sb 4/2022 (english)

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sb 56th year ISSN (Print): 0036-102X ISSN (Internet): ISSN 2198-4271 4/2022 International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities URBANACTIVATINGSPACES


1sb 4/2022

This edition of “sb”, dedicated to “Activating Urban Spaces”, highlights one of the most inter esting developments in the IAKS’s support for active living. In previous editions we have often seen redevelopment initiatives that transform in dustrial areas, often along the waterfront, into a highly engaging urban public domain. Those of you who attended the recent study trip to Van couver would have seen this with Westminster Pier Park, one of the eight visited venues. This “sb” broadens the definition and develop ment of urban public space. Two projects inte grate existing transportation infrastructure into the active public realm. Jong-Am Square in South Korea inserts an indoor community facility under a transportation overpass. While this does not “tame” the overpass, it is an opportunistic and insightful development that brings relief, so cial opportunities, and community programs to a highly congested and chaotic urban environ ment. More importantly, it develops a meaning ful precedent for what is undoubtedly an inter national problem.

Another project bringing active living into the neighbourhood is the Varketili Park in Georgia. This development in a formerly empty and mis used space in the middle of apartment blocks creates an opportunity for people of all ages to practice an active lifestyle and socialize outdoors. The Skatepark in Nepal creates an opportunity for personal development, social interaction, and self confidence in a challenging geographic area, and illustrates the restorative value of sport for young people. The development of temporary urban parks is one means of creating an enhanced relevance, either as a short-term installation, or as a place holder for further development. The Brettspiel in Germany is an example of the former, re-en visioning, for a short term at least, a formal civic public square. This provides the community with a deeper appreciation of an existing public gath ering Reinventingplace. and infusing the urban domain with increased opportunities for active interaction is shared by all the projects included in this edition of “sb”. We trust readers will find their diversity in intent, delivery, and engagement to be inno vative and community-building.

The Children’s Community Centre – The Play scape, in China, is a radically different approach. This project integrates a traditional learning fa cility with an extreme play area for very young children. This approach is incredibly creative and noteworthy in providing young children with an exciting and self-driven opportunity for innova tive play. The all-weather space in Liechtenstein is the third project within a school precinct and is a sharp DEAR IAKS MEMBERS AND “SB” READERS, contrast to the Chinese one. In this similarly scaled project we see a more controlled design with the feel of a traditional outdoor sports courtyard. However, the very organized and formal design is set within an angular context, unlike the Chi nese project where a very free-formed play area was sent in a very rigid and architectural context. While the contrast in approach is striking, both projects work extremely well.

The Terminal and Urban Park in Brazil integrates a large outdoor activity area with an aging trans portation hub, and in the process enhances the surrounding historic area as well as increasing the overall public sense of safety and well-being. Urban spaces often have a focus on youth, and in this edition we see several international exam ples. The Julia Reserve Youth Park in Australia is a 2-hectare open space that includes a skate pre cinct, parkour facilities, ping pong tables, kick about areas, and multi-purpose courts.


Conrad Boychuk IAKS Honorary Member

2 sb 4/2022 ACTIVATING URBAN SPACESPROJECTS Julia Reserve Youth Park in Oran Park Town 16 JMD design Playscape at Children’s Community Centre in Beijing 20 waa (we architech anonymous) Terminal and Urban Park in São Luís 24 Natureza Urbana Jong-am Square exercise and social room in Seoul 28 Simplex Architecture Skate park in Butwal 30 maier landschaftsarchitektur School yard and exercise space in Balzers 32 Planungsbüro Wegmüller GUEST AUTHOR ARTICLE Slacklining infrastructure for the urban environment 12 Bernd Lohmüller NEWS IAKS Study Trip to Greater Vancouver 4 IAKS ANZ at 2022 SPLASH!EXPO 6 Networking event in Melbourne 6 Innovative outdoor activity areas 7 Conrad Boychuk appointed IAKS Honorary Member 8 IAKS Honorary Member Prof. Dr Carlos Vera Guardia has died 8 IAKS Nordic Executive Board 2022-2023 9 IAKS LAC webinar on stadium design 9 New to the IAKS Network 10 30 32 28 24

3sb 4/2022 sb 4/2022 PROFESSIONALS & PROFILES Optimisation through real-time data 51 Functionality, aesthetics and design 51 Hexagonal festival arena 52 All you need in sports 52 First-class athletics facility 53 MOBILPARC® - fitness trailer for all 53 World's first multi-storey skatepark 54 Myrtha teams up with Endless Surf 54 Company Index from A to Z 55 Imprint 64 Title: Playscape at Children’s Community Centre in Beijing Photo: T ian Fangfang ADVERTORIALS Polytan soccer courts in a class of their own 38 Polytan Urban sports products made in Germany 40 Bänfer Sportmanufaktur From the intern to the CCO 42 CONICA Second pumptrack by BT Project in Gniezno, Poland 44 BT Project New norm defines future shock pad and e-layer performance 46 Schmitz Foam Products 20 16 36 34 ADVERTORIALS Three new components for the base layer of flooring systems 48 Melos Close-to-home fitness opportunities 50 Playparc PROJECTS Varketili Urban Park in Tbilisi 34 Artstudio Project “Brettspiel” temporary installation in Bochum 36 SOWATORINI Landschaft

4 sb 4/2022 NEWS operators. The approach to inclusive visioning, planning and design was at the core of each of the projects visited.

The IAKS Study Trip to Greater Vancouver, Canada was the first IAKS event held outside of Europe for many decades. The study trip was based in New Westminster where delegates attended the opening event at the Anvil Centre, visited Westminster Pier Park as part of the first day tour, and ended the day with an event banquet back at the Anvil Centre.

The IAKS recognized the unique and large assembly of projects in the Greater Vancouver area that offer learning outcomes especially for those delegates attending from outside facilities are fundamental to the Ca nadian approach, and some of the components included came as a surprise to many of the delegates. Facilities such as the Edmonds Community Centre, Minoru Centre for Active Living, and Clayton Community Centre, in addition to traditional program spaces, included libraries, theatres, dynamic seniors’ centres, youth centres, carpentry shops, and community kitchens. Integration applied to the plan ning and design as well and there was a strong relationship between the municipal government funding the project, the users who funded the project, and the facility


The IAKS recognized a high level of interest in making Olympic venues relevant and meaningful following the games. Two major venues were included on the tour. The first was Hillcrest Centre, venue for the Olympic and Paralympic Curling event. This project, which also includes

Two aquatic facilities were included on the tour illustrating a more focused programming intent. The UBC Aquatic Centre contains two 50-m pools, one for elite training and the other for student and community programs. The Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre is a 50-m pool and a leisure pool, with a fitness centre on the second level over looking the pool areas.

Photo: Conrad Boychuk

Photo: Irina Korneychuk

Photo: Conrad Boychuk

“Vancouver is really an i nspiration in how they invest in their l ocal communities and community centres. I will go home with lot’s of ideas and energy! This is what the IAKS network is all about.“

a 50-m swimming pool, ice arena, and gymnasium, was de signed to transition from a spectator-oriented project to a major non-spectator community facility, and the shift was done smoothly and without compromise. Equally successful was the Richmond Oval, site for the long track speed skat ing, and now a major community and elite training facility.

Photo: Carlos de la Corte

André Frederikstad,Flatner,Norway Seepictureupdatedgallery!

The Richmond Oval built on its connection with the IOC through the development of the Olympic Museum, the last element visited on the study trip. The study trip was a unique opportunity for international dialogue, and this was evident not only during the two days of tours, but of the Expert Circle meetings the following day. These enhanced opportunities for discourse provided addi tional value and learning opportunity for delegates. Feed back from study trip attendees has been gratifying for the IAKS which is committed to both facilitating an active world, and promoting an international dialogue of excellence.

Photo: Benjamin Flowers


(left to right): Michelle Noland, Richie Williams, Tania Fountain, Yvette Audet; Photo: IAKS ANZ IAKS ANZ AT 2022


6 sb 4/2022 NEWS

The IAKS seminar focused on two focal streams which in cluded resilience and reinvention and designing for sus tainability and safety. As part of the resilience and reinven tion stream, the presenters and panel discussed the impor tance of customer service, retention and personalising the customer journey. The designing for sustainability and safety stream showcased a range of speakers including ar chitects who had delivered various new community aquatic and leisure centres. Experts shared their tips on the latest design trends for inclusivity and how to enhance water safety. The conversations extended to include how facilities built for elite sports and events can be designed in a sus tainable way that the community can enjoy for future years to Thecome.seminar

The IAKS network event held on Tuesday 12 July 2022 at the Melbourne Convention Centre, was a welcomed addition to Australasia’s leading community sport and recreation convention, attracting many existing members from across Australia and New Zealand, as well as internationally. The network event was designed to create an opportunity for current members to meet and connect with like-minded professionals, promote cross-sector exchange and valuable networking. Our members continued to develop new ties with other local and international members, exchanging ideas and in turn supporting the growth of the sport and leisure Feedbackindustry.from members detailed the event as being an excellent opportunity to meet others who share an interest in the development of the sports industry. Highlighting, the value of their fellow members, “I’ve made some new valuable networks from attending this event and I’m look ing forward to the attending other events coming up” said Richie Williams from Stadia Arena.

Prominent issues around community aquatic opera tions and design: IAKS Australia & New Zealand held the seminar on Thursday 22 June 2022 in conjunction with the largest aquatic exhibition in the southern hemisphere, the 2022 SPLASH!EXPO. The event had over 150 exhibitors and over 3,000 visi tors through the door, and the IAKS seminar was a fantastic opportunity to connect industry experts at this premier event.

IAKS ANZ EVENT A HUGE SUCCESS IAKS ANZ showcased the benefits of an IAKS member s hip through an exhibition booth and a s uccessful IAKS network event. IAKS members had the opportunity to connect, network and create new ties to both local and international members, during the IAKS network event held in conjunction with Australasia’s leading community sport and r ecreation convention, at the 2022 National Sports and Physical Activity Convention held on 11-13 July. NETWORKING EVENT IN MELBOURNE

attracted over forty attendees from various local councils, aquatic centre operators, and planners from around the region. The mix of professions in the room led to key discussions around potential solutions to the chal lenges faced by aquatic operators and key design consid erations, particularly for councils looking to develop or re develop aquatic centres.


Outdoor activity infrastructure requires less budget than indoor facilities but can serve a larger amount of users. It is not only in the wake of the pandemic that authorities have realised that physical activity spaces in urban areas and in nature enhance their municipality and attract more citizens and tourists. What exactly are the benefits of establishing facilities for urban lifestyle sports? How can walkable cities be the drivers of change? How to offer outdoor infrastruc ture for active living and preserve nature at the same time? With the collaborative support of The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and the two IAKS Expert Circles on Urban Activity Areas and on Nature Activity Areas we are devel oping a comprehensive program.

The international IAKS conference will take place from 5 to 6 October in the beautiful municipality of Odense, INIAKSACTIVITYOUTDOORINNOVATIVEAREASCONFERENCE56OCTODENSE,DENMARK

Photo: Rune Johansen Denmark, attended by national and international execu tives. The event will be one, not to be missed, and kicks off on 5 October in the afternoon with a guided tour of the Athletics Exploratorium and SDU Sports Science facilities. The networking dinner on Wednesday night will be the perfect setting for architects, engineers, clients, designers, local authorities, technical and operative management to connect with like-minded professionals. Education at the core and plenty of networking opportunities! The conference will be held in English language.


Conrad Boychuk is one of Canada’s foremost designers of multi-purpose mid-size spectator venues. He has been in volved in over 120 sports and recreation initiatives through out Canada and the United States. He has extensive expe rience in the public consultation process and the develop ment of master plans and feasibility studies that reflect broad-based community needs while recognizing and re sponding to financial and economic impact. Since the beginning of his IAKS involvement, Conrad has actively and dynamically supported the IAKS. Through his


Carlos Vera Guardia was born in Chile on 30 August 1928. As a track and field athlete he qualified for two Olympic Games, the 1948 London Games (triple jump) and 1952 Helsinki Games (long jump and decathlon). He also held two national records: 7.49 m in the long jump and 15.30 m in the triple jump.

