Property & Golf Today September 2013

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Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Volume 10 Issue 11 September 2013



Underway with The Opening Ceremony at Royal Hua Hin

about the 120 yard marker from the tee box and consistently lobbing the ball to within a few feet of his target. Prayad effortlessly made the ‘catcher’s’ job too easy with one ball after another finding the catcher’s glove. Next, out with the driver. Under instruction from the commentator, Prayad The official opening ceremony was presided over responded to requests to draw, pull or put whatever by the President and Committee Members of the shape he was asked to onto the drive. Petchaburi and Prachup Khirikan Golf Course As a past player in the British Open, he was asked The Courses participating are: Royal Hua Hin Association. to imagine hitting into a strong head wind as if on Golf Course, Springfield Royal Country Club, The a links course. Once again he easily demonstrated Majestic Creek Golf & Resort, Palm Hills Golf Several of the Committee Members also showed th the gallery how to use the driver off the 10 Tee. his craft, this time a long and very low drive to This included the lady Secretary Ms.Supha around the 300 yard mark; dead centre. Just a Rakprayune, General Manager Palm Hills Golf great demonstration of the control a top pro can Resort & Country Club; in high heels but a nice sustain; a little disconcerting for us mere mortals. swing! This is a popular and long anticipated Event for all After the welcome to guests and visitors there local golfers. However travelers may need a little was a performance by a troupe of young ladies bit more notice to plan their golfing holidays if they dancing and swinging golf clubs to the music and are to be attracted to attend the Festival. a buffet for all to enjoy. A special guest was Thai Professional golfer Prayad Makseng, who as For the full details of the Golf Courses and well as being a participant in the opening event schedule of events visit: gave a demonstration of control over the golf ball. media-release/53-media-releases-2013/3252First hitting a 65 degree wedge to a ‘catcher’ at golfers-invited-to-hua-hin-cha-am-golf-festivalaturday 4th August at Royal Hua Hin Golf Course was the official opening of the 2013, and 12th Hua Hin and Cha-Am Golf Festival. This annual event over the months of August and September offers reduced Green Fees (999 THB) at nine Regional Courses and the chance to win a Honda Brios car for any golfers playing on these courses during the two months.

Club & Residence, Royal Thai Army Sport Center Suan Son Pradipat Golf Course, Sawang Resort & Golf Club, The Eagle Milford Golf Club, Kaeng Krachan Country Club and Resort and The Imperial Lakeview Resort & Golf Club.

2013,-win-a-honda-brio Competition Events To Come: Palm Hills Golf Club & Residence, Date: September 1st, 2013 Royal Thai Army Sport Center Suan Son Pradipat Golf Course, Date: September 8th, 2013 Sawang Resort & Golf Club, Date: September 15th, 2013 The Eagle Milford Golf Club, Date: September 22nd, 2013 Kaeng Krachan Country Club and Resort, Date: September 29th, 2013 The Imperial Lakeview Resort & Golf Club, Date: October 6th, 2013 (CLOSING CEREMONY)



upporters of the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation have arranged ceremonial aspects of this religion. a fundraising Day with the 1st Annual Golf Tournament at Here’s An Elephant Rescue Example! The Banyan Golf Club on 25th October 2013. ‘Songkran’ was born on 13th April 2008 at Surin. After being rejected Please note that although the closing date is described as by her mother hand rearing was necessary, an expensive and time being the 31st August we have been advised that places are consuming process. Because of fears that she would be sold into still available so there is still a chance for you to join in and circumstances where her welfare would be in jeopardy a group of support the Foundation, apart from enjoying a fantastic golfing local families, both Tai and expats joined together to buy her from experience at this great Golf Course. the owner and bring her to Hutsadin for a better future. This rescue If you want to know more about the Foundation try visiting www. needed more than one million THB to be raised initially, apart from Rescuing elephants from a life of misery and ongoing costs. providing the best of care for their long life is what the Foundation is Initially stunted in growth, Songkran is now full of life and one of the all about. Although tourists are welcome one of the differences from real characters at the Foundation. She is renowned for being a little other ‘elephant experiences’ is that Hutsadin operates according ‘naughty’ in a friendly though mischievous way. Although her mahout to Buddhist traditions with visitors also able to participate in the needs to be ever watchful, Songkran is now very responsive to his

commands, just rather wilful when the opportunity arises. Visitors to the Foundation can ‘get up close and personal’ and sample her affection ‘a trunk kiss’ and be entertained by a range of skills the Foundation will give you the opportunity to contribute to elephant demonstrating the intelligence and personality of the Asian elephant. welfare as well as to have the best elephant experience possible! There are six elephants in resident at the Foundation, including a Location: Just head up the hill from Hua Hin (Soi 70/3218) following female due to give birth any day. Donations are always welcome to the signs towards Pal-U Waterfall. It’s about seven kilometres to the this non-profit making organisation, so if you are not a golfer, visiting top of the hill where you will find Hutsadin on the right hand side.

