Issue 5: Fall 05

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ANTI AG IN G magazine

BEC5 - Curaderm


The treatment of choice for non-melanoma skin cancers

Save $5 when you order Biostim

THANKS FOR THE MEMORYE The amazing properties of three rye fungus extracts

FIGHTING INFECTIONS Boost your immunity this fall

VINPOCETINE The ultimate neuroprotector

Fall 2005 $6.50 USA £3.50 UK €5.30 Europe

e best price for a branded HGH on the market Since the first published clini-

• Superior immune function

cal study in 1986 by Dr. Daniel

• Improved cholesterol profiles

Rudman, human growth hormone

• Stronger bones

for s.c. injection) • Easy-Click pens (for simpli fied administration o f low dose HGH- from 0 . 0 l m g per "click")

(HGH) has been at the forefront o f antiaging medicine. It's no

IAS supplies HGH called Saizen,

wonder, when regular injections

manufactured by the respected

Important: HGH injections

to obtain physiological levels

multi-national pharmaceuti-

should only be undertaken after a

o f a 25 to 35 year old have been

cal company Serono. From

consultation with a health profes-

shown to have the following

USS12.50 an IU it represents

sional to ensure that a pre-exist-


one o f the lowest prices that can

ing cancer condition does not ex-

be found anywhere for correctly

ist. Furthermore, there on-going

• Decreased fat (on average a

manufactured and international

use must be monitored by regular

14.4% loss after 6-months)*

recognised/ approved Somatro-

blood examinations to ensure that

pin. At this price, why take risks?

normal physiological parameters

You can have confidence in this

are being maintained.

• Increased muscle mass (on aver age 8 . 8 % after 6-months)* • Thicker, more elastic, younger looking skin

world class product which is currently available in:

""Source: Grow young with HGH,

• Re-growth o f hair and improved strength • Enhanced feelings o f well being • Faster wound healing

Dr. Ronald Klatz, Harper Collins Publications.

• 4 IU vials (containing 1.33 mg. for s.c. injection) • 24 IU vials (containing 8 mg.

Note: Restrictions apply in some countries. 2



welcome O n c e p e o p l e l e a r n a b o u t a g r o u n d b r e a k i n g d e v e l o p m e n t t h e y o f t e n a s k w h y it i s n ' t

contributors M a r k A. Babizhayev, Ph.D.

c o m m o n k n o w l e d g e , a n d w h y it i s n ' t a l r e a d y a v a i l a b l e in t h e i r c o u n t r y ? Mark A. Babizhayev, Ph.D., graduated from M o s c o w T h e a n s w e r s a r e c o m p l e x , b u t m u c h l i e s in c o m m e r c i a l i s m , r e v o l v i n g a r o u n d w h e t h er-or-not a chemical can be patented. Most natural substances cannot be "protected," s o it i s o f t e n o n l y " d r u g s " t h a t a r e m a r k e t e d .

M e d i c a l Institute a s a b i o p h y s i c i s t in 1982 a n d also e a r n e d a P h . D . in 1988 f o r B i o p h y s i c s and P a t h o p h y s i ology. H e h a s d e d i c a t e d his t i m e to scientific r e s e a r c h p r i n c i p a l l y at the H e l m h o l t z R e s e a r c h Institute o f E y e D i s e a s e and has had o v e r 86 p u b l i s h e d articles a n d 15

T h e r e are other reasons too, (perhaps an editorial for a future

p a t e n t s to his n a m e . T o d a y h e is scientific c o n s u l t a n t to

m a g a z i n e ? ) . S u f f i c e t o s a y it i s e s t i m a t e d a E u r o p e a n p h y s i -

E x s y m o l in M o n a c o , B r u s c h e t t i n i in Italy and E x e c u t i v e

cian can prescribe 6 0 0 0 m o r e drugs than an A m e r i c a n physi-

D i r e c t o r o f I n n o v a t i v e V i s i o n P r o d u c t s in D e l a w a r e .

cian. A d d i n g nutrition, plus their different "clinical" uses, m e a n s there must be tens of thousands of alternatives around the world. M a n y are not k n o w n or practised, despite the fact t h a t t h e y m a y h a v e b e e n in t h e p u b l i s h e d l i t e r a t u r e f o r m a n y y e a r s . O n e o f t h e a i m s o f A n t i a g i n g M a g a z i n e is t o s p o t l i g h t these differing ideas, products and protocols.

Bill E. C h a m , P h . D . Dr. C h a m h a s b r o a d e x p e r i e n c e in P h a r m a c o l o g y , O n c o l o g y a n d L i p i d o l o g y as e v i d e n c e d b y his m a n y p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d h i g h rate o f citations. H e is also the i n v e n t o r

In t h i s i s s u e w e r e m i n d y o u o f t h e r e m a r k a b l e r e s e a r c h o f D r . M a r k B a b i z a y e v , t h e

o f v a r i o u s t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d h o l d s p a t e n t s in t h e fields o f

inventor of the n - a c e t y l c a r n o s i n e e y e - d r o p s that h a v e b e e n reversing certain t y p e s o f

c a n c e r t r e a t m e n t , a t h e r o s c l e r o s i s t r e a t m e n t a n d anti-vi-


ral ( i n c l u d i n g H I V ) t r e a t m e n t . T h e s e t e c h n o l o g i e s h a v e

W e a l s o w e l c o m e D r . B i l l C h a m ' s first a m a z i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n . F o r 2 0 - y e a r s D r . C h a m

w e l l as c u r r e n t p h a s e II clinical trials f o r h u m a n inter-

h a s b e e n b u s y in A u s t r a l a s i a , c r e a t i n g a n a t u r a l s k i n c r e a m , o n e t h a t i s r e m o v i n g s k i n

nal c a n c e r s , a n d the s o o n to b e e x e c u t e d clinical trials

c a n c e r s ! Y o u c a n s e e h i s r e s u l t s in t h e l e a d a r t i c l e .

f o r t h e t r e a t m e n t s o f c a r d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e s a n d viral

r e s u l t e d in t h e a c c e p t e d t r e a t m e n t s f o r skin c a n c e r a s

therapies. F u r t h e r m o r e , as the w o r l d braces itself for n e w strains of influenzas, w e also h a v e i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e m e a s u r e s y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y c a n t a k e , t o b e s a f e - j u s t in case.

Karen Sadowsky Kaufman MS, C C N

I h o p e y o u find it all o f i n t e r e s t .

K a r e n S a d o w s k y K a u f m a n is a Phi B e t a K a p p a g r a d u a t e of Skidmore College. She received a Master of Science

Phil M i c a n s

D e g r e e in N u t r i t i o n f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f N e w H a v e n


in C o n n e c t i c u t . S h e is a l s o a certified clinical n u t r i t i o n ist. S h e has w o r k e d at U M a s s M e m o r i a l H e a l t h C e n t e r and Medical School and currently maintains a private


p r a c t i c e . S h e is t h e a u t h o r o f n u m e r o u s articles a n d lecThe Anti-Aging Magazine focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies in use now that show promise in combating the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders that include cancer, arthritis and senile dementia etc. However, the main focus is upon prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the "healthy-aging" individual.

t u r e s e x t e n s i v e l y t o p h y s i c i a n s , n u r s e s , a n d o t h e r health

Copyright IAS 2005.

Robert Mason, Ph.D.

All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies, howsoever caused. N o liability can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. All information is correct at time of going to print. Not for public broadcast or copy without written permission from IAS Ltd. Terms and conditions may change without notice.


R o b e r t M a s o n P h . D . w a s s c h o o l e d in i n f o r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y and r e a l i z e d the potential f o r r e s e a r c h in the (then) c o m i n g information revolution. Family health c o n c e r n s a n d a k n o w l e d g e o f international


t a u g h t h i m m a n y " l e s s o n s . " T h e result w a s an o r g a n i zation c o n d u c t i n g g l o b a l d a t a b a s e r e s e a r c h . Dr. M a s o n

Disclaimer: The information is offered under the IAS terms and conditions and is for educational purposes only and should not replace the advice of your personal physician.

b e l i e v e s that a g i n g is a d i s e a s e a n d will b e c u r a b l e . Dr. M a s o n relies e n t i r e l y on scientific/ clinical i n f o r m a t i o n at his d i s p o s a l t o f o r m an o p i n i o n , a s s u c h h e "tells-it-

International Antiaging Magazine is published quarterly by IAS Ltd and distributed in the USA by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville PA 17318-0437. Application to mail at periodicals mailing rates is pending at Manchester. PA. Postmaster: send address changes to International Antiaging, c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437


James South, M A Graphic Designer Nick James Staff Writers Chris Jameson, Sonya Hardcastle Editorial Enquiries Jim Skinner

J a m e s S o u t h M A , is a r e n o w n e d b i o c h e m i s t w h o is

Published by International Antiaging Systems Ltd, IAS House, Les Autelets, Sark, G Y 9 0SF, Great Britain

p e r s o n a l e x p e r i e n c e w i t h s m a r t - d r u g s a n d n u t r i e n t s h e is

e-mail Subscription Enquiries Antiaging Magazine is published quarterly by IAS

a n d r e v i e w s a n d can o f t e n b e h e a r d o n r a d i o t a l k - s h o w s .

Annual subscription

is a l s o a m u c h s o u g h t a f t e r speaker.

U K ÂŁ21.00 Europe â‚Ź31.80 Rest of the world $39.00 M X O R D E R I N G + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 181 6 1 0 6

h i g h l y r e s p e c t e d f o r his i n c r e d i b l e in-depth k n o w l e d g e o f brain c h e m i s t r y a n d nutrition. W i t h o v e r 3 0 - y e a r s o f a true expert. H e is also t h e a u t h o r o f n u m e r o u s articles Furthermore he has been responsible for m a n y of the l e a d i n g n u t r i t i o n a l f o r m u l a t i o n s in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d

Listed a l p h a b e t i c a l l y by last n a m e

in this issue

also. Thanks for the memory? Robert Mason. Ph.D., looks at three related extracts and how they have been used to improve memory and other aging aspects. Whilst each of the extracts in question (Hydergine. Bromocriptine and Nicergoline) are related, their clinical uses are quite different.

Emm WKmk

Fighting infections with Biostim James South, MA, details a unique bacterial extract, that is in common use in parts of Europe to boost one's own immunity against infection. Biostim can be used as a simple course, with protection lasting up to a year, thus helping to fend off colds and infections that would have otherwise incapacitated the individual.

Vinpocetine: The ultimate neuroprotector Nutritionist Karen Kaufman reminds us about the extract of the Vinca minor plant, the so-called periwinkle and how it has been incorporated as one of the leading stroke treatments of our time. However, Vinpocetine can be much more than that, and offers itself as an antiaging supplement, Karen explains all.


news P 1 1 & P 2 1

The treatment of choice for non-melano skin cancer




P32 ÂŁ c=

Bill Cham. Ph.D., has been pioneering research in ] Australasia, a part of the world where skin cancers are common. His studies have now been confirmed in international clinical work, leading to the conclusion that a plant extract is highly effective in remov ing skin cancers and indeed offers the opportunity for a lasting protection against this threat.

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By Bill E. Cham, PhD

The treatment of choice for non-melanoma skin cancers





he laws of nature may be considered as; "the forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world." <

The sun is a m a j o r force in nature and is essential for life on earth, unfortunately the sun also produces some unwanted side-effects for humans. It is fashionable to have a suntan and people feel that exposing their skin to the sun is a healthy, pleasant thing to do. However, the sun also has a "dark side" in that, the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced by the sun as light, in particular U.V.-B (290320nm), is responsible for producing long-term solar skin d a m a g e (keratosis) and skin cancers. In fact, skin cancers are the most c o m m o n malignancy in humans. BEC5 Curaderm is a topical cream preparation of a mixture of the glycoalkaloids solasodine glycosides (BEC). BECs are present in some solanaceous plants, including edible plants such as Solanum melongena (otherwise known as eggplant or aubergine). Now, B E C is available to the public for the treatment of cutaneous solar keratosis, basal cell carcinoma ( B C C ) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This communication gives us s o m e insight how, on the one hand, nature through one of its m a j o r forces- sun light, is causing increasingly higher incidences of human skin cancers but, on the other hand, nature, also with the involvement of sunlight and plants has supplied the solution on h o w to eradicate these skin cancers. The etiologies of keratosis, B C C and SCC, their currently available treatments, and the particular attributes of BEC5 Curaderm within these concepts of pathogenesis and therapeutics, are presented in this article. Keratosis An overgrowth of the epidermis forms a scaly layer on the skin. The start of this lesion is usually a small patch of dilated capillaries several millimetres in diameter. Then a dry, rough, adherent yellow or dirty brown scale forms, which m a y bleed if picked off. It may eventually

FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

skin cancers are the most common malignancy in humans b e c o m e thick and horny, with a sharp, clear division between the keratosis and normal skin. Solar keratoses occasionally regress if sun exposure is stopped before they b e c o m e too established. Although non-malignant, they are potentially malignant and can develop into cancer. Basal Cell Carcinoma A Basal Cell Carcinoma ( B C C ) is a malignant tumour that rarely spreads to distant sites (metastasises). It starts in the basal layer of cells, between the basement m e m b r a n e and the subsequent layer of cells and grows upwards from these. It consists of immature cells and has an organized complex of supportive tissue around it. The primary cause of BCC is sunlight exposed onto sensitive skin. Contributory causes are radiation damage, exposure to arsenic, burn scars and vaccination marks. BCCs are the most c o m m o n malignant skin tumours in humans; they do not spread by metastases, but they erode tissue, and if not treated may eventually kill. BCCs may appear in a variety of guises and on first appearance, they are c o m m o n l y small, rounded lumps with a pearly edge, and a thin surface covering with a few superficial transparent blood vessels. B C C s may also appear as ulcers, or as bleeding or non-healing lesions. Occasionally they appear as flat diffuse crusting or scaling red lesions. B C C tumours usually grow slowly but in a relentless manner. They then ulcerate and the ulcer will follow the spreading tumour, causing further damage, (for this reason they are also known as rodent ulcers).

cancer-producing substance (carcinogen) may initiate its development. SCCs often arise f r o m precancerous conditions such as solar keratoses. SCCs may also develop f r o m skin ulcers, scar tissues, and x-ray damaged tissues, if this occurs then the chance of metastasis increases to approximately 20%. In addition, some 4 0 % of transplant patients who are on immunosuppressive drugs develop SCCs within 5-years post-transplantation. This skin cancer is a serious problem and is potentially deadly. The first sign of an SCC is usually a thickening, with the lesion feeling firm, and the limits are not discrete. In the early stages there may be a crust that m a y later shed to show an ulcer. It m a y also form as a crack (fissure) or a small ulcer on the lip, which fails to heal and bleeds recurrently. The S C C m a y metastasise with an incidence of generally less than 5%. Old Established Treatments Surgery There are various surgical techniques available to treat skin cancer in its various forms. Surgical excision of a tumour has the advantage, that if done correctly, removes the affected area virtually completely. This treatment is extensive, requires anaesthesia and depending on the tumour, may require skin grafting with its accompanying cosmetic limitations. The risks of surgical intervention are well known and excision of B C C s or S C C s from the facial area often involves reconstructive surgery, which can be both time consuming and costly.

S q u a m o u s Cell Carcinoma


An Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant tumour arising from the cells above the basal layer of the epidermis (prickle layer), usually after many years of exposure to sunlight. The cells in the prickle layer are maturing towards keratin formation and the cancer occurs when they accelerate in growth and breakthrough the basement m e m b r a n e into the dermis. Although sunlight is the most c o m m o n cause of SCC, any

Radiotherapy, moreso prior to the 1950's than now, has been used to treat most skin cancers. The disadvantage of this mode of treatment is the resulting scar tissue which may be depressed, depigmented and may also undergo degenerative and malignant changes at a later date. Dermatological Dermatological treatment consists of


BEC5 Curaderm resulted in the regression of all treated lesions with 100% healed after 1 to 13 weeks of treatment

Fig. 1. Clinical diagnosis o f a B C C on the nose o f a patient before treatment with BEC5 Curaderm (a), during therapy (b). and site o f treated B C C after completion o f therapy (c).

curettage and diathermy/ cauterisation,

Solasodine on its own does not have an-

cryotherapy, chemosurgery and chemo-

ticancer properties, however the mono-,

Fig. 2. Clinical progress o f a B C C

therapy, and is generally used for super-

di- and triglycosides do have anticancer

close to the eye o f the patient before

ficial skin cancers. With curettage and

properties. These glycosides contain a

treatment with BEC5 Curaderm (a),

diathermy, the tumour is scraped out and

plant sugar rhamnose, which is not usu-

during therapy (b). and site o f treated

the bleeding stopped by cauterisation,

ally found in mammalian species. Spe-

B C C after completion o f therapy with

(application o f heat) by an electric cur-

cific endogenous lectins (EELS), which

BEC5 Curaderm (c).

rent (diathermy). Cryotherapy, possibly

are specific receptors for the sugar part of

the most widely used method, involves

the glycoalkaloids and are present in the

an intensely cold probe, cooled by liquid

plasma membranes o f susceptible cancer

nitrogen, which is applied to the lesion.

cells but not normal cells recognize and

When the lesion thaws, there is pain in

bind the sugar rhamnose o f the BEC

the treated area, followed by blister for-

glycoalkaloids. B E C subsequently enters

mation. Chemosurgery involves chemical

the cancer cell and causes cell death by

fixation o f the lesion and the fixed tissue

destroying the lysosome (6, 13-17).

is shaved off in layers. Chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), which is an

BEC has been shown to have antineo-

anti-metabolite and inhibits R N A and

plastic activity in cell culture, animals

protein syntheses leading to cell death,

and in humans (1,3-12). Currently Phase

is used to treat superficial lesions, but

II studies with BEC are being carried

it is not specific for cancer cells. 5-FU

out on terminal internal tumours in man.

is supplied as an ointment and requires

With these studies B E C in being adminis-

considerable care in its application under

tered intravenously (18).

medical supervision. Precursor of B E C 5 C u r a d e r m All o f the above methods (surgery, radiotherapy and dermatogical) have their

A cream formulation o f BEC in concen-

own individual limitations. However,

trations o f 10% was well tolerated in an

the limitations common to all o f these

open tolerance and dose-finding Phase I

methods are:

and II studies in healthy volunteers and in patients with actinic keratosis, B C C and


Formation o f scar tissue.