Dr Stefan Kannewischer and Conrad Boychuk

onwards, he regularly attended the IAKS Congress held in Cologne, which he often enriched with his expertise as a speaker and chairman. In particular, he represented the concerns of developing countries and acted as chairman of the then Forum for Developing Countries. Since the creation of the IOC IPC IAKS architecture prizes, Prof. Dr Carlos Vera Guardia sat on the jury many years and also chaired it four times. For decades, he was a member of the IAKS Executive Board as the representative of the IAKS LAC. In 2009, he was awarded honorary membership of the IAKS. In 2015, the board honoured his tireless commitment to the aims of the IAKS and the sports facility construction industry by inducting him into the “IAKS Hall of Fame.”

Prof. Dr Carlos Vera Guardia passed away on 22 June 2022 in Bloomington (MN), USA at the age of 93.


It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Prof. Dr Carlos Vera Guardia. He was a magnificent athlete, esteemed university professor and stalwart supporter of IAKS causes in South America.


different functions and activities in architecture and in transfer of knowledge, he has been and still is an invaluable partner for the development of sports and leisure facilities. From 1997 to 2020, Conrad was a member of the IAKS Ex ecutive Board, being the organization‘s Vice President for the last years. He has been a jury member for the IOC IPC IAKS architecture prizes since 2009, chairing it in 2017 and 2021, and he has been co-responsible for the program ming of numerous IAKS Congresses.

After studying architecture in Chile, Venezuela and the UK, he taught as a professor. At the University of Zulia in Ma racaibo, Venezuela, he coordinated eleven graduate pro grammes and served as the director of the one-year gradu ate programme for sports and recreation facilities in 1976. He was the author of the publication Model for Planning Physical Education, Recreation and Sports Facilities, which he wrote for UNESCO in 1983. His efforts on behalf of the IAKS in South America were in valuable. He joined the IAKS right back in 1972. From 1973

Conrad Boychuk from New Westminster (Canada) has been appointed IAKS Honorary Member. IAKS President Dr Stefan Kannewischer congratulated Conrad on the occa sion of the IAKS Study Trip to Greater Vancouver Area.

8 sb 4/2022 NEWS


Substitute board members: Camilla Lindh (Sweden),Lisa Mari Watson (Norway)


Treasurer: Karl Andersen (Denmark)


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President: André Flatner (Norway) Board members: Ola Mattson (Denmark), Flemming Overgaard (Denmark), Jarkko Rantamäki (Finnland), Nils-Olof Zethrin (Sweden)

For the 2022 General Assembly, the members of IAKS Nordic converged in an online meeting on 9 May. A total of 18 eligible voters (out of 55 members) unanimously elected the Executive Board as follows:

The webinar entitled „Stadia“ which was hosted by IAKS LAC on 21 July 2022, was followed by the record number of 102 attendees of the sports facility industry. Three experts from Argentina and Mexico gave insights on stadium design, sus tainability and operation of three highly regarded stadia. Populous Senior Associate Emiliano Cevallos presented the Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium in London, UK - the first in the world to be custom-built to stage football and NFL games. Populous’ design showcases its unique ability to accommo date the technical and operational requirements of the world’s two most popular sports, and to host concerts and a range of other events.

The webinar was moderated by Maria de Lourdes Sandoval and David Magos.

For more than half a century, Hamberger has been developing and producing one of the most important pieces of sports equipment: the flooring. HARO’s Protect Light, the new generation of area elastic protective walls, sets new benchmarks once again. All-in-one solutions for sports and multi-purpose halls that exceed all current standards, guarantee to comply with official regulations and also allow a fast and cost effective installation, are now possible. That’s for sure! Fully compliant with current fire regulations! Available in almost every COLOR AND DESIGN!


19 PRO

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Argentinian architect Alejandro D’Angelo presented the sta dium „Madre de Ciudades“ in Santiago del Estero, Argenti na. César O. Esparza, CEO, Juego de Pelota Inc. explained the characteristics of the „Estadio Universitario UANL“ in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.



Bergo Flooring plays an important role in building social sustainability. Their solution leads to a more active lifestyle and contributes to improved health, a more integrated society, in an environmentally sustainable way. Bergo Flooring is an experienced player who has delivered thou sands of sports courts to federations, schools and munici palities around the world.


The European consultancy, planning and project manage ment company has been providing assistance – analog and digital – to private and public clients and investors in all matters relating to property and infrastructure for over 50 years. Drees & Sommer delivers consultancy and solutions for successful buildings, high-return portfolios, high-per formance infrastructure and liveable cities. The Drees & Sommer experts in the sports and entertainment sector support clients in all aspects of new projects and in the upgrading of existing sports facilities. Starting with site selection, they draw up an optimal usage plan and manage the construction or conversion of the facility and its sur roundings. PLANET BENSHEIMO, (GERMANY ) GainCube becomes Planet O! Working with its customers and partners, Planet O – the Outdoor Company – aims to make Planet Earth more active, greener, more digital and healthier day after day. To achieve this overall social and preventive mission with added value at newly developed sports venues, the company subjects its networked out door sports and exercise projects, concepts and product solutions, such as MyGreeenstClub and Fitfinity, to a con tinuous green feasibility, innovation and GQM process. Top priority for Planet O is the project success of its customers, e.g. municipalities and clubs. Only satisfied and enthusiastic customers actively sustain the inspiring mission of tomor row‘s climate-friendly, outdoor-focused, digitally-assisted and sustainable training and health world in modern cities. the outdoor company




MNP Community & Sport Centre is dedicated to provid ing a recreation and sport atmosphere without barriers to foster diversity, equity and inclusion. Its community of members, athletes, and guests show tremendous strength in their pursuit of a lifelong commitment to being active. MNP strives to help its visitors in their pursuit of being cou rageous with mind and body – forever swimming, forever running, forever weight lifting, or whatever activity moves the people. Patrons can discover or even rediscover their forever after so they can keep getting stronger, and living better.

Bergo Flooring was founded in 1972 and celebrates 50 years as a multifunctional flooring supplier. All floors are devel oped and produced in Sweden and offer sports floors for both indoors and outdoors. Bergo Ultimate PLUSTM is spe cially developed for the tougher sports and is certified by FIBA and fully compliant to the European Norm EN14877.

10 sb 4/2022 NEWS NEW TO THE IAKS


Brett brings over 20 years of dedicated sports architecture understanding and experience. He is focused on the deliv ery of sports infrastructure that directly impacts commu nities. He understands the processes and demands and en sures that client and stakeholder engagement, design, sus tainability, and technical excellence are given equal empha sis through all phases of a project. Brett recently delivered the La Trobe Sports Park and Stadium, an Australian-first, generating more energy on site than it uses – making it net positive. Currently he has been involved in delivery of the Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre, as well as other feasibility studies for sporting clients.


For more than 40 years, PLAYPARC has been getting people moving. We implement the ideas and requirements of athletes and trainers in multifunctional fitness facilities that are suitable for many types of sports. We will be happy to create an individually planned sports concept that fulfills all your athletic wishes.


RJ Houston is the National Manager - Aquatics at Royal Life Saving Australia. He has an extensive background in lead ership roles across local government, non-profits, aquatic facility management organisations and peak bodies, having started out in the industry as lifeguard and aquatic pro gram instructor over 17 years ago. RJ’s work has focussed over time from centre management, group operations and organisational and industry-wide risk, quality, audit and safety management systems. RJ’s role at Royal Life Saving focusses on advocating aquatics and bringing industry, community and government organisations together to develop joint strategies and guidance.

11sb 4/2022


12 sb 4/2022

That sounds a bit like tightrope walking. Is slacklining inspired by tightrope walking?

You might think so. However, slacklining evolved entirely from climbing. Unlike tightrope walking, where a steel rope is tensioned extremely tightly, the slackline gives way under the athlete’s weight, so it stretches and requires constant balancing. Although slacklining is similar to tightrope walk ing, slackliners see themselves not as performing artists, but as practitioners of a sport in its own right. So slacklining is a sport in its own right? Absolutely. Slacklining is a sport with many disciplines, championships and professional athletes. The first national slackline association was founded in Austria in 2011, and Germany’s slackline association was launched in 2021. So all in all, it is still a very young sport that has emerged out of a trend sport.

Thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to spread the word about slacklining and gen erate awareness for this form of exercise. Slacklining came about in the early 1980s as an activity in its own right on stretchable webbing among the climbing community in Yosemite National Park, USA. From there, it slowly spread within the climbing scene to other countries and eventually around the world. The slackline trend in Europe got going in about 2006 with the introduction of simple slackline kits that allowed anyone to set up a slackline and practise on it. Slacklining is a sport that involves balancing on a narrow strap of polyester or nylon tensioned between two attach ment points. This strap or webbing is called a slackline. Users have to apply a high degree of balance, concentra tion and coordination.

Author B ernd Lohmüller, BLOACS, Germany

sb: Bernd, thank you for taking the time to talk to us about slacklining. Many people don’t even know what the term means. Could you briefly outline it for our Berndreaders?Lohmüller:

Photo: Jan Fassbender


In parkour, buildings and built open spaces were used, re sulting in specially designed parkour facilities.

Interesting. What forms and disciplines are there in slacklining, and is the sport also Olympic?

There are many different forms within the sport. The web bing differs in its length, thickness, width and elasticity. In addition, it can be tensioned more or less tightly. The bestknown disciplines are tricklining and highlining. Tricklining involves performing tricks such as jumps, rolls and flips on the slackline. Highlining is very spectacular, as the slackline is stretched at great heights between buildings or, for ex ample, over deep valleys. Athletes in this case are protected from falling by a climbing harness. A third, very well-known discipline is longlining, which involves balancing over an extra-long distance and places extreme demands on the athlete’s stamina.

In skateboarding, streets, railings, open spaces and pools were used and the various forms of skate parks evolved over time.

It doesn’t sound like a lot or elaborate infrastructure is required for slacklining?

It doesn’t actually need very much. That’s why slacklining is so ideal as an exercise option for public spaces. A slackline set essentially consists of a piece of webbing and a tension ing system. If the slackline is to be stretched between two trees, two tree slings and tree protectors may be necessary.

“It doesn’t actually need very much. That’s why slacklining is so ideal as an exercise option for public spaces.“

13sb 4/2022

Photo: Aidan Williams

Slacklining makes use of rocks, trees and buildings. Good and sensible infrastructure is now available, such as slack line posts, slackline benches and even entire slackline parks.

In Germany, the process of recognition as a sport by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) has just begun, so the way to the Olympics is still long. Switzer land is already a step ahead of us here. There, slacklining is about to be recognised as an independent sport. Recognition as a sport in its own right always raises the question of the availability of infrastructure for the sport. Is this an issue? This is indeed a crucial issue. As with other established trend sports such as skateboarding and parkour, there has also been a development in slacklining from a natural envi ronment and the creative use of existing (urban) infrastruc ture to that developed specifically for the sport and geared precisely to the respective requirements of the user group.

In fact, some municipalities ban the use of trees because of their high value and the damage caused to trees in the past due to ignorance. This underscores the need for the establishment of functional and sufficient infrastructure for slacklining. Certain elements, such as slackline benches and posts, and even slackline parks, are adapted to the respec tive user groups. This enables many users, especially begin ners, to practise slacklining without trees, so that they are only needed by advanced users. In many disciplines, this sport cannot be practised in urban areas without trees, as longer and higher distances require higher anchor points, for which there is currently no technical solution.

Slackline parks where you can gain inspiration can now be found in 16 German cities (Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Cologne, Constance, Dresden, Freiburg, Halle, Hamburg, Ingolstadt, Leipzig, Munich, Rhine-Main, Stuttgart, Tübing en and Ulm). Local authorities can obtain planning support from their local associations, the Deutscher Slackline Verband (Ger man Slackline Association) and the International Slackline Association. Manufacturers can also be consulted at the initial stage for advice, ideas and further planning. There are sensible and proven products on the market that can be combined with each other as modules.

Slackline parks sounds exciting. What do they look like?

That sounds like trouble, though. Are the authorities happy with trees being used?

Photo: Jan Fassbender

15sb 4/2022

As an insider in the sport and as a manufacturer of a slackline facility that can be used long-term without users having to provide their own equipment, do you have any tips for building a slackline park?

Exactly. Slacklining is a great exercise for everyone. All you need is suitable anchor points. As I said, in urban areas, these can be trees, special elements such as seating el ements with slacklining anchors, post systems, buildings, towers, Permanentlyetc.

installed slackline facilities with their own per manent beginner’s line are ideal for urban areas and as an exercise option for all. Here, anyone can take their first steps and many more without their own equipment, and the potential for challenge is immense. These beginner’s lines are ideal for leisure and sports areas, playgrounds, schoolyards and other open spaces.

