sb 5-2013

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International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities

Internationale Fachzeitschrift für Sportstätten und Freizeitanlagen

Revista internacional especializada en instalaciones deportivas y recreativas

IOC/IAKS Award for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities

IPC/IAKS Distinction for Accessibility

IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals


22. – 25. Oktober 2013

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22. − 25. OKT 2013


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… Kompetente Industriepartner aus der Sport-, Schwimmbad- und Freizeitbauten-Szene?

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Visit us at the FSB in Cologne on October 22-25th 2013 in hall 11.3 (stand J-029).

IAKS news & members


oder Sanierung?“

Seminar der IAKS Sektion Schweiz

Die IAKS Sektion Schweiz veranstaltet am Mittwoch, 20. November 2013 in der Sporthalle Flamatt das IAKS Seminar Sporthallen „Neubau oder Sanierung“.

Die Themen im Einzelnen: Sport- und Turnhallen neu bauen oder sanieren

Referent: Roger Gut

Dipl. Architekt FH, maj Architekten ag, Bern

Energetische Aspekte

Referent: Michael Enzmann, Bereichsleiter Gebäudetechnik

Basler & Hofmann West AG, Zollikofen

Sicherheitstechnische Überlegungen

Referent: Markus Buchser, Berater

Bereich Sport-, Bäder-, Freizeitanlagen bfu – Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, Bern

Brandschutz in bestehenden Gebäuden

Referent: Jean-Pierre Jungo Leiter Feuerinspektorat, Kantonale Gebäudeversicherung, Freiburg


Referent: Samuel Richner, Bauingenieur HTL, Leiter Tragwerke Hochbau Geschäftsleitungsmitglied, B + S AG, Bern

Hindernisfreies Bauen

Referent: Bernard Stofer, Leiter Bauen, Wohnen, Verkehr

Mitglied erweiterte Geschäftsleitung, Procap Olten

Messdemonstration Gleitsicherheit

Referent: Markus Buchser, Berater Bereich Sport-, Bäder-, Freizeitanlagen bfu – Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, Bern

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung:

We are pleased to welcome new members to our international association. Like all other existing members, they are of course presenting a profile of their specialities and activities in the database at our homepage

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Dear IAKS members, dear readers,

You can tell that this is a special issue of “sb” if only from the fact that it’s much thicker than usual – it contains the 31 prize-winning projects of the IOC/IPC/IAKS competitions. The jury awarded three Gold, five Silver and twelve Bronze medals and three Special Prizes in the IOC/IAKS Award, the “Oscar” for the sports facility sector introduced in 1987. These are accompanied by five IPC/IAKS Distinctions for accessible sports facilities and three IOC/ IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Awards for Students and Young Professionals for innovative approaches to sports and leisure facilities.

The large-scale facilities for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London and the European Football Championship in Poland are also of course represented, not to mention smaller but no lesser masterpieces for sport for all, e.g. in Tanzania, Japan, Iran and Denmark.

We’d like to thank all 125 participants for their ideas, enthusiasm and efforts; the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee for their support; and the jury for the results of three days of hard work on our premises in Cologne. The outcome, we think, is a wonderful overview of current sports and leisure buildings worldwide, the likes of which you will find nowhere else.

Congratulations to the winners!

Liebe Mitglieder der IAKS, liebe Leser,

Dass diese Ausgabe unserer „sb“ eine besondere ist, merken Sie schon daran, dass sie wesentlich dicker ist als sonst –schließlich präsentieren wir Ihnen die 31 Preisträger der IOC/IPC/ IAKS Wettbewerbe. Die Jury vergab dreimal Gold, fünfmal Silber, zwölfmal Bronze und drei Sonderpreise beim IOC/IAKS Award, dem seit 1987 ausgelobten „Oskar“ der Sportstättenbranche, dazu fünf IPC/IAKS Auszeichnungen für barrierefreie Sportanlagen und dreimal den „IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals“, bei dem es um innovative Entwürfe und Konzepte für Sport- und Freizeitanlagen geht.

Natürlich sind die großen Anlagen für die Olympischen und Paralympischen Spiele in London oder die Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Polen vertreten, genau so jedoch kleine(re) Meisterwerke für den Breitensport z.B. aus Tansania, Japan, dem Iran oder Dänemark.

Wir danken allen 125 Teilnehmern für ihre Ideen, ihren Einsatz und ihren Aufwand, dem Internationalen Olympischen Komitee und dem Internationalen Paralympischen Komitee für die Unterstützung und der Jury für die Ergebnisse von drei Tagen harter Arbeit bei uns in Köln. Das Ergebnis ist ein –wie wir finden – wunderbarer Überblick über aktuelle Sport- und Freizeitbauten weltweit, wie Sie ihn nirgendwo anders finden werden.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch den Gewinnern!

Estimados socios de la IAKS, estimados lectores:

Que con esta “sb” se trata de una edición especial es algo que puede percibirse ya por el volumen de la revista, bastante más gruesa de lo que suele ser normalmente. A fin de cuentas, estamos presentando a los 31 ganadores de los concursos COI/CPI/IAKS

El Jurado concedió tres medallas de oro, cinco de plata, doce de bronce y tres premios especiales en el COI/CPI/IAKS Award, el “Óscar” en el ámbito de las instalaciones deportivas. Además, cinco distinciones CPI/IAKS para instalaciones deportivas sin barreras arquitectónicas y tres veces el premio en la categoría “IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals”, en la que se destaca la innovación en los proyectos de instalaciones deportivas y recreativas.

Naturalmente también figuran las grandes instalaciones para los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de Londres y el Campeonato Europeo de Fútbol de Polonia, pero igualmente tienen su lugar diversas obras maestras de menor tamaño destinadas al deporte de masas, de Tanzania, Japón, Irán o Dinamarca, por ejemplo.

Queremos agradecer a los 125 participantes sus ideas, su compromiso y su esfuerzo. Asimismo, al Comité Olímpico Internacional y al Comité Paralímpico Internacional su apoyo y, al Jurado, los resultados de tres días de duro trabajo en Colonia. El resultado, a nuestros ojos, es una maravillosa visión general de las instalaciones deportivas y recreativas actuales a nivel mundial, que solo aquí encontrarán con esta presentación.

¡Felicitamos a los ganadores!

Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner

IAKS President Präsident der IAKS Presidente de la IAKS

IOC/IAKS Award & IPC/IAKS Distinction

IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young

The International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) announce the 2013 winners of their international architectural prizes

The IOC/IAKS Award brings to public attention exemplary buildings and complexes that integrate sensible sustainability and legacy considerations, strong functional planning, and exceptional architectural design. The goal of enhancing the human experience and appreciation of sport and leisure while protecting the environment through design, material use and creativity is fundamental to the awards programme.

The IPC/IAKS Distinction is aimed at increasing the accessibility of all sports and leisure facilities as well as architectural projects in order to give opportunities to practise and view sport freely and without barriers to all people, regardless of their physical abilities.

Eligible to enter the 2013 competition were newly built facilities as well as extensions, modernizations, rehabilitations or conversions of already existing buildings and facilities in the public and private sector. The facilities had to be erected and have gone into operation between 1 January 2006 and 31 March 2012 and must have been in successful operation for at least one year.

Competition entries had to be submitted jointly by the designer and the client (or operator) of the facility.

- Impressum

International magazine for sports and leisure facilities – Organ of the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities

Internationale Fachzeitschrift für Sportstätten und Freizeitanlagen – Organ der Internationalen Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen

Revista técnica internacional para instalaciones deportivas y recreativas – Organo de la Asociación Internacional para Instalaciones Deportivas y Recreativas

95 projects from all over the world competed for the coveted and unparalleled architectural prize. Seven sports facility categories, from stadiums and sports grounds through to pools and specialised sports facilities, were represented:

A Major outdoor stadiums

B Community outdoor grounds

C Multipurpose halls and major arenas

D Complex indoor centres for sports, leisure and recreation

E Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation

F Pools and wellness facilities

G Specialized sports facilities

The jury session of the IOC / IPC / IAKS Awards took place from 8 to 10 July in Cologne. For the IOC/IAKS Award, 95 submissions from 30 countries were received. 31 projects from these 95 competed additionally for the IPC/IAKS Distinction.

After three days of intense work, 23 projects were awarded as follows:

• 3 IOC/IAKS Awards in Gold

• 5 IOC/IAKS Awards in Silver

• 12 IOC/IAKS Awards in Bronze

• 3 IOC/IAKS Special Prizes

Five projects were awarded the prestigious IPC/IAKS Distinction for Accessibility.


IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals 2013

The IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals aims at young architects and designers currently studying architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and general design, and at young professionals in their first 2 years of professional practice. All participants had to be under the age of 30 years.

Eligible to enter the competition was any kind of design work that focuses on the creation of spaces and areas to be used for sports and leisure activities in the broadest sense. The design strategy must encourage youth to practise sport.

The IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals received 30 submissions from 20 countries.

One Gold, one Silver and one Bronze medal were awarded.

The Prize-giving ceremony for all winning projects will take place on 22 October 2013 in Cologne. The winners and their projects will be presented in a high-grade exhibition to the trade fair public at the 23rd IAKS Congress in conjunction with the international trade fair “Amenity Areas, Sports and Pool Facilities“ (FSB) in Cologne from 22 to 25 October 2013.

More information:

Redaktion und Verlag


Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen e.V.

Eupener Straße 70

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Telefon +49 (0) 221 16 80 23- 0

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Redaktion und Marketing

Thomas Kick

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Major outdoor stadiums

10 Bao'An Stadium Gold

14 London 2012 Olympic Stadium Silver

16 PGE Arena Gdansk Bronze

18 Stadion Naradowy Bronze

Community outdoor grounds

20 Superkilen Gold

24 Herning Fodbold Eksperimentarium Bronze

26 Sportanlage Heerenschürli Bronze

Multipurpose halls and major arenas

28 London 2012 Olympic Handball Arena Special Prize

Complex indoor centres for sports, leisure and recreation

30 Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre Silver

32 Lentpark Bronze

34 Hillcrest Centre Bronze

36 StreetMekka Special Prize

Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation

40 Milson Island Indoor Sports Stadium Silver

42 CPC Chiasso Sports Hall Silver

44 Stork Nest Farm Bronze

46 noor e mobin sports hall Bronze

48 Hitotsubas Karate-Dojo Bronze

Pools and wellness facilities

52 Shanghai Oriental Sports Center Gold

56 Auster Silver

Specialized sports facilities

58 KAP 686 Bronze

60 Max Aicher Arena Bronze

62 Lee Valley White Water Centre Bronze

64 Skatepark Tanzania Special Prize


Results & Contents


16 PGE Arena Gdansk

28 London 2012 Olympic Handball Arena

38 West Vancouver Community Centre

50 Abilities Centre Durham

62 Lee Valley White Water Centre

IOC/IPC/IAKS Award for Students and Young Professionals

66 Caribbean Arena Gold

68 Activity Center in Odessa Silver

70 Acoustic Hammam Bronze

Technical articles

72 Allianz Arena, Munich: New video surveillance system for more security

74 Dalian: 12th National Games of the People‘s Republic of China

76 Dreams will come true: Colorful playground equipment

IAKS member companies

78 Product and company information published by IAKS members

Articles report on recent projects and product developments

Address and trade directory with all companies, followed by their range of services and products


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Gerichtsstand und Erfüllungsort: Köln. Anzeigenpreise: Mediadaten 2013

In 2011 the Universiade, one of the largest sports events in the world was held in Shenzhen, China. The stadium (actually in the Bao’an district) was designed as an athletics stadium holding 40,000 spectators. However, during the 2011 Universiade, it was used for football matches.

The extensive bamboo forests of southern China were the inspiration for the design. The bamboo look serves two purposes. It reflects the character of the region, and thus creates identity. And it serves as a structural concept for both the load-bearing frame of the stadium stands and the supports for the widespan roof structure. The outermost part of the stadium unites the façade, structure and overarching architectural theme in a single feature. The natural look of the bamboo forest, together with the interplay of light and shadow between the trunks, is interpreted structurally with rows of slender steel supports, as outsize, abstract versions of the bamboo shape.

The stadium is located in the immediate vicinity of a sports arena and swimming pool, which have already established an east-west axis. The stadium and the attached warm-up area fall in with this existing urban axis. The choice of a pure circle for the geometry of the stadium was a decision not to introduce any other geographical orientation into the urban-planning situation, and to emphasize the central character of the sports venue. Appropriately for the uses of the building, the stadium stands on a grassed plinth, which incorporates on the inside the lower tiers of seating and internal functional areas.


Bao‘An Stadium

Shenzhen, China

The geometry of the spectator seats involves a modulation from the oval of the athletics track into a perfect circle. The undulating upper tier of the stands is the result of this modulation, creating a large number of seats on the long sides of the pitch and fewer seats on the short sides. The curved line of the upper edge of the stands is repeated by the overall shape of the stadium.

Visitors to a sports event access the stadium via broad flights of steps that lead up to the podium on four sides. The flat podium allows free circulation around the whole stadium and easy access to the seats from any side. Visitors pass through the forest of steel supports into the first circulating area of the stadium, and then go either up the steps to the upper tier or straight on to the top of the lower tier. The image of a bamboo forest is created by the double row of steel supports, which come across as irregularly spaced and angled as in a real forest. Every other support in the inner row is connected with the concrete structure of the undulating upper tier, thus carrying the vertical loads of the spectator seating.

The jury was deeply impressed: “The bamboo in South China was the inspiration for the design. It serves as a structural concept for both the load-bearing frame of the stadium stands and supports the structure. The structural and architectural theme is a single feature –bamboo. The facility is also effectively served with public transport. The access of the stadium is separate for each category. Wheelchair users are provided with easy and comfortable viewing positions with superior visibility.”

The Olympic stadium and the masterplan as a whole have taken a new, sustainable approach to temporary architecture by using only the materials, structure and operational systems needed for the event, and then transforming it for a long-term future use.

The embodied energy was reduced by minimising physical weight, shortening fabrication time and details which allowed for rapid erection and later dismantling. The design team adopted key sustainability criteria to reduce, reuse and recycle materials in order to create a compact, flexible and lightweight design that allowed for a cost-effective life cycle compared to similar building of this type and scale.

All upper-tier terracing can be removed, leaving a series of columns on podium level that will take a roof structure appropriate for a 25,000 capacity legacy athletic stadium. For the legacy transformation and use, the method in which the roof and upper tiers are planned to be dismantled is the direct opposite sequence in which they were erected.