SCC (3). Application o f the cream in this


Lack o f normal tissue regrowth.

study resulted in swelling o f the B C C and

Limited access to the lesion if it

SCC lesions, with erythema (reddening)

is deep within the skin.

o f the surrounding skin, then ulceration


A high rate o f recurrence.

in about 2 days, followed over the next


Cosmetic end result.

weeks by healing with healthy new cell


growth. The only reported adverse events New Specific Treatments

were mild itching and burning sensations at the site o f the lesions in a few patients.

It is now well established that specific glycoalkaloids from the Solanum family

during (c) and after (d) BEC5 Curaderm treatment. BEC5 Curaderm was applied six times daily for approximately four and half weeks. Note the depth o f the cancer as cartilage was

BEC5 Curaderm

exposed during treatment. At comple-

have anticancer properties. The specific glycoalkaloids consist o f BEC, which is

In another open study with 72 patients,

a standardised mixture o f triglycosides,

their treatment with a cream formulation

solasonine and solamargine and their

o f BEC 0.005% called BEC5 Curaderm,

corresponding di- and mono-glycosides

resulted in the regression o f all treated

(1-12). All the glycosides contain the

lesions (56 actinic keratoses, 39 BCCs

same aglycone, (the alkaloid without a

and 29 SCCs), with 100% healed after 1

sugar molecule)- solasodine.

to 13 weeks o f treatment (9). There were


Fig. 5. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) on the nose o f a woman before (a-b),


tion, a small scar is all that is left. Surgery would most likely have resulted in removal o f a large section o f the nose replaced by a prosthesis (plastic nose).


no lasting therapeutic effects in the 14 patients who received placebo. It is important to note that BEC5 Curaderm contained extremely low concentrations of BEC (0.005%). One tube of BEC5 Curaderm containing 20g of cream formulation contained the equivalent of BEC as 5g of eggplant fruit (19). However, for BEC to be effective it must first be purified from its source by a specific process. Unlike other extracts used for therapeutic effects, in which the active ingredients have to be concentrated, with BEC5 Curaderm the active ingredients in the plant material have to be diluted to still obtain the anticancer effects. In other words, the active glycoalkaloid ingredients are extremely safe as BEC5 Curaderm contains less glycoalkaloid than the edible eggplant fruit! The following illustrations show various clinical and histological malignant lesions before, during and after BEC5 Curaderm therapy. BEC5 Curaderm is applied at least twice daily to the skin and may be applied much more frequently if rapid regression of the tumour is required. Some patients apply the BEC5 Curaderm cream up to 10 times daily. The cosmetic results after using BEC5 Curaderm are very impressive and over 80,000 patients have now used BEC5 Curaderm successfully. British clinical trials with BEC5 Curaderm Recently a double-blind, vehicle-controlled (placebo), randomised, parallel group study of 94 patients was carried out to assess the efficacy and safety of BEC5 Curaderm in the treatment of patients with BCC. This was a multi-centre Phase III study involving 10 centres in the United Kingdom. The centers were as follows: University of Wales College of Medicine. Leicester Royal Infirmary. The Royal London Hospital. St. Mary's Hospital. St. Thomas' Hospital. Royal Free Hospital. Singleton Hospital. Royal Liverpool Hospital. Derriford Hospital. Hope Hospital. FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106


BEC5 Curaderm is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer care The objectives o f the study were to

continues to increase with an increasing

evaluate the efficacy and safety o f BEC5

ageing population." The final conclusion

Curaderm in the treatment o f BCCs.

o f these investigations was that; " B E C 5

The primary endpoint was defined as the

Curaderm is a cost effective treatment for

complete healing of the index lesions,

both primary and secondary skin cancer

as confirmed by the absence o f tumour-


determined by clinical and histological examination after 8 weeks o f twice daily

These Phase III and open studies confirm

treatments with BEC5 Curaderm or

the previously published articles that;

placebo. The secondary endpoints were

BEC5 Curaderm is the method o f choice

cosmetic evaluation, physician's global

for treating non-melanoma skin cancers

evaluation of response to treatment, as-

(4, 5, 13, 14).

sessment o f local irritation, reduction in

mals and in humans. Specific en-

size o f the lesion and assessment o f the

Over 7,000 o f the commonly prescribed

dogenous lectins which are present in

frequency, nature and severity o f adverse

drugs in the western world are derived

the plasma membranes o f cancer cells


from plants. Indeed, the plant kingdom

recognize and bind the sugar moiety o f

The success rate (complete remission

has supplied us with some excellent

BEC. BEC is subsequently internalised

drugs. Pain sufferers appreciate the

and causes cell death by destroying the

o f skin cancers) of the BEC5 Curaderm

relief provided by morphine. Victims o f

lysosome. This mode o f action is very

cream was 78% within 8-weeks. Longer

congestive heart failure appreciate the

different than with other anticancer

than the 8 weeks duration therapy with

life-saving role o f digitoxin or digoxin.

drugs (which are non-specific, destroy-

BEC5 Curaderm would have resulted in

Migraine patients experience the dramat-

ing normal cells as well) and work on

even higher success rates. These results

ic relief effected by ergotamine. Children

the nuclear contents such as the D N A

were comparable to those previously

with leukaemia have recognized the im-

or R N A o f cells.

obtained and published (4, 5, 13. 14). Not

provement o f their condition by treatment

only was it shown that BEC5 Curaderm

with vincristine.

• Independent centres show that BEC5

was effective in treating superficial B C C ,

Curaderm is virtually 100% effective

but in a subsequent open study trial

Importantly, in addition, the natural plant

for treating skin cancers if the lesions

comprising 41 patients (carried out at the

drugs have served as useful prototypes

are treated for long enough.

Dermatology Department at the Royal

for even better medicines. Synthetic

London Hospital), it was also shown

chemists have been able to convert mor-

• The cosmetic result o f skin cancer

that BEC5 Curaderm was effective on

phine to hydro-morphone, lysergic acid

treatment with B E C 5 Curaderm is

morpheoic B C C lesions, which are a type

to methylsergide, cocaine to procaine,


o f invasive B C C .

physostigmine to neostigmine and even salicin to aspirin.

• Lesions treated appropriately with

The clinical trial experience has shown

BEC5 Curaderm result in no recur-

that BEC5 Curaderm is safe. Only local

The fact that B E C shows such tremen-

skin irritation, some pain and erythema

dous promise for treating internal cancers

(reddening) occurred during treatment.

and the fact that BEC5 Curaderm is now

Success was defined as zero presence

regarded as the method o f choice for

o f B C C after histological (microscopic)

treating skin cancers lead us to conclude

plant fruit (300g) contains the same

examination o f samples, removed from

that Curaderm-BEC5 is a primary can-

amount o f BEC as 60 tubes o f Cura-

the lesion sites by punch biopsy.

didate to be added to the acceptable list

derm! B E C Curaderm is safe as shown

o f commonly prescribed drugs. Whether

by the many published studies.

rence. • The amount o f B E C in Curaderm is very small. One average-sized egg

The conclusion o f the dermatologists

synthetic chemists will be able to classify

at the Royal London Hospital is that;

B E C as a useful prototype for terminal

" B E C 5 Curaderm is a topical preparation,

internal cancers still remains to be seen.

• BEC5 Curaderm is an ideal therapy for skin cancers.

which is safe and effective and an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment." They



stated further that; " B E C 5 Curaderm is a much-needed alternative to surgery for

To read full article and all clinical refer-

• The naturally occurring glycoalka

BCC. This is the most common cancer in

loids solasodine glycosides (BEC) have

ences please go to:

Caucasians worldwide and the prevalence

anticancer activity in cell culture, ani




in the news Many countries being warned over bird flu pandemic A leading expert has warned that many countries could be overwhelmed if a deadly strain of pandemic bird flu reaches their shores. "If the virus affects Europe it would be impossible to contain," said Professor Neil Ferguson. "We must avert a global disaster that could take millions of lives is to snuff out the strain at its point of origin in south-east Asia." The H5N1 avian flu strain, which infects poultry, is already known to have killed more than 50 people. Now public health officials are bracing themselves for the consequences of the virus mutating into a form that can pass from one person to another. The result could be a rapid infection spreading across the globe and leaving a trail of death. It has been suggested that the virus is so lethal it could kill more people than the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which claimed between 20 and 40 million lives! However, computer simulations have shown that it could be halted in time, providing there is quick, co-ordinated international action. Such action includes the distribution of antiviral drugs to be distributed to the 20,000 individuals nearest those infected, then it is believed the outbreak may be limited to fewer than 200 cases. But failure to take action swiftly enough would result in catastrophe, say scientists. "If the virus got as far as Britain, it would effectively be too late" said Professor Ferguson, who went on to say: "What can we do if it hits our shores? We couldn't stop it. There would be a constant number of new cases and we would be overwhelmed very rapidly." Two separate teams of scientists who have investigated the worst case scenario for bird flu have reached similar conclusions. Both models focused on Thailand, one of the places at highest risk from bird flu. Professor Ferguson's group recommend a stockpile of 3 million courses of antiviral treatment to contain an outbreak, enabling deployment of the drug Tamiflu at very short notice. The other team, led by Dr. Ira Longini, from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, simulated 500,000 individuals from a variety of places, including schools, households, workplaces and


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r ^ t IJ - x-i- f ^ k hospitals. Other places such as shops, markets, and religious centers were also included. The researchers believe that use of antiviral drugs could contain an outbreak, providing action is taken within 21 days. Dr. Longini stated: "Our findings indicate that we have reason to be somewhat hopeful. If - or, more likely, when - an outbreak occurs in humans, there is a chance of containing it and preventing a pandemic. However, it will require a serious effort, with major planning and co-ordination and there is no guarantee of success." Currently the antiviral drug Tamiflu, made by Swiss-based pharmaceutical company Roche, stands the best chance of curbing pandemic bird flu. It is effective against multiple strains of influenza and can also be used as a preventative treatment. A spokeswoman for Roche said that they had increased production of Tamiflu eightfold since 2003. However, details of its production capability were being kept confidential. Sunshine may provide prostate protection According to a new study, Caucasian men exposed to sun are less likely to get prostate cancer than their less tanned counterparts. The findings suggest that vitamin D (which is produced from sun exposure) may protect against prostate cancer. In addition, there are protective genes that allow some individuals bodies use vitamin D more efficiently. "It's an impressive finding," said Dr. Gary Schwartz, "men with high solar exposure had their risk of prostate cancer cut in half. This leaves us with even greater confidence that vitamin D deficiency really does increase a man's risk of prostate cancer." Dr. Schwartz first proposed a link between prostate cancer and vitamin

D in 1990, when he noticed that the populations most likely to get prostate cancer were those who got too little vitamin D. His findings suggest that prostate cancer is more common in northern countries, in blacks and in the elderly. "That essentially resembled the same people who most often got what used to be called rickets, a bone-deforming disease linked to lack of exposure to sunlight," Schwartz says. "So I argued that if vitamin D deficiency causes one disease- ricketsthere is no reason why it cannot cause another disease- prostate cancer- later in life." Naturally, people living in the north climes tend to get less time in the sun. Vitamin D is different to other vitamins because an individual's main source of vitamin D isn't food but sunshine. Dr. Schwartz and his colleagues also found that prostate cancer cells behave less like cancer cells when they are exposed to vitamin D. Indeed, he has discovered that prostate cells process vitamin D due to the presence on their surface of a molecule called a vitamin D receptor or VDR. When VDR comes into contact with vitamin D it sets off a chain of events that are believed to protect the cell against cancer. Meanwhile, John, Brooks and colleagues used a device to compare skin pigmentation on a person's exposed skin to pigmentation on that person's unexposed skin, to then calculate that person's sun exposure. The researchers studied 450 non-Hispanic white Americans with prostate cancer and compared them with 455 similar men without prostate cancer. Their findings were that those people with high sun exposure were 49% less likely to have prostate cancer. [Ed.- Let's remember that whilst these findings are most interesting, it is no reason for us all to recklessly sunbathe! We should remember that the greater a person's lifetime sun exposure, the greater a person's risk of skin cancer, and that photoaging of the skin is believed to be 90% responsible for wrinkles and accelerated skin aging]. Source: Esther M. John, PhD, Northern California Cancer Center; Gary G. Schwartz, PhD, Wake Forest University, and colleagues. June 15 issue of Cancer Research.


H J ^


his article evaluates three of the most proven and commercially used ergots to see how different they are from one another. In

alphabetical order, they are Bromocriptine (pronounced brome-o-cript-teen), Hydergine and Nicergoline. Their chemical names are Ergoloid Mesylate, co-dergocrine and dihydroergotoxine respectively and they are all ergot derivatives that share a common ancestry, because they all derive from a type of fungus that can be found on rye. Yet despite their common roots, each of them has a wide range of useful antiaging aspects, including roles in memory and concentration. Bromocriptine: a dopamine enhancer This semisynthetic derivative of the ergo group of ergot alkaloids is a dopamine receptor agonist and a Prolactin inhibitor. Its first major anti-aging use is the enhancement of dopamine, (a key brain neurotransmitter that undergoes an agerelated decline). Past the age of 40 it is estimated that "on-average" the healthy person undergoes a dopamine decline of approximately 13% per decade, (figure 1: Jozeph Knoll: The brain and its self: Springer Berlin Publications, 2005, page 76). Accordingly, some neurologists have stated that; "if we all live long enough we shall all become senile." This is due to the fact that abnormally low levels of dopamine (70% loss) are diagnosed as Parkinson's disease. Therefore, protection and enhancement of the dopamine producing neurons is a key strategy for anti-aging medicine. Bromocriptine is used in conjunction with other drugs, (such as deprenyl and L-dopa) in the management of Parkinson's disease, but ONLINE O R D E R I N G

anti-aging medicine also has to consider its preventative properties too.

Due to its dopamine enhancement Bromocriptine has even been cited as an aphrodisiac, although little effort has been made to study and confirm this ac-

Bromocriptine is a very potent substance and should not be used by pregnant or lactating women, unless under the guidance of a physician. Side effects include

44 Hydergine presents itself as a remarkable antiaging medicine and a adjunct for the treatment of age-related mental decline 5 ? Bromocriptine: a prolactin inhibitor Its second major antiaging use is the inhibition of prolactin. This hormone is one of the few that actually appears to increase with age (figure 2). Prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland and its release is inhibited by Bromocriptine. Prolactin has been described as a "fat synthesis hormone" because one of its primary functions is to trigger lactation (milk production) and weight gain in pregnancy. In women, Bromocriptine has been used to help restore ovulation, but it also helps to reduce serum prolactin levels in men (although the precise role of prolactin in men is unclear). A further possible need to control agerelated prolactin levels is offered by some researchers who believe that prolactin is an immune system suppressant. Bromocriptine: a growth hormone equalizer Bromocriptine also affects the most famous of all pituitary hormones- growth hormone (GH). Bromocriptine increases growth hormone secretion in individuals with normal growth hormone concentrations, but paradoxically, suppresses GH secretion in some patients with acromegaly (a condition of excessive-production of GH). However, some studies indicate that Bromocriptine does not affect the release of any other anterior pituitary hormones. Bromocriptine and libido FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

tion. There have been several reports of "better controlled" orgasms and "almost orgasms" before the real orgasm occurs. If any countries allow for more medical categories such as "weak orgasm syndrome" or perhaps "clinical sex-drive loss" then dopamine agonists such as Bromocriptine are going to receive a lot of attention from the pharmaceutical manufacturers. Bromocriptine's other uses Another interesting clinical study administered a component of tobacco called DMBA to rats at a level where it is known to be very effective in producing breast cancer. However, rats that had been pretreated with Bromocriptine completely avoided any cancer development. Bromocriptine therefore appears to also offer itself as a very potent free radical quencher. One of the most recent studies indicates that Bromocriptine may be a candidate for the treatment of Type-11 diabetes. This is because Bromocriptine has been shown to suppress lipogenesis and improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance. One animal study suggested that a further action of Bromocriptine is to alter CNS (central nervous system) regulating metabolism and as such has another important use in helping to prevent weight gain (this would be in addition to its improvement of diabetic conditions). Bromocriptine dosages, side effects and contraindications

nausea, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, hypotension and confusion. The first three are relatively common, especially when undertaking initial use. It is also known to increase fertility, and thus "extra care" and contraception is advised where necessary. It does contraindicate with psychoactive and hypotensive drugs and other dopamine enhancing drugs, (such as deprenyl and L-dopa etc) should only be administered concurrently under a physician's guidance. Furthermore, its effects can also be exaggerated when combined with other ergots including Hydergine and Nicergoline. Overall, there is little need to exceed a dosage in excess of 1.25 mg. or 2.5 mg. daily for most people unless treating a serious medical disorder (and therefore only under a physician's guidance). Whilst Bromocriptine has a wide and diverse range of clinical applications, it is usually only considered by the serious life extensionist. Hydergine is the most popular ergot Now we move onto one of the most popular and widely used smart-drugs which has been in use for over 40-yearsHydergine (pronounced hi-der-gene). Hydergine has received only "mild" reviews whilst being used to treat senile dementias, (although it is widely regarded to have been used in dosages that were far too small for those purposes). However, Hydergine presents itself as a remarkable antiaging medicine and a 13

"Hydergine can improve cognitive functions, mental alertness, clarity and mood 5 5 adjunct for the treatment of age-related mental decline. Hydergine is known to have all the following effects: 1. Increases blood supply to the brain. 2. Increases oxygen delivered to the brain. 3. Enhances metabolism of brain cells. 4. Protects the brain from insufficient oxygen supply. 5. Slows the deposit of the age pigment lipofuscin in the brain. 6. Prevents free radical damage to brain cells. 7. Increases intelligence, memory, learning and recall. Hydergine, oxygen and peroxidation Oxygen is unique in that it is both a free radical generator and a free radical scavenger. At optimum concentrations, oxygen neutralizes more free radicals than it produces. Either too much or too little can upset the balance and generate the production of free radicals, which in turn can lead to aging. One of the major ways in which oxygen generates free radicals is its reaction with unsaturated fats, a process called peroxidation. Unfortunately, our brain cells contain more unsaturated fats than any other part of the body, therefore it is our brains that are most susceptible to peroxidation. Here are some conditions that can cause major peroxidation and the formation of massive amounts of potent free radicals: A. B. C. D. 14

