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Our family happy partners! Dobong Healthy Family . Multicultural Family Support Center /

9.14.(Wed)-9.18.(Sun) Center will be closed on Chuseok( Thanksgiving Day).

Day in Autumn Bid the last fruits to be full

give them another two more southerly days,


Press them to ripeness and case the last sweetness into the heavy wine

Rainer Marie Rilke [The Book of Images] ‘Day in Autumn’ quotes

origin Designed by

2nd floor, Dobong Gumin Bldg 552, Dobong-ro, Dobong-gu, Seoul, Korea 02)995-6800

September Program Information 1 15:00-16:00 Nuri Nuri science game A Group laboratory


3 09:30-14:30 Family Cheif (baekuncho) 10:00-12:00 Versatile Parent Education 10:00-14:00all families Volunteers Songpyeon service activities 13:00-16:00 Working couple healing Up 13:00-16:00 child of working parents healing UP

16:00-17:00 Nuri Nuri science game B Group Lagoratory


5 09:30-15:30 korean class open

6 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children 16:00-18:00 Self help group dongguri

7 10:00-12:00 Bilingual parents children

8 14:00-15:30 South Korea adaptation-Court visits 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children 15:00-16:00 Nuri Nuri science game A group laboratory 16:00-17:00 Nuri Nuri science game B game laboratory

9 14:00-16:00 Childbirth classes for prospective parents 16:00-18:00 Bilingual self-help groups 16:30-17:30 wacked out science class

10 10:00-12:00 Parent Empowerment Training 10:00-1300 blessed daughter/blessed son father class 13:00-16:00 Working parents healing up 13:00-16:00 children ofWorking parents healing up 14:00-16:00 “dinning table ommunity” 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children


12 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children

13 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children




17 be closed (for the day)


19 14:00-16:00 Family counseling Supervision 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children

20 19:00-21:00 Adolescent Parent Education 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children 16:00-18:00 Self help group dongguri

21 14:00-16:00 ““dinning table community”“ 19:00-21:00 Family love day 10:00-12:00 Bilingual parents children

22 10:0012:00Parentseducation(4ses sion) 19:30-21:00 Handicapped parent classes 14:00~16:00 Bilingual parents children 15:00-16:00 Nuri Nuri science game Agrade laboatory 16:00-17:00 Nuri Nuri science game B Group Labotary 17:30-19:30 door to door father class 19:00-21:00 Our Family happy charge

23 14:00-16:00 Childbirth classes for prospective parents

24 08:00-16:00 open mind 09:00-13:00 training 10:00-13:00 class 13:00-16:00 with dad 14:00-16:00 community” 14:00-16:00 group

29 10:00-12:00 Bilingual parents children 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children 14:00-17:00 Employment support package (4) 16:00-17:00 Nuri Nuri science game Bgroup labatory 16:00-17:00 Nuri Nuri science game

30 14:00-16:00 Childbirth classes for prospective parents 16:30-17:30 wacked out science class


26 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children 14:00-17:00 Employment support package (1)

27 14:00-16:00 Bilingual parents children 14:00-17:00 Employment support package (2) 19:00-21:00 Adolescent Parent Education

28 10:00-12:00 Immigrant women group counseling 10:00-12:00 Bilingual parents children 10:30-12:30 childhood parents class 14:00-16:00 “dinning table community”“ 14:00-17:00 Employment support package (3)

16:30-17:30 wacked out science class

Self-help meetings child care refresher door to door father exciting playground ““dinning table Bilingual self-help

Korean Language class

South Korea adaptation-Court visits

》 Candidates : Marriage Immigrant, Foreigner, Immigrant children 》 Place : Center’s educational room 》 Contents Level




Tue, Thurs



Tue, Thurs



Mon, Tue


Practical class(4Level)

Mon, Fri







Mon, Wed


★ Topik(5-6Grade) ★ class

Toddlers special



April~Nov Sept~Nov

- Weekend Topik class and toddler special class will be open from September Multicultural Understanding Education


Multicultural Travel

》 Time & date : 9/5(Mon) ~ 10/31(Mon) 》 Place : Participating institute 》 Candidate : Related Nursery, Kindergarten 6-7yrs old, Elemantary School 1-2Grade 》 Contents :Multicultural society to promote children's multicultural sensitivity classes.