The jury was impressed: “The use of materials, structure and operational systems needed for the event to be transformed for a long-term future was reduced from the start. The aim of the design was to reduce the use of steel and concrete and make the stadium the lightest one in the modern era. The concrete was mixed at a batching plant on site and thus reduced the impact on the environment. The same applies to the other materials delivered in bulk by rail rather than by road through London, thus preventing traffic congestion and pollution. The seating on the upper tiers tenacing can be removed for post-games use, reducing the capacity to 25.000.“

Categoy A: Major outdoor stadiums


Olympic Stadium

London, United Kingdom

The PGE Arena in Gdansk was built for the 2012 European Football Championships in Poland. The stadium is oriented towards two local typologies. Its shape and colour emulate the locally found amber. The architecture seems smoothed and rounded from water, sand and wind. A roof made of polycarbonate lends transparency, lightness and amber luminosity to the façade.

The second aspect reflects the local shipbuilding industry as an important cultural site for modern Poland as well as the Solidarnosc movement. Consequently, the filigree supporting structure of the arena is reminiscent of a ship‘s hull with its ribs and planking. The result is a multi-purpose arena fully conforming to UEFA criteria, which not only for the duration of the EURO 2012 provided a unique sports facility by the Baltic Sea, but which, thanks to its many features and accessibility, will establish itself in the long term as an ideal location for concerts and other events as well as for the local football team Lechia Gdansk.

The jury liked “approach of this international-standard football stadium making use of local colours. The reference to amber from the nearby Baltic Sea is unparalleled on this huge scale. The honey-coloured light creates a unique atmosphere in this large stadium and gives it a friendly identity. This football stadium also meets the best modern standards in terms of ease of access and egress for spectators to and from every level. The PGE Arena is exemplary in particular with regard to its provision for visually impaired spectators. They are offered live commentary to enhance the match day experience. A tactile model of the stadium for information and orientation and a ‘touch tour‘ of the stadium is also available.”

Categoy A: Major outdoor stadiums


PGE Arena

Gdansk, Poland


In 2007 an international architectural competition was held for a new Polish national stadium in Warsaw to host the UEFA European Football Championships in 2012.. The scheme submitted by gmp in association with J.S.K. Architekci of Warsaw and schlaich bergermann und partner of Stuttgart was the preferred option.

The new structure is located over the solid rampart of the Dziesi ciolecia national stadium, which was constructed in 1955 from rubble from the wartime Warsaw Uprisings. The revitalization of this area as a sports park represents a milestone not only for the city of Warsaw but also for the whole country in terms of national identity.

A condition imposed by the city was that the existing rubble-built slopes should be built over with as few interventions as possible. The two lower levels of the new structure were therefore inserted into the topography without changing the top level of the slopes or the level of the existing pitch.

The duality of a solid historic stone base and the new structure made of steel, glass and PTFE membrane externally visible only above rampart level gives the design an unmistakable character. The roof truss system adds a number of significant features to the familiar spoked wheel principle. Also unmistakable as a feature visible from a distance is the façade, made up of anodized expanded metal in the Polish national colors of red and white.

The jury was “particulary appreciative not only in terms of the technical solution, but also in terms of the image that a national stadium must communicate for the future. The lightness and dynamics of the stadium’s architecture are the result of successful synthesis of materials and contemporary structural design.”


Stadium Naradowy Warsaw, Poland

When BIG, Topotek1 and Superflex were invited to propose a project for a kilometre of urban space wedging through outer Nørrebro in Copenhagen, in the tracks of the former rail yards, they realised that they had to do more than just urban design. The neighbourhood is the most ethnically diverse area in all of Denmark and is also the most socially challenged community containing the closest thing to a ghetto in Copenhagen, Mjølnerparken. This project had to become a vehicle for integration, rather than an aesthetic exercise in Danish design.

The project possesses all that typically makes up a modern park with trails for pedestrians and cyclists and outdoor recreation spaces. The conceptual starting point is a division of Superkilen into three zones and colours – the Red Square, the Black Market and the Green Park. The project is intended to celebrate the area’s multi-cultural heritage and unite everybody in one global neighbourhood. The park contains over one hundred different elements of street furniture, play equipment, sculpture and lighting from the 62 home countries of the local inhabitants.

The park includes a range of recreational offers such as fitness equipment from Muscle Beach LA, a high swing from Kabul, ping pong tables from Spain, a boxing ring from Thailand, a slide from Chernobyl, swings from Iraq and a climbing frame from India.

Sociologist Zygmund Bauman once said that “sport is one of the few institutions in society where people can still agree on the rules”. No matter where you are from, what you believe and which language you speak, it is always possible to play football together. As an extension of the sports

Categoy B: Community outdoor grounds


Superkilen Copenhagen, Denmark


and cultural activities at the Nørrebrohall, the Red Square is conceived as an urban extension of the internal life of the hall. A range of recreational offers and the large central square provide local residents an opportunity to meet each other through physical activity and games. A large area on the square is covered by a multifunctional rubber surface to enable ball-games, markets, parades, and skating rinks in winter.

The Black Market with its chess tables and benches invites reflective relaxation. At weekends the area can be turned into a bazaar for local traders and hawkers.

Finally, the Green Park is designed as a landscape with hills, a playground and picnic spots for parties and family gettogethers. A number of sports facilities are moved to the Green Park, including the existing hockey field with an integrated basketball court as it will create a natural gathering spot for local young people from Mjolnerpark and the adjacent school.

The jury loved this project: “Superskilen is a park for all ages, an outdoor space to activate people, a kilometer of urban space, a project in the most ethnically diverse area in all of Denmark. The jury awards Superskilen a gold medal for its new and outstanding urban design which emphasizes on activating and integrating people. ’The project is intended to celebrate the multi-cultural heritage of the area and to unite everybody in one global neighborhood’ the proposal points out. For the jury this ’celebration ’ is comprehensible in the powerful, creative and courageous design which is exemplary not to be copied but to inspire and encourage urban design worldwide.“

The football club Herning Fremad had the vision to create an innovative football scheme on a typical football training facility with 8 pitches spread on a vast territory of about 70,000 m². The idea was to create a new area that would rather be open for everyone as training grounds for single sports use (such as football) are normally used only by members of the football club.

The Exploratorium should encourage the user to break away from the traditional way of thinking about football and challenge a broad group of users across both genders and all ages with opportunities for physical exercise and play.

The Exploratorium consists of landforms, artificial turf and a long activity strip. The site is organized around the landforms and the football fields with various activities laid out between them. The activity strip emphasizes the entrance to the Exploratorium and is the most urban part of the site. It runs along and between the artificial turf on one side and the club house on the other side.The strip is the urban gathering place. It is packed with features and is heavily used for play, training and other physical activity, both in groups and as an individual user. A concrete wall is multifunctional and can be used for sitting, climbing, as a rebound wall, etc.

The jury was impressed by the multi-use options “for all kinds of people; all ages, all abilities and all gender. The Exploratorium is freely accessible. The implementation of hills in between the soccer fields does not only serve as protection but also as a stage for spectators. The „activity strip“ shows a very innovative design. The result is a highly elaborated training concept for the day by day use of all interested football players.

Categoy B: Community outdoor grounds


Fodbold Eksperimentarium Herning, Denmark

The competition for the design of the Heerenschürli sports facility involved the renovation, transformation and extension of the existing athletics courses, football pitches and baseball fields of the Hirzenbach neighbourhood in the northwest of Zürich into a sport and leisure open space. The project aimed to integrate the different sport fields with other facilities such as restaurant, locker room and workshop building.

The 13 playing fields are surrounded by high fences, giving the sports arena its architectural status and urban intensity. The materiality of the project is the main strategy employed to answer the theme proposed for the competition – “evergreen” – as well as to meet the durability requirements of sports facilities with such a high demand of use.

The materials were chosen to ensure its sustainability – plastic is used in the different furniture and artificial lawn in the playing fields so that the complex can be used all year round. The fences are made of a rustproof material in order to guarantee durability. Energy and the general sustainability concept are reinforced by a rainwater collection system which conducts the water to a local creek.

The jury was impressed by “a bold colouration that is rarely encountered. The 13 pitches are surrounded by high green fences that gave the project its “evergreen” name. The colour green is also visible on the newly built changing building and in many details. The facility is intended not only for professional sport, but also for the neighbourhood. In the year immediately after its opening, the facility was used by 78,000 people.”



Zürich, Switzerland

The Handball Arena, or Copper Box, is one of only four permanent venues in London’s Olympic Park and the third largest concert arena in London. During the 2012 Games it accommodated up to 7,500 spectators and hosted the handball tournament, the fencing element of the modern pentathlon and Paralympic goalball. Since reopened in summer 2013, it houses a range of high capacity local, national and international sporting, cultural and music events.

Handball requires much larger courts and capacities than pentathlon fencing, both of which took place in the arena. Retractable lower-tier seating enables the size and orientation of competition area to be adapted. This flexibility has proven to be the true strength of the building, with a structure and facilities to support a broad range of activities, from local sporting groups to concerts, conferences and even weddings.

The jury was impressed by the arena’s accessibility as it “locates all accessible seating options in an elevated position on all 4 sides of the arena. These positions offer superb views of the field of play and are accessed directly from ground level without the need for use of elevators. The raised landscape scheme creates easy access and also independent escape in the event of a fire or other emergency.”

One of the most challenging aspects in designing enclosed sports arenas is lighting. Make’s design maximises the quality of light by an innovative array of 88 lightpipes projecting down through the roof. These lightpipes are equipped with butterfly mechanisms to block out daylight when it is not required. The jury stated that “this exemplary idea for the roof of a mega event sports facility deserves at least a special prize.” Categoy


Olympic Handball Arena

London, United Kingdom

The Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre has revitalized a vacant stadium ground from 1978 into a 24/7 urban park and community destination.

The project is designed to allow three partnering but diverse groups to share their program specific amenities for mutual benefit and revenue. The Eskimos Footballers use the pool, track, and fitness centre for player training and host game related events in the gym and meeting spaces. The community has joint use of the field house and uses the Eskimos Football meeting and coaching rooms in the evening and offseasons. The stadium operations host sidestage events in the field house and use the Community and Eskimo meeting and locker rooms for hosting and staging functions for concerts and athletic events.

The jury was pleased by the “three major components – Field House, Aquatic Centre, and Gymnasium, all of which are skillfully organized around a “social hub” and integrated into an expansion of the existing Commonwealth Stadium. The architectural expression of this convergence of a major outdoor spectator facility with major recreation components is balanced, dramatic, and engaging. The Commonwealth Stadium has a strong “engineering” form and the very angular architectural forms of the Community Recreation Centre are well developed as complimentary, yet contrasting masses. The architectural expression is bold and elegantly simple. Strong silver metal forms define the mass, penetrated by both glass and phenolic wood panels. This creates a remarkably warm, transparent, and highly approachable building. For the skills in integrating a significant community complex into an existing stadium, the jury awards the Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre a Silver Medal.”


Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre

Edmonton, Canada

KölnBäder‘s new ice and swimming stadium Lentpark accommodates two ice rinks, an indoor swimming centre with a variety of pools, a sauna, an outdoor natural water swimming pond and a restaurant. An elevated ice skating track runs as a round circuit through every part of the building providing exciting views inside and outside. An intelligent cross-linking of the building services allows for the seemingly contradictory climatic requirements of an ice and swimming facility to operate in an energy-efficient manner.

On the north-west side lies the 1,800 square metre ice rink. On the south-east side the lap pool and recreational pools can be found. The entrance hall is centrally located and functions to divide the building’s main elements: water and ice. All areas combine a gross floor area of 12,000 square metres. The park-like landscaped outdoor area offers a natural water pool as well as a relaxation area.

A primary attraction is the 260-metre-long elevated ice skating track that lies above the ice hockey rink and is visually connected to the swimming area. A highly insulated glass façade serves to divide the ice track and the swimming area climatically.

The jury stated: “An ice skating track on the upper level embraces a swimming pool and ice hockey rink at the lower level. The jury very much liked this ingenious design idea and praised the client’s and also the architect’s braveness to offer this new kind of combined sports and leisure facility to the citizens of Cologne. The attractiveness of their approach is proven by the high number of users from the very beginning. The horizontal structured façades underline the building’s claim to be a dynamic and sporty place.”

Lentpark Cologne, Germany BRONZE MEDAL

Address Lentpark Lentstr. 30 50668 Köln Germany

Client/Operator Kölnbäder GmbH Kämmergasse 1 50676 Köln Germany

The Hillcrest Centre transforms a precinct of adjacent public parks through the sensitive consolidation and reorganization of existing facilities. The impetus for this process was the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games and specifically the decision to site the Olympic Curling Venue at Hillcrest Park.

Hillcrest Centre contains indoor and outdoor aquatic facilities, ice rink, curling facility, gymnasium, fitness areas, multi-purpose rooms, library, and childcare. As the largest public facility in Vancouver, the Centre has averaged 6,000 visitors a day; that’s over 2 million visitors a year! The user benefits from the building’s open and engaging layout, access to an abundance of daylight, views and facility legibility.

This project incorporates a wide array of innovative sustainable design strategies including a focus on energy efficiency, water usage and user comfort. The core of the energy system is heat transfer from the adjacent ice facility refrigeration system to the pool.

The jury appreciated the process of transformation: “Hillcrest Centre was the curling venue for 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic medal games. While a very successful venue, it was designed based on the community needs in the legacy or post-Olympic mode. The transition for the Games configuration to legacy has been both dramatic and skillful, with only the aquatic centre remaining consistent through the transition. The Games 4-sheet curling component, along with the temporary seating has been converted to a community ice arena and adjacent gymnasium, while curling has been relocated to an adjacent part of the building and increased to the current 8 sheets.

Categoy D: Complex indoor centres for sports, leisure and recreation


Hillcrest Centre

Vancouver, Canada

The vision behind StreetMekka is to make urban sports and street culture available to everyone in order to empower youth and prevent conflict and marginalisation on a local and global level. The programme for StreetMekka is a fusion of different street sports, dance and street culture and an effort to integrate minority youth into the community.

StreetMekka is part of the multicultural building compound, which shares the same courtyard. The design strategy was to save as much of the old industrial look as possible, making the place more "ghetto like". The walls have not been painted, the railings are of raw iron, and the floor is made of asphalt, concrete or chipboard, which all in all makes the building less institutional, cheaper and more open for the users’ own marks and paintings.

The front toward the public courtyard has been opened with big garage doors at the end of the main hall. The garage doors can be opened in the summer and when placed horizontally the gates create a covered zone outside that can function as an outdoor scene for music etc.

StreetMekka in Copenhagen was awarded a Special Prize by the jury “in appreciation of the successful transformation of an existing industrial building into a sports and street culture centre for young people. This project is of high social relevance in terms of empowering young people and preventing conflicts. It is a valuable example of the recuperation of out-of-use facilities for sport and for the adequateness of 19th century industrial facilities - a tram shed in this case - for all kinds of young urban activities.”

