and houses, because each area and building needs particular type of work. Moreover, municipal officials have to coordinate with Telecom of Thailand (TOT), Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and onwers of cable wires on how to install and maintain all the undergrounded lines and wires as well as how to take care of trees on both side of Damnern Kasem Road.

By Chamnan

The budget for the project is divided into planting and taking care of trees along the road which costs 50 million Baht and putting all electrical lines underground which costs 250 million Baht. The ATT will conduct a land survey in 2013 and then present its plan to Hua Hin Municipality. When the budget is approved, the company will start working immediately in 2014. This work is expected to complete within one year. “The Damnern Kasem will be more beautiful after all electrical and other wires are put underground. It’ll become a walking street for Thai and foreign visitors in Hua Hin like many roads in other counties,” said Mr. Nopporn, adding that, when the project completes and the road becomes beautiful and physically lively, the Hua Hin Municipality will propose this similar project for Nares Damri Road which is an area of local fishers but full of scattering electrical and cable lines, resulting in unattractive landscape.

นายกฯ เมืองหัวหินสัง่ เดินหน้าโครงการระบบไฟฟ้าใต้ดนิ

นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน สัง่ เดินหน้าโครงการระบบไฟฟ้า-โทรศัพท์-เคเบิล้ ฯลฯ ลงใต้ดนิ ในถนนด�ำเนินเกษม หลัง บ.เอทีทฯี เข้าพบ ใช้งบประมาณ 300 ล้านบาท เริม่ ออกแบบส�ำรวจวางผังคาดว่าจะเริม่ ได้ในปี 57 ถ้าโครงการดังกล่าวเสร็จสิน้ ลงจะเสนอให้สำ� รวจถนนนเรศด�ำริหต์ อ่ จากการเปิดเผยของนายนพพร วุฒกิ ลุ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน จ.ประจวบฯ ว่าทางตัวแทนของ บ.เอทีที คอนซัลแตนท์ จ�ำกัด ได้เข้าพบตนเอง เมือ่ วันที่ 14 กันยายนทีผ่ า่ นมา ได้มกี ารเสนอรูปแบบการจัดท�ำโครงการน�ำเอาระบบสายไฟฟ้า สายโทรศัพท์ สายเคเบิล้ ฯลฯ ทีอ่ ยูใ่ นถนนด�ำเนิน เกษมตัง้ แต่หน้าสถานีรถไฟซ้าย-ขวา ไปจรดหน้าศาลาทางลงชายาหาด รวมระยะเส้นทางความยาวประมาณ 1 กม. ลงไว้ในใต้ดนิ ขณะนีก้ อ็ ยูข่ นั้ ตอน ของกาสรส�ำรวจรายละเอียดของพืน้ ทีร่ มิ ขอบถนนและตามหน้าร้าน อาคารบ้านเรือนของผูค้ นทีอ่ ยูส่ องฟาก ว่าจุดใดบริเวณใดจะต้องใช้รปู แบบลักษณะ ใดทีต่ รงกับพืน้ ที่ หลังจากนัน้ ก็จะมีการออกแบบให้สอดคล้องกับความเป็นจริงและต้องการ เช่น ระบบสายฯ ทัง้ หมดจะลงอยูใ่ นพืน้ ทีล่ กึ เท่าไร ระบบ ของท่อ “ไบร์” อยูซ่ กี สัดส่วนไหนโดยจะต้องให้ทางเจ้าของหน่วยงาน อย่างเช่น การไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมภิ าคฯ องค์การโทรศัพท์ กลุม่ เจ้าของสายเคเบิล้ ฯลฯ ได้รบั ทราบเพือ่ เป็นแนวทางปฏิบตั ทิ งั้ ระบบการติดตัง้ และการซ่อมบ�ำรุง รวมทัง้ การปรับปรุงคต้นไม้ใหญ่สองฟากทางเพือ่ ให้สอดคล้องกับรูปแบบที่ สวยงาม ส�ำหรับโครงการดังกล่าวนีก้ แ็ ยกออกมาเป็นการปลูกตกแต่งต้นไม้เพือ่ ให้เป็นหมวดหมู่ สัดส่วน ตรงกับพืน้ ทีแ่ ต่ละจุดของถนน 50 ล้านบาท ส่วนระบบสายไฟฟ้าและอืน่ ๆ ลงดินนัน้ 250 ล้านบาท โดยทางบริษทั ฯ จะได้เร่งออกส�ำรวจภายในปี 56 แล้วจะจัดท�ำแผนผังแบบแปลนน�ำเสนอให้ ทางเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินในฐานะทีเ่ ป็นเจ้าของพืน้ ทีไ่ ด้ทราบ หลังจากนัน้ เมือ่ ได้รบั งบประมาณก็จะเร่งด�ำเนินการภายในปี 2557 คาดว่าจะใช้ระยะเวลา ประมาณ 1 ปี ก็จะแล้วเสร็จ “ถ้าในถนนด�ำเนินเกษมทุกอย่างลงสูใ่ ต้ดนิ ตลอดแนวตัง้ แต่หน้าสถานีรถไฟจนถึงทางลงชายหาดกหัวหิน ท�ำให้ถนนดัง กล่าวมีความสวยงามเป็นรูปแบบและระบบทีด่ ที างสายตาของผูค้ น รวมทัง้ ยังจะเป็นการส่งเสริมให้เป็นถนนคนเดิมของนักท่องเทีย่ วชาวไทยและต่าง ชาติทมี่ าในเมืองหัวหิน เหมือนๆ กับทีต่ า่ งประเทศเขาท�ำกัน” นายนพพรฯ กล่าว นายนพพรฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ถ้าในถนนดังกล่าวเสร็จสิน้ ลงไปแล้วเกิดความสวยงามและเป็นไปตามรูปแบบและระยะทางกายภาพ ก็จะมี การเสนอให้สำ� รวจตรวจสอบในถนนนเรศด�ำริห์ ซึง่ เป็นถนนเลียบหมูบ่ า้ นประมงชายทะเลอีกเส้นหนึง่ เนือ่ งจากเส้นทางดังกล่าวนัน้ ยังมีระบบสายไฟฟ้า เคเบิล้ ฯลฯ เกะกะไปหมดท�ำให้บดบังทัศนียภาพของเมืองท่องเทีย่ ว ให้เกิดความสวยงามเป็นโครงการที่ 2

Hua Hin to Preserve Old Buildings


ua Hin Muncipality, in collaboration with Office of Policy and Plans on Natural Resources and Association of Tourism Business in Cha-Am/Hua Hin, will conduct preservation for old buildings in the city and give their owner an honorary certificate to foster and promote the unique image of Hua Hin as a tourist city with architectural heritages. According to Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Nopporn Wutthikhun, the project’s organizers are collecting data on 25 old buildings in the city, most of which were built from 1932 – 1957 in traditional Thai style with hip roofs or in western style, known locally as the colonial. They are situated in Hua Hin, Nong Kae, Takiab and Khao Tao communities. Each of the buildings found by the project coordinators tells a very interesting history. For instance, the house of Mr. Mac Farland which is located in the same compound of Hyatt Regency Hotel was built in 1932. Built in the western colonial style, this house belonged to a foreign missionary who taught medical science in Thailand introduced the first Thai typewriter. Mr. Mac Farland was later promoted as Khun Phra At Witthayakhom thanks to his great contribution for Thai people. Apart from the house of Mr. Mac Farland, there are many houses built in traditional Thai style, particularly those of the former Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Fuen Krasaesin and the now ‘Casa Blanca’ of M.J. Phanuphan Yukhol which was built with hip roofs.

Each of the old buildings is now registered by Hua Hin Municipality and their owner will receive an honorary certificate. All of them will be put in a tourist map of Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) so that Thai and foreign visitors will know the location and go to see them. Mr. Nopporn added that many foreigners visited Hua Hin every year, so the city had to offer them more than natural wonders. Old buildings, which reflect long-standing and unique identity of Hua Hin, are one of the city’s cultural heritages that needs to be preserved and introduced to the tourists. Owners of old buildings in Hua Hin which have not yet been registered can inform municipal officials to do so from now .

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Municipal Officers & Police to Tackle Traffic Problem


xecutives of Hua Hin Muncipality are joining force with Superintendent of Hua Hin Police Office, traffic police and Municipal officers to re-organize and resystemize the traffic in Hua Hin to facilitate the upcoming high season when many tourists are flocking in the city center. According to the Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Nopporn Wutthikul, the Hua Hin Municipality is closely working with the Superintendent of Hua Hin Police Office Col. Damrongsak Thongngamtrakul to solve problems on traffic system in Hua Hin city. This activity, carried out by 22 Municipal officers along with the Hua Hin traffic police, is taking place in front of and behind Chat Chai fresh market as well as on the Phetchakasem Road. To successfully do so, the Municipal officers had to learn basic rules on traffic signs, hand signals, whistle blowing and first aid. Empowerment of various authorities to deal with traffic problems in Hua Hin is an idea of Hua Hin Mayor, Municipal executives and Hua Hin District Chief because of inadequate number of traffic police. Although there are many Municipal officers, they do not have knowledge on legal regulations and traffic rules.


As a result, the traffic police will train Municipal officers before they go to work. At present, the result is somewhat impressive and this activity will go on until the next high season. Col. Damrongsak said that Hua Hin had a lot of people and visitors, especially during public holidays and weekends when many cars could be seen on the main road. Traffic congestion and violation against traffic rules are so overwhelming that the authorities have to conduct ‘integrated’ work with Hua Hin Municipality and its officers. The first thing Municipal officers need to know is basic rules, such as how to control the number of cars parked in some areas of the city, how to transfer cars from congested areas, how to block the road for upcoming processions and how to calm down and control chaotic situations before the traffic police come to the scene, added Col. Damrongsak, admitting that, in the past, authorities worked separately, thus resulting in unsuccessful problem-solving. The cooperative and integrated work that is being carried out at the moment will hopefully solve the traffic problem in Hua Hin city to some extent.

Municipal Members Drill Executives

he 2nd special meeting of Hua Hin Municipal Council took place last month at Hua Hin Municipality. Attended by Hua Hin Municipal Council Chairman Mr. Santhad Suksri, Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Nooprn Wutthikul, Hua Hin Deputy Mayor and Advisors Mrs. Bussaba Choksuchart, Mr. Montri Chuphu and Mrs. Phailin Kongphan as well as 18 Municipal Council members, the meeting consisted of 12 major agendas, among which were proposal of drafted municipal acts on additional expenses and drafted municipal acts on expenses and budget of 2013. Another issue of discussion at the meeting was a case in which Wat Tham Khao Tao Buddhist monastery asked for permission to use 25 Rai forest areas for the benefit of Buddhism. Maj. Chalerm Detchom, on behalf of the temple, has made this request for 3 times. This issue was seriously discussed by 4 Municipal Council members because they did not want any resorts to be constructed for business purposed and would like users of the areas to take care of the forest in terms of environmental conservation and eco-tourism. Moreover, they asked the users of the areas not to cause any conflict to local people who live around the temple and, if they want to construct any building, a request for permission from Hua Hin Municipality should be made in advance. This topic was supported by 14 Municipal Council members whereas 2 of them refused to vote. Mr. U-dom Duangkhae, the Hua Hin Municipal Council member of the area No. 1, informed that he had seen students from Baan Samoh Phrong School joined in a parade with banners read, ‘Mafia Students’, ‘Mafia School’ and

‘Mafia Media’. Such behavior is improper and affects overall images of Hua Hin. Besides, he reported that some barriers in front of Chatchai Market were damaged. Sec. Lt. Sudyod Eamsamang, the Hua Hin Municipal Council member of the area No. 3, said that the Khao Tao village needed a fire sub-station for dealing with emergency cases fester. Moreover, there are some mistakes on road and village signs as the word, ‘Takiab’, was added before the name of the village. This confuses visitors who come to the area. Capt. Lamyong Sangpherm, the Hua Hin Municipal Council member of the area No. 1, said that a signboard with information on construction periods, budget and project title needs to be installed for road pavement in Hua Hin so that local people are well informed. Pol. Sen. Sgt. Maj. Saneh Onlamai, the Hua Hin Municipal Council member of the area No. 1, said that local people in his area needed flags symbolizing national holidays and Thai flags to place at buildings as well as sport equipment. Finally, Mr. Cheep Suksi, the Hua Hin Municipal Council member of the area No. 3, informed that the Hua Hin night market had too high footpaths which were not convenient for the disabled and some visitors. Public lights are inadequate while garbage there was too much, especially at night. Moreover, Hua Hin municipal officers should take care of some tourist spots, particularly Wat Khao Takiab Buddhist monastery of which the entrance is very narrow and the Saphan Kao route (Ton Makha) in Khao Takiab which is now being taken by some local people for business purposes.

Chiva-Som Enjoys Great Success in 2011

By Chamnan The senior executive of Chiva-Som has lately talked to all staff about the center’s excellent performance that contributes to great success in 2011. Moreover, media in Europe and Australia ranked the center in the top list and even leaders of many countries worldwide would like to use its service here. Mr. Krib Rojanasathira, the managing director of Chiva-Som International Health Resort Co. Ltd., told his staff members of Chiva-Som Hua Hin, Bangkok and Phetchabun at the annual staff party of 2011 on 23 August 2012 that ChivaSom enjoyed high level of service standard achievement as a nursing center after the world media, especially Australia’s magazines and England’s The Telegraph, had ranked it the best health care and wellness center for 6 consecutive years already. In 2011, Mr. Krib, on behalf of the Chiva-Som’s executives, travelled to many countries around the world and found that no wellness centers elsewhere are as advanced and developed as Chiva-Som. Since M.D. Niwat Palanikorn joined in the team, the medical technology of Chiva-Som has been obviously improved and many guests in Thailand and other countries accepted it. A leader of a Middle East country, for instance, came to Thailand to use the service at Chiva-Som, especially ‘Niran Lada’ – a well-known beauty treatment par excellence. Mr. Krib added that the executives of Chiva-Som were considering using a 1-Rai land plot adjacent to the center as a resort of world standard never existing before elsewhere. During the current low season, renovation and interior modification is being carried out to welcome the upcoming high season. Besides doing business, ChivaSom also established the Pitak Hua Hin (Hua Hin Conservation) group under the patronage of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. The group is mainly responsible for environmental campaigns that include tree planting and training students and children to raise their awareness on environmental threat and pollution. Each year, the group organizes charity concerts and marathon rallies in which a lot of Thais and foreigners participate. Moreover, the staff of Chiva-Som are feeling up because their football team has for the first time won the Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khirikhan Football Match of 2012 – the highest prestige of Chiva-Som ever. On this occasion, Mr. Krib informed all staff that increase of monthly service charge would be in effect at the end of August with 2-month payback and additional annual bonus on 31 December 2012. This financial raise aims to congratulate all staff for their hard work and encourage them to fight for victory in the future.