》 Date & Time : 9/8 (Thurs) 14:00 ~ 15:30 》 Place : Seoul Northern District Court 》 Candidate : Immigrant Women 》 Contents - Introduction of the court and conversation with a judge. - Legal Topics for multicultural families - Main facility tour - Take a bus (public transportation) in front of Dobong Civic Center at 13 to move together.

A good way for a job program

Immigrant employment support package 》 Time & Date : 9/26(Mon) ~ 29(Thurs) 14:00~17:00 》 Place : Inside center’s educational hall 》 Candidate : 》 Immigrant to prepare them for employment (Korean smooth communication) Contents session




The world of ambiguous meaning of jobs

(Mon) 14:00~17:00


The way to the job that’s right for me I

(Tues) 14:00~17:00


The way to the job that's right for me Ⅱ

(Wed) 14:00~17:00


Build your own plan

(Thurs) 14:00~17:00


Career Fair

Notice will be update later


Center Educationalhall

Notice will be update later

Working couple Healing UP! Couple / children group counseling 》 Time : 9/3, 9/10. Sat 13:00-16:00 》 Place : The center education hall 》Candidate: Working couple / 8 children whose parents are working 》 Contents : Couples group counseling / child art therapy group counseling

Exciting Playground with Dad 》 》 》 》

Time & date : 9/24. Sat 13:00-16:00 Place :The center education hall 대상 : little bit more than 10 family of Working Daddy Contents : playing with dad together through science

The humanities on the pavement - Marriage Migrant Women group counseling 》 Candidate : Dobong multicultural families and immigrant women 20 people 》 Place : Dobong cultural information library auditorium 》 Content : Sharing the representation and communication role for the mother adapts to experience learning center to promote the role of mother Time & date

9/28(Wed) 10:00~12:00 10/6(Thur) 09:30~11:30 10/7(Fri) 09:30~13:30


Dobong Cultural Information Library auditorium



To communicate and express my mind


To adapt to changes in the child's development

lecture and counseling.

To prepare child’s future

Counselingand role-play

Inquiry: Family Empowerment Team Oh Jiyun02) 995-6810

Childbirth classes for prospective parents 》 Time & date : 9/9, 9/23, 9/30 EveryFriday14:0016:00 》Place: The center education hall 》 Candidate Pregnant with first child, planning for being Multicultural family 》 Contents : Couple education, Nutrition education, Making natural moisturizer

[Seoul Family School] adolescent parents class 》 》 》 》

Time : 9/20, 27 Every Monday 19:00-21:00 Place : The center education hall Candidate : Parents who raising their adolescent children Content : Preferred parenthood, Communication Training

Seoul Family School] Parents childhood class 》 》 》 》

Time & date : 9/28 Wed 10:30-12:30 Place : Jangwol Elementary School Educational hall Candidate : Jangwol Elementary School parents Content : Joy of Learning switch _Learning coaching

All family voluntary make blissful 》 Time & date : 9/3 Sat 10:00-14:00 》 Place : Duksung Girls ’ College Culinary Arts Lab 》 Candidate : All family voluntary make blissful group 》 Content : Make Songpyeon for the elders those who live alone and deliver

Marriage Immigrant translation and interpretation services program

Family life and cultural differences between countries, such as immigration initial consultation necessary information about Korean living and Center project information, education process interpretation service Communication between family translation Administration , using law enforcement agencies translation, external translation support 》 Candidates : Individuals or Organization that Support multicultural 》 Place : Inside or outside of the Center 》 How to apply : Contact or Visit( Need appointment) South Korea adaptive education _ cooking class “Dinning Table community." 》 Time & Date : 9/10 (Sat)~10/22(Sat) Every Wednesday, Saturday14:00~16:00 》 Place : Dobong right dinning life learning institute (Chang-dong Nonghyup Hanaro Mart on the 2nd floor) . 》 Candidate : Immigrant Women 》 Contents : - Theory and practical cooking - Tea break - Fellowship get together

