Hua Hin Today January 2013

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Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Volume 10 Issue 3 January 2013

Au Revoir 2012 – Bien Venue 2013 Happy New year to all our readers

The entire team of Hua Hin Today wishes our friends, readers and advertisers all the best for the coming year. May all your wishes come true, stay healthy wealthy and wise.


he Tourism Authority of Thailand has unveiled a series of strategies designed to maintain Thailand’s brand image, marketing profile and visitor arrivals in a world of unprecedented change. Announced after the conclusion of the TAT’s annual action planning meeting, the strategies are designed to ensure that the travel and tourism industry takes advantage of all the emerging opportunities while preparing itself to deal with any threats and challenges, both external and internal. The TAT has set a 2013 target of 22.22 million international tourist arrivals,

generating estimated foreign exchange revenues of 966 billion baht (USD 30.62 billion, based on the exchange rate of 31.54 baht to the dollar). Said TAT Governor Suraphon Svetasreni, “Tourism is now recognised as Thailand’s most important service industry. Its contribution to job creation, income distribution and foreign exchange earnings is well above par. While the industry has been doing well so far, it cannot rest on its laurels in an unstable and unpredictable world.”

….continued on page 6…


entral Corporation and Big C are opting for a mall and supermarket in Hua Hin. Big C apparently has started building a supermarket on Pala U road, next to Crepes & Co. The exact location of an eventual Mall by Central has not been revealed as this goes to the printer. Soi 112 or vicinity has been targeted by Central as this road will give easy access to the highway from Petschkasem Road and is a booming area with multiple real estate and commercial developments.


eople born in the Year of the Snake are keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise. They are great mediators and good at doing business. Therefore, you should have good luck if you were born in the Year of the Snake…


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Hua Hin Today




saying goodbye and 2013 coming I, did we survive 21.12.12 ? I guess so, more or less. With companies in Europe laying off good people and those going on retirement are not replaced, what worse could happen to us ? Managers getting more erratic these days, builders getaway with scams, traffic still a chaos, but the town is booming. A New mall or two…it is whispered that Central will build a Mall in Hua Hin. Why not ? We need it as much as we need some more 7/11. Big C (also Central) is to come “for sure”, on the road going to Pala U just before Crepes & Co. who by the way had a great grand opening in a fashionable style with all the Crème from HH present. Meet your favourite Hotel GM or Fitness Guru at these Vernisages where both food, art and architecture are proudly presented. A French gentleman who could read English approached me with vigor and accused me of writing too much about Barack Obama…where? In my editorial? I will make a comment but as far as I remember never an article. Not worth the paper to report about politicians. As they change their minds or have them changed regularly, any chapter would be outdated the following week, sometimes even days. I hope all of you wonderful people will have a great countdown and have a prosperous New Year. You all have been true friends and the whole team of Hua Hin Today have appreciated your readership in 2012. It will continue in 2013, maybe under a different flag as so proudly announced in our last month edition. Yours truly is contemplating with vini vidi vade retro as they say in the roman empire. Mac Donald is now also in our Market Village which saves us a trip to the town centre. The food is really not bad. What makes it unhealthy are the deep fried frenchies, coke, mayonnaise, sugar in the relish and white bread, This leaves only the paddies which are of pure beef without additives (I know) and the fresh

salad, without dressing. You can request such a burger…tell them you are diabetic and they will do it ! The wonderful Resort of Anantasila has to be mentioned. On the beach, great food and reasonable prices. You can linger on a lazy Sunday, go for swim, dip in the sea and forget daily live. They charge THB 250 per person but if you consume at least for that amount, they waive the fee. Great place to have a wedding too..on the beach..jet ski ready for the groom should he change his mind. Did you notice I changed my language setting to British English upon popular but hefty demand ? My pleasure. - A Scottish woman went to the local newspaper office to publish the obituary for her recently deceased husband. The obit editor informed her that there was a charge of 50 cents per word. She paused, reflected for a moment, and then said, “Well, then, let it read, ‘Angus MacPherson died.’” Amused at the woman’s thrift, the editor told her that there was a seven word minimum for all obituaries. She thought it over for a few seconds and said, “In that case, let it read.......”Angus MacPherson died. Golf clubs for sale.” - Yours Truly GMoss.

As promised in the December 2012 issue of Hua Hin Today there are big plans in the works for Cha Am Today section of our Newspaper. First of all there are plans to open a Cha Am Today dedicated office in Cha Am by February 2013. This office will be run by Brigitte Persson who has lived in Asia for more than 24 years and has 10 years in free publication experience from Singapore. Together with Eleni Mastronokoli General Manager of Hua Hin Today these two ladies have great plans to bring more Cha Am specific news to the Hua Hin Today Cha Am section, increase distribution and distribution points of the news paper and of course increase awareness of Cha Am as a holiday destination and a places to call home for all you long stayers. Join us to Welcome Brigitte aboard the Cha Am Community! If you want to get in touch with Brigitte you can contact her at

1.Reindeer can fly (really!) 2.There are approximately 378 million children (Population Reference Bureau) who expect Santa to call. 3.These are distributed in 91.8 million homes. Assume 1 good child in each. 4.Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). 5.On each visit he has to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house. 6.Assume houses equally distributed and in the 31 hours Santa and his reindeer can work non-stop and even after eating all those snacks he does not need comfort breaks. Thats all the information you need, so Santa’s sleigh is moving at ??? miles per.(p.s. although the recorded top speed of a reindeer is 35 mph, Santa’s are special, or else how could they deliver all those presents) Answer: Santa’s sleigh is travelling at 650 miles per second. One of the fastest man made objects, the Ulysses space probe, only travels at a tortoise like speed of 27.4 miles per second. Lets just hope the traffic police are not out on Christmas Eve.


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



he Prachuap Khirikhan Provincial Office, Hua Hin Municipality and Tourist Police Office of Hua Hin will welcome 2013 with Hua Hin Music Countdown at the Centennial Park in Hua Naa.

ua Hin Municipality is celebrating the Thai National Children’s Day of 2013 on 12 January 2013 from 4 p.m. onwards at 19 Rai Queen Sirikit Memorial Park, said the Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin Ms. Busaba Chokesuchart.

According to the Deputy Governor of Prachuap Khirikhan Mr. Sommit Silprasert, the Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Montree Chuphu and the Commander of Hua Hin Tourist Police Office Pol. Maj. Gen. Roy Inkhapairot, this annual festive event will take place at 12 p.m. on 31 December 2012 to 1 a.m. on 1 January 2013. This is the first time the organizers adjust the local date and time of the event to the international ones.

Realizing that tourists will influx in the city at the end of the year, the former Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop is pleased to allow the organizers to use the Centennial Park in Hua Naa as the venue because it can accomAs its name suggests, many popular DJs and modate a total of 100,000 people with parking pop, country and hard rock singers from Thai- space.”Apart from giving them spiritual happiland, Europe and America were invited to join ness with music performance by leading artists the event with modern lights and sound to cel- in Thailand and other countries, visitors can ebrate the New Year. Mr. Sommit said that this win a lucky draw for a Toyota Vios, a round trip event was the first time in its history because, plane ticket from Bangkok to Tokyo and from in the past, hotels and guesthouses organ- Bangkok to Hong Kong, a gold necklace and ized musical events separately. This year, local iPhone 5 among others,” said Ms. Theeya Phapeople and visitors in Hua Hin can enjoy a big osawat, the managing director of Big Applause music festival with international standard. They Co., Ltd., the main organizer of the event. Fican enjoy concerts while tasting good food. nally, Pol. Maj. Gen. Roy said that the police Throughout the event, Hua Hin tourist police in Hua Hin would provide all visitors with high and provincial officers will take good care of safety measures as weapons are prohibited to everyone. More importantly, the entrance to the the event and visitors will be asked to undergo weapon search before entering into the venue. event is free!

According to the Deputy Mayor of Hua Hin, on 5 December 1992, His Majesty the King delivered a speech for the Thai National Children’s Day at Chitraladda Royal Palace. He said, “Everybody has his own responsibilities. Children’s major responsibilities include learning and studying; that is, they have to know and understand what they are taught and learn how to work for their future career. At the same time, children need to behave well, be mindful and think reasonably so as to grow up and become resourceful people for the country.” In other words, children are important human resources of the country because national advancement and security lie in their hands. However, children have to

หัวหิน มิวสิค เคาท์ดาวน์ 2013 รับปีใหม่ จังหวัดประจวบฯ เทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน ต�ำรวจท่องเทีย่ ว ร่วมกันจัดงาน “หัวหิน มิวสิค เคาน์ดาวน์ 2013” รับปีใหม่ 2556 ใช้ลานเซ็นเทน เนียล รับผูค้ น 1 แสนคนเข้าร่วมงาน นายสมมิตร ศิลป์ประเสริฐ รองผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดประจวบฯ นายมนตรี ชูภู่ รองนายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน พล.ต.ต.รอย อิงคไพโรจน์ ผูบ้ งั คับการต�ำรวจท่องเทีย่ ว ร่วมกันเปิด “แถลงข่าว” เตรียมจัดงาน “หัวหิน มิวสิค เคาน์ดาวน์ 2013” (2556) ก�ำหนดมี ขึน้ ตัง้ แต่เวลา 12.00 น. ของวันที่ 31 ธันวาคม ไปจนถึงเวลา 01.00 น. ของวันที่ 1 มกราคม 2556 ทัง้ นีเ้ พือ่ เป็นการต้อนรับปีใหม่สง่ ท้ายปีเก่าแบบ ไทยๆ เป็นครัง้ แรกและประวัตศิ าสตร์ให้กบั เมืองหัวหินในรูปแบบสากลเหมือนกับต่างประเทศ โดยจะน�ำเอาวงดนตรีชนั้ น�ำพร้อมกับศิลปินทีม่ ชี อื่ เสียง ดีเจ ทัง้ เพลงป๊อป เพลงคันทรี ฮาร์ท-ร็อค จากสหรัฐอเมริกาและยุโรปพร้อมกับวง ดนตรีชอื่ ดังของประเทศไทยเข้าร่วมบรรเลง โดยจะใช้ระบบสีเสียงเสียงรอบทิศทางเพือ่ สร้างบรรยากาศให้เกิดความคึกคักรับขวัญปีใหม่ให้กบั ชาวไทยใน พืน้ ทีแ่ ละชาวต่างชาติทเี่ ข้ามาท่องเทีย่ วในห้วงของปีใหม่ นายสมมิตรฯ กล่าวว่า การจัดงานในครัง้ นีถ้ อื ว่าเป็นครัง้ แรกและครัง้ ประวัตศิ าสตร์ให้กบั เมือง หัวหิน เนือ่ งจากในห้วงของปีใหม่นนั้ ก็จะพบว่าจะมีการจัดงานกับตามโรงแรม บ้านพัก แต่การจัดในครัง้ นีจ้ ดั แบบอินเตอร์สากล นัน่ หมายถึงว่าทัง้ การแสดง ดนตรี กิจกรรม และร้านค้าอาหาร จะอยูใ่ นรูปแบบของความเป็นระเบียบ ระบบ เมือ่ ผูค้ นเข้าไปในงานแล้วก็จะสามารถมีทนี่ งั่ ชม ทีเ่ ดินเทีย่ วชมได้อย่าง สะดวกสบาย พร้อมกับมีการดูแลควบคุมความปลอดภัย โดยจะมีจนท.ตร.ท่องเทีย่ ว ตร.ภูธร ในพืน้ ทีด่ แู ลควบคุมพืน้ ทีใ่ ห้กบั ทุกๆ คน ทีเ่ ข้าไปในงาน และทีส่ ำ� คัญไม่มกี ารจัดเก็บค่าบัตรผ่านประตูใดๆ เรียกว่าบริการ “ฟรี” เพือ่ เป็นของขวัญ และส.ค.ส. ให้กบั ผูค้ นในปี 2556 ก�ำหนดการจัดงานนัน้ ก็ได้ รับความร่วมมือจากทาง ฯพณฯสุวจั น์ ลิปตพัลลภ อดีตรองนายกรัฐมนตรีให้ใช้สถานทีท่ เี่ ซ็นเทนเนียล ปาร์ค หัวนา ซึง่ มีทจี่ อดรถและรับผูค้ นได้ทงั้ หมด จ�ำนวน 1 แสนคน จึงขอให้ชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติไปร่วมกันให้มากๆ ทางด้าน น.ส.ฑีญา เผ่าสวัสดิ์ กรรมการผูจ้ ดั การ บ.บิก๊ แอ๊พพลอส จ�ำกัด ในฐานะทีเ่ ป็น “ออแกไนท์” กล่าวว่า ขณะนีเ้ มืองหัวหินนัน้ เป็นจุด ทีร่ องรับนักท่องเทีย่ วทัง้ ในประเทศและต่างประเทศ เพราะฉะนัน้ ในปีนกี้ ถ็ อื ว่าเป็นครัง้ แรกทีไ่ ด้มโี อกาสมาจัดงาน “หัวหิน มิวสิค เคาท์ดาวน์ 2013” เพือ่ สร้างบรรยากาศให้เกิดความคึกคัก “การจัดงานในครัง้ นีน้ นั้ นอกจากจะให้ความสุขทางด้านจิตใจ ทางด้านเสียงเพลงจากดนตรีชนั้ น�ำของต่างประเทศ ใน ประเทศแล้ว ก็ยงั มีการสมนาคุณให้กบั ผูไ้ ด้เข้าไปชมในงานโดยมีเขียนชือ่ ทีอ่ ยูเ่ พือ่ จับสลากรับรางวัลมูลค่าสูง เช่น รถเก๋งโตโยต้า วีออส ตัว๋ เครือ่ งบินไป กลับกรุงเทพฯ-โตเกียว กรุงเทพฯ-ฮ่องกง สร้อยคอทองค�ำ โทรศัพท์ไอโฟน ฯลฯ งานนีม้ แี ต่ให้โดยการสนับสนุนของการบินไทย บ.ไทยเบฟเวอเรจฯ จ�ำกัด” น.ส.ฑีญาฯ กล่าว พล.ต.ต.รอยฯ กล่าวเสริมว่า ส�ำหรับผูท้ เี่ ข้ามาในงานนัน้ ขอให้สบายใจได้วา่ มีความปลอดภัยขัน้ สูงสุด เนือ่ งจากมี จนท.ตร.ท่อง เทีย่ วตัง้ ศูนย์ตรวจค้าหาอาวุธทุกชนิดประเภทโดยห้ามพกพาเข้ามาในงานโดยเด็ดขาด และในช่วงเวลาเวลา 24.00 น. พลุตะไล ไฟพะเนียง โคมลอย และสัญญาณระฆังรับขวัยปีใหม่กจ็ ะดังขึน้ พร้อมกันทุกประเทศทัว่ โลก.

be inquisitive and diligent with self-discipline. They have to spend time wisely and creatively while helping others with compassion and volunteerism if there is any chance. The more good and dedicating children a country has, the better as a result. To raise awareness among Thai children and youths on self-importance and morality and allow them to enjoy themselves with their peers and parents, the Hua Hin Municipality will oragnize the Thai National Children’s Day festival following the motto given by the Prime Minister Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, ‘Maintain Self-Discipline, Seeking Knowledge, Enhance Wisdom and Prepare Thailand towards ASEAN Community’. Activities at the festival include fun games and lucky draw for several prizes. Apart from stage performances by children in Hua Hin, young participants will enjoy free food and drinks, too. For more information on the event, please contact the Education Division of the Hua Hin Municipality at tel. 032 511 047 ext. 402 or 403.

