Aging Matters Issue 5, 2015

Page 1

No 5, 2015

US $8.00/ EU €6.00/ GB £5.00 where sold The in-house magazine for International Antiaging Society Group Private Club Members

PASSION, SEX & LONG LIFE Dr. Hertoghe discusses the oxytocin adventure PLUS:

Stop Feeling Tired

Dr Ward Dean answers your questions

The Magic Of Minerals


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*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.


WELCOME I’m delighted to place as the lead article, a recent interview I conducted with Dr. Thierry Hertoghe at his clinic in Brussels, Belgium. Indeed, the interview can be viewed on You Tube if you so prefer. If you are regular attendee at any antiaging congress, then you have probably already seen Dr. Hertoghe and his Avant Garde and practical approach to antiaging; it is fundamentally based on hormones. In this interview we focus on oxytocin, under the remarkable title of; ‘passion, sex and long life’ which mimics that of Dr. Hertoghe’s book on the same subject. In addition, we report on the importance of minerals and in particular the ionic forms. IAS is pleased to introduce a range of liquid minerals, including electrolytes and a unique mouth rinse. We also welcome John van Limburg Stirum, M.D. from Switzerland and his first contribution regarding how to support and enhance our mitochondria and energy production systems. It’s important stuff, since clearly without energy and its initiation of inherent repair processes we can go downhill and age very quickly indeed. These are all aspects to stay strong!

CONTENTS WELCOME Phil says thanks for finding the time


FOREFRONT This month’s news


PASSION, SEX AND LONG LIFE An interview with Dr. Thierry Hertoghe


THE MAGIC OF MINER ALS Replenish and recharge yourself


STOP FEELING TIRED Supporting and nurturing the mitochondria


DR . WARD DEAN ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS One of our most popular features


FEATURED PRODUCTS Best sellers and new items


A-Z PRODUCT LISTING AND PRICES Phil Micans, MS, PharmB Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine

Ward Dean M.D., Medical Director

Find everything in-stock here


CROSS -REFERENCE LISTS Find what you need here


TESTIMONIALS & EXPLANATIONS Nice comments from nice people




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Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members (and therefore is not intended for the public). It focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual. Copyright 2015: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. Disclaimer: All educational information is offered under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. The opinions expressed by the writers may not be those of IAS or the magazine. All prices shown are in US Dollars and are for reference purposes only and they do not include taxes (where applicable), nor do they include shipping & handling fees. Prices, conditions and terms are subject to change without notice.



Scientists tear up the textbooks on immunity The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, its function is to carry immune cells and clean out toxins and waste in a clear liquid known as lymph. It has been a long excepted as fact that the brain is the only major organ that lacks a direct connection to the lymphatic system; that was until Antoine Louveau, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Virginia, noticed something seemingly impossible through his microscope when looking at brain tissue - a lymphatic vessel.

“All the textbooks said there were not supposed to be any lymphatic vessels in that area,” said Louveau, but after he and UVA neuroscientist Jonathan Kipnis ran a series of tests, they discovered Louveau was right. “It was exactly what we thought it couldn’t be,” Louveau said. His co-author Kipnis told The Scientist that “... scientists used to think that the brain was totally cut off from the immune system and that if immune cells were found there, something was going wrong,”.

But in recent years other studies have found other links between the immune system and the brain which before were considered impossible, such as the work of Maiken Nedergaard, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Nedergaard said “It gives us a new tool,”. “In biology and medicine, if you understand something, you [can start to] find new targets for treatments.” Experts greeted the study, published in the journal Nature, with a note

of cautious excitement. Now the onus is on other researchers to replicate the results and confirm the vessel exists in humans, since the existing study principally examined the brains of mice. If confirmed though, the discovery could have huge implications for our understanding of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis (MS), plus offer new routes to potential treatments of other conditions that involve the brain and the immune system such as meningitis.

“In biology and medicine, if you understand something, you [can start to] find new targets for treatments.” 4 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

FOREFRONT Gene editing technology a new frontier for medicine “What if you could go right to the root cause of that disease and repair the broken gene? That’s what people are excited about,” says Katrine Bosley, chief executive of privately held Editas Medicine. A number of research teams around the globe have high hopes for a new gene-editing technology that could provide them with unprecedented power to combat previously incurable diseases. Although unlikely to be available for many years,

companies are investigating gene editing technology called Crispr-Cas9, which is showing great promise when treating diseases caused by a mutated gene such as cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anemia.

maker AstraZeneca on using Crispr-Cas9. “It will be, ‘Oh, my child was born with sickle cell. We’re just going to change that.’ ”

“In 10, 15 years, our relationship with genetic disease will be very different from today,” says Jacob Corn, managing director of the Innovative Genomics Initiative, which is collaborating with drug

Metformin Miracle Pill

Metformin has been used for years, mainly as a treatment

for diabetes, however now it is hoped that tests being

carried out this year will show definitively it is much more than that. When treating diabetes, Metformin increases sensitivity to insulin, by encouraging your liver to produce less glucose. It has been used in this manner for over 60 years; however scientists have also discovered through testing that it can increase lifespan and delay the onset of other diseases. Scientists are meeting the

FDA to try and a get a clinical trial, during which they propose to give Metformin to 3000 elderly people who suffer from, or have a high risk of suffering from, diseases such as cancer, heart disease, or cognitive problems. By following the results it will be possible to prove if Metformin does prevent age related diseases, diabetes and indeed, lengthens life span as it has been shown to in animal studies.

“ will be possible to prove if Metformin does prevent age related diseases, diabetes and indeed, lengthens life span...” • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Phil Micans Interviews the Renowned Hormone Therapist

Dr Thierry Hertoghe in Brussels, Belgium

Subject: Passion, Sex and Long Life, The Oxytocin Adventure

PM: Well, it’s a great pleasure to be here on a lovely warm morning in Brussels with Dr Thierry Hertoghe. Good Morning, Thierry and thank you for finding the time. TH: Thank you Phil, I am very honoured to be able to talk with you and Antiaging-Systems. PM: You are too kind, actually too kind, a true gentleman, we know that very well. PM: Now there’ll be a lot of people watching who will be very familiar with you, your work, your books, many things that you have been involved in. But perhaps in your own words, please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background. 6

TH: Well I am a doctor who works in hormone therapy and also what is called antiaging medicine. Basically, it is more reversing aging medicine, and I’m a very enthusiastic doctor working in this sector, I work with 9 doctors in my centre in Brussels. I am also the President of the International Hormone Society which has about 3000 physician members, and the World Society of Antiaging Medicine which has about 8000 physician members. And I write books, I have a book called The Hormone Handbook, which is probably the most solid book on how to do hormone therapy for physicians. And I have also an Atlas of Endocrinology for Hormone Therapy which is also a good seller. We will probably talk about this small book-one of the small books that I wrote--about oxytocin, • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

which is very interesting. So basically, I think I work in medicine that makes people enthusiastic, and myself, certainly. PM: That’s wonderful. Indeed, that comes over from you very much and many people will know, of course, that you are one of the leaders in antiaging medicine. Where do you think, in general, antiaging medicine is today? TH: Well, antiaging medicine is further than we thought we would ever go, and it is going further on. Three years ago, for example, I thought I knew almost everything, and I can say I knew very little. We are now more into what is called reversing aging, and I think, and I really believe, that the dream will come true in the next 20-30 years--for maybe 10-20% of people we will probably be able to totally reverse aging from age 70 back to age 35, for example. PM: Wow, that’s just fantastic news! I know there are many topics we can cover today, but I think we will concentrate on one or two, and we would love to talk a little bit more about oxytocin in just a moment.

Passion Sex and Long Life, The Oxytocin Adventure PM: Quite recently, Thierry, you wrote a book called Passion, Sex and Long Life, the Oxytocin Adventure. Can you tell us a little bit, what is oxytocin? TH: Oxytocin is a hormone, and maybe the only reason why you and I are together here and the cameraman is there. It’s a hormone that brings people together, makes you more affectionate, you want to see people, you’re not disturbed by people, you like them. It’s also a hormone that is very important. It is the hormone of orgasm. If you have a very strong feeling, and if you have an orgasm, you have to have a high enough level of oxytocin. And there are many more important actions of oxytocin that are explained in the book. For example, people with autism, children with autism, or adults with schizophrenia, get much less schizophrenic or much less autistic with this small molecule.

daughter, and I began talking to the people there very easily, asking questions, and I was so sociable and I even began talking very easily with the horses… So basically, this was a surprise to me, and it was also very pleasant. I saw this also with family members, that there was a change when they took oxytocin. So I really think this is a very crucial hormone that makes relationships between people much better. PM: That could explain, of course, why the press has dubbed it “the bonding hormone,” or sometimes even “the love hormone“-- we’ve heard those expressions before. Does that help to explain some of its medical uses, in say, schizophrenia, where people need the empathy, they need that connection? TH: Absolutely. Those people with schizophrenia or autism not only have low levels of oxytocin, but the receptors where oxytocin works are not as good quality, are low in number, and don’t work so well. So, in my experience it is the best treatment they should have. It’s not the only treatment, but certainly it is the number one treatment. PM: I suspect a lot of doctors who might be watching, will be saying ‘Ah I know about oxytocin, we use it to aid childbirth.’ But we are talking, obviously, about very different uses, and we will get a little bit into the different ways to use oxytocin and the different dosages. So obviously, it is way beyond just to aid childbirth. TH: Yes. There are two classical ways, one is in breastfeeding. It improves breast feeding, and it improves also childbirth, delivery. It makes the uterus contract more so the delivery will be quicker and the baby gets out of the uterus. PM: Yes, that great. I’m sure our viewers will be looking forward to us discussing more about what we might call the current “off label” uses for oxytocin.

Oxytocin Use for Pain and Sex

PM: That’s fascinating. Now I happen to know that, to use an expression, you are a man who puts his money where his mouth is. In other words, you try products before you give them to patients. You’ve obviously tried oxytocin. Could you please tell us what your experiences were?

PM: I think for a lot of people, their main interest will be in the sexual perspective. I read some research a little while ago that showed that when women are suffering from severe fibromyalgia and in a lot of pain, they noticed they had no pain when they orgasmed. Has that got something to do with oxytocin?

TH: It changed my life. I’m a person who is a hard worker, and I can resist any critic because I don’t care about critics. I do pay attention, but not really. It didn’t hurt me, because I was low in oxytocin. And when I tried oxytocin, it was very strange, I didn’t feel so much difference in the beginning but I had to go and buy a horse for my

TH: Yes, oxytocin is the hormone of orgasm, and that makes men sleep after, and they don’t have pain; and for women, they are wide awake and they don’t feel any pain, they just feel a very pleasant feeling. It has even been used as a painkiller by injecting into the spine. So people with back pain lose the pain with oxytocin. It’s very interest- • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


“If you take a sublingual dose, it will often be absorbed quickly and you get the greatest effects two hours after taking it.” ing, the mechanism increases your morphine, so you have more opiates, which is our own morphine that we create. It is a better way to take drugs--just take oxytocin. PM: Absolutely, a much more pleasant experience as well. So we hear about women having multi orgasms. Is there any benefit for men in this regard? TH: Well, for men, it will help ejaculation, orgasm in men. For example, I had a patient who, during 5 years didn’t have any ejaculation--but he had relationships and no problems with erections. After taking oxytocin, he said that 8 times in 10 he would ejaculate when he had intercourse. Basically, it is fundamental for men to ejaculate during orgasm. But oxytocin does not really improve erections in humans. It does in animals, but not in humans. PM: That’s very interesting, we will talk a little later about dosages and applications. Sometimes, as a pharmacist, I have been approached by patients who said they tried oxytocin and it didn’t seem to do very much for them. Is there any reason that we can explain that? TH: One of the reasons could be the wrong diet. As soon as your diet is wrong--the Western diet with a lot of sweet, sugars, carbs--it doesn’t seem to work. This is the case actually for most hormones and most peptides. If you take a treatment and your food is wrong, it doesn’t work. The only good food is a paleo diet, which is the diet that existed when our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, with meat and vegetables and fruit. That’s a good diet. Drinks also. If you drink alcohol or Coca Cola it won’t work so well. And we don’t always know why, but it is so. So the other reason could be that you have other deficiencies. When you’re deficient in that hormone that is so prevailing in your symptoms, even if you have oxytocin it doesn’t work. Or it even aggravates the situation by decreasing your hormone level, like cortisol, for 8

example. You need to check other hormone levels when you want to have a certain treatment. PM: That’s interesting. It’s like a warning sign. If you aren’t seeing any effects from oxytocin, then go and see your antiaging doctor, because you are probably deficient elsewhere.

