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-(으)면 안 되다

-아/어도 되다


-(으)면 안 되다

• -(으)면 안 되다 is attached to verbs and indicates that the act is prohibited.

• In English, it could be translated to (YOU) SHOULD NOT.

• 으면 안 되다 is attached to verbs with final consonants (batchim) while 면 안 되다 is attached to verbs without final consonants.

-아/어도 되다

여기에서 휴대 전화를 사용하면 안 돼요. (You should not use your mobile phone here.)

담배를 피우면 안 돼요. (Smoking is prohibited.)

• -아/어도 되다 is attached to verbs and indicates that the act is permitted.

• In English, it could be translated to (YOU) MAY.

• 아도 되다 is attached to verbs ending in ㅗ or ㅏ while 어도 되다 is attached to verbs ending in vowels other than ㅗ or ㅏ. Meanwhile, for verbs ending in 하다, we attach 해도 돼요.

낮에는 피아노를 쳐도 돼요 (You may play the piano during the day.)

오늘 좀 일찍 가도 돼요? (May I go a little early today?

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