ANTI AG IN G magazine
Welcome to the NEW look International Antiaging Magazine. Please accept the magazine free with our compliments from International Antiaging Systems (IAS). We trust that you will discover a unique collection of pharmaceutical health products of the very highest standard.
Volume 5 Issue 1 Summer 2004 Editor-in-chief Phil Micans Graphic Designer Nick James
With Summer here for many of us, we start to look forward to our vacations. It's a time when we want to both look and feel our best, and to enjoy our well-earned break in the sun. In this edition of the Antiaging Magazine we are pleased to bring you articles from leading researchers in the anti-aging field, featuring innovative and cutting-edge products to help you achieve your health and lifestyle goals. If you are looking for information about regenerative, preventative or alternative medicine, all based upon global research and clinical references, then you have come to the right place. Furthermore, if you are looking for a pharmaceuitical product, then you will be pleased to know that IAS specializes in international innovations. In fact, IAS formed the world's first truly global pharmacy and today is the largest single supplier of specialist medicines.
Staff Writers Chris Jameson Sonya Hardcastle Editorial Enquiries Jim Skinner
ANTIAGING Published by International Antiaging Systems Ltd, Les Autelets, Sark GY9 OSF Great Britain
Our philosophy has always been to provide 'hard-to-obtain' products that are of exceptional quality at competitive prices, and now you can get even better value with our special 'introductory offers' when you order products from us. Choose from 5% off your total order, a F R E E Millennium Drug Guide, or a F R E E tube of Gerovital Cream, (see page 34 for full details).
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I hope you will find the articles in this magazine, written by experts, both enjoyable and informative and that they will help you to make better informed decisions about your own health.
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Phil Micans, PharmB Editor in Chief
Copyright IAS 2004.
The Anti-Aging Magazine focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies in use now that show promise in combating the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders that include cancer, arthritis and senile dementia etc. However, the main focus is upon prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the "healthy-aging" individual.
All copyright's are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for innacuracies. howsoever caused. No liability can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. All information is correct at time of going to print. Not for public broadcast or copy without written permission from IAS Ltd. Terms and conditions may change without notice.
Disclaimer: The information is offered under the IAS terms and conditions and is for educational purposes only and should not replace the advice of your personal physician.
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to fhe Antiaging
C O N T R I B U T O R S Marios Kyriazis M.D., is one of the few anti-aging physicians in the UK. He has a postgraduate qualification in Gerontology from the King's College, University of London, as well as a postgraduate qualification in Geriatric medicine granted by the Royal College of Physicians. He has written extensively on longevity, healthy aging and anti-aging matters for both scientists and the general public. He is a founder member and medical advisor to the British Longevity Society.
CONTENTS 4 Lose weight with calorie restriction mimics Discover how it is possible to "trick" the body into believing you are eating less!
m^W 10 aging
-Uif' Sun, skin
90% of normal skin aging is caused by exposure to the sun! Find out how to protect yourself
I 7 Piracetam The Grandfather Smart Drugs
of all
E d i t o r ' s Introduction
R e a d e r s Letters
Product Guide
A-Z Product Listing
Phil Micans PharmB, has degrees in Food and Vitamin Technology and Pharmacology and after reading Pearson and Shaw's book- Life Extension in 1986 has been actively involved in antiaging medicine. Chairman to the International Anti-Aging C o n f e r e n c e and co-writer of the New Millennium Guide to Anti-Aging Medicine. He also maintains the position of Vice President and Director of Research and Development at International Antiaging Systems. J a m e s South M A . is a renowned biochemist who is highly respected for his incredible k n o w l e d g e of brain chemistry and nutrition. With over 30years of experience with smart-drugs and nutrients he is a true expert. He is also the author of numerous articles and reviews and can often be heard on radio talk-shows. Furthermore he has been responsible for many of the leading nutritional formulations in the United States.
Improve your memory, learning, recall and intelligence
Professor John lonescu Ph.D., is one of Europe's leading dermatologist researchers. He has been establishing groundbreaking work into the causes and progression of n u m e r o u s skin diseases. His work has lead him to develop a c o m p r e h e n s i v e diagnostic system to enable genetic identification of metabolic failures, which can then result in individualized detox and anti-aging therapies. With this, he is proving that all skin disorders are the results of aging, toxins and allergies.
Karen Kauffman MS, C C N , Phi Beta Kappa has a degree in H U m a n Nutrition and is a certified member of the International and American Association of Certified Nutritionalists (IAACN). She maintained a clinical practice at the Complimentary Health Centre at U-Mass Memorial Healthcare in Worcester Massachusetts and currently maintains a private practice. She is also a member of the board of trustees of the Lupis Foundation of NewEngland. Robert Mason Ph.D.. was schooled in information technology and realized the potential for research in the (then) coming information revolution. Family health concerns and a knowledge of international research taught him many "lessons." The result was an organization conducting global database research. Dr. Mason believes that aging is a disease and will be curable. Dr. Mason relies entirely on scientific/ clinical information at his disposal to form an opinion, as such he "tells-it-like-it-is!"
with calorie restriction mimics
alorie Restriction is also sometimes called dietary restriction and, in simple terms is defined as undernutrition without malnutrition.
Typically, the diet is one where 30% to 70% less is ingested but the quality of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate, lipids and other factors in the diet is not compromised, rather it is the amount of overall calories that is reduced. After a period of time on this diet, several biomarkers of aging return to normal levels. Research performed at the National Institute of Aging shows that many of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction are seen not only in mice or rats, but also in primates and even humans. Calorie restriction is also the most reliable intervention which consistently increases the life-span of animals. This intervention does not only extend the 'average life-span' (the average number of years an animal is expected to live), but it also prolongs the 'maximum life-span', which is the maximum number of years a particular species can possibly reach. The maximum life-span of mice is 3-years, while that of chimpanzees is 50-years. The human average life-span is around 78-years, whereas the maximum human life-span is around 120-years. Calorie restriction also prolongs the 'health-span' which is the number of years an organism can live without any major chronic disease. Spindler, working at the Department of Biochemistry, University of California, has reported that calorie restriction changes the expression of key metabolic enzymes which influence the rate of protein renewal. Normally, new proteins are constantly being formed, and damaged ones, (i.e. damaged by free radicals, glycosylation, AGEs etc.) are being eliminated all the time. This rate of formation and removal is balanced and fine tuned. With age, fewer new proteins are being created, while abnormal proteins are not being eliminated quickly enough. The result is an excessive accumulation of damaged proteins which clog-up the cell and cause further injury, contributing to the overall age-related cell dysfunction. Calorie restriction can alter this decline by stimulating the creation of new proteins, plus enhancing the effective and quick removal of any damaged ones. This clears up any backlog of abnormal proteins, therefore the cell is free to function again effectively. Calorie restriction also modulates apoptosis, (orderly cell death) by modifying chaperone levels. Chaperones are molecules which take part in the formation, repair and elimination of proteins. Specifically, calorie restriction decreases the expression of chaperone molecules in the liver and increases the rate of serum protein secretion by up to 250%. This reduces the level of damaged proteins and improves FAX ORDERING
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"calorie restriction also prolongs the 'health-scan1 which is the number of years organism can live without ar>y major chronic disease cell function. As will be discussed further on, therapeutic agents which alter the rate of accumulation of abnormal proteins, (including those which reduce glycosylation) can be considered as having actions comparable to calorie restriction. Due to the fact that almost all species of animals studied so far show similar responses to calorie restriction, many anti-aging scientists have supported the view that humans undergoing calorie restriction could also exhibit benefits, in line similar to those seen in animals. For example, cholesterol is reduced, blood glucose levels are normalised, glucose tolerance is improved and inflammation markers are reduced etc., (see box 1). This point of view has received a substantial boost when results from the Biosphere 2 experiment were released. Eight scientists, who for nearly two years, followed a calorie restriction regime experienced the same physiological changes as those encountered in calorie restricted primates. Clearly, more human research is needed, but the future looks promising.
• • y
Lowers blood pressure and pulse rate. Improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood glucose levels. Lowers body temperature. Modulates apoptosis, and improves DNA repair. Protein synthesis and abnormal protein elimination increase. Reduces free radicals, (both in numerical and in activity terms). Lowers LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and reduces body weight. Increases muscle mass and reduces fat mass, (including intra-abdominal fat). Boosts endogenous DHEA, and modulates growth hormone secretion. Improves memory, cognition, energy, and physical activity. Stimulates BDNF, (a nerve growth factor which benefits brain function). Reduces the risk of chronic disease, (heart disease, diabetes, cancer and arthritis). 5
same genes by using a tablet or an injection, this would be a
F o o t n o t e 1- T h e i m p a c t o f h o r m e s i s
much more practical alternative compared to long periods of Calorie restriction also has hormetic effects. Hormesis is a term referring to the long term benefits of mild, repeated stress
hunger and dietary discomfort. Calorie restriction mimics are drugs or chemical compounds
which reproduce the actions of calorie restriction. In other
temperature, mild radiation exposure, or hypergravity, as well as
words, the administration of a calorie restriction mimics results
or stimulation.
nutritional stress (i.e. calorie restriction), all have been shown to
in the same physiological changes seen in calorie restriction
improve a range of parameters associated with aging. One
itself. If calorie restriction mimics work the way they are intended
characteristic of hormesis is that it can be activated following a
to work, the big bonus in terms of human patients, would be that
certain stimulus, but the effects of this activation are not linear,
there is no need for lengthy fasting periods. These mimetics
(they are non-proportional). In a linear situation, if a stimulus is
activate stress pathways which are also activated by calorie
applied at a mild level it will cause mild stimulation effects. If it is
applied at a moderate level, it will cause moderate stimulation,
Commonly-studied mimics are those which inhibit glycolysis or
and if it is applied at full power it will cause maximal effects. It
those which improve the action of insulin.
by other
turns out that this does not always happen in real life. Hormetic
One way calorie restriction mimics work is by influencing
stimulation is not linear but "U-shaped". In other words, a mild
specific genes which ultimately affect either cell repair or cell
stimulus may cause strong stimulation, a medium stimulus may
death. For example, one gene affected by calorie restriction is
result into the opposite effect, (i.e. inhibition) and a further,
the Sir2 gene in yeast. It is activated following a short period of
strong increase of the same stimulus may cause the same
calorie restriction and it interacts with p53, which is a factor
degree of stimulation as that seen with the mild stimulus. This
involved in apoptosis (cell death). When Sir2 is activated by
hormetic characteristic is important because it helps explain why
calorie restriction, it de-acetylates (deactivates) p53, which then
sometimes an agent stimulates something, and sometimes it
represses the process of excessive cell death, therefore saving
inhibits depending on the dose. As it will be made clear in this
cells from unnecessary death. See Footnote 2.
