Aging Matters 2, 2016

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No 2, 2016

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! N O I T N E T T A Y PA The in-house magazine for the International Antiaging Society Private Members Club

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• Dealing With Food Allergies • Revamp Your Sex Life • Large featured products section inside

*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

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Adrafinil is a unique stimulant that stimulates only when stimulation is required, which means it doesn’t affect normal sleep patterns.


WELCOME It used to be called ADD (attention deficit disorder), but whatever it’s called it has become much more widespread than ever before, affecting children, young adults and older people alike. Dr. Kyriazis offers a very interesting, (if controversial) viewpoint on why. But at the same time, he also offers some solutions to aid and improve this debilitating problem. Additionally, we also look into the myriad of food allergies, which by themselves can be an underlying trigger for many disorders. How do you know what foodstuffs are causing your health issues? Our latest test kit will help you make accurate decisions.

CONTENTS WELCOME Phil says thanks for finding the time


FOREFRONT This month’s news


ADHD Attention Deficit Hypertrophy Disorder



We’ve covered that strange hormone MSH before, but whilst it is well known for its ability to darken skin and also that it acts as an appetite suppressant, did you know that it can also enhance libido?

They could be your underlying issues 10

There’s a lot more to come in 2016, so please stay tuned.


LIBIDO AND MSH How is this hormone implicated in sex? 15

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Phil Micans, MS, PharmB

Ward Dean, M.D.

Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine

Medical Director


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TESTIMONIALS & EXPLANATIONS Nice comments from nice people



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IAS is dedicated to helping you access the world’s latest commercially available supplements- to give you and your family real choices in health and wellness. IAS promises you: • Quality: We stock the best quality products because the right materials and formulas give you the best possible results. • Brands: We carry original brands - i.e. the same ones used by top health professionals. • Choice: We have the largest range of medicines, hormones and supplements. If you are looking for things that use words like bioidentical, efficacy and synergy then you’ve come to the right place. • Pricing: Our prices are competitive and we regularly have special offers to help you save money on the things that are important to you and your family. • Support: Our friendly and professional customer care team are on-hand to help you. We can be bothered! • Professional: We work alongside the leaders in the field and we review the latest research to ensure that everything is up-to-date. After all, if we are informed then so are you. • Sponsorship: All over the world you will find IAS supporting, sponsoring, exhibiting and lecturing at key venues. You can meet us in person and see what we believe in.

Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members (and therefore is not intended for the public). It focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual. Copyright 2016: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. Disclaimer: All educational information is offered under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. The opinions expressed by the writers may not be those of IAS or the magazine. All prices shown are in US Dollars and are for reference purposes only and they do not include taxes (where applicable), nor do they include shipping & handling fees. Prices, conditions and terms are subject to change without notice. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



Tap Water: it may contain much more than you realise... Very recently another scandal has broken in the water world; this one has unearthed that Pepsi’s bottled water- Aquafina®- is actually tap-water, not mineral water… You may remember that Coca Cola got caught out a few years back too. Some people say; “so what? What is wrong with tap water anyway?” Well, let us answer that question. Firstly, many people are aware that many tap-waters contain fluoride and chlorine. There is an entire debate to be had about the minuscule ‘dental’ benefits of fluoride, or the fact that what is added is actually sodium-fluoride, a by-product of aluminium smelting, (formerly a


hazardous substance) and not natural-fluoride as contained in the earth. Certainly sodiumfluoride can be a successful rat poison, if you have such an infestation in your house. Chlorine likewise may help the water board keep ‘bugs at bay’ but the principle reason it is chosen over other potential anti-pathogen agents is because it is cheap. Neither have a place inside the human body and since water, by its nature, is drunk frequently why would be want to dose ourselves with these ‘additional’ agents? But the main argument I would suggest, is this one: The water sanitation plants have no mechanisms to remove drugs- yes drugs. Half the adult population

is now recorded as taking at least one prescription drug every day. Think of the popular ones such as the contraceptive pill, statins or Viagra® etc. If you drink tap water, then by definition you are consuming trace amounts of the medicines your neighbours are taking as they urinate them back into the urban water system. This has already been confirmed by the German government, whereby their random samplings of their tap waters from different States found numerous trace amounts of prescription drugs in them all. If we take just one examplethe contraceptive pill, it is by consequence a hormone changing substance that the UN describes as • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

an ‘endocrine disruptor.’ That’s something that changes the ‘balance’ of our sex hormones, whether you be a woman or a man. In aquatic environments fish have been known to change sex because of their presence, in more recent times Crocodiles too. As a side point, maybe you do not drink tap water, but if you bathe in it, remember that the steam from a hot bath or shower will enter your lungs and successfully deliver the same. Our mission should always be to reduce our exposure to toxins, (or a better phrase I prefer to use is one from Dr. Garry Gordon, that being “body burdens”), but I suspect

FOREFRONT THE THINGS YOU NEED TO K NOW FROM THI S MONTH’ S NE WS that only a high-end filtration system would reduce it to near zero. Is it a case of bottled waters to the rescue? Well certainly if they are a mineral water and delivered in a glass bottle, (although I now understand that some types of plastic don’t leach BPA into the liquid), then certainly they are much cleaner and of course they contain many useful

healthy minerals etc. What I’d like to point out is the fascinating research conducted by Professor Chris Exley at Keele University. He has shown that certain types of mineral waters, one’s high in silicon, have the ability to remove aluminium from the human body, even from the brains of Alzheimer and other senile dementia victims. This is great news for anyone

“If you drink tap water, then by definition you are consuming trace amounts of the medicines your neighbours are taking...” interested in chelation and

Eaxley, but you can easily find

general health, since we are most definitely now living in the ‘aluminium age.’ I won’t tell you the brands most favoured by Professor

and watch one of his YouTube uploads on that subject.

Advantage of Adding Avocado

90% of Cancer Due to Bad Choices

Did you know an avocado has less sugar per serving than any other fresh fruit? They also contribute 8% of your daily fiber needs and an excellent source of good fats. It has been shown that consuming avocados may actually reduce the risk of both heart disease and diabetes. In one study carried out at Loma Linda University 26 healthy but overweight adults were asked to add avocado into their lunch. The results showed that those who added half of a

It has recently been While the general belief suggested that only 10-30% of about how cancer happens cancers are caused by genetic – dividing of cells at a higher make-up, with the remaining rate and without the usual 70-90% caused by choices dying process – the reasons and environmental impact. behind these processes have The findings by Stony Brook been argued extensively. Cancer Centre in New York “External factors play a goes against research carried big role… Intrinsic risk is 1 out previously that resulted bullet in a game of Russian in the thinking that up to two roulette, a smoker adds 2 or thirds of all cancers are caused 3 more bullets in the gun,” by faulty genes. By reassessing reported lead researcher Dr the evidence, researchers have Yusuf Hannun. drawn conclusions that are thought to be more accurate and convincing.

fresh avocado to their lunch reported being significantly less hungry over the following 3 hour period, even after 5 hours there was a 20% desire to eat. The author of this study, John Sabate, concluded the following: “The addition of approximately one half of a Hass avocado at a lunch meal can influence post-ingestive satiety over a subsequent 3 and 5 hour period in overweight adults.” So why not substitute avocado into your lunch? • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder By Marios Kyriazis, M.D.

One of the most controversial syndromes of modern times is what we now call ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’ (ADHD). This is a behavioural condition which has implications well beyond behaviour. As its name suggests, the condition includes being hyperactive, restless and fidgety, with a short attention span, as well being impulsive, anxious, a bad sleeper and experiencing ‘learning difficulties’. This last term is usually used only in a negative way, to imply that the patient cannot learn easily, whereas it should also imply that the patient is so special (positively or negatively), that her/his educational needs are also ‘special.’ Usually, the condition is diagnosed when there is a significant change in the child’s life, such as starting school, or moving house. It is most common in children aged between 6 and 12 years but it can also persist in adult life. There is a 50% chance that a child born to a parent with ADHD will also have the condition. So, it is known that there is a genetic element. 6

The difference between a normal brain, (left) and a patient with ADHD (right). Image credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Genetics People with ADHD may have abnormalities of the DRD4 gene, (the dopamine receptor D4) which encodes the DRD4 receptor and it is found on chromosome 11. This particular receptor has been linked to conditions such as schizophrenia and Parkinson’s • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


disease, as well as behavioural conditions. The DRD4 gene exhibits several polymorphisms (variations) which account for different functions. What is important here is that the gene has also been linked to ‘novelty seeking’ behaviour, i.e. a condition where the carrier constantly tries to experience new and unusual situations. This can be both a blessing and a curse, as it can be distressing but also helpful in expanding one’s horizons and worldview.

Used in Parkinson’s disease, this monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) has also been shown to modulate the clinical symptoms of ADHD. It is important to note that no significant side effects have been reported. Selegiline is metabolized to amphetamine and methamphetamine both of which can be useful stimulants in the treatment of ADHD. Selegiline forms part of a host of treatments aiming to dampen down the clinical symptoms of ADHD (10).

The connection of ADHD with the DRD4 gene also means that the condition could be treated by targeting this gene. There are some experimental and clinical drugs aiming to rebalance the function of the gene, and these include the anti-psychotic Clozapine, the anxiolytic Buspirone as well as apomorphine and Fananserin.

Case Study A case study - perhaps with a profound significance (a six year old boy was diagnosed as having ADHD, because):

Despite the name, the DRD4 gene does not imply that ADHD is only due to low or only due to high dopamine activity. Research is contradictory and it shows that ADHD can be correlated to either low or high dopamine. But what is clear is that there is dysregulation of dopamine (1).

• He was hyperactive, with poor attention span at school. • He was anxious and sometimes aggressive.

It has to be said however that many ADHD sufferers and their families experience distress, sometimes considerable distress, due to the condition. So, irrespective of the question whether the condition is evolutionarily beneficial or not, it is necessary to attempt to treat at least some of the symptoms of ADHD. In this respect, there are several well-known drugs such as Adderall® and methylphenidate (Ritalin®) which stimulate dopamine and norepinephrine. Both drugs block reabsorption of dopamine and norepinephrine which means that these neurotransmitters remain active for longer.

• His handwriting, as well as practical abilities were poor, (but he was good with computers).

Another group of pharmacological therapies include brain stimulants and nootropics such as:

This child is an example of a new generation of humans who rely more on the cognitive and less on the physical. As we become more integrated with technology, Nature is preparing us accordingly: placing less emphasis on physical activities, and getting energy required for enhanced brain activity directly from ‘junk’ food.

• He was not interested in physical sport. • Always in trouble due to his curiosity. • He would prefer to eat sweets, chocolate and fatty foods, in contrast to his ‘normal’ younger sibling who preferred salads, fruit and lean meat. A professional assessment concluded that the child was of exceptional intelligence and was acting badly only because of boredom and under-stimulation.

• Centrophenoxine (meclofenoxane), which acts as a cognition enhancer, and is also an antioxidant (2). • Adrafinil (the pro-drug of the stimulant modafinil) which improves cognition (3), and psychomotor function (4).


• The –‘racetams’ (for instance, aniracetam and piracetam), acting as stimulants (5), helping to improve speech problems (6), and improving behaviour, motor coordination and attention spans (7) confirmed in several studies (8,9).

The example of the handwriting is striking: Why do we need to be able to handwrite in a society where everybody is using computers?

In addition, two other drugs have also been found effective. These are selegiline and vasopressin.

What we now diagnose as a disease, could just be a normal feature of Nature, preparing humanity for the future!


48 bp SNPs VNTR G/A G/C

12 bp 120 bp Duplication (L1/S1) Duplication (L2/S2)



The human DRD4 gene, with its various components and interactions.

8.8% 65.1% 1.6%

Image credit: Yuan-Chun Ding et al. Evidence of positive selection acting at the human dopamine receptor D4 gene locus. PNAS 2002 99 (1) 309-314


3’ Exon1

48 bp VNTR (Numerous cSNPs)

Exon2 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R 11R


Image credit:





0.6% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


The chemical structure of selegiline (deprenyl) In a randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled study, (i.e. a formal and well-conducted study), researchers treated 11 children suffering from ADHD, aged 6-13 years. They found that that selegiline improves attention span, hyperactivity, learning, and interactions with other children (11), and concluded: “Because the drug was not associated with negative side effects and did not specifically reduce symptoms of impulsivity, selegiline may be a preferred treatment for individuals who present with the primarily inattentive subtype of ADHD”. In another study (12), 28 children were given either selegiline or methylphenidate (such as Ritalin®) and the two treatments were found of equal effectiveness, with the selegiline group reporting fewer side effects.

1. Badgaiyan RD, Sinha S, Sajjad M, Wack DS. Attenuated Tonic and Enhanced Phasic Release of Dopamine in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 30;10(9):e0137326. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137326. eCollection 2015 2. Kovalev GI, Firstova IuIu, Salimov RM. Effects of piracetam and meclofenoxate on the brain NMDA and nicotinic receptors in mice with different exploratory efficacy in the cross maze test. Eksp Klin Farmakol. 2008 Jan-Feb;71(1):12-7 3. Bagot KS, Kaminer Y. Efficacy of stimulants for cognitive enhancement in non-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder youth: a systematic review. Addiction. 2014 Apr;109(4):547-57 4. Quisenberry AJ, Baker LE. Dopaminergic mediation of the discriminative stimulus functions of modafinil in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2015 Sep 15. [Epub ahead of print] 5. Levinson HN. Dramatic favorable responses of children with learning disabilities or dyslexia and attention deficit disorder to antimotion sickness medications: four case reports. Percept Mot Skills. 1991 Dec;73(3 Pt 1):723-38


6. Etchepareborda MC. Neurocognitive and pharmacological approach to specific learning disorders]. Rev Neurol. 1999 Feb;28 Suppl 2:S81-93

Research shows that vasopressin may benefit children with attention deficit disorder (13). The arginine-vasopressin receptor (AVP) exhibits certain polymorphisms which have been linked to ADHD among others, therefore vasopressin treatment may be able to modulate this.

