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4) PET : Positron Emission Tomography
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UDL의 설계 원리
뇌의 관련 영역과 역할
Recognition Network
“무엇을” 배울 것인가?
I. Provide Multiple Means of Representation 다양한 제시 방식으로 학습 내용을 제공함으로써 학습자가 정보와 지식을 습득할 수 있는 다양하고 유연한 수단을 제공하라
“어떻게” 학습하는가?
II. Provide Multiple Means of Expression 학습자들에게 자신이 학습하고 알게 된 지식을 여러가지 다른 대체적인 방식으로 유연하고 다양하게 표현할 수 있는 선택권을 제공하라
인지적 네트워크
Strategic Network 전략적 네트워크
Affective Network
“왜” 학습하는가
III. Provide Multiple Means of Engagement 학습자들 스스로의 관심사와 연계하여 흥미와 도전감을 갖고 학습동기를 유지시킬 수 있는 다양하고 유연한 선택권을 제공하라
정서적 네트워크
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지식 (Knowledge)
전문적 Expert 학습자 Learner (Expert Learner)
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5) 본 챕터는 CAST(2008). Universal design for learning guidelines version 1.0. 및 National File Format(2004), National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard(NIMAS) Report –version 1.0의 주요내용을 중심으로 연구자의 해석이 가감되어 기술되었음.
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U n iv e rs a l D e s ig n fo r L e a rn in g G u id e lin e s 1 . 표 상 (R e p re s e n ta tio n )
1. 인 지 방 법 의 다 양 한 선 택 권 제 공
2 . 표 현 (E x p re s s io n )
3 . 동 기 부 여 (E n
4. 신 체 적 행 동 의 다 양 한 선 택 권 제 공
7. 흥 미 를 가 지 도 록 선 택
A .정 보 의 제 시 방 식 을 학 습 자 스 스 로 최 적 화 할 수 있게 해주기
A .반 응 하 는 방 법 을 다 양 하 게 제 공 하 기
A .개 인 의 선 택 과 자 율 성
B .청 각 정 보 의 대 안 을 제 공 하 기
B .학 습 자 료 와 상 호 작 용 하 는 방 법 을 다 양 하 게 제공하기
B .가 치 와 참 신 함 을 증 강
C .시 각 정 보 의 대 안 을 제 공 하 기
C .보 조 적 기 술 을 함 께 적 용 하 기
2. 언 어 와 상 징 의 다 양 한 선 택 권 제 공 A .어 휘 와 상 징 의 정 의 제 공 하 기 B .문 법 과 구 조 를 명 확 히 제 공 하 기
5. 표 현 하 는 기 술 의 다 양 한 선 택 권 제 공 A .의 사 전 달 에 다 양 한 형 태 의 미 디 어 를 사 용 할 수 있도록 해주기
C .글 과 수 학 표 시 법 을 해 독 해 주 기
B .작 성 과 문 제 해 결 을 위 한 적 당 한 도 구 를 제공해주기
D .다 양 한 언 어 의 사 용 을 통 한 이 를 도 모 하 기
C .연 습 과 수 행 을 촉 진 해 주 기
8. 노 력 과 성 실 함 을 유 지 선택권 제공
A .성 취 목 표 의 가 치 를 높
B .도 전 과 지 원 의 수 준 을
C .협 력 과 의 사 소 통 을 장 D .완 성 지 향 적 피 드 백 을
E .비 언 어 적 표 현 으 로 도 핵 심 개 념 을 정 리 해주기
3. 이 해 를 위 한 다 양 한 선 택 권 제 공
C .위 협 과 주 의 분 산 요 소
6. 실 행 기 능 을 위 한 다 양 한 선 택 권 제 공
9. 자 기 규 제 를 위 한 다
A .배 경 지 식 을 활 성 화 하 거 나 제 공 해 주 기
A .효 율 적 인 목 표 설 정 을 가 이 드 해 주 기
A .개 인 의 목 표 설 정 과 기
B .중 요 한 부 분 이 나 큰 주 제 와 관 계 등 을 하이라이트 해주기
B .계 획 과 전 략 개 발 을 지 원 해 주 기
B .기 술 과 전 략 을 융 합 하 해주기
C .정 보 의 처 리 를 가 이 드 해 주 기
C .정 보 와 자 원 을 다 루 는 것 을 스 캐 폴 딩 해주기
D .기 억 과 지 식 의 전 이 를 지 원 해 주 기
D .진 도 를 모 니 터 링 하 는 능 력 을 키 워 주 기
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C .자 가 평 가 와 성 찰 을 발 있도록 도와주기
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6) 글을 읽는데 장애를 가진 이들을 위한 국제적인 디지털 문서 포맷
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7) 이미 알고 있는 것(Know), 알고 싶은 것(What to know), 문제 해결이나 과제 수행 과정에서 마 지막으로 배운 것(Learned)을 정리하는 교수학습 방법
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8)데이지(DAISY:Digital Accessible Information SYstem)란 국제 독서장애인 디지털 문서 포맷.1 988년 스웨덴에서 디지털시대에 가장 큰 정보 접근의 장애를 갖고 있는 시각장애인과 일반 인쇄 물을 읽는 데 장애를 갖고 있는 독서 장애인(print disabled people)을 위해 개발, 보급을 시작했 으며, 1996년 정식으로 영국 왕립시각장애인협회 등 6개 시각장애인 점자도서관을 중심으로 국 제 데이지 컨소시엄을 결성. 현재는 한국점자도서관을 비롯한 14개 국가 점자도서관과 마이크로 소프트, 구글 등 23개 IT기업이 참여해 데이지 관련 기술표준 제정, 저작도구 및 멀티미디어 콘 텐츠를 제작, 보급하고 있음
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The root element in the Digital Talking Book DTD. <dtbook> contains metadata in <head> and the contents itself in <book>. Contains metainformation about the book but no actual content of the book itself, which is placed in <book>. This information is consonant with the <head> information in xhtml, see [XHTML11STRICT]. Other miscellaneous elements can occur before and after the required <title>. By convention <title> should occur first. Surrounds the actual content of the document, which is divided into <frontmatter>, <bodymatter>, and <rearmatter>. <head>, which contains metadata, precedes <book>. Indicates metadata about the book. It is an empty element that may appear repeatedly only in <head>. Contains the title of the book but is used only as metainformation in <head>. Use <doctitle> within <book> for the actual book title, which will usually be the same.