Six Golf Tips to Save Your Back G olf puts stress on your back. So it’s no surprise when golfers come down with back injuries—a problem that can sideline you for months. If you try to play through it, you can hurt other parts of your body trying to compensate for the injury, including your shoulders, elbows, and wrists. The best way to deal with a back injury is to avoid them altogether. Below are some golf tips to help take stress off your back when swinging.

Below are six moves that help eliminate back pain: 1. Turn your front shoulder down (backswing) 2. Bend your back knee (backswing) 3. Squat with your lower body (downswing 4. Shift weight to front foot (impact) 5. Thrust pelvis toward target (finish) 6. Stand up to normal height (finish) Basically, these six moves we describe take pressure off your lumber spine (lower back), which was never intended to twist. They also help add power to your swing. On the backswing you must maintain a bent right knee and turn your shoulder down before starting your swing. Maintaining a bent knee prevents the right side of your pelvis from becoming higher than the left. More important, it prevents the bottom vertebrae from turning left, putting stress on them. Turning the shoulder down lets the midback handle the twisting, not the lower back. As you come down, make a slight squatting move. Squatting lets you use your thighs (quadriceps) and butt (glutes) to promote a lateral move to the left, taking stress off your back. It also adds power to

your swing. If you don’t squat, the only way for you to generate power is to torque your spine, which isn’t good. At impact, your body weight should be over your left leg and your shoulders/hips should be level and turning open. This enables your hips to do most of the rotational work, not your lumbar spine. Your lumbar spine was meant to stabilize your upper torso. Twisting it causes pain. As you complete your swing, thrust your pelvis forward and stand up. This move lets your left glute and core muscles absorb the swing’s stress. When you finish, you should be standing at your normal height.


Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013


Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013


Four Days of Ocean Yacht Racing


rom 5th to the 12th August the annual Hua Hin Regatta was held from the beach outside the Regent Cha-Am Resort & Spa as a very colourful and competitive Event. This year the Event featured yachts in nine classes with over 130 yachts from four different countries. Over 300 competitors were involved. Royal Trophies were presented at the closing ceremony on 12th August: The Royal Vega Rudder Trophy for various Classes The Super Mod National Championship The OK Dinghy Mod National Championship The Princess Cup for Optimist Championship

The organising authority was the Yacht Racing Association of Thailand in conjunction with the Royal Thai Navy, Tourist Authority of Thailand and government offices of Cha-Am, Hua Hin, Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khirikhan.

This is a free one day course which introduces the art of meditation and geared for foreign students

Weather conditions were very favourable with many spectators, support crews and supporters in a festive mood enjoying the spectacle. Further details including the results can be found on the Yacht Racing Association website:

The Rules of Golf


Question 1: May the player have the club repaired and use it again during the stipulated round? Question 2: May the player try to straighten the club themselves and use it again during the stipulated round? Question 3: May the player replace the damaged club... a) ... if he is carrying 14 clubs? b) ... if he is carrying 13 or less clubs? Answer 1: No., Answer 2: No., Answer 3: a) No. Rule 4-4., b) Yes. Decision 4-3/8. Rule 4-3b states: If, during a stipulated round, a player’s club is damaged other than in the normal course of play rendering it non-conforming or changing its playing characteristics, the club must not subsequently be used or replaced during the round. In trying to play a stroke close to a tree a player snaps the shaft of their club on their follow-through. Question 4: May the player replace the damaged club... a) ... if he is carrying 14 clubs? b) ... if he is carrying 13 or less clubs?