7. Zavadenko NN, Suvorinova N. Therapeutic efficacy of nootropil different doses in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2004;104(3):32-7

Vasopressin facilitates personal relations with respect to play-fighting and bonding (14). However, this needs specialist supervision, as issues with aggression may become a problem. It is typically used to treat nocturnal enuresis in ADHD patients (15). It is well known that children with ADHD show an increased prevalence of enuresis and other daytime voiding symptoms.

9. Froestl W, Pfeifer A, Muhs A. Cognitive enhancers (nootropics). Part 3: drugs interacting with targets other than receptors or enzymes. disease-modifying drugs. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013;34(1):1-114. doi: 10.3233/JAD-121729

Conclusion ADHD can cause distressing symptoms which can be relatively well-controlled through a combination of treatments. However, in my view, it should not carry the stigma of a mental or a behavioural disease. It may be a feature of natural evolutionary processes which have a tendency to improve humanity and get us ready for a full integration with technology.

“ADHD can cause distressing symptoms which can be relatively well-controlled through a combination of treatments. However, in my view, it should not carry the stigma of a mental or a behavioural disease.” 8


8. Zavadenko NN, Suvorinova N. Atomoxetine and piracetam in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2008;108(7):43-7

10. De Sousa A, Kalra G. Drug therapy of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: current trends. Mens Sana Monogr. 2012 Jan;10(1):45-69. doi: 10.4103/0973-1229.87261 11. Rubinstein S, Malone MA, Roberts W, Logan WJ. Placebo-controlled study examining effects of selegiline in children with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2006 Aug;16(4):404-15 12. Akhondzadeh S, Tavakolian R, Davari-Ashtiani R, Arabgol F, Amini H. Selegiline in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children: a double blind and randomized trial. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Aug;27(5):841-5 13. Eisenberg J, Chazan-Gologorsky S, Hattab J, Belmaker RH. A controlled trial of vasopressin treatment of childhood learning disorders. Biol Psychiatry. 1984 Jul;19(7):1137-41 14. Cheng SY, Delville Y. Vasopressin facilitates play fighting in juvenile golden hamsters. Physiol Behav. 2009 Aug 4;98(1-2):242-6. doi: 10.1016/j. physbeh.2009.04.019 15. Chertin B1, Koulikov D, Abu-Arafeh W, Mor Y, Shenfeld OZ, Farkas A. Treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Urol. 2007 Oct;178(4 Pt 2):1744-7 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


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*Offer Valid Until April 29th 2016 *Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

Dealing with food allergies By Leslie J. Farer

Doctors’ waiting rooms are often filled with patients complaining of vague though problematic symptoms - severe headaches that come and go; alternating GI ailments like gas, diarrhea and constipation; fatigue; joint aches and pain; eczema; psoriasis and a long list of others. For many of these patients, physical exams and standard test results yield no conclusive diagnosis and doctors therefore fail to prescribe effective treatments to mitigate these often debilitating symptoms − symptoms which may actually be a result of the body’s reaction to a particular food that is regularly consumed in the diet. Although most mainstream physicians recognize classical food allergies, they overlook or even dismiss the existence of another type of adverse food reaction − food sensitivity − that can cause a remarkable range of symptoms that occur hours or possibly days after consuming a particular food(s). And even a knowledgeable alternative practitioner may have trouble identifying the source of a food sensitivity; the delayed and ambiguous nature of a patient’s reactions make it difficult, if not mind-boggling, to correlate a particular “culprit” food with a particular symptom(s). The good news is, a convenient diagnostic blood test known as the Foodsafe™ bloodspot panel is now available from IAS, enabling you to easily identify and then methodically eliminate from your diet, the triggering foods that are the source of nagging and previously unexplained ailments, so that you can finally recover your health and well-being. What’s the Difference between Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity? Food allergy is a well-defined and medically accepted reaction that occurs when the immune system launches an exaggerated response to a food substance that it mistakes as a potential pathogen. 10

Typical food allergens include milk, peanuts, shellfish, eggs, soy and wheat. Allergic reactions are often quick and can be severe and life threatening, such as acute asthma or anaphylaxis (which involves respiratory distress, swelling of the larynx, shock and potentially, death). Food sensitivity, also referred to as food intolerance, or “hidden” or “masked” food allergy, is a distinct phenomenon from food allergy and although it is often associated with GI symptoms, (1) it may cause a wide range of physical and mental conditions (2,3) (see Table). In contrast to food allergies, which involve intense immunemediated attacks and the release of fast-acting immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies against the offending food, the majority of food sensitivities result in delayed symptoms that take hours or days to develop, often come and go in cycles and range in intensity from slight to severe. The term “food allergy” is widely misused to describe these adverse food reactions (4) which technically are not allergies. In fact, many researchers believe that most food sensitivities are independent of the immune system altogether, (1;4-6) although this is a controversial area. In food sensitivity, another class of antibodies, immunoglobulin G’s (IgG’s), in particular IgG4, is thought to mediate the characteristic postponed reactions to a particular food(s). (7) The prevalence of true food allergy (i.e., IgE-mediated reactions) is estimated to be one to five percent of adults and four to 10 percent of children. (5, 8) Food sensitivity affects a much larger portion of the population, 15 to 20 percent, (1) and, along with food allergy, its prevalence is on the rise. (5) Because of their • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

delayed and multicausal nature (which we’ll examine below), food sensitivities are not well understood, difficult to identify, and often overlooked and undiagnosed by conventional physicians, leading to unresolved symptoms and chronic health conditions for those who suffer from them.

sensitization reactions (11) - (known as “leaky gut syndrome”).

Table: Some conditions in which food sensitivity is a component

Tests used to diagnose classical food allergies cannot and should not be used to identify food sensitivities. For example, if an uninformed doctor orders one of the many blood tests for true food allergies that analyze for IgE antibodies against food antigens, the patient suffering from delayed IgG-related symptoms will go undiagnosed. However, for the knowledgeable practitioner, there are currently two methods available to identify food sensitivities.



Migraines and headaches


Irritable bowel syndrome

Recurrent infections

Inflammatory bowel disease

Memory and concentration problems

Gas, pain, diarrhea, constipation

Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder


Muscle and joint pain



What Causes Food Sensitivities? Food sensitivity reactions can develop as a result of a variety of factors: • Enzyme deficiency (4) (for example, lactase deficiency which leads to incomplete digestion of milk products). • Food-containing amines such as histamine and tyramine (4,5). • Toxic food contaminants (5). • Food additives (4,5) such as sodium glutamate (flavor enhancer), colorants, preservatives, or sweeteners. • The typical Western diet rich in processed foods, (which contain the above-mentioned food additives) and its negative health consequences, including the disruption of intestinal probiotic balance (9). • Production of toxic metabolites from gut bacteria as a result of anaerobic digestion of carbohydrates and other foods, (which can also modify the balance of microflora in the gut) (3) • Structural changes in the GI tract such as small intestinal diverticula (sac-like protrusions) which lead to bacterial overgrowth (5). • Defects in the mucosal barrier of the GI tract (10): this semipermeable barrier allows only certain nutrients into the bloodstream after food has been broken down; if the intestinal walls become compromised due to infection or inflammation, they can become permeable to larger molecules which can then pass through and enter the bloodstream, causing

We can see that many, but not all, of these causes are related to the health and integrity of the GI system, (more on this below). Diagnosing Food Sensitivities

One widely used simple diagnostic test consists of food exclusion followed by food challenge. (1, 2, 7) In this test, a patient removes a suspected offending food from the diet for a few weeks in order to evaluate symptom improvement. If symptoms resolve, the next step is to reintroduce the offending food (known as “food challenge”) which can then “unmask” the individual food sensitivity- if symptoms reappear. Removing the identified reactive food(s) from the diet has been shown to relieve many difficult-to-treat medical problems. (2) But while food exclusion followed by food challenge is simple and inexpensive (actually, no cost), it is tedious and time-consuming, since it could take up to one month to identify just one suspected food. And dozens of foods − and even combinations of foods − may potentially need to be tested, which could take months or even years, an unacceptable amount of time to suffer while waiting for a positive determination. A far superior diagnostic technique, involves directly measuring IgG antibody concentrations in the blood- after exposure to individual foods using a biochemical method known as the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the methodology used in the Foodsafe™ test. In the Foodsafe™ assay, a known antigen is attached to a solid surface and a solution containing a sample of the patient’s blood is added. IgG antibodies in the patient’s blood then bind to the antigen. A second “detection” antibody labeled with an enzyme is introduced. The enzyme-linked antibody then binds to the IgG antibody/antigen complex, creating a detectable color change that can be quantitated to determine the levels of IgG antibodies in a patient blood sample. Researchers consider immuno-enzymatic IgG analysis the “most relevant test for intolerance diagnosis,” (6) with the capacity to quickly

“The term “food allergy” is widely misused to describe these adverse food reactions which technically are not allergies.” • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Figure 1 (Right): The first page of a sample Foodsafe™ patient report clearly showing by bar length, which foods the patient is low, moderate or sensitive to.

and efficiently determine reactive foods, (i.e., those foods that provoke elevated IgG4 levels) which can then be eliminated from the diet, or consumed less frequently in a rotation diet, leading to resolution of symptoms and improvement of health. The Foodsafe™ Bloodspot Panel - Convenient and Comprehensive The Foodsafe™ test measures IgG4 antibody levels to a panel of 95 different foods from the categories of dairy, meat, fish, shellfish, vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts and miscellaneous items, (such as chocolate and honey). The test is convenient – blood samples can be taken at home (or in a doctors’ office, if desired) without the need for venipuncture, but rather by; 1. Simply pricking the finger with a lancet and then placing drops of blood on a blood spot collection card. 2. The card is air-dried, placed in the provided return envelope, and sent to Meridian Valley Lab (the diagnostic testing lab for Foodsafe™) for enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis. 3. When the analysis has been completed, a highly detailed report is generated (see Figure 1) and emailed to the patient. 4. The report clearly lists the IgG4 blood concentrations and reference ranges for the 95 foods tested. This detailed report qualifies each individual result as to risk factor: “low,” “moderate,” 12

or “avoid” (which corresponds to low, medium, or high levels of IgG4 in the blood). The patient can then use these results to tailor his or her diet to exclude highly reactive foods and rotate (i.e., consume no more frequently than once in four days) moderate risk foods. Several clinical studies on various disorders in which food sensitivity is a precipitating factor have demonstrated that IgG testing followed by dietary exclusion is an effective therapeutic strategy, as we’ll see below. Clinical trials on IgG-Based Exclusion Diets for the Treatment of Various Conditions Here are highlights of some studies which used the enzymelinked immunosorbent assay for IgG antibody analysis followed by dietary exclusion of reactive foods, (i.e., those foods which produced the highest IgG levels in the blood): • 30 patients diagnosed with migraine and tested for IgG antibodies were found to be highly sensitive to an average of 24 different foods; eliminating these foods for six weeks led to a statistically significant reduction in the number of headache days and the number of migraine attacks. (12) • A larger trial on 167 participants with “migraine-like” headaches (self-reported headaches that were not clinically diagnosed) obtained similar results: IgG-based dietary elimination for four weeks significantly reduced the number of headaches. (7) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

• 26 of 29 patients with Crohn’s disease, (a type of inflammatory bowel disease) who removed the four most intolerant foods from their diets for four weeks exhibited significant symptom improvement and decreased levels inflammation. (13) • In 150 patients with IBS, IgG-based food elimination improved symptoms within three months and most markedly, in those fully compliant with their diets; relaxing the diets led to worsening of symptoms. (14) • A similar, though smaller IBS study confirmed the above results: after three months on individually customized diets excluding highly reactive foods, 25 patients experienced less pain, improved bowel habits, and a higher quality of life, and these gains were maintained at six months (15) (most likely because these patients adhered to their diets). • In 21 patients with both migraine and IBS, eliminating intolerant foods led to significant reductions in the number, duration and severity of migraines decreased IBS-related abdominal pain and bloating and increased quality of life. (16)

Use a quality probiotic supplement (such as Symprove™) to balance intestinal flora and consume a whole foods-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables, (preferably organically grown), whole grains, protein and fiber. Avoid processed foods, additives, preservatives and pesticide residues contained in non-organically grown foods. Following these suggestions while implementing your individually designed diet according to the Foodsafe™ test’s results; is an invaluable strategy for resolving chronic symptoms and improving your overall health. References 1. Lomer MC. Review article: the aetiology, diagnosis, mechanisms and clinical evidence for food intolerance. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Feb;41(3):262-75. 2. Gaby AR. The role of hidden food allergy/intolerance in chronic disease. Altern Med Rev. 1998 Apr;3(2):90-100. 3. Campbell AK, Matthews SB, Vassel N, et al. Bacterial metabolic ‘toxins’: a new mechanism for lactose and food intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome. Toxicology. 2010 Dec 30;278(3):268-76. 4. Wüthrich B. Food allergy, food intolerance or functional disorder? Praxis (Bern 1994). 2009 Apr 1;98(7):375-87.

