Fashion Guide: Fashion CAD / EN

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Fashion CAD

The “This CAD can even surprise me!” GUIDE

Dear Fashion Professionals, I know it, I can do it, checked off! We never look for innovation where it’s closest to us. The CAD system in your business is a case like this. It is one of the fundamental technologies for collection development. Any change made to CAD has a direct impact on quality, cost and time-to-market. This is where we come in with top innovations like 3D grading, automation and the Cloud. This guide will show you how to get your CAD on to the fast track to advantages. The result is a kind of CAD map with which you can move around unerringly in the topic.

Enjoy your reading! Best regards, Dr. Andreas Seidl


Develop faster: Design more productively ++ Save time: Global data exchange ++

Contents Page 4 What CAD can do for you

Page 22 Cad.Assyst in your company

Page 20 Currently happening in the industry

Page 18 System change or upgrade: Modernize for the future

Page 5 Four steps to improve efficiency

Page 6 What CAD technology must achieve

Page 12 Planning, starting & using innovations

Page 16 CAD innovation: Grading in 3D (prototype)

Produce quality: Uniform pattern creation methods everywhere ++

Page 14 CAD innovation: One pattern piece for many variants


Straight to the point What CAD can do for you

CAD is a matter of course – as a design tool. But why not see Fashion CAD in a different light – and use it as a competitive advantage?

That’s why Cad.Assyst is different. It’s ideal for design, but at the same time it’s a tool for efficient data management, a communication instrument and a means of providing methods and expertise. CAD technology by Assyst has evolved significantly in recent years and the company’s intelligent job aids, automation and data exchange promise huge benefits.

CAD with Smart-Factor: one system, three basic advantages 1. D evelop faster – Design with Smart.Guide, Smart.Measure and 3D support 2. Produce quality – Automation with Smart.Pattern 3. Save costs – Data availability with Fashion Cloud GoLive

Where is Cad.Assyst’s development heading? We’re getting closer to the intelligent pattern with every technological leap. The interlinking of 2D and 3D is also getting more efficient – with the result that Smart CAD and 3D belong together.


Innovation signpost Four steps to improve efficiency

Pattern creation – intuitive, visual, fast

Work better: 3D in CAD

Delegate routine tasks: Smart.Pattern

Permanent access to all data: Fashion Cloud GoLive

With the new Cad.Assyst version you save lots of clicks (= time), avoiding careless mistakes.

The close interlinking of 3D and CAD opens up completely new possibilities in design.

All company and partners’ employees always have access to all current data – in 2D and 3D.

° Smart.Filter ° Smart.Guide ° Smart.Label ° Smart.Measure ° Smart.Texture ° Smart.Placement

° Grading on 3D bodies ° S ynchronization

Monotonous routine tasks are performed automatically. At the same time the system ensures that all tasks are performed correctly, using the same method each time.

between Cad.Assyst (2D) and Vidya (3D) ° 3D Preview in Cad.Assyst

° Routine pattern design –

° C AD data in the network ° C AD data in the Cloud with version management

internally ° Matching or grading done by partners


Core questions: What CAD technology must achieve Question 1

Can CAD experts really save time with Cad.Assyst? Yes. A 20 % gain in efficiency is possible with Smart.Guide and Smart.Measure alone – depending on the complexity, i.e. the number of worksteps. This even applies for experienced professionals, because the same result can be achieved with far fewer clicks. These intelligent tools not only provide speed, they also help to ensure quality and avoid careless mistakes – and you can gain significant increases in efficiency if you also use the other smart technologies in Cad.Assyst.








Cad. Assyst






5. Smart.Guide Cad.Assyst: CAD with Smart Factor

What can you do with Cad.Assyst? Work up to 20 % faster. The day should be longer when you see the size of your workload? Cad.Assyst can help. With Smart.Guide and Smart.Measure in Cad.Assyst, you can process a piece much faster. At 20 %, this means that for every hour of work you gain almost 15 minutes.


Cad.Assyst gives you: smart pattern creation – the way to intelligent patterns Smart.Texture The new Cad.Assyst/ Lay.Assyst visualizes the fabric texture in color. Ideal for positioning and matching pieces but also for documentation. Everything now goes much faster and easier!