Language Development Support Project

Proper language education to children who have difficulty communicating a harmonious development is achieved by implementing the language of their children to better assess the development and education. Wonder child’s language development level or late anxiety compare to their same age than palease contact us! It is also possible to receive only the language development assessment. 》 Canddiate : Infants(0 age)~12yrs above (elem.6grade)multicultural children, foreign couple’s children, North Korea defectors’ children 》 Place : Center’s language development room or outside 》Content: weekly 2times, 40mis class

Door to door education service Door to Door education service offers visiting Korean classl, visiting parent education, visiting child education services with customized service visit to home for those who are difficult to visit multicultural family support center. ※ September 12 to September 18 is a holiday period (one weeks). Visit Korean class(10 Months) 》Recruiting for: living here for 5years immigration immigrant, children enter middle 》 Service content : Pregnancy and birth, child care those who have hard to come for Korean class, its provide Korean class for enter middle child’s Korean class if you need.

Visit Parents education(one time for 5months, upto 3times15month service*) 》 Recruiting for : Immigration marriage women to support their children below 12 years old 》 Servicecontent : if you facing difficulties in parenting of child •

①Pregnancy childbirth infant (during pregnancy~ afterbirth below 12months)

② Early childhood (early12 months - below48 months) ③childhood Early (48 months early – below 12 yrs old)

Visit child living services(10Months) 》 Recruiting candidate : 2yrs old ~ below 12yrs old children f multicultural family, Immigration middle child 》 Servicecontent : for those need help while Facing difficulties in reading books, doing homework, ego, emotional and social development according to their peers.

Versatile group counseling _ For Parents A multicultural group counseling for parents on the formation of a healthy mind in my family. 》 Time & date: 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 every (Tues)19:00~21:00 》 Candidate: Parents of school-age children of multicultural families 6-8 people 》 Place: educational hall 2 》 Content · Relieve discomfort in me · Improve self-esteem

Versatile parent education

Parent education for the empowerment of parents of multicultural families 》 Time & date: 9/3 (Sat) 10:00~12:00 》 Candidate: Multicultural family parents of school-age children 》 Place: educational hall 2 》 Content: Children Emotions Coaching Education

Our Family Happy charge Programs for multicultural families relationship improvement 》 Time & date: 9/22 (Thurs) 19:00~21:00 》Candidate:Multicultural families with school-age children 》 Place: Educational hall 2 》 content · To know father mother’s country · Cultural programs for establishing identity

Versatile target group counseling _ For children

A multicultural group counseling for children on the formation of a healthy m 》 Time & date: 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 every (Tues) 19:00~21:00 》 Candidate: Group counseling to participate in multicultural family from 6 ~ 8 children of parents. 》 Place: Educational hall 1 》 Content: Improving self-esteem through play and art therapy

Beating learning Service of children Multicultural Family 1:1 mentoring for multi-cultural families children's learning and emotional support 》 Time & date: According to individual schedule 》 Candidate: children of multicultural family 》 Place: Dobong gu healthy family. Multicultural family support Center 》 Content: 1:1mentoring for learning of multicytural family Inquiry : Family Empowerment Team Kwon Jingyeong 02) 990-5432

Parent Empowerment Training 》 Time & date : 9/10 Sat 10:00-12:00 》 Place : Dobong Gumin Bldg. meeting room 》 Candidate : Parents who are interested in creating healthy families 》 Content : Let me first communicate / communications couple

Immigrant Mentoring Project 》 Application Period : 2016 Sept. 1 (Thu) ~ Sept. 9(Fri) Until 4:00 pm 》 Recruitment : 1 mentor (Those Philippine Mentor who had this activity can also apply ) 》 Selection and Announcement : 2016 Sept. 13(Wed) Individual call to final selection 》 Qualifications - Mentor: Married Immigrant who reside in Korea for more than a year (Including Naturalized) who can speak Korean fluently and a good role model who have a good relationship with family life. 》 Activities Period and Frequency : 2016 Sept.~Dec./ 8 times on each team 》 How to apply : Visit or call application

Multicultural Family Life Consultant Program Multicultural Family life consultant project in economic difficulties, disease and disorder, violence, Disability Issues and a support program to customized the variety crisis situation of Multicultural Family. 》 How to Apply: Call the person-in-charge or Visit Application (Even you may have no problem we will be thankful if you recommend this program to fellow Multicultural Family around you who are experiencing difficulties) 》 Support Contents: We support how to grope interrogation for each selected beneficiaries seeking for help assistance support.