in the case of calorie restriction and
restriction mimics, there is both an inhibition of growth (of cancer c e lls),
F o o t n o t e 2- t h e p 5 3 g e n e
and a stimulation of growth (of healthy cells). [End of
The process of de-acetylating the p53 gene is called 'gene
There is one problem with calorie restriction however, very
silencing,' and it is encountered quite frequently in research
few people are willing to undergo a life time of hunger in order
aiming to identify the genes which affect aging. p53 is a gene
to live a few extra years! According to research,
which produces a protein of the same name, (p53) which
restriction is also effective when applied for a short period later
activates apoptotic cell death. Apoptosis is a process whereby
in life. The fact remains that a few weeks or months of starvation
cells commit suicide in response to free radicals, glycosylation
and hunger are well beyond the capabilities of most of us in the
or other toxic events causing damage to the DNA. Too much
developed world. The good news is that 70 or so years of
apoptosis results in loss of healthy cells, which causes clinical
research into calorie restriction have not gone wasted. We are
age-related symptoms. On the other hand, too little apoptosis
now in a position to make a scientific appraisal as to exactly how
may result in accumulation of damaged cells,
calorie restriction works, and try to see if we can mimic these
damaged DNA) and contribute to cancer. Therefore, a balance
effects by using other, less
interventions achieve
(brain, muscle tissues). In the first case, the risk of cancer is
with the expression of certain genes produce growth
proteins, factors
or in
turn, influence the rate of
of excessive or sluggish expression of p53. Apoptosis needs to be high in organs which regenerate easily, (liver, blood, skin,
result. works
needs to be found between excessive and sluggish apoptosis. One way to achieve this is through regulation and re-balancing
various of
epithelium) and low in organs that do not regenerate easily, increased due to rapid accumulation of damaged cells, (so a fast rate of apoptosis is necessary in order to eliminate these damaged cells and reduce the risk of cancer. These tissues can then regenerate easily with healthy cells). In the second case, the risk of cancer is low anyway, (due to slow turnover of cells), and any excessive apoptotic loss of cells will result in loss of function, (because the lost cells cannot be replaced). [End of footnote] The yeast Sir2 gene has an equivalent in the earthworm C.elegans and, probably in other organisms also. This has
body. If there was a
prompted scientists to look for a human equivalent. It turns out
way to influence these
that a human gene similar to Sir2 (a homologue) is a gene called ONLINE ORDERING
Weight SIRT1. Anderson et al. from the Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, have shown that low intensity stress (hormesis) such as calorie restriction, causes SIRT1 to deacetylate (de-activate, or 'silence') p53, the absence of which reduces apoptotic cell death, and hence the risk of age-related dysfunction is thus reduced. These researchers have also shown that another gene called PNC1 (pyrazinamide/ nicotinamidase 1), encodes an enzyme which facilitates the above process, leading to life-span extension. Langley et al. from the Wellcome Institute, University of Cambridge, UK, have reported that the SIRT1 and p53 genes are present near each other, inside the nucleus of human cells, and that the SIRT1 gene regulates p53, thus being capable of modulating cellular senescence. Whether the p53 gene becomes activated or silenced, depends on the actual gene sensitivity and on the affinity of SIRT1 to receptors. The study of how genes are affected by calorie restriction is quite laborious and time-consuming. Fortunately, new technologies have managed to provide ways which study large numbers of genes at any one moment. GeneChips (highdensity DNA microarrays), make use of technology which looks at large parts of the DNA molecule in relatively short periods of time. Dhahbi et al from the Department of Biochemistry, University of California, have reported that GeneChips can study approximately 11000 genes at any one occasion, and that some of these genes are modified in diabetes. In this way, it has been possible to identify several genes which may play a role in age-modification through calorie restriction. Other research companies have reported that while a calorie restriction regime lasting for two years does reverse many age-related changes, a two to four week period of calorie restriction is capable of reversing 70% of those changes. In other words, even a short calorie restriction regime lasting for up to four weeks is very effective (70%) compared to a two year calorie restriction period. Genes affected in this way are those influencing inflammation, stress, apoptosis, fibrosis, and protein turnover. Calorie Restriction Mimics number 1: Metformin
One of the most important calorie restriction mimics is the anti-diabetic drug metformin, because it modulates insulin action. In order to reduce blood glucose, insulin has to be produced in sufficient amounts, but it also has to bind to insulin receptors on the cells in the body. Aging causes an increased difficulty in the smooth operation of this process, and there is a situation whereby insulin cannot effectively bind to the receptors, therefore it does not perform its duties properly. This is called 'increased peripheral resistance' to insulin, and it is a cardinal sign in diabetes and aging. Drugs which help mitigate this problem have existed for several years, and new ones are being studied at present. Additional details and links about Metformin can be found at: FAXORDERING
+44 208 I8I
In the French experiment, expression of genes encoding for
Metformin (brand name Metforal®), is a drug which has been
glucokinase and liver-type pyruvate kinase, (two enzymes which
in use for over 40-years against diabetes. It is considered to be
are involved in glycolysis) was increased by 250% following
a receptor sensitizer, because it enhances the sensitivity of
treatment with metformin. It is worth remembering that calorie
muscle and fat cells. In
restriction also results in modulation of genes, which affect
addition, it also increases the actual numbers of receptors.
glucose formation in the liver, (high when needed, and low when
While other anti-diabetic drugs stimulate the pancreas to
not needed), influence glycolysis (i.e. glucose elimination, which
insulin receptors on the surface of
produce more insulin, metformin only increases the sensitivity to
is high when energy is needed by the rest of the body, and low
insulin and does not influence its secretion. The upside of this is
when not needed), containment of the glycolysis by-products
that metformin does not usually cause
which may contribute to glycosylation, and reduction of tissue
hypoglycaemia. When the insulin receptors are as sensitive to
levels of AGEs, as well as a reduction in fatty acid oxidation, all
insulin as possible, the levels of circulating glucose falls, fat
of which correspond to the same actions of metformin genetic
metabolism becomes more balanced and the weight of the
effects. Therefore, the case for metformin being a calorie
patient is reduced. Apart from being a receptor sensitizer,
restriction mimics is strengthened further
glucogenesis, production
Metformin works along several
different pathways
inhibits excessive absorption of
glucose-lowering effect. of
reduced "
French researchers from the Laboratory
glucose !o e r a n r l ««
<ers are
in order to
But always
operate directly via glucose and insulin modulating pathways. It
Metabolism and Development in
is able
many to
genes which reduce the production of glucose by the liver, thus
footnote 1) metformin is able to modulate the stress response,
reducing the risk of glycosylation and other age-related damage.
in other words, it takes part in adjusting the cellular activities
Chemical agents such as lactate, pyruvate, alanine
following mild stress. A specific biochemical pathway is through
galactose can be used by the liver to create new molecules of
activation of AMPK. This is a protein kinase, (an enzyme) which
glucose. Metformin can alter the expression of genes which
is normally active within the cell following multiple stresses.
AMPK stands for 'Adenosine Mono Phosphate- activated protein
glucose the
Kinase', and is, as the name suggests, activated by Adenosine
concentration of toxic by-products of glucose. In addition,
Mono Phosphate (AMP), an energy-rich molecule. Normally
metformin can reduce the gene expression for enzymes which
AMPK is switched on by stresses such as hypoxia (low oxygen),
increase oxidation of fatty acids. These enzymes, (such as
glucose deprivation, ischaemia or muscle contractions, (which
I) contribute to the oxidation of fats
increase the energy demands). Once activated, AMPK initiates
resulting in cell membrane disruption and eventual cell death.
biochemical activities which prevent and repair cell damage, by
But the formation of these enzymes is blocked by metformin
leading to a sudden bout of energy production and by switching
which ultimately saves the cell from an untimely death. At the
off any energy-demanding processes which are not directly
a whole
same time, genes which encode for proteins that modulate
essential for the survival of the organism. For example, it blocks
glycolysis, (destruction of glucose) are activated by metformin.
the long-term production of complex proteins, lipids
Weight carbohydrates which are not needed for the immediate survival of the cell, i.e. it behaves as if the body is in 'survival mode.' (But when the presence of these proteins/lipids/carbohydrates becomes essential at a later stage, when the emergency is over, then other mechanisms take over to start creating them again at the right amounts and concentrations so that to keep the cells multiplying again). This is exactly what happens during calorie restriction when the body is in 'survival mode' and when the nutritional stress of a low calorie diet activates pathways which increase cell repair. Patients with significant kidney or liver disease, or those with heart failure should avoid taking it. Common and mild side effects are nausea, vomiting or abdominal bloating. The normal anti-diabetic dosage for metformin is 500 mg twice a day. This can be increased as necessary to a maximum of 3000 mg a day. However, the dose required for calorie restriction mimetic effects has not been calculated formally. In mice, a dose of 300 mg/kg/day has been shown to reduce body temperature (a calorie restriction mimetic effect). But this cannot be extrapolated to humans, as it will mean 21000 mg for an average male. Further research is needed to clarify this point. Healthy people who take metformin for its general anti-aging benefits normally use 500 mg twice a day. It is important to keep an eye on the blood biochemistry during metformin treatment. Tests commonly performed are fasting glucose and lipid status, liver and kidney function and haemoglobin A1c, which is a glycosylated haemoglobin indicating the effectiveness of glucose control in the body. A low A1c means that the level of glucose (and therefore, indirectly, the level of glycosylation damage) in the body is well-controlled. Normal levels are those below the value of 5% People who drink alcohol excessively should avoid metformin, or at least take it only under expert medical supervision. Calorie Restriction Mimetic number 2: Resveratrol
Found mainly in red wine (from the skin of unripe red grapes), resveratrol is a polyphenol plant chemical with proven beneficial cardiovascular effects. What is more, resveratrol is a potent calorie restriction mimic. In yeast it stimulates Sir2, increasing DNA stability and extending life-span by 70%. It is believed that it works the same way in humans, i.e., by activating the human homologue SIRT1 which, as explained above, results in reduced apoptosis in the liver, blood and skin, and reduced risk of agerelated chronic disease. Research performed at the Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, shows that resveratrol possesses an anti-cancer activity which is medicated through p53 modulation. A derivative of resveratrol can also block cells from dividing, without involving p53, thus safeguarding against unauthorised cell replication which may result in cancer. Resveratrol is normally taken in 5 mg capsules once a day for prevention, and three times a day for treatment. The dose necessary to achieve calorie restriction mimics effects has not FAX ORDERING
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been calculated but, currently, there is no reason to recommend anything other than a daily dose of 5 to 10 mg. Details and links about Resveratrol can be found at: www.antiagingsystems.com/a2z/resveratrol. htm It is conceivable that for a maximum calorie restriction mimics effect, resveratrol and metformin can be taken together or, perhaps even better, alternating metformin and resveratrol. There is some evidence that taking medication at irregular and ever-changing intervals has a more pronounced benefit on health. However, the full efficacy of this recommendation has not been evaluated clinically. An ideal way of testing the clinical benefits of metformin and/or resveratrol used as calorie restriction mimics would be to measure the patient's biomarkers by using Inner-Age速 and then try the treatment for a period of about six months. At the end of this period re-evaluate the patient's biomarkers (by using InnerAge速 again) and study the difference in the scores, particularly those related to blood glucose, insulin, cardiovascular health, liver function and brain activities, all of which can be expected to show a considerable improvement. Details about Inner-Age can be found at: www.inner-age.com Other mimetics include agents which reduce abnormal protein accumulation. For example, agents such as aminoguanidine and L-Carnosine which prevent and eliminate AGEs, therefore contributing towards the prevention of chronic degenerative disease. Dosages for aminoguanidine are considered for anti-aging at 75 mg two to four times daily. Details and links about Aminoguanidine can be found at: www.antiaging-systems.com/a2z/aminoguanidine.htm Dosages for L-Carnosine are considered for anti-aging at 50 mg to 100mg two or three times daily. Please note that details of why we recommended dosages of L-Carnosine of no more than 300 mg daily- based on human studies and the work of carnosine researchers, such as Dr. Kyriazis and Dr. Hipkiss- can be found in this issue. Details and links about L-Carnosine can be found at: www.antiaging-systems.com/a2z/carnosine.htm The increased amount of research into calorie restriction has given us promising directions into identifying effective agents which reproduce the exact benefits of calorie restriction, without the need to follow long calorie-restricted diets. The most promising and clinically relevant calorie restriction mimics are metformin and, to a lesser degree, resveratrol, together with Aminoguanidine and L-Carnosine. Several others are in the pipeline. While research is continuing, many doctors who already recommend these compounds to their patients for other reasons, can now start considering that their treatment has an added possible bonus.
Adapted from "Calories Restriction Mimetics and lifeextension" by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. To read the complete original article with all clinical references go to: www. antiaging-systems. com/extract/calorierestriction.htm
Sun, skin
- I_
& aging
L, V
he skin is obviously the most visible place we first look for signs of aging, being as it is- the largest organ in the human body.