Sunday 15 th September 9am to 4pm Free (perhaps a donation may be appreciated??) Khao Tao Temple - Meditation Institute Building

Schedule: 9.00-10.00: 10.00-11.00: 11.00-11.45: 12.00-13.00: 13.00-14.00: 14.00-14.15: 14.15-14.30: 14.30-16.00:

registration, introduction to the meditation schedule & the meditation teacher/s and the history of the Abbot who formed the institution, praying to the Buddha. Explain the purpose of meditation Explain the benefits of meditation and how to control emotions lunch break tthow to meditate walking meditation sitting meditation tour of the temple

Skal Hua Hin & Cha-Am 2013 Charity Golf Tournament

What Can You Do When a Club is Damaged? S fter playing three poor shots in succession a player bends his club across his knee in frustration.


KAL Hua Hin & Cha-am is arranging its 2013 Charity Golf Tournament at the Black Mountain Golf Club on Sunday 29th September 2013.

tickets can be bought for 1,200 THB per guest. Golf Carts are available for 600 THB. A 50% discount for hotel rooms for SKAL Members can be arranged.

The proceeds from this year’s Charity Golf Tournament will be allocated to support and to reach out to the remote and underprivileged school of Neun Payom in Bueng Nakorn Village, Prachuab Khirikhan. The SKAL Board visited the school on Thursday 22nd August after being advised that the school is in need of several fundamental facilities like electricity and additional teaching capacity ( currently only 2 teachers are teaching a total of 45 elementary school children). It was confirmed by the Department of Education at Prachuab Khirikhan, that this school will not Answer 4: a) Yes. b) Yes. be merged into a bigger school and will remain Rule 4-3a states: If, during a stipulated round, a open due to its remoter location, approximately player’s club is damaged in the normal course a 1 hour drive from central Hua Hin. of play, he may: SKAL Hua HIN & Cha-am intends to raise at least (i) use the club in its damaged state for the Baht 400,000 from the proceeds to facilitate an remainder of the stipulated round; or additional teacher for the school, improve the (ii) without unduly delaying play, repair it or have library and procure educational books for the students. it repaired; or (iii) as an additional option available only if the The Event Entry Fee is Baht 3,500 per person. club is unfit for play, replace the damaged club This includes Green Fee, Caddy, Event T-Shirt, with any club. The replacement of a club must Prosecco refreshment during the tournament not unduly delay play and must not be made and a prize giving Wine Dinner. Skal expects by borrowing any club selected for play by any there to be a lot of fun and friendship at the Black Mountain Golf Club. Additional Dinner other person playing on the course.

Format: This is an individual Stableford event. There will be a ‘shotgun’ start at 12.30PM followed by the wine dinner and presentations at 6.30pm. There will be lucky drawer prizes during the dinner. Registration and Payment: A registration form can be obtained from Peter Kirketerp at Mondo Vino 22 / 65 Naeb Kaehat Road, Hua Hin. The deadline for registration and for payment of the Entry fee is 20th September 2013. Bookings not confirmed by that date will be allocated to wait listed entrants. Payment may only be made in cash or by personal check only and not by transfers nor by credit card. Why Join This Event : Your participation will support a worthy charitable cause and you will have fun and you will enjoy a day on the golf course with Prosecco, good friendship and with wines for the Dinner sponsored by Mondo Vino and by AroyItaly. The SKAAL Hua Hin & Cha-Am Board is eager to provide a first class Event on a first class golf course. The Board hopes that many golfers will take advantage of this great offer and enjoy a lovely day in the good name of Charity.


Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

CHA – AM BUSINESSMEN’S ASSOCIATION How To Get To Know Other Business Operators

years and currently there are more than 300 small and medium businesses represented. Biannual general meetings as well as monthly Committee Meetings are held to ensure an open line of communication. Membership by business operators of foreign abstraction is something the Association is eager to encourage.

VISITING THE VENEZIA Grand Opening October 2013


Of course being an Association Member may be an added advantage to give business customers more confidence in their choice of service supplier.


In the past the association has been an instigator of local Festivals and Events, usually with a strategy of ‘getting the ball rolling’ then taking a back seat as the festival or Event’s own management team takes the lead role. In the future business seminars with experts in relevant field speaking to Members are planned.

he primary purpose of the Cha-Am Businessmen’s Association is help local businesses develop a cooperative relationship and to support each other. The main message offered by the President Khun Tawatchai Oitong (‘nofilm’) is that the Association is eager to The President’s tenure is for a period of two years welcome new Members and promote the future with the next election due at the end of 2013. The current President has a varied and diverse for local businesses in Cha-Am. range of business skills which have held him in The key objectives of the Association are: good stead in that role. Apart from operating a Friendship between business operators ‘boutique’ Coffee Shop, he can proudly display his Face to face meetings between individuals to gallery and portfolio of professional photography overcome any difficulties. and he distributes air conditioning equipment. To exchange information between businesses Truly an eclectic guy! so that problems can be resolved and solutions If you have a small or medium business in the shared. Cha-Am area, why not get on board. There is A joint approach to differing levels of no doubt you will learn how to do business in government. Cha-Am in a more cooperative and mutually The Association has been around for some 17 beneficial way.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT MARKET CHA-AM Complete With Husband Minding Centre!