Legislation Consulting 》 When: Sept. 20, Tuesday 14:30-17:30 》 Where : Center Consulting Room 》 Who : Divorce, Inheritance, Liabilities and who needs legal advice 》 What : Providing FREE legal advice through a lawyer once in a month

Personal/Couple/Family Consulting 》 Target : Dobonggu residents whoever needs counseling 》 Date and Time : Weekday, Night time(6~9시), Sat. 》 How to Apply : Visit the Center for Application (Required to call the center first before visiting application)

Dobonggu Healing Time 》 Target : Couple who apply counseling service in the center/Family or students who suffer difficulties 》 Date and Time : Weekdays, Night time(6~9), Sat 》 Contents : Counseling Support 》 Remarks : Commission application from other institution is possible In case of deciding student crisis Provide Counseling Support as needed

Family Love Day 》 Date and Time : Sept. 21. Wednesday 19:00-21:00 》 Location : Deoksong Women’s University Car Preview Hall Room 119 》 Participants : 10 Families Dobonggu Residents with elementary students 》 Contents : Our Family wishes and making activities 3rd Family Counseling Public Supervision 》 Date and Time : Sept. 19 Monday 14:00-16:00 》 Place : Center Education Section Room 2 》 Target : The Center Consultant, Counseling Agency Practitioners, Major in Consultant etc 》 Contents : “I hate impressive mother in law”

Take care of your Mom_Parent Education

Child Sharing Public Center All times Program

Healing Mom Parent Education Program!

》 Participants : All Families with Child 》 Place : Child Sharing Public Center (Dobong-gu Civic Center 2nd Floor/ Dobong Children Country 3rd Floor 》 Other : Room 2 Child Sharing Public Center (Dobong Civic Center 2nd Floor) On the month of September there will be a certain changes of program schedule due of remodeling construction.

》 Date and Time : Sept. 22 Thursday 10:00-12:00 》 Place : Center Education Room 》 Target : Parent with infant child 》 Subject : Coping and Solving Parenting Stress

Child Sharing Public Center Operation Requirements 》 Operation : Always on going 》 Place : Rom1, 2 ho Child Sharing Public Center 》 Target : Only Families with Children under the age of 18 》 Contents : Using Toys and Books, Children’s Play area, Childcare Sharing Information between neighbors, etc. 》 Remarks : Child Sharing Public Center is located at “Rom 2 ho” Room 2 and the Dobonggu Civil Hall is located at the 2nd Floor of the Center.

There will be limit of use on September due to renovation planned. Target Location

Operating Time

Official Website cafe

All Families with children under 18 years old Dobong Civic Center 2nd Floor

Mon~Fri 10:00~18:00 + Night time Tue/Thu 18:00~21:00 + Weekdays Sat 10:00~17:00

Dobong Child Country 3rd Floor (Dobong Children Culture and Information Center)

Mon~Sun 10:00~17:00 ※ Closed every Tuesday

※ You can check Child Sharing Public Center and their schedule easily through checking the website café.

Division No. 1 (Dobong Child Country)

No. 2 (Dobong -gu Civic hall)



Children Age

1st batch 8/24, 8/31, 9/7(3 times)

AasiaCultrure Trio A

6~7 years old Grade 1~2 Elem. Students

AsiaCulture Trio B

Grade 1~2 Elem . Students

2nd batch 9/23, 9/30, 10/7(3 times)

PlayScience LaboratoryA

Grade 1~2 Elem . Students

PlayScience LaboratoryB

Grade 3~4 Elem . Students


2nd batch 9/21, 9/28, 10/5(3 times) 3rd batch 10/12, 10/19, 10/26(3 times)

3rd batch 10/14, 10/21, 10/28(3 times)

Date and Time Every Wednesday 16:00~16:40

EveryFriday 16:00~16:40

EveryThursday 15:00~15:50 9/1~11/10 (10 times) EveryThursday 16:00~16:50

Employees Workshop

The First half of the year 2016 Selfevaluation Gathering 》 Period : July 13 ~ July 14 》 Location : Center Education Section Room 2 》 Participants : Family Empowerment Team, Multicultural Family Support Team, Family Care Support Team 》 Contents : Analysis, Improvement and discussing plans on each team Project and Supervision etc.