Its nourishment and protection from the elements, and particularly its
protection from exposure to sun are paramount considerations for any serious anti-aging program. Ever since Coco Channel in the 1920's made the tanned look fashionable, the risks of skin cancer and accelerated skin aging, with all its negative aging attributes has become a real issue. Now, totally new European skin technologies, based on serious and fundamental anti-aging research conducted in Germany by Professor lonescu, on the reasons why our skin ages, have become a reality. The introduction of Pro-Solaris with its high strength Sun Protection Factors, moisturizers and unique tan inducers, now means that tanning can occur without the inherent risks previously associated by having to "over expose" oneself to the sun to achieve a fashionable look! The addition of Pro-Energo with its truly unique
comprehensive multi-approach ingredients, provides a unique back-up to counterbalance photoaging, and allow skin to remain as healthy and youthful looking for as long as possible. The new Pro-Solaris速
Photoaging Defence
Formula, combines for the first time double UVA + UVB protection, for a high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 25, but also contains a melanin promoting factor, thus enhancing the natural tanning process. So not only does Pro-Solaris have a very good factor 10
protection of
(approximately equivilant to wearing a light shirt), therefore guarding against photoaging, but is also allows for tanning to take place! Thus giving people the look they want, without undergoing the damage it would normally do. Pro-Solaris
also contains free radical and metal blocking agents including
Vitamin E, carrot oil and EDTA, which help prevent sun exposure side-effects, together with immune stimulating plant extracts (b-glucans) having antiherpes virus activity. The proven moisturizing properties of the base emulsion complete this ultimate anti-photoaging formula. To slow down the photoaging linked wrinkle formation efficiently, ProEnergo速 Repair Complex has been introduced. For the first time, this provides a synergistic anti-aging combination of UV-light blockers, free radical quenchers, (Vitamin E and Coenzyme Q10) plus truly unique anti-glycation agents, such as aminoguanidine, as well as collagen/ elastin synthesis promoters like soy bioflavonoids. All the active ingredients are incorporated in liposomes, (containing skin identical phospholipids) and ceramides by means of the patented DMS nanoparticle technology. A rapid uptake in the epidermis cells is thus granted. Pro-Energo Repair Complex shows evident firming and antiwrinkle effects, smoothing the skin around the eyes and fights against dark circles and puffiness. It nourishes, moisturizes and tonifies providing the skin a youthful radiant look. A visible, significant difference was noticed in more than 1000 tested persons after just 3 weeks of Pro-Energo use. The combined use of the products, (day/ night) may lead to most surprising results in a relative short period of time. All these anti-aging products are clinically tested, free of preservatives, colours and fragrances and therefore hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive or allergic skin.
V +44 208
S u n ,
s k i n
a g i n g
Intrinsic skin aging is characterized by: As reported at the 3rd International Anti-Aging Conference, Monte Carlo in September 2002, the intrinsic, (meaning genetically determined) and the extrinsic, (meaning sun and toxic exposure mediated), skin aging processes are overlapped and strongly related to an increased generation of free radicals in the skin. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals carrying an unpaired electron in their outer orbit. They attract electrons from surrounding molecules, (lipids, proteins, DNA) to complete their own electron structure, thus inducing cellular damage. Such reactions are strongly implicated in the development of chronic diseases such as; atherosclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodegenerative states, cancer, aging as well as in skin disorders. The Free Radical Theory of Aging was formulated by Dr. Denham Harman, in 1956, and postulates that aging is caused by free radical reactions associated with environmental influences, disease, failures of antioxidative defences and the intrinsic aging process. It predicts that the life-span of an organism can be increased by slowing the rate of initiation of free radical reactions, and/ or decreasing their chain lengths. In accordance to this theory, several mechanisms related to the aging process have been documented, and include: • That the free radical generation factors are related to disease and aging. • The pathways of lipid, protein and DNA oxidative damage are induced by free radical attack. • The patterns of glycation/ oxidation and crosslinking reactions of lipoproteins are clearly involved in the aging progression. In the presence of natural sunlight or artificial UV sources, the photoaging process happens continuously and leads over time to dryness, deep wrinkles, sagging, lost of elasticity, mottled pigmentation and skin telangiectasia. Clinically, the adverse effects of natural sunlight and other UV-sources on normal human skin may vary from sunburn with erythema, oedema and even DNA damage, even after only 1224 hours of exposure, on to polymorphic light reaction (eczema solare), solar actinic elastosis and actinic hyperkeratosis, (a common precancerous condition), up to different skin cancer forms like basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or malignant melanoma. Usually, photoaging and other extrinsic skin aging factors are superimposed onto the intrinsic aging processes, leading to complex morphological and biochemical changes of the skin. So as photoaging, mainly through sunlight, but also through artificial UV-exposure, has a major impact on the skin's appearance, new defence strategies are required that include: 1. An appropriate UVA+UVB sunscreen choice. 2. The addition of antioxidants. 3. The inclusion of photo-protective melanogenesis through thymidine-dinucleotide (pTpT) formulations. 4. The use of phytoestrogens and metal chelating agents to inhibit the collagenase activation. 5. The avoidance of refined hyperglycaemic carbohydrates to slow down the glycation/ oxidation of proteins. 6. Plus the use of DPTT, aminoguanidine and carnosine formulations to inhibit the collagen cross-linking. 7. And retinoic acid to stimulate the DNA repair mechanisms and collagen synthesis. It is essential to understand that the above mentioned 12
• • • • • •
Increased cellular catabolic activities. Deficient antioxidant defence mechanisms. Deficient melanin synthesis. Deficient detox capacity. Decreased sexual hormones availability, (often a g e related). L o w blood perfusion, (e.g., arteriosclerosis or lack of exercise).
Extrinsic skin aging is closely related to: •
T h e p h o t o a g i n g process induced by sunlight or
artificial UV-exposure, w h i c h has a major impact o n skin appearance, t h r o u g h a n obvious free radical g e n e r a t i o n in t h e skin, w i t h p h o t o a g i n g believed to cause of up to 9 0 % of skin a g i n g in "normal aging" individuals. • Toxic environmental exposure, such as smoking, industrial pollutants, h e a v y metals, detergents, all of w h i c h are k n o w n to be p o t e n t free radical inducers. • Chronic infection/ inflammatory states associated w i t h a n increased free radical attack. • Inappropriate nutrition, (excess of refined carbohydrates, fats, f o o d additives, alcohol, l o w w a t e r intake) a n d last, b u t n o t least; • Sleep deficiency a n d stress. approaches must have an individual character related to the metabolic, nutritional and clinical skin status of the individual person. Our research data indicates that the overlapped intrinsic and extrinsic skin aging mechanisms are leading to accelerated collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid degradation, low water retention, diminished antioxidant capacity, disrupted cellular structures and low energetic metabolism. In other words, these actions lead to sagging and wrinkled skin. Studies of the lipid, protein and DNA oxidative damage triggered by sunlight exposure and the subsequent free radical attack, has concluded in appropriate strategies to slow down or block these reactions, and has made possible the design of a totally new breed of clinically formulated skin-care technology. These new formulations are known as ProEnergo and ProSolaris. Adapted from "The photoaging of human skin" by Professor John G. lonescu, Ph.D. To read the original complete article, along with all clinical references, please go to: www.antiagingsystems, com/extract/skinphotoaging. htm
The figure above shows the effect of Pro-Energo's repair complex on a patient before, (left) and after several weeks of use (right). The number of wrinkles is visibly reduced and the skin is better toned. ONLINE
Memantine now available in liquid form Memantine has gained worldwide recognition as a new approach for A l z h e i m e r ' s disease, mainly because it has been proven to be efficacious in the late stages of the
Pro Pro
disease. This distressing phase of the disease is one where other treatments are not currently available. A more recent study with 252 patients studied over a period of 28-weeks, receiving either placebo or 20mg/day of Memantine; it was clearly noted that M e m a n t i n e reduced the clinical deterioration in moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Hans Joerg Moebius stated that; "These promising results represent a breakthrough in terms of significant patient and caregiver benefit by Memantine, in the untapped therapeutic area of advanced dementia. In addition, compared to other anti-dementia drugs, Memantine showed an excellent safety and tolerability profile." N o w this new drug is available in a unique liquid form. The advantages of a liquid over tablets means that low dosages can be titrated regularly, and is easier to
These products have been specially, developed by one of Europe's leading dermatologist's, Professor John lonescu Ph.D. The unique formulas features many innovations from his ground breaking research. ' u 1
The ultimate Photoaging skin defence formula
T h e ultimate
Anti-wrinkle skin
ProSolaris is a unique sun protection cream that lets you tan without the photoaging damage. UVA + UVB protection has been combined with an SPF of 25.
ProEnergo smooths the skin around the eyes, nourishing, moisturizing & toning it. Combatting dark circles & puffiness leaving skin with a youthful radiant look.
repair formula
swallow, therefore making it much easier to administer to a patient. Memantine liquid (brand name Ebixa) is now available to order. See page 32.
Calorie Restriction Professor, Roy Walford dies aged 79 We are sad to report the loss of longevity pioneer Professor Roy Walford, from U C L A . Professor Walford died on April 27, 2004 at the Santa Monica hospital at age 79. He was most f a m o u s for his research and commitment to calorie restriction, following closely in the footsteps of his lab animals and ensuring that he adhered to 1600 calories intake a day, far less than the recommended 2800 recommended for a man of his age. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his friends and family. FAX ORDERING
+ 44 208
ProSolaris & ProEnergo are available from IAS, to place an order please turn to page 35 or visit our website www.antiaging-magazine.com
Thymus immuntiy, aging & health
The thymus gland is small, w e i g h i n g n o more than 1 '/i ounces a n d located in the chest. Its importance in the regulation of the immune system w a s recognised in the 1970's, a n d later research demonstrated that the thymus gland produced a family of polypeptides, k n o w n collectively as thymic hormones. There is little doubt that the shrinkage of the thymus gland, w h i c h starts at puberty, is associated with a weakening of the immune defense system. Further research has demonstrated that thymic hormones have a marked benefit o n T-cells. The reduction in the function of the T-cell system, play's a sizeable role in the decrease in immune defense, thymus hormones are able to help reverse a n d slow this process. Furthermore, thymus hormones are also able to reduce autoimmune reactions a n d help prevent bone marrow injury, they d o this by assisting the production of white a n d red blood cells. The thymus gland begins to atrophy by the a g e of 20, so it is considered to be a biomarker of aging. A s figure I indicates, the reduction in thymus h o r m o n e production is a major link between a decreasing immune system with advancing age.
supplementation. Certainly it is noted that w h e n the thymus gland is removed, it is accompanied by a degeneration in pituitary cells, with a resultant catabolic action. Thym-Uvocal®, a whole natural thymus product from Germany It has not been s h o w n that one can isolate a single thymic h o r m o n e with the whole complex of functions of the thymus gland. It w o u l d appear that single isolated molecules carry out single psychological functions, (e.g. T-cell differentiation), but not other functions. For this reason, it is considered more appropriate to administer a natural, complex mixture of thymus hormones, capable of comprehensive modulation a n d stimulation of immune defenses. The Germany c o m p a n y Strathmann A G , manufacture Thym-Uvocal®, w h i c h has been used clinically in Europe since 1976. It is a n effective w h o l e and natural thymus h o r m o n e agent, very well tolerated, a n d with impressive actions in disease states associated with impaired immune defenses, including "old age. Thym-Uvocal® and cancer
But interestingly, thymus gland hormones do not increase all immune function activity, but actually appear to be able to also reduce immunity w h e n it is excessive, (as seen by h i g h T4/T8 ratios in rheumatoid arthritis). For while thymus hormones improve immune function where it is weak, (i.e., low T4/T8 ratios in HIV), thymus hormones have been s h o w n to be able to normalize the T4/T8 ratio to the "ideal" healthy T4/T8 ratio of 1.74. Thymus and allergies Thymus hormones are also k n o w n to reduce the levels of the "allergy antibody- lgE,"thus benefiting patients suffering from various allergies including, allergic rhinitis, asthma a n d atopic dermatitis etc. Thymus and growth hormone Some of the health benefits of thymus hormones may be due to a relation between the thymus a n d the pituitary gland. A s the pituitary gland is the center of production for g r o w t h hormone, thymus hormones, (by increasing the number a n d activity of T-cells), enable T-cells to secrete more g r o w t h h o r m o n e releasing hormone. This helps to explain some of the anabolic changes seen in patients u n d e r g o i n g thymus h o r m o n e 14
The main indications for Thym-Uvocal® have been to strengthen the immune system, particularly in patients with malignant disease. The immune system is impaired in patients with malignant tumors, particularly if they are also being treated with cytostatic drugs and/or radiation. Thym-Uvocal® has been administered along with treatment a n d has reduced side-effects, w i t h f i o interactions or contraindications being reported to-date. M a n y physicians have also reported improvement in the underlying disease, with regression of existing tumors, a delay in metastasis a n d better remission times. Wr
Possible positive effects o n the underlying Cancer disease with Thym-Uvocal® include:
\ O Regression of an existing tumor O Delayed metastasis O Prolonged remission time O Improvement in the quality of life ONLINE
Age related disease Thymus dependent immunity Blood thymosin levels 0 51015 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 80 85
age years
Figure 1: Shows the relation between a decrease in blood levels of thymic peptides and the increase on age related diseases. Published by the World Health Organisation, technical report series, 630 (1978).