If you go to the Cha-Am Wednesday Night Market you may choose to enter on the left where a lane takes you past a variety of food stalls. About 100 metres on the left side and you will come across one of the features of the Market. This is a very innovative ‘extra’ to the usual market scene, the ‘Falang Husband Minding Centre’. This free service provides for the care, protection and safety of many falang husbands who are not ‘brousers’ while their wives go about their shopping without concerns. Husbands will then be out from under your feet, not complaining (“when are we going home”) and your shopping can procede undisturbed! All the wives need to do is pay for drinks (usually beer!) then collect them and take them home. The Wednesday Night Market is a Cha-Am institution and a must visit see for every visitor. As soon as the sun goes down a usually quiet part of town comes alive with a huge range of stalls with vendors offering everything imaginable. The Market is not really set up as a tourist attraction and the vast majority of the shoppers are local Thai people, many of whom are there every week. However it’s a great Thai experience for travellers and you can see many of the local produce and products in one venue. The Market is HUGE! It would probably take you an hour just to walk down each ‘shopping lane’ even without actually stopping to buy. What Will You Find? Food: from donuts to dumplings, from bugs to biscuits, from chicken to chillies, from cockles to cake, from seafood to sausages and from pasta to popcorn. And of course Thai delicacies too many to mention. For Kids: From stuffed animals to train rides and from bouncy castles to ballons. Kids just wonder around with wide eyes unable to decide on which special treat to take home. For Adults: From electronics to cosmetics, from tools to trophies, from shoes to shoulder bags and as many varieties of t shirts as could could ever

imagine. Clothing of all sorts some new, some second hand, some original and some may have ‘fallen of the back of a truck’. Videos, CDs and all the macines to play them. Animals: Puppies, kittens, fish, rabbits and birds. Even some ‘look alikes’ that you eventually realise are really battery powered. Where is it? The Market entrance is on Narathip Road starting at the roundabout about 500 metres before the Cha-Am Railway Station. From the intersection of Narathip and Petchaksem Road (traffic lights) if you are coming from Hua Hin turn left, go straight on and you can’t miss it. The Market sprawls through a network of lanes alongside the Railway Lines, the Government offices and permanent shops. When Is It Open? Every Wednesday from sunset (about 5.30pm) untill about 10.00pm. Early is better as the choice is better and some stall holders may choose to go home early. Our Tips? Parking may be difficult for vehicles with more than two wheels, better to leave your car either at home or outside the area and take a motor bike taxi? Transport away from the Market is limited to motor bike taxis, so other arrangements may need to be made if you have a family group. Don’t eat before you visit or plan to eat later. There is plenty of choice (with drinks) and you can find seating for a very casual (no flash restaurants), entertaining (watch the passing parade) and delicious (try cooked grasshoppers?) Thai style dining experience. Come prepared with suitable footwear. If there is rain about it may be muddy underfoot so no high heels! Take your time. No need to rush around, it’s likely to be busy so just enjoy mingling with the locals.

ost residents of Hua Hin and Cha-Am will have M driven past The Venezia Development over past months and seen the buildings take shape and

colour. Some may also have called in to check out what is in store as the tenants establish their outlets and business gets under way. Although trade has already commenced with 80% occupation, we will have to wait until October (date to be confirmed) when the Grand Opening will announce to the Region (and to the rest of Thailand) that The Venezia has arrived in style!

the Grand Opening in the near future. But What About the Fashion & Shopping and Cuisine? Perhaps we need to wait until The Venezia is really fully operating but the signs are already there that visitors will soon be able to ‘shop till they drop’ with 361 retailers occupying retail space over an area of 46 Rai (or more than 20,000 square metres.