These studies demonstrate that food elimination based on IgG antibody testing is an effective and targeted approach to reduce the symptom severity of migraines, Crohn’s disease and IBS. Other conditions in which food elimination has proven successful in alleviating sensitivity-related symptoms, such as arthritis, asthma and a range of others outlined in the table, would undoubtedly benefit by using IgG testing to efficiently pinpoint problem foods.

5. Zopf Y, Baenkler HW, Silbermann A, Hahn EG, Raithel M. The differential diagnosis of food intolerance. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2009 May;106(21):359-69.

Suggestions for Implementing Your Targeted Dietary Plan

9. Skypala I, Vlieg-Boerstra B. Food intolerance and allergy: increased incidence or contemporary inadequate diets? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2014 Sep;17(5):442-7.

Now, you can use the Foodsafe™ test − the same immunoenzymatic method used in clinical studies − to identify and then remove from your diet the “culprit” foods that provoked your previously unexplained symptoms. Consistency is crucial; relaxing your customized diet will likely result in the recurrence of symptoms, as we saw earlier (i.e., the IBS study on 150 patients (14)). Keep in mind that you may not need to remove problem foods permanently. After an elimination period of eight to twelve weeks, you can try to slowly reintroduce reactive foods one at a time and note your response. If the particular food does not trigger symptoms within four days, it can be added to your rotation diet. If symptoms recur, eliminate it for eight to twelve weeks, then try to reintroduce it, if desired. And you can promote the success of your tailored meal plan by enhancing your GI health, since; as we saw earlier, many of the factors that lead to food sensitivities involve the integrity of the GI system.

6. Palmieri B, Esposito A, Capone S, Fistetto G, Iannitti T. Food intolerance: reliability and characteristics of different diagnostic alternative tests. Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol. 2011 Mar;57(1 Suppl 1):1-10. 7. Mitchell N, Hewitt CE, Jayakody S, et al. Randomised controlled trial of food elimination diet based on IgG antibodies for the prevention of migraine like headaches. Nutr J. 2011 Aug 11;10:85. 8. Patriarca G, Schiavino D, Pecora V, et al. Food allergy and food intolerance: diagnosis and treatment. Intern Emerg Med. 2009 Feb;4(1):11-24.

10. Indrio F, Riezzo G, Cavallo L, Di Mauro A, Francavilla R. Physiological basis of food intolerance in VLBW. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011 Oct;24 Suppl 1:64-6. 11. Yu LC. Intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in food hypersensitivity. J Allergy (Cairo). 2012;2012:596081. 12. Alpay K, Ertas M, Orhan EK, Ustay DK, Lieners C, Baykan B. Diet restriction in migraine, based on IgG against foods: a clinical double-blind, randomised, crossover trial. Cephalalgia. 2010 Jul;30(7):829-37. 13. Rajendran N, Kumar D. Food-specific IgG4-guided exclusion diets improve symptoms in Crohn’s disease: a pilot study. Colorectal Dis. 2011 Sep;13(9):1009-13. 14. Atkinson W, Sheldon TA, Shaath N, Whorwell PJ. Food elimination based on IgG antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome: a randomised controlled trial. Gut. 2004 Oct;53(10):1459-64. 15. Zar S, Mincher L, Benson MJ, Kumar D. Food-specific IgG4 antibody-guided exclusion diet improves symptoms and rectal compliance in irritable bowel syndrome. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jul;40(7):800-7. 16. Aydinlar EI, Dikmen PY, Tiftikci A, et al. IgG-based elimination diet in migraine plus irritable bowel syndrome. Headache. 2013 Mar;53(3):514-25.

“...implementing your individually designed diet according to the Foodsafe™ test’s results; is an invaluable strategy for resolving chronic symptoms and improving your overall health.” • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




Food allergy blood test kit for 95 foods $20 off for a limited time only (normal price $249.99 sale price $229.99) Offer Valid Until April 29th 2016

*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

Revamp Your Sex Life By Dr. Richard Lippman

Impotence and Erectile Problems Can Be Reversed without Synthetic Drugs

of 700 to 900 mcg/ ml reverses impotence and many other aging problems. Professor Abraham Morgantaler of the Harvard University Medical School has said, “Correcting testosterone to physiologic levels is key to health in older men” (3, 4). Zinc: Correcting with 50 mg daily of zinc helps men maintain erections (5). Professor Emeritus Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Nebraska School of Medicine, has said; “90% of the population consume diets deficient in zinc” (5).

And this percentage becomes higher the older you get. Doctors estimate that more than 85% of men over seventy years of age cannot obtain a firm erection. Yet some eighty-year-olds have erections as firm as those of thirty-five-year-olds (1).

Melanotan 2: Correcting daily with Melanotan 2 (MSH2) allows men to achieve spontaneous erections—something that not even Viagra® can do. Dermatology researcher Norman Levine, M.D., has said his patients on Melanotan 2 reported “developing spontaneous erections” (6). Dr. Hunter Wessell alternated doses of Melanotan 2 with a placebo in 10 men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. He reported that erections were spontaneous, noting, “These men were not looking at erotic video tapes. They weren’t engaging in sexual activity. They were just sitting around and on the placebo, none of them got any erectile activity—zero” (7).

Senior Scientists Doing Research on Erectile Problems

Melanotan 2 Compared with Viagra®

The older male scientists become, the more likely they are to do their own research on male potency. Professor Steven Coles, M.D., Ph.D., of Stanford University has said, “Sexual inadequacy is the most researched and up-to-date area in the medical science field—for obvious reasons” (2).

Researchers have found that Melanotan 2 works directly on the brain, where it affects sexual desire as well as physical performance. By comparison, Viagra® and Cialis® appear to have no direct effect on libido. According to Dr. Wessell (7), “With Viagra® the man has to initiate sexual activity or Viagra® won’t work. With this it sort of comes on its own.”

Dr. A. J. Riley, a specialist in sexual medicine, has reported in the Journal of Clinical Practice that; “52% of men 40 to 70 years old have some degree of erectile inadequacy” (1).

The deficiencies described below are associated with the majority of impotence or erectile dysfunction cases. Testosterone: Correcting testosterone to physiologic levels

Clearly, Viagra® and Cialis® are not for everyone. Indeed, those little blue or orange pills failed to produce erections for a quarter of the men who tried them. Plus, of course, men on • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


heart medication are forbidden from using them (8).

Figure Two: Actor Jack Palance, age 72, doing one-arm pushups At the Academy Awards, 1991, Hollywood, California, to prove his continued strength despite his age.

On the other hand, Melanotan 2 does not appear to affect blood pressure, although, the US Food and Drug Administration advise those with hypertension and taking MSH2 to proceed with caution.

Development of an Easier Method of Consuming Melanotan 2 Melanotan 2 is now available as a liquid in a nasal spray called MSH2-Pro™ it can help men achieve spontaneous erections. It also helps to darken skin, even without exposing skin to the melanoma-causing sun. After studying endocrinology for decades, I have found that MSH2-Pro™ does more than improve erections and tan the skin. Indeed, it is essential for firming the skin and toning the muscles (see figure 1). I realized these facts because the ingredient MSH-2 is an anabolic hormone that works synergistically with other anabolic hormones, such as testosterone, estradiol, DHEA, growth hormone (Release-Pro™) and IGF-1 (10). These hormones tighten and firm the skin and muscles, especially in young people, who naturally have high levels of them. Figure 1: MSH2 naturally tans, firms the skin and tones the muscles even in non-athletes.

The same study found that seventy-year-old men, and some even-younger men, develop skin folds on their backs that look like draperies of pale skin due to declining levels of anabolics, especially growth hormone and MSH-2 (10). These anabolics act together like a well-tuned and balanced orchestra. This balance promotes youthful skin and muscles. If you doubt this statement, please observe the tremendously firm and toned muscles of black athletes, especially their triceps (See figure 3). Figure 3: Firm and toned muscles of black athletes thanks to high levels of MSH2.

Even average athletic African Americans may develop wellrounded and well-shaped triceps, such as in the case of the First Lady Michele Obama at fifty-plus years of age (see figure 4). Figure 4: Great triceps on Michelle Obama

In contrast, these hormone anabolics are often deficient in many people over the age of fifty, and consequently, the skin begins to pale and both the skin and muscles begin to sag and shrink. Interestingly, African Americans in their senior years also begin to pale and will often eventually appear as white as Caucasians. I have interviewed African Americans on this point and they all confirm that their grandparents are considerably lighter skinned now than they were in their youth. According to Dr. Thierry Hertoghe of the Hertoghe School of Medicine in Brussels, Belgium, anabolic deficiencies contribute to nearly a one-third loss of muscle strength between the ages of fifty and seventy (10). This condition, called sarcopenia, limits the range of motion and balance and increases the risk of falls. Indeed, by the average age of seventy, muscles have weakened so significantly in men that half cannot rise from their armchairs without using their arms to propel them forward (An exception is shown in figure 2).

A Professor Speaks Out about Skin and Skin Cancer On the subject of improved skin, it may be instructive to hear the thoughts of a professor of medicine. Oncologist Derry Ridgway M.D., JD, is a professor of medicine at the University of California. In a private interview, I asked him how it was possible that humans could have run naked on the savannas of Africa for over 100,000 years without acquiring skin cancer. Professor Ridgway said; “Many millennia ago, before humans

“...more than 85% of men over seventy years of age cannot obtain a firm erection. Yet some eighty-year-olds have erections as firm as those of thirty-five-year-olds.” 16 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

“I strongly recommend these creams and gels for any sensible antiaging or antiwrinkling program. I also strongly suggest MSH2-Pro™ for youthful, firm and spontaneous erections.” migrated out of Africa, they had very black skin rich in melanocytes, (pigment-producing skin cells). This dark skin protected them from the sun’s cancerous ultraviolet radiation. In fact, today’s medical literature states that incidence of melanoma and squamous cell carcinomas are thirty times greater in light-skinned people versus dark-skinned people. Furthermore, when albinos are born in Africa today, they are totally pale and lacking in melanocytes and they easily acquire skin cancers when exposed to the powerful African sun.” “Many thanks, Professor Ridgway, for your wise and definitive statement,” I said. “Allow me to add that the natural hormone MSH-2 stimulates our melanocytes to darken our skin. This darkening will improve our appearance, help prevent skin cancers, and help men to achieve spontaneous erections! In addition, MSH-2 has other vital functions to promote superior health such as reduced skin laxity.” (10, 13)

I recommend, instead, Aldo-Spray™ applied topically to this periorbital area around the eyes because your hypothalamus is probably not producing sufficient aldosterone (10). AldoSpray™ should be applied to these fine lines and cleared up within approximately two months. I strongly recommend these creams and gels for any sensible antiaging or antiwrinkling program. I also strongly suggest MSH2-Pro™ for youthful, firm and spontaneous erections. In addition, you will rapidly achieve antiaging benefits including measurable reductions in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduced skin laxity, reductions in both tactile and visual skin roughness, increased skin clarity, reduced pore size, increased ability to tan and reduced sensitivity to damaging sun rays as confirmed by thirty weeks of clinical studies (13).


Improving Skin and Muscle Health

1. Riley, AJ, 1994, British Journal of Clinical Practice, 48(3), pp. 133-136.

In a subsequent interview with prominent dermatologist W. Wong, MD, PhD, formerly with Baylor University in Houston, Texas, I confirmed the details of Professor Ridgway’s interview. Dr. Wong agreed that none of her darker-skinned patients acquired skin cancer (11). She added that, ironically, darkly pigmented skin shields the deep dermal layers of the skin from producing vitamin D3, which is both the critical vitamin and hormone for avoiding twenty-six other forms of cancer (10). Both vitamin D3 and MSH-2 significantly impact health when used together.

2. Coles, S, 2013, private communication.

I knew from the medical literature that both light and darkskinned people require blood levels of 50 to 80 ng/ml of D3 for preventative health (12). D3 also controls optimal levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood. Unfortunately, many people over the age of fifty do not convert ordinary vitamin D to its active form, D3 (D3 5000™ and D3-Pro™). Thus, many seniors consuming fish or ordinary, over-the-counter vitamin D do not receive the benefits of optimal blood levels of D3 (10). Similarly, vitamin B12 is absorbed poorly in the GI tract of people over the age of fifty.

3. Morgentaler, A, 2012, private communication. 4. Morgentaler, A, 2009, Testosterone for Life, Recharge your vitality, sex drive, muscle mass, and overall health, McGraw Hill, NY, NY. 5. Thottam, PJ, April 2005, Modernizing Ayurveda, Sura Books Ltd., Anna Nuyar, Chanute, pp. 150. 6. Levine, N, Aug. 2, 2002, Viagra’s New Rival Slims and Tans, too, NY Post, NY. 7. Wessell, H, 2000, Intn. J Impotence Research, 12, Suppl 4, S74-S79. 8. 9. 10. Hertoghe, T, 2011, private communication. 11. Wong, W. 2014, private communication. 12. See further articles on the IAS website about aldosterone. 13. Figueiredo, V, Jan/Feb 2014, Prime Intn J Aesthetic and AntiAging Med, Vol 2, Issue 1, Chemical Peels for Wrinkle Reduction and Photoaging, pp. 18-27.

Dr. Wong also suggested that retinol cream would further boost skin health. In her busy practice, Dr. Wong uses a prescriptionbased, high-dose retinol cream (Retin-A®). It is extremely effective in eliminating mild wrinkles or fine lines in the face and neck. However, if you have crow’s feet on the sides of your eyes, • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



NO PROBLEM MSH2-Pro™ Gives You An All Over Tan Just one or two sprays daily help produce a natural all over tan - without the need to expose the skin to direct sunlight or to have injections.

