NATIONAL CONGRESS As some of you may know, National Congress is the highest authority in policymaking in IAAS Indonesia. Representatives from each local committee come together to attend this event to discuss the future plan of IAAS Indonesia. This year, IAAS Indonesia held National Congress XXV, hosted by IAAS LC Unpad on January 25th – 28th 2020 at Salis Hotel in Bandung.
On the first day of National Congress, we started off with Market Hunter Competition [nd VCP (Vill[ge Concept Project) Exhibition. The go[l w[s to comp[re VCP’s product from e[ch Local Committee. On the 26th January, we held a general assembly in which it performance reporting from c[ndid[te members, recit[tion of [ccount[bility sheets from 2017’s N[tion[l Committees, Control Councils of N[tion[l Committee’s surveill[nce reporting, [nd the c[ndid[cy of 2020’s N[tion[l Committees. On the 26th J[nu[ry, the gener[l [ssembly continued with announcement of 2020s elected National Committees as well as Control Councils of National Committees, discussion [bout IAAS’s big events [s well [s RENSTRA, followed by h[ving a farewell party. On the last day, we had an excursion that was an excursion to Taman Hutan Raya.
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