If you have judged the size and extent of the development by the road frontage you should be S-design Co.,Ltd is the Company behind this aware that Venezia is twice as deep as it is wide development expanding its business into real covering the full area until the railway line at the rear estate and investing more than 1.2 billion baht. of the property. The project is a fresh concept of a Venice Lifestyle The area is divided into four main zones: Destination that offers all-in-one services such 1) Food and beverage zone – pub & restaurants, as restaurants, fashion village, banks, mini zoo, trendy restaurants, international food chains, famous and many more within a Venice style building and local restaurants, coffee and bakery shops, etc. surrounds. About 13 million visitors a year are 2) Leading local and international fashion zone anticipated. 3) Services zone - supermarket, banks, IT services, spa, bookstores, etc. What’s In a Name? Venezia is the Italian spelling of Venice, Italy. 4) Arts and decor zone This revered City is famous worldwide as a very The cuisine offered includes sophisticated wine bar important tourist destination and is renowned for restaurants, steakhouses and many other choices the following attributes: of international dining opportunities. Alternatively Architecture - A rich and diverse architectural less formal snacks, not from the usual franchise style, the most famous of which is the Gothic style. fast foods but from locally developed, unique food Music & the Performing Arts - During the 16th outlets. century, Venice became one of the most important Fashion covers a huge selection of famous musical centres of Europe. Interior Design - It can be argued that Venice brands and design lables as well as Thailand’s produced the best and most refined Rococo own developing brands with travellers able to find something quite different from those brands they designs. Fashion & Shopping - Venice is a major fashion already know well from their home country. and shopping centre in Italy, on a par with Turin, It’s really impossible to list the individual retail Vicenza and Naples. experiences that will soon be fully operational. Cuisine - Venetian cuisine is characterised by Some large, some small, some in enclosed lanes, seafood, but also includes garden products from some fronting open promenades. Safe to say a the islands of the lagoon, rice from the mainland, day will never be enough to fully appreciate the game, and polenta. Venice combines local shopping and dining experiences that await locals traditions with influences that are distant. and visitors to the Venezia. Literature - Venice has long been a source of inspiration for authors, poets and playwrights Other Features Soon To Include: A special activities zone of more than 4,000 as well as being at the forefront of the technical square metres with a 23 metre high panoramadeveloping of printing and publishing. view tower. Art & Printing - Venice, especially during the Middle Many special activities including Gondola rides, a Ages, Renaissance and Baroque, was a major Mini-Train service which runs around the Venezia, centre of art and developed a unique style known Mini Zoo, Playground, and a Morning Market. as the Venetian School. In the Middle-Ages and 2,000 parking lots and a shuttle bus service. the Renaissance, Venice, along with Florence and Rome, became one of the most important centres Our Expectations? of art in Europe. Glass - Venice is famous for its ornate glass-work, Very soon The Venezia will be flooded with eager known as Venetian glass. It is world-renowned for visitors; not only shoppers with high fashion and culinary tastes, but those wanting a different being colourful, elaborate, and skilfully made. Festivals - The Carnival of Venice is held annually Mediterranean cultural experience. Cameras will be in the city, starting around two weeks before Ash snapping at a rapid rate and young Thai couples Wednesday and ends on Shrove Tuesday. The are likely to be at the forefront of the wave. carnival is closely associated with Venetian masks. Our first experience at The Venezia was facilitated The Venice Biennale is one of the most important by the Business Development Manager Piyarat events in the arts calendar. The Venice Film Kaewkaw. The high profile and the current demands of the development’s final stages doesn’t Festival is the oldest film festival in the world. allow her much free time for a public relations role Venice has been described it in The New York and she explained that she misses many phone Times as “undoubtedly the most beautiful city built calls just because it is constantly engaged. by man” and by the Times Online as being “one of Giving Hua Hin and Europe’s most romantic cities”. Cha-Am Today her Wow!............. that’s a lot to live up; but now time and insights we can understand the inspiration behind this was very much We outstanding new feature on the Hua Hin and appreciated. expect to be making Cha-Am landscape. many more trips to Visually we can already see some the architectural The Venezia before style and design that has made Venice such too long to explain an iconic European destination. Plans are also more about how it is becoming one of our most on hand to provide some of the art and other significant Regional attractions. cultural experiences within the recreated Piazza San Marco including the famous St Mark’s Footnote: Wondering about that nude male figure Campanile and Basilica. Of course a trip to Venice on the Venezia promenade, about life-size, sitting would always include experiencing gondolas on on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as the waterways (the word gondola is of Venetian though deep in thought? This is usually known as etymology) and riding on horse drawn carriages. The Thinker, a sculpture by Auguste Rodin, often Additionally we can expect some of the elements used as an image to represent philosophy. of the famous Venetian Festivals commencing with