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Usually contains <doctitle> and <docauthor>, as well as preliminary material that is often enclosed in appropriate <level> or <level1>. Content may include copyright notice,foreword, acknowledgments, table of contents, etc. <frontmatter> serves as a guide to the content and nature of a <book>. Consists of the text proper of a book, as contrasted with preliminary material <frontmatter> or supplementary information in <rearmatter>. Contains supplementary material such as appendices, glossaries, bibliographies, and indices. It follows the <bodymatter> of the book. The highest-level container of major divisions of a book. Used in <frontmatter>, <bodymatter>, and <rearmatter> to mark the largest divisions of the book (usually parts or chapters), inside which level2 subdivisions (often sections) may nest. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter) of the structure it marks. Contrast with <level>. Contains subdivisions that nest within <level1> divisions. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., subpart, chapter, subsection) of the structure it marks. Contains sub-subdivisions that nest within <level2> subdivisions (e.g., sub-subsections within subsections). The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., section, subpart, subsubsection) of the subordinate structure it marks. Contains further subdivisions that nest within <level3> subdivisions. The class attribute identifies the actual name of the subordinate structure it marks.
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h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
Contains further subdivisions that nest within <level4> subdivisions. The class attribute identifies the actual name of the subordinate structure it marks. Contains further subdivisions that nest within <level5> subdivisions. The class attribute identifies the actual name of the subordinate structure it marks. Contains the text of the heading for a <level1> structure. Contains the text of the heading for a <level2> structure. Contains the text of the heading for a <level3> structure. Contains the text of the heading for a <level4> structure. Contains the text of the heading for a <level5> structure. Contains the text of the heading for a <level6> structure.
Identifies the writer of a work other than this one. Contrast with <docauthor>, which identifies the author of this work. <author> typically occurs within <blockquote>.
Indicates a block of quoted content that is set off from the surrounding text by paragraph breaks. Compare with <q>, which marks short, inline quotations.
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Contains some form of list, ordered or unordered. The list may have intermixed heading <hd> (generally only one, possibly with <prodnote>) and an intermixture of list items <li> and <pagenum>. If bullets and outline enumerations are part of the print content, they are expected to prefix those list items in content, rather than be implicitly generated. Marks each list item in a <list>. <li> content may be either inline or block and may include other nested lists. Alternatively it may contain a sequence of list item components, <lic>, that identify regularly occurring content, such as the heading and page number of each entry in a table of contents. Marks the text of a heading in a <list> or <sidebar>. Marks a footnote, endnote, etc. Any local reference to <note id="yyy"> is by <noteref idref="#yyy"">. [Attribute â&#x20AC;&#x201C; id] Contains a paragraph, which may contain subsidiary <list> or <dl>. sidebar Contains information supplementary to the main text and/or narrative flow and is often boxed and printed apart from the main text block on a page. It may have a heading <hd>. Marks a reference (or citation) to another document.
Marks a definition of the preceding term <dt> within a definition list <dl>. A definition without a preceding <dt> has no semantic interpretation, but is visually presented aligned with other <dd>.