That sounds like what could be a pretty elaborate un dertaking. But, in general, slacklining is easy to imple ment for exercise in urban areas, isn’t it?


It is important that beginner’s lines are no more than six metres long and that there is enough space around them. The wishes of athletes and the expertise of the local club should always be heard and taken into account as far as Forpossible.competitive users, the advanced slacklining disciplines naturally require different kinds of anchor point. Slackline parks are ideal for this, as they offer a wide range of options in terms of slackline length and height.

The project is positioned in a nexus of the Oran Park development, benefiting from key pedestrian and bicycle links to the adjacent community centre (and its services), shopping centre, public trans port, schools and surrounding residential areas. The Park also complements the adjacent Grand Prix Park, a more family oriented open space area, and the sporting fields and courts nearby.


The site is framed by the new Community Centre to the east, residential dwellings to the south and west, Grand Prix Park on the south-western cor ner and Julia Creek to the north. The Youth and Recreation Centre activates the eastern edge of the park through programmed events. This infra structure sits within an area of medium density residential development.

16 sb 4/2022

Location Oran Park, NSW, Australia Client / operator Landcom and Greenfields Development Company Architects JMD design AU – 2016 Redfern, Author JMD design Photos Brett Boardman Official opening March 2020 Construction costs AUD 9 million (EUR 6.1 million)


Julia Reserve Youth Park provides two hectares of diverse recreational, social and leisure opportunities that respond to the need for flexible, robust and vibrant open space in which to play, watch and learn. A large informal lawn, skate precinct, parkour facilities, ping pong tables, kickabout areas, multi-purpose courts, arbour structure, pedestrian network and picnic facilities cater for a wide range of age groups, skill sets and recrea tional interest. The park’s position on Julia Creek called for complex stormwater man agement solutions.

Julia Reserve Youth Park subverts the traditional approach of pushing active youth space to the outskirts of devel opments and instead positions the youth at the centre of community. It provides places for youth to gather while recognising this group as an important part of the fabric of Oran Park.



activity increases towards town centre

Integrated approach to the precinct The project has amplified the relationship between the community centre and the youth park through the land scape treatment at the intersection between these spaces.

Seating walls facing Julia Reserve Youth Park articulate the two destinations, resolving the level transition at the inter face whilst providing some level of passive surveillance to the site. The use of elements such as the palm trees and

The park responds to the need for a flexible, social, active, robust and vibrant space and includes an area to “watch and learn”. The park has a scale and intensity that aligns with the increasingly dense urban surroundings. From a large infor mal lawn at the south western corner, adjacent to Grand Prix Park, activity intensifies as it travels downstream toward the town centre, emphasizing the water axis of Julia Creek as it flows north. Adjoining the lawn is a multi-use court with a large wall for ball sports. This wall commences the inter t wining progression of elements that winds its way through the play and skate areas towards the community centre. The high content and multi-spatial ensemble is stitched together by the highly articulated overhead arbour and framed by significant tree planting and lawns.

lemon-scented gums and the repetition of low walls and pav ing materials ensure a consistency in the landscape treatment that allows for the space to be perceived as whole.

Julia Reserve Youth Park is the result of active collaboration with the client, multiple stakeholders, a range of consultants and community. The multifunctional space is of dual use: ful filling the recreational and environmental requirements of the area. The location of the park along Julia Creek and down stream from the Grand Prix Park detention basins, required adequate stormwater quality treatment and control. The re sulting raingardens are visually appealing mass planted areas that will act as key water filtration for downstream areas.

Two arbour structures weave their way through the site. The rhythm established by the structures (skate arbour and par kour arbour) create a dynamic relationship. Artwork panels developed by the youth of Oran Park are located within the upper “banner” area of the structure. These coloured and patterned panels are scaled to a rhythm that reflects the spatial dynamic of the park and skate facility.

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Informal activity The park embraces less traditional sport and caters to di verse ages and skill levels, bringing together beginners through to elite level athletes. The skate precinct was de signed with input from students from Oran Park schools. The parkour training facility is a significant addition to the burgeoning parkour movement within the Sydney region. The adjacent table tennis tables feature artwork by a locally based indigenous artist.

Hide and seek (group interaction): Free-will is vital to engage a child’s imagination and encour age this interaction within a group.

Adventure playground (risk): Balance is invisible until we lose it. Children decide what level of risk they feel comfortable to experience.

Location Beijng, China Client / operator Beijing NuanQin Architects waa (we architech anonymous) CN – 100020 www.w-a-a.cnBeijing Author waa (we architech anonymous) Photos Tian Fangfang Official opening June 2021

20 sb 4/2022


The playscape is a refurbishment inside an existing industrial complex in the north of Beijing. The team at waa has turned a 1970’s warehouse complex for grain storage together with a transport facility into a vibrant place for play and discovery. The client is a healthcare provider specialized in monitoring and fostering children’s motor developm ent at all ages.

Crucial to a child’s development nowadays in a Chinese city is a functioning neighbourhood. The experience of street play can distract the children’s attention from gizmos and screen time. Drawing inspiration from popular culture of the past and abstracting important identities for the new neigh bourhood’s character, the playscape features:


Fantasy (imagination): The landscape is abstracted by removing iconography and allows flexibility in thought-based scenarios.

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Maze (discovery): Places out of sight need to be explored to re veal themselves. The most efficient or direct route is not always the most enjoyable.

The playscape is a place to promote learning while allowing narrative creation for children to dream and develop senses relating to equilibrium (balance) and proprioception (aware ness). Balance is taken for granted until it is challenged.

Programme The building complex is formed by a cluster of existing ware houses encircling a courtyard. A street disconnects the south building which is re-connected by an aerial bridge to link the

Nook and cranny (body proportion): Spaces are designed for children with nooks to explore and gain a grasp of ergonomics.

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roof terraces. Access is also provided by a private route to an adjoining kindergarten and an option to enter the adjacent public park.

The existing cluster provides for three internal play spaces. Playspace 1 is a single-level low-pitched 6-m volume, dedi cated to toddlers as a crawlspace with hanging fabrics. Fea tures also include a soft space topography supplemented with a restaurant and library. Playspace 2 is divided vertically into three levels. A tiered environment for ages over 4 includ ing a subterranean interactive environment, a steep climbing topography, with a suspended tensile net all connected with slides. Additional directed learning can be found on levels 2 and 3 with a total of six multifunctional classrooms. A single slide leads vertically 7 m from the classroom to level 1. All buildings have a looped roof terrace including a terraced bar from where parents can easily watch their children play. Concept results in three main parts Pipe: Focuses on smaller nooks to test proprioception (body awareness). The armatures are arranged as a series of con necting bridges and staircases. Five diameter scales can be observed; 2.3 m (walkways), 1.7 m (staircases), 1.3 m (safety balustrade), 0.8 m (slides) and 0.4 m (external lighting).

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Roof : Presents a high point to overview the stage set and its possibilities and and offers children the chance to embrace unorthodox routes. A full loop can be made and children can move from the terrace and descend under the mound through slides which vary in height from 7 m to 4.3 m. The network offers alternative directions, sometimes the secondshortest route is more fun.

Mound: Enhances development in senses relating to equilib rium (balance) and freedom of decision making. The mounds allow children to explore and decide how much risk they want to take - by overcoming a variety of inclines at speed.

An additional area of covered play was created by harnessing area under the topography. Access can be gained through a number of cuts or slides from the terrace level.

Children are often passive in decision-making scenarios. Play is often the only period under their own control. The design focus was to address the missing elements of inner-city dwell ing, distorting scales and manipulating movement sequences to build a tool for sensory learning. Where the iconography of the project relates to the activity and embracing a degree of risk, children are invited to imagine and feel what they see as the limits to their own adventure.

The Terminal and Urban Park project fosters the renovation of a central area in a precari ous district. With the creation of the sports court, skate arena, a playground, a highly welcomed fountain area and the community garden, the Natureza Urbana office aims to enhance collective activities and public engagement in the management of the park, renovating public spaces and connecting them with the urban fabric.

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Thus, a partnership of the Revitalization Program of the Historic Centre of São Luís and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) resulted in the renovation of a large area in the coastal part of the city, focusing on a new park and bus terminal.

In 1997, the historical centre of São Luís was de clared UNESCO World Heritage for its outstand ing examples of Portuguese colonial civilization adapted to the climatic conditions of equatorial South America and the preservation of the colo nial urban fabric. This setting led to an increased demand for public measures to preserve and to value this heritage.

Location São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil Client / operator International Development Bank and São Luís City Hall Architects Natureza Urbana BR – 05432-050 São www.naturezaurbana.netPaulo Author Natureza Urbana Photos Meireles Junior Official opening December 2020 Construction costs BRL 14.3 million (EUR 2.6 million)

Connecting historic sites with local business The design strategy aimed to generate a stronger connection between important cultural facilities in the surroundings and local services. It also sought to enhance the usage of public space by engaging the community in the design process, and by con sidering all different types of users. PUBLIC SPACE IN HISTORIC TOWN CENTRE


The project was able to renovate the important central and public space, enhancing the dialogue with the existent heritage and offering a series of new opportunities. Sport and leisure activities were improved with the proposition of new equipment, at the same time as the upgrade of acces sibility in public paths and sidewalks. The architecture and landscape help to improve the situation for the local mer chants. Pedestrians and passers-by can enjoy new public spaces in the historical part of their city.

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The redesign of the square and the bus terminal promotes a better distribution of commercial points and eliminates exist ing physical and visual barriers. The new project creates small islands with public programs and urban furniture, promoting ideal conditions for the creation of a vibrant public space, encouraging many activities such as ball sports, skating, gar dening, playing in the playground or just relaxing, in addition to commercial stands for local merchants. Also, the terminal’s road system is restructured and modernized, aiming at high er quality in the services provided to users.

Result of many actors’ effort Throughout the development, society organizations and public agencies were involved, through participatory pro cesses and workshops. Social surveys and analysis of the pre-existing situation of traders were carried out, with the objective of developing a proposal that would meet all local demands and needs. In conjunction with territorial analyses, this directed the location of commercial points and the defi nition of typologies.

The abandoned space under the Jongam-dong Overpass is surrounded by roads 15-20 m wide. This section of the highway is generally congested due to its location as an intersection between the two expressways. The three quarters near to the site are home to large residential complexes and educational facilities, but with almost no public space such as parks and green spaces. The new facility was proposed to serve as a community space and shelter.


The space beneath overpasses is generally neglected or misused as as car parks or for waste disposal, ruining the aesthetics of a city and presenting issues to public safety and crime prevention. In 2017, Seoul Metropolitan Government promoted a development plan to expand social infrastructure and local community facilities by making use of the spaces beneath overpasses. Six pilot project sites were selected. The space beneath the Jongam-dong Overpass was implemented as part of the projects. The wooden structure welcomes residents for exercise, culture, and social gatherings. Seoul, South Korea Client / operator Seoul Metropolitan Government Architects Simplex

Stable flow of pedestrians The site, connecting two pedestrian crossings of awkward configuration, is connected to the pedes trian ramp leading to the nearby river and serves to manage the continual flow of pedestrians. The existing decking and central fountain - which used to block the access circulation in three directionswere removed, and a building of segmented form was positioned there. Located on the inside, the creative yard and shelter are part of the public

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www.simplex-arch.comArchitectureKR–Seoul Author Simplex Architecture Photos Kyungsub Shin Official opening 2020



Protecting the interior Each column of the structure is of a different size and spac ing, according to the characteristics of the interior space. The corridor that also serves as a resting space is separated by inserting walls connected to the structure. While the entire structure made of wood visually serves as a shield from the exterior view, the glass windows, doors and wooden louvers that fill the in-between space create open visual communi cation between the interior and exterior while managing the noisy exterior environment. The roof that covers the building is finished with translucent polycarbonate, to pre vent pigeon droppings entering the space and also to let the sunlight in. Repetition of a steel structure and a wooden structure The structural system of the building surrounds the flanks and upper part of the building and produces a stable form. Built in the north-south direction, the structure takes the form of a steel structure with red cedar added to both sides, displaying a keen structural aesthetics while high lighting the warm ambiance that is peculiar to wood. The red cedar panel finish on the exterior of the building also penetrates the inside and envelopes the main structural parts, creating a warm atmosphere with the birch plywood installed on the interior walls. By counterbalancing the cold feeling of the steel frame, seen through gaps between the repeated boards, the designers strived to rejuvenate the dark and desolate atmosphere so often encountered be neath an overpass.