Oxytocin Dosages PM: Thierry, I’d like to ask you, if I may, about dosages. What do you normally recommend? TH: Let’s say in a normal person who takes mainly oxytocin to be more social, I recommend 5 units in the morning. For children, it will be smaller-- even a small fraction, 1 or 2 units for autism, for example. And then when adults have intercourse, or go to a party, then they could take an additional 5 units in the evening, which will be occasionally. I wouldn’t go any higher, because if you take much higher than that you will lower your adrenal glands and people get tired. So stick to those dosages for the usual situations. PM: Are there any particular applications that you prefer – do you like sublingual or intranasal, or do you think there is a difference between those applications? TH: I think there is a difference. If you take a sublingual dose, it will often be absorbed quickly and you get the greatest effects two hours after taking it. So that’s perfect if you go somewhere and meet people, or you have to negotiate something, you should be friendly in that situation. We’ll take oxytocin before and you’ll see it work much better. TH: Then you have oral forms--and sometimes in the long acting form, those work much slower, and they are more persistent, so could work in a person who has a pain syndrome, like fibromyalgia. But it is very difficult to get those products, so you could also take a sublingual and then repeat. Then you have also injectable, they are probably even quicker in actions than the sublingual, they can be stronger, and they are used more in cases where the sublingual won’t work. TH: There is on the market a lot of intranasal oxytocin--but many studies have shown that it doesn’t seem to work as well, so you are missing the effects and you have to take much more of the spray to get some of the • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

efficacy--but it may help. PM: It might be interesting to ask if there are any natural ways you can stimulate your own oxytocin? TH: Yes there are. If you just met a person, and you are able to make oxytocin you will increase your oxytocin by meeting people. If you touch a person, that person’s oxytocin levels will increase, and yours, too. If you go for a massage, for example, you will have an increase of oxytocin. If you’re singing you will also improve your oxytocin levels. I won’t sing, you will be protected, it won’t be beautiful. PM: It will increase yours but not ours (laughter). That’s fascinating, and it explains a lot. I think everyone would agree that a massage is a very pleasant experience. TH: Yes, but there are women, for example, who are not very sociable. Well, their oxytocin will not increase much, so it works mostly in those who already have a lot of oxytocin. PM: And what about side effects and contraindications. Is there anything we should look for? TH: There is one big side effect. When you take a dose that is too high, you lower your adrenal glands, the cortisol goes down and you feel burned out, and you can be irritable. So taking too high a dose does change the hormone balance and can have adverse effects. Don’t take, for example, 40 units of oxytocin for a week in a row, like they do with some autistic children. I’m not sure it is a good long term treatment.

Upcoming Projects and Resources PM: Thank you again, Thierry, and I’m sure lots of people watching would be interested in knowing more. I would like to recommend your book Passion Sex and Long Life the Oxytocin Adventure, to them,. And one of the great things about your books, if people aren’t familiar with them, is that they’re a real “how to” guide. You’re a very practical person, and it’s not just the background, the book actually gets into details, tells people how to take a product, what to look for. You know, I think in America they call them the “chicken soup” guides. It’s a really nice practical guide. And your books follow this trait. Are you working on any new books or new subjects at the moment? TH: Yes, I’m working on a book about how to reverse physical aging, I believe that we really have come to a time where we have very important information. It’s also very practical, with pictures, so you can recognise what a nutritional or hormone treatment can do--and it will come out very soon. I’m also working on a text book of

hormone therapies, which will really be a big book that has everything from A to Z. Also, theoretical things--not only the practical. And there will be a book coming out on how to reverse mental aging. We had very interesting results in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease recently, and also in reversing paralysis. So I think there will be a lot of very interesting things in those books. PM: My goodness, I don’t know where you find the time! Apart from your books, you are also going to many congresses, and indeed you have your own medical training school, and I believe you have hundreds of doctors who have participated in that. You have a meeting coming up in November--would you like to tell us a little bit about that? TH: In November, I think we have, what in Europe, is the most cutting-edge congress. It’s called Pro-Aging Europe congress, and we give workshops where physicians learn how to treat and reverse aging, or how to give hormone therapy, or how to give a nutritional treatment. And then we have a session--a one day congress where we have a lot of the best speakers and the best authorities in their domain of what is called Pro-Aging. We prefer the term pro-aging to antiaging, because we aren’t against aging, we just want to make things much better for people who are aging. PM: Right, I have attended some of your congresses in the past, and they really are well worth going to. So I would advocate anyone that would like to come to lovely Brussels and enjoy themselves and really learn something in a great deal of detail. Which often isn’t the case at other congresses. Do you have a website, Thierry, where we could tell people to go and stay informed about what you are doing? TH: Yes, I have a website for patients called: and then I have a website for training, for physicians mostly, but also where the books can be bought, the general public and the physician’s books, which is www. PM: Right. We will put those up on the video and encourage everyone to go and have a good look and to come and meet you soon, just like I have today. Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, thank you so much. TH: Thank you Phil For further details on oxytocin availability and Dr Hertoghe’s books, please visit: International Antiaging Systems (IAS) at • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.


Given its ability to generate deep and profound emotional connections, and its ability to fuel feelings of sexual intimacy and desire culminating in powerful orgasms, Oxytocin really is the nearest thing to a love drug. “...The intake of oxytocin gradually changed my perception of life and other humans, in particular the way I felt about my family and friends.” - Dr Thierry Hertoghe

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*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

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Minerals are essential to life and play an enormous role in the proper functioning of the body’s physiological processes. They act as coenzymes to carry out innumerable metabolic reactions and

are involved in such diverse activities as fluid balance, utilization of vitamins, hormone production, energy generation, bone formation and muscle, heart and nerve function. Unfortunately, mineral deficiencies due to inadequate dietary intake have become prevalent in the modern world, resulting in increased risk and incidence of a multitude of conditions ranging from high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease to cancer and hypothyroidism. The good news is, we can offset nutritional deficits and restore and enhance our health with the use of high quality mineral supplements from an all-natural and pristine source: Utah’s Great Salt Lake. This plentiful source concentrates the lake’s mineral-rich waters using the heat of the desert sun and Figure 1: Shore of Great Salt Lake

12 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

when packaged in a liquid ‘ionic’ form (for optimal assimilation by the body) they become the perfect solution to mineral replenishment.

What are minerals? Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a characteristic crystalline form, found in the earth and oceans. Rock formations are made up of mineral salts, which over time (millions of years) gradually break down into tiny fragments forming the basis of soil. Most of the ocean’s salts were derived from similar gradual processes of weathering and erosion of rocks and mountains; aided by the dissolving action of rains and streams, the mineral washings were transported to the sea. Minerals belong to two groups, called

bulk (or mac- Mineral levels in our soil and food rom i ner a l s) are declining and so is our health and trace (or m i c r o m i n - The mineral content of crops is directly erals). Mac- related to the mineral content of the soil rominerals are in which they are grown and for the past needed in relatively few decades, the nutritional quality of large quantities com- produce has been plummeting. Modern pared to trace and are impor- agricultural practices, including the use tant as electrolytes. They include calcium, of pesticides and certain fertilizers plus phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlo- back-to-back growing seasons that don’t ride, potassium and sulfur. Only minute allow the soil time to renew itself, have quantities of trace minerals are required, stripped the fields of nutrients. Conbut they are essential for good health. The suming crops grown in this depleted soil body needs at least 30 of these, including lowers intake of essential minerals to iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, copper, etc. inadequate levels unable to meet physMost trace minerals are incorporated iological demands, setting the stage for into enzymes or hormones required disease. What can we do about it? For for metabolism. Minerals, both macro one thing, we can replace our reliance on and trace, are constantly utilized by the soil-depleting agricultural practices with body, and must be replenished regularly more restorative organic farming meththrough the diet (or supplements), ideally ods. Another important step we can take immediately is to replenish our stores of in the proper ratios to each other. mineral nutrients to meet our body’s daiUntil the advent of modern farming prac- ly requirements with high quality natural tices, consumption of crops (i.e., grains, mineral supplements. fruits, vegetables, etc.) grown in nutrient-rich soil provided ample, balanced Is there a natural source of fullamounts of essential minerals needed for spectrum minerals? optimal health. Today, however, as with Thankfully, we can turn to the minervitamins, it has become difficult, if not al-rich waters of the oceans and in parimpossible to obtain the full spectrum of ticular, to the Great Salt Lake, a pristine minerals we need in adequate amounts inland sea in Utah that is a concentratthrough diet alone. Mineral deficiency ed source of a full range of balanced eshas become a public health concern that sential minerals and trace elements. The is widespread in the U.S., Europe, and Great Salt Lake is the oldest inland sea throughout the world, with dire conse- in the world, a remnant of the last great quences. Why? How has this happened? Ice Age. Its rich supply of over 72 macro and trace minerals is the result of tens of thousands of years of weathering of the surrounding Rocky Mountains and erosion of soils and rocks found in the area. Like ocean water, minerals in the Salt Lake are present in precisely the same proportions Figure 2: A mineral harvesting pond

as human plasma, but in a highly concentrated form, free of toxic heavy metals. What sets these products apart from the hundreds of other mineral supplements on the market is their innovative manufacture from a pristine and natural source, the level of quality that goes into each step of production and the six dozen or more readily absorbed minerals in each product.

A novel process concentrates minerals using the heat of the desert sun A proprietary four-month solar evaporation process concentrates the minerals of the Great Salt Lake. Testing is performed at every point, from initial extraction of the lake’s waters, to evaporation in harvesting ponds, to final analysis of the concentrated water at a cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices*) facility to ensure standards for quality and safety. The result is a purity-tested, heavy-metals free, full-spectrum mineral supplement labeled ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops that forms the base of all we’ll examine below. (*cGMP refers to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the FDA that are used in pharmaceutical manufacturing to insure both the control of manufacturing processes and facilities, and the identity, strength, quality, and purity of drug products. Although mineral supplements are not in the category of pharmaceuticals, companies that follow cGMP guidelines maintain the high level of quality.)

Ionic single mineral products Each of the following ionic single mineral products combines a generous quantity of a particular mineral ingredient with an additional 72 trace elements from ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops. The minerals are in liquid ionic form. This means that solid mineral salts, (such as magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, etc.), have a negatively charged ion(s) bonded to a positively charged ion(s), which then dissociate in solution (water), into their positively and negatively charged component mineral ions. This is the ideal form for absorption and assimilation by the • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


“NO ANTIAGING REGIMEN WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT... REPLENISHING OUR BODY WITH VITAL NUTRIENTS” body: minerals must be in ionic form to be absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Ionic single minerals are packaged in two ounce bottles with a metered dropper, to allow for the desired dose. • Iodine-Pro™: Iodine is critical to the functioning of the thyroid, where it is involved in the synthesis of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), hormones that regulate metabolism. Rates of iodine deficiency have surged over the past few decades; inadequate intake can lead to hypothyroidism, weight gain, fatigue, depression, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and many cancers. In older women, low intake is linked to increased risks for breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease. Iodine-Pro™ provides 225 mcg of iodine (150% DV) from potassium iodide per serving, plus the 72 ionic trace minerals from ConcenTrace®.

It regulates water and mineral balance in the body, promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system, supports a regular heart rhythm, and works with sodium to maintain stable blood pressure. A diet low in potassium and high in sodium, (i.e., a diet high in processed foods) may lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, and increasing potassium intake may protect against these conditions. Prolonged exercise, as well as heat exposure and excessive fluid loss may require increased potassium intake. Potassium-Pro™ provides 99 mg of potassium per serving, plus 72 ionic trace minerals.

Volt-Pro™ an electrolyte concentrate

Electrolytes are ionized macrominerals including magnesium, potassium, sodium and chloride, that have crucial roles in the body: they conduct electrical current and regulate hydration, blood pH (acid-base balance), and nerve and muscle function. Disruption of the body’s tightly controlled electrolyte balance (from fluid loss due to exercise or heat exposure, illnesses, certain drugs, etc.) can result in fatigue, decreased energy, muscle cramps and other symptoms. Volt-Pro™ is a blend of ConcenTrace® and ionized macrominerals in a base of liquid potassium citrate. It replenishes depleted electrolytes and • Selenium-Pro™: Selenium is a co-factor boosts stamina, energy and endurance. for important antioxidant enzymes in- To use, add one teaspoon (approximately cluding glutathione peroxidase. Because 80 drops) to a large glass of juice, sports of its positive effects on DNA repair and drink, or other beverage before, during apoptosis, support of the endocrine and and after strenuous exercise or any other immune systems, and protection against circumstance that results in fluid loss. oxidative damage, selenium may prevent several types of cancer. It has also been Min-Mouth™ a mineral mouth rinse shown to guard against cardiovascular Made with ConcenTrace®, colloidal silver disease, cognitive decline, and thyroid and peppermint essential oil, this unique disease. Selenium-Pro™ provides 300 mouth wash rids the teeth and gums of mcg of selenium (429% DV) as sodium food debris while the minerals help to selenate per serving, plus over 72 ionic neutralize odors and freshen the breath. trace minerals. This product should be used full strength

• Magnesium-Pro™: Magnesium is a macromineral and electrolyte necessary for more than 300 enzymatic reactions that regulate diverse processes such as protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose and blood pressure control and energy metabolism. Magnesium promotes cardiovascular health by relaxing the smooth muscles within blood • Zinc-Pro™: Zinc is required for the acvessels and maintains a normal heart tivity of approximately 100 enzymes, inrhythm. It is also required for bone repair cluding superoxide dismutase, another and rebuilding and for the synthesis of the key antioxidant. Zinc promotes immune important antioxidant glutathione. Die- function, protein and DNA synthesis, tary deficiency of magnesium is common insulin production, growth and develand increases the risk of diseases such as opment throughout childhood, and taste hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and smell sensitivity. Daily supplementype II diabetes, osteoporosis, and mi- tation with zinc is required to maintain graine headaches. Magnesium-Pro™ pro- steady levels, since the body cannot store vides 400 mg of magnesium (100% DV) the mineral. Zinc-Pro™ contains 50 mg per serving, plus 72 ionic trace minerals zinc (333%DV), balanced with 2 mg copper (100% DV), in addition to over 72 ionic from ConcenTrace®. trace minerals. Copper is required for the • Potassium-Pro™: Potassium activity of many enzymes, the synthesis of is another essential macrohemoglobin, and formation of red blood mineral and electrolyte. cells, among many other functions.

morning and night for best results like any regular mouthwash.

Summing Up We’ve just examined the importance of minerals to countless aspects of metabolism and the dangerous health consequences of a deficiency of any of them. It’s important to realize that no antiaging regimen would be complete without first establishing the foundation of good health, which we can promote by replenishing our body with vital nutrients on a daily basis, including high quality full-spectrum ionic minerals. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

IONIC MINERALS The bedrock of good health Get the best foundation for your health and anti-aging regime with our extensive range of ionic minerals. Save $2.49 on each and every of the ionic minerals for a limited time.