Categoy D: Complex indoor centres for sports, leisure and recreation


StreetMekka Copenhagen,


West VancouverCommunity Centre includes a mix of community, recreation and cultural amenities. It unifies and connects the various functions and provides focus to the new and improved public outdoor spaces becoming the social heart of the West Vancouver Community. The building’s illuminated three-storey circulation spine works as the building’s primary artery, linking gymnasiums, fitness rooms and wellness clinics both physically and visually.

This project was designed with a comprehensive strategy focused on learning from real life situations and not relying on generic accessibility codes. Individuals with physical, visual (including a guide dog) and hearing impairments were involved in the building process from the very start. The result is a facility that far exceeds the local Canadian accessibility codes, which in themselves are very progressive.

Examples include the minimal use of doors (such as at wash room and change room entries), transparent, clear and logical circulation patterns, visually contrasting doors and tactile flooring, handrails in public corridors, benches in corridors, signage that is both contrasting and tactile (raised letters and Braille), magnetic induction hearing assistance loops, diffused lighting (avoiding spot lights), making all sanitary facilities accessible and using power assisted door operators on all entries (interior and exterior) and washrooms.

The jury was impressed: “This new Civic Centre encompasses the best of accessible design offering easy access to all areas of the facility. In particular, the minimal use of doors to access changing facilities is excellent and should inform future design as it greatly contributes to a truly barrier-free environment.”


Community Centre West Vancouver, Canada

Allen Jack+Cottier adopted an imaginative approach to materials, structure and form when designing the Indoor Sports Stadium on Milson Island in the Hawkesbury River, NSW. The client’s brief called for a robust, multi-purpose sports hall to be used for indoor sports such as basketball, netball and volleyball, as well as theatre and dance performances and exhibitions.

There are no visible ridges, eaves, gutters, down pipes or skylights on the exterior. The continuous wall/roof shape dispenses with gutters, reducing maintenance and removing a major bush-fire hazard. The natural thermal ventilation created the wing shape. Smooth airflow required a clean, crisp interior skin.

At night, the curved wing shape of the new building acts as a proscenium arch to define the place for the campfire, an important part of each camp at the site. It works both for the audience inside looking out to the gathering space, and for the audience around the fireplace looking back into the hall.

The jury was enthusiastic: “The design pays high respect to the environment with special concern to material research and studies of wind and rain. So the shape of the building actually arose from considerations of wind load, bushfire protection and maintenance. The jury awards Milson Island Indoor Sports Hall a silver medal for the successful transformation of a highly functional and environmentally friendly concept into a beautiful design which fits wonderful into the unique landscape. The curved wing shape of the building and the choice of material underline the impression of a sports hall which slots gently into the woods.” Categoy


Indoor Sports Stadium Milson Island, Australia

The placement of the new double gymnasium in the context of the school campus and museum at the centre of Chiasso allows various relationships with these important urban planning elements. The main volume of the sports hall is built on a square floor plan and has a partially protruding base.

While the sports hall has no privileged orientation and assumes the character of a public space, the base reacts to the different situations and topographical divergences. To highlight the duality of the base and the visible volume of the sports hall, the latter is detached from it and hovers on all four sides upon a pointed bearing. The detachment of the main volume provides the lighting for the interior and connects it with various urban and landscape elements in the vicinity.

The two-court hall was dug into the ground, giving it an even more unobtrusive and stately appearance. There is a clear layout on the inside, with the changing rooms on one side and the equipment room on the other. The hall forms the centre of the facility.

The jury was very impressed by “the clear solution adopted for obtaining a very good result with harmonious architecture in which above all functional panel structures offer great alternation.”

Categoy E: Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation


Sports hall CPC Chiasso, Switzerland

In 2006, SGL Projekt was asked to design the revitalisation of a farmstead 50 kilometres to the south of Prague for congresses, company presentations, the holding of corporate events and leisure activities. The farmstead included a distillery with a chimney where storks had lived since 1926. The Stork‘s Nest became a symbol which affected the conception of the indoor riding arena and thinking about all the objects of this project.

The residential yard now consists of a reception, hotel, conference hall, restaurant, pool and bowling hall and a house with private garden for VIP guests. The indoor riding arena is used for novices and young horses and for lunging too.

The supporting structure is made of glulam timber beams. The external cladding is made of translucent polycarbonate. At the top of the building there is a central skylight with a diameter of 8 metres. It is used to intensively ventilate the internal space via natural air flow.

The jury was pleased: “The Stork Nest is one of those unique designs that take a strong visual concept and successfully transform it into an exceptional building design. The circular plan is ideal for the core activity of horse riding. The exterior log skin is an effective shading material that creates, both during the day and into the night, a dramatic and iconic element.

The Stork Nest is well integrated into a revitalised farmstead site that includes a hotel, conference hall, restaurant, pool and bowling area. For this exceptional response to a unique component of the site, and its uncompromised execution, the jury awards this small architectural gem a Bronze Medal.”

Categoy E: Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation


The Stork Nest Farm

Olbramovice, Czech Republic

The Noor-e-Mobin sports hall was designed for the educational complex of the Noor-e-Mobin institute, a non-governmental organisation, at no charge. The client demanded a sports hall for the future for the educational complex. It should not only accord with the atmosphere of the Noor-e-Mobin Complex, but also come in cheaper with a budget of about 400,000 dollars.

The site is located in the suburbs of Bastam (one of the ancient cities of Iran). About 28 hectares are to be developed into the Noor-e-Mobin educational complex. The continuous movement of clouds from the “Cloud Mountain” is one of the most beautiful phenomena of the site.

The 1,400 m² sports hall consists of a multi-functional basketball court, equipment stores and a semi-level floor. The hall provides panoramic views of the clouds, mountains and plains. The idea was to create a building that would be a “natural thing” becoming a landscape (like a cloud) itself. In this regard, double-glazed 18mm safety glass is used around the hall.

The jury was impressed: “Being the first step in a huge educational complex, this sports hall is remarkable proof of a development project dedicated to children. Even though the building brief only called for a single sports hall and had tight financial restrictions, the architects found an exemplary design and construction solution. The diagonal axes let the building become a new and remarkable element in the landscape, which is dominated by continuous cloud movements over the neighbouring mountains. At the same time, these diagonals enable the skilful integration of glass facades, which allow views from the interior to the beautiful landscape.”

Categoy E: Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation


Noor-e-Mobin sports hall Bastam,


The Karate-Dojo was built in 1927. It is located in a park of Hitotsubashi University and it had become the neighbouring residents’ walkway. As the facility became outdated, NPO Ikku-kai, an organisation of graduates of the University’s Karate Team, started to collect donations to refurbish the area.

The project aimed to complete three goals; to provide aesthetic harmony with the rich surrounding natural environment, to provide a comfortable practice environment with reduced noise for the benefit of the neighbours, and to produce an environmentally friendly design with lowcost construction and easy maintenance.

The dojo-type building, which is used for martial arts, tends to stand out in a residential area due to its size. To avoid inconsistence between the dojo and residences, a divided gabled roof plan was used and decorated cement shingles for houses were applied to the roofs and the outer wall as a finishing material. This material aesthetically matches the surrounding residences. It is also low cost and easy to maintain due to the light load on the structure, precise modules, and little transformation over time. And, with its dark finish, it enhances the surrounding natural view.

The jury was impressed by “the special roof design of this project that lends expression to the poetry of the arms and hands during karate combat. To mark its 80th anniversary, the entire building underwent modernisation. The roof has been designed to prevent autumn leaves from blocking the drain pipes. The rainwater discharged by the divided gabled roof permeates through gravel.”

Categoy E: Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation



Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan


Karate-Dojo in Hitotsubas 2-1, Naka

186-8601, Kunitachi, Tokyo Japan

Start of construction 11/2011 Commissioning 02/2012


Karate-Dojo in Hitotsubas 2-1, Naka 186-8601, Kunitachi, Tokyo Japan

Size of site

208.000 m²

Activity/Competition area

240 m²

Spectator facilities -


KINO architects

A101 Shimoochiai 161-0033, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan www.masahirokinoshita.

Construction costs

400.000 €

The mandate for Abilities Centre was to design a state-of-the-art multi-purpose facility, committed to the development of an inclusive and integrated environment, where respect, understanding, cooperation, innovation, and education form core values. The complex is designed to be a world-class indoor facility catering to local, national and international sporting events, and a global centre of excellence for practical knowledge and insight into providing recreation, athletic and performing arts facilities for people with varying degrees of abilities and challenges.

The client base has a wide range of physical and/or other developmental abilities. Many have a combination of challenges. Centred on sport and fitness but extending to art, music, and other programs, Abilities Centre contains an indoor six lane IAAF 200-metre track, three full regulation basketball courts, accommodation for a future climbing wall, a fitness centre, a multi-purpose room, a furnished apartment for training in skills to support autonomous living, and health and wellness programs for every ability.

A variety of landscape experiences were incorporated, including a sensory garden, an open plaza to support outdoor public events, and a field of indigenous perennial flowers in the water retention pond running along the south face of the building.

In the jury’s opinion “this facility has been designed to the highest accessibility standards far exceeding the requirements of the building regulations. Circulation spaces have been designed which take account of the recent popularity of mobility scooters for disabled and older people. There are more accessible toilets than the usual requirements, adult change tables with hosts are provided and roll-in showers also.“

Categoy E: Single indoor facilities for sports, leisure and recreation


Abilities Centre Durham Whitby, Canada

The Shanghai Oriental Sports Center (SOSC) opened for the 14th FINA World Swimming Championships in July 2011. The sports complex consists of an indoor stadium for sports and cultural events, a natatorium (swimming hall), an outdoor swimming pool and a media centre. In keeping with a sustainable urban development policy, the SOSC was built on former industrial brownfield land along the Huangpu River. The individual venues are designed to be used for a variety of other purposes after the Swimming Championships as well.

Water is the overarching theme of both the park and the architecture of the stadiums and the media centre. It is the connecting element between the buildings, which stand on raised platforms in specially constructed lakes. Thus, the round stadiums have a curved lakeside shore round them, while the rectangular Natatorium has a straight lakeside shore. Design affinities, a shared formal idiom and use of materials give the three stadiums structural unity.

Hall Stadium

During the world swimming championships, pool events and synchronized swimming championships took place in the Hall Stadium, which now is used for boxing matches, basketball, badminton or icehockey matches and concerts. The hall has a capacity of 14,000, which can be increased to 18,000 by the use of mobile seating. The main structure of the closed building with a round ground plan consists of reinforced concrete, while the roof is a steel structure with a 170 m span with aluminium cladding. The parallel steel girders create 35m-high arcades and include the glass façades of the encircling open foyer.

Categoy F: Pools and wellness facilities


Shanghai Oriental Sports Center

Shanghai, China


The Natatorium contains four pools arrayed in a row: two standard-sized, one for diving and a leisure pool. It has over 3,500 fixed seats, which were expanded to 5,000 for the world championships. The swimming hall is a closed building with a rectangular ground plan, a main structure of reinforced concrete and a roof structure of sectional steel girders. The roof structure with triangular glass surfaces is around 210 m long, 120 m wide and 22 m high.

Outdoor Pool

This swimming complex is located outdoor on an artificial island and offers 2,000 fixed stadium seats. For the World Swimming Championships and other outstanding events, its capacity was increased to 5,000 seats. The competition-size diving pool and diving towers are complemented by a competition pool. As in the other stadiums, the roof structure with its external diameter of 130 m reflects the round ground-plan of the shell of the building. The roof trusses are carried by the building structure. A lightweight membrane between the modules provides protection against sun and rain.

The jury was very impressed by design and sustainability of this project as “the post Championship use was considered from start. The lake with the facilities by its side and the design affinite a shaved formal idiom giving the three stadiums structural unity. The steel structure of broad arches with triangular elements is made of coated aluminium sheet evoking rails in the wind. The public transport is well connected. The wheelchair users are considered and spaces provided at different floor levels.”

In 2008, the Freizeitbetriebe of the City of Graz awarded a competition for a new swimming bath on the site of the old Eggenberg Pool. The new building is situated on the fringe of the grounds towards the streets, thus protecting the outdoor area. Like a slightly opened oyster made of overlapping, layered metal panels, opening generously to the outdoor area and letting in light and nature to the intimate indoor area, the shell contains all the spa and swimming facilities. Floor-to-ceiling glazing offers a panoramic view of the indoor area with its 50 m pool, a learners´ pool and a gym. The 50 m pool is suitable for international competitions in swimming, synchronised swimming, water polo, synchronised diving, and underwater rugby.

The outdoor spa and garden are gently shaped to conceal the bathers from onlookers. Different kinds of saunas, steam and heating baths, a salt-room, a water landscape of basins and a fire grotto, rest areas and the restaurant are situated in an environment of themed arrangement of flowering plants.

The jury’s verdict: “As it is the most modern pool in the country, eligible for national and international competitions, this facility is of high relevance for the competitive swimming in Austria. The Auster swimming pool, which is distinguished through its unique shape, resembling an oyster, rather closed and withdrawn to the street and generously opening to the outdoor area is awarded a silver medal. The jury emphasizes the high quality of the spatial concept, the light and activating atmosphere of the pool area as well as the fine and creative detailing, including furniture, materials and lighting.”

Categoy F: Pools and wellness facilities



Graz, Austria

Cologne Cathedral was completed 130 years ago and for 25 of those years skaters have firmly taken possession of Roncalliplatz in front of the southern facade. In recent years the scene has been increasingly viewed as a problem, a new “home” had to be found.

The result was a move away from the usual image of a skate park with lots of curves and ramps. The skaters wanted an urban area that offered obstacles and challenges just like in the city, only that these should be better arranged and more durable. The urban elements, such as steps, edges, terrain and green areas, should be re-interpreted and placed. No square like this had ever been built before.

The piece of land lies directly on the Rhine, in the extension of the city’s most prestigious building area. It is easily accessible, although irreclaimable as it lies on the Rhine’s flood plain.

The jury liked this solution: “Offering built obstacles and challenges to the users, this skate facility reminds every one of the conflicts skaters often encounter in inner-city locations when they adapt public places to practice their sport. By choosing a very prominent location at the south end of a former industrial harbor which was converted to one of the city’s top spots, the municipality together with the designers and the skaters association found an exemplary way of letting skating become an integral part of urban Cologne life. Moreover, the linear design chosen for the skating area is very innovative and inviting which makes this public space not only a practice area for skaters, but also a major point of attraction for pedestrians and cyclists passing by.”