เทศบาลเมืองหัวหินเตรียมจัดงานวันเด็กแห่งชาติ นางสาวบุษบา โชคสุชาติ รองนายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน เปิดเผยว่า เมือ่ วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ.2535 พระบาทสมเด็จ พระเจ้าอยูห่ วั ทรงมีพระบรมราโชวาทเนือ่ งในโอกาสวันเด็กแห่งชาติ ณ ต�ำหนักจิตรลดารโหฐาน มีความว่า “คนทุกคนมีหน้าทีต่ อ้ งท�ำ แม้เป็น ด็กก็มหี น้าทีอ่ ย่างเด็กคือ ศึกษาเล่าเรียน หมายความว่า จะต้องเล่าเรียนให้รวู้ ชิ า ฝึกหัดท�ำการงานต่างๆให้เป็น อบรมขัดเกลา ความประพฤติ และความคิดจีตใจให้ประณีต ให้สจุ ริต แจ่มใส และเฉลียวฉลาด มีเหตุผล เพือ่ จักได้เติบโตขึน้ เป็นคนทีม่ คี วามรูค้ วามสามารถและมีประโยชน์” เด็กเป็นทรัพยากรบุคคลทีส่ ำ� คัญต่อประเทศชาติ เป็นพลังส�ำคัญในการพัฒนาชาติให้เจริญก้าวหน้าและมัน่ คง เด็กจึงควรเตรียมตัวทีจ่ ะเป็น ก�ำลังของชาติดว้ ย การขยันหมัน่ เพียรศึกษาหาความรูแ้ ละใช้เวลาให้เป็นประโยชน์อย่างเต็มที่ ประพฤติปฎิบตั ติ นอยูใ่ นระเบียบวินยั มีความ ขยันขันแข็งตัง้ ใจท�ำงานด้วยความรับผิดชอบยึดมัน่ ในความชือ่ สัตย์ สุจริต ตลอดจนมีความเมตตากรุณา ช่วยเหลือเกือ้ กูลผูอ้ นื่ เสียสละ และบ�ำเพ็ญประโยชน์เพือ่ ส่วนร่วม ช่วยรักษาความสะอาดและอนุรกั ษ์ทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ ตลอดจนสาธารณสมบัตสิ ว่ นรวมของชาติ หาก เด็กทุกคนได้ตระหนักถึงอนาคตของตนและของประเทศ โดยพยายามประพฤติปฎิบตั ติ นให้เหมาะสมกับวัยแล้วก็จะได้ชอื่ ว่าเป็น”เด็กดี” ชาติบา้ นเมืองก็จะเจริญก้าวหน้ามีความผาสุกร่มเย็นตลอดไป เทศบาลเมืองหัวหินเล็งเห็นถึงความส�ำคัญของเด็กซึง่ เป็นเยาวชนของซาติจงึ ก�ำหนดจัดงานวันเด็กแห่งชาติขนึ้ ในวันเสาร์ที่ 12 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556 ตัง่ แต่เวลา 16.00 น. เป็นต้นไป ณ สวนหลวงราชินพี นื้ ที่ 19 ไร่ เพือ่ เป็นการกระตุน้ ให้เด็กและเยาวชนได้ตระหนัก ถึงความส�ำคัญของตนเองรูจ้ กั หน้าทีเ่ ป็นคนดี มีคณ ุ ธรรม เพือ่ ให้เด็กและเยาวชนได้รว่ มเฉลิมฉลองให้ได้รบั ความสุขสนุกสนานในงานวันเด็ก แห่งชาติ ส่งเสริมพัฒนาการของเด็กให้มคี วามพร้อมตามวัยทีเ่ หมาะสม และให้เด็ก เยาวชน ผูป้ กครองได้ทำ� กิจกรรมร่วมกัน ส�ำหรับค�ำขวัญ วันเด็กแห่งชาติจากนายกรัฐมนตรีประจ�ำปีนมี้ วี า่ “รักษาวินยั ใฝ่ความรู้ เพิม่ พูนปัญญา น�ำพาไทยสูอ่ าเซียน” ส�ำหรับกิจกรรมภายในงานจะมี ซุม้ เกมส์การแข่งขันแจกของรางวัลมากมาย มีอาหารและเครือ่ งดืม่ ฟรีให้กบั ผูร้ ว่ มงาน มีการแสดงของเด็กๆในเขตเทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน และ อืน่ ๆอีกมากมาย จึงขอเชิญชวนผูป้ กครองน�ำบุตรหลานไปร่วมงานวันเด็กแห่งชาติกบั ทางส�ำนักงานเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินสามารถสอบถามราย ละเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ทกี่ องการศึกษาเทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน 032-511047 ต่อ 402-403


he Hua Hin Market Village is holding a Thai Children’s Day festival on 12 January 2013 on an open space in front of the shopping mall. Entitled, “Funny Land Funny Marker”, the festival symbolizes a gift for the young future of the country, aiming to encourage youngsters to show creativity and ability and take part in fun activities together.The event highlights various activities for children: skill-boosting games, coloring pictures, magic shows and stage performances by students from schools in Hua Hin .All the young participants at the festival will be given a lot of free gifts. The National Thai Children’s Day is an annual event on the second Saturday of January. It is an important day for both children and adults because it raises awareness of Thai people about the importance of children who


our a lot of fun and pleasure to the end of the year with “Hua Hin unlimited Fun Countdown Party 2013” at the front of Hua Hin Market Village. You will enjoy the colorful atmosphere of fun .. cool .. chic. The one in Hua Hin that everyone going to be happy and impress through overnight. Along with various variety show that every family will be

will become the future of society. For more information of the event, please contact Hua Hin Market Village at tel. 032 618 800-2

stunned, smile, laugh and fun. Excitement with show ensembles from Thailand Got Talent. And the fun continues with concerts by“Bell Supon” and get free prizes throughout the event. Supported event by Tourism Authority of Thailand, Hua Hin Municipality,Tourist Association Hua Hin - Cha Am, Homepro, Chang Coperation,AIS and AST For more information please contact : Public Relations of Hua Hin Market Village Tel : (032) -618888 Fax : (032) 618800-2 www :

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


he Hua Hin Municipality, in close cooperation of the Department of Forest Fire Control to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, is building weirs ( barriers) along the hills in Hua Hin municipal areas to protect the environment and promote eco-tourism among visitors. The chief of the administration unit of the Department of Forest Fire Control to the Klai Kangwon Royal Palace in Hua Hin Mr. Somsak Talenoi said that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the drafting committee for the plan on Hua Hin’s environment and landscape had asked the administration unit to build weirs along the hills from Baa Fai to Khao Tao because this area could hold high amounts of rainwater during the dry season. The weirs can maintain good condition of the forest along the hills and protect lower areas in Hua Hin and Klai Kangwon Royal Palace from flooding. The administration unit has already surveyed the areas and found two points to build the weirs. The first one is in Khao Chong Pradu in front of Chom Dong Palace and the second one is on Nern Tern Hill behind Nong Kae Village. Building the weirs, which cost around 3,000 to 5,000 Baht, will follow the principles and best practices introduced by His Majesty the King, especially his idea of building the Fai Maew (Maew Weirs) along the hills in northern Thailand.


After the two weirs are finished, they will become the models for other weirs to be built along the hills in Boh Fai, Samoh Phrong, Chong Khao Dang, Khao Yai (Ban Mai), Khao Kong Phol 15 and Khao Khuong (Khao Tao) as well as other areas considered watercourses down the highland. Mr. Somsak added that he was responsible for forest fire controlling along the hill in Hua Hin. He has been working on this for five years without any holiday because forest fires usually happen in the dry season and there are not enough “filters” on the hills. The filter is a natural water resource in the forest on the hill. Due to deforestation, natural filters along the valley are destroyed. That is why forest fires usually occurs. However, with the weirs to be built soon, they will protect the forest from forest fires and drought to some extent. Once the project is approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Hua Hin Municipality, the administration unit, as the ‘host’ of this project, will start it in January, 2013. Any private companies, universities or environmental groups who would like to participate in the project or give financial and moral supports can contact the administration unit in Chong Khao Dang or the Hua Hin Municipality at any time because cooperation for this project will contribute to the Hua Hin city, concluded Mr. Somsak.

New Condo Project in Hua Hin by Sansiri

ansiri is going to launch a new medium sized condominium in Nong Kae sub district for middle and lower middle budget Thais and foreigners. The tentatively overall price per unit is 1.55 million Baht. According to the Deputy Senior Managing Board Member of Sansiri Mr. Metha Angwatthanapanit, the new condominium, entitled Ban Peang Ploen, covers 4 Rais of land from Takiab to Hua Don in Hua Hin. An 8-floor twin building, it consists of 352 units. All of them are fully furnished in vintage Hua Hin style to allow residents to feel the sweet and glorious yesteryear of this beachfront city. All units provide beautiful sea view. Each of them costs 1.55 million Baht, the affordable price for middle and lower middle budget Thai and European people. Besides fully furnished and completely equipped rooms, the condominium has many facilities to offer, such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, restaurant and conveniently located parking lot. Actually, Sansiri has launched many

residential projects in Hua Hin for 20 years. Its highly successful projects include Ban Khun Kheay, Ban Khu Khieng and Ban Im Em. All of them are modern but comfortable condominiums. Ban Peang Ploen is the latest condominium project of Sansiri in Hua Hin and the company is planning to launch a new one in Cha-Am soon, said Mr. Metha. In terms of property business in Hua Hin, Mr.

Metha added that it was booming because both Thais and foreigners would like to live here thanks to beautiful sandy beaches and a lot of cultural and festive events the city has to offer. Besides, Hua Hin has delicious and unique food. So, many visitors do not want to leave but stay in Hua Hin longer. Mr. Metha also talked about safety measures in Hua Hin. He said that visitors can be assured of good security systems that the municipal office here provides. However, during a long holiday or festive events, the city usually has traffic congestion. Moreover, water shortage is still a major problem, though not frequently, in Hua Hin, especially during summer time in April when water is sometimes scarce. As a result, he asked governmental officials to solve the two problems as soon as possible because doing so will make Hua Hin a more liveable and charming beachfront city of Thailand.


he primary determinant of how travel and tourism performs in future will be global economic and geopolitical stability. If this continues, there will be no shortage of opportunities, technologies and activities to capitalize on demand. By far the most important opportunity is the emergence of the ASEAN Economic Community and prospects of free movement of products and people by 2015. These opportunities increase manifold when the nearly 600 million strong population of the 10 ASEAN countries is expanded to include ASEAN +3 (China, Japan and South Korea) and beyond by another three countries to include ASEAN +6 (Russia, India and Australia). To capitalize on this, the TAT has crafted the “Thailand and Beyond Strategy” to be ready for AEC in 2015. At the same time, some traditional source markets such as Europe are slowing down while other new markets such as Africa are emerging. It is also becoming an increasingly competitive market as just about every global destination joins the tourism promotion bandwagon. Meanwhile, global demographics are also changing with ageing populations in some countries and more young populations in others. Either way, Thailand is fortunate to have a range of products, both natural and man-made, that are well suited to meeting demand. Overall, the TAT has to ensure creativity and visibility by highlighting Thailand’s unique strengths, and undertake campaigns that target the right customer with the right message and right product at the right place at the right time. Here are some of the highlights of the 2013 Action Plan: The core theme of the 2013 TAT Action Plan is “Higher Revenue through Thainess”. The TAT will attract tourists with the Charm of Thainess which includes Thai Experience, Thai Way of Life, and Thai Culture. The marketing messages will emphasize Creative Tourism, where tourists can participate in and learn about unique Thai experiences, such as Thai boxing, Thai massage, Thai cooking, and Thai classical dancing. Thai food and Thai local wisdom will also be used as unique selling propositions. One campaign, known as “Discover The Other You” will be especially important in order to promote experiential travel––which taps into a global desire among visitors to learn something new and acquire a new experience. Some key aspects of Thai lifestyles include basic things such as rice farming, massage and meditation techniques, will also be used. For the first time images for visitors participating in a rice harvest and ploughing

the fields behind a water buffalo will be used in Thai marketing campaigns. TAT will put more effort to increase first-time visitors and high spenders (luxury markets). Four niche products used to attract highspenders will be Golf, Health & Wellness, Wedding & Honeymoon, and Green Tourism. TAT will try to increase charter and low-cost carrier flights to destinations where there is no direct access. LCC’s will also be used to

broaden the base for mainstream tourists. A Partner on Demand strategy will be used to increase the number of strategic alliances and enhance the add-on impact of marketing efforts. Trade shows and road shows will be extensively used in both main markets and new potential markets. All the major global media will be used, especially sports and special-interest TV channels. The same strategy will be used in the print media, especially to reach business executives. The new digital media will be a special focus of attention. Partnerships will also be forged with hotel partners to produce and show special interest videos such as those highlighting weddings and honeymoons. Celebrity marketing will require linking up with famous people who can act as brand ambassadors. The TAT will also put considerable emphasis on a tourism intelligence unit and a crisis management centre. These will be designed to sharpen research skills in order to identify emerging trends and opportunities, and also react efficiently and promptly to the increasing number of global crises.