Contains a definition list, usually consisting of pairs of terms <dt> and definitions <dd>. Any definition can contain another definition list.
Marks a term in a definition list <dl> for which a definition <dd> follows. - 80 -
sup br
Indicates emphasis. Usually <em> is rendered in italics. Compare with <strong>. Contains a short, inline quotation. Compare with <blockquote>, which marks a longer quotation set off from the surrounding text. Marks stronger emphasis than <em>. Visually <strong> is usually rendered bold. Indicates a subscript character (printed below a character's normal baseline). Can be used recursively and/or intermixed with <sup>. Marks a superscript character (printed above a character's normal baseline). Can be used recursively and/or intermixed with <sub>. Marks a forced line break. Marks a single logical line of text. Often used in conjunction with <linenum> in documents with numbered lines. [Include in baseline element set. Use only when line breaks must be preserved to capture meaning (e.g., poems, legal texts).] Contains a line number, for example in legal text. [Include in baseline element set. Use only when <line> is used, and only for lines numbered in print book.] Contains one page number as it appears from the print document, usually inserted at the point within the file immediately preceding the first item of content on a new page. [NB: Only valid when includes id attribute]. Marks one or more characters that reference a footnote or endnote <note>. Contrast with <annoref>. <noteref> and <note> are independently skippable.
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Contains cells of tabular data arranged in rows and columns. A <table> may have a <caption>. It may have descriptions of the columns in <col>s or groupings of several <col> in <colgroup>. A simple <table> may be made up of just rows <tr>. A long table crossing several pages ofthe print book should have separate <pagenum> values for each of the pages containing that <table> indicated on the page where it starts. Note the logical order of optional <thead>, optional <tfoot>, then one or more of either <tbody> or just rows <tr>. This order accommodates simple or large, complex tables. The <thead> and <tfoot> information usually helps identify content of the <tbody> rows. For a multiple-page print <table> the <thead> and <tfoot> are repeated on each page, but not redundantly tagged.
Indicates a table cell containing data.
Marks one row of a <table> containing <th> or <td> cells.
Describes a <table> or <img>. If used with <table> it must follow immediately after the <table> start tag. If used with <img> or <imggroup> it is not so constrained.
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Provides a container for one or more <img> and associated <caption>(s) and <prodnote>(s). A <prodnote> may contain a description of the image. The content model allows: 1) multiple <img> if they share a caption, with the ids of each <img> in the <caption imgref="id1 id2 ...">, 2) multiple <caption> if several captions refer to a single <img id="xxx"> where each caption has the same <caption imgref="xxx">, 3) multiple <prodnote> if different versions are needed for different media (e.g., large print, Braille, or print). If several <prodnote> refer to a single <img id="xxx">, each prodnote has the same <prodnote imgref="xxx">.
Contains an anchor, which is used to reference another location, within the same or another <dtbook>. Designates an abbreviation, a shortened form of a word. For examples: Mr., approx., lbs., recâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Contrast with <acronym>. Marks a word formed from key letters (usually initials) of a group of words. For examples: UNESCO, NATO, XML,US.Contrastwith<abbr>. Contains a location at which a person or agency may be contacted. By use of <line> to contain content of the individual lines, the class attribute can be used to identify the content of that <line>. For example, class values might include: name, address, region (state. province, etc.), country, location code (such as zipcode, provincial code), phone, fax, email, etc.
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code col colgroup dfn
Marks a text segment that references an <annotation>. Each <annoref> is usually a word, phrase, or whole line that is part of the surrounding text (identified in the original print book by bolding, italics, etc.). It should not normally be allowed to be turned off in a DTB application. Is a comment on or explanation of a portion of a printed book. It differs from <note> in that an <annotation> is usually set in the margin or on a facing page, often with no explicit reference to it inserted in the text. Any local reference to <annotation id="xxx"> is by <annoref idref="#xxx">. Is used in special cases where the automatic actions of the bi-directional algorithm would result in incorrect display. Designates a fragment of computer code. Elements define the alignment properties for cells in one or more columns. Groups adjacent columns <col> that are semantically related. Marks the first occurrence of a word or term that is defined or explained there or elsewhere in <book>. Often <dfn> is rendered in italics, sometimes in parentheses. Is a generic container for subdivisions of a book. The <level1>...<level6> hierarchy, or the <level> tag used recursively, should mark the major hierarchical structures of a book, while <div> is used in less formal circumstances or when for production purposes it is desired that a structure should be treated differently. Compare with <span>, which is used in inline settings. Marks each author or editor of this work. Compare with <author>, used to mark the author of another work, within <blockquote> or <cite>. Marks the title of the book within <frontmatter>. By convention <doctitle> should appear only once. Contrast with <title>, which occurs as metadata in <head> and whose content is generally the same. - 84 -
Is an empty element, minimally <hr/>, indicating a horizontal rule. It may be used to indicate a break in the text where only blank lines, a row of asterisks, a horizontal line, etc. are used in the print book.