The multi-purpose cultural space hosts leisure activities and events, such as exercise classes, performances and lectures, whereas the purpose of the community space is to hold relatively static events such as pilates, exhibitions and small gatherings. Folding doors between the creative yard, multipurpose cultural space and community space allow to freely expand and divide the in-between space.

Transformation according to the programme

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Location Butwal, Nepal Client / operator skate-aid Nepal, Yuwa for change Landscape architects maier www.maierlandschaftsarchitektur.delandschaftsarchitekturDE–51107Cologne Author Ralf Maier Photos Ralf Maier Official opening March 2022 Construction costs EUR 50,000

Nepal is a country in South Asia that has a rich history and has been developing and modernising rapidly in recent years. In 2015, Nepal experienced a devastating earthquake that destroyed large parts of the country. The community project in Butwal near the Tinau River is contributing to re construction efforts with a skate park and sports education programme. Butwal is located at the foot of the Himalayas, about 240 km west of the capital Kathmandu.

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By building the skate park in Butwal, maier landschaftsarchitektur and the NGO skateaid are continuing their many years of cooperation. This is the tenth skate facility that maier landschaftsarchitektur has designed unpaid for skate-aid. The street skate park with low-threshold opportunities is supplemented by a skate bowl and a streetball area.

Suitable for all user groups The street skate park in Butwal covers an area of a good 400 m² (38 x 12 m). Its various elements, such as benches, curbs and railings, are typically found in the street environment and in urban ar chitecture. The outer ends of this area are elevated to form ramps that enable users to gain momen tum and thus enjoy a smooth ride. The selected skate elements constitute a low-threshold offer for local youth, while also providing sufficient variety for advanced skaters. The outer sections are each 120 m² in size and include a streetball area (bas ketball) and a bowl-shaped skate element. Blueprint for other regions The design of the skate park was based on an ab stract version of the skate-aid logo, which consists of two crossed skateboards. This cross represents the basic shape of the facility and divides it into three areas. The skate park is located in the cen tral area, the heart of the facility. The bordering sections can be flexibly adapted to users‘ wishes and local needs. Here, for example, it is possible to create multifunctional sports areas, event areas, additional skate areas, a playground, or a building such as a youth centre. Thanks to the clearly de marcated forms, it is also possible to subsequently roof over certain parts so that the facility can also be used in bad weather.


The project in Butwal has intensified cooperation with the Yuwa for Change association, which has been in place for

several years. The skate park and the skateboard are the necessary tools to empower children in Nepal through educationally supervised skateboarding workshops and to reinforce their innate motivation. Among other things, they learn after falling to get back on their feet unaided again and again and can thus develop into confident individuals.

Cooperation with local partners

The approach permits the development of other facilities that have a uniform appearance and yet are customisable. The design can be easily scaled and thus adapted to local conditions and the project budget. In addition, the zoning of the facility allows it to be built in several, discrete construc tion stages. Thanks to its elongated shape, the central area is ideally suited for the development of different and exciting skate parks in future projects.

On 5 March 2022, the facility was ceremoniously opened in the presence of everyone involved and civic leaders. Even during construction, the interest was huge, and the facility has been heavily frequented since opening.

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In the municipality of Balzers in the Principality of Liechtenstein, a multifunctional all-weather space has been built in the immediate vicinity of the school building, meeting many different needs and providing exercise opportunities for everyone. The Wegmüller design office in Switzerland set itself the task of designing a public space that encour ages pupils to get moving and become active – an approach that could set a precedent.

Location Balzers, Liechtenstein Client / operator Balzers municipality Landscape architects Planungsbüro Wegmüller AG CH – 7250 Klosters Sports flooring Realsport AG CH – 8552 Author Planungsbüro Wegmüller Photos Jonathan Burgy Official opening 2022 Construction costs EUR 780,000

The existing red synthetic surface was in need of refurbishment. The planning office modelled its design on innovative projects from Denmark and concluded that an all-weather pitch certainly does not have to be rectangular or necessarily red in colour. The central approach of the design was to cater for a wide range of needs and to give the space a design as diversified as possible so that it can be enjoyed by pupils both in physical education lessons and during school breaks and leisure time.

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Breaking the mould The new all-weather playground in Balzers is di rectly linked to the school building. Its shape does not conform to any standard, but is freely designed. The primary goal of the redesign was to encourage physical activity as holistically as possible, based on the latest sports science find ings. The PU-bonded synthetic surface is in dif ferent shades of blue and has different markings for different activities, some of which overlap. The NOTES

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The activities are deliberately designed in such a way that any one can get started. A short running track runs diagonally across the space and is combined with a sand pit for long jumping. An amazing number of different activities can take place in a limited space. Today, the overall surface area for sport is even slightly smaller than before, but there are now far more opportunities for games, sports and fun.

Short track crosses the space In addition to three multi-sports courts for various ball games, the space integrates a running track, a bouldering

The open space is not rectangular as usual, but adopts a free, polygonal shape that is framed by concrete elements and interlocks with green spaces dotted with trees. The design is committed to the principle of inclusion as the site is also accessible for people with a disability.

new, low-emission LED sports field lighting enables use in the evening as well. Users can switch on the light themselves by pressing a button until 10 pm at the latest.

wall, a combination playground and other equipment, such as a ground-level trampoline and a slackline. Between the playing areas, there is space for activities such as running training, and balancing, jumping and coordination games.

The park’s site is a gorge between two strips of so viet apartment blocks. Before the intervention, the space was an empty area, often misused as dispos al site, with dismantled and obsolete infrastructure, withered vegetation and without illumination. The aim of the project was to activate the urban space giving people of all ages the opportunity to practice an active lifestyle and to spend time outdoors. Housing in this district is often old and cramped. Tbilisi is a growing city and citizens de mand spaces where active life and socialising are available to all. Thematically interconnected The design concept features the main pedestrian axis in the middle of the park connecting all main spaces with accessibility to all areas. Round shapes in the existing environment served as a source of inspiration.

The renovation of Varketili Urban Park aims to create greener spaces for activity and to improve safety in Varketili, a popular suburb of the capital of Georgia. Artstudio Project completed the design work in December 2021, and in May 2022 the park opened.

Location Tbilisi, Georgia Client / operator Tbilisi Municipality Architects Artstudio Project GE – 0179 Tbilisi Author Artstudio Project Photos Tbilisi Municipality Official opening May 2022 Construction costs EUR 1.7 million

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The park as a whole accommodates several zones. In the upper part is the recreation area. Starting from there, bicycle lanes stretch all over the park. Recreation zones are followed by the kids’ zone in bright, joyful colours. Next, the main pe destrian axis is crossed by a bridge; the existing structure of the bridge has been reconstructed and renovated. All zones are thematically interconnected and equipped with all necessary equipment and furniture to make the area a friendly environment for all people of any age and interest. Transformation into a vibrant meeting point The relief of the site with its difference in levels was chal lenging. The middle part is lower, like a riverbed – and the reason why the locals used to call this area “Varketili Gorge”. Now a pedestrian bridge, pathways, play and training areas, and resting areas are well integrated in the existing dynamic relief of the site. In the skatepark youngsters discover and try out new sports and get involved in physical and training activities. Children enjoy safe playgrounds, bikers appreciate the cycle path crossing the whole park, and residents can train their dogs in the dedicated dogs area. Pedestrians walk on the elevated walkway and enjoy the fine view of the park or simply, during the hot Tbilisi summer, rest by the water fountain or relax on the steps of the amphitheatre or in the shade of the big weeping willow or under the new pergolas.

Location Bochum, Germany Client / operator City of Bochum Landscape architects SOWATORINI Landschaft DE – 44799 www.sowatorini.deBochum Author Sebastian Sowa Gianluca Torini Photos Alexander Luna Sebastian Sowa Temporary installation 2020 Construction costs EUR 22,000

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The purpose of this sculptural landscape was to arouse curiosity and invite visitors to interpret the landscape for themselves. Whether as a training place for a parkour team, as a place for players to play by their own rules, or as a casual hangout in the heart of the city, the “Brettspiel” was an open invitation to the population to actively share in a social landscape.

The starting point of the “board game” was to dis rupt the rigid symmetry of the public space. The “board game” rejected the idiosyncratic axiality and sought tension in a way that brought an air of the chaotic to the square. Around 90 planks were laid across the square like a grid of narrow walkways. The boards ran horizontally, dipped under each other, sloped or had gaps that had to be overcome.


For six months in 2020, the “Brettspiel” (“board game”) encouraged visitors to engage in playful and athletic exercise. The play space was created shortly before the clearance of Husemannplatz, a large and important inner-city square in Bochum. The redevelopment of the square is scheduled to begin in 2023 and will take a total of around two years. The City of Bochum made use of the final phase before redesign for an experimental exercise installation. The play space designed by Sowatorini makes the temporary an opportunity to experience the city centre as an open space in a new way and to bring it to life with unusual ideas.


Positive appraisal According to observers, the temporary project was a remark able success. It attracted younger people in particular, who used the facility for climbing, balancing and jumping.

The remodelling of the square allowed the base plates of the steel consoles to be screwed into the granite surfaces. Onto the plates threaded rods were welded, to which steel brackets could be screwed to the right height with heavyduty nuts. The threaded rods came in three different heights, and their maximum heights including the boards were always less than the 60 cm permitted by fall protection regulations. The larch boards were planed and sanded and stained with a contrasting colour on the edges to make it safer to play on and also to make the project visually conspicuous in a highly diversified environment. A surrounding tactile attention strip made passers-by aware of the installation. Together with the various municipal departments, the project was preceded by a thorough process that clarified the nu merous issues and problems associated with a project of this kind in a public space. After initial sketches and visualisations,

Children played with a lot of imagination and were able to test their risk tolerance and explore their own limits. Parkour athletes regularly used the “board game” for training pur poses. Adventurous youngsters performed tricks on their scooters, while others used the walkways and platforms for resting. It can be concluded that this was a low-maintenance and vandalism-free temporary space for exercise and a rest ful stay in the urban space.


a physical model of the installation was created and then translated into more detailed plans (site plans, sections and elevations). It was installed by the artist and wood sculptor Jens Kothe (SOWATORINI Landschaft) in cooperation with the City of Bochum’s engineering department.

The official opening was dubbed “The Place for New Things”, with the aim of rejuvenating the Borsig district. In the middle of the courtyard is a new Polytan football court. It was de signed in consultation with VIVAWEST and BVB, and installed in cooperation with HVG Grünflächenmanagement GmbH. The facility features small pitches, fully equipped with syn thetic turf systems or synthetic surfaces, goals, barriers and ball nets. The district used to be known simply as “Bolzplatz,” meaning “football field”, so it is fitting that a football court is now locat ed here. The idea is to encourage children and young people to learn and practise playing football “on the street”, so to speak. Featuring the BVB logo, the court is equipped with our


For many passionate players, street football fields are the places where they first come into contact with football. This is one reason for Polytan, in consultation with Borussia Dortmund and FC Bayern München, to reinterpret and equip the classic street football field. Two examples from Dortmund and Obersendling.

is the final element of major revitalization project in the West Borsig district, where almost 830 apartments have been con structed by the real estate company VIVAWEST.

Author Polytan GmbH, DE – 86666 Burgheim, Photos Andreas Keller

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Borsig district, Dortmund Dortmund knows how to honour its football heroes, most recently the legendary midfielder Max Michallek, who starred for Borussia Dortmund (BVB) in the 1940s and 1950s both on and off the pitch. Michallek won the German Championship twice with BVB – before the Bundesliga was established. Located near Borsigplatz, a memorial was dedicated to the BVB star in 2022 in celebration of what would have been his 100th birthday. Michallek grew up nearby, and it’s where he learned to play football. BVB’s heart still beats strong in Borsigplatz, the neighbourhood where the club was founded in Since1909.the spring, a steel statue of Michallek has stood on a carbon plinth – a nod to the city’s industrial past – in the rear courtyard between Oesterholzstraße 44 and 54, which is now officially known as Max Michallek Platz. The installation

robust and durable PolyPlay S all-round surface in slate grey, a colour that reflects the urban character of the area while also paying homage to BVB’s club colours (black and yellow).