Pol.Snr.Sgt.Maj. Watcharin : Good Person of Hua Hin By Chamnan

he Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Nopporn Wutthikhun has recently presented an honorary certificate to Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin Changsarn, the former paratrooper from Naresuan Military Base, who is now helping Thai and foreign students to cross the road daily in the morning and in the afternoon. Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin was given the honorary certificate from Hua Hin Mayor in August because he dedicates himself for the safety of Thai students from Baan Hua Hin Municipal School and foreign ones every day in the morning and in the afternoon. From Monday to Friday, Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin leaves his house in Soi Bamrung Rat at 7 a.m. with a reflective color vest. He will stand in front of Baan Hua Hin Municipal School on Nab Kehat Road and, when he sees students waiting to cross the road, he will stop cars that pass by and take the students to the school. Every day, Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin has to take care of 1,000 students. He will go back home at 9 a.m. to have a rest and come back there again at 3 p.m. when students finish their class. Apart from helping the students, Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin has also given assistance to Thai and foreign people who would like to cross the road in that area for 2 years. The honorary certificate that Hua Hin Municipality gave him primarily symbolizes his dedication and volunteer spirit that does not want anything in return. A native from southern Thailand, Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin passed an exam to become a male nurse at Naresuan Military Base in 1972. He also took care of injured paratroopers in a battlefield in southern, northeastern and other parts of

Thailand. In 2004, Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin took an early retirement to stay at home with his wife who teaches at Baan Hua Hin Municipal School. The couple has a daughter who is now studying for a master degree in engineering at Chulalongkorn University. His family believes in self-sufficiency economy introduced by Hus Majesty the King. Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj. Watcharin said that he did this social work because he would like to pay something back to Thailand. Even though he is a retired officer, his office still gives him pension. Therefore, as long as he is alive, he will continue doing social contribution for Thai society.

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



In The City

Centara Grand in Hua Hin appoints new Director of Sales

Black Lotus Appoints GM Jan Steen , Swedish citizen

Jacques Mury, General Manager of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin has announced the appointment of Anucha Suphan as Director of Sales of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin, a member of the Leading Hotels of the World.

has been appointed General Manager at the Black Lotus Resort in Kap Tai District on Soi 112 a stone throw away from the first Floating Market. Jan is an experienced Hospitality and F&B manager over 19 years, having owned his own restaurant in Sweden. Besides that, Jan studied Hospitality in Bangkok at Stamford University and has a degree in English. It always was his dream to run a resort and now his dream has come true. The Black Lotus is a Pool Villas resort with a 5 star restaurant. Jan loves working with people, loves music , Golf and plays Guitar well. Being a fitness fanatic , no chance to mess with him. However , he is a people´s people, liked by all. Hua Hin Today wishes Jan good luck !

Beach Olympics at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Support for Wat Huay Mongkol

On behalf of Boonrawd Brewery’s Managing Director Mr. Jamnong Bhirombhakdee, the Head of Financial Department Ms. Wilawan Sa-nguanphophai and khun Khanit Choksuchart donated 3 million Baht to the abbot of Wat Huay Mongkol Buddhist Temple to build an entrance gate in commemoration to the upcoming King’s birthday on 5 December 2012.

The celebrated the grand opening of Sumi Sumi Asian Grill and given warm welcome from Khun. Aunchalee at Colonnade Mall Hua Hin on September 1st.

Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin hosted members and guests of the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin (RCRHH).

Recently, Hyatt Regency Hua Hin management and employees participated in the “Beach Olympic” activity at the hotel’s beachfront. All participants enjoyed various fun and creative activities that helped develop and strengthen the relationships among hotel staff and management.

Dedicated to provide a lunch

Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin hosted members and guests of the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin (RCRHH). Dr. Sawadisavi, who recently returned to Thailand after four decades practicing in the US, addressed a capacity crowd of 50 attendees with an illustrated presentation on the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer. The English-speaking RCRHH is a volunteer community service organization whose members meet weekly. If you would like an invitation to attend a meeting as a guest or would like to present non-commercial information to the Club, please send email to For general information on the RCRHH and its activities, please visit Assistant Hua Hin Mayor Suvit Reanroongraung, RCRHH President Brian Anderson, Bangkok On September 7,2012. The Green Health @ School by Bangkok hospital Hua Hin was dedicated Hospital Director Dr. Somarch Wongkhomthong and colo-rectal surgeon, Dr. Atkavi Sawadisavi to provide a lunch meal for extremely faraway school children at Ban Phraek Thahro Border Patrol School.

The Grand opening of TOM N TOMS Coffee

Krung Thai joins Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa and launches ‘Krung Thai Pay Point’

Mr. Michael Schmitt, General Manager, Ms. Wanwisa Suwansri, Assistant Finance Controller of Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, Mr. Konkrich Bangsang, Customer Service Manager and Ms. Saraporn Chummaneekun, Senior Branch Manager of Krungthai Public On September-The Grand opening TOM N TOMS Coffee at Hua Hin Colonnade mall. TOM N Company Limited jointly introduced ‘Krung Thai Pay Point’ in front of Hilton Hua Hin Resort TOMS Coffee is the one of the most popular coffee and desert brands in and from Korea. 350 & Spa which is a comprehensive payment service which offers excellence convenience for outlets are spread over Korea, U.S.A, Thailand,Singapore, China and Australia, etc. customers to pay their bills.

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Volume 9 Issue 12 October 2012

KBank’s 500 million USD in debentures

The Bank’s first in 16 years

receive a warm welcome from foreign investors


ASIKORNBANK recently issued 500 million USD in debentures, or approximately 15 billion Baht, to foreign investors. The US dollar-denominated debentures, with five years and six months of maturity, carrying a 3-percent coupon rate, are aimed at maintaining the Bank’s liquidity

stability in foreign currency in order to support long-term foreign-currency lending expansion as well as the Bank’s overseas business. Mr. Somkiat Sirichatchai, Senior Executive Vice President of KASIKORNBANK, said KBank had recently completed an overseas roadshow to issue foreigncurrency senior unsecured notes worth 500 million USD, with five years and six months of tenor. Carrying a 3-percent coupon rate, payable every six months, the instruments will be due in 2018. The notes were issued to institutional investors in Singapore,

Hong Kong and United Kingdom. Notes issued via KBank’s Hong Kong Branch have been oversubscribed by 5.4 times.Mr. Somkiat added that the Bank’s first foreigncurrency debenture issuance in 16 years had been the focus of much interest and had met with an overwhelming response, reflecting the Bank’s creditworthiness among foreign investors. The Bank’s debenture issuance was carried out in order to strengthen the Bank’s foreigncurrency liquidity stability. It was also a timely move, as current long-term interest rates remain low compared to earlier periods. The notes have been rated at A3 by Moody’s Investors Service and BBB+ by Standard and Poor’s. Of the institutional investors subscribing the instruments, 76 percent are based in Asia and 24 percent in Europe.

Offshore Equity Release

Unlocking cash from existing offshore assets and raising the bar on equity release schemes


o what do you do if you want to buy overseas property perhaps to live in, perhaps to retire to, or to generate rent from to supplement your other income? You don’t want to empty your bank accounts of your savings or sell your portfolio holdings, and vendor or developer finance is not an option. Well, before you abandon the idea completely, it is perhaps worth looking at your asset column for alternative ways of freeing up capital that you can put to work elsewhere. Home equity loans Releasing equity (the difference between an outstanding mortgage if any and the current value) from your existing overseas property is a well documented method of raising cash via a traditional re-mortgage facility. This is worth looking into if you have some equity as well as easy access to a friendly lender who is not allergic to Expatriates ! If however, you do not own a property with equity, then there are other ways to access capital. Asset backed lending from offshore portfolio structures Many expatriates and / or retirees living overseas will already have an offshore investment structure or Portfolio Bond that has over the years with ad hoc top ups and investment returns, risen to a valuation of USD1m or more. In many cases, that can be used as security to provide access to a cash loan, secured by the portfolio itself. A lending ratio of 50% loan to value would, in this example, release $500,000 cash lent to the investor on a rolling term basis. The underlying assets in the portfolio would have to be of a low risk nature at outset to qualify, and then be conservatively managed going forward, but even so can still provide a return higher than the interest cost of the loan in the current environment . There are risks involved if the portfolio valuation were to fall below a certain limit which could in theory lead to a margin call from the lender, so a word of caution here is to avoid holding cross currency loans and risky stocks or funds inside the

portfolio. That said, the days of lending against highly aggressive portfolios are largely in the past now as we enter a new world of cautious lending strategies being adopted by banks. Many will now only look to be lending against low to moderate risk assets such as blue chip stocks, investment grade bonds, government gilts, and professionally managed unit trusts. One of the main benefits of asset backed lending of course is that the security that you put up for the loan remains invested even after the loan proceeds have been released to you – whether that be the portfolio or the first property. If your loan is costing 5% a year in interest, and your portfolio is conservatively managed yet still returns 8% pa, then this can be a very viable option.An experienced investment professional should be able to properly structure your portfolio prior to submission of a loan application to maximize the chances of success. With proper ongoing monitoring and a full understanding of the risks involved and how to mitigate them, this can be a very powerful tool for individuals seeking cash funding for new ventures or who would like to buy a property in Thailand with cash. Jerry Dingley and Tim Whiteley have a combined 50 years experience as IFA’s both onshore UK and Asia Pacific advising international investors and expatriates. Now with a regional presence in Asia, they specialize in Wealth Protection, Offshore Trusts, Inheritance Planning, and creating investment solutions for High Net Worth individuals around the world. They can be contacted for more information at

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Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Thai Property News

Thailand’s Property Perfect expands abroad


roperty Perfect is the latest of a number of Thai developers expanding their business operations abroad. With a THB874 million investment in a resort in Hokkaido, Japan, it is the first time Property Perfect is venturing overseas in the company’s 27-year history, reported The Nation.Other developers include Thailand’s largest property developer publicly-listed Land & Houses, which is venturing into the United States, Pruksa Real Estate with investments in Maldives and India, and finally Sansiri which entered the UK market a few years back.Property Perfect’s board of directors has approved the investment, according to a statements on the Thailand Stock Exchange yesterday. Through the wholly owned subsidiary Property Perfect International, Property Perfect will invest THB41.69 million for a 69.01 percent in Share Group, which will then take over 100 per cent of Kabushiki Kaisha Kiroro Association Co, the operator of Kiroro Resort, from Mitsui Fudosan Resort Co. Under the deal, Share Group will spend another Bt64.80 million to acquire claims on Mitsui Fudosan’s Bt526.74-

million loan to Kabushiki Kaisha Kiroro Association Co, reported The Nation.Property Perfect chief executive officer Chainid Ngowsirimanee said in the statement that the company would finance the deal with cash flow. Earlier, Chainid told The Nation that the company aimed to expand investment overseas, with focus in Asia. Property Perfect International was established in Singapore on August 14 to support this policy.

Visitors to Thailand Urged to Ask for “Miracle Thailand Card” for Discounted Shopping

Ensign Media, the organisers of Thailand Property Awards

announced the shortlist of winners for this year’s Awards


he judging panel has made its final decisions based on the judging criteria and inspections by specialist teams in each of the locations covered by the awards. For the non-development awards, which include Best Developer, Best Residential Agent, Best Property Consultancy, the panel of expert judges reviewed entries and submitted their scores according to the published criteria to BDO Advisory. The panel then met to discuss and select a final short-list in the presence of a representative at BDO. For the development awards, which include Best Villa Development Thailand, Best Condo Development Thailand, Best Commercial Development Thailand, as well as specific development awards in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Eastern Seaboard, Hua Hin, Phuket and Samui, a 3-5 person local team visited each of the short-listed developments and conducted a face-to-face meeting with project senior executives and a site inspection, after which the local judges met privately to discuss the merits of each development, with a representative of BDO present. After all shortlisted entrants was visited, the local judges got together to decide upon the shortlist and submit their decisions to a representative of BDO. The full shortlist of winners for the Thailand Property Awards 2012 was be announced at a press conference on Monday September 10, 2012, 2.00 p.m. at the Lumpini Room, Dusit Thani Hotel. The final winners will be announced and receive their much coveted awards trophies at the annual Gala Dinner on Saturday 13 October at Napalai Hall, Dust Thani Hotel, Bangkok.



isitors to Thailand this high season should make it a point to ask their travel agents and tour operators for a “Miracle Thailand Card” to help them take advantage of discounted shopping during their stay. TAT Governor Suraphon Svetasreni said the TAT is supporting this initiative, launched by one of Thailand’s leading banks, the Krung Thai Bank (KTB), in partnership with the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), to help all visitors get better value for money from their shopping experience.Offered as part of a campaign entitled, “Miracle Thailand Card for the Miracle Journey in Thailand”, the card is valid for use from now until December 31, 2012. This will make it perfect for those planning to do their shopping for the Christmas and New Year period while in Thailand.“Thailand is known as a shopping paradise and this card will help visitors stretch the value of their shopping dollar, especially when purchasing traditional Thai gift items such as arts and crafts, Thai silk, ceramics, paintings, homeware, and furnishings,” said Governor Suraphon.He added the Miracle Thailand card could also be of great use to convention and exhibition delegates visiting Thailand during the period of validity.Further details about the Miracle Thailand Card are as follows: Availability The Miracle Thailand Card is available from Krung Thai Bank branches, KTB currency exchange booths throughout Thailand, members of the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), and other travel agents in Thailand, as well as some Tourism Authority of Thailand offices. Purchasers have to register the card on the website: https://www.cb.ktb. It functions as a debit card with a minimum stored value of US$3. The amount can be topped up at any KTB branch or KTB

currency exchange booth throughout Thailand. Cardholders are advised to make a one time top-up to avoid exchange rate variations. Any remaining amount will be refunded upon surrendering the card at any KTB branch when departing Thailand. Privileges Exclusive discounts of 5 to 70% from more than 400 brand-name stores at the top shopping centers in Bangkok: Siam Paragon, The Mall, The Emporium, Siam Piwat Group, MBK Centre, Siam Centre, Siam Discovery Centre, and Paradise Park. King Power: 10% discount at King Power duty free shop.Siam Niramit: 10% discount on show tickets. Siam Park City: Only 750 Baht from 1,150 Baht (normal price) for both the entrance fee ticket and a buffet, when purchasing a minimum of park tickets.Personal Accident Insurance valid for the first seven days after registration of the card. Life insurance and loss-of-sight coverage of up to 1,000,000 Baht and travel accident medical expense coverage of up to 500,000 baht, and First Aid Medical Expenses of up to 10,000 Baht. No advanced payment is required for First Aid Medical Expenses at any 260 high standard hospitals throughout Thailand.No surcharge for cash withdrawals from any ATM machines in Thailand, which helps save the cash withdrawal surcharge of up to 150 Baht usually levied by credit cards.Automatic 5% discount upon showing the Miracle Thailand Card when buying normally-priced products in Power Mall, Gourmet Market, Home Fresh Mart (except Pharmacy, Wine Cellar, Food Hall, Food Court, Take Home, Park Food Hall, Serviced Shop and rental shops). The 5% discount applies even if cardholders pay by cash or regular credit card.For further information, please visit the 78117733Miracle Thailand Card page at Krung Thai Bank.