Smart.Filter Create several variants in one piece. With Cad.Assyst, you can then filter the desired variant (e. g. with a pocket) and use it throughout the process chain, meaning laying, pieces, plotting or sending it to the cutter. Now you only have to make alterations in one pattern piece. The basis: the Smart.Label technology.

Placement in Lay.Assyst Where is there still space for the piece in the marker? Thanks to the new Preview in Lay.Assyst, manual marker laying is even faster and more visual.

Smart.Label Single pattern elements can be named and flagged with specific features. This is the first step towards “intelligent patterns” and a prerequisite for dynamic sizetables.


Question 2

Doesn’t automation also mean automatic errors? No –

it means fewer errors. The macro is the stored expertise of the experienced pattern designers. Nothing is overlooked, not even relationships with other elements in the pattern. The bottom line is: macro right = pattern right. Most companies entrust only their highly experienced staff with the use and setup of a macro library.

Question 3

Is automation really worth it?

Yes, definitely. The rule of thumb is: The more frequently one procedure has to be repeated, the more time (and nerves) Smart.Pattern will save you. And there’s another important advantage: Using a macro, you can specify the design method accurately – and be confident that every user all over the world will get the same results.

What can you do with Cad.Assyst? Design uniformly. Everyone has their own methods – but what’s good for creativity can be inconvenient in everyday work. If work is always done uniformly, tasks can be easily split up and taken over.


Cad.Assyst gives you: self-running pattern creation steps

You can delegate all your routine pattern creation tasks to Cad.Assyst in the form of macros. Each macro comprises all Cad.Assyst commands in the logical sequence that you need for your pattern creation task. The application is relatively easy to learn. More than 200 macros for the most common routine pattern development tasks are included in our comprehensive macro library, e.g. lapel design, shrinkage changes, grading/matching to grading values and interlinings.

Macro library: Everything’s there Why invent the wheel (or the macro) twice? With Cad.Assyst (from V. 20.10) you automatically access a library of over 200 macros for common routine work orders. You can select 10 macros free of charge from the basic pool of 60 macros, other macros cost a small fee. You can also create your own macros. Smart.Pattern tutorials: The QR code shows examples for working with macros.


Question 4

Is global data availability really advantageous?

Yes. Of course, you can also share your data as before, e.g. by e-mail or by download links – but your pattern data in the Cloud enhance data exchange enormously. On the one hand: There is just one file and it’s bang up-to-date. With e-mail, there are always different versions; and in the worst case scenario, they even have the same name. In contrast, data in the Cloud is updated automatically (in the background). This gradual – and thus reduced – download is an advantage, especially with limited bandwidth. An e-mail must always be downloaded as a whole and that takes much longer.

Question 5

Pattern data is crucial for competitiveness. Is it secure in the Cloud?

Yes. The availability of the GoLive Cloud is almost 100 %. You decide who has access based on user rights management. A partner gets access and works with the file in the Cloud. All changes are instantly updated. And if a laptop is lost, the data is still safe and sound in the Cloud.

Complies with ISO/IEC 27001


Cad.Assyst gives you: global availability of pattern data

From site to site Corporate HQ // Frankfurt site // Singapore site // New York site

From client to the partner Freelance staff

You can access the Cloud right from Cad.Assyst

From Desktop to Laptop Chinese partner // Indian partner // Turkish partner // Eastern European partner

Hosting in Private Cloud as well

What can you do with Cad.Assyst? You can collaborate effectively. CAD data in the Cloud avoids redundant data storage, saving costs and time. No more confusion and misunderstandings. Freelance staff and partners can be flexibly and securely integrated into work processes.


In concrete terms Planning, starting & using innovations

You can use most Cad.Assyst modules and functions immediately. Smart.Pattern has a learning curve, but the other innovations on this page are intuitive and require no more than a brief introduction.