KAP 686

Cologne, Germany

Inzell is a small municipality in the Bavarian Alps with around 4,000 inhabitants, and an internationally renowned reputation in the world of winter sports. Numerous speed skating World Champions and Olympic Medalists can trace their roots back to Inzell. The new speed skating hall pays homage to its historic, Bavarian context and breathtaking natural landscape while still providing the town with the most advanced speed skating stadium in the world. With its distinctive architecture, visible from afar, the stadium has become a new icon for Inzell.

The client’s specifications for the project were very brief. The project was to provide accommodation for around 6,000 spectators and a speed skating track with the “fastest ice” in the world. The architectural intervention was perceived as a structure that would play a supporting role to the site’s breathtaking scenery. The entire circumference of the ice rink is wrapped with a concrete grandstand that allows the ground surface to appear to merge with the adjacent and existing terrain.

The jury was amazed: “The new speed skating stadium in Inzell does not only fulfill the community’s demand to improve its reputation being one of the top speed skating locations in the world, by offering a joyful and light interior for athletes to train and compete. Its architectural quality is also to create a new landmark in the rural Bavarian scenery with a membrane roof sculpting around the mounted skylights and the girder construction underneath. The jury was very pleased to see a huge amount of vertical glazing in this ice sports facility, which allows athletes and spectators to enjoy both high level sports and the beautiful mountain landscape.”

Categoy G: Special sports facilities



Aicher Arena

Inzell, Germany



From the inception of Lee Valley White Water Centre, designing for legacy use was of paramount importance. The final design incorporates a flat water lake, a training white water channel – legacy course – and the main Olympic White Water Course. These different areas of water allow use by beginners through to Olympic champions. The facilities building sits at the heart of the White Water Centre with changing rooms, equipment storage and the pumps for the course arranged around a courtyard that opens onto the finish pool, providing space for the storage of boats and instruction in a controllable area. The upper level contains the spectator and control facilities with café, function room and office areas opening onto the terrace and overlooking the start pool.

The overall objective was for London 2012 to deliver the most accessible and inclusive Olympic Games to date – recognising the educational, cultural and social diversity of the UK and removing barriers to people with mobility or sensory impairments. The design was developed through close consultation with national and local groups to ensure that it respected cultural and social sensitivities - enabling everyone regardless of age gender, faith or disability to participate equally, confidently and independently.

The jury stated that “long-term sustainability was in the heart of the design with features such as ground source heat pumps, solar panels and rain water harvesting. The simplicity and linearity of the given solution must be underlined in this very significant sports centre. The jury was highly impressed by the integration of this facility into the context of the Valley Regional Park.”




White Water Centre Waltham Cross, United Kingdom

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. The population lives in a day-to-day struggle. Even if the majority of families is capable of securing a minimal standard of living, many children and teenagers suffer froma a deprived sense of accomplishment. Many of them do not go to school and there are practically no offerings for meaningful leisure activities. Life on the streets is dominated by drugs, crime and a lack of perspective.

In 2010, skate-Aid and Don Bosco started a cooperation with clear emphasis on sports. Don Bosco runs an educational center with an integrated sports facility in the capital of Tanzania. The facility consists of two football fields and two basketball courts, which lay in the direct vicinity of a shanty town.

The most recent project was a concrete skatepark as the new center of the facility, which was recently refurbished. The whole area has now been secured with a wall to prevent vandalism. The concrete skatepark as well as the complete sports facility is accessible for students of the education center and other teenagers free of charge. The main priority was to make the skatepark multi-functional. Accordingly, a large open area for concerts and other performances was added and the sides of the skatepark are made up of staircases, which can be used as stands for the two adjacent football fields.

The jury was very taken with the idea of “building a skatepark in Tanzania, one of the world’s poorest countries. Students and other teenagers are thus given the opportunity to skateboard in a great park in their free time. They are assisted by instructors from Uganda and Germany; local talents are also given support - and prospects for the future.”

Categoy G: Special sports facilities


Skatepark Tanzania Dodoma, Tanzania

Belize is a small Caribbean country with 300,000 inhabitants. With its beaches, a beautiful coral reef, sun, sea and constant high temperatures, Belize is a holiday dream. Caribbean flair and a Bacardifeeling-mood is conveyed by the lively and open-minded multicultural population.

The Caribbean Arena intends to provide a basketball arena and a place of exchange, communication and everyday life. The multifunctional arena is not only for events but is activated on a daily base as well. Therefore, the principal theme of the design concept is “overlapping”: an overlap in relation to typology, function, time and atmosphere. In addition to the basketball and sport arena, it offers public space while actually serving as a weekly market, meeting place for cultural performances, speeches and discussions as well as leisure, sports and recreation. For instance, the foyer can become a showroom, the administrative area a small library, the VIPparking lot a streetball area, the cash point a kiosk and even an internal tribune can be used as a cinema or plenary hall.

The jury was deeply impressed as “the Caribbean Arena is both a well-considered basketball facility and a place where people meet... Despite the indoor basketball facility, the arena proper is this outdoor gathering space, surrounded on all sides by varying quantities of spectator seating. The concept of developing the Arena as a centre for sport and social gatherings is reinforced by the inclusion of a climbing wall, dance studio and streetball area in different parts of the site. The jury was extremely impressed with this architecturally sophisticated and socially relevant design concept, and unanimously voted to award it the Gold medal.”


Caribbean Arena

Activity Centre is located in the center of Odessa on the site of the old Palace of Sports. Taking into account all the needs of modern life and activities, the project provides almost everything recreational areas should offer nowadays.

The basic idea is a special route that crosses the building on all levels and makes it possible to get anywhere by bike, by skateboard or on foot. From this route, visitors can see rock climbers climbing, athletes training, swimmers swimming and children playing.

The main building offers a large swimming pool, a restaurant, three cinemas, an administrative area and a roof garden. On the other side of the facility, an open mixture of velodrome, sports ground and playground, enclosed by the special route, can be found.

The jury awarded a Silver medal “as an activity centre effectively provides many different recreational activities for the population of all ages in a very pleasant environment. The centre becomes a park for active recreational experiences that can be enjoyed on a special route going through a special route that takes visitors through swimming activities, rock-climbing, skate boarding, a fitness area, spas, biking or simply walking. The building by its shape and materials contributes to the enhancement of the environment in the city area. At the same time, it encourages a healthy and active life-style.”


Activity Centre

The Kottbusser Tor is one of the noisiest places in Berlin. The Neues Zentrum Kreuzberg amplifies the traffic noise of two crossing metro lines, eight lanes of street traffic and many construction sites into a cacaphonic, health-threatening experience, with noise exceeding 110 dB audible in any of the 348 surrounding flats. This is the ideal site for the Acoustic Hammam.

Visitors enter the Acoustic Hammam through a lobby near the main subway entrance. A small fountain domed by a square cupolla marks both the start and end point of a Hammam cycle.

From the fountain, visitors may enter five temperature-controlled and acoustically optimised spaces: the cold room, the rain room, the warm water room, the steam bath and the navel stone room. All these spaces are connected to a central, courtyard-like a hidden garden. Visitors are encouraged to spend between half an hour and an hour in each of these spaces to benefit from their health-improving qualities. Unlike the ancient al-Bazuriya hammam in Damascus which houses a linear spacial program following the seasons, the Acoustic Hammam is designed with a cyclic, floating setup in a modern context.

The jury was pleased by this concept as “these rooms provide the latest scientifically and physiologically correct setup: dry – cold, wet – cold, wet – warm, dry – warm, allowing users to finally relax in the biggest, acoustically most elaborate, room-temperature space. The equipment and installations provided come together to create contemporary-standard healthpromoting conditions. There are pleasant day and night lighting effects for the well-being of users.”


Acoustic Hammam

Architect (Student)


Allianz Arena München Stadion GmbH

Author/Autor Roland Meier


Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG Cranachweg 1 D-93051 Regensburg

Allianz Arena München Stadion GmbH

Allianz Arena, Munich

New video surveillance system for more security

The Allianz Arena, Munich: no longer merely one of the largest and most attractive football stadiums in Europe, it is now also one of the safest. The video surveillance system has been thoroughly overhauled and converted to Dallmeier technology. At the heart of the system, Panomera® multifocal sensor technology is tasked with ensuring order in the North and South ends of the stadium.

The stadium can accommodate over 71,000 spectators. In order to ensure the safety of fans and players at all times, the existing video surveillance system has been completely modernised. The system for controlling individual PTZ cameras was technologically temperamental and the resolution achieved was no longer equal to current needs. It would not have been commercially viable to modernise or expand the existing system, so the operator set out to find a new system.

The patented Dallmeier camera system Panomera® is a so-called multifocal sensor system. Unlike conventional cameras, which rely on single lenses, the multifocal sensor system operates with multiple lenses, each with a different focal length. This new sensor concept makes it possible to provide surveillance over a vast area with the highest possible resolution from a single installation point. Even more distant individuals or objects are captured with the same quality resolution as those in the image foreground.

Whereas PTZ cameras only ever record the zone that is currently being viewed live, which means that the success of searches depends crucially on the respective operators, with Panomera® the entire image is recorded continuously and at maximum resolution. This means that no details are lost, and a wide range of analysis and evaluation options are made possible.

The responsible staff members at the Allianz Arena were particularly concerned to provide security in the spectators’ areas at the North and South ends. So the camera systems were mounted at a dizzying

height: three cascaded Panomeras behind the scoreboard cover the upper tier of the North stand, several more Panomeras on the lighting gantries are trained on the lower tiers of the North and South ends.

In all, about 100 cameras are used to oversee the entire stadium area including the stands, the inner building, entrances and exits, and even the car parks. In the course of modernisation, depending on their condition the existing cameras were either replaced with Dallmeier dome cameras or box cameras with integrated infrared illumination, or were incorporated in the new system. Previously, the operator worked with two management systems in order to be able to operate the cameras from different manufacturers. But these have now been replaced with a single system from Dallmeier, the SeMSy® Management System: the legacy cameras from multiple manufacturers, the Dallmeier HD cameras and the Panomera® cameras can all be controlled and analysed very simply with a single management system.

Four workstations, all equipped with the management system and the Panomera® Viewer, have been set up in the command centre for the police. Another three workstations are located in the Welcome Area West, the Stewards’ Office and the Engineering Room. This enables the security staff and stewards to be deployed optimally in the stadium during matches, and even areas such as the stairwells or lifts can be overseen reliably. In addition, all status reports from the PGuard advance analysis software are routed to the workstation in the Engineering Room, so the staff there is informed automatically if, for example, a fan or a camera malfunctions.

Several DMX 1600 Smatrix were installed for the recordings from the legacy cameras, the Panomera® systems are stored on IPS 2400 Smavia. The IPS 2400 is a high-performance appliance with integrated storage system and high recording speed. The IPS 2400 is particularly notable for its extremely space-saving design as well as low power consumption and heat emission.

Allianz Arena München

Neues Videoüberwachungssystem für mehr Sicherheit

Die Allianz Arena in München ist nicht nur eines der größten und schönsten Fußballstadien Europas, sondern mittlerweile auch eines der sichersten. Das Videoüberwachungssystem wurde grundlegend modernisiert und auf Dallmeier-Technik umgestellt. Herzstück der Anlage ist die Multifocal-Sensortechnik Panomera® für die Absicherung der Nord- und Südkurve.

Über 71.000 Besucher finden im Stadion Platz. Um die Sicherheit von Fans und Spielern jederzeit zu gewährleisten, wurde die bestehende Videoüberwachungsanlage grundlegend erneuert. Die Steuerung einzelner PTZ-Kameras war technisch anfällig, und die vorhandene Auflösung war nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Eine Modernisierung oder Erweiterung der bestehenden Anlage war nicht wirtschaftlich, deshalb sah sich der Betreiber nach einem neuen System um.

Bei dem patentierten Kamerasystem Panomera® von Dallmeier handelt es sich um ein sog. Multifocal-Sensorsystem, das im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Kameras nicht mit einem einzelnen, sondern mit mehreren Objektiven mit jeweils unterschiedlicher Brennweite arbeitet. Dieses neue Sensorkonzept ermöglicht es, von nur einem Installationspunkt aus eine riesige Fläche mit höchster Detailauflösung zu überwachen. Auch weiter entfernte Personen oder Objekte werden mit ebenso guter Auflösung dargestellt wie Objekte im vorderen Bildbereich.

Während PTZ-Kameras immer nur den Bereich aufzeichnen, der gerade live betrachtet wird, und bei denen die Fahndungserfolge somit maßgeblich von den jeweiligen Nutzern abhängig sind, wird bei Panomera® permanent das Gesamtbild aufgezeichnet – und das mit höchster Auflösung. Somit gehen keine Details verloren und es ergeben sich umfangreiche Analyse- und Auswertemöglichkeiten.

Den Verantwortlichen der Allianz Arena war vor allem die Absicherung der Fanbereiche in der Nord- und Südkurve wichtig. Die Kamerasysteme wurden deshalb in schwindelerregender Höhe montiert: Drei kaskadierte Panomeras hinter der Anzeigentafel überblicken den Oberrang der Nordtribüne, weitere Panomeras an den Lichttraversen haben die Unterränge Nord und Süd im Blickfeld.

Insgesamt überwachen etwa 100 Kameras den gesamten Stadionbereich mit Tribünen, Innengebäude, Ein- und Ausgängen sowie Parkplätzen. Die bestehenden Kameras wurden während der Modernisierung je nach Zustand entweder durch Dallmeier Dome-Kameras bzw. Boxkameras mit integrierter Infrarotbeleuchtung ersetzt oder in die neue Anlage eingebunden. Früher wurde mit zwei Managementsystemen gearbeitet, um die Kameras der verschiedenen Hersteller bedienen zu können. Nun wurde alles durch ein einziges System, das

SeMSy® Managementsystem von Dallmeier, ersetzt: Bestandskameras verschiedener Hersteller, Dallmeier HD-Kameras sowie die Panomera®-Kameras können bequem über ein Managementsystem kontrolliert und ausgewertet werden.

Für die Polizei wurden insgesamt vier Arbeitsplätze in der Befehlszentrale eingerichtet, die mit dem Managementsystem und dem Panomera® Viewer ausgestattet sind. Drei weitere Workstations befinden sich im Welcome Bereich West, beim Ordnungsdienst sowie im Technikerbüro. Damit können die Sicherheitskräfte und Ordner im Stadion während eines Spiels optimal organisiert und auch Bereiche wie Treppenhäuser oder Aufzüge zuverlässig überblickt werden. Außerdem laufen an der Workstation im Technikerbüro alle Statusmeldungen der Auswertesoftware PGuard advance auf, so dass das Personal automatisch beispielsweise über Lüfteroder Kameraausfälle informiert wird.