Best Residential Architectural Design : PANU and The Residences at The St. Regis Bangkok. Best Commercial Architectural Design ; Promenada Resort Mall Chiang Mai and Rain Hill. Best Landscape Architectural Design : Residences at Four Seasons Chiang Mai ,X2 Kui Buri and X2 Samui. Best Hotel Architectural Design : Beyond Resort Khaolak , Beyond Resort Krabi and Hilton Pattaya. Best Residential Interior Design : CODE, PANU and X2 Koh Kood


Best Residential Agent (Bangkok) : CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Colliers International Thailand and Plus Property Co., Ltd. Best Residential Agent (Phuket) : CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Exotiq Property – Phuket and Tropical Homes Real Estate Co., Ltd. Best Residential Agent (Eastern Seaboard) : Colliers International Thailand and CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Best Residential Agent (Hua Hin) : Century 21, Colliers International Thailand and Plus Property Co., Ltd. Best Residential Agent (Samui) : Luxury Villas & Homes and Kalara International Properties Co., Ltd. Best Independent Agent : The Agent (Property

Expert) Co., Ltd. ,Kalara Real Estate and Town & Country Property Co., Ltd. Best Commercial Agent : CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Colliers International Thailand , Jones Lang LaSalle and Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels. Best Property Management Company : CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd. ,Colliers International Thailand , Jones Lang LaSalle

Savills (Thailand) Limited

Best Property Consultancy : CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd. , and Colliers International Thailand. Best Overseas Property Agent : CB Richard Ellis (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Savills (Thailand) Limited


Best Luxury Condo (Bangkok) : Oriental Residence and The River. Best Affordable Condo Development (Bangkok) : Hyde Sukhumvit and Proud X2. Best Boutique Condo (Eastern Seaboard) : Chang Noi Condominium ,Nova Ocean View and South Beach. Best Boutique Condo Development (Phuket) : Absolute Twin Sands Resort & Spa and Bluepoint Condos. Best Villa Development (Phuket) : Anchan Villas, Banyan Tree Residences and The Royal Villas. Best Villa Development (Eastern Seaboard) : Palm Oasis ,Siam Royal View and The Vineyards Phase II. Best Residential Development (Samui) : Code and Lanna. Best Residential Development (Hua Hin) : Amari Residences Hua Hin ,The Beach Village and Orchid Palm Residence. Best Residential Development (Chiang Mai) : Jirung Residences and Trams Condominium. Best Condo Development (Phuket) : The Lofts at Laguna Village and The Nchantra @ Sirey Beach. Best Condo Development (Eastern Seaboard) : The Cliff and Novana Residence Best Commercial Development: Asiatique The Riverfront and Rain Hill. Best Shared Ownership Development : Anantara Vacation Club (Phuket) ,Anantara Vacation Club (Samui) and Beach Republic the Residences


Best Boutique Developer : Absolute World Group and Kalara Developments. Best Developer : Charn Issara Development Plc. ,Minor International Plc., Pruksa Real Estate Plc. ,and Supalai Plc.

SCB finances Incio Condominium Project


iam Commercial Bank First Executive Vice President – Commercial Banking, Sarut Ruttanaporn, and Hihero Co. Chief Executive Officer Maj Gen Decha Pisitkasem recently signed an agreement providing 337 million baht in financial support for development of the Incio Condominium Project. The project comprises five 8-story buildings and one 5-story building, and features residential condos fully equipped with various facilities such as fitness rooms and swimming pools. Located off Serithai Road, Buengkum District, the easily-accessed condos are close to education institutes, shopping complexes, hospitals, and other facilities. It was designed and built to meet client lifestyles and the increased housing demand due to the fast-growing economy.


Property News

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012 organized Global investment in retail real estate could hit US$180 ”Joining Global Trade Market with” billion per year in 2020 Seminar For Thai National Shippers’ Council Joining Global Trade Market J with for

ones Lang LaSalle on September announced its in new global retail real estate report released at ICSC 2012 Retail Real Estate World Summit.The property consultancy estimates that annual investment volumes in retail real estate could hit US$180bn globally by 2020 due to increasing cross-border activity, showing growth of around 50 percent on the projected volumes for 2012 (US$110-125bn). Retail’s overall contribution to real estate investment is expected to sit at close to 30 percent over the remainder of this decade, an increase from the 24 percent last decade. The company also said that growth markets are projected to account for around one-quarter of global retail investment by 2020, compared to less than 10 percent today. By contrast, established markets will decline from 83 percent to just above 60 percent.China and India top Jones Lang LaSalle’s Retail Real Estate Momentum Index which identifies the top 20 countries with the strongest momentum in retail real estate globally.The Redefining Retail Investment report confirms that in the last decade, more than US$1 trillion of retail real estate has been traded around the world. Global direct investment has averaged more than US$100bn per year since 2004 and in 2011 annual volumes hit US$122.5bn. In 2011 cross-border activity accounted for nearly half of all retail investment whilst levels accounted for only one-quarter of all trade in 2004. Crossborder activity will continue to track at around half of all retail investment, boosting annual investment volumes to US$160-180bn by 2020, representing a 30-50 percent increase on 2011 levels. Arthur de Haast, head of International Capital Group, Jones Lang LaSalle said: “The number of investable geographies has expanded globally as growth markets like China, Brazil and Turkey are attracting global investors. Together with an improvement in the quality

Thai National Shippers’ Council, to promote effective Online Marketing strategies throughout website. led by Khun Arada Fuangtong, Head of E-Commerce Group, Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce, hosted a seminar “Joining Global Trade Market with for Thai National Shippers’ Council, to promote effective Online Marketing strategies throughout website. Major speakers are Dr. Vithaya Suharittharong, a Supply Chain Management Specialist,

and availability of retail assets, rising liquidity levels and further progress in real estate transparency, the retail investment sales sector is set for further rapid globalisation.”The company predicted that There will be a general rebalancing in capital flows towards the Asia Pacific region, due to favourable demographics and the growth of the middle class. By 2020, Asia Pacific is forecasted to account for 26 percent of global retail investment volumes, up from 22 percent currently and from only 11 percent in the mid-2000s. The report projects that the Americas will hold onto around 33 percent of volumes between now and 2020, whilst EMEA will take around 41 percent (compared to 45 percent currently). The report also introduces the Retail Real Estate Momentum Index, which lists the top 20 countries with the strongest momentum in retail real estate. China and India sit at the top of the list, though South East Asia and Latin American nations also feature well.

on “Minimizing Foreign Exchange Risks” and also a representative from Pantavanij Co.,Ltd on “ Maximizing Utilization from B2B E-Marketplace to increase marketing channels ” at Four Wings Hotel. Members of Thai National Shippers’ Council get special privilege such as Fast Track application process, Pre – approve Application Form, priority in Thaitrade. com’s Business Matching, participate in Local Road Show with : Exhibition, Workshop, Business Matching, special discount from business partners such as Thailandpost, Bangkok Bank etc., including training and seminar for each group of partner.

‘SEA MICE & A MILLION’ Returns to Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

for Second Consecutive Year Hilton Worldwide’s successful MICE campaign offers more perks for meetings in Southeast Asia

Penfolds held an Exclusive Gala Dinner

of The King’s Cup Elephant Polo

Gala Dinner Auction at Anantara Hua Hin



ecently Ms. Jade Koh (2nd left) Customer Marketing Manager & Vintrepreneur - SEA, India and Korea joined hands with Mr. William Heinecke, Minor International chairman and CEO to host the exclusive King’s Cup Elephant Polo charity gala dinner at Anantara Resort and Spa Hua Hin. Many VIP guests around the world enjoyed the function including VIP guests-super models Pim-Sonia Couling, Vin Paul Dominic, Phuwanart Kunpalin. Penfolds raised a rare and highly awarded bottle of Penfolds BIN 620 which went for US$1,900. All money donated to help lame elephants stand has been donated to the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre (TECC), and 4,000 trees have been planted in Hua Hin to shelter elephant corridors from electric fencing in the area.

ilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa today announced that it is bringing back the successful ‘SEA MICE & A MILLION’ campaign from Hilton Worldwide for a third time in two consecutive years. Aimed at the corporate meetings, events and incentives markets, it rewards planners by offering a package of additional perks and benefits when they choose to host a meeting at any of the 15 participating Hilton Worldwide hotels in Southeast Asia. Event planners can enjoy a number of incentives including free stays and complimentary welcome drinks for all delegates, in addition to bonus Hilton HHonors points. Upgrades to the executive floor and complimentary Internet throughout the stay will also be offered for bookings of a minimum of 30 nights or more. This promotion is valid from now until October 31, 2012 for bookings fulfilled by February 28, 2013. For more information website:

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Kids & Education

Play Play Play kids



Courtesy of

Play : It’s not just for kids.

The lifelong benefits of play

Play connects us to others. Sharing joy, laughter, and fun with others promotes bonding and strengthens a sense of community. We develop empathy, compassion, trust, and the capacity for intimacy through regular play. Play fosters creativity, flexibility, and learning. Play is a doorway to learning. Play stimulates our imaginations, helping us adapt and solve problems. Play arouses curiosity, which leads to discovery and creativity. The components of play - curiosity, discovery, novelty, risk-taking, trial and error, pretense, games, social etiquette, and other increasingly complex adaptive activities - are the same as the components of learning. Play is an antidote to loneliness, isolation, anxiety, and depression. When we play vigorously, we trigger a mix of endorphins that lift our spirits and distractions that distance us from pain, fear, and other burdens. And when we play with other people, whether they’re friends or strangers, we are reminded that we are not alone in this world. We can connect to others in delightful and meaningful ways that banish loneliness. Play teaches us perseverance. The rewards of learning or mastering a new game teach us that perseverance is worthwhile. Perseverance is a trait necessary to healthy adulthood, and it is learned largely through play. Perseverance and violence are rarely found together. Play makes us happy. Beyond all these excellent reasons for playing, there is simply

the sheer joy of it. Play is a state of being that is happy and joyous. Jumping into and out of the world of play on a daily basis can preserve and nourish our own hearts, and the hearts of our communities. Play and relationships. Play is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting. Playing together for the fun of it brings joy, vitality, and resilience to relationships. Play can also heal resentments, disagreements, and hurts. Through regular play, we learn to trust one another and feel safe. Trust enables us to work together, open ourselves to intimacy, and try new things. By making a conscious effort to incorporate more humor and play into your daily interactions, you can improve the quality of your love relationshipsas well as your connections with co-workers, family members, and friends. Play helps us develop and improve our social skills. Social skills are learned in the give and take of play. Verbal communication and body language, safety and danger, freedom and boundaries, cooperation and teamwork: all are discovered and practiced repeatedly during infant and childhood play. We continue to refine these skills in adulthood through play and playful communication. Play teaches us how to cooperate with others. Play is a powerful catalyst for positive socialization. Through play, children learn how to “play nicely” with others - to work together, follow mutually agreed upon rules, and socialize in groups. As adults, play continues to confer these benefits. Evidence even shows that play may be an antidote to violence. In fact, those who avoid or have never learned to play may become lost in the world of fear, rage, and obsessive worry. Mutual play can heal emotional wounds. When adults play together, they are engaging in exactly the same patterns of behaviour that positively shape the brain in children. These same playful behaviours that predict emotional health in children also lead to positive change in adults. Studies show that an emotionally-insecure individual can replace negative beliefs and behaviours with positive assumptions and actions by living with a secure partner. Close, positive, and emotionally-fulfilling relationships heal and create emotional resiliency. Play provides a safe and joyous context for the development of such relationships.

Playing at work : The key to productivity and innovation

Work or play: It’s all in your attitude When researchers studied preteen children’s attitudes about play, they discovered that some children called almost everything they did “play” while others called almost everything they did “work.” Reconnecting with the children at the end of adolescence, the children who thought of everything as play were more successful and happier in school and were more content socially than the people who saw everything as “work.”Many people are working longer and harder, thinking that this will solve the problem of an everincreasing workload. But they are still falling behind, becoming chronically overwhelmed, and burning out. Work is where we spend much of our time. That is why it is especially important for us to play during work. Without some recreation, our work suffers. Success at work doesn’t depend on the amount of time

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Explore Asia – Non profit English Camp in Hua Hin

lay is simultaneously a source of relaxation and stimulation for the brain and body. A sure (and fun) way to develop your imagination, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and mental health is to play with your romantic partner, officemates, children, grandchildren, and friends. “What do most Nobel Laureates, innovative entrepreneurs, artists and performers, well-adjusted children, happy couples and families, and the most successfully adapted mammals have in common? They play enthusiastically throughout their lives.” Play is often described as a time when we feel most alive, yet we often take it for granted and may completely forget about it. But play isn’t a luxury - it’s a necessity. Play is as important to our physical and mental health as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. Play teaches us how to manage and transform our “negative” emotions and experiences. It supercharges learning, helps us relieve stress, and connects us to others and the world around us. Play can also make work more productive and pleasurable. Despite the power of play, somewhere between childhood and adulthood, many of us stop playing. We exchange play for work and responsibilities. When we do have some leisure time, we’re more likely to zone out in front of the TV or computer than to engage in creative, brain-stimulating play. By giving ourselves permission to play with the joyful abandon of childhood, we can continue to reap its benefits throughout life. Some of the reasons we play: to learn to create to feel challenged to pass time to calm and focus ourselves as spectators watching others competitively to win cooperatively for the fun of it for the joy of it

Hua Hin Today


ew in Hua Hin and already getting well into action, two guys with great ideas , based on a non profit organization to promote English language in Thailand. Both Annile and Mike run a TESOL camp in Kao Takiab , Hua Hin where young teachers are formed to teach English at Thai schools all over the country. Oncoming English teachers go through a TESOL course (Teaching English As A Second Language) and after successfully graduating with a certificate , they are placed in schools around the country , paid a moderate salary and teach children English. Keeping in mind that English is an essential you work. It depends upon the quality of your work. And the quality of your work is highly dependent on your well-being. Taking the time to replenish yourself through play is one of the best things you can do for your career. When the project you’re working on hits a serious glitch (as often happens), heading out to the basketball court with your colleagues to shoot some hoops and have a few laughs does a lot more than take your mind off the problem. If basketball isn’t your cup of tea, having a model airplane contest, telling stories, or flying kites in the parking lot will also allow your relationship to the problem to shift and enable you to approach it from a new perspective.

Playing at work:

keeps you functional when under stress refreshes your mind and body encourages teamwork helps you see problems in new ways triggers creativity and innovation increases energy and prevents burnout Play, creativity, and flow. Psychiatrist and writer Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has studied play extensively. He describes play as a flow state that requires just the right balance of challenge and opportunity. If the game is too hard or too easy, it loses its sense of pleasure and fun. Maintaining a flow state in games with others requires all participants, regardless of age or ability, to feel challenged but not overwhelmed. Feelings We Experience in the Flow State Involvement - Complete focus and concentration, either due to innate curiosity or as the result of training. Delight - A sense of bliss and positive detachment from everyday reality. Clarity - Great inner clarity and a built-in understanding about the state of affairs. Confidence - An innate sense that the activity is doable and that your skills are adequate to the task. Additionally, you don’t feel anxious or bored. Serenity - A sense of peace and an absence of worries about self. Timeliness - Thorough focus on the present and a lack of attention to the passing of time. Motivation - Intrinsic understanding about what needs to be done and a desire to keep the moment of play moving.

Learning how to play again

Bernie DeKoven, one of the originators of the New Games movement, has devoted his life to developing games that bring people together emotionally in the context of playing for fun. See the Resources section below for links to some of his favourite games. For those who

communication and business necessity language, Thailand needs to take as much advantage from this as possible. XploreAsia’s non-profit English Camp crossed a milestone this week as they were awarded an official grand opening by Deputy Mayor Khun Bootsaba of Hua Hin, Thailand. XploreAsia teamed up with the ASEAN Study Center to volunteer for 2 days in Khoa Takiab’s Don Brasco School. The XploreAsia August Group completed their course and graduated with flying colors as they worked with over 300 children from the local community and the neighboring provinces. Many children journeyed several hours by bus to attend and participate in the fun filled English activities prepared by our teachers in training. The August group finished the second day with a graduation ceremony where they were presented an Internationally Accredited TESOL Certificate and hundreds of Thai children’s beaming smiles. For more information on Explore Asia, contact : Annile Alexander - Director of Education +66 83-775-2020 - Skype: annilealexander -

have forgotten how to play and don’t know how to get started again, Bernie offers the following advice: “You don’t have to have rules or goals or a board or even anything to play with except each other. But whatever it is that you’re playing, there are two things you have to take seriously: being together, and the sheer fun of it all. No game is more important than the experience of being together, being joined, being equal - governed by the same rules, playing for the same purpose. And no purpose is more uniting and freeing than the purpose of being fun with each other.”