IodinePro™ $14.99 - $12.50 MagnesiumPro™ $11.99 - $9.50 MinMouth™ Mouth Rinse $17.49 - $15.00 PotassiumPro™ $12.99 - $10.50 SeleniumPro™ $15.99 - $13.50 VoltPro™ Electrolyte Concentrate $19.99 - $17.50 ZincPro™ $11.99 - $9.50

*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

Stop feeling tired

with Mito-Pro2™ - an innovative and effective energy and fat burning enhancer

By John van Limburg Stirum, M.D.

The function of mitochondria is becoming increasingly the center of attraction in the medical world, with a realization that all bodily functions are dependent on a sufficient supply of our energy currency called adenosine triphosphate or ATP.

us to simplify disease prevention and antiaging, as well as treating chronic illness on the basis of mitochondrial enhancement.

are emerging on the market.

The magnitude of impact on wellbeing to be expected is reflected by the National Institute of Health Today’s magic word is ‘Mitoceu(USA) which has inaugurated itself a department for Mitoticals’ which encompasses all chondrial Medicine. Taking into substances on which the mitochondria rely on for proper funcconsideration that mitochondria tion. Knowledge on mitochondrial are ubiquitous in our cells, treatIf the mitochondria do not adement thereof is almost without quately produce life-giving energy, physiology is increasing rapidly, then the system will deteriorate especially in contrast to the appli- boundaries. Science is exploring cation of these mitoceuticals that the effects of our mitochondria in and eventually die. This enables

16 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pain control, macular degeneration, neurological disorders, autism, tinnitus, dermatology, periodontology, gastrointestinal disease as well as in oncology and multiple sclerosis.

immediate delivery and is responsible for enabling us to perform short and intensive bouts of exercise up to about 30 seconds, such as weight-lifting but also sudden actions as a golf or a tennis swing. Energy loaded creatine A look at physiology phosphate is stored in the muscles At the beginning of our evolution where it is instantly converted to cells had to rely on anaerobic ATP upon demand. Interestingly metabolism to survive and multienough, during this type of exerply. Yet they remained individual tion, breathing is not necessary, cells in an aqueous environment. (these athletes hold their breath), This enabled them to excrete the demonstrating its independence lactic acid into their surroundings, of oxygen. Thereafter the regenpreventing death from self-made eration of ATP occurs again by acidosis. The symbiosis with mimitochondrial energy delivery tochondria delivered the solution during recovery. Interestingly to this bottleneck of evolution, the mitochondrial ATP restaurausing the lactic acid as their own tion is dependent on the Proton fuel for further synthesis of ATP, Motoric Force of the inner memdegrading lactic acid to carbon brane. The breakdown of ATP to dioxide and water. Simultaneously ADP delivers these acidic protons mitochondria mediated further meeting the requirements for differentiation of their host cells, energy recuperation. The storage transforming them from low of the highly negative ATP is then differentiated tumor behavior to limited to the amount of positive highly differentiated slow-dividmagnesium and creatine guaraning cells. teeing ionic balance in the muscle. Therefore the efficiency of this Depending on the requirements energy pathway will be dependent there are three pathways of ATP on sufficient supplementation of delivery: these molecules. 1. Creatine phosphate energy dePathway #2 livery This anaerobic source of energy 2. Lactic acid energy delivery will produce lactic acid (figure 1) 3. Oxidative phosphorylation ener- and covers our needs for intensive gy delivery workout lasting from 30 seconds These systems fulfil specific duties, up to 6 minutes. An example would be a 400-800m sprint. whereas #2 and #3 are biochemiThis is where Glucose/ Glycogen cally completely independent from is directly converted to energy each other. which must be delivered quickly Pathway #1 and efficiently but will exhaust This pathway can also be identiwithin time. The accumulating fied as anaerobic energy delivery lactate will be excreted as sweat without production of lactic acid. or recycled in the liver back to Creatine phosphate stores ATP for glucose (via the Cori Cycle) or

used in the muscle to restore pyruvate, which will in turn enter the mitochondria and lead to ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation. Redundant lactate generally leaves the cell, builds up in the blood stream and will displace bicarbonate resulting in a physiological metabolic acidosis. Any means of increasing the blood buffer capacity such as the production of bicarbonate will enable to cope with higher levels of lactic acid. In the symbiosis of the mitochondria with our cell surroundings it is exactly the aerobic phosphorylation which delivers bicarbonate at the end of the process. Besides mitochondrial support, bicarbonate supplementation has also been shown to facilitate anaerobic performance, the recommended dosage being 300mg/ KG/day. Unfortunately one must be aware of the potential side-effects such as nausea, diarrhea and bloating. Anaerobic Training with Lactate Lactate













2ATP Glucose


Figure 1: How lactic acid accumulates under the influence anaerobic training. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Pathway #3 The slowest, but most efficient method of energy delivery is byfar, the oxidative phosphorylation, (also described as the aerobic pathway without production of lactic acid). This pathway metabolizes pyruvate through the mitochondria within the Krebs Cycle, Electron Transfer Chain and Proton Motoric Force to deliver ATP, water and CO2. CO2 is an extremely lipophilic molecule that leaves the cell like a rocket and enters the erythrocyte where it becomes hydrated, promoted by the zinc dependent enzyme carboanhydrase. This results in carbonic acid which does what any acid will do in a pH surrounding of 7.0, release its proton in the cytoplasma of the red blood cell. This acidification in turn will enhance the discharge of oxygen from hemoglobin, necessary for the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. The bicarbonate gets excreted into the blood plasma by an antiport transportation system exchanging intracellular bicarbonate by chloride, which in turn further increases the acidity in the erythrocyte enhancing the mitochondrial oxygen supply.

Q10, magnesium, iron, manganese, vitamins B1, 2, 3, lipoic acid, pantothenic acid and zinc.

Medical impact

fat and help us lose or prevent us from putting on weight. Not only that, the more fat we burn instead of sugar, the less appetite we develop after exercise.

Our health and wellbeing are The more sugar we burn, the completely dependent on availahungrier we get. So a real workout ble energy. If our energy does not at the gym above the fat burning meet the needs of our body, we threshold will not assist in weight die. This is, for example, the case when seniors decease from a com- loss! Should you return from exercising and only experience thirst mon flu. The power to overcome but no real hunger, then your fat the disease exploits energy that burning was successful. Any form is necessary to maintain bodily of mitochondrial enhancement functions. Taking this into conwill widen the functional area of sideration, any process to improve fat burning which is reflected in energy over time will contribute the so-called right shift of the lacto antiaging and longevity. Antiaging does not only mean remain- tic acid tolerance testing diagram. ing healthy, it also implements Burning sugar to lactic acid, with our ability to withstand and a low but long-term output of recuperate from disease, which is energy is also the root of sugar a normal process at any age, yet craving. It has been quite astonbecomes more challenging as we ishing how mitochondrial support grow older. was able to abolish sugar craving. In this sense, it also has its value Improving mitochondrial energy delivery will not only support the in the management of diabetes. Having said this, any form of elderly. In today’s world we must metabolic syndrome must also function up to our limits, physiaddress active detoxification and cally as well as mentally, thus we anti-oxidation. Regeneration of will be grateful for any energy antioxidants is energy dependent. available from our mitochondria. Mitochondria deliver electrons in But not only is sufficient energy the form of NADH or NADPH. a permanent demand of modern These enable, for example, oxidized vitamin C and glutathione The consequent increase of plasma life, we also are increasingly encountering the problem of weight to restore back to their reduced bicarbonate enhances its alkacontrol. For the lives of many, fat form. Glutathione is our most imlinity in contrast to the lactate burning is center of attraction. portant detoxifier assisting in the build up in pathway #2. This is an excretion of heavy metals, viruses explanation why lactic acid energy Astonishingly we can produce fat and free radicals, all essential in transformation can be enhanced as an energy reserve fairly easily by mitochondrial enforcement without any contribution made by maintaining our health. and vice versa. On the other hand, mitochondria. On the other hand, A very exciting new aspect of this also explains why bicarbonate we are fully dependent on mitomitochondrial action is based on supplementation will have no chondrial oxidative phosphorylaresearch by Professor Thomas positive effect in an aerobic discition when it comes to burning fat. Seyfried in his book, ‘Cancer as pline. Optimal function is more Therefore more energy harnessed a Metabolic Disease.’ He was able so dependent on other micronufrom mitochondrial activity will to demonstrate mitochondria as trients. These include Coenzyme automatically assist in burning being the “ultimate tumor sup-

18 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

“any process or supplementation that can enhance mitochondrial respiratory energy efficiency will be effective in reducing the risk of cancer” Promotes muscle development, increases muscle strength while improving physical and mental 1) Lower resting lactate performance (learning, memory 2) Shift of the lactate threshold to and stress tolerance). It improves the right (as shown in figure 3) recovery time after exercise. Creatine acts as a cellular buffer on 3) Prolonged aerobic phase and H+ ions that are produced from thus also higher anaerobic tolerance as well as maximum cumula- accumulating lactate. Creatine helps maintain optimal pH levels tive efficiency within muscle reducing the effects 4) Aerobic fat burning zone exof fatigue. Free creatine within tended muscle cells has the ability to draw 3 water into the cell which induces 3 2 2 protein synthesis.[2]



Lactic Acid

Influence on lactic tolerance by Mito-Pro2™

Lactic Acid

pressor”. Tumor cells differ from normal cells, not in the amount of energy, but in the energy source. In other words, any mitochondropathy is a pivotal requirement for tumorgenesis. Mitochondrial disease leads to a process called aerobic fermentation, delivering energy anaerobically, yet it seems as if the mitochondria were involved. But the fact is that oxygen is only being utilized in heat production uncoupled to ATP synthesis. Therefore the warmer the tumor, the faster the growth and the poorer the prognosis, any backward change in mitochondrial respiration will signal the nucleus to express genes to compensate the energy loss and to therefore enhance anaerobic energy production by pathway #2.

Watt Power

4 Watt Power

Figure 3: The influence of Mito-Pro2™ (left before and right after supplementation) on improving the lactic acid threshold under exercise.

Ingredients (each 5 grams of MiThese are the genes known as to-Pro2™ provides: the oncogenes that are actually the genes necessary for aerobic • L-Carnitine (720mg): fermentation. According to ProIt enables the uptake of fatty acids fessor Seyfried; “any process or supplementation that can enhance into mitochondria. • L-Arginine (500mg): mitochondrial respiratory energy efficiency will be effective in This is a source of high-energy reducing the risk of cancer”. nitrogen-phosphate compounds, Comparison anaerobic/aerobic precursor to nitric oxide, impormetabolism tant for vasodilation (»Viagra Effect»), blood thinning, and thus for the blood supply as well as for Anaerobic vs. Aerobic power. It’s needed for detoxifica• Complicated • Simple • Inefficient • Efficient tion of ammonia. Lowers blood • Slow • Fast pressure, stimulates the immune • Endurance • Fight or flight system. It promotes the release of • Fat burning • Fat burning growth hormones, it also a cre• Lactate • Bicarbonate Alkalinic Acidic atine precursor. • Resistant

• Vulnerable

Figure 2: A comparison between the anaerobic and aerobic energy production systems.

• Creatine (720mg): This stores energy in the muscle and allows immediate ATP release.

• Coenzyme Q10 (30 mg): It is essential for mitochondria in the conversion of sugar and fat into energy. It is simultaneously important as antioxidant in mitochondria and often deficient when taking cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins). • Alpha lipoic acid (100mg): Important for the transportation of sugar into the mitochondria, it can also be used in the body to regenerate antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, CoQ10 and Glutathione. It aslo provides for heavy metal detox, especially from depots in fat and nervous system. • Magnesium (66mg): Important for the function of ATP, each ATP must be bound to magnesium. It is good at preventing muscle cramps. • Manganese (3.3mg): Essential in activation of enzymes for the transportation of sugar into the mitochondria and is an immune enhancer. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


• Zinc (8 mg): A co-factor for more than 200 chemical reactions, its key role is in acid-base household (de-acidification after sport), sugar, fat and protein metabolism, in hormone synthesis and memory, as well as in the immune system. • Pantothenic acid (13.3mg): This is an important agent for mitochondrial metabolism in assembling and disassembling carbohydrates, fats, amino acids. It’s also essential for the synthesis of cholesterol, which is needed for the formation of anabolic steroid hormones.

in sports due to mitochondrial enhancement

• Muscle disease and MS • Prolonged aerobic phase and thus also higher anaerobic toler• Assists biological cancer therapy ance as well as maximum cumula- by supporting aerobic metabolism tive efficiency • Aerobic fat burning zone extended

1) Introduction of the International Mitochondrial Medicine Association 2) Metabolism/Energy%20Metabolism.html

• Improvement of short and long term physical performance (6) and recovery in sports and everyday activities

4) Foss ML, Keteyian S., The Physiological Basis of Exercise & Sport: 6th Edition, 1998

3) Lehninger AL, Nelson DL, Cox MM: Lehninger Biochemie. Springer.

5) Dempsey RL, Michael F. Mazzone, Linda N. Meurer: Does oral creatine supplementation improve strength? A meta-analyss. J Fam Pract 2002; 51: 945-952. 6) Shay KP et al. Alpha-lipoic acid as a dietary supplement: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2009;1790:1149-1160. 7) The creatine kinase system and pleiotropic effects of creatine, Theo Wallimann, Malgorzata Tokarska-Schlattner, Uwe Schlattner, December 2010, 8) 9) Clinical trials, John van Limburg Stirum, MD., Seegarten Klinik, Kilchberg-Zurich, Switzerland, 2009 - 2014 10) Cancer as a metabolic disease. Seyfried TN, Shelton LM. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010 Jan 27;7:7. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-7-7 11)


Iron is very poorly absorbed in the intestine and is responsible for frequent uncomfortable side effects such as nausea and constipation. Taking this into account, we have decided to prioritize tolerance and acceptability. On the other hand, Mito-Pro2™ is the perfect add on to any iron infusion treatment.