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Sugar Mountain, Obersendling The Sugar Mountain complex in Sendling near Munich is lo cated on the grounds of a former concrete plant. Today it serves both as an art and culture project, as well as a meet ing point for people and culture in the neighbourhood. The “concrete playground” also has a wide range of sports on offer, both outdoors and indoors. The only thing missing until now was a classic football field. This gap was filled at the Sugar Mountain complex by FC Bayern and its partner adidas in spring 2022: a 30-by-15metre playing field for street footballers was installed, named the “Sugar Pitch”. With this five-a-side pitch, FCB wants to contribute to popular sport in Munich – together with local sports and school organisations, it will provide children and young people with opportunities to get together and grow. Since the use of environmentally friendly materials was a decisive criterion for FC Bayern when designing the “Sugar Pitch”, Polytan suggested the world’s first CO2-neutral artifi cial football turf, LigaTurf Cross GT zero, which impressed the club. The surface is highly environmentally friendly, without compromising on durability or functionality. The surface is based on sustainable, organic PE raw materials, sourced from non-recyclable sugar cane. The logos of the two partners, FC Bayern and adidas, are integrated in the surface of the turf. In addition to its realistic appearance, perfect playing properties, and simple maintenance, another bonus of the playing field is that its sand-filled turf system is completely free of rubber granules.


Made-to-measure bouldering mats



Contact Mrs. Rothe and Mr. Friderritzi,, Phone: +49 5621-7878-36

Minimizing the risk of injury is the top priority, indoors with carpet mats or tarpaulin and outdoors with robust tarpaulin mats in different colour variations. The multilayer-core for in door mats made of composite foam is attached to a softer PU foam layer and has a unique S-connection system that connects the cores almost seamlessly. The surface of the car pet mats is made out of needle felt which is put on top of the tarpaulin. This system combines the advantages of both materials - the carpet does not stretch out, remains stable and also offers a pleasant surface. On request, different materials for the surface such as tar paulin and carpet can be combined along the wall as well as alternative core structures. Optionally, digital print tarpaulins with individual designs are also available, like for example in the Bachmair Weissach Arena in Kreuth. Here, the spe cial design of the tarpaulin shows the contour lines of the surrounding mountains. For outdoor mats, a slatted frame bottom substructure is also available. This frame protects the mat from moisture and is also resistant to insects, bacteria and fungal infestation.

Author and photos Bänfer GmbH Sportmanufaktur, DE – 34537 Bad Wildungen,

Since 1984, Bänfer Sportmanufaktur has been producing, developing and selling sports mats and equip ment for gymnasts and athletes for bouldering and urban sports such as parkour. With a production facil ity in Bad Wildungen in Germany, Bänfer Sportmanufaktur combines several production steps under one roof and has been one of the leading partners in the sports project business for many years. Professional planning, conception and implementation: from a single source and everything made to measure, Made in Germany.


Single mat Skandia For spontaneous climbing sessions or enthusiasts with climb ing routes within their own four walls, the SKANDIA fall pro tection mat is the perfect companion. But children also want to climb and do gymnastics. The SKANDIA mat provides the best possible fall protection for all ages, so that this can be done without injuries. Because of the multi layer foam sandwich core, the SKANDIA 100 / 150 is suitable for fall heights of up to 300 cm and because of its low height, it is an alternative to soft floors, too.


Each UrbanBlox module can be used as a stand-alone module or can be com bined with the wide prod uct range and connected together with our Velcomp system. It can be expanded to the needs of adults and also for children. This way, that system is constantly expandable, to fit the customers needs, their creativity and con stantly allow a safe environment.

Thecombinations.moduleshave been developed and designed with a true to nature usability in mind, to allow almost endless combi nations and variations that can be found in both a natural or urban environment.

The equipment of the climbing facilities with so-called self-belay machines continues to increase in popularity and with it the need for consistent safety standards. Obvious and save entry barriers at the bottom with a correct use are an important step for the future to avoid injuries and keep the athlete safe. Brand new in our product range is the Auto-Belay Mat - a safety device and at the same time an information sign for climbing gyms. In cooperation with our partner the DAV (Deutscher Alpenverein) we have developed and produced these robust entry barriers. The Auto-Belay safety mats are intentionally large and trapezoidal with a height of 1.5 m and a width of 1.4 m on the ground. These safety mats are de signed to cover as many of the route entry areas as possible in order to prevent people from climbing past the route.

UrbanBlox system Urban and Ninja Parkour became more and more popular sports in recent years. Bänfer Sportmanufaktur is offering a range of high-quality modules specifically for urban sports, for a safe environment paired with almost endless possible

Auto-Belay safety mat

By using tarpaulin with a 1 cm thick core, these safety mats are more stable, more durable and significantly more valu able. This means that the safety mat automatically stays flat on the ground while climbing and cannot be accidentally pushed or folded together. On the front of the Auto-Belay safety mat, an explanatory picture indicates a self-check for hooking in. On the back, when the safety mat is in place, a pictogram warns „Caution: danger of collision!“ and reminds the users to keep away from the zone of the safety mat.


It’s important to me to bring a new dynamic into the organi zation and to pick up and motivate people. Of course, that involves a lot of effort, but it‘s worth it. The main learning from this time was how to deal with a wide variety of personalities and how to engage with each other. I received positive feed back for my leadership style at Conica, which ultimately led to my decision to apply for the CCO position.

The internship was only intended to last three months. However, we quickly found each other afterwards and agreed on a parttime position to accompany my studies. In my field of work, I was able to gain good insights into the sales organization and all related areas. It was also exciting that I was able to incorporate my practical experience and knowledge into my studies. What were your next steps?

When the decision was made to fill a second management board position, our parent company Serafin was very open to an internal solution. There were several candidates and I was able to assert myself in an extensive application process, which was also associated with personal development. There were several rounds in which I was able to present my vision for Conica and finally also a final round on site with the shareholder.

Author and photos CONICA AG, CH – 8207 Schaffhausen,

Ms. Guillod, how did you come to Conica?

This move was a particular challenge for me, as it was very quickly another changeover from my previous position and, of course, there were also high expectations of the additional management position that had been created. But above all, the internal application process also had a strong signal effect.

How did the internship work?

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What was the application process like for the CCO position?

What did this step mean to you?

My path at Conica began in 2015 with an internship. Actually, I was looking for a permanent position. But the internship offered new opportunities, and since I have always been a sports enthu siast, I found the company very suitable.

I really appreciated this opportunity that Conica gave me. Of fering this position to a young person without many years of experience is a real vote of confidence. As Head of Product & Business Development, I have found that in a leadership role you have completely different areas of responsibility and no longer „work through“ your tasks in the classic way.


It was only at the beginning of last year that I was offered the po sition of Head of Product & Business Development. This position was a significant change from everything I had done before. On the one hand, I gained deeper insights into the technical perspec tives of our products, and on the other, my role in the company changed completely. Previously, I had been in an advisory expert role, but from then on I was in a management position and was allowed the opportunity to be responsible for leading a team. How have you coped with this rapid development?

At the end of 2018, I started my first full-time job as assistant to the management. In this position, I was able to gain great insights, as I was involved in strategic projects and was able to assist the management in many areas. The Sales & Business De velopment area was a particular focus. As the CEO‘s right-hand p erson, you get to see the company in a very special way. What happened next?


Conica is perceived internationally as a premium supplier thanks to the high quality of its product and service. Never theless, Conica has gone through a lot of change in recent times. The goal is to create a stable basis on which Conica can grow. The basic idea is to further expand our sports and leisure business. In doing so, we are thinking of growing fur ther internationally and further developing our products in line with the market requirements. We want to be perceived internationally as a thought leader, as this has been the Conica DNA for 40 years. By helping to design sports and leisure facilities, we not only connect the people who use them, but it also strengthens the corporate culture. Seeing the imple mented projects in reality is always something very special for That‘sus.

I find that very difficult to assess, as it has much more to do with the person than the gender. In my case, the appoint ment was a positive surprise due to internal circumstances. An advantage was much more my experience in the company. Previously, various people had held this executive manage ment position. These were often filled externally and tend ed to come from the sales area. With me, someone with a completely different background has been selected. This was a big change, especially for the sales organization, because I have a different perspective on this area of the company. Should gender play a role in filling management positions?

What is the importance of athletics for Conica?

What sets Conica running tracks apart? We differentiate ourselves from our competitors not only through the pure product, but through a full-service consult ing for all stakeholders. This consulting includes all steps from the initial object design to order processing, installation and post-project support. At no stage do we leave our customers alone with the project. This intensive exchange enables us to deliver the best quality and to make world-class performance happen.

It became clear that Conica is investing in young people and is looking internally for suitable candidates for management positions. Of course, I am also pleased to go down in the Conica history books as the first woman in the executive management board. Do you think you have advantages or disadvantages as a woman in your position at Conica?

In my opinion, gender is not the decisive factor when filling a management position. The decisive factors are skills and character traits. There are suitable personalities for different positions in different industries and corporate cultures. In my case, for example, I see myself with my management style in the SME sector and less in a large corporation. In my current position, we discuss controversial issues openly and find solu tions together. In this way, I experience acceptance and trust in the same way when I make the best possible decisions for the company and its stakeholders based on the facts pre sented. I therefore consider an open-minded approach to be important for my position. However, I find this quality just as well in my male colleagues. The figures from the DACH region make it obvious that women are still clearly in the minority in management po sitions. Do you think a politically imposed women‘s quota c an change anything about this situation? These numbers are undeniable, but I think this issue reach es deeper. I do not think that the introduction of a wom en‘s quota will lead to purposeful change. For one thing, I find that a fixed quota leads to a stigmatization of women in leadership positions, as they are often accused of being a „quota woman.“ This accusation suggests that the position is not filled on the basis of skills or career, but on the basis of political targets. And secondly, I find that a quota restricts the selection process and thus does not ensure that the right person gets to the right position. In my opinion, establishing more women in management positions will only succeed if a transformation is achieved, and this change must also be propelled in society. How would you describe this much-needed transformation? A management position means taking on a lot of dedication for a company and responsibility. If one chooses this path, it must be clear that one‘s social life must also be brought into line with this career and possibly adjusted. This means that the social environment and family planning will be shaped by the professional life. The same obstacles apply to men in this position. At the moment, however, this step is still more difficult to realize for women. The conditions should be the same for all potential candidates for management positions, otherwise women can only fail in these positions. Therefore, women should not only be pushed to be promoted, but a basis should be created that enables women to be successful in these positions as well. This is also the reason why I am not convinced by the pure quota regulation. In my view, a mix of social change and political decisions is needed. This will only be provided by created framework conditions and incentives, but basically it should still be up to everyone to find the right path for them selves. So it should be just as okay for women as well as for men to decide against a steep career and the executive suite.

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What goals would you like to achieve for Conica?

why the aforementioned geographic expansion is not only a strategic goal, but also an affair of the heart. The USA are an exciting market; however, we also see a lot of potential in Latin America and in the Near / Middle / Far East region.

In athletics, everyone works meticulously towards the best possible performance. Our contribution to this is our Swiss quality in the product. From the company‘s point of view, it should be noted that high-end stadiums greatly boost our profile in the industry. But also, for the love of the sport, we want to provide the best track an athlete can get, enabling them to perform at their best. For this reason, we work with them to create innovations. Our partnership with the Euro pean Athletics Federation from 2023 is another step for us, proving that we enjoy great acceptance and are on the right track with this way of thinking.

In 2021, Gniezno City Council allocated funds for a sports and recreational complex located near the historic city park. The plan was to create an all-season facility aimed at different groups of users. The city council decided to build a synthetic turf football pitch accompanied by storage containers and sanitary and locker-room facilities. The creation of an asphalt pumptrack is the second part of the complex.

BT Project managed to make a versatile pumptrack blending a dual racing (symmetrical) track with a “speed and style” section. The track for small children and novice riders is a



Author and photos BT Project, PL – 60-412 Poznan,


The plants and trees of the nearby historic park create a pleasant and agreable atmosphere, with a cooling effect even on hot days. Next to the site is a cycle speedway, which is used by the local club “Orzeł Gniezno” that won the Polish team championships in 2021. This achievement motivated the city council to rebuild the cycle speedway track in order to meet national competition requirements. The additional new pumptrack nearby is an excellent venue for their train ing routines. The new sanitary facilities with showers enhance training conditions and are used by both speedway track and pumptrack cyclists. Reliable partners BT Project had already built a pumptrack in Gniezno, which has been very well received. This popularity made it easy for the city council to decide to have a second pumptrack. The design of the second one needed to be noticeably differ ent to give users variety.