Heart attack. Stroke. Pollution (Carbon monoxide greatly reduces the oxygen carrying ability of the blood). Smoking cigarettes (Nicotine constricts blood vessels and

decreases oxygen supply to the brain. It is estimated that those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day lose at least 7% of the normal blood flow to the brain). Some European countries use Hydergine for emergencies and accidents that involve shock, hemorrhage, strokes, heart attacks, drowning, electrocution and drug over-dose. Hospitals give Hydergine to patients before an operation in order to gain time in case of any ensuing crises. This is because Hydergine helps to stabilize brain oxygen levels, if they are too high Hydergine lowers them, if they are too low then Hydergine improves them. This was graphically illustrated in a cat experiment. Two groups of cats were anaesthetized and their brains electronically monitored. The scientists reduced their brain's blood supply (and therefore oxygen supply). The cats in the control group (i.e. no Hydergine) had brain damage within 5-minutes and died within 15-minutes. However, the cats in the pre-Hydergine treated group had strong brain wave patterns up to 45-minutes later. This experiment proved two things, firstly that a decrease in the normal oxygen balance results in tremendous free radical damage and secondly, that Hydergine protects against this free radical damage when the oxygen level is upset. Hydergine's brain properties Hydergine has also been shown to increase the level of neurotransmitters in the brain. Whilst this may not be significant enough for the treatment of senile dementia, such action has implications and benefits for the treatment and prevention of age-related mental decline. ONLINE

There is also evidence that Hydergine stimulates the growth of dendrite nerve fibers. Dendrites can normally be expected to decline with aging and some scientists have associated the number and density of dendrites with intelligence. This decrease in brain cell connection has been hypothesized to be due to an impairment in the energy supply at synaptic regions. Because of Hydergine's known ability to improve nerve cell metabolism, a group of Italian scientists studied the ultra-cellular features of synaptic mitochondria to see if long-term Hydergine treatment could delay or prevent the loss of synaptic connections. The mitochondria are the "intracellular powerhouses" where the universal energy molecule- ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is produced. The scientists found that the number of mitochondria are greatest at about 12-months of age in rats (equivilant to a 25-year old in human terms) and then progressively decreases. However, the size of the mitochondria increased progressively after 12 months. Thus in young adult rats, the energy required at synaptic regions is provided by a large number of small, highly efficient mitochondria, whereas in old rats, energy is produced by a smaller number of larger, less efficient mitochondria. But, astonishingly after treatment with Hydergine, it can be seen that the total mitochondrial volume of old rats was nearly the same as the young rats (figure 3). Furthermore, the mitochondrial size was altered to a more youthful direction. Like its ergot relatives, Hydergine has also shown itself to be a mild vasodilator, (it enhances brain blood flow) and improves the uptake of the brain energy molecule- glucose. Hydergine also reduces the accumulation of the age-related toxin, lipofuscin. Time and again, clinical trials indicate that Hydergine can improve cognitive functions, mental alertness, clarity and mood. Hydergine dosages, side effects and contraindications With literally thousands of published clinical research papers and Hydergine's decades of use around the world, it has O R D E R I N G

proven itself to be nontoxic and relatively safe. Its potential side effects include m i l d nausea, gastric disturbances and bradycardia. It should be avoided by people w h o suffer from psychosis, or those with low blood pressure or abnormally slow heartbeat. Seek a health professional's advice i f c o m b i n i n g Hydergine, (at dosages in excess o f 9 m g . per day) with other ergot derivatives or vasodilators.

Most people d o well at dosages o f around 2.25 m g . to 4.5 m g . per day with occasional breaks. The most c o m m o n side effect o f stomach upset can be avoided with the use o f a sublingual liquid version. With its beneficial affects, m i l d side effects and few contraindications, Hy-

The Age Related Decline o f Striatal D o p a m i n e in Humans

dergine is still ranked as one o f the most important anti-aging medicines available




\\ v\ \

Nicergoline- the latest ergot d e r i v a t i v e 2 c Nicergoline (pronounced nice-er-go-lean) is perhaps the latest commercially available variation o f all the ergot preparations. It has become most popular in Japan and indeed m a n y o f its clinical trials have been performed there.

B o


<u c E 0) Q-

Rate o f Decline Per Decade







Nicergoline appears to be a potent 45

vasodilator and on the cerebral level it



75 | 85

prompts a lowering o f vascular resis-

Usual Onset

tance, an increase in arterial flow and

Parkinsons Disease ( P D )


105 fTTs]

Age (Yr)

' '-^h

stimulates the use o f oxygen and glucose. However, clinical trials confirm that Nicergoline also improves blood circulation in the lungs and limbs and that blood platelet aggregation is inhibited.

Figure 1: Visualization o f the concept that Parkinson's disease ( P D ) is the premature rapid aging o f the striatal dopaminergic machinery. T L S h technical life span in humans.

Studies also indicate that Nicergoline does not affect arterial tension and that in cases o f patients suffering from hyperten-

Figure 2: Prolactin

sion, it m a y induce a gradual lowering o f the tension.

jo 28

Its approved uses to date have therefore included all o f the following:

26 24


1. Migraines ( o f vascular origin). 2. Platelet aggregability and arterial


hypertension. 3. Eye disorders (retinal thromboses, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration). 4. Problems o f a vascular nature

0 25













Chronological Age

(dizziness, auditory problems, hypoacusis). 5. Treatment o f senile dementias. FAX

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Figure 3:





0.14 0.12 0.10

0.08 0.06

0.04 0.02


Adult Old 01d+ Hydergine

One interesting Japanese clinical study on rats showed that Nicergoline increases nerve growth factor in the brains of aged animals, but that it showed no statistical affect upon the brains of young animals! Further studies indicate that Nicergoline can enhance glutamate re-uptake and protect the brain against ischaemia (lack of blood flow). This appears to be the main action of Nicergoline and it presents itself as a mild stimulant and enhancer with long-term protection against brain disorders that may be due to blood, glucose or oxygen deprivation. Nicergoline dosages, side effects and contraindications Side effects are usually limited to nausea, hot flushes, mild gastric upset, hypotension and dizziness. At high dosages bradycardia, increased appetite, agitation, diarrhea and perspiration have been known to present themselves.














Adull Old 01d+ Hydergine


Adult Old 01d+ Hydergine

(i.e. Hydergine and Bromocriptine). Although not stated by the manufacturer, other potent vasodilatation agents such as Vinpocetine, Xanthinol Nicotinate or Picamilone should only be used concurrently under the guidance of a physician. Dosages for known conditions are usually administered at 5 mg. to 10 mg. three times a day, however antiaging preventative purposes may want to consider 5 mg. once or twice a day more adequate. Conclusion These three ergot preparations are all related and yet we can see big differences in the results of their various clinical studies. Each have differing strengths of reaction and indeed differing effects.

Ergots from rye were used by our ancestors for many different reasons, some of them as rites of passage into adulthood, most were considered to be "mind-expanding." Now we know many of the pharmacological actions and roles they play in mental and memory enhancement Persons suffering from acute bleeding, and in the slowing of age-related brain myocardial infarction or bradycardia should avoid Nicergoline use. Persons us- disorders. ing alpha or beta receptor agonists (such as Propranolol/ Inderal) should not take Today, we understand that brain protecNicergoline concurrently as Nicergoline tion and enhancement is a most important is known to enhance the cardiac depresfactor- if not the most important factor sive effects. Nicergoline is also known for antiaging medicine and successful to heighten the effects of pharmaceutical longevity. As such, these "old remedies" products that produce hypotension, such with their "new found uses" offer us posas other ergot preparations in high doses sibilities to slow and indeed even reverse 16



some of our age related mental decline. References Adapted from; "Don't overlook the benefits of the rye fungus" by Robert Mason Ph.D.. To read the original complete article along with all clinical references, please go to: O R D E R I N G

iostim is a unique immunomodulator. It is a compound extracted from the cell wall of a bacteria called Klebsiella pneumoniae and it consists mainly of two large glycoproteins. Biostim has been widely used in France to treat a variety of infectious conditions since 1982 and has been extensively researched through human clinical and animal experiments, as well as in-vitro studies. It has shown a broad range of immune modulating activity by enhancing the germ-killing power of neutrophils, macrophages and natural killer cells, (the chief white blood cells responsible for non-specific or innate immunity). Biostim also has diverse positive effects upon T lymphocytes and enhances the conversion of B cells to antibody-forming plasma cells, increasing antibody production and improving vaccine response. Furthermore, Biostim causes some immune cells to secrete anti-cancer factors, and to become more active against tumor cells. It has restored some measures of immunity in cancer patients with weakened immunity and has repeatedly been shown to reduce infection in chronic bronchitis patients, in elderly infection-prone individuals, and in children prone to recurrent respiratory infections. These are just some of the many immune benefits of this unique immune enhancer. C.AA'LlLllL.4m*



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111 ril J

By James South, MA FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

One of the scourges of the modern world is chronic candidiasis- infection with the yeast Candida albi cans and its relatives. Over consumption of sugar and antibiotics promotes Candida overgrowth in the intestines, leading to a myriad of symptoms affecting both brain and body. With extreme immune weakness, (as occurs frequently e.g. in AIDS patients) Candida may even penetrate into the body, especially the lungs and kidneys. Biostim has shown activity against Candida in a variety of studies. The two studies by Fietta and colleagues both found increased Candida-killing power of neutrophils and macrophages in Biostim-treated patients. Nielsen and Bonde compared the effect of 2 different doses of 17

'AFTER 3 MONTHS 78% OF BIOSTIM TREATED BRONCHITIS SUBJECTS WERE WITHOUT INFECTION' Biostim to placebo in chronic bronchitis patients. 1 group got 2 mg./day every other week, whilst another group of subjects received placebo. All the subjects suffered from a deficiency of monocyte Candida-killing power. Normal Candida phagocytic activity of monocytes is 3.0/monocyte, while the test subjects' monocytes averaged only 1.4. After Biostim treatment, the 2 mg. group's: monocytes averaged 3.4. while the placebo group only increased from 1.6 to 2.0. Since monocytes/macrophages are the main phagocytic cells normally present in the lungs, Nielsen and Bonde concluded that the ability of Biostim to enhance abnormally low monocyte phagocytic activity may be a key factor in Biostim's ability to prevent lung infections. LUK'ii INFLiOTLGk^ Chronic bronchitis is a condition of chronic lung inflammation, with excessive mucous production and proneness to recurrent lung infections. Viallat and colleagues reported on a 9 month double-blind trial of Biostim. 38 people (average age: 62) got Biostim, 35 (average age: 56) got placebo. They had typically suffered chronic bronchitis for 15-20 years. The treatment was 2 mg. Biostim or placebo for 6 days; then 1 mg. Biostim or placebo for 8 days, 2 and 4 months later. After 3 months 78% of Biostim treated bronchitis subjects were without infection, vs. 53% of placebo subjects. By the end of 9 months, the Biostim group averaged 13 days of lung infection, vs. 33 days for the placebo group. By month 9, antibiotic usage in the Biostim group averaged 11.5 days, vs. 41 days in the placebo group. The authors also noted: "No signs of intolerance and particularly no signs of immunotoxicity were observed...." Hugonot and co-workers conducted a large trial lasting 12 months with 155 Biostim subjects and 159 placebo subjects. These were elderly patients (average age: 82), admitted to chronic care medical facilities, suffering from various infection risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, skin ulcers, chronic bronchitis, etc. Treatment was 18

2 mg. Biostim or placebo for 8 days the first month, and 1 mg. Biostim/day or placebo for 8 days at the beginning of months 2 and 3. After 6 months, the Biostim group had 90 patients without lung infection vs. 76 for placebo; after 9 months 82 Biostim subjects were without infection vs. 64 for placebo; and 65 Biostim patients were without infection vs. 51 for placebo at 12 months. There was a significant decrease in antibiotic use in the Biostim group compared to placebo throughout the entire 12 months of the trial: 7.4 days vs. 11 days for the placebo group. The authors concluded: "Biostim was well tolerated. This study showed that Biostim is effective in protecting elderly and therefore fragile subjects against respiratory infections." Fietta and colleagues compared 3 and 6 month Biostim regimens in 40 chronic bronchitis patients in an 8 month study. One group got the standard Biostim regimen of 2 mg./day for 8 days in month 1, with 1 mg./day for 8 days in months 2 and 3. The other group got 2 mg./day for 8 days 6 months in a row. The results of the two groups were similar. The standard dose group had only 0.82 bronchitis exacerbations during the 8 month trial, compared to 2.7 during the same 8 month period the previous year. The high dose Biostim group averaged 0.88 exacerbations, vs. 2.9 the same period the previous year. The authors also reported that: "Both treatments significantly improved phagocytosis index [a measure of germ-killing power] of both neutrophils and monocytes [precursors of macrophages], phagocytosis frequency and candidacidal activity of neutrophils.... The clinical and hematological tolerability of a long-term treatment with Biostim proved very good and comparable to that of the short-term standard treatment." Fietta and colleagues studied the benefits of Biostim in a 9 month study. The end results were more patients with no bronchitis exacerbations in the Biostim group, and the mean number of exacerbations over 9 months was 1.66 for Biostim vs. 3.5 for placebo. The duration of bronchitis exacerbations averaged 15 days for


Biostim and 36 days for placebo. They also reported: "No side effects and no changes in routine hematological or biochemical blood tests were observed during the trial."

B108TIW; TBB A-NTIE C D V Li 0 0 0TEH One of the two main forms of acquired immunity is humoral immunity- the production of antibodies that are active against specific germs, and which make it easier for neutrophils and macrophages to attack the antibodycoated germs. Biostim has been shown to enhance antibody production in both humans: and animal experiments. Profeta and colleagues vaccinated 42 elderly volunteers with several different type A influenza strains. The subjects were given either 4 mg. Biostim or placebo for 14 days, starting the day of vaccination. The antibody titres produced were typically 20-30% higher in the Biostim group, and a larger number of Biostim subjects achieved successful vaccination responses earlier, and in total numbers, compared to the placebo group. Notto vaccinated young healthy volunteers against type A influenza virus. The volunteers were given 2, 4, or 8 mg. Biostim or placebo for 14 days beginning on the day of vaccination. By 3 weeks post-vaccination, only 40% of the placebo group showed antibody titres indicating successful vaccination, while 75% of the 8 mg. Biostim group and 90% of the 4 mg. group demonstrated successful vaccination antibody titres. As Smets and colleagues observed: "Biostim enhances the immune response to vaccination, it can be considered to have a B lymphocyte stimulating activity." Griscelli and co-workers performed an experiment with 10 healthy people previously vaccinated with tetanus vaccine at least 3 years earlier. They were given 8 mg. of Biostim for 14 days, but no additional tetanus booster, 10 more people previously vaccinated were treated with placebo and given a low-dose tetanus booster shot, while 24 people were given placebo and no booster. After 30 days, O R D E R I N G

the antibody response in the Biostim group was almost 20 times higher than the group given placebo and no tetanus booster. Plus the response was roughly the same for the antibody response of the 10 people given placebo and tetanus booster. This experiment demonstrates the powerful effect of Biostim to increase existing antibody levels, without vaccination. The authors also reported that "No adverse effects were observed." Martinez-Mazza and colleagues studied the effect of Biostim on human B cells isolated from blood and spleen. They found that Biostim caused a major increase in IgG and IgM in B cells, compared to untreated B cells. IgM levels were increased 800-3700% in Biostim-treated B cells compared to untreated B cells, while IgG levels were increased 230-1200% compared to untreated cells. The evidence from human, animal and cell studies is clear, Biostim enhances vaccination effect, B cell proliferation, and the ability of B cells to produce germ-fighting antibodies. ii i o n : ) xi vs. c b l i x l s A host of animal studies has shown Biostim's power to enhance natural germ-fighting abilities. Takada and colleagues gave Biostim to test mice for 4 days before injecting them with L.monocytogenes bacteria. By day 14, 82% of the control animals had died, vs. 50% of the Biostim mice. Griscelli and colleagues reported that feeding Biostim to mice for 2-8 days before injecting them with various germs protected them from Listeria, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, E. coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas and Staph Aureus bacteria, as well as influenza and encephalomyocarditis viruses. Smets and colleagues reported on the effects of 4 days of oral Biostim given before injection with virulent germs. They noted that with Staph, pneumoniae, 5/10 Biostim animals survived after 20 days, vs. 1/10 controls. 9/10 Biostim animals injected with Klebsiella pneumoniae survived after 20 days, vs. 1/10 controls. 6/10 Biostim animals injected with Listeria monocytogens survived after 20 days, vs. 1/10 controls. BIOSTIM AND CA.NC18B FAX ORDERING +44 (0)208 181 6106

Biostim has been shown to be helpful to the health and well-being of cancer patients. It has also shown some signs of anti-cancer activity in cell and animal tests. Lang and co-workers first reported a Biostim benefit to cancer patients in 1980. Cancer patients, (due either to their disease and/or its treatment by x-rays and chemotherapy), are prone to serious immune weakness. 8 mg./Biostim/day was given to 6 cancer patients for 15 days. All of the patients initially showed a complete lack of delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity (DCH) (also called delayed typer hypersensitivity). Assessment of DCH... is a simple procedure for testing cell-mediated immunity in man and DCH deficiency has predictive value in many clinical settings. Restoration of delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity was observed in five of the six patients. Lang and colleagues gave various doses of Biostim or placebo to 51 lymphoma patients for 14 days. The 8 mg./day dose of Biostim significantly enhanced the low DCH response compared to placebo, or the 2 mg. or 32 mg./day Biostim doses. The study authors note the importance of this finding: "That persistent cellmediated immunity deficiency can be overcome by Biostim and that this might have clinical implications since these patients [and cancer patients generally] show an increased incidence of infectious episodes." They also observed that: "No side effects were noted whatever the dose administered."