MSH2 Also: · Reduces appetite and increases libido · Works synergistically with the other hormones to rejuvenate cells and organs

OFFER: Save $10 - Offer Valid Until 29th April 2016 MSH2-Pro™ 5 ml 500 IU nasal spray $54.99 Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physicians and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.


MONITOR ING YOU R VA SCU L AR CONDITION The BioCUFF™ is a simple way of assessing both your blood pressure condition and your arterial flexibility; plus, you can use the BioCUFF™ in the comfort of your own home because you simply attach the device to your arm just like an ordinary blood pressure cuff. What does the BioCUFF™ measure? The BioCUFF™ provides a series of metabolic indicators that you can use to improve your lifestyle and so help to prevent the causes of cardiovascular disease. We all know the risks of being overweight, of having high cholesterol or suffering from high blood pressure. We also know how to reduce those risks – by exercising more, not smoking, reducing our alcohol intake and eating a balanced diet.

These include: • Diastolic blood pressure • Systolic blood pressure • The heart rate • Vascular condition – which linked to arterial flexibility. Few of us know about the hidden dangers of arterial inflexibility, or how to measure it. This is where the BioCUFF™ is unique being as it is the first at-home device able of delivering this information to you within minutes.

What is arterial flexibility? The BioCUFF™ works by evaluating your arterial

Above: The BioCUFF™ readout, showing both blood pressure, heart rate and vascular flexibility results.

flexibility, which experts say is one of the most important risk factors when it comes to assessing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. Arteries are important because they’re responsible for blood flow around your body via your cardiovascular system. To work properly, it’s crucial that your arteries are kept healthy.

The poorer your vascular condition, the greater your chances of serious health issues Our arteries usually stiffen with advancing age. This brings with it a greater risk of a potentially fatal heart attack, heart failure or stroke, as is shown in figure 1.

You may not recognise the heart failure symptoms as your arteries begin to stiffen Unfortunately arterial stiffness

can occur without warning. Often there are no symptoms of cardiovascular disease and people don’t suspect they are in danger until they suffer an attack. Figure 2 highlights that arterial stiffness is strongly correlated with mortality The BioCUFF™ provides a cardiovascular condition scale, shown by LED bars - that are either within the green zone (good), yellow zone (fair) or red zone (poor). It is important to note that like blood pressure, vascular condition should be monitored over time and not just taken as one reading. The BioCUFF™ makes this simple by averaging your tests over time and therefore provides a more accurate result. BioCUFF™ provides reassurance and a vital early warning system that helps you to be aware of changes and therefore keep your vascular condition in check. Left: Arterial stiffness is a biomarker of aging, as shown here arterial stiffness tends to increase with age. Source: Millasseau et al., Clinical Science, 2002.

The BioCUFF™ is easy to use The BioCUFF™ doesn’t puncture your skin and is used on its own, without any additional attachments. The procedure is straightforward and you don’t need to link to a computer, as the results are shown on the BioCUFF™ screen. Note: If you want to see it in action there is a video available at the IAS website. Armed with this information it’s easy to keep a check on your cardiovascular health and the risks associated with arterial stiffness, such as heart attacks and strokes. Armed with this information it is possible to make changes to your lifestyle and supplement program to improve results and keep you biologically younger! Above all, the BioCUFF™ provides reassurance and a vital early warning system that helps you to be aware of changes and therefore keep your vascular condition in check.

Left: Three groups (each approximately 80 persons) were monitored over 140 months for their survivability. Those in the flexible artery groups (marked as PWV <9.4 m/s and 9.4-12.0 m/s) survive best losing approx. 25%. But those in the hard artery group (marked as PWV >12.0 m/s) 90% of them die in the same period. Source: ESRD, Blacher et al. Journal of Circulation, 1999 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


SPOTLIGHT: BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES NATU R AL ESTROG EN S AND PROG ESTERONE FOR WOMEN IAS carries a wide range of bioidentical hormones - a term that means ‘natural to and in the body’. In this featured section we are focusing on the use of natural estrogens and progesterone for women, which of course are normally utilised to aid the menopause. When hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was developed in the 1920s, estrogens had to be derived from horse urine because a laboratory solution was too difficult/ expensive to synthesize. But today everything has changed, yet this ancient practice continues- these facts have been pointed out by Dr. Wright in his best-selling book ‘Stay Young & Sexy’ Horse estrogens are, as you might expect, not identical to human; after all humans don’t have manes nor do they have hooves! Yet the industry is stuck in this old loop, despite the fact that natural (bioidentical) estrogens can be easily produced now. Some people believe that the known side-effects from ‘traditional HRT’ are due to the fact that the hormones given are not correct.

Above: Stay Young & Sexy By Dr. Wright


Esnatri™, a unique tri-estrogen Esnatri™ is our bioidentical triple estrogen cream, which many women use, confident they have chosen the best bioidentical estrogen cream available. It comes directly from the work of Dr. Wright who has shown that the majority of women produce estrogens in the ratios of 90% estriol, 7% estrone and 3% estrone.

Above: As Dr. Wright himself has said many times; “we only have to copy nature, the right molecules at the right times and doses.”

Most tri-estrogen preparations attempt to replicate the human hormones estriol, estradiol and estrone, apply them in the ratio of 80:10:10, while some even entirely over-look estriol, claiming

it is a weak estrogen. But, women naturally produce high levels of estriol and it is considered to have anticarcinogenic effects.

Esnatri™ use The Esnatri™ cream can be applied by daily rotation to your neck, upper chest, breasts and behind the knees, or inner thighs. A typical starting dose is 2 mg, start from day one (of what would have been the start of your menstrual cycle) and continue until day 25. Then you should stop for five days, before repeating the application at the start of the next menstrual cycle. During these last few days, the estrogen receptors are being allowed to ‘rest’ as they have been accustomed.

Progesterone Progesterone is the counterbalance to estrogens. Indeed, whilst women can significantly decline in estrogen levels during menopausethey rarely reach zero production levels, whereas progesterone

can sometimes not be measured at all in elderly women. It is also the low of progesterone that most significantly impacts bone strength, leading onto osteoporosis, so there are numerous reasons to ensure that progesterone is also taken alongside an estrogen therapy. IAS provides a 5% strength natural progesterone cream. Typical doses are 25 mg to 30 mg of progesterone applied on day 10 and continuing to 25. The start date varies according to the usual timing of your ovulation. Note: As with the Esnatri™ cream, stop for the last five days of your cycle so that the estrogen receptors have their accustomed ‘rest’ period. Remember, your hormone replacement therapy should be overseen by a physician and should not be undertaken if you have undergone cancer treatment.

“Esnatri™ is our bioidentical triple estrogen cream, which many women use, confident they have chosen the best...” • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

SPOTLIGHT: BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES OX Y TOCIN FOR PA SS ION AND S E X IAS carries a wide range of bioidentical hormones - a term that means ‘natural to and in the body’. In this featured section we are focusing on oxytocin. What is oxytocin? Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, but excreted via the pituitary gland. Its orthodox medicine role is to help women give birth, since the large dose that’s injected helps relaxes the uterus and alleviates the passage of the child into the world for the mother.

Above: Dr. Thierry Hertoghe

However, as we will discover and has been highlighted by Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s book; ‘passion, sex and longevity, the oxytocin adventure’ -it has many other roles to play too.

The love hormone Oxytocin has been dubbed ‘the love hormone’, why would this be? Principally because oxytocin can induce feelings of bonding and care and not just

between individuals, but even with animals too! Oxytocin measurements have been taken between lovers, friends, relatives, parents and their children etc. From those results, it has been noted that oxytocin levels are higher when they are in their presence. Mothers naturally bond with their children, but even men, (especially those who experience the live birth), express their emotions as wanting to care and protect their offspring, these effects may be attributable to the release of oxytocin hence triggering the bond. On the other side of the coin, psychopaths are notoriously low in their oxytocin levels, which may be a cause of their uncaring feelings towards other humans.

The pain and orgasm connection Fibromyalgia can be a very debilitating disorder with a lot of pain, sometimes constant for those who suffer with it. In women it was noted that when they were experiencing an orgasm they felt no pain at all. Later, it transpired that

women undergo a burst of oxytocin during orgasm. Trials were undertaken to see if oxytocin supplementation could alleviate the pain of fibromyalgia, there was some success, but the side-effect noted was that those women now enjoyed multiple orgasms! This was a fact picked up on by the popular press and is probably singularly the action most responsible for bringing oxytocin into the public gaze.

Synergy Dr. Hertoghe has explained that some folks will not feel the effects of oxytocin. This is principally because of two reasons, (if we consider that the dose is correct for that individual). Firstly, that some people are ‘low’ in their own principal sex-hormone, so if a man is low testosterone, or if a woman is low estrogen, it is possible that oxytocin will not elicit its full potential in those persons. The other issue could be low vasopressin;

vasopressin is a counterpart to oxytocin, produced and released via the same glands. In cases of vasopressin deficiency, the patient may enhance the oxytocin experience by adding one or two sprays (10 IU each) of vasopressin via the Vaso-Pro™ nasal spray.

Dosing As might be expected doses are very dependent upon its use. However for social or sexual enhancement, one can consider 5 IU to 10 IU a ‘typical’ dose. In fact, Dr. Hertoghe has somewhat reduced the doses that he recommends in his book, (transmitted via personal conversation to me). Currently IAS is providing Oxy-Sub™ in 20 IU trouches (a soft sublingual tablet), these can therefore be cut into half or quarter for a dose of 5 or 10 IU and should be placed under the tongue and allowed to melt. The other option is Oxy-Pro™ which is applied intranasally delivering 10 IU per spray.

Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s book, “Passion, sex and longevity - the oxytocin adventure”, details its roles and uses in a ‘how to’ guide form.

“...oxytocin can induce feelings of bonding and care and not just between individuals, but even with animals too!” • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



A B R E AK THROUG H FOR C ATAR AC T Can-C™ eye-drops are the original™ brand- developed by Innovative Vision Products (IVP). This group were the first to research, publish and prove how eye-drops can reduce and even eradicate cataract. Accordingly there are active US and EU patents (and others pending) on this unique and special product. Unique formula:

Clinical trial:

Can-C™ eye-drops are the formula from the original published human trials. They contain a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine (made in Japan); this natural di-peptide has potent anti-glycating and antioxidant properties that prevents lipid peroxidation. Note that the formula is important- it’s not all about the n-acetylcarnosine; the specific carrier agents and their purity are also important. If you look at the Can-C™ formula you will see differences to the copycats, (remember it is only Can-C™ that is patented in recognition of the original work). If you want the best possible results in the fastest possible time, then choose Can-C™ to deliver them according to the clinical trials.

Patients placed two-drops of Can-C™ into their eyes twice daily for a 6-month period, the outcome was:

• 90% saw an improvement in their visual acuity.

• 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens. There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C™ eye-drops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later. The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced.

Improving eye-sight: More evidence is mounting that Can-C™ is efficacious for many conditions

including: • Cataracts (particularly the senile version) • Glaucoma • Presbyopia • Corneal disorders • Eye strain • Ocular inflammation • Blurred vision • Vitreous opacities and lesions • Diabetes mellitus complications • Contact lens users • Dry eye syndrome Of special interest may be to persons who wear contact lenses. This is because Can-C™ inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid and therefore contacts can be worn for longer periods without pain. We have also received reports that Can-C™ not only aids dry-eye syndrome with its lubricants, but that Can-C™ helps to unclog proteins from the lacrimal ducts, thus releasing more

Before: Right: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Far Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved.

Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘The Cataract Cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C™ eye-drops. It is now available as a FREE e-book at:

22 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

natural tears onto the eye. In a similar way, it is also believed that the unclogging of proteins in the eye’s drain, (the Schlemm valve), helps to reduce intraocular pressure and thus aids glaucoma.

Can-C™ Plus capsules In addition to the eye-drops, Can-C™ Plus capsules are also available. They are strongly recommended to be used in combination with the eye-drops- if you have ripe (long existing) cataracts.

Above: Can-C Plus capsules



C E NTRO PH E N OX I N E , (PRO N O U N C E D, C E NT- ROW- FE N - OX- I N) I S A C L A S S I C ‘ S M A RT D RU G .’ The term ‘smart drugs’ has become synonymous with substances that aid memory and cognition, although the correct medical terminology is ‘nootropics’ (which when translated from the Greek is- ‘towards the mind’). As shown in the insert, centrophenoxine is an ester of PCPA (a plant compound) and DMAE which is a natural choline-based substance found in the diet. OCH2










The molecular structure of centrophenoxine, showing its combination of PCPA and DMAE.

Background Centrophenoxine has been studied extensively over many decades, principally in Europe and one of its leading proponents is the Gerontology expert, Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy, whom utilises it for his own antiaging purposes, keeping his mind sharp.

Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy says; “Centrophenoxine has shown many facets to improve conditions related to my membrane hypothesis of aging. For example, its ability to improve brain performance, survival time in animal experiments and to remove the cell-aging pigment called lipofuscin. It has been my antiaging supplement for more than 30-years.” One of the actions of centrophenoxine is to improve acetylcholine levels in the brain and it is this neurotransmitter that declines in Alzheimer’s diseaseleading to its devastating effects. Yet, centrophenoxine doesn’t make significant improvements for Alzheimer patients in this way, (note, there is another important

action mentioned later on), although the same could be said for all senile dementia medications, since trying to revert the damage of a mid-late stage dementia is very difficult. The target there-

be very troublesome for the cell because it inhibits proper functioning from taking place, reducing the transference of chemicals through the cell wall, thus damaging both messaging and detoxification abilities. Indeed this inhibition and the inherent loss of lipidity that accompanies it, forms a significant part of Professor Zs.-Nagy’s ‘membrane hypothesis of aging.’ What we do know, is that when significant amounts of lipofuscin are present

Showing the typical size and placement of lipofuscin in tissues. fore is at the earliest stage of dementia, or even before then, at the antiaging stage, wherein smart-drugs like centrophenoxine can improve/ enhance and protect the performance of an aging, but otherwise recognised as a healthy, individual.