Winning and losing

It’s OK for you to lose. This may be hard to remember at the time, but getting beaten fair and square by your own grandkid is one of life’s great events Nobody has to lose. For some reason, both adults and children tend to take games more seriously than anyone needs to. That’s why it is not unusual for a trivial game to end up as a contest of wills and for children to wind up in tears because they’ve “lost.” Competition separates, rather than unites. Despite your best efforts to keep the competition friendly and fun, the very existence of winners and losers shifts the focus of the game away from fun and playfulness. It separates rather than unites, alienates rather than embraces. Yes, the competitive separation can be overcome. Whenever it happens that opponents embrace each other, it is a victory and a triumph of the human spirit. But it is a rare occurrence.

Suggestions for playing games where no one has to lose :

Instead of stopping a game when someone wins, just continue playing until everyone wins. There’s the first winner, then the second winner, and then the third. When playing a two-person game, like checkers or ping-pong, try playing with three players, and rotate turns. If there are only two of you, in checkers, for example, just trade sides every third or fifth turn so that you have to play the other person’s position.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Contact Natasha if you want to sell or rent out your house House for Sale

Sea View Condo in Town Centre

Price: 6,500,000 THB Reduced by 35%! 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, Living area: 104 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0017

Condo for Sale

Luxury Condo Sea View

Price : 16,500,000 THB Reduced by 10%! 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Living area: 128 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0049

Fully Furnished Pool Villa

Price : 9,500,000 THB Promotion- Brand New Villa Ready to Move In! 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Living area: 285 Sqm. Land area: 720 Sqm. More info > > SHO-0054

Sea View Condo in Town Centre

Quality Brand New House

Price: 5,100,000 THB Brand New with Good Value! 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Living area: 180 Sqm. Land area: 408 Sqm. More info > > SHO-0018

Beach Condo in Hua Hin

Price: 6,500,000 THB Reduced by 10%! 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, Living area: 64 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0016

Price 5,900,000 THB Reduced by 25%! 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, Living area: 90 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0059

Stunning Sea View

Land in Hua Hin near Beach

Land for Sale

Beautiful Hills Land in Soi 112

Price: 4,500,000 THB/Rai 1,600 Sqm. 64 Rai (102,400 Sqm.) Devisable. More info > > SCO-0004

Price: 3,200,000 THB/Rai 1,600 Sqm. 53 Rai (84,800 Sqm.) Non - Devisable. More info > > SLD - 0013

Price: 5,000,000 THB/Rai 1,600 Sqm. 5 Rai and 200 Sq/w Non - Devisable. More info > > SLD - 0017

House for Rent

Pool Villa in Town Price : 35,000 THB/Week (May – Oct) 4 bedrooms + 1 guess room 4 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen Pool table More info > > RHO-0027

Pool Villa in Hua Hin

Pool Villa in Golf Course

Price : 65,000 THB/Month (May – Oct) 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RHO-0085

Price: 75,000 THB/Month (Short term) 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RHO-0004

Condo in Khao Takiab Beach

Condo in Hua Hin Heart Town

Condo for Rent

Condo near Khao Tao Beach

Price: 30,000 THB/Month (May-Oct) 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen Club house More info > > RCO-0032

Price: 25,000 THB/Month (Best price in best area!) 1 bedroom 1 bathroom Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RCO-0026

Price: 55,000 THB/Month (Best area!) 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RCO-0039

Contact : Property for Sale & Rent : 0909-709-322



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


24 By GMoss


Hotel & Health

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

The Amari Hua Hin Experience

aving been a frequent traveler for nearly four decades, now more or less settled down, my judgment of hospitality is still quite vivid and realistic. Hotels were my second home. When the Amari Hua Hin was built, I followed it’s construction closely but was surprised by the final revelation of the development when the curtain was drawn at the pre-opening. A delicious combination of top architecture, simplicity and functionality combined together created this resort on the coast of the gulf of Siam, top tourist destination, a holiday retreat, a great place to stay with all the amendments you could wish for. As you approach the Amari Hua Hin on Kao Takiab road, parking is ample, either in front of the hotel or underneath.

venue looking at it from the beach. Breakfast was equally attractive and comprehensive with more than I could mention. All needs covered with a live Egg station , juices and home baked bread and pastry. A new Spa concept called Breeze waved me in. With 4 Star prices and 5 star treatments, again this was a definite price breaker. I went for the full body massage with distressing effect. In addition I took the facial for men. Remove the black heads, white heads and wrinkles (temporarily). The 30 meters + Swimming Pool are a jewel among hotels unless you fancy a canal pool some others have to offer. The Amari rounds off its package with a Fitness Center , Kid´s club and last but not least a

At entering your room , whether it may be a standard , superior or family suite , you immediately notice the tasteful decoration of the walls with black and white pictures of Hua Hin’s history and contemporary impressions. Room furniture is kept in warm, natural tones, functional and still luxurious. Luxury is one of the positive impressions you register at the Amari Hua Hin. It definitely is a five

star resort beyond any doubt. Rooms contain a king size bed , mini bar, tasteful curtains, a balcony with sea view and all the shower cosmetics you will find in any comparable luxury hotel. The family suite has a round bathtub with an invigorating, relaxing herbal based bath gel. There are several outlets at which lunch and dinner is served. The romantic one on the beach front was baptized Shoreline Beach Club where fresh seafood, meat and poultry is barbecued to perfection. You can choose from having dishes served or select and manage your own personal mini grill at your table. By day, During daytime, you can relax at the beachside and enjoy cooling cocktails and fresh salads including a German potato salad and cool smoothies. Try the mango one ! Other outlets include The Mosaic, mainly inhabited for breakfast. For Dinner we chose The Beach Club. A mixed salad and German potato salad as an entrée and a huge BBQ grilled plate with Beef Sirloin, Lamb Cutlets, Fish Fillets, Chicken Breasts, squid sate and grilled Mais. The Mojitos we had as an appetizer drink were made very classy. They also make Virgin Mojitos and Margaritas for those who prefer no-alcohol. A romantic experience, the Beach Club at night, low lights and candles with a soft Jazzy background music. The bigger surprise was the pricing of the menu. For a 5 star accommodation, these were 3 star prices. Prices are kept low to attract people from the beach. This one of the reasons it does not carry an Amari sign on the restaurant. Beachcombers will surely be attracted by the

by some thoughtful nutritionist but was comprised of those foods that were available locally and which could be obtained at a low cost. The land around the Med lacks the lush flat meadows that are suitable for grazing cows; sheep and goats are preferred. The people eat the meat and also make cheese from the milk of these animals, cheeses that are not as fatty as those made from cow milk. For geographic and cultural reasons there are differences from one country to another, more pasta in Italy, more couscous in the North African countries. It is the diets of the countries on the northern shore of the Med that have been most widely studied. The ‘Mediterranean diet’ is a series of recommendations that follows these dietary habits. It is not a series of menus that have to be followed; it also differs from other diets in that it emphasizes what you should eat rather than telling you what is forbidden. In other diets there are the great NO-NOs: Dr Atkins tells us that carbohydrates are our enemy, the anti-fat diets tell us that butter is poison: you need a degree in nutrition or biochemistry to order from a menu. Where are the carbohydrates? Where are the fats?

Are they mono or poly saturated? It’s all too much work! One of the problems is that all of these fad diets have a huge drop-out rate; they may be easy to follow for short periods of time, perhaps for several months while you shed unwanted weight, but after this the participants usually slip back into old habits and the weight returns. The Mediterranean approach is one with so much flexibility and is so forgiving, that you consider that you have chosen to change the way that you eat rather than being ‘on-a diet’ It is a positive change rather than a negative one. Here are the main characteristics of the Mediterranean diet An abundance of vegetables, fruit, cereals, breads, potatoes and beans. Olive oil as the principle oil for cooking and for dressings. Fish several times a week; very little red meat. Moderate amount of dairy products, mainly cheese. Eggs, but not more than three a week. Red wine in moderate amounts An active life style. A study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine in 2003 followed 22,000 people living in Greece and investigated their eating habits. During the four years of the study, researchers found that the more people followed these dietary principles the less likely they were

to die from cancer or heart disease. On analysis, the diet is compatible with the recommendations of most cardiac authorities’ recommendations. There is more fat consumption than they usually recommend due to the liberal use of olive oil, but this is a mono-saturated fat which is generally heart-friendly. Does this mean that the people from these countries all eat this type of diet? Unfortunately that is not always the case; the supermarkets of Barcelona, Marseilles, Palermo and Athens look like these in any other country and the consumption of beef and other meats is increasing. It is really quite easy to follow this diet in Thailand; vegetables, fruits, cheese and red wine are obtainable quite easily and there is a wide selection of olive oils at the best supermarkets. Even when eating out you can find suitable food on almost all menus. Here, even eating out it is very easy to eat in this manner. Thai food has as its main components two of the categories of food recommended in this way of eating, seafood and vegetables. Seafood is plentiful, fresh fruit and vegetables are a part of almost every meal. I have also been impressed with how the people of tropical countries are relaxed and at ease with their lives; meal times are unrushed social events, full of conversation and laughter not a pit stop to fill up with fuel. Slow down and taste the rosé. Dr Michael Moreton

The walls are decorated with different sizes of After checking in with the well trained front office receptionist and getting served the obligatory herbal tea drink, the room key card that operates the lift , opens the room door and turns on the power system in the room is handed over. The lift automatically registers the level your room is on. There is no way the lift will function by selecting the level manually. A precaution against unwanted visitors.

The corridors are kept simple with occasional ornaments at the lift area.

The lobby area boasts a Mediterranean atmosphere with blue and white colors, smartly spread on the high rise walls and ceilings. Coral ornaments with integrated chandeliers round off the architectural design.


Hua Hin Today

here is always a new weight-loss diet; the talk shows and the bookshops are always full of the latest great dietary secrets. The diets come and then they go. The success or failure of them is related more to the packaging than to the content. The ones with the snappy names and attractive spokesmen do well; sound nutritional thinking does not seem to be an advantage. The Scarsdale, Hollywood, Atkins, Zone, South Beach and the Beverly Hills diets all had their moments but all have been found to be disappointing to many of their participants. One dietary approach that a great many people have found to be effective is the so-called Mediterranean diet. Its advantages have been well researched and documented. This diet is different from most of the others in that it is more of a philosophy, an attitude, a general set of principles than are the others. Attention was first directed at this approach by a professor from Minnesota who noticed that the people from the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea: Italy, Greece, Spain, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the North African countries were full of slim healthy looking people. Their incidence of heart disease and other related diseases was less than in other parts of the world. The diet in these countries was not designed

Deli Cafeteria where Amari made bakery , pastries , rich cakes and other delicatessens can either be bought for a take away or simply accompany your favorite coffee intake. I was really impressed by the simplicity, non fuss operation, rooms and architecture. I surely will be “back”. Contact the Amari for information on the Hotel Resort & Spa : 117/74 Takiab Road, Nongkae, Hua Hin. +66 (0) 3261 6600 +66 (0) 3261 6699,

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Reflections – What’s going on in Europe?


or more than two years now Europe keeps pumping out alarming news. Crisis summits almost once a month, I stopped counting at 25. We are flooded with polarizing information like austerity measures versus stimulus packages, disciplined Northern European countries against an easy going Club Med in the South and rating agencies downgrading banks and entire countries in the Eurozone on a regular basis. Breaking news like Spanish 10-year bonds had hit a record high during the Euro-era and Germany’s new negative outlook in the eyes of Moody’s don’t spread any confidence either.

All very confusing, isn’t it? What are the root causes? Let’s take a break and look back in history. 15 years ago, the Euro was still young, just the announcement of a single currency led to low interest rates all over the Eurozone. Unfortunately, like hundreds of

years before, at any given time during the Euroera, Southern European countries were not as competitive as their Northern counterparts. But suddenly –heaven sent- an unexpected miracle disguising as low interest rates allowed all over sudden to borrow more money than ever before. Overnight the party was on. Real Estate Boom in Spain, Public Service growth in Greece. Everybody happy until September 2008! In the wake of what had happened to Lehman Brothers in the US, the leading banks of the world reviewed their credit portfolios and all over sudden had got cold feet looking at

Europe’s periphery. Interest rates in the South started going up, credit facilities and bonds were not renewed, consequently trade balance deficits started building up. De facto since 2008 a “transfer union”, something politicians in the North of Europe wanted to avoid at any

cost is already in existence! In figures, Germany alone instead of getting properly paid for exports to the Eurozone has built up a claim against the EZB in the amount of more than 800 billion Euros. A claim, annoyingly, you can forget, if the Euro fails. Here we are at the core of the problem. Not so difficult to understand, is it? In other words, we are actually in the 5th (!) year watching the rescue of e.g. Greece. But stop, to be more precisely, nobody of course saves anyone in Greece. What I meant is the rescue of banks and private investors, who lent too much too long to the Club Med and understandably now try to find somebody to take over their foul portfolios. Amazingly, however, neither the gazillions of self-declared experts on TV nor politicians nor the mainstream media seemed to realize what’s going on until late 2011. I wonder why that is? Looking for a solution for this mess, we better get used to the idea that there is no sugar coated way out. The alternatives are simple: The South becomes more competitive (what will not happen overnight) or the North continues sending checks. While deciding this tricky question, it probably also is a good idea to look what’s going on in the rest of the world. Will cars from the Eurozone in future e.g. be in a position to compete against cheaper brands from China in Brazil? Will the Eurozone play a role in getting a reasonable chunk of the Indian, Chinese and South East Asian markets? At the end of the day the crucial question is: Will the Eurozone continue to play an important role in the world or become a dying dinosaur with a socialist banking sector other countries avoid

like the plague. A question, that seems not to be on the radar at present. Last not least a word to the famous “Stability Mechanisms”. It seems highly improbable that EFSF or ESM will solve the crisis. But one thing those vehicles will achieve: In the not too far future most bad loans from private banks and other big scale private investors will be the responsibility of the European taxpayer. And, aah, you just asked yourself, who is going to pay for it. Well, I am sure deep down inside you know… Courtesy of Christian Rasp Director CRMC (Thailand) Co. Ltd. Mail: Editor Note: Khun Chris is a well known international banker and businessman with interests in China – Hong Kong, Europe and Thailand, he is also the owner of Beach Café & Restaurant in Hua Hin.



Banyan Golf Club presents the LM “After Golf” collection I n the recent weeks, visitors to the pro-Shop at Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin may have noticed the imposing figure of PGA player John Daly depicted on the paneled walls surrounded by the large selection of Loudmouth golf apparel. Upon closer inspection, you may notice that now have a new collection from Loudmouth called “After Golf”. Pro-Shop Manager, Khun Nattakallaya (Pam) commented, “This is a great addition to our Pro-Shop merchandise. Hua Hin is, after all, a beach destination popular with holiday makers from all over the world. The new “After Golf” collection from Loudmouth includes casual t-shirts, board shorts and casual trousers. Many of our visitors, enjoying playing golf in Loudmouth clothes & now they can enjoy the beach, the pool or even just out & about in the same style. In the few weeks that we have stocked this new collection, it has been really popular,

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Royal Trophy for Hua Hin Elephant Polo

By Chamnan


.E. Atthaniti Dittha-amnart, the royal representative, presented a royal trophy of the 11th Hua Hin Elephant Polo to the King’s Power Team on 16 September 2012. Taking place at the Infantry Brigade 151 in Hua Hin, the awarding ceremony was attended by Mr. William Heineiky, C.E.O. of Minor International Co. Ltd. and the owner of Anatara Hotel.

especially with our female visitors. I was asked which style was my favorite, but to be honest, I can’t really say, as it changes every week. Right now, I really like the Raspberry Sherbet & Shagadelic Black Jeans styles.” Check it out today, new “After Golf” collection, exclusively at Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin.