• “After 30 Minutes of aerobics I used to be exhausted. Now I am still going strong after the whole 60 minute session!”

Mito-Pro2™ impact on energy metabolism

• A lady of 85 years: “I feel like a new born!”

• Lower resting lactic acid • Protracted release of lactic acid 20


Mito-Pro2™ - an innovative and effective energy and fat burning enhancer

• Chronic fatigue (first rule out or treat iron deficiency and target • Riboflavin (6.6mg) and niacin / ferritin with 100-150ug/L) vitamin B3 (6.6mg): • Supports stress tolerance (burnThey are necessary for the coenout), concentration and learning zyme NADH, which participates capacity in the conversion of glucose to pyruvate and further to lactic acid, • Senior performance enhancement (anaerobic energy production). Furthermore, B3 is a natural cho- • Energy optimizer for vegetarilesterol lowering vitamin. ans • Thiamine (6.6mg): • Assists any weight loss program by optimizing fat-burning and This coenzyme of Pyruvate dehydrogenase transfers sugar into the reducing appetite mitochondria.

Why does Mito-Pro2™ NOT contain iron?

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*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

Dr Ward Dean Answers your questions We are delighted that Ward Dean M.D., one of the world’s foremost antiaging physicians, has agreed to answer our readers’ questions. Full details about Dr. Dean can be seen at his website:

Dear Dr. Dean, I am a 58 year old woman who eats really well and exercises 5 days a week at a gym with weights cardio and ab exercises, for about nine years. I have just finished an education degree and teach a couple of days per week. I see an antiaging doctor in Melbourne and take Estradiol/estriol 50:50 6 MG BI Gel daily with 0.5 /ML testosterone. Progesterone 200 mg capsules in the evening 25 days of the month with a rest of 5 days per month, I have been taking this for about 8 years. I take Metformin 500 mg tablets twice a day and for the past 4 months have been taking an antidepressant called 22

Lovan 20 tab I per day. In 2000 I had half my thyroid removed because of tumours and have been swallowing thyroxine sodium tablets 100 mcg per day ever since. I have blood tests and they are fine. I feel healthy and I am in good spirits and generally look years younger and stronger than anyone I know in my age group.’’ However, I I have one major problem. I have the “org” but not the “gasm.” It’s like my little button has switched itself off. Can you shed some light on this? I have read IAS articles. Would Russian peptides help me? If so, which ones specifically? Or should I try oxytocin? I respect you so very much, Dr. Dean. Perhaps

when I teach in America I could see you for an appointment. Until then, have you some idea of where I should be looking to overcome this hormone imbalance? J.C., Australia A. Dear JC First, I noted that you are not supplementing with either DHEA or Pregnenolone--both of which decline dramatically with age. However, your physician is inexplicably prescribing testosterone for you--which will preclude your taking DHEA, because women very efficiently convert DHEA into testosterone. Taking both testosterone and DHEA would probably really throw you out of • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

balance. I rarely prescribe testosterone to women, because they can almost always restore testosterone to youthful levels by taking DHEA. DHEA by itself is a well-documented mood elevator (1). I suggest you discontinue testosterone, and start taking DHEA— for women, 25 mg is usually enough, (although you may need to adjust it slightly up or down), first thing in the morning. Also, Pregnenolone is another often-overlooked hormone that declines with age, and which converts preferentially to progesterone, and also to DHEA. Notwithstanding, the most likely cause of your anorgasmia may be your anti-depressant. Lovan® (aka, Prozac®, fluoxetine)

“I rarely prescribe testosterone to women, because they can almost always restore testosterone to youthful levels by taking DHEA.” is a well-known cause of sexual dysfunction and loss of libido. I suggest weaning yourself from Lovan®, and switching to 5-HTP, 150300 mg per day at bedtime on an empty stomach (2,3). 5-HTP is a precursor of serotonin and usually produces equal benefits of the SSRIs, without the adverse effects. Also, you might consider Deprenyl, which has been best known as an “antiaging, lifeextending aphrodisiac.” (4-7) Although most of the studies of the aphrodisiac effects of deprenyl have been conducted on male rats, the effect has generally been attributed to its MAO-B inhibiting effect, which is shared equally by both sexes. Another possible cause of deprenyl’s aphrodisiac effect may be to its less well-known ability to raise serum levels of Nitric Oxide (8,9) —to which the effects of Viagra® and Cialis® are attributed. Deprenyl has also been shown to be an effective antidepressant, which you may find of additional benefit (10-17). Prof. Josef Knoll recommends those

of us who are over 45 4. Yen TT, Dalló J, Knoll take 10-15 mg Deprenyl J. The aphrodisiac effect per week (about 2 mg/ of low doses of deprenyl in day) for its antiaging, male rats. Pol J Pharmacol neuroprotective effects (18). Pharm. 1982 NovDec;34(5-6):303-8. Oxytocin, as you suggested, may also help— 5. Knoll J, Yen TT, but I like to try the cheap Dallo J. Long-lasting, stuff first. true aphrodisiac effect of (-)-deprenyl in Ward Dean, M.D. sexually sluggish old References: male rats. Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry. 1. Barrett-Connor 1983;19:135-53. E., Von Muhle, D, Laughlin G, Kripke A. Endogenous levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, but not other sex hormones, are associated with depressed mood in older women. The Rancho Bernardo Study. J am Geriatr Soc 1999, 47(6), 685-691. 2. Byerley W, et al. 5-Hydroxytryptophan: A Review of Its Antidepressant Efficacy and Adverse Effects. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1987; 7: 127-37. 3. Poeldinger W, et al. A Functional-Dimensional Approach to Depression: Serotonin Deficiency as a Target Syndrome in a Comparison of 5 -Hydroxytryptophan and Fluvoxamine. Psychopathology. 1991; 24: 53-81.

6. Dalló J, Yen TT, Knoll J. The aphrodisiac effect of deprenyl in male rats. Acta Physiol Hung. 1990;75 Suppl:75-6. 7. Ruehl WW, Entriken TL, Muggenburg BA, Bruyette DS, Griffith WC, Hahn FF. Treatment with L-deprenyl prolongs life in elderly dogs. Life Sci. 1997;61(11):1037-44. 8. Thomas T, McLendon C, Thomas G. L-Deprenyl: nitric oxide production and dilation of cerebral blood vessels. Neuroreport. 1998 Aug 3;9(11):2595-600. 9. Thomas T. Monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2000 Mar-Apr;21(2):343-8. 10. Lee KC, Chen JJ. Transdermal selegiline

for the treatment of major depressive disorder. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2007;3(5):527-37. 11. Feiger AD, Rickels K, Rynn MA, Zimbroff DL, Robinson DS. Selegiline transdermal system for the treatment of major depressive disorder: an 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose titration trial. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006 Sep;67(9):1354-61. 12. Amsterdam JD. A double-blind, placebocontrolled trial of the safety and efficacy of selegiline transdermal system without dietary restrictions in patients with major depressive disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2003 Feb;64(2):208-14. 13. Higuchi H, Kamata M, Sugawara Y, Yoshida K. Remarkable effect of selegiline (L-deprenyl), a selective monoamine oxidase type-B inhibitor, in a patient with severe refractory depression: a case report. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2005 JulAug;28(4):191-2. 14. Amsterdam JD, Bodkin JA. Selegiline transdermal system in the prevention of relapse of major depressive disorder: • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


a 52-week, double-blind, placebo-substitution, parallel-group clinical trial. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2006 Dec;26(6):579-86 15. Sunderland T, Cohen RM, Molchan S, Lawlor BA, Mellow AM, Newhouse PA, Tariot PN, Mueller EA, Murphy DL. High-dose selegiline in treatment-resistant older depressive patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1994 Aug;51(8):607-15. 16. Kitaichi Y, Inoue T, Mitsui N, Nakagawa S, Kameyama R, Hayashishita Y, Shiga T, Kusumi I, Koyama T. Selegiline remarkably improved stage 5 treatment-resistant major depressive disorder: a case report. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2013;9:1591-4. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S49261. 17. Higuchi H, Kamata M, Sugawara Y, Yoshida K. Remarkable effect of selegiline (L-deprenyl), a selective monoamine oxidase type-B inhibitor, in a patient with severe refractory depression: a case report. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2005 JulAug;28(4):191-2. 18. Knoll J. Deprenylmedication: a strategy to modulate the age-related decline of the striatal dopaminergic system. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1992 Aug;40(8):839-47.

Dear Dr. Dean, My wife suffers badly from restless legs syndrome? Do you have any suggestions for this exasperating, debilitating condition? Thank you. B.M.C, USA Dear BMC, I suggest that she try Gabapentin, before bedtime. Gabapentin is a very effective nervestabilizer, and should give her a lot of relief. It is welltested to alleviate restless legs (1-3). The key is the dosage. This can usually range from 300-1200 mg. Start with a low dose, and gradually titrate the dose to that which gives her relief, but does not leave her “hung over” in the morning. Gabapentin is a great sleep-promoter, which actually enhances slow-wave sleep. (4) Ward Dean, MD References: 1. Happe S, Klösch G, Saletu B, Zeitlhofer J. Treatment of idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS) with gabapentin. Neurology. 2001 Nov 13;57(9):1717-9. 2. Garcia-Borreguero D, Larrosa O, de la Llave Y, Verger K, Masramon X, Hernandez G. Treatment of restless legs syndrome with gabapentin: a double-

blind, cross-over study. Neurology. 2002 Nov 26;59(10):1573-9. 3. Adler CH. Treatment of restless legs syndrome with gabapentin. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1997 Apr;20(2):148-51. 4. Lo HS, Yang CM, Lo HG, Lee CY, Ting H, Tzang BS. Treatment effects of gabapentin for primary insomnia. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2010 Mar-Apr;33(2):84-90. Dear Dr. Dean, I have knots in my legs that are painful at night. I also have painful upper arms. My chiropractor and podiatrist have suggested that I have tendonitis, but my primary care doctor has not made a diagnosis or prescribed a medication. I have been taking a homeopathic supplement for tendons at bedtime. Sometimes, it is affective but some nights, it doesn’t help. The tenderness in my legs is on the outside of my calf and thigh and occasionally in my right hip joint. What would you recommend to eliminate the discomfort in my legs, which becomes more painful during the hours of the night? D.S, USA

Dear DS, What you are describing does not sound like tendonitis, to me. Tendonitis is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon, a thick cord that attaches bone to muscle, and thus occurs near the site of insertion of the tendon, near a joint (see fig), NOT in the locations you describe, (also please see the previous response). I think you are suffering from a variant of the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), and should respond favorably to the same recommendation. Natural remedies for RLS include increasing your intake of potassium and magnesium—two minerals which are commonly deficient in those with RLS. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer—which explains why bathing in Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is so relaxing. I suggest a teaspoon of Morton’s Lite Salt each day (Lite Salt contains 230 mg sodium, and 340 mg potassium per ¼ teaspoon), and magnesium to “bowel tolerance” (you can’t OD on magnesium, because it will cause diarrhea). Ward Dean, MD


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Improving eye-sight:

Can-C™ eye-drops are the formula from the original published human trials. They contain a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine (made in Japan); this natural di-peptide has potent anti-glycating and antioxidant properties that prevents lipid peroxidation. Note that the formula is important- it’s not all about the n-acetylcarnosine; the specific carrier agents and their purity are also important. If you look at the Can-C™ formula you will see differences to the copycats, (remember it is only Can-C™ that is patented in recognition of the original work). If you want the best possible results in the fastest possible time, then choose Can-C™ to deliver them according to the clinical trials.

Patients placed two-drops of Can-C™ into their eyes twice daily for a 6-month period, the outcome was:

More evidence is mounting that Can-C™ is efficacious for many conditions including:

• 90% saw an improvement

in their visual acuity. • 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens. There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C™ eye-drops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later. The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced.

• Cataracts (particularly the senile version) • Glaucoma • Presbyopia • Corneal disorders • Eye strain • Ocular inflammation • Blurred vision • Vitreous opacities and lesions • Diabetes mellitus complications • Contact lens users • Dry eye syndrome Of special interest may be to persons who wear contact lenses. This is because Can-C™ inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid and therefore contacts can be worn for longer periods without pain.

Before: Right: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Far Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved.

Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘The Cataract Cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C™ eye-drops. It is now available as a FREE e-book at:

26 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

We have also received reports that Can-C™ not only aids dry-eye syndrome with its lubricants, but that Can-C™ helps to unclog proteins from the lacrimal ducts, thus releasing more natural tears onto the eye. In a similar way, it is also believed that the unclogging of proteins in the eye’s drain, (the Schlemm valve), helps to reduce intraocular pressure and thus aids glaucoma.

Above: Can-C Plus capsules


SPOTLIGHT: GHRPS A R E AL ‘OR AL’ ALTER NATIVE TO G H INJEC TION S Ever since Dr. Rudman’s work in the 1980s and then the release of Dr. Klatz’s book ‘grow young with HGH’ in the 1990s, there has been a strong interest in the use of growth hormone (GH) in antiaging medicine. Dr. Rudman’s research concluded that after injecting his elderly patients with GH, many of them had reversals of their biological age markers by as much as 20-years; specifically having noted improved skin, hair, muscle mass, decreased fat levels and enhanced levels of stamina, strength and well-being. It’s not entirely surprising given the multifaceted role of growth hormone, plus as its name suggests it is involved in the growth and repair of tissues, but unfortunately blood levels of it decline dramatically past the age of 35 (see figure 1), despite the fact that there is evidence that the pituitary gland continues making significant amounts of it.