Blomgren and colleagues gave 8 mg. Biostim/day for 7 days once monthly for a period of 3 months to 12 patients, all with advanced colorectal cancer. Over the course of the 3 month trial, they found a 300% increase in the ability of T lymphocytes from the cancer patients to proliferate. Since T cells are the basis of cell-mediated immunity, and cell-mediated immunity is the essential, youthful form of acquired human immunity, this immunostimulating power of Biostim further suggests its usefulness as adjunctive therapy for cancer patients. It was also noted that: "None of the patients complained of any side-effects and there were no changes in results of routine laboratory tests." Sozzani and co-workers gave Biostim to mice by injection and orally. They found that Biostim increased the ability of natural killer (NK) cells to clear injected YAC-1 tumor cells from the their lungs and spleens. They also found through in-vitro testing that Biostim increased the cytotoxicity of human NK cells against K562 tumor cells by up to 40%. Blomgren exposed human monocytes to Biostim in vitro. He concluded that "The present study has shown that Biostim... can induce human mononuclear cells to release soluble factors which inhibit growth of tumor cells." Furthermore, 3 different human glioma (brain) tumor cells lines were also inhibited. Vacheron and colleagues extracted mactophages from mice. These were then incubated with Biostim. "We found that macrophages acti19

'ANYONE SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, RECURRENT LUNG INFECTIONS OR EMPHYSEMA SHOULD RE TAKING BIOSTIM' vated by Biostim exhibited cytotoxic activity against tumor cells. Moreover Biostim was able to induce secretion by macrophage of a soluble cytotoxic factor [that inhibits tumor cell growth]." Thus, the available evidence suggests that Biostim may be useful to cancer patients for two reasons: 1. To enhance their weakened general immune activity- to protect against infections; 2. To increase the ability of the cancer patient's own immune cells to fight cancer. 8 mg./day seems to be the effective dose in cancer, as opposed to the 2 mg. or 1 mg. doses used in other contexts. MSCELLANECEFFECTS Fiszer-Szarfarz reported an unusual ability of Biostim in 1988. They discovered that Biostim markedly increased the activity of 4 enzymes of lung macrophages. These enzymes serve to break down the complex glycosaminoglycans that make up mucous. This is important because excessive lung production of mucous is a major problem in asthma, bronchitis, exphysema and lung infections, impairing breathing ability. They also note that the high molecular weight hyaluronic acid typical of mucous, inhibits phagocytosis (germ-ingesting) by macrophages, but that low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, (produced when mucous is digested by the 4 macrophage enzymes) does not inhibit phagocytosis. Thus, it is one more reason for anyone suffering from asthma, chronic bronchitis, recurrent lung infections or emphysema should be taking Biostim. Another important benefit of Biostim is its ability to enhance antibiotic action. In one experiment, mice were injected with lethal doses of Staph germs on day 0. Some mice were given the antibiotic ampicillia from day 0; others were given 20

Biostim from day 0 to day 4; and the third group was given Biostim plus ampicillin. By day 3, only 10% of the ampicillin-only group were alive; by day 18 4 0 % of the Biostim-only group were still alive; while by day 18 90% of the Biostim plus ampicillin group were still alive.

damage induced by inflammatory mediators." Given that excessive inflammation is frequently a problem in asthma and various infectious conditions, this demonstrates yet another benefit of Biostim.

It is thus probably a good idea to keep Biostim on hand, and any time it is necessary to take an antibiotic - especially if it's for a serious or lifethreatening infection- begin an 8 day, 2 mg./day course of Biostim at the same time.

T'J. I? BIOSTUN P110 01) M l

Capsoni showed that Biostim has the ability to reverse the immunosuppressive effect of cortico-steroids. They extracted human neutrophils and tested them in-vitro. The neutrophils were exposed to different levels of hydrocortisone (HC) or methyl-prednisolone (MP), and then tested for their ability to phagocytize (ingest) antibody-coated sheep red blood cells. Compared to control neutrophils, the HC-treated neutrophils had a 77% reduction in their ability to ingest the sheep red blood cells, while the MPtreated neutrophils were treated with Biostim and HC or MP, the phagocytic defect was completely reversed, with the neutrophils achieving the same level of phagocytosis as the controls. Given the well-known profound immunosuppressive power of corticosteroids, this is further proof of Biostim's broad-ranging immune enhancing power. Scheffer and co-workers studied the effects of Biostim on the inflammatory response of various types of human white blood cells. They observed that Biostim significantly reduced neutrophil production of the spasmogenic leukotriene LTC4, (which plays a major role in asthma and cystic fibrosis). Scheffer concluded that: "Biostim increases the expression of inflammatory reactions induced by weak stimuli and thus may be important for bacterial killing and elimination. It also inhibits an overexpression by potent stimuli and thus may act as an anti-inflammatory and in this regard it inhibits cell and tissue

The standard protocol for Biostim usage is as follows: Biostim is swallowed whole, on an empty stomach, for 8 days at 2 mg. (2 tablets) per day. Then one month after beginning Biostim, I mg./day is taken for 8 days. Finally after 2 months after the first Biostim dose, 1 mg. is again taken for 8 days. This process is then repeated once yearly. However, it should be noted that in various human studies involving cancer patients, the daily dose was 8 mg./day. Virtually all human Biostim studies report no, or no serious side effects, even at doses up to 32 mg./day. A few studies have reported stomach upset in a few patients. As for contraindications, the Biostim manufacturer's package insert states that: "Biostim is not to be taken in the case of autoimmune illness. It should not be given to children of less than a year old. Although embryotoxic or teratogenic effects have not been seen in animal experimentation, its use is not recommended during pregnancy." Given Biostim's extreme safety, those suffering extreme immune weakness may wish to do the 3 month Biostim program every 6 or 9 months, rather than only once yearly. Given the multifaceted immune-enhancing effects of Biostim, its safety, its low cost, and the low number of doses that need to be taken, Biostim may be the best immunopotentiating bargain available today. llEl?BHBm& Adapted from; "Biostim, boosting the immune system" by James South MA. To read all clinical references, please go to:


in the news Teflon likely contains a dangerous carcinogen A new study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims that a chemical used in the making of Teflon poses a greater cancer risk than previously believed. Teflon is made exclusively by DuPont and is applied to the surface of pots and pans to make them non-stick. The substance in question is called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). The EPA had said that there was 'suggestive evidence' that PFOA was a potential carcinogen in humans, but now in their latest report released the EPA say that PFOA is 'likely' to be carcinogenic to humans. Many environmental groups want DuPont to be held legally and economically responsible for the health problems allegedly caused by the use of Teflon. DuPont issued a statement continuing to deny that Teflon causes any health risks to humans, stating; "To date, no human health effects are known to be caused by PFOA, even in workers who have significantly higher exposure levels than the general population." The EPA are not expected to act on the report until the recommendations are finalized. Are nanobacteria making us ill? A Finnish biochemist by the name of Olavi Kajander and his colleagues in 1988 put some of their old cultures under an electron microscope. They saw particles that were like bacteria but up to 100 times smaller, yet they were thriving inside dying cells. Believing them to be a possible new form of life, Kajander named the particles "nanobacteria" and published a paper, spawning one of the biggest controversies in microbiology. The researchers had observed the nanobacteria particles building shells of calcium phosphate around themselves. So they began to investigate whether they play a role in causing kidney stones and sure enough, at the center of several stones were nanobacteria particles. Critics argue that a particle just 20 to 200 nanometers in diameter can't possibly harbor the components necessary for life. Plus, as these particles are incredibly resistant to heat, it makes some scientists think they are an unusual form of crystal rather than organisms. But now there are increasing numbers of FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

studies linking nanobacteria to serious health problems, including kidney stones, aneurysms and ovarian cancer. The studies show that nanobacteria can infect humans and so the race is on to resolve the controversy and expose how nanobacteria work. "It's all pretty exciting stuff," said David McKay, chief scientist for astrobiology at NASA's Johnson Space Center. "Whether these are bacteria or not, it doesn't matter at this point. What matters is if we can figure out the association between nanobacteria and kidney stones and develop some kind of countermeasure." In 2003, a team from the University of Vienna Medical Center found nanobacteria in the calcified debris of tissue samples from ovarian cancer patients. Meanwhile, several other studies have revealed nanobacteria in samples of calcified arteries. Then in 2004 a study by the Mayo Clinic supported many of the original findings. The Mayo study found that nanobacteria do indeed self-replicate, and endorsed the idea that the particles are life forms. According to the N1H. each year around 200,000 patients are discharged from U.S. hospitals with kidney stones and related problems. In addition, more than 25,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and in the same period, 14,000 Americans die from complications caused by calcified arteries. "It brings up a lot of questions," said John Lieske, who led the 2004 Mayo Clinic study. "How many kidney stones are caused by this? Are there other calcification-related diseases that are caused by nanobacteria? Is it infectious?" In February 2005, NASA announced that

they had observed nanobacteria growing at five times their normal rate when placed it in an incubator that simulates the microgravity conditions of space. The findings mean astronauts may be at an elevated risk for kidney stones on long flights, something NASA is very worried about with its new plans to send humans to Mars. Back on Earth, nanobacteria particles double about once every three days, whereas in comparison, typical bacteria double about every 20 minutes. Dr. Lieske's group have continued to experiment with nanobacteria and have offered a third possibility, suggesting that the particles could be a form of archaea. This relatively new category of tiny organisms have DNA that is vastly different from that found in typical bacteria. Archaea have surprised scientists by turning up in places where life was least expected, such as sulfurous lakes and hydrothermal sea vents. The Mayo Clinic team is expected to publish a paper outlining their new findings late in 2005. The milk- insulin resistance connection The March 2005 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (59(3):3938) has indicated that there is a correlation between the intake of milk and worsening insulin resistance, with implications for diabetes. Research conducted at the Department of Human Nutrition and Centre for Advanced Food Studies, Frederiksberg, Denmark, determined that high intake of dairy products increases insulin resistance. A study of 8-year-old boys comprised of 3 groups. One was the control group and consumed neither milk nor meat for 7-days. Another was fed 53 grams of meat protein each day for 7-days and the 3rd group was given 53 grams of milk protein each day for 7-days. Blood levels of insulin, glucose and amino acids were measured daily and then insulin resistances were calculated for each child. In the milk-group, insulin resistance doubled when compared to the control group. In the control and meat-group, there were no increases in insulin resistance. The conclusion of these results indicate that a short term high meat intake does not affect insulin resistance, while a short term high milk and dairy intake increases insulin resistance dramatically. 21

T h e Story Of N-Acetylcarnosine

Author Marios Kyriazis brings a wealth of medical expertise to one of the most important breakthroughs in recent times. To help combat the disease 'senile cataract' and other associated eye disorders.

The Cataract Cure is an essential resource for those cataract sufferers who are looking for an alternative treatment and want to avoid eye surgery.



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by Karen Sadowsky Kaufman, MS FAX

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inpocetine is synthesized from vincamine- an extract of the periwinkle plant, (also known as the Vinca minor). Vinpocetine is one of the most important Nootropics in our current armamentarium and has been used safely in parts of Europe and Japan since the 1970's. Best known for its favorable effect on cerebral blood flow, in order to fully appreciate the benefits of Vinpocetine, it is important to understand something about how the brain functions. The brain The brain is the most complex and elegant structure in the human body. It regulates virtually every metabolic function required for life. On average, it weighs a mere 3 lbs., but contains several thousand miles of interconnected nerve cells which control every movement, thought, sensation and emotion that define human experience. Within the brain and spinal cord, there are ten thousand distinct varieties of neurons, trillions of supportive cells, even more synaptic connections, a hundred characterized neurotransmitters, miles of minute blood vessels, axons of various lengths, all of which all mysteriously work together to maintain life.

Yet while the brain accounts for only 2% of the body's weight, it consumes 20% of the body's available energy in the form of glucose and oxygen. Furthermore, the brain relies (in a non fasting state) exclusively on glucose, whilst other cells and organs in the 24

"scientists believed a certain amount of cognitive decline was an inevitable consequence of aging-this is no longer the case" body are able to burn fat or glucose to survive. For example, the liver and skeletal muscles are able to keep a large reserve of glycogen which can be converted to glucose and released into circulation in times of increased energy requirements, but neurons cannot survive much longer than a minute or two without glucose. Thus the brain relies on an uninterrupted blood supply to avoid injury and cell death. Naturally, without a fully functioning brain, the quality of life becomes deeply compromised. Many cells in the body reproduce throughout life and are therefore able to repair themselves after injury, only a few such as heart muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells do not have the ability to reproduce. Yet, it takes the brain a mere 2-years after birth to complete its development and acquire all the neurons and inter-connections necessary for life. Until very recently, it was thought the neurons of the brain also lacked the ability to reproduce, seemingly a fatal flaw in design. After all, why would the organ most central to life lacks the ability to regenerate its crucial components? Well, that may not be entirely true. Experimental research establishes that adult stem cells can transform into brain cells in people . There is also recent evidence that neurons can be regenerated from endogenous cells after injury to the brain . Of


course, we cannot expect these findings to go from bench to bedside anytime soon, so currently the best policy is still to support our brains and its neurons as if they have no ability to regenerate. Ten years ago, scientists believed a certain amount of cognitive decline was an inevitable consequence of aging- this is no longer the case. The same lifestyle factors that affect overall health can also protect the brain. By preventing diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), cerebrovascular disease, (CVD) and hypertension; one can realistically enter their 90's with cognitive functions intact. Of course, one cannot control for conditions that seem to arbitrarily strike different people: brain cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, head injury or other traumas. But given the ever increasing advancements in neurobiology and nanotechnology, the reasons for protecting brain function are more compelling than ever. As stated above, the brain relies literally minute-to-minute on the glucose and oxygen that is supplied by the blood. Glucose and oxygen are converted to energy (ATP), so that the neurons have the power to conduct their simultaneous and countless functions. It is estimated that the brain itself utilizes 50% of the total glucose metabolized in the body. This is


why an insulin dependent diabetic falls quickly into a coma after injecting too much insulin. Blood glucose drops precipitously, so the brain loses its key source of energy. ATP is used by the neurons to repair cell components i.e. cell membranes, microtubules, mitochondria etc. ATP is also used to produce all neurotransmitters and ensure those neurotransmitters arrive at the correct receptors. Most importantly, the everyday cell-tocell communication is conducted by electrical impulses, which are discharged through the operation of sodium-potassium pumps.

the science thus far, is intriguing. Importantly, its history of safety is impressive.

The data Many Vinpocetine studies have focused on its potential ability to enhance brain function. The best studied property of Vinpocetine is its ability to improve and restore cerebral blood flow in patients who have suffered a stroke or people who have had multiple cerebral infarcts.

An investigation was recently published that used neuro-imaging to see how the administration of In short, maintaining an uninterrupted blood supply to the brain is Vinpocetine might effect cerebral blood flow in patients who exthe best way to prevent neuronal perience chronic ischemic stroke injury or cell death. . This recent report confirmed earlier reports that Vinpocetine has Vinpocetine the ability to restore regional cerebral blood flow. In this particular The ability of Vinpocetine to ensure cerebral blood flow means study, the Vinpocetine was given that this Nootropic has beneficial intravenously for 14 days. effects on the memory, particularly memory loss that may be related Another study published in Septo vascular insufficiency. There tember of 2005, used Doppler is also evidence that Vinpocetine imaging and neuropsychological ameliorates epileptic seizures. testing to evaluate Vinpocetine It has also been shown to have against a placebo in multi-infarct favorable effects on hearing and patients . It was a small study, but vision. Other studies have suggest- it showed that the Vinpocetine ed it may be beneficial in alleviat- treated group had no worsening depression and menopausal ing of one of the markers on the symptoms. neuropsychological test, whereas the placebo group did worsen. In addition, positive changes in blood Research has yet to elucidate all flow were detected by the Doppler the ways in which Vinpocetine in the Vinpocetine treated group exerts its beneficial effects, but

Vinpocetine treated subjects experienced significantly...improved attention, concentration and memory FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

versus the placebo group. Scientists have shown in laboratory animals that Vinpocetine is able to decrease the loss of neurons due to decreased blood flow. In 3-studies of older adults with memory problems associated with poor brain circulation or dementia related disease, Vinpocetine treated subjects experienced significantly more improvement on global cognitive tests reflecting improved attention, concentration and memory compared to those taking the placebo. Some researchers speculate that taking Vinpocetine to prevent neuronal injury from subclinical cerebrovascular disease, or diseases that increase oxidative stress is a good idea. In another study, the efficacy and tolerance of oral Vinpocetine was investigated in ambulatory patients suffering from mild to moderate organic psychosyndromes, including primary dementia. There were no clinically relevant side25

"After administration of Vinpocetine, a 77.5% improvement was seen in distance vision and 42.5% in near vision" effects reported. The frequency of adverse events was the same for the Vinpocetine group and the placebo group. It was a multi-center trial in which 203 patients were randomized to receive 10 mgs or 20 mgs of Vinpocetine, or a placebo three times per day. Significant improvements were found in both groups that received Vinpocetine in "Global Improvement" and cognitive performance versus the placebo group. Both dosages of Vinpocetine were superior to placebo in ratings of'severity of illness'.

vision and 42.5% in near vision.

phate, (an important nucleotide the body makes from ATP). 4. The latest evidence suggests that Vinpocetine has the ability to act as sodium channel blocker, (as mentioned above).