Für die Aufzeichnung der Bestandskameras wurden mehrere DMX 1600 Smatrix installiert, die Panomera®-Systeme werden auf IPS 2400 Smavia gespeichert. Der IPS 2400 ist eine hochperformante Appliance mit integriertem Storage-System und hoher Speichergeschwindigkeit. Der IPS 2400 zeichnet sich insbesondere durch seine platzsparende Bauweise sowie eine geringe Leistungsaufnahme und Wärmeabgabe aus.

In the Chinese province of Liaoning, preparations for the 12th National Games of the People‘s Republic of China were in full swing. Held from 31 August to 12 September 2013, they saw nearly 10,000 athletes compete in a total of 350 events across 31 disciplines at what is the biggest national sporting occasion in China.

Polytan|STI and its longstanding partner company, C. Melchers GmbH & Co, had already begun work back in May on two sports facilities in the port city of Dalian that will be used for the National Games. Dalian was one of 13 host cities for this mega event.


12th National Games of the People‘s Republic of China

At the Liaoning Maritime Sports School two MegaTurf Cool Plus hockey pitches were installed, one of which is certified to FIH Global standards– the first for Polytan in China. The facility has also been extended by two Poligras hockey pitches.

When it comes to running tracks, those in charge have also opted for Polytan: at the Dalian Sports Center they have installed a circular track in the main stadium, a warm-up track and two indoor areas – nearly 30,000m2 of the Polytan M system in total. What’s more, the circular track in the main stadium is IAAF

Class I-certified. This is where the finishing line for the marathon at this year’s National Games was located.

The installation of both projects had to be completed in just 40 days – a real challenge, given that the weather conditions were far from ideal. Another challenge was the logistics: the two projects were installed simultaneously, but the two facilities are some 50 km apart. The enormous commitment of all parties, however, enabled all hurdles to be overcome and deadlines kept.

Author/Autor Polytan Sportstättenbau GmbH Gewerbering 3 D-86666 Burgheim/Obb.

Photographs/Fotos Melchers Trading Ltd.


12. Nationalspiele der Volksrepublik China

In der chinesischen Provinz Liaoning liefen die Vorbereitungen für die 12th National Games of the People‘s Republic of China auf Hochtouren: Vom 31. August bis 12. September 2013 traten bei der größten nationalen Sportveranstaltung in China fast 10.000 Sportler bei insgesamt 350 Wettkämpfen in 31 Sportarten gegeneinander an.

Bereits im Mai begannen Polytan|STI und dessen langjähriges Partnerunternehmen, C. Melchers GmbH & Co, mit den Arbeiten an zwei Sportanlagen in der Hafenstadt Dalian, die bei den National Games

zum Einsatz kamen. Dalian war einer von insgesamt 13 Austragungsorten dieses Megaevents.

An der Liaoning Maritime Sports School wurden zwei MegaTurf Cool Plus Hockeyfelder installiert, von denen eines FIH Global zertifiziert ist – eine Premiere für Polytan in China. Zusätzlich wurde die Anlage durch zwei Poligras Hockeyfelder erweitert.

Auch im Bereich Laufbahnen setzten die Verantwortlichen auf Polytan: Im Dalian Sports Center wurden sowohl die

Rundlaufbahn des Hauptstadions als auch ein Warm-Up Track sowie zwei IndoorBereiche installiert – insgesamt knapp 30.000 m² des Polytan M-Systems. Die Rundlaufbahn im Hauptstadion, auf der auch der Marathon-Zieleinlauf stattfand, ist zudem IAAF Class I zertifiziert.

Die Installation beider Projekte musste in nur 40 Tagen abgeschlossen werden –eine wahre Herausforderung, denn die Wetterbedingungen waren nicht optimal. Außerdem wurden die Projekte simultan installiert, obwohl die beiden Anlagen ungefähr 50 km voneinander entfernt liegen. Durch den besonderen Einsatz aller Beteiligten konnten jedoch alle Hürden gemeistert und die Deadlines eingehalten werden.

Author/Autor Cemile Aydin



Bahçelievler Mah. Sakarya Cad. No:17 Yazibası Beldesi TORBALI / IZMIR / TURKEY

FSB trade fair in Cologne/FSB Messe in Köln: Hall/Halle 03.2, D060-D061

Dreams come true

Colourful playground equipment

Technology is developing rapidly. Children spend hours on virtual games as meticulously designed as real ones. Just thirty years ago, children built castles from stones in the streets. This generation was lucky having natural toys to play with and places to go. The same can’t really be said of the times we now live in. Regimentally structured lives challenge the nature of childhood.

Cemer Kent embellishes children’s worlds, taking them out of the concrete jungle and creating playgrounds for their dreams, presenting limitless play and imagination workshops that give them the freedom to be children. The Cemer Kent family of 250 people is constantly working, researching, developing and sharing values with our children so that future generations can play real games in real life.

The company sees things from a child’s perspective and designs according to their needs. Colourful playgrounds feed children’s imaginations. The foundations of physically and psychologically healthy individuals are laid during childhood. Cemer wants to bring up healthy generations.

Picture above/Bild oben: Cemer Kent General Manager Fuat Eroglu/ Fuat Eroglu, Geschäftsführer von Cemer Kent

Stingray Climbing is almost ready for unveiling. It contributes to mental development by amusing kids. The Stingray series is one of the most innovative products in the new generation of playground equipment. The aim of this playground system is to amuse the kids as well as improve their physical development. Its complex structure forces children to think about their next steps during play. Interactive climbing playgrounds which draw great interest in Europe and the United States are now also very popular in Turkey.

With the playground and fitness equipment it produces, Cemer Kent began to garner attention in the business through its activities outside of the country. Cemer wants to maintain a very broad vision and function like a family, with professional work principles. The important goal is clear to everyone: to offer all children their dreams, imagination and access to fantastic games.

Nowadays, children’s bodies are confined indoors, trapping their minds in a vicious circle. Cemer is giving children the right to play and the freedom to be a child.

Träume werden wahr

Farbenfreude auf dem Spielplatz

Die Technologie befindet sich unaufhörlich im Wandel. Kinder verbringen heute Stunden mit Computerspielen, die so sorgfältig entwickelt und grafisch gestaltet werden wie klassische Spielformen. Kaum 30 Jahre ist es her, da spielten Kinder noch auf der Straße und bauten Burgen aus Steinen, die sie dort fanden. Diese Generation konnte sich glücklich schätzen, natürliche Gegenstände als Spielzeug und ihre gesamte Umgebung als Spielplatz nutzen zu

können. Heute kann davon wirklich keine Rede mehr sein. Ein rigoros durchgeplanter Alltag gefährdet die Kindheit in ihrem eigentlichen Wesen.

Cemer Kent möchte die Welt unserer Kinder verzaubern, sie aus der schwarzgrauen Realität ihrer oftmals von Hochhäusern, Stahl und Beton geprägten Umgebung herausholen und ihnen Spielplätze zum Träumen geben, mit unzähligen Mög-

lichkeiten für Spiel und Fantasie, damit sie das sein dürfen, was sie sind – Kinder. Cemer Kent beschäftigt 250 Mitarbeiter, die gemeinsam arbeiten, forschen und entwickeln, um unseren Kindern Werte zu vermitteln und dafür zu sorgen, dass auch zukünftige Generationen echte Spiele in realer Umgebung spielen können.

Vorhang auf und Bühne frei für: Stingray Climbing. Das Gerät bietet Kindern vielfältigen Kletterspaß und trägt so zu ihrer geistigen Entwicklung bei. Mit der Stingray-Serie bieten wir eines der innovativsten Produkte einer neuen Generation von Spielplatzgeräten. Kinder sollen Spaß haben und dabei zugleich ihre physische Entwicklung fördern – beides ist mit diesem System möglich. Die komplexe Struktur verlangt den Kindern beim Spielen einiges ab, denn jeder Schritt will genau überlegt sein. Interaktive Kletterund Abenteuerspielplätze stoßen in den Vereinigten Staaten und in Europa auf wachsendes Interesse und werden auch in der Türkei immer beliebter.

Mit der Produktion seiner Spielplatz- und Fitnessgeräte auch über die Grenzen der Türkei hinaus hat Cemer Kent in der Branche an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Cemer bewahrt immer den Blick für das Ganze und arbeitet nach einem familiären Prinzip mit einer professionellen Arbeitseinstellung. Jeder Angehörige des Unternehmens ist sich über das wichtige, übergeordnete Ziel im Klaren: allen Kindern Raum für Träume und Fantasie und Zugang zu magischen Spielwelten zu bieten.

Viele Kinder leben heute nur noch in geschlossenen Räumen, eine Sackgasse für eine umfassende geistige Entwicklung. Cemer gibt ihnen das Recht zum Spielen und die Freiheit, Kind zu sein. Wir betrachten die Dinge mit den Augen eines Kindes und entwickeln unsere Produkte ihrem Bedarf entsprechend. Farbenfrohe Spielplätze bestärken ihre Fantasie und Vorstellungskraft. Die Grundlagen für unsere körperliche und geistige Gesundheit werden in der Kindheit gelegt. Cemer möchte eine Generation gesunder Menschen heranziehen.

IAKS member companies – News and references

Grundsteinlegung für Sporthalle

Am 12. September wurde in Sinsheim-Hoffenheim der Grundstein für die neue Großsporthalle neben der Schule am Großen Wald gelegt. Sie wird sowohl dem Schul- als auch dem Vereinssport dienen. Die Pellikaan Bauunternehmen GmbH fungiert dabei als Generalunternehmer.

„Der Neubau der Halle ist ein Meilenstein für die Infrastruktur in Hoffenheim. Es entsteht im Zusammenspiel mit Schule und Kindergarten eine besondere Einrichtung, die Modellcharakter hat “, sagte Oberbürgermeister Jörg Albrecht anlässlich der Grundsteinlegung. „Ich danke der Dietmar Hopp Stiftung für dieses Geschenk und allen an der Planung und Durchführung beteiligten Firmen und Institutionen.“ Gemeinsam mit den Ehrengästen wurde eine Metallkapsel in den Grundstein eingemauert.

Nach Abriss der bestehenden, sanierungsfälligen Halle entsteht mit der neuen Sporthalle eine moderne und vielfäl-

tig nutzbare Sportstätte. Die neue Halle wird Spielfelder für alle möglichen Ballsportarten vorweisen und ist auch für Wettkämpfe nutzbar. Als Bauherr zeichnet sich die Dietmar Hopp Stiftung verantwortlich und finanziert das Projekt mit rund sieben Millionen Euro. Dietmar Pfähler, Sportreferent der Dietmar Hopp Stiftung sah in der neuen Halle eine „Begegnungsstätte für Sport, Bildung, Unterhaltung und Gemeinsamkeit, die zur Entwicklung von Persönlichkeiten und Leistungssportlern sowie zum sozialen Miteinander beitragen wird.“

Anschließend beschrieb Architekt Thomas Vorfelder die Planung und die besonderen Eigenschaften der zweistöckigen Halle, die 24.100 Kubikmeter umbauten Raum und Flächen von 1.815 Quadratmetern aufweisen wird. Die Fertigstellung ist für Oktober 2014 geplant.

Pellikaan Bauunternehmen

Deutschland GmbH

Tennis-Talente auf Profi-Sportboden

Jungen und Mädchen im Alter zwischen sechs und 14 Jahren konnten am Rande des MercedesCup vom 6. bis 14. Juli 2013 auf einem echten ProfiBoden ihre ersten Tennis-Erfahrungen sammeln. Wie schon bei den BMW Open, stellte HARO Sports Flooring eine kleine Version seines mobilen Sportbodens Rom Tennis mit dem speziellen Oberbelag von Rebound Ace zur Verfügung. In Stuttgart kam zum ersten Mal überhaupt die OutdoorVersion des Sportbodens zum Einsatz.

„talentinos“ ist das neue Spielund Lehrkonzept des Bayerischen Tennisverbands mit dem Ziel, den Tennissport attraktiver für junge Menschen zu machen. Kinder und Jugendliche erhalten durch das neuartige Lehr- und Lernkonzept die Möglichkeit, Tennis ganz einfach und auf spielerische Art und Weise zu lernen. Und zwar mit Bällen, Schlägern und auf Plätzen, die dem Alter und der Körpergröße der Kinder angepasst sind. Zentrales Format: „Spielend Tennis lernen“ nach

Play+Stay. Einen ähnlichen Ansatz verfolgt der Württembergische Tennisverband.

Gerade wenn Kinder mit einer Sportart beginnen, ist es wichtig, dass das Equipment – von der Kleidung bis zum Sportgerät – passt und funktioniert. Nur so stellen sich Erfolgserlebnisse ein, die motivieren. Bei den TennisAssen der Zukunft spielt der Boden deshalb eine wichtige Rolle. Mit dem HARO Sportboden Rom Tennis bekamen die jungen Anfänger gleich einen echten Profi-Boden zur Verfügung gestellt. Dieser lässt sich spielen wie ein regulärer Hartplatz, aber gleichzeitig so angenehm laufen wie ein flächenelastischer Boden. HARO Sports Flooring, einer der führenden Hersteller von mobilen und fest eingebauten flächenelastischen Sportböden, liefert die technische Unterkonstruktion und Rebound Ace, bewährter Anbieter von Sportböden auf Acrylbasis, veredelt den Boden mit seinem Acryl-Oberbelag.

Hamberger Flooring

Hauraton stattet brasilianische Stadien aus Budapest baut neues Stadion

Wie schon bei vielen Großsportereignissen, ist der Entwässerungsprofi Hauraton auch bei den Stadien für die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2014 wieder mit am Ball. Diesen Sommer fand im Gastgeberland Brasilien die Generalprobe, der Confed-Cup, statt. Fußballerisch ist Deutschland beim diesjährigen Wettbewerb nicht mit dabei. Bei der Ausstattung der Sportarenen sieht das anders aus: Bereits zwei Stadien der Meisterschaften sind mit Entwässerungssystemen von Hauraton aus Deutschland am Start.

Für das Mega-Event im kommenden Jahr wurden in Brasilien Stadien neu- oder umgebaut. Das Estádio Nacional de Brasília – eine der Spielstätten beim Confed-Cup – wurde auf den Resten des 2010 abgerissenen Estádio Mané Garrincha, einem alten Mehrzweckstadion, errichtet. Nach den Plänen des Architekten Castro Mello Arquitetos ist nun ein reines Fußballstadion entstanden. Von Hauraton sind in diesem Großprojekt

fast 1.400 m Recyfix Standard Rinnen der Nennweite 200 eingebaut worden. Die verzinkten Gitterrost-Abdeckungen sind mit der kleinen Maschenweite von 30 x 10 mm besonders fußgängerfreundlich. Die Rinnen sorgen auf den Tribünen des Stadions und in wichtigen Zugangsbereichen für die sichere Oberflächen-Entwässerung. Zudem sind 400 Meter der Vollkunststoffrinnen Recyfix Pro 100 mit dem Gugi-Kunststoff-Gitterrost zum Einsatz gekommen.