GH injections The issue with injecting GH, (brand names include Genotropin®, Saizen® and Zomacton®), other than its expense, is that it does have to be injected to be effective, this is because as a 191 chain amino-acid it simply can’t be absorbed via any other route, thus daily injections can become a chore. Furthermore, many countries have decided that GH injections be classified as a controlled substance, partly because of its anabolic actions. Controlled substances often require special import and export licenses; this is over-and-above the requirement for a prescription. Furthermore, the research of Dr. Richard Walker has highlighted that bolus injections of GH are not bioidentical and that as they induce spikes of GH into the blood they could end up damaging the pituitary gland, leading to a down-regulation of its own production of GH, or even to stop GH production altogether.

GHRPs But meanwhile, Dr. Walker’s research has shown that the use of GHRPs, (growth hormone releasing peptides) have a much safer profi le whilst enjoying the same benefits- even if they provide them a little more slowly. We would recommend that you read his extensive article in the Aging Matters™ magazine, No3, 2014 to understand fully how they operate. What

we can say is that GHRPs, (GHRP2, GHRP6 and sermorelin) have the following benefits: • They can be sublingually, intra-nasally and even orally, passing into blood and thus avoiding the need for needles. • Their feedback loop means that they cannot cause the pituitary to down-regulate. • GHRPs are not controlled substances. • Rather than inducing a spike of GH in the blood, GHRPs augment (improve) each release of GH naturally into the blood, for which there are several peaks daily, (although the rising from bed peak is the highest one) - see figure 2.

Synergy Sermorelin is actually the precursor to GH, being the first 29 amino acids and is applied via the sublingual route. Sermorelin’s function may be to release existing stores of GH from the pituitary- rather than encourage more production as a pure agonist would. Dr. Walker has highlighted that combining sermorelin with GHRP2 or GHRP6 has a highly synergistic effect, in some cases eliciting up to a 5x greater quantity of GH into blood, an action that can be equivocated to using injectable GH itself. Note: You can also hear Dr. Walker discuss this with us on the IAS video page:

Differences • GHRP6 may induce more hunger feelings than GHRP2 and could improve levels of IGF-1 more. Therefore this option may be better recommend for those who want to put on muscle mass. • GHRP2 may create less hunger feelings and therefore could be preferable to those who want to stimulate GH for fat loss. Also as the GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™) is a nasal spray, those who don’t like that feeling may prefer GHRP2-Pro™ since it is an oral liquid simply swallowed.

Figure 1 (top): The typical GH levels in blood with age, note that ‘geriatric’ levels are reached as early as during the 30’s. Figure 2 (middle) shows the 24 hour profile of subcutaneous (and also intravenous) GH. Compare that to figure 3 (bottom), the natural peaks of GH in both young and elderly patients. Only GHRPs naturally amplify these bioidentical patterns.

Summary GHRPs have created a genuine efficacious alternative; they are simpler/ easier to use and at the same time they have a better/ safer profi le than injectable GH. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


SPOTLIGHT: THYROID SUPPORT FOR THE HYPOTHYROID EPIDEMIC Dr. Broda Barnes in the 1970s estimated that 40% of the adult population was deficient in thyroid hormones; he published this statement in his excellent book‘hypothyroidism, the unsuspected epidemic.’ Since then, pupils of Dr. Barnes, such as Dr. Richard Wilkinson, have suggested that this figure could be even greater now! This is important because the thyroid gland is of pivotal importance to our overall health, but like the majority of hormones as we age the production of thyroid hormones decline. This lack of thyroid function is the root cause of a wide variety of agerelated health disorders. Ergo, supplementation with a synthetic or a natural thyroid can have a significant positive effect on a wide range of age-related problems.

The importance of the thyroid gland The hormones produced by the thyroid control the body’s metabolism- the rate at which it burns calories for energy. It also controls the body’s utilization of fat, so a decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland, (known as hypothyroidism) can result in wide range of symptoms such as poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet and weight gain. Another serious condition which can be caused by and result from an underactive thyroid are painful musculoskeletal issues that affect tendons, muscles and ligaments.

How can I be sure if I need a thyroid supplement? Above: The position of the thyroid gland

thyroid checked, but another, simpler method is to take your body temperature when you wake in the morning. It should be in the range of 97.8 to 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit, if it is regularly lower you could be hypothyroid and if higher then hyper-thyroid.

Choosing between synthetic and natural thyroid supplements IAS stocks a comprehensive range of both synthetic and natural thyroids, although we advocate the use of a natural supplement over a synthetic, this is because products such as Armour® are of a porcine origin, so they naturally contain the full spectrum of T1, T2, T3 and T4 thyroid hormones, (note the bottles only list the amounts of T3 and T4 because very few physicians are familiar with T1 and T2).

Natural desiccated thyroids are measured in grains; with one grain being equivalent to approximately 60 mg. IAS carries doses from ¼ grain to 2 grains, with brands including Armour®, ERFA® and Nature®. IAS also provides synthetic T3 in 20 mcg and T4 in 100 mcg tablets.

Thyroid supplements provide potent antiaging protection Many aging individual can benefit from taking a thyroid supplement because this remarkable hormone has such a profound affect across so many different conditions. Many antiaging physicians consider thyroid support an essential part of any serious attempt to improve a person’s healthspan and longevity.

Apart from recognising the types of effects listed above, your doctor can of course get your blood levels of

Conversion between synthetic and natural thyroid products The table provided is a helpful guide to what the suggested conversion rates are for those wishing to make the switch between synthetic thyroids and natural versions. As always we recommend consulting with a physician before making changes to your program.


Thyroid doses

Dose of Desiccated thyroid (grains)

Equivalents (mg)

Dose of T3 (lithyronine) (μg)

Dose of T4 (levothyroxine) (μg)












0.2 0.3











0.5 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

SPOTLIGHT: PEPTIDE BIOREGULATORS THE DI SCOVERY OF G ENE SWITCHES IN FOOD Today Professor Vladimir Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics, but in the 1980’s he was a Colonel in the Soviet Union military medical corps. At the time, he and his team were approached by Kremlin officials, they wanted them to find a way to protect their troops from a myriad of problems; issues such as radiation for submariners in nuclear submarines to troops that may be blinded from known, (but thankfully unused) new weapons such as battlefield lasers. A former Soviet military secret! What their research uncovered - that was used for two decades on many thousands of men and women - was a remarkable link between short chain peptides and DNA. This former military secret is now available to the public as peptide bioregulators. Their published research has identified that each organ / gland / tissue uses a highly specific short chain peptide, obtained from food, to act as a ‘short-cut’ to initiate protein synthesis. These peptides, unlike proteins, can enter the blood through the stomach. Through a comprehensive list of patents and even copyrighted PowerPoint slides, the Russian research group have shown that each of the concentrated

Above: A short-chain peptide bioregulator interacting with DNA

peptide bioregulators so far examined, interact with particular strands of DNA - effectively and very specifically activating repair and regenerative processes. This is a remarkable story since what we are describing here are peptides that act as individualised gene switches. To date, they have been tested for many years on thousands of individuals, without report of any serious side effects or contraindications. We believe that they could be set to ‘out do’ stem cells. Why? Because this peptide therapy is relatively cheap, highly specific, can be taken orally and doesn’t require any suppression of the immune system to operate fully (as stem cells do).

Original material from the trials The peptide bioregulators available via IAS are the bovine originals; sourced from carefully chosen Danish calves and processed through pharmaceutical processes and filters. They are not the synthetic versions which have not been studied/ proven. Peptide bioregulators act as they sound- to regulate; for example, Thyreogen®

the thyroid peptide would increase thyroid activity if it were too low, but decrease it if it were too high!

Dosing Doses are very dependent upon the need and unlike hormones these peptides do not have to be taken every day, hence making them a cost effective regime. A typical/ average use could be considered as follows:

• Start with an intensive course: 2 capsules once a day for 30-days. • Thereafter use 2 capsules once a day for 10-days, repeat every 2, 3, 4 or even as little as 6-months. The story of the peptide bioregulators is a remarkable one and we recommend that you to read the articles and interviews and see the video on the IAS website.

PEPTIDES CURRENTLY AVAIL ABLE: Cerluten® is the... Chelohart® is the... Chitomur® is the... Endoluten® is the... Glandokort® is the... Gotratix® is the... Libidon® is the... Pielotax® is the... Sigumir® is the... Suprefort® is the... Stamakort® is the... Svetinorm® is the... Taxorest® is the... Testoluten® is the... Thyreogen® is the... Ventfort® is the... Visoluten® is the... Vladonix® is the... Zhenoluten® is the...

brain peptide bioregulator. heart peptide bioregulator. bladder peptide bioregulator. pineal peptide bioregulator. adrenal peptide bioregulator. muscle peptide bioregulator. prostate gland peptide bioregulator. kidney peptide bioregulator. cartilage peptide bioregulator. pancreas peptide bioregulator. stomach mucus peptide bioregulator. liver peptide bioregulator. lung peptide bioregulator. testes peptide bioregulator thyroid peptide bioregulator. blood vessel peptide bioregulator. retina peptide bioregulator. thymus peptide bioregulator. ovary peptide bioregulator. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



AdraPro™, the brand version of the latest version of adrafinil

Strictly speaking, adrafinil (pronounced ad-ra-fin-l) is a Eugeroic rather than a Nootropic substance. Eugeroics are wakefulness-promoting agents which are mainly used in the treatment of sleeping disorders, excessive daytime sleepiness (narcolepsy) and cataplexy (sudden fatigue). Eugeroics There are only a handful of drugs in this class and the principle ones of note are modafinil (Provigil®), armodafinil (Nuvigil®) and adrafinil (Olmifon®). Since the former two have become controlled substances in many countries, many people are looking to adrafinil, (which was the forerunner to modafinil) as the first choice. Note: We fail to understand why some countries including Canada, the USA and Australia have listed modafinil as a controlled substance, especially since the Eugorics have failed to show any signs of dependence. Indeed, the conclusion of the Aerospace Medical Association, (Lyons TJ, French J; Modafinil the unique properties of a new stimulant” USAF School of Aerospace, Brooks TX, Science News Note 1991, 62 432-5) was the following: “The development of modafinil brings to light a crucial social question. What would be the imped30

iment for its use, if a compound such as modafinil is more like caffeine than amphetamine in terms of safety, and yet, as effective as the amphetamines?”

radrenaline, (also known as norepinephrine) and accordingly the individual feels a heightened sense of alertness, attention and wakefulness.

Adrafinil vs Modafinil

Adrafinil is primarily metabolized in-vivo into modafinil, resulting in nearly identical pharmacological effects. Unlike modafinil, however, it takes a little more time for the metabolite to accumulate to active levels in the bloodstream. Effects are usually apparent within approximately 45 minutes after taken orally on an empty stomach.

Adrafinil was discovered in the late 1970s by scientists working with the French pharmaceutical company Group Lafon. Initially it was a French military secret, used for example by the French Foreign Legion in insurgent operations. Then in 1986 it was first offered into the commercial French marketplace as a treatment for narcolepsy. In fact, it was Lafon who later developed modafinil, the primary metabolite of adrafinil. Even though the exact mechanism of action is unclear, most investigators assume that adrafinil (and modafinil) both act as a α1-adrenergic receptor agonists, with modafinil having even greater affinity. This means that these receptors become more sensitive to the neurotransmitter no-

Adrafinil can affect liver enzymes in a small number of patients; that is if it is used continuously for 3-months or longer. If you have a need to take adrafinil on a daily basis then please ensure that you have some regular


bloodwork undertaken; however for the majority of individuals whom may only need adrafinil on an intermittent basis, i.e., taken before a meeting or during an intense learning period etc., this should not be the case. One thing is for certain, the advent of Eugorics such as adrafinil and modafinil have revolutionised the field of narcolepsy, since they can have the ‘uplifting’ effects of amphetamines, but without the downsides. Eugorics tend to keep the individual on an even level and despite hundreds of studies there is no evidence of addition or dependence. Effectively, Eugorics have reduced the former alertness enhancing drugs to the trash can of medicine.




Figure: The molecular structure of adrafinil (left) and modafinil (right). • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


90 58

3mg Amount Per Serving

* % Daily Value

Servings per container: 60 Serving Size: 1 tablet

Supplement facts:

Description: MZS is Dr. Walter Pierpaoli’s original melatonin formula containing the additional and supportive agents zinc and selenium. MZS is produced to pharmaceutical standards in Italy and unlike other melatonin preparations MZS has been designed to produce a night peak of melatonin between 1AM and 3AM to mimic the natural behavior of the pineal gland. Dr. Pierpaoli’s extensive animal and human research has shown that this is important because this action helps to stabilize circadian rhythms, improve hormonal cyclicity and boost immunity.


Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula+

Formulated and distributed by Profound Products, PO Box 19, Sark GY9 0SB, Great Britain

MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula ™

Dr. Pierpaoli

MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula



Dr. Pierpaoli MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula

Directions: Take 1 tablet before bedtime, ideally between 10PM and 11PM.

50mcg 8.7mg


Dr. Pierpaoli MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula

Disclaimer: This product and its statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

% Daily Value * not established Other ingredients: Avicel, mannitol, povidonum and magnesium sterate Selenium Zinc


Note: Keep in cool dark conditions, out of the reach of children and consume before end of expiry date. Not for use by pregnant or lactating women.


Our melatonin has been formulated by the world’s foremost melatonin expert Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, his Melatonin Zn Se, or MZS™, is totally unique since it is designed to mimic the natural night peak of melatonin- to leave you feeling refreshed and alert the following day.