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Pumptracks offer public value The planners and engineers at BT Project are happy to note that more and more authorities recognize the grow ing popularity of pumptracks and their appeal to all sorts of users. According to BT Project, spending public money on a pumptrack is good investment. Their utopian idea of “a pumptrack in every district” may become more and more realistic.

In the flow-track area, two bowls are placed next to each other. Around them, a mixture of obstacles creates an area of infinite riding line possibilities. This is the part that the en gineers at BT Projects like best, working on the pumptrack’s appeal, as it offers scope for creativity. Thanks to new riding lines, the track almost guarantees different challenges every time, sparking healthy competition between riders. More options and greater safety for different user groups

Since the racing track is a great place for competition, the city plans to host sporting events. The whole facility is equipped with lighting. This feature allows riders to use the track until late even on dull autumn and winter days. Longer open ing hours have a noticeable impact on user groups. Adult users who normally practise on weekends (when the track is crowded) can now come here after work in the evenings. The lighting and the video monitoring devices improve the general safety of the area.

separate loop located apart from the “advanced” track to en sure safety and comfort for its users.

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Kai Wasmund, export manager of Schmitz Foam Products explains: “These days, the life-cycle analysis (LCA) or envi ronmental footprint of the product is equally important in a society that is increasingly focused on sustainability and the environment. Furthermore, with most sports infrastructure being funded by public money, it is important that society gets the highest possible quality and performance for an affordable price.”

Building smart Over the past decade, the Schmitz Foam Products ProPlay shock pad has been used in over 1,000 projects in G ermany alone. “ProPlay doesn’t require extensive groundworks or disturbance of the existing surface for it to be installed. A flat and stable surface is all the interlocking panels need to deliver the performance layer for any artificial turf surface. This means that using ProPlay saves time and money and can be done without the need for specialists or heavy-duty equipment. Moreover, it facilitates a quick and affordable up grade of existing sports surfaces or the installation of sports facilities at sites where the soil conditions are such that they should be left untouched,” Wasmund points out. These advantages have already encouraged several German municipalities to upgrade the typical Asche-Plätze, sports fields with a surface of compacted fly-ash, to more appeal ing, safer and multi-purpose artificial turf fields. Most of these projects were delivered within weeks instead of months, and many of them were finished significantly cheaper than if they had gone for traditional construction methods.

EN 15330-4 is the result of a multi-year collaboration b etween the various international sports governing bodies, national European authorities and the artificial turf industry.

Everything is set for the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) to, in 2022, adopt a standard that specifies minimum performance and durability requirements for shock pads and e-layers. Once adopted, EN 15330-4 will replace the various standards currently being followed and hand authorities a tool to build safer and more sustainable sports facilities, while saving money. According to Kai Wasmund, export m anager of Schmitz Foam Products, a new episode for artificial turf surfaces will start.




The standard describes how the performance of a shock pad or elastic layer shall be measured, and the results classified in a common format. This is to enable developers or buyers of sports surfacing systems to select the most appropriate shock pad or elastic layer for their intended sports surface.

Author and photos Schmitz Foam Products B.V., NL – 6045JC Roermond,

“ProPlay can handle a water infiltration rate of 72,000 mm/hr, a volume that has been verified by laboratories and sports governing bodies like FIFA and World Rugby. Sites where the subbase is not to be changed or where it is too expensive to change can be covered by an impermeable foil before the ProPlay-Sport D-version is installed. The D stands for horizontal drainage, referring to the drainage channels cut out in the sheet. These channels offer excellent lateral drain age and do away with the need for a specifically prepared subbase, as they transfer all collected water to the perimeter of the field where it can be temporarily stored.”

A s the sheets retain their performance qualities and shape over the years, they are easy to retrieve and reuse. “ProPlay has been in use since the early 1990s. At many sites, the sheets are still being used, despite the top layer having been changed multiple times. We have realtime data to substanti ate our claim that the performance is guaranteed for at least 25 years. Once the ProPlay is no longer of use for its intend ed purpose, it can be returned to Schmitz Foam Products, where it will be recycled.”

“O ur shock pad with drainage channels is used in various projects to harvest and transfer water with the purpose of re-using it. Examples of re-using harvested water are the use for flushing toilets or to irrigate grass surfaces,” Wasmund remarks. “The approximately 7,500 m² flat surface the aver age artificial turf football field provides is perfect for harvest ing water. Even if there is no use for the harvested water, temporarily storing the water onsite before releasing it in a controlled manner will greatly reduce the pressure on the sewage system in times of heavy rainfall.”

more sustainable facilities

Historically, rain falling on a sports surface was to be drained as quickly as possible. With climate change impacting rain patterns, architects increasingly recognise the contribution ProPlay-Sport D-version can make in facilitating water har vesting and the reuse of water elsewhere on the premises.

Made from production residues Where engineers have started exploring the additional ad vantages ProPlay shock pads can bring to the artificial turf fi eld and its surrounding infrastructure, the environmen tal contribution and sustainability of the shock pad is well documented. “ProPlay shock pads are made from residual cross-linked polyethylene foam. These foams were originally produced for a different purpose in industries like the en gineering or automotive industries, but, for some reason, were never used. By converting them to ProPlay shock and drainage pads, Schmitz Foam Products prevents these mate rials going to waste or even being incinerated, which would add additional CO2 to the atmosphere. Re-using these foams makes our ProPlay shock pads truly sustainable products.” The foams are thermally bonded on a non-woven in a pro cess that doesn’t use additives or other substances.

The adoption of EN 15330-4 will herald a new episode for artificial turf surfaces, Wasmund predicts. “Gone are the days when covering a surface with artificial turf was all that mattered. Artificial turf systems are engineered systems that allow for more than facilitating sports. All it needs is for ar chitects and municipal officers in Germany to think out-ofthe-box and consider additional advantages, which are al ready applied and approved in other countries in the world. Even when your key aim is to facilitate a sports field, you still have an obligation to consider aspects like the environmental impact and investment cost. EN 15330-4 describes how the performance of a shock pad or elastic layer shall be meas ured, and the results are to be classified in a common format.


Using ProPlay-Sport D-version also reduces the likelihood of blocked drains and the need for regular inspections of the in frastructure that is used to remove water from the field. “Over time, these drains get blocked by dirt and sand particles that are washed down by water that is coming through the en tire artificial turf system. This is impossible with ProPlay-Sport D -version, as these sheets are installed directly underneath the artificial turf surface.”


Architects, club management and municipal officers should use that baseline to identify components and products that facilitate the development of more inclusive and sustainable sports facilities.”

Melos® Cushion+ This fibre granule is particularly ideal for creating high-quality safety surfaces, such as those found on playgrounds. Con sisting of 100 % EPDM new and unused material, this product offers the best possible protection in the event of a fall. The fibrous structure of the granule gives the elastic layer cush ioning properties and makes it so flexible in the event of a fall that any impact forces can be dissipated with ease. It is also durable, highly permeable to water and meets all the requirements of a contemporary safety surface.


The three newcomers Introducing Melos® Cushion+, BASF® Infinergy and Melos® EPDM Soft. The secret ingredient here is that all three prod ucts consist of 100 % new and unused materials, which means that both the origin and composition of all the materials they contain are fully traceable. Up to now, the base layers were primarily made of SBR, a material that is recycled from prod ucts such as old car tyres. All three newcomers offer an optimal safety surface and/or cushioning properties. Another key selling point is that Melos now also supplies the products for the cushioning and base layer in addition to producing the components for the top layer.

Author and photos M elos GmbH, DE – 49324 Melle,

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Ideal cushioning properties minimise damage to the musculoskeletal system. Carefully selected raw mate rials safeguard people’s health and protect the environment – even in sensitive applications. The ever-in creasing demands surrounding health and environmental protection have prompted Melos to take its quality promise one step further: it now offers three different high-tech products for the base layer of sports and leisure surfaces, each consisting of 100 % new and unused materials that are also PAH-free.

All three products are easy to apply on site most effectively in combination with Melos‘ polyurethane binder.

The expanded thermoplastic polyurethane is primarily used in the cushioning/base layer for safety surfaces but could also just as easily be used for floor coverings in the sports sector going forward. Consisting of 100 % new and unused material, the eTPU beads can be recycled in an environmentally friendly way at the end of their useful life, making them a great choice not only for nature, but for your budget, too.

The tiny beads have an elastic, rubber-like texture, yet with a significantly lower density. Nevertheless, they are still enor mously resilient on account of their closed-cell structure. This use of high-quality raw materials offers more than simply ex cellent weather resistance; it also results in a cushioning layer with optimal system properties and low consumption of ma terials. In terms of how they are prepared, the eTPU beads are processed in-situ with a one-component PU binding agent.

BASF® Infinergy

Melos® EPDM Soft

Another product made from 100 % EPDM new and unused material is the new system component EPDM Soft. The soft granule is the ideal base layer for artificial turf pitches, athletics tracks and multi-sports surfaces, as the way it is pro duced and formulated with a rubber content of 25 % makes it p erfect for sporting environments by offering characteristics such as optimal force reduction. With its relatively low bulk density and availability in various grading curves, EPDM Soft really is a great all-rounder for use in sports surfaces. Equal ly, its durability, weather resistance and consistently practical use of resources make EPDM Soft an ideal choice for your outdoor flooring in general.

49sb 4/2022 ADVERT

Author PLAYPARC GmbH, / Naumann Landschaft, Photos Naumann Landschaft

Over the last two years, two more exercise islands have been created. In addition to the specially created web presence at, the now nine Hamburg exercise islands, regularly used by a large number of sports enthusiasts, are also generating a considerable response in the social media.

After the creative design work by the planning office Naumann Landschaft, PLAYPARC was the company responsible for delivery and installation of the fitness equipment. Planning office:


A striking design with a high recognition value has firmly established the “exercise island” strategy and the “Active City” brand in the city and the greater Hamburg area. Back in 2016, the Hamburg Senate approved the large-scale “Active City” project, budgeted at around EUR 50 million. The cornerstone of the exercise islands is the stationary equipment from PLAYPARC for strength training, coordination and stretching exercises, in combination with endurance sports such as jogging and walking.

From 2017 to 2024, 26 sports infrastructure projects, spread across the city, have been and are being implemented. These are projects for both mass sports and elite sports. The aim is to cre ate a range of close-to-home sports and training opportunities for young and old, fit and unfit, at any time and in the fresh air. Low-threshold fitness opportunities for all On the basis of this premise, the idea of the exercise islands was born. A low-threshold offer was to be created in the city’s parks and neighbourhoods and made as accessible to as many peo ple as possible at short range. An important goal of planning was to develop a concise, easily recognisable design that would anchor the concept of the “exercise island” and the “Active City” brand in the urban environment. Each exercise island had to function as independently as possible of the varying spatial requirements, and had to be transferable and flexibly usable. Success by combining sports

The solution was to combine endurance sports such as jogging and walking with stationary equipment for strength training, coordination and stretching exercises.


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AquaKinetics® www.aqua-kinetics.deGmbH


About SonoBeacon SonoBeacon is a company with headquarters in Wismar and a branch in Hamburg, which offers location-based analytics and services developed together with the Fraunhofer Institute. SonoBeacon www.sonobeacon.comGmbH

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Solution With smart sensors, a smart data hub, and an accessible, acoustic communication standard, SonoBeacon offers an easy-to-implement all-in-one solution that addresses these Achallenges.solutionthat counts and locates visitors in real time, visual izes visitor flows, transmits visitor information, and validates access to blocks in the stadium using acoustic signals.

The world's first aqua ergometer for left- and right-handers is a real relief for users in public courses as well as for private cus tomers in their own pool. The product is also used in numerous therapeutic approaches in medical applications. The necessary certifications enable the use according to MDR 2017/745 in the clinic. The MDR corresponds to the highest classification in Europe and uses the CE mark protected throughout Europe. In 30 scientific studies to date, the benefit of AquaKinetics GmbH products for users of medical indications has been proven. New therapeutic approaches in the epidemiological user group will follow. In addition, every year several thousand participants are educated and trained in their own courses. The experience gained in this way is then incorporated into the development of new products. Because there will be no standstill in innovation and development at AquaKinetics GmbH.