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Collective pat on the back from TripAdvisor for Dusit International

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

Hua Hin Celebrates Founding Day


he Hua Hin Municipality is celebrating Founding council for the western coastline of Thailand to the Day on 1st October 2013 with Buddhist newly established Hua Hin Municipality. ceremonies and festive activities throughout the ripAdvisor has flourished into Initially the Hua Hin District Municipal had around day. probably the world’s leading 4,000 people with an annual income of 30,000 travel sites with an almost biblical The highlight of the festive activities is a Buddhist to 40,000 Baht. In 1949 the Hua Hin Sub-District standing. Therefore, any award that ceremony paying respect to the Bramah shrine was upgraded as the Hua Hin District and the the company hands out brings great in front of the Municipality building early in the Hua Hin Municipality was located here. In 1995 prestige to the recipient. morning. Nine Buddhist monks will pray for a Royal Decree ordered an area extension of Hua deceased municipal committee members and Hin municipal areas from 72 to 86.36 kilometres It was a source of immense council members before municipal staff offer including the 500 metre ocean area. On 13th satisfaction to Thai-owned Dusit February 2004 the Hua Hin Municipal District was lunch to the monks. International that no less than fifteen designated as Hua Hin Municipal City. properties were deemed worthy of The Mayor of Hua Hin Mr. Nopporn Wutthikul said Trip Advisor’s 2013 Certificate of that the Hua Hin Municipality was established The Hua Hin Municipality is now a local Excellence. Besides Dusit Thani on 1st October 1937 as a governmental office administrative office. Its work focuses on local Hua Hin, the roll of honour included responsible for providing public and urban development with municipal staff prioritising Dusit Thanis in Bangkok, Pattaya, services for the Hua Hin District, Nong Kae taking care of living condition for everybody in the Phuket, Manila, Dubai, Cairo and District, Hua Hin Sub-District and Pranburi District City. Maldives; dusitD2s in Chiang Mai in Prachuab Khirikhan before being upgraded as and Pattaya; Dusit Princesses municipal districts. Hua Hin was then was then the The Hua Hin Municipality has long taken pride in located at Srinakarin Bangkok and Hua Hin Municipal District and officially declared working for both local people and tourists to foster Korat, plus Pathumwan Princess MBK Centre, Bangkok; Royal Princess Chiang Mai and Dusit Island in the National Gazette of Thailand. The National the sustainable prosperity of the City. It welcomes Resort Chiang Rai. Gazette then ordered transfer of rights, authority the active cooperation of both municipal officials and the people of Hua Hin. Mr David Shackleton, Dusit International’s Chief Operating Officer, said of the group’s collective success, and responsibility belonging to an administrative “We are proud that so many of our properties received the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Award this year. We thank those guests who took the time to review us online and look forward to continuously delivering gracious Thai hospitality to all who stay with us.”


New Clinics Available at Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin


he Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin has recently opened two new clinics: obstetrics & gynecology and pediatrics, for local people and foreigners in Hua Hin.


any of our readers ask questions about some specific legal issues that need to be considered when living in Thailand. To answer these questions our expert partners, Siam Consulting Hua Hin assists to provide the answers. This time the question is:

What sort of driving license is needed to legally drive in Thailand?

A. International Driving Licence

Any foreigner wishing to drive in Thailand must hold a valid international license issued by the authorities of a country that has signed a bilateral agreement with Thailand or acceded to an international treaty to which Thailand is a signatory. In our experience it is most likely that foreigners from the ‘usual’ countries travelling to Thailand will be included. For a full list of countries that have agreed to accept the 1949 United Nations Convention on road traffic covering acceptance of the International Driving Permit visit this link:

eople from one particular country seem to have fallen in love with Thailand to a greater extent than other nations – the Swedes. Up to 5 % of the population is visiting Thailand each year.

Today the Swedish contingent is the largest expat group in Hua Hin. Over several years the Swedish people have become increasingly well organised. The Swedish Association of Hua Hin (Svenskföreningen i Hua Hin) was founded in 2008 by the Present Chairman Gert Andersson, together with Lars Olof Fagerström and Margareta Olsson. The pediatrics clinic at Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin is divided into 2 sections. The first one, entitled Well Baby Clinic, is reserved for children who need pre-scheduled vaccination and the second one, Sick Baby Clinic, is exclusively for the young patient who needs medical diagnosis. This is too ensure that diseases will not be spread from one child to others.