One pleasantly surprising item 5. But perhaps most importantly, popped up in my research. It Vinpocetine has anticoagulant seems Vinpocetine is beneficial in properties and is able to stop relieving menopausal symptoms. blood cells from sticking The study included 91 women together. Given that recent experiencing early menopause. evidence points to blood There was a control group, a group viscosity being the most of women with normal cholesterol important marker for a heart and a group of women with high attack (in other words, the cholesterol. Vinpocetine's adminthicker one's blood- the more istration resulted in the reduction likelihood of an infarction), we of the indexes of atherogenic may well see Vinpocetine also risk in the group of women with being clinical proven to be high cholesterol. In addition, both efficacious for heart disease too. groups that received Vinpocetine Studies in an animal model of epi- reported; 'significant amelioration Conclusion of climacteric symptoms'. lepsy have demonstrated Vinpocetine's anti-convulsant properties When the data is viewed in its . Scientists speculate Vinpocetine Mechanism of action entirety, it is evident that Vinmay be an alternative treatment pocetine has almost 30 years of for epilepsy which apparently Initial research suggests Vinposafety and efficacy. No one wants works through the blockade of cetine has five main mechanisms to think they will suffer a stroke, sodium channels . of action. or any sort of brain trauma. But Vinpocetine provides extremely Since there is so much evidence 1. Vinpocetine selectively inexpensive insurance in the event the Vinpocetine improves cerebral enhances brain circulation and that the worst should happen. Plus, blood flow, it is rational to specuthe brain's use of oxygen there is ample evidence to suglate that Vinpocetine would also without significantly altering gest Vinpocetine improves normal be beneficial for hearing and visystemic circulation. brain function, and that is always a sion. Published research as well as good thing! anecdotal reports suggest that Vin- 2. Vinpocetine also increase pocetine can be very beneficial for the brain's tolerance of hypoxia References one's hearing, particularly trauma (oxygen deficiency) and induced tinnitus . There is little ischemia (obstructed blood Adapted from; "Vinpocetine- the published data about Vinpocetine's flow). ultimate neuroprotector" by Karen beneficial effects on vision, but a Kaufman, MS. To read the origistudy from 1992 does support the 3. Furthermore, Vinpocetine acts nal complete article along with all effectiveness of Vinpocetine in as an anticonvulsant and clinical references, please go to: ophthalmic issues. After admininhibits the enzyme phophodi istration of Vinpocetine, a 77.5% esterase (PDE)-l, which breaks http://www.antiaging-systems. improvement was seen in distance down adenosine monophos com/extract/neuroprotector.htm 26





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A A M : Could I start by asking you to please tell our readers how many years you have been involved in the research of N-acetylcarnosine? |Ed.herein called N A C | .

The Breakthrough Eye-drops For Cataract

Dr. Babizhayev: We started our work on NAC as a potent ophthalmic drug in 1991. AAM: So when did you first realize that NAC was something special for the treatment of cataract? Dr. Babizhayev: We realized NAC was promising for the treatment of human cataracts when the first pharmacokinetic studies were completed. They showed that N A C acted in-vivo. [Ed.Clin. Chim. Acta 1996, 254, 1-21]. AAM: Presumably, your first experiments were undertaken with animals? Would you like to elaborate on some of the results you obtained?

By Phil Micans PharmB

Dr. Babizhayev: The NAC anti-cataract eye-drops have been carefully tested in animals. We have processed the treatment of age-related cataracts in canines and experimental models of cataract in rabbits. The most striking results have been obtained using a 1 % NAC instillation in canines with agerelated cataracts. We have determined the efficacy of cataract treatment, and we have revealed a new phenomenon of melting snow upon the instillation of NAC, for the chronic treatment of cataract within only 1-month [Ed.- figure 1 ]. The cortical appearance of cataract reversal starts from the periphery and then the lens becomes more transparent. This is then accompanied by the improved visual behavior of the animal. Rigorous computerized image analysis have been supplied to support the evidence of the cataract treatment in rabbits [Ed.- figure 2], The striking results of reversing cataract and the prevention of the lens opacities are clear, plus they have been revealed in traumatic and liposome-induced types O N L / N E O R D E R I N G www.antiaging-magazine.coni

interview associated with the application of 1% NAC. What is more, no recurrence of cataract development occurred during the period of NAC application.

of modeling cataract. AAM: Later of course, you were also involved with NAC eye-drops in human trials, what kind of results did you obtain? Dr. Babizhayev: First we developed sensitive measurements for the lens opacities in humans. These were original techniques of glare tests; they are very sensitive to even tiny changes of the lens opacities and we also tested the macular function, which is the vision behind the cataract. We have also utilized stereocinematographic slit-image and retro-illumination photography, with subsequent interactive digital image analysis and 3D computer graphics for the lens light scattering, or absorption. The intra-reader reproducibility of the measuring techniques for cataractous changes were good. One group of patients were the control reference group, they demonstrated the variability in densitometric readings of lens clouding and they had negative advance in glare sensitivity at 6 months, and a gradual deterioration of visual acuity and gross transmissivity of lenses at 24 months. These results were compared at baseline and 6-month follow-up examinations. However, when compared with baseline examination at 6 months, 41.5% of the eyes treated with NAC eye drops presented a significant improvement in visual acuity of 7-100% and 88.9% of the eyes ranged a 27-100% improvement in glare sensitivity. Topographic study demonstrated less density and corresponding areas of opacification in posterior subcapsular and cortical morphological regions of the lens. That is consistent with visual acuity up to 0.3. The total study period was over 24 months and it revealed that the beneficial effect of NAC is sustainable. Image analytical readings of lenses indicated that no cases resulted in a worsening of visual acuity for the NAC-treated group of patients, and in most of the patients drug tolerance was good. Statistical analysis FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

. f ' 4


Dr. Mark Babizhayev is one of the principal Russian researchers behind the development and use of N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) eye-drops, (the original brand name is Can-C). They are being heralded as a breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of senile cataract. In this interview, Dr. Babizhayev discusses with Phil Micans the results of his animal and human research. revealed significant differences between 6 and 24 months as an overall cumulative and positive change of the characteristics of cataracts in the NAC-treated group, when compared to the control group. The synthesized N-acetylated Carnosine eye-drops are therefore proposed as an effective and physiologically acceptable drug for non-surgical istics of cataracts in the NAC-treated group, when compared to the control group. The synthesized N-acetylated Carnosine eye-drops are therefore proposed as an effective and physiologically acceptable drug for non-surgical treatment of age-related and senile cataracts. (Ed.- figure 3). AAM: Were there any side-effects noted in the human trials? Dr. Babizhayev: For most of the patients treated, drug tolerance was good and no side effects were specifically

AAM: "Have you drawn any conclusions as to why NAC is able to treat cataract so successfully? Is NAC breaking existing cross-links of proteins as well as inhibiting them? Or are there other forces at work here too? Dr. Babizhayev: The therapeutical indication for NAC to treat senile cataract can lead to diminishing of light-scattering units in the lens, probably by prevention of the oxidative modification of crystallins and utilization of lipid peroxides, that promote lens opacities. Most known biological antioxidants that can prevent oxidative damage to biological molecules show some specificity in their mechanism of action, and so they can provide only one type of protection. N-acetylcarnosine and its bioactivated analog L-Carnosine may exert their antioxidant properties by removing high reactive peroxide compounds from the lipid phase of the lens, i.e. the fiber cellular membranes. We assume the advantage of NAC is as a universal antioxidant, which relates to its ability to give efficient protection against lipid peroxidation, both in the lipid phase of biological membranes and in the aqueous environment. We maintain the hypothesis that NAC assists the proprietary lens antioxidant systems including glutathione, and the enzymatic antioxidant systems of the lens, to provide their operation most effectively. Glutathione in conjunction with glutathione-related systems, like glutathione reductase, can partially reduce the S-S bonds in the cross-linked lens proteins. Besides, we agree that NAC can prevent and reverse the crosslinking of the lens proteins, including crystallins induced by lipid hydroperoxides and their secondary breakdown molecular products, like aldehydes. 29


This mechanism can be prominent to


system, L-Carnosine can be released

reverse and prevent lens opacification

from the N A C ophthalmic vehicle

that is related to the glycation reac-

Dr. Babizhayev: Topical administra-

in the eye and b e c o m e s active as an

tions of the lens proteins, and as you

tion of pure L-Carnosine to the eye

ophthalmic antioxidant. L-Carnosine

know they are also associated with

does not lead to accumulation of this

released in situ f r o m its ophthalmic

complications of diabetes.

compound in the aqueous humor

pro-drug N A C enters the lens, which

within a reasonable amount of time,

is not equipped with carnosinase ac-

A A M : To-date, what is the longest

or in a concentration exceeding that

tivity and concurrently L-Carnosine is

period that anyone has been con-

of the placebo-treated eye. Exogenous

washed out with the aqueous humor

tinuing to receive N A C eve-drops?

L-Carnosine entering the organism

flow, this then allows the chronical

topically to the eye, intravenously,

application of N A C for the treatment

Dr. Babizhayev: Usually, w e only pro-

intraperitoneally, or with food is not

of human cataracts over years.

vide well-controlled randomized trials.

accumulated by the tissues, but is

Our clinical evaluations have lasted

excreted or destroyed by carnosinase,

A A M : I also understand that you

more than 2 with continuous therapy.

a dipeptidase e n z y m e that is present

have acquired the proprietary

As w e always avoided any substance

in blood plasma and in the aqueous

process of producing a high-purity

materials that have originated from

h u m o r of the anterior chamber of the

N A C for eye-drop use. Did you find

uncertain sources, w e have developed

eye. With a topical eye application,

that normal production of N A C

a precise c G M P manufacturing pro-

L-Carnosine releases the toxic com-

was in some way inferior?

cess for N A C .

pound, histamine, which can severely promote oxidation reactions. C o m -

Dr. Babizhayev: This is an important

pared to L-Carnosine and due to its

question. The application of N A C for

eye-drops being preserved in these

relative hydrophobicity, N A C appears

the treatment of cataracts has been

long-term patient trials?

to penetrate through the cornea gradu-

protected by the PCT patents by our

ally, thus maintaining a longer active

group. However there are many car-

Dr. Babizhayev: Yes, the study period

therapeutic concentration of L-Car-

nosines with little or abandoned bio-

of 24 months revealed that the benefi-

nosine in the aqueous humor and the

logical activities. This strongly varies

cial effect of N A C is sustainable.

lens of the treated eye. Importantly,

with the content of transition metals

A A M : So are the benefits of N A C

N A C is highly resistant to hydrolysis

in the peptide moiety, admixtures

by carnosinases. Different techniques

of hydrazine and other impurities

has focused on the treatment of

of ocular administration with N A C

dependent to the type of obtention

patients with cataract, but do you

prove its efficacy for the treatment of

and/or synthesis. We have developed

envisage that N A C may also have a

cataracts, combined with excellent

the important c G M P manufacturing

role to help prevent cataract?

tolerability to the eye, safety, and the

process for N A C which demonstrates

A A M : I appreciate that your work

lack of possible side effects.

its extraordinary biological anticataract activity in humans. We have

Dr. Babizhayev: Indeed! We usually pursue the following therapeutical

A A M : Please allow me to recap.

provided the chemical-functional

strategy for the treatment of hu-

Your results indicate that L-Carno-

correlation of the N A C properties and

man cataracts with N A C . Firstly, w e

sine when used as an eye-drop could

ensured the clinical anti-cataract effi-

expcct to obtain the maximal effect of

be dangerous. However, some N A C

cacy of the product for human lenses.

improvement of visual acuity within

breaks down into L-Carnosine, but

For even when N A C is extremely

the first 3-5 months of therapy, then

presumably N A C is not causing any

pure this also abandons the antioxi-

the clinical strategy is to maintain the

side effects because it only breaks

dant and biological activities of the

received visual outcome for a lasting

down into L-Carnosine at a later

peptide product. Innovative Vision

period. In this connection, N A C does

stage; which is then not dangerous

Products, Inc., keeps secret the know

to the eye. Is that basically correct?

how on the processing and permanent

help to prevent human cataracts.

biological and analytical controls, in A A M : Of course it has also been

Dr. Babizhayev: That is correct. Spe-

documented that L-Carnosine,

cifically, L-Carnosine is first hydro-

the sister to N A C , is able to help

lyzed with carnosinase and histamine

prevent cross-links from occurring,

and is released postponed from its

anti-cataract N A C bulk material. This technology has been envisaged by cooperation and extensive studies with a Japanese pharmaceutical company.

yet I believe you do not advocate

histidine moiety via the activity of

L-Carnosine as an eye-drop. Could

histidine decarboxylases in tissues. As

you please explain to our readers

the aqueous h u m o r of the eye is a flow


order to manufacture the effective


A A M : This is obviously an imporORDERING

interview Figure 1: These photos show the so-called melting snow effect on the reduction of cataract. The top picture is a canine eye before treatment, the bottom picture is the same eye after 1 -month of Can-C eye-drops and clearly shows the breaking up of the cataract. Figure 2: A rabbit eye showing before treatment the size of the cataract (left) and then over a period of months the remarkable reduction in the size of the cataract (middle and right) after instillation of CanC eye-drops. Figure 3a: Left: Before treatment, a woman's eye shows the cataract which resembles a bat in its shape. Figure 3b: Right: After a period of 5-months (2-drops, twice daily) with Can-C eye-drops. The opacities have disappeared and the lens has become clearer. tant breakthrough in anti-aging medicine and I can foresee numerous attempts to copy your innovation. How can patients be sure that they are getting your particularly pure NAC eye-drops when purchasing such material? Dr. Babizhayev: They should ensure that the label tells them that the product was formulated by Innovative Vision Products [Ed.-1 VP], For example, the original approved brand of Can-C is approved by IVP. AAM: What are the implications of using a non-approved eye-drop? Dr. Babizhayev: If the NAC containing eye-drop does not state it is approved by IVP, then it is not our formula, nor will it be our high-purity NAC. Therefore it is untested and could be either ineffective or possibly even dangerous. After all, we must remember that our eyes are delicate organs and that the drops need to be used on a long-term basis. AAM: When are the Can-C eyedrops most effective? FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

Dr. Babizhayev: When the patient has a cataract involving some membrane component such as cortical and subcapsular cataract and when the starting vision is no worse than a measurement of 0.3 otherwise referred to as 20/70. In these cases we can predict a most significant improvement. When we face Brunescent, nuclear cataract and when the vision is already significantly depressed then the improvement is less pronounced. AAM: Have you experienced any side effects? Dr. Babizhayev: In a few rare cases some patients experience stinging. This is either because the patient's Ph is out of balance, which is sometimes the case in very elderly people. However most find that the stinging is not that uncomfortable and actually eases over time. If the patient wears contact lenses, then they may have accumulated some lactic acid. Therefore they should remove the contacts and wash the eye carefully with cold water, allow a period for the eyes to dry and then apply the NAC eye-drops. This should prevent any stinging.

AAM: I congratulate you Dr. Babizhayev on your incredibly important work. It certainly appears that NAC eye-drops are a major contribution to the control and indeed the eradication of cataract, which by itself is clearly an age-related disorder. Do you believe that NAC may be useful for any other eye disorders? Dr. Babizhayev: We are now paying attention to the effects of the application of NAC eye-drops to treat the ophthalmic manifestations of diabetes, ocular inflammation, primary open-angle glaucoma and retinal disorders which involve the pathological mechanisms associated with oxidative stress. AAM: I think this is one of the most exciting anti-aging products to emerge in recent years and I believe it is a clear example of antiaging medicine at its best. I wish you all success with this project and your future projects. Dr. Babizhayev: Thank you.


letters to the editor Q: I have read about your thymus extract (Thym-Uvocal) but I am wondering if your selective processes and heat treatments can guarantee that the bovine source is free of prions (the cause of mad/cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease), since unlike viruses and bacteria, prion proteins are resistant to high temperatures. I am extremely concerned about using anything of bovine origin but I truly appreciate the benefits of this product as we age. Thanks for any information you can provide. A: What we can tell you about ThymUvocal is that it is pharmaceutically manufactured in Germany, according to the highest standards and that the animals themselves are of Australian origin farmed organically. In the history of the manufacturer (since the 1970s) there have been no recorded instances of any issues that you described and we have never had any complaints about this product in the several years we have been selling it. Regarding the specifics of manufacture, the starting material are thymus glands from strictly selected healthy calves (as previously described). Tissues from any given animal are used only after a veterinary physician has examined the live animal and issued a certificate of good health. Before the tissue is processed, histological and bacteriological tests are carried out, and during the multistage processing, enzymes in the thymus tissue, (which contain proteins and peptide pro-hormones) cleave the latter to short-chained, pharmacologically active oligopeptides. At the end of the extraction process, heating inactivates the enzymes and stops their further function, after which filtration removes the precipitated larger particles and molecules that are not desired. The heat treatment and the subsequent conservation process ensures that all micro-organisms are inactivated and removed. Material intended for injection is also completely free of micro-organism contamination. This is assured by an exactly defined process, which includes eight sequential safety controls and six formalized release controls before the product is released


for further processing. Packaging of ampoules and capsules is done under strictly controlled sterile conditions and G M P norms. Each batch is subjected to routine sterility and apyrogenicity controls, and only then is released for distribution. It is this process that sets Thym-Uvocal as a thymus peptide supplement apart from the "usual" thymus supplements, that are virtually nothing more than desiccated thymus, and hence this process gives Thym-Uvocal its efficacy and safety/ tolerance. It is also the brand most favored and recommended by biochemist James South, (as can be seen in his article at: http:// thymus.htm Thym-Uvocal, both injectable solution and the capsules is a standardized combination of pharmaceutically active thymus peptides consisting of thermostable oligopeptides of molecular weight less than 2000 Daltons. Phil Micans, PharmB Q: In your Spring 2005 Antiaging Magazine you talk about "occasional breaks" when taking Deprenyl (Selegiline). I am a 45 years old male and I've taken Deprenyl since a few years, without any breaks. Would you be so kind to tell me more about these breaks (frequency, how long, etc.) and if I incur any danger when not following this advice? Thank you in advance. A: In essence the breaks from Deprenyl are advised purely as precaution ONLINE

and may not actually be necessary. Much depends upon the dosage used and the sensitivity of the patient. An overdose of Deprenyl, (i.e. taken over a long period of time) would result in high dopamine levels- with the possibility of creating side effects such as, short-temper, some aggressiveness and general restlessness. If this occurs, simply stop for a while, and/ or reduce the dosage to return to "normal." Professor Knoll has informed us that withdrawing from Deprenyl dosing for 3-weeks will result in your Dopamine levels returning to "normal" for your age. So this can be considered to be a maximum period- but then of course in anti-aging medicine we don't want our levels to return to "normal" for our age! So as a general rule, you can stop Deprenyl dosing for 3-7 days each month. Alternatively, don't take Deprenyl at the weekends (personally that's what I do). Phil Micans, PharmB Q: Recently, I started taking I-tablet of TI-Melatonin速 and I noticed an immediate improvement in the quality of sleep, feeling more refreshed every morning. My mother has also been taking 1-tablet of TI-Melatonin速 before bed each night and she feels better too. I have increased energy and I don't remember sleeping this well EVER! It's an incredible product and has truly changed my life for the better. A: Thank you for your comments, we are always happy when people have such great results. TI-Melatonin速 is the brand of Melatonin developed by the world expert in Melatonin- Dr. Walter Pierpaoli. It is another example of an original product, one on which the clinical trials got their results. The philosophy of IAS is to ensure that our clients get the efficacy and the safety of the products as reported in the published science. Ronald Carlos Send your questions, letters & comments to: O R D E R I N G

i t" p r i i n n y to heaithy & much more; *..

