The PCO May 2021

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40 YEARS AT IAPCO DRAWS TO A CLOSE Sarah Storie-Pugh reflects on her life with IAPCO as she prepares for her departure at the end of May

I am a Wolfie – the faculty of c. 1990

Having attended, as an IAPCO member, my first IAPCO Annual

The Association moved from Brussels to Switzerland and I

Meeting in Bled, then Yugoslavia, in 1980, my journey was to

took on the task of administering the many aspects of it’s busy

continue for the next 40 years.

life. Subsequently, as IAPCO expanded, I became Executive Director. In 2019 Martin Boyle took over as CEO as I went

I have attended over 35 Annual Meetings, all over the world,

part-time as Operations Director.

since then, from New Zealand to Canada, from South Africa to Brazil, and all places between, exposing me to the magnificent

Now it is the time to end this journey, a journey that gave me

world of differing cultures, history, tradition, language and

the best life and the best job imaginable, but now it is over,

experiences but most of all my peers and subsequently great

and it is time to move on.

friends. Nothing can compare to this global exploration, both physically and mentally, provided by our industry.

So all I can say is “thank you” to IAPCO for giving me the world for so much of my professional career. But most of all “thank

During that period I became a “Wolfie”, a participant or trainer

you” to all my friends from every corner of the globe who have

at the renowned IAPCO Wolfsberg seminars in Switzerland –

paid me the most wonderful, emotional and touching tributes,

I was a Wolfie for 27 years! Now IAPCO has EDGE, a modern

which I shall treasure all my life as I start a new journey.

affordable educational programme delivered in-person, virtually or from the webEDGE on-line platform. At the turn of the century I was elected President (2000-2002), having held the position of Treasurer on Council for five years. At the end of that term of office, IAPCO took a change of direction, and I went with it. 6

| May 2021

Sarah leaves IAPCO on 28 May 2021

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