Lipofuscin Lipofuscin is a waste material that accumulates in aging cells, especially those in the brain, heart, lungs and skin; indeed, in skin cells, lipofuscin can form part of the pigmented spots that are often referred to as ‘age’ or ‘liver’ spots Lipofuscin accumulation can

in the brain, they are then referred to as ‘plagues’ and then become recognised trait of Alzheimer’s. Perhaps it is therefore centrophenoxine’s primary mode of action to help remove lipofuscin deposits. It does it so well, that it is currently believed to be the best tool commercially available to do so and so well, that in patients with visible ‘age’ or ‘liver’ spots in the skin; it is possible over several weeks of centrophenoxine supplementation to see them fade or even disappear. Such patients can also benefit from the knowledge, that at the same, lipofuscin deposits are being reduced in their heart, lungs and brain etc.

Centro-Pro™, the leading brand of centrophenoxine used by its expert, Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy and his patients.

General cognitive benefits Classifying the precise benefits of the various smart-drugs can be tricky. Most individuals often simply refer to their ailing cognitive facilities as “memory loss.” However, a quick breakdown of that statement requires further evaluation in order to determine the precise nature of the problem. So which of the following is your main issue? • Short term memory • Medium term memory • Long term memory • Do you get bored easily? • Do you lack focus/ attention? • Does your mind quickly become tired? • Is the problem remembering new experiences later? (So called memory-imprinting) • Does it take too long time to recall memories? Centrophenoxine is best suited to the last problem. If your speech appears to be full of “ums” and “ers” - whilst your brain tries to catch up with your mouth, then it is likely that centrophenoxine will be an aid for you. In our experience, centrophenoxine should not only be considered for those concerned with the development of Alzheimer’s, but when utilized correctly it can help many people, especially those aged over 40, to hasten their recall speed, bringing clarity and order to both speech and thought.

Doses It is of course impossible to list all details of centrophenoxine use onto one page, but interested parties should ask for further details and read the articles with references that are available on the IAS website. A typical dose for the ‘average’ person is 250 mg once or twice daily; higher doses are necessary according to the varying degrees of Alzheimer’s.

Note: Centrophenoxine is synergistic with other smart-drugs, in particular choline based forms such as piracetam (Nootropil®); these additional benefits can be experienced by using them • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail: concurrently, although naturally both doses need to be adjusted downward to suit.


SPOTLIGHT: GHRPS A R E AL ‘OR AL’ ALTER NATIVE TO G H INJEC TION S Ever since Dr. Rudman’s work in the 1980s and then the release of Dr. Klatz’s book ‘grow young with HGH’ in the 1990s, there has been a strong interest in the use of growth hormone (GH) in antiaging medicine. Dr. Rudman’s research concluded that after injecting his elderly patients with GH, many of them had reversals of their biological age markers by as much as 20-years; specifically having noted improved skin, hair, muscle mass, decreased fat levels and enhanced levels of stamina, strength and well-being. It’s not entirely surprising given the multifaceted role of growth hormone, plus as its name suggests it is involved in the growth and repair of tissues, but unfortunately blood levels of it decline dramatically past the age of 35 (see figure 1), despite the fact that there is evidence that the pituitary gland continues making significant amounts of it.

GH injections The issue with injecting GH, (brand names include Genotropin®, Saizen® and Zomacton®), other than its expense, is that it does have to be injected to be effective, this is because as a 191 chain amino-acid it simply can’t be absorbed via any other route, thus daily injections can become a chore. Furthermore, many countries have decided that GH injections be classified as a controlled substance, partly because of its anabolic actions. Controlled substances often require special import and export licenses; this is over-and-above the requirement for a prescription. Furthermore, the research of Dr. Richard Walker has highlighted that bolus injections of GH are not bioidentical and that as they induce spikes of GH into the blood they could end up damaging the pituitary gland, leading to a down-regulation of its own production of GH, or even to stop GH production altogether.

GHRPs But meanwhile, Dr. Walker’s research has shown that the use of GHRPs, (growth hormone releasing peptides) have a much safer profile whilst enjoying the same benefits- even if they provide them a little more slowly. We would recommend that you read his extensive article in the Aging Matters™ magazine, No3, 2014 to understand fully how they operate. What we can say is


that GHRPs, (GHRP2, GHRP6 and sermorelin) have the following benefits: • They can be sublingually, intra-nasally and even orally, passing into blood and thus avoiding the need for needles. • Their feedback loop means that they cannot cause the pituitary to down-regulate. • GHRPs are not controlled substances. • Rather than inducing a spike of GH in the blood, GHRPs augment (improve) each release of GH naturally into the blood, for which there are several peaks daily, (although the rising from bed peak is the highest one) - see figure 2.

Synergy Sermorelin is actually the precursor to GH, being the first 29 amino acids and is applied via the sublingual route. Sermorelin’s function may be to release existing stores of GH from the pituitary- rather than encourage more production as a pure agonist would. Dr. Walker has highlighted that combining sermorelin with GHRP2 or GHRP6 has a highly synergistic effect, in some cases eliciting up to a 5x greater quantity of GH into blood, an action that can be equivocated to using injectable GH itself. Note: You can also hear Dr. Walker discuss this with us on the IAS video page:

Differences • GHRP6 may induce more hunger feelings than GHRP2 and could improve levels of IGF1 more. Therefore this option may be better recommend for those who want to put on muscle mass. • GHRP2 may create less hunger feelings and therefore could be preferable to those who want to stimulate GH for fat loss. Also as the GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™) is a nasal spray, those who don’t like that feeling may prefer GHRP2-Pro™ since it is an oral liquid simply swallowed. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Figure 1 (top): The typical GH levels in blood with age, note that ‘geriatric’ levels are reached as early as during the 30’s. Figure 2 (middle) shows the 24 hour profile of subcutaneous (and also intravenous) GH. Compare that to figure 3 (bottom), the natural peaks of GH in both young and elderly patients. Only GHRPs naturally amplify these bioidentical patterns.

Summary GHRPs have created a genuine efficacious alternative; they are simpler/ easier to use and at the same time they have a better/ safer profile than injectable GH.


90 58

3mg Amount Per Serving

* % Daily Value

Servings per container: 60 Serving Size: 1 tablet

Supplement facts:

Description: MZS is Dr. Walter Pierpaoli’s original melatonin formula containing the additional and supportive agents zinc and selenium. MZS is produced to pharmaceutical standards in Italy and unlike other melatonin preparations MZS has been designed to produce a night peak of melatonin between 1AM and 3AM to mimic the natural behavior of the pineal gland. Dr. Pierpaoli’s extensive animal and human research has shown that this is important because this action helps to stabilize circadian rhythms, improve hormonal cyclicity and boost immunity.


Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula+

Formulated and distributed by Profound Products, PO Box 19, Sark GY9 0SB, Great Britain

MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula ™

Dr. Pierpaoli

MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula



Dr. Pierpaoli MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula

Directions: Take 1 tablet before bedtime, ideally between 10PM and 11PM.

50mcg 8.7mg


Dr. Pierpaoli MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula

Disclaimer: This product and its statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

% Daily Value * not established Other ingredients: Avicel, mannitol, povidonum and magnesium sterate Selenium Zinc


Note: Keep in cool dark conditions, out of the reach of children and consume before end of expiry date. Not for use by pregnant or lactating women.


Our melatonin has been formulated by the world’s foremost melatonin expert Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, his Melatonin Zn Se, or MZS™, is totally unique since it is designed to mimic the natural night peak of melatonin- to leave you feeling refreshed and alert the following day.

What does Melatonin do? Melatonin is vital to protect our hormonal system, regulate immunity and repair our body’s cells. It is commonly used by shift workers and also to treat jet lag and age related sleep disorders, but its abilities go far beyond simply its sleep inducing properties.

The antioxidant effects of melatonin Melatonin is an extremely effective antioxidant; in fact on a molecule to molecule basis; melatonin has proved to be significantly more efficient in neutralizing toxic hydroxyl-

radicals than the two wellknown free radical scavengers, glutathione and mannitol.

ARMD. Remarkably this was true for both the wet and dry forms!

Melatonin’s effects on longevity

Why is Dr. Pierpaoli’s MZS™ more effective than other melatonin supplements?

Melatonin’s effect on longevity is well documented; in fact laboratory tests on rats and mice have demonstrated that melatonin increased their lifespans by 20%. Experts believe melatonin is a vital antiaging product because of its positive effect on aging. MZS™ and age-related macular degeneration Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) comes in two forms, wet and dry and is a notoriously difficult disorder to treat and is linked to blindness. A 24-month study, (published in NY Academy of Science, 2005, 1057:384-392) on 100 patients showed that after 3 months, the majority of patients taking 3 mg of Melatonin Zn Se nightly had halted the progression of their age related macular degeneration and at 6 months many showed reversal of their

There are three principal reasons, firstly it is of pharmaceutical quality at a dose of 3 mg, secondly it contains the synergistic ingredients of selenium and zinc, but thirdly and most importantly- it is designed to release at a very specific time. Dr. Pierpaoli’s research led him to perfect a formula that exactly mimics the pineal gland’s release of melatonin. Thus means that MZS™ is the only melatonin supplement to follow nature’s own night peak.


60 tablets Dietary Supplement

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland at night to regulate our circadian rhythm, (sometimes called the sleep wake cycle). As we age the amount of melatonin we produce reduces resulting in many older people sleeping less and having a lower quality of sleep.

Dr. Pierpaoli


MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula ™

Dr. Pierpaoli


MZS™ is so much more than a sleep aid Melatonin has had so many published benefits it is impossible to list them all here. From jet lag and shift work to well-being and antiaging, no other melatonin supplement offers the endorsement of Dr. Pierpaoli, or the exact formula used in all of his renowned clinical trials. If you’ve tried other melatonin and didn’t notice any significant effect, then we highly recommend you try Dr Pierpaoli’s MZS™ for a superior experience. Dr. Pierpaoli’s free ebook ‘The key of Life’ can be read here:

How much should I take? Take half to one 3 mg tablet at bedtime only; do not take more than two tablets. By taking MZS™ between 9pm and 11pm you will create a night peak between 1am and 3am, this is the most natural and normal time to have the highest melatonin levels.

Left: Melatonin levels in blood over 24-hours This graph compares Dr Pierpaoli’s melatonin formula (red line) to the natural release of melatonin (dark blue). Two other common types of melatonin supplements (light blue and green lines) demonstrate that sublingual melatonin peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late.

Above: Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. (Top before, below: after treatment). • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




S U PPLYING AND BAL ANCING OMEGA S NATU R ALLY Most people are familiar with the benefits of omega oils for their health and in particular to reduce inflammation. Indeed cod-liver oil supplements are the world’s most popular supplement, but recently Professor Brian Peskin’s research which is all contained in his new book – the PEO solution - is causing quite a stir and may make many folks to rethink and change their stance.

Professor Brian Peskin and the cover of his latest book - the PEO solution

We are referring to his discovery that the body naturally uses plant oils to make its own omega 3 and 6, thereby satisfying a precise balance according to need- providing the ‘raw materials’ are available. Professor Peskin has termed the phrase PEO as the acronym for ‘parent essential oils.’ Professor Peskin states openly that he has found this information hidden in the scientific literature and never once found it referred to in the medical literature. Why does it matter? Because as he says, it means that physicians are unaware of these facts and therefore they continue to advocate super-physiological doses of omegas from fish oil, which may be actually doing more harm than good! It’s a lot to swallow, (no pun

intended) and we can’t do his research justice on a single page, which is why we recommend his book, or take a look at the Aging Matters™ magazine No1, 2015 in which Professor Peskin’s article is the lead story. Let’s summarise the advantages of the PEOs: • The plant oils live in our environment, (typically around 50-60°F); hence they do not go rancid at room temperature. Cold water fish live in a cold environment (typically around 30-40°F), therefore PEOs represent a much more stable product. • The PEOs are obviously a nonanimal source and therefore can be considered more suitable for those wanting to avoid animal based products. • The PEOs represent a sustainable source, since there is already too much ‘pressure’ on the seas to provide both fish and even krill stocks. • The PEOs enable the body to produce its own internal essential fatty acids (EFAs) and correct its own balance. This has not been shown to be the case with fish oil supplements.

Why not fish oil?

Figure: How is fish oil made? It often does not start as the healthiest possible source!