More efficient with no effort Automation? Smart Pattern! Macros preserve your expertise and ensure optimal use – consistently. Any pattern maker can use a macro after a short introduction and comprehensive training courses are available for customising and programming your own macros. The Smart.Pattern coaches from Assyst are always available. It’s really worthwhile if ° time is scarce for collection development ° time is tight for creative or particularly important tasks ° errors often occur in monotonous tasks ° colleagues leave the company and their knowledge and experience is lost

NEW Conversion

Make Cad.Assyst out of Investronica Converting pattern data is an important issue. Cad.Assyst offers many conversion options and can accept most popular formats in the market. And Cad.Assyst 20.15 can now convert data from Investronica! The data is read in as Cad.Assyst format with optimal quality. Timeconsuming steps like creating seams and seam corners no longer exist, because if required, Cad.Assyst will analyze and recreate the entire pattern in seconds. It’s really worthwhile if ° you work with partners who use Investronica ° you work with Investronica and are thinking about switching to Cad.Assyst ° you get a lot of Investronica files, but you use Cad.Assyst yourself ° you want a modern CAD environment


Fashion Cloud GoLive

Cooperation with no detours The Cloud is here. It can be used in Cad.Assyst from version 20.13. You only have to set up and activate a Cloud GoLive account. From then on, all the files you save in the Cloud with Cad.Assyst will always be updated and you’ll always have access to them. Your team or partners can also access these specific files if you want them to. It’s really worthwhile if ° you work with partners who receive open data from you ° you have freelancers integrated into your processes ° you would like to exchange data easily with other sites ° some employees are on the road at home and abroad and would benefit by having access to current files ° you could save time by making data transmission easier

Smart.Guide and Smart.Measure

Faster without stress: Efficient pattern creation with Smart.Guide and Smart.Measure is available in Cad.Assyst from Version 20.13. Smart.Guide helps with context-sensitive menus and magnetism for instance; Smart.Measure facilitates the measurement of lines and curves. It’s really worthwhile if ° you mostly develop your collections yourselves ° experienced colleagues are often time-pressured ° you could do more to teach young colleagues



Repeats at a glance: Smart.Texture brings fabric texture to the 2D pattern in Cad.Assyst and to the markers from Lay.Assyst. Individual pieces are stored in color with the corresponding fabric. This is particularly interesting for fast repeat inspection in pattern matching, for piece spreading and great for documentation. It’s really worthwhile if ° you want to visually check results right away to help you work faster ° documentation work is a bit complicated for you ° you actually deal with repeat fabrics every day and put a lot of store in an accurate result


To the point CAD innovation: One pattern piece for many variants

Bags, prints, logos and labels – there are countless variants for pieces. When a pattern piece is processed, the work must be documented in many files. Smart.Filter has changed all that. The new Cad.Assyst module increases transparency and efficiency in product development.


Smart.Filter for your pattern management With Smart.Filter, you won’t have to change the way you work. Pattern management just becomes much easier. Now you can map the pattern elements of model variants into one pattern piece and filter out the variants you need as required. These variants then flow into the process chain as a normal Cad.Assyst file.

Unique advantages:

° Simpler management of pattern variants

You have an overview of all your variants and can then filter out your desired model ready for further use.

° Avoid errors

Thanks to Smart.Filter, the patterns of model variants are always at the same stage.

° Time savings

Instead of having a vast number of files, you can make your changes and check them in just one pattern file. No more tedious searching for the right file. This really saves time.

° Seamless process

On request, the filtered variant can be integrated directly into a digital process chain. In PLM GoLive, you select the desired variant, Cad.Assyst is filtered in the background and the right CAD file is made available. The file can then be transferred to Automarker and made available to your partners. This is useful for NOS processes or workwear, for instance.


How Smart.Filter works ° CAD pattern piece

All the pattern elements are contained in one pattern piece. Our example here uses two pockets.

° Filtering variants

Now Cad.Assyst lets you filter out the relevant variants, e. g. a piece with the pocket below or one with it above.

° Pattern variants in the process

You can then request e. g. a marker from Automarker right out of the filtered file.

One Process: PLM GoLive + Cad.Assyst + Automarker On request, you can select the desired pattern variant with PLM GoLive, filter it in Cad.Assyst and transfer it to Automarker for marker laying and order communication.


To the point

CAD innovation: Grading in 3D (prototype)

Grading a piece presupposes know-how about patterns, the human body and their interactions – and that’s a real challenge in 2D. That’s why most companies only change their size run patterns in accordance with in-house rules. It’s here that the innovative technology of 3D grading offers a lot more flexibility, ease of use and knowledge about your customers.