Marks a visual image. An <img> will always contain an alt and generally contain a longdesc, a pointer to a related <prodnote>. The <img> may be referenced by a <caption> or <prodnote>, using, for example, the form <caption imgref="#yyy">the Caption</caption> for the <img id="yyy">.
Designates information that the reader is to input directly into a computer using the keyboard.
Is an alternative tag for marking the major structures in a book. It may be used recursively, i.e., repeated indefinitely with each successive occurrence nesting within the previous. It may also be included in a subsequent higher level. Subordinate levels have greater depth. Contrast with the explicit <level1>...<level6> elements, which may not be intermixed with <level>.
Contains the text of a heading within <level>. Corresponds to <h1> through <h6> used in <level1> through <level6>.
("List item component") allows ordered substructure within a list item <li>. Used when a list item is made up of two or more components, as in a table of contents entry. The same number of <lic> should occur in each <li>. If not, correspondence of <lic> in different <li> is in order of occurrence for the current writing direction of the <li>. Is an empty element appearing in the <head> section of a document that establishes a connection between the current document and another document. The <link> element conveys relationship information (for example, "next" and "previous") that may be rendered by user agents in a variety of ways.
Contains a warning, caution, or other type of admonition normally found in the margin of a book. In contrast with <sidebar> a <notice> must be presented at a specific location within the text. Its presentation is not optional. - 85 -
sent Span
Contains language added to the alternative-format version by the producer; commonly used to: 1)provide descriptions of one or more visual elements such as charts, graphs, etc. 2)supply operating instructions 3)describe differences between the print book and the audio version. Contains a sample of work created by the author for use as an example or template. For example, a sample business letter, resume, computer program output, or form. Marks a sentence. Is a generic container for use in inline settings when no specific tag exists for a given situation. The class attribute may describe the nature of the text it marks (e.g., a typographical error). May be used to mark a class of items to which styles are to be applied. Compare with <div>, which is used in a block settings. Provides the means to include styling information that applies to the book. It may appear only in <head>. It may include CDATA sections. Marks a group of rows in the main body of a <table>. If the <table> is divided into several sections, each consisting of a number of rows, each section would be separately tagged with <tbody>. The same <thead> and <tfoot> apply to every <tbody> section. Use multiple <tbody> sections when rules are needed between groups of table rows. Marks footer information in a <table>, consisting of one or more rows <tr>, usually of <th> cells. Use <tfoot> to duplicate footers when breaking table across page boundaries, or for static footers when <tbody> sections are rendered in scrolling panel. Indicates a table cell containing header information.
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Marks header information in a <table>, consisting of one or more rows <tr> of <th> cells. Use <thead> to duplicate headers when breaking table across page boundaries, or for static headers when <tbody> sections are rendered in scrolling panel. Marks a word.
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9) 정식 영문 프로젝트명은 " 10) 1958년에 설립되어 교육, 건강증진, 기술, 인권, 환경 등의 분야에 대한 연구·개발을 위한 비영 리 기관으로, 초기 수학과 과학 교육과정을 개선하기 위해 대학 교수와 연구자들이 출자하여 설 립하였고, 현재는 민간기업(adidas, Adobe, Intel 등)과 재단(AT&T, Ford Motor Company 등), 정부(NASA, NSF 등), 국제기구(UNESCO, WHO 등) 등에서 재원을 조달하고 있음
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Rendering Engine
Development Tools D
existing authoring tools for converting base science content
Rendering Engine prepares and presents UDL Science Learning Environment Features: rendering content
Result in NIMAS(XML) files
UDL Science Learning Environment
Student Instructional Materials & Activities
selecting and rendering supports/scaffoldings
Authoring Tools for Creating Supports & Scaffolding content
existing authoring tools for creating content design
tracking student interactions/responses
Result in RDF files
facilitating interactivity
n o p u t l i u b
Result in XSL CSS and Image files
Student orking & Communication System
Teacher Management System
CAST CASTArchitecture Architecture OR D 향후 개발 계획 M 수정 및 보완 계획
Open OpenSource Source Content ContentSystem System
12) STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics): 과학, 기술, 공학, 수학의 약어
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14) Web annotation이라고도 하며 일반적으로 같은 그룹에 속한 사람들끼리 1)웹사이트의 관심 내 용에 하이라이트를 하거나 2)쪽지나 메모를 붙이거나 3)다른 사람이 올린 메모에 덧글을 달 수 있도록 지원하는 서비스를 말함. 대표적인 서비스로 Diigo, Fleck, Stickis 등이 있음
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