Professor Peskin maintains that the super-high doses in fish oils are extreme when compared to those manufactured within the body. Furthermore, even the omega 3 to

omega 6 balance OXYGEN MAGNETS! they provide could be EFAs work like tiny “magnets” drawing Oxygen EFAs oxygen into all cells, tissues wrong and that the and vital organs. O O body may actually Reduce oxygen by only 1/3 and a cell O turns cancerous, forever! require more omega HEART LUNGS 6 than is currently being advocated today. Did you know that when a bear eats a fish he throws away the body? Could it be that the bear Figure: Essential fatty acids provided via wants the omega 6 provided PEOs work like magnets, drawing oxygen into cells and tissues. Reduce oxygen by the fish brain and not the content in cells by one third and they can omega 3 that is within its body? become cancerous. (The fish uses omega 3 as an anti-freeze due to its cold water contains organically produced, environment). cold-pressed seed oils, these include high linoleic safflower PEO-Pro™ oil, sunflower oil, evening IAS has always been ‘on the primrose oil and flax oil, all in cutting-edge.’ It may remain the proportions derived from controversial, however we have Professor Peskin’s research. taken the decision to remove Maintenance doses are 1 or fish and krill based oils from 2 capsules daily; for those with our range and replace them greater need, 1 capsule per 40 with PEOs that are contained in lbs (18 Kg) bodyweight per day PEO-Pro™. may be more suitable. The PEO-Pro™ supplement 2



Oxygen Magnets


• Less Cravings • Less Hunger • Better Appetite Fulfilment

Heart Health

• Flexible Arteries • Clean Arteries • Fast Blood Flow • Lower Blood Pressure • Improves Lipids


• Healthier Skin • Less Dandruff • Less Cellulite • Healthier Hair • Eczema Improved

• Less Sweet Cravings • Lower Blood Sugar • Less Neuropathy/ Retinopathy




• Less Arthritis • Less Joint Pain/Swelling • Faster Healing

Hormones/ Endocrine

Brain Health



• Better Sexual Function • Smoother Pregnancies • Less PMS • Fewer Headaches

• Better Clarity • Better Focus • Improved Memory • Helps Improve ADD & ADHD

• More Energy • Less Fatigue • Greater Intensity • Faster Recuperation

Figure: This diagram highlights the benefits of EFAs (essential fatty acids) that PEOs can deliver. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

SPOTLIGHT: PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS THE DI SCOVERY OF G ENE SWITCHES IN FOOD Today Professor Vladimir Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. At the time, he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a myriad of problems; issues such as radiation for submariners in nuclear submarines to troops that may be blinded from known, (but thankfully unused) new weapons such as battlefield lasers.

A former Soviet military secret!

specific short chain peptide, obtained from food, to act as a ‘short-cut’ to initiate protein What their research uncovered synthesis. These peptides, - that was used for two unlike proteins, can enter the decades on many thousands blood through the stomach. of men and women - was a Through a comprehensive remarkable link between list of patents and even short chain peptides and DNA. copyrighted PowerPoint This former military secret is slides, the Russian research now available to the public group have shown that each as peptide bioregulators. of the concentrated peptide Their published research has bioregulators so far examined, identified that each organ / interact with particular strands gland / tissue uses a highly of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes. This is a remarkable story since what we are describing here are peptides that act as individualised gene switches. To date, they have Above: A short-chain peptide bioregulator been tested for

many years on thousands of individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications. We believe that they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively cheap, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully (as stem cells do).

Original material from the trials The peptide bioregulators available via IAS are the bovine originals; sourced from carefully chosen Danish calves and processed through pharmaceutical processes and filters. They are not the synthetic versions which have not been studied/ proven. Peptide bioregulators act as they sound- to regulate; for example, Thyreogen®

the thyroid peptide would increase thyroid activity if it were too low, but decrease it if it were too high!

Dosing Doses are very dependent upon the need and unlike hormones these peptides do not have to be taken every day, hence making them a cost effective regime. A typical/ average use could be considered as follows: • Start with an intensive course: 2 capsules once a day for 30-days. • Thereafter use 2 capsules once a day for 10-days, repeat every 2, 3, 4 or even as little as 6-months. The story of the peptide bioregulators is a remarkable one and we recommend that you to read the articles and interviews and see the video on the IAS website.

interacting with DNA

PEPTIDES CURRENTLY AVAIL ABLE: Brain peptide bioregulator: Heart peptide bioregulator: Bladder peptide bioregulator: Pineal peptide bioregulator: Adrenal peptide bioregulator: Muscle peptide bioregulator: Prostate gland peptide bioregulator: Kidney peptide bioregulator: Cartilage peptide bioregulator: Pancreas peptide bioregulator:

Cerluten® Chelohart® Chitomur® Endoluten® Glandokort® Gotratix® Libidon® Pielotax® Sigumir® Suprefort®

Stomach mucus peptide bioregulator: Liver peptide bioregulator: Lung peptide bioregulator: Testes peptide bioregulator: Thyroid peptide bioregulator: Blood vessel peptide bioregulator: Retina peptide bioregulator: Thymus peptide bioregulator: Ovary peptide bioregulator:

Stamakort® Svetinorm® Taxorest® Testoluten® Thyreogen® Ventfort® Visoluten® Vladonix® Zhenoluten® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


SPOTLIGHT: SMART DRUGS AND NUTRIENTS DEPR ENYL FOR FOCU S AND CONCENTR ATION Deprenyl is also known as selegiline, it was created in the 1960s by Professor Joseph Knoll from Hungary, principally as an aid to Parkinson’s patients - because deprenyl has a significant benefit to improve dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter most affected in Parkinson’s disease, in fact, deprenyl still remains a front line treatment for that disease.

Significant longevity studies

Morgenthaler, (as published in the book, Smart Drugs and Nutrients I), produced figure 2. It highlights that the loss of dopamine in humans with age, can be mapped against both the development of Parkinson’s and even death.

Mode of action For a long time deprenyl has been expressed as a MAO-b inhibitor, that it to say that is prevents the enzyme monoamine-oxidase type-b from destroying dopamine, ergo leading to its greater availability in the brain. The inhibition of the more common MAO-a can be problematic, leading to something called ‘the cheese effect,’ therefore this is not a side effect of deprenyl, although it should be noted that dopamine can inhibit type-a, but usually only at very high doses of 20mg. In more recent times, Professor Knoll has noted that there is another significant action of deprenyl and this is the raising, (albeit briefly) of PEA levels. PEA is a catecholamine activity enhancer that raises

Professor Joseph Knoll; now aged in his 90s but still active in pharmacological research.

Professor Knoll’s experiments with rats produced some of the most incredible longevity benefits that have ever been seen. When they were fed deprenyl in their food, they lived so much longer than those that were not, so much so, that even after the last non-treated rat died, the first of the deprenyl treated rats was yet to die! These results are shown in figure one: Note; interestingly and importantly, these results were verified independently in another study not conducted by Professor Knoll. Based on this research, Dean, Fowkes and

norepinephrine levels; this is a significant attention agent that is behind the primary mechanism of the famous Eugeroic drug- modafinil (Provigil®). To learn a great deal more about dopamine and deprenyl, we would recommend Professor Knoll’s books; ‘the brain and its self’, or ‘how selegiline/ deprenyl slows brain aging.’

Typical patient responses In patients who have mild cognitive impairment, or age related minor cognitive dysfunction, the most common report is of a significant improvement in their focus and concentration. Persons with higher dopamine levels often appear more ‘driven’ and ‘dedicated.’ Avoid overuse since it can lead to what may appear to be an oppressive behavior, as others around you are not so focused and ‘on the ball’ as you! This is why we recommend occasional breaks from deprenyl use, some advocate one week off in the month and others use it during the


Dopamine Level (%)

% of animals alive


Deprenyl Treated Rats


Control Rats

25 0 140









Age of rats in weeks

Figure 1: Professor Knoll’s experiment showed that when deprenyl is given to animals it significantly extends their lifespan and their latter life activity.


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Average Parkinson’s Patients Rapid Parkinson’s Patients

weekdays but not at the weekends.

Dosing Doses are as normal, based upon need and age. Whilst Parkinson’s patient will require large doses, a person wanting to improve their cognitive performance may want to typically consider 1mg to 3mg per day, with occasional breaks. Note: These doses do not take into account synergy with other dopamine enhancing agents and persons using anti-depressants should consult with their physician beforehand. Deprenyl tablets are typically provided in 5mg form (Jumex®); some persons like to take ½ to 1 of these tablets 3-times a week; however the use of the deprenyl liquid (Dep-Pro™) is particularly attractive for those using deprenyl to generally support, protect and improve neurological function, since 1 drop = 1mg. Therefore the liquid can be dosed very precisely by simply placing those drops into a cold drink. Avoid use in the late evening to prevent any sleep disruption.

Slow Aging People Normal People

PARKINSON’S SYMPTOMS DEATH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Figure 2: For humans, the normal loss of dopamine past the age of 40 is 13% per decade. As the lines suggest, if we all live long enough we all become senile! • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

SPOTLIGHT: SMART DRUGS AND NUTRIENTS PIR ACE TAM, THE ORIG INAL NOOTROPIC Smart drugs and nutrients, or to give them their correct medical terminologynootropics, are agents that can not only improve conditions of senile dementias, but in recent times have become popular for older individuals to improve their mental and cognitive processes. It was Ward Dean, M.D. who highlighted these facts through his very popular ‘Smart Drug’ series of books in the 1980s, since then the term ‘smart drugs’ has become mainstream.

Piracetam, the original nootropic The smart-drug we focus on here was in fact the first, developed as it was by Dr. Giurgea for UCB laboratories in Belgium in the 1960s. Originally it was designed to assist with travel and altitude sickness, but shortly afterward individuals realised that piracetam had positive cognitive enhancement effects.

What can piracetam do for me? Piracetam is a cognition agent that has been used successfully to treat a

wide range of conditions, for example it has been shown to increase a person’s attention levels and improve memory and intelligence. Piracetam can help to slow down ‘senile involution’, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In tests and trials, piracetam induces significant improvement to memory consolidation and recall in those suffering from ‘age-associated memory impairment’. Piracetam has also been used to improve patient’s recovery from strokes, particularly improving post stroke speech impairment (aphasia). Another use has been in cases of acute and chronic cerebral ischaemia, (decreased blood flow to the brain). Using piracetam has restored speech and the use of limbs in these patients; it has also increased neuronal activity in the brain when measured with EEG.

For regular individuals, piracetam has been shown to enhance idea creation and the ability to ‘see things through,’ in other words to have ideas and bring them to fruition. The level of clarity piracetam creates is often described/ perceived as; “the fog has lifted.”

How does piracetam work? Piracetam’s key and unique method of action is upon the Corpus Callosum, the region of the brain that links the two hemispheres. It is this that most experts believe is the key that gives piracetam users the ability to channel greater brain potential by connecting the logical side of the brain with the creative side more effectively, Yin and Yang if you will.

“Piracetam can help to slow down ‘senile involution’, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”

What are the doses of piracetam? A common dose is 800mg tablets three times a day, then lowering to 800 mg twice a day after the first month. Note: The effects of piracetam can be enhanced if taken concurrently with centrophenoxine or Hydergine®. Side effects are minimal and seldom experienced, but should you experience nausea or headache then it is usually caused by an overdose, so in which case reduce the dose and build up more slowly, (if it is necessary). Note: There are many articles and videos on the IAS website about smart drugs and nutrients.

Right: The Corpus Callosum • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




ENHANCING AND IMPROVING STEM - CELL AC TIVIT Y Stem Cell Worx® is an intraoral spray that contains a very high-grade bovine colostrum, (with over 30% of the antibody IgG and over 54% protein) along with a 98% pure trans-resveratrol and 95% fucoidan (a seaweed extract). should not be confused with embryonic stem cells that come from an embryo. The Stem Cell Worx® supplement is designed specifically to enhance one’s own adult stem cells naturally. Stem Cell Worx® is an intraoral spray providing an absorption rate of up to 95% of its nutrients. This is important because in order for adult stem cells to be stimulated, it is the blood that is the principal carrier of nutrients and oxygen to our cells. In order to enhance cell activation you need three key factors, which are: • Growth factors • Immune factors and • Cytokines Stem Cell Worx® has all three of these factors in abundance and it is scientifically proven they are most effective when administered by intraoral spray delivery. Time takes its toll on adult stem cells. At 65 years of age, the release rate of adult stem cells entering the bloodstream has dropped


Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Mesenchymal stem cells shown as a proportion of total cells in bone marrow. Lots of MSCs in our younger years. MSCs repair muscle, bone cartilage and tendons. MSCs rapidly decline with age. Longer repair and recovery times. More prone to aging and disease.

1/100,000 1/250,000



Age 30



Age 50

Figure 1: The decline in stem cells with advancing age.


Age 80


% of Bone Marrow Cells Proliferated

This natural health supplement is designed to activate the body’s own adult stem-cells in order to provide a robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in the body, cellular health is clearly crucial to overall well-being and good health. Hence, adult stem cells working at optimal levels provide the platform for many cumulative health benefits. Unfortunately, as we age, our own adult stem cells decline rapidly, along with their release rates from the bone marrow, and our immune system weakens. Whilst stem cell clinics are at the forefront of antiaging medicine today, the process of full adult stem cell therapy is very expensive and has many regulatory restrictions. Adult stem cells are the master cells of the body that have the ability to maintain, selfrenew and repair cells, tissue and muscle throughout an entire life-time. These cells are referred to as autologous, haematopoietic (blood), mesenchymal or stromal stem cells. Adult stem cells

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0





Stem Cell Worx Concentration (mg/ml)

Figure 2: This study used blood samples from healthy humans. The adult stem cell proliferation percentages were determined by flow cytometry, measured in mgs of the Stem Cell Worx formulation. As this graph demonstrates the Stem Cell Worx formulation produces steady percentages of bone marrow stem cell proliferation being dose dependant, but still active at a relatively low dosage of mgs.

by 80% compared to youth. It is important to keep them activated. The good news is it is now possible to reverse this statistic.

Stem Cell Worx® benefits Stem Cell Worx® contains the greatest number of natural growth and immune factors compared to any other health supplement currently on the market. This enables natural stem cell activation to be as much as 75% per 36mg of the formulation. This provides: • Support to naturally increase adult stem cells, providing the platform for many cumulative health benefits including: • Increased energy and endurance. • Boosting the immune system. • Improved alertness and mental clarity. • Faster recovery after your • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

exercise regime and faster repair and recovery after surgery, injury or illness. • Helping to build muscle, burn fat and maintain natural weight loss in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime. IAS choose Stem Cell Worx® over other purported stem-cell activators on the basis of evidence. Figure 2 demonstrates the benefits of supplementing daily with Stem Cell Worx.