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


In The City

8 Generous Prachuap Senate Member

The Prachuap Khirikhan Senate Member Mr. Than O-suwan has bid 25,900 Baht for a portrait of His Majesty the King made by Chumakorn Pichai, an artist member of Hua Hin Artist Village. All his bidding was donated to Wanna Choksuchart, the chairperson of Hua Hin Cultural Council for Charity purposes.

Generous Prachuap Senate Member

Support for Pitak Hua Hin

Mr. Krip Rojasathien, of Hua Hin Conservation Group (a.k.a. Pitak Hua Hin) under the royal patronage of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, gave a portrait of His Majesty the King made by Thawee Kesa-Ngam, the owner of Hua Hin Artist Village, to Ms. Suthida Jintamai who bid 139,999 Baht for the picture. The money will be donated to the Hua Hin Conservation Group for its ongoing environmental campaigns. The bidding took place at the Pitak Hua Hin Concert on 9 December 2012.

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Athitaya Phothisai Crowned the Most Beloved Lady of Hua Hin

The owner of Kiangsin Hua Hin Ms. Chidchaya Losirirak put on a shoulder strap and gave a trophy and 10,000 Baht cash to Ms. Athitaya Phothisai who was voted as “The most beloved lady of Hua Hin Cultural Council” . This activity took place on 7 December 2012 at the Hua Hin Cultural Council Festival.

Crepes & Co. Hua Hin branch - Grand Opening Party

The Prachuap Khirikhan Senate Member Mr. Than O-suwan has bid 25,900 Baht for a portrait of His Majesty the King made by Chumakorn Pichai, an artist member of Hua Hin Artist Village. All his bidding was donated to Wanna Choksuchart, the chairperson of Hua Hin Cultural Council for Charity purposes.

Staff Party

On 20th December 2012, Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa arranged a Big Party to thank you all of our team for their dedication, professionalism and full support that we always received throughout the year. It’s time to celebrate our 12th Year Team Member Annual Party under the theme of “YOUR DREAM JOBS” Crepes & Co. celebrated the Grand Opening of their latest branch in Hua Hin, drawing some of the local business & hospitality leaders, Hua Hin socialites, as well as long time customers of their Bangkok restaurants. Guests had a chance to sample some of the restaurant’s signature dishes & drinks in a fun atmosphere, to the rhythm of world music, which beat and volume increased as the evening went on, with the last people leaving pretty late.

Grand Opening of Hua Hin Colonnade Mall & Hotel


n 8 December evening, the starving of Colonnade opened up a luxury Mall & Hotel At opening ceremonies attended

with Fashion show, the Hua Hin Colonnade Mall is a multi-store shopping center that includes food, clothing, perfumes, shoes, and more. The mall has a website (www.huahincolonnade. com), where we can see that it has air conditioning, hotel and parking, as well as delivery (KFC) and other amenities that one would expect in any major mall.

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Volume 10 Issue 3 January 2013


f you invest in property in South East Asia, one of the most critical parts of the process is to exchange your own currency (perhaps US dollars or UK pounds) into that of the local region. If you want to buy in Thailand for instance, you must first purchase Thai baht. Given that, the strength of these South East Asian currencies can have a big impact on your investment. If the Singapore dollar weakens, for example, then property there becomes cheaper for foreign investors. And if the Singapore dollar climbs, it’s the opposite.

With that in mind, we at Pure FX have compiled a brief overview of how the main South East Asian currencies have performed in the past month. The idea is that, you can read the update, and it leaves you in a better position when you exchange currencies. Singapore dollar (SGD) The Singapore dollar has risen almost a cent against the US dollar in the last eight weeks, from 0.8136 on October 5th to 0.8204 at the time of writing. This reflects the fact that, with inflation high at 4.5 percent in Singapore, the island’s Monetary Authority is eager to let its currency rise, to mitigate this impact. If the Singapore dollar is higher, then imported goods will fall in price, leading to less inflationary pressure. In addition, the US Fed’s policy of unlimited quantitative easing is bringing huge investment inflows into Singapore, also taking the local dollar higher. Thai baht (THB) The Thai baht has stood virtually unchanged against the US dollar in the last eight weeks, moving from 0.0327 against the greenback on October 5th to just 0.0326 today. This reflects considerable umming and aahing among investors, concerning Thailand’s economic prospects for 2013. On the one hand, the economy expanded three percent in the third quarter compared to a year ago, which looks positive. But with 2011’s floods skewing statistics, it’s hard to say if this is up to snuff or not, creating uncertainty about Thailand’s prospects for next year. Hence, the unchanged baht. Japanese yen (JPY) The yen has sunk against the US dollar in the

last two months, falling from 0.0127 on October 5th to 0.0122 today. In fact, this is the yen’s lowest point against the US dollar since April. Why is this? Well, it reflects a deeply negative opinion about Japan’s economy and future prospects. Fiscal policy is seen as ineffectual, with national debt at more than 200 percent of GDP, while the Bank of Japan is about to be completely overhauled. Given that, investors are shorting the yen in record numbers, and the odds of the currency continuing to fall are high. Indian rupee (INR) The Indian rupee has fallen against the US dollar in the past eight weeks, slipping from 0.0193 on October 5th to 0.0184. This reflects the fact that India’s economy expanded at the slowest pace since the first three months of 2009, between July and September, growing just 5.3 percent year on year (YoY.) Given that, there are concerns that, “If the government does not take any policy actions, the growth outlook could remain ominous,” as Samiran Chakraborty at Standard Chartered Bank notes. Of course, that could see the rupee fall further.


he Nation forecasts a positive outlook for the New Year in Thailand, with high demand for residential housing predicted to continue.

As anticipated by The Nation, presales for the top seven Thai property developers dropped by 11 percent in the third quarter of 2012, to a total of THB39.6 billion (US$1.29 billion). By the end of September this year however, developers had seen a 23 percent rise on total sales year on year, with a total of THB124.2 billion (US$4.05 billion) in presales transactions, making up 77 percent of developers’ targets for that point in the year. With an increasing number of property launches and higher weighting towards condominiums, it is predicted that presales will increase in the final quarter of 2012. Due to their moderate forecasts, The Nation anticipates that there will be an upside risk for the presales of developers Asian Property, Land Houses and L.P.N Development, in addition to higher demand than originally anticipated. The Nation predicts Pruksa Real Estate is expected to meet its estimate target, while Sansiri and Supalai ought to achieve their twice revised targets of THB40 billion (US$1.3 billion, up 84 percent year on year) and THB19 billion (US$620 million, up 38 percent year on year).

The Nation also expects demand for residential property is also expected to increase in Thailand’s provinces. While demand for residential properties in Bangkok and the city’s vicinity is anticipated to increase at a normal rate of five to ten percent in 2013, demand for developer-built housing is expected to experience a much greater growth. This is due to urbanisation, for as the urban population and income increase, so does the demand for property, and developerbuilt houses in particular. According to The Nation, it is from this sector that developers can expect primary growth in the future. With most major development companies already having a substantial presence outside of Bangkok and Asian Property launching their first provincial project next year, exposure of all developers in the provinces is expected to rise. The Nation predicts that the developers to watch in 2013 are Quality Houses, Sansiri and Asian Property based on operational turnaround, cheap valuation and evidence of positive growth.

Also deemed noteworthy by The Nation in Thailand’s anticipated 2013 real estate climate, is the likelihood that the Bank of Thailand will keep its interest rate low in order to boost the economy. However, it is not predicted that this will encourage strong demand in the housing sector, with a study by The Nation showing weak correlation between interest rates and housing demand.

An additional factor expected by The Nation to influence the demand for residential housing in Thailand is the introduction of a new government measure on 1 January 2013, that stipulates loan-to-value for low-rise houses with prices below THB10 million (US$326,530) per unit will be limited at 95 percent, where there was previously no limit at all. It is forecast that this measure will have little impression on demand as many Thais will have savings, and in some cases banks will still lend 100 percent of the property price. The expiration of several government stimulus measures that include a tax refund for first time buyers, soft loan for flood victims and three-year 0 percent mortgage rate for first time buyers are predicted to cause few ripples in the housing market.

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Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Green buildings-A sustainable choice


ith the recognition of the need to save the environment from getting more polluted, people are shifting towards the eco-friendly substitutes of anything and everything. Not only the government and scientists but the common people have also realized their responsibility to make the environment as pollution free as possible to order to lead a healthy existence. People are becoming more conscious and the standards are being marked for the quality check of every product so that the environment does not get harm by any of the pollutant means. Thus, the buildings are also being constructed in the green way so that the material being used in the construction process does not affect either the environment or the people residing in it.

Growing awareness

With the rising trend of eco-friendly buildings and towns, the focus is to make not only the newly constructed buildings green but also to bring the already existing buildings in the ‘eco-friendly’ hub so that the entire world could be made pollution free. Though it might not seem to be feasible, the experiments are being carried out and many options are being considered which can help to make the old buildings as much environmental friendly as possible by integrating them with the green components.

The people worldwide have become more careful about the surroundings they live in and thus making every possible contribution in order to make their existence better by going green in everything including their buildings. They have become more aware about the quality and the level of standard of the products they chose rather than just going by the look of the house, which has helped to cope up with the environmental degradation to some extent.Image

Making the existence green

People are becoming more familiar and alarming about the rising issues which could endanger their existence. For instance, the problems of water shortage as well as water flooding have been recognized in some of the areas of the world. Hence, the environmental friendly buildings are being structured in such a manner that they can be useful in the rain water harvesting process in areas where there is shortage and can allow the continuous flow of the water in a very systematic manner in the areas where the risk of flooding has been predicted. The thing which has resulted in this growing trend is the increasing environmental problems that are being discussed among the common public more these days.

Bangkok Office Hit 1,000 Baht Per Sq.m


Per Month

ast month, office rents spiked for the first time ever in the history of Bangkok, to over THB 1,000 per square metre per month, according to leading international property consultant CBRE Thailand. Although this was, for now, only a single transaction and for a fully furnished office, this is indicative of the rapid improvement in Bangkok’s office market in the last quarter. The two leading grade A buildings, Park Ventures Ecoplex and Sathorn Square, are now close to full. Although space is still available at both properties today, users requiring larger spaces are close to making binding commitments, which will take occupancy at both buildings to well above 90%, possibly filling all the remaining space. This changes the dynamics of the office market and, for large tenants seeking contiguous floors in modern grade A buildings, space can now only be taken as a result of future vacancies. More significantly, landlords are not under pressure at this time to agree to concessions or to negotiate discounts for individual tenants as they are not critical to

their overall income stream. In fact, many landlords will be raising rents on renewals in line with the latest open market rents. Out of the 26 buildings in the Bangkok’s central business district (CBD) that CBRE classifies as being grade A, eleven are already 100% occupied and the rest are nearly all at least 90% occupied. “Lack of choice and limited availability of space are also becoming pronounced factors in the market and we have the following advice to give office tenants,” said Mr. David Simister, Chairman of CBRE



oble Development announced a plan to launch at least three new high end condominium projects in the first half of 2013 with a total value of over Bt7 billion on Bangkok’s CBD – Ratchadapisek, Thong Lor and Sukhumvit. Noble Ploenchit Project has also made impressive progress with good sales and completion scheduled in four years. Positive trend in Thai property market is expected next year. Kitti Thanakitamnuay, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Noble Development Public Company Limited, said, “Next year, Noble Development will continue to build our business based on our expertise in developing high-quality condominiums with inspiring design in Bangkok’s CBD. Our main focuses in 2013 will be on two areas. Firstly, we will accelerate construction and sales for Noble Ploenchit luxury condominium project. Secondly, we will launch at least three new projects in the best locations in Bangkok CBD close to the BTS line. We are strongly confident that all the projects will receive warm welcome from the market.” Noble Ploenchit Progress, “Noble Ploenchit”, with its huge project value of Bt15 billion, is one of Noble Development’s pride. The project comprises several “bests” – the best location near Ploenchit BTS station, best size covering 9 rai area including 4 rai of green area in the project with the best Noble design, which is the best investment choice for customers.

“We will continue to grow our business with focus on developing high-end residential projects, both in Luxury High End and Affordable High End segments. Although it is quite difficult to find good locations in Bangkok, that’s not a problem to us. We will continue to be committed to offering only the best to our customers,” said Kitti. At least three new quality projects,Following a series of new project launches with total value of Bt2.5 billion in 2012, Noble plans to make a more aggressive move with at least three new projects in the first half of 2013. With a total investment of Bt7 billion, the new projects will represent 200 per cent growth. Located in Ratchadapisek, Thong Lor and Sukhumvit areas, the three new projects are in Bangkok’s best locations. Quality will remain at the heart of the new projects. Despite their different sizes to accommodate different financial needs of customers, all projects are guaranteed of high quality in terms of locations, design, materials, environmental friendliness and worth for investment. In the second half of the year, Noble is considering acquiring more plots for new projects to be launched before the end of 2013.

2012 strong business performance, In 2012, Noble Development has achieved Bt3 billion sales with Bt12 billion backlog which will be gradually recognized in the next 1-4 years. Thanks to the company’s strong financial outlook, Noble is confident in long-term growth.