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r\ w V

O r: CJ

r-» c .

Did you know that most people are low on vitamin D and that it is virtually impossible to get enough from the diet? Did you know that vitamin D deficiencies have been linked with: Cancers (particularly prostate) Osteoporosis Psoriasis Rickets

Depression Muscle weakness, aches and pains Impaired insulin production (type-ll diabetes)

Beyond Bone Defense is the highest strength vitamin D supplement available. Just one capsule provides 1200 IU of vitamin D (As Cholecalciferol representing 300% of the US RDA).

Protein defend yourself from infections with silvacidal No nitrates, nitrites and ion free to remove adverse side-effects

Targetlnfection w i t h o u r r a n g e o f class l e a d i n g a n t i b i o t i c s

° Penicillin

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o( i p r o x i n

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° Doxvcycliiu Controlled particle size for maximum efficacy 9 years + stability Tested by the University of Toronto and the University of South Florida for toxicity (non found), Temple University and University of Southern California for effectiveness at high 300+ppm strength Now available in oral liquid, nasal mist, ear/nose/throat spray, as well as gel and cream forms to fight against all forms of infections. FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I 6106



silver protein Beating infections with silver protein Silver is one of the oldest infection fighters known to man and was in use long before antibiotics were developed. Indeed, the power of silver to neutralize bacteria was so~well known to our forefathers that in the 19th century cowboys would drop a silver Dollar in a barrel of water to help keep it fresh. Today silver is hardly used or spoken about in medical circles, probably because specialized and patented antibiotics are promoted by big Pharma. Yet whilst the average antibiotic can deal with about 20 different forms of bacteria, (and most are unlikely to affect fungi/ yeasts or viruses and other parasites as well), silver is recorded in the literature to kill literally hundreds of different disease organisms, including bacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and other parasites.

Correct manufacture is p a r a m o u n t Electrically prepared colloidal silvers are currently available from many sources in potencies ranging from 5 parts per million (ppm)- up to hundreds of ppm. Whilst those in single or double digits are of little effectiveness, it is probably more important that the particle size and degree of dispersion is correct, rather than the overall strength of the silver. In a liquid colloid, (meaning in suspension) the silver does not actually dissolve. Rather, it exists as a suspension of microscopic particles floating around in the liquid medium. Properly made silver should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in diameter. At this tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5 to 20 silver atoms, with a positive electric charge. Because the particles are so tiny (and thus light), and because the 34

charged particles repel and bounce off each other, they can defy gravity and remain suspended in their medium for years, (when properly stored away from light, at room temperature). The solution is made by various chemical processes that ultimately create a 19-25% silver content, the remainder being a protein. The protein acts as a stabilizer and solubilizer for the silver particles, preventing them from combining with each other to form ever-larger particles that would gradually settle out of suspension. Colloidal silver Colloidal silver is metallic silver in a solvent, most commonly water. The color of the solution tends to depend on the particle size. Solutions that are dark yellow (near brown/ black), contain particle solutions that are indefinitely stable to light and air, but

Silvicidal Trials

Silver protein is useful in treating virtually any infectious condition. A 1998 report stated that; "Trials with Silvicidal (a brand of silver protein) have shown this product to be effective against a wide range of general internal and topical infections" Such as: Ear infections Thrush Candida Common colds Staph infections E. Coli infections Intestinal infections Sinus infections Leukemia HIV Lyme's disease Viral infections Herpes Gingivitis Food poisoning


silver protein impurities can cause aggregation of the silver atoms to form silver mirrors. For this reason, it is usual to "protect" the colloidal metal with stabilizers, typically proteins. These systems are indefinitely stable and constitute what is known as "mild silver protein" or MSP. It must be emphasized that the original material contains silver in the atomic, metallic form. But when properly prepared, there should be n o silver or other ions present; its conductivity should be the same as that of the water in which it is dissolved. The pre-war literature cites many references to the clinical uses of colloidal silver preparations; primarily topical applications for the treatment of gonorrhea, urethritis, tonsillitis, etc. Though m a n y of these preparations were colloidal silver salts (i.e. containing silver ions), s o m e were even pure colloidal silver (metal). Silver ions What is important, is to distinguish between silver as a metal and silver as an ion. The metal is m a d e up of silver atoms. A silver atom differs f r o m a silver ion by one electron only. Both have the same atomic nucleus, but the silver atom has 47 electrons circulating the nucleus, versus 46 for the silver ion. The loss of this electron, gives the ion a single positive charge. So silver ions have totally different properties. For example, they are colorless and their aqueous solutions are quite different f r o m colloidal silver solutions. They conduct electricity and are very reactive. They complex virtually instantaneously with sulfhydryl-groups and with amines/ proteins. Thus, silver ions react with DNA, R N A , most proteins and many other cell constituents. It therefore follows that silver ions are powerful, cytotoxic and active in very low concentrations, (one reason w h y they have been used as antiseptics). Unfortunately, some "ignorant" physicians have given silver ions (as salts) to their patients! Those patients, for the most part, then M X O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106


"Silver is unique among antimicrobial agents in its broad spectrum of action. It has been claimed to kill 650 different disease organisms and unlike antibiotics " acquired argyria- a permanent and disfiguring bluish grey pigmentation of the skin. Argyria This condition is a simple consequence of the photo-lability of silver ions to react in the presence of organic material. A piece of photographic printing paper (essentially silver bromide dispersed in gelatine), when exposed to sunlight rapidly turns color to blue-gray. The absorbed photons induce the transfer of electrons f r o m the gelatine to the silver ions, generating particles of metallic silver. The process is similar in argyria patients; essentially the ingested silver ions are converted into silver in their skin. But pure colloidal silver cannot induce argyria. Pure colloidal silver It seems clear that the problems associated with the clinical uses of colloidal silver are to be ascribed solely to the presence of silver ions. Therefore, it is essential to insure the total elimination of all silver ions. Such a colloidal silver protein range is called Silvacidil and having been sold for over a decade with no complaints, its safety was confirmed by tests conducted by the University of Toronto who found it to be non-toxic. In its current "over the counter status," pure colloidal silver has found a wide-spread acceptance as a gargle for tonsillitis, sore throats, gingivitis, as an anti-septic for psoriasis, cuts and abrasions and also for treating internal infections including ring-worm.

educate both the public and the medical profession, that not all colloidal silver are the same. To ensure both efficacy and safety, always look for a silver protein that is free of silver ions, has a controlled particle size and has a strength in the hundreds of parts per million. Summary As biochemist James South stated in his silver article published in the Antiaging Bulletin*: "Silver is unique a m o n g antimicrobial agents in its broad spectrum of action. It has been claimed to kill 650 different disease organisms and unlike antibiotics, silver is an 'equal opportunity destroyer' - it doesn't discriminate, but effectively kills germs of all m a j o r types: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, fungus/yeasts, viruses and protozoal parasites. Silver sulfadiazine is used almost universally in hospitals to prevent serious burn infections, but it kills dozens of different bacteria; it also kills 9 5 % of 72 strains of herpes virus, as well as the protozoal parasite Plasmodium berghei (malaria). It also kills various yeasts, including several Aspergillus varieties, Mucor pusillus, Rhizopus nigricans and 50 different clinical isolates of Candida albicans." Silver protein is a powerful tool available at our disposal to treat and prevent virtually all forms of infection, by that very consequence, it should be in everyone's possession. But it makes good sense to ensure that only a pure (ion-free) silver protein is used, after all, to quote the Hippocratic oath -first do no harm. *James South's complete and original article regarding silver can be read at:

The issue is to avoid "colloidal silver" preparations that contain significant amounts of silver ions and also to 35

One of our most vital senses and for the majority of people vision deteriorates with age. All too often, it declines so slowly that we hardly notice the loss of color perception, the increase in glare at night, or the lack of focus and clarity. Then one day, almost like a shock, one remembers how it was not to struggle to read anything! Yet the decline in eyesight can be fought against! Procedures exist today to slow down this atrophy and even reverse the conditions of cataract, glaucoma etc. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.


I eye drops

These new Russian eye-drops are a major breakthrough in the prevention and treatment of senile cataract. They also help the aging eye to recover from aging by improving clarity, glare sensitivity, color perception and overall vision. Recommend for use over a of at least 3-months, Can-C eye-drops are approved by IVP and therefore they are the only ones that have been clinically tested, with published results of their efficacy and safety.

L-Carnosine ^ll ZA l-Cornosm





A io

4 I

Brand name Intelectol, Vinpocetine improves brain blood flow and its unique quality is that it only affects areas that need to be improved. Vinpocetine has been shown to improve hearing (particularly tinnitus), eyesight and even to help alleviate the problems involved with menopause.



Known as L-Carnosine this is a powerful new antioxidant. Carnosine also flushes toxins out of the body (in particularcopper) and boosts the immune system, so that we are better equipped for fighting off disease. Furthermore, Carnosine helps to improve the function of the heart, protects against radiation damage exerting anti-cancer effects.

- -srs * - Ail


Conjunctisan A

Conjunctisan* A AuflÂŤntrop(en

Conjunctisan-A stimulates the spontaneous natural healing process and normalization of eye function and has been proven to be effective in the treatment of cataract, with a 67% improvement rate. It also treats other degenerative eye complaints such as environmental agitation, general eye aging and eye strain.

eye drops

Conjunctisan B Conjunctisan


eye drops 36

Melatonin Conjunctisan-B differs from Conjunctisan-A in that it is indicated for use in the treatment of eye allergies and especially for those who suffer from contact lens problems and agitation. It may also help protect against radiation damage caused by long exposure to computer screens.

Our brand name of Melatonin is TlMelatonin created by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli. Melatonin is involved with circadian rhythms and hence sleep regulation. Its use in jet lag, shift work and age related sleep disorders is impressive. Very recently, Chinese research has shown that Melatonin can help reverse and protect against the eye disorder of macular degeneration.

tablets & cream ONLINE ORDERING

Cancer Cancer is probably one of the scariest words people do not want to hear. Yet since Nixon's war on cancer in the 1970's and the billions of dollars spent on research for a "cure", there still doesn't seem to be a different approach for mainstream medicine than cut, burn or poison. However, looking around the international research there are alternatives to be had, some of them truly remarkable in their effectiveness for different forms of this plague. Make sure you are aware of the differences and possibilities.

Don't let the name put you off! Whilst the product is formulated with bones and joints in mind, this product contains the highest strength of vitamin D to be found anywhere at 1200 IU per capsule. As recent research highlights that vitamin D may protect against prostate cancer, vitamin D appears to play an important role. In fact men with the highest levels of D had half the incidence of prostate cancer.

Beyond Bone Defense


Beyond C contains the purest form of L-ascorbic acid, but it is so much more because it contains a unique bonding called FASM. This enables high dosages to be used with very few side effects such as stomach upset. The addition of Ribose, MSM and Betaine enhances energy levels, reduces inflammation and homocysteine, as well as improving intracellular delivery of nutrients. Vitamin C has a wide range of uses (highlighted by Nobel Laurate Linus Pauling).

Beyond C

Bromocriptine is a potent drug that is essentially extracted from fungus grown on rye. Among its main attributes from the published clinical studies are its ability to reduce Prolactin levels, normalize growth hormone levels and also improve dopamine levels. Furthermore, animal studies have shown Bromocriptine to be able to block the appearance of cancers, possibly by its powerful antioxidant action.


A remarkable breakthrough from "down-under," this pharmaceutical extract from the Solanum sodomaeum plant species (which includes egg-plants/ aubergines) contains purified glycoalkaloids solasodine glycosides. Clinical trials now support a 78% success rate in the remission of skin cancers, specifically Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Keratosis, within 8-weeks of applying this cream twice daily!


FAX ORDERING +44 (0)208 181 6106


Parlodel 2,5 m g compresse







The output of the thymus gland diminishes fast after the age of 25, and atrophy can as early as puberty. Yet the thymus has a key role in immunity and defending the body from infection. Supplements have been shown to be effective in numerous immune-system disorders including cancer, HIV and through its capacity as an inflammatory suppressor, particularly effective for rheumatoid arthritis. Available in oral and injectable forms.


Poly-MVA' unique combination of minerals, vitamins and amino-acids supports cellular energy production and replace key nutrients, (particularly those that may be depleted during chemotherapy and radiation). With its unique addition of palladium, it is designed to provide energy for the body's systems by changing the electrical potential of cells and increasing the charge density of DNA within the cell.

Poly MVA

Melatonin is involved with circadian rhythms and hence sleep regulation. Its use in jet lag, shift work and age related sleep disorders is impressive. Furthermore, Melatonin protects the pineal gland from aging, and can help to restore hormonal balance leading to enhanced immunity, lower cholesterol and protection against cancers etc. Melatonin is considered to be the most potent antioxidant found in nature, it is perhaps not surprising to learn that Melatonin cream can protect and speed the repair of skin for persons undergoing radiotherapy.


Otherwise known as vitamin B17 (or Amygdalin), this apricot kernel extract has been used for decades for cancer. It was made "famous" by the research of Dr. Atkin's and Dr. Nieper, but perhaps most of all by Dr. Kreb's work. Recently, a new 7% Laetrile cream has been developed, combined with 1% DMSO (to carry the Laetrile through the skin) it is an excellent form for prevention and preferable to tablets.



E 1



tablets & cream


i.m. ampoules, cream & tablets 37





Nootropil Nwna 800 ft

r T- | tablets & liquid


Formerly known as Lucidril, Centrophenoxine increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels and improves the speed of memory recall. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lungs and skin cells called lipofuscin, which increases efficient communication of cells. In addition, the watery content of cells is increased, and this is recognised to combat the Membrane Hypothesis of Aging.


Brand name Nootropil, this is the best form of Piracetam made by UCB, it is also the world's best selling "smart drug." It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory. With a safety profile better than salt, Piracetam is considered by many to be a key antiaging medicine.


Modafinil is a remarkable, unique drug that has become a best seller. This is because it offers stimulation without affecting sleep. It has revolutionised the treatment of narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime) and cataplexy (sudden fatigue). We carry the brand names Alertec, Provigil and Modiodal, all the products are identical.



nasal spray



tablets & liquid







Glmifbn f. m


tablets 38

Brand name Olmifon, this is the world's first stimulant and anti-depressant that enhances mental clarity, alertness and awareness without impeding normal sleep patterns or inducing agitation and anxiousness. It is related to Modafinil, and whilst not as potent or as side effect free as Modafinil- it is cheaper.

A m p a n i e t 750 moiprr>v<



...aniracetam USsST


Brand name Minurin, Desmopressin is a synthetic version of Vasopressin, a peptide that is believed to deposit memories into the hippocampus as they are learnt. As such, used as a nasal spray, it is very fast acting to improve memory imprinting and short term memory and it is seen as an ideal agent for conferences and lectures etc. In some countries it is used to treat amnesia. Furthermore, Vasopressin has been shown to increase the lifespan of animals. Also known as Selegiline, our Deprenyl liquids have the brand names of Selepryl and Cyprenil, and our tablets are known as Jumex. Deprenyl protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing the brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmittersdopamine and PEA. The liquid Deprenyl can also be titrated in precise dosages as 1 drop equals 1 mg. Furthermore, Deprenyl has been shown to increase the lifespan of animals.

This special creation is Niacin and GABA bonded that acts as a mild stimulant, yet lowers aggression. It not only has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect, but also has an element of stimulatory action. Picamilone has also been used to treat migraines, possibly because of its mild vasodilation effect (it improves brain blood flow).

Brand name Ampamet, this was the first Nootropic developed from Piracetam, whilst being more potent than Piracetam, it too is also virtually non-toxic and has beneficial effects in the treatment of memory loss, age related memory decline and lack of concentration. Aniracetam can improve memory recall, reaction speed and detail.

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Chelation & Detox

M l

Chelation is the removal of heavy metals from the body, necessary because the accumulation of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, aluminium, arsenic and cadmium etc., can cause a wide range of differing disorders- from fatigue to Alzheimer's disease, all dependant upon where the accumulation has taken place and its severity. Many people now consider Chelation, and other forms of detoxification, (to reduce "parasites" and reduce the body's burdens) as a cornerstone for optimal health and antiaging medicine.

Artemisinin Artemisinin is also known as Wormwood, and it has been used for thousands of years as a worm treatment, but it also is a potent eradicator of "flukes" and other parasites, including yeasts that infest the body. Artemisinin is also used in "alternative" cancer treatments and malaria.

EDD is Dr. Garry Gordon's premier oral chelation capsule, containing a mix of potent chelating agents to eradicate the widest possible cross-section of heavy metals including lead, mercury and cadmium etc. EDD contains Allicin, EDTA, Malic acid, Methione and 10 other synergistic ingredients and is a core chelation product.

Now for the first time healthy bathing is possible! Beyond Clean contains EDTA bath salts that bind to the metals in your house water, and also help to bind to metals in your skin. The outcome is that bath water is softened and the skin is chelated of heavy metals, slowing skin aging. Simply add a scoop to your next bath.