Dosing Six sprays into the mouth provide 36mgs of formulation. This can be performed once or twice daily as required. Spray under the tongue, hold for 10 seconds, then swallow the remainder. It’s best taken on an empty stomach, at least 30-minutes before or after eating any food.

SPOTLIGHT: THYROID SUPPORT FOR THE HYPOTHYROID EPIDEMIC Dr. Broda Barnes in the 1970s estimated that 40% of the adult population was deficient in thyroid hormones; he published this statement in his excellent book‘hypothyroidism, the unsuspected epidemic.’ Since then, pupils of Dr. Barnes, such as Dr. Richard Wilkinson, have suggested that this figure could be even greater now! This is important because the thyroid gland is of pivotal importance to our overall health, but like the majority of hormones as we age the production of thyroid hormones decline. This lack of thyroid function is the root cause of a wide variety of agerelated health disorders. Ergo, supplementation with a synthetic or a natural thyroid can have a significant positive effect on a wide range of agerelated problems.

The importance of the thyroid gland The hormones produced by the thyroid control the body’s metabolism- the rate at which it burns calories for energy. It also controls the body’s utilization of fat, so a decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland, (known as hypothyroidism) can result in wide range of symptoms such as poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet and weight gain. Another serious condition which can be caused by and result from an underactive thyroid are painful musculoskeletal issues that affect tendons, muscles and ligaments.

How can I be sure if I need a thyroid supplement? Above: The position of the thyroid gland

Apart from recognising the types of effects listed above, your doctor can of course get your blood

levels of thyroid checked, but another, simpler method is to take your body temperature when you wake in the morning. It should be in the range of 97.8 to 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit, if it is regularly lower you could be hypothyroid and if higher then hyper-thyroid.

Choosing between synthetic and natural thyroid supplements IAS stocks a comprehensive range of both synthetic and natural thyroids, although we advocate the use of a natural supplement over a synthetic, this is because products such as Armour® are of a porcine origin, so they naturally contain the full spectrum of T1, T2, T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, (note the bottles only list the amounts of T3 and T4 because very few physicians are familiar with T1 and T2).

Conversion between synthetic and natural thyroid products The table provided is a helpful guide to what the suggested conversion rates are for those wishing to make the switch between synthetic thyroids and natural versions. As always we recommend consulting with a physician before making changes to your program.

Thyroid doses Natural desiccated thyroids are measured in grains; with one grain being equivalent to approximately 60 mg. IAS carries doses from ¼ grain to 2 grains, with brands including Armour®, ERFA® and Nature®. IAS also provides synthetic T3 in 20 mcg and T4 in 100 mcg tablets.

Thyroid supplements provide potent antiaging protection Many aging individuals can benefit from taking a thyroid supplement because this remarkable hormone has such a profound affect across so many different conditions. Many antiaging physicians consider thyroid support an essential part of any serious attempt to improve a person’s health-span and longevity.

Dose of Desiccated thyroid (grains)

Equivalents (mg)

Dose of T3 (lithyronine) (μg)

Dose of T4 (levothyroxine) (μg)












0.2 0.3











0.5 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




THE PEP TIDE B IOR EG U L ATOR S FOR S KIN Four peptide bioregulators have now been combined into topical skin preparations so that their unique gene-switching performance can be bought to the field of aesthetic medicine. What does each peptide provide for? The beauty product line Youth Gems® contains the following four peptides and a ginseng extract called Neovitin®. They represent the very latest developed program of complex skin care designed for the face, neck, hands and the body. The line includes four unique active ingredients of shortchain peptides that have a directed tissue-specific action to improve all basic skin structures: • Thymus peptide: This stimulates tissue regeneration and the synthesis of tissue-specific proteins. Thus, cells proliferative and metabolic activity is enhanced- accelerating the renewal of various cell tissues. It also has an anti-inflammatory action, improving the healing time of wounds, as well as antioxidant, immune stimulating and anti-stress actions. • Pineal peptide: This regulates metabolic processes and increases protein synthesis in skin cells. It also possesses potent antioxidant activity, normalizes the lipid peroxidation processes in skin cells that in turn promotes the elimination of negative influences on the skin from external factors.


• Cartilaginous peptide. This stimulates regeneration of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and interferes with the destructive changes in collagen skin structure; it also strengthens collagen structure of elastic skin fibers and increases elasticity. • Blood vessel peptide: This regulates metabolic processes in the vascular wall, normalizes vascular tone and restores disturbed skin microcirculation. It strengthens and regulates the permeability of the vascular walls of skin vessels and improves skin turgor.

What else is included in Youth Gems® in addition to the four peptides? In addition to the four peptides, the Youth Gems® also contain an incredible array of beneficial natural agents- which just by themselves would make other antiaging creams jealous! The range includes: Neovitin® (a complex isolated from ginseng), olive oil, raisin-seed oil, Argon oil, Soya oil, Jojoba oil, Bisabolol (extract from chamomile), Peony extract, sodium hyaluronate (a derivative of hyaluronic acid), green tea extract, cocoa oil,

carrageenan (from seaweed), winter bloom, almond extract and vitamin E.

What results have been seen? Clinical trials and examinations have been conducted at the St. Petersburg Biogerontology Institute and they have concluded that these short chain peptides, when applied to skin cells, have many beneficial activities, shown below are some of those results. These include improved metabolism in vascular wall cells, the growth of new skin cells, enhanced antioxidant activity; increased blood flow circulation and greater moisturization. The skin’s appearance becomes smoother, with fewer wrinkles and with more elasticity, all of which helps to lift the face contours producing a more radiant, youthful appearance. These beneficial effects were noted in 100% of women who took part in the voluntary clinica trial.

Right: A 68 year old female before (top) and after (below) application of Youth Gems® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

What’s available? • Body milk: The body milk is a very light cream that can be applied to most areas of the body. • Day cream: The day cream is the core product designed to be applied to the face and hands. • Serum: The serum is designed to be used sparingly against the most noticeable skin aging effects on the face and neck. • Tonic: This cleanser can be used to help any area become more firm and taught and may be splashed on as required. All of the Youth Gems® should be applied onto clean, dry skin- avoiding the eyes; makeup can be applied after absorption - if required.

CONDITION CROSS-REFERENCE LIST This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used for these disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together.

Addison’s disease Aldosterone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®) ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental stimulants) Adrenal fatigue Aldosterone, Digestif®, hydrocortisone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®) AGE (advanced glycated end-product inhibitors) ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C™ Plus, carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine

Rotational Melatonin Telomeres Peptide biomarker (Endoluten®), TA65® Anti-biotics Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline Anti-depressants Lithium, milnacipran (Ixel®), moclobemide (Manerix®), reboxetine (Edronax®), Stablon®, Valdoxan®, venlafaxine (Efexor®) Anti-oxidants (see free radical scavengers)

Age Related Macular Degeneration (see eyesight)

Anxiety (see stress)

Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive)

ARMD (see eyesight)

Aids (see HIV)

Arterial (See heart, arterial & blood)

Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine

Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo) Andro-Pro™, Gerovital-H3®, Novisyn®, PEO pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus,

Allergies Pregnenolone, thymus

Asthma (see Allergies)

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease) Naltrexone, TRH

Autism (also see chelation agents) Oxytocin, piracetam

Alzheimer’s disease (see senile dementia)

Back problems (see spine)

Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone)

Bell’s palsy Vitamin B12

Anginas (see heart, arterial & blood)

Blood disorders (see heart, arterial & blood)

Animal use Can-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan, peptide bioregulators

Blood pressure Magnesium, Neo40®, oxytocin, potassium, propranolol, vinpocetine

Antiaging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging) Calorie Restriction Carnosine, metformin, resveratrol

Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis) AndroPro™, Bone-Pro2™, Esnatri™, peptide bioregulator (Bonomarlot®), progesterone, SAMe, thyroid

Free radical ACF228™

Breathing (see lungs)

Glycation Aminoguanidine

Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation) 1st Line™, anastrozole, BEC5® Curaderm, bromocriptine, curcumin, DIM-Pro2™, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, oxaloacetate, progesterone, resveratrol, thymus, TRH, vitamin D3

Hayflick Carnosine, TA65® Membrane Centrophenoxine Mitochondrial Hydergine®, PQQ

Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders)

Neuroendocrine Metformin, TRH • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Cataplexy (sudden fatigue) Adrafinil, picamilone

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Diabetes Acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, L-carnosine, metformin, Mito-Pro2™, PEO, peptide bioregulator (Suprefort®), pyridoxamine, thyroid, TRH

Peptide bioregulator (Cerluten®)

Diabetes insipidus (see urination)

Chelation agents Carnosine, centrophenoxine, EDTA, zeolite

Dieting (see weight loss)

Cataract (see eyesight)

Cholesterol (see blood disorders) Crohn’s disease Naltrexone Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement) Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias)

Digestive issues Digestif®, peptide bioregulator (Stamakort®), Symprove® DNA support (also see telomeres) Carnosine, CoQ10, PEO, peptide bioregulators, PQQ, resveratrol, TA65®, vitamin D3 Down’s syndrome Melatonin, piracetam

Alertness Adrafinil, Xan-Pro™

Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants)

Creativity Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam

Enzymes Boluoke®

Focus/ concentration Deprenyl, desmopressin, vasopressin

Epilepsy GABOB, phenytoin

Energy ATP-Boost™, centrophenoxine, Mito-Pro2™, picamilone

Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido & premature ejaculation) Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, deprenyl, Neo40®, oxytocin, Viagra®, Vielight®

General support Gerovital-H3®, vinpocetine


Intelligence Hydergine®


Work load Hydergine®, thyroid Compulsive disorder treatment (also see alcoholism) 5HTP, GABOB, L-tryptophan, picamilone

Cataracts Can-C™, Can-C™ Plus Contact lenses Can-C™ Dry eyes Can-C™

Cortisol alteration (also see stress) Aldosterone, DHEA, GABOB, Gerovital-H3®, hydrocortisone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®), phenytoin

General support Aminoguanidine, peptide bioregulator (Visoluten®), vinpocetine

Cross linking (see AGE)

Retinal MZS™, nicergoline, picamilone

Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers)

Retinal pigmentosa Picamilone, peptide bioregulator (Visoluten®)

Dental (see teeth & gums) Depression (also see well-being & anti-depressants) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, curcumin, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, lithium, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus, thyroid, vitamin D3 DHT alternation (dihydrotestosterone) Dutasteride, finasteride, peptide bioregulator (Libidon®), progesterone

Glaucoma Can-C™

Excitotoxins (reduction) Carnosine, deprenyl, idebenone, lithium, memantine Fertility Melatonin, metformin, peptide bioregulator (Zhenoluten®), TRH Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental stimulants & pain relief) 1st Line™, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin Free radical scavengers ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, BHT, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™ Gastrointestinal (see digestive)

34 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Herpes (also see anti-biotics) 1st Line™, ACF228™, BHT, silver

Glaucoma (see eyesight) Glucose control (see diabetes) Glycation prevention (see AGE)

HIV (also see immune system improvement) 1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, thymus

Gout Colchicine

HGH (see growth hormone)

Growth hormone (improvement) Bromocriptine, deprenyl, GABOB, GHRP2, GHRP6, Hydergine®, Neo40®, sermorelin, thymus, thyroid

Homocysteine (see heart, arterial and blood)

Hashimoto’s Iodine, peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®), thyroid Hair improvement Dercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, PEO

HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women) DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, progesterone Human growth hormone (see growth hormone) Hypertension (see blood pressure)

Headaches (see migraines)

Hypothyroidism Iodine, peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®), thyroid

Heath diagnostics (see at home test kits)

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Symprove®

Hearing disorders Aldosterone, Anacervix®, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

Immune system improvement (also see infections) 1st Line™, ATP-Boost™, carnosine, melatonin, peptide bioregulator (Vladonix®), peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®), resveratrol, thymus, thyroid

Heart, arterial & blood (includes blood markers) Arteries (hard) Aminoguanidine, Bio-CUFF™, carnosine, resveratrol Blood pressure (high) Magnesium, Neo40®, potassium, propranolol, vinpocetine Calcium Peptide bioregulator (Bobothyrk®) Cholesterol (high) CoQ10, Gerovital-H3®, TRH, Xan-Pro™ Dilation (nitric-oxide) Deprenyl, Neo40®, Vielight® Fibrinogen Curcumin, TRH General support CoQ10, PEO, peptide bioregulators (Chelohart® & Ventfort®), PQQ, vinpocetine

Infections (also see immune system improvement, antibiotics & influenzas) 1st Line™, beta-glucans, fluconazole, silver Inflammation (reduction) Boluoke®, curcumin, Digestif®, PEO, pregnenolone, thymus Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement) 1st Line™, beta-glucans, vitamin D3 Injectable products Cerebrolysin®, Gerovital®, vitamin B12 Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes)

Glucose (high) Acarbose, metformin, TRH

Intestinal flora (see probiotics)

Glycated end-products ACF228®, aminoguanidine, metformin

Intra-ear products Aldo-Spray™

Heart pulse (irregular) ATP-Boost™, thyroid Heavy metals (chelate) EDTA, zeolite Homocysteine TRH Lipofuscin Centrophenoxine Plaques (clots) Boluoke® Triglycerides Curcumin, PEO, TRH Hepatitis (see liver and infections)

