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• -(으)니까 is attached to verbs or adjectives to indicate that the preceding content is the cause or reason of the part which follows after.
• In English, it translates to BECAUSE, SINCE or SO.
• 으니까 is attached to nouns with final consonants (batchim) while 니까 is attached to nouns without final consonants.
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(I gave the flower to Laura.)
오늘은 바쁘니까 내일 만나요. (Because I’m busy today, let’s meet tomorrow.)
비가 오니까
(Since it’s raining, bring an umbrella.)
(Because I don’t have a pencil, it’s inconvenient.)
(Because I eat a lot, I’m already full.)
• 에게 is attached to nouns to indicate that that noun is the receiver of the action.
• In English, it translates to TO.
돌이니까 often writes letters to his parents.)
(Give a gold ring to your baby since it’s his first birthday.)
어제 선생님께 카드하고 꽃을 드렸어요. (Yesterday, I gave a card and flower to my teacher.)
The Korean grammar particle 께 is the honorific form of 에게. It is used for nouns like 선생님 (teacher), 어머니 (mother), 아버지 (father), 부모님 (parents) and the likes.
• 고 있다 is attached to verbs to indicate that the action is in progress.
• In English grammar, it’s called PROGRESSIVE TENSE.
설거지를 하고 있어요. (I am washing the dishes.)
옷을 다리고 있어요. (I am ironing the clothes.)
고 있다 may be used for all tenses of the verb (past, present, and future) provided that the verb ending will be changed to indicate the time the action takes place.
Dictionary Form
가다 (to go) 가고 있었어요 (was going) 가고 있어요 (is going) 가고 있을 거예요 (will be going)
오다 (to come) 오고 있었어요 (was coming) 오고 있어요 (is coming) 오고 있을 거예요 (will be coming)
읽다 (to read) 읽고 있었어요 (was reading) 오고 있어요 (is coming) 읽고 있을 거예요 (will be reading)
• 기 is attached to verbs to turn it into nouns.
• In English grammar, it is similar with -ing as in SPEAK (v) and SPEAKING (n).
• After the 기 conjugation , the particle 가 is attached to the noun as it will be followed by commonly used adjectives 싫다 (hate), 힘들다 (hard/difficult), 쉽다 (easy) and 어렵다 (hard/difficult).
늦게 일하기가 힘들어요. (Working late at night is hard.)
Note: watch this for more!
기가 may also be paired with other adjectives such as 좋다 (good), 나쁘다 (bad), 편하다 (comfortable), and 불편하다 (uncomfortable).
(Studying for a test is difficult.)