Conclusion Immunoincompetence can result from disease and vice-versa. Some drugs can treat disease, but weaken the immune defense systems at the same time. Physical and psychological stress can cause disease directly, or do the same indirectly by causing immunoincompetence, (see figure 3). Figure 3
T h y m - U v o c a l ® a n d rheumatic disease In the area of rheumatic disease, Thym-Uvocal® can being about improvement, leading to both a reduction in the number and severity of inflamed and painful joints, (see figure 2). The combination of active substances has a positive immunomodulating effect on the autoimmune processes, and administration of Thym-Uvocal® has made it possible in many cases to decrease the dosage of nonsterodial anti-inflammatories, and/or prevent a switch to steroids. The possible improvements in rheumatism with Thym-Uvocal® include: O Reduction in m o r n i n g stiffness O Increase in l o c o m o t o r activity O Increase in m o b i l i t y O Reduction of p a i n
Physicians have often reported objective improvement in their patients. This has included less disability, better mobility and reduced joint swelling. Frequent reports include the ability of long-term Thym-Uvocal® administration to allow rheumatism patients to be weaned off steroids. Figure 2: shows the reduction in the number of joints afflicted with pain, (which is elicited by movement and by pressure for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers), when treated with Thym-Uvocal®. There is a very significant improvement within 6-weeks which continues past 74-weeks.
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20 18 N 16 o 14
Because of the immune stimulation induced by Thym-Uvocal® supplementation, it has been applied for a number of different indications, all of which all involve immune system decline. These include infections, (viral and bacterial), internal medicine, allergies, states of exhaustion (chronic fatigue), Aids, Cancer and arthritic disorders. An interesting comment was made by biochemist James South MA, who noted in his article; "The overlooked but vital role of the thymus", that in addition to its immune enhancing properties, the personal use of Thym-Uvocal® for himself and his wife, induces a state of "well being" and has "vitalizing" effect on them both.
o 12 f j 10 o i 8 n 6 t s 4 0
As is shown in figure 1, there is a close correlation between decreasing thymic activity, worsening immunocompetence and increasing susceptibility to disease as w e grow older. As it is known that blood thymus levels decline after the age of 25, this helps to explain why older individuals are the most important group for supplementation with thymus. Yet the thymus gland is virtually completely overlooked by mainstream medicine, even by some in the field of endocrinology! There is no doubt that the thymus gland appears to be the most forgotten about gland in medicine today!
2 4 Weeks
The dosages depend upon the need, and vary from 1 capsule (240mg each) twice a day, to 2 capsules three times a day. Its effects can normally be noted within 3-7 days, side-effects are very rare and to date no known contraindications have been reported. 15
The world's j most popular L
ÂŁLnaLr drug
mart drugs are generally recognised as being those that improve memory, learning, recall and intelligence, and may also have a role in other brain related issues, such as speed of reaction etc. The grand father of them all is Piracetam, which has been available in Europe since the 1970s and to date has outsold all others with sales estimated in excess of a Billion Dollars. Yet whilst Piracetam was originally used to treat motion sickness, there is a mass of Piracetam research which has uncovered its ability to facilitate memory and learning, prevent amnesia and improve hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions. Even by 1972, 700 papers had been published on Piracetam, and Piracetam's pharmacologic uniqueness led Dr. C.E. Giurgea, (the principal Piracetam researcher and research co-ordinator), to formulate an entirely new category of drugs to describe Piracetam: He called it a "nootropic" drug, which today thanks to Dr. Ward Dean's range of public books, have become widely known as "smart-drugs." FAX ORDERING
+44 208
^DRUGS nutrients
chronically with 100 to 1,000 mg/kg orally for 6 months and dogs treated with a s much a s 10 g/kg orally for 1 year did not show any toxic effect. No teratogenic [birth deformity] effects were found, nor was behavioral tolerance noted." Piracetam must be considered one of the toxicologically safest drugs ever developed. Piracetam is known to increase the performance of people subjected to hypoxia. For example, when a single 2 4 0 0 mg dose of Piracetam was given to humans tested under 10.5% oxygen, (equivalent to 5 3 0 0 m . / 1 7 , 0 0 0 ft. altitude), eye movement reflexes were enhanced, while breathing rate and reaction times were reduced. The improvement of function under low oxygen conditions is one of the reasons that Piracetam is the choice of mountaineers, atheletes and those passengers "in the know" every time they board an aircraft. According to Dr. Giurgea, all nootropic drugs should have the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
They should enhance learning and memory. They should enhance the resistance of learned behavior to conditions which tend to disrupt them. They should protect the brain against various physical or chemical injuries, (e.g. barbiturates, low blood flow). They should "increase the efficacy of the tonic cortical/subcortical control mechanisms." They should lack the usual pharmacology of other psychotropic drugs, (e.g. sedation, motor stimulation) They should possess very few side effects and have extremely low toxicity.
As research into Piracetam and others, (e.g. pyritinol, centrophenoxine, aniracetam, idebenone) progressed over the past 3 0 years, section 5 (above) of Dr. Giurgea's original definition has been gradually dropped by most researchers. Nootropic drugs represent a unique class, with their broad cognition enhancing, brain protecting and low toxicity/ few side effects. Additional details and links about Piracetam can be found at: www.antiaging-systems.com/a2z/nootropics.htm#PIRACETAM A key part of Piracetam's specialness is its amazing lack of toxicity. In acute toxicity studies, which are undertaken with all drugs, it was attempted to determine Piracetam's "LD50" (the lethal dose which kills 5 0 % of test animals), Piracetam failed to achieve an L D 5 0 when given to rats intravenously at 8 gm/kg bodyweight. Similarly, oral L D 5 0 studies in mice, rats, and dogs given 10 gm Piracetam/kg bodyweight also produced no LD50! This would be mathematically equivalent to giving a 70 kg (154 pound) person 7 0 0 gm (1.54 pounds) of Piracetam! As Tacconi and Wurtman note, "Piracetam apparently is virtually non-toxic.... Rats treated
By the 1980s, neuroscientists had discovered that brain cholinergic neural networks, especially in the corted and hippocampus, are intimately involved in memory and learning. Normal and pathological brain aging, a s well as Alzheimer's type dementia, are known to involve degeneration of both the structure and function of cholinergic nerves, with consequent impairment of memory and learning ability. During this same period a growing body of evidence began to show that Piracetam works in part through a cholinergic activity. Studies in humans with Piracetam, combined with either choline or phosphatidylcholine, found enhanced learning abilities, and produced significant improvement in memory in Alzheimer's patients. Yet giving choline or lecithin alone, in these studies provided little or no benefit, while Piracetam alone provided only modest benefit. As usual, a synergistic multi-level "attack" is required, particularly when trying to reduce a problem that has already reached disease stage. Piracetam also has various effects on glutamate neurotransmission. Given that ACh and glutamate are two of the most central "activating" neurotransmitters of the brain, and that they help to facilitate alertness, focus, attention, memory and learning, Piracetam's effects on ACh/glutamate neurotransmission must be presumed to play a major role in its demonstrated ability to improve mental performance and memory. Although Piracetam is generally reported to have minimal or no side effects, it is interesting to note that Piracetam's occasionally reported side effects of anxiety, insomnia, agitation, irritability and tremor are identical to the symptoms of excess ACh/glutamate neuroactivity. Piracetam is NOT prone to the often serious side effects of drugs which directly amplify or inhibit neurotransmitter action - e.g. MAO inhibitors, Prozac - style "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors," tricyclic antidepressants, amphetamines, Ritalin, benzodiazepines (Valium), etc. A key finding on Piracetam in various studies is its ability to enhance brain energy, especially under deficit conditions. Energy a s ATP, (Adenosine
Piracetam has been used exp erimentally or clinically to treat wide range of diseases and conditions, specifically: 1. 2.
3. 4.
Piracetam has been used to treat alcoholism. Piracetam has brought improvement, or slowed deterioration in senile dementias, including Alzheimer's disease. Piracetam has improved recovery from aphasia, (speech impairment) after stroke. Piracetam has restored various functions, (use of limbs, speech, EEG, state of consciousness) in people suffering from acute and chronic cerebral ischaemia, (decreased brain blood flow). Piracetam has improved alertness, co-operation, socialisation, and IQ in elderly patients suffering from "mild cerebral impairment." Piracetam has increased reading comprehension and accuracy in dyslexic children, as well as their speed and accuracy of reading, writing and spelling. Piracetam potentiates the anticonvulsant action of various anti-epileptic drugs, while also eliminating the cognitive deficits induced by anti-epileptic drugs. Piracetam has improved mental performance in "aging, non-deteriorated individuals," suffering only from "middle-aged forgetfulness." Elderly out-patients suffering from "age-associated memory impairment" given Piracetam, show significant
I I.
12. 13. 14.
15. 16.
improvement in memory consolidation and recall. Piracetam reverses typical EEC slowing associated with "normal" and pathological human aging, increasing alpha and beta (fast) EEC activity and reducing delta and theta (slow) EEC activity, while simultaneously increasing vigilance, attention and memory. Piracetam reduced the severity and occurrence of major symptoms of "post-concussional syndrome," such as headache, vertigo, fatigue and decreased alertness, while it also improved the state of consciousness in deeply comatose hospitalised patients following head injuries. Piracetam has successfully treated motion sickness and vertigo. Piracetam "is one of the best available drugs for treating myoclonus [severe muscle spasms] of cortical origin." Piracetam has successfully treated Raynaud's syndrome, (severe vasospasm in hands and/or feet), with "a rapid and marked improvement.... The efficacy of piracetam has been maintained in several patients already followed for 2-3 years." Piracetam has been used to inhibit sickle cell anemia, both clinically and experimentally. Piracetam has improved Parkinson's disease, and may synergize with standard L-dopa treatment. ONLINE
Triphosphate) is critical to the brain's very survival - it typically uses 15-20% of the body's total ATP production, while weighing only 2-3% or so of bodyweight. Brain cells must produce all their own ATP from glucose (sugar) and oxygen - they cannot "borrow" ATP from other cells. Branconnier has observed that"... evidence from studies of cerebral blood flow, oxygen uptake and glucose utilization have shown that brain carbohydrate metabolism (BCM) is impaired in a variety of dementias and that, the degree of reduction in brain carbohydrate metabolism is correlated with the severity of the dementia."
