visualisation 2018
Hi there! I am an urban designer and architect from Russia. I have a guilty pleasure to create illustrations for urban projects. Here are an album with my favourite pics. They made for MLA+ projects, where where I work the last 3 years as an urban designer I can make new pics due to your project storyline, improve prefabricated renders or train somebody how to do matte paintings. You can find my main portfolio with selected projects on the link https://issuu.com/iaroslava/docs/portfolio_2018_english or with qr-code on the left-hand side
The New City Oostende, Belgium
The New City Oostende, Belgium
The New City Oostende, Belgium
New creative cluster in former industrial area
View of new square of Perm City trainstation
View of Residetial complex in Perm
Red Square in Kalinigrad
Railway park in Kalinigrad
The view on new Perm City District - Motoviliha
Perm City Center Masterplan birdview
after Ligovsky City: improving existing renders
after Ligovsky City: improving existing renders
Three characters of roof Multifunctional compex in Moscow
View of residential complex on Luzhnetskaya street in Moscow
Troll Gardens - Public spaces design in a newly developing district in Moscow
Landscape concept for new residential complex on Luzhnetskaya street in Moscow
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Iaroslava Nesterenko nestyaroslava@gmail.com +7 921 765 47 60