Die Bauleute waren begeistert von dem einfachen System, mit dem sich die Rinnen verlegen ließen. Besonderer Vorteil: Der Kunststoffrost behält sein Aussehen dauerhaft. Das Material der Abdeckungen, aber auch der Rinnen ist korrosions- und rostfrei. Ihn kennzeichnet damit eine hohe Beständigkeit und ein dauerhaft elegantes Aussehen.

Hauraton GmbH & Co. KG

Das marode Stadion AlbertFlorian wurde abgerissen und derzeit entsteht eine neue Spielstätte für den FTC Ferencvaros. Der Neubau mit 22.600 Sitzen wird den UEFAStandard erfüllen, modernstes Equipment aufweisen und höchste Sicherheit für Publikum und Akteure bieten. Ein transparentes Metallnetz mit zwei gigantischen LED-Panels als Fassade sorgt für Aufsehen – futuristisch außen wie innen. Passend dazu schließt sich das Metalldach an. Die Bauträger entschieden sich für ein Bauprodukt der neuesten Generation. Zambelli RIB-ROOF Metalldachsysteme liefert das über 13.000 m² große Stahldach.

Damit reiht sich das neue Stadion neben das Klagenfurter Wörtherseestadion, das SGL Stadion in Augsburg und das ukrainische Stadion Lviv ein. Alle vier Arenen sind baulich und technisch erste Liga, alle vier sind mit einem RIB-ROOF Metalldach gebaut. Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit ma-

chen dieses Metalldachsystem zur innovativen Dachlösung im Sportstättenbau. In Budapest werden die Bahnen für das gewölbte Dach direkt auf der Baustelle montagefertig produziert. Die ausgeklügelte Haltesystematik der RIB-ROOF Metalldachsysteme erlaubt einen zügigen Bauverlauf und liefert als Endresultat einen optimalen und langfristigen Gebäudeschutz.

Im Gegensatz zu anderen Dachlösungen verursachen Metalldächer keine Wartungskosten, ein RIB-ROOF Dach zeichnet sich zusätzlich durch die hohe Gleitfähigkeit aus. Jede Bahn wird in einem Stück in der benötigten Form und Länge passgenau angefertigt. Alles wird durchdringungsfrei montiert, auch das systemeigene Dachzubehör, wie z.B. die Absturzsicherung. Eine zuverlässige Dachhaut entsteht.

Zambelli RIB-ROOF GmbH & Co. KG

IAKS member companies – News and references

Wartung von Sportgeräten

Sporthallen sind jährlich einer Sicherheitsprüfung zu unterziehen – so will es der Gesetzgeber. Um Sicherheit zu gewährleisten und Unfälle zu vermeiden, ist bei der Wartung von Sportgeräten die Qualität das entscheidende Merkmal.

Die Mitgliedsfirmen der „Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte e.V.“ verfügen über ein breites Fachwissen und eine langjährige Erfahrung bei der Produktion, Montage, Inspektion und Wartung von Sportgeräten.

Diese Kompetenz ebenso wie ihre Leistungen sind durch ein Gütezeichen des RAL-Instituts (Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V.) zertifiziert. Das bedeutet, dass jährlich von einer neutralen Prüfinstanz kontrolliert wird, ob die Wartungsfirmen den hohen Qualitätsanforderungen des Regelwerks Gütesicherung RAL-GZ 945 entsprechen. Sie müssen somit regelmäßig Rechenschaft über

die Güte zeichenvergabe ablegen. Dies stellt ein Güteausschuss sicher, dem unter anderem Vertreter der öffentlich-rechtlichen Versicherer, des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes, der Arbeits gemeinschaft Deutscher Sportämter und des Bundesinstituts für Sportwissenschaft angehören.

Die „Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte e.V.“ steht somit für gesicherte und zertifizierte Qualität bei der Inspektion, Wartung und Erstellung von Sportgeräten. Diese Qualität garantiert Sicherheit –für die Sportler ebenso wie für die Betreiber der Sporthallen.

Sport treiben – in Sicherheit JA

ISP prüft Sportanlage in Israel

Der Bürgermeister der viertgrößten Stadt Israels, Rischon le Zion, hatte die Absicht, größere sportliche Events in seiner Stadt zu veranstalten. Dafür wurde die wohl größte Sportanlage der Region in der Nachbarschaft Tel Avivs gebaut.

Geplant und angelegt wurde das neue Stadion in einer idyllischen Wohnsiedlung etwas außerhalb der Stadt, in deutschisraelischer Zusammenarbeit.

Das Naturrasen-Fußballfeld wird von einer 400-m-Rundlaufbahn mit 8 Einzelbahnen eingefasst. Die Leichtathletikanlage enthält zusätzlich auch einen Wassergraben, vier Weitsprunggruben und einen gesonderten Bereich für Hochsprung und Hammerwurf.

arbeitern des von der IAAFakkreditierten „Institut für Sportstättenprüfung“ (ISP) aus Bad Laer durchgeführt. Mit eigens für die Anforderungen der Luftfracht modifizierten Geräten, die insbesondere die Ein- und Ausreise von und nach Israel erschwerten, wurden vor Ort unter anderem die Ebenheit, die Dicke, die Nachgiebigkeit und die Verformung überprüft. Nach drei Tagen Aufenthalt in Israel waren die Prüfungen vor Ort abgeschlossen und die Muster für die Laboruntersuchungen entnommen. Vor dem Rückflug blieb danach noch etwas Zeit für eine Ausfahrt nach Jerusalem.

Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte Inspektion/Wartung und Erstellung (Montage) e.V.

Um gleichmäßige Eigenschaften und eine hohe Lebensdauer zu gewährleisten, sollte der eingebaute synthetische Belag den höchsten Anforderungen gerecht werden – dem IAAF First Class Standard. Die Prüfungen dieser Anforderungen wurde von zwei Mit-

Die Auswertung der Prüfergebnisse, sowie weitere Prüfungen, wie z.B. der Zugfestigkeit, erfolgten im speziell eingerichteten Labor des ISP, dessen verwendete Verfahren alle der ISO-Akkreditierung unterliegen und somit einen hohen Qualitätsstandard garantieren.

ISP - Institut für Sportstättenprüfung

Royale Eröffnung bei neuartiger Sporthalle

Am 30. Oktober landete der Hubschrauber der englischen Prinzessin Anne auf dem Schulfeld der Samuel Ward Akademie, die in Haverhill liegt. Ihr Besuch wurde zur offiziellen Eröffnung der neuen 1.550 m² großen Sporthalle, die von SMC2 entworfen wurde.

Prinzessin Anne sagte: „Ich kann sehen, dass der Bereich Sport dieser Schule nicht fremd ist, und es ist eine Freude, zu sehen, dass sie dafür mehr investiert hat“. Die brandneue Sporthalle wurde für eine vielseitige sportliche Nutzung entworfen: Netball, Cricket, Basketball und Badminton. Das französische Unternehmen SMC2 hat das Bauwerk entwickelt. Dank eines besonderen Befestigungs- und Spannsystems, mit dem eine Textilmembran auf ein Holz- und Stahltragwerk aufgebracht wird, wird nach Unternehmensangaben eine neue Generation von Sportgebäuden auf dem Markt eingeführt, die sowohl während des Baus als auch des Betriebs

wirtschaftlich und umweltschonend sind.

Beim Bau wurden Baustoffe mit einem geringen ökologischen Fußabdruck eingesetzt: Recycelbarer Stahl, zu 100 Prozent wieder verwertbare Textilmembranen und Holz, das aus nachhaltig bewirtschafteten Wäldern stammt. Während der Nutzung soll der Energieverbrauch durch die maximale Ausnutzung des Tageslichts und die Minderung von Heizkosten eingedämmt werden. Das Hauptziel ist es, wirtschaftliche und umweltgerechte Baumethoden mit optimalen Spielbedingungen zu vereinen. Die Lichtdurchlässigkeit der Textilmembran garantiert Helligkeit sowie homogenes natürliches Licht, und die geringe thermische Trägheit der Textilhülle sorgt für ein wohltemperiertes Raumklima, auch im Sommer. Die gekrümmte Formgebung bietet zusätzlich einen speziellen akustischen Komfort.

SMC2 – Sport und Freizeit Bau

Kletterhallenboden kommt gut an

Fehler passieren überall und in einer Kletterhalle führt beim Sturz des Kletterers ein Sicherungsfehler oft zum Aufprall auf den Boden. Verletzungen gibt es bei jeder Sportart, doch beim Klettern sind Folgen eines Bodensturzes aus größeren Höhen oft gravierend. Deshalb hat sich der Fallschutzbodenhersteller BSW aus Bad Berleburg auf Anfrage Gedanken um einen Boden gemacht, der die Folgen eines solchen Sturzes weniger dramatisch ausfallen lässt. Das Ergebnis ist ein Kletterhallenboden mit Namen regugym climb. In Bezug auf Stürze aus mehreren Metern Höhe hat der Boden von BSW hohe Qualitäten, da er der Verzögerung einen längeren Weg gibt.

Der Sicherheitsboden regugym climb ist auch in der Nordwandhalle in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg installiert worden und konnte hier seine Leistung unter Beweis stellen. Nach einem Sturz aus 14 Metern Höhe war der Kletterer verletzungsfrei und es konnte nach einer Pause und dem OK der Ret-

tungsassistenten wieder weiter geklettert werden. Stürze ab der dritten oder vierten Expresse werden so abgefedert, dass die herkömmlichen Verletzungen wie Fersenbein-, Handgelenks-, und Steißbeinbrüche nahezu ausbleiben würden.

Als Kletterer und auch als Sicherer sollte man sich nicht nur auf die Leistungen des Bodens verlassen, sondern weiterhin ordnungsgemäß Klettern und Sichern und Fahrlässigkeitsfehler vermeiden. Denn meistens liegt es an der falschen oder mangelnden Sicherungstechnik, die zu den Unfällen führt. Als Hallenbetreiber kann man mit Hinweisschildern und Einführungskursen das Risiko falscher Sicherungstechniken zwar verringern, da jedoch der Leidtragende bei Sicherungsfehlern immer der Kletterer ist, bietet der Fallschutzboden diesem eine „second chance“, wie solche Böden in englischen Anlagen bezeichnet werden.


IAKS member companies from A to Z

In this section „sb“, members of the IAKS can publish product and company information in word and image on half a page.

In addition, they also appear in each issue with their contact data in the address directory from A to Z.

Finally the Products and Services section allows participating companies to be presented following their respective range of activities.

Interested in joining? Please contact our team: +49 221 168023-0


Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 320

D-24755 Rendsburg

Fon +49(0)4331 354600 Fax +49(0)4331 354257


P.O. Box 48

NL-7570 AA Oldenzaal

Fon +31(0)541 570357

Fax +31(0)541 570358


Deutsche Steinzeug Keramik GmbH

Buchtal 1

D-92521 Schwarzenfeld

Fon +49(0)9435 3910

Fax +49(0)9435 3913452

ACO SPORT® includes drainage systems and components for sport, play and leisure facilities. They ensure that water is rapidly drained so that the sporting facilities can be used throughout the year safely and securely.

Armstrong DLW GmbH

Stuttgarter Straße 75 D-74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen

Fon +49(0)7142 71782

Fax +49(0)7142 71690

ASB SquashCourts Systembau Horst Babinsky GmbH Fabrikstraße 14 D-83371 Stein Fon +49(0)8621 9874-0 Fax +49(0)8621 9874-20

Aerolux International BV is an international company in sports and large area lighting. Aerolux develops and produces its own high efficiency floodlights from aluminum. During more than 25 years of experience in lighting we have become a leading company in supplying lighting installations for all kinds of sports and industrial areas.


Eissport und Solaranlagenbau GmbH

Lechhalde 1 1/2

D-87629 Füssen

Fon +49(0)8362 909190

Fax +49(0)8362 909199

Armstrong DLW Sports is the world´s leading manufacturer of linoleum sports floors, due to our experience and uncompromising product quality. DLW Sport is proud to be able to say ´Made in Germany´. For more than 25 years they have been developing, manufacturing and supplying high class linoleum products for a wide variety of sporting applications.


Siemensstraße 1

D-59609 Anröchte

Fon +49(0)2947 97810

Fax +49(0)2947 978150

Deutsche Steinzeug Group is focused on its core competences in the business field of ceramic covering materials (wall and floor tiles, swimming baths and facades). Their products, which are predominantly manufactured at locations in Germany, make them distinct from their competitors. They have a comprehensive range as well as a depth of expertise in various project areas together with a targeted consultancy service.

ANRIN – a company from Germany, addresses the subject of drainage techniques innovatively and competently. Millions of manufactured and laid ANRIN drainage channels bear testimony of the experience on which specifiers, dealers and contractors can rely.

Repeatedly new, creative developments and improvements to the channel systems and gratings as well as in the interlocking and jointing techniques underscore the company‘s know-how in drainage technology.

Gotthilf Benz Turngerätefabrik GmbH+Co KG Postfach 220 D-71350 Winnenden

Fon +49(0)7195 69050 Fax +49(0)7195 690577

Berger Gesellschaft m.b.H. Industriestr. 9

A-2000 Stockerau

Fon +43(0)2266 62126 Fax +43(0)2266 6212627

ASB provide professional solutions to their customers’ requirements and guarantee that their range of products will enhance the sporting experience of the athletes concerned and also develop business potential for their clients. ASB aim to promote their wide range of high-quality products and innovations to the world squash market. ASB assure their customers that all ASB products are created using the latest technology and available knowledge.

AST Eis- & Solartechnik GmbH is a company of the group “Elektrizitätswerke Reutte AG” (Electric company) with headquarters in Reutte/Tyrol and since 1986 supplies communities, cities, event organizations, public swimming pools as well as customers from various other branches with solar units and ice rinks.

BENZ produziert im schwäbischen Winnenden qualitativ hochwertige Sportgeräte und ergänzt diese innovativen Produkte durch eine herausragende Auswahl von Handelsartikeln. Der Leitsatz des Unternehmens, gleichzeitig Anspruch seiner Mitarbeiter, lautet : “Qualität ist unsere Disziplin”. Dies in der täglichen Arbeit und allen kommenden Projekten umzusetzen ist eine Herausforderung, die BENZ gerne annimt.