The First half of the year 2016 Employees Workshop 》 Date and Time : 7/15 (Fri) 09:00 ~ 7/16 (Sat) 11:00 》 Place : Bukhan Mountain Ecological Institute Enjoying the beautiful nature of Bukhan Mountain for 2 days and 1 night Workshop was conducted such as certain ‘Improvement Understanding Education Integration Center’, ‘Mind Map group Activities’, and ‘Friendly Relations Activities’. Had a great time of strengthening team work of groping the Program Direction and Cooperation and the Empowerment of Employees.

Creating bilingual enviro nment for multicultural family

Child caring support project Cause of the parent working together and other reason that having a gap concerning on child care, for this family provide child care service to reduce the burden of parents for parenting & complement the blind spot on child care facilities. Cat.

Part-time service

Full-day service


Family with a children 3 months after birth ~below 12year old hoping for the service

3months after birth~24moths children of dual income family, employed single parents, multi-child families

Conte nt

Playing activities, going & returning to child care facilities & school, simple snack & meal , temporary child care ※ Overall type: Housework related on child care

Baby food, sterilized feeding bottle, changing diaper, taking bath etc. And activities related on child care ※ Daycare teacher type: Dispatch bearing certificate of daycare teacher

Time sup.

480hours a year (2hours above)

120~200hours a month (4hours above in 1 day)

Utilizat ion fee

Create an environment for naturally use & communicate bilingual in their home in their early childhood & build the identity of multicultural children & support to growth as a global leaders. 》 Participant: Pregnant women & parents of toddlers & infants (0~7old) multicultural families 》 Application period: Always recruit 》 Place: Education hall of Dobong community center 2FL 》 How to apply: Call or visit the center for reservation 부모교육 (독서지도 코칭)

부모-자녀 상호작용교육 (엄마나라 의 문화체험)

1,620won ~ 6,500won (the difference of support is according to the income & age of children )

Child care giver refr Eshner training 》 Participant : Child care givers belonging in Dobong 》 Date & time : 9/24(Sat) 9:00~13:00 》 Place : Training room inside the center 》 Content : Safety education & child abuse prevention education

자조모임 (경기도 이천 자연나라 나들이)

Growing Career Camp for Dual-income Family Children, Dream Catcher Hello! I’m OO Kim, joined in Dobong Center Dreamcatcher. I want to introduce my time effort to find a dream for the last week end of July. The first day was the time where participants had a brief introduction and talk about their dreams. It was very hot weather but the swing at the Amazing Park was really great! My dream is to become scientist someday. When I was at the camp a lot of friends who doesn’t have dream than I expected, so sad ㅠㅠ. I hope those friends will find their dreams like me. 1st Day Amazing Park

2nd~4th Day chocolatier, perfumier, gardener experience

I’m happy I was able to experience and think about my dream “I want to eat the chocolate I’ve made at the Chocolatier experience once again!” “I’ve also learned the Perfumier ‘s job, It is also my first time to arrange flower, I think Gardening job is fun.”

Group photo Click!

5th Day Korea JobWorld

The last day, this was the view when we went to Job World. It’s my experience at Chemical Research Lab. How is it? Wearing gown then having simulation and announcing the experiment result feels like I’m real scientist! While experiencing the jobs. I’ve been more grateful to my parents who work hard. I love you Mom, Dad ♥

All Family volunteer club’s happiness activites in August “Meal sharing service” Last Saturday, August 20, Free meal for underprivileged neighborhood outreach was conducted in Cheongnyangni Station. We cooked delicious side dish and soup though in hot summer with sweat. I felt more rewarding to serve a meal for grandmother, grandfather that makes happiness.. Today “ happiness sharing “volunteer the name of good food to the elderly “Happiness light “ same as the name of the program today which shared not only the delicious food it shared happiness for the day. Happiness light to share the happiness of Dobong will continue in September. ^^

Gender equality "Creating Happy Thanksgiving" campaign “ Enjoyable holiday together” begins with all family work and communicate together. "Thanksgiving together with the family, sharing the housework “

1. Get ready with a whole family to prepare food with fun. 2. Washing dish and cleanup with all family in one hand together ~! 3. Discover the story family together through sharing the housework.

발췌 :

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