Planned release of version 20.16

3D grading for top quality in size runs With 3D grading, you can see at first glance how your customer’s body changes with the different sizes, and how your pattern for the desired size & fit has to be altered as a result. In Cad.Assyst, you can create the grading alterations for the relevant sizes on the right positions on the body. Here a 3D model with the real dimensions for all graded sizes in combination with your pattern is available for you – in the benchmark size. Pattern alterations are then carried out automatically, based on the 3D body.

Unique advantages for experts:

° Better grading quality

You can comply with the defined house rules, but address the individual pattern, the customer’s body and the sizing & fitting philosophy at the same time.

° Good size & fit

You can ensure perfect size & fit for all sizes in your size run, because you know your target group’s bodies better and can integrate them into your work.

° Time savings

Grading and pattern experts achieve better results in significantly less time because the relevant data can actually be seen and processed more intuitively.

° New target groups

When grading has been implemented, it can be adapted to other body shapes. Pattern and grading automatically adapt to the new measuring points positions.

° Realistic body information

3D grading uses representative 3D body data from a range of serial measurement surveys in iSize.


How 3D grading works in Cad.Assyst CAD pattern: In our example, the grading of a skirt in sample size 38 is to be adapted to the size run. The selected measurement points are each marked with red and green dots. They correspond to the measuring points on the 3D body.

3D Body: In Cad.Assyst the relevant 3D body is loaded and displayed with measurement points (red/green) at the correct positions on the body. The calculated measurement section is now automatically transferred to the bodies of the different ready-made sizes in the size run and displayed as a white line.

Graded CAD pattern: Each of the white lines on the 3D body is correspondingly implemented as a grading rule in the pattern. Now all the relevant measuring points can be processed in this way. The grading for a full size run is then completed.

Reality Plus: Cad.Assyst + Vidya Thanks to the Vidya simulation, the grading for the various sizes (in this case sizes 38 and 46) can be checked right away.


Must-have System change or upgrade: Modernizing for the future

The advantages of CAD are really convincing – but before you can harvest the economic benefits, your CAD landscape must first be modernized. Not a problem … unless you’re still working on an obsolete platform, or you want to change your CAD system. The effort involved should not, however, be underestimated and the project has to be well planned and prepared. Here the Cad.Assyst team draws on its extensive project experience – and will be there for you with help and advice, from initial planning to the go-live. Together with Assyst, many companies have mastered their CAD modernisation with flying colors.



The most important best practices for your CAD project Planning, planning, planning: Diligence is a must. The CAD processes and data must be described exactly – and it’s just as important to plan the rollout meticulously. With many successful projects behind us, we know what we’re talking about.

Increase data quality Assyst offers you tools for cleaning up existing CAD pattern data and for the uniform naming of files.




Preparing data: Most companies have a sketchy overview of their CAD data at best. The data is mostly stored nonuniformly, named using different methods and much of the data is no longer actually needed. So it’s worthwhile to sort out old versions and name files uniformly before you upgrade. Many of these tasks can be automated.

Fast rollout: You can introduce your new system gradually with parallel operation or in one step. A system or version change means breaking old habits. This can be strange at first. So under certain circumstances, the fast implementation is worthwhile. That means Friday old CAD – the new system on Monday. After the weekend all your staff will find the new version on their desktops – but a month later, only a very few favorite features of the old system will be missed.

Optimization: No debugging! With the CAD upgrade, you have perfection from the outset. Minor readjustments may have to be done at one or two workplaces – but that’s it.

Ensure success: Now it’s time for the power users. Users usually have lots of questions at the start, especially after a big leap in versions – but in our experience, peace and quiet usually returns after just a week or two.



CAD perspectives Currently happening in the industry

How can we continue operations during the global CAD upgrade? Excerpt from HUGO BOSS, Case Study, fashion 04

Behind the successful brand names of BOSS, BOSS Orange, BOSS Green and HUGO is a closely networked team with sites in different countries. A system change from Unix to Windows CAD during daily operations is a major challenge. More than 200 users work with the system and develop four collections per year. Then there are numerous global production sites that receive data from HUGO BOSS several times a day. HUGO BOSS: ”Assyst has very high technical standards, also in project monitoring. However, the CAD experts’ understanding for the way we work is what really sets them apart. I think that’s one of the reasons why the project went so smoothly.”