Founded from Johann Berger in 1981, the company Berger GmbH. develops, produce and sales sport mats, play equipment made of foam, sport nets, safety nets and playground equipment. Berger is soles agency for Huck sport- and safety nets, as well as rope playground equipment for Austria.

Berndorf Bäderbau has been a leading manufacturer of stainless steel swimming pools since 1960.


Metall- und Bäderbau GmbH

Leobersdorfer Strasse 26

A-2560 Berndorf

Fon + 43(0)2672 83640-0

Fax + 43(0)2672 83640-49

BFGW Bundesfachgruppe Wartung – Sicherheit für Sport- und Spielgeräte e.V.

Waldstraße 9

D-51145 Köln

Fon +49(0)2203 301001

Fax +49(0)2203 301070


Max-Planck-Straße 36b

D-61381 Friedrichsdorf

Fon +49(0)6172 71040

Fax +49(0)6172 710449

BSW Berleburger

Schaumstoffwerk GmbH

Am Hilgenacker 24

D-57301 Bad Berleburg

Fon +49(0)2751 8030

Fax +49(0)2751 803109

CENO Membrane Technology GmbH

Am Eggenkamp 14

D-48268 Greven

Fon +49(0)2571 9690

Fax +49(0)2571 3300

Berndorf Bäderbau has built over 6.500 swimming pools throughout Europe in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Thanks to its outstanding technical and optical characteristics, stainless steel is the ideal material for constructing commercial and municipal swimming pools. More and more private customers and hotel owners have become aware of the benefits of stainless steel pools in recent years.

Conica AG

Industriestraße 26

CH-8207 Schaffhausen

Fon +41(0)52 644 36 00

Fax +41(0)52 644 36 99

Die BFGW ist ein Verband, der sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahre 1984 voll und ganz auf das Thema Sicherheit beim Betrieb von Sport-, Spiel- und Freizeitanlagen konzentriert. Grundlage der Tätigkeit sind die Vorgaben aus den entsprechenden DIN/ EN-Normen, die Richtlinien der GUV-Unfallkassen sowie das Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz (GPSG).

Wherever quality sound is important, Bose® is there. From home entertainment speakers and systems, to Wave® music systems, premium automotive music systems, noise reduction headphones for consumers and pilots and sound for public spaces. Bose®´s approach to designing speakers and music systems is based on the belief that audio products exist to provide lifelike music for everyone, everywhere, and that music – not equipment – is the ultimate benefit.

Conradi+Kaiser GmbH Gewerbegebiet Larsheck D-56271 Kleinmaischeid Fon +49(0)2689 9580-0 Fax +49(0)2689 9580-50


Ctra Palma del Rio, km 9 E-14005 Cordoba

Fon +34 957 32 94 48

Fax +34 957 32 94 49

BSW is one of the leading suppliers of products made of polyurethane-bound rubber granulate. Using their material Regupol®, BSW produces numerous elastic, protective and absorbing products for a variety of applications. The BSW product range focuses on the production of elastic sports floorings, insulation products and foams. BSW produces the world famous judo mats, BSW Tatami, other sports mats and customised moulded parts in compound foams.

For more than three decades CENO TEC classes among the leading companies in the textile architecture sector realising ambitious membrane structures around the world. Architecture membranes made of high-strength, coated polyester or glass fabrics and ETFE foils are ideal building materials when it comes to the realisation of highly stress-resistant and at the same time filigree roof and facade structures in connection with bearing structures consisting of steel and steel ropes. CENO membranes signify individually designed and light rooms, bathed in light.

Conica AG from Schaffhausen in Switzerland is a global market leader for the construction of synthetic sports surfaces in all climatic conditions. Every year, more than 250 tracks are installed worldwide onto a surface of two square kilometers. CONIPUR and CONICA sports surfaces are highly regarded throughout the world.

The innovative product portfolio includes intelligent system solutions for running tracks, multipurpose facilities, sports halls and indoor athletic facilities.

eccos pro gmbh electronic control and cash organisation systems Nevigeser Str. 100 D-42553 Velbert

Fon: +49(0)2051/2086200 Fax: +49(0)2051/2086222

ENGO GmbH Srl Handwerkerzone Nr. 7 I-39030 Terenten (BZ)

Fon +39(0)472 546157

Fax +39(0)472 546059

The high quality products of Conradi+Kaiser are exported to all over the world. In the United Arab Emirates horses train on C+K flooring systems. In Japan, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Dubai children play at the safety systems and swing and seesaw on the colourful caoutchouc seats made in Kleinmaischeid.

Throughout more than 30 years of experience Daplast has acquired a solid knowledge of stadium seating. Its best evidence is more than 2,000,000 seats installed in more than 1,500 premises, from small rooms to large stadiums.

eccos pro are the experts for integrated admission and payment systems in hotel and recreational facilities.

eccos pro develops networked system solutions from hardware and software.

As a full-service provider, eccos pro offers complete solutions from one source, ranging from financing and implementation consultation through to after sales support.

ENGO produces for more than 30 years boards for various types of sports plants: from light-structured boards for inline and public skating to professional boards for ice hockey in fibreglass. ENGO also has been designing and producing ice-preparation machines (ice resurfacer) for rinks of any size and use for more than 30 years, and for over 20 years electrical ice-preparation machines.

IAKS member companies from A to Z

ERHARD SPORT International GmbH

Im Grund 2

D-91593 Burgbernheim

Fon +49(0)9861 406-0

Fax +49(0)9861 406-50

EHA Ewald Hildebrandt GmbH & Co. KG

Postfach 60 02 25

D-44842 Bochum

Fon +49(0)2327 99170

Fax +49(0)2327 991729

Forbo Flooring GmbH

Steubenstraße 27

D-33100 Paderborn

Fon +49(0)5251 1803166

Fax +49(0)5251 1803312

Gerflor Mipolam GmbH

Postfach 14 65

D-53824 Troisdorf

Fon +49(0)2241 25300

Fax +49(0)2241 2530120

GfKK – Gesellschaft für KältetechnikKlimatechnik mbH

Dieselstraße 7

D-50859 Köln

Fon +49(0)2234 40060

Fax +49(0)2234 70653

ERHARD SPORT is one of the leading sports equipment manufacturer for over 130 years. It is their mission to serve our worldwide customers with individual consultancy, high quality products and services.

Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte Inspektion/Wartung und Erstellung (Montage) e.V. Postfach 1149

D-53581 Bad Honnef

Fon +49(0)2224 931481

Fax +49(0)2224 75940


Flooring GmbH & Co. KG

Rohrdorfer Str. 133

Since 1954 EHA produces wet room mats for any kind of swimming and leisure facilities. The product range also includes cover gratings for swimming pools with a big variety of forms and colours.

D-83071 Stephanskirchen

Fon +49(0)8031 7000 Fax +49(0)8031 700249

Forbo Flooring Systems is a global market player in project vinyl and world leader in linoleum floor coverings, where it has a market share of over 60%. The marmoleum sport floor belongs to the category of area-elastic sports floor constructions and fulfils the latest European sport flooring standards.

Hauraton GmbH & Co. KG

Werkstraße 13

D-76437 Rastatt

Fon +49(0)7222 9580

Fax +49(0)7222 958100

Gerflor is recognized as a specialist and a world leader in resilient flooring solutions.

Taraflex® Sports Flooring are designed for safety and comfort. Their multi-layered construction includes 100% pure vinyl, a reinforced fiberglass grid and closed-cell foam backing to provide shock absorption, help fight fatigue, deliver consistent ball bounce, and protect against skin burns.

GfKK ist ein Anlagenbau-, Vertriebs- und Servicespezialist für Industriekälte, Prozesskälte, Kälte-Klimatechnik und Eissportkälte. Zahlreiche realisierte Eisportanlagen tragen die Handschrift des Unternehmens.

heiler GmbH & Co. KG

Bokelstraße 1

D-33649 Bielefeld

Fon +49(0)521 947150

Fax +49(0)521 9471550


Postfach 12 01

D-71085 Holzgerlingen

Fon +49(0)7031 602017

Fax +49(0)7031 604495

In der Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte haben sich acht erfahrene Sportgeräte-Hersteller zusammengeschlossen. Die “Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte e.V.” steht somit für gesicherte und zertifizierte Qualität bei der Inspektion, Wartung und Erstellung von Sportgeräten. Diese Qualität garantiert Sicherheit – für die Sportler ebenso wie für die Betreiber der Sporthallen.

With the floor covering brand name “HARO”, Hamberger Industriewerke GmbH in Stephanskirchen near Rosenheim has grown to become the German market leader for parquet. Under the brand name HARO SPORTS, portable and fixed-installed elastic coating sports floors have been produced at the company’s Sports Floor Division since 1958. HARO SPORTS Flooring give decision-makers and investors the opportunity to receive comprehensive advice on the best flooring solution for sports and multi-purpose halls, from a team of experienced experts.

The history of HAURATON is a history of innovations. Since the development of the first drainage channels in 1958 HAURATON products set the benchmark worldwide.

HAURATON offers a special range of products for stadiums and sports grounds, which are designed especially for the demands of sports facilities. The channels made from recycled plastic are constructed so as to prevent the sportspersons from injuring themselves. The products conform of course to all international standards at the same time.

heiler ist im professionellen Sportplatzbau tätig, und konnte sich eine Liste prominenter Vereine als Referenz für unsere Leistung erarbeiten. Sowohl beim Neubau von Sportplätzen, als auch beim Umbau bestehender Ascheplätze ist heiler Spezialist.

HOPPE bietet Ihnen eine über 50-jährige Facherfahrung im Sportbodenbau. Ein moderner Sportboden minimiert Belastungen auf den Bewegungsapparat, wirkt ermüdungsprozessen entgegen und weist bei Stürzen eine hohe Schutzfunktion auf.

Hörger Maschinen e.K.

Langenstraße 2

D-21781 Cadenberge

Fon +49(0)4777 931373

Fax +49(0)4777 931376

hinke schwimmbad österreich gmbh

Dr. Scheiber-Straße 28 A-4870 Vöcklamarkt

Fon +43(0)7682 2831

ISP – Institut für Sportstättenprüfung

Dr. Uwe Schattke

Südstraße 1A

D-49196 Bad Laer

Fon +49(0)5424 8097891

Fon +49(0)5424 224799

Fax +49(0)5424 8097893


Partner beim Sportplatzbau Am Gabelacker 11

D-60433 Frankfurt

Fon +49(0)69 5309030

Fax +49(0)69 53090330


Ice & Solar Systems Im Geisbaum 13

D-63329 Egelsbach

Fon +49(0)6103 94170

Fax +49(0)6103 941729

HÖRGER vertreibt und baut Reinigungsmaschinen für Sportstätten. Insbesondere werden spezielle Reinigungsmaschinen für Kunststofflaufbahnen, Kunstrasenflächen sowie Reinigungsmaschinen für Pflasterflächen hergestellt.

KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG

Fuchsberger Straße 4 D-29410 Salzwedel

Fon +49(0)8683 701 340 Fax +49(0)8683 701 4340

The enterprise group of HINKE Schwimmbad Österreich/Deutschland constructs highly modern swimming pools made of stainless steel. hsb is one of the leading swimming pools construction companies in Europe. Municipal swimming pools in all parts of Europe prove our efficiency and bear witness to the proverbial hsb-quality.

The Institut für Sportstättenprüfung (ISP) is operating a laboratory, in which material testing of synthetic sports surfarces, artificial turf systems, impact absorbing wall coverings and sports hall floor systems is performed. ISP`s laboratory is accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17025.

The ISP expertise also includes the certification testing of all kind of synthetic sports floor systems for indoor and outdoor use, key stage inspections of installation works, assessment of existing sports facilities, and quality monitoring of building materials.

INTERGREEN AG baut seit mehr als 40 Jahren Sportanlagen in jeder Größenordnung. Kleine regionale wie große, international aktive Vereine schätzen unsere Kompetenz und Erfahrung und die Qualität unserer Arbeit.

INTERGREEN AG hat Maschinen, Verfahren und Systeme entwickelt, die nur ein ZIEL haben: Qualitativ hochwertige Sportanlagen zu vernünftigen Preisen bauen zu können.

KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG is an independent enterprise in the KRAIBURGHolding.

SPORTEC® rubber flooring products and elastic layers from KRAIBURG Relastec are proven products refined by continuous further development. A wide range of users - including system providers, specialist distributors, architects and builders of sports facilities - benefit from the advantages they provide. All SPORTEC® products are manufactured in proprietary environment-friendly processes utilizing upwards of 90% recycled rubber materials.

ISS has 35 years experience in building solar absorbers for heating pool systems and building recreational and sports facilities. ISS is also specialist in developing and building ice rinks as well as renting out ice rinks.

Hermann Kutter LandschaftsbauSportplatzbau GmbH & Co. KG Buxheimer Straße 116 D-87700 Memmingen

Fon +49(0)8331 97730 Fax +49(0)8331 977350

Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG Alsterdorfer Str. 514-516 D-22337 Hamburg

Fon +49(0)40 596036

Fax +49(0)40 599838

KUTTER ist ein innovatives und leistungsstarkes Unternehmen, das im gesamten süddeutschen Raum nicht nur im klassischen Garten- und Landschaftsbau eine führende Rolle spielt, sondern auch in Spezialgebieten wie dem Sportplatzbau, dem Golfplatzbau und der Kunststoffbelagstechnik ein erstklassiger und zuverlässiger Partner für Ihre Bauherren ist.

Das Unternehmen Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG wurde im Jahr 1904 in Hamburg gegründet und ist ein anerkanntes Garten-, Landschafts- u. Sportplatzbau Unternehmen. Ihren Kunden bietet die Herbert Labarre GmbH eine qualifizierte, termin- und fachgerechte Beratung, Angebotserstellung und Ausführung.

LAPPSET Spiel-, Park-, Freizeitsysteme GmbH

Kränkelsweg 32

D-41748 Viersen

Fon +49(0)2162 501980

Fax +49(0)2162 5019815

Lappset aims to create an inspiring environment for enjoying the outdoors. Their high-quality play and sports equipment assist with growth and development as well as maintain and improve physical function and mobility in later life. Their equipment is complemented by their park and street furniture that help to harmoniously integrate green areas with surrounding buildings.

Melos GmbH

Bismarckstr. 4-10

D-49324 Melle

Fon +49(0)5422 94470

Fax +49(0)5422 5981

For more than 70 years, MELOS have been developing know-how in rubber technology. In the granules product area, MELOS major activity is the manufacture of synthetic granules for running tracks and drop protection systems in playgrounds. MELOS also manufacture infill granules for artificial turf systems.