Elephant polo in Hua hin


fter an absence of a couple of years in whuich the elephant polo took place in Chiang Rai , since 2011 , the elephant polo is back in Hua Hin. In comparison to last year´s event , this year seemd to have a small budget cut as there were no grandstands. Also Mercedes decided not to send a Maybach and kept their beauties on a podest in the sun. Less classy .After a fun and ferocious week of elephant polo, attended by teams from all over the world as well as royals, celebrities and many other special VIP guests, the final day of the tournament offered up a showcase of skilful play, plenty of memorable moments and a new winning team for 2012. The final match placed two stellar teams on the pitch, both of them full of storied elephant polo histories and exceptional players. However, the combined offensive might of King Power’s Nattapong Praumlee, Thanasin Chuawangkham and Captain Tom Claytor proved too much for the defending champions Audemars Piguet

Superior skills and strategy delivered a solid win for the King Power team over the Mercedes Benz team, ending their chance for a place in the finals on the second last day of play at the King’s Cup Elephant Polo tournament. King Power opened up the first chukka with good natural aggression and sound technical knowledge to unwind Mercedes solid early play – although strong defence from Mercedes players James Douglas and Hiro Suzuki, it

wasn’t enough enabling the King Power’s team consisting of Captain Tom Claytor and Thailand’s finest polo players Apichet Raksriskasorn and Nattapong Pratumlee to score the first goal of the game. King Power’s Thai super star players, Nattapong Praumlee, Thanasin Chuawangkham and the rock solid defense of Tom Claytor saw the defending champion team of brothers Angad and Uday Kalaan and Sanjay Choegyal out-manoeuvered and out played throughout the match. Nattapong Praumlee received nearly all the scoring glory of the game, batting in every single goal for his team. Captain Tom Claytor served up surgically precise assists, and fellow professional polo player Thanasin Chuawangkham provided the same impenetrable wall in front of the goal that kept the Audemars Piguet team on the defense for most of the game. The final score was a resounding 13 – 9 to King Power. The exciting weeklong event has not only been about fun and games – a generous sum of THB 3.3 million was raised for various elephant charity projects at the Anantara Hua Hin gala dinner which hosted a gathering of top dignitaries and well known celebrities. Scores for 2012 King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament: 1. King Power 2.Audemars Piguet 3. Mercedes Benz 4. Rueng Chang 5. Citibank 6. Blue Label 7. Sara Story Design 8. KASIKORNBANK 9. PricewaterhouseCoopers 10. The Nellies 11. PTT 12. Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas Courtesy of The Anantara Resort & Spa Hua Hin

2013 Q-School to Be Held in Thailand in January


uala Lumpur, : The 2013 Asian Tour’s Qualifying School will be held in Hua Hin, Thailand in January. Stage One, comprising a 72 hole tournament, will be divided into 2 sections and will be held from January 9-12 and January 16-19 while the all-important Final Stage will be held from January 23-26. The golf courses will be announced in due course and the Entry Form will be made available on www. Players who compete in the Qualifying School will vie for playing rights on the elite Asian Tour where the top-40 players and ties will earn their tour cards. Players who attend the Qualifying School will also gain exemptions to compete in the Asian Development Tour, the secondary circuit run by the Asian Tour. From 2013 onwards, all events on the Asian Development Tour will receive Official World Golf Ranking points which is a boost for the game in the region. Hua Hin is about a two-hour drive from the capital city of Bangkok. American David Lipsky won this year’s Qualifying School and susbequently won the HANDA FALDO Cambodian Classic. He is presently ranked fourth on the Order of Merit with winnings of US$230,858. For more information please check on

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Technical Curiosity

A Hua Hin Electric Car Construction

V Speed, based in Hua Hin is a small Electric Vehicle Business, getting a foothold on an emerging market with a likely to be our principle form of transport in the near future.Mr Kalniev and Mr Roberts have been involved in the Electric vehicle arena for several years each, albeit in different areas. Mr Kalniev has been an Eco advocate for many years, studied business management and has researched and presented several projects on behalf of the United Nations in several countries and received the Un’s certificate for Green Growth. Mr Roberts has been conducting R&D under several guises for several years since arriving in Thailand, now possessing knowledge of motors/controllers and ancillary components and how they interact. Mr Roberts ;‘The idea of EV Speed is to create awareness of Electric Vehicles, to convert current vehicles to electric drive, to make Electric Vehicles a viable option for everyone’. The Guys have just completed a conversion of a Toyota Yaris, you may well see around Hua Hin, the conversion is to show how easy it is to use such a vehicle in your daily life, just plug it in and drive.The converted Yaris was designed to be an entry level EV for use around town and so a 120km range will get Mr or Mrs Average about 3-4 days driving depending on driving style and use. The


Under the bonnet you can see the heart of the drive system, the speed controllers, this drive train has been designed to make the most of regeneration, by giving each motor it’s own controller, which allows us to programme each motor to switch to regeneration at different times, optionally we can just switch off any motors for extra economy or if a motor or controller fails it can be isolated and the car can still drive.Mr Kalniev; ‘we would like to expand at a quicker rate so we are looking for an investment partner, who can contact either of us via our website. Http:// Yaris’s looks remain unchanged as care was taken not to compromise the original design only the exhaust pipe is missing and a slight glimpse of the battery box is possible from the rear.Driving the converted Yaris is like driving an automatic car, only no noise, or emissions, all electronic features like power steering, lights, Radio/Audio remain untouched. An onboard charger means that this EV can be charged anywhere by using the power lead, just plug it in to a 20+amp 220v power supply. A full quick charge will take 3-4 hours but it is recommended to let the EV charge over night or to keep the batteries topped up even after a short run. A full charge will cost around 70-80thb.The batteries are imported Lithium-ion cells which allow fast charging and are up to 1/3rd the weight of traditional deep cycle batteries, the battery protection equipment ensure that you do not over or undercharge the batteries.



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Absolute Beachfront Land Prachaub

Insight English Language Schools English and Thai Classes for everyone Educational Visa, Translation & TEFL courses Schools in Hua Hin, Cha-Am & Bangkok 032-470 681 E-mail: david@insightenglish. com www. insightenglish-huahin. com


Beautiful plot 526 sq. wah., chanote, 30 m. beachfront, 40 km south of Prachaub. Scenic swimming beach, next to resorts, holiday homes,electricity & black road.

Price 9,500,000 Baht

Call 0818208353 or sivapsak@gmail. com

Seaside Luxury Apartment for Rent BOATHOUSE HUA HIN Ground Floor, 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, living area with integrated kitchen and dining; fully furnished / completely equipped, terrace in front of living and bedroom with direct access into swimming pool, fitness, tennis

Rent: 30,000/month, long term nego Contact: 08-1829-5478


PalmPavilion Lake View 120 sqm, 2 br/ bths, 2 balconies,

Only 5.5 M

(OppositeMakro Food Services)

Owner: 08-6003-6920

Land for Sale ขายที่ดินใกล้หัวหินราคาถูก 9 ไร่เศษ ตารางวาละ 1,500 บาท แบ่งขายที่ดินใกล้ชะอ�ำ ตารางวาละ 2,250 บาท

Sport injury, neck & back pain, muscle aches, joint stiffness, repetitive strain and injury, stroke etc. Our qualified physiotherapist can help you with PT. equipments, spine mobilization technique, therapeutic exercise and massage. More information

Condo for Rent

please call 032-512735, 086-6992829 or visit us at Soi 88/1 Petchkasem Rd.

- European Standard - 42 sq.m - Separate bedroom - Separate kitchen - Facilities provided - 10,000 baht

( Next to Hua Hin Market Village Shopping Center )

Contact : 081-9812997



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Asking price starts at 10,000 Baht per month. Pls. contact: weng_214@yahoo. com

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

What’s News

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

B5bn Hua Hin mall

in pipeline Emporium branch courtesy of slated for 2014 Bangkok post T

he Mall Group, the country’s second-largest retail chain, is forming an alliance with the Liptapanlop family to jointly develop a large-scale shopping and entertainment complex in Hua Hin next year.

A 50:50 joint venture will be soon set up by the Mall Group and Proud Group, which is now under the management of Proudputh, the daughter of veteran politician and chief adviser of Chart Pattana Puea Pandin Party Suwat Liptaponlop, to run the retail project. The venture requires an investment of 5 billion baht to develop the retail project, which is located on a 20-rai plot on Phetkasem Road opposite Intercontinental Hua Hin

Resort and close to Hua Hin Market Village. Construction is scheduled to start by early next year and will be completed in 2014. The Mall Hua Hin will be a mixed-use complex with retail space between 80,000100,000 square metres. It will comprise The Mall department store, a retail plaza, a financial services area, entertainment anchors, international fashion brand name stores and a five-star hotel.The Mall Hua Hin will be the eighth retail project under the Mall Group and the second provincial branch after the Mall Korat in Nakhon Ratchasima, which was opened several years ago.

Four-Hand Piano Concert By Japanese Duo At Hyatt Regency Hua Hin

A source in the retail industry said Hua Hin is an attractive market for investors. The charming resort town in Prachuap Khiri Khan province started booming in the past five years with new property developments from hotels, resort condominiums, hospitals and even theme amusement parks. Hua Hin had 2 million tourist arrivals last year and nearby Phetchaburi province had 4 million.The community mall Hua Hin Market Village dominates the retail market, but other competitors include Tesco Lotus, Makro Food yatt Regency Hua Hin, recently organised a four-hand piano concert entitled to be “DuoService, Index Living and Chic Republic. One Scherzo Piano Recital” performed by Japanese Duo Megumi Nakao and Miho Matsuo. The fashion supplier said he received an invitation guests were also enjoyed a cocktail reception and a wonderful melody throughout the night at letter from The Mall Group for the project Regency Room. presentation in the third week of October.


Let’s Bowl For Change, Let’s Bowl for Unicef With Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Apart from The Mall Hua Hin, the company also plans to open a second branch of The Emporium opposite the current location on Sukhumvit Road in 2014. Supaluck Umpujh, chief executive of The Mall Group, said the group’s policy was to expand its business step by step. “To become the market leader in Thailand’s retail industry is not our aim. For me, I’m happy to have business sustainability,” she said. Apart from its own investment, The Mall Group has expanded to manage other retail projects, focusing on the Gourmet Market grocery stores. It operates Gourmet Markets for K Village on Rama IV Road, Terminal 21 at Asoke and The Promenade located next door to Fashion Island on Ram Intra Road. In its latest move, the company won a bid to operate 2,700 square metres of commercial space at Don Mueang Airport. The company will spend 200 million baht to develop the ‘Wonder Food of Asia’ venue and expects to open its service on Oct 1. Sales of The Mall Group are expected to reach 50-60 billion baht within three years, heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa had successfully held its up from 45 billion first “Let’s Bowl for Change, Let’s Bowl for UNICEF” this year. with an honor from Pailin Kongwong (middle), Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin Municipality chaired the opening ceremony on Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 at Major Bowl Hit Hua Hin Market Village. “Let’s Bowl for Change, Let’s Bowl for UNICEF” was one of the fund-raising activities that will benefit UNICEF immunization projects in the Asia Pacific Region. The charity activity was organized as a part of UNICEF’s Check Out for Children Challenge, led by Martin Raich,


Sport Skills Development

Biw Bartender Championship 2012



port Skills Development Association of Hua Hin is proud to announce a new president, Pol. Col. Damrongsak Thongngamtrakoon who will conduct future comprehensive detailede programmes, physical developments and outstanding achievements. The association will also monitor future and high season aspirations. A cheque of THB 100,000 was handed over by George Mastronikolis , Managing Director of Hua Hin Today Co. Ltd.

Paul Orny (2nd right), Director of Food & Beverage of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin recently congratulated Somchint Charoenparkob (2nd left), Bartender of Hagi Japanese Restaurant, who won the award ‘2nd Runner-Up for “Classics Cocktails” from the Western Chapter Championship 2012 held in Bangkok. Come and enjoy his cocktails at our newly renovated Hagi Japanese restaurant. Picture shows: (from left) Pornpirom Suksri, Hagi Restaurant Manager, Khun Somchint, Mr. Orny and Thongchai Sila, Assistant Director of Food & Beverage.

General Manager, Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager and Executive Committee of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa. With more than 200 guests and THB. 217,400 funding was raised and will go towards immunization of thousands of children against the major childhood diseases after deduction of expenses. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa strongly believes that “Life is Better when Shared” and everyone can make difference in the lives of children as well as consistency care for both local community and international community to make it a better place to live.

The Wset Wines & Spirits

Paul Orny (right), Director of Food & Beverage and Thongchai Sila (left), Assistant Director of Food & Beverage of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin recently congratulated Nitchawan Sungsasthee (centre), Captain of hotel’s Elephant Bar, who received the certification of WSET (Wine & Spirit Educational Trust) Level 2 Award in Wines & Spirits, after following intensive training in Phuket. Come and enjoy the large selection of Single Malt Whiskies while listening to the Live Jazz Band.


Wine & Dine

Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Where and What to Eat in Hua Hin

Beach Café Restaurant

“Seafood and Steaks with a view! Beach Café Restaurant is located near Intercontinental Hotel by the sea at the end of Petchkasem Road Soi 75/1.It is a highlight under HuaHin’s beachfront restaurants and the only non-hotel affiliated restaurant on HuaHin’s main beach combining Hua Hin’s gorgeous white sand beach atomosphere during daytime with a romantic garden setting for candlelight dining.

Mamma Mia & Pizza Mia Restaurant Hua Hin, Thailand

delicious food and romantic atmosphere. They propose a various choices of food and they are also specialized in seafood. Customers This Italian restaurant features an air- will enjoy their wonderful dishes all conditioned sunroom at the front (and woodfired pizza oven at the rear) and provides consistent, traditional Italian food with an extensive but unpretentious menu.

conditioned area indoors. Just a few minutes from the town center and close to Market Village shopping center, they are easy to find. Fresh pastries daily, they make own tasty homemade Bread ,full bar with large selection of local and imported beers.Great wine list with low prices and Fancy mixed drinks including the best Margaritas in town. Call :032-516 587

Secret Recipe Restaurant Hua Hin, Hua Hin Market Village

Founded in Malaysia in 1997, Secret Recipe is a casual dining, lifestyle café with a value proposition of great ambience and quality food at affordable prices. The brand name – Secret Recipe was selected to reflect its well-guarded recipes for a wide selection of fine quality cakes, baked desserts and creative fusion food inspired by cultures around the globe.

BeachCafé’s expert kitchen team is experienced in Thai and European cuisine offering a variety of finest grilled and seafood dishes. It is the place for excellent food and beverage quality at down to earth prices served in an outstanding sea breeze atmosphere. Address: Soi Hua Hin 75/1 by the sea , Hua Hin, Prachaubkirikhan 77110, Thailand Call:032 512254 or 082 2969627

Cool Breeze Cafe Bar Food & Beverage, Hua Hin

Cool Breeze Café Bar offers you a unique dining experience. Located in one of the oldest and most interesting original fisherman houses in beautiful historic Hua Hin. Our vision was to take the wonderful feeling that you get by sitting at the beach be that around the coastlines of Spain, Italy, Greece or Portugal with family and friends having a wonderful meal, glass of wine and a laugh in a relaxed atmosphere. Address: 62 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin, Thailand. Telephone: 032-531 062

cooked harmoniously with art of Thai food. All ingredients are strictly selected to ensure freshness and healthful culinary for customers. They are pleased to invite you to come for an unforgettable dinner at Meekaruna Restaurant, a true Hua Hin classic. Open: 10.30 a.m. - 10 p.m. call: 032 511 932

Seafood lovers should try the crab and avocado salad, while the antipasti of finely shaved parma ham literally melts over sweet, ripe melon, or try the risotto with Italian sausage. The ultimate finale should be vanilla icecream swimming in espresso and whipped cream, which combines dessert and coffee all Terrace 90 Bakery and Restaurant in one. For more information e-mail: clauio. The restaurant was purposely built in 2010 and ,call ; 032-512-250 enjoys a great location on Soi 90 with room for parking. Relax in garden area or in the airMondovino Wine Bar, Hua Hin The first Aperitif wine bar with a retail shop on the premises, selling wine by the glass or bottle. There is a monthly promotion and a selection of wines for less than THB 500.