What does Melatonin do? Melatonin is vital to protect our hormonal system, regulate immunity and repair our body’s cells. It is commonly used by shift workers and also to treat jet lag and age related sleep disorders, but its abilities go far beyond simply its sleep inducing properties.

The antioxidant effects of melatonin Melatonin is an extremely effective antioxidant; in fact on a molecule to molecule basis; melatonin has proved to be significantly more efficient in neutralizing toxic

hydroxyl-radicals than the two well-known free radical scavengers, glutathione and mannitol.

many showed reversal of their ARMD. Remarkably this was true for both the wet and dry forms!

Melatonin’s effects on longevity

Why is Dr. Pierpaoli’s MZS™ more effective than other melatonin supplements?

Melatonin’s effect on longevity is well documented; in fact laboratory tests on rats and mice have demonstrated that melatonin increased their lifespans by 20%. Experts believe melatonin is a vital antiaging product because of its positive effect on aging. MZS™ and age-related macular degeneration Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) comes in two forms, wet and dry and is a notoriously difficult disorder to treat and is linked to blindness. A 24-month study, (published in NY Academy of Science, 2005, 1057:384-392) on 100 patients showed that after 3 months, the majority of patients taking 3 mg of Melatonin Zn Se nightly had halted the progression of their age related macular degeneration and at 6 months

There are three principal reasons, firstly it is of pharmaceutical quality at a dose of 3 mg, secondly it contains the synergistic ingredients of selenium and zinc, but thirdly and most importantly- it is designed to release at a very specific time. Dr. Pierpaoli’s research led him to perfect a formula that exactly mimics the pineal gland’s release of melatonin. Thus means that MZS™ is the only melatonin supplement to follow nature’s own night peak.


60 tablets Dietary Supplement

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland at night to regulate our circadian rhythm, (sometimes called the sleep wake cycle). As we age the amount of melatonin we produce reduces resulting in many older people sleeping less and having a lower quality of sleep.

Dr. Pierpaoli


MZS Dr. Pierpaoli’s original formula ™

Dr. Pierpaoli


MZS™ is so much more than a sleep aid

Melatonin has had so many published benefits it is impossible to list them all here. From jet lag and shift work to well-being and antiaging, no other melatonin supplement offers the endorsement of Dr. Pierpaoli, or the exact formula used in all of his renowned clinical trials. If you’ve tried other melatonin and didn’t notice any significant effect, then we highly recommend you try Dr Pierpaoli’s MZS™ for a superior experience. Dr. Pierpaoli’s free ebook ‘The key of Life’ can be read here:

How much should I take?

Take half to one 3 mg tablet at bedtime only; do not take more than two tablets. By taking MZS™ between 9pm and 11pm you will create a night peak between 1am and 3am, this is the most natural and normal time to have the highest melatonin levels.

Left: Melatonin levels in blood over 24-hours

This graph compares Dr Pierpaoli’s melatonin formula (red line) to the natural release of melatonin (dark blue). Two other common types of melatonin supplements (light blue and green lines) demonstrate that sublingual melatonin peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late.

Above: Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. (Top before, below: after treatment). • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




ENHANCING AND IMPROVING STEM - CELL AC TIVIT Y Stem Cell Worx® is an intraoral spray that contains a very high-grade bovine colostrum, (with over 30% of the antibody IgG and over 54% protein) along with a 98% pure trans-resveratrol and 95% fucoidan (a seaweed extract). should not be confused with embryonic stem cells that come from an embryo. The Stem Cell Worx® supplement is designed specifically to enhance one’s own adult stem cells naturally. Stem Cell Worx® is an intraoral spray providing an absorption rate of up to 95% of its nutrients. This is important because in order for adult stem cells to be stimulated, it is the blood that is the principal carrier of nutrients and oxygen to our cells. In order to enhance cell activation you need three key factors, which are: • Growth factors • Immune factors and • Cytokines Stem Cell Worx® has all three of these factors in abundance and it is scientifically proven they are most effective when administered by intraoral spray delivery. Time takes its toll on adult stem cells. At 65 years of age, the release rate of adult stem cells entering the bloodstream has dropped by 80% compared to youth. It is important to keep


Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Mesenchymal stem cells shown as a proportion of total cells in bone marrow. Lots of MSCs in our younger years. MSCs repair muscle, bone cartilage and tendons. MSCs rapidly decline with age. Longer repair and recovery times. More prone to aging and disease.

1/100,000 1/250,000



Age 30


Age 50

1/2,000,000 Age 80

Figure 1: The decline in stem cells with advancing age.



% of Bone Marrow Cells Proliferated

This natural health supplement is designed to activate the body’s own adult stem-cells in order to provide a robust immunity. With 50 to 70 trillion cells in the body, cellular health is clearly crucial to overall well-being and good health. Hence, adult stem cells working at optimal levels provide the platform for many cumulative health benefits. Unfortunately, as we age, our own adult stem cells decline rapidly, along with their release rates from the bone marrow, and our immune system weakens. Whilst stem cell clinics are at the forefront of antiaging medicine today, the process of full adult stem cell therapy is very expensive and has many regulatory restrictions. Adult stem cells are the master cells of the body that have the ability to maintain, selfrenew and repair cells, tissue and muscle throughout an entire life-time. These cells are referred to as autologous, haematopoietic (blood), mesenchymal or stromal stem cells. Adult stem cells

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0





Stem Cell Worx Concentration (mg/ml)

Figure 2: This study used blood samples from healthy humans. The adult stem cell proliferation percentages were determined by flow cytometry, measured in mgs of the Stem Cell Worx formulation. As this graph demonstrates the Stem Cell Worx formulation produces steady percentages of bone marrow stem cell proliferation being dose dependant, but still active at a relatively low dosage of mgs.

them activated. The good news is it is now possible to reverse this statistic.

Stem Cell Worx® benefits Stem Cell Worx® contains the greatest number of natural growth and immune factors compared to any other health supplement currently on the market. This enables natural stem cell activation to be as much as 75% per 36mg of the formulation. This provides: • Support to naturally increase adult stem cells, providing the platform for many cumulative health benefits including: • Increased energy and endurance. • Boosting the immune system. • Improved alertness and mental clarity. • Faster recovery after your exercise regime and faster repair and recovery after • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

surgery, injury or illness. • Helping to build muscle, burn fat and maintain natural weight loss in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime. IAS choose Stem Cell Worx® over other purported stem-cell activators on the basis of evidence. Figure 2 demonstrates the benefits of supplementing daily with Stem Cell Worx.

Dosing Six sprays into the mouth provide 36mgs of formulation. This can be performed once or twice daily as required. Spray under the tongue, hold for 10 seconds, then swallow the remainder. It’s best taken on an empty stomach, at least 30-minutes before or after eating any food.



S U PPLYING AND BAL ANCING OMEGA S NATU R ALLY Most people are familiar with the benefits of omega oils for their health and in particular to reduce inflammation. Indeed cod-liver oil supplements are the world’s most popular supplement, but recently Professor Brian Peskin’s research which is all contained in his new book – the PEO solution - is causing quite a stir and may make many folks to rethink and change their stance.

Professor Brian Peskin and the cover of his latest book - the PEO solution

We are referring to his discovery that the body naturally uses plant oils to make its own omega 3 and 6, thereby satisfying a precise balance according to needproviding the ‘raw materials’ are available. Professor Peskin has termed the phrase PEO as the acronym for ‘parent essential oils.’ Professor Peskin states openly that he has found this information hidden in the scientific literature and never once found it referred to in the medical literature. Why does it matter? Because as he says, it means that physicians are unaware of these facts and therefore they continue to advocate super-physiological doses of omegas from fish oil, which may be actually doing more harm than good! It’s a lot to swallow, (no pun

intended) and we can’t do his research justice on a single page, which is why we recommend his book, or take a look at the Aging Matters™ magazine No1, 2015 in which Professor Peskin’s article is the lead story. Let’s summarise the advantages of the PEOs: • The plant oils live in our environment, (typically around 50-60°F); hence they do not go rancid at room temperature. Cold water fish live in a cold environment (typically around 30-40°F), therefore PEOs represent a much more stable product. • The PEOs are obviously a nonanimal source and therefore can be considered more suitable for those wanting to avoid animal based products. • The PEOs represent a sustainable source, since there is already too much ‘pressure’ on the seas to provide both fish and even krill stocks. • The PEOs enable the body to produce its own internal essential fatty acids (EFAs) and correct its own balance. This has not been shown to be the case with fish oil supplements.

Why not fish oil?

Figure: How is fish oil made? It often does not start as the healthiest possible source!

Professor Peskin maintains that the super-high doses in fish oils are extreme when compared to those manufactured within the body.

Furthermore, even the OXYGEN MAGNETS! omega 3 to omega 6 EFAs work like tiny “magnets” drawing Oxygen EFAs oxygen into all cells, tissues balance they provide and vital organs. O O could be wrong and Reduce oxygen by only 1/3 and a cell O turns cancerous, forever! that the body may HEART LUNGS actually require more omega 6 than is currently being advocated today. Did you know that when a bear eats a fish he throws away the body? Figure: Essential fatty acids provided via Could it be that the bear wants PEOs work like magnets, drawing oxygen into cells and tissues. Reduce oxygen the omega 6 provided by the fish content in cells by one third and they can brain and not the omega 3 that become cancerous. is within its body? (The fish uses omega 3 as an anti-freeze due to contains organically produced, its cold water environment). cold-pressed seed oils, these include high linoleic safflower PEO-Pro™ oil, sunflower oil, evening IAS has always been ‘on the primrose oil and flax oil, all in cutting-edge.’ It may remain the proportions derived from controversial, however we have Professor Peskin’s research. taken the decision to remove Maintenance doses are 1 or fish and krill based oils from 2 capsules daily; for those with our range and replace them greater need, 1 capsule per 40 lbs with PEOs that are contained in (18 Kg) bodyweight per day may PEO-Pro™. be more suitable. The PEO-Pro™ supplement 2



Oxygen Magnets


• Less Cravings • Less Hunger • Better Appetite Fulfilment

Heart Health

• Flexible Arteries • Clean Arteries • Fast Blood Flow • Lower Blood Pressure • Improves Lipids


• Healthier Skin • Less Dandruff • Less Cellulite • Healthier Hair • Eczema Improved

• Less Sweet Cravings • Lower Blood Sugar • Less Neuropathy/ Retinopathy




• Less Arthritis • Less Joint Pain/Swelling • Faster Healing

Hormones/ Endocrine

Brain Health



• Better Sexual Function • Smoother Pregnancies • Less PMS • Fewer Headaches

• Better Clarity • Better Focus • Improved Memory • Helps Improve ADD & ADHD

• More Energy • Less Fatigue • Greater Intensity • Faster Recuperation

Figure: This diagram highlights the benefits of EFAs (essential fatty acids) that PEOs can deliver. • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:




THE PEP TIDE B IOR EG U L ATOR S FOR S KIN Four peptide bioregulators have now been combined into topical skin preparations so that their unique gene-switching performance can be bought to the field of aesthetic medicine. What does each peptide provide for? The beauty product line Youth Gems® contains the following four peptides and a ginseng extract called Neovitin®. They represent the very latest developed program of complex skin care designed for the face, neck, hands and the body. The line includes four unique active ingredients of short-chain peptides that have a directed tissuespecific action to improve all basic skin structures: • Thymus peptide: This stimulates tissue regeneration and the synthesis of tissue-specific proteins. Thus, cells proliferative and metabolic activity is enhancedaccelerating the renewal of various cell tissues. It also has an anti-inflammatory action, improving the healing time of wounds, as well as antioxidant, immune stimulating and anti-stress actions. • Pineal peptide: This regulates metabolic processes and increases protein synthesis in skin cells. It also possesses potent antioxidant activity, normalizes the lipid peroxidation processes in skin cells that in turn promotes the elimination of negative influences on the 34

skin from external factors. • Cartilaginous peptide. This stimulates regeneration of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and interferes with the destructive changes in collagen skin structure; it also strengthens collagen structure of elastic skin fibers and increases elasticity. • Blood vessel peptide: This regulates metabolic processes in the vascular wall, normalizes vascular tone and restores disturbed skin microcirculation. It strengthens and regulates the permeability of the vascular walls of skin vessels and improves skin turgor.

What else is included in Youth Gems® in addition to the four peptides? In addition to the four peptides, the Youth Gems® also contain an incredible array of beneficial natural agents- which just by themselves would make other antiaging creams jealous! The range includes: Neovitin® (a complex isolated from ginseng), olive oil, raisin-seed oil, Argon oil, Soya oil, Jojoba oil, Bisabolol (extract from chamomile), Peony extract, sodium hyaluronate (a derivative of hyaluronic acid),

green tea extract, cocoa oil, carrageenan (from seaweed), winter bloom, almond extract and vitamin E.

What results have been seen? Clinical trials and examinations have been conducted at the St. Petersburg Biogerontology Institute and they have concluded that these short chain peptides, when applied to skin cells, have many beneficial activities, shown below are some of those results. These include improved metabolism in vascular wall cells, the growth of new skin cells, enhanced antioxidant activity; increased blood flow circulation and greater moisturization. The skin’s appearance becomes smoother, with fewer wrinkles and with more elasticity, all of which helps to lift the face contours producing a more radiant, youthful appearance. These beneficial effects were noted in 100% of women who took part in the voluntary clinica trial.

Right: A 68 year old female before (top) and after (below) application of Youth Gems® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

What’s available? • Body milk: The body milk is a very light cream that can be applied to most areas of the body. • Day cream: The day cream is the core product designed to be applied to the face and hands. • Serum: The serum is designed to be used sparingly against the most noticeable skin aging effects on the face and neck. • Tonic: This cleanser can be used to help any area become more firm and taught and may be splashed on as required. All of the Youth Gems® should be applied onto clean, dry skin- avoiding the eyes; makeup can be applied after absorption - if required.