Positive trend in property market, According to Kitti, Thai property market continues to have strong outlook, especially when considering investment potential. At present, Thai economy is in the “negative interest” stage where interest rate is relative low while inflation is on the rise. In this situation, investment in property projects, both for living and long-term investment, is considered the most efficient and secured profitable way of savings. “The AEC integration in 2015 will also encourage free flow of investment and money. That means greater opportunities for business operators to enter into high potential cities, especially those which are gateway to our neighboring countries, and in neighboring countries. Noble sees this potential and is studying possibility for this plan,” said Kitti.

Thailand. Looking two to three years ahead, there will be a further round of prime grade A projects developed. Bhiraj Tower, a grade A office development with 47,000 square metres of lettable area, located on Sukhumvit Road opposite the Emporium with direct connection to the BTS Promphong station will be completed in 2014. AIA Sathorn Tower, a grade A office building with 38,500 square metres of lettable space will be completed in 2015. AIA Capital Center, a grade A office development with 54,000 square metres of lettable area, located on Ratchadapisek Road, close to the MRT Thai Cultural Center station will be completed in 2014. G Land Tower a grade A office development with 65,000 square metres of lettable area, located at the corner of Ratchadapisek

-Rama IX Roads will be completed in 2014. However, these new projects are all just starting construction, so they will offer no immediate relief to the limited supply for at least the next 24 months. During that time, CBRE predicts that CBD rents will continue to increase and demand will increase due to companies expanding and new entrants to the market - all of which will mean that rents will only move in one direction “Therefore, tenants seeking to renew leases, expand or relocate would do well to address their needs as soon as possible. Alternatively, they need to come up with a strategy to seek early-bird deals at the new office stock that is scheduled to come on stream from late 2014 onwards,” concluded Mr. Nithipat Tongpun, Executive Director and Head of Office Services at CBRE Thailand.

With such rare qualities and features, the project has already achieved very good response from the market. The construction has already been commenced and is scheduled for completion in four years.


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Golfing for Charity

Black Mountain Again Named Best Golf Course in Thailand



n 14th December the Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin hosted the 14th Annual Christmas Charity Golf Tournament of the Hua Hin Golf Society. All proceeds from the event will go the Bright Dawn Foundation. Bright Dawn is a registered Thai Charity Foundation established to improve the lives of poor Thai children living in rural villages surrounding Hua Hin, Thailand. The Foundation provides educational and health care support to primary schools the children attend. The Event included a Texas Scramble Team Tournament as well as putting and chipping competions. Golf was followed by a BBQ dinner, recognising the


ith the first whiff of winter arriving, we can smell holiday exultation in the air. During this time of year, there are five things most of us associate with the season’s joyousness: partying, eating, family, vacationing and sharing. So, wouldn’t it be nice if an event could incorporate all the wintry goodness together without us having to choose between a dining table, charity and the great outdoors? Fortunately, one event does bring all this together. The Bangkok Post-Black Mountain Charity Golf and Gourmet Dinner, following the suc- cess of its inaugural event in January, is set to delight benevolent golfers and keen Golf Club in Hua Hin on Jan 12. This one-of-akind affair aims to raise funds for the 32-year-old Bangkok Post Foundation through an 18-hole charitable tournament followed by an evening of great gastronomy and auctions. The inaugural event, in which about 120 golfers participated, raised more than 3 million baht, all of which went to charitable causes without any deductions. The money was used in part to help rehabilitate seven schools devastated by last year’s flood in Ayutthaya, Pathum Thani and Nakhon Pathom provinces, while the rest was used to support the edu- cation of hundreds of underprivileged students under the Bangkok Post Foundation pro- gramme

many sponsors of the Event, prize giving and a charity auction. Over 300,000 THB was raised by this year’s Event. Everyone of the 116 golfers competing was a winner, however the main event was won by the White Sand Beach Hotel; a corporate sponsor. Team from White Sand Beach Hotel – Rob Weisbard, Huub Korver, Golf & Jorgen. Runners Up; Sam Sheriff, Karl Westerholm, Lars Uno & Vladimir Dorogoy. Consolation Prize Winners – Corporate Sponsors – Cha Am Golf Club: Paul Graff, Roger Glass, David Watson and Bent Svendsen. Words of congratulations from Stuart Daly – Director of Operations Banyan. Santa being played by Hua Hin Chairman Dicky Bird.

nationwide. ‘‘The first event was an extreme success. We had 30 teams of golfers participating and everyone really enjoyed the game, the meal and the atmosphere,’’ said Harald Elisson, the general manager of Black Mountain Golf Club Hua Hin. ‘‘They were very excited to be a part of such a good cause. When the night ended, all the guests, the chefs and the pro- fessional golfers immediately said they wanted to participate again in 2013. ‘‘Being able to raise money for schools affected by the floods was very timely and we were so pleased to be able to share the money with them. ‘‘After the event, we met with representa- tives from all the schools and were especially touched to see photos of the restoration work that was completed with the money raised at our event. ‘‘It is extremely important to put something back into local communities,’’ he added ‘‘The fact that we are doing this with the trustworthy Bangkok Post Foundation, which has done so much to help children over many years, makes it especially rewarding. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the golfing guests who make this event pos- sible.’’ Since its opening in 2007, Black Mountain has garnered some prestigious awards, such as the Best New Course in Asia-Pacific in its first year and the Best

hailand and Hua Hin are riding high as pre-eminent golf tourism destinations in Asia Pacific.Thailand was last week named the best golf destination in Asia Pacific at the Asia Pacific Golf Summit in Brunei. Black Mountain Golf Club in Hua Hin was awarded best course in Thailand for the second year in a row, with another Hua Hin course, Banyan Golf Club, voted second in Thailand.Last year, at the Asia Pacific Golf Summit in Pattaya, Black Mountain displaced Thai Country Club as Thailand’s best course after the Bangkok club had enjoyed seven years at the top. Black Mountain was then also named best championship course in Asia Pacific. This year, Black Mountain was named second best course in Asia Pacific behind The Club at Nine Bridges in South Korea. Black Mountain’s general manager, Harald Elisson, who attended the summit in Brunei,

Championship Golf Course in Thailand accolade from Asian Golf Monthly magazine in 2009, a title it took for the second time last year. In 2010, Asian Tour players named the club The Host Venue of the Year. Early this week, the club won the Best Course in Thailand category and Second Best Course in Asia-Pacific at the Asia-Pacific Golf Summit Awards 2012 held in Brunei. At this event, Thailand also named the Best Golf Destination in Asia. The 2013 edition of the charity event will kick off at 10.30am on Jan 12 with a golf clinic showcase by top professional golfers led by long-haired Swedish star Johan Edfors, Mikko Ilonen, Simon Yates and Rikard Karlberg. This showcase will give guests an opportunity to get up close and personal with eminent golfers and to get advice from the pros. The swing session will be followed by a luxurious Thai buffet lunch prepared by the club’s executive chef Marten Karlsson and his team. Philanthropic guests will then be treated to a fun-filled day on the award-winning 18-hole, par 72 (7,420 yard) championship course, crafted by architect Phil Ryan of Pacific Coast Design. The challenging yet playable layout, which has hosted professional tournaments including the Asian Tour Masters and the Royal Trophy, lies in a stunning setting of interconnected water- ways, undulating fairways and greens with a breathtaking natural landscape. In the evening, the beautifully landscaped club house overlooking the course’s spectacular scenery will be turned into an al fresco venue for a gourmet barbecue dinner prepared and served on site by 14 of the country’s most respected chefs from five-star Bangkok establishments. Graced by twinkling stars and touched by the congeniality of the famous chefs, the gas- tronomic affair will feature palate-teasing se- lections of international barbecue and seafood items, freshly prepared gourmet pastas, Japanese delicacies and Spanish paella as well as sump- tuous varieties of desserts, to name just a few. ‘‘We are sure the event will be bigger and better every year and become an ongoing annual festivity. We are committed to ensuring its growth. In fact, the number of top chefs joining this second episode has increased from 10 to 14 and all the chefs are now busy perfecting the menu. They told me they wanted to outdo themselves and each other this time,’’ said Elisson, with a big smile.

said he was delighted to accept the award as Thailand’s best course, as well as being pleased that two Hua Hin clubs had been recognised as Thailand’s best.“Hua Hin has made a significant mark on

golf tourism in Thailand and throughout Asia in the past five years and these latest awards reaffirm what many international and local players know – you can’t go past Hua Hin for the ultimate golf experience,” he said.Black Mountain’s top ranking in Thailand caps off a highly successful year for the club. In May, it became the first course in Thailand to be named in the US Golf Digest list of the best 100 courses outside the United States.

The golf club has recently launched two new facilities to cater to family needs. While some in the family will be out enjoying the golf, others (say, mothers and children) can have great fun at Black Mountain Water Park and Wakeboard Park, which meets the highest safety standards and features state-of-the-art technology, including a 17m tower with seven different slides, a wave pool, a lazy river and an artificial beach. THE CHARITY PROGRAMME THE 2013 Bangkok Post-Black Mountain Charity Golf & Gourmet Dinner will take place at Black Mountain Golf Club, Hua Hin on Saturday, January 12. All proceeds, without any deductions, will go to the Bangkok Post Foundation to support the education of less fortunate students. A team tournament event, the charity golf match aims to attract teams from big corporate companies and golfers from international communities in Thailand. The number of participants is set at 30 teams of four persons each. The donation for each team is 100,000 baht. The winning team will receive the 2013 Bangkok Post-Black Mountain Golf Club Trophy, and a week’s stay at Black Mountain Golf Club’s villa with a daily round of golf. WHERE Black Mountain Golf Club Hua Hin WHEN Saturday, Jan 12, 2013 COST Donation of 100,000 baht net for a team of four golfers.* Limited to 30 teams only THE PROGRAMME 10.30am Registration. Golf Clinic showcase by top players, 11.30am Thai buffet lunch, 12.30pm Shotgun start, 6.30pm Pre-dinner canapes, 7.00pm Presentation by schools renovated using funds raised last year, 7.30pm Gourmet dinner and barbecue buffet with wine and beer, Bangkok Post c/o Kusuma Minthakin Bekenn Tel: 02-240-3700 ext 1191, 1192, Black Mountain Golf Club c/o Khun May Tel: 081-378-3553

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


ecause of its magnificent landscape and charming beauty, Kanchanaburi has become a major tourist destination, with attractions including several well-known waterfalls, caves that were once inhabited by Neolithic man, pristine national parks, tranquil rivers, virgin forests, and several large reservoirs. Together, these attractions offer an intriguing experience for both first-time and repeat visitors. Whether it’s fishing, rafting, canoeing, mountain biking, bird-watching, star-gazing, golfing, elephant and jungle trekking, or even living in a bamboo raft, Kanchanaburi takes pride in offering them all.In north and west Kanchanaburi, the terrain is comprised mainly of mountains and high plains, with the Thanon Thongchai Range acts as a natural border between Thailand and Myanmar. The range is the source of Kanchanaburi’s two most important rivers Maenam Khwae Noi (Little Kwai River) and Maenam Khwae Yai (Big Kwai River), which form the famous Maenam Mae Klong. As a result of these major rivers and three of Thailand’s largest reservoirs, Kanchanaburi features several of Thailand’s largest Namtok (waterfalls) as well as a number of wildlife sanctuaries. The most defining natural attractions in Kanchanaburi is arguably the Three Pagodas Pass, a break in the Thanon Thongchai Mountain Range that divides Thailand and Myanmar. Along an overland trade route from India, it is through this pass that Buddhism was thought to first to arrive in Thailand around the 3rd century. The province and its pass were later controlled by the Khmer of Angkor in the 13th century, who built a fort there ( a Khmer temple from the time has been restored as a tourist attraction). The kingdom of Ayutthaya also built a military garrison in the area, though it was through the pass that the Burmese frequently swept into Siam and eventually razed the capital of Ayutthaya. In World War II, the Japanese built a railway through the pass using forced labor, including western POWs. Later known as the Death Railway, the line included an infamous bridge crossing the Kwai River that was the subject of a historically inaccurate academy award winning film. The Three Pagodas Pass area is also home to numerous hill tribes and other minority groups who reside in the area as nation-less refugees without citizenship in either land. For visitors, it is possible to get temporary one-day visas to cross the border for a sneak peak at Myanmar and do some shopping for exotic souvenirs. The city of Kanchanaburi is located at the point where the Khwae Noi and Khwae Yai Rivers meet and form the Maenam Mae Klong. The notorious Death Railway passed through the town, near which stands the site of the Bridge on the River Kwai. Nearby the reconstructed bridge are monuments including an Allied War Cemetery and a war museum. In economic terms, Kanchanaburi has been prospering for a number of years. Important industries include sugar, agricultural products, and jewelry. Tourism is also a main source of income for the locals, though most are engaged in agricultural activities. The

province’s population is made up of Thai, Mon, and Karen peoples, most of whom are rural dwellers who enjoy living simply and respecting nature. Moreover, folk music and dances dating back at least 500 years are still performed to this day. Only two hours from Bangkok, Kanchanaburi is accessible by road or rail, the latter of which includes sightseeing day trips that run on weekends and public holidays; these weekend special trains are reasonably priced and make hassle free and enjoyable adventures. Even the climate of Kanchanaburi, cooled by the altitude, forests, and rivers, is a welcome respite from the heat and congestion of the nearby capital city. Kanchanaburi city, the capital of Kanchanaburi Province, is a popular resort town; picturesque and worthy of a visit in its own right, it is frequently visited as base of operations for exploring the many cultural, natural, and historical attractions in the surrounding countryside. Located at the confluence of the Kwai Noi and Kwai Yai Rivers, Kanchanaburi lies at the source of the Mae Klong River, and these majestic bodies of water are defining characteristics of the town. The original town of Kanchanaburi was established by King Rama I as a first line of defense against the Burmese, whom he believed might use the old invasion route through the Three Pagodas Pass at the Siam-Myanmar border. According to most historians, the old town of Kanchanaburi was located near Ban Lat Ya, a small village situated approximately 16 kilometers north of the present town. The present provincial capital is a relatively newer town built by King Rama III in 1833. The town itself is a place to relax, watching the water from the banks of the river, inside a raft house, or from a riverside restaurant. Many visitors like to rest along the river with a cold drink and a good book. Many of them come here just for a couple days but stay for weeks in order to explore all of the attractions in the surrounding countryside. Along with visiting spectacular waterfalls, lush forests, and three of Thailand’s largest reservoirs, white water rafting, elephant trekking, and golfing are popular activities for visitors. Kanchanaburi is an excellent tourist destination for nature lovers.

