MUCH TO BE PROUD OF On 8 April we all celebrated GMID – Global Meetings
“For the times, they are a-changin’”
Industry Day. These famous words from singer, songwriter and poet, Bob Although last year, and indeed so far this year, proved to
Dylan, could be no truer than that which we at IAPCO are faced
be by far the most challenging and difficult period we have
with every morning as we begin a new and exciting day ahead.
experienced in our meetings industry, we have much to be
Yes, change can sometimes bring challenges, however...
proud of. Proud of the way we have been able to adjust and respond to the new norm; a new situation that has forced us to
Change also brings opportunity. The increased opportunity
pivot events to the virtual, forced us to make difficult decisions
for IAPCO faculty and panellists to deliver content to a much
whilst driving us to innovate, to be creative and to accelerate
wider global audience than ever before. Whether this is
digital fulfilment.
through the current webEDGE hot topic webinars, our monthly IAPCO Impact Dialogues, bespoke EDGE Seminars in Japan,
During GMID, IAPCO released our annual data report collected
Durban, Thailand and China and participation at the likes
from our members. The report indicated that our members
of Travel Meet Asia and other on-line trade shows, IAPCO’s
had managed 38% less meetings during 2020 compared to
educational content continues to be sought after as it drives
2019, however, the average number of participants only
specific, relevant and practical solutions for PCOs everywhere.
decreased by 6%. In other words, the average number of participants per event increased dramatically from 317 during
Change also brings a desire to collaborate. As Ori mentioned
2019 to 478 during 2020. Virtual events presented an
in his President’s Message, we have seen successful recent
opportunity for associations and corporates to reach new
collaborative activities with BestCities and our on-going
audiences that were unable to travel to, and participate
collaboration with the eleven National PCO Associations
at, onsite.
from around the globe continues to drive engagement, advocacy initiatives and a sharing of protocols to support
Also, during GMID, IAPCO and BestCities Global Alliance
PCOs everywhere. Future collaborative projects that will
released a very important white paper that will help
generate practical resources, as well as drive thought
associations better prepare for the future of events:
leadership, are in the pipeline through 2021.
Hybrid Congress Bid Guidelines. Change also brings creativity. As our new team assembles The template, a result of collaboration and knowledge-sharing
at IAPCO HQ, both Tina and Caroline (see opposite) bring
between IAPCO, our Ambassadors and BestCities Board
fresh ideas, a new perspective and a new energy that I
Members, addresses crucial points for the hosting of virtual
know will transfer across into IAPCO’s current and future
event components including consideration of destination
projects and activities and bring continued value to all
selection, appropriate software choices for streaming,
IAPCO relationships.
capturing content and security, facilitation of networking, the cost for attendees and promotion of the event.
So, are Bob’s lyrics from 1963 still true today? Well, yes, indeed they are but IAPCO remains well positioned to continue to take
As per this excellent example, our industry should continue
advantage of the opportunities that change provides to us, to
working together to better prepare for the future of events
our IAPCO members and to our entire IAPCO community. We
and be proud of our achievements.
have much to be proud of.
Ori Lahav, President 2020-2023
Martin Boyle, CEO
| May 2021