Nootropj' ยง5 S-Jtafa 800
In a 1987 study, Grau and co-workers gave saline or Piracetam to rats and measured their brain metabolism. Compared to the saline controls, the Piracetam rats had a 22% increase in whole brain glucose metabolism, with the increase in 12 different brain regions ranging from 16% to 28%. This significant increase in brain energy metabolism occurred under normal oxygen conditions. Piracetam has also been shown to increase synthesis and turnover of cytochrome b5, a key component of the electron transport chain, wherein most ATP energy is produced in mitochondria. Piracetam increases the permeability of mitochondrial membranes for certain intermediaries of the Krebs cycle, a further plus for brain ATP production. In his 1989 paper on cerebral ischaemia in humans, Herrschaft notes that the German Federal Health Office has conducted controlled studies that indicate a "significant positive" effect of 4.8 gm to 6 gm/day of Piracetam, with Piracetam increasing cerebral blood flow, cerebral oxygen usage metabolic rate and cerebral glucose metabolic rate in chronic impaired human brain function - i.e. multi-infarct dementia, senile dementia of the Alzheimer type, and pseudo-dementia. The cerebral cortex in humans and animals is divided into two hemispheres - the left and right cortex. In most humans the left hemisphere, (which controls the right side of the body) is the language center, as well as the dominant hemisphere. The left cortex will tend to be logical, analytical, linguistic and sequential in its information processing, while the right cortex will usually be intuitive, holistic, picture-oriented and simultaneous in its information processing. Research has shown that most people favor one hemisphere over the other, with the dominant hemisphere being more electrically active than the non-dominant hemisphere. The two cortical hemispheres are linked by a bundle of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum and the anterior commisure. In theory these two structures should unite the function of the two brain hemispheres. In practice they act more like a wall separating them. From a neurological perspective, the cerebral basis for a well-functioning mind would be the effective, complementary, simultaneous integrated function of both cortical hemispheres, with neither hemisphere being automatically or permanently dominant. This in turn would require the corpus callosum and cerebral commisure to optimize information flow between the two hemispheres. Research has shown Piracetam to facilitate such inter-cerebral information transfer-indeed, after all it's part of the definition of a "nootropic drug!"
It is now well recognised that the functional increase in interhemispheric neuro-transmission by nootropic drugs, is related to the improvement of the cognitive function. Knowing the action of the drug is fine, and knowing too that its toxicity is extremely low is also good news. But what could something like Piracetam mean to someone who isn't suffering from the effects of a senile dementia or stroke etc? Perhaps it is best described by Dimond in his 1976 tests with normal, bright, young University students. At the end of the study, Dimond said of the results; "The fact is that Piracetam improves verbal learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory." Piracetam has been cited by thousands of healthy people who use it regularly, not only for its memory enhancing effects, but also for its ability to be able to "create new ideas" and then have the ability to carry them through. In this respect it is, controversially, seen by some as an intelligence enhancer. One thing is clear, the pursuit for optimal health and longevity through anti-aging medicine is nothing without maintaining good brain function, and preventing its decay. Piracetam is a proven fundamental drug with multi-purpose uses, furthermore its range of safety, ready availability and indeed relatively inexpensive cost, should rate it at the top of any serious life-extensionists shopping list. Those wishing to augment Piracetam's cholinergic effects may wish to combine it with centrophenoxine, which is a much more powerful ACh enhancers than either choline or lecithin. B complex vitamins, NADH, lipoic acid, C o Q I O or idebenone, and magnesium will enhance Piracetam's brain energy effects. Adapted from "Piracetam- the original nootropic" by James South, MA. To read the original complete article, along with all clinical references, please go to: www.antiaging-systems.com/extract/piracetam.htm
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Dimond and co-workers used a technique called, "dichotic listening" to verify the ability of Piracetam to promote interhemispheric transfer in humans. In a dichotic listening test, different words are transmitted simultaneously into each ear by headphone. In most people the speech centre is the left cortex. Because the nerves from the ears cross over to the opposite side of the brain, most people will recall more of the words presented to the right ear than the left ear. This occurs because words received by the right ear directly reach the left cortex speech centre, while words presented to the left ear must reach the left cortex speech centre indirectly, by crossing the corpus callosum from the right cortex. Dimond's research with healthy young volunteers showed that Piracetam significantly improved left ear word recall, indicating Piracetam increased interhemispheric transfer. FAX ORDERING
+ 44 208 181
b r i e f
Low dosages of LCarnosine are effective Based only upon animal studies, (which are notoriously difficult to work alone from), it has been suggested that only mega-doses of L-carnosine (i.e. lOOOmg plus daily) can obtain beneficial anti-aging results. This w e are informed, is allegedly to avoid degradation by an e n z y m e in the body called carnosinase, which breaks down L-carnosine into the byproducts of histidine and alanine. Marios Kyriazis, M.D. an anti-aging expert, has been actively involved in L-carnosine's research over the last few years. Indeed, his results were released during his lecture at the 2nd International Anti-Aging Conference in Monte Carlo, which was entitled "Carnosine, the new anti-aging di-peptide." Dr. Kyriazis has joined with other scientists w h o have researched L-carnosine, including Dr. Hipkiss, w h o believe that some of the benefits of carnosine are derived A F T E R carnosine has actually been degraded by carnisinases, therefore degradation m a y be a good thing! To put that theory to the test. Dr. Kyriazis conducted a trial with L-carnosine to discover which dosages were most effective on his patients. M D A (or Malondialdehyde) is a free radical that can d a m a g e proteins. L-carnosine is believed to protect against M D A - i n d u c e d damage. In his paper, this premise is used to help establish the ideal dose of L-carnosine for anti-aging purposes in humans. Twelve healthy volunteers, (5 males, 7 females) aged 40-75 took part in the study. Oral L-carnosine was introduced and withdrawn at weekly intervals and at variable doses. The results were studied using a free radical test kit, which measures urinary M D A using a color method. The subjects varied their L-carnosine intake at weekly intervals, but continued using their existing supplements uninterrupted throughout the
period. Results are shown in Figure 1, and as you can see, dosages as low as 5 0 m g of Lcarnosine daily were found to be effective in Mg of L-Carnosine reducing urinary M D A concentration. The mean values show a decline in urinary M D A with increasing L-carnosine dosage, up to the point of approximately 500mg, where after M D A concentrations begin to increase. Pharmacologists refer to such a point as the "U-inverted curve" meaning the point that is reached, where more is not necessarily better. Although the study is limited by the small numbers of subjects and by the difficulty in establishing exact values of M D A , two conclusions appear clear: 1. The assertion that at least 1 OOOmg of Carnosine needs to be taken daily in order to by-pass L-carnosine degradation is not true. 2. The ideal dose of L-carnosine seems to be around lOOmg to 3 0 0 m g daily, preferably taken in association with other anti-oxidants. Considering that L-carnosine supplementation is still in its infancy, and that further research is required, and also considering that side-effects such as muscle twitching and allergies have been noted by patients taking 5 0 0 m g of L-carnosine or more daily, added to the fact that the voices w h o proclaim that L-carnosine needs to be taken at l g plus daily- with that claim based entirely upon multiplication of mice dosages to human weight, added to the evidence presented by Dr. Kyriazis' human research, suggests that there are no disadvantages, and possible advantages, to using no more than 3 0 0 m g of Lcarnosine daily.
Are you allergic to the 21 st Century? Recent statistics state that each year only in the USA, more than 50 million people suffer f r o m allergic diseases, and allergies are now recognised as the sixth leading cause of chronic disease, costing Americans $18 billion annually. Allergies are reactions to allergens, (which is any substance that causes an allergic reaction), and the list is almost endless, f r o m pollens, foodstuffs, pesticides, pollution and chemicals in everyday use, meanwhile everyone accepts that allergies are on the increase. Allergens cause the i m m u n e system to react as if they were dangerous invaders. In turn, the i m m u n e system thinks it is protecting by generating large amounts of antibodies, which leads to inflammatory substances being released. Substances, like histamine, locate themselves in areas such as the respiratory system, and cause the uncomfortable s y m p t o m s w e are all familiar with, including runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing, a m o n g others. Tests can be undertaken to discover which allergen(s) affect us, w e can adjust our personal lives as best we can, but until w e can clean up our global act, anti-histamines appear to have become a w a y of living life comfortably for millions of individuals. 20
What is Anti-Aging Medicine?
Most people consider aging to be "natural." But many scientists, researchers and physicians consider its progress to be like a disease. It has been suggested that before puberty we undergo growth and development, after puberty we begin to experience sensequence and decline. After all, the majority of aging occurs after the production of sex hormones for species reproduction! For many decades the chemical changes that occur in the human body have been measured. Hormones such as HGH. DHEA, thyroid and melatonin show us that production declines with age. One of the obvious results of this decline, is a reduction in immune system strength, which ultimately leads to disease. But not all hormones decline as we age, some actually increase. For example, Cortisol- the hormone responsible for stress and muscle breakdown, or prolactin, a hormone that is involved in fat synthesis; another is insulin which is also responsible for pro-aging affects, making us
effectively diabetic as we age. Clearly, these results reflect what we all already know about aging, however they are the causes! Optimum health can be viewed like a pyramid, with the base of good health and longevity set in the foundation of genetics, lifestyle and exercise. But further up, we know that vitamins, minerals, hormones and indeed some drugs play an important role in maintaining long-term optimal performance and health. So it is the tip of the optimal health pyramid that "AntiAging Medicine" is concerned with. Some might prefer to use the term "Age Management," but whatever you wish to call it, the tools are now at our disposal to slow and alter the course of our aging in a positive way, helping to protect ourselves from serious and debilitating disorders that otherwise could present themselves the older we become. Getting chronological older is inevitable, however getting biologically older every day is not necessarily inevitable. We have written much more on this subject, including a list of "typical" Anti-Aging Medicine measures, to learn more, please see the IAS website at: www.antiaging -systems.com/aamintro.htm
The Theories ofAging
There are a number of published theories of aging that have appeared over the years, but certain ones appear to have more credence than others, and indeed some can be seen to be inter-related with one another. To give the briefest outline of some of the most accepted theories of aging, they include: 1. The free radical theory of aging, proposed and published by Denham Harman, M.D. in 1956. 2. The neuroendocrine theory of aging, proposed by Professor Vladimir Dilman and Ward Dean, M.D. and published in 1992. 3. Various DNA and genetic theories having been proposed by numerous scientists, including Michael Fossel, M.D., Ph.D., in 1996. 4. The glycosylation, (or cross-linking), theory of aging, proposed by Dr. Johan Bjorksten in the 1930's. 5. The mitochondrial decline theory of aging, (which although not attributable to any one scientist, has been recognised by the scientific community at large). 6. The membrane hypothesis of aging, proposed by Professor Imre Zs.Nagy, M.D. and published in 1994. Further details of these theories of aging, including how to recognise them and even how to slow and reverse them, can be found at the IAS website. Furthermore, links are also there that will take you to detailed articles, many of which have been written by the discoverer of the particular theory of aging in question. For further details, see: http://www.antiaging-systems.com/agetheory.htm FAX ORDERING
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Milnacipran - The Next Wonder Drug? Every once in a while, a new pharmaceutical drug appears that dramatically changes the medical approach to a particular illness. A good example of this is the antidepressant Prozac速. Prozac was patented in 1977 and launched into the world marketplace in 1987. By the spring of 1990 Prozac had appeared on the cover of Newsweek, Time, and the New Yorker and was proclaimed the ^^ new "wonder drug." Now another new drug- Milnacipran, may have an even greater impact on the market place. It is certainly positioned to improve the quality of life of a vast number of people. According to the World Health Organization, 121 million people currently suffer from depression worldwide. An estimated 5.8% of men and 9.5% of women will experience a depressive episode in any given year. Equally as important, 2% to 4% of the population in industrialized nations suffer from one of a number of debilitating chronic pain syndromes including Fibromyalgia (FMS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). These syndromes have challenged physicians and patients alike, since they are difficult to characterize and even more difficult to treat. SLE is a bit different because it is an autoimmune disease where the body has turned on itself. The person with SLE can manufacture antibodies to over 116 different endogenous proteins and fight off these proteins as if they were foreign, dangerous viruses or bacteria. FMS and CFS are chronic pain illnesses which are characterized by widespread musculoskeletal aches, pains, stiffness, soft tissue tenderness, general fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Patients with FMS or CFS experience a wide range of symptoms which may include headaches, migraines, impaired memory and concentration, dry eyes and mouth, vision problems, Raynaud's phenomenon, and other neurological disturbances. These illnesses are quite debilitating and present many unique challenges. The patient actually looks quite well and in most instances, the blood tests are normal. It is easy to assume this individual is not physically ill at all. The problem must all be "in his/her head" and a visit to the psychiatrist is in order. These syndromes have only recently been recognized. In fact, the experts 22