Intra-nasal products Desmopressin, GHRP6 (ReleasePro™), vasopressin, Vielight® Joints (also see bones & arthritis) Boluoke®, Novisyn®, PEO, peptide bioregulator (Sigumir®), pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus Kidney disorders (also see infections) Aminoguanidine, peptide bioregulator (Pielotak®) SAMe, TRH Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants) Aniracetam, desmopressin, Hydergine®, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Libido (see sex)

Muscles (see sarcopenia)

Lipids (see blood disorders)

Nail condition Gerovital-H3®, PEO

Liver disorders (also see infections) CoQ10, idebenone, peptide bioregulator (Svetinorm®), pregnenolone, SAMe, silver

Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime) Adrafinil, melatonin, picamilone

Longevity enhancement (significant lifespan increases seen in animal studies) Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, melatonin, peptide bioregulator (Endoluten®) vasopressin Lou Gehrig’s disease (see ALS) Lungs ACF228™ Breathe-Easy, centrophenoxine, glutathione, peptide bioregulator (Taxorest®)

Oral health care (see teeth & gums) Osteoporosis (see bone problems) Pain relief (general) ATP-Boost™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran, nicergoline, oxytocin Parasites (see infections)

Lupus Milnacipran, naltrexone

Parkinson’s disease (see senile dementia)

Lyme’s 1st Line™, beta-glucans, silver

Pets (see animal use)

Macular degeneration (see eyesight)

Photoaging (see skin problems)

Malaria (see anti-biotics)

Ph balance (rebalancing) Symprove®

Menopause (see HRT)

Physical energy improvement (also see mental stimulants) ATP-Boost™, carnosine, CoQ10, idebenone, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, oxaloacetate, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe

Mental stimulants (also see physical stimulants) Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin, Xan-Pro™ Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia) General support PEO, picamilone, vinpocetine Imprinting (for later recall) Desmopressin, vasopressin Medium-long term Hydergine® Short term Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Speed of recall Centrophenoxine Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body) ATP-Boost™, Boluoke®, Mito-Pro2™, SAMe, Xan-Pro™

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) PEO, peptide bioregulator (Zhenoluten®), vinpocetine Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile dysfunction & sex-libido) Oxytocin Probiotics Symprove® Prostate (also see cancer) DIM-Pro2™, dutasteride, finasteride, melatonin, peptide bioregulators (Chitomur® & Libidon®), Prostate-Pro2™, vitamin D3 Prolactin alteration Bromocriptine, cabergoline, GABOB PSA (prostate specific antigen- see prostate)

Migraines (also see pain relief) Nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, vitamin B12

Urination (frequent) Peptide bioregulator (Chitomur®), vasopressin

Mitochondrial support ATP-Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, glutathione, Hydergine®, idebenone, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, oxaloacetate, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe

RNA (see DNA support)

Mtor inhibitors Curcumin, oxaloacetate, resveratrol Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support) Melatonin, naltrexone, TRH


Nitric Oxide release Neo40®, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips, Vielight®

Sarcopenia (muscle atrophy/ wastage) GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulator (Gotratix®), sermorelin Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory) Alzheimer’s Centrophenoxine, curcumin, galantamine, Hydergine®, memantine, nicergoline • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

General support Anacervix®, aniracetam, PEO, piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine, Parkinson’s Bromocriptine, cabergoline, deprenyl, NADH, rasagiline Senility Gerovital-H3® Sex (libido, also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation) Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, MSH, oxytocin Skin problems (also see herpes and tanning) Acne Beta-glucans

Stress (also see cortisol) 5HTP, GABOB, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, pregnenolone, propranolol Stroke Anacervix®, aniracetam, Boluoke®, Hydergine®, idebenone, nicergoline, PEO, picamilone, piracetam, PQQ, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine Stomach (see digestive) Sublingual products Oxytocin, sermorelin, TRH Sunburn (see skin problems)

Age (liver) spots Centrophenoxine

Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome) Aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, melatonin, metformin, Mito-Pro2™, PEO

Anti-glycation Aminoguanidine, carnosine, Youth Gems® serum

Tanning (darkening the coloration of skin) MSH

Anti-oxidant Youth Gems® day cream Cancer (non-melanoma) BEC5® Curaderm Cellulite Youth Gems® body milk

Teeth & gum disorders Doxycycline, Min-Mouth™ mouthwash, NeyDent® toothpaste, silver, zeolite Telomeres (also see DNA support) Carnosine, PEO, peptide bioregulator (Endoluten®), TA65® Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate) Anastrozole, Andro-Pro™, DIM-Pro2™, melatonin, oxytocin, peptide bioregulator (Testoluten®), TRH, zinc

Collagen Novisyn® Environmental Youth Gems® serum General support Gerovital-H3®, melatonin, PEO, thyroid Infections Silver, thymus Moisturizer Youth Gems® day cream Psoriasis Beta-glucans Sun spots (keratosis) BEC5® Curaderm Wounds Silver

Topical products BEC5®, beta-glucans, Can-C™ eyedrops, Esnatri™, progesterone, Retin-A®, silver, Youth Gems® Triglycerides (see blood disorders) Veterinarian (see animal use) Weight gain (muscle mass) Andro-Pro™, GABOB, GHRP6, sermorelin Weight loss (appetite suppressants and fat burners) 5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, DIMPro2™, galantamine, GHRP2, L-tryptophan, metformin, Mito-Pro2™, MSH2, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™

Wrinkles Retin-A® Sleep disorders For less sleep Adrafinil, ATP-Boost™ For more sleep 5HTP, gabapentin, L-tryptophan, melatonin Smoking cessation 5HTP

Well-being (also see depression) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, deprenyl, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, PEO, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, thymus, thyroid, zeolite

Spine issues (also see growth hormone) Novisyn®, peptide bioregulator (Sigumir®) Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone) Stem Cells Stem Cell Worx® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


A-Z INGREDIENT LIST The following list is intended to highlight the key ingredients in some products and cross reference them to the most relevant product brand names. Note: Those products with the same name as the ingredients are not shown here as they are within the A-Z product list.

If you want this-




Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)

ATP-Boost™, Vigor-Pro2™



Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


Buxamin (GABOB)

Gamalate®, Gamibetal®







Allicin (garlic)




Alpha lipoic acid (R-lipoic acid)

ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™





Chelation agents

Amino acids (includes di-peptides)

5HTP, ACF228™, ATPBoost™, carnosine, L-tryptophan, Mito-Pro2™

Carnosine, centrophenoxine, DMSA, EDTA-Pro™, zeolite



Aminohydroxybutyric acid (GABOB)

Gamalate®, Gamibetal®

Chromium polynicotinate






Co-dergocrine mesilate




Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10, Mito-Pro2™


Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline

Colloidal Silver



Stem Cell Worx®

Cortisol (cortisone)

Fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone

Cranberry extracts






look for:


Lithium, milnacipran, moclobemide, reboxetine, Stablon®, Valdoxan®, venlafaxine


See free radical scavengers,

Cresote bush

ACF228®, Digestif®








Astragalus extracts


CoQ10-SR™, Curcumin-SR™, resveratrol

Azelaic acid







Benzoic acid


DIM-Pro2™, EDTA-Pro™, zeolite

Beta blocker


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)


Beta alistine

Carnosine, ACF228®, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™



Beta glucan

BG-Cream™, BG-Pro™

Di-IndolylMethane (DIM)

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™





BHT (butylhydroxytoluene)

ACF228™, BHT-Pro™

Blueberry extracts



Andro-Pro™, Can-C™

DMAE (dimethylaminoeth- Centrophenoxine anol) DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic ACF228™, DMSA-Pro™ acid) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) Laetrile

Natural (animal): Armour® thyroid, ERFA® thyroid, Nature® thyroid, thymus, vasopressin


Can-C Plus™

Dr. Dean’s recommendations

Acarbose, centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, Hydergine®, metformin, piracetam, Xan-Pro™

Dr. Pierpaoli’s recommendations

Melatonin, TRH

Dr. Wright’s recommendations

DHEA, Esnatri™, progesterone



EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)


HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women)

DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, progesterone



Hair-Pro™, Novisyn®



Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan)




EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)


Hydergine (ergoloid mesylates)

IGF-1 (LR3)

Ergoloid mesylate

Hydergine®, nicergoline

IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor one) Indol-3-Carbinol (I3C)


Iodide/ Iodine Ixel® Ketoconazole L-arginine L-carnitine L-carnosine

ACF228™, Iodine-Pro™ Milnacipran Nizoral® Mito-Pro2™ Mito-Pro2™ Carnosine, ACF228®, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™ Neo40® Can-C Plus™ Digestif® ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™

Estrogens (estradiol, estriol, Esnatri™ estrone) Finasteride




Folic acid (folate)

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™§

Free radical scavengers

ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, BHT, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, pyritinol




Stem Cell Worx®

GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid)

Gamalate®, picamilone


Gamalate®, Gamibetal®




Youth Gems®




ACF228®, ACG

Glycerine (glycerin)



BEC5 Curaderm®

Hawthorne Berry (crataegus)


HGH (human growth hormone/ somatropin)

GABOB, GHRP2, GHRP6, sermorelin

Hormones (includes Bio-identical: Aldosterone, hormonal support supple- DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, ments) MSH, oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, TRH

Synthetic: Desmopressin, Eutirox® thyroid, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, T3-Pro™ Supporting agents: DIMPro2™, GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulators, SAMe, sermorelin

L-citrulline L-histidine Licorice Lipoic acid (includes R-lipoic acid) L-methione Lucidril® Lumbrokinase Magnesium

Malic Acid Manganese Mastic Meclofenoxane Melanocyte stimulating hormone Mild Silver Protein Milk protein Minerals (general) Minoxidil N-acetylcarnosine N-acetylcysteine Namenda®

ACF228™, Can-C Plus™ Centrophenoxine Boluoke® Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro2™, Digestif®, Gamalate®, Magnesium-Pro™, Mito-Pro2™ EDTA-Pro™ Mito-Pro2™ Digestif® Centrophenoxine MSH2 Silver Bone-Pro2™ Min-Mouth™ (mouthwash), Volt-Pro™ Minox-Pro™ Can-C™ ACF228™, Can-C™ Plus Memantine • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Neurontin® Nettle root extract Niacin (nicotinate, niacinamide, vitamin B3) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Nootropil®/ Nootropyl® Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) Omega 3 (DHA) Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA) Omega 9 (oleic acid) Oxythiocynate (OCSN) Parent Essential Oils (PEO) PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) Panthenol (pantothenic acid) PCPA (paarachlorophenoxyacetic acid) Pepermint Oil Peptides

Pimagedine Pomegranate extracts Potassium Prasterone Propionyl-L-carnitine Probiotics Procaine (Novocain®) Pygeum africanum Pyroloquinoline quinone Quercetin Red clover herb extracts Reminyl® Resveratrol Retinolic acid (tretinoin) Ribonucleic acids (RNA) Salicylic acid S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Saw palmetto (Serena Repens) Selenium



Gabapentin Prostate-Pro2™ Picamilone, Xan-Pro™



Thiocynates Thyroids

Solasodine glycosides

Piracetam ACF228™, Digestif® PEO-Pro™ PEO-Pro™ PEO-Pro™ 1st Line™ PEO-Pro™ Gerovital® Mito-Pro2™ Centrophenoxine Min-Mouth™ mouth rinse Cerebrolysin®, GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulators, sermorelin, TRH, Youth Gems® Aminoguanidine Andro-Pro™ Gerovital®, Potassium-Pro™ DHEA Vigor-Pro2™ Symprove® Gerovital® Prostate-Pro2™ PQQ Digestif® Prostate-Pro2™ Galantamine Resveratrol-SR™, Stem Cell Worx® Retin-A®, Retirides® Cerebrolysin®, NeyDent® toothpaste BEC5 Curaderm®, Sol Answer™ SAMe MinSaw™, Prostate-Pro2™

Thyrotropin releasing hormone Tribulus terrestris TRX Turmeric

ACS®, Min-Mouth™ mouth rinse BEC5 Curaderm®, Sol-Answer™ 1st Line™ Natural brands: Armour®, ERFA®, Nature® Synthetic brands: Eutirox® (T4), T3-Pro® (T3) Supporting agents: Peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®) TRH Andro-Pro™ Hair-Pro™ Curcumin

Ubiquinone, ubiquinol


VEGF Vincamine Vinpocetine Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxine)

Hair-Pro™ Anacervix® Vin-Pro™ Mito-Pro2™ Mito-Pro2™ Mito-Pro2™, Picamilone, Xan-Pro™ ACF228™, Andro-Pro™, DIM-Pro2™, Gamalate®, pyridoxamine DIM-Pro2™, Neo40® Laetrile Bone-Pro2™, D3, Prostate-Pro2™ Digestif®, MinSaw™, Neo40® Can-C Plus™, DIM-Pro2™, Prostate-Pro2™ Bone-Pro2™

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Vitamin B17 Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin E (tocopherols) Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone) Yohimbine Zeolite Zinc

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WE’ VE GONE GREEN! After several months of work overhauling the IAS website in 2015, we are pleased to announce its refresh and update in January 2016. There is a new color and look and it’s a mobile friendly site with drop-down menus making navigation easier, helping you to find what you need faster. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you can find at: SHOP All Products » Search by A-Z » Search by Ingredients » New Products » Special Offers PRODUCT CATEGORIES » Books » Diagnostics » Hormones » Medicines » Nutrition » Peptides » Smart Drugs » Topicals » Others INFO Health Conditions » Search via cross-reference list Aging Matters™ magazine » Download all the back issues

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