The Bridge on the River Khwae (the Death Railway Bridge) Thanks to several films and books, the Bridge on the River Khwae has become notoriously famous and attracted both Thais and foreigners to the site. If an ordinary black iron bridge can tell a story, you can be sure it’s a dramatic one.The bridge spans across Maenam Khwae Yai which is a branch of Maenam Mae Klong. During the Japanese occupation of Thailand in World War II, the Japanese Imperial Army brought the iron bridge from Java. It was then resembled by Allied Prisoners of War (POW) under Japanese supervision. The bridge was part of a strategic railway route to Myanmar in which the Japanese aimed to secure supplies with which to conquer other western Asian countries. It was 415 kilometers long (about 303 kilometers in Thailand and about 112 kilometers in Burma) and passed through the Three Pagoda Pass in Sangkhlaburi District, the northern most part of Kanchanaburi province. Construction started on September 16, 1942 at Nong Pladuk, and was completed on 25 December 1943. It is estimated that over 16,000 POWs from England, Australia, Holland and America died while building the bridge which was a target of bombing raids in 1945. In addition to this, approximate 90,000 laborers from Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and Indonesia died during its construction. Rebuilt after WWII, the bridge is still in use today with the curved portions of the bridge being that of the original. An attraction of note is the annual light and sound event at the bridge to commemorate the Allied attack in 1945.The railway currently ends at Ban Tha Sao or Namtok Station, a distance of some 77 km. from Kanchanaburi Station. A special train running from Bangkok to Namtok Station is available on weekends and national holidays. ...Read more of Karnchanaburi Part 2 in February 2013 issue...

La Grappa Italian restaurant and pizzeria is

situated in the heart of Hua Hin and is bustling with hungry patrons every night of the week. This eatery is famous in the city and beyond for its authentic flavors, classy but relaxed ambiance and excellent selection of wines and spirits. Chef Andreas’ passion for food is evident in every dish that is presented and ingredients here are often imported directly from Italy. La Grappa Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria offers a wide range of delicious and authentic Italian cuisine prepared by top Italian Chef Andreas Bonifacio. Born in Trieste, North Italy the talented chef of over twenty years gained substantial international experience from five stars hotels and michelin star restaurants in Italy and Europe. Three and a half years ago he decided Hua Hin needed a fine dining restaurant so he.took over La Grappa to do so. He has been serving amazing Italian dishes to guests from all over the world visiting Hua Hin ever since! They offer several seasonal and specialty dishes depending on when you visit, the expert chef can prepare favorites that are not listed on the menu like Fettucini with white truffles (which are only in season once a year) a dish that hails from the Northern region of Italy. They also have many fine wines and spirits on their menu including the traditional Italian after dinner drink, Grappa, for which the establishment is named after. Grappa is a colorless brandy with an alcoholic content of about forty percent, distilled from the pressed skins and pips of the grapes left

after wine making. At its crudest, Grappa tastes of raw spirit, but after maturing, the taste becomes more refined. This old traditional Italian drink is a very pleasant way to end a vibrant Italian meal. La Grappa has the best selection of this spirit that can be found in Thailand and is very proud to serve this precious drink in Hua Hin. The experts there suggest that you sip a nice Grappa together with chocolate and coffee that is also offered on the menu. The mission at La Grappa Italian Pizzeria is to cater to guests who appreciate and enjoy affordable dining with the perfect match of authentic Italian food, grappa and wines served by friendly staff in a relaxed yet pleasant and stylish ambience. La Grappa Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria offers the perfect background for a pleasant

and enjoyable lunch or dinner, or in Italian “ L’ a b b i n a m e n t o ” . Hua Hin is known for good food and an enjoyable evening, and La Grappa is the perfect way to wind down after a long day on the beach! You can find out more about La Grappa by watching the special episode at or by visiting their website to contact them directly for special events or catering at



rika and Angie from the iTravel Channel went to explore one of Thailand’s best rated attractions! The Black Mountain Golf Club and Spa is located fifteen minutes west of central Hua Hin over 500 acres of lush jungle mountains. This is not your ordinary resort, with lots of activities to keep the whole family busy, Black Mountain golf club has some surprises in store! Construction began in 2005 when the Swedish owner became inspired for a golf course in the scenic terrain and just 18 months later Thailand’s Best Championship golf course was a reality! They didn’t stop at the golf course though, they built several residences on the property for people who love golf and luxury. These 15 modern homes of various sizes overlook the green to give a priceless view and are decked out with beautiful private pools. Black Mountain also has 76 luxury condominiums that are in high demand by international and local visitors. At Black Mountain you can only become a lifetime member of the prestigious course if you own property there! They also have a stunning

Palm Hills Golf Club & Residence

Wide fairways and large greens make Palm Hills a very user-friendly course. To offset this there is a fair amount of water to cross as lakes used for irrigation have been blended into the undulating layout. While the greens may be large, they are very slick and difficult to read. Due to its close proximity to Hua Hin, Palm Hills is very heavily used and as a consequence a round can take around 5 hours to complete in the high season.

Price: 2,400 baht per golfer

Price includes: Green Fee, Caddy Fee, for weekday and weekend For booking these special Golf Fees, please contact Nicolas at 089 458 0629 or email info@ or visit website

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

have added several other fun activities in recent years to accommodate everyone in the family! J ust down the way from the villas is their very own water park! This is a hugely popular spot for families, children and adults. They have pools for adults, children pools, a bar and restaurant, sun lounges and lots of water-slides. So while mum and dad can relax, the kids are kept entertained for hours. There are nine different water slides that vary in speed and size or you can have fun in their beach pool, kid’s pool, lazy river or the pool bar. A special feature of the water park is the wave pool which sends out mammoth waves every 20 minutes and really looks like a beach you might enjoy in Thailand! For those tired golfers who just want to chill out, head to the spa or fountain pools to lounge. That isn’t the only water surprise Black Mountain has to offer! They also have a custom wakeboard hotel that boasts the same plush style villas and park on the property! If you have an adventurous condos where weekend or vacationers can still spirit, you have to try out wake boarding here in enjoy the golf course right on your doorstep. Hua Hin! They offer both 18 hole par 72 and 9 hole par 3 championship golf courses that were created by the careful eye of an experienced architect who wanted the course to be challenging enough for pro’s, yet versatile enough for beginners the beginners. In fact, some of Europe’s best golfers For knee have become members and home owners like recommend Pelle Edberg, Rikard Karlberg and Simon Yates. boarding for your first They also offer a custom built driving range where time out but if you are you can practice your swing. The views on the not scared to fall on your course are breathtaking and a day spent at Black face a couple times, full wake boarding is Mountain will not be soon forgotten. an experience like no General Manager of Black Mountain, Harald Ellison other! Not many golf has been with the property since 2007 and his courses also offer passion about Black Mountain is apparent. They

Springfield Golf Resort

The original 18 holes features the full Nicklaus theme - long par 4`s, big bunkers, plenty of water, most of the trouble to the golfer`s right and an island green. For the middle handicapper, the par 4`s will require regular use of fairway metals. The `C` course, while still maturing, is also a testing layout and requires patience in the attempt to match par or play to one`s handicap.

Price: 2,700 baht per golfer

Price includes: Green Fee, Caddy Fee, for weekday and weekend For booking these special Golf Fees, please contact Nicolas at 089 458 0629 or email info@ or visit website

Imperial Lake View Golf Course

The first golf club in the Hua Hin area to have 36 holes, Imperial Lake View, with its 72-room hotel, offers the keen golfer an idyllic retreat with a choice of courses and a resort set in tropical gardens. Known for its slick greens, Lake View offers the Desert (`C`) course which many professionals regard as the best 9 holes in the Hua Hin area. Littered with bunkers, the Desert challenges all handicappers and is followed by the Links-style `D` 9 which is more open, but much longer.

Price: 2,400 baht per golfer

Price inclusive: Green Fee, Caddy Fee, for weekday and weekend

For booking these special Golf Fees, please contact Nicolas at 089 458 0629 or email or visit website

all this excitement from the water park to wake boarding, you are guaranteed to never be bored! With decadent accommodations and a World Class golf course plus a high end luxury spa and fine dining, this place really has it all! Black Mountain Golf Club is the perfect escape from the city and busy life, where you can let all your stresses melt away on the green or in the pool. To see more watch the full Black Mountain Golf Club episode on or visit their website

Royal Hua Hin Golf Course

Thailand`s oldest course, opened in 1924, is a natural layout out in wooded land rather than the resort style so popular today. There are no water hazards except for the most wayward shots to the right on the second hole, but the average golfer will have enough problems keeping out of the trees. The course has been leased for 30 years by Singha Brewing Company which has effected improvements to the course condition as well as refurbishing the clubhouse.

Price: 2,300 baht per golfer

Price inclusive: Green Fee, Caddy Fee, for weekday and weekend

For booking these special Golf Fees, please contact Nicolas at 089 458 0629 or email or visit website

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Homes for Sale and Rent websites : and

Price 14,900,000 THB (Reduced from 19 Mil!)

Price 9,500,000 THB Pool Villa Fully furnished 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms Living area 276 Sq.m. Land area: 700 Sq.m.

Price 7,500,000 THB

Fully furnished Living area 144 Sqm. Land area 425 Sqm.

Price 6,000,000 THB

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Pool villa Fully furnished Living area 320 Sqm. Land area 360 Sqm.

Price 9,000,000 THB

Swimming pool Fully furnished Living area 89 Sq.m.

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

Club House Fully furnished Living area 177 Sq.m.

Houses Condos for Rent

Club House Facilities Fully furnished 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Living area 151 Sq.m. Land area: 480 Sq.m.

Price 3,900,000 THB

1 bedroom 1 bathroom

Fully furnished Communal swimming pool Living area 65 Sqm.

To List Your Property &

RC O -0 06 0

RH O -0 07 5

Price 4,000,000 THB

SC O -0 01 2

SC O -0 02 4

SC O -0 06 6

3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Price 4,900,000 THB Pool Villa Fully furnished 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Living area 150 Sq.m. Land area: 238 Sq.m.

SH O -0 04 6

SH O -0 02 4

SH O -0 02 5

Pool Villa Fully furnished 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms Living area 478 Sq.m. Land area: 1,334 Sq.m.

Price 4,000,000 THB

SH O -0 06 8

SH O -0 07 0

SH O -0 03 7

Houses Condos for Sale

To Search for Properties Contact

Full Facilities Fully furnished Living area 300 Sq.m.

Price 37,000 / Month 1 bedroom 1 bathroom

Fully furnished Full Facilities Living area 55 Sqm.

RH O -0 08 5

RC O -0 02 6

Price 8,000 THB / Week

4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms

Office : 032 - 511 535 Eng-Thai (ไทย) : 090 - 970 9322 Dutch-German : 087 - 718 0767 French-Dutch : 084 - 088 2193 Real Estate : Regal Property Partners Co.,LTD,

RH O -0 06 9

Private Pool Villa Fully furnished Living area 712 Sq.m.

Price 49,000 THB/Week 179,000/Month Private Pool&Tennis course Fully furnished 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms Living area 300 Sq.m.

Price 25,000 THB / Month 1 bedroom 1 bathroom

Full Facilities Fully furnished Living area 60 Sq.m.

RC O -0 03 2

Price 70,000 THB / Month

3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms

Price 35,000 THB/Month 3 bedrooms 2 bathroom

Full Facilities Fully furnished Living area 170 Sq.m.

Our Developments : GreenScape Pool Villas Black Lotus Rent Villas “Golf Village” Hua Hin Crystal View Residense Properties Hua Hin Swimming Pool Villas in Thailand


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


may be the first time that top Thailand’s fashion designers and talented portrait artists have worked together for a special fashion collection. Tube Gallery, Thai fashion brand known for over 12 years in fashion industry, joined hands with Christian Develter, a Belgian art collector who has been recognized as one of the most prominent contemporary art collectors. Chin is a minority ethnic group in Myanmar, the Chin women have their faces traditionally tattooed. Christian Develter has used the Chin women as an inspiration to create series drawings called “Chin” The designers of Tube Gallery, Pisit Jongnarangsin and Saksit Pisarnsupong, were captivated by this series and decided to work with Mr. Develter. In July 2012 the “Chin” was launched in Paris. The designers described how they came up with the design for the collection: “We started working on the graphic design by removing Chin’s face structure until the tattoo lines remain alone. Then we used computer to design these lines. This is the origin of Chin:Unmasked”.

Men Tights Trend 2013 “Meggings” W

hen fashion circles defined what would be NYC men’s fashion trend this winter, male legging came up on the top list.

Meggings are male tights or known as legging. Many of Hollywood celebrities were seen wearing meggings such as Justin Bieber, Russell Brand and Lenny Kravitz while many fashion stores in NYC on online shops are now selling tights for men. The male tights trend are no their way to the UK. One of the male legging lovers said “it is much more comfortable to wear than skinny jeans for ones who have good legs to show them off. Perhaps people will be laughing around this in 12 months’ time but for now they come up to me and say, ‘You look awesome.’” While this new trend seems to be getting popular, some males think “Meggings” is an affront to masculinity. Perhaps there are many more dissent opinions about men tights, meggigns are possibly good for some males.