still question whether FMS and CFS are two different diseases, or just different presentations of the same disease. With the average patient waiting about 5 years for the correct diagnosis, the diagnosis of FMS and CFS is often a diagnosis of exclusion. The clinician must rule out other diseases and base their diagnosis on a number of clinical criteria defined by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). There are still physicians who question whether FMS and CFS are true disease entities. The patient is facing a host of baffling, invisible, unpredictable, painful, and exhausting symptoms and when he/she finally turns to the physician for help, answers do not come quickly. It is no wonder that chronic pain conditions such as FMS, CFS, and SLE share a number of clinical characteristics with depression. Chronic pain can lead to depression and depression can cause chronic pain. I should point out however, that is quite possible to suffer the debilitating fatigue and widespread pain that so often accompany these conditions and experience no depression at all. The exciting fact is this new antidepressant Milnacipran appears to be extremely useful in treating the most intractable aspects of all these syndromes and perhaps many more confusing, painful syndromes that are a part of life in the 21st century. Milnacipran is the first in a new class of antidepressants that are Norepinephrine Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (NSRIs). Milnacipran has an equal preference for norepinephrine and serotonin and it is clear that both norepinephrine and serotonin are involved in depression and chronic pain. Since the early 1990's the preferred pharmacologic treatment for depression has been the SSRIs such as Prozac and Paxil. This is largely due to the improved tolerability of the SSRIs over the older antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil) which are tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), although the SSRIs are not without side effects- the most notable side effect being sexual dysfunction. Now for more than a decade, the treatment of depression has relied upon the single acting SSRIs, but in many ways, the SSRIs fall short. This is because moderate to severe depression is more effectively treated by the older TCAs because these agents target more than serotonin. The vast body of evidence now shows that drugs that increase serotonin alone, or norepinephrine alone, are equally effective in treating depression. However, norepinephrine is clearly more important in treating pain. Until recently, the most effective way to increase both norepinephrine and serotonin was through administering a TCA. The TCAs affect 6 different targets, and as a consequence, they have numerous side-effects including dry mouth, weight gain, drowsiness, fatigue, confusional states, disorientation, cardiac abnormalities and the list goes on. When you are suffering from a baffling, chronic illness and your major complaints are "brain fog," pain and debilitating fatigue, the FAX ORDERING +44 208 181 6 106
last thing you want to do is take a medication that can cause fatigue or confusion. Trust me, I can tell you this from my own personal experience. That is why Milnacipran is a potential lifeline for so many people. Unlike many drugs in its category, Milnacipran is NOT metabolized through the cytochrome p450 system. This means the medication is not likely to interact with other medications. On a personal level, I can tell you that I have been challenged by SLE for the last 13 years. SLE is one of many autoimmune diseases that can cause widespread pain, extreme fatigue, and a host of other symptoms. Unlike FMS and CFS; SLE can be life-threatening, but it can also be quite mild, as it is in my case. In SLE your immune system can attack anything... any of the major organs including the kidneys, the heart, the lungs, the blood system and the brain. My special challenge has been the brain. I have suffered from brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, and severe migraine syndromes. About 2 years ago I developed an extremely difficult neuropathic pain condition called trigeminal neuralgia, secondary to the SLE. Trigeminal neuralgia is called the suicide disease and were it not for the medications I have gotten from IAS, I might have considered something that extreme. I tried all the medications that are used to treat this disease including the anti-epileptic drugs such as Neurontin速 and Topamax速. In addition, I tried the TCAs. I could not tolerate the side effects of these medications. Eventually the pain became manageable with a regime of long acting and short acting opioids. Those drugs were the choice of last resort. But now, for a little over 2 weeks I have begun taking Milnacipran (brand name Ixel速). According to the clinical trials, one should begin to see the pain reduction benefit at about week number 8. I am happy to report I have already reduced my pain medication by one third and I remain completely hopeful that this reduction is just the beginning. In addition, I seem to have much more energy. The phase II clinical trials in the US were recently completed and the results were amazingly positive. No one dropped out of the trial because of side effects, which is virtually unheard of. Plus I have spoken to numerous rheumatologists who are involved in treating people with FMS and CFS, and they just cannot wait until this medication is available. As professionals they feel the previous therapies they have offered their patients have met with limited success. It is wonderful that there is now a medication that promises to improve the quality of life of so many people. Milnacipran may become the next wonder drug, and in a few years time be on the front covers of those well known public magazines I mentioned earlier, but remember you heard it here first! 23
Do You Know Your InnerAge? Everyday, people are becoming aware of published clinical and scientific information that supports the concept that aging can and should be treated. Indeed hundreds of clinics are adapting their services to suit. Everyone also accepts that it is difficult to define a clear path, and to "prove to an already healthy "patient", that the protocols and products that they are taking are keeping them "healthier for longer!" Consider that most preventative medicine clinics look for disease markers, which obviously occur before the disease. But if we truly want to prevent disease at the earliest possible point, then even disease markers may be too late. So how is it possible to diagnose and monitor a healthy patient to progressively improve their aging? The answer lies with Biological Aging Measurement, or biomarkers, these are both physical and biochemical changes that
Russian revolution in eye-drop treatment A new eye-drop treatment could help save thousands of people from having to undergo cataract surgery each year. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and account for about 4 2 % of all cases worldwide and doctors in Russia have been offering patients eye-drops which can painlessly dissolve the cataract over a period of months. Innovative Vision Products has recently developed an
eye-drop delivery system Can-C for the natural antioxidant Nacetylcarnosine. In controlled studies this pure N-acetylcarnosine
4h - f
has been proven to work
occur with aging. By monitoring these changes, it makes
on human lenses. The supplement represents a m a j o r
it possible to know how biological old a patient is, and
leap forward for non-surgical removal, and possible
which areas of the body are aging faster than others.
prevention, of senile cataracts. Dr. Mark Babizhayev,
Recently, a revolutionary new internet based system has been developed, that tracks and evaluates up to 150 different biomarkers! This unique, patented program is called Inner-Age. It is now being adopted by the finest anti-aging centers around the world as the standard to evaluate and track the progress of a patient's aging. Indeed, Dr. Garry Gordon has c o m m e n t e d ; "The realization of Inner-Age is a giant leap forward in the
one of the principal Russian researchers behind the clinical trials with Can-C eye-drops said: "Results showed there was a pronounced effect on senile cataract, all patients experienced an improvement." Can-C also benefits other eye-disorders such as computer vision syndrome, eye strain, and blurred vision and can help to make wearing contact lenses more comfortable.
establishment of anti-aging medicine as a clinical
Innovative Vision Products (IVP) hold the proprietary
science. I believe that this system will become the
knowledge to the correct and efficient production of
foundation of all serious anti-aging clinics."
high-purity N-acetylcarnosine, so if the label doesn't
The next issue of the Anti-Aging Magazine will feature an in-depth article about Inner-Age. Further information is available via the Inner-Age website at: www.inner-
state it's formulated by IVP then the source of the raw material and formula will N O T be the one that the clinical trials were conducted with. International Antiaging Systems (IAS)
is the first organization in the world to offer the unique, high-purity, Nacetylcarnosine eyedrop, Can-C. For further information about N-acetylcarnosine please refer to: www.nacetylcarnosine.com To order Can-C eye-drops visit: www.can-c.net
Readers LeHer$
Send your questions, letters and comments to: Editor, Antiaging Magazine, Les Autelets, Sark, GY9 OSF Great Britain or via email to: editor@antiaging-magazine.com Milnacipran availability! After countless hours of research I have finally found Milnacipran/ Ixel via your website. My Dr. has had me and some friends on a list in Southern California to get this drug as soon as it became available here, and it's been 2 years and was supposed to be available the 1st quarter of this year, but now it will be 2 years longer. My Dr. is a Rheumatologist and says Milnacipran is a miracle for off label use for treating Fibromyalgia and the associated pain and fatigue. He does not think anything else is close to miraculous. As it's not available in America yet, can you help us? Desiree Garrison, via email.
to the Editor
If your letter is published, you will receive a copy of "Millenium Guide to AntiAging Medicine" worth $29.95 absolutley FREE! We will try to reply to all letters we receive and answer as many of your questions as possible.
• •
This is exactly the type of thing that we specialize in. Most civilized countries allow the importation of "unapproved" drugs. E.g. in the USA the conditions are that the importation is for personal use, (i.e. not for resale) and that the quantity is small, (normally considered to be less than a 3-month supply) and that a physician is helping with its administration. So we are most willing, and well suited to being able to provide such products under these conditions. We believe that Milnacipran is going to be a most sought after drug, both for the chronic fatigue and pain of fibromyalgia and lupus sufferers. We hope to be reporting more about this here soon. Phil Micans, PharmB, VP R&D Ed - see Milnacipran - The next wonder drug in this issue.
Is Can-C exactly the same as other brands of nacetylcarnosine eye-drops I've seen for sale? Toby Shore, Dallas.
Piracetam or A n i r a c e t a m ?
• •
I've b e e n r e a d i n g v a r i o u s a r t i c l e s a b o u t
a n i r a c e t a m a s a n a l t e r n a t i v e to p i r a c e t a m . I h a v e a l w a y s u s e d P i r a c e t a m in t h e p a s t a n d b e e n m o r e t h a n h a p p y w i t h it, h o w e v e r , n o w I a m i n t e r e s t e d to hear your opinions on aniracetam. Do you have any a d v i c e or i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h i s p r o d u c t ? P e t e S m i t h , via e m a i l . Aniracetam compared longer.
is more
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Plus, Aniracetam (when
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to last longer of mental
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No it isn't! But there is an easy way to tell if you are using the right kind of nacetylcarnosine eye-drop. Check the box for the words; "Approved by Innovative Vision Products (IVP)." Finding it, is your assurance of original quality and formula. Ed
A l l part of t h e s e r v i c e ! I am sending this e-mail just to let you know that I have been very pleased with your service. You have been excellent at keeping me informed regarding my order and I have always received my order within 10-12 days. IAS is in my opinion trustworthy and customer conscious which is very important these days. Thank you. Debbie Bode, via email. Thank you very much for your comments, they are highly appreciated. Over the last 18months IAS has spent a lot of time, effort and money to improve turnaround speed. This has involved an internet improvement, whereby regulations can be checked online before the order is automatically received completed, straight into our office. We have also streamlined our dispatch operation and carry more stock than ever before. All of this has meant that most of our customers are receiving their goods within 714 days of the order placement, meaning that when international airmail delivery times are removed from the equation, orders are packed and shipped within 48hours. IAS intends to stay number 1 in the field by providing the entire gambit of quality, service, information and reliability, whilst retaining competitive pricing. Ronald Carlos Customer
A selection of some of the most interesting questions and answers we've received from the old format Bulletin are available to view on the website at: www.antiaging-magazine .com Ed
ANTI-AGING Our Best Selling Products by Health Category A t t e n t i o n , V i g i l a n c e and C o n c e n t r a t i o n We offer the famous and original Ana Asian product which improves cell metabolism and has an effect on many mental and body functions. It improves concentration and vitality, alleviates joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even known to improve skin and hair condition, and even lower cholesterol levels. Gerovital-H3 Tablets 25 x 100mg from $13.75
Adrafinil helps to improve brain chemical processes without affecting heart rate or pressure and was specifically designed to treat narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime), it can enhance awareness, mental clarity and alertness, allowing the individual to remain both alert and awake.