FUNCTIONALITY, AESTHETICS AND DESIGN AquaKinetics GmbH – which has been specializing in AquaFit ness products for more than 15 years – is once again setting standards with its latest product, the Aquarider® [maxi]. The latest product from the renowned manufacturer is character ized by ergonomically optimized seating positions as well as new and sophisticated handling. The result is the world's first aquaergometer for right- and left-handers! This means even more comfort for the user – of course from an ergonomic point of view. The latest bushing technology makes it easy to move the handlebar and seat tubes. Glass fibers ensure high stability and maximum wear resistance. The settings can thus be made individually, conveniently and, above all, quickly by the user himself. The new product is complemented by the technology, which has already been tried and tested thousands of times, special materials, and manufacturing processes as well as by the tested brake systems. This overall package preserves the manufacturer's technical lead.


Benefits for organisers 1. valid real-time visitor data as the basis for efficient, loca tion-based occupancy and security management in the sta dium and on arrival, as well as increased sales in the F&B area; 2. improvement of the fan experience through location-based, digital and accessible visitor information and services; 3. unambiguous validation of tickets when accessing blocks in the stadium, and real-time information on the occupancy of the blocks.

Improving the fan experience on arrival at the stadium and in the stadium itself is an ongoing process for event organisers to provide a seamless stadium experience for their visitors. Challenges Challenges include getting into the stadium without long waiting times, reliable entry validation to blocks in the venue, and more efficient utilisation of food & beverage stands.



Lausin y Vicente S.L. is committed to continuous improvement in the products it offers and the processes of management to increase its competitiveness. Lausin y Vicente www.lausinyvicente.comS.L.


Lausin y Vicente S.L. is a Spanish family company established in 1974, which is committed to sport as a fundamental activity to promote human health and well-being. The company started manufacturing gymnastics equipment for schools and clubs at national level, but it soon expanded its product portfolio producing track and field and team sports equipment. Since the late 1990s, Lausin y Vicente products have been supplied and installed in stadiums, sports halls, out door multisport courts and athletics track in different countries around the world. Because every sport facility is unique, Lausin y Vicente works using a professional, specialized and expertise technical de partment, which studies each individual case to offer bespoke Theservices.picture above shows a sports hall in Spain, where the com pany installed three pairs of ceiling-mounted basketball goals and one pair of motorized handball goals.



The first time in 1961 in Zug and since then, without interrup tion, NUSSLI's construction of the arena has contributed to the "Eidgenössische" (Swiss Federal) and its unforgettable moments at the festival filled with customs, excitement, and great encounters. For the Swiss Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival (ESAF), which took place from 26 to 28 August 2022 in Pratteln in the Basel region, NUSSLI planned and built the fes tival arena as a temporary structure for the 22nd time. "The hexagonal festival arena – with a circumference of 800 m, a diameter of 250 m and a roof height of 17.5 m –offered 50,900 spectators a view of the sawdust rings this summer with covered and uncovered seating and standing space," explains project manager David Frei. For the construc tion of the six grandstands, in total approx. 3,000 tons of grandstand material, consisting of the substructure, roof ele ments and seats, are needed. It all arrives on site in the form of 300,000 individual components, one by one, all in time to be assembled. The temporary construction method is sus tainable thanks to the reusable construction elements, and this allows the arena to be flexibly adapted to the conditions on site. Many of the elements used were already part of the arena at an earlier "Eidgenössisches" (Swiss Federal). Not only the precisely coordinated logistics and the detailed planned assembly meet the highest requirements. A project the size of the ESAF festival arena is challenging in many re spects and requires comprehensive planning and thorough preparation. Years prior to the event, NUSSLI prepared feasibility studies and rough plans for the candidate cities. More detailed plans, quotations, and assembly plans for the Pratteln venue in the Basel region followed later so that the arena could finally be built in the timespan of just nine weeks. www.nussli.comNUSSLI

On the occasion of the 18th World Athletics Championships, the historic sports facility was extensively remodeled and Therenovated.resultof the extensive reconstruction and renovation work is a first-class athletics facility - with a nine-lane running track, impressive acoustics and unobstructed sightlines throughout.

In courses and at events, depending on the equipment and sporting accessories, a MOBILPARC® offers up to 15 participants at the same time the opportunity to gain maxi mum training success. Hang-ups, muscle-ups, pull-ups, squats, jumps, handstands, push-ups, row-ups, wall-ball, battle rope, dips and much more can be trained around the MOBILPARC®. Even though it is usually only used for super vised training, an exercise manual shows the user the correct technique and execution method for many of these exercises in three difficulty levels. For municipalities, sports associations, clubs and companies, the movable outdoor gym opens up many new opportunities for sports events and supervised courses (corporate health management, prevention courses, etc.). The equipment and size of the MOBILPARC® vary according to customer require ments. The model with two axles shown here is equipped according to the specifications and wishes of the Sportbund Paderborn (District Sports Association) and has already been used successfully for the "University Sports Day" on the uni versity campus in Paderborn. We would also be pleased to realize your wishes regarding the training possibilities of your individual MOBILPARC®!

"With its outstanding sports functional properties, the high-quality GEZOFLEX EPDM rubber granules guarantee minimal risk of injury and prepare the perfect ground for ath letes to achieve maximum athletic performance," explains the manufacturer GEZOLAN. GEZOLAN www.gezolan.chAG


As the venue for the 18th World Athletics Championships, Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon, USA, hosted the world's best athletes from July 15 to 24, 2022. GEZOFLEX EPDM gran ules from GEZOLAN were used for the nine-lane running track and other competition areas. The Hayward Field Stadium is located on the campus of the University of Oregon and was opened back in 1919. Two years later, Hayward Field received a track and field facility and has been used exclusively as a track and field stadium since 1967.

PLAYPARC www.playparc.comGmbH

MOBILPARC® FITNESS TRAILER FOR ALL MOBILPARC® is the name of the innovative outdoor fitness trailer by PLAYPARC, which can be set up quickly at any loca tion. The mobile solution for outdoor fitness and calisthen ics convinces with its stable, robust construction and diverse training possibilities on 360° in all weathers. With the illus trated assembly instructions, a mobile outdoor fitness studio can be set up in a short time, where all muscle groups can be trained in the fresh air, under the open sky, at any location and at any time.


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While the most noticeable structural change is the nine-story tower in the shape of a torch, the most important measure for the athletes probably includes the renovation of the running track and the competition areas. GEZOLAN's high-quality GEZOFLEX EPDM granules were used both for the installation of the nine-lane running track and for the surfacing system of the other competition areas, such as the high and long jump. EPDM granules in the traditional standard colour 062 Red (RAL 3016) were used.




"With our Myrtha Pools technology, the Endless Surf lagoon is guaranteed to be waterproof, sustainable and long-lasting. This partnership brings to the surf park the most advanced solutions for reducing the impact on the environment while delivering natural and aesthetic traits, and to out-perform other technologies over the long run” says Roberto Colletto, CEO of Myrtha Pools. Myrtha www.myrthapools.comPools

Thanks to this new partnership, problems with liners, cracking/ splitting concrete, and leaks are a distant memory.

Rather than using concrete, Myrtha pools are comprised of stainless steel with laminated PVC, meaning a cost-effective, long-lasting, and a much more sustainable solution to many lagoon construction problems. Plus, the Myrtha solution even comes with a 25-year warranty, showing how durable the technology truly is.

Paul Chutter, Endless Surf President highlights the natural fit for the partnership in saying, “We are thrilled about our new partnership with Myrtha Pools and all the benefits it brings to our clients and their developments. At Endless Surf, we are fo cused on offering a product that delivers and lasts a lifetime without having to address maintenance issues down the line. Having a pool building partner with the same high-quality standards that we have is a must, and the innovative spirit of Myrtha is an obvious choice”.

F51 is the world’s first multi-storey skatepark. Located in the UK, it was designed by Guy Holloway Architects. Its aim? To revolutionize towns and cities and the way that youth and sports facilities are incorporated into urban planning. F51 features 2,100 m2 of skateable surface and suspend ed concrete bowls and 15 m high climbing walls, offering 580 m2 of climbing and bouldering space. Working with the architects and the Roger De Hann Charitable Trust, P A Grant Electrical Contractors Ltd created a complete light ing scheme for this GBP 17 million project using indoor and outdoor solutions from Thorn. “All products were selected for their rigidity, lighting quality and efficiency,” said Key Account Manager Nick Hughes. “500 AquaForce Pro luminaires light the skating areas. They fitted the application perfectly due to their wide beam optics and drip edge design that prevents dust depositing on the light output surface - essential in this open wire mesh building – as well as their low maintenance and energy saving capabilities.” Emergency lighting was also important, and the amount of luminaires was minimized by using Thorn’s Voyager Star, while adhering to relevant safety standards. Outside, PLAZA 35 floodlights provide a uniform lit effect on the façade, avoiding light spill onto neighbouring properties. PLAZA 35’s high per formance reduced the required number of luminaires by 30 %. O ther Thorn products used include Omega Pro, ForceLED and EyeKon. Paul Grant, Managing Director of P A Grant Electrical Contractors Ltd said: "By choosing Thorn, we knew we’d be working with a competent partner, so felt assured that the de sign would be suitable, and we had confidence in the products themselves, as well as the aftercare service. We really enjoyed working with Thorn.” Thorn www.thornlighting.comLighting



54 sb 4/2022 PoolsMyrthaPhoto:

A new pool building partnership between Endless Surf and Myrtha Pools has been announced, with plans to alleviate many of the common challenges that surf park developers face when constructing and operating their surf lagoon.

55sb Arbeitskreis4/2022 Trennvorhänge e.V. 42327 Wuppertal, AGROB BUCHTAL Deutsche Steinzeug Keramik GmbH 92521 Schwarzenfeld, Anti Wave International Pty Ltd QLD 4067 Brisbane, ASPG Deutschland GmbH 40221 Düsseldorf, ANRIN GmbH 59609 Anröchte, » Indoor equipment » Sports hall dividers » Aquatic construction » Po ol construction; ceramics » Aquatic construction » Aquatic equipment » Elastic layers; protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » O utdoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems » Sports ground construction IAKS member companies go one step ahead with „Pro fessionals & Profiles“. And position themselves promi nently – in print and online. Report on your innovations and references in sb magazine and the IAKS newsletter and on our website. It goes without saying that your ar chitect or supplier logo appears in every issue – and is sure to catch the eye of your business partners. » D rainage systems » Sports ground construction » Sports ground equipment ASB GlassFloor Systembau Horst Babinsky GmbH 83371 Stein, » Indoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems » Multi-sport courts COMPANY INDEX FROM A TO Z ACO Inotec GmbH 24782 Büdelsdorf, » D rainage systems » Sports ground construction » Sports ground equipment Sekisui Alveo AG 6043 Adligenswil, » A rtifical turf » Elastic layers; protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground AquaKineticsconstructionGmbH 79331 Teningen, » Aquatic construction » Aquatic equipment » Fitness equipment » Wellness equipment

56 sb 4/2022 Bänfer GmbH Sportmanufaktur 34537 Bad Wildungen, Avant Sports Industrial Co.,Ltd 518108 Shenzhen, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor equipment » Mobile floorings; cover systems » Temporary and modular constructions » A rtificial turf » Multi-sport courts » Stands, seating Conica AG 8207 Schaffhausen, » Indoor sports floorings » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction BERNDORF Metall- und Bäderbau GmbH 2560 Berndorf, » Aquatic construction » Aquatic equipment » Po ol construction, stainless steel DSGN CONCEPTS UG 48145 Münster, » L andscape design Brinkmann + Deppen Architekten / Landschaftsarchitekten 48336 Sassenberg, » A rchitecture and design » L andscape design campus GmbH Bauten für Bildung und Sport 72764 Reutlingen, » A rchitecture and design Dr. Schutz GmbH 53755 Bonn, » Cleaning and maintenance » Indoor sports floorings Carl Stahl ARC GmbH 73079 Süßen, www.carlstahl-architektur.comxtend@carlstahl-arc.comGermany » Facades and building envelopes » Perimeter boards, nettings » Playground equipment » S ecurity systems, fencing » Sports ground equipment Gotthilf Benz Turngerätefabrik GmbH+Co KG 71350 Winnenden, » Aquatic equipment » Fitness equipment » Indoor equipment » O utdoor equipment » Sports ground equipment BLOACS 50935 Cologne, » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor equipment » Sports ground equipment » Playground equipment PROFESSIONALS & PROFILES AST Eissport und Solaranlagenbau GmbH 87629 Füssen, » Aquatic equipment » Ice hockey boards » Ice resurfacers » Ice rink construction » Ice sports equipment