ASEAN Silk Heritage 2012 Exhibition A

mazing woven silk exhibition “ASEAN Silk Heritage 2012” was held during December 5th – 9th, 2012 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre. A group of ASEAN countries; Lao, Burma, Vietnam and Thailand’s many leading local Thai silk providers took part. From Thailand silk producers from lower Northeastern provinces called Nakorn Chaiburin which includes Nakorn Ratchaseema, Chaiyapum, Bureerum and Surin provinces showcased their top products in 70 shops displayed in the exhibition. Minister of Commerce, Mr. Boonsong Tayapirom, and Deputy Minister of Commerce, Mr. Nattawut Saikue, presided over the opening ceremony on December 6th 2012. The event integrated government, private sector, educational institutions and the

public sector, including manufacturer and traders from Nakhon Chaiburin provinces. They all were at exhibition to preserve Thai silk cultural treasures of Thailand northeast. It is generally well known that Thai silk from Nakhon Chaiburin is the most luxurious and has the best quality. It has been used by the royal family and high ranking society through the years. The first ASEAN Silk Heritage 2011 event was a great success in ASEAN and world markets. This has made Thai silk better known and its sales have reached new heights. To preserve the Thai silk heritage has always been Her Majesty the Queen Sirikit’s wish so holding the ASEAN Silk Heritage 2012 auspiciously honored HM the queen Sirikit’s birthday on 12 August.


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


his month I have managed to have a quick chat with one of our new members of Hua Hin, Britta Kutz, a new general manager at InterContinental Hua Hin Resort. She has arrived Hua Hin in September 2012.

With a passion for hospitality German born Britta started her career with an apprenticeship in her home town Cologne in Germany. She started with Hyatt group hotels in Cologne, London and Hamburg and then continued her career with IHG in management positions in InterContinental Hotels in Cologne and Frankfurt and joins the Hua Hin resort from her most recent role as Deputy General Manager of InterContinental Singapore. It was there that her talent for leadership, brand awareness and excellent management was recognised, gaining her a coveted place on InterContinental’s Accelerated General Manager Development Programme. After 22 years of hotel management experience in total, Britta found herself comfortably suited with Intercontinental group for the past 10 years.

Not only being a good leader, she believes having good sense of humor is a vital element when working in the hospitality industry and has helped her many times when dealing with tricky situations. She shared one of the funniest stories about a naked man running around in the hotel lobby area in a Hotel in Hamburg, Germany.

She said “One early morning at work, I was at the reception desk with many customers checking out. All of the sudden, the naked man appeared running around the atrium in the lobby area. The funny thing was, none any of the guests noticed while I had to control myself to not to laugh because it looked very funny. Soon there was a bit of chaos when our hotel chef and the engineer were running after the naked man trying to catch him.”

Britta had already gained experience working with Thai people while she was in Singapore and was very happy that her next career step took her to Thailand as she had always admired Thai culture and enjoys dealing with Thai people a lot.


eading Swedish make-up brand Make Up Store has launched their latest make up collection “retro 70’s” presented by Kayo Shekoni, a famous Swedish model and singer.

Make Up Store reveals that their latest collection range called Foxy is inspired by a colorful retro look inspired by what women in the 70’s used to wear. The “Retro 70’s make up picks up inspiration from this era by highlighting eyes with sparkling vibrant eyes colors to bring out the eyes.

To create the Retro 70’s look is easier than it sounds. Start with using glitter eye shadow for upper eyelids. Micro shadow colors will suit best. Use frost or shimmer to the eyes area and use dark colors on the corners of eyes. Then apply any of the selection of dark colors such as dark navy blue, green, turquoise blue color eye liners over the entire eyelids. For this 70’s make-up look, the usual black color is not particularly used. But if one still prefers the black eye liner, it can be used as inner liner only and covered with glitter eye liner. To have a perfect 70’s look, use shimmered powder or wonder powder stressing on cheeks, chin, neck and chest. Final step, it is recommended that you should not overuse lip gloss, simply because it can make your face shiny. Instead, choose creamy lipstick texture that may be slightly shiny.

Tip If you want a look of glowing skin, should not use too thick foundation.


Peppo Fashions Group the distributor of MANGO in Thailand, a chic and trendy brand from Spain for young, urban women, recently hosted an exclusive VIP‐only party. The event was held at MANGO store at Siam Paragon under the concept of “ME, MY WARDROBE & MANGO”.

The by‐invitation‐only party for MANGO VIP featured a presentation why MANGO can be “the one brand that fits all activities”. Also a highlighted was the mix & match session by Centimeter, a leading up and coming stylist on how to mix & match clothes and come up with a make‐over that fits your character and lifestyle. MANGO VIP members also enjoyed shopping while getting an advice from the MANGO team. Clients also had a chance to win a voucher worth up to 10,000 Baht which was the top prize for the party raffle.

Healthy Skin without Acne K

By Jaruwan Yunprayong Spa Manager at InterContinental Hua Hin Resort

eeping your skin looking and feeling healthy is an important part of maintaining an overall sense of wellbeing, and paying careful attention to your skin is a good way to gauge your general health and find out how well you are looking after your body. Having worked in the Spa, Beauty and Hospitality industry for more than 10 years, I have noticed over the course of my career that a common problem for many women is not only pimples on the face, but also on the back, neck and chest. As well as being unsightly and making us feel self-conscious, pimples can be painful and uncomfortable. Luckily, there are some easy measures to take to prevent and treat pimples which can be incorporated into your lifestyle to help you staying pimple-free.

1: Daily Routine

As in all aspects of healthy living, diet and regular exercise will have a positive effect on the health of your skin, and hence will decrease the risk of pimples. A healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables helps the body to increase the levels of natural acne-fighting anti-oxidants. One of the main causes of pimples on the surface of the skin is excess fats within the body which need to be expelled. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is the burning of fats, with less fats on the inside meaning fewer spots on the outside. Vitamin C is vital for healthy skin. It can be found in high doses in oranges, guava and lemons. Alternatively, Vitamin C supplements are readily available. Drinking at least two liters of water per day is a great way to ensure healthy skin. By staying properly hydrated, your body is able to flush out excess fats and toxins that build up and cause spots. As well as keeping check on what you put into your body, it is important to be careful with what you expose your skin to. For example, many people experience skin irritation because of the detergents they use to wash their clothes, if this is the case try switching to a different brand of detergent. Similarly, it is important to ensure that bed sheets and pillow cases are changed regularly, as these can easily gather dust and dead skin which irritate the skin. When possible, always wear natural cottons and wellventilated clothes to allow your skin to breathe. 2: Hormone Levels (from the Skincare association Thailand)

A medical practitioner or professional skincare specialist can advise on some light hormone medication available to help control and reduce pimples. 3: Treatments

Following the treatment of pimples, it is very common to have some “black-spots’” on the surface of the skin. This can cause just as much concern as the original problem. To combat this, try one of my ‘tricks of the trade’ with these natural remedies: Blend half a green apple together with 2 tablespoons of honey and apply to the affected area. Leave for 30 minutes and then shower/wash the area. Do this every 2 days for 4 weeks. Alternatively, slice and ground a red onion and apply to the affected area. Leave for 30 minutes and then shower/wash the area. Do this every 2 days for 4 weeks. At Spa Intercontinental, we have other specialist treatments available to help reduce and prevent pimples. We recommend the 2 hours detoxifying body scrub and body wrap. This treatment is on special offer for THB 4,500 net per person Please contact +66 32 616 999 Ext. Spa

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


pplying for Work Permit Apply for the work permit at the Labor Department for the province the Company is located in. Most people get refused because they forgot to include a map in Thai showing the location of the company. Some other people get refused because they were not wearing a necktie in the photo. The photos of the office must also show clearly the Company name and address. Double check the requirements! The application will take about 10 days from the day of submission to the collection at the Labor Department. Collection of the Work Permit, You will need to pick up your blue work permit book in person at the Labor Department as you need to sign it. You will be issued with a work permit valid for either 90 days, 6 months or 12 months or even 24 months; this decision is at the discretion of the officer. In line with new regulations, your visa and work permit are no longer tied together. Therefore, you can have a visa entry or extension of stay that expires on a completely different date to the work permit. NOTE: If on extension of stay be sure that you do not overstay or travel out of the country without a Re-entry Permit, because then extension of stay will be invalid upon your return and work would not be allowed on the visa exempt entry provided on re-entry. Applying for a One Year Extension of stay at the immigration. You will need some extra documents, copies of your work permit as well as a set of papers similar to the one you submitted to the Labor Department. When applying for Extension of Stay, the Immigration expects the applicant to earn a minimum salary based on the nationality of the applicant. Be aware the Labor Department in Bangkok is now enforcing these minimum salaries, in most cases, when you apply for the work permit as well. The minimum salary requirements are listed below .a. From most countries in European continent, Australasia, Canada, Japan, or United States of American, the minimum salary would be 50,000 Baht per month, b. From South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the minimum salary would be 45,000 Baht per month c. From most countries in Asian continent, South America, Eastern region of the European, Central America, Mexico, Turkey, Russia and South Africa, the minimum salary would be 35,000 Baht per month, d. From countries in Africa, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, the minimum salary would be 25,000 Baht per month NOTE: The above requirements apply to an extension of stay based on employment. If work permit is issued against extension of stay based on marriage to Thai national, the minimum income requirement is 40,000 baht/month. It is important to note that if you set up your company shortly before beginning this process, there are certain issues to be aware of when carrying out the extension of stay. In order to be granted the one year extension of stay for the foreigner; the company needs to have already submitted three months of PND 1 which is withholding tax as well as three social fund payment monthly filings for the Thai employees. The company must also have one million Thai Baht in equity. This is the minimum requirement and some officers may even enforce the current regulations which is showing two year audit balance sheets as well. This is why a Thai lawyer can help explain with the current requests in most cases. Just like the ocean changes tides so does the current day to day requirements of said regulations. Immigration will first extend your NON-B for only 30 days, which is the consideration period. If they do extend, then you are OK for now. Make sure you make another Re-entry Permit if you plan to travel, as any previous Re-entry Permit that you held is now invalid. This extension of stay based on business will be valid until 1 year after the day you receive this extension from Immigration. NOTE: The very same day that you receive your one-year extension, you can apply for a Multiple Re-entry Permit, so you will be able to travel freely in and out of the country without losing your extension of stay. The Government fee for this is 3,800 Baht. Alternatively, if you only plan to travel out of the Thailand once in the foreseeable future, then you can obtain a single re-entry permit; the fee for this is 1,000 Baht.

Visa Run criteria to obtain Visa for Business - Invitation letter - 2 x recent photos; 3.5 x 4.5 cm - Copy of company certificate - Copy of list of shareholders - Some embassies/consulates in Asia, apart from the ones in your country of residence, will need you to apply for the work permit first and obtain the WP3 form. IMPORTANT POINTS The invitation letter will be written by the company Director and should explain the reason why the applicant will require a business visa. For example, the letter could state that the applicant will be employed by the company and will therefore require a business visa. The company certificate, shareholders list and the invitation letter must all be signed in blue ink by the company Director and stamped with the company seal. Certain Thai Embassies and Consulates have different requirements so it is advisable to check with your chosen Embassy or Consulate prior to making the trip. Citizens of Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka should ask their employer in Thailand to fill out the “WP3″ form and submit to the Alien Occupational Control Division for approval. The WP3 form may be obtained at the Alien Occupational Control Division, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour, Mit-Maitree Road, Dindaeng District, Bangkok. Once approved, the Alien Occupational Control Division will issue a certificate and each applicant has to submit the original together with the required documents to the Thai Embassy or Consulate for visa approval. EXAMPLE OF DOCUMENTS FOR WORK PERMIT - Form WP2 - 3 x recent photos; 5 x 6 cm - Letter of employment - Copy of company registration certificate, including objectives. - Copy of shareholders list. - Copy of VAT registration; Phor Phor.01 - Organization chart - Copy of front page of passport and visa. - Education certificate and resume of previous employment. - Health certificate - Map of place of business. - Photos of Office inside and outside, with outside showing the company name and address. EXAMPLE OF DOCUMENTS FOR ONE YEAR EXTENSION - Copy of applicant’s Passport and Original. - 1 x recent photos; 4 x 6 cm - Copy of applicant’s Work Permit and Original - Original Company affidavit and Shareholder list (updated within the past 6 months) certified by registrar of Ministry of Commerce. - Copy of the company annual audit, P.N.D 50 and Sor.Bor.Chor 3 of the latest year, certified by Revenue Department or Ministry of commerce. - Copy of the company’s monthly personal income tax (PND.1) for the 3 previous months (certified by Revenue Department) which shows all employees including names of foreign employees. - Copy of annual personal income tax (PND.91) of the latest taxable year which must be certified by Revenue Department with an original receipt. (If any) - Copy of Por. Por. 30 of the 3 previous months which certified - A map of the company’s office location - 6-8 photographs of the company showing the building and location of office including its nameplate and number and showing the employees working during office hours. - Copy of Social Security Fund return of all employees (Sor.Por.Sor.1-10), of the 3 previous months which certified. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR WORK PERMIT RENEWAL (ANNUALLY) - Application Form (W.P.5) - Copy of company certificate. - Income year-end report (Por Ngor Dor.1,50,51 and 90,91 ) - List of foreign workers employed at the company along with identifying work permit numbers - Form of the Employment Certification or Employment Contract - Audited accounts - Letter of power of attorney - Work permit with a copy - Passport and one copy of all pages or Certificate of Permanent Residence and Certificate of Alien with a copy - If the applicant is unable to apply in person then a Power of Attorney with 10 Baht duty stamp affixed and a copy of appointee’s ID card will be required

World Change starts with Educated Children Room to Read Organisation

By GMoss & Courtesy of Room to Read

“Our commitment to delivering quality programs and maintaining the utmost fiscal efficiency has earned recognition from leaders in the non-profit and corporate sectors and media attention.” “Literacy unlocks the door to learning throughout life, is essential to development and health, and opens the way for democratic participation and active citizenship.” -Kofi Annan, former United Nations SecretaryGeneral Our Story : Room to Read is Born: 1998 – 2000 It all started with a case of job burnout. As an overworked Microsoft executive, John Wood escaped to Nepal for a much-needed backpacking getaway. While hiking in the Himalayas, John met a Nepalese “Education Resource Officer” who invited him to visit a school in a neighbouring village. Little did John know that this short detour would change his life forever.