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â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Mc-f^i^ & â&#x20AC;˘
Adrafinil Tablets 40 x 300mg from $27.50 This special creation acts as a mild stimulant, yet depresses aggression. This could be the clear actions of niacin and GABA, (after all diazepam's such as ValiumÂŽ increase or enhance the activity of GABA). But, picamilone not only has a tranquilizing effect, without a sedative effect, but actually has an element of stimulatory action. Picamilone Tablets 60 x 50mg from $27.50
Modafinil is the next generation of Adrafinil. It is a unique non-sleep-affecting stimulant, specially designed to treat narcolepsy, hypersomnia and cataplexy. These remarkable drugs increase alertness and concentration, reducing the desire to nap. Modafinil creates a regular and alert attention plateau for a period of up to 8-hours. Modafinil Tablets 30 x 100mg from $137.50
Desmopressins' effects rapidly improve short-term memory and enhance memory imprinting. In some countries its uses have been for amnesia, and for patients suffering from mental difficulties caused by the abuse of narcotics. When Desmopressin is taken before an event, it enables the event to be recalled with more detail later. Whereas "normal" memory-drugs improve the capability to remember past events easier and faster, Desmopressin helps us to remember future events better! This type of effect is referred to as memory imprinting. Desmopressin 2.5ml Nasal Spray from $22.50
The "official approved use" of Deprenyl is to treat Parkinson's disease, (because this is a disease that affects the brain levels of dopamine), but it is also being used more and more in other dementias and even cancers. Deprenyl is what good pharmaceuticals are all about. First it is exceptionally safe, second it protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido, thirdly, it may even extend life. Deprenyl Tablets 50 x 5mg from $37.50
Acarbose prevents sugar spikes at the end of a meal and also helps stabilize sugar levels throughout the day. This has important implications for aging, as it can help control energy and mood levels that are directly linked to sugar levels. Furthermore, because one is more likely to feel sated, Acarbose can act as a powerful appetite suppressant and therefore aids in a diet. Acarbose Tablets 50 x 50mg from $25.00
Glucobay 50
L-Tryptophan plays an important role in our diets and aging individuals are often in need of it as a supplement. L-Tryptophan's uses include alleviating depression, alcohol withdrawal and as an aid to weight loss. Our product is pharmaceutical quality of German origin, extracted from plant material and apart from cellulose, contains no filling agents. This naturally occuring amino acid is part of the precursor of the brain neurotransmitter Serotonin, (the brain neurotransmitter linked with pleasure and fulfilment). L-Tryptophan Capsules 50 x 500mg from $27.50
Obesity, pesticides, nutritional deficiencies, prescription medicines and excessive alcohol intake can all raise a man's estrogen levels. When this happens, men frequently lose muscle tone and gain body fat. The end results of high estrogen for men can include obesity, an enlarged prostate, diabetes and a higher incidence of heart disease and cancer. Our topical estrogen blocker ProBalance® contains ingredients that are known to be beneficial in supporting testosterone levels, by reducing and preventing estrogen accumulation. ProBalance contains a high-strength combination of Di-indolylmethane, passiflors coerylea and uritca dioca, delivered via the transdermal method. ProBalance Cream 60ml Bottle from $46.25
The remarkable clinical action of HGH has meant it 1 3 3 nig Saiien is now a front line treatment in the battle against aging. This is because HGH levels dramatically decline in aging. Benefits include enhanced well being, lessened depression and increased skin thickness and improved elasticity, as well as a decline in fat cells and an increase in lean muscle mass. Saizen HGH Injectable Ampoules 4iu from $47.50
This prohormone topical cream helps to raise free testosterone levels, with the accent on improving muscle to fat ratio and assisting anabolic performance, particularly when combined with exercise. Containing 9 0 m g of norandrostenediol and 6 0 m g norandrostenedione per 2ml, Nortestosterone is a better choice for people who specifically seek the anabolic effects of testosterone such as increased muscle size, strength, and more rapid recovery from training and injury. ProPerformance Cream 60ml Bottle from $55.00
+ 44 208
Also known as Glucophage® or Metforal®, Metformin has been described by Ward Dean, M.D., as one of the most important antiaging drugs available today. Metformin is known to lower cholesterol levels and help prevent low-density lipoproteins, (LDL/ bad cholesterol) from attaching to blood platelets and arteries, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting. Due to the sugar stabilizing properties of Metformin, it is a useful aid for dieters, helping to prevent sugar cravings and therefore maintain a diet plan, without having to resort to drastic calorie restriction. Metformin Tablets 50 x 500mg from $12.50
,. 100 TABLETS % . S . J
Poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet, weight gain, menstrual problems, sleep disorders, dry skin, thinning hair and low energy levels accompany hypothyroidism. Therefore, it is no surprise that thyroid supplements can help address all these situations, without doubt thyroid supplements are one of the broadest improvers of aging disorders. Thyroid Natural Whole Grain Tablets 100 x 30mg from $27.50
Physical and Mental Energy Pyritinol's main "approved" use is to improve memory, vigilance and concentration, it ACTWADOR is also as a beneficial aid DAS FUNCOES CEREBRA1S because of its antioxidant and immune-enhancing properties. Pyritinol has been found to have a wide ranging number of affects and benefits including: improving brain glucose uptake, acting with potent antioxidant abilities and enhancing the immune system. Pyritinol Tablets 60 x 100mg f r o m $15.00
ATP can increase physical energy levels, improve muscle strength and endurance and have even been shown to lessen back pain and problems and increase the range of mobility in the elderly. We now have a unique sublingual mouth spray, (thus the spray should be directed under the tongue). This physical and mental energy enhancement product provides 2mg of ATP and 2mg of NADH per spray and is called BioPro®. B i o P r o 30ml Spray f r o m $31.25
n BioProro r -
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) is a naturally occurring amino acid that is related to L-carnitine. Recent attention has been placed upon its ability to protect and increase receptors in the brain that normally decline with age. As such, ALC is being used in high doses and in combination with other Nootropics to treat senile dementias. Individuals using ALC also discover that their short-term memory improves and their attention to detail is enhanced. A c e t y l - L - C a r n i t i n e C a p s u l e s 50 x 500mg f r o m $22.50
As a unique development of DMAE, Centrophenoxine is known to improve membrane communication and lipid profiles. Regular use of Centrophenoxine can enhance short term memory, and particularly improve the speed of memory recall, as well as reduce boredom and heighten concentration. Furthermore, centrophenoxine is known to assist in increasing levels of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter most affected in Alzheimer's disease. C e n t r o p h e n o x i n e C a p s u l e s 60 x 250mg f r o m $27.50
I Complamin
Xanthinol has been shown to increase brain glucose metabolism, improve brain I xantinolo nicotinalo ATP levels and improve brain blood flow (it acts as a vasodilator). As such, it has been ^Mentis used to treat short-term memory disorders, mental flagging (i.e. lack of brain energy that compromises vigilance, concentration and attention) and insufficient blood flow to the arteries and the extremities. Furthermore Xanthinol has been clinically shown to improve the reaction speed of the elderly. X a n t h i n o l Tablets 50 x 150mg f r o m $15.00
Our latest sublingual prohormone product is called Pro-Boost®. It contains two prohormones that are the precursors to testosterone, androstenediol and androstenedione. Whilst Pro-Boost does not have an anabolic action, it does directly stimulate the androgenic receptors in the brain and therefore can enhance sexual, physical and mental performance when taken. Pro-Boost can also provide energy bursts due to the enhancement of both
androstenediol and androstenedione. Pro-Boost is synergistic with Pro-Performance®, Pro-Revitalize® or Pro-Vigor®. P r o - B o o s t S u b l i n g u a l 30ml Bottle f r o m $19.50
For detailed product information see our website or contact c u s t o m e r support.
ONLINE O R D E R I N G w w w . a n t i a g i n g - m a g a z i n e . c o m
ANTI-AGING Skin Care • » . Jl/^fj
The combined effects of Neyskin® enhance blood circulation and increase collagen and elastin production. The skin is better supplied with nutrients and oxygen and the removal of metabolic waste is enhanced. NeySkin C o Q I O ® is an excellent moisturizer and is recommended in combination with Retin-A® cream. N e y s k i n C o Q I O C r e a m 50ml T u b e f r o m $29.50
Carnosine skin creams and tonics can be applied to clean dry skin on a regular basis and should help prevent and treat the appearance of tough, leathery type skin and improve overall skin condition, as well as to help prevent signs of skin aging from occuring. We currently offer two types, a cleansing hand and body cream, and an exfoliating serum, which contains 6% alphahydroxy acid. These carnosine skin creams are known as Beta-Alistine® and have been voted the anti-aging skin care therapies of the year in Australia. C a r n o s i n e C r e a m 125ml B o t t l e f r o m $36.00
ProEnergo® is the very latest skin cream with a unique combination of ingredients, that has been developed by one of Europe's leading dermatologists, Professor John lonescu. It delivers a rapid uptake of ingredients into the epidermis cells via a patented DMS nanoparticle technology. ProEnergo Repair Complex shows evident firming and anti-wrinkle effects smoothing the skin around the eyes and fights against dark circles and puffiness. It nourishes, moisturizes and tonifies providing the skin a youthful radiant look. A visible, significant difference was noticed in more than 1000 tested persons after 2-3 weeks of ProEnergo use.
PfoEnergo |*riti. •nB-wrinklc sklP *?»pair formula
P r o E n e r g o C r e a m 50ml B o t t l e f r o m $85.00
ProSolaris® is very unique because not only does it have a very high Sun Protection Factor of 25 (therefore guarding against photoaging), but it also allows for tanning to take place, thus giving people the look they want without undergoing the damage it would normally do. The new ProSolaris Photoaging Defence Formula combines the double UVA and UVB protection, with melanin promoting factors, enhancing the natural tanning process.
Apart from being a potent anti-oxidant that can protect the skin against the free radical ravages of aging, our unique topical Melatonin cream has been shown to reduce the depth of wrinkles after only 1-month of treatment. It can also make the skin smoother to the touch and enhances a more youthful type appearance. Overall, Melatonin cream applied to the skin creates firmer, smoother, more glowing skin with less prevalence of wrinkles. It is also a superb after-sun, or sunburn treatment. For ultimate sun protection this would be most effective when combined with an excellent sun-blocker cream such as ProSolaris®. M e l a t o n i n C r e a m 100ml Bottle f r o m $36.00
P r o S o l a r i s C r e a m 150ml B o t t l e f r o m $46.25
Retin-A® is a treatment for acne and black spots, yet displays a remarkable talent to remove wrinkles and improve skin appearance and condition. Retin-A can reduce severe wrinkles within only 6-weeks and remove fine lines, and it remains at the cutting-edge of beautifying skin treatments. Retin-A improves blood supply to the skin, which in turn increases the turnover of dead skin cells. Consequently, new younger looking skin appears at the surface. Retin-A remains at the forefront of many celebrities anti-aging skin programs, not only because of its anti-wrinkle affects, but also because it helps speed cosmetic surgery repair.
Ret'" £
R e t i n - A C r e a m 2 0 g 0.05% T u b e f r o m $27.50
Memory and Cognition |iÂŽgamet 750
Aniracetam is a nootropic or 'smart drug'. It's a term first used to describe ÂŽ<ÂŤtt a substance that was found to have beneficial effects in the treatment of memory loss, age related memory decline and lack of concentration. Aniracetam is an analogue of Piracetam. It can improve memory recall, reaction and detail. In tests, Aniracetam has proven to be one of the most potent nootropics currently available, yet is found to be virtually non-toxic.