57sb 4/2022eccos pro gmbh 42553 Velbert, » Aquatic equipment » Changing rooms and equipment » Fitness equipment » Ice sports equipment » T icketing, access systems Eurotramp-Trampoline Kurt Hack GmbH 73235 Weilheim / Teck, Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte 53113 Bonn, » Aquatic equipment » Indoor equipment » Playground equipment » Sports ground equipment » Indoor equipment » Sports ground equipment » Testing, quality assurance Missing your entry? Want to be part of our network? GANTNER Electronic GmbH Deutschland 44894 Bochum, » Aquatic equipment » Changing rooms and equipment » Fitness equipment » Indoor equipment » T icketing, access systems GfKK – Gesellschaft für Kältetechnik- Klimatechnik mbH 50859 Köln, » Ice rink construction » Ice sports equipment » Sanitary, heating, air conditioning, en ergy recovery Gerflor Mipolam GmbH 53824 Troisdorf, » Indoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems geo3 GmbH 47551 Bedburg-Hau, » A rchitecture and design » L andscape design » Feasibility studies EOLED EU 1130 Wien, Austria Telefon +43(0)1877 ENGO GmbH Srl 39040 Vahrn (BZ), Italy » L ighting systems » Ice hockey boards » Ice rink construction » Ice resurfacers » Ice sports equipment » Mobile floorings, cover systems GEZOLAN AG 6252 Dagmersellen, » A rtificial turf » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction

58 sb 4/2022 heiler GmbH & Co. KG 33649 Bielefeld, Hauraton GmbH & Co. KG 76437 Rastatt, » A rtificial turf » Cleaning and maintenance » H ybrid turf » Natural turf » Sports ground construction » D rainage systems » Sports ground construction Herculan BV 4231 DJ Meerkerk, » Indoor sports floorings » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings IST – Institut für Sportbodentechnik 04416 Markkleeberg, www.sportboden-leipzig.demario-kunze@gmx.netGermany » Testing, quality GeschäftsstelleassuranceINTERGREEN AG c/o Science to Business GmbH 49090 Osnabrück, » A rtificial turf » Cleaning and maintenance » H ybrid turf » Natural turf » Sports ground construction ISS GmbH 63263 Neu-Isenburg, » Aquatic equipment » Ice hockey boards » Ice rink construction » Ice resurfacers » Ice sports equipment ISP GmbH 48167 Münster, » Testing, quality assurance Jakob Rope Systems 3555 Trubschachen, » Facades and building envelopes » S ecurity systems, fencing » Perimeter boards and nettings » Play- and sports ground equipment JUNCKERS INDUSTRIER A/S 4600 Køge, www.junckers.comsus@junckers.comDenmark » Indoor sports floorings » Multi-sport courts » Sports hall construction » Stadium and arena construction » Temporary and modular constructions PROFESSIONALS & PROFILES Intercom Dr. Leitner 39040 Freienfeld, » Ice hockey boards » Ice rink construction » Ice resurfacers Hamberger Flooring GmbH & Co. KG 83071 Stephanskirchen, » Ceilings, windows, walls » Indoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems » O utdoor sports floorings KDF - Kataskeves Dapedon Ltd. 57010 Thessaloniki, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings

59sb 4/2022Keller Tersch GmbH 39218 Schönebeck, » A rtificial turf » Cleaning and maintenance » H ybrid turf » Natural turf » Sports ground LabosportconstructionInternational 72100 Le Mans, Labor Lehmacher | Schneider GmbH & Co. KG 49076 Osnabrück, » Testing, quality assurance » Testing, quality assurance Show innovationsyourandreferences! KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG 29410 Salzwedel, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » O utdoor sports floorings » Playground equipment Hermann Kutter LandschaftsbauSportplatzbau GmbH & Co. KG 87700 Memmingen, » A rtificial turf » Cleaning and maintenance » H ybrid turf » Natural turf » Sports ground construction Landskate GmbH 50823 Köln, » L andscape design Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG 22337 Hamburg, » A rtificial turf » Cleaning and maintenance » H ybrid turf » Natural turf » Sports ground construction Kernig Consulting GmbH 48155 Münster, www.kernig-consulting.deinfo@andreaskernig.deDeutschland » Consulting LAUSIN Y VICENTE S.L. 50420 Cadrete, » Indoor equipment » Playground equipment » Sports ground equipment » Sports hall dividers » Stadium and arena equipment

60 sb 4/2022 NUSSLI Group 8536 Hüttwilen, » Sports hall construction » Stadium and arena construction » Stands, seating » Temporary and modular constructions » Turnkey construction Melos GmbH 49324 Melle, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction MYRTHA POOLS A&T Europe SPA 46043 Castiglione d/Stiviere (MN), Italy » Aquatic construction » Po ol construction, other systems » Po ol construction, stainless steel PellikaanDeutschlandBauunternehmenGmbH 40880 Ratingen, » Aquatic construction » Aquatic equipment » Sports hall construction » Turnkey construction PS+ Planung von Sportstätten 49078 Osnabrück, » A rchitecture and design » L andscape design Thomas Kick, bardenheuer@iaks.sportMemberSilkekick@iaks.sportMarketingBardenheuer,services We‘re here to help: maier landschaftsarchitektur / Betonlandschaften 51107 Köln, » L andscape PROFESSIONALSdesign & PROFILES M3 Architectes 2737 Luxembourg, » A rchitecture and design McArena GmbH 71522 Backnang, » Multi-sport courts » Sports hall construction » TurnkeyLIKE-ICEconstructionScience GmbH 84069 Schierling, » Ice hockey boards » Mobile floorings, cover systems » O utdoor sports floorings Lindner Group 94424 Arnstorf, » L ighting systems » Ceilings, windows, walls

61sb 4/2022 Allwetter-FreizeitanlagenbauPlay-Parc GmbH 33014 Bad Driburg, » Fitness equipment » Indoor equipment » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor equipment » Sports ground equipment PERROT-Regnerbau Calw GmbH 75382 Althengstett, » Irrigation systems Polytan GmbH 86666 Burgheim, » A rtificial turf » Cleaning and maintenance » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction Porplastic Sportbau von Cramm GmbH 72108 Rottenburg a.N., » A rtificial turf » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction Schmitz Foam Products BV 6040 KG Roermond, » A rtifical turf » Elastic layers; protecting surfaces » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction Sika Nederland B.V. (Pulastic sports flooring) 7400 AK Deventer, » Ceilings, windows, walls » Indoor sports floorings » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings REGUPOL BSW GmbH 57319 Bad Berleburg, www.regupol.cominfo@regupol.deGermany RAUMKUNST ZT SPORTARCHITEKTURGMBH 1070 Wien, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems » O utdoor sports floorings » Playground equipment » A rchitecture and design RICHTER Sportstättenkonzepte GmbH 07629 Hermsdorf, » A rchitecture and design » L andscape design Your product and company information on a half page, newsletter feature, plus your logo in the company index –for just EUR 810 per year.

62 sb 4/2022 Spieth Gymnastics GmbH 73776 Altbach, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor equipment » Mobile floorings, cover systems » Sports ground equipment Thorn Lighting 6850 Dornbirn, » L ighting systems STARGUM Zakład Przemysłu Gumowego 73-110, Stargard Szczecinski, Poland » A rtificial turf » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings STOCKMEIER URETHANES GmbH & Co.KG 32657 Lemgo, » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Indoor sports floorings » O utdoor sports floorings Tatamsport 50014 Zaragoza, » Indoor equipment » Sports hall dividers PROFESSIONALS & PROFILES Holz-Speckmann GmbH & Co. KG 33790 Halle/ Westfalen, » Indoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems SonoBeacon GmbH 23966 Wismar, » Digital solutions » Stadium and arena equipment » T icketing, access systems Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH 83301 Traunreut, » L ighting systems SMC2 S.A.S. 69440 Mornant, » Ceilings, windows, walls » Facades and building envelopes » Fixed and retractable roofing systems » Temporary and modular constructions » Turnkey construction SMG Sportplatzmaschinenbau GmbH 89269 Vöhringen, » Cleaning and maintenance » Sports ground construction » Sports groundNIK-TuftingSigngrassequipment®BV5571 TJ Bergeijk, » A rtifical turf » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction » Sports ground equipment Robbins Sports Surfaces OH 45226 Cincinnati, » Indoor sports floorings » Mobile floorings, cover systems » Multi-sport courts

63sb Trenomat4/2022 GmbH & Co. KG 42327 Wuppertal, » Indoor equipment » Mobile floorings, cover systems » Perimeter boards, nettings » Sports hall dividers TURNBAR by Eiden & Wagner 54634 Bitburg, » Fitness equipment » Indoor equipment » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor equipment » Sports ground equipment Universal Sport Sportgeräteherstellungs- und Vertriebs GmbH 71101 Schönaich, » Ice sports equipment » Indoor equipment » Mobile floorings, cover systems » Perimeter boards, nettings » Sports ground equipment Hans-Joachim Weitzel GmbH & Co. KG 25436 Tornesch, » A rtificial turf » Elastic layers, protecting surfaces » Multi-sport courts » O utdoor sports floorings » Sports ground construction Troldtekt A/S 8310 Tranbjerg J., » Ceilings, windows, walls Vindico Sport GmbH 73463 Westhausen, www.vindico-sport.cominfo@vindico-sport.deGermany » O utdoor equipment » Multi-sport courts » Stadium and arena equipment » Sports ground construction » Sports ground equipment Züko Deutschland GmbH 78176 Blumberg, » Changing rooms and equipment » Ice hockey boards » Ice resurfacers » Ice rink construction » Ice sports equipment ZELLER bäderbau GmbH 89520 Heidenheim, » Aquatic construction » Aquatic equipment » Po ol construction, stainless steel WM GmbH 39053 Blumau, » Ice resurfacers

64 sb 4/2022 IMPRINT International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities Editorial board and publisher InternationalIAKS Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities Eupener Straße 70 50933 Cologne, Germany Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23- 0 Fax +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-23 sb 4/2022 Editorial board and marketing Thomas Fonkick@iaks.sportKick+49(0)221168023-12 Subscriptions Valentina Fonbernhardt@iaks.sportBernhardt+49(0)221168023-14 Secretary General with overall responsibility Klaus meinel@iaks.sportMeinel Editorial board Silke Fonbardenheuer@iaks.sportBardenheuer+49(0)221168023-11 The publisher has unlimited rights to work accepted for printing. Reprint or duplication, even of extracts, is only permitted with the publisher‘s written consent. Subscription price 56 EUR Germany 73 EUR Other countries 12 EUR Single issue ISSN (Print): 0036-102X ISSN (Internet): ISSN 2198-4271 Jurisdiction and place of performance: ForCologneadvertisement prices, see 2022 Media Data. Translation/Editorial report Tim Chafer, Otto-Hahn-Str.ExperTeam57,40591 Düsseldorf, Germany Euro-Sprachendienst Jellen Rheinaustr. 125, 53225 Bonn, www.euro-sprachendienst.deGermany Print Idee Druckhaus Robert-Bosch-StraßeGmbH6, 50181 Bedburg, Germany UPCOMING ISSUES Photo: Paul Zanre Advertising deadline: 16.12.2022Date20.11.2022ofpublication: Issue 6/2022 – Active communities Photo: Climate Pledge Arena Advertising deadline: 31.10.2022Date19.09.2022ofpublication: Issue 5/2022 – Sustainability Graphics Yannik dettmer@iaks.sportDettmer Fon +49(0)221 168023-13

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sb 4/2022 WE SPORT.MAKE Our sports facilities are part of your community, where people of all generations and cultures meet. That’s why it’s so important for us to produce the perfect surfaces for your sporting activities –sustainably and with future generations in mind. We take care of the foundations so sport can bring out the best in all of us!

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