At the school, John saw the harsh reality confronting not only this village, but millions of Nepalese children–a dilapidated schoolroom and a severe shortage of books. John was stunned to discover that the few books this school had had–a Danielle Steele romance, the Lonely Planet Guide to Mongolia, and a few other backpacker castoffs– were so precious that they were kept under lock and protect them from the children! As John left the village, the headmaster made a simple request: “Perhaps, Sir, you will someday come back with books.” His request would not go unheard. John emailed friends asking for help collecting children’s books, and within two months had collected over 3,000 books. The following year, John and his father, accompanied by a train of eight book-bearing donkeys, returned to the village in Nepal. Seeing the faces of the children with the books convinced John to leave the corporate world and devote himself to becoming the Andrew Carnegie of the developing world. In late 1999, John quit his executive position with Microsoft and started Room to Read. Beginning in Nepal, John and his Nepali Co-Founder, Dinesh Shrestha, started by working with rural communities to build schools (School Room) and establish libraries (Reading Room).John and co-founder, Dinesh Shrestha, quickly recognized the need to expand the scope of work beyond libraries and wanted to address the fact that many girls in the developing world are overlooked in the educational system due to cultural bias. To that end, in 2000 Room to Read began the Girls’ Education program which targets young girls and provides a long-term commitment to their education. Over 60 million primary schoolaged children around the world do not have

access to education and most likely will never learn to read or write. Room to Read believes that all children, regardless of gender or background, have a right to education. By empowering children through this lifelong gift, we see a world in which people are able to realize their full potential.Room to Read had its humble origins in Nepal in 2000, where we began bringing donated books to rural communities. Today, we are a global organization dedicated to promoting and enabling education through programs focused on literacy and gender equality in education. We achieve this goal by establishing school libraries, building schools, publishing locallanguage children’s books, training teachers on literacy education and supporting girls to complete secondary school with the life skills neccessary to succeed in school and beyond. We currently work in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia – with plans to expand so we can bring educational opportunities and resources to children throughout the developing world. Room to Read’s programs have benefitted more than 6.5 million children so far and we are on track to reach 10 million children by 2015. Imagine a world in which every child has access to an education. Room to Read is doing our best to make this dream a reality, one child at a time.

We envision a world in which all children can pursue a quality education, reach their full potential and contribute to their community and the world. To achieve this goal, we focus on two areas where we believe we can have the greatest impact: literacy and gender equality in education. We work in collaboration with communities and local governments across Asia and Africa to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children, and support girls to complete secondary school with the life skills they’ll need to succeed in school and beyond. Have questions need answers? - Contact us online at : Global Office: +1 (415) 839-4400 +1 (415) 839-4400 - 9am-5pm Pacific Time (US) - Mon-Fri, Website : www.


ew Cambridge Institute (Thailand), a leading overseas educational consultancy in Thailand, invites you to attend a personal interview with visiting British university representatives. 9 prestigious universities which will be joining our event including Birmingham City University, Coventry University, INTO, University of Middlesex, Nottingham Trent University, Northumbria University, University of Kent, University of Southampton, University of Westminster. You will meet professional and friendly consultants from New Cambridge who will assist you in planning your overseas education including helping you to choose your university, finding accommodation and help with your visa application. The event will be held on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 on the 14th Floor, Zen World Building at Central World. Time will be 13.00 – 17.00 hrs. We suggest you make a reservation. Students should prepare the following supporting documents for their interviews

1. Transcript 2. IELTS score 3. Reference letter 4.Personal Statement For more information and for reservations please contact New Cambridge Institute (Thailand) at 02252 3133 or visit


Spa & Health

The San Paolo Hospital International Program


he San Paolo hospital in Hua Hin has opened an International Department. Spearheaded by managing Director and co-owner Dr. Eklarp Thongborisute (M.D.)and Foreign Patient coordinator Thoma Mohr, the San Paolo now attends to foreign residents and visitors of Hua Hin, Cha Am and Pranburi with their own program. The language and cultural differences are now met with a professional team that speaks English and Khun Thomas who also speaks German. Primarily, emergency cases are dealt with immediately and a proper translation is now secure. Patients are informed precisely about their condition and informed about the regulations concerning private attendance or insurance covered therapy or surgery. Most international insurances will be acceptable if these companies recognize the San Paolo as a partner. The San Paolo will offer cosmetic surgery consisting of breast augmentations, breast reductions, and facial minor cosmetic corrections amongst others. A special health check up service package is offered at fixed prices and definitely more affordable than some of the other institutions according to Dr .Eklarp Planned, later on, San Paolo will offer apartments for the elderly, retired who need medical attention. The facility is being refurbished and adapted to wheelchair entrances and a corridor to the hospital.


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

What is a balanced diet?

ll of us today are facing an increasing array of nutritional challenges due to the way in which we eat; what we eat; how much we eat; and the way that we live our lives. Eating a healthier diet may sound daunting, but for many, just a few small changes can make a big difference to our overall health – and you don’t need to compromise on taste and enjoyment.The two key steps to healthier eating are: to eat a healthy balanced diet and to eat the right amount for the level of activity that you do each day in order to avoid unwanted weight gain. By making healthier, good food choices you are more likely to: Feel and look great Meet your daily nutritional needs for nutrients, including essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Provide a boost to your immunity helping to fight off coughs, colds and other everyday bugs Be better able to control your weight Lower your risk of developing serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes or cancers But healthy eating is just one part of the jigsaw. Keeping active as part of your daily life, is also an important part of keeping well and taking care of yourself.You to make good food choices by: Providing yourselves with lots of useful information on the nutrition content of our products – both on this website and on our food and drinks packaging Providing yourselves with information about healthy eating and tips on how you can make healthier choices Healthy eating is all a question of balance – enjoying a variety of delicious foods, so you get all the key nutrients you need, while eating these in the right amounts to match how active we are each day. No single food or drink can provide all the nutrients for a healthy body, which is why we need to eat a balanced diet containing a variety of foods. Healthy eating doesn’t mean avoiding your favourite foods;

By GMoss and Courtesy of Nestle.

it’s about striking a healthy balance. If you choose treats at one meal or snack then look for healthier choices at the next.Drinks are also important to provide fluid, vital to our body’s health. Around two thirds of our bodies are actually water and our level of hydration fluctuates constantly. Water plays a vital role in how well our body functions, particularly the brain and control of body temperature. Even slight dehydration can affect both your mental and physical performance. We get water from both the fluids we drink and the foods we eat, with around one fifth of our daily water coming from foods and the remainder from the fluids that we drink.Try to keep active in your daily life too. You could join the local gym, or other types of exercise can include dancing, gardening, cycling, playing with the children and even housework! Walk whenever you have the chance, it’s free and if you head off with a friend it gives you an ideal chance to catch up too.Hua Hin has an enormous beach front stretching almost half way to Bangkok…..walk on it every day !

Looking Better My Friend! Beauty Makeovers Facial Spa treatment Help Cancer Patients Heal MARYLAND — Cancer takes for Men at the V Villas Spa a tollBALTIMORE, not only on the body, but also on the psyche.


question often asked : Why can women look fresher, younger at advanced age whilst men develop wrinkles, sun spots and saggy eyes. Men of course do not buy a lot of cosmetics. There are brands that cater for men such as Nivea, Men and others. How good are these products and do they help. Well, depending on your lifestyle, and your exposure to the Sun and night life, food, alcohol and nicotine your skin will suffer or not. Smoking is skin killer no. 1. Alcohol depending on the quantity and healthy food will keep you looking fresh. Plenty of water and plenty of rest does the rest. However if you feel like getting a special, customized facial treatment, V Villas Spa has to offer a Silk Proteinic with 18 different amino acids which are easily absorbed by the skin, keeping it moist and flexible. It starts of with a thorough cleansing of your face and neck. My therapist, Khun Milk used an Apple Gel to clean off the daily dirt. She showed me the cotton bud which was brown of the road dirt and dust coming off my skin. Milk then did a facial massage to release tension and soften the surface. A facial wash with Apple Gel Stem cells freshened the entire face surface. At this time and place, my eyes were covered with cucumber to freshen up them and prevent other stuff from getting in. A massage of neck and shoulders concludes the treatment which lasts 1 hour. It was a freshening experience in a peaceful environment and now

I suppose I look a lot younger. How long ? Milk suggested I come back twice a week. I might. We did not make out a price yet but give them a call guys ! It is a great place to have a drink and dinner on the beach front as well. Contact : V Villas Hua Hin or


atients often lose their hair to chemotherapy or experience changes to their skin. While hair and make-up might seem like superficial concerns while battling a life-threatening disease, experts say maintaining a positive self image can have an impact on a patient’s recovery. That’s where the Image Recovery Center at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore comes in. Cosmetologist Marianne Kelly is applying makeup to Gayle Layfield’s face. Layfield, a cancer patient, is bald after losing her hair to chemotherapy. “That makes all the difference in the world. That looks so, so much better. Thank you so much,” Layfield says to Kelly. ““I feel healthier, I feel happier, and that is what improves my spirit.” “When you look at yourself every day and you see a person that is sick, you constantly live the role of a sick person,” says Kelly. “When you look at yourself and you feel that ‘I am dealing with a serious disease but I can look normal’ really affects your self-esteem.” Kelly learned that from personal experience. She lost her teenage sister to leukemia. Her daughter was diagnosed with the same disease at age four, and soon after that, Kelly herself was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She went through 15 hours of brain surgery. “I recognized that there was more to healing than medicine,”

Kelly says. “I felt extremely challenged with the visible changes that took place and having no resources.” So Kelly envisioned a program that would help patients deal with disfiguring medical treatment. She began as a volunteer, offering free makeovers at a local hospital, and then, about 10 years ago, opened her Image Recovery Center at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Since then, she has set up 17 other centers around the country. The centers offer cosmetics which are specially formulated for cancer patients. “Surgery, chemotherapy, the radiation part, all that, it is a very prolonged process. And in this fight, if patients look better, feel better, and feel stronger, it helps the immune system to fight cancer better,” says Mehran Habibi, an oncologist at Johns Hopkins. “There are several data that are showing that basically...sense of well-being is very effective in healing.” Gayle Layfield has another reason for stopping by the Image Recovery Center. “Most customers who are sitting in this chair have had hair loss and you are among friends,” she says. “So you do feel more comfortable.” Smiles are common at Image Recovery. Marianne Kelly says her goal is to reach as many cancer patients as she can to help restore their smile and self-esteem.

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

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Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Holidays & Festivals of Thailand 2013 New Year’s Day The 1st day of the 1st month according to Western

calendar – New Year’s Day 1 January (Tuesday) ,The locals and tourists at Hua Hin join hands in celebrating the New Year with live performances of various kinds of music ; such as, jazz, bossa nova, and easy listening before the countdown to New Year. Where to go &eat for celebrate at Hua Hin : Market Village, 19 Rai Queen Sirikit Memorial Park, HiltonHua hin resort & Spa ,Hyatt regency Hua Hin, Banyan Resort Hua Hin, Intercontinental ,Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin, Amari Hua Hin,Novotel Resort, V villas ,Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa and etc.., Walking Along The Lucky Road For Greater New Year at Prechuab Kiri Khan Thai National Children’s Day of 2013 /January 12 (Saturday) Hua Hin at Hua Hin Market Village and 19 Rai Queen Sirikit Memorial Park.

Chinese New Year / 10 February 2013(Sunday) The 1st day of the 1st lunar month according to Chinese lunar calendar – Chinese New Year, Not a national holiday, but some businesses are closed.

Makha Bucha Monday, 11 March 2013(Monday): Commemorates Buddha’s teaching of Ovada Patimokkha.

Chakri Memorial Day Commemorates the establishment of Chakri

Dinasty – Chakri,Saturday, 6 April 2013, Monday, 8 April 2013 (substitute)

Songkran Festival ( 13-15 April ) Sonkran festival, is

celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year’s Day from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South and Southeast Asia.The date of the festival was originally set by astrological calculation, but it is now fixed. If these days fall on a weekend, the missed days off are taken on the weekdays immediately following. Songkran falls in the hottest time of the year in Thailand, at the end of the dry season. Until 1888 the Thai New Year was the beginning of the year in Thailand; thereafter 1 April was used until 1940. 1 January is now the beginning of the year. The traditional Thai New Year has been a national holiday since then. Saturday, 13 April 2013, Sunday, 14 April 2013,Monday, 15 April 2013,Tuesday, 16 April 2013 (*Sonkran observed),Wednesday, 17 April 2013 (*Sonkran observed)

Thailand Labor Day

International labor day to celebrates the achievement of the workers.,Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Coronation Day

Commemorates the coronation of King Bhumibol Adulyadej., Sunday, 5 May 2013 *Monday, 6 May 2013 (substitute)

Royal Ploughing Ceremony

Ceremony to give blessings to the farmers.,Saturday, 11 May 2013 (the date may change)

Visakha Bucha / Vesak Day

Celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and entry to the nirvana of Buddha – Vesak Day,Friday, 24 May 2013

15 Jun 13 - 15 Aug 13 Amazing Thailand Grand Sale(Bangkok)

/ Fairs & Festivals,Shopping,Travel & Lifestyle During the event of Amazing Thailand Grand Sale, participants can experience and enjoy discounts of 10-80%, and many other privileges at participating department stores, shopping malls, King Power Duty Free, jewel...

28 Jun 13 - 30 Jun 13 Bun Luang and Phi Ta Khon Festival(Loei)

Fairs & Festivals ,Phi Ta Khon is a type of masked procession celebrated on the first day of a three-day Buddhist merit making holiday known in Thai as “Boon Pra Wate”. The annual famous festival takes place on the.

HM The Queen’s Birthday Asanha Bucha / Asalha Puja Day Commemorates the Buddha’s first sermon in the Deer Park in Benares.Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Celebrates the birthday of Queen Sirikit in 1932.Monday, 12 August 2013 ,Flowers and Gifts for Mothers Day Thailand 12th August. Mothers Day in Thailand is on 12th August every year. This date is chosen since it is Her Majesty The Queen’s Birthday. Since she is seen as the mother of all Thai people this is the appropriate date for Mother’s Day. White Flowers or Jasmine The traditional gift is Jasmine flowers.

