The PCO May 2021

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IT’S NOT ONE LEADER THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IT’S HAVING ONE GOAL IAPCO Member: Conference Partners International, Ireland Author : Nicola McGrane, Managing Director

Having let some time settle since the announcement of the

So many worked on a voluntary basis and gave up their

One Young World win for Belfast on 31 March, it is nice to have

personal time. Why? Because this is no ordinary event. This

time to sit back and reflect upon the long two-year journey

is not just a conference, this is a movement-style event that

that brought this great win for the city of Belfast. Sometimes

will transform the mind-set of the people of Northern Ireland.

it is not until you reach the ultimate goal that you realise the

The win is not just to bring another conference to Northern

incline of the mountain we have all climbed.

Ireland. The win is a chance for the young people of Northern Ireland to share their story of Resilience and Global Ambition

There is old expression “it takes a village to rear a child”, well it

with the world. The win is to identify the next generation of

took an amazing Belfast community to win One Young World. I

young leaders in Northern Ireland and to place them amongst

exaggerate not when I say it took hundreds of people in Belfast

a global community of powerful young leaders where they will

to get this global Olympic-style event to the city and everyone

all inspire each other to create a better world. The win is for

played their part with passion, drive and pure excellence.

the established leaders of Northern Ireland to find a place for young leaders to have a voice in critical decision making. This

From the creation of the advisory board, the various organising

is the power of the win of One Young World.

committees and the engagement of the people of Northern Ireland across a number of communities, Belfast City Council,

Although we have reached the end of our bid journey, we now

Visit Belfast, Tourism Northern Ireland, ministries, agencies,

embark on a new journey. A journey of legacy with a clear path

educators, young talent and the stakeholders of the business

to positive change and societal impact. We now have a new

tourism sector; it is the culmination of the passion of all these

goal. ONE goal with many leaders to bring us to the next finish

great people that won the One Young World bid.

line, which will be One Young World in Belfast in May 2023.

With a clear eye on the prize, and a focus on first place in

Watch the video on vimeo.

the race, every single person played their part with such determination. There was no ONE leader, there was the strength and power of many leaders with ONE goal in mind. Now that is a powerful city. 22

| May 2021

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