Beyond C

Another unique product formulated by world chelation expert, Dr. Garry Gordon. This pleasant orange tasting chewing gum contains EDTA to specifically help remove heavy metals from the mouth. Chew after meals and discard once the flavor has gone, knowing that you are removing mercury and other metals from your mouth and gums.

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EZ Defense

Heavy Detox

Beyond Clean This product has been designed for those with more serious heavy metal issues, in particular mercury contamination. Containing Succinic acid, Glucuronolactone and 2 differing forms of selenium, Heavy Detox is the strongest oral form of chelation on the market. 1 to 3 capsules can be taken at night time.



capsules FAX




powder Known as L-Carnosine this is a powerful new antioxidant. Carnosine also flushes toxins out of the body (in particularcopper) and boosts the immune system, so that we are better equipped for fighting off disease. Furthermore, Carnosine helps to improve the function of the heart, protects against radiation damage exerting anti-cancer effects.

• Ikiilt rJ


capsules Beyond C contains the purest form of L-ascorbic acid, but it is so much more because it contains a unique bonding called FASM. This enables high dosages to be used with very few side effects- such as stomach upset. Furthermore, the addition of Ribose, MSM and Betaine enhances energy levels, reduces inflammation and homocysteine, as well as improving intracellular delivery of nutrients. Vitamin C has a wide range of uses (highlighted by Nobel Laurate Linus Pauling). Because the body can't store Vitamin C, it needs to be obtained most regularly.

Essential Daily Defense

Containing high strengths of both forms of the proven estrogen reducing agents, DIM (di-indolylmethane) and I3C (indole3-carbinol), 60 mg and 200 mg per capsule respectively, Pro-Brassica increases the eradication of estrogens. Necessary, because estrogens have now leaked into and become prevalent in our everyday lives.

Pro-Brassica -a? Pn-Brnkt

capsules 39

Antiaging & Longevity Of course many products and protocols can be described as antiaging, and a few can even point to their longevity (life extension) properties (at least in animals). Our category here focuses upon products that have been scientifically proven to readjust key parameters that are often at the core of pro-aging (if left unchecked). In other words, they have benefits to slow and reverse particular signs of age and its degeneration on a broad and general level in the body. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

\ Anti-Aging Directory Melatonin

Our brand name of Melatonin is TlMelatonin created by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli. Melatonin is involved with circadian rhythms and hence sleep regulation. Furthermore, Melatonin protects the pineal gland from aging, and as a result can help to restore hormonal balance leading to enhanced immunity, lower cholesterol and protection against cancers etc.

tablets & C r e a m


nasal spray

Idebenone is a unique synthetic variant of CoQ10. It has all the heart and protection qualities of CoQ10, but it is also known to increase serotonin levelsimproving well being and sleep, as well as levels of nerve growth factor. Furthermore, Idebenone is a very potent antioxidant and proven to protect even under the extreme conditions of ischemia (lack of blood supply).





Deprenyl j^tjf


tablets & liquid 40



Hydergina' 4,5 4.5 mc

-— .

tablet & liquid Formerly known as Lucidril, Centrophenoxine increases the brain's use of glucose and improves brain energy levels and improves the speed of memory recall. It also removes a potassium build up in the brain, heart, lungs and skin cells called lipofuscin, which increases efficient communication of cells. In addition, the watery content of cells is increased, and this is recognised to combat the Membrane Hypothesis of Aging. Also known as Selegiline, our Deprenyl liquids have the brand names of Selepryl and Cyprenil, and our tablets are known as Jumex. Deprenyl protects and enhances mental function, mood and even libido by increasing the brain levels of the focus and drive neurotransmittersdopamine and PEA. The liquid Deprenyl can also be titrated in precise dosages as 1 drop equals 1 mg. Furthermore, Deprenyl has been shown to increase the lifespan of animals.

GH3Pro SSgs

tablets & i.m. a m p o u l e s



tablets ONLINE

Brand name Minurin, Desmopressin is a synthetic version of Vasopressin, a peptide that is believed to deposit memories into the hippocampus as they are learnt. As such, used as a nasal spray, it is very fast acting to improve memory imprinting and short term memory and it is seen as an ideal agent for conferences and lectures etc. In some countries it is used to treat amnesia. Furthermore, Vasopressin has been shown to increase the lifespan of animals. Hydergine is an ergoloid mesylate, extracted from a fungi grown on rye. It enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. Furthermore, it has been shown to increase the number of dendrites, which has been linked with I.Q. Animal experiments have also shown Hydergine to be able to improve the mitochondrial condition of old cells towards that of young cells, therefore significantly improving energy conditions.

GH3Pro is a generic Gerovital-H3, which was originally designed by Professor Ana Asian. It improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality. It is also noted to alleviate joint stiffness, enhance well-being and act as an anti-depressant. It is even known to improve skin and hair condition, and is considered by many to have been the first specific antiaging medicine.

Aminoguanidine helps to prevent some proteins from cross-linking. It is therefore an exciting new weapon in the fight against aging, because it has the potential to slow the aging process by protecting the proteins that make up our bodies, and is therefore especially useful for alleviating the symptoms associated with diabetes. Aminoguanidine has also been shown to improve arterial, heart and kidney conditions. ORDERING


Memory & Cognition ho are we without our minds? You may be body beautiful, but stimulating conversation and interesting anecdotes are the result of a sharp mind and good mental abilities, and it is these facilities that make us interesting individuals and give us our personalities. There are many facets to memory and cognition, and through the unique range of products that IAS has supplied over the years, and the scientific, professional articles we have published, (all based on clinical evidence) has made this range our consistent best sellers. There are a number of different approaches for this condition and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Hydergine is an ergoloid mesylate, extracted from a fungi grown on rye. It enhances mental abilities by improving and stabilizing oxygen supply to the brain. Furthermore, it has been shown to increase the number of dendrites, which has been linked with I.Q. Animal experiments have also shown Hydergine to be able to improve the mitochondrial condition of old cells towards that of young cells, therefore significantly improving energy conditions.




tablet & liquid

Aniracetam Brand name Ampamet, this was the first Nootropic developed from Piracetam, whilst being more potent than Piracetam, it too is also virtually non-toxic and has beneficial effects in the treatment of memory loss, age related memory decline and lack of concentration. Aniracetam can improve memory recall, reaction speed and detail.

Ampamet 750



Galantamine Brand name Reminyl, Galantamine is a plant extract that is now a front line supplement in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Its mechanism enhances levels of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine and also stimulates nicotine receptors.


'wits :DH

Reminyl 4 mg comprimidos

tablets FAX

O R D E R I N G + 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 181 6 1 0 6


,Âť ^itKHJ, 1


Azilect is a novel new drug that contains the chemical Rasagiline. Recently approved in parts of Europe for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, (and also currently in clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease), Azilect is a MAO-B inhibitor proven to be 5-10 times more potent than deprenyl (selegiline) in this regard. Enhancing dopamine levels, Azilect also appears to be the drug of choice for Parkinson's, particularly when combining with L-dopa (Levodopa).





__ f


Memantine - brand name Ebixa is a novel new drug that is showing a lot of promise in the battle against Alzheimer's disease, and is now available in liquid form. Some studies indicate that Ebixa could be effective for Parkinson's disease, while others suggest that Ebixa and NMDA receptors may have a role in alcoholism and that Ebixa could act as an anti-craving drug for alcohol.

Brand name Nootropil, this is the best form of Piracetam made by UCB, it is also the world's best selling "smart drug." It helps with learning and appears to be a substance capable of extending the intellectual functions of man, even individuals already gifted with high intelligence and good memory. With a safety profile better than salt, Piracetam is considered by many to be a key antiaging medicine.

Memantine 50 Ebixa 10 mg MtmantinMrochlorid

tablet & liquid

Piracetam Nootropil Ntoy 800



tablet & liquid


Pyritinol is a vitamin-B6 derivative which has been found to have a wide ranging number of affects and benefits including: improving brain glucose uptake, acting with potent antioxidant abilities and enhancing the immune system (by improving neutrophil activity, the white blood cells that kill germs). Pyritinol is used in various disorders including memory dysfunction as well as general immune enhancement.

Brand name Intelectol, Vinpocetine improves brain blood flow and its unique quality is that it only affects areas that need to be improved. Vinpocetine has been shown to improve hearing (particularly tinnitus), eyesight and even to help alleviate the problems involved with menopause. In addition, Vinpocetine reduces blood platelet stickiness, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting.






INTELECTOL" 6 tablets 41



+ v opm

l ( %v , i


* OFF 0


Cardiovascular & Cholesterol !l°














Hteart d i s e a s e is the n u m b e r o n e killer in the w o r l d t o d a y a n d t h e r e f o r e s h o u l d be a h i g h p r i o r i t y in a n t i a g i n g . M a n y p e o p l e are c o n c e r n e d a b o u t t h e i r c h o l e s t e r o l levels, as c h o l e s t e r o l is k n o w n t o h a r d e n arteries. However, o t h e r f a c t o r s are e m e r g i n g as b e i n g equally, a n d p e r h a p s e v e n m o r e i m p o r t a n t - t h e s e i n c l u d e i n f l a m m a t o r y m a r k e r s , h o m o c y s t e i n e , a n d b l o o d v i s c o s i t y ( m e a n i n g the " t h i c k e r " the b l o o d , the m o r e likely the risk o f a heart attack or s t r o k e Here are s o m e p r o d u c t s c r e a t e d t o help in t h i s c r u c i a l

Anti-Aging Directory Zocor


, Dcor 40:,;



Vinpocetine . A l l N INTELECTOL" TELE \ Rtmxnbt'lNl

A w




Beyond C




Zocor is a Statin drug that blocks the production of cholesterol in the body. It is used to reduce the total amounts of LDL (bad cholesterol), triglycerides and Apolipoprotein B (a protein that assists the production of cholesterol) in your blood. Zocor is also used to increase the level of HDL (good cholesterol) in your blood. These actions may reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries that can often lead to heart attacks, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease.


Vinpocetine, brand name Intelectol, improves brain blood flow. The uniqueness of this product is that it only affects the areas that need to be improved. In addition, Vinpocetine reduces the 'stickiness' of blood platelets, thereby reducing the risk of blood clotting. It has also been shown to improve hearing (particularly tinnitus), eyesight and even to help alleviate the problems involved with menopause.




i.m. a m p o u l e s & capsules

Resveratrol is believed to be the "magic" ingredient of red wine that forms a big part of the so-called "Mediterranean diet." Our unique form of trans-Resveratrol improves blood viscosity (thins the blood) by reducing platelet aggregation. Resveratrol is regarded as an excellent supplement for heart health, but it is also believed to inhibit the 3-stages of cancer. (Resveratrol is also Beyond Chelation Improved packs).


Beyond C contains the purest form of L-ascorbic acid, but it is so much more because it contains a unique bonding called FASM. This enables high dosages to be used with very few side effects- such as stomach upset. Furthermore, the addition of Ribose, MSM and Betaine enhances energy levels, reduces inflammation and homocysteine, as well as improving intracellular delivery of nutrients. Vitamin C has a wide range of uses (highlighted by Nobel Laurate Linus Pauling). Because the body can't store Vitamin C, it needs to be obtained most regularly.


Aminoguanidine helps to prevent some proteins from cross-linking. It is an exciting new weapon in the fight against aging, because it has the potential to slow the aging process by protecting the proteins that make up our bodies. Aminoguanidine has been shown to improve arterial, heart and kidney conditions. It is particularly useful for alleviating the symptoms associated with diabetes GH3-Pro is a generic version of Gerovital-H3. Gerovital-H3 was originally designed by Professor Ana Asian - it improves cell metabolism, concentration and vitality. It is also noted to alleviate joint stiffness, enhance well-being and act as an anti-depressant. It is even known to improve skin and hair condition and is considered by many to have been the first specific antiaging medicine. GH3-Pro is available in an oral and injectable form.

Idebenone is a unique synthetic variant of CoQ10. It has all the heart and protection qualities of CoQ10, but it is also known to increase serotonin levelsimproving well-being and sleep. Idebenone is a very potent antioxidant and proven to protect even under the extreme conditions of ischemia (lack of blood supply). capsules

Metformin is known to lower cholesterol levels and to reduce the risk of blood clotting. It is used by diabetics to increase the body's receptor sensitivity to insulin. This is important for anti-aging because we all lose insulin sensitivity as we age, particularly past the age of 40.


tablets ONLINE


Immunity & Infections m?|

A strong immune system is a prerequisite for a long and healthy life. We are constantly surrounded by numerous potential immune system "invaders" including yeasts, bacteria, germs and viruses. Having a strong immune system can massively reduce the risk of being 'ill' through infection, which can lead to a more productive and healthy life. There are various approaches to the treatment of infections and we offer many class leading products.

The output of the thymus gland diminishes fast after the age of 25, and atrophy can be as early as puberty. Yet the thymus has a key role in immunity and defending the body from infection. Supplements have been shown to be effective in numerous immune-system disorders including cancer, HIV and through its capacity as an inflammatory suppressor, particularly effective for rheumatoid arthritis.

Tamiflu contains Oseltamivir and is a potent antiviral drug. It selectively blocks the viral surface of the enzyme neuraminidase, thereby preventing the release of virus particles from infected cells. Tamiflu is active against influenza A and B viral neuraminidase, of which to date, no known resistance exists.Tamiflu is currently the drug of choice to prevent the spread of the so-called bird flu.


i.m. ampoules & capsules


Tamiflu 7 5 m g

< S >

Biostim contains Glycoprotein extracted from the Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria and has been shown to increase the levels of white cells in blood. This in turn improves the body's ability to fend off attacks of colds and flu and other similar viruses. A single course can provide as much as a yearly protection against physical "down time." Biostim is also very effective with airborne/ lung infections and has even been shown to have a role in cancer treatment.

DHEA is the most abundant sterone found in human blood; however, the amounts begin to decline past the age of 25. DHEA is believed to have an important role in immunity and has even been used in HIV and cancer patients. Plus it has also been shown to be somewhat effective for senile dementias, (note that 7-keto DHEA does not have any anabolic effects).

liquid, cream, nasal mist & spray

Also known as Diflucan, this famous anti-fungal drug is the world's most commonly used drug to treat yeast infections. These infections are far more common than many people believe, mainly due to the prolific use of sugar in the diet. From conditions such as thrush to general fatigue and lethargy, over population of yeasts are often to blame.




Penicillin This "classic" and original antibiotic is still a firm favorite for the treatment of unknown and minor complaints and infections. Our form is in the favored potassium base powder and comes in sachets. Simply mix with water and drink.

Known as Rulid, this new generation of anti-biotic is especially designed for use in the "difficult to treat" soft tissue infections including those found in the ear, nose and throat, as well as some forms of sexually transmitted infections.

tablets ORDERING +44 (0)208 181 6106

Biostim Glicoproteina estratta aa Klebsiella pneumoniae






Silver Protein



capsules & liquid


Long before anti-biotic's were developed, mild silver protein (MSP) was the main infection killer of choice. MSP is known to kill more than 650 different forms of germs, bacteria and viruses, including anthrax! Our MSP is the correct and safest form to use as it is silver ion free, with a controlled particle size and of high strength. Plus it is available in various forms to treat a wide range of infections.


sachets (powder) 43

At any given time about 10% of the hair on the scalp is in a resting phase. After 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 cm per month during this phase. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this | cycle, however some people can experience excessive hair loss leading to a condition medically termed alopecia. There are now a number of different approaches for this condition, and we offer some of the class leading products below.

Anti-Aging Directory MinSaw-A

This topical lotion is applied to the scalp to promote and stimulate new hair growth. MinSaw-A contains Minoxidil at a super high strength of 7%, combined with retinolic acid at 0.025% and Saw Palmetto at 3%. Minoxidil is well known as an improver of blood supply to the hair root and has been in safe use for 20-years, however the unique synergy of MinSaw-A means that hair loss is fought on 3 different levels.

topical liquid





ampoules & shampoo


Nizoral Nizoral shampoo contains Ketoconazole and is a potent anti-dandruff shampoo that appears to actually help prevent hair loss. One reason may be that Nizoral helps to unclog the tip around the root of the oil, clearing out excess sebum, a fatty deposit that if in excess prevents nutrition from reaching the hair bulb.



Dercos contains the chemical Aminexil and it is designed to stop hair loss by preventing Perifollicular fibrosis. This is a condition that accompanies all alopecia whereby the collagen around the root becomes rigid and tightens, pushing the hair out and causing premature hair loss. Dercos fights against this by softening the collagen and hospital trials show it can improve hair density by 8% within 6-weeks of regular use.

Dutasteride (known as Avodart), is the most potent DHT blocking drug currently available and is used for prostate conditions and hair loss. Dutasteride prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT by blocking both type I and type of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (whereas Finasteride only blocks one type). It should be noted that Dutasteride must not be handled or used by women.

Avodart' OuUittfideO.Sing




5 mg

tompresse rivMÂŤe coo film FINASTERIDE, MSD



tablets 44

Finasteride belongs to a group of drugs known as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. This enzyme normally acts upon testosterone and coverts it into the hormone DHT. High DHT levels contribute to the development of male pattern baldness and the increased growth of body hair. Finasteride use on a regular basis has been shown to reduce male pattern baldness. It should be noted that Finasteride must not be handled or used by women. ONLINE


Skin Care The skin is often referred to as "the largest organ in the human body:" This does not only (obviously) apply with regard to its surface area, but also with regard to its weight, as it weighs more than any internal organ. The skin on a person's face is seen by people, so for many facial skin care is of paramount importance and cosmetics are made to deal with the appearance of the condition of the skin. As the skin ages it becomes thinner and more easily damaged, with poorer control systems. Reversing these effects can intensify the ability of the skin to heal itself. The medical name for skin care is dermatology, and IAS is proud to support only clinical proven products and supplying the same formulas and strengths to its customers.

Professor lonescu has designed this brand new skin moisturizer. Only You Body Lotion combines excellent skin moisturizing properties due to its DMS liposome base, with algae extracts, caffeine and DMAE to mobilize excess lipids and fat deposits. Remarkable effects can be seen after only 25 days of application, with activation of the lymph circulation, reducing cellulite deposits and hence helping to remove excess fat.