Aniracetam Tablets 20 x 750mg from $39.50
Galantamine has been shown to be a reversible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, which is an enzyme that acts upon acetylcholine to break it down. This is the primary messenger neurotransmitter that is affected in Alzheimer's Disease. Galantamine is now being used as a front-line treatment for same. Galantamine also has an important role as an antidepressant and due to its appetite suppressing affects also potential role in weight-loss. Galantamine Tablets 56 x 4 m g from $119.50
Hydergine enhances mental abilities and lengthens the period of intense mental <')NC workload by improving, (and indeed Hydergina stabilizing) oxygen supply to the brain. Comprinwfos Hydergine is also known to protect the brain iDWro^'"^ and the heart from free radical damage and 4,5 mg can improve the number and ability of brain dendrites to connect, and therefore has even been cited as an intelligence improver. We offer 4.5mg tablets as well as liquid Hydergine which is more easily absorbed and provides precise titration. Hydergine Tablets 30 x 4.5mg from $19.50
Memantine is a novel new drug that is showing a lot of promise in the battle against alzheimer's disease. Although it has been in use in Germany for nearly 10years, it is only recent clinical trials that has highlighted many of its uniques properties, particularly for its use in senile dementia. As is quite usual with most other drugs, there may be numerous other beneficial uses for Memantine, in particular studies also indicate beneficial effects also for Parkinson's disease. Memantine Tablets 50 x 10mg from $149.50
Nootropics have so many benefiicial effects on mental and memory capabilities, that they have come to be known as smart-drugs. Piracetam is a smart-drug and was found to have useful effects in the treatment of memory loss, age-related memory decline and lack of concentration. Not only is Piracetam beneficial, but it was also found to have so few side-effects and contraindications that one biochemist described it, "as safe as salt!" lAS's Piracetam is the one first developed by the UCB company and branded Nootropil. IAS believes that this Piracetam remains the best quality Piracetam available. We offer tablets in two sizes and liquid. Piracetam Tablets 60 x 800mg from $17.50
Pregnenolone was discovered to be the most potent memory enhancing sterone to date, possibly 100 times more effective than DHEA. Pregnenolone supplements can help improve energy levels and help fight against chronic fatigue. Other clinical studies show that Pregnenolone is good at reducing stress levels, possibly by reducing the age-increasing effects of Cortisol and inducing a better state of relaxation. lAS's Pregnenolone is micronized for better absorption and availability. Pregnenolone Capsules 50 x 100mg from $17.50
For detailed product information see our website or contact customer support. 30
ONLINE O R D E R I N G www.antiaging-magazine.com
ANTI-AGING EWEOTOGW Sex a n d L i b i d o
Uprima® or Ixense® are t h e most commonly known trade names of a new class of erectile dysfunction drugs for men. What makes it different is t h a t it acts upon receptors in t h e brain. Not only does this have a stimulatory effect, (due
to the increased affinity of d o p a m i n e which is a well known potent neurotransmitter), it also exerts its influence in the brain for arousal, pleasure and climax. Not only is this drug a trigger for the erection process, but it is also a libido enhancer, s o m e t h i n g t h a t other erectile dysfunction drugs cannot claim to be. Uprima Sublingual Tablets 2 x 3mg from $36.00
Cialis® contains Tadalafil and it "works" in the same way as Viagra, t h a t is it inhibits an enzyme known as Phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5), an enzyme t h a t naturally occurs in erectile tissue. PDE5 can break down cyclic GMP, (the substance that is produced during sexual arousal and causes vascular and muscular changes that eventually lead to an erection). The benefits of Cialis over Viagra lie in its ability to work faster, and last longer. Whilst Viagra on-average, takes effect within 60-minutes and works for 4-hours, in trials Cialis was effective on-average within 30-minutes and lasted for 12-hours. Cialis T a b l e t s 4 x 2 0 m g f r o m $ 6 9 . 5 0
Viagra® must be t h e most f a m o u s drug in t h e world, since it was the first drug (developed by Pfizer) to treat erectile dysfunction. Viagra's affect is to inhibit an enzyme known as Phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5), which naturally occurs in erectile tissue. PDE5 can break down cyclic GMP, the substance t h a t is produced during sexual arousal and causes vascular and muscular changes t h a t eventual lead to an erection. Viagra Tablets 4 x 100mg from $75.00
k 8 'T'U
ProRevitalize® is formulated to the very latest research a b o u t the dosing and delivery of testosterone prohormone systems. ProRevitalize has been specifically designed to help replenish flagging testosterone levels for aging men, it contains a broad cross-section of male testosterone precursors t h a t work together synergistically. ProRevitalize may be particularly effective when combined with occasional use of the sublingual ProBoost. P r o R e v i t a l i z e C r e a m 6 0 m l Bottle f r o m $55.00
This pharmaceutical extract from the Yohimbe plant was a front line t r e a t m e n t for male impotence before the advent of Viagra. However, Yohimbine has other effects that can enhance the overall male, sexual performance. Yohimbine's actions include increasing blood flow to the penis and increasing the level of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine by up to 68%. It has also been shown to increase the availability of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. All these factors are involved in the frequency, strength and stamina of penile erection, as well as the general desire of awakened libido. Y o h i m b i n e T a b l e t s 100 x 5 m g f r o m $46.25
+ 44 208 181
VIAGRA 100 mg SiUmjil tiitato)
Restoring testosterone levels to normal in w o m e n can not only tremendously improve energy levels and mood, but also have dramatic effects on libido and muscle tone. Restoring levels of highnormal testosterone levels helped t h e m feel more confident, more sexually aggressive and improved energy levels. ProVigor® is a pro-hormone formula designed specifically for w o m e n to restore healthy levels of testosterone via a synergistic mixture of both androstenediol and norandrostenediol, 5 0 m g and 5 0 m g per 2ml respectively. ProVigor can be used with the with the sublingual ProBoost. P r o V i g o r C r e a m 6 0 m l Bottle f r o m $ 4 6 . 2 5
A-Z Product
IAS Products
Please note that all prices shown throughout this order form are in United States Dollars Quantity
Single Pack Price
4-Pack Price
Item Co<
5 H T P (Oxitriptan)
60 x 50mg capsules E l
Acarbose (Glucobay)
50 x 50mg tablets
50 x 500mg capsules
Adrafinil (Olmifon)
40 x 300mg tablets
100 x 75mg tablets
30 x 420mg capsules E l
$1 1.25
Aniracetam (Ampamet)
20 x 750mg tablets 13
Arimidex (Anastrozole)
28 x 1 mg tablets
01 1 1
Benfotiamin (Milgamma Mono)
30 x 50mg tablets
30ml 640mg bottle
16 x 1 mg tablets E ]
Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
30 x 2.5mg tablets E l
Can-C (N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops)
10ml 1 % liquid
Carnosine (L-carnosine)
60 x 50mg capsules
Carnosine (Topical Beta Alistine)
125ml bottle cream
Carnosine (Topical Beta Alistine)
30ml serum bottle
60 x 250mg capsules
Cialis (Tadafil)
4 x 20mg tablets E l
Ciproxin (Ciprofloxacin)
6 x 500mg tablets IS]
Deprenyl (Selepryl)
12ml / 300mg liquid bottle E l *
Deprenyl (Jumex)
50 x 5mg tablets
Dercos (Topical / Aminexil)
1 8 x 1 . 5 % ampoules
Dercos (Aminexil) Topical
200ml shampoo bottle
Desmopressin (Minirin)
2.5ml nasal spray E I
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90 x 25mg capsules E K Âť
D H E A (Micronized)
60 x 25mg capsules E K *
D H E A (Micronized)
50 x 50mg capsules E K *
D H E A (Sublingual / Pro-Cell)
14ml liquid bottle
8 x 1 OOmg capsules H
Dutasteride (Avodart)
30 x 0.5mg capsules
Efexor (Venlafaxine)
28 x 37.5mg tablets
Esnatri (Estrogen Natural)
50ml jar cream E l
Femara (Letrozole)
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Fosamax (Alendronate)
14 x lOmg tablets E I
Galantamine (Reminyl)
56 x 4mg tablets E I
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Galantamine (Reminyl)
100ml 400mg liquid bottle E I
Gamalate B6
60 x 250mg tablets
Gerovital-H3 (Injectable)
5 x 5ml ampoules E I
25 x 1 OOmg tablets
Gerovital-H3 (Topical)
100ml tube cream
Hydergine (Novartis)
40ml 40mg liquid bottle E l
$1 1.95
Hydergine (Novartis)
30 x 4.5mg tablets E ]
60 x 30mg capsules E l
Laetrile (Vitamin B17/ Vita-B 17)
15ml bottle cream E l *
50 x 500mg capsules E l
Melatonin (Tl-Melatonin)
60 x 3mg tablets
Melatonin (PraevoSkin)
100ml cream bottle
Memantine (Ebixa)
50ml 5OOmg liquid bottle E l
Memantine (Ebixa)
50 x 1 Omg tablets E l
Metformin (Metforal)
50 x 500mg tablets
Milnacipran (Ixel)
56 x 25mg tablets E l
MinSaw-A (Topical)
125ml liquid bottle
(ATP & N A D H Sublingual)
E *
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IAS Products
4-Pack Price
Item C o d e
Modafinil (Modiodal / Provigil)
30 x 1 OOmg tablets [ 3
NeyDent (Toothpaste)
50ml cream tube
NeyGeront (Injectable)
5 x 2ml ampoules
40 x 0.5ml capsules
NeySkin CoQIO
50ml tube cream
Nicergoline (Sermion)
45 x 5mg capsules
Nizoral (Ketoconazole)
120ml 2 % shampoo bottle
Norvasc (Amlodipine)
28 x 5mg tablets ID
Paxil (Seroxat)
14 x 20mg tablets 0
$3 1.95
30 x 250mg sachets
Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)
28 x 25mg capsules [SI
Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)
100 x 1 OOmg capsules 0
$1 1.95
60 x 50mg tablets
60 x 800mg tablets 0
40 x 1200mg tablets 0
4oz. liquid bottle
$122.50 $1 1.25
0325 0334
Piracetam liquid (Nootropil) Piracetam (Nootropil) Piracetam (Nootropil) Poly-MVA
100ml 20.0G bottle
90 x 25mg capsules
Pregnenolone (Micronized)
50 x lOOmg capsules
Pro-Balance (Estrogen Blocker)
60ml cream bottle
Pro-Boost (Testosterone Prohormone)
30ml mouth spray EK«
Pro-Brassica (Estrogen Blocker)
60 x 260mg capsules
50ml cream bottle
Progesterone Natural (Topical)
30ml spray bottle IS]
Pro-Performance (Testosterone Prohormone)
60ml cream bottle 0 < »
Propranolol (Inderal)
30 x 40mg tablets
Pro-Revitalize (Testosterone Prohormone)
60ml cream bottle
Proscar (Finisteride)
15 x 5mg tablets 0
Pro-Solaris (Sun Blocker)
150ml cream bottle
Pro-Vigor (Testosterone Prohormone)
60ml cream bottle
Prozac (Fluoxetine)
12 x 20mg capsules [ 3
Pyritinol (Cerbon)
60 x 1 OOmg tablets 0
Reboxetine (Davedax/ Edronax)
60 x 4mg tablets
Resveratrol (Cell-Stat)
60 x 5mg capsules
Retin-A Cream (Retin A)
20g 0.050% tube
Retin-A Cream (Retirides)
30g 0.100% tube
Rulid (Roxithromycine)
12x150mg tablets 0
Saizen (Serono HGH / Injectable)
1 x 4IU ampoule
Saizen (Serono HGH / Injectable)
1 x 24IU cartridge
Saizen (Serono One-Click Pen)
Use with 24IU cartridge
SAMe (Injectable / Samyr)
5 x 400mg ampoules
SAMe (Samyr)
20 x 400mg tablets
Silver Protein (Cream)
1 oz. cream bottle
Silver Protein (Gel)
1 oz. gel bottle
Silver Protein (Mouth Spray)
1 oz. spray bottle
Silver Protein (Nasal Spray)
1 oz. drops bottle
Silver Protein (Oral)
4 oz. liquid bottle
Sinemet CR
50 x 1 OOmg tablets 0
Stablon (Tianeptine)
60 x 12.5mg tablets 0
Syringe and Needle
Ix 5ml (0.45mm x 16mm)
Tetracycline (Ambramicina)
16 x 250mg tablets 0
Thymus (Injectable/ Thym-Uvocal)
10 x 2ml ampoules
Thymus (Oral/ Thym-Uvocal)
100 x 240mg capsules
Thyroid Natural (Half Grain)
100 x 30mg tablets 0
Thyroid Natural (One Grain)
100 x 60mg tablets
Pregnenolone (Micronized)
+ 44 208 181 6106
0 0 *
0 *
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4-Pack Price
Item Code
2 x 3mg tablets 速
V I -Immunitor
30 x 250mg tablets
Viagra (Sildenafil)
4 x 1 OOmg tablets
Vinpocetine (Intelectol)
50 x 5mg tablets
0091 0012
Thyroid T3 (Synthetic / Titre)
50 x 20mcg tablets 13
Thyroid T4 (Synthetic / Eutirox)
50 x 1 OOmcg tablets
Uprima (Ixense / Sublingual)
Xanthinol Nicotinate (Complamin)
50 x 150mg tablets
Yohimbine (Yocoral)
100 x 5mg tablets E H *
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20 x 1 Omg tablets 速
Z o c o r (Simvastain)
10 x 40mg tablets H I
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