IAKS member companies from A to Z

mina Energie- Kälte- und Umwelttechnik

Kunzestraße 13

D-04249 Leipzig

Fon +49(0)341 9801140

Fax +49(0)341 9801142

mina Energie-, Kälte- und Umwelttechnik is a full-line provider and supplier of cooling technology and ice rink equipment. mina is specialized in building and renting mobile ice rinks. Highlights of their program are the seal PE-Xa piping system, the multifunctional tile flooring system “mina Ice Court” and “LED in Ice”. The newest invention is a mobile heating for sidewalks, stairs and garages. Over 15 years of experience guarantees a maximum of quality.

Neptunus GmbH

Georg-Glock-Straße 8 D-40474 Düsseldorf

Fon +49(0)700 10053530

Fax +49(0)700 10053550

Mondo Luxembourg S.A.

Zone Industrielle

L-3895 Foetz

Fon +352 574457256

Fax +352 575038

Nagelstutz und Eichler GmbH & Co. KG

Industriestraße 16

D-45739 Oer-Erkenschwick

Fon +49(0)2368 690323

Fax +49(0)2368 690319

The MONDO brand, founded in 1948, stands for an Italian industrial group which counts 1500 employees in thirty production and commercial units, spread all over Europe, America and China and which commercializes its products in 196 countries worldwide.

MONDO is known above all for its sports flooring, particulary athletic tracks and artificial grass fields.

Nagelstutz und Eichler GmbH & Co. KG ist seit 50 Jahren Spezialist für abgehängte Design- und Funktions-Deckensysteme aus Aluminium- und Stahlpaneelen, die unter der Marke NE-Paneeldecken geführt werden.

Nüssli (Deutschland) GmbH Rothgrund 6 D-91154 Roth (bei Nürnberg) Fon +49(0)9171 97630 Fax +49(0)9171 976350

Pellikaan Bauunternehmen

Deutschland GmbH

Kaiserswerther Straße 115 D-40880 Ratingen

Fon +49(0)2102 429060

Fax +49(0)2102 4290666

PERROT-Regnerbau Calw GmbH Industriestraße 19-29 D-75382 Althengstett

Fon +49(0)7051 1620 Fax +49(0)7051 162133

POLYTAN Sportstättenbau GmbH

Postfach 40

D-86664 Burgheim

Fon +49(0)8432 870

Fax +49(0)8432 8787

Neptunus is one of the largest providers of marquees, semi-permanent and temporary accommodation worldwide. With its 75 years of experience, Neptunus supplies marquees and accommodation for top events, in addition to demountable structures for numerous semi-permanent applications.

Neptunus has developed temporary sports hall structures with big flexibility and sustainibility.

NUSSLI is a leading, international supplier of temporary structures for events, trade fairs and exhibitions. NUSSLI provides customized, integral solutions from the concept to the final implementation. These are characterized by brief implementation times and superior quality.

Pellikaan specialises in non-housing projects; buildings used for commerce, recreation, and education. As an experienced and unique partner, the company will work closely with its clients and can provide a total package, or a combination of: Design, Build, Finance ,Maintain, Operate, Feasibility.

PERROT, the professionals of turf irrigation and good service, and their reliable partners advise on any kind of questions right from the planning stage, concerning offers, delivery and installation, up to the point of commissioning. Individual requirements will be analyzed in a detailed counseling interview with our specialized staff - also on site if required.

Based in Burgheim, Polytan has been the leading specialist for outdoor sports surfaces for more than 40 years.

The spectrum of services includes the supply of polyurethane raw materials, the installation of synthetic surfaces for athletics tracks, all-weather pitches, elastic layers for synthetic turfs, the supply and installation of traditional and filled synthetic turfs, lining, repairs and the cleaning of sports surfaces.

Porplastic Sportbau von Cramm GmbH & Co. KG

Hohenneuffenstraße 14

D-72622 Nürtingen

Fon +49(0)7022 24450-0

Fax +49(0)7022 24450-29

PORPLASTIC offers comprehensive product and system programme for PUR-bound elastic sports floors, playground surfaces and synthetic turf systems as a complete assembly in accordance with DIN V 18035, parts 6 and 7, and the IAAF guidelines. Products proven in all climates and innovative technical solutions on site.


Systemtechnik für Energierecycling und Wärmeflussbegrenzung GmbH

Industriering Ost 90 D-47906 Kempen

Fon +49(0)2152 91560

Fax +49(0)2152 915699

B. V. Descol Kunststof Chemie

Postfach 420

NL-7400 AK Deventer

Fon +31(0)570 620744

Fax +31(0)570 628553

Zambelli RIB-ROOF GmbH & Co. KG

Hans-Sachs-Straße 3+5

D-94569 Stephansposching

Fon +49(0)99 31 89 59 0 -0

Fax +49(0)99 31 89 59 0 -49

Descol is part of the Swiss Sika AG concern, a global company with more than 15,000 employees distributed in over 70 countries. To date, Descol has installed more than 30 million m² of Pulastic indoor and outdoor sports floors at over 50,000 locations in more than 60 countries.

Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH

Ohmstraße 50 D-83301 Traunreut Fon +49(0)8669 330 Fax +49(0)8669 33397

SEW® - Systemtechnik für Energierecycling und Wärmeflussbegrenzung GmbH ist Hersteller von Wärme-/Kälterückgewinnungssystemen für alle luft- und klimatechnischen Anlagen, spezialisiert auf die Wärmerückgewinnung für Hallenbäder, die Kälterückgewinnung und Entnebelung für Eissportzentren und die Raumluftkühlung für Sportstätten mit Wärmerückgewinnung.


De Raaf 33A

NL-4102 DG Culemborg

Tel. +31(0)34 553 3939

Fax +31(0)34 553 4866


BP 54

F-38352 La Tour du Pin Cedex

Fon +33(0)474 97 41 33

Fax +33(0)474 83 59 70

For more than 50 years, the name Zambelli has stood for metal processing of the highest quality. Their roof drainage products, shelving systems and metal roof systems are exported all over the world. Concerning the development of new product and manufacturing solutions as well as the field of contract manufacturing, their German plants have a leading function within the Zambelli group.

Alveosport is made by the Swiss company Sekisui Alveo AG, a European leader in foams specializing in polyolefin foams since 1971. The company is a subsidiary of Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd., with a global staff of over 20,000, and a global leader in foams since 1968. Alveosport is distributed worldwide through the Sekisui Group, comprising a global network of 76 companies serving every major country. Contact your nearest representative today. Alveosport engineers are ready to design the playing field you’ve been dreaming of!

The French manufacturing group Serge Ferrari is a leader in the flexible composite material sector. As the inventor of Précontraint Serge Ferrari technology, they design and manufacture flexible composite materials for architecture, yachting, industry, furniture, equipment protection, health and environment sectors.

Serge Ferrari brings flexible composites with technical, functional and enviromental responses perfectly adapted to the most stringent requirements of major sporting events.

SMC2 - Deutschland

Lebacher Strasse 4 D-66113 Saarbrücken +49(0)681 9963529

SMG Sportplatzmaschinenbau GmbH

Postfach 1150 D-89265 Vöhringen

Fon +49(0)7306 96650 Fax +49(0)7306 966550

As a leading company that has more than 150 years of history, Siteco has defined lighting technology. Today the brand of Siteco combines technological ideas with service mentality and a feeling for what is possible.

Siteco sports lightning adresses a big variety of applications, such as stadiums, sports halls, skating rinks, swimming pools and race courses.

Holz-Speckmann GmbH

Weststraße 15

D-33790 Halle

Fon +49(0)5201 189-0

Fax +49(0)5201 189-312

SMC2 designs and constructs buildings for sports. When covering a sports field or building a sports installation, every project has its own solution: Multi-sports grounds, indoor football pitches, tennis courts, gymnasiums, bowling pitches, changing rooms, stands, covered school playgrounds, sports centres, swimming pools...

Since 1975 SMG has been dealing with the development of modern machinery for the installation of synthetic surfaces in the sports industry. Also for the maintenance of artificial turf or carpets with granule infilling SMG has already presented the world‘s first innovations since the 80s. For about 35 years SMG has been offering a unique range of machinery. As a pioneer in the special sector „synthetic sports surfaces and artificial turf” SMG disposes of recognized competence and experience since decades.

Over 135 years of experience in timber stand behind Holz-Speckmann, the manufacturer of the mobile SPEED-LOCK floors.

The highly productive timber wholesale forms the basis for the development and production of innovative products. HolzSpeckmann produces SPEED-LOCK floors with state-of-the-art CNC machines. The permanent quality control ensures highest precision and durability of the floors.

IAKS member companies from A to Z

Over the five decades of its existence, Sport-Thieme being a traditional family firm has always proven itself as youthful, dynamic and innovative.


Helmstedter Straße 40 D-38368 Grasleben

Fon +49(0)5357 18181

Fax +49(0)5357 18190

For more than half a century now, SportThieme has been competent advisor to school and club sports as well as in the area of fitness and therapy. Today SportThieme is one of the most important mail order companies for institutional sports. It has grown to be one of the recognised leaders in this branch of industry.

STRABAG Sportstättenbau GmbH

D-44147 Dortmund

Fon +49(0)231 9820230

Fax +49(0)231 98202320

Trenomat GmbH & Co. KG

Ladestr. 25

D 42327 Wuppertal-Dornap

Fon +49 (0)2058 899 0 Fax +49 (0)2058 899 10


Sportbodensysteme GmbH & Co. KG

Löhestrasse 40

D-53773 Hennef

Fon +49(0)2242 933 88-0

Fax +49(0)2242 933 88-20

Universal Sport Sportgeräteherstellungs- und Vertriebs GmbH

Waldstraße 8

D-71101 Schönaich

Fon +49(0)7031 75330

Fax +49(0)7031 753333

Der STRABAG Sportstättenbau hat sich auf die Planung, die Errichtung und die Wartung multifunktionaler Sportstätten, Outdoor und Indoor, spezialisiert. In Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Kunden und unter Berücksichtigung der lokalen Gegebenheiten entwickeln Sie bedarfsgerechte Lösungen für unterschiedlichste Anforderungsprofile.

Partition screens, mobile stages and platforms and everything to make every event a success - that’s the Trenomat business.

As an industrial organisation with an emphasis on craftsmanship, Trenomat attaches special importance to high-quality products as a basis for individual solutions. Construction, development and manufacture by a qualified and experienced team in Trenomat’s own production facilities ensure their products’ high levels of quality, to always meet all current technical and safety-relevant standards.

Waagner-Biro Bavaria Stage Systems GmbH

Am Schönbühl 12 D-92729 Weiherhammer

Fon +49(0)9605 92220 Fax +49(0)9605 922250

Eugen Weinberger GmbH & Co. KG Gutenbergstraße 41-43 D-68167 Mannheim

Fon +49(0)621 338780 Fax +49(0)621 334182

Weitzel GmbH & Co. KG -SportstättenbauGroßer Moorweg 1 D-25436 Tornesch Fon +49(0)4122 95340 Fax +49(0)4122 953428

The production of high-quality mono filaments from hair strength has now been developed at Trofil for 25 years. From granulates through to mono filament production, the refinement (plying, etc.), tufting, right through to lamination, Trofil supplies products for the highest demands, manufactured from a single source, with which Trofil offers flexibility in the product design by directly converting the customer’s specific wishes and requirements.

ZELLER bäderbau GmbH

In den Seewiesen 49 D-89520 Heidenheim

Fon +49(0)7321 93890 Fax +49(0)7321 938949

Züko Deutschland GmbH

Since the establishment of Universal Sport in 1982 a worldwide net of sales representatives has been set up. On more than 3000 m² sport product’s get engineered, produced and stored.

Waagner-Biro is a steel engineering organisation based in Vienna. Founded in 1854, the tradition-conscious company has amassed nearly 160 years of experience. Today, Waagner-Biro has more than a thousand employees working at some 15 locations in Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Waagner-Biro is one of the largest suppliers of stage equipment world-wide.

Vogelherd 23 D-78176 Blumberg

Fon +49(0)7702 477920 Fax +49(0)7702 477921

Weinberger ist das führende Unternehmen im Rhein-Neckar-Gebiet für Estriche, Bodenbeläge (Teppichböden, Linoleum, Kautschuk- und PVC-Beläge), Parkett, Sportböden, Gardinen, Dekostoffe, Tapeten etc. Im Bereich Sportböden ist es der richtige Ansprechpartner in den Bereichen Spezialbeläge für Ballspielflächen im Freien, Bodensystem für Sport- / Mehrzweckhallen und Spezialböden für Fitnesscenter / Krafträume.

Die Firma Weitzel bietet die gesamte Bandbreite des Sportstättenbaus von der grünen Wiese über den Erdbau, die Entwässerung, den Unterbau bis zum Belagswesen aus einer Hand. Kunden haben somit für die gesamte Realisierung Ihrer Sportanlage nur einen Ansprechpartner. Auch nach der Fertigstellung findet man im Weitzel-Pflegeteam einen kompetenten Ansprechpartner für Pflege und Werterhaltung der Anlage.

Zeller´s qualified staff are the guarantee for creative, technically sound solutions. On their company premises of 14.000 m², Zeller uses the latest equipment and techniques in the production of the stainless steel elements for your swimming pool.

Züko is designing and producing ice-preparation machines (ice resurfacer) . Züko is also proud of its large and efficient workshop. Here, not only municipal vehicles and equipment, which were bought at the ZüKo, but also foreign brands can be serviced.

Products and Services

Aquatic construction and equipment

Ceilings, windows, walls

Changing units, clothes storages

Cleaning and maintenance

Display and signage systems

Drainage, athletic track borders

Elastic layers, protecting surfaces

course construction and equipment

Artificial turf
Ice resurfacers

Products and Services

Ice sports equipment
Perimeter boards, nettings
Outdoor sports floorings
Natural turf
Indoor equipment
Indoor sports floorings
Mobile floorings, cover systems
Multi-sport courts

Pool construction, ceramics

Pool construction, stainless steel

Refrigeration systems ice rinks

Security systems, fencing

Sound systems

Sports and play equipment, sports goods

Sports ground construction

Sports ground equipment


Products and Services

Sports hall dividers

Stands, seating

Temporary / leight weight constructions

Testing, quality management

Ticketing, access systems

Turnkey construction

Issue 6/2013 - Pools and leisure facilities

- Pools and outdoor infrastructure

- Playgrounds and exercise parks

- Trade fair: DEUBAU 2014

Advertising deadline: 11.11.2013

Date of publication: 16.12.2013




COMPLETE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR SPORTS SURFACE: product development + factoring systemadvice + installation cleaning + maintenance revitalisation + renovation DIN, DQS, IAAF certificates




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