YOUR OXYGEN MASK FIRST CEOs typically place their first call to coach Kevin
problem. And because nobody talks about it, when they
Lawrence if they have a crisis. They stay because of his
experience burnout or a mental issue, they think they
business acumen and no-holds-barred style. Kevin’s
are the only one and there’s something wrong with
career spans 20 years, over a dozen countries and four
them or that they are weak. And that’s not true.
continents. He’s worked with hundreds of CEOs and executives, helping them to break through business
You mention 17 habits on how to deal with these
challenges, grow their companies and find personal
issues. How do I determine which habits are right
success along the way.
for me? To help people with this we created an online
Your book ‘Your Oxygen Mask First’ deals with
self-assessment - or you can go right to the back of
the problems of overwhelming stress, burnout
the ‘Your Oxygen Mask First Workbook’ - to determine,
and mental health of CEOs and Senior Executives.
at any given time, where you’re strong and get some
What causes these problems?
awareness about which area would be most beneficial.
The root cause of these problems comes when very
You want to focus on the area you believe would
ambitious people try to make a big impact on the world
have the biggest impact. You can find it at
and, on a regular basis, commit to things beyond their
capability and/or stamina. Then, when a perfect storm comes along, they’re burdened with additional things
The concept of ‘work life balance’ is
all at once, the stress becomes unbearable, and they
flawed according to your book. Why?
are mentally pushed over the edge.
Well there are two reasons. Firstly, most high performers don’t even strive to have work life balance if
All high achievers have a lot of pride in their ability to
they’re trying to do something significant. It makes them
succeed and, when they’re not able to, there’s a lot of
feel guilty because, at some level, they don’t want it and,
shame and embarrassment. That only amplifies the
at another level, will never achieve it.
| The Annual Meeting 2020