Only You

As one of Europe's leading dermatologists, Professor John lonescu treats patients with serious skin disorders at his 200 bed hospital near Munich. Energy cream is the result of his work to reduce and remove skin blemishes such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. It does this by containing natural ingredients such as ATP and ADP to stimulate and improve the skin's energy processes, so that it can heal itself faster and more efficiently.


Professor John lonescu's unique skin cream is a special combination of ingredients developed from his research and published science. It delivers a rapid uptake of anti-glycation ingredients into the epidermis cells. Within a 2-3 weeks, Energo smoothes the skin around the eyes and fights against inflammation that causes dark circles and puffiness, plus it nourishes and tones, providing the skin with a more radiant youthful appearance.


Another unique cream from the work of Professor John lonescu. Solaris is designed as a sun protection cream, not only does it have a SPF of 25 to guard against photoaging (believed to cause 90% of accelerated skin aging), but is also allows tanning to take place. Thus giving the look that people want without the damage. Solaris combines double UVA and UVB protection with melanin promoting factors to enhance the natural tanning process. FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106



m F




Containing purified extracts from the Australasian plant, the "Devil's Apple" the 0.005% glycoalkaloids solasodine glycosides contained within CuradermBEC5 have been clinical shown to reduce and remove basal, squamous and keratosis carcinomas. In addition, the ability of the cream to destroy unwanted cells also appears to help with moles, age spots as well as offer protection against the appearance of sun spots.


As Melatonin is the most potent antioxidant in nature, it protects the skin against the ravages of free radicals. Our unique topical Melatonin cream has been shown to reduce the depth of wrinkles after only 1-month of treatment. It can also make the skin smoother to the touch and enhance its appearance. It is also a superb after-sun treatment and has even been shown to increase the skin repair processes of people undergoing radiotherapy.

Melatonin Cream

Containing the RNAs of the skin (ribonucleic acids are the building blocks of DNA), 1% CoQ10 and vitamin E, the combined effects of NeySkin CoQ10 enhance blood circulation and increase collagen and elastin production. The skin is better supplied with nutrients and oxygen and the removal of metabolic waste is enhanced. NeySkin CoQ10 is an excellent moisturizer providing an all round anti-aging skin protection.

NeySkin CoQ10

Retin-A is a treatment for acne and black spots, yet it displays a remarkable talent to remove wrinkles and improve skin condition. Retin-A can reduce severe wrinkles within a mere 6-weeks and remove fine lines. It does this by improving the blood supply to the skin. Retin-A is the choice of celebrities antiaging skin programs, not only for its anti-wrinkle effects, but also because it speeds up cosmetic surgery repair.



cream & tablets







cream 45

If you subscribe to the belief that aging is a disease, and that with the right lifestyle choices, diet, exercise and supplement regime, you can enhance your optimal health span... then you should also

live life t o t h e full

consider subscribing to the

Extending optimal healthspan with deprenyl


Magazine. 1000's of other like-minded health enthusiasts already have, and because of the unparallelled success and popularity of the A nt

we will be

increasing it from 4 to 6 publications per year. So if you want the very latest news, innovations and developments in the


antiaging and longevity field, then look no further than the NEW


Magazine. And to celebrate the magazine's success and expansion, subscribe NOW and we will send you 6 copies of the Antsaging Magazine for ONLY $19.80 - a massive 50% savinc off the regular newstand price.

ORDER TODAY: Call: +1 866 800 4677 ORDER ON-LINE: FAX YOUR ORDER: See order form on Page 51 ONLINE O R D E R I N G w w w . a n t i a g i n g - m a g a z i n e . c o m

How will you fight off colds, flu and other viruses this year?

The immune system is the collective army of a trillion white blood cells, bone marrow, antibodies, cytokines and the thymus gland that help to identify and destroy the millions of microbes (i.e. bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) that penetrate our bodies every day. The strength of our immune system determines our body's ability to resist infection and the growth of abnormal (cancerous) cells. If it is below its optimum level, we are much more prone to illness, both from infections and cancers.

• Biostim


I m Glicoproteina estratta da 1 Klebsiella pneumoniae ^AVCfltlS ^ I

If our immune system is maintained at optimum level, our incidence of disease is less, and we are less likely to develop abnormal cell growths. Also, when we do become ill or have a physical injury, a healthy immune system can ensure the fastest possible recovery. Without a healthy immune system, the body and mind languish in a state of ill health, greatly prolonging the journey back to vitality. A good indicator of the level of our immune system is how energized or alive we feel. If we feel low or weak, our immune system is probably low and weak.

Biostim, by stimulating the immune system, has been shown to protect against illness caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses in both normal people and those with a depressed immune system. The effectiveness of a once yearly treatment with Biostim has been proven in medical

I t ( o m p f e s s e nvrsltte da 1 mg

trials. It can be used to boost immunity and to avoid chronic infections of the lungs. Regular use of Biostim means you lower the risk of

infection and experience sh orter periods of infection. This product contains Glycoprotein extracted from the Klebsiella pneumoniae 1aacteria and has been shown to increase the levels of white cells in blood, This in turn improves the be•dy's ability to fend off attacks of colds and flu and other similar viruses.

BIOSTIM SPECIAL OFFER FROM IAS SAVE $ 5 off our regular price of 16 x lmg Biostim was $34^5 'Restrictions may apply in certain countries

To order see form on page 51 FAX

O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106

N O W ONLY $29.95 I














systems 47

International Antiaging Systems Product Order Guide - valid to 12.31.05 Product



4-Pack discount


5HTP (Oxitriptan)

60 X 50mg capsules #


Acarbose (Glucobay)

30 x 1 OOmg tablets E ]




SO x 500mg capsules



40 x 3OOmg tablets 13


500mg tablets #



100 x 75 mg tablets #


Anacervix (Piracetam 400mg: Vincamine 20mg)

30 x 420mg capsules E l






Adrafinil (Olmifon) Aminohydroxybutyric Acid (Gamibetal)

H L i ^ x J I|


Item Code


0052 0402 0303

Aniracetam (Ampamet)

20 x 750mg tablets E l



28 x 1 Omg tablets E l



Arimidex (Anastrozole)

28 x 1 mg tablets E ]


01 1 1


90 x 1 OOmg capsules


0349 0399

Azilect (Rasagiline)

M i ' l l V

28 x 1 mg tablets E l


BEC5 Curaderm •


20ml 0.005% cream #

$1 14.95

Benfotiamine (Milgamma Mono)

30 x 50mg tablets


Beyond Bone Defense

60 capsules



200g powder



Beyond Chelation Improved

30 sachets



Beyond Clean

20oz powder



Beyond GHS

75 tablets




30ml 640mg bottle


021 1

H ^ l ^ U I

Beyond C

(ATP & N A D H Sublingual)


0403 10%


16 x 1 mg tablets E l


Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

30 x 2.5mg tablets E ]




Can-C (N-acetylcarnosine eye-drops)

5 x 2ml vials




Carnosine (L-carnosine)

60 x 50mg capsules





60 x 250mg capsules #




Cialis (Tadalafil)

4 x 20mg tablets E l


Ciproxin (Ciprofloxacin)

6 x 5OOmg tablets m


Conjunctisan A Eye-drops

20 x 0.5ml vial #




Conjunctisan B Eye-drops

20 x 0.5ml vial #




NeySkin C o Q I O

50ml tube cream



Deprenyl (Cyprenil)

12ml 3OOmg liquid bottle E l *



Deprenyl (Selepryl)

12ml 3OOmg liquid bottle E l *


Deprenyl (Jumex)

50 x 5mg tablets E l *


Dercos (Aminexil / Topical)

200ml shampoo bottle


Dercos (Topical / Aminexil)

1 8 x 1 . 5 % ampoules


Desmopressin (Minirin)

2.5ml nasal spray E ]


DHEA (7-keto)

90 x 25mg capsules E l *



N O W O N L Y $29.95


0296 0263

0239 10%

0035 0017 0183



DHEA (Micronized)

60 x 25mg capsules E l *



DHEA (Micronized)

50 x 50mg capsules E l *



DHEA (Sublingual / Pro-Cell)

14ml liquid bottle E l *



DIM (Pro-Brassica) Estrogen Blocker

60 x 260mg capsules




8 x 1 OOmg capsules E l




Dutasteride (Avodart)

30 x 0.5mg capsules E l




Efexor (Venlafaxine)

28 x 37.5mg tablets E ]



Endozym Med

240 tablets




50ml cream bottle




50ml cream bottle



Essential Daily Defense

100 capsules


Estrogen Natural (Esnatri)

50ml jar cream E l


El • # 48



0355 10%


Products marked with this symbol can not be shipped to the EU. Products marked with this symbol are restricted in certain countries. Please see website for full details. Products marked with this symbol can not be shipped to the UK. ONLINE


IAS Product Order Guide - Page 2 -valid until 12.31.05 Pack Price



SPECIAL OFFER 4-Pack discount

| Item Code 0356

EZ Defense Detox Gum

100 tablets


Femara (Letrozole)

14 x 2.5mg tablets E l



Fluconazole (Loitin/Diflucan)

7 x 50mg tablets E l



Fosamax (Alendronate)

1 4 x 1 Omg tablets E l



Galantamine (Reminyl)

56 x 4mg tablets E l



Galantamine (Reminyl)

14 x 4mg tablets E l


60 x 250mg tablets


Gamalate B6 (GABA, GABOB, B6)

0027 0258


Gerovital-H3 (Injectable)

5 x 5ml ampoules

GH3 Pro (Generic Gerovital-H3)

60 x 1 OOmg tablets


Heavy Detox

45 capsules



1 x 4 IU l.33mg ampoule E l *



Human G r o w t h H o r m o n e (Saizen Injectable)

1 x 24IU 8mg ampoule E l *



H G H Saizen Easv Click Pen

1 Unit plus 200 needles E l



H G H Saizen Easy Click Cartridge (only for use in pen)

24IU 8mg E K -


Hydergine (Novartis)

40ml 40mg liquid bottle E l




Hydergine (Novartis)

30 x 4.5mg tablets E l





60 x 30mg capsules #





60 capsules


Inderal (Propranolol)

30 x 40mg tablets E l



50 x 500mg capsules E l



Laetrile (Vitamin B17)

10 x 3 g ampoules E l



Laetrile (Vitamin B1 7/ Vita-B 17)

15ml bottle cream E K '



Longevity Maca

180 x 500mg capsules




30 x 150mg tablets E l



Melatonin (PraevoSkin)

100ml cream bottle #



Melatonin (Tl-Melatonin)

60 x 3mg tablets #


Memantine (Ebixa)

50 x 1 Omg tablets E l


Metformin (Metforal)

50 x 5OOmg tablets E l




Metformin (Dianben)

50 x 850mg tablets E l




56 x 25mg capsules E l



56 x 50mg capsules E l



MinSaw-A (Topical)

125ml liquid bottle #



Modafinil (Provigil)

30 x lOOmg tablets E l •



Modafinil (Modiodal)

30 x 1 OOmg tablets E l *



Modafinil (Alertec)

30 x lOOmg tablets E K -




50ml cream tube

$1 1.95

01 18

40 x 0.5ml capsules



Human G r o w t h H o r m o n e (Saizen Injectable) U Y ^

Milnacipran (Ixel) Milnacioran flxeh






0226 10% 10%


0358 10%


$99.95 $19.95



120ml 2 % shampoo bottle



150ml bottle



Only You Body Lotion



5 x 2ml ampoules E l 45 x 5mg capsules E l




Nicergoline (Sermion)



0161 0049 0392 0232

Paxil (Seroxat)

14 x 20mg tablets E l



30 x 250mg sachets E l


Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)

28 x 25mg capsules E l




Phenytoin (Epanutin / Dilantin)

100 x lOOmg capsules E l





60 x 50mg tablets #


Piracetam liquid (Nootropil)

100ml 20g bottle E l




Piracetam (Nootropil)

60 x 800mg tablets E l




Piracetam (Nootropil)

40 x 1200mg tablets E l





4oz. liquid bottle



Pregnenolone (Micronized)

90 x 25mg capsules E l



Pregnenolone (Micronized)

50 x 1 OOmg capsules E l



Progesterone Natural (Transmist)

1 oz spray bottle E l




O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 181 6106




| 49

IAS Product Order Guide - Page 3 - valid until 12.31.05 Pack Price



1 SPECIAL OFFER 1 4-Pack discount

Item Code

15 x 5 m g tablets E l




14 x 20mg capsules ( 3




60 x 1 OOmg tablets E l




Reboxetine (Davedax/ Edronax)

60 x 4 m g tablets E l



Resveratrol (Cell-Stat)

60 x 5 m g capsules



60g 0 . 0 2 5 % t u b e E l


Retin-A C r e a m (Retin A )

20g 0 . 0 5 0 % t u b e E l




Retin-A C r e a m (Retirides)

30g 0 . 1 0 0 % tube E l





1 2 x 1 5 0 m g tablets E l



20 x 4 0 0 m g tablets #



SAMe (Injectable / Samyr)

5 x 4 0 0 m g ampoules E l



Silver Protein (Cream)

1 oz. cream bottle




Silver Protein (Gel)

1 oz. gel bottle




Silver Protein ( M o u t h Spray)

1 oz. spray bottle




Silver Protein (Nasal Spray)

1 oz. drops bottle




Silver Protein (Oral)

4 oz. liquid





50 x 1 OOmg tablets E l




Solaris (Sun Blocker)

150ml cream bottle


Stabion (Tianeptine)

30 x 12.5mg tablets EJ



10 x 75mg capsules E l


Testosterone P r o h o r m o n e (T-Boost)

30ml m o u t h spray E K *


Tetracycline (Ambramicina)

16 x 250mg tablets E l


T h y m u s (Injectable/ T h y m - U v o c a l )

10 x 2ml ampoules E l


Thymus (Oral/ T h y m - U v o c a l )

100 x 240mg capsules


1 hyroid ( A r m o u r )

100 x 60mg tablets E l



100 x 30mg tablets E ]



T h y r o i d Natural ( O n e Grain / Generic)

100 x 60mg tablets E l



T h y r o i d T3 (Synthetic / T i t r e )

50 x 20mcg tablets E ]



T h y r o i d T 4 (Synthetic / Eutirox)

50 x 1 OOmcg tablets E l



Viagra (Sildenafil)

4 x 1 OOmg tablets E )


Vinpocetine (Intelectol)

50 x 5 m g tablets #


Wobenzym N

200 tablets



2oz t u b e



Proscar Prozac

(Finasteride) (Fluoxetine)

Pyritinol (Cerbon)

Retin-A C r e a m (Retin A )



SAMe (Samyr)

• :

1 V M

H x i l L U I

T h y r o i d Natural (Half Grain / Generic)

Wobenzym Cream



Xanthinol Nicotinate (Complamin)

50 x 150mg tablets #


Yohimbine (Yocoral)

100 x 5 m g tablets E K »


Z i r t e c (Zyrtec)

20 x 1 Omg tablets E l



0300 10%

0372 0397 0252


0143 0326



0090 10%


0012 0227



M E D I A S E C T I O N (Books, tapes & publications) T h e Cataract C u r e

44 pages

( J j ^ ^

Antiapinp Mapazine - A n n u a l S u b s c r i D t i o n I ' . M l fl J ; ) H

j j ^ : 1 52 pages




0408 0189

2000 M o n t e Carlo Antiaging Conference

12 audio tapes


2001 M o n t e Carlo Antiaging Conference

1 1 audio tapes



2002 M o n t e Carlo Antiaging Conference

16 audio tapes



Antiaging Medicine Reference by IAS

188 pages



Biological Aging Measurement by W a r d Dean

426 pages



N e w Millennium Guide t o Antiaging Medicine by R. Mason

104 pages




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Products marked with this symbol can not be shipped to the UK.




Product Order Form

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Cut out or copy the product order form and fax it to+44 208 181 6106

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Call one of the numbers below USA & Canada 1-866-800-4677 Rest of world +44(0)207 117 0107

To place an order by post:

Cut out or copy the product order form and mail it together with a bank check or postal money order made payable to: International Antiaging Systems, IAS House, Les Autelets, Sark, GY9 0SF, Great Britain

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Simply visit:

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Item code


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Signature & declaration Declaration: I hereby declare that 1 am of legal age and 1 will abide by the IAS terms and conditions. 1 am under a physician's guidance and 1 will assume full liabilty and responsibility for the use and importation of my order. 1 hold the shipper and IAS Ltd.. harmless from any legal action resulting from the purchase, use or importation of these products. FAX O R D E R I N G +44 (0)208 I 8 I



Signature Date 51

Doctors & dermatologists of highly respected hospitals now advise that skin cancers may not require surgery, chemo or laser therapies!* Dermatologists at the Royal London Hospital recently concluded their stage III clinical studies by saying: "BEC5 is a topical preparation which is safe and effective, an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment.... It is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer."


A natural cream with a 78% success rate within 8-weeks BEC5 Curaderm is a glycoalkaloid extract of the Australasian plant, the "Devil's apple" (Solanum sodomaeum). It has been shown to selectively destroy cancer cells. Over 50,000 patients have already had success with BEC5 Curaderm. Easy to use BEC5 Curaderm cream is simple to use, it is applied sparingly to the skin where the problem exists. Currently BEC5 Curaderm is being used for: • Skin that has become discolored, scaly or thickened as a result of exposure to sun-light (sun spots) • Blemishes • Age spots • Keratosis • Non melanoma basal cell carcinoma • Squamous cell carcinoma "BEC5 Curaderm is an inexpensive, safe and very effective method of treating and preventing skin cancer and keratoses. I think it's one item that needs to be tucked away in the back of your medicine cabinet while it's still available." Dr. David G. Williams (Alternative Health Magazine). *Drs. Rino Cerlo & Sangeeta Punjabi, St. Barts Hospital, London (letter on file). " B E C 5 cream applied twice daily, success measured as zero presence of basal cell carcinomas Note: Restrictions may apply in some countries. ^

w w w . a n t i a g i n g - m a g a z i n e . c o m

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