King’s Cup Elephant Polo Hua Hin 01 Sep 13, 30 Sep 13

HM The King’s Birthday

Chulalongkorn Memorial Day, Commemorates the passing of King Chulalongkorn in 1910.Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Loy Kratong, The day to respect the goddess of the water by floating candlelit offerings on all waterways around the kingdom – Krathong Not a national holiday. Monday, 18 November 2013

Putahracsa promotion in Jan 2013

Food & Beverage : BLUE CRAB DELIGHTS…Fresh from the depths of the Ocean, nothing can be compare to the unique and exquisite light white meat of the Blue Crab. Our talented Chef Top and his team had prepared and propose you to discover or to re-discover this extraordinary dish in several variances. From 1st to 31st January 2013. Wine promotion of the month: Enjoy wine from Argentina Vista - Red wine: Vista Flor Malbec sangiovese and malbec. Aromas of red fruit, fresh and fruity with a nice structure - White wine: Vista flor Sauvignon Chenin Blanc Young wine and greenish yellow Price 699++per bottle Ob-Oon During this month of January, our talented Pastry Chef, Frederic Paris invites you to discover or to re-discover the colorful and crispy of homemade fruits tarts and mini tarts. One more Unique occasion to visit us at Ob-Oon Bakery. Accommodation : Golf Package THB 39,720. (3 Nights at Silksand Room) Welcome Massage (20 minutes per person) /Thai Set Dinner for 2 persons. Complimentary Polo Shirt for 2 people .1 Time of Banyan Golf Course and 1 Time of Black Mountain Golf Course for 2 persons including transportation, caddy and golf cart. Round trip transportation BKK-HHQ including in the package Golf & Spa Package THB 39,720. (3 Nights at Silksand Room) Welcome Massage (20 minutes per person) / Thai Set Dinner for 2 persons. 1 Time of Banyan Golf Course and 1 Time of Black Mountain Golf Course for 1 person including transportation, caddy and golf cart. 1 Time of Royal Indulgence Massage (90 minutes) and 1 Time of Putahracsa experience (90 minutes) for 1 person. Round trip transportation BKK-HHQ including in the package Spa - Lava massage (Candle massage): A new way of Ayuraveda treatment that inherits from India for thousand years. The massage using pure natural ingredients that melted from the hot massage candle will stimulates circulation, relief stress, promote elasticity and prevent oxidation. Introduce price 1,900 baht/ 90 min - Buy spa products for THB 1,500 and get a free 40 minutes body scrub

Amari Hua Hin

All Together Family Package, Amari Hua Hin Planning a family holiday can sometimes be stressful and that’s why we’re here to take care of all the details. With special benefits for the whole family to enjoy, our package is perfect for you to share an unforgettable holiday. Book now All Together Family Package at Amari Hua Hin 3 days 2 nights in Family Suite from 17,866 THB and 10 % discount on extra night(s) This Package starting from now to - 31 Oct 2013 (Family Suite) the package includes Welcome Gifts for Two Kids, Late Check-out Until 15:00, Kid’s Club Benefits, Complimentary Buffet Breakfast Daily, Welcome Drink, Daily ice cream credit, Complimentary Fruits and Flowers and Set Menu Lunch or Dinner. Book now at www. or Amari Hua Hin reservation call 032-616-6000 and take the first step to creating lasting memories – all together.

Thailand King’s Birthday commemorates the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1927.Thursday, 5 December 2013. In Thailand, Father’s Day is set as the birthday of the king. December 5 is the birthday of the current king, Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX). Traditionally, Thais celebrate by giving their father or grandfather a Canna flower (Dok Buddha Ruksa), which is considered a masculine flower; however, this is not as commonly practiced today. Thai people will wear yellow on this day to show respect for the king, because yellow is the Color of the day for Monday, the day King Bhumibol Adulyadej was born. In 2007, King Bhumibol Adulyadej was seen leaving the hospital wearing a baby pink blazer. Today, Thais wear pink instead of the yellow. Thai Constitution Day celebrates the proclamation of the first permanent constitution in 1932. Tuesday, 10 December 2013 New Year’s Eve , The day before New Year. Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Promotions

Beer House Party Calendar 2013 at Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Every Monday Sparkling Monday For those who can’t wait till the weekend join us with vibrant beats from the good old 60 and 70, sip a glass of bubbles and sparkle away. All night long Sparkle happy hour buy one get one for free. Every Thursday : Sexy Thirstday Black & White Party with DJ White 21+ mingle, 30+ jingle (Dress code: Wear a white or black top and get happy hour all night long) Every Friday - Cowboy night: Go country with your favorite Cowboy Hat and sing like a cowboy and swing like a western till early morning in the hottest night club in town. (Dress code: Wear a Cowboy hat and get free entry and one shooter by the Coyote dancer) Every Saturday - Dirty Devil Hunting Angels night A night filled with horn devils and exotic angels; with prizes for the hottest devil/angel. The Beer House will be transformed into the sexiest devils night with a haunted dance floor. (Dress code: Wear a devil/angel costume and get free entry and two shots for free). Weekend Coyote Madness Every Friday & Saturday from 10:00 pm till late, let’s get down and naughty because it is the weekend and the girls are ready to party. The Pink splash special birthday : Pink attire preferred Celebrate your birthday and get a pink cake, sparkling Rose for free and take a sit in the private VIP lounge (minimum 10 pax) ** Booking in advance are required Beer o’clock - Daily Happy Hour at Beer House from 9.00 pm - 11.00 pm Happy Hour 6.00 pm -9.00 pm for special price THB 100 nett on local beer, cocktails, Gin, Rum and Vodka

Spa promotion of the month at Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

“The pure fresh air and tranquil surroundings that fill your senses also serve to clear your mind and allow your inner self to relax and rejuvenate” Aromatic Package 2 hrs THB 3,300++/ person and THB 6,000++/ couple · Body Exfoliating · Aromatic Floral Bath · Aromatherapy Massage


Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

Vintage Car Parade at The Amari Resort

As previously reported, the 10th. Vintage Car Parade took place in Hua Hin.


he Amari Resort hosted a selection of vintage and classical cars of which some were nearly 100 years old and still running. There were of course a number of truly classical cars and several; daily used vehicles with a respectable age. Some members of the Vintage car club came driving their treasures down from Bangkok whereas other chose a transporter to bring the beauties to Hua Hin. Car parades always go accompanied by fashion, may it be the roaring thirties or the rocking sixties, of each fashion époque, gorgeous mademoiselles dressed up for the parade, which than took place with a drive down through Hua Hin. In the evening, the Amari hosted a Gala Dinner with live music and famous Thai performers at the beach front restaurant. The selection of pictures speaks for themselves. As Hua Hin is growing, it is as well roaring. More events, parades and exhibitions are brought to our not so sleepy jewel on the coast of the Gulf of Siam, slowly but surely developing into the Cannes and Montreux of South East Asia. The growing guest numbers from South East Asia and Eastern Europe are evidence of this phenomenon. The splendid organisation and PR work of the Amari made this event one to remember and repeat.


mari Hua Hin, the latest addition to Amari’s portfolio of properties in Hua Hin Thailand. Guests visiting the resort will be the first to experience the new look and feel of Amari since it introduced its new brand concept. Ideally located just two and a half hours from Bangkok and next to Khao Takiab, a popular stretch of beach, the resort offers easy access to the city’s shopping and entertainment venues. The 223-room Amari Hua Hin will offer refined comfort and elegant resort style accommodation combined with exclusive services and facilities that will define the new Amari guest experience. The design concept at Amari Hua Hin, whilst focused on style and comfort, also reflects the seaside locale of the property. The soft design elements within the rooms will be complimented by advanced technology, including wi-fi, ipod docking stations, cordless phones and flat screen televisions. Thoughtful service signatures have been designed to introduce guests to the world of Amari and also the destination of Hua Hin. Through a Hua Hin enthusiast, based on property and a specially designed destination web portal, guests will be encouraged to experience local culture, whether it is through visiting nearby attractions like Hua Hin Vineyard and Cicada Market or by attending a festival or trying a local delicacy. A key theme that runs throughout the new signature initiatives is the concept of bringing people together, whether a group of friends or colleagues or a family. Amari Hua Hin has been designed in a way that encourages guests to share experiences. Friends might enjoy a ‘barista lesson’ at Coral Lounge, families can play games by the pool or business associates could participate in an interactive brainstorm in one of the meeting rooms. Simon Dell, General Manager stated: This is the first purpose built Amari property to open since our brand revitalization and as such, we will be introducing new service initiatives as well as launching a fresh design concept for the brand. One of our new initiatives is to encourage guests to not only experience local culture, but also be a part of it. Thailand is a country with so many rich traditions; I know people will enjoy engaging with us and also Hua Hin. The property will also introduce an innovative style concept which will become the prototype for Amari properties moving forward.” Spoiled for choice. The wide selection of restaurants and eateries will indulge every taste bud. Recognizing the demand for fresh food and accessible meals and

dishes, the outlets will offer a selection of popular and healthy choices. Choose from family-sized sharing baguettes at Reef Deli, a modern twist on Thai street food and international favourites at Aqua Pool Bar, or share signature XL cocktails or a personal BBQ grill station at Shoreline Beach Club. In addition to the extensive dining options, the resort also boasts; conference facilities, including a 450sqm ballroom, fitness centre, kids club and kids pool, an oversized 38 metre outdoor pool surrounded by landscaped tropical gardens, a vast sundeck, and a Breeze Spa and Salon. The Breeze Spa and Salon

will also be the first for Amari since the concept was introduced in 2011. At Breeze, the treatments will be both smart and fun, focusing on boosting energy, allowing guests to simply enjoy the spa experience. Amari is the centrepiece of the ONYX portfolio of hotel brands reflecting the warmth and energy of an evolving modern Asia. Amari’s network of properties spans Thailand and beyond, from scenic seaside and mountain locations to vibrant urban settings including Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Chang, Samui, Phuket, Krabi, and Hua Hin. New Amari properties

scheduled to open in 2012 and 2013 include Amari Hua Hin, Amari Doha in Qatar, Amari Dragon Bay Hainan in China and Amari Ludhiana in India. Visit ONYX Hospitality Group operates four diverse yet complementary hotel brands – Saffron, Amari, Shama and OZO - each catering to the distinctive requirements of today’s business and leisure travellers. ONYX reaches beyond its Thai roots to offer innovative management solutions across the Indian Ocean, Arabian Gulf and Asia-Pacific regions. Visit

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013 C



Wine & Dine

Meekaruna Seafood restaurant is located on the seaside, practically over the beach and sea.

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013


he Black Sheep farm, just West of Hua Hin, peacefully located amidst a tropical setting, hilly and in the fullest sense of nature, invited for a food tasting of a selection of Khun Siriwan´s creations. Upon arrival, the birth of three new members in the sheep family was announced and kids of all ages gathered around the newly born. The Baah & Baeh families gratefully ate the offered carrots and fresh grass visitors can buy at the entrance. As the host invited to the garden placed round table, expectations rose. A bowl of orangey fruit punch with a generous squirt of Bacardi rum was the opening of our gourmandic gourmetion. As a starter a composition of Saffron Risotto with Norwegian Salmon and undisclosed herbs and spices was absolutely mouth-watering.


n the far end of Naresdamri Road, on the way to the Hua Hin pier and port, this exclusive Fish restaurant offers fine dining Seafood, Oysters, Tiger Prawns, Red Snapper and other delicious traditional Thai fish and countryside dishes in a romantic environment facing the Gulf of Siam. As you dine, the waves gently spill on the beach. The menue is very comprehensive and individual wishes are spontaneously taken care of. This Seafood restaurant is definitely worth a visit as it is among the very best in Hua Hin if not on the entire coast. There is plenty of parking spaces in front and it is recommended to make reservations on the weekend as they might get populated with Bangkok visitors.

This dish usually is accompanied by a fresh Chablis or a Spanish Rueda (wheel) white wine - The main grape used for Rueda is the Verdejo grape, though the wine is often a blend -with Sauvignon Blanc. The main dish consisted of an oven baked shredded - Braised-Lamb Shank Shepherd’s Pie with Creamed Spinach and potato slices topping it. Needles to comment the grand taste of this delicious dish. Especially the combination Lamb with Spinach complemented each other. According to the creator, it takes up to 5 hours to prepare this dish as it is cooked in several stages, finally in the oven. An Australian Cabernet Shiraz or a Chilean Shiraz goes extremely well with this dish. A side dished salad with mango and creamy dressing fitted perfectly to the entire meal.

Contact: tel. 032 511 932 for reservations – Website:

As we were entirely satisfied with the quality and quantity of this delicious afternoon lunch, we opted fior a double espresso and liquor to round up this enjoyable experience. Khun Siriwan will not have this on their menue regularly but upon demand and ordered in advance she would be pleased to serve her creation. An Italian Pandoro (Pandoro is a traditional Italian sweet yeast bread, most popular around Christmas and New Year.


ver had two porkchops in one go ? At Zab Wer on soi 112 towards the floating market on the left side, you get two pork chops with plenty of chips or mashed potatos. The menue contains most Thai Isan delicacies, traditional Thai dishes and curries and loads of Farang food.

of the family. Husband Peter is on the background trying out new dishes and collecting comments and recommendations from guests. There is plenty of parking space and a covered playground for the kids! This wy side Restaurant is worth a visit. You will return. Breakfast starts at 8:00 and Dinner ends after the last The portions are large and prices are very reasonable., guest leaves. rather on the low side. Khun Noi manages the kitchen Plenty of Beer, wine and Soft drinks. Ever tried Lao Beer and is the main Chef together with other members ? They have it.

Typically a Veronese product, Pandoro is traditionally shaped like a frustum with an 8 pointed-star section., plucked by the table members sweetened up our Risotto lamb experience whilst either dipping it in our coffee or liquor as the Italians do. Check out their Facebook : Black Sheep Hua Hin Fun Farm for contact and information how to get there.

Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013



Volume 10 issue 3 January 2013

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