CWS-boco Supply Chain Management GmbH

What technologies provide the best support for our full service concept in workwear? Excerpt from CWS-boco Supply Chain Management, Case Study, fashion 04

CWS-boco SCM manages its workflows in product management, development and order optimization with integrated technologies from the Human Solutions Group. The company also has a portfolio of over 3,000 active articles, often with up to 2,500 individual items for special sizes, which are specially adapted. “We benefit from the seamless continuity of the Human Solutions Group products. This really facilitates our everyday work and forms the basis for our efficient workflows. (…) Since we work together at different locations, the Cloud solutions of the Human Solutions Group are very interesting for us.” Angel-Luis Merino, Production Manager, CWS-boco Supply Chain Management


Read the full articles at

Which technical possibilities can help us get ahead? Excerpt from Bogner, Case Study, fashion 02

Bogner has been cooperating with Assyst for many years now, in order to flank its business strategy with the right technology. You can feel the passion for fashion and a love of detail in every one of the models which Bogner develops – around 1,500 to 1,600 a year. To ensure profitability, the company also uses technology. Pattern creation is done with Cad.Assyst and Smart.Pattern. Automarker takes care of placement. Bogner uses Smart.Pattern with in-house development of special macros that shorten routine activities. In addition to typical lining and interlining macros, the software is also used for designing the wind repellers on jackets and ski pants. Bogner was one of the first German fashion companies to change to Cad.Assyst 20.10. “The exchange of knowledge across departments has been intensified by Smart.Pattern. Our colleagues obviously enjoy developing new macros.” Peter Vogel, Pattern Development Manager, Bogner

How can we ensure quality abroad? Excerpt from s.Oliver, Case Study, fashion 02

With sustainable standards, s.Oliver reinforces the competence of its production partners. Several collections every month. To achieve this, in-house processes must be controlled and time cycles optimized – but no compromises may be made in quality. Thanks to Smart.Pattern, clear guidelines and practical tools, s.Oliver ensures fast, solid results from its production partners. In 2010, the company switched from Cad.Assyst Unix to Cad.Assyst 20.10 (Windows) to increase flexibility and efficiency. The upgrade also relates to Smart.Pattern – a program which for s.Oliver is a vital centralized system for all pattern elements that can be standardized, such as linings, interlinings and templates for blazers. This saves valuable time which can be used for partner management and the creation of standards. “Our collections all intermingle, flowing with and into one another: The current collection goes into production while the second one is being fine-tuned with prototypes – and while this is going on, we’re busy developing the third one. In other words, we have to constantly become more flexible and more efficient – and Assyst helps us to do just that.” Doris Öhm, Head of the Model Department, s.Oliver


And now Cad.Assyst in your company ‌


Your notes What should Cad.Assyst do for us?

Which technical possibilities and functions are our top priority?

Which product segments would be ideal for entry?

With which Cad.Assyst version are we working?

What do I still want to know from Assyst?

° Automation ° New functions and

efficient pattern creation

° 3D grading ° Cloud ° Data conversion ° Seamless process

Who should get involved and how do we move on?

Make an appointment with Assyst

Was soll Cad.Assyst für uns tun? Welche technischen Möglichkeiten und Funktionen haben für uns absolute Priorität?

Welche Produktsegmente wären ideal für den Einstieg?

Mit welcher Cad.Assyst-Version arbeiten wir?

Was möchte ich noch von Assyst wissen?

• Automatisierung • Neue Funktionen und

effiziente Konstruktion

• 3D-Grading • Cloud • Datenkonvertierung • Durchgängiger Prozess

Wer sollte einbezogen werden und wie gehen wir weiter vor?

Gesprächstermin mit Assyst vereinbaren

We will be happy to advise you about Fashion CAD. Assyst GmbH, +49 (0)89-905 05 0,, Assyst is a company of the Human Solutions Group.


Fashion CAD

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The “This CAD can even suprise me” GUIDE

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The “I want sizing fitting” GUIDE

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