MONITOR ING YOU R VA SCU L AR CONDITION The BioCUFF™ is a simple way of assessing both your blood pressure condition and your arterial flexibility; plus, you can use the BioCUFF™ in the comfort of your own home because you simply attach the device to your arm just like an ordinary blood pressure cuff. What does the BioCUFF™ measure? The BioCUFF™ provides a series of metabolic indicators that you can use to improve your lifestyle and so help to prevent the causes of cardiovascular disease. We all know the risks of being overweight, of having high cholesterol or suffering from high blood pressure. We also know how to reduce those risks – by exercising more, not smoking, reducing our alcohol intake and eating a balanced diet.

These include: • Diastolic blood pressure • Systolic blood pressure • The heart rate • Vascular condition – which linked to arterial flexibility. Few of us know about the hidden dangers of arterial inflexibility, or how to measure it. This is where the BioCUFF™ is unique being as it is the first at-home

Above: The BioCUFF™ readout, showing both blood pressure, heart rate and vascular flexibility results.

device able of delivering this information to you within minutes.

What is arterial flexibility? The BioCUFF™ works by evaluating your arterial flexibility, which experts say is one of the most important risk factors when it comes to assessing the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. Arteries are important because they’re responsible for blood flow around your body via your cardiovascular system. To work properly, it’s crucial that your arteries are kept healthy.

The poorer your vascular condition, the greater your chances of serious health issues Our arteries usually stiffen with advancing age. This brings with it a greater risk of a potentially fatal heart attack, heart failure or stroke, as is shown in figure 1.

You may not recognise the heart failure symptoms as your arteries begin to stiffen Unfortunately arterial stiffness can occur without warning. Often there are no symptoms of cardiovascular disease and people don’t suspect they are in danger until they suffer an attack. Figure 2 highlights that arterial stiffness is strongly correlated with mortality The BioCUFF™ provides a cardiovascular condition scale, shown by LED bars- that are either within the green zone (good), yellow zone (fair) or red zone (poor). It is important to note that like blood pressure,

vascular condition should be monitored over time and not just taken as one reading. The BioCUFF™ makes this simple by averaging your tests over time and therefore provides a more accurate result. BioCUFF™ provides reassurance and a vital early warning system that helps you to be aware of changes and therefore keep your vascular condition in check.

Left: Arterial stiff ness is a biomarker of aging, as shown here arterial stiff ness tends to increase with age. Source: Millasseau et al., Clinical Science, 2002.

Left: Three groups (each approximately 80 persons) were monitored over 140 months for their survivability. Those in the flexible artery groups (marked as PWV <9.4 m/s and 9.4-12.0 m/s) survive best losing approx. 25%. But those in the hard artery group (marked as PWV >12.0 m/s) 90% of them die in the same period. Source: ESRD, Blacher et al. Journal of Circulation, 1999 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


A-Z PRODUCTS LIST OTHER INFO KEY: Not shipped to UK Not shipped to EU


Not shipped to Japan Not shipped to Australia (or New Zealand)




Not shipped to Canada



1 complete kit




90x 100mg capsules




30x 100mg tablets




50 capsules




1 inhaler




40x 300mg capsules




5ml 10mg ear spray




15x 125 mcg capsules




90x 75mg tablets




30x 420mg capsules




28x 1mg tablets




28x 100mcg capsules




60 capsules




20x 750mg capsules




60x 20mg tablets




8x 1mg i.m. ampoules




20ml tube cream




30x 50mg tablets




120x 10mg capsules




one complete kit



BIO-CLIP ™ V2.00

one complete kit




60 capsules




60 capsules




30x 2.5mg tablets




8x 0.5mg tablets




2x 5ml vials




90 capsules




60x 250mg




5x 5ml i.m. ampoules




4x 20mg tablets


$79.99 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:







10x 500mg tablets




40x 1mg tablets




30x 100mg capsules




30x 125mg capsules



D3 (VITAMIN D) D3-5000™

100x 5000 IU capsules




12x 50,000 IU capsules




50x 5mg tablets




20ml/ 300mg bottle




200ml bottle




2.5ml nasal spray




60 capsules




100 capsules




8x 100mg capsules




30x 0.5mg tablets




120x 10mg capsules




50ml 100mg cream




28x 5mg tablets




15x 5mg tablets




7x 50mg capsules




100x 20mcg tablets




Food allergy blood





test-kit for 95 foods


100x 300mg capsules




20x 500mg tablets




30x 8mg capsules




60x 250mg tablets




5x 5ml ampoules




25x 100mg tablets




60x 100mg tablets




120ml 120mg liquid




2 oz. spray




2 oz. spray bottle




30x 5ml liquid sachets




30x 4.5mg capsules



® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:






100x 5mg capsules




60x 30mg tablets




30x pack




30x pack




50ml 1% cream




60x 250mg capsules




100x 5mg capsules




50x 500mg capsules




2 oz. liquid 400mg




60x 3mg tablets




2 oz. liquid 90mg





NOTE: The UK can order melatonin in Pounds Sterling at: MEMANTINE (NAMENDA® ; EBIXA®) MEMANTINE-PRO™

42x 10mg capsules




50x 500mg tablets




56x 500mg tablets




56x 50mg tablets




16 oz. liquid bottle




30ml bottle topical liquid




75g powder




30x 150mg tablets



MODAFINIL - Please see for availability and pricing MSH (MELANOCYTE STIMULATING HORMONE) NEW: MSH2-PRO™

5ml 500IU nasal spray




30x 4.5mg capsules




30 lozenges




50ml tube toothpaste




50x 10mg tablets




10 saliva strips




60ml bottle shampoo



30x 100mg capsules







38 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:







30x 5 IU sublingual troches




5ml 500 IU nasal spray




30x 250mg sachets




120 capsules



20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules 20x 200mg capsules

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30x 25mg capsules




60x 50mg tablets




20 grams 100ml liquid




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2 oz. liquid 99mg bottle




30x 20mg capsules




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25 additional tubes




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50ml 2.5 grams (5%) cream




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® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:







60 capsules




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60x 100mg tablets




30x 1mg capsules




60x 4mg tablets




5ml 500 IU nasal spray




30x 150mg capsules




30ml cream




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RETIN-A® 0.100%

20ml micro-gel




10x 50mg tablets




20x 400mg




2 oz. liquid 300mcg




30ml 30mg liquid




2 oz. spray




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3.5ml liquid spray




4x 500ml liquid bottles



TA65 ®

90 capsules




16x 250mg tablets




90x 200mg capsules




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20x 5mg sublingual tablets




40 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:







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5 ml 500 IU nasalspray




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4x 100mg tablets




633 inter-nasal laser




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169 pages



159 pages



833 pages



327 pages





BY DR THIERRY HERTOGHE • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


CONDITION CROSS-REFERENCE LIST This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used for these disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together.

Addison’s disease Aldosterone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®) ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental stimulants) Adrenal fatigue Aldosterone, Digestif®, hydrocortisone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®) AGE (advanced glycated end-product inhibitors) ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C™ Plus, carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine Age Related Macular Degeneration (see eyesight) Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive) AIDS (see HIV)

Arterial (See heart, arterial & blood) Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo) Andro-Pro™, Gerovital-H3®, Novisyn®, PEO pregnenolone, pyritinol, SAMe, thymus Asthma (see Allergies) Autism (also see chelation agents) Oxytocin, piracetam Back problems (see spine) Bells’ palsy Vitamin B12 Blood disorders (see heart, arterial & blood) Blood pressure Neo40®, magnesium, oxytocin, potassium, propranolol, vinpocetine

Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine

Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis) Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro2™, Esnatri™, Peptide Bioregulator (Bonomarlot®), progesterone, SAMe, thyroid

Allergies pregnenolone, thymus

Breathing (see lungs)

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, see Lou Gehrig’s disease)

Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone)

Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation) 1st Line™, anastrozole, artemisinin, BEC5® Curaderm, bromocriptine, CurcuminSR™, D3, DIM-Pro2™, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, oxaloacetate, progesterone, Resveratrol-Pro™, thymus, TRH

Anginas (see heart, arterial & blood)

Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders)

Animal use Can-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan, peptide bioregulators

Cataplexy (sudden fatigue) Adrafinil, modafinil, picamilone

Antiaging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging) Calorie Restriction Carnosine, metformin, resveratrol Free radical ACF228™ Glycation Aminoguanidine Hayflick Carnosine, TA65® Membrane Centrophenoxine Mitochondrial Hydergine®, PQQ Neuroendocrine Metformin, TRH Rotational Melatonin Telomeres Endoluten®, TA65®

Cataract (also see eyesight) Can-C™, Can-C Plus™

Alzheimer’s disease (see senile dementia)

Anti-biotics Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline Anti-depressants Lithium, milnacipran, moclobemide, reboxetine, Stablon®, Valdoxan®, venlafaxine Anti-oxidants (see free radical scavengers) Anxiety (see stress)

Central Nervous System (CNS) Peptide bioregulator (Cerluten®) Cholesterol (see blood disorders) Crohn’s disease Naltrexone Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement) Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias) Alertness Adrafinil, modafinil Creativity Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Focus/concentration Deprenyl, desmopressin, vasopressin Energy ATP-Boost™, centrophenoxine, picamilone General support Gerovital-H3®, vinpocetine Intelligence Hydergine® Work load Hydergine®, thyroid

ARMD (see eyesight)

42 • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Compulsive disorder treatment (also see alcoholism) 5HTP, Gamalate®, L-tryptophan, picamilone

Fertility Melatonin, metformin, peptide bioregulator (Zhenoluten®), TRH

Cortisol alteration (also see stress) Aldosterone, DHEA, fludrocortisone, GABOB, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, hydrocortisone, peptide bioregulator (Glandokort®), phenytoin

Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental stimulants & pain relief) 1st Line, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin

Cross linking (see AGE)

Free radical scavengers ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, pyritinol

Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers)

Gastrointestinal (see digestive)

Dental (see teeth & gums)

Glaucoma (see eyesight)

Depression (also see well-being & anti-depressants) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, CurcuminSR™, D3, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, lithium, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus, thyroid

Glucose control (see diabetes)

DHT alternation (dihydrotestosterone) Dutasteride, finasteride, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, Nanogens®, peptide bioregulator (Libidon®), progesterone Diabetes Acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, L-carnosine, metformin, PEO, peptide bioregulator-(Suprefort®), pyridoxamine, TRH, thyroid

Glycation prevention (see AGE) Gout Colchicine Growth hormone (improvement) Beyond GHS®, bromocriptine, deprenyl, GABOB, Gamalate®, GHRP2, GHRP6, hydergine, Neo40®, sermorelin, thymus, thyroid Hair improvement Dercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, Nizoral®, PEO Headaches (see migraines)

Diabetes insipidus (see urination)

Heath diagnostics (see at home test kits)

Dieting (see weight loss)

Hearing disorders Aldosterone, Anacervix®, fludrocortisone, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

Digestive issues Digestif®, peptide bioregulator (Stamakort®), Symprove® DNA support (also see telomeres) Carnosine, CoQ10, D3, PEO, peptide bioregulators, PQQ, resveratrol, TA65® Down’s syndrome Melatonin, piracetam Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants) Enzymes Boluoke® Epilepsy GABOB, Gamalate®, phenytoin Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido & premature ejaculation) Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, Neo40®, oxytocin, Viagra®, Vigor-Pro2™, yohimbine Eyesight ARMD MZS™ Cataracts Can-C™, Can-C™ Plus Contact lenses Can-C™ Dry eyes Can-C™ General support Aminoguanidine, peptide bioregulator (Visoluten®), vinpocetine Glaucoma Can-C™ Retinal MZS™, nicergoline, picamilone Retinal pigmentosa Picamilone, peptide bioregulator (Visoluten®) Excitotoxins (reduction) Carnosine, deprenyl, idebenone, lithium, memantine

Heart, arterial & blood (includes blood markers) Arteries (hard) Aminoguanidine, Bio-CLIP™, BioCUFF™, carnosine, resveratrol Blood pressure (high) Magnesium, Neo40®, potassium, Propranolol, vinpocetine Calcium Peptide bioregulator (Bobothyrk®) Cholesterol (high) CoQ10, Gerovital-H3®, TRH, XanPro™ Dilation (nitric-oxide) Neo40®, Vielight® Fibrinogen CurcuminSR™, TRH General support CoQ10, PEO, peptide bioregulators (Chelohart® & Ventfort®), PQQ, vinpocetine Glucose (high) Acarbose, metformin, TRH Glycated end-products Aminoguanidine, metformin Heart pulse (irregular) ATP-Boost™, thyroid Heavy metals (chelate) BCI®, Homocysteine: BCI®, TRH Lipofuscin Centrophenoxine Plaques (clots) Boluoke® Triglycerides CurcuminSR™, PEO, TRH Hepatitis (see liver and infections) Herpes (also see anti-biotics) 1st Line™, ACF228™, BHT, silver protein HIV (also see immune system improvement) 1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, thymus HGH (see growth hormone) Homocysteine (see blood disorders) • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women) Esnatri™, melatonin, progesterone Human growth hormone (see growth hormone) Hypertension (see blood pressure) Hypothyroidism Iodine, peptide bioregulator- thyroid (Thyreogen®), thyroids IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Symprove® Immune system improvement (also see infections) 1st Line™, ATP-Boost™, carnosine, melatonin, peptide bioregulator- thymus (Vladonix®), peptide bioregulator- thyroid (Thyreogen®), pyritinol, resveratrol, thymus, thyroid Infections (also see immune system improvement, anti-biotics & influenzas) 1st Line™, artemisinin, fluconazole, silver protein Inflammation (reduction) BCI®, Boluoke®, CurcuminSR™, Digestif®, PEO, pregnenolone, thymus Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement) 1st Line™, D3 Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes) Intestinal flora (see probiotics)

Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia) General support PEO, picamilone, vinpocetine Imprinting (for later recall) Desmopressin, vasopressin Medium-long term Hydergine® Short term Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Speed of recall Centrophenoxine, pyritinol Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body) ATP-Boost™, Boluoke®, SAMe, Xan-Pro™ Migraines (also see pain relief) nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, vitamin B12 Mitochondrial support ATP-Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, glutathione, Hydergine®, idebenone, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, oxaloacetate, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe Mtor inhibitors Oxaloacetate Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support) Melatonin, naltrexone, TRH Muscles (see sarcopenia) Nail condition Gerovital-H3®, PEO

Joints (also see bones & arthritis) Boluoke®, PEO, peptide bioregulator (Sigumir®), Novisyn®, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus

Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime) Adrafinil, melatonin, modafinil, picamilone

Kidney disorders (also see infections) Aminoguanidine, peptide bioregulator (Pielotak®) SAMe, TRH

Nitric Oxide release Neo40®, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips, Vielight® laser

Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants) Aniracetam, desmopressin, Hydergine®, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin

Oral health care (see teeth & gums) Osteoporosis (see bone problems)

Libido (see sex)

Pain relief ATP-Boost™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran, nicergoline, oxytocin

Lipids (see blood disorders)

Parasites (see infections)

Liver disorders (also see infections) CoQ10, Idebenone, peptide bioregulator (Svetinorm®), pregnenolone, SAMe, silver protein

Parkinson’s disease (see senile dementia)

Longevity enhancement (significant lifespan increases seen in animal studies) Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, melatonin, vasopressin

Photoaging (see skin problems)

Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) Naltrexone, TRH Lungs ACF228™ Breathe-Easy, centrophenoxine, glutathione, peptide bioregulator (Taxorest®) Lupus Milnacipran, naltrexone Lyme’s 1st Line™, silver protein Macular degeneration (see ARMD & eyesight) Malaria (also see antibiotics) Artemisinin Menopause (see HRT)


Mental stimulants (also see physical stimulants) Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, modafinil, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin, Xan-Pro™

Pets (see animal use)

Physical energy improvement (also see mental stimulants) ATP-Boost™, carnosine, CoQ10, idebenone, Mito-Pro2™, NADH, oxaloacetate, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe, yohimbine PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) PEO, peptide bioregulator (Zhenoluten®), vinpocetine Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile dysfunction & sex-libido) Oxytocin Prostate (also see cancer) D3, DIM-Pro2™, dutasteride, finasteride, melatonin, peptide bioregulators – (Chitomur® & Libidon®), Prostate-Pro2™ Prolactin alteration Bromocriptine, cabergoline, GABOB, Gamalate® • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

PSA (prostate specific antigen) (see prostate)

Stomach (see digestive)

Urination (frequent) Peptide bioregulator (Chitomur®), vasopressin

Sunburn (see skin problems)

RNA (see DNA support) Sarcopenia (muscle atrophy/wastage) GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulator (Gotratix®), sermorelin Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory) Alzheimer’s Centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, galantamine, Hydergine®, memantine, nicergoline General support Anacervix®, aniracetam, PEO, piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine Parkinson’s Bromocriptine, cabergoline, NADH, deprenyl, rasagiline Senility Gerovital-H3® Sex (libido, also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation) Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, MSH, oxytocin, yohimbine Skin problems (also see tanning) Acne: BG-Pro™ cream Age (liver) spots Centrophenoxine Anti-glycation Aminoguanidine, carnosine, Youth Gems® serum Anti-oxidant Youth Gems® day cream Cancer (non-melanoma) BEC5® Curaderm Cellulite Youth Gems® body milk Collagen Novisyn® Environmental Youth Gems® serum General support Gerovital-H3®, melatonin, PEO, thyroid Hyaluronic acid Novisyn® Infections Silver protein, thymus Moisturizer Youth Gems® day cream Sun spots BEC5® Curaderm Wounds HemaGel® Wrinkles Retin-A®

Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome) Aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, melatonin, metformin, PEO Tanning (darkening the coloration of skin) MSH Teeth & gum disorders Doxycycline, mineral mouthwash, NeyDent® toothpaste, silver protein, zeolite Telomeres (also see DNA support) Carnosine, PEO, peptide bioregulator- pineal (Endoluten®), TA65® Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate) Andro-Pro™, anastrozole, Beyond GHS®, DIM-Pro2™, melatonin, oxytocin, peptide bioregulator (Testoluten®), TRH, zinc Triglycerides (see blood disorders) Veterinarian (see animal use) Weight gain (muscle mass) Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, GABOB, GHRP6, sermorelin Weight loss (appetite suppressants and diet aids) 5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, DIM-Pro2™, galantamine, GHRP2, L-tryptophan, metformin, Mito-Pro2™, MSH2, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™ Well-being (also see depression) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATPBoost™, deprenyl, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, PEO, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, thymus, thyroid, zeolite

Sleep disorders For less sleep adrafinil, ATP-Boost™, modafinil For more sleep 5HTP, gabapentin, L-tryptophan, melatonin Smoking cessation 5HTP Spine issues Peptide bioregulator (Sigumir®), Novisyn® Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone) Stress (also see cortisol) 5HTP, GABOB, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, propranolol, pregnenolone Stroke Anacervix®, aniracetam, Boluoke®, Hydergine®, idebenone, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, PQQ, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


12th Annual Anti Ageing Conference London, England October 15-17, 2015

Contact Information: Anti Ageing Conference London, 38 Regent Street on the River William Morris Way London SW6 2UT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)79 7317 3478 • Fax: +44 (0)20 7491 0410 Email: £50 off for IAS members, please call the conference directly for details and state you are an IAS member.

A-Z INGREDIENT LIST The following list is intended to highlight the key ingredients in some products and cross reference them to the most relevant product brand names. Note: Those products with the same name as the ingredients are not shown here as they are within the A-Z product list.

If you want this-

look for:



Blueberry extracts


Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)

ATP-Boost™, Vigor-Pro2™


Andro-Pro™, Can-C™

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)




AGE (advanced glycated end-product inhibitors)

ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C™ Plus, carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine



Buxamin (GABOB)

Gamalate®, Gamibetal®







Allicin (garlic)




Alpha lipoic acid (includes R-lipoic acid)

ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™

Chelation agents

Carnosine, centrophenoxine, EDTA, zeolite





Amino acids (includes di-peptides)

5HTP, ACF228™, ATPBoost™, carnosine,

Chromium polynicotinate




Co-dergocrine mesilate


Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10, Mito-Pro2™

Cortisol (cortisone)

Fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone

Cranberry extracts




Cresote bush

ACF228®, Digestif®




CoQ10-SR™, Curcumin-SR™, resveratrol

L-tryptophan, Mito-Pro2™ Aminohydroxybutyric acid (GABOB)

Gamalate®, Gamibetal®






Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline


Lithium, milnacipran, moclobemide, reboxetine, Stablon®, Valdoxan®, venlafaxine


See free radical scavengers






DIM-Pro2™, EDTA, zeolite

Astragalus extracts





DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

Benzoic acid




Beta blocker


Di-IndolylMethane (DIM)

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™

Beta alistine

Carnosine, ACF228®, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™

DMAE (dimethylaminoeth- Centrophenoxine anol)

Beta glucan


DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic ACF228™, DMSA-Pro™ acid)



BHT (butylhydroxytoluene)

ACF228™, BHT-Pro™

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) Laetrile D-pantethine

Can-C Plus™ • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:


Dr. Dean’s recommended products

Acarbose, centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, Hydergine®, metformin, piracetam, Xan-Pro™

Natural (animal): Armour® thyroid, ERFA® thyroid, Nature® thyroid, thymus, vasopressin

Dr. Pierpaoli’s recommended products

Melatonin, TRH

Dr. Wright’s recommended products

DHEA, Esnatri™, progesterone

Synthetic: Desmopressin, Eutirox® thyroid, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, T3-Pro™



EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid)








EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) Ergoloid mesylate

HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women)

DHEA, Esnatri™, melatonin, progesterone

Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan)

Hair-Pro™, Novisyn®


IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor one)


Hydergine®, nicergoline

Indol-3-Carbinol (I3C)


Estrogens (estradiol, estriol, Esnatri™ estrone)

Injectable products

Cerebrolysin®, Cromatonbic® (B12), Gerovital®



Inter-ear products


Folic acid (folate)

ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™§

Inter-nasal products

Free radical scavengers

ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, BioEn’R-Gy C®, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, Mito-Pro2™, pyritinol

Desmopressin, MSH, oxytocin, GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™), vasopressin, Vielight® laser

Iodide/ Iodine

ACF228™, BCI, Iodine-Pro™







GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid)

Gamalate®, picamilone




Gamalate®, Gamibetal®




Youth Gems®





Glycerine (glycerin)



BEC5 Curaderm®

Hawthorne Berry (crataegus)


HGH (human growth hormone/ somatropin)

GABOB, GHRP2, GHRP6, sermorelin

Hormones (includes Bio-identical: Aldosterone, hormonal support supple- Esnatri™, melatonin, MSH, ments) oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, TRH


Supporting agents: DIMPro2™, GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulators, SAMe, sermorelin




Carnosine, ACF228®, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™




Can-C Plus™



Lipoic acid (includes R-lipoic acid)

ATP-Boost™, Mito-Pro2™


ACF228™, Can-C Plus™






Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro2™, Digestif®, Gamalate®, Magnesium-Pro™, Mito-Pro2™







Melanocyte stimulating hormone


Milk protein

Bone-Pro2™ • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:

Minerals (general)

Min-Mouth™ (mouthwash), Volt-Pro™


ACF228™, DIM-Pro2™, MZS™, Prostate-Pro2™, Selenium-Pro™, Thym-Uvocal®








ACF228™, Can-C™ Plus

Solasodine glycosides

BEC5 Curaderm®



Sublingual products

Oxytocin, sermorelin




1st Line™

Nettle root extract



Niacin (nicotinate, niacinamide, vitamin B3)

Picamilone, Xan-Pro™

Natural brands: Armour®, ERFA®, West® (Nature®)

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide


Nootropil®/ Nootropyl®


Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA)

ACF228™, Digestif®

Thyrotropin releasing hormone


Omega 3 (DHA)


Tribulus terrestris


Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA)




Omega 9 (oleic acid)




Oxythiocynate (OCSN)

1st Line™

Parent Essential Oils (PEO)


PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid)


Panthenol (pantothenic acid)



Cerebrolysin®, GHRP2, GHRP6, peptide bioregulators, sermorelin, TRH, Youth Gems®

Synthetic brands: Eutirox® (T4), T3-Pro® (T3) Supporting agents: Peptide bioregulator (Thyreogen®)





Vitamin A (beta carotene, palmitate)




Vitamin B1 (thiamine)


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)


Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide)


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxine)

ACF228™, Andro-Pro™, DIM-Pro2™, Gamalate®, pyridoxamine



Pomegranate extracts



Gerovital®, Potassium-Pro™

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

DIM-Pro2™, Neo40®



Vitamin B17




Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Bone-Pro2™, D3, Prostate-Pro2™

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Digestif®, MinSaw™, Neo40®

Vitamin E (tocopherols)

Can-C Plus™, DIM-Pro2™, Prostate-Pro2™

Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone)



Digestif®, Symprove®

Procaine (Novocain®)


Pygeum africanum


Pyroloquinoline quinone






Water based






Red clover herb extracts





Andro-Pro™, Can-C Plus™, Mito-Pro2™, MZS™, Thym-Uvocal®, Zinc-Pro™

Retinolic acid (tretinoin)


Ribonucleic acids (RNA)

Cerebrolysin®, NeyDent® toothpaste

Salicylic acid

BEC5 Curaderm®



Saw palmetto (Serena Repens)

MinSaw™, Prostate-Pro2™ • Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 • e-mail:



Dr. Aubrey De Grey “IAS has shown great vision and

Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H)

Jonathan Wright, M.D.

“I am a 77 year old Physician

“Every adult has the right to take

Nicholas Perricone, M.D. “IAS is an outstanding resource

leadership, as an organisation

who has practiced medicine

care of his or her own personal

focused mainly on the

for nearly half a century.

health as he or she chooses.

date news and information

provision of contemporary

My antiaging research has

In the 20th and 21st centuries,

on healthy aging. They also

medical interventions against

permitted me to overcome

this universal human right

offer products of the highest

aging, and in also supporting

serious health problems.

has been nearly obliterated

integrity and efficacy. In fact,

the SENS Foundation’s efforts

Everyone can do this, but it

by an ocean of nanny-state

IAS is the world’s greatest

to hasten the development of

requires specialized knowledge

regulation and deliberate

source (often the only source)

much more powerful future

and the highest quality

suppression of information by

for the most cutting edge and


products. IAS is a vital link in

bureaucracies, with hidden

advanced nutrients to ensure

my antiaging program because

and not-so-hidden agendas.

optimum health span and

they continually provide both

International Antiaging

maximum life span.”

accurate information AND the

Systems is a beacon of useful

high quality products we all

health care information and

require, if we are to achieve

a literal island of freedom of

our maximum intended

health care product choice in

useful lifespan.”

our otherwise un-free health

for the finest, most up-to-

care world.”

Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

“IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine...” Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

“IAS has a history of making throughout the world crucial, but difficultly accessible medications available to patients. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine that has

See all professional and public testimonials at:

50 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

helped this new medical specialty move forward.”


PAYMENT OPTIONS AND CONTACT DETAILS The IAS Group offers a wide range of payment options to make the completion of your order as easy as possible.

Payment options for

Other sites in the IAS Group,, and accept the following method of payments:

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*Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

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