Driving in Thailand Do It Legally!


Quite a few want to spend much more time in Thailand. Thailand has been growing as the place where Swedes buy a second home and Hua Hin has developed into a favorite place for this home!

Dr Som-art Wongkhomthong MD, the Director of Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin, said that a recent survey completed by the hospital showed that the obstetrics & gynecology and pediatrics units had so many patients that sometimes the area on the 1st floor of the hospital could barely accommodate other people. As a consequence, the hospital has already increased the budget to renovate its 3rd floor and turn the entire area into new obstetrics & gynecology and pediatrics clinics. Besides many qualified medical specialists and doctors with work experience in the USA, the obstetrics and gynecology clinic enjoys the latest medical equipment and technology. It is also working closely with Hua Hin Hospital’s obstetrics and gynecology doctors in transferring pregnant women having prenatal care at local clinics in Hua Hin to deliver their baby at Bangkok Hospital Hua Hin.

The Swedish Association of Hua Hin

licence, it is easier for a foreigner to obtain a Thai driving license with the following documents: 1. A valid passport. 2. A non-immigrant visa (a Tourist Visa is not acceptable) 3. Proof of residence (a home booklet known in Thai as the “Tabian baan”) or a residence permit issued by Immigration. 4. A medical certificate (in Thai) 6. An original driver’s license and a copy and translation certified by the embassy of the country of origin or international driving license original and its copy. An application for a Thailand Driving Licence is submitted to the Department of Transportation office within each Province. The applicant may also be required to pass some visual and reflex tests. The license is then awarded depending on the category of license obtained in their country of origin. The initial licence will be for a period of one year and subsequently for five years. Some Anecdotal Stories and Suggestions As with many legal requirements in Thailand it often seems like everyone has a different story to tell about how they managed to negotiate the ‘system’. Here are some variations on the requirements described above! Of course these comments should not be considered as legal advice; but offered without prejudice or responsibility. If you have legal questions about your individual circumstances please seek advice from a lawyer.

The Association has as its purpose to promote exchange between Swedish and Thai culture and to promote the development of social relationships between Swedes in Hua Hin and Thai society. The are present each time. Those attending receive Association is politically and religiously neutral valuable information about legislation, health care, insurances and many other topics concerning and independent. their stay in Thailand. During the high season, the Association usually has meetings on the last Thursday in each For more information see month. At the meetings, with 150-200 members

Many New Condos for Cha- Am

required to obtain a Thai licence in ‘tourist friendly’ locations. A multi choice theory test will be available in English but not necessarily in your own language. Recent changes include a requirement to sit through a presentation (in Thai) of safety issues when driving. A practical (driving) test is not usually required for a licence of a similar class of vehicle described on your international or home country licence. If you do not have a motor bike licence you are likely to need (and pass) a driving test which may be on a ‘test track’ near the Departmental facilities. We know of one case when an unprepared applicant did not arrive with a motor cycle to use and the Departmental staff kindly provided one to use, but don’t count on it! Be prepared with multiple passport style photos and copies of all the documents required; a real time saver. Be aware that reminders or notification of the expiry dates are not given. This also applies to vehicle licences. A diary is always useful! Apart from driving legally, a Thai Driving Licence also has benefits when you need to show your ID, reducing the need to carry your passport.

The costs for the various requirements are not high but each one will have a price. It may seem like a Proof of residence has been obtained from the prolonged and sometimes frustrating process but Police (apart from Immigration) with the necessary if you persist with a sense of humour and patience Be aware that an international driving licence has a paperwork provided. it’s not really too hard. validity of 1 to 10 years but allows you to drive for a A medical certificate may be obtained easily maximum of 3 months per trip. Our advice; hang in there so that the next time from a local doctor, just tell them what it is for. you come across a Police check at the roadside B. Thailand Driving Licence The need for a translated copy of your you can proudly show your Thai licence with a With an international licence or your home country International or home country licence may not be smile!


upply of condominiums in the Region stood at 22,619 at the first half of 2012 according to a property consulting firm Knight Frank’s Report. During this period there were approximately 4,517 units from seven condo projects being launched in the market. “The unit take-up rate was particularly bright with approximately 2,489 units sold. Then take-up rate has gradually increased to 52% with a total demand of around 11,3956 units at the end of June” it reported. The largest number of new launches during the first half of 2013 was in the Cha-Am area with a total number of 3,022 units or around 67% of the new launches. Condo Development continuously expanded in Cha-Am from the previous year due to the considerable amount of land plots available for development. Four new projects were launched in Cha-Am, including the Baan Thew Lom, Rain Cha-Am Hua Hin, Thew Talay Phase two and Miracle Hua Hin. Prices went up sharply from 96,999 THB per square metre at the end of 2012 to 103,072 THB per square metre in the first half of this year.