It is their policy : If they can buy it cheaper , so can you. They have an extensive range of of old and new world wines at competitive prices. Address : 22/65 Naebkehard road, 77110 Hua Hin. Telephone : +66 32 531493 – Office +66 511274-5 Email :

Meekaruna Restaurant

Meekaruna has been operated since 1986. Located by the sea in Hua Hin at Naretdamri Rd., They are reputed for our

Secret Recipe Café (Thailand) Co., Ltd., established in 2004 as a Master Franchisee of Secret Recipe Cakes & Café Sdn Bhd, currently has 9 cafés and 8 cake counters in various shopping malls. The company produces and markets high quality cheesecakes, variety of fresh cream cakes and fusion food. A combination of uncompromising quality of our products, warm and friendly ambience and moderate pricing has created Your Lifestyle Café. Secret Recipe is conceptualized to appeal to wide demographics of any age, male and female, making the café chain a favorites place for afternoon tea, discussions or casual meetings with friends, families or business associates. The international café chain showcases a strong interior mix representation that can be accepted and adapted in any potential market. Natural hues are incorporated with a splash of vibrancy, to reflect an uptempo lifestyle of the brand. The clean concept set up with comfortable seat arrangement, classy lightings and relaxing atmosphere for dining patron.

A Bangkok“dining institution” is coming to Hua Hin!


A new restaurant with a history is about to open in Hua Hin!

fter having to relocate the original Bangkok “dining institution” from Sukhumvit Soi 12 to Langsuan Road a few month ago, Serge, one of the brothers behind the popular French & Mediterranean

all-day dining concept, decided to grasp an ready for the upcoming tourism high seasonexciting opportunity in the booming famous located only 1 km west of the city center, is seaside resort. set on very spacious tropical grounds, with The new Crepes & Co. Hua Hin -which will be ample space and a lot of greenery which shall definitely not only please the tropical garden atmosphere lovers, but also delight them with the combination of warmth and comfortable setting, as well as easy access and parking. The other good news is that hence one can expect the same varied menu, that the majority of Serge’s original tastes & friendly yet professional long time faithful Soi 12 staff service, that made Crepes & Co. a thriving is also relocating to Hua Hin, success since 1996!

Events & Calendar

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


HUA HIN EVENTS & PROMOTIONS - October 2012 The illuminated boat Procession

- Date: 23-31 October 2012

Venue: Mekong River, Mueang District, Nakhon Phanom

Chulalongkorn Day – Venue : October 23 – All of Thailand- King Rama V death anniversary

Hotel Promotions and Events

Unless indicated differently , ALL prices are to be understood Per Person - NET + VAT + Service Charge - ++ etc.

Banyan Resort & Golf Club

Golf & Wine Dinner Saturday, 13th October 2012 Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a 5 course wine dinner- THB 3,300.- golf & dinner. THB 1,900.- dinner only Power Tee Competition Wednesday, 17th October 2012 - Tee time from 1pm. Play the back, middle & forward tees all in the same round. GREAT new format of golf. THB 1,500.- includes snacks following game. Banyan Pineapple Pairs Cup 2012 Saturday, 20th October 2012 Tee times form 10.00am, Better Ball Stableford – 3/4 H/cap allowance. THB 5,200.- per pair 3rd Annual Rotary Club Charity Tournament

Friday, 26th October 2012 12.00pm Shotgun start. THB14,000.- per team includes golf shirt, souvenir bag, predinner cocktail and buffet dinner. For further information or reservations contact 032-616200

Hilton Resort & Spa

White Lotus Restaurant : Halloween Full Moon

Dinner in the Sky on 30th October 2012. Chill out in the sky for a Halloween Full Moon dinner as our expert Chefs handle your gastronomic desires with Chinese twisted food. A great way to bring in the Halloween. THB 999 nett per adult, THB 499 nett per child 6-11 years Lotus SKYBAR - Signature dish of the month Sky Chili Prawns - Sky bars chili and pepper fried prawns served in a dim sum basket for THB 190 nett, Signature drink of the month - Bloody Sky Halloween, Sip on a Halloween Sky Blood cocktail, a tasty twisted bloody Marie for THB 220 nett

Aqua Pool Bar & Sunset Beach Bar

Pretty in Pink: Let the kids enjoy a pink strawberry milkshake served in a fresh young coconut for THB 200 nett. - Beer o’clock is back from 16:00 pm - 18:00 pm daily at either the sunset beach bar or Aqua pool bar

Beer House - Monthly Theme Party -Comedy Night

Join the international comedy specialists as they tear up the laughs in the Beerhouse on the 25th October – book early so as not to miss a side splitting Beerhouse event .

Fiery Trick or treat Coyote Madness.

Join the Halloween weekend from hell at the Beerhouse from the 26th –31stOctober with a full Haunted Halloween smash party on the 31stOctober Scary ZUMBA party - Ditch the workout and join the party for a Halloween ZUMBA dance special on the 27th October For reservations : 032 358 999 –

The Spa at Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Rejuvenating Ritual 2 hrs THB 3300++/ person or THB 6000++/ couple - Flower bath - Foot massage • Rejuvenating Facial by Guinot, The pure fresh air and tranquil surroundings that fill your senses also serve to clear your mind and allow your inner self to relax and rejuvenate. For more information and reservations, please call 032538999 or

V Villas Hua Hin

V Party Package - Party in style at V Villas Hua Hin

Now – 31 March 2013 The private 2 and 3 bedroom pool villas at V Villas Hua Hin create a perfect space to get together and celebrate the ideal party. From birthday celebrations to karaoke fun, a family reunion, just friends catching up or even for clients’ entertainment, V Villas Hua Hin promises a pristine combination of privacy, intimacy and luxury with our 24-hour butler service! V Party Package rates start from THB 23,600 for up to 4 persons and includes the following benefits: One night accommodation in one of the Pool Villa Suites V Breakfast at Villazzo Restaurant . High Tea in your Villa or at Villazzo restaurant - One set grand BBQ dinner for up to four persons with private chef - Karaoke system set up in your Villa with all time favourite songs 10% discount on all food and beverage services (except alcohol and Room Service) - 30% discount on all spa treatments at V Spa. Advance reservation is required and blackout dates may apply. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotions. For details and reservations, please call +66 (0) 2 309 3939, email to,

Hyatt Regency

HYATT REGENCY HUA HIN BRINGS AUTHENTIC CHINESE SPECIALTIES FROM DONGGUAN TO HUA HIN THIS OCTOBER from 1 - 13 October 2012 - showcase Chinese specialties that are hard to find in Hua Hin. Guests can enjoy sumptuous Chinese dishes at Figs restaurant where a special a la carte Chinese menu will be on offer in addition to the regular Italian menu. The special Chinese dishes include appetisers and main dishes such as Dim Sum items, Wok-baked Cod Fish with Preserved Lemon Sauce, Fried Noodles with Soya Sauce and Vegetables, Baked Duck with Beer as well as Sour Ginger and Spring Onion in a Clay Pot, to name just a few.

Tuesday 2 and 9 and Friday 5 and 12 October 2012 Italian cuisine and Chinese delicacies. The Buffet at Figs is priced at THB1,300 net per person for Adults and THB650 net for children aged 6 - 12. Sunday Brunch: McFarlane House from 11.30 – 15.00 hrs. Usual Brunch with Chinese specialties ( Sunday October 7) Baht 1,300 net per person inclusive of a bottle of sparkling wine per two persons. child 6 – 12 Baht 500 Fridays and Saturdays from, 6:00pm to 10:30pm. The all-you-can-eat tapas promotion is priced at Baht 700 net per person. Call: +66 3252 1234 Ext: 5010 E-mail:


McFarland House offers an afternoon tea set featuring a selection of delicate snacks and dessert served with your favourite tea or coffee while overlooking the Gulf of Thailand. .Take a break and enjoy your day with Afternoon Tea at McFarland House everyday from 2:00pm to 6:00pm priced just Baht 300 net per person. For reservations and further information, please contact Hyatt Regency Hua Hin on +66 2254 6200 or +66 3252 1234, email or visit huahin.regency.

The Barai Spa at the Hyatt Regency

COUPLE’S THAI HARMONY PACKAGE, 3-HOURS – BAHT 8,000++ PER COUPLE Invite your special someone to experience the magic of THE BARAI with Thai-inspired treatments for two performed in an extraordinary deluxe room complete with private steam room, decadent outdoor couple’s bath and side-by-side treatment beds bathed in mosaic light. End your spa journey with afternoon tea featuring a variety of Thai snacks and desserts amidst the tranquillity of Hua Hin’s idyllic beach. Package includes: Red Rice Foot Ritual - Thai Aromatics Steam Couple’s Exotic Flower Bath - Thai Luk Prakop Herbal Compress Massage - An Afternoon Tea for two persons at McFarland House. CAVIAR ANTI-AGING FACIAL, 60-MINUTES - BAHT 4,000++ PER PERSON - Erase the signs of time and stress with a deluxe facial rich in proteins and antioxidants that give an immediate lift, smoothness and deep hydration to your skin while you relax into bliss. After your facial, you will receive a Kerstin Florian MultiVitamin Day Cream Moisturiser with SPF 30 to continue benefits and protect your skin at home (valued Baht 1,000). For reservations and further information, please contact THE BARAI on Hotline - Tel: +66 2254 6200 or +66 3251 1234 or email

Beach Café & Restaurant

Bavarian by the Beach - Enjoy your Bavarian

Delights with Oktoberfest Ambiance Leberknedlsuppn / Liverdumpling Soup - THB 140, Katoffesuppn / Potato Soup - THB 140, Schweinsbroan mit Kartoffeknedl und Blaukraut / Pork Roast with Potatodumplings and Red Cabbage THB 290, Leberkaas mit Spiegelei / Meatloaf with Fried Egg, THB 240, Fleischpflanzerl mit Katoffesaload/ Meat Balls with Potato Salad - THB 240, Kaiserschmarrn mit Puderzucker / Sweet Omelette with Rum, Raisins and Sugar Coating THB 190, (please allow 45 minutes for this dish), Muichreis mit Zimt Rice Pudding with Cinnamon, THB 190 - All prices applicable to government tax. The Beach Café & Restaurant tel. 032- 512 254

Intercontinental Resort Hua Hin

Promotion of October 2012

Sunday day Champagne Brunch: Every Sunday

at Felicita & Pirom Restaurant from 12.00 – 15.00hrs. Kiss your Sunday morning off at the InterContinental Hua Hin with talk-of-the-town Champagne Brunch featuring Champagne Duval-Leroy, Brut served on free flow, plus variety of top-notched wine selections. Our house Jazz band, exceptional choice of “Inthe-know” specialties as well as palatable imported Oysters, Foie-Gras, Wagyu Beef, and a myriad variety of Thai. Italian and seafood buffets. Sunday Brunch is priced at 1,699 Baht++ for adult including carbonated drink and juices/ 850net for children between 6-12 years old With additional 999Baht++ for free flow Duval-Leroy Champagne and wine Seafood BBQ on the Beach: Every Saturday at Azure Restaurant from 18.30 – 22.00hrs, Saturday evening is the perfect time for beach barbecue dinner. Our beach barbecue dinner is 1,490baht ++ for adult and for an additional 900++ for unlimited wine and beer, accompanied with live Saxophone and Jazz band. Lee La Bar: open daily 11.00 – 23.00hrs. Happy Hour: from 18.00 – 19.00hrs and 21.00 – 22.00hrs, baht 555++ per person unlimited cocktails and beers. Afternoon tea: from 15.00 – 17.00hrs baht 450++ per person Daily live Jazz Band: Performance from 19.00 – 22.45hrs. Every Tuesday - Friday Azure Restaurant - All-day dining treats range from light, create-your-own salads, pizzas and sandwiches that can be enjoyed poolside or in the breezy shade of the restaurant The evening menu gives over to appetising grilled seafood and succulent primecuts. Signature dishes include miso-glazed seabass with pumpkin creme, slow-cooked Wagyu beef cheek with fresh horseradish mashed potatoes . Lunch 11.00am – 03.00pm - Dinner 06.00pm- 11.00pm ( last oder 10.30pm) For more information and reservation please contact: 032 619 999 or E-mail


“Seafood Platter” – THB 750++

Grilled Seafood Platter a delight for Seafood Lovers! Enjoy fresh and delightful seafood in Hua Hin with Tiger Prawns, NZ Mussel, Rock Lobster, Sea bass, Squid with sauces, fried rice and a fresh salad. “Tapas and Wine” - THB 499++ - A glass of white, red and rose wine each three tapas

“Culinary Journey through Hua Hin (19,000.Baht)” - Putahracsa Hua Hin selected activities, A cooking

experience in a relaxed and fun setting. Package for 2 persons includes: Daily breakfast for 2 persons - 3 nights accommodation. One Thai Set Dinner for 2 persons on arrival day, Putahracsa Culinary Cooking Experience for 2 persons on the second day. One 45 minutes Anti-Stress Massage for 2 persons on the second day. Day trip of Hua Hin for 2 persons on the third day including a visit to King Rama 6’s Palace, Hua Hin Vinyard and Railway Station. This package is valid until 31 October 2013 (except peak season 24 December – 05 January)

SPA - Promotions

Detox while Relax – Detox - Organic Spice Scrub Green Tea Body Wrap - Hot Oil Massage….or…..

Relax - Rejuvenate Back Relief - Aloe & Honey Facial Scalp Massage - 2 Hrs / 2, 400.-Baht, All Information and reservations please call 032 531470

Rest Detail – Spa Promotion

Rest Detail -SPA Promotion for October’12

Restfully Yours Spa invites you to relax, revive, and reenergize with our 90 minute Therapeutic Massage for just THB1,199 net per person. For reservations please call 032-547 733, 19/119 Soi Hua Hin 19, Tumbol Hua Hin, Amphur Hua Hin


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Thailand and EU


3rd Annual Charity Amateur Golf Tournament

Continue Support for Club – Friday, October 26th, 2012 Renewable Energy Development Banyan Golf Shotgun start – 12:00 noon he Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin realizes the value of providing additional support to enable Efforts in Two-Day Seminar T today’s youth to become tomorrow’s responsible parents, professionals, business leaders and he Department of Alternative community leaders. The proceeds of the Golf Tournament are dedicated to “New Generations”


Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and the European Union Delegation to Thailand will continue their joint efforts to enhance renewable energy development with a two-day seminar titled “Renewable Energy Technology Implementation in Thailand: Experience Transfer from Europe” Scheduled to be held at Vimarnsuriya Room, Dusit Thani Hotel, Bangkok on 4 - 5 October 2012 from 8:00am to 4:30pm, this seminar is the second event in a series of seminars and workshops aiming to share experience and develop expertise of Thai stakeholders in renewable energy, energy efficiency development, and related issues. Additionally, the event will be a direct followup on conclusions and recommendations from the Stakeholder Workshop held on 15 August 2012. The seminar will be divided into five sessions dedicated to the main areas of Thailand’s renewable energy sector – Biogas, Biomass, Solar Energy, Waste to Energy, and Wind Energy – to cover topics such as public participation in waste-to-energy and biogas programmes, wind technology standards, solar power development roadmap and community-

initiatives to help students succeed in the future. The program includes the Club’s ongoing renovation projects in rural schools and the installation of clean drinking water systems, as well as other development projects in schools. If you would like to become part of this event, please contact the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin at or telephone Brian at 089-258-1580. Sponsorship opportunities are available as well. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin, please visit

level biomass projects. Interested persons can obtain further information on the seminar or confirm attendance online at online-reg.htm, by calling Khun Pawantee Chotenisakorn at +66 2693 1661, or emailing The seminar is organised as part of the Thailand-EU Cooperation Facility Phase II initiative. The EU funds this technical assistance through its Thailand-EU Cooperation Facility – Phase II. This programme assists Thailand in furthering sustainable economic and social development and its integration into the world economy. It has two components: the first is in the form of grants allocated to universities, NGOs or business organisations for projects, while the second component, known as the Policy Dialogue Support Component (PDSC) is in the form of technical assistance, seminars, studies and campaigns to stimulate policy dialogues between Thailand and the EU.


Blood Donation @ Hua Hin Market Village


n September 2012,Hua Hin Market Village and Hua Hin Red Cross Society held a blood donation at B fl (meeting room). Many people turned up to donate blood seeing it as a great opportunity to give something back to their community, as Hua Hin often runs low on the much needed blood which helps to save so many lives. A total of 11200 cc. of blood was donated. The blood will be handed over to the Thai Red Cross Society, Hua Hin for use in the hospitals in the Prachuap khiri-khan province.

How Bangkok Hospital saved my life

he physician administered medication but I was just not getting better no matter what we tried. Finally, we went to the Bangkok Hospital where a different diagnose was made and I was admitted to the ICU unit with a severe Pneumonia severed by some in affective medication which triggered the lung infection and made things a lot worse. By now I was very weak and not out of life danger. At the BKK hospital I was treated correctly by professional staff. After a few days I was released but needed to take strong medication to recover. Only later I was told that my life was at danger and I was able to jump the bullet this time. I would like to publically express my sincere gratitude to the staff, nurses and doctors for the intensive care that was immediately taken of me and for practically saving my life at the last moment. Thank you very much. ....Tick....


Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012



Hua Hin Today Volume 9 issue 12 October 2012

Cha Am Today


Volume 4 issue 2 October 2012

Volume 4 Issue 2 October 2012

Cutting a Ribbon 5,014 Miles Long at Dusit Thani Hua Hin

Marking the official opening of The Consulate of Sweden Hua Hin


riday the 14th of September will go down in the annals of history as the day a new Swedish Consulate was officially established in the renowned Thai resort of Hua Hin. This is a great credit to the relationship that has grown and flourished between the local Thai community and the people of Sweden, who for generations have favored this picturesque and tropically inviting location to enjoy their vacations and even to settle with their families. Whether as a second home or by intermarriage, the cultural amalgamation between the Thai and Swedish people is a resounding success of mutual appreciation and respect. A once in a lifetime occasion, this event has also illustrated the extent to which Dusit Thani Hua Hin has supported and earned esteem within the local community, especially from the expats of Sweden. The opening ceremony and cocktail reception proved to be a triumphal celebration

adorned with spectacular award winning ice carvings that have a lot in common with the winter climate of Sweden, in that they are both chillingly beautiful. Officially opened by the Swedish Ambassador to Thailand, His Excellency Mr. Klas Molin, the ceremony was also attended by the Governor of Petchaburi, Khun Vinai Buapradit, senior police officials and almost one-hundred Swedish nationals residing in Thailand. The Ambassador spoke of the closeness of the two nations and that Thailand has between 350,000 and 450,000 Swedes entering the country every year, a number that continues to rise with the largest concentration of Swedish nationals being located in Hua Hin. He also referred to the strong relationship between the royal households of each country plus the favourable business and governmental exchanges.

By Chamnan

สถานทูตสวีเดนเปิดสถานกงสุลทีช่ ะอ�ำ

สถานทูตสวีเดนประจ�ำประเทศไทยเปิดสถานกงสุลภายในโรงแรมดุสติ ฯ ชะอ�ำ-หัวหิน เพือ่ รองรับการให้การบริการแก่ชาวสวีเดนใน 2 จังหวัด คือ เพชรบุร–ี ประจวบฯ พร้อมชาวไทยทางด้านการท่องเทีย่ ว การท�ำธุรกิจและอืน่ ๆ แต่งตัง้ ผูจ้ ดั การทัว่ ไปฯโรงแรมฯ เป็น กงสุลกิตติมศักดิ์ จากการเปิดเผยของ มิสเตอร์ Klas Molin เอกอัครราชทูตสวีเดนประจ�ำประเทศไทยว่า เมือ่ วันที่ 14 กันยายน ทีผ่ า่ นมา ทางสถานทูตฯ ได้เปิดทีท่ ำ� การ “กงสุล” ขึน้ ทีโ่ รงแรมดุสติ ฯ ชะอ�ำ-หัวหิน จ.เพชรบุรี วัตถุประสงค์ในการเปิดสถานกงสุล ในครัง้ นี้ เพือ่ เป็นการให้บริการทางด้านท่องเทีย่ ว การท�ำธุรกิจการต่างๆ การติดต่อ การดูแลช่วยเหลือชาวสวีเดนทีไ่ ด้เนทางเข้ามาใน ประเทศไทยและอยูอ่ าศัยภายในจังหวัดเพชรบุรแี ละประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ เมือ่ มีปญ ั หาโดยไม่ตอ้ งเดินทางไปยังสถานทูตทีก่ รุงเทพฯ ให้ ใช้บริการทีก่ งุ สุลแห่งนีไ้ ด้เลย โดยสถานกงสุลดังกล่าวนีอ้ ยูใ่ นบริเวณด้านล่างของรร.ดุสติ ฯ ซึง่ ติดกับสระน�ำ้ โดยจะมีเจ้าหน้าทีข่ อง สถานทูตมาประจ�ำให้บริการในวันเวลาราชการรวมทัง้ เมือ่ มีปญ ั หาส�ำคัญต่างๆ และนอกจากนีท้ าวสถานทูตสวีเดนได้แต่งตัง้ คุณวัช ราวุธ วิกเตอร์ สุขเสรี ผจก.ทัว่ ไปของโรงแรมดุสติ ฯ เป็น “กงสุล” กิตติมศักดิ์ ทัง้ นีเ้ พือ่ ให้ทำ� หน้าทีร่ ว่ มดูแลชาวสวีเดน ชาวไทยเมือ่ มีปญ ั หาต่างๆ ด้วยเช่นกัน มิสเตอร์ Klas ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ขณะนีช้ าวสวีเดนได้เดินทางเข้ามาท่องเทีย่ ว ธุรกิจ อยูอ่ าศัยในประเทศไทยเป็นจ�ำนวนมาก ซึง่ ในปี 2554 นัน้ มีสงู ถึง หลายแสนคนโดยได้แยกย้ายกันอยูอ่ าศัยท่องเทีย่ ว และท�ำธุรกิจ รวมทัง้ มีครอบครัวภรรยาชาวไทยในเขต .....continued on page C..... ภาคอีสาน-ภาคเหนือ ทางสถานทูตฯ จึงได้เปิดทีท่ ำ� การ “กงสุล” ขึน้ มาทัง้ หมด 4 แห่ง เพือ่ รองรับและพบว่า “กงสุล” ทีภ่ ายในโรง แรมฯ แห่งนีด้ แี ละเหมาะสมมากทีส่ ดุ “ประเทศไทยกับราช อาณาจักรสวีเดนนัน้ มีความสัมพันธ์ทดี่ กี นั มาช้านาน ซึง่ คน ไทย คนสวีเดน มีความเข้าใจซึง่ กันและกันฉันท์มติ ร และที่ ส�ำคัญนัน้ พระมหากษัตริยไ์ ทยและพระมหากษัตริยส์ วีเดนก็ ยังมีสมั พันธไมตรีทดี่ ตี อ่ กันตลอดระยะเวลาหลายสมัย จึง ท�ำให้ทงั้ สองประเทศมีความสัมพันธ์ทางด้านการทูตการติดต่อ ไปมาหาสูด่ ว้ ยดีตลอดมาตราบจนถึงทุกวันนี”้ มิสเตอร์ Klas กล่าว ทางด้าน นายวัชราวุธ (วิกเตอร์) กล่าวว่า ตนเองนัน้ ท�ำหน้าทีง่ านบริการการโรงแรมฯ มา 22 ปี ก็ได้เดินทางไปยัง ประเทศต่างๆ ทัง้ ในยุโรป สแกนดิเนเวีย และราชอาณาจักร สวีเดนหลายครัง้ โดยได้มกี ารพบปะและสร้างสัมพันธไมตรี ทีด่ ตี อ่ กัน ซึง่ พบว่าทัง้ บุคลิกภาพ นิสยั ใจคอ และความโอบ อ้อมอารีนนั้ ชาวสวีเดนมีมากคล้ายๆ และเหมือนกับชาวไทย จึงท�ำให้ทงั้ สองประเทศนัน้ เข้ากันได้ถงึ แม้วา่ จะอยูห่ า่ งไกลกัน การทีต่ นเองได้ รับการแต่งตัง้ เป็น “กงสุล” กิตติมศักดิใ์ นครัง้ นีถ้ อื ว่าเป็นเกียรติยศอย่างสูงโดยจะท�ำหน้าทีด่ แู ลช่วยเหลือ ทัง้ ชาวสวีเดนและชาวไทยกับงานในหน้าทีใ่ ห้ดยี งิ่ และทราบ ว่าในแต่ละปีของช่วงหน้า “ไฮท์ซซี นั่ ” นัน้ ก็จะมีชาวสวีเดน เดินทางเข้ามาอยูอ่ าศัยและท่องเทีย่ วในเขตของ จ.เพชรบุรี และจ.ประจวบฯ สูงถึง 3 หมืน่ คน ประเทศสวีเดนเป็น ประเทศทีม่ โี บราณสถาน ธรรมชาติทสี่ วยสดงดงาม ซึง่ เมือ่ ใครไปแล้วก็จะต้องชืน่ ชอบและหลงใหล ส่วน ประเทศไทยเรานัน้ ก็มติ า่ งอะไรกับสวีเดน จึงท�ำให้ประชาชน ทัง้ สองประเทศนี้ จึงมีความเข้าอกเข้าใจซึง่ กันและกัน จึงก่อ ให้เกิดความเป็นฉันท์มติ รตามมา นับตัง้ แต่ตอ่ ไปนี้ ตนเองใน ฐานะ “กงสุล” กิตติมศักดิแ์ ห่งราชอาณาจักรสวีเดน ขอ ปวารณาตัวรับใช้และจะอ�ำนวยความสะดวกให้กบั ทุกๆ ท่าน ในการมาติดต่อเพือ่ เป็นการแบ่งเบาภาระให้กบั ทางสถานทูต ในกรุงเทพมหานคร

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Welcomes

His Serene Highness Carl Eugen Zu Oettingen-Wallerstin of Germany And Family


heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa recently welcomes His Serene Highness Prince Carl-Eugen zu Oettingen-Wallerstein and family in occasion of “Citi 200 years Celebration Dinner”. Graciously presided over to celebrate Citi’s bicentennial anniversary as the guests of honor, Prince CarlEugen (6th from left) and Princess Anna OettingenWallerstein (7th from left) posed a group photo upon arrival with other participants; Martin Raich, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa’s General Manager (4th from left), Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager (1st from right) and Darren Buckley, Citi Country Head and Country Officer. Followed by Five-Course dinner; each course was complimented with wines by Stonefish, exclusively created for this special event by Andreas Schimanski, Director of Culinary and Service. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa would like to express sincere congratulation toward Citi on celebrating 200 years for a significant accomplishment and unique milestone achievement. We are proud to celebrate with you.

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City News

Volume 4 issue 2 October 2012

Commemoration Event for Krom Phra Narathip Praphan Phong

ha-Am Municipality is preparing for an event to commemorate Krom Phra Narathip Praphan Phong, the founder of ChaAm’s city plan and the one who makes the city famous for Thai and foreign visitors. The event, held for the 2nd time after last year, will take place on 11 October 2012, the day when Krom Phra Narathip Praphan Phong passed away. Its aim is to allow local people in Cha-Am to honor and express gratitude to him, said Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri, the Cha-Am Mayor, adding that this commemoration event will be organized annually. Activities for this year’s event include a Buddhist ceremony and a worship ceremony for Krom Phra Narathip Praphan Phong, both of which will be carried out by Buddhist monks at the monument of Krom Phra Narathip Praphan Phong on Narathip Road. Afterwards, local people and visitors are allowed to pay homage to the founder of Cha-Am. On this occasion, the Cha-Am Municipality would like to invite both local people in ChaAm and visitors to attend the event on the above-mentioned date.


เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำเตรียมจัดงาน ร�ำลึกถึงพระเจ้าบรมวงศ์เธอ กรมพระนราธิป ประพันธ์พงศ์ พระบิดาผูว้ างรากฐานเมืองตาก อากาศชะอ�ำ เพือ่ น้อมร�ำลึกถึงพระกรุณาธิคณ ุ ทีพ่ ระองค์ทรงวางผังเมือง พัฒนาเมืองชะอ�ำ จนเป็ น เมื อ งพั ก ตากอากาศที่ ส� ำ คั ญ ของ ประเทศ ก�ำหนดจัดงานวันที่ ๑๑ ตุลาคม ๒๕๕๕ นายนุกลู พรสมบูรณ์ศริ ิ เปิดเผยว่า เนื่องจากในวันที่ ๑๑ ตุลาคม ตรงกับวัน สิน้ พระชนม์ของพระเจ้าบรมวงศ์เธอ กรมพระ นราธิปประพันธ์พงศ์ เพือ่ เป็นการยกย่องเชิดชู พระเกียรติยศพระองค์ทา่ น ในฐานะพระบิดา ผูว้ างรากฐานเมืองชะอ�ำให้เป็นตากอากาศทีส่ ำ� คัญของประเทศในปัจจุบนั จึงได้จดั งานเพือ่ น้อมร�ำลึกถึงพระองค์ทา่ นซึง่ จัดขึน้ เป็นครัง้ แรกเมือ่ ปีทผี่ า่ นมา และจัดให้เป็นงานประจ�ำปีตอ่ เนือ่ งไปทุกปี ส�ำหรับกิจกรรมในปีที่ ๒ นีจ้ ะมีพธิ สี งฆ์ และพิธบี วงสรวง ณ บริเวณถนนนราธิป หน้าพระอนุสาวรีย์ และมีการจัดดอกไม้ธปู เทียนส�ำหรับประชาชนสักการะ กราบไหว้ตลอดงาน เพือ่ ให้ชาวชะอ�ำ ผูท้ เี่ คารพนับถือ และนักท่องเทีย่ วได้กราบไหว้ขอพร นายนุกลู กล่าว ดังนัน้ ระหว่างวันที่ ๑๑ ตุลาคม ๒๕๕๔ นี้ จึงขอเชิญชาวชะอ�ำ ผูท้ เ่ี คารพนับถือกรมพระนราธิป และนัก ท่องเทีย่ วเข้าร่วมพิธี ร่วมสักการะและชมกิจกรรมทีไ่ ด้จดั ขึน้ ต่อไป

Celebrities visited

the Dusit Thani Resort & Spa I D

evarana Spa recently launched the latest treatment ‘Hua Hin’s Charm’. The celebrity couples were invited to share the memories of their favourite beach town and to experience this treatment. The 90-minute spa retreat begins with the smoothing body scrub inspired by the delectable Thai desserts in Hua Hin, blending palm sugar, dried coconut, the leaves and juice of fragrant pandan with a touch of smoked candle and hidden floral scent. The freshly squeezed scrub uplifts the mood with its tasty smell and softly exfoliates the skin. Treatment ends with the dreamily soothing aromatic oil massage, using Hua Hin Sea Breeze, the exquisite oil blend from frangipani, cypress, and orange flower. Stress and tiredness disappear as you imagine a walk along frangipani trees on the white sandy beach.

“My husband and I visit Hua Hin very often. We love the comfortable ambiance and the food there, especially the desserts. I love Devarana Spa’s creative idea to transform fresh Thai sweet’s ingredients to a delightful scrub recipe that is actually good for skin.” revealed lifestyle-guru, Ploy Chariyaves. “Whenever our family wants to take a break from the busy life in the city, Hua Hin is the first place that comes to mind. It is a peaceful town where we can really relax. The treatment Hua Hin’s Charm really brings back the memories. The oil blend with frangipani scent makes me feel like I am back on that beach, having a massage!” said Clienteling Manager of Louis Vuitton Thailand, Pitchada Osatananda

From left : Col. Teera Chariyaves - Ms. Ploy Chariyaves Ms. Pitchada Osatananda - Mr. Park Osatananda

Income Tax Guide for Foreign Companies

n Thailand, there are many kinds of business identities. The type of business you chose will affect your tax rates and tax benefits. In general, the most common types of business are: Thai company : A company registered under Thai law. Foreign company : A company carrying on business in Thailand but registered under foreign law. A company not carrying on business in Thailand but deriving income from Thailand. Thai Company : A Thai company generally pays tax at 30% of net profit. However, some types of company are entitled to a rate reduction. Rates : Small business with paid-up capital less than 5 million baht . 20% of net profit < 1million baht ,15% of net profit< 1 million baht starting from 1st January B.E.2547 , 25% of net profit 1-3 million baht Company registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) 25% of net profit < 300 million baht for 5 consecutive accounting periods starting from 6th September B.E.2545. Newly registerd company in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) within 3 years starting from 6th September B.E.2545 .25% of net profit for newly registered company in SET for 5 consecutive accounting periods. 20% of net profit for newly registered company in MAI for 5 consecutive accounting periods. Bangkok International Banking Facility and Regional Operating Headquarters.10% of net profit from qualified income. Association and foundation.2% or 10% on gross receipts. Foreign Company: A foreign company carrying on business in Thailand, whether it has a branch, an office, an employee or an agent in Thailand shall pay 30% tax only on profit deriving from business in Thailand. However, international transportation company shall pay tax at the rate of 3% on gross receipts. Foreign Company Abroad : A foreign company that does not carry on business in Thailand will be subject to withholding tax on certain categories of income derived from Thailand. The withholding tax rates may be further reduced or exempted depending on types of income under the provision of Double Taxation Agreement.Rates: Remittance of profits 10% ,Dividends 10%, Other income such as interests, royalties, capital gains, rents and professional fees 15% Tax Registration : A foreign company carrying on business in Thailand, whether setting up a branch or an office must apply for tax identification number from the RevenueDepartment. An application form (Lor Por 10.3) together with other relevent documents i.e. a copy of a company’s registration license, house registration, etc. shall be submitted to the Area Revenue Office within 60 days for the date of registration or operation.

Tax Treaties to Avoid Double Taxation : Currently, Thailand has concluded tax treaty agreements with 51 countries: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China P.R., Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Srilanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam Tax Filing and Payments Thai & Foreign Company Carrying on Business in Thailand. Any Thai or foreign company carrying on business in Thailand must submit their tax returns and payments twice a year. - The semi-annual tax return must be submitted (CIT 51 form) within two months after the end of the first six months, the amount of tax due shall be half of the entire year projection of the company’s annual net profit. -The annual tax returns (CIT 50 form) must be submitted within 150 days after the closing date of its accounting period. International Transportation Business : A company shall submit tax return (CIT 52 form) and payment within 150 days after the closing date of its accounting period.Foreign Company Not Carrying on Business in Thailand. A taxpayer in Thailand shall withhold tax at source at the time of payment and submit it together with CIT 54 form to the Area Revenue Office within 7 days of the following month after the payment is made. Electronic Filing and Payments : A company can easily submit income tax return (CIT 50, 51, 52, 54) and make tax payment via internet at The service opens daily form 6 am. – 10 pm. Tax Benefits : A company that chooses to register under Thai law shall enjoy various tax benefit schemes such as; * Income tax holiday from 3 to 8 years for business with Investment Promotion Privileges.*Reduction or exemption of import duties on raw material and imported machinery for business with Investment Promotion Privileges or industries setting up in Export Processing Zone and Free Trade Zone.*Double deduction for the cost of transportation, electricity and water supply for industries with Investment Promotion Priviledges. *200% deduction for the cost of hiring qualified researchers doing research and development project. *150% deduction for the cost of employee’s training in order to improve human capital. *Small and medium size company can choose to deduct special initial allowance on the date of acquisition for computer (40%), plant (25%) and machinery (40%).

Inside Cha-Am

Volume 4 issue 2 October 2012

Launching The New Programme at Dusit Thani College

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa won Bartender Championship 2012


heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is pleased to announce the significant success of talented associates, Krittiya Nararutthakul who recently won the awards in BIW Bartender Championship 2012 (Bangkok, Isan and West) at BITEC Bangna, Bangkok.After competing against other bartenders from different hotels in the West of Thailand, Krittiya was the winner of Western Chapter Bartender Championship 2012 in Classic Category. Her impressive performance, skills, presentation, taste, technique, decoration and hygiene were outstandingly displayed when mixing her creative drink, “Tom Collins”. And that made her the Western Chapter’s representative to participate in Thailand Bartender Championship 2012.With 14 representatives from Bangkok, Isan and West, Krittiya, one of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa’s most outstanding and committed associates also showcasing her skills and abilities which

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The Ambassador went on to congratulate Khun Victor on his appointment, stating that, “This consulate in Hua Hin has the most attractive office he has ever seen” and “Many things we used to take care of in Bangkok will be taken care of locally through expert hands and experienced people working for you and working for us in servicing this area and community.” He told the audience how Swedes living in Hua Hin can now turn to Khun Victor and his staff, who know a lot about Sweden and its customs, for assistance. Before the ribbon cutting that officially opened the new consulate, linking the two nations that are 5,014 miles apart, Khun Victor responded to the Ambassador and addressed the audience with an enthusiastic speech during which he said “Your Excellency, Dignitaries, Honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen, and the people of Sweden may I thank you for entrusting me with the position of Honourary Consul for The Consulate of Sweden in Hua Hin. It is indeed an honour and privilege to be appointed to this honourable position, but more importantly it is a great pleasure for me to be of service to the local Swedish community. Over the years since opening and managing Dusit here in Hua Hin, I have come to know personally, and forged many good friendships with people from your beautiful country who have visited for vacation or chosen Hua Hin as their home from home.” He went on to say: “Many Swedish visit regularly or settle here because of the Thai climate, cultural characteristics such as a friendly easygoing approach to day to day living and for our wonderful beaches and colourfully entertainingly social opportunities and festivities. For Thai’s, Sweden holds a special fascination because of its


attracting excellent scores for winning the best of standard cocktail, Chi Chi, and received the award of “The 2nd Runner-Up of Thailand Bartender Championship 2012” in Classic Category.Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is extremely proud of Krittiya’s achievements and confident to invite its guests to experience her talents and techniques in mixing the best cocktails. spectacular landscapes, magnificent architecture and variable climate that has something we cannot import, copy or package in Thailand… “A White Christmas”, with that magical ambience of gathering close to a roaring log fire while nestling in thick comforting pullovers and sipping hot, spiced, mulled wine. Somehow, Glogg is just not the same when you have almost nothing on and sand between your toes at a sweltering 32 degrees centigrade. However, we have stolen your Christmas ham, Swedish meat balls, Crayfish, Toast Skagen, Gravlax and my childhood favourite, Kalles Kaviar and we are not giving them back as they are just as good when eaten here as when eaten in Sweden. Swedish people have long befriended Thais and with the opening of this consular in Hua Hin, I hope that in some small way, this will give us the opportunity to show our appreciation to our wonderful European friends whilst also assisting Thais to have the opportunity to visit such a wonderful country as Sweden to experience the rich culture and geographic splendours for themselves.” Khun Victor wound up his well accepted response by saying: “With the opening of this new consulate, we are not only providing a much needed service in Hua Hin, but we are also illustrating how far we have come in embracing and respecting each other’s cultures, laws and the extent to which our two countries have formed a bond of trust and affection. This achievement is something for which we can all feel very proud. Your Excellency Dignitaries, Honoured guest Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all so very much.” With the ribbon cut, a new era begins and the people of Hua Hin now have an indelible link with their Swedish friends.


r. Khwankeo Vajarodaya, Chairperson of The Dusit Thani College Coucil and Her Execellency Christine Schraner Burgener, The Swiss Ambassador to Thailand recently presided over the official launch of “Dusit Thani College new International Bachelor of Business Administration programme in Hotel and Resort Management in association with Swiss hospitality school Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)”, the new four-year degree programme which brings together the strengths of both institutions and is anticipated to lead to a significant transformation of hospitality education within Thailand ahead of the forming of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015.

Dusit Thani College ties up with Swiss hospitality school Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne


usit Thani College (DTC) today officially launched their new International Bachelor of Business Administration programme in Hotel and Resort Management in association with Swiss hospitality school Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL), and held a forum on “DTC-EHL: Gateway to Thai and Swiss hospitality education”


he Deputy Governor of Phetchaburi Mr. Prasan Wongsawat, the Phetchaburi Mayor Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri along with chiefs of public sectors and other organizations attended the opening of 14th Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching at Cha-Am Lookout on 8 September 2012.

Beach Cleaning by Fah Sai Cha-Am Suay Group

he Fah Sai Cha-Am Suay Environmental Group, with cooperation of the Association of Cha-Am Beach Benches and Folding Beds and Muang Na Yu Network, launched an environmental campaign to maintain beauty of Cha-Am beaches and improve the city towards international standard. The activity includes planting trees around beefwood along the beach in the south of Cha-Am, picking up garbage on the beach and participating in a walk rally. Apart from strengthening relations of members of the Fah Sai Cha-Am Suay Environmental Group and its networks, this campaign promotes cooperation from every sector to transform Cha-Am into a city of sustainable tourism with international standard and raises public awareness on taking care of their health and environment around them.The Fah Sai Cha-Am Suay Environmental Group is formed by the heads of civil society groups in Cha-Am municipal areas, public and private sectors. It aims to make Cha-Am a lively city. Having worked on sustainable development since 2006, the Group gains knowledge and experience by training, field trips and activities done by all its members. With the budget of the Cha-Am Municipality’s Health Care Fund, the beach cleaning campaign was carried out by 280 participants from the Fah Sai Cha-Am Suay Environmental Group, the Association of Cha-Am Beach

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By Sorravit

กลุม่ ฟ้าใสชะอ�ำสวยพร้อมเครือข่าย ร่วมกิจกรรมอนุรกั ษ์ชายหาด

Benches and Folding Beds, the fishery group, the local community committee members, public health volunteers as well as local club members in ChaAm and authorities who work on developing and improving the city.

จากการทีเ่ ทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ ได้มกี ารจัดตัง้ สภาชุมชน กลุม่ ฟ้าใสชะอ�ำสวย จากการรวมตัวกันของ แกนน�ำภาคประชาชนจากทุกชุมชนในเขตเทศบาล ภาครัฐและภาควิชาการ โดยมีจดุ มุง่ หมายเพือ่ เป็นพลังใน การขับเคลือ่ นเมืองน่าอยู่ ชุมชนน่าอยู่ ของเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ ให้เกิดการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนือ่ งและยัง่ ยืนมา ตัง้ แต่ปี ๒๕๔๙ และมีการต่อยอดสะสมองค์ความรูแ้ ละประสบการณ์ในการด�ำเนินงาน โดยการฝึกอบรม ศึกษา ดูงานและท�ำกิจกรรมร่วมกันของสมาชิกสภาชุมชนกลุม่ ฟ้าใสชะอ�ำสวยกันมาอย่างต่อเนือ่ งจนถึงปัจจุบนั เมือ่ วันที่ ๒๙ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๕ สภาชุมชนกลุม่ ฟ้าใสชะอ�ำสวยได้ตระหนักถึงเมืองชะอ�ำ ซึง่ มีชายหาด เป็นแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วทีเ่ ป็นทีร่ จู้ กั ของนักท่องเทีย่ ว ทัง้ ชาวไทยและชาวต่างประเทศ ดังนัน้ เพือ่ อนุรกั ษ์ชายหาดให้ คงความสวยงามตามธรรมชาติและพัฒนาเมืองท่องเทีย่ วสูม่ าตรฐานสากล จึงได้รว่ มมือกับสามคมเรือเร็วเตียง ผ้าใบและม้าชายหาดชะอ�ำและเครือข่ายเมืองน่าอยู่ จัดกิจกรรมรณรงค์รว่ มใจกันอนุรกั ษ์หาดชะอ�ำ กิจกรรม ประกอบด้วยการปลูกไม้ประดับดูดสารพิษรอบต้นสนบริเวณหาดชะอ�ำด้านใต้ การเก็บขยะชายหาด และกิจกรรม เดินรณรงค์ฯ โดยมีวตั ถุประสงค์ตามโครงการคือเพือ่ ให้สมาชิกสภาชุมชนกลุม่ ฟ้าใสชะอ�ำสวยและเครือข่าย เมืองน่าอยู่ ได้ทำ� กิจกรรมร่วมกันในการด�ำเนินงานเมืองน่าอยู่ ชุมชนน่าอยูแ่ ละเกิดสัมพันธภาพทีด่ ี ระหว่าง ประชาชนและเครือข่ายภาครัฐ เพือ่ ส่งเสริมการมีสว่ นร่วมของทุกภาคส่วน ในการดูแลรักษาสิง่ แวดล้อม ให้ชะอ�ำเป็นเมืองน่าอยูน่ า่ เทีย่ วอย่างยัง่ ยืน และยกระดับสูม่ าตรฐานสากล เพือ่ กระตุน้ และปลูกจิตส�ำนึกในการดูแล สุขภาพและสิง่ แวดล้อมของประชาชน และเพือ่ ปรับปรุงภูมทิ ศั น์ชายหาด ชะอ�ำ การจัดกิจกรรมรณรงค์รว่ มใจกันอนุรกั ษ์หาดชะอ�ำในครัง้ นีม้ สี มาชิก กลุม่ ฟ้าใสชะอ�ำสวย สมาคมเรือเร็วเตียงผ้าใบและม้าชายหาด กลุม่ ประมง กรรมการชุมชน อาสาสมัครสาธารณสุข กลุม่ ชมรมต่างๆและเจ้าหน้าทีผ่ ู้ เกีย่ วข้องกับการพัฒนาเมืองน่าอยูช่ มุ ชนน่าอยู่ เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ เข้าร่วม กิกรรม จ�ำนวน ๒๘๐ คน โดยได้รบั งบประมาณสนับสนุนจากกองทุนหลัก ประกันสุขภาพ เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ

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Cha Am Today

Volume 4 issue 2 October 2012

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