Volume 5 issue 1 Septemberr 2013

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

For many years, Hua Hin and Cha-Am has been regarded as one of the best golfing regions in Thailand. As the Hua Hin & Cha-Am Golf Festival is now in full swing we thought it was the perfect time to give you some ideas about new golf fashion, accessories and golf lifestyle. We (some of us who nothing about Golf) have done some research and learnt that it can occasionally take 5 hours to play a round, so we thought if you are going to be out there for 5 hours you might as well look good playing Golf. So we decided to share tips and some delicious homemade recipes for a homemade energy drink & snack to make your day playing golf stylish as well as healthy

GOLF FASHION No matter how sweaty we can get on the golf course there is no reason not to look good. You never know who you will meet whether it be a client, friends or the love of your life.


Even if Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein are not sponsoring our local golf games, being in Hua Hin doesn’t mean that we can’t put a bit of style on the green.

Keep cool and opt for breathable fabrics with moisture wicking technology, like Nike Dry-Fit, Adidas’s Clima Cool and Lycra. Ladies, steal from the tennis wardrobe the famous “skort” a friendly skirt/shorts. This will assist with the crucial ranges of movements you might need during the play. Guys, avoid the old fashion chequered shorts and turn your eyes towards bright colours. Tangerine would be my favourite colour choice to match with a white polo shirt. Last but not least, the most important rule of the golf course. Avoid any fashion faux pas by ensuring your clothes are clean and neat. Polo shirts must be collared and tucked in. Shorts should be long enough for you to bend over and sit down comfortably.

After visiting a couples of golf shops in Hua Hin town, and by the way, we have plenty of choice in town, and here are some ideas we like to pass your way.

QUICK, EASY AND EFFICIENT ENERGY DRINK To make sure you stay hydrated and energetic try making your own Energy drink much more healthy than buying chemical laden drinks from the shop. And its pretty easy to. Homemade Electrolyte Drink 1/4 cup of lemon juice 1/4 cup of lime juice 1 teaspoon of salt 1 whole squeezed orange 1 litre of water Optional, If you don’t like the bitter taste of this drink you can add a tablespoon of honey.


Let’s be honest as a golf player or a hat enthusiast must have a full collection of hats lying around in the cupboards. To stop them from taking precious place in you cupboard floor, we have come up with a solution that only cost 100 THB to create. You will need:

• shower curtain hooks, (depends

how many hats you’ve got) in transparent plastic material • One hanger (in wood from Index); or from home You just have to place the hooks on the hanger and attach the hats to the hooks. Ta da! It’s done, and for you can use this idea as well for your jewellery, scarfs , ties and headbands.

HEALTHY TRAIL MIX SNACK Trail mixes are easy to make and store well in a sealed container or ziplock bag. What you need is: peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds and dried fruits such as apple, pineapple, mangoes, papaya, apricots, raisins or cranberries. Mix according to your taste and prepare some in advance. Remember you don’t need to be on the golf course to appreciate these two lovely healthy recipes.

YOUR TOP 5 ESSENTIALS FOR GOLF For your convenience when travelling a golf travel bag with wheels saves you energy and time. We recommend going safe on the choice of colour, since you will be using it for years. Black or White is safe, timeless and fashionable. • Golf Cooler Bag. This is perfect to carry your energy drink and snacks. Check out the recipes below. • Gloves, match the colours with your golf clothing. • Essentials include extra tees, divot tool, ball marker clip for your hat, towels, umbrella and fresh wipes to cool you down. • Eyewear, they are very necessary especially with the hot weather, you want to keep the glare of the sun out of your eyes to allow you make that awesome shot. • Always wear a hat to keep the heat off your head. • A must, sunscreen and lip balm to hydrate yours lips from the sun and avoid looking like a roasted chicken.

Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013



Volume 